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play _________ begin _________ am ___________ eat ___________ ask __________ buy __________ go ____________ come _________ cry __________ sing __________

2. 将下列动词变成现在分词

skate __________ swim __________ draw ___________ shop ________ write __________ have ___________ sit _____________ do __________ get ____________


1. 用be动词的正确形式填空

(1)--- When _________ you born?

--- I _________ born on December 12th.

(2) --- How old ________ you?

--- I ________ twelve years old.

(3) Tomorrow will __________ a nice day.

(4) My parents ___________ watching TV in the living room.

(5) Look, there ________ some children on the playground. A girl __________ flying a kite. Two boys ___________ running. They __________ very happy.


(2) I can’t play with you now. I ______ wash the clothes now.

(3) Everyone ________ do something. Then our house will be clean and tidy.

(4) Excuse me, _______ you tell me the way to the railway station?

(5) You _______ not finish your homework right now. You can finish it tomorrow.

(6) _______ I help you?

(7) --- _________ I borrow your cellphone?

--- I’m sorry you can’t. I’m waiting for a call.

(8) Shall we work together? I ________ need your help.

(9) --- Will you come for the meeting?

--- Yes, of course, if you think I ______ go.

(10) She is singing a beautiful song, __________ you hear her?

3. 用do, does或did 填空

(1) When ________ you go to school during the school days?

(2) What __________ American people do on their National Day?

(3) Where _______ you go yesterday?

(4) How ________ your mother go to work every day?

(5) ________ your father like fishing?


(1) I ______ grapes because they are very sweet.

A. like

B. liking

C. likes

(2) What ________ you going to do tomorrow?

A. will

B. are

C. am

(3) Mr. Brown __________ noodles yesterday evening.

A. cook

B. cooks

C. cooked

(4) __________ it often _________ in summer?

A. Does; rains

B. Does; rain

C. Do; rain

(5) I ________ heavy now. I have to _______ more vegetables.

A. am; eats

B. is; eat

C. am; eat

(6) Tom _______ me. He is my brother.

A. looks at

B. looks like

C. looks on

(7) Let’s stop off and _______ Tim and his family.

A. call in

B. call up

C. call on

(8) --- Does she work here?

--- No. But these days she _________ here.

A. helps

B. help

C. helping

(9) --- Where __________ your uncle come from?

--- He _________ from China.

A. is; come

B. are; comes

C. does; comes

(10) --- What did you do yesterday?

--- ______________.

A. I went to a park.

B. I was watching TV.

C. I do my homework.


1. ---________ you often _____________ (watch) TV in the evening?

--- No, I ________ (not).

2. --- What ________ the twins ________ (do) now?

--- They __________ (help) Hai Mei with her English.

3. Two plus two _________ (be) four.

4. Li Lei _________ usually _________ (not come) to school by bike. He ________ (come) on foot.

5. Listen! Miss Zhang _____________ (sing) in English.

6. They ________ (work) on the farm these days.

7. Let me _________ (ask) the teacher for help.

8. --- I think it’s time to __________ (say) goodbye.

--- Thank you for __________ (come).

9. My father come into the bedroom while I ___________ (dance).

10. My mother made me _________ (clean) my room all by myself yesterday.


1. I look like my mother. (She, her father) (模仿造句)


2. I often ride a bicycle on Sunday afternoon. (变否定句)

