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西门子SC MC安装手册(原厂版)1

西门子SC MC安装手册(原厂版)1

InstallationsanleitungBetriebssystem Windows XP Embeddedfür den MaschinencontrollerInstallation ManualOperating System Windows XP Embeddedfor the Machine Controller11/2006 EditionUNIX is a registered trademark of AT&TX-Windows is a trademarkLINUX is a trademarkMicrosoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation(The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.) (We have checked the contents of the printed documentation to ensure that is in agreement with the hardware and software described therein. However, since discre-pancies cannot be ruled out, we cannot assume responsibility for complete agreement.the information given in this printed documentation is however regulary reviewed and necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. We would appreciate any suggestions for improvements.)Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensUNIX ist ein Warenzeichen von AT&TX-Windows ist ein WarenzeichenLINUX ist ein WarenzeichenMicrosoft und MS-DOS sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der Microsoft Corporation(Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts sind nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbesondere für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.) (Wir haben den Inhalt der Druckschrift auf Übereinstimmung mit der beschriebenen Hard- und Software geprüft. Dennoch können Abweichungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden, so dass wir für die vollständige Übereinstimmung keine Gewähr übernehmen.Die Angaben in dieser Druckschrift werden jedoch regelmäßig überprüft und notwendige Korrekturen sind in den nachfolgenden Auflagen enthalten. Für Verbesserungsvorschläge sind wir dankbar.)Siemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensInstallationsanleitung Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded Ausgabe 11/2006InhaltsverzeichnisSeite 1Übersicht (4)2Lieferumfang (5)2.1Software-Komponenten (5)2.2Voraussetzungen für die Installation (5)2.3Umrüstpakete und Komponenten für die Software 603.xx (6)2.4Hardware-Komponenten des Rechnersystems für den Maschinencontroller (7)2.4.1Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3 (7)2.4.2Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE D-Serie (8)3Installation (9)3.1Vorbereitungen zur Installation des Maschinencontrollers (9)3.2BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner (optional) (9)3.3Automatische BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (optional) (11)3.3.1Setup-CD für erstellen für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (11)3.3.2BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner durchführen (optional) (12)3.4Installation des Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystems Windows XP Embedded (13)3.4.1Installationsablauf (13)3.5Ausgangszustand wiederherstellen (16)3 von 181 ÜbersichtDie Installationsanleitung dient als Arbeitsanweisung für die Installation des Betriebssystems "Windows XP Embedded" für den Maschinencontroller.Sie enthält Informationen über den Lieferumfang und die Voraussetzungen zur erfolgreichen Installation.4 von 182 Lieferumfang2.1 Software-KomponentenFür jeden MC-Rechnertyp steht ein eigenes Standardpaket für die Installation des Betriebssystems"Windows XP Embedded" zur Verfügung.Achtung:Für die Installation des Betriebssystems auf einem MC-Rechner muss unbedingt die Installations-DVD aus dem Standardpaket verwendet werden, das für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp in dernachfolgenden Tabelle angegeben ist! Wird das nicht beachtet, fährt die Maschine nicht hoch.Inhalt eines Standardpaketes:- Installations-DVD für das Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded XP SP2- Lizenz / Produktschein- Installationsanleitung "Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded für den Maschinencontroller"D+E (00195327-01)- VerpackungBezeichnungen der Standardpakete MC-Rechnertyp03053898-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 all für alle MC-Rechnertypen, die von einerVorgängerversion (< 603) hochgerüstet wurden 03053907-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 CPU086 SMP16-CPU08603053908-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Micro PC SIMATIC Microbox 42003053909-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Box PC SIMATIC BoxPC 6272.2 Voraussetzungen für die Installation- Verwendung der Stationssoftware 603.01 oder größer- Installations-DVD- Hardware-Komponenten (siehe Abschnitt 2.4)- BIOS-Versionen (siehe Abschnitte 3.2 und 3.3)5 von 182.3 Umrüstpakete und Komponenten für die Software 603.xxFür die Maschinentypen SIPLACE X4, X2 und X3 mit CPU 076 sind bei einem Upgrade von SW-Version 601.x oder 602.x folgende Umrüstpakete für den Maschinencontroller erforderlich:- Umrüstpaket für SIPLACE X4 mit CPU 076 Æ Rechner-Upgrade auf CPU 086 Artikelnummer: 03029123S03- Umrüstpaket für SIPLACE X2 und X3 mit CPU 076 Æ Speichererweiterung 128 MB Artikelnummer: 03051831Für alle Maschinentypen der SIPLACE X- und D-Serie ist das folgende Umrüstpaket erforderlich:- Umrüstpaket DVD-Brenner EW167B extern Æ externes DVD -Laufwerk6 von 182.4 Hardware-Komponenten des Rechnersystems für denMaschinencontroller2.4.1 Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3Bezeichnung SMP16-CPU076CPU / Taktfrequenz Celeron / 650 MHzSpeicher RAM 256 MBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jaDiskettenlaufwerk 3.5", 1.44 MBjaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 1 x 10/100Base-TTabelle 2-1: Hardware Maschinencontroller (bisherige Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie)Bezeichnung SMP16-CPU086CPU / Taktfrequenz Intel M / 1600 MHzSpeicher RAM 512 MBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jajaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 1 x 10/100Base-TTabelle 2-2: Hardware Maschinencontroller (aktuelle Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3)Bezeichnung SIMATIC Box PC 627CPU / Taktfrequenz Pentium M / 2 GHzSpeicher RAM 1 GBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jaSerielle Schnittstellen 1jaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 2x 100 MBitTabelle 2-3: Hardware Maschinencontroller (zukünftige Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3)7 von 182.4.2 Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE D-SerieBezeichnung SIMATIC Microbox 420CPU / Taktfrequenz Pentium III / 933 MHzSpeicher RAM 256 MBFestplatte 40 GBexternes DVD-Laufwerk jaSerielle Schnittstellen 1USB-Schnittstellenjaund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 2x 100 MBitTabelle 2-4: Hardware Maschinencontroller (SIPLACE D-Serie)8 von 183 Installation3.1 Vorbereitungen zur Installation des Maschinencontrollers→Stecken Sie die USB-Tastatur vom SR ab und schließen Sie sie am MC-Rechner an.→Schalten Sie den Videomultiplexer vom SR auf den MC um.→Verbinden Sie das externe DVD-Laufwerk mit dem MC-Rechner per USB-Kabel.3.2 BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner (optional)Bei Hochrüstung einer SIPLACE X2 oder X3 von SW-Version 601.0x auf SW-Version 603.01 ist außer dem Umrüstpaket (siehe Abschnitt 2.3) ein Update der BIOS-Firmware am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 CPU086 erforderlich. Vor einer Erstinstallation des Betriebssystems auf dem MC-Rechner mussebenfalls ein Update der BIOS-Firmware durchgeführt werden.Diskette für das BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 erstellen:→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk eines Rechners mit DVD- und Disketten-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie eine formatierte Diskette (3,5", 1,44MB) in das Disketten-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Doppelklicken Sie auf die selbst-extrahierende EXE-Datei "CPU076_BIOS_Update.exe" und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Schreibvorgangs die Diskette und die DVD aus den Laufwerken.BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 durchführen:Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge dieDiskette an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von Diskette gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die erstellte Diskette in das Disketten-Laufwerk des MC-Rechners ein und booten Sie ihn von der Diskette, indem Sie die Maschine einschalten. Das BIOS-Update wird jetzt automatischvorgenommen.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Vorgangs die Diskette aus dem Laufwerk und führen Sie mit der Tastenkombination <Ctrl><Alt><Del> einen Warmstart des MC-Rechners durch.9 von 18CD für das BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU086 erstellen:→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk eines Rechners mit DVD- und CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie eine leere CD-R in das CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Öffnen Sie die Image-Datei "CPU086_BIOS_Update.iso" mithilfe des installierten Brennprogramms und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Brennvorgangs die CD und DVD aus den Laufwerken.BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU086 durchführen:Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von CD gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die erstellte CD in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein und booten Sie ihn von der CD, indem Sie die Maschine einschalten. Das BIOS-Update wird jetztautomatisch vorgenommen.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Vorgangs die CD aus dem Laufwerk und führen Sie mit der Tastenkombination <Ctrl><Alt><Del> einen Warmstart des MC-Rechners durch.10 von 183.3 Automatische BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (optional)Für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner muss für den MC eine entsprechende Setup-CD (siehe Tabelle 3-1) erstellt werden. Hierzu benötigen Sie einen Rechner mit Windows XP, der über ein DVD- und CD-RW-Laufwerk verfügt.Die zur Erstellung erforderlichen Dateien (siehe Tabelle 3-1) sind auf der DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 im Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images" abgelegt.Maschinencontroller Rechnertyp BIOS-Einstellungen ISO-ImageSMP16-CPU086 CPU086_SR_MC_BIOS_Settings.iso SIMATIC Microbox 420 CPU420_MC_BIOS_Settings.isoSIMATIC Box PC 627 CPU627_SR_MC_BIOS_Settings.isoSMP16-CPU076 CPU076_MC_BIOS_Settings.iso Tabelle 3-1: Dateien zur Erstellung der Datenträger für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC3.3.1 Setup-CD für erstellen für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner→Legen Sie eine leere CD-R in das CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Öffnen Sie die Image-Datei für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp (siehe Tabelle 3-1) mithilfe desinstallierten Brennprogramms und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Brennvorgangs die CD und DVD aus den Laufwerken.3.3.2 BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner durchführen (optional)Die erforderlichen BIOS-Einstellungen befinden sich auf der Setup-CD für den jeweiligen Rechnertyp (siehe Abschnitt 3.3, Tabelle 3-1), mit deren Hilfe die BIOS-Einstellungen durchgeführt werden.Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von CD gebootet werden kann.Vorgehensweise:→Legen Sie die Setup-CD, die Sie für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp erstellt haben (siehe Abschnitt3.3.1) in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Schalten Sie die Maschine ein, um den MC-Rechner von CD zu booten bzw. führen Sie bei bereits eingeschalteter Maschine einen Restart des MC-Rechners durch.→Folgen Sie den Anweisungen am Bildschirm zu den BIOS-Einstellungen.→Stellen Sie, wenn keine weiteren Aktionen am MC-Rechner durchgeführt werden sollen, nach Beendigung der BIOS-Einstellungen den Ausgangszustand wieder her (siehe Abschnitt 3.5).3.4 Installation des Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystems Windows XPEmbedded3.4.1 InstallationsablaufHinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von DVD gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die Installations-DVD für das Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded (siehe Abschnitt2.1) in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Schalten Sie die Maschine ein, um den MC-Rechner von DVD zu booten bzw. führen Sie bei bereits eingeschalteter Maschine einen Restart des MC-Rechners durch.Nach automatischer Überprüfung des Systems wird die Sprachauswahl angezeigt.Deutsch1Englisch2→Wählen Sie mit den Cursortasten die die gewünschte Sprache für die Installation aus und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl mit <ENTER>.Die Wiederherstellungsoptionen werden jetzt angezeigt.1 Nur Systempartition wiederherstellen2 Festplatte komplett wiederherstellenAbbruch3→Wählen Sie die Option 2 "Festplatte komplett wiederherstellen" aus und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl mit <ENTER>.→Bestätigen Sie die Sicherheitsabfrage, ob die Aktion wirklich ausgeführt werden soll, mit "Ja".Das Betriebssystem wird installiert und anschließend der Rechner automatisch neu gestartet.Nach kurzer Zeit werden die Meldung "Restore beendet" und die Aufforderungen zum Entfernen des Datenträgers und zum Neustarten des Rechners angezeigt.→Entfernen Sie die Installations-DVD aus dem DVD-Laufwerk und starten Sie den Rechner neu.→Warten Sie, bis das Anmeldefenster angezeigt wird und melden Sie sich dann als Administrator an.Nach der Anmeldung werden einige Einstellungen und Installationen selbsttätig durchgeführt.Anschließend wird der Rechner automatisch neu gestartet. Nach dem Neustart erfolgt die Anmeldung ebenfalls automatisch als "Operator".Nach weiteren selbsttätig durchgeführten Einstellungen wird das folgende Fenster angezeigt, in dem bestätigt wird, dass die Installation von Windows XP Embedded auf dem MC-Rechner fertig gestellt ist.→Betätigen Sie eine beliebige Taste um das Fenster zu schließen.Die Einstellungen für die Anzeigeeigenschaften müssen jetzt noch überprüft und bei Bedarf geändert werden.Anzeigeeigenschaften ändern→Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf eine freie Stelle des Desktops und wählen Sie aus dem Menü die Option Properties.→Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Screen Saver.→Wählen Sie in der Liste der "Screen Saver" (None) aus.→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.→Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Power….→Stellen Sie unter "Settings for Presentation power scheme" alle Optionen auf Never.→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.→Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Settings.→Stellen Sie den Schieberegler für "Screen resolution" auf "1024 by 768 pixels".→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.3.5 Ausgangszustand wiederherstellen→Entfernen Sie die Installations-DVD bzw. Setup-CD aus dem DVD-Laufwerk.→Schließen Sie die USB-Tastatur wieder am SR an.→Schalten Sie den Videomultiplexer auf den SR um.→Stecken Sie das USB-Kabel für das DVD-Laufwerk vom MC-Rechner ab.Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensSiemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensInstallationsanleitungBetriebssystem Windows XP Embeddedfür den MaschinencontrollerInstallation ManualWindows XP Embedded Operating Systemfor the Machine Controller11/2006 IssueUNIX is a registered trademark of AT&TX-Windows is a trademarkLINUX is a trademarkMicrosoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation(The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.) (We have checked the contents of the printed documentation to ensure that is in agreement with the hardware and software described therein. However, since discrepancies cannot be ruled out, we cannot assume responsibility for complete agreement.the information given in this printed documentation is however regularly reviewed and necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. We would appreciate any suggestions for improvements.)Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensUNIX ist ein Warenzeichen von AT&TX-Windows ist ein WarenzeichenLINUX ist ein WarenzeichenMicrosoft und MS-DOS sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der Microsoft Corporation(Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts sind nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbesondere für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.) (Wir haben den Inhalt der Druckschrift auf Übereinstimmung mit der beschriebenen Hard- und Software geprüft. Dennoch können Abweichungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden, so dass wir für die vollständige Übereinstimmung keine Gewähr übernehmen.Die Angaben in dieser Druckschrift werden jedoch regelmäßig überprüft und notwendige Korrekturen sind in den nachfolgenden Auflagen enthalten. Für Verbesserungsvorschläge sind wir dankbar.)Siemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensContentsPage 1Overview (4)2Scope of delivery (5)2.1Software components (5)2.2Prerequisites for installation (5)2.3Upgrade packages and components for the 603.xx software (6)2.4Hardware components of the computer system for the machine controller (7)2.4.1SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3 machine controller hardware (7)2.4.2SIPLACE D series machine controller hardware (8)3Installation (9)3.1Preparations for installing the machine controller (9)3.2Updating the BIOS on the machine controller computer (optional) (9)3.3Automatic BIOS settings on the MC computer (optional) (11)3.3.1Creating a setup CD for making the BIOS settings on the MC computer (11)3.3.2Making the BIOS settings on the MC computer (optional) (12)3.4Installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system for the machine controller (13)3.4.1Installation procedure (13)3.5Restoring the initial configuration (16)1 OverviewThis installation manual provides instructions on installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system for the machine controller.It contains information on the scope of delivery and requirements for successful installation.2 Scope of delivery2.1 Software componentsA separate standard package for installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system is available foreach machine controller type.Caution:It is imperative that the installation DVD from the standard package for the relevant computer typeas given in the table below is used to install the operating system on a machine controllercomputer. The machine will not boot if this is not done.Contents of a standard package:- Installation DVD for the Windows XP Embedded XP SP2 operating system- License/product certificate- Installation Manual "Windows XP Embedded Operating System for the Machine Controller" German + English (00195327-01)- PackagingNames of the standard packages MC computer type03053898-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 all For all MC computer types being upgraded froma predecessor version (< 603)03053907-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 CPU086 SMP16-CPU08603053908-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Micro PC SIMATIC Microbox 42003053909-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Box PC SIMATIC BoxPC 6272.2 Prerequisites for installation- Version 603.01 or later of the station software must be usedDVD- Installation- Hardware components (see section 2.4)- BIOS versions (see sections 3.2 and 3.3)2.3 Upgrade packages and components for the 603.xx softwareThe following upgrade packages are required for SIPLACE X4, X2 and X3 machines with CPU 076 when upgrading from Version 601.x or 602.x of the software:- Upgrade package for SIPLACE X4 with CPU 076 Æ Computer upgrade to CPU 086Item number: 03029123S03- Upgrade package for SIPLACE X2 and X3 with CPU 076 Æ 128 MB memory expansion Item number: 03051831The following upgrade package is required for all machine types of the SIPLACE X and D series:- Upgrade package, external DVD writer EW167B Æ external DVD drive2.4 Hardware components of the computer system for the machinecontroller2.4.1 SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3 machine controller hardwareName SMP16-CPU076CPU / clock frequency Celeron / 650 MHzMBRAM 256Hard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesFloppy drive 3.5", 1.44 MBYesUSB interfacesand external USB hubNetwork 1 x 10/100Base-TTable 2-1: Machine controller hardware (previous configuration of SIPLACE X series)Name SMP16-CPU086CPU / clock frequency Intel M / 1600 MHzMBRAM 512Hard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesYesUSB interfacesand external USB hubNetwork 1 x 10/100Base-TTable 2-2: Machine controller hardware (current configuration of SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3)Name SIMATIC Box PC 627CPU / clock frequency Pentium M / 2 GHzRAM 1GBHard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesSerial interfaces 1USB interfacesYesand external USB hubNetwork 2x 100 MBitTable 2-3: Machine controller hardware (future configuration of SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3)2.4.2 SIPLACE D series machine controller hardwareName SIMATIC Microbox 420 CPU / clock frequency Pentium III / 933 MHz RAM 256 MBHard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesSerial interfaces 1USB interfacesYesand external USB hubNetwork 2x 100 MBitTable 2-4: Machine controller hardware (SIPLACE D series)3 Installation3.1 Preparations for installing the machine controller→Disconnect the USB keyboard from the station computer and connect it to the machine controller computer.→Switch the video multiplexer from the station computer to the machine controller.→Use the USB cable to connect the external DVD drive to the machine controller computer.3.2 Updating the BIOS on the machine controller computer (optional)When upgrading a SIPLACE X2 or X3 machine from software version 601.0x to version 603.01, it isnecessary to update the BIOS firmware on a machine controller computer fitted with CPU076 or CPU086.This is necessary in addition to the upgrade package (see section 2.3). The BIOS firmware must also be updated before the operating system is installed on the machine controller computer for the first time.Creating a floppy for updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU076:→Insert the DVD for Version 603.01 of the software into the DVD drive of a computer fitted with a DVD drive and a floppy drive.→Insert a formatted floppy (3.5", 1.44MB) into the floppy drive.→In the Windows Explorer, open the "BIOS-Images" folder on the DVD.→Double-click the self-extracting EXE file "CPU076_BIOS_Update.exe" and follow the instructions on screen.→Once the floppy has been written, remove the floppy and the DVD from the drives.Updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU076:Note:Before you start work, ensure that the floppy drive is set as the first boot device in the BIOSto allow the computer to be booted from floppy.→Insert the floppy you have created in the floppy drive of the machine controller and boot from the floppy by switching the machine on. The BIOS is now updated automatically.→After the operation has been completed, remove the floppy from the drive and carry out a warm start of the MC computer by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del>.Creating a CD for updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU086:→Insert the DVD for Version 603.01 of the software into the DVD drive of a computer fitted with a DVD drive and a CD-RW drive.→Insert an empty CD-R in the CD-RW drive.→In the Windows Explorer, open the "BIOS-Images" folder on the DVD.→Open the image file "CPU086_BIOS_Update.iso" using the installed CD writing program and follow the instructions on screen.→Once the CD has been written, remove the CD and DVD from the drives.Updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU086:Note:Before you start work, ensure that the CD-ROM drive is set as the first boot device in theBIOS to allow the computer to be booted from CD.→Insert the CD you have created in the DVD drive which is connected externally to the machine controller and boot from the CD by switching the machine on. The BIOS is now updatedautomatically.→After the operation has been completed, remove the CD from the drive and carry out a warm start of the MC computer by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del>.。


MIL 连接器 (40针)
14 : GND (输入用) 16 : 光闸控制输入B
端子台 (16针)
A15 : GND (输入用) A16 : 光闸控制输入A
“MIL 连接器 (40 针)输入信号”(4-9 页)
■ 紧急停止 (EMERGENCY)输入端子
通过 A (A14 号端子)和 B (12 号端子)的 2 个电路,控制紧急停止输入。 不论哪个电路断开,都停止激光束的发射 , 并停止有关刻印的操作。 在两端同时短路的状态下,将钥匙操作电源开关旋回到 [OFF] ( 断开 ) 一次,再将其旋至 [LASER ON] ( 激光接通 ), 若重新启动控制器,则进入可以发射激光束的状态。 出厂时用短路棒使其短路。
3. 使用装置时,为了保 护操作员的眼睛,请务必佩 带护目镜。 即使佩带了护目镜,也 必须留意避免使用直接光 束或反射光束。
4. 请勿拆卸本产品。 产品拆卸时,会使人 员暴露在激光束下,引发眼 睛或皮肤的损伤,或者触碰高压部造成触电。 产品被开封,即视为 非保修范围,或者无法进行 修理。
参 考 表示加深对本文理解的事项或有益的信息。
• 在启动和操作过程中,请务必确认产品是否正常操作后方可使用。 • 本机万一发生故障时,为防止各种情况的损害,请采取完全的安全预防措施。 • 请注意,如将产品用于规定规格以外、或对产品进行改造,我们不能保证其功能及性能。 • 当本机与其它仪器结合使用时,它的功能和性能可能降低,这主要取决于操作条件和周围环境,请充分考虑的基础
发生内容 发生错误的情况
紧急停机输入端子 (A、B) 开放的情况



IEMS SystemUser ManualIEMS动作分析软件 用户操作手册目录1系统使用---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.1系统登录--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.2系统主界面-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.3添加产品基础资料--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 1.4添加工序基础资料--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2动作分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.1设置分析项目--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.2分析项目--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.3分析报表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------112.3.1名称统计----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------122.3.2类型统计----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------122.3.3作业指导书-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------132.3.4标准时间----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------132.3.5组合报表----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------132.3.6改善对比----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 3动作对比分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 3.1设置动作对比分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 3.2动作对比分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 4工作流程分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4.1设置工作流程分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4.2工作流程分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4.3工作流程图报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 5联合操作分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 5.1设置联合操作分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 5.2联合操作分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 5.3联合操作图报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 6双手操作分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.1设置双手操作分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.2双手操作分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.3双手操作分析图报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 7动素程序分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 7.1设置动素程序分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 7.2动素程序分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 7.3动素程序图报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208产品流程分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.1设置产品流程分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.2产品流程分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.3产品流程分析报表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------218.3.1流程分析:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------218.3.2平衡对比:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------228.3.3产能报表----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------228.3.4平衡优化----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 9作业分解--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 9.1设置作业分解分析项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 9.2作业分解分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 9.3标准作业-分解报表-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 10操作说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 10.1设置操作说明分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------24 10.2操作说明分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 10.3操作说明报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 11工艺流程分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 11.1设置工艺流程分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------25 11.2工艺流程分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 11.3工艺流程图报表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 12工序流程分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 12.1设置工序流程分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------26 12.2工序流程分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 12.3工序流程图报表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 13增值动作分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 13.1添加分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 13.2分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 13.3编辑动作---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 13.4查看统计结果---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 13.5提交到IEST系统-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 14岗位指导分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 14.1设置岗位指导分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------32 14.2JES/山积图/山积票/作业要领分析-------------------------------------------------------------32 14.3岗位指导报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3514.3.1JES:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3614.3.2山积图:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3614.3.3山积票:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3714.3.4作业要领:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38 15动态作业分析-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------38 15.1设置动态作业分析项目---------------------------------------------------------------------------38 15.2动态作业分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 15.3动态作业报表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 15.4动素程序分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 16系统语言切换-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 17系统其他功能-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 17.1系统分析向导---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 17.2系统设置向导---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 17.3系统密码修改---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 17.4用户管理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 17.5用户组管理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 17.6用户分组---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 17.7数据分组---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 18MTM时间库功能-------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 18.1MTM功能简介--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 18.2从视频获得MTM记录-----------------------------------------------------------------------------43 18.3查看MTM时间库记录-----------------------------------------------------------------------------45 18.4编辑MTM时间库记录-----------------------------------------------------------------------------46 18.5MTM-1指定------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 18.6MTM-2指定------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 18.7建立MTM-1与MTM-2的联系--------------------------------------------------------------------49 18.8建立MTM-2与MTM-3的联系导-----------------------------------------------------------------50 18.9建立基于MTM时间库的作业指导书(针对具体工序或工段)--------------------------50 18.10建立基于MTM时间库的工程分析(全部工序)--------------------------------------------52 19IEMS在线访问----------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 19.1访问工具条------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 20联系我们-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------571 系统使用1.1 系统登录选择运行IEMS系统,出现系统登录界面(下图为IEMS网络版本登录界面):操作者选取所要登录的操作类型(编辑、浏览)之后,输入帐号和密码,点“确定”按钮,登录系统。


© 版权所有 2004-2008, 2015 ABB。保留所有权利。 ABB AB
Robotics Products Se-721 68 Västerås
手册概述 ............................................................................................................................................. 7 产品文档,IRC5 ................................................................................................................................. 9 安全 .................................................................................................................................................... 11
应用手册 MultiMove
Trace back information: Workspace R15-2 version a20 Checked in 2015-10-22 Skribenta version 4.6.176
应用手册 MultiMove
RobotWare 6.02 文档编号: 3HAC050961-010
3.2.1 Controller参数域集合 ................................................................................ 30 3.2.2 Motion参数域集合 .................................................................................... 32 3.2.3 I/O参数域集合 ......................................................................................... 33 3.3 配置示例 .......................................................................................................... 34 3.3.1 “UnsyncArc”的配置示例 ............................................................................ 34 3.3.2 “SyncArc”的配置示例 ............................................................................... 36 3.3.3 输入/输出配置示例 ................................................................................... 38



ISMG1系列通用伺服电动机用户手册Ver0.0 苏州默纳克控制技术有限公司前言感谢您使用默纳克公司ISMG1系列通用交流伺服电机。








♦客服电话:400-777-12601 安全及注意事项a 、使用前用500V 兆欧表检查电机U 、V 、W 对电机外壳的绝缘电阻,应该不低于5M Ω。

b 、使用时应有良好的接地。

c 、电机转动时请不要用手触摸电机的轴伸。

d 、不要撞击电机,以免造成反馈元器件损坏。

e 、装机前电机须空载与伺服驱动器联调正常。

2 型号命名规则ISM系列伺服电机G1A 100VB 200V U A BCDE ×1×10×100×1000×10000功率两位功率数和一位字母组成50A 75B 15C50W 750W 1500WX 标准两位转速数和一位字母组成一位字母和一位数字组成U1C 300V D400V1光轴2实心带键3轴连接方式一位字母和一位数字组成5制动器、减速器、油封一位字母和一位数字组成0没有1油封2制动器3减速器4油封+制动器5油封+减速器6制动器+减速器A B C D E 50B 30C 10DAR17F风扇冷却图2-1 命名规则3 主要性能指标3.1 产品使用环境海拔高度:1000米以下环境温度:0℃~40℃相对湿度:20-80%(不得结露)IP等级:全封闭自冷却IP65、风冷IP54(轴贯通部分除外)电机需要安装在通风良好、且不能够太阳直晒的室内环境。



3D3操作手册目录1.系统配置1.1 计算机配置1.2 相机配置1.3 投影仪配置2. 软件安装,注册激活及升级2.1 软件安装2.2 软件激活更新2.2.1 激活秘钥2.2.2 加密狗秘钥2.2.3 激活加密狗2.2.4 激活控软件狗3. 系统搭建3.1 3D扫描仪硬件搭建3.2 计算机设置4. 扫描仪标定4.1 创建/打开标定文件4.1.1 创建新的标定文件4.1.2 打开已有标定文件4.2 标定过程4.2.1 标定设置4.2.2 相机设置4.2.3 settings Calibration4.2.4 获取标定图像4.2.5 获得标定结果5. 获取扫描数据5.1 建立/打开新的工程5.2 转台设置5.3 数据扫描5.3.1 用转台扫描数据5.3.2 手动扫描6. 数据处理6.1 编辑网格6.2 网格操作6.3 数据拼接6.3.1 Alignment——对齐6.3.2 Combine——合并6.3.3 Uncombine——解除合并6.3.4 Finalizing Meshes6.4 数据的导入和导出6.4.1 数据导入6.4.2 数据导出第一章、系统配置3D3Solutions公司推出的FlexScan3D Scanner是一套集软硬件为一体的三维扫面仪,通过结构白光投影方式解析物体表面三维信息,Scanner由投影仪、相机、软件、以及一系列附件构成。

1.1计算机配置1.2相机配置(1)3D扫描仪入门级相机选型推荐方案(价格优先)·单相机扫描仪:PTGrey Chameleon CMLN-13S2M-CS·双相机扫描仪:IDS uEye UI-1545LE·镜头:Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens(2)3D扫描仪中级用户相机推荐方案(扫描速度优先,适用于扫描面部和人体特征)·130W双/多相机扫描仪:PTGrey FireWire Flea2 FL2G-13S2M or FL2-14S3M ·130W双/多相机扫描仪:IDS uEye GigE UI-5240CP·镜头:Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens(3)3D扫描仪逆向工程开发级相机推荐方案(精度、分辨率优先)·2M双相机扫描仪:PTGrey Grasshopper GRAS-20S4M-C·2M双相机扫描仪:Duo scanner setup: IDS uEye GigE UI-6250SE·镜头:5MP Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens1.3投影仪配置最低分辨率:800x600标准投影仪:1500+流明基于DLP(Digital Light Procession)技术LED投影仪:100+流明对比LED投影仪和普通正常投影仪:(1)LED投影仪优势:发热低;体积小巧;使用寿命长(LED投影仪30,000小时,普通白光投影仪3,000小时)(2)LED投影仪劣势分辨率、扫描精度、数据质量比较低;低光照,在复杂环境光影响下无法扫描;扫描黑色物体和高对比物体比较困难;选型局限性大。

Autodesk Smoke 2011 商业版使用指南说明书

Autodesk Smoke 2011 商业版使用指南说明书

Autodesk® Visual Effects and Finishing 2011© 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc., this publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose.Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder.Portions relating to MD5 Copyright © 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved. License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the “RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm” in all material mentioning or referencing this software or this function. License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are identified as “derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm” in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work. RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty of any kind. These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or software.TrademarksThe following are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and other countries: 3DEC (design/logo), 3December, , 3ds Max, Algor, Alias, Alias (swirl design/logo), AliasStudio, Alias|Wavefront (design/logo), ATC, AUGI, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Learning Assistance, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Simulator, AutoCAD SQL Extension, AutoCAD SQL Interface, Autodesk, Autodesk Envision, Autodesk Intent, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Map, Autodesk MapGuide, Autodesk Streamline, AutoLISP, AutoSnap, AutoSketch, AutoTrack, Backburner, Backdraft, Built with ObjectARX (logo), Burn, Buzzsaw, CAiCE, Civil 3D, Cleaner, Cleaner Central, ClearScale, Colour Warper, Combustion, Communication Specification, Constructware, Content Explorer, Dancing Baby (image), DesignCenter, Design Doctor, Designer's Toolkit, DesignKids, DesignProf, DesignServer, DesignStudio, Design Web Format, Discreet, DWF, DWG, DWG (logo), DWG Extreme, DWG TrueConvert, DWG TrueView, DXF, Ecotect, Exposure, Extending the Design Team, Face Robot, FBX, Fempro, Fire, Flame, Flare, Flint, FMDesktop, Freewheel, GDX Driver, Green Building Studio, Heads-up Design, Heidi, HumanIK, IDEA Server, i-drop, ImageModeler, iMOUT, Incinerator, Inferno, Inventor, Inventor LT, Kaydara, Kaydara (design/logo), Kynapse, Kynogon, LandXplorer, Lustre, M atchM over, M aya, Mechanical Desktop, Moldflow, Moonbox, MotionBuilder, Movimento, MPA, MPA (design/logo), Moldflow Plastics Advisers, MPI, Moldflow Plastics Insight, MPX, MPX (design/logo), Moldflow Plastics Xpert, Mudbox, Multi-Master Editing, Navisworks, ObjectARX, ObjectDBX, Open Reality, Opticore, Opticore Opus, Pipeplus, PolarSnap, PortfolioWall, Powered with Autodesk Technology, Productstream, ProjectPoint, ProMaterials, RasterDWG, RealDWG, Real-time Roto, Recognize, Render Queue, Retimer, Reveal, Revit, Showcase, ShowMotion, SketchBook, Smoke, Softimage, Softimage|XSI (design/logo), Sparks, SteeringWheels, Stitcher, Stone, StudioTools, ToolClip, Topobase, Toxik, TrustedDWG, ViewCube, Visual, Visual LISP, Volo, Vtour, Wire, Wiretap, WiretapCentral, XSI, and XSI (design/logo).Adobe, Flash and Reader are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or countries. Automatic Duck and the duck logo are trademarks of Automatic Duck, Inc.FFmpeg is a trademark of Fabrice Bellard, originator of the FFmpeg project.Python is a registered trademark of Python Software Foundation.All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.DisclaimerTHIS PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS MADE AVAILABLE BY AUTODESK, INC. “AS IS.” AUTODESK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE MATERIALS.Published by: Autodesk, Inc.111 Mclnnis ParkwaySan Rafael, CA 94903, USATitle: Autodesk Smoke 2011 for Mac OS X In ternational Keyboard Reference GuideDocument Version: 1Date: April1, 2010Keyboard Layouts Topics in this chapter:■Introduction on page 1■US English Keyboard on page 3■International English Keyboard on page 4■European French Keyboard on page 5■European German Keyboard on page 7■European Spanish Keyboard on page 8■Japanese Keyboard on page 9IntroductionAutodesk ® Smoke ® 2010 for Mac OS ® X uses a US English keyboard layout as the default layout when assigning hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts). You can use a different keyboard such as a German keyboard with your Smoke system, but keep in mind that some hotkeys may not work, and other hotkeys may be remapped to a different location.In the Smoke Hotkey Editor you can select the keyboard you are using in the Keyboard Type box.11On your Smoke system, you have the choice of the following Mac keyboards:■109-Key (Mac - US English)■110-Key (Mac - International English)■110-Key (Mac - European French)■110-Key (Mac - European German)■110-Key (Mac - European Spanish)■112-Key (Mac - Japanese)When you select your keyboard, the onscreen keyboard is changed to reflect your choice, and entries in theHotkey Catalogue are updated accordingly.NOTE If a hotkey is set on a key not available for the keyboard selected, the Hotkey Catalogue displays the entryin black. In this case, you can remap an unavailable hotkey to another key that your keyboard supports.See the following pages for specific layout and hotkey information for your keyboard. For more informationon working with the Hotkey Editor in general, see the Managing Hotkeys chapter in your Smoke User Guide.2 | Chapter 1 Keyboard LayoutsUS English KeyboardThis is the default QWERTY keyboard.US English Keyboard | 3International English KeyboardThis is a slight variation on the QWERTY keyboard.There are no remapped keys on the International English keyboard, but be aware that the ` key is found tothe left of the z key.4 | Chapter 1 Keyboard LayoutsEuropean French KeyboardThis is the AZERTY keyboard.The following keys in the French keyboard layout are remapped to US English keys (in light blue in the Hotkey Editor layout).French KeyUS English Remap1&é2“34‘(5§6è7!8ç9à)--=qazw^[$]qam;‘ù‘\European French Keyboard | 5French KeyUS English Remap<`wz,m;,:.=/Sup>Del>., (on the numerickeypad)6 | Chapter 1 Keyboard LayoutsEuropean German KeyboardThis the QWERTZ keyboard.The following keys in the German keyboard layout are remapped to US English keys (in light blue in the Hotkey Editor layout).German KeyUS English Remapß-‘=zyü[+]ö;‘ä#\<`yz-/Entf>Del>, (on the numeric.keypad)European German Keyboard | 7European Spanish KeyboardThis is another variation of the QWERTY keyboard.The following keys in the Spanish keyboard layout are remapped to US English keys (in light blue in theHotkey Editor layout).Spanish KeyUS English Remap‘-¡=`[=]n;'‘\ç<`/-, (on the numeric.keypad)8 | Chapter 1 Keyboard LayoutsJapanese KeyboardThis variation of the QWERTY keyboard is typically used in Japan.The following keys in the Japanese keyboard layout are remapped to US English keys (in light blue in the Hotkey Editor layout).US English RemapJapanese Key¥\Japanese Keyboard | 9。



性价比高 I 开放性强 I 部署迅速梅卡曼德产品手册智能程度高 I 稳定性好 I 案例丰富将智能赋予工业机器人视觉引导拆码垛 I 货品拣选 I 快递供包 I 工件上料 I 涂胶 I 定位 I 装配工业级3D 相机Mech-Eye图形化机器视觉软件Mech-Vision 机器人智能编程环境Mech-Viz采用深度学习、3D 视觉、智能路径规划等技术,梅卡曼德为生产制造、物流、电商零售等行业用户,提供从3D 传感器到机器人适配及部署的一整套智能工业机器人解决方案。




2.稳定性强:Mech-Eye 工业级3D 相机已通过超10000小时连续运行测试,稳定性好;智能规划路径,避免碰撞等问题。






方案优势完成复杂条件下的识别、定位、测量等视觉功能获取物体高精度的 3D 信息控制机器人应对复杂的应用全力协助业务伙伴提升竞争力,把握智能机器人时代的先机支持和服务梅卡曼德团队超过300人,可为机器人集成商提供交付支持、人员培训、参考方案设计、展会支持、重难点项目攻关等支持和服务。

Mech-Eye 工业级 3D 相机高性能工业级3D 相机,可对众多类型的物体输出高质量的3D 数据;多种相机型号,满足不同场景中抗环境光、高精度、高速度、小体积等多样化需求。

Mech-Vision图形化机器视觉软件新一代机器视觉软件,完全图形化的界面,无需编写代码即可完成拆垛、无序工件上料、免注册货品抓取、涂胶/喷胶、精确定位、缺陷检测、尺寸测量等先进机器视觉应用;内置3D 视觉、深度学习等前沿算法模块,可满足复杂、多样的实际需求。



uCozy 3DOS-288 Operation Manual1) English2) Simplified Chinese 简体中文3) Traditional Chinese 繁體中文OS-288 uCozy 3DThank you for purchasing the OSIM uCozy 3D. Please read the operation manual thoroughly for the correct methods of usage and take special notice of the safety section before you start.This manual should be kept on hand for easy reference. It is your guide to a safe and efficient operation.Contents | Safety 2Names of parts and functions 6 Features 7Operation 8Suggested usage 9Product care and storage 10 Troubleshooting 11Specifications 12IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using the product, please take special notice of the following basic precautions: Read all instructions before using this product.DANGER– To reduce the risk of electric shock:Always unplug this product from the electrical outlet immediately after use and before cleaning.WARNING – To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons: 1) The product should never be left unattended when plugged in. Unplug fromelectrical outlet when it is not in use, and before putting on or taking off parts.2) Close supervision is necessary when the product is used by, on, or near children,invalids, or disabled persons. Keep children away when the product is in operation.3) Use this product only for its intended use as described in this manual.4) Never operate this product if it is dropped, has a damaged cord or power adapter,a malfunction, or it is dropped into the water. Return the product to OSIM ServiceCenter for examination and repair.5) Do not carry this product by the power cord or use the power cord as a handle.6) Keep the power cord away from heated surfaces.7) Do not drop or insert any objects into any opening of the product.8) Do not use this product outdoors.9) Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen isbeing administered.10) To disconnect, turn off all controls and remove the power adapter from theelectrical outlet.11) This product is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the product by a person responsible for their safety.12) Do not stand on the product. Use only while seated.13) Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the product.14) This product has a heated surface. Persons insensitive to heat must be careful whenusing the product.15) Cleaning and user maintenance of the product should not be done by children.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSThis product is intended for household use onlyUsage environmentSafety• Do not use the product in an excessively humid or dusty environment as it may result in the product’s malfunction or an electric shock.• Do not use the product in temperatures higher than 40˚C.• Do not expose the product to heaters, stoves or direct sunlight.• The product is designed for home use and not for commercial purposes.• Do not use the product in the event of a lightning storm.• Do not use the product when driving a vehicle.• If you use the product in a cold room, do not increase the room temperature abruptly. It is recommended that you increase the temperature gradually to a normal level.• If the product is brought into a warm environment from a cold place where it was stored, wait for an hour before use as there may be water droplets on mechanical parts due to condensation. Using the product under such condition may result in malfunction.Safety•Do not use the product when the fabric cover is torn.•Do not use the product in combination with other therapeutic equipment or electric blanket, etc., as this may result in ineffectiveness or injury.•Do not cover the product during operation. This may result in a rise in motor temperature and subsequent malfunction or risk of fire.•Do not insert any object or flammable material into the product. This may result in electric shock, malfunction or risk of fire.•Remove power adapter from the electrical outlet immediately should liquid be accidentally spilled onto the product as this may result in electric shock.•Do not use the product in the event of a malfunction or power failure. Injury may occur when power is restored unexpectedly.•Do not disassemble the product. Touching the internal components of the product may result in malfunction or an electric shock.•The product must only be serviced or repaired by OSIM Service Center. Users must not attempt to disassemble or repair the product.Safety precautionsSafety•Avoid heavy meal an hour before massage and allow at least 60 minutes of rest after meal before using the product.• The suggested usage duration is 20 minutes.• Do not perform continuous massage on the same spotof your body for a prolonged period as this may result in excessive stimulation and adverse effects.• Do not use or operate the product when your body or hands are wet.• Do not use the product if you are pregnant or menstruating.• Stop using immediately should you experience discomfort and consult your doctor if you experience any abnormal or severe pain.• If you are under medication or with medical conditions, please consult your doctor before use.•Please do not use the product if you are not feeling well or under the influence of alcohol.•This product is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of conditions that should be managed by a qualified health care provider.•Check that the Alternating Current (AC) voltage corresponds with the specifications indicated for the product.•Do not connect or disconnect the power adapter from the electrical outlet with wet hands.•When disconnecting the power adapter, pull it out by holding the adapter, not the cord.•Do not place the power cord under heavy objects.•Do not operate the product with a damaged or tampered cord.•Do not use the product if the electrical outlet is loose.•If the power adapter or power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by OSIM Service Center or its authorized service agents.Usage safetyThings to note about thepower adapter and cordNames of parts and functions1. Main unit2. Securing strap3. [ ] ‘Power’ button (On/Off)4. Kneading nodes(concealed under fabric)* Power adapter will vary according to country5. Adapter jack connecter6. Power adapter *7. Adapter jack8. Car adapter9. Detachable elastic strap*Product images are for illustrative purposes only and are not drawn to scale.9FeaturesFeatures• Compact massager for your neck, shoulders, lumbar, thighs and calves• 8 massage nodes with2 way rotation kneading massage• Heat function• Easy-to-use, 1 button operation allows simple control of massage• Light and portable design • 20 minutes auto timer • Car adapter includedOperation• Ensure that the adapter jack is securely connected to the adapter jack connecter.• Connect the power adapter to the electrical outlet. Turn on the main switch.• Place the uCozy 3D on the part of the body to be massaged and make sure it is comfortably secured.• Avoid direct skin contact with the uCozy 3D during operation.• Do not attempt to stop the kneading nodes with your hand.• In the event of power failure, turn off the main switch and disconnect the power adapter to prevent any sudden operation if the power is restored unexpectedly.• Press and hold the ‘Power’ button [ ] to stop the massage at any time.• Press the ‘Power’ button [ ] to begin massage. The heat function is automatically activated. The kneading nodes will be illuminated.• Press the ‘Power’ button [ ] once to turn off heat function. The kneading nodes will not be illuminated.• Press the ‘Power’ button [ ] again to turn on heat function and repeat the toggling cycle.To switch on the power To end massageTo start the kneading massageSuggested usageCalf massageProduct care and storageProduct placement and storageEnvironmental factors can strongly affect the product physically and mechanically. Do not expose the product to direct sunlight or in places with extreme heat or air-conditioning vents. These can cause the upholstery to crack or the color to fade.If the product is not to be used for a long period of time, cover it with a dust cover and disconnect the power adapter from the electrical outlet.Clean the product using a dry cloth regularlyBefore cleaning, ensure that the main switch is turned off and the power adapter is disconnected from the electrical outlet.The upholstery of the product may be exposed to the natural body oils of users. The main unit structure and fabric can be cleaned thoroughly with a piece of soft, dry cloth. The common micro-fiber cleaning materials or gloves are very well suited for this routine maintenance process. Such materials and gloves are available for sale in most DIY shops.Do NOT use wet elements for cleaningThe product is made up of electrical components and mechanical parts, whichare all very sensitive to moisture. Under no circumstances should they be exposed to any form of water or moisture. If you use water (eg. a wet cloth) to clean the upholstery, the coating may be eroded and the protection for the product will be diminished.As for the power button, it may result in malfunction if you use a wet cloth to clean. Do NOT use cleaning solventsUnder no circumstances should you use any cleaning agents, like benzene or thinner to clean the product. This may cause the color of upholstery to fade.Do NOT attempt to repair your productUnder no circumstances should you attempt to repair the product, for safety reason.If you suspect a malfunction, always call the OSIM Service Center for further assistance and information.TroubleshootingIf you encounter problems with the operation of the uCozy 3D, pleasecheck the following points to see if they can be rectified. If the uCozy 3D still malfunctions or does not work, please turn off the uCozy 3D and remove the power adapter from the electrical outlet. Contact OSIM Service Center* for servicing.Do not dismantle or attempt to repair the uCozy 3D yourself. Doing so will void the warranty and OSIM will not bear any responsibility for any subsequent consequences.* Please visit us at for information on the nearest service center. Product warranty is valid only in the country of purchase.• Ensure that the power adapter is securelyconnected to the electrical outlet.• Ensure that the main switch is turned on.• The sound is the result of the mechanicalstructure and is not a malfunction.• The overheat protection device may havebeen activated. The heat function will resume after the uCozy 3D cools down.ProblemPossible causes / actions • The uCozy 3D will not start.• Operation sound duringusage.• The heat function stopsworking.• The massage stops midway.• The auto timer of 20 minutes may have lapsed.• Check that the adapter jack has notbeen disconnected from the adapter jack connecter.• The overheat protection device may have been activated. Turn off the main switch and allow the uCozy 3D to cool down for at least 60 minutes before using it again. • If problem persists, please contact OSIM Service Center.SpecificationsModel name OSIM uCozy 3DModel number OS-288Power adapter100-240V 50-60Hz (Input)12V(Output)(Kindly ensure that the local Alternating Current(AC) voltage corresponds with product specified voltage) Power consumption 30WAuto timer20 minutesGross weight Approx. 2.05 kgNet weight Approx. 1.4 kgOS-288 uCozy 3D感谢您购买 OSIM uCozy 3D 傲胜暖摩乐按摩器。















你会在LCD液晶屏上看到一下信息:如果您没有看到以上信息,别担心——打开Utilities ->Run Startup Script。

















如果你熟悉该程序仅仅是偶尔使用,你会发现本节尤其是 2.6 节对于改变你原有印象是有帮助的。



关于解决问题的更多信息将会在Section3 中提供。



正如在Section1.1 中有预先的介绍的那样,命令驱动结构使3DEC 在工程分析领域一个得到广泛的应用。



UDEC 程序共有40个主命令,有接近400 个关键词。


Section2.1 将会给出关于下载、安装、使用3DEC的一系列步骤。






在 2.5节提供了一个概述。




3DEC使用和创建不同类型的文件都在2.9节中描述2.1节安装和启动程序2.1.1 安装3DEC3DEC程序包—包括windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP六个版本—通过光盘启动程序安装到电脑。

StructureScan 3D 用户指南说明书

StructureScan 3D 用户指南说明书

Stopping/pausing sonar transmitting
Use the Stop sonar (HDS Gen3) or Pause (NSS/NSO evo2) menu option when you want to turn off the data processing. In 2D mode this option pauses the image and allows you to examine the image in detail. This function is useful when you need to position a waypoint exactly on the StructureScan image, or if you are using the cursor to measure a distance between 2 points on an image.
Saving waypoints You can save a waypoint at a selected location by positioning the cursor on the panel, and then selecting the new waypoint option in the menu.
If the cursor is positioned on a 3D image, no depth information is included for the waypoint. The waypoint on a 3D image is drawn with a line beneath it to indicate its point on the sea floor.

Arigin 3D软件用户使用说明书

Arigin 3D软件用户使用说明书

本手册使用的所有商标均属于该商标的持有者所有 昕健医疗 是苏州昕健医疗技术有限公司的注册商标 Windows® /XP/7/8/10 是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标
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如果您的系统出现问题,并且无法从手册中获得帮助,请联系供应商;或通过以下方式从苏 州昕健医疗技术有限公司(以下简称昕健医疗)获得帮助: 公司网址:/ 联系技术服务人员:胡峰 服务热线: 18015588538
诊断图像处理软件 用户使用手册
版权所有 ©苏州昕健医疗技术有限公司 苏州工业园区新平街 388 号腾飞创新园塔楼 C 编:215123 本产品或文档受版权保护,其使用、复制、发行和反编译均受许可证限制。未经苏州昕健医 疗技术有限公司及其授权者事先的书面许可,不得以任何形式、任何手段复制本产品及其文 档任何部分。包括字体技术在内的第三方软件受苏州昕健医疗技术有限公司供应商的版权保 护和许可证限制。 邮

3ds max使用手册

3ds max使用手册

3ds max使用手册前言3ds max的用途范围广的很,修改bal l ance用的只是其中一个极小的部分。



这个手册包括修改bal l ance必需的和简单的建模,以便在地图里加入一些新的东西。

















© Siemens AG 2013. All Rights Reserved. Siemens PLM Software
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Байду номын сангаас
基于PLM的 3D技术出版解决方案
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以产品为中心的文档 与工程变更关联 将文档的编写、绘图、出版 纳入PLM环境中 高资金回报率(ROI)
发布工具 Cortona3D CMS
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工作流管理 BOM管理
变更管理 ……其他功能模块 文档管理
Work Instruction
Parts Catalogs
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<xml />
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快速图册(Rapid Catalog)的主要特点:
内置零部件表格的文本编辑 可对装配模型进行爆炸和剖切
GE航空发动机 IPC图解目录
可输出3D PDF或 2D PDF 3D PDF



3DCMS系统(打印机耗材)V1.0 3DCMS(Printer consumables) System用户手册科乐得(武汉)技术有限公司二〇一五年三月目录一、功能介绍 (3)(1)程序介绍 (3)(2)程序特点 (3)二、系统的安装 (3)(1)运行环境 (3)(2)环境搭建 (4)三、网站前台功能模块 (4)(1)首页 (4)(2)产品 (5)(3)新闻资讯 (8)(4)联系我们 (10)(5)用户反馈 (10)(6)用户中心 (11)四、网站后台功能模块 (12)(1)首页 (12)(2)内容 (13)(3)用户 (14)1、权限管理 (14)2、行为日志 (14)3、用户行为 (15)(4)系统 (16)1、网站设置 (16)2、配置管理 (16)3、菜单管理 (17)4、分类管理 (17)5、模型管理 (17)6、导航管理 (18)7、数据备份 (18)(5)扩展 (18)1、插件管理 (18)2、钩子管理 (19)一、功能介绍(1)程序介绍3DCMS内容管理系统是一款基于PHP+MYSQL,采用onethink的CMF(Content Manage Framework)框架编写的一款针对3D打印耗材厂商的通用开源程序。









生物梅里埃操作手册版本:B.00生物梅里埃公司Box 15969, Durham, NC 27704-0969生物梅里埃公司2001 手册件号. 43001-19 版本. A 2002年2月BacT/ALERT® 3D™版权所有。



BacT/ALERT, BacT/LINK, BacT/VIEW和MB/BacT是生物梅里埃公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

BacT/ALERT 3D是生物梅里埃公司的商标。



MS DOS是微软公司的注册商标。



i第 1 章系统概览目录部分页码1.1 BacT/ALERT 3D 硬件1.1.1 BacT/ALERT 3D…………………………………………………………………………. BacT/ALERT 3D 规格…………………………………………………………………... BacT/ALERT 3D 环境要求……………………………………………………………... 孵育模块…………………………………………………………………………………. 孵育模块规格……………………………………………………………………………. 孵育模块环境要求………………………………………………………………………. 仪器安装和设置………………………………………………………………………….1.71.2 BACT/ALERT 3D 软件1.2.1 操作面板…………………………………………………………………………………. 普通屏幕元素……………………………………………………………………………. BacT/ALERT 3D图1-1 BacT/ALERT 3D 前视图操作面板提供一种显示信息的方法。




■ 有效测程:2.5~1400m■ 全景分辨率:7000万(选配高清全景相机)■ 测量模式:具有接收强度信息能力■ 主扫描仪频率:最大300,000 点/秒■ 最小扫描角分辨率:0.0005°■ 姿态测量精度:航向0.012°,姿态/翻滚0.008°■ 标定精度:1cm■ 扫描角度:100°×300°■ 系统精度:±5cm@100m,可满足1:500测图要求系统简介技术指标(以Riegl VZ1000为例)系统特点一体化免标定多模式高精度高可靠易拆装高智能>>系统将三维激光扫描设备、卫星定位模块、惯性测量装置、里程计、控制模块和高性能板卡计算机高度一体化集成、封装设备体积小、重量轻,无需对载体改装,可快速安装,同时,三维激光扫描仪单元可方便拆卸,作为地面三维激光扫描仪使用特殊的刚性结构平台设计,标定出厂后无需再标定,解除用户系统标定的困扰配套软件齐全,提供从外业数据采集、海量点云影像数据处理、索引管理到应用服务的一体化解决方案>>>>系统支持竖直、横躺两种安装方式;能够进行单侧固定任意角度、360°旋转、横躺等多种模式扫测在高精度POS系统、高性能三维激光扫描设备的支持下,提供高达5cm的绝对测量精度采用紧凑式、板卡式设计,具有高可靠性,支持长时间稳定工作。



在与显示面的水平像素排列 相平行的状态下来观看。
<GL-4>视听位置 希望视听者在适当的位置来观看立体影像。
解说 通常,制作立体影像内容时都认为画面是从正面来观看的。再者,在高清电视 的场合下,则是以视听位置在画面高度3倍之处为前提来制作的。因此,必须 注意的是,如果在比这个位置更近的地方观看视差角会变大,更远的地方观看 视差角会变小。 在标准观看距离(画面高度(H)的3倍(3H))观看时,如果视差角被设定为1度, 则随着观看距离变化而变化的视差角就会是以下数据, 1H 3度,1.5H 2度, 2H 1.5度,3H 1度, 4H 0.75度, 5H 0.6度, 6H 0.5度。 在宣传会场或者家庭影院进行坐位设定时,需要注意到以上变化。 此外,也要注意GL-5的提示。 如果是从斜方来观看画面,梯形歪斜的程度就会变大,从而难以形成 正确的立体影像。这就有可能导致疲劳或头晕。
解说 在使用基于两眼视差的立体设备时,进入用户的左右两眼的视点相异的2个影像在 脑中融合起来形成立体感觉。 如果系统设置不当(左右光轴分歧,左右画像大小不一,颜色以及辉度有差异, 上下的分歧,左右影像的光混合=串扰过大等),就会使左右2个影像难以融合, 从而出现重叠,使人感到不舒适,成为引起眼睛疲劳的原因。 希望在使用设备时,要认真阅读使用说明书,正确地设置系统。 此外还要注意到通过两眼视差形成立体视觉的个体差异,以及习惯需要一定过程。 其中,还存在有人不能形成立体视觉的情况。因此,在销售时要进行考虑,在使 用说明书,宣传活动,以及影像配送事先说明文中要进行充分解说。
2010年4月20日修订 符合国际指南ISO IWA3
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

瑞士IMetric IScan M与IScan3D使用者手册目录1.引言2.设定IScan M3.安装软件4.执行IScan3D扫描软件5.扫描6.精度验证及校准1.引言这份手册给你一个如何用IScan3D软件包来设定、操作与校准一个IScan M300白光数字化扫描系统的概观。

“建议最好由有经验的操作员指导,切勿让无经验的人员自行操作”2.设定IScan M300IScan M系统包含:(如上图)●三脚架或脚座●校正板●传输线●投影机光源线●自动转盘及电源线和连接线●笔记本电脑或是其他有Windows 系统的PC计算机IScan M的连接包括:●从后面USB电缆连接到PC的USB Port,这是连接CCD Camera。





安装之前准备事项:确认相关配件是否齐全1.主机(包括1个投影机及相机及镜头)2.自动转盘3.自动转盘电源线及连接线B连接线5.投影机电源线6.保护锁7.脚架及云台8.校正片9.安装CD(内含Iscan 3D软件安装程序、参数文件、Camera驱动程序、自动转盘驱动程序、保护锁WIBU驱动程序)安装之前注意事项:*****请先关闭电源再连接插头。



3.安装软件使用Windows XP Professional SP2或Win 7 Pro-32位移除一个存在的安装如果你有一个已经存在的安装的话,在你移除软件之前,你首先必须要先对数个档案做一份文件备份。

如果你是执行一个比较新的版本的话,那么这个档案就是在”..\Documents and Settings\”User Name”\Application Data\IScan 3D下叫做”user.cfg”。


你应该要复制一份你的CCD Sensors的目前的校正资料。

你会在C:\ProgramFiles/IScan3D/ IScan3D /Sensors/”your sensor number”/”volumes”下找到这个数据。

最简单的就是复制在”your sensor number”下的所有东西。


在”../IScan3D/IScan3D”目录中,你也可以找到Iscan 3D的注册档”IMSLicense.txt”。


安装(如果有疑问请询问专业人员)安装你需要:●有管理员准许的登入●IScan3Dxxx .msi档案●你个别相机的驱动程序●IView软件●IScan3D软件的dongle的Software---WIBU使用IScan3D.msi来安装IScan3D软件,并要使用Complete完整的安装。

软件会被安装在C:\Program Files\IScan3D下,而且你可以在桌面找到一个快捷方式〈如果你有不同的设定的话,像是双启动,通常都会自动地找到应该要安装它的驱动程序〉。

Camera驱动程序(不同的相机安装驱动方式相同,若有疑问请询问专业人员) 使用在IScan M 1.3M的AOS Pixie相机的驱动程序.要安装连接相机的一台AOS Pixie相机的驱动程序。

就开启Control Panel、开启系统并进入Hardware面板并开始Device Manager。

在装置处理器中,你会找到一个”Imaging Devices”的登录。


它门可能是被称为” AOS HV1302UM Capture(11/21/2005)”。



驱动程序的安装如下:1.用鼠标右键点选相机并选择”更新驱动程序Update Driver”2.选择从列表或特定位置安装(进阶)”Install from a list or specific location(Advanced)”并按下下一步”Next”3.选择不要搜寻,我将选择要安装的驱动程序”Don’t search. I will choose the driver toinstall.”并按下”Next”如下图4.选择从磁盘安装”Have Disk”5.从CD选择驱动程序。

档案叫做”PIXIE1302UM的HV1302UM.inf”如下图6.选择开启Open7.选择确定OK8.你会得到一个说明驱动程序尚未数字签名”This driver is not digitally signed!”的讯息9.选择下一步Next选择继续安装忽略数字签名10.你会得到一个讯息。

选择”Continue Anyway”11.现在会安装驱动程序。

12.你会得到AOS HV1302UM Capture(11/21/2005)的版本。

13.按下Finish现在你会在Device Manager看到这台相机的登录入口:” AOS HV1302UM Capture(11/21/2005)”。



4.执行IScan3D软件IScan V是由IScan3D软件所控制。



如果组态档案〈在C:\Documents and Settings\”UserName”\Application Data\Iscan 3D中的user.cfg〉并不存在或是不正确的话,你就不能操作传感器。

如果IMSlicense.txt这个注册档案不是在C:\Program Files\IScan3D\IScan3D中的话,你会在IScan3D的讯息窗口中得到一个” <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: Error initialising the ImetricS core module (Unable to open the license fileIMSLicense.txt)的讯息。

如下图如果每件事都正常的话,你应该会得到一个有”Iscan 3D的下拉菜单IScan”菜单入口的窗口,以及一个看起来像电源按钮的图标,当你将光标移到图标上时会有”IScan3D Connect to Sensor”的文字。



使用绿色开始钮的图标或是下拉菜单中”IScan->Connect to Sensor”项目来连接传感器。


假设你已经接好线路且提供电力给Iscan M,然后你只需要按下第一页上的Next。



如果你是拥有超过一种扫描范围的系统的话,现在你可以选择不同的扫描范围,但是必须确定Iscan Head上接入的是多少的范围,不要搞错,否则无法扫描。

你最近所选择过的范围,已经事先被选择在”Volume Label”下了。


对于Iscan M的CCD来说,是使用具备1.3M高画素,你可以看到下列范围〈这是一个IScan M的例子〉:●M090_12mm:这是指有一个90 mmz范围大约是90 x 125 x 100mm,且CCD使用12mm的镜头。




●M200_12mm:这是指有一个200 mm范围大约是200 x 125 x 100mm,且CCD使用12mm的镜头。




M400_12mm:这是指有一个400 mm范围大约是500 x 500 x 500mm,且CCD 使用12mm的镜头。









按下Finish然后你就已经连接IScan3D软件和Iscan M。

你应该会在”M70701”传感器的IScan3D字符导向通讯协议中会看到像这样的讯息:Connected to Sensor ID : M70701Camera 1 : SN = MD0020001007Camera 2 : SN = MD0016002007注意:就在你第一次连接CCD之后要再切换不同的扫描范围时,切记必须先将Iscan 3D程序退出之后才能拔取CCD的USB连接线,如果因为没有关闭程序造成系统故障,必须自行负担。



为了执行因素,你必须选择”Disable pre selectionhighlighting”和”Disable selection high lighting”。

可以根据你的喜好来设定”Cameratype”和”Background color"。


Scan Configuration扫描配置你应该看到两台相机的型号。

