Statistics and Quantitative




《统计学》_各章关键术语(中英⽂对照)第⼆部分各章关键术语(中英⽂对照)第1章统计学(statistics)随机性(randomness)描述统计学(descriptive statistics)推断统计学(inferential statistics)总体(population)母体(parent)(parent population)样本、⼦样(sample)调查对象总体(respondents population)有限总体(finite population)调查的理论总体(survey’s heoretical population)超总体(super population)变量(variable)数据(data)原始数据(original data)派⽣数据(derived data)定类尺度(nominal scale)定类尺度变量(nominal scale level variable)定类尺度数据(nominal scale level data)定序尺度(ordinal scale)定序尺度变量(ordinal scale level variable)定序尺度数据(ordinal scale level data)定距尺度(interval scale)定距尺度变量(interval scale level variable)定距尺度数据(interval scale level data)定⽐尺度(ratio scale)定⽐尺度变量(ratio scale level variable)定⽐尺度数据(ratio scale level data)分类变量(categorical variable)定性变量、属性变量(qualitative variable)数值变量(numerical variable)定量变量、数量变量(quantitative variable)绝对数变量(absolute number level variable)绝对数数据(absolute number level data)⽐率变量(ratio level variable)⽐率数据(ratio level data)实验数据(experimental data)调查数据(survey data)观察数据(observed data)第2章随机性(randomness)随机现象(random phenomenon)随机试验(random experiment)事件(event)基本事件(elementary event)复合事件(union of event)必然事件(certain event)不可能事件(impossible event)基本事件空间(elementary event space)互不相容事件(mutually exclusive events)统计独⽴(statistical independent)统计相依(statistical dependence)概率(probability)古典⽅法概率(classical method probability)相对频数⽅法概率(relative frequency method probability)主观⽅法概率(subjective method probability)⼏何概率(geometric probability)条件概率(conditional probability)全概率公式(formula of total probability)贝叶斯公式(Bayes’ formula)先验概率(prior probability)后验概率(posterior probability)随机变量(random variable)离散型随机变量(discrete type random variable)连续型随机变量(continuous type random variable)概率分布(probability distribution)特征数(characteristic number)位置特征数(location characteristic number)数学期望(mathematical expectation)散布特征数(scatter characteristic number)⽅差(variance)标准差(standard deviation)变异系数(variable coefficient)贝努⾥分布(Bernoulli distribution)⼆点分布(two-point distribution) 0-1分布(zero-one distribution)贝努⾥试验(Bernoulli trials)⼆项分布(binomial distribution)超⼏何分布(hyper-geometric distribution)正态分布(normal distribution)正态概率密度函数(normal probability density function)正态概率密度曲线(normal probability density curve)正态随机变量(normal random variable)卡⽅分布(chi-square distribution)F_分布(F-distribution)t_分布(t-distribution) “学⽣”⽒t_分布(Student’s t-distribution)列联表(contingency table)联合概率分布(joint probability distribution)边缘概率分布(marginal probability distribution)条件分布(conditional distribution)协⽅差(covariance)相关系数(correlation coefficient)第3章统计调查(statistical survey)数据收集(collection of data)统计单位(statistical unit)统计个体(statistical individual)社会经济总体(socioeconomic population)调查对象总体(respondents population)有限总体(finite population)标志(character)标志值(character value)属性标志(attributive character )品质标志(qualitative character )数量标志(numerical indication)不变标志(invariant indication)变异(variation)调查条⽬(item of survey)指标(indicator)统计指标(statistical indicator)总量指标(total amount indicator)绝对数(absolute number)统计单位总量(total amount of statistical unit )标志值总量(total amount of indication value)(total amount of character value)时期性总量指标(time period total amount indicator)流量指标(flow indicator)时点性总量指标(time point total amount indicator)存量指标(stock indicator)平均指标(average indicator)平均数(average number)相对指标(relative indicator)相对数(relative number)动态相对指标(dynamic relative indicator)发展速度(speed of development)增长速度(speed of growth)增长量(growth amount)百分点(percentage point)计划完成相对指标(relative indicator of fulfilling plan)⽐较相对指标(comparison relative indicator)结构相对指标(structural relative indicator)强度相对指标(intensity relative indicator)基期(base period)报告期(given period)分组(classification)(grouping)统计分组(statistical classification)(statistical grouping)组(class)(group)分组设计(class divisible design)(group divisible design)互斥性(mutually exclusive)包容性(hold)分组标志(classification character)(grouping character)按品质标志分组(classification by qualitative character)(grouping by qualitative character)按数量标志分组(classification by numerical indication)(grouping by numerical indication)离散型分组标志(discrete classification character)(discrete grouping character)连续型分组标志(continuous classification character)(continuous grouping character)单项式分组设计(single-valued class divisible design)(single-valued group divisible design)组距式分组设计(class interval divisible design)(group interval divisible design)组界(class boundary)(group boundary)频数(frequency)(frequency number)频率(frequency)组距(class interval)(group interval)组限(class limit)(group limit)下限(lower limit)上限(upper limit)组中值(class mid-value)(group mid-value)开⼝组(open class)(open-end class)(open-end group)开⼝式分组(open-end grouping)等距式分组设计(equal class interval divisible design)(equal group interval divisible design)不等距分组设计(unequal class interval divisible design)(unequal group interval divisible design)调查⽅案(survey plan)抽样调查(sample survey)有限总体概率抽样(probability sampling in finite populations)抽样单位(sampling unit)个体抽样(elements sampling)等距抽样(systematic sampling)整群抽样(cluster sampling)放回抽样(sampling with replacement)不放回抽样(sampling without replacement)分层抽样(stratified sampling)概率样本(probability sample)样本统计量(sample statistic)估计量(estimator)估计值(estimate)⽆偏估计量(unbiased estimator)有偏估计量(biased estimator)偏差(bias)精度(degree of precision)估计量的⽅差(variance of estimates)标准误(standard error)准确度(degree of accuracy)均⽅误差(mean square error)估计(estimation)点估计(point estimation)区间估计(interval estimate)置信区间(confidence interval)置信下限(confidence lower limit)置信上限(confidence upper limit)置信概率(confidence probability)总体均值(population mean)总体总值(population total)总体⽐例(population proportion)总体⽐率(population ratio)简单随机抽样(simple random sampling)简单随机样本(simple random sample)研究域(domains of study)⼦总体(subpopulations)抽样框(frame)估计量的估计⽅差(estimated variance of estimates)第4章频数(frequency)(frequency number)频率(frequency)分布列(distribution series)经验分布(empirical distribution)理论分布(theoretical distribution)品质型数据分布列(qualitative data distribution series)数量型数据分布列(quantitative data distribution series)单项式数列(single-valued distribution series)组距式数列(class interval distribution series)频率密度(frequency density)分布棒图(bar graph of distribution)分布直⽅图(histogram of distribution)分布折线图(polygon of distribution)累积分布数列(cumulative distribution series)累积分布图(polygon of cumulative distribution)位置特征(location characteristic)位置特征数(location characteristic number)平均值、均值(mean)平均数(average number)权数(weight number)加权算术平均数(weighted arithmetic average)加权算术平均值(weighted arithmetic mean)简单算术平均数(simple arithmetic average)简单算术平均值(simple arithmetic mean)加权调和平均数(weighted harmonic average)加权调和平均值(weighted harmonic mean)简单调和平均数(simple harmonic average)简单调和平均值(simple harmonic mean)加权⼏何平均数(weighted geometric average)加权⼏何平均值(weighted geometric mean)简单⼏何平均数(simple geometric average)简单⼏何平均值(simple geometric mean)绝对数数据(absolute number data)⽐率类型数据(ratio level data)中位数(median)众数(mode)耐抗性(resistance)散布特征(scatter characteristic)散布特征数(scatter characteristic number)极差、全距(range)四分位差(quartile deviation)四分间距(inter-quartile range)上四分位数(upper quartile)下四分位数(lower quartile)在外截断点(outside cutoffs)平均差(mean deviation)⽅差(variance)标准差(standard deviation)变异系数(variable coefficient)第5章随机样本(random sample)简单随机样本(simple random sample)参数估计(parameter estimation)矩(moment)矩估计(moment estimation)修正样本⽅差(modified sample variance)极⼤似然估计(maximum likelihood estimate)参数空间(space of paramete)似然函数(likelihood function)似然⽅程(likelihood equation)点估计(point estimation)区间估计(interval estimation)假设检验(test of hypothesis)原假设(null hypothesis)备择假设(alternative hypothesis)检验统计量(statistic for test)观察到的显著⽔平(observed significance level)显著性检验(test of significance)显著⽔平标准(critical of significance level)临界值(critical value)拒绝域(rejection region)接受域(acceptance region)临界值检验规则(test regulation by critical value)双尾检验(two-tailed tests)显著⽔平(significance level)单尾检验(one-tailed tests)第⼀类错误(first-kind error)第⼀类错误概率(probability of first-kind error)第⼆类错误(second-kind error)第⼆类错误概率(probability of second-kind error)P_值(P_value)P_值检验规则(test regulation by P_value)经典统计学(classical statistics)贝叶斯统计学(Bayesian statistics)第6章⽅差分析(analysis of variance,ANOVA)⽅差分析恒等式(analysis of variance identity equation)单因⼦⽅差分析(one-factor analysis of variance)双因⼦⽅差分析(two-factor analysis of variance)总变差平⽅和(total variation sum of squares)总平⽅和SST(total sum of squares)组间变差平⽅和(among class(group) variation sum of squares),回归平⽅和SSR(regression sum of squares)组内变差平⽅和(within variation sum of squares)误差平⽅和SSE(error sum ofsquares)⽪尔逊χ2统计量(Pearson’s chi-statistic)分布拟合(fitting of distrbution)分布拟合检验(test of fitting of distrbution)⽪尔逊χ2检验(Pearson’s chi-square test)列联表(contingency table)独⽴性检验(test of independence)数量变量(quantitative variable)属性变量(qualitative variable)对数线性模型(loglinear model)回归分析(regression analysis)随机项(random term)随机扰动项(random disturbance term)回归系数(regression coefficient)总体⼀元线性回归模型(population linear regression model with a single regressor)总体多元线性回归模型(population multiple regression model with a single regressor)完全多重共线性(perfect multicollinearity)遗漏变量(omitted variable)遗漏变量偏差(omitted variable bias)⾯板数据(panel data)⾯板数据回归(panel data regressions)⼯具变量(instrumental variable)⼯具变量回归(instrumental variable regressions)两阶段最⼩平⽅估计量(two stage least squares estimator)随机化实验(randomized experiment)准实验(quasi-experiment)⾃然实验(natural experiment)普通最⼩平⽅准则(ordinary least squares criterion)最⼩平⽅准则(least squares criterion)普通最⼩平⽅(ordinary least squares,OLS)最⼩平⽅(least squares)最⼩平⽅法(least squares method)第7章简单总体(simple population)复合总体(combined population)个体指数:价⽐(price relative),量⽐(quantity relative)总指数(general index)(combined index)统计指数(statistical indices)类指数、组指数(class index)动态指数(dynamic index)⽐较指数(comparison index)计划完成指数(index of fulfilling plan)数量指标指数(quantitative indicator index)物量指数(quantitative index)(quantity index)(quantum index)质量指标指数(qualitative indicator index)价格指数、物价指数(price index)综合指数(aggregative index)(composite index)拉斯贝尔指数(Laspeyres’ index)派许指数(Paasche’s index)阿斯·杨指数(Arthur Young’s index)马歇尔—埃奇沃斯指数(Marshall-Edgeworth’s index)理想指数(ideal index)加权综合指数(weighted aggregate index)平均指数(average index)加权算术平均指数(weighted arithmetic average index)加权调和平均指数(weighted harmonic average index)因⼦互换(factor-reversal)购买⼒平价(purchasing power parity,PPP)环⽐指数(chain index)定基指数(fixed base index)连环替代因素分析法(factor analysis by chain substitution method)不变结构指数、固定构成指数(index of invariable construction)结构指数、结构影响指数(structural index)第8章截⾯数据(cross-section data)时序数据(time series data)动态数据(dynamic data)时间数列(time series)发展⽔平(level of development)基期⽔平(level of base period)报告期⽔平(level of given period)平均发展⽔平(average level of development)序时平均数(chronological average)增长量(growth quantity)平均增长量(average growth amount)发展速度(speed of development)增长速度(speed of growth)增长率(growth rate)环⽐发展速度(chained speed of development)定基发展速度(fixed base speed of development)环⽐增长速度(chained growth speed)定基增长速度(fixed base growth speed)平均发展速度(average speed of development)平均增长速度(average speed of growth)平均增长率(average growth rate)算术图(arithmetic chart)半对数图(semilog graph)时间数列散点图(scatter diagram of time series)时间数列折线图(broken line graph of time series)⽔平型时间数列(horizontal patterns in time series data)趋势型时间数列(trend patterns in time series data)季节型时间数列(season patterns in time series data)趋势—季节型时间数列(trend-season patterns in time series data)⼀次指数平滑平均数(simple exponential smoothing mean)⼀次指数平滑法(simple exponential smoothing method)最⼩平⽅法(leas square method)最⼩平⽅准则(least squares criterion)原资料平均法(average of original data method)季节模型(seasonal model)(seasonal pattern)长期趋势(secular trends)季节变动(变差)(seasonal variation)季节波动(seasonal fluctuations)不规则变动(变差)(erratic variation)不规则波动(random fluctuations)时间数列加法模型(additive model of time series)时间数列乘法模型(multiplicative model of time series)。

quantitative 翻译

quantitative 翻译

quantitative 翻译quantitative的中文翻译是“定量的”或“数量的”。


以下是一些关于quantitative的中英文对照例句和用法:1. Quantitative analysis is a systematic approach used to understand and interpret numerical data. (定量分析是一种系统的方法,用于理解和解释数字数据。

)2. The researcher conducted a quantitative study to determine the correlation between income and education level. (研究人员进行了一项定量研究,以确定收入与教育水平之间的相关性。

)3. The survey collected both qualitative and quantitative data to provide a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior. (该调查收集了定性和定量数据,以提供对消费者行为的全面分析。

)4. The company used quantitative methods to assess the effectiveness of its advertising campaign. (该公司使用定量方法评估其广告活动的有效性。

)5. The researcher employed statistical techniques to analyze the quantitative data and identify significant patterns. (研究人员采用统计技术分析定量数据,并确定重要的模式。

)6. In order to support their arguments, the authors included quantitative evidence from multiple studies. (为了支持他们的论点,作者引用了多个研究中的定量证据。



统计学名词population 母体sample样本census普查sampling 抽样quantitative 吊:的qualitative/categorical 质的discrete离散的continuous 连续的population parameters 母体参数sample statistics 样本统计量descriptive statistics 叙述统计学inferential/inductive statistics 推论/归纳统计学levels of measurement 衡量尺度nominal scale名目尺度ordinal scale顺序尺度interval scale 区间尺度ratio scale比例尺度frequency distribution 次数分配relative frequency 相对次数range全距class midpoint 组中点class limits 组限class boundaries 组界class width 组距cumulative frequency (以下)累加次数decumulativefrequency 以上累加次数histogram直方图pie chart 饼图ogive肩形图frequency polygon 多边形图cumulative frequency polygon 累加次数多边形图box plot盒须图stem and leaf plot 枝叶图measures of central tendency 中央趋势显数mean平均数median中位数mode众数location measures 位置量数percentile百分位数quartile四分位数decile十分位数dispersion measures 分散号数range全距interquartile-range IQR 四分位距mean absolute deviation 平均绝对高差variance变异数standard deviation 标准差coefficient of variation 变异系数left-skewed 左偏negative-skewed 负偏right-skewed 右偏positive-skewed 正偏contingency table 列联表sampling distribution (of a statistic)(某个统计量的)抽样分布point estimate 点估计值point estimator 点估i十式unbiased estimator不偏点估计式efficient estimator有效点估计式consistent estimator 一致点估计式confidence level 信赖水准confidence interval 信赖区间null hypothesis 虚无假设alternative hypothesis 假设left-tailed test 左尾检定right-tailed test 右尾检定two-tailed test 双尾检定test statistic检定统计量critical value 临界值。



定量研究方法英语Quantitative research methods are a cornerstone of empirical inquiry, providing a systematic approach to understanding phenomena through numerical data. These methods are characterized by their objectivity, structured design, and the use of statistical tools to analyze and interpret data.In quantitative research, the process begins with the formulation of a hypothesis or research question. This is followed by the development of a research design that specifies the population of interest, the sample to be studied, and the variables to be measured. The design may take the form of experiments, surveys, or observational studies, each with its own set of protocols to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.Data collection in quantitative research is typically done through standardized instruments such as questionnaires, tests, or direct observation. These instruments are chosen or developed to ensure that they accurately measure the constructs of interest and that they are administered in a consistent manner across all participants.Once data is collected, it is analyzed using statistical techniques. Descriptive statistics are used to summarize the data, while inferential statistics are employed to test hypotheses and make inferences about the population fromwhich the sample was drawn. The choice of statistical tests depends on the nature of the data and the research questions being addressed.Quantitative research methods are widely used across various disciplines, including psychology, education, economics, and public health. They are particularly valuable for identifying patterns, trends, and relationships within large datasets and for making predictions based on empirical evidence.However, it is important to recognize the limitations of quantitative research. These methods may not be suitable for exploring complex phenomena that are not easily quantifiable or for understanding the subjective experiences of individuals. Moreover, the reliance on numerical data can sometimes lead to an oversimplification of reality, ignoring the richness and complexity of human behavior.In conclusion, quantitative research methods offer a powerful toolkit for scientific inquiry, enabling researchers to test theories, evaluate interventions, and inform policy decisions with empirical evidence. Yet, they should be complemented with qualitative approaches to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomena under investigation.。

Quantitative research

Quantitative research

Quantitative researchQuantitative research is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, including physics, biology, psychology, sociology, geology, education, and journalism. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.The term quantitative research is most often used in the social sciences in contrast to qualitative research.Overview and backgroundQuantitative research is generally approached using scientific methods which include:* The generation of models, theories and hypotheses* The development of instruments and methods for measurement* Experimental control and manipulation of variables* Collection of empirical data* Modeling and analysis of data* Evaluation of resultsQuantitative research is often an iterative process whereby evidence is evaluated, theories and hypotheses are refined, technical advances are made, and so on. Virtually all research in physics is quantitative whereas research in other scientific disciplines, such as taxonomy and anatomy, may involve a combination of quantitative and other analytic approaches and methods.In the social sciences particularly, quantitative research is often contrasted with qualitative research, which is the examination, analysis and interpretation of observations for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationships, including classifications of types of phenomena and entities, in a manner that does not involve mathematical models. Approaches to quantitative psychology were first modelled on quantitative approaches in the physical sciences by Gustav Fechner in his work on psychophysics, which built on the work of Ernst Heinrich Weber. Although a distinction is commonly drawn between qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific investigation, it has been argued that the two go hand in hand. For example, based on analysis of the history of science, Kuhn (1961, p. 162) concludes that “large amounts of qualitative work ha ve usually been prerequisite to fruitful quantification in the physical sciences”. Qualitative research is often used to gain a general sense of phenomena and to form theories that can be tested using further quantitative research. For instance, in the social sciences qualitative research methods are often used to gain better understanding ofsuch things as intentionality (from the speech response of the researchee) and meaning (why did this person/group say something and what did it mean to them?).Although quantitative investigation of the world has existed since people first began to record events or objects that had been counted, the modern idea of quantitative processes have their roots in Auguste Comte's Positivist framework.Statistics in quantitative researchStatistics is the most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research outside of the physical sciences, and also finds applications within the physical sciences, such as in statistical mechanics. Statistical methods are used extensively within fields such as economics, social sciences and biology. Quantitative research using statistical methods typically begins with the collection of data based on a theory or hypothesis, followed by the application of descriptive or inferential statistical methods. Causal relationships are studied by manipulating factors thought to influence the phenomena of interest while controlling other variables relevant to the experimental outcomes. In the field of health, for example, researchers might measure and study the relationship between dietary intake and measurable physiological effects such as weight loss, controlling for other key variables such as exercise. Quantitatively based opinion surveys are widely used in the media, with statistics such as the proportion of respondents in favor of a position commonly reported. In opinion surveys, respondents are asked a set of structured questions and their responses are tabulated. In the field of climate science, researchers compile and compare statistics such as temperature or atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.Empirical relationships and associations are also frequently studied by using some form of General linear model, non-linear model, or by using factor analysis. A fundamental principle in quantitative research is that correlation does not imply causation. This principle follows from the fact that it is always possible a spurious relationship exists for variables between which covariance is found in some degree. Associations may be examined between any combination of continuous and categorical variables using methods of statistics.Measurement in quantitative researchViews regarding the role of measurement in quantitative research are somewhat divergent. Measurement is often regarded as being only a means by which observations are expressed numerically in order to investigate causal relations or associations. However, it has been argued that measurement often plays a more important role in quantitative research. For example, Thomas Kuhn (1961) argued that results which appear anomalous in the context of accepted theory potentially lead to the genesis of a search for a new, natural phenomenon. He believed that such anomalies are most striking when encountered during the process of obtaining measurements, as reflected in the following observations regarding the function of measurement in science:When measurement departs from theory, it is likely to yield mere numbers, and theirvery neutrality makes them particularly sterile as a source of remedial suggestions.But numbers register the departure from theory with an authority and finesse that noqualitative technique can duplicate, and that departure is often enough to start asearch (Kuhn, 1961, p. 180).In classical physics, the theory and definitions which underpin measurement are generally deterministic in nature. In contrast, probabilistic measurement models known as the Rasch model and Item response theory models are generally employed in the social sciences. Psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique for measuring social and psychological attributes and phenomena. This field is central to much quantitative research that is undertaken within the social sciences.Quantitative research may involve the use of proxies as stand-ins for other quantities that cannot be directly measured. Tree-ring width, for example, is considered a reliable proxy of ambient environmental conditions such as the warmth of growing seasons or amount of rainfall. Although scientists cannot directly measure the temperature of past years, tree-ring width and other climate proxies have been used to provide a semi-quantitative record of average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere back to 1000 A.D. When used in this way, the proxy record (tree ring width, say) only reconstructs a certain amount of the variance of the original record. The proxy may be calibrated (for example, during the period of the instrumental record) to determine how much variation is captured, including whether both short and long term variation is revealed. In the case of tree-ring width, different species in different places may show more or less sensitivity to, say, rainfall or temperature: when reconstructing a temperature record there is considerable skill in selecting proxies that are well correlated with the desired variable.Examples of Quantitative research∙Research that consists of the percentage amounts of all the elements that make up our atmosphere∙Protest/Survey which concludes that the average patient has to wait 2 hours in the waiting room of a certain doctor before being selected.∙An experiment in which group x was given two tablets of Aspirin a day and Group y was given two tablets of Tylenol a day where each participant is randomly assigned to one or other of the groups.The numerical factors such as two tablets, percent of elements and the time of waiting makes the situations and results quantitative.。



统计学术语中英对照部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑population 母体sample 样本census 普查sampling 抽样quantitative 量的qualitative/categorical 质的discrete 离散的continuous 连续的population parameters 母体参数sample statistics 样本统计量descriptive statistics 叙述统计学inferential/inductive statistics 推论 ...抽样调查<sampliing survey单纯随机抽样<simple random sampling系统抽样<systematic sampling分层抽样<stratified sampling整群抽样<cluster sampling多级抽样<multistage sampling常态分配(Parametric Statistics>无母数统计学(Nonparametric Statistics>实验设计(Design of Experiment>参数(Parameter>Data analysis 资料分析Statistical table 统计表Statistical chart 统计图Pie chart 圆饼图Stem-and-leaf display 茎叶图Box plot 盒须图Histogram 直方图Bar Chart 长条图Polygon 次数多边图Ogive 肩形图Descriptive statistics 叙述统计学Expectation 期望值Mode 众数Mean 平均数Variance 变异数Standard deviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Covariance matrix 共变异数矩阵Inferential statistics 推论统计学Point estimation 点估计Interval estimation 区间估计Confidence interval 信赖区间Confidence coefficient 信赖系数Testing statistical hypothesis 统计假设检定Regression analysis 回归分析Analysis of variance 变异数分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Sampling survey 抽样调查Census 普查Sampling 抽样Reliability 信度Validity 效度Sampling error 抽样误差Non-sampling error 非抽样误差Random sampling 随机抽样Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样法Stratified sampling 分层抽样法Cluster sampling 群集抽样法Systematic sampling 系统抽样法Two-stage random sampling 两段随机抽样法Convenience sampling 便利抽样Quota sampling 配额抽样Snowball sampling 雪球抽样Nonparametric statistics 无母数统计The sign test 等级检定Wilcoxon signed rank tests 魏克森讯号等级检定Wilcoxon rank sum tests 魏克森等级和检定Run test 连检定法Discrete uniform densities 离散的均匀密度Binomial densities 二项密度Hypergeometric densities 超几何密度Poisson densities 卜松密度Geometric densities 几何密度Negative binomial densities 负二项密度Continuous uniform densities 连续均匀密度Normal densities 常态密度Exponential densities 指数密度Gamma densities 伽玛密度Beta densities 贝他密度Multivariate analysis 多变量分析Principal components 主因子分析Discrimination analysis 区别分析Cluster analysis 群集分析Factor analysis 因素分析Survival analysis 存活分析Time series analysis 时间序列分析Linear models 线性模式Quality engineering 品质工程Probability theory 机率论Statistical computing 统计计算Statistical inference 统计推论Stochastic processes 随机过程Decision theory 决策理论Discrete analysis 离散分析Mathematical statistics 数理统计统计学 : Statistics母体 : Population样本 : Sample资料分析 : Data analysis统计表 : Statistical table统计图 : Statistical chart圆饼图 : Pie chart茎叶图 : Stem-and-leaf display盒须图 : Box plot直方图 : Histogram长条图 : Bar Chart次数多边图 : Polygon肩形图 : Ogive叙述统计学 : Descriptive statistics期望值 : Expectation众数 : Mode平均数 : Mean变异数 : Variance标准差 : Standard deviation标准误 : Standard error共变异数矩阵 : Covariance matrix推论统计学 : Inferential statistics点估计 : Point estimation区间估计 : Interval estimation信赖区间 : Confidence interval信赖系数 : Confidence coefficient统计假设检定 : Testing statistical hypothesis回归分析 : Regression analysis变异数分析 : Analysis of variance相关系数 : Correlation coefficient抽样调查 : Sampling survey普查 : Census抽样 : Sampling信度 : Reliability效度 : Validity抽样误差 : Sampling error非抽样误差 : Non-sampling error随机抽样 : Random sampling简单随机抽样法 : Simple random sampling分层抽样法 : Stratified sampling群集抽样法 : Cluster sampling系统抽样法 : Systematic sampling两段随机抽样法 : Two-stage random sampling便利抽样 : Convenience sampling配额抽样 : Quota sampling雪球抽样 : Snowball sampling无母数统计 : Nonparametric statistics等级检定 : The sign test魏克森讯号等级检定 : Wilcoxon signed rank tests魏克森等级和检定 : Wilcoxon rank sum tests连检定法 : Run test离散的均匀密度 : Discrete uniform densities二项密度 : Binomial densities超几何密度 : Hypergeometric densities卜松密度 : Poisson densities几何密度 : Geometric densities负二项密度 : Negative binomial densities连续均匀密度 : Continuous uniform densities常态密度 : Normal densities指数密度 : Exponential densities伽玛密度 : Gamma densities贝他密度 : Beta densities多变量分析 : Multivariate analysis主因子分析 : Principal components区别分析 : Discrimination analysis群集分析 : Cluster analysis因素分析 : Factor analysis存活分析 : Survival analysis时间序列分析 : Time series analysis线性模式 : Linear models品质工程 : Quality engineering机率论 : Probability theory统计计算 : Statistical computing统计推论 : Statistical inference随机过程 : Stochastic processes决策理论 : Decision theory离散分析 : Discrete analysis数理统计 : Mathematical statistics统计名词市调辞典众数(Mode> 普查(census>指数(Index> 问卷(Questionnaire>中位数(Median> 信度(Reliability>百分比(Percentage> 母群体(Population> 信赖水准(Confidence level> 观察法(Observational Survey> 假设检定(Hypothesis Testing> 综合法(Integrated Survey> 卡方检定(Chi-square Test> 雪球抽样(Snowball Sampling> 差距量表(Interval Scale> 序列偏差(Series Bias> 类别量表(Nominal Scale> 次级资料(Secondary Data> 顺序量表(Ordinal Scale> 抽样架构(Sampling frame> 比率量表(Ratio Scale> 集群抽样(Cluster Sampling>连检定法(Run Test> 便利抽样(Convenience Sampling> 符号检定(Sign Test> 抽样调查(Sampling Sur>算术平均数(Arithmetic Mean> 非抽样误差(non-sampling error> 展示会法(Display Survey> 调查名词准确效度(Criterion-Related Validity> 元素(Element> 邮寄问卷法(Mail Interview> 样本(Sample> 信抽样误差(Sampling error> 效度(Validity> 封闭式问题(Close Question>精确度(Precision> 电话访问法(Telephone Interview> 准确度(Validity> 随机抽样法(Random Sampling> 实验法(Experiment Survey>抽样单位(Sampling unit> 资讯名词市场调查(Marketing Research> 决策树(Decision Trees>容忍误差(Tolerated erro> 资料采矿(Data Mining>初级资料(Primary Data> 时间序列(Time-Series Forecasting>目标母体(Target Population> 回归分析(Regression>抽样偏差(Sampling Bias> 趋势分析(Trend Analysis>抽样误差(sampling error> 罗吉斯回归(Logistic Regression>架构效度(Construct Validity> 类神经网络(Neural Network>配额抽样(Quota Sampling> 无母数统计检定方法(Non-Parametric Test>人员访问法(Interview> 判别分析法(Discriminant Analysis>集群分析法(cluster analysis> 规则归纳法(Rules Induction>内容效度(Content Validity> 判断抽样(Judgment Sampling>开放式问题(Open Question> OLAP(Online Analytical Process>分层随机抽样(Stratified Random sampling> 资料仓储(Data Warehouse>非随机抽样法(Nonrandom Sampling> 知识发现(Knowledge DiscoveryAbsolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additive Noise, 加性噪声Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alpha factoring,α因子法Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA <analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution, 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs>, BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categoricalvariable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Centraltendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector, 卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 积差相关系数b5E2RGbCAP Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Collinearity, 共线性Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合渐近正态估计p1EanqFDPw Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照, 质量控制图Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation, 相关性Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve Estimation, 曲线拟合Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin, 斜交旋转Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲实验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Error Bar, 均值相关区间图Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验Experimental sampling, 实验抽样Experimental unit, 实验单位Explained variance <已说明方差)Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因实验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finitepopulation, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查Generalized least squares, 综合最小平方法GENLOG (Generalized liner models>, 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models>, 通用线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点High-Low, 低区域图Higher Order Interaction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Image factoring,, 多元回归法Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinitepopulation, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 内插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯M尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验DXDiTa9E3dKurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数。



大二统计学知识点总结双语Statistics is a fundamental subject for students majoring in mathematics, economics, and many other fields. In the second year of college, students delve deeper into statistical concepts and methods. In this article, we will summarize the key knowledge points of second-year statistics in both Chinese and English.1. 数据与变量 (Data and Variables)在统计学中,数据是指收集到的事实或观察的结果。




In statistics, data refers to the facts or observations that have been collected. Variables are the characteristics or attributes of interest in a study. Data can be categorized into quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is usually expressed in numerical form, while qualitative data describes non-quantitative features.2. 描述统计学 (Descriptive Statistics)描述统计学是对已有数据进行总结、展示和分析的方法。

quantitative 翻译

quantitative 翻译

quantitative 翻译quantitative的中文翻译是“定量的”或“数量的”。


以下是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study.这项研究采用了定性和定量研究方法。

2. The survey collected quantitative data on consumer preferences.这项调查收集了有关消费者偏好的定量数据。

3. The company used quantitative analysis to determine market trends.公司使用定量分析来确定市场趋势。

4. The researcher examined the quantitative relationship between two variables.研究人员分析了两个变量之间的定量关系。

5. The study found a significant quantitative difference in test scores between the two groups.这项研究发现两组之间的测试分数存在显著的定量差异。

6. The professor emphasized the importance of using quantitative methods in scientific research.教授强调在科学研究中使用定量方法的重要性。

7. The report presented both qualitative and quantitative findings.报告呈现了定性和定量研究结果。

8. The company's success can be attributed to its use of quantitative analysis in decision-making.公司的成功可以归因于在决策中使用定量分析。

qualitative and quantitative analysis

qualitative and quantitative analysis

qualitative and quantitative analysis
"Qualitative analysis"(定性分析)和"Quantitative analysis"(定量分析)是两种在不同领域中使用的分析方法,用于研究和理解数据或信息。

1.定性分析(Qualitative Analysis):



2.定量分析(Quantitative Analysis):








population 母体sample 样本census 普查sampling 抽样quantitative 量的qualitative/categorical质的discrete 离散的continuous 连续的population parameters 母体参数sample statistics 样本统计量descriptive statistics 叙述统计学inferential/inductive statistics 推论 ...抽样调查(sampliing survey单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling 系统抽样(systematic sampling分层抽样(stratified sampling整群抽样(cluster sampling多级抽样(multistage sampling常态分配(Parametric Statistics)无母数统计学(Nonparametric Statistics)实验设计(Design of Experiment)参数(Parameter)Data analysis 资料分析Statistical table 统计表Statistical chart 统计图Pie chart 圆饼图Stem-and-leaf display 茎叶图Box plot 盒须图Histogram 直方图Bar Chart 长条图Polygon 次数多边图Ogive 肩形图Descriptive statistics 叙述统计学Expectation 期望值Mode 众数Mean 平均数Variance 变异数Standard deviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Covariance matrix 共变异数矩阵Inferential statistics 推论统计学Point estimation 点估计文案Interval estimation 区间估计Confidence interval 信赖区间Confidence coefficient 信赖系数Testing statistical hypothesis 统计假设检定Regression analysis 回归分析Analysis of variance 变异数分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Sampling survey 抽样调查Census 普查Sampling 抽样Reliability 信度Validity 效度Sampling error 抽样误差Non-sampling error 非抽样误差Random sampling 随机抽样Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样法Stratified sampling 分层抽样法Cluster sampling 群集抽样法Systematic sampling 系统抽样法Two-stage random sampling 两段随机抽样法Convenience sampling 便利抽样Quota sampling 配额抽样Snowball sampling 雪球抽样Nonparametric statistics 无母数统计The sign test 等级检定Wilcoxon signed rank tests 魏克森讯号等级检定Wilcoxon rank sum tests 魏克森等级和检定Run test 连检定法Discrete uniform densities 离散的均匀密度Binomial densities 二项密度Hypergeometric densities 超几何密度Poisson densities 卜松密度Geometric densities 几何密度Negative binomial densities 负二项密度Continuous uniform densities 连续均匀密度Normal densities 常态密度Exponential densities 指数密度Gamma densities 伽玛密度Beta densities 贝他密度文案Multivariate analysis 多变量分析Principal components 主因子分析Discrimination analysis 区别分析Cluster analysis 群集分析Factor analysis 因素分析Survival analysis 存活分析Time series analysis 时间序列分析Linear models 线性模式Quality engineering 品质工程Probability theory 机率论Statistical computing 统计计算Statistical inference 统计推论Stochastic processes 随机过程Decision theory 决策理论Discrete analysis 离散分析Mathematical statistics 数理统计统计学: Statistics母体: Population样本: Sample资料分析: Data analysis统计表: Statistical table统计图: Statistical chart圆饼图: Pie chart茎叶图: Stem-and-leaf display盒须图: Box plot直方图: Histogram长条图: Bar Chart次数多边图: Polygon肩形图: Ogive叙述统计学: Descriptive statistics期望值: Expectation众数: Mode平均数: Mean变异数: Variance标准差: Standard deviation标准误: Standard error共变异数矩阵: Covariance matrix推论统计学: Inferential statistics点估计: Point estimation区间估计: Interval estimation信赖区间: Confidence interval文案信赖系数: Confidence coefficient统计假设检定: Testing statistical hypothesis回归分析: Regression analysis变异数分析: Analysis of variance相关系数: Correlation coefficient抽样调查: Sampling survey普查: Census抽样: Sampling信度: Reliability效度: Validity抽样误差: Sampling error非抽样误差: Non-sampling error随机抽样: Random sampling简单随机抽样法: Simple random sampling分层抽样法: Stratified sampling群集抽样法: Cluster sampling系统抽样法: Systematic sampling两段随机抽样法: Two-stage randomsampling便利抽样: Convenience sampling配额抽样: Quota sampling雪球抽样: Snowball sampling无母数统计: Nonparametric statistics等级检定: The sign test魏克森讯号等级检定: Wilcoxon signedrank tests魏克森等级和检定: Wilcoxon rank sumtests连检定法: Run test离散的均匀密度: Discrete uniformdensities二项密度: Binomial densities超几何密度: Hypergeometric densities卜松密度: Poisson densities几何密度: Geometric densities负二项密度: Negative binomial densities连续均匀密度: Continuous uniformdensities常态密度: Normal densities指数密度: Exponential densities伽玛密度: Gamma densities文案贝他密度: Beta densities多变量分析: Multivariate analysis 主因子分析: Principal components 区别分析: Discrimination analysis 群集分析: Cluster analysis因素分析: Factor analysis存活分析: Survival analysis时间序列分析: Time series analysis 线性模式: Linear models品质工程: Quality engineering机率论: Probability theory统计计算: Statistical computing 统计推论: Statistical inference随机过程: Stochastic processes决策理论: Decision theory离散分析: Discrete analysis数理统计: Mathematical statistics统计名词市调辞典众数(Mode) 普查(census)指数(Index) 问卷(Questionnaire)中位数(Median) 信度(Reliability)百分比(Percentage) 母群体(Population)信赖水准(Confidence level) 观察法(Observational Survey)假设检定(Hypothesis Testing) 综合法(Integrated Survey)卡方检定(Chi-square Test) 雪球抽样(Snowball Sampling)差距量表(Interval Scale) 序列偏差(SeriesBias)类别量表(Nominal Scale) 次级资料(Secondary Data)顺序量表(Ordinal Scale) 抽样架构(Sampling frame)比率量表(Ratio Scale) 集群抽样(ClusterSampling)连检定法(Run Test) 便利抽样(ConvenienceSampling)符号检定(Sign Test) 抽样调查(SamplingSur)算术平均数(Arithmetic Mean) 非抽样误差(non-sampling error)文案展示会法(Display Survey)调查名词准确效度(Criterion-Related Validity)元素(Element) 邮寄问卷法(Mail Interview)样本(Sample) 信抽样误差(Sampling error) 效度(Validity) 封闭式问题(Close Question) 精确度(Precision) 访问法(Telephone Interview)准确度(Validity) 随机抽样法(Random Sampling)实验法(Experiment Survey)抽样单位(Sampling unit) 资讯名词市场调查(Marketing Research) 决策树(Decision Trees)容忍误差(Tolerated erro) 资料采矿(Data Mining)初级资料(Primary Data) 时间序列(Time-Series Forecasting)目标母体(Target Population) 回归分析(Regression)抽样偏差(Sampling Bias) 趋势分析(TrendAnalysis)抽样误差(sampling error) 罗吉斯回归(Logistic Regression)架构效度(Construct Validity) 类神经网络(Neural Network)配额抽样(Quota Sampling) 无母数统计检定方法(Non-Parametric Test)人员访问法(Interview) 判别分析法(Discriminant Analysis)集群分析法(cluster analysis) 规则归纳法(Rules Induction)容效度(Content Validity) 判断抽样(Judgment Sampling)开放式问题(Open Question) OLAP(OnlineAnalytical Process)分层随机抽样(Stratified Random sampling)资料仓储(Data Warehouse)非随机抽样法(Nonrandom Sampling) 知识发现(Knowledge DiscoveryAbsolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵文案Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additive Noise, 加性噪声Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alpha factoring,α因子法Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数文案Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution, 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs),BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categorical variable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元文案Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Central tendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector, 卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation,积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Collinearity, 共线性Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并文案Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布文案Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照, 质量控制图Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation, 相关性Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve Estimation, 曲线拟合Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期文案Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin, 斜交旋转Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度文案Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲试验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Error Bar, 均值相关区间图Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验文案Experimental sampling, 试验抽样Experimental unit, 试验单位Explained variance (已说明方差)Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因试验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finite population, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差文案Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查Generalized least squares, 综合最小平方法GENLOG (Generalized liner models), 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models), 通用线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点High-Low, 低区域图Higher Order Interaction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞文案HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Image factoring,, 多元回归法Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinite population, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关文案Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性文案Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量文案Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差文案Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal P-P, 正态概率分布图Normal Q-Q, 正态概率单位分布图Normal ranges, 正常围Normal value, 正常值Normalization 归一化Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图)Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式文案PCA(主成分分析)Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 构成图,饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal axis factoring,主轴因子法Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比文案Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling, 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数文案Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和residual variance (剩余方差) Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线文案Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequence, 普通序列图Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significant Level, 显著水平Significance test, 显著性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science),SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误文案Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Test(检验)文案。



statistics的用法总结大全statistics的用法总结大全statistics的意思n. 统计,统计学,统计法,统计资料,统计数字,“statistic”的复数statistics用法statistics可以用作名词statistics作“统计资料,统计数字”解用作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。


statistics用作名词的用法例句He is a professor of statistics.他教授统计学。

There is a compulsory course in statistics.有一门统计学的必修课。

Get me a printout of the statistics.给我一份打印出的统计资料。

statistics用法例句1、The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

2、A close look at the statistics reveals a troubling picture.仔细看过统计数据后,会发现情况令人担忧。

3、Their governments have no reason to "massage" the statistics.他们的政府没有理由“窜改”这些数据。

correlational statistics的中文翻译及用法phr. 相关,关联;相互关系英语解释· a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other相似短语· correlational statistics phr. 相关,关联;相互关系· correlational analysis phr. 因素相关性分析· correlat ional grammar 关联语法· correlational hierarchy 相关的等级体系· administrative statistics 行政统计资料· employment statistics 就业统计,就业统计· decentralized statistics 分散统计· field statistics 现场统计· genetic statistics 遗传统计· inventory statistics 库存统计,库存统计表相似单词· correlation al adj. 相关的· Statistics n. 统计,统计数字· statistics n. 1.一项统计数据 2.统计资料,统计数字 3.统计学· health statistics 【医】卫生统计。





统计学的英语说法:statistics统计学相关英语表达:数理统计学 mathematical statistics推论统计学 statistical inference统计学原理 Principle of Statistics国际统计学 International statistics空间统计学 Spatial Statistics管理统计学 Statistics for Managers统计学的英语例句:1. The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

2. The results are not statistically significant.结果从统计学上看没有什么意义。

3. These courses provide the groundwork of statistical theory.这些课程介绍的是统计学理论的基础。

4. Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable.统计学的知识虽非必要,但最好是学过一点。

5. Statistics is taught in many colleges.许多大学都教授统计学.6. Business graduates must also be numerate, because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics.商科专业大学毕业生也必须具备良好的数学能力, 因为大部分学位涉及定量研究法和统计学领域课程.7. In statistical language , this estimate is called the between - column variance.在统计学中这个估计值叫组间方差.8. Today, statistics and statistical analysis are used in practically every profession.今天, 统计学和统计分析已经被广泛地应用于各行各业的工作实践中.9. This is not intended to serve as a text of statistical techniques.这并不是想把它变成统计学的技术课本.10. The treatment is based on statistical theory.这种处理的根据是统计学理论.11. She's studying statistics at university.她在大学学习统计学.12. The magnitude of each type of noise listed above can be computed from elementary statistical principles.上列各种类型的噪声的大小可用基本统计学原理来计算.13. Economic statistics largely consists of the aggregation and tabulation of facts relating to economic life.经济统计学大体上是由与经济生活有关的现实资料汇总与列表工作构成的.14. She combines feminine elegance with a mind which delights in legal and statistical complexities.她既具有女性的优雅,又有喜爱研究法律和统计学等复杂问题的头脑.15. The term null hypothesis arose from earlier agricultural and medical applic ation of statistics.无效假设这个概念产生于早期的统计学在农业和医学方面的应用中.。


• 统计是一种可以带来更好决策的思维方式。
Why Statistics?
• In today’s digital world ever increasing amounts of data are gathered, stored, reported on, and available for further study.
• The growth of “Big Data” spurs the use of business analytics •“大数据 ”的增长刺激了商业分析的应用
• “Big data” or very large data sets are arising because of the automatic collection of high volumes of data at very fast rates. •“大数据”或非 常大的数据集的出现,是因为以非常快的速率自动收集大量数据 6 。
– -定义你想研究的数据,以解决问题或达到一个目标。
– -从适当的来源收集数据
– -组织开发表收集的数据
– -通过开发图表来可视化数据
– -分析收集到的数据,得出结论并给出结果
Using The DCOVA Framework Helps You To Apply Statistics To:
No order
ordered/ ranked
No true zero
Absolute zero
Difference is meaningful Difference is meaningful
Ratio is not meaningful Ratio is also meaningful



Chapter 1Introduction to Statistics1.1An Overview of Statistics1Distinguish Between a Population and a SampleMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether the data set is a population or a sample.1)The age of every fourth person entering a department storeA)sample B)population2)The age of each employee at a local grocery storeA)population B)sampleSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Identify the population and the sample.3)A survey of 1212 American households found that 52% of the households own a computer.4)When 1348 American households were surveyed, it was found that 57% of them owned two cars.5)A survey of 2625 elementary school children found that 28% of the children could be classified as obese. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Use the Venn diagram to identify the population and the sample.6)A)Population: Magazine subscribers; Sample; Magazine subscribers who renew their subscriptionB)Population: Magazine subscribers who renew their subscription; Sample: Magazine subscribers2Distinguish Between a Parameter and a StatisticSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. Determine whether the numerical value is a parameter or a statistic. Explain your reasoning.7)A recent survey by the alumni of a major university indicated that the average salary of 10,500 of its 200,000graduates was $130,000.8)The average salary of all assembly-line employees at a certain car manufacturer is $44,000.9)A survey of 1040 students was taken from a university with 19,000students.3Distinguish Between Descriptive Statistics and Inferential StatisticsMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Identify whether the statement describes inferential statistics or descriptive statistics.10)The average age of the students in a statistics class is 20years.A)descriptive statistics B)inferential statistics11)The chances of winning the California Lottery are one chance in twenty-two million.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics12)There is a relationship between smoking cigarettes and getting emphysema.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics13)From past figures, it is predicted that 31% of the registered voters in California will vote in the June primary.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics14)Based on previous clients, a marriage counselor concludes that the majority of marriages that begin withcohabitation before marriage will result in divorce.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics4ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.15)Explain the difference between a sample and a population.16)If you had to do a statistical study, would you use a sample or a population? Why?1.2Data Classification1Distinguish Between Qualitative and Quantitative DataMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether the data are qualitative or quantitative.1)the colors of automobiles on a used car lotA)qualitative B)quantitative2) the number of complaint letters received by the United States Postal Service in a given dayA)quantitative B)qualitative3)the number of seats in a movie theaterA)quantitative B)qualitative4)the numbers on the shirts of a girlʹs soccer teamA)qualitative B)quantitative2Classify Data with Respect to the Four Levels of MeasurementMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Identify the data setʹs level of measurement.5)hair color of women on a high school tennis teamA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio6)numbers on the shirts of a girlʹs soccer teamA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio7)ages of students in a statistic classA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal8)temperatures of 26 selected refrigeratorsA)interval B)ordinal C)nominal D)ratio9)number of milligrams of tar in 30 cigarettesA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal10)number of pages in your statistics bookA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal11)marriage status (married, single, or divorced) of the faculty at the University of ColoradoA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio12)list of 1240 social security numbersA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio13)the ratings of a movie ranging from ʺpoorʺ to ʺgoodʺ to ʺexcellentʺA)ordinal B)nominal C)interval D)ratio14)the final grades (A, B, C, D, and F) for students in a statistics classA)ordinal B)nominal C)interval D)ratio15)the annual salaries for all teachers in CaliforniaA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal16)list of zip codes for ChicagoA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio17)the nationalities listed in a recent survey (for example, Asian, European, or Hispanic).A)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio18)the amounts of fat (in grams) in 37 cookiesA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal19)the years the summer Olympics were held in the United StatesA)interval B)ordinal C)nominal D)ratio20)numbers of touchdowns scored by a major university in five randomly selected games53134A)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal21)the average daily temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) on five randomly selected days2123213027A)interval B)nominal C)ordinal D)ratio22)manuscripts rated ʺacceptableʺ or ʺunacceptableʺA)ordinal B)nominal C)ratio D)interval23)the lengths (in minutes) of the top ten movies with respect to ticket sales in 2007A)ratio B)nominal C)ordinal D)interval24)the data listed on the horizontal axis in the graphA)nominal B)interval C)ordinal D)ratio25)the data listed on the horizontal axis in the graphA)ratio B)nominal C)ordinal D)interval3ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.26)Explain the differences between the interval and ratio levels of measurement.27)Explain why data expressed with the Celsius temperature scale is at the interval level of measurement ratherthan the ratio level.1.3Data Collection and Experimental Design1Decide Whether Study is Observational Study or ExperimentMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Determine whether the study is an observational study or an experiment.1)A medical researcher obtains a sample of adults suffering from diabetes. She randomly assigns 89people to atreatment group and 89 to a placebo group. The treatment group receives a medication over a period of threemonths and the placebo group receives a placebo over the same time frame. At the end of three months thepatientsʹ symptoms are evaluated.A)experiment B)observational study2)A poll is conducted in which professional musicians are asked their ages.A)observational study B)experiment3)A pollster obtains a sample of students and asks them how they will vote on an upcoming referendum.A)observational study B)experiment4)The personnel director at a large company would like to determine whether the company cafeteria is widelyused by employees. She calls each employee and asks them whether they usually bring their own lunch, eat at the company cafeteria, or go out for lunch.A)observational study B)experiment5)A scientist was studying the effects of a new fertilizer on crop yield. She randomly assigned half of the plots ona farm to group one and the remaining plots to group two. On the plots in group one, the new fertilizer wasused for a year. On the plots in group two, the old fertilizer was used. At the end of the year the average cropyield for the plots in group one was compared with the average crop yield for the plots in group two.A)experiment B)observational study6)A researcher obtained a random sample of 100 smokers and a random sample of 100 nonsmokers. Afterinterviewing all 200 participants in the study, the researcher compared the rate of depression among thesmokers with the rate of depression among nonsmokers.A)observational study B)experimentSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Identify the experimental units and treatments used in the experiment.7)A medical researcher center wants to test the effectiveness of a new diabetes medication. The companyidentifies 98 adults suffering from a similar form of diabetes. The subjects are randomly assigned to twogroups. One group is given a medication and the other is given a placebo that looks exactly like the medication.After three months, the subjectsʹ symptoms are studied and compared.2Identify a Biased SampleSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.8)Explain what bias there is in a study done entirely online.9)A report sponsored by the California Citrus Commission stated that cholesterol levels can be lowered bydrinking at least one glass of a citrus product each day. Determine if the report is biased.10)A local newspaper ran a survey by asking, ʺDo you support the deployment of a weapon that could killmillions of innocent people?ʺ Determine whether the survey question is biased.3Identify Sampling TechniquesMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Identify the sampling technique used.11)Thirty-five sophomores, 30 juniors and 33seniors are randomly selected from 281 sophomores, 242juniors and529 seniors at a certain high school.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic12)Every fifth person boarding a plane is searched thoroughly.A)systematic B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)stratified13)At a local community college, five statistics classes are randomly selected out of 20 and all of the students fromeach class are interviewed.A)cluster B)random C)convenience D)systematic E)stratified14)A researcher randomly selects and interviews fifty male and fifty female teachers.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic15)A researcher for an airline interviews all of the passengers on five randomly selected flights.A)cluster B)random C)convenience D)systematic E)stratified16)A community college student interviews everyone in a particular statistics class to determine the percentage ofstudents that own a car.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)systematic E)stratified17)Based on 12,500 responses from 36,500questionnaires sent to its alumni, a major university estimated that theannual salary of its alumni was $116,000 per year.A)random B)stratified C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic18)In a recent television survey, participants were asked to answer ʺyesʺ or ʺnoʺ to the question ʺAre you in favorof the death penalty?ʺ Six thousand five hundred responded ʺyesʺ while 4700 responded ʺnoʺ. There was afifty-cent charge for the call.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic19)A lobbyist for a major airspace firm assigns a number to each legislator and then uses a computer to randomlygenerate ten numbers. The lobbyist contacts the legislators corresponding to these numbers.A)random B)convenience C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic20)To ensure customer satisfaction, every 20th phone call received by customer service will be monitored.A)systematic B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)convenience21)A market researcher randomly selects 400 drivers under 45years of age and 100 drivers over 45years of age.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic22)To avoid working late, the quality control manager inspects the last 60 items produced that day.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic23)The names of 70 contestants are written on 70 cards. The cards are placed in a bag, and three names are pickedfrom the bag.A)random B)stratified C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic24)A researcher randomly selected 70 of the nationʹs middle schools and interviewed all of the teachers at eachschool.A)cluster B)random C)stratified D)convenience E)systematicSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.25)After a hurricane, a disaster area is divided into 200 equal grids. Thirty of the grids are selected and everyoccupied household in the grid is interviewed to help focus relief efforts. Select the numbers of the first fivegrids that belong to the cluster sample.163487693890169513925588771015092097915726)There are 750 incoming freshmen attending a university this fall. A researcher wishes to send questionnaires toa sample of 30 of them to complete regarding their drinking habits. Select the numbers of the first fivefreshmen who belong to the simple random sample.163487693890169513925588771015092097915727)A college employs 85 faculty members. Without replacement, select the numbers of the five members who willserve on the tenure committee next year.163487693890169513925588771015092097915728)Of the 5000 outpatients released from a local hospital in the past year, one hundred were contacted and askedtheir opinion on the care they received. Select the first five patients who belong to the simple random sample.1634876938901695139255887710150920979157MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether you would take a census or use a sampling. If you would use a sampling, decide what sampling technique you would use.29)The average age of the 80 residents of an assisted living center.A)census B)random sampling C)stratified sampling D)cluster sampling 4ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.30)Explain the differences between cluster sampling and stratified sampling.31)Explain the difference between a census and a sampling and describe the advantages and disadvantages ofeach.Chapter 1Introduction to StatisticsAnswer Key1.1An Overview of Statistics1Distinguish Between a Population and a Sample1)A2)A3)population: collection of all American households; sample: collection of 1212American households surveyed4)population: collection of all American households; sample: collection of 1348American households surveyed5)population: elementary school children; sample: collection of 2625 elementary school children surveyed.6)A2Distinguish Between a Parameter and a Statistic7)It describes a statistic because the number $130,000is based on a subset of the population.8)It describes a parameter because the $44,000is based on all the workers at the car manufacturer.9)It describes a statistic because the number 1040is based on a subset of the population.3Distinguish Between Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics10)A11)A12)A13)A14)A4Concepts15)A population is the collection of all outcomes, responses, measurements, or counts that are of interest.. A sample is asubset of a population.16)A sample would be used. It is usually impractical to obtain all the population data.1.2Data Classification1Distinguish Between Qualitative and Quantitative Data1)A2)A3)A4)A2Classify Data with Respect to the Four Levels of Measurement5)A6)A7)A8)A9)A10)A11)A12)A13)A14)A15)A16)A17)A18)A19)A20)A21)A22)A23)A24)A25)A3Concepts26)Data at the ratio level are similar to data at the interval level, but with the added property that a zero entry is aninherent zero (implies ʺnoneʺ). Also, for data at the ratio level a ratio of two data values can be formed so that one data value can be expressed as a multiple of another.27)Such data is at the interval level rather than the ratio level because the temperature of 0°C does not represent acondition where no heat is present, so it is not an inherent zero as required by the ratio level. Also, ratios of twotemperatures cannot be formed so that one data value is expressed as a multiple of the other. The temperature 2°C is not twice as warm as 1°C.1.3Data Collection and Experimental Design1Decide Whether Study is Observational Study or Experiment1)A2)A3)A4)A5)A6)A7)The experimental units are the 98 adults in the study. The treatment is the new diabetes medication.2Identify a Biased Sample8)The study may be biased because it is limited to people with computers.9)A report sponsored by the citrus industry is much more likely to reach conclusions favorable to the industry.10)The wording of the question is biased, as it tends to encourage negative responses.3Identify Sampling Techniques11)A12)A13)A14)A15)A16)A17)A18)A19)A20)A21)A22)A23)A24)A25)163, 169, 15, 92, 9726)163, 487, 693, 169, 51327)16, 34, 69, 38, 1328)1634, 3890, 1695, 1392, 150929)A4Concepts30)In stratified sampling, members of the population are divided into two or more subsets, or strata, that share a similarcharacteristic. A sample is then randomly selected from each of the strata. A stratified sample has members from each segment of the population. In cluster sampling, the population is divided into naturally occurring subgroups, each having similar characteristics. All of the members in one or more (but not all) of the clusters are then selected. In a cluster sample, care must be taken to ensure that all clusters have similar characteristics.31)A census is a count or measure of an entire population, while a sampling is a count or measure of part of a population.A census provides complete information but is often expensive, difficult, and time consuming to perform especially ifthe population is large. A sampling is less expensive and time consuming, however appropriate sampling techniques must be used to ensure that unbiased data are collected and that the sample is representative of the population. Even with the best sampling methods, sampling error can occur.。

《Quantitative Methods(定量分析)》课程立体化教学模式的实践

《Quantitative Methods(定量分析)》课程立体化教学模式的实践
2.参考 书 目集 ,其 中包 括多本定量 分析学科 的经 典 教 材 , 如 Waters,D 2011,Quantitative methods for business,5th
3.涉及重点内容 的教学视频 。作 为对课 堂教学 的 补充 与复习 ,这些 视频教学 内容全部 存放 于课程 网 站 ,供学生在课后 自行使用 。
中图分类号 :G642.0
文献标志码 :A
文章编 号:1674—9324(2018)11-0132-02
 ̄Quantitative Methods(定 量分析 )》(以下 简称 《定 量分析 》课 程 )是上 海海洋 大学 与澳大利 亚塔斯 马尼 亚大学合作 举办 市场 营销 专业本科 教育项 目所 引进 的澳方课程之一 。该课程 以全英语教学 ,兼具 学科 专 业性与专业英语 的特点 。开设十多年来 ,在 中澳双方 的努力 下 ,该课 程积 累了大量宝 贵 的教 学经验 ,教学 成果显著 。尤其是近年来 ,在信 息技术 及网络环境 的 影 响下 ,《定量 分析》课程 更是做 出多方 改革 ,运用多 媒体 网络资源等进行立 体化 的教学实践 。
Har. 2O18 NO.1 1
更像是 自己学 习的助手或 顾问 。其 中 ,所 体现 出的教 手段多样 、灵活 ,线上测验与线下作业相辅相成 。
学方法与教学手段 主要有 :
以2016年 春季学期 为例 。本课程 的总评成绩 中平
(一 )直接讲授与学生讨论相结合
时成绩 占45%,由3次线 下作业 (10%/次 )和3次线 上测
一 、 立 体 化 教 学 目标 的确 定 与 课 程 模 块 设 置 《定量分析》课程 的基本教学 目标 ,是所学者应掌 握包括统计学 、概 率论等定量分 析学科 的专业基础知 识 ,通 晓其 中所有 的英文术语 与基本 表达 ,能够得 出 正确 的计算结果并做出合理的管理决策 。为了更好地 适应 “市场营销”专业人才培养需 求 ,该 课程在原有基 础上增加 了财务数学 的教学内容。 根据2017年秋季学期公布 的课 程大纲 ,本课程共 包括 四个 主要模块 ,分别是 :“Mathematics of Finance” (财务数学 )、“Data&Summary Statistics”(数据 与数据 整理方法 )、“Probability”(概率论 )与“Estimation&In— ference”(估计 与推断 )。根据人才培养 与教学实践需 要 ,近年来教学 团队对上述 四个模块 的教学 内容做 出 大幅度的改 革。例如 ,扬弃 了“ANOVA方差分析”等学 生较难掌握且营销实践 中运用不多 的教学 内容 ,增加 了“Pivot Tables in Excel基于Excel的数据透视表 ”等实 践运用较多且需要运用上机实验的教学内容 。 二、立体化教 学资源 的构建 为 了满 足学生对 该课程 在理解 、计算 、表达 与决 策思考等方面 的需求 ,课程教学 团队汲取 了定量 分析 类课程在传统教学 中存在 的“三多三少”(即理论讲课 多 、实践 教学少 ;数 学推导 多 、案例应 用少 ;知识传授

Categorical and Quantitative Variables:分类和定量变量

Categorical and Quantitative Variables:分类和定量变量
• Possible responses are ________ in nature • Includes values for which it makes sense to do
operations like ________, ________ and ________. • Includes answers to ________/________ questions • Includes ‘________’ • Usually—best illustrated with a ________, but ___________________________________.
Categorical or Quantitative If Categorical, one possible category? If Quantitative, Continuous or Discrete? Units?
1) Style of pants? 2) Color of pants?
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables
Identifying the Difference
Variables Come in 2 Varieties
1. Categorical (or __________) 2. Quantitative (or __________)
2. __________ If the Q variable is a set of isolated ___________ _________, we call it this. (i.e., it’s a number but it only comes in certain values)
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The mean of the slope of the regression line Expected value of b = b
Univariate Analysis

Usually, we are interested in the slope. Why?
Testing to see if the slope is not equal to zero is testing to see if one variable has any influence on the other.


Each ei is normally distributed.

Univaribined with assumption two, this means that the error terms are normally distributed with mean = 0 and variance 2
We write this as ei ~ N(0, s2 )
Univariate Analysis
B. Estimation: Make inferences about the population given a sample

1. Best Fit Line

We are estimating the population line by drawing the best fit line through our data,
Univariate Analysis

This error is represented by:
e i Yi Y
X 2 X
Y=a+bX e3
X X3 X X X
Yield a
Univariate Analysis

2. The Standard Error

To construct a statistical test of the slope of the regression line, we need to know its mean and standard error. Mean
1. Regression Line

A. Assumptions of Regression Model
A. Population

The standard regression equation is Yi= a + bXi + ei The only things that we observe is Y and X. From these data we estimate a and b. But our estimate will always contain some error.
Y a bX
Univariate Analysis

That means we have to estimate both a slope and an intercept.
xy b= x 2
a Y bX
Univariate Analysis

Univariate Analysis

2. Underlying Assumptions
Linearity The true relation between Y and X is captured in the equation: Y = a + bX Homoscedasticity (Homogeneous Variance)
Univariate Analysis

So we introduce a new form of error in our analysis.
ei Yi Y
X 2
Y=a+bX e3
X3 X X X
Yield a

Each of the ei has the same variance.
for all i
Univariate Analysis

Each of the ei's is independent from each other. That is, the value of one does not effect the value of any other observation i's error. Cov(ei,ej) = 0 for i j
Univariate Analysis

B. Sample

Most times we don’t observe the underlying population parameters. All we observe is a sample of X and Y values from which make estimates of a and b.

Assumptions Estimation Hypothesis Testing

3. Interpreting Multiple Regression Model

“Impact of X on Y controlling for ....”

Univariate Analysis
Statistics and Quantitative Analysis U4320
Segment 10
Prof. Sharyn O’Halloran
Key Points

1. Review Univariate Regression Model 2. Introduce Multivariate Regression Model