1.What was the main reason European countries like Britain and France wanted to colonize America?Britain needed to raise money to pay for its European wars, and used the colonies to do this.2.Why did the Puritans go to America?In order to escape problems and persecution for their faith3.What is Manifest Destiny?Manifest Manifest Destiny is the historical belief that the United States was destined and chosen by the Christian God to spread across the North American continent, from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific Ocean.4.Why did the Puritans not want people to read or write imaginative literature?Imaginative writing was discouraged by the Puritans because they believed it distracted you from religion.5.Describe what Hawkeye was like.he is a kind of outsider, living outside of normal society but coming to the rescue of people in trouble, or righting wrongs. He has been described as “a saint with a gun”6.What was the date of the Declaration of Independence?independence was declared on July 4, 17767.What were the main reasons the American colonists were unhappy with the way Britain was treating them?Disagreements over taxation, restrictions on where you could live or move to, and finally having to have British soldiers live in your town and sometimes even in your home brought relations between the colonists and Britain to a very low point.8.What are the “self-evident truths” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.9.What were the three conditions a person had to meet to be a citizen in the new United States?1)To be a citizen, the person must be free, and not a slave2)They must be white.3)They had to be a man10.Why were Native Americans and people from Africa not allowed to be American citizens?The Native Americans and people of African background were seen as intellectually inferior and politically immature.11.What was the Frontier?The Frontier was the term used to describe the unexplored area of land beyond the region where Europeans had settled down to live.12.How did the Homestead Act advance the idea of American democracy and the power of the common man?The Homestead Act of 1862 gave ordinary people ,the right to own up to 160 acres of farming land.13.How did the Americans solve the problem of moving into lands owned by Native Americans?By forcing them to leave their homes, the white people were actually destroying Native American culture and ripping the heart out of their lives.14.What did Europeans think were the main characteristics of Americans at the beginning of the 19th century?1)questioning of old and traditional beliefs2) a distaste for what is ancient and a love of “the new”3)the idea that men are all very much alike15.Ralph Waldo Emerson called on American writers to do what? And who was the poet who answered his call?Calling for the creation of an American literature rather than always copying other cultures, In "The Poet“ who would write a new poetry that was truly American. His call was answered by Walt Whitman.16.Slavery existed only in the southern states of the USA. Why was it so important there?The Plantation Economy in the Southern States was based on agricultural mass production by African slave labor on large farms (called plantations) and by the mid-19th century it was making lots of money.17.In the northern states many people were strongly against slavery in the south. How did they show their opposition to slavery?by producing newspapers and magazines, speeches, and stories of what a slave’s life was like.18.Why did the southern states secede from the Union after the election of Lincoln as President?The main reasons were slavery, and the question of where the political and economic power of the country lay: with the North or the South.19.In what ways was the American Civil War the first “modern “ war?1)for the first time, hugely destructive military technology was used by massed armies on bothsides, so the loss of life was staggeringly high within days, even hours2)the Civil War was the first photographed war due to the techniques invented by battlefieldphotographers . People could see photographs of the horrors of the war in their newspapers.20.What characteristics did life on the frontier give to the Americans?strength, curiosity, invention, energy, and individualism - these were characteristics that the frontier gave to people21.How did the idea of Manifest Destiny spread outside of America?Overseas frontiers, beyond the Pacific coast, gave the nation a way of continuing and expanding the idea of Manifest Destiny.22.What were the main features of The Gilded Age?The Gilded Age catches the era’s character: the internal tensions caused by abundance, stability and optimism on the one hand, and poverty, panic and disappointment, on the other.23.What was lynching?Public murder by a mob - lynching24.How did Realist writing hold up a mirror to American life?A faithful representation of reality in literature, with no romantic heroes or fantastic situations. The emphasis was on truth, and believable characters.。
U3 American BeginningsⅠ1. The question “What is an American?” was first asked by J. Hector ST. John de Crevecoeur. (T)2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. (T)7. By the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Europe. (T)8. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America. (F)Ⅱ1. Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? (A. The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants.)3. The following were the main Reformation leaders except. (B. Martin Luther King.)7. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except. (C. William Penn.)10.”No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of. (D. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution.)Ⅲ1. In 1782, the Frenchman who settled in Pennsylvania first asked the question “what is an American” in his book (letters from An American Farmer)2. The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from (Asia) and the second from (Europe) and (Africa).3. American Indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arriver. These three civilizations were (The Aztecs),(the Incas)and(the Mayas).4. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of (1492).5. The English king claimed the territory of North America based on the voyage of (John Cabot)Ⅳ3. The Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4,1776, When the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule. The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.U4 The Political System in the United StatesⅠ1. When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unified nation as it is today. (F)3. The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government. (T)4. The main duty of the Congress id to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. (T)6. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. (F)7. The 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights. (T)9. Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is the Democratic Party, formed before 1800. The other is the Republican Party, formed in the 1850s, by people in the states of the North and West. (T)Ⅱ4. Which of the following statements NOT correct? When the Constitution was written, (A. there was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.)5. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? (B. The legislative. )6. Which of the following is NOT a power of the president? (C. The president can make laws.)7. The Bill of Rights consists of (C. 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791)8. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? (B. The freedom of searching a person’s home by police. )Ⅲ4. The Constitution set up a federal system with (a strong central government.)5. A federal system is one in which power is shared between (a central authority) and (its constituent parts) with some rights reserved to each.6. The US federal government consists of the following three branches: the executive, (the legislative) and (the judicial).7. The Congress id divided into (the House of Representatives) with 435 members who serve two-year terms, and (the Senate) with 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms.8. Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are known as (lobbies).9. The Supreme Court is composed of (1) chief justice and (8) associate justices.10. The Supreme Court has the function of determining whether Congressional legislative or executive action violates the Constitution. This power is called (judicial review).12. The two major political parties are (the Democratic party), which is thought to be more liberal, and (the Republican party), which is believed to be more conservative.Ⅳ2. A federal systemA federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.3. The making of the US ConstitutionThe Articles of Confederation failed. The Congress decided to hold a constitutional convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. The delegates from 12 states (Rhode Island refused to participate) gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 and ended up in writing a new constitution and set a federal system with a strong central government. The Constitution provided that an election of the president would be called, federal laws would be made only by a Congress made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate and a Supreme Court would be set up. This new Constitution was finally approved by the majority of the citizens in over 9 of the 13 states and was officially put into effect in 1787.5. The Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to theConstitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.U5 American EconomyⅠ2. The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill. (T)5. Many people believe that the economic freedom of capitalism is crucial to America’s economic success. (T)6. When people buy stocks, the become part owner of the company. (T)8. One reason for America’s affluence is that a lot of people have inherited wealth from their parents. (F)9. Strong domestic demand is one factor contributing to America’s affluence. (T)Ⅱ1. The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, in the state of (B. Rhode Island)2. The “American system” of mass production was first used in (C. firearms industry)3. The United States had the first standard paper currency in (C. 1863)5. Which of the following is NOT considered as part of the service industry? (D. Steelmaking)6. The United States was rated (C. fourth) in the world in terms of land area and the size of population.Ⅲ2. When starting a business or launching new ventures, money was needed. That money was known as (capital).3. One advantage of corporation over sole proprietorship and partnership is that it has (limited liability), so investors risked only the amount of their investment and not their entire assets.4. The best-known stock exchange is (the New York Stock Exchange) located in (the Wall Street) area of New York City.6. The Constitution of The United States bars all kinds of internal (tariffs), so manufacturers do not have to worry about (tariff barriers) when shipping goods from one part of the country to another.Ⅳ5. Service industriesService industries are industries that sell a service rather than make a product. Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the provision of meals in restaurants. As more and more people are employed in serviceindustries in the US, it is sometimes said that the US has moved into a "post-industrial era”.U8 Education in the United StatesⅠ3. American university students have always liked to get degrees that are aimed at preparing them specifically for certain professions. (F)4. One of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted by a college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. (T)5. According to the author, larger universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive. (F)6. It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. (T)7. Segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1954. (T)Ⅱ1. Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students? (B. Politics and business education)2. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by (D. boards of education)3. In the United States school systems, which of the following divisions is true?(C. Elementary school, secondary school)4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education? (B. Research institutions)5. Three of the following factors have contributed to the flourishing of large universities in America, which is the exception? (C. large universities offer scholarships all students)7. In order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that (B. they pass the college entrance examinations)8. Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors. (B. the State University of New York)9. Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except (A. investment)10. To get a bachelor’s degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following except (C. taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy)Ⅲ1. About 90% of American students go to (public) schools and 10% attend (private) schools.3. The foal of education in the United States is to achieve universal (literacy) and provide individuals with knowledge and skill necessary to promote the welfare for individuals and the general public.4. Every state in America has its own laws about (education) and all states require young people to go to school. Thus, every child in America is guaranteed up to (13) years of education.5. Public and private colleges depend on three sources of income: (student tuition) endowments and (government funding).6. After earning a certain number of credits (about 120) in four years of college, the undergraduate student gets a (bachelor's) degree. The other two higher degrees are master's degree and (doctor's degree)Ⅳ2. Boards of educationBoards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for schools at the state and/or district level. They also make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.U10 Social Problems in the United StatesⅠ2. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States now is the blacks, or Afro-Americans, who account for 11.7% of the population. (F)4. The problem of poverty does not exist in the United States because the overall distribution of wealth and income is equal. (F)5. Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation. (T)8. Corruption in the United States takes the form of fraud, false advertising, corporate price fixing, bribery, embezzlement, and tax evasion. (T)9. Statistics usually overlook white-collar crimes because they are affected by police reporting practices and that many crimes are unreported. (T)Ⅱ3. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the higher arrest rates among minority groups? (A. The aggressive nature of these groups)4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? (D. Robbery)6. According to the text, which of the following is NOT a dysfunction causedby drug abuse? (C. Drug abuse is a major cause of unemployment)7. If white-collar crimes were Included in the Crime Index, the profile of a typical criminal in the United States would be the following EXCEPT (D. living near city centers)Ⅲ3. Former President (Nixon) said that crime is America's "number one enemy.”4. American slavery was finally abolished by (the Civil War), Lincoln's emancipation of slaves in 1863 and (the 13th Amendment to the Constitution) in 1865.6. Drug abuse in the US is a social problem because it has a wide range of social costs, or (dysfunctions).8. To further their interests, large corporations in the US usually have professional (lobbyists) in Washington D.C.to influence public officials behind the scenes.9. According to the text, those arrested for crimes in the United States are very likely to be male, young, a member of a (racial minority) and a (city resident).IV1. The black "underclass”The majority of the blacks today have failed to share in the general gains of progress made in the past decades. The urban ghettos now contain a permanently impoverished "underclass” of habitually unemployed or underemployed black people. Many of them are young and unskilled. They live in cities where the unemployment rate for teenage black workers runs as high as 50%or about 8 times the rate for the American work force as a whole. This "underclass" could continue to persist, even in the absence of racial discrimination, in much the same way as other pockets of poverty persist-that is, for reasons of social-class inequality. Living in an environment of poverty, decay, crime, drug addiction, joblessness, and hopelessness, this ghetto underclass offers an explosive potential for the future.5. White-collar crimesWhite-collar crimes are those committed by higher income groups such as the crimes of fraud, false advertising, corporate price fixing, bribery, embezzlement, industrial pollution, tax evasion and so on. Yet the statistics provided by the FBI tend to overlook white-collar crimes. In fact, white-collar crimes are often ignored by law enforcement agencies. Some sociologists argue that the higher classes may actually have a higher rate of crime than the lower classes.U17 The Country and its PeopleⅠ1.Canada is the largest country in North American continent. (T)2. Canada is rated regularly as having the highest standard of living in the because it has rich natural resources. (F)2.The majority of the Canadian population live in an area not far away fromthe Canadian-US border. (T)4. French is an official language in Quebec and maritime provinces. (F)6. Toronto is the biggest city and the capital of Canada. (F)II1. Which of the following statements about Canada true? (C. Contrast to its physical size, Canada has a small population)7. Who first came and settled Canada? (B. French colonists)III1. Canada consists of (10) provinces and (3) territories. But mostCanadians live in the south of the country, along the 49th parallel.3. Canada's motto is that the country stretches “from sea to sea", with the (Pacific) Ocean on the west coast and the (Atlantic) on Ocean on the east coast.4. Canada and the United States have good relations, and they share the longest (undefended national border) in the world.7. The capital of Canada is (Ottawa) and the second largest city is (Montreal).IV1. The Canadian identityIt is sometimes very hard to define what true Canadian identity is. But in general, it refers to something which is distinctively Canadian, which is different from other countries, and which is the very reason for making Canada so special. For example, two official languages of English and French can be considered as part of the Canadian identity.U19 The Canadian MosaicⅠ1. Officially, Canada refers to itself as a multicultural society within a bilingual framework. (T)_ Ⅱ1. What is the other official language besides English in Canada? (C. French)2. In the late 19th century, Chinese labourers came to Canada to (B. build the railroad)5. In Vancouver schools, it is estimated that more than half of the students speak (D. Cantonese)Ⅲ1. Many people use the notion that American society is a (melting pot) while Canada is described as a (mosaic)2. Multiculturalism has caused something of a problem in that Canadians often feel they lack a (“notional identity”)Ⅳ1. The Canadian MosaicWhen Canada is described as a mosaic, it means that the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs, languages and traditions. There is no particular concept of an overarching Canadian identity. This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other.。
“美国社会与文化”课后练习题I.单选1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location ofthe United States of America?A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the RioGrande River and finally ends at the seashore.A.AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. Oceanic3., known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.A.Mexico seacoastB. Caribbean seacoastC. Bering seacoastD. Atlantic seacoast4.Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from to .A.Mexico, the ArcticB. Mexico, the AtlanticC. Alaska, the AtlanticD. Alaska, Mexico5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in .A.the Grand CanyonB. the Rocky MountainsC. the Death ValleyD. the Willamette Valley6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the functionof education?A.Providing custodial careB.Promoting national unityC.Reducing unemploymentD.Teaching knowledge and skills7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to .A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receiveeducation.C.Initiate an optional course in school.D.Improve the academic performance of students.8.Regarding the education reforms, .A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.D.Both the reforms reached good result.9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?A.public schoolsB.Private schoolsmunity schoolsD.Parochial schools10.For the schools at local level, .A.the central government assigns the president.B.Voted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.C.The education quality is not very high-standard.D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.11.The sources of American Folk Music are .A.the British Isles and AfricaB.the British Isles and AsiaC.European countriesD.All of the above12.American Folk Music represents .A.the American IndiansB.the tribal music of primitive peoplesC.American cultureD.The western American lives13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is .A.church musicB.BalladryC.Tribal musicD.Harmonic music14.Bob Dylan is .A.American folk singer folksinger, banjo playerC.American singer and composerD.American folksinger and song writer15.A disc jockey is supposed to .A.Design the programs for radio stations.B.Mix different kinds of music togetheranize the dancing tuneD.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.16.Donkey stands for .A. Democratic PartyB. Republican PartyC. Labor PartyD. Federalist Party17.The president of the United States must be at least .A. 40 years oldB. 35 years oldC. 45 years oldD. 37 years old18.Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditionalAmerican belief?A. Individual FreedomB. Equality of OpportunityC. Material WealthD. Racial Diversity19.is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.A. congressB. presidentC. ambassadorD. chief judge20.The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless in each housevote to override the veto.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 4/5D. 1/221.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children oryouths under the age of .A. 16B. 14C. 18D. 2022.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the deathpenalty on some of those convicted of murder?A.CanadaB. the United StatesC. EnglandD. Germany23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in Americastates, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is .A.NRAB. Gun ClubC. WHOD. ARA24.Series of studies clearly show that and violence are interrelated.A.RaceB. SexC. AgeD. Drugs25.The unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill is thedefinition of the crime of .A.MurderB. ManslaughterC. AssaultD. Battery26.What is the scientific definition of family given by sociologists?A.We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leavethem at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.B.The family is a fundamental God given institution built into the very natureof the universe.C.The family is an arbitrary cultural structure. It is a group of people heldtogether by bonds of love and affection.D.The family is a group of people who are related to one another by bonds ofblood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit,and bear and raise children.27.What is the basis for traditional family structure?A.Extended familyB.Nuclear familyC.KinshipD.Immediate family28.What are the diverse patterns of contemporary families?A.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent Households, Stepfamilies, Gay and LesbianMarriagesB.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent HouseholdsC.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian MarriagesD.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Two-Parent and One-ParentHouseholds, Gay and Lesbian Marriages29.What are the major family problems?i.Divorceii.Remarriageiii.Violenceiv.Work and Family InequalityA. (1) (2) (3)B. (1) (3) (4)C. (1) (2) (4)D. (1) (2) (3) (4)30.What are the causes for an aging American society?(1) A continued low fertility rate(2)Ever-greater life expectancy rate due to advances in medicine(3)The baby boom generation reaching old age.(4)Improved social services and more favorable public policiesA. (1) (2) (4)B. (1) (2)(3)C. (1)(2)(3)(4)D. (2)(3)(4)31.There occurred three times of immigration waves since 1620. The third wave tookplace , and the number of immigrants rose to 23,500,000, most of whom came from such South-eastern European countries as Italy and Russia.A.between 1820 and 1850B. between 1851 and 1870C. between 1871 and 1920D. between 1881 and 192032.In 1886, gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gesture offriendship, and since then the Statue, which is standing on an island near Ellis Island, has become a symbol of hope, lighting the way for new arrivals.A.FranceB. BritainC. GermanyD. Spain33.In recent decades, some important legislative documents have remapped the orderof American immigration policies. Among them, gave the priority to the applicants for family reunification, and since then the number of Asian immigrants has increased rapidly.A.the Immigration Act of 1965B. the Illegal Immigration ActC. the USA Patriot Act of 2001D. the Exclusion Act of 188234.Americans make active use of their legal system and take great pride in being alitigious people. The underlined part means that .A.Americans are fully aware of their legal rightsB.Americans are protective towards their legal rightsC.Americans are jealous of others’ legal rightsD.Americans are fond of taking matters to a court of law35.Like al other judges, are appointed by the president with theapproval and consent of the senate.A.the district judges B the Attorney GeneralC. Chief of JusticeD. justice of the peace36.The most important element in US economy against inflation was .A.the federal Reserve BoardB. the International Monetary FundC. the World BankD. big corporations37.The following are the strengths of the US economy except .A.the highest standard of livingB. the lowest unemployment rateC. low rate of savingsD. high productivity of US industries38.Which of the following is not included as essential elements in Americaneconomic system?A.Productivity.B. Income equality.C. Creativity.D. Stability.39.Which combination is right?A.Passing of the Social Security Act ---- post-1960B.President Nixon --- the Great SocietyC.President Carter --- the Great SocietyD.President Reagan ---- the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act40.Which of the following is not the major role that the US media is playing?A. WatchdogB. Speech RectifierC. SignalerD. Common CarrierII.名词解释1)Gold Rush2)Martin Luther King Jr.3)The New Deal4)The Great Depression5)Laissez-Faire6)Affirmative Action Program7)The Baby Boom8)The Great Society9)Racism10)Ku Klux Klan11)Original Sin (Inherent Sinfulness)12)Welfare State13)Westward Expansion14)WASP15)Rating Code16)McCarthyism17)American Dream18)the Iron Curtain19)the Marshall Plan20)Watergate Scandal21)extended family22)nuclear family23)Hispanic Americans24)Manifest Destiny25)Separation of PowersIII.Essay Questions1)How would you describe the relationship between President and Congress in theUnited States?2)Do you think economic affluence will inevitably lead to consumerism andexcessive individualism? Why or why not?3)What are the major American values? What are the changes in the Americanvalues? What are the factors that contribute to these changes?4)What is the origin of the myth of Asian Superiority? Why do you think the myth ofAsian Superiority is harmful?5)What are some of the characteristics of American education? How do Americansview the role of education in American society and in their individual life?6)America is widely accepted as the engine of the world economy. In what way doyou think the American economy has influenced and will influence the world? 7)Immigration takes place with, at least, two forces at work, namely the pull forceand the push force. Pick any one ethnic group in the United States as an example and illustrate its experience in the “pull and push” framework.8)Throughout the U.S. history, the two major parties, the Republican and theDemocratic, have been holding powers alternatively in the country. What key functions have they played in American politics? Why is it that minor parties in the U.S. have never been able to challenge the two-party system in the power struggle of American politics?9)The death penalty and gun control have been issues of bitter controversy in nationaland state politics of the United States. Discuss the reasons why Americans are so divided over these two issues, and explain how values and principles clash with each other in these two controversial issues.10)Sports, particularly football, have traditionally played a significant role inAmerican colleges and universities. What are their social, cultural, and economic implications for universities and students?Basic American values:Individual freedom --- the freedom of individuals to fulfill their own individual needsand do as they wishSelf-reliance --- being able to take care of themselves and not depend on others for supportEquality of opportunity --- having an equal chance to succeed, regardless of whethersex, race, or ageCompetition --- having to compete with others for success, rather than expecting to be given something for freeMaterial wealth --- viewing possessions as the mark of having status in the societyand as the natural reward for hard workHard work --- the belief that everyone should work hard, sometimes for very long hours, to be successful。
高三英语阅读理解(社会文化)的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
高中英语美国文化复习 题集附答案
高中英语美国文化复习题集附答案高中英语美国文化复习题集附答案1. Multiple Choice Questions1. In which year did the American Civil War end?a) 1865b) 1776c) 1945d) 1918Answer: a) 18652. Who is considered the founding father of the United States?a) George Washingtonb) Abraham Lincolnc) Thomas Jeffersond) Benjamin FranklinAnswer: a) George Washington3. Which of the following is a famous American landmark?a) Big Benb) Eiffel Towerc) Statue of Libertyd) Sydney Opera HouseAnswer: c) Statue of Liberty4. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?a) Thomas Jeffersonb) John F. Kennedyc) Franklin D. Rooseveltd) Abraham LincolnAnswer: a) Thomas Jefferson5. Which sport is considered America's favorite pastime?a) Soccerb) Baseballc) Basketballd) FootballAnswer: b) Baseball2. True or False Questions1. The United States has 50 states.Answer: True2. Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States. Answer: True3. The American flag has 50 stars, each representing a state.Answer: True4. The Great Wall of China is located in the United States.Answer: False5. The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States.Answer: True3. Short Answer Questions1. Who was the first African American President of the United States?Answer: Barack Obama2. What is the capital of the United States?Answer: Washington, D.C.3. Who is the current President of the United States?Answer: Joe Biden4. Name one famous American inventor.Answer: Thomas Edison5. What is the national motto of the United States?Answer: "In God We Trust"4. Essay QuestionDescribe the significance of the Civil Rights Movement in American history. Provide examples of key events and individuals who played a role in the movement.Answer: The Civil Rights Movement was a pivotal moment in American history that aimed to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. It spanned from the 1950s to the 1960s and was characterized by nonviolent protests, demonstrations, and legal battles.One key event of the Civil Rights Movement was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. It was sparked by Rosa Parks, an African American woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. This act of resistance led to a mass boycott of the city's buses by African Americans, demanding an end to segregated seating. The boycott lasted for over a year and ultimately resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation on public buses unconstitutional.Another significant event was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. It was organized by civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King Jr., and drew approximately 250,000 participants. During this march, King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, calling for racial equality and an end to discrimination. The march increased public awareness of the civil rights movement and put pressure on the government to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Key individuals who played a role in the Civil Rights Movement include Martin Luther King Jr., who became the face of the movement due to his charismatic leadership and nonviolent philosophy. His efforts and speeches inspired millions of people to join the fight for equality. Other notablefigures include Rosa Parks, who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and Malcolm X, a prominent civil rights activist who advocated for black empowerment through self-defense.The Civil Rights Movement resulted in significant achievements, such as the desegregation of schools, the end of Jim Crow laws, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to protect African Americans' right to vote. It laid the foundation for future social justice movements and transformed the landscape of American society.In conclusion, the Civil Rights Movement marked a turning point in American history. It was a struggle for equality and justice, led by courageous individuals who fought against racial discrimination. Through their efforts, they brought about lasting change and paved the way for a more inclusive and equal society.。
(英语)高二英语阅读理解(社会文化)试题(有答案和解析)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
美国文化作业参考答案Answers to the assignment of American Culture美国文化作业参考答案Unit 1Please list at least five symbols of America.The statue of liberty, Barbie dolls, American gothic, buffalo nickel and Uncle Sam.Unit 2Please answer this question: In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England. They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were God’s chosen people while others were damned to hell. No church nor good works could save people. The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling. They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contract with God. These beliefs had great impact on American culture.Unit 31. What is "The Bill of Rights"?1. The Bill of Right consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Right was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.2. Please say something about a federal system.2. A federal system is one in which power is shared betweena central authority and its constituent parts, with some rightsreserved to each.Unit 41. Say something about the service industry.1. Services industries are industries that sell a service rather than make a product. Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the provision of meals in restaurants. As more and more people are employed in service industries in the US.It is sometimes said that the US has moved into a "post-industrial era".2. What kind of workers do large farms hire in the harvest time? Please say something in detail.2. Migrant workers.Many big farms hire temporary workers only for a specific chore-such as picking crops. Many of these seasonal workers travel from farm to farm, staying only until the crops are picked. They are known as migrant workers.Unit 51. Who can make decisions about the policies of the school? Say something in detail.1. Boards of education. Boards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for school at the state and/or district level. They also make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.2. Please list the reasons for the flourishing of large universities.2. They offer the best libraries for scientific research. Access to a "mainframe"(very large)computer and to modern laboratories attracts leading scientists to the faculties of suchschools.And students enroll to study with the experts.Unit 6Say something about the Civil Rights Movement.It is one of the most important of all social movements in the 1960s in America. Rosa Parks' spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. The black students' sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off the nationwide civil rights movement. During the first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like the SNCC, CORE, and SCLC struggled for radical integration by providing leadership, tactics, network and the people. In the latter half of the decade, some black organizations changed their nonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end discrimination and raised the self-image of the blacks. The civil rights movement producedsuch great leaders as Martin Luther King. Jr., and Malcolm X, who inspired a generation of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equality in the US.Unit 7Please say something about drug abuse in the US.Drug abuse in the US has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation. The drug issue always excites strong emotions of Americans because drug abuse is perceived as a major threat to American society, particularly to its younger members. Drug abuse is a social problem because it has a wide range of social costs. For example, drug is closely related with crime, and automobile accidents. It has serious effects on individuals physically and mentally. And the economic losses caused by drug abuse are great.Unit 8Say something about "Super Bowl".Super bowl is the name of final match of professional American football competitions, which decides the champion team for the year.Unit 9Say something about "Hollywood".Hollywood refers to a rural suburb of Los Angeles. In 1909,many independent film companies moved their studios to the area which offered them more reliable sunshine-the ideal lighting condition for filmmaking, as well as distance from Edison's monopoly in the East. Hollywood became the American movie capital after 1913.。
[2023版]国开河南电大行管专科《社会学概论》无纸化考试(作业株习1至3+我要考锹)钱做及答案就明;费号叠现手2023年10Mo作业株R1 裁败及答案备注;*套被曲的吝球也项次才是氤机变化的,所应考我时要尊辗用件餐索ABCD圾片对成的正礴说夜。
这表明( )A.经济一体化决定文化一体化B.在发展本民族文化的同时,要注意维护文化的多样性C.文化多样性对经济一体化有重大影响D.一定的文化反作用于一定的经济2.近几年,“韩流”吹遍世界,在国内,也有大量的“哈韩族”。
这启迪我们( )A.传统礼仪道德应该得到继承、发展B.对待传统文化应批判继承,古为今用C.文化产品应汲取传统文化,体现时代精神D.文化产品尽量模仿韩剧的情节3.2013年《新华每日电讯》载文报道,在生活节奏加快的今天,人们不妨再拿起纸、笔,让爱和思念不是通过转瞬即逝的电波,而是跃然纸上,也许这更能触动人们的内心,体验“家书抵万金”的感觉。
高三英语阅读理解(社会文化)解题技巧及练习题一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
(英语)高考英语阅读理解(社会文化)精编习题一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
(英语)高三英语阅读理解(社会文化)的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
最新高三英语阅读理解(社会文化)解题技巧分析及练习题(含答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
高二英语阅读理解(社会文化)的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
最新高考英语阅读理解(社会文化)答题技巧及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
(英语)高中英语阅读理解(社会文化)的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1.阅读理解The United States is home to 562 recognized American Indian Nations each with its own language.Yet the number of native. Americans with the ability to speak their tribe's language has decreased over the past century.Now, Indian Nations are trying different ways to expand the number of native speakers, and increase interest in their communities to learn tribal languages.Since the late 1800s many American Indian children have attended boarding schools. At that time, Indian children were required to attend schools by law, and the government forced Indian families to send their children to such schools.The children were separated from their families. and given English name The teachers often taught native American students in English, instead of the language of their parents. They were told they needed to learn English in order to get a job, earn money and buy a house or nice things.However, fearing a loss of history and culture, the Indian Nations are experimenting with new ways to increase the language ability of tribal members.At least one organization is turning to modern technology---The Sealaska Heritage Institute, a nonprofit group, has developed two apps for speakers of the Tlingit language.The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a reference for important language topics such as conversation phrases, number, and letters.The Tlingit tribe has about 10, 000 members. They live mainly in southeastern Alaska. But as of 2013, the tribe had only 125 native speakers left. in addition, very few young people are able to speak Tlingit.Currently there are two apps, called "Learning Tlingit" and "Tlingit Language Games". The "Learning Tlingit" app serves as a language guide. It provides Tlingit words and expressions, the tribal alphabet, as well as a basic list of the words included. With the "Tlingit Language Games" app, users are given a choice of different places of environments, like a house, forest or ocean.(1)What is the problem the native Americans are facing now?A.The number of native Americans has been increasing.B.Fewer and fewer native Americans speak their own language.C.Their native language has been extinct.D.It's hard to increase the interest of hearing native languages.(2)What will be the result if more and more native Americans only speak English?A.They will get better jobs and higher pay.B.They will teach their own children to speak English.C.They will lose their history and culture.D.They will get along well with the government.(3)What can we know about Tlingit?A.It can help the native people know some language topics.B.It can help the: native people earn money and buy a. house or nice thingsC.It is a very popular app among the native speakersD.It is a native language spoken by fewer than 200 people.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?A.American Indian tribes' efforts to increase native speakers.B.Reasons for the disappearance of some American Indian languages.C.Ways to help the native tribes lead a traditional life.D.The popularity of the language learning apps.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国的印第安人正在使用新的方法来增加本族语言的使用,否则,他们的本族语言将面临严重的危机。
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