



《涉外经济合同》导学案一、导学目标1. 了解涉外经济合同的观点和特点。

2. 掌握涉外经济合同的签订、履行和变更等基本法律规定。

3. 能够分析涉外经济合同中可能出现的纠纷,并学会解决方法。

二、导学内容1. 涉外经济合同的观点和特点涉外经济合同是指中外经济主体之间为了开展经济合作活动而订立的合同。


2. 涉外经济合同的签订、履行和变更涉外经济合同的签订应当遵循合同自愿原则、对等自愿原则、公平原则等。



3. 涉外经济合同纠纷的解决涉外经济合同纠纷的解决可以通过协商、调解、仲裁或诉讼等方式进行。


三、导学方法1. 教师讲解:通过讲解涉外经济合同的观点、特点和基本法律规定,引导学生理解和掌握知识点。

2. 案例分析:选取具体的涉外经济合同案例,让学生分析合同的签订、履行和变更过程,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。

3. 小组讨论:组织学生分成小组,讨论涉外经济合同可能出现的纠纷情况,并提出解决方案,培养学生合作认识和团队精神。

四、导学评估1. 口头答辩:要求学生就涉外经济合同的观点、特点和解决纠纷的方式进行口头答辩,检验学生对知识点的掌握水平。

2. 案例分析报告:要求学生选择一个涉外经济合同案例进行分析,并撰写报告,评判学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。

五、拓展延伸1. 鼓励学生参与模拟涉外经济合同案例的角色扮演,提高学生的实践能力和沟通能力。

2. 鼓励学生关注涉外经济合同领域的最新发展动态,拓宽视野,提高综合素质。

六、参考资料1. 《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》2. 《涉外经济合同实务案例分析》通过以上导学案的进修,置信学生们能够深入了解涉外经济合同的相关知识,提高自身的法律认识和解决问题的能力,为未来的涉外经济合作活动打下坚实的基础。










恩顺电商网 / 。








《涉外经济法》教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标了解涉外经济法的基本概念和特点掌握涉外经济法律关系的主体、客体和内容熟悉涉外经济法律规范的基本原则和制度理解涉外经济诉讼的基本程序和方式2. 能力目标培养学生分析和解决涉外经济法律问题的能力培养学生运用涉外经济法律知识进行国际经济合作的能力3. 素质目标培养学生具备较强的跨文化交际能力和团队合作精神二、教学内容1. 涉外经济法的基本概念和特点涉外经济法的定义涉外经济法与国内经济法的区别与联系涉外经济法的特点2. 涉外经济法律关系的主体、客体和内容涉外经济法律关系的主体涉外经济法律关系的客体涉外经济法律关系的内容3. 涉外经济法律规范的基本原则和制度涉外经济法律规范的基本原则涉外经济法律制度的主要内容4. 涉外经济诉讼的基本程序和方式涉外经济诉讼的管辖权涉外经济诉讼的程序涉外经济诉讼的方式5. 涉外经济合同法律制度国际合同法的基本原则国际合同的订立与履行国际合同的违约责任与救济三、教学方法1. 讲授法:通过教师的讲解,使学生掌握涉外经济法的基本概念、原则和制度2. 案例分析法:通过分析具体案例,培养学生分析和解决涉外经济法律问题的能力3. 模拟实训法:设置模拟情景,让学生参与模拟涉外经济法律事务的处理,提高学生的实践能力4. 小组讨论法:分组讨论,促进学生之间的交流与合作,培养学生的团队合作精神四、教学资源1. 教材:涉外经济法教材2. 案例资料:涉外经济法律案例库3. 网络资源:涉外经济法律相关信息网站4. 模拟实训材料:涉外经济法律事务处理模拟情景五、教学评价1. 平时成绩:包括课堂参与、案例分析、模拟实训等环节的表现2. 期中考试:测试学生对涉外经济法知识的掌握程度3. 期末考试:综合测试学生对涉外经济法知识的运用能力和素质4. 小组合作:评估学生在团队合作中的表现和成果六、教学安排1. 课时安排:共计64课时,每课时45分钟2. 教学计划:第1-8课时:涉外经济法的基本概念和特点第9-16课时:涉外经济法律关系的主体、客体和内容第17-24课时:涉外经济法律规范的基本原则和制度第25-32课时:涉外经济诉讼的基本程序和方式第33-40课时:涉外经济合同法律制度第41-48课时:涉外经济贸易争端解决方式第49-56课时:涉外知识产权法律制度第57-64课时:涉外税收法律制度和国际经济合作法律问题七、教学实践1. 案例分析:选取具有代表性的涉外经济法律案例,进行详细分析,培养学生分析和解决实际问题的能力2. 模拟实训:设置模拟情景,让学生参与模拟涉外经济法律事务的处理,提高学生的实践能力3. 实地考察:组织学生参观企业、律师事务所等,了解涉外经济法律实务的运作过程,增强学生的实际操作能力八、教学效果评估1. 学生评价:通过问卷调查、访谈等方式,了解学生对教学内容、教学方法和教学效果的评价2. 同行评价:邀请同行专家对教学质量进行评价,提出改进意见和建议3. 教学成果:观察学生在涉外经济法律实践中的表现,评估教学成果2. 对学生学习情况进行分析,提出针对性的建议3. 对教学资源、教学方法、教学评价等方面进行综合评估,不断完善教学体系十、教学展望1. 紧跟国际形势,及时更新教学内容,提高教学的实用性和针对性2. 加强师资队伍建设,提高教师的教学水平和科研能力3. 拓展国际合作与交流,引进国外优质教育资源,提升教学国际化水平4. 培养学生具备创新精神和实践能力,为我国涉外经济法律事业输送优秀人才重点和难点解析六、教学安排补充说明:课时安排需要确保每个主题都有足够的时间进行深入讲解和讨论,教学计划应根据学生的接受程度灵活调整,确保重难点内容得到充分讲解。



《涉外经济法》教案一、教学目标1. 了解涉外经济法的基本概念和特点2. 掌握涉外贸易法、涉外投资法、涉外金融法等主要涉外经济法律制度3. 能够分析解决涉外经济法律问题,提高学生在实际工作中的法律素养二、教学内容1. 涉外经济法的基本概念与特点2. 涉外贸易法国际贸易术语国际货物买卖合同国际贸易支付与结算3. 涉外投资法外国投资法律制度对外投资法律制度4. 涉外金融法国际货币法国际金融市场法国际贷款法5. 涉外经济争议的解决国际商事仲裁国际商事诉讼多元化纠纷解决机制三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解涉外经济法的基本概念、原理和法律规定2. 案例分析法:分析典型涉外经济法律案例,提高学生的实际操作能力3. 讨论法:分组讨论涉外经济法律问题,培养学生的合作意识4. 模拟实训法:设置模拟场景,让学生参与模拟涉外经济法律事务处理四、教学资源1. 教材:《涉外经济法》2. 案例库:收集各类涉外经济法律案例3. 网络资源:涉外经济法律数据库、相关法规和政策4. 模拟实训材料:涉外经济法律事务处理模拟场景五、教学评价1. 平时成绩:考察学生的出勤、课堂表现、作业完成情况2. 案例分析报告:评估学生在案例分析中的表现3. 模拟实训报告:评估学生在模拟实训中的表现4. 期末考试:测试学生对涉外经济法的掌握程度六、教学安排1. 课时:共计64课时,每课时45分钟2. 授课方式:理论课与实践课相结合3. 授课顺序:先讲解基本概念和特点,依次讲解涉外贸易法、涉外投资法、涉外金融法,讲解涉外经济争议的解决4. 实践环节:安排模拟实训,让学生在实际操作中掌握涉外经济法律知识七、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:涉外经济法的基本概念、特点和主要法律制度2. 教学难点:涉外贸易法、涉外投资法、涉外金融法的规定及其在实际中的应用八、教学过程1. 导入:介绍涉外经济法的基本概念和特点,激发学生的兴趣2. 讲解:详细讲解涉外贸易法、涉外投资法、涉外金融法等主要法律制度3. 案例分析:分析典型涉外经济法律案例,让学生理解和掌握相关法律规定4. 讨论:分组讨论涉外经济法律问题,培养学生的合作意识和解决问题的能力5. 模拟实训:设置模拟场景,让学生参与模拟涉外经济法律事务处理6. 总结:梳理本节课的主要内容,强调重点和难点九、教学反馈与调整1. 课堂反馈:通过课堂提问、讨论等方式了解学生的学习情况,及时解答学生的疑问2. 课后反馈:收集学生的作业和案例分析报告,评估学生的掌握程度3. 教学调整:根据学生的反馈和实际情况,调整教学进度和方法,确保教学效果十、教学延伸1. 学术研究:引导学生关注涉外经济法的最新动态和发展趋势2. 实践活动:组织学生参加涉外经济法的实践活动,如模拟法庭、实习等3. 跨学科学习:鼓励学生学习相关学科知识,如国际政治、国际贸易等,提高综合素质十一、教学拓展1. 国际经济组织与法律:介绍世界贸易组织(WTO)、联合国国际贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)等国际经济组织及其制定的相关法律规范。


11. 涉外劳务合同 (Contract for Foreign Labor Services) 12. 国际租赁合同 (Contract for International Leasinபைடு நூலகம் Affairs) 13. 涉外信贷合同 (Contract for Sino-foreign Credit and Loan) 14. 国际投资BOT合同 (Contract for International Build-Operate-
合同与文化的差异性(Contracts and Cultural Variables)
在国际贸易中,并非所有国家都重视书面合同的意义。 世界一些主要国家签订合同的习惯方式: 北美洲: 美国:重合同 签订合同高度重视书写协议的合法性和细微处。法律观念
强,先找律师后签约。 加拿大:注重合同 南美洲: 阿根廷: 签订合同是个人诚信的表示而非公司承诺,合同签署人的
6. 国际技术转让合同 (Contract for International Technology Transfer) 7. 中外合资经营企业合同 (Contract for Sino-foreign Joint Venture) 8. 中外合作经营企业合同 (Contract for Sino-foreign Contractual Joint
员或公司的姓名、名称,他们的主要营业地点或居住地址,确 认合同签订的日期和地点; 2. 说明部分(Recitals):也称约因条款(Whereas Clauses) 。包括①当事人经营的业务;②订约的动机;③磋商经过;④ 订约的本意; 3. 内文(合同的主体):通常包括定义条款、价格、支付条 件、交货、保险、检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁及通知; 4. 合同生效条款:合同的最后一部分,它包括生效日期,合 同使用的语言以及这些语言的有效性,合同各方的签字及证明 。






1. 学生需要选择一个涉外经济合同案例,分析合同的签订、履行和争议解决过程,并提出自己的见解和建议。

2. 学生需要撰写一份1500字以上的作业报告,结构清晰,内容详实,逻辑周密。

3. 学生需要在报告中引用相关法律法规和案例,展示对涉外经济合同的深入理解和分析能力。

1. 选择一个涉外经济合同案例,包括合同签订的背景、主要内容和各方义务等。

2. 分析合同履行过程中可能出现的问题和风险,并提出解决方案。

3. 钻研合同争议解决的途径和方法,探讨如何避免合同纠纷的发生。

4. 撰写作业报告,包括引言、案例分析、问题探讨、结论和。





二、作业目标1. 理解涉外经济合同的基本概念和原则;2. 熟悉涉外经济合同的分类和要素;3. 掌握涉外经济合同的起讫效力和违约责任;4. 提升学生的案例分析能力和合同模拟演练能力;5. 培养学生的团队合作意识和沟通交流能力。

三、作业设计内容1. 理论学习和案例分析阶段(3天)第一天:学生通过课堂讲解和资料阅读,理解涉外经济合同的概念、分类和要素,并结合案例进行分析讨论;第二天:学生分组进行涉外经济合同案例研究,在小组内集思广益,提炼出合同纠纷核心问题和解决方案;第三天:各小组向全班展示他们的案例分析成果,老师点评并引导学生思考合同解决方案的可行性和合理性。

2. 合同模拟演练阶段(2天)第四天:老师发布一份《涉外经济合同模拟案例》,学生按照角色分工组建团队,开始实施合同模拟演练;第五天:各团队根据模拟案例展开协商洽谈,达成合同协议并准备签署;最后,各团队向全班展示他们的合同模拟演练成果,并进行课堂点评。

四、作业评估方式1. 学生理论学习和案例分析的评估:参与情况(20%)、分析深度(30%)、逻辑性(20%)、表达清晰度(20%)、团队合作(10%);2. 合同模拟演练的评估:团队协作(20%)、谈判技巧(20%)、合同条款准确性(30%)、演练效果(20%)、角色表演(10%)。

五、作业延伸1. 学生可结合实际情况,选取真实涉外经济合同案例进行深入研究;2. 学生可通过专业培训机构或律师事务所参与涉外经济合同模拟演练,提升实践经验;3. 学生可撰写涉外经济合同相关论文,参加学术竞赛或发表学术论文。







二、理论进修(约400字)1. 知识梳理:回顾教室所学的《涉外经济合同法》基础理论,包括合同的构成因素、合同类型、风险防范等内容。

2. 阅读任务:推荐相关专业书籍和权威论文,要求每位同砚阅读并撰写读书笔记,提炼关键观点,加深理解。

三、案例分析(约500字)1. 案例选取:选择具有代表性的涉外经济合同案例,如进口贸易、技术转让或效劳合同等。

2. 分析步骤:指导学生从合同文本出发,解析合同条款,分析来往背景、权利义务和可能的风险点。

3. 论文写作:撰写案例分析报告,阐述法律适用、合同策略以及可能的解决途径。

四、模拟操作(约300字)1. 模拟谈判:组织小组活动,模拟真实的涉外经济合同签订过程,角色扮演不同方,提高实际操作能力。

2. 作业提交:每人提交一份完备的模拟合同,包括谈判记录、合同文本及解析,评估标准将结合理论知识和实际操作。

五、反馈与改进(约100字)1. 互评环节:同砚们互相评判他人的作业,提供建设性反馈,共同进步。

2. 教师点评:教师将对作业进行细致点评,指出优点和不足,给出改进建议。






《涉外经济合同》导学案一、导学目标:1. 了解涉外经济合同的基本观点和特点;2. 掌握涉外经济合同的主要内容和因素;3. 理解涉外经济合同的签订、履行和争议解决方式;4. 能够运用涉外经济合同的相关知识解决实际问题。

二、导学内容:1. 涉外经济合同的基本观点和特点2. 涉外经济合同的主要内容和因素3. 涉外经济合同的签订、履行和争议解决方式三、导学步骤:第一步:导入为什么要进修涉外经济合同?你有没有听说过或者参与过涉外经济合同?涉外经济合同与国内经济合同有什么不同的地方?第二步:观点诠释1. 什么是涉外经济合同?涉外经济合同是指合同中至少有一方当事人为外国人、外国法人或者其他组织的合同。

涉外经济合同的特点是什么?2. 涉外经济合同的主要内容和因素有哪些?主要内容包括合同的名称、当事人的名称和住所、合同的目标、合同的标的、合同的履行期限、合同的履行地点、合同的履行方式、合同的违约责任等因素。

第三步:签订、履行和争议解决1. 涉外经济合同的签订过程是怎样的?签订合同时需要注意哪些问题?2. 涉外经济合同如何履行?当合同发生争议时,应该如何解决?第四步:案例分析请阅读以下案例并回答问题:某公司与外国公司签订了涉外经济合同,合同约定在中国境内履行。



第五步:拓展延伸1. 你认为涉外经济合同在国际贸易中的作用是什么?2. 你知道有哪些国际组织或者条约与涉外经济合同相关?四、导学总结:通过本次进修,我们了解了涉外经济合同的基本观点和特点,掌握了涉外经济合同的主要内容和因素,理解了涉外经济合同的签订、履行和争议解决方式。
























适用直接适用的法可以有效防止和遏制 不法行为,保护本国国家利益和社会公
适用直接适用的法时,应当根据具体案 件情况,综合考虑相关因素,如行为地 、当事人国籍、住所、居所、经常居住
国际条约是指国家之间在平等自愿的基础上,就国际关系中的权利义务问题所达成 的协议。
在涉外民事关系中,国际条约的适用可以弥补国内立法的不足,促进国际合作与交 流。
涉外合同争议的解决方式包括诉讼、仲裁等。在选择解决方 式时,应考虑其便利性和有效性,以及可能涉及的费用和时 间成本。
在解决涉外合同争议时,应考虑适用与争议关系最密切的法 律。这有助于保证裁决的一致性和公正性,减少法律冲突和 不确定性。
本案例涉及一起涉外货物买卖合同争议,根据合同约定,双方同意在履行合同过程中发生争议时适用合同履行地 法。因此,在解决争议时,法院适用了合同履行地法进行裁决。
本案例涉及一起涉外工程承包合同争议,根据国际私法原则,工程所在地法是解决该类争议的首选法 律。因此,在解决争议时,法院适用了工程所在地法进行裁决。
在合同履行过程中出现争议时,正确 的法律适用有助于确定争议解决的方 式和适用法律,为争议解决提供明确 的法律依据。
涉外合同法律适用的历史可以追溯到国际贸易的早期阶段。随着国际商业交易的不断发展 ,涉外合同法律适用逐渐成为国际私法领域的重要议题。



《涉外经济合同阅读与翻译》教学大纲(Foreign Economic Contract Reading and Translation)一、课程概况课程代码:0602110学分:2学时:30(其中:讲授学时 16,课内实践学时 14 )先修课程:英语语法、英语写作、英汉笔译等。


二、课程目标目标 1. 了解涉外经济合同的语言特点、合同常见功能词的用法。

目标 2. 熟悉合同常见模板、格式,了解合同订立、阅读、翻译中的注意事项目标 3. 掌握合同翻译基本技能技巧,能够从事基本的涉外经济合同翻译工作目标 4. 了解并掌握涉外合同实务中涉及的基本合同知识,能运用所学知识解决基本合同问题。



本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求2-2(占该指标点达成度的20%),4-3 (占该指标点达成度的20%),7-2(占该指标点达成度的30%),8-2/9-2/10-2(占该指标点达成度的30%),对应关系如表所示。









二、作业目标1. 熟悉涉外经济合同的基本观点和法律规定;2. 掌握涉外经济合同的主要内容和要点;3. 能够分析和解决涉外经济合同中的实际问题;4. 培养学生的团队合作能力和创新思维。

三、作业内容1. 理论进修:学生需要通过教室进修、教材阅读等方式,掌握涉外经济合同的相关理论知识,包括合同的定义、主体、内容、效力等方面的内容。

2. 案例分析:老师将提供几个涉外经济合同案例,要求学生分组进行分析和讨论,找出合同中存在的问题和解决方案,并撰写分析报告。

3. 合同起草:学生将分组进行涉外经济合同的起草工作,要求思量到合同的合法性、有效性和可操作性,同时要注意合同中的关键条款和风险点。

4. 模拟谈判:学生将进行涉外经济合同的模拟谈判,每组扮演不同的角色,学会沟通协商、争取利益和解决矛盾的能力。

5. 教室展示:每个小组将在教室上展示他们的合同起草和谈判效果,老师和同砚们将进行评判和点评,增进学生之间的交流和进修。

四、作业评判1. 学生的理论进修情况将通过考试和平时作业进行评判,主要考察对涉外经济合同相关知识的掌握水平。

2. 学生的案例分析和合同起草能力将通过小组报告和作业评估进行评判,主要考察学生的分析思维和操作能力。

3. 学生的模拟谈判表现将通过老师和同砚的评判进行评判,主要考察学生的团队合作和沟通能力。

4. 学生的教室展示将通过同砚们的互动和反馈进行评判,主要考察学生的表达能力和创新思维。







二、教学目标1. 熟悉涉外经济合同的基本观点和法律规定;2. 掌握涉外经济合同的签订、履行、变更、解除等流程;3. 提高学生的法律认识和合同管理能力;4. 培养学生的团队合作能力和解决问题的能力。

三、教学内容1. 涉外经济合同的基本观点和法律规定;2. 涉外经济合同的签订因素和程序;3. 涉外经济合同的履行和违约责任;4. 涉外经济合同的变更和解除;5. 涉外经济合同的争议解决机制。

四、教学方法1. 理论讲授:通过教室讲授,向学生介绍涉外经济合同的基本观点、法律规定和相关案例;2. 案例分析:选取一些典型的涉外经济合同案例,进行分析讨论,帮助学生理解和应用知识;3. 小组讨论:组织学生分组讨论涉外经济合同的相关问题,培养学生的团队合作能力;4. 实地考察:组织学生到企业或法院进行实地考察,了解实际涉外经济合同的操作和解决争议的情况。

五、作业设计1. 教室讨论:每周安排一次教室讨论,讨论涉外经济合同的相关问题,并就讨论内容撰写一篇500字的小结;2. 案例分析:每两周安置一份涉外经济合同案例分析作业,要求学生分析案例并提出解决方案,作业字数不少于800字;3. 实地考察报告:学生需在学期末提交一份实地考察报告,内容包括考察企业或法院的情况、涉外经济合同操作流程和解决争议案例分析,报告字数不少于1500字。

六、考核方式1. 教室表现:占总成绩的20%;2. 作业成绩:包括教室讨论小结、案例分析作业和实地考察报告,占总成绩的50%;3. 期末考试:占总成绩的30%。

七、教学资源1. 《涉外经济合同法》教材;2. 涉外经济合同案例资料;3. 企业或法院的实地考察资源;4. 教室讨论和小组讨论的教学工具。



International Business NegotiationChapter 1 Negotiation Motives and Key Terminology Generally speaking, two approaches have been applied to conflict settlement: military means and peaceful means. Negotiations are referred to as peaceful means or political approaches.It is misleading to conceive that negotiations are only applied to significant issues. As a matter of fact, negotiations are applied to all situations of conflicts, arguments and bargaining arising in the normal course of business, personal relations and daily life. Everyone has been engaged in negotiations in such daily activities as shopping, arguing with someone else and dealing with people around.1.1NegotiationA Negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements. Negotiation is back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed.A successful negotiation must satisfy at least the following conditions:1. The outcome of negotiation is a result of mutual giving and taking. One-sided concession or compromise can not be called a successful negotiation.2. Negotiations happen due to the existence of conflicts, however, no negotiation can proceed smoothly and come to a satisfactory solution without collaboration between the participants.3. In spite of unequal strength and power on the side of one party, it should not be viewed as a success if the other party can not excise veto right to the result of the negotiation, which is a show of equal right of the parties.1.2 ConflictsA conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests. A conflict can block each other’s ability to satisfy their interests. It has three points:1. Parties in conflicts are interdependent, which means there remains a kind of relationship developed by interrelated interests and concerns. There would be no conflict if two parties were not interrelated and had nothing to do with each other.2. Both different and common interest coexist, which appear to be illogical. However,if there are only contradictions and no sharing of common interests, negotiation become groundless and unnecessary.3. Two parties in a conflict will naturally fight for each other’s own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side, as a result it will reduce gain of interests expected initially.1.3 StakesStakes are the value of benefit that may be gained or lost, and costs that may be incurred or avoided. It also has three points:1.Negotiation parties will either gain the interests they expect to win from thenegotiation or lose what they hope to attain, which indicates that the talks are pertinent to relevant parties’ own affairs and interests.2.Free lunch is not provided at the negotiation table, in another word, to get what isdesired, both parties have to pay for the gaining at either high cost or low cost depending on how well negotiators manage the situation.3.How much of stakes can be gained and whether a particular gain is the one that aparty desires for is also gauged in view of the current situation.4.Negotiator will have to compare and balance the relation between the currentinterests and long term interests or underlying desires in order to make decision on satisfying long term interests at the cost of current interests or the way round. Questions for discussion and consideration1.Table 1.2 lists negotiation focuses during Sino-US talks on China’s accession intoWTO. Read the table carefully and analyze the stakes and possible conflicts of both parties.2.Read the case study and tell why Matsushita Electric Corporation sacrificed thepresent interests? What was the consideration?1.According to final agreement between China and US, foreign banks will enjoynational treatment 5 years after China becomes a member country of WTO, which means foreign banks will be allowed to do RMB business with Chinese enterprises 2 years later and with citizens 5 years later. Regional limitation to foreign bank will be eliminated in 54 years.2.China has promised to lower tariff on auto and auto parts to 25% 6 years afterjoining WTO.Case StudyMatsushita Electric CorporationAfter the World War II, Japan’s economy experienced a period of rapid development, which was viewed by international society as a miracle. Among fast growing enterprises during the post war economic expansion, the success of Matsushita Electric Corporation was a typical example. Matsushita Corporation was founded in March 1918. The corporation has grown from a small family enterprise to a well known and one of the world largest electric producers. The corporation owns its success to its founder, Konosuke Matsushita, whose management philosophy and sound decision led the corporation growing healthily. A good example to illustrate the point is the negotiation between Matsushita Electric Corporation and PhilipCorporation.In the 1950s, Matsushita Electric Corporation embarked on a business expansion, which required advanced technology to make the expansion possible. Philip Corporation at that time had already enjoyed the fame as a world celebrated electric producer with the most advanced technology and financial strength. Matsushita Electric Corporation decided to seek alliance with Philip. Against such background, Matsushita started the negotiation with Philip on technical transfer.There was a great discrepancy between the two corporations’ negotiating power. Matsushita was a small and developing company while Philip was already a giant in the world of electric production. Matsushita depended heavily on Philip to have the technology it needed urgently. So from very beginning, Philip was demanding and pressing ahead. It required 7% of Matsushita’s sales volume as payment for technical assistance, and the loyalty of $550,000 for the patent transaction must be paid in lump sum. The other provisions were also favorable to Philip, for example, the penalty for breach of contract on Matsushita side was strict and severe but the punitive clause for Philip’s violation was obscure and indistinct.Through hard negotiation, Matsushita was able to cut the payment for technical assistant from 7% to 4.5%; however, Philip resolutely refused to make any concession on patent payment. Konosuki faced a great challenge, which put him in a dilemma. Giving his consent and signing the agreement would mean great risk to him and the whole company because in the early 50s, the total asset of the company was 500 million Japanese yen. $550,000 loyalty would be equal to 200 million yen, which was nearly half of the company’s property. In case any unpredictable events happened, it would mean bankruptcy to the company. However, the company would miss a valuable opportunity and a good partner if he turned down the demand and saw the failure of the negotiation.After careful deliberation between the present interests and the future development of the company, Konosuki was determined to take the risk. His consideration was that Philip owned sophisticated scientific equipment, research institute and 3000 capable research fellows. If they could reach an agreement, Matsushita would have access to all the research resources, which was possessed by Philip but lacked by Matsushita, and which could not be measured merely in terms of 550,000. The sacrifice if the present interests would mean gaining of interests in the long run. It was worthwhile to take the risk.The future development of Matsushita Electric Corporation has proved that the decision was a risky one but also a brilliant one. The technical strength development in the 50s has build up a solid platform for future take-off of the corporation.Chapter 2 Negotiation Procedure and Structure2.1 Negotiation Procedure1.introduction of team membersAll people will be seated first. Guest tam is usually seated facing the gate while thehost party sits with the backs toward the door. The chief negotiator is placed in the middle with the interpreter sitting to his or her right.The introduction starts from the key negotiator of the host side and other members and finishes with the guest team. Introduction includes names, official and professional titles, specialties and major responsibility in the team.2.discussion of agendaThe agenda of a negotiation is often the first subject discussed, especially when it is an important and complicated negotiation. Not every item to be discussed weighs the same in the minds of negotiators.Some negotiators prefer to go into key issues immediately after the negotiation starts. There are 2 reasons: 1. let the worst go first; 2. sufficient time and efforts can be gathered and focused on those key issues; 3. initial tensions of relations built up when discussing difficult issues will end in relaxation of tension and satisfaction of easy gain of benefits.Others place key issues last or after discussion and settlement of trivial ones. This method caters to common mentality of having tough issues the later the better, particularly when foreseeing of discrepancy appears large and no party will make easy compromises until the last moment of deadline comes.3.formal negotiationNegotiations start with introduction of team members and substantive discussion comes next to the agreement of schedule, although some people hold that substantive talks start with the discussion of agenda.4.wrapping upIt is the last phase of a negotiation. It is a necessary part of a negotiation and in effect indispensable in that the agreement and result of talks on each issue should be viewed and confirmed so that no ambiguity of understanding exists. Sometimes, wrapping up may also include arrangements for follow-up work to be considered for the negotiating parties in future.2.2 General Structure of Negotiation1.determine interests and issues2.design and offer options3.introduce criteria to evaluate options4.estimate reservation points5.explore alternatives to agreement6.reach an agreement2.3 Structure of Business NegotiationThe structure of business negotiation follows the same pattern as all other negotiations with one difference in that every phase of a business negotiation is expressed in business jargons: inquiry, offer, counter offer and acceptance. In spite of similarity in structure, each step of business negotiation has strict legal interpretation.1.inquiryInquire about the price, quality, volume, packing, shipment, insurance, terms ofpayment, inspection, arbitration and so on.The inquiry can be done orally or in written form.Purpose: do market surveyFind out if there is the possibility of doing the business.It does not have any binding effect on the two sides.2.offerOnce the offer is accepted by the offeree, the agreement will be written in the contract to be signed, which is enforceable by law.3.counter offerCounter offer is an expression of difference or modification of the terms given by the offerer. It can go back and forth several times on some occasion, a period called bargaining.4. acceptanceAcceptance may be made by the signing and delivery of a written instrument, or by a promise communicated to the offerer. Silence on the part of the offeree is not an acceptance. The acceptance must be unequivocal and he must accept all the terms of the offer. The final agreement will be contract, the legal document.Questions for discussion and consideration1.Read the dialogue and tell which parts of the dialogue can be called “inquiry”,“offer”, “counter offer”, or “acceptance”:A: We have looked at your samples and feel interested in your products. Can you tell us how much you want to sell us?B: I think you must have noticed that our products have good quality and our brand name is very competitive. Our offer is $25 each.A: We have to point out your price is on the high side and it’s impossible for us to push any sales at such a price.B: Well, to get the business done, we plan to make some concessions. But if the quantity is too small, I’m afraid we can’t move much. What’s the size of your order?A: 100 pieces.B: You are kidding. Don’t forget you are buying watches, not motorcycles.A: We have some financial difficulties at the moment. If your price is competitive and the quality is to the satisfaction of the customers, substantial orders from us will follow.B: In that case, let’s conclude the transaction at the price of $23 each.A: It’s settled.Case studySino-US Negotiation on Intellectual Property RightOn February 26,1995, Sino-US negotiation on Intellectual Property Right Protection, which lasted for about 20months, finally reached accord.Negotiation ProceduresWhile China was striving to accomplish its eight-year efforts in being admitted into the General Agreement of Trade and Tariff (GATT) by the end of 1994, the negotiation between the United States and China on intellectual property rightprotection also reached the crucial stage. By December 14, 1994, the negotiations on intellectual property right between the two countries had been going on for 20 months, and there was virtually no pragmatic achievement. The American chief negotiator explicitly indicated American’s intention to block China’s passage into GATT if China refused to accept the US demand, and the declaration was backed by the US threat of economic sanction.As counteraction, Wu Yi, the Minister of China’s Foreign Trade declared that the US refused to recognize China’s unprecedented achievement in intellectual property right protection, and attempted to frustrate China’s efforts to join the organization by employing the intellectual property right issue as a lever. China would not yield to the US threatening of economic sanction, and the day of the US announcement of its sanction list would be the moment of China’s declaration of its retaliation measure. True to Wu Yi’s words, on December 31, 1994, merely one hour after Mickey Kantor, the US special trade representative, revealed the sanction list of $2.8 billion worth of Chinese goods, China also announced its retaliation list. The US sanction would impose 100% punitive tariff on such China’s major export goods to the US as electrical products, shoes, toys, bags, generators, bikes, and watches. Starting form December 31, the sanction list would be open to the public for 30 days discussion when the final decision would be declared on February 4, 1995. China’s retaliation list include 100% tariffs on US-made electrical game machines, game cards, cassette tapes, laser disks, cigarettes, wine, cosmetics and other range of US goods imported into the Chinese market; suspension of approval for US companies and their subsidiaries that to set up holding companies and the withholding of permission to US manufacturers that wish to open offices.On January 18, 1995, the United States and China reopened the negotiation, which lasted for ten days and nothing came out. Consequently, on February 4, 1995, the USTR revealed to the public the final sanction list against China’s exported goods to the US. The second list altered both in money value and in items of the products. The 100% punitive tariff would be imposed on 35 items as portable telephones, answering machines, plastic products, sports apparatus, and so on, which amounted to $1.08 billion, less than half of the value of the first list. China’s final retaliation list remained the same. The US sanction would be implemented on February 26, on which day China’s retaliation would also go into effect.The two countries were on the verge of a trade war. The feasibility of great losses caused serious concerns from all sides particularly from China’s neighboring areas and countries. Japan Times comments that no one wins a trade war, no one wants this one to start. China needs the US market, the destination for dollar 38 billion of its goods, nearly 30 percent of its total exports. The US sanctions target China’s most dynamic and profitable export sectors. More importantly, the government’s failure to address the issue of intellectual property right protection threatens to block China’s bid to join the World Trade Organization, a goal that Beijing has set to s status as a world economic power.In the short run, Chinese retaliation would only have a limited effect on the US, since the goods subject to the high tariffs are frequently smuggled into China. However, inthe long run, “a wider trade war would block US telecommunication companies, aircraft makers and auto manufacturers out of a booming Chinese market. A widening trade conflict would spill over onto other Asian economies. Taiwanese companies have set up operations in the southern provinces to take advantage of low labor costs or to exploit China’s most-favored-nation trade status with the US. Those exports would end. The US sanctions would trim growth in Hong Kong, a transit port for many of China’s exports, by one-tenth of one percentage point.”Despite the remaining divergence in the two side positions, on the night of the last day of the US sanction deadline, on February 26, 1995, the US and China eventually reached an agreement on China’s IPR protection, narrowly averting a trade war.The final trade deal between China and the United States is widely hailed by international communities as a win-win one for both sides. “This agreement is a new turning point for our bilateral relationship,”said Wu Yi, China’s Foreign Trade Minister. Barshefsky, the top US negotiator, hailed the pact as historic. “This is the single most comprehensive and detailed agreement that the United States has ever negotiated with any country.” President Clinton commented that, “…this is a strong agreement for American companies and American workers…we have used every tool at our disposal to fight foreign barriers against competitive US exports.”In spite of the prevalent comment on the outcome of the Sino-US agreement as a win-win game, the American opinion regarded it as an overwhelming victory on the US side. Los Angeles Times commented that China uncharacteristically gave in to tough US demands. “The recent US-China agreement on intellectual property enforcement, signed by Kantor on Saturday, was widely viewed as a capitulation to US demand that the Chinese government crack down on copyright, patent and trademark infringement.”Chapter 3 Negotiation LubricationNegotiation Lubrication means preparation here. Negotiation preparation has to make decision on the following issues:1.objectives and targets to be achieved2.macro and micro information to be researched3.negotiation team members to be involved4.locations where negotiations to be conductedNegotiation plan framework is laid out in line with these decisions and choice of strategy will stem from these decisions.3.1 Target DecisionTwo components:Preference of interestsInterests that each party hopes to fulfill at negotiation table do not have equal weightin the minds of negotiators. Therefore the first important task to be done at the preparatory stage is for negotiators to decide which interests to be fulfilled first and which to be obtained at the cost of others.Target levelsThere are at least three objective levels, which are desirable target, acceptable target and bottom target.The desirable target is what negotiators wish to attain but in reality rarely reach. It serves two purposes in negotiations: setting a potential goal for negotiators to strive for and leaving room for bargaining in negotiations.The acceptable target is what negotiators make all efforts to achieve. If negotiators take advantage of their power and strength, and manage the negotiations skillfully, the acceptable target is attainable and very often can be gained.The bottom target is what negotiators will defend and safeguard with all their might. Unless the bottom target is met, the negotiators would block further discussion and announce failure of the negotiations.Collecting Information3.2.1 What is informationInformation is generally esteemed as a valuable commodity in a sense that it has the power to reduce uncertainty. Information has two valuable applications in negotiations: problem solving and strategic planning.Problem solving is the more obvious use—applying information to specific decision-making situations. Research can recover potential problems which might otherwise go undetected. Information can reveal possible solutions to the problem and prevent costly mistakes.Strategic planning is a less direct use of information, but is possibly the most important application in the business world. Information is an essential component of making a sound negotiation plan.However, there are still some negotiators who are reluctant to engage in preliminary research. 4 reasons: 1. their lack of sensitivity to differences in culture, consumer tastes, and market demands. 2. limited appreciation for the different environments abroad. 3. lack of familiarity with national and international data sources and inability to use international data once they are obtained. 4. research is saved simply because of some negotiators’ inactivity and trusting to luck.3.2.2 Where to collect informationTypically, the information cover both macro information about a country’s tariff information, non-tariff measures, foreign export\import data on government trade policy, as well as micro information specific to the relative activities and events, such as size of market, local standards and specifications, distribution system and competitive activities.International organizationsThe typical ones are: United Nation’s Statistical YearbookUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentThe World Atlas (地图)published by the World BankThe International Monetary Fund and The World Bank publishsummary economic data and occasional staff papersThe Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentalso publishes quarterly and annual trade data on its membercountriesGovernmentsService OrganizationsA wide variety of service organizations including banks, counting firms, freight forwarders, airlines, international trade consultants, research firms, and publishing houses provide specialized information on their special fields.Directories and Newsletters(定期出版的时事通讯,业务通讯)On-line ServiceLocal laws and regulationsInformation on financial creditMarket survey3.3 Staffing Negotiation TeamsGenerally speaking, a negotiation team consists of a team leader of chief negotiator and an interpreter if it is a bilateral negotiation. Other key members of the team include professionals and experts representing their special fields.Team leadersA qualified chief negotiator should be both knowledgeable in the areas related with negotiation, and capable in leading the whole team to achieving the goal set for the negotiation. In addition, the integrity of the team leader should be given particular attention to. Besides, he is in the position, so he is in power, which implies he can mean what he says and make final decisions.ProfessionalsProfessional team members should, in the first place, be the real experts in their own fields, and secondly they should be able to provide convincing opinions and ready answers to their professional knowledge and judgement.InterpretersIn a negotiation between two countries, interpreters are often at the core of the negotiation. A qualified interpreter should not be only a bilingual expert but also be able to memorize and comprehend accurately the points expressed by speakers.3.4Choice of Negotiation VenuesHost venueHost venues can be one party’s own country, own city or own office building or any places where the party hosts the negotiation. As the host party, it can enjoy several advantages that it may not otherwise, for instance:Waiting at its ease for exhausted counterpartFamiliar surroundings with no novel and foreign attractions distracting its members’attention from their tasksAssistance ready at hand and feeling of security, comfort and relaxationGuest venueWhen negotiations take place at counterpart’s country, city or office buildings, they are conducted at guest venues. For the guest party, almost all advantages enjoyed as the host are reversed to be barriers and difficulties.Third party’s venueThe third party’s site is preferred frequently out of the following concerns:1.the two negotiation parties are hostile and antagonistic to each other, or evenengage in a fighting against each other.2.when a negotiation goes into an impasse and there is no sign of rapprochement, itis apparent that it would be impossible to carry on such negotiation in neither party’s places.3.none of the two situations is in existence, nevertheless a third place has to bechosen due to the dispute that both parties demand strongly to host the negotiation, therefore, a place of neutrality is the only choice for settling the disputes. Questions for discussion and consideration1.Prepare for a job interview: decide your interests to be gained and your targetlevels for the interview.2.do simulation one “silk selling” in a group of 4 each and discuss the topics.(1). What lessons have you learnt from the results of the negotiation?(2). Do you feel that a better understanding of domestic and foreign silk marketshelp you with your negotiation?(3). What knowledge of Hong Kong and European markets is helpful in your talkswith your partner?(4). What additional knowledge have you provided for your bargaining?(5). What makes it possible for Mr. Fan to keep firm in his stance in negotiationwith the American businesswoman?Simulation:SILK SELLINGBackgroundBy the middle of 80s, Hong Kong’s silk market was mainly taken by Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong products. Silk products manufactured in the mainland were reduced from 90% to 10%. To alter the situation, the director of Shaoxing Silk Plant, Fan Shizhou, decided to open new markets. After very careful markets survey on prices, customers’ demand and inquiry, his plant started producing silk with printed partners in small quantity for each kind and rich variety of partners. The product patterns are designed to cater to different culture, customs, and tastes.NegotiationOn a cool day of autumn, an American saleswoman, Edward Nicolar, came into Shaoxing Silk Plant and Fan Shizhou received her. After looking carefully at the samples exhibited, she showed a look of satisfaction. Then suddenly, she turned to Fan and said she wanted to order 7 patterns at the price of $3.8 per yard. However, Fan did not answer her directly but mentioned the prices of the similar products inItaly, France, America and Europe, and then he gave his counteroffer of $5.36 per yard.At this she shouted and said $5.36 was Hong Kong’s retail price. Her boss would get crossed at her is she ordered silk at such high price. Fan replided confidently that the price was Hong Kong’s retail price, however, there was no such kind of products at the market, besides, the price was not at all high because it cost him $5 for buying plain silk and 0.36 for printing. If the products were sold at European market, the price could reach as high as $30. Fan further emphasized that since it was the first time they did business each other, he hoped to established good relationship first, so he actually offered her a favorable price. Nicolar could not keep clam any longer. She offered $4, $4.2 $4.3 and finally $4.6. Fan did not say “no”or “yes”. He simply said that there was a saying in Chinese, “Friendship exists despite of failure in business”. Nocolar said no more and stepped onto her car and left.Requirement for the SimulationStudents are divided into several groups with four in each group. Two students are sellers(Fan Shizhou) and the other two are buyers(Nicolar).Continue the negotiation between Fan and Nicolar from where it was stopped. The two students will discuss between themselves first and make decision on the following points:1.what information can you make use of?2.how will you continue the negotiation?3.what will be your final offer for the deal?Chapter 4 Win-win ConceptIn spite of its long history, study on negotiation as a branch of social science is fairly late. The influential theories and principles stemmed from those studies and researches have served as guiding lines for negotiation activities.Traditional ConceptIn the early history of human being, negotiation could be extremely dangerous for negotiators, who would prepare to risk their lives for talking with antagonistic side because if the talk failed the envoy would be beheaded. The outcomes of negotiation were no more than two kinds: either negotiations were concluded successfully, averting military conflicts, or negotiation ended in failure, triggering bloody battles and wars, and as a result one side would lose its territory and its people were submitted to slavery. So both parties viewed negotiations either as overwhelming victory or disastrous defeat.Win-lose modelConventional practice of win-lose model takes the following steps:1.determine each party’s own interests and stance;2.defend one’s own interests and stance;3.discuss the possibilities of making concession;。

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第十五条延期费/慢装卸罚款:对于 _______________ 载重吨船来说,每天__________ u.s.d.。


第十七条合同争议的解决:第十八条本合同于_____ 年—月—日在 _______ 用_________ 签署,正本一式两份,买卖双方各执一份,买卖双方签字生效。

买方:____________________ (章)卖方:_______________________ (章)代表:____________________ 代表:_____________________________第三学时五、例文学习阅读教材189至192页《中国雇员聘用合同》,再次明确涉外合同的写作结构。














如果合同是在买方营业所所在地谈判并订立的,或者合同主要是依买方确定的条件并应买方发出的招标兹双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the un der men ti oned goods on the terms and con diti ons stated below:1.装运条款和交货期:于合同生效后8月27日前以陆运形式送货到达香港。

Delivery time(CIF HONGKONG): After the order in effect by truck to hongkong, and arrivi ng at HONGKONG on or before: 27th August 2011.2.最终目的地:3.付款条件:电汇,月结90天付清货款。

Term of payme nt: By T/T after 90 days.4.保险:按发票金额110%保一切险及战争险(中国人民保险公司条款)。

In sura nee : To be covered by the seller for 110% of inv oice value aga inst all risks and war risk as per the clause of the People ' In sura nee Co. of China.5•品质与数量,重量的异议与索赔:货到最终目的地后,买方如发现货物品质及/货数量/重量与合同规定不符,除属于保险公司货船公司的责任外,买方可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的检验证明向卖方提出异议,品质异议须于货到最终目的地起15天内提出,数量/重量异议须于货到最终目的地起10天内提出。

Quality /Quantity/Weight Discrepancy and Claim: In case the quality and /or quantity/weight are found by the Buyer not to conform with the con tract after arrival of the goods at the final destination, the Buyer may lodge a claim against the seller supported by a survey report issued by an in specti on orga ni zatio n agreed upon by both parties with the excepti on of those claims for which the in sura nee compa ny and /or theshipping company are to be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer with in 15 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination while for quantity / weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 10 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination.6.人力不可抗拒:本合同内所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒原因,使卖方不能履约或延期交货,卖方不负任何责任。

Force Majeure: The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the en tire or porti on of the goods un der this con tract in con seque nee of any Force Majeure in cide nts.7.仲裁:凡执行本合同或与合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。



Arbitratio n: All disputes in conn ecti on with this Con tract or the executi on thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, for settlement by arbitrati on in accorda ncewith the Commissi on' Provisi onal Rules of Procedure. The award ren dered by the Commissi on shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitrati on expe nses shall be borne by the los ing party uni ess otherwise award by the arbitrati on orga ni zati on.8•合同使用的文字及效力。
