高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 文化教育 营养不良影响儿童的在校表现素材


(每日一读)高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 水果蔬菜与人体健康素材

(每日一读)高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 水果蔬菜与人体健康素材

水果蔬菜与人体健康Exp erts say eating a range of fruit and veg is best, as part of a balanced diet, to protect against i llness.专家表示,吃各种水果蔬菜对身体最为有利,可以均衡饮食,预防疾病。

Research suggests eating at least seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day is more effective at preventing disease than the government's current five-a-day recommendation.Is five a day enough?Y es - but people should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, the government says. The advice is based on World Health Organization guidelines, which are 25 years old.Dieticians say eating five a day is enough to get the protective benefits of fruit and veg - although eating more may be additionally beneficial.What counts as a portion?Fruit juice counts towards one portion of the recommended five portions per dayF or an adult, a minimum of 400g of fruit and veg should be eaten every day, or five portions of 80g.The amount varies for children, based on activity levels and age, but a rough guide is that one portion should fit in the palm of their hand.Fruit and vegetab les do not have to be eaten on their own and can be cooked in dishes such as soups, stews or pasta meals.Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count?Yes. But juice should be unsweetened, and onl y counts as one portion a day, as it contains less fibre than whole fruits a nd vegetables.Fruit must be tinned in natural juice, or wa ter, with no added sugar or sa lt, and not in syrup, which lots of fruit is.Beans and pulses also count, but again only as one portion as they contain fewer nutrients than other fruits and vegetables.Smoot hies may count towards more than one portion if they contain all the edible pulped fruit or veg, and depending on their ingredients.Recommendatio ns include frozen fruit and vegetables, and dried fruit, such a s cu rrants, dates, sultanas and figs.Those in ready-meals and shop-b ought pasta sauces, soups and puddings are also included, but advice urges "only to have them occasionally" or in small amounts as they are often high in salt, sugar a nd fat.What about potatoes?Potatoes do not count towards one of the five-a-day, but sweet potatoes do.Potatoes are not one of the five-a-day items. This is because they mainly contribute starch to a healthy di et, which is a good source of energy and helps digestion.They are classified in the same group as bread or pasta by the government.Skins should be left on when cooking as they are a good source of fibre.But sweet potatoes, parsnips, swedes and turnips do count as five-a-day foods, as they are usually eaten as well as the starchy bit of the meal.。

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 一口好牙或有助提高运动成绩素材

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 一口好牙或有助提高运动成绩素材

一口好牙或有助提高运动成绩Dentists say elite athletes could stand a better chance of winning gold medals if they look after their teeth.牙医称,优秀的运动员如果能好好对待自己的牙齿,那么他们获金牌的机会会更大。

The Oral Health and Performance in Sport conference in London heard that athletes' oral health was often bad and could impair training and performance.At the pinnacle of elite sport, the difference between winning and losing is tiny, so even marginal improvements can make a crucial difference.Doctors for Team GB's boxing squad are already trying to improve oral health.DisruptiveA study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, showed a fifth of athletes said their oral health damaged their training and performance for the Games.At the conference, dentists said tooth pain could disrupt sleep and training and that inflammation of the gums could affect the rest of the body, impairing performance.It is not unusual for poor oral health to have wider effects. The NHS says it is linked to type 2 diabetes and heart problems.A regular floss(牙线), a bottle of mouthwash and good brushing technique are not going to transform a weekend jogger into an Olympian.However, Prof Ian Needleman, director of the International Centre for Evidence-Based Oral Health at University College London, says there could be an impact in elite sport.He told the BBC: "It's the accumulation of marginal gains, where the difference between elite athletes at the very top is small. Then oral health, amongst other aspects, could make a difference."The research we did at London 2012 found a large proportion of young athletes, fantastically well tuned physically, had really poor oral health."Quite a high proportion reported an impact on their training and performance so it's clearly an issue for them."。

高考英语大一轮复习二 专项突破 阅读理解

高考英语大一轮复习二 专项突破 阅读理解

毛额市鹌鹑阳光实验学校高考专项突破(二) 阅读理解综观各地高考试题,阅读理解呈现如下一些特点:一、所选文章题材新颖丰富,灵活多样高考阅读理解的题材灵活多样,包括科普知识、环境保护、社会文化、教育等,并且趋向于当今世界的热点话题。














(每日一读)高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 营养不良影响肠健康素材

(每日一读)高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 营养不良影响肠健康素材

营养不良影响肠健康Child malnutrition has long-term effects on gut health that affect development even after treatment, a study suggests.研究发现,儿童营养不良对肠健康有长期影响,即使经过治疗也会影响生长发育。

A team studied the gut health of malnourished children in Bangladesh.Writing in the journal Nature they said the bacterial make-up was not fully restored to normal after food supplements were given.They say the finding might explain why children often fail to grow normally even after treatment.The World Health Organization estimates severe acute malnutrition affects about 20 million children worldwide.Moderate acute malnutrition, a less serious form of the disease, is more prevalent in South Central Asia, where it affects 30 million children.In Bangladesh, more than 40% of children under five are affected by stunted growth. Stunted growth"Friendly" gut microbes play a crucial role in extracting and using nutrients in food.It has been suggested that malnutrition damages this process.Childhood malnutrition can lead to long-term problems such as stunted growth(生长萎缩), cognitive problems and weakened immune systems.In this study, a team at Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, and the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital, assessed 64 malnourished children aged from six to 20 months. Malnourished children were either given Plumpy'Nut, an enriched peanut-based food that is the mainstay(支柱)treatment for severe malnutrition worldwide, or Khichuri-Halwa, which is produced in Bangladesh and has rice and lentils(扁豆) as its main ingredients.Both types of food include milk powder and micronutrients, such as iron.1。







一、诠释高考英语阅读理解题,明确强化方向 1、所占分值比例大。











高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 暴露年龄的六大身体部位素材

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 暴露年龄的六大身体部位素材

暴露年龄的六大身体部位We all try to strike that balance between aging gracefully -- and not looking as though we're older than we really are.我们都渴望从中找到一个平衡点——一方面能够优雅地老去,另一方面又希望自己看上去比实际年龄小。

With age, your skin thins and grows less elastic(有弹性的). As a result, wrinkles, age spots and skin tags bee more mon. Generally speaking, you can promote healthier skin by bathing in warm -- and not hot -- water. You should also wear sunscreen and not smoke.But even if you've done everything right, there are some body parts that just seem destined to betray your age no matter what you do. We asked our Facebook friends what body part reveals their age. The most mon responses? Neck, hands and face. We've put together a list of the six body parts that betray your age first -- with some helpful hints on how to keep yourself from looking too old, too fast. What do you think? Let us know in ments.1. HandsAlways exposed to the elements, your hands probably give away your age more than any other body part. Experts say sun damage is the biggest culprit(犯人). As a result, you should apply sunscreen to the backs of your hands, in addition to a good hand cream at least once a day. According to one expert, it's important to keep your hands well moisturized with thick creams -- particularly overnight. And the sooner you establish a daily regimen the better. Even though hands usually start looking older in one's 20s, most people don't recognize the signs of aging until their 30sor 40s, and most people won't start changing their routines until they notice the appearance of serious aging signs.2. FaceFreckles(雀斑) may look adorable when you're a kid but dark spots on your face as you grow older are just, well, unattractive. But there is good news. There are ways to lighten your dark spots and brighten your skin tone. According to some experts, the easiest thing you can do to treat all types of hyper-pigmentation is to add abrightening serum to your regimen. In addition, try eating a diet that's good for your skin. When it es to wrinkles, it may actually work to your disadvantage to be thin, oddly enough. Indeed one study from 2009 found that losing as little as 10 pounds can age a woman by four years.3. EyelidsAs you grow older, your eyelids will stretch and the muscles supporting them will grow weaker. Unfortunately, this can lead to a surplus of fat above and below your eyelids, creating unflattering bags under your eyes. "My eyelids are melting and soon will hang in front of my eyes like little curtains," said one of our Facebook friends. Short of surgery, there are a few things you can do to help with this issue, including drinking more water, getting more sleep and consuming less salt. There also are a few creams on the market that many believe reduce puffiness(虚胖).4. NeckNora Ephron wasn't the only one worried about a turkey neck. "The truly astonishing thing is how a body part can age 10 years almost overnight. My hands did. My neck seems to have collapsed in the space of a single year," said one post-50 friend.Indeed your neck often looks older before anything else because its skin is thinner than that on your face. Preventative measures such as the use of the same products you put on your face are a good idea -- so long as you do it before your neck has dramatically changed appearance. Makeup artist Bobbi Brown has offered some tips on hiding a turkey neck, such as wearing a nice scarf or a pretty blush that will draw attention away from your neck.5. ElbowsUnfortunately, there's not a lot that can be done about the loose skin developing on your elbows. You can try using a moisturizer or cream -- or wearing long-sleeved shirts. Take fort in the fact that you are not alone -- most people suffer from dry skin on their elbows as they age. To blame are the sun, stress, smoking, not enough liquids and the loss of sweat and oil glands.6. HairNot only does your hair bee thinner and grayer with age, but it also bees more dry and brittle. Experts say you can add moisture to your hair by using certain oils. You can also give your strands some TLC by scrapping harsh chemicals and trying protein-rich hair treatments instead.。

2014年3月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 婴儿阅读产品不能提高阅读能力

2014年3月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 婴儿阅读产品不能提高阅读能力


Despite all the DVDs, flashcards, and books designed to teach babies to read, these products do not help infants develop reading skills, according to a new study by researchers at New YorkUniversity's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development."While we cannot say with full assurance that infants at this age cannot learn printed words, our results make clear they did not learn printed words from the baby media product that was tested," said senior author Susan Neuman, professor in NYU Steinhardt's Department of Teaching and Learning.Parents, however, seemed to put confidence in these products. In exit interviews, parents reported that their babies were learning to read from these products and that their children had benefited in vocabulary development."It's clear that parents have great confidence in the impact of these products on their children," Neuman explains. "However, our study indicates this sentiment is misplaced."The study, published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, involved 117 infants, ages nine to 18 months, who were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. Babies in the treatment group received a baby media product, which included DVDs, word and picture flashcards, and flip books for parents to use over a seven-month period; babies in the control group did not receive any materials.During a seven month period, the researchers conducted one home visit, four laboratory visits, and took monthly assessments of the babies' language development.In the laboratory, the researchers tested the babies' skills by seeing if they could recognize letter names, letter sounds, vocabulary, words identified on sight, and prehension. They did this by using a bination of eye-tracking devices and standardized tests to study outes at each phase of development.Using state-of-the art eye-tracking technology, which detects even the slightest eye movements, the researchers could closely monitor how the infants shifted their gaze and their attention from one location to another when shown specific words and phrases.The results showed no differences between the babies exposed to the reading products and the control group on 13 of the 14 assessments. The only assessment that showed a difference was parents' beliefs that their baby was learning new words.。

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 英国某组织鼓励孩子参加户外活动素材

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 英国某组织鼓励孩子参加户外活动素材

英国某组织鼓励孩子参加户外活动A campaign is being launched t o encourage children to surrender 30 minutes of screen time a day to head for the great outdoors.英国正在发起一个活动,鼓励孩子们每天用半个小时的上网时间去参加户外活动。

The newly formed Wild Network – a collaboration of nearly 400 organisations - is attempting to attract youngsters away from television and computer screen and into fields, woods and parks.Organisers say it is the UK's biggest ever campaign to reconnect children with nature and o utdoor play, and claim it could help improve fitness, mental alertness and general wellbeing.A documentary film, Pr oject Wild Thing, will herald the launch at more than 50 cinemas across the UK from Friday. It looks at the increasingly fragile link between children and nature.Members of the network include the National Trust, RSPB, Play England and the NHS sustainable development unit.Andy Simpson, chairman of the W ild Network, said: "The tragic truth is that kids have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation."Time spent outdoors is down, roaming ranges have fallen drastically, activity levels are declini ng and the ability to identify common species has been lost."Suggestions of how to get more time in nature include collecting conkers, camping or snail racing, and observing autumn colour on trees.From January, the network will aim to make suggestions to politicians on how government can do more to get children muddy and bright-eyed.This is not the first time the message of less screen, more play has been brought up. Children in the 1980s were entreated to do the same by the BBC TV seri es Why Don't You, which somewhat confusingly called on its viewers to "switch off your TV set, and go do something less boring instead".。



Reading in the Era of the College EntranceExaminationIn the ever-evolving landscape of education, reading remains a cornerstone of academic excellence and personal growth. Especially in the context of the college entrance examination, reading proficiency has become a crucialfactor that determines a student's success. This essay explores the significance of reading in high school, its impact on exam performance, and ways to enhance reading comprehension skills for optimal results in the college entrance examination.Firstly, reading is fundamental to building a solid knowledge base. It is through reading that students gain exposure to diverse ideas, perspectives, and historical events. This breadth of information not only broadens their horizons but also helps them develop critical thinking skills. In the college entrance examination, these skills are invaluable as they enable students to analyze complex texts, identify key arguments, and formulate coherent responses.Moreover, reading regularly improves vocabulary and language proficiency. A rich vocabulary is essential for effective communication and expression in both written and spoken forms. It also enhances comprehension, allowing students to understand more complex texts with greater ease. This is particularly beneficial in the examination setting, where students are required to quickly grasp the meaning of passages and respond accordingly.However, the importance of reading is not just about accumulating knowledge or improving language skills. It is also about fostering a love of learning and a curious mindset. Reading opens doors to new worlds, introduces students to different cultures, and encourages them to question and explore. This enthusiasm for learningtranslates into a more engaged and motivated approach to studying, which can significantly boost exam performance.Given the significance of reading in the college entrance examination, it is crucial for students to develop strong reading comprehension skills. One effective strategy is to read a wide range of materials, including novels, newspapers, and academic articles. This diversity helpsstudents become accustomed to different writing styles and levels of complexity, preparing them for the variety of texts they may encounter in the examination.Furthermore, active reading techniques such as highlighting key points, taking notes, and summarizing key ideas can significantly enhance comprehension. These practices encourage students to engage actively with the text, rather than passively reading through it. They also aid in memory retention, making it easier for students to recall information when needed.Additionally, regular practice and timed reading exercises are essential for honing reading skills. By simulating exam conditions, these exercises help students manage their time effectively and improve their speed and accuracy in comprehending texts.In conclusion, reading is a vital component of academic success in the college entrance examination. It builds knowledge, enhances language proficiency, fosters a love of learning, and improves comprehension skills. By reading widely, employing active reading techniques, and practicingregularly, students can significantly boost their chances of achieving optimal results in the examination.**高考时代的阅读**在不断变化的教育环境中,阅读仍然是学术卓越和个人成长的基石。

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 带孩子购物对脑部发育有利素材

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 带孩子购物对脑部发育有利素材



Children may sulk(生气,愠怒) and play up when being dragged round the shops by their parents, but retail therapy is actually good for their brains.The interaction between child and parent while shopping helps young people develop social skills and promotes happiness - even if a bawling toddler show s few signs of it at the time.According to the joint study by Oxford Uni versity and the Open University, sh opping trips are just as beneficial for the ch ild's development as painting o r drawing activities.They also found shopping is better for a child's social skills than watching TV or reading.The two universities made these conclusions after studying the results of an economic survey in Germany.This survey looked into the daily routines and habits of 800 parents with two and three-year-olds.It recorded higher perceived levels of happiness among the children who had taken part in activities such as art s and crafts, and shopping.Researchers Professor Paul Anand and Dr Laurence Roope added that the more retail therapy the toddlers were exposed to, the happier they seemed to be, an d the more developed their everyday skills became.Shopping may be benef icial because it involves c hanges of sc enery from shop to shop, which improves the child's motor and social skill s more than a sedentary (久坐的) activity, the report continued.Reading and storytelling together ranked high for happine ss, but being left to read on their own, or watch TV, had a 'negative impa ct' on the c hild's development.Pr ofessor Anand from the Open University said that during shopping trips 'children are getting visual stimulation, they've getting out of the house and into a new environment.'They're bumping into other families where social skill s come into play and they may get the chance to do something physical in a shop like run around.'The researchers now want to test their theories on older children to se e what activities influence development among other age groups.The research was presented at the annual conference of the Royal Economic Society.。

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 文化教育 营养不良影响儿童的在校表现素材

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 文化教育 营养不良影响儿童的在校表现素材

营养不良影响儿童的在校表现A quarter of the world's children are at risk of underperformin g at school because of chronic malnutrition, says UK charity Save the Children.英国慈善机构拯救儿童称,世界上1/4的儿童因为长期营养不良而有在学校表现不佳的危险。

Missing out on a nutritious diet could severely damage a child's ability to read and write, it said.The study found that malnourished children suffered irreversible damage; they grew up smaller and weaker, and their brains might not develop fully.The charity said tackling malnutrition should be a priority for G8 leaders.They will meet in Northern Ireland next month.The report - Food for Thought - is based on studies of thousands of children in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam.Their study suggests that children aged eight who are stunted d ue to malnutrition were 19% more likely to make mistakes reading a simple sentence like "the sun is hot" or "I like dogs" than those with a balanced diet.They could earn as much as 20% less in adulthood, and the global economic impact of malnutrition could b e up to $125bn (£83bn), Save the Children said.Nutrition summit"Poor nutrition is driving a literacy and numeracy crisis in developing countries, and is also a huge barrier to further progress in tackl ing chil d deaths," said Jasmine Whitbread, Save the Children International's Chief Executive."A quarter of the world's children are suffering the effects of chronic malnutrition, putting millions of young lives at risk."The UK government is holding a special nutrition summit in London on 8 June, ahead of the main G8 gathering, wh ich is expected to look at issues such as food security and the need for more African countr ies to have their own national nutrition plans.World leaders attending tha t summit must "face this crisis and tackle the scourge of malnutrition for goo d", said Ms Whitbread.s1。

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 提升第一印象的十个方法素材

高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 提升第一印象的十个方法素材

提升第一印象的十个方法What can you do to make sure you're looking good during that critical first impression?为了让你在决定性的第一印象中魅力提升,你都可以做些什么呢?1. As a general rule, smiling makes you more attractive. That said, ladies, smile. Guys…well, think twice. Want to improve your smile? Smile slower.2. Beauty sleep? Yeah, it's real. Get some.3. Red clothes. Men, women, whatever. Wear red.4. Guys: stubble(须茬)makes you look smarter and more sociable.5. Guys: chin up. Ladies: chin down.6. Guys: deep, dominant voice. Ladies, keep it feminine. (But you already know that on some level; that's why you speak differently when talking to attractive men.)7. Guys: emphasize the height. Ladies, might want to wear flats.8. Ladies who don't wear makeup: start wearing makeup. And pick bras wisely: that awful stereotype about men liking big boobs? Confirmed.9. Guys, you need to move right, keep cool, and be confident. Or just go buy a puppy. And you know those obnoxious jerks who constantly lift weights, show off their fancy cars, and throw lots of money around? Well, that stuff works. But if you think you're going to date a supermodel, you need to have the whole package… except brains, brains are optional.10. Is none of this helping? Here's a trick that doesn't ask you to change anything about yourself: bring along a friend who has your basic physical characteristics (similar coloring, body type, facial features), but is slightly less attractive than you. It works.。



【英语】高考英语阅读理解(教育文化)技巧小结及练习题一、高中英语阅读理解教育文化类1.阅读理解As is known to all, nowadays many students are interested in studying abroad.Attending schools abroad has many advantages. First, by looking at our own country from outside, we can best see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore broaden our minds. Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people. Third, we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in that language may be improved quickly. But the most importantis to learn advanced(先进的) science and technology. For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university. The most serious problem is the language barrier(障碍). Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not prepare themselves well for the new language environment. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the instructors are saying in class. Besides, for not knowing about the customs and way of life of the local people, they may run into trouble in dealing with various situations. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-time jobs in order to help support themselves. Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.Therefore, given an opportunity to attend a school abroad, one must consider the factors carefully before making up his mind. On the one hand, it is a good thing to go and study abroad. But on the other hand, one must not neglect(忽视) the disadvantages.(1)According to the passage, the following are all advantages of studying abroad EXCEPT__________.A. having more chances to get good jobsB. improving foreign language ability quicklyC. visiting well-known places of interestD. learning very modern science and technology(2)The underlined word "instructors" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to "__________".A.neighborsB.teachersC.strangersD.classmates(3)According to the passage, why do some students find part-time jobs?A.Because they want to learn more skills in a different country.B.Because they want to make full use of their time.C.Because they are not interested in studying.D.Because they have to support themselves.(4)The passage mainly tells us that __________.A.studying abroad is a good way to learn moreB.everything has two sidesC.people should think twice before going abroadD.going abroad has more advantages than disadvantages【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了出国学习的坏处和好处,旨在告诫人们对出国学习要慎重考虑,不能盲目跟风。

抓扮学校3月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 父亲龄大 孩子相貌丑寿命长

抓扮学校3月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 父亲龄大 孩子相貌丑寿命长


Older fathers have uglier children, researchers have claimed after linking age to genetic mutations.The finding comes weeks after leading scientists reported children born to men over the age of 45 run a higher risk of having autism〔孤独症〕 and psychiatric disorders.With age, sperm-producing cells do not copy a man's DNA as effectively, leading to genetic mutations.Martin Fielder, an anthropologist〔人类学家〕at Vienna University, told the Sunday Times: 'Every 16 years the mutation rate doubles. Other researchers found 25 mutations per sperm in a 20-year-old, but at age 40 it is 65 mutations. By 56, it doubles again.'The effect is very visible - someone born to a father of 22 is already 5-10 per cent more attractive than those with a 40-year-old father and the difference grows with the age gap.'In contrast, women pass on a maximum of 15 mutations to their baby, regardless of age, according to the study published in the journal Nature.Surveying a group of six men and six women, researchers showed them each 4,018 photographs of 18-20-year-old men and 4,416 of women the same age, and asked to rate their attractiveness. Those with older fathers were consistently rated less attractive.However, the offspring of older men, though less attractive, are likely to outlive their peers with younger fathers, it is claimed.Professor Lee Smith, a geneticist at Edinburgh University, told the Sunday Times other research found such children have longer telomeres〔染色体终端〕 - the caps on the end of chromosomes - which are associated with longer life.But the mounting research connecting parents' age with autism is cause for concern, experts warn. Autism is an umbrella term for a range of developmental disorders that have a lifelong effect on someone's ability to interact socially and communicate.In the UK, around one in 100 adults is thought to be affected by autism, mostly men, caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.Researchers said men should be advised about the potential problems in order to help their personal decision-making when it came to having fathering children at older ages.They warned that advancing paternal age posed a risk of 'numerous public health and societal problems'.Among well-known older dads are Simon Cowell, 54, whose son was born earlier this month, and comedian Frank Skinner whose first child was born in 2021 when he was 55.。




















高三英语备考素材阅读篇—如 何 提 高 学 生 的 阅 读 能 力

高三英语备考素材阅读篇—如 何 提 高 学 生 的 阅 读 能 力










第二,进行“组视读”(Phrase Reading)训练。


有意义的语法结构被称作“意群”(英语称作senes groups或thought groups或meaningful mouthfuls),用叙线号——“/” 把句中意群隔开。

















根据当地一位老师Rachel Pearce描述,这里有着非常美丽的夜景,再加上盐湖上星星的神秘外观,给人一种行走在星星之间的感觉。



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A quarter of the world's children are at risk of underperformin g at school because of chronic malnutrition, says UK charity Save the Children.

Missing out on a nutritious diet could severely damage a child's ability to read and write, it said.
The study found that malnourished children suffered irreversible damage; they grew up smaller and weaker, and their brains might not develop fully.
The charity said tackling malnutrition should be a priority for G8 leaders.
They will meet in Northern Ireland next month.
The report - Food for Thought - is based on studies of thousands of children in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam.
Their study suggests that children aged eight who are stunted d ue to malnutrition were 19% more likely to make mistakes reading a simple sentence like "the sun is hot" or "I like dogs" than those with a balanced diet.
They could earn as much as 20% less in adulthood, and the global economic impact of malnutrition could b e up to $125bn (£83bn), Save the Children said.
Nutrition summit
"Poor nutrition is driving a literacy and numeracy crisis in developing countries, and is also a huge barrier to further progress in tackl ing chil d deaths," said Jasmine Whitbread, Save the Children International's Chief Executive.
"A quarter of the world's children are suffering the effects of chronic malnutrition, putting millions of young lives at risk."
The UK government is holding a special nutrition summit in London on 8 June, ahead of the main G8 gathering, wh ich is expected to look at issues such as food security and the need for more African countr ies to have their own national nutrition plans.
World leaders attending tha t summit must "face this crisis and tackle the scourge of malnutrition for goo d", said Ms Whitbread.
