第27届中国化学奥林匹克(初赛)试题及解答第1题(12分) 写出下列化学反应的方程式1-1 加热时,三氧化二锰与一氧化碳反应产生四氧化三锰。
1-2 将KCN加入到过量的CuSO4水溶液中。
1-3 在碱性溶液中,Cr2O3和K3Fe(CN)6反应。
1-4 在碱性条件下,Zn(CN)42-和甲醛反应。
1-5 Fe(OH)2在常温无氧条件下转化为Fe3O4。
1-6 将NaNO3粉末小心加到熔融的NaNH2中,生成NaN3(没有水生成)。
1-1 3Mn2O3+CO=2Mn3O4+CO22分1-2 4CN-+2Cu2+=2CuCN+(CN)2 2分1-3 Cr2O3+6Fe(CN)63-+10OH-=2CrO42-+6Fe(CN)64-+5H2O 2分1-4 Zn(CN)42-+4H2CO+4H2O=4 HOCH2CN+Zn(OH) 42- 2分1-5 3Fe(OH)2=Fe3O4+H2+2H2O 2分1-6 NaNO3+3NaNH2=NaN3+NH3+3NaOH 2分第2题(23分) 简要回答或计算2-1 Bi2Cl82-离子中铋原子的配位数为5,配体呈四角锥型分布,画出该离子的结构并指出Bi 原子的杂化轨道类型。
Bi2Cl82-的结构:2-或2-或ClClClCl2-2分ClClBiCl ClCl2-杂化轨道类型:sp3d2 1分2-2在液氨中,Eθ(Na+/Na)=-1.89V,Eθ(Mg2+/Mg)=-1.74V,但可以发生Mg置换Na的反应:Mg+2NaI=MgI2+2Na,指出原因。
在此溶液中插入两块铅电极,通直流电,当1.0 mol 电子通过电解槽时,在哪个电极(阴极或阳极)上沉积出铅?写出沉积铅的量。
阳极1分9/4mol 1分2-4下图是某金属氧化物的晶体结构示意图。
18届2013年小高组华杯赛竞赛题初赛 决赛A卷 B卷 C卷 完美版
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.82.2013年的钟声敲响了, 小明哥哥感慨地说: 这是我有生以来第一次将要渡过一个没有重复数字的年份。
已知小明哥哥出生的年份是19的倍数, 那么2013年小明哥哥的年龄是()岁。
A.16 B.18 C.20 D.223.一只青蛙8点从深为12米的井底向上爬, 它每向上爬3米, 因为井壁打滑, 就会下滑1米,下滑1米的时间是向上爬3米所用时间的三分之一。
8点17分时, 青蛙第二次爬至离井口3米之处, 那么青蛙从井底爬到井口时所花的时间为()分钟。
A.22 B.20 C.17 D.164.一个盒子里有黑棋子和白棋子若干粒, 若取出一粒黑子, 则余下的黑子数与白子数之比为9:7, 若放回黑子, 再取出一粒白子, 则余下的黑子数与白子数之比为7:5, 那么盒子里原有的黑子数比白子数多()个。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.85. 右图ABCD 是平行四边形, M 是DC 的中点, E 和F 分别位于AB 和AD上, 且EF 平行于BD 。
若三角形MDF 的面积等于5平方厘米, 则三角形CEB 的面积等于( )平方厘米。
A .5B .10C .15D .206. 水池A 和B 同为长3米, 宽2米, 深1.2米的长方体。
1号阀门用来向A 池注水, 18分钟可将无水的A 池注满; 2号阀门用来从A 池向B 池放水, 24分钟可将A 池中满池水放入B 池。
若同时打开1号和2号阀门, 那么当A 池水深0.4米时, B 池有( )立方米的水。
A .0.9B .1.8C .3.6D .7.2二、填空题(每小题 10 分, 满分40分)7. 小明、小华、小刚三人分363张卡片, 他们决定按年龄比来分。
A.4 B.8 C.32 D.1282.二进制数11.01在十进制下是()。
A.3.25 B.4.125 C.6.25D.11.1253.下面的故事与()算法有着异曲同工之妙。
A.冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann) B.图灵(Alan Turing)C.欧拉(Leonhard Euler)D.克劳德·香农(Claude Shannon)5.已知一棵二叉树有2013个节点,则其中至多有()个节点有2个子节点。
A.1006 B.1007C.1023 D.10246.在一个有向图中,如果任意两点之间都存在路径相连,则称其为连通图。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.57.斐波那契数列的定义如下:F1=1,F2=1,F n=F n-1+F n-2(n≥3)。
function F(n:longint):longint;beginif n<=2 thenF:=1elseF:=F(n-1)+F(n-2);end;A.O(1) B.O(n) C.O(n2)D.O(F n)8.二叉查找树具有如下性质:每个节点的值都大于其左子树上所有节点的值、小于其右子树上所有节点的值。
2013年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛答案 - D类
2013National English Contestfor College Students(Level D-Preliminary)参考答案及评分标准Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)1—5BABABSection B(10marks)6—10CBBAC11—15BAABCSection C(5marks)16—20BCCABSection D(10marks)21.notably unusual22.not necessarily23.well known24.set difficult goals25.measure26.individuals27.believe in28.position29.obstacles30.be inspiredPart II Vocabulary and Structure(15marks)31—35CCABD36—40BACBD41—45DBCAAPart陨陨陨Cloze(10marks)46.of47.divided48.raising49.exceptions50.however51.including52.greatly53.as54.century55.whatPart IV Reading Comprehension(40marks)Section A(10marks)56.B57.C58.A59.thought/thinking60.artificial intelligence/AISection B(10marks)61.F62.F63.T64.Martial arts and acrobatics.65.When he began playing for laughs.Section C(10marks)66.Unwanted,annoying,disorganized,or meaningless.anization and complexity entwine and influence the piece in combination with each other and with other factors.68.The ideal level is a point where the complexity of a piece and the way it is organized are matched perfectly with a listener蒺s knowledge and experience.69.美肯定不仅仅局限于外表。
2013 National English Contest for College Students(Level C - Preliminary)(总分:150分答题时间:120分钟)Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.1.Why didn’t the man go to see Macbeth last week?A.He didn’t manage to get a ticket.B.He had to attend a conference.C.He had a better production to watch.2.What does “Fill Me In” refer to in this conversation?A. A type of upgraded mobile phone.B. A well-selling magazine.C. A writer’s new book series.3.Why doesn’t the woman like the bag?A.She doesn’t like the pattern.B.It’s not easy to carry.C.It’s too big for her.4.What makes a bad CV according to the man?A.Fake information.B. Terrible writing.C. Undesirable length.5.How will Cathy continue her Spanish learning?A.She’s going to make a friend in Spain.B.She’ll communicate with a Spanish friend in Spain.C.She’ll practice speaking Spanish with an English friend.Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversation. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation One6.What traffic accident are the speakers talking about?A. A kid was knocked down by a car.B.Two cars crashed into a shop.C. A car ran into a wrong place.7.Why did the accident happen according the woman?A.There were many shops around.B.The crossing is in a wrong place.C.There was no crossing here.8.Which of the following is the suggestion they made?A.More traffic lights should be installed.B. A speed camera should be mounted.C.More policemen should patrol that area.9.Where, as the woman mentioned, has got improved traffic?A.Her own neighborhood.B.Her big brother’s neighborhood.C.Her parents’ neighborhood.10.How was the man punished for his traffic offence?A.He was fined 100 pounds with extra penalty points.B.He had to pay 150 pounds and got 6 penalty points.C.He finally paid 600 pounds without any penalty points.Conversation Two11.Why is the expert opposed to the view that memory aids make your memory worse?A.There is no evidence showing that memory aids are invalid.B.Human beings’ brain functions mainly through memory aids in an effective way.C.Memory aids encourage an organized approach which helps the brain function effectively.12.What is interview’s attitude towards the idea that visual image help the memoryA.It is hard to believe.B.It is nothing strange.C.It is obviously nonsense.13.Who developed the system of memory aids centuries ago?A.Inhabitants on an isolated island.B.The Ancient Greeks.C. A great psychologists.14.How does mapping out notes affect the brain?A.It is helpful in reflecting the way people link information in the brain.B.It prevents people from arranging things logically.C.It makes people’s brain function the opposite way.15.What tends to affect people’s ability to think cle arly?A.Upbringing and innate differences.B.Worry and anxiety.C.Their aptitudes.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet。
2013 National English Contestfor College Students(Level C - Preliminary)参考答案及作文评分标准Part I ListeningComprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)1—5 ACCCBSection B (10 marks)6—10 ABBCB 11—15 CABAASection C (5 marks)16—20 CACBC Section D (10 marks)21.are warn for 22. flush out 23. tends to recommend 24.coopensate ck of evidence 26.separated into 27.accessed 28. medication 29. contasdictary 30. winklesPart II Vocabulary andStructure (15 marks)31—35 CDCCA 36—40 BAACA 41—45 ADBCAPart III Cloze (10 marks)46. hidding 47.surprising 48.pressure 49. presidenting 50.existence51. with 52.place 53. gravity 54.Additionally 55.affectionPart IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)Section A (10 marks)56. money/cash 57. compare 58. unique 59.altered 60. privacySection B (10 marks)61. F 62. T 63. T64.Pansies differ in being hardy.65. Potentillas.Section C (10 marks)66. England 67.fond of 68.making sure 69. C 70.BSection D (10 marks)71.Glasiers and permarost.72. 24 cubic miles of ice.73.Because of the increase oin temperatures.74. 阿拉斯加大部分陆地被永久性地冻结,或者一年的多半被冻结,因此得以保持其完整。
一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1.5分,共计30分;每题有且仅有一个正确选项)1. 一个32 位整型变量占用()个字节。
A. 4B. 8C. 32D. 1282. 二进制数11.01 在十进制下是()。
A. 3.25B. 4.125C. 6.25D. 11.1253. 下面的故事与()算法有着异曲同工之妙。
从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:‘从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚给小和尚\ 、讲故事....'A.枚举B.递归C.贪心D.分治4. 逻辑表达式()的值与变量A的真假无关。
A. (A V B)― AB. (A V B)― BC. (A A B)V (円A A B)D. (A V B)― A A B5. 将(2, 6, 10, 17)分别存储到某个地址区间为0~10的哈希表中,如果哈希函数h(x)=(),将不会产生冲突,其中a mod b表示a除以b的余数。
A. x mod 11B. x2 mod 11C. 2x mod 11D. | V2| mod 11 ,其中"X表示V X下取整6. 在十六进制表示法中,字母A相当于十进制中的()。
欢迎阅读A. 9B. 10C. 15D. 167. 下图中所使用的数据结构是()。
欢迎阅读A.哈希表B.栈C.队列D.二叉树8. 在Win dows资源管理器中,用鼠标右键单击一个文件时,会出现一个名为“复制”的操作选项,它的意思是()。
A. 用剪切板中的文件替换该文件B. 在该文件所在文件夹中,将该文件克隆一份C. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并保留原文件D. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并删除原文件9. 已知一棵二叉树有10个节点,则其中至多有()个节点有2个子节点。
Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (40 marks)
Section A (10 marks) complete summary
Section B (10 marks) T/F + answer questions
Section C (10 marks) complete statements + multiple choice
Section C (5 marks) five short news items
Section D (10 marks) a short passage
Partห้องสมุดไป่ตู้II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)
15 incomplete sentences
Part Ⅲ Cloze (10 marks)
wonderful. I wish I’d been able to get a ticket.
2. What does “Fill Me In” refer to in this conversation? A. A type of upgraded mobile phone. B. A well-selling magazine. C. A writer’s new book series.
全国大学生英语竞赛 2013年C类初赛试题及详解
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
Section A (5 marks) five short conversations
Section B (10 marks) two long conversations
3. Why doesn’t the woman like the bag? A. She doesn’t like the pattern. B. It’s not easy to carry. C. It’s too big for her.
大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)A类研究生初赛真题2013年(暂缺听力音频)(总分145, 考试时间120分钟)Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section,you will hear five short conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the end of each conversation,there will be a twenty-second pause.During the pause,read the question and the three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1. Where does the dialogue probably take place?A On a trainB In a restaurantC In a gym2. What are the speakers talking about?A Where to have their mealB How to make people intelligentC The disadvantage of watching TV3. What was the woman probably doing when she hurt herself?A She was cookingB She was bathingC She was reading4. What did the man mention about the briefcase?A The priceB The shapeC The color5. Why did the man get divorced according to the woman?A He was bad-tempered all the timeB He didn’t help take care of the babyC He spent too much time in the pub Section B (10 marks)In this section,you will hear two long conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the end of each conversation,there will be a one-minute pause.During the pause,read the questions and the three choices marked A,Band C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation One6. Why is it very difficult for the woman to get the time off?A She is supposed to attend an important meetingB She has been arranged for an interviewC There are not enough teachers in her school7. Why does the woman ask the man to get off at the golf course?A They are going to play golf togetherB The pathway is too rough for the taxis to goC It is nearest to her home8. Who will the man come with?A His dadB His friendC His childConversation Two9. What is this conversation about?A Travel agenciesB Space toursC Holiday plans10. What is being planned for tourism in the beginning phase of the next ten years?A Trips to the moon.B Trips in the moon's orbit.C Trips within the earth's orbit11. What is said about the training?A It takes a couple of days.B Only children need some training.C It's unnecessary.12. Who will be the potential tourists?A The general public.B Those wanting rest and recreation.C Risk-takers.13. Which statement below is correct?A A few minutes is enough for tourists because of weightlessness.B The cost for the trip is acceptable to the general public.C The duration of the trip is expected to be increased.14. What is said about moon tours?A They will be the first tours that get out of the earth’s orbit.B The number of tourists will be reduced.C They are less dangerous than traveling to Mars.15. What does the man say people could do on the moon?A Build hotels.B Do space-walking.C Prepare for trips to Mars.Section C (5 marks)In this section,you will hear five short news items.After each item,which will be read only once,there will be a pause.During the pause,read the question and the three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16. What measure is mentioned in the news?A Consolidating buildings.B Implementing a curfew in cities.C Storing food and water.17.How did the police find the files?A The police found them after raiding the man’s home.B The man lost some of the files during the duplication.C The man handed them in.18. How much did Google approximately earn in the same period last year?A $2bnB $2.2bnC $2.5bn19. What is the purpose of the report?A To prepare for the construction of nuclear plants in Europe.B To deal with the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.C To test European nuclear power plants’ reaction to emergencies.20. What’s the cause of demonstrations in cities and towns across Syria?A They are calling for more freedom.B Workers demand higher pay.C Some thirty people were killed by the police.SectionD (10 marks)In this section,you will hear a radio talk.The talk will be read only once.For questions 21-30,complete the notes which summarize what the speaker says.You will need to write a word or a short phrase.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Speaker:chairman of the Carocan Group-a (21)Topic:How to achieve successObstacles for success:● Fear of (22)______ (the (23)______ one to deal with)Analysis:It can be both a (24)_____.In fact daring not to take opportunities disclosesyour (25)______ about your ability to succeed.Suggestion:Admit your fear and meet it (26)● Fear of (27)Analysis:It is in fact the fear of (28)Suggestion:(29)Conclusion:In order to succeed,you need to (30)______ opportunities.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)There are fifteen incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet witha single line through the centre.31. Katie’s parents never see her as the mothering type but when her son was born she took to it like a _____ to water.A shrimpB horseC duckD dog32. He has struggled for weeks inside his heart since the offer of a place at a good university is not to be ______ at.A coughedB sneezedC laughedD rejected33. When a professor gives students ______ instructions,the instructions are generally easily understood.A clear-cutB blurryC marginalD ambiguous34. After years of neglect there was a huge _______ programme to return the city to its former glory.A refurbishmentB restorationC conservationD preservation35. More recently,green tea has also been ______ added to the list of youth-promoting substances as it contains rich Vitamin.A coincidentallyB supposedlyC surprisinglyD tentatively36. Our landlord tried to _____ all the cockroaches in our building,but they came back the next year.A removeB deportC expediteD eradicate37. Mariko believed everything she read on the Web,so she was ______ by the hoax the TV Station played on April Fool’s Day.A taken outB taken inC taken offD taken on38. There is a lobby of people who insist that it’s justifiable and necessary to carry out these animal experiments _______ science.A leading toB relating withC in touch withD in the name of39.A drum is a percussion instrument made by ______ a skin or other material over one or both ends of a hollow container.A compressingB strengtheningC calculated atD stretching40. Britain’s gold and currency reserves ______ £15,977 million,and this year they have repaid foreign loans to the value of £3,500 million.A equal toB amounted toC calculated atD targeted at41. The film was initially a box-office disaster but quickly gained ______ status,and the actress has been well-known ever since.A cultB humbleC vulgarD feeble42. ______,but seats are proffered,doors smilingly held open for pram-pushing mothers and tables miraculously appear in crowded restaurants.A Not only are they not shunnedB They are not only shunnedC Though they are not shunnedD Despite they not being shunned43. Selina:Do you think Tim takes after his dad?Tom:Well,he does,in some ways.Selina:How?Tom:Well,I mean,they’re both very stubborn,aren’t they?Selina:That’s for sure.A It’s not taken for granted.B Nothing serious.C It runs in the family.D It’s hard to say.44. Assistant:Wadley’s Garage called this morning.They said your new car wasn’t ready.Manager:Oh,no…Assistant:They said there was a strike at the factory yesterday.Manager:Again?A You sold it?B why on earth not?C I suppose not.D I’ve been there.45. Manager:What have you got?Assistant:We’ve got the files up to 2010,but all those after 2010 have not been found.Manager:______ It won’t take long to sort the rest out.A That’s a relief!B Bad news!C Who knows?D Let it go.Part III Cloze (10 marks)Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word.Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways:according to the context,by using the correct form of the given word,or by using the given letter (s)of the word.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.A top racehorse was brought down at Royal Ascot with a shot from a high-tech sound gun,a court was told yesterday.The gun was built into a pair of binoculars and fired from the crowd as the horse was (46)______ sight of certain victory.The "technically brilliant” ultra-sonic device-(47)______ could not be heard by people-was devised by a back-street inventor.It was to be used with potentially devastating effect in a secret plan “to destroy the entire system of race-course betting and bookmaking in this country,” defence lawyer Jonathan Goldberg told Southwark Crown Court in London.He said it had the potential to make a fortune in bets (48)______ the favourite because it made sure that the horse would lose.It was used last year to unseat the leading jockey Greville Starkey from Ile de Chypre just before the end of the KingGeorge V Handicap,which it (49)______ (doubt)would have won,he said.The astonishing story was told by the defence during a trial in which the inventor of the (50)g______,James Laming,denies drug conspiracy charges.It came to light because of his alleged connections with a drug baron who wanted to use the gun to help him win large bets.The inventor is a 49-year-old grandfather and south London car dealer who lives with his mother-in-law in a terraced house.He told the court that he got all the (51)inf______ on ultra-sonics for the gun from the Encyclopedia Britannica and tested it on horses in fields.The gun was made from a pair of race binoculars.Showing them to the jury,Mr Goldberg said:“This device subjected a passing racehorse to a sudden and (52)______ (deaf)noise which we human beings cannot hear at all.It is the equivalent in suddenness to letting a loud firework (53)exp ______ in its ears.”The noise would be “a horrible ear-piercing shriek” like the feedback from a microphone.Because racehorses were sensitive and temperamental it would have the (54)ef ______ of making the horse swerve and unseat the rider.“It left no evidence of its use and no permanent disability for the animal,” he said.The plan was to use the gun for horse races and possibly for greyhound races.Mr Goldberg said:“He would fire it (55)______ the favourite or second favourite in a race.”“These criminals,of course,were in a unique position to ensure that the horse lost.”Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions using information from the passage.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Section A (10 marks)Questions 56—60 are based on the following passage.I want to talk about the economy , not the one we hear about endlessly in the news each day and in politicians'speeches,but the one we live in day by day.It’s where most of us live on a daily basis,earning our living,paying our taxes ,and purchasing the necessities of life.The term “economic expansion” suggests something desirable and benevolent,but expansion simply means spending more money.More spending doesn’t mean that life is getting better.More spending merely feeds our whole economic system,which is based on production and consumption.Unless money keeps circulating,the economy collapses.If we don’t keep consuming,then manufacturers and retailers go out of business.As a leading economist put it,consumer societies are “in need of need”.We don’t need the things the economy produces as much as the economy needs our sense of need for things.Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly.In economics,there is no concept of enough.It is a hunger that cannot be satisfied.There is so much craziness in the world.There is a American company that manufactures a range of food with a high fat content .This causes obesity and high blood pressure .By coincidence,the same company also makes products that help people who are trying to diet.Not only that,it even produces pills for those with high blood pressure.Nearly all of my mail consists of bills,banks trying to lend me money,catalogues trying to make me spend it ,and charity appeals for the losers in this ecstasy of consumption -the homeless,the refugees,the exploited,the starving.Why is it possible to buy strawberries from Ecuador and green beans from Kenya when these countries can hardly feed their own people? It is because there are cash crops,and the countries need the money to service their debts.Notice that servicing a debt does not mean paying it off.It means just paying the interest .Western banks make vast profits from third world debt.We buy clothes that are manufactured in sweat shops by virtual slaves in poor parts of the world.We create mountains of waste.We demand cheap food,mindless of the fact that it is totally devoid of taste and is produced using chemicals that poison the land.We insist on our right to drive our own car wherever we want to go.The evil of the consumption culture is the way it makes us oblivious to the impact of our own behavior.Our main problem is not t hat we don’t know what to do about it.It is mustering the desire to do it.Questions 56—60Complete the following sentences with information given in the passage,using a maximum of four words for each sentence.56. At the beginning of the passage,the author states that there are ______ kinds of economy and he will talk about the one related to the majority of people.57. According to the passage,______ serve as the foundation of the whole economic system.58. Economists believe that the economy struggles to keep people feel like they are always ______.59. The reason poor countries like Ecuador and Kenya export their crops is to get money to ______.60. The aim of this passage is to make people recognize the ______ and thus be free to make their own choices in the consumption culture.Section B (10 marks)Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.For more than a mile,the desert in southern Peru has a curious ruler-straight and tacksharp design made by rocks .The wandering mule paths that cross it only emphasize its precision.Throughout hundreds of square miles of arid plateau,other such markings around,most of them concentrated between the towns of Nazca and Palpa.Known as the Nazca Lines,they form a geometric mélange of quardrangles,triangles,and trapezoids .The markings also form spirals and flowers,narrow lines that extend more than five miles,and a desert zoo of giant creatures -birds ,reptiles ,whales,a monkey,and a spider-all made by stones whose patterns can only be seen from the air.Because some of the figures resemble the ones that decorate Nazca pottery,archaeologists attribute the lines to the Nazcas,a coastal people whose culture rose,flourished,and declined between 100 BC and AD 700.Making the patterns must have been extremely time-consuming.The Nazcas must havecleared millions of rocks to expose the lighter ground beneath them,piled the rocks in rows,and created designs that,in this nearly rainless region,can last thousands of years.But why did they construct them? Nobody really knows.There have been many guesses.Some say that they were prehistoric roads,or farms.Others say they were signals or offerings to celestial beings.It has also been suggested that they constitute a giant astronomical calendar,an almanac for farmers who wished to predict the return of water to valley streams.One study did ascertain that some of the lines point to solstice positions of the sun and moon in ancient times,as well as to the rising and setting points on the horizon of some of the bright stars.But none of the theories have proven to be correct.And so the mystery remains,including the most tantalizing question of all:why did the Nazcas create immense designs that they themselves could never see ,designs that people nowadays can only see from the air?One person who worked to find out the answer was Maria Reiche.For over forty years she photographed and charted “las lineas”,striving to complete a map of the hundreds of designs and figures of this area,which is some thirty miles long and threaded by the Pan American highway.This determined German -born mathematician slept on a camp cot behind her car on the rocky,grassless Peruvian “pampa”,and even when she was elderly,got up before daylight to conduct her research.She scorned the suggestion that the markings may have been airfields for outer -space visitors to earth during prehistoric times.“Once you remove the stones,the ground is quite soft,” she said.“I’m afraid the spacemen would have gotten stuck.”Although Maria Reiche was not able to find the answer ,she crusaded to preserve the patterns so that others following her might have a chance to do so.Questions 61 to 65Answer the following questions with the information given in the passage in a maximum of fifteen words for each question.61. Why do people name the patterns the Nazca Lines?62. Are there any definite reasons for the construction of Nazca Lines? If not,what does the author offer?63. Could those who built the Nazca Lines see the patterns? If not,how can people now see them?64. Did Maria Reiche believe the Nazca Lines have something to do with outer-space visitors? What was her reason?65. What’s Reiche’s contribution about the mystery of the Nazca Lines even though she had not solved it hers elf?Section C (10 marks)Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.In the past ,most cities usually were the natural outgrowth of villages and towns that happened to prosper.Rome started out as a small village,as did Athens,Paris,London and New York.Of course,there were exceptions to this general rule.In ancient times,Alexandria in Egypt,and Saint Petersburg,were both planned cities.But for the most part,cities throughout history were not the products of deliberate thought.Today the reverse is true .Many nations,alarmed by the urban sprawl that has been gobbling up farmland and open countryside ,and appalled by the staggering urban problems in the central cities,have begun building new cities that are specifically designed to meet modern needs.Britain has long been a pioneer in planning new cities .As the first nation to become industrialized and urbanized,it faced traffic,slums and pollution long before anyone else.In 1898 an Englishman,Sir Ebenezer Howard,published a book called To-morrow:a Peaceful Path to Real Reform,in which he advocated a new form of urban growth and organization:the “garden city”.Such a city combined the beauty of nature-trees,grass,sunshine and fresh air -with all the advantages of city living,including an abundance of jobs,social and cultural centres and good shopping facilities .The garden city was to be fairly small int size and the inhabitants would have easy access to the countryside,while at the same time they would be close to their work.In 1899 Howard organized the Garden City Association and in 1903 and 1920 he built the first and the second garden city ,Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City .These projects encountered many difficulties and failed to arouse widespread enthusiasm.Nevertheless,both Welwyn and Letchworth survived and grew,and in later years-particularly after World War II -British planners looked at them with renewed interest.The war had given the British a painful lesson in the weakness of modern,heavily populated cities.Cities were not the places of refuge they had once been.One the contrary,the invention of the aeroplane had made them the most vulnerable targets for attack.Aerial warfare made it clear that people were far safer outside the great urban centres.It was better not to concentrate so much of the population and industrial resources in a few large cities,but to spread them out into many smaller towns and cities .Fast ,modern transportation methods made such dispersalpossible.Furthermore,these new towns-modeled on Howard’s garden cities-could also drain off the surplus population of the large cities,relieving the overcrowded conditions,housing shortages,slums and traffic jams that plagued them.Questions 66 to 68 Mark each statement as either true (T)or false (F)according to the passage.Questions 69—70 Translate the following sentences of the passage into Chinese .Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.66. In the past,most cities were not planned and they just grew up spontaneously.正确错误67. Garden cities built by Howard never aroused widespread enthusiasm.正确错误68. It can be inferred that the author believes the construction of big cities is a mistake.正确错误69. Many nations,alarmed by the urban sprawl that has been gobbling up farmland and open countryside,and appalled by the staggering urban problems in the central cities,have begun building new cities that are specifically designed to meet modern needs.70. Furthermore,these new towns-modeled on Howard’s garden cities-could also drain off the surplus population of the large cities,relieving the overcrowded conditions,housing shortages,alums and traffic jams that plagued them.Section D (10 marks)Questions 71—75 are based on the following passage.Sport is ubiquitous.Sky TV has at least thirteen sports channels.Throughout the world there is a proliferation of newspapers and magazines totally dedicated to sport.Sports personalities have become cultural icons ,worshipped like movie -stars and sought after by sponsors and advertisers alike.Where sport was once for fun and amateurs,it is now the stuff of serious investment.Of course,sport has always mattered.But the point is that in the past sport knew its place.Now it invades areas of life where previously it had no presence:fashion,showbiz,business.It is a worldwide obsession.What is it that makes sport so enjoyable for so many? First,we seriously believe that sport is something we can all do,however badly or however well.Tens of thousands set off on the London and New York Marathons.Amateur footballmatches take place all over the world every weekend.Sport is a democratic activity.Second,sports stars are self-made people.Sport is dominated by athletes from ordinary backgrounds.This is why it is a classic means by which those from the poorest backgrounds can seek fame and fortune.Third,we enjoy watching sport because we like to see the supreme skill of those who act like gladiators in the modern arena.There is the excitement of not knowing who is going to win.No rock concert,no movie,no play can offer that kind of spontaneous uncertainty.This gut -wrenching experience can be shared with a crowd of fifty round a widescreen TV in a pub,or a thronging mass of 100,000 live in a stadium.The rise of sport has been accompanied by the growing prominence of sports stars.They have become public figures,hence in great demand for TV commercials.The rise of the sports star is mirrored by the rise of sports companies such as Nike and Adidas.“Sport probably does more to unify nations than any politician has ever been capable of”.So said Nelson Mandela.The only truly global occasions are the Olympics and World Cup,watched by thousands of millions across the world.These great sporting events bring together players and athletes from different races like no other.Not only that,but sport provides just about the only example of global democracy where the rich do not dominate on the contrary,Brazilians have long been supreme at football,the Kenyans at middle-distance running,and black Americans at boxing.However,there are signs of disquiet in this vast,global industry.The sheer volume of sport is reaching the bursting point for all but the most besotted fan.Overpaid tennis players and golfers fly endlessly in personal jets from one meaningless tournament to the next.Sport risks kelling itself through greed and over-exposure.The danger is that we will all become satiated and ultimately disillusioned.Questions 71 to 75Complete the summary below with information from the passage ,using no more thanthree words for each blank.Sport is now enjoying popularity all over the world.Besides the entertaining quality,it has turned into a kind of (71)______.Furthermore,the worldwide obsession to it leads to its (72)______ in many fields .There are three points which can shed a light on its unique charm:it being a democratic activity,athletes from ordinary backgrounds,and audience enjoying (73 )______ that they can’t get from other kinds of entertain ments .More importantly,sport is playing a significant role in (74)______ and offering global democracy.However,this global industry will probably be confronted with audiences’ (75)______ due to its over-exposure.Part V Translation (10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using the word or words given in brackets.Remember to write your answers on the answer sheet.76. 请大家在座位上坐好,系紧安全带,待飞机停稳后从紧急出口离开。
第十九届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛初赛普及组语言试题竞赛时间: 2013 年 10 月 13 日 14:30~16:30选手注意:试题纸共有 9 页,答题纸共有 2 页,满分 100 分。
一、单项选择题(共20 题,每题 1.5 分,共计 30 分;每题有且仅有一个正确选项)1. 一个 32 位整型变量占用()个字节。
A. 4B. 8C. 32D. 1282. 二进制数 11.01 在十进制下是()。
A. 3.25B. 4.125C. 6.25D. 11.1253. 下面的故事与()算法有着异曲同工之妙。
从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:‘从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚给小和尚讲故事....’A. 枚举B. 递归C. 贪心D. 分治4. 逻辑表达式()的值与变量A 的真假无关。
A. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃AB. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃BC. (A ∧ B) ∨ (﹃ A ∧ B)D. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃A ∧ B5. 将( 2, 6, 10, 17)分别存储到某个地址区间为0~10 的哈希表中,如果哈希函数h(x) = (),将不会产生冲突,其中 a b 表示 a 除以 b 的余数。
A. x 11B. x2 11C. 2x 11D. |√2| 11 ,其中√X表示√X下取整6. 在十六进制表示法中,字母 A 相当于十进制中的()。
A. 9B. 10C. 15D. 167. 下图中所使用的数据结构是()。
A. 哈希表B. 栈C. 队列D. 二叉树8. 在资源管理器中,用鼠标右键单击一个文件时,会出现一个名为“复制”的操作选项,它的意思是()。
A. 用剪切板中的文件替换该文件B. 在该文件所在文件夹中,将该文件克隆一份C. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并保留原文件D. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并删除原文件9. 已知一棵二叉树有10 个节点,则其中至多有()个节点有 2 个子节点。
2、A,二进制11.01转为十进制,(11.01)2 = 1*2+1+0*0.5+1*0.25 = (3.25)10 。
9、D,A项6和17对11取余都是6发生冲突,B项10的平方和17的平方对11取余都是1发生冲突,C项6的两倍和17的两倍对11取余都是1发生冲突,D 项分别为1,2,3,4,不冲突。
第十九届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛初赛普及组C++语言试题竞赛时间: 2013 年 10 月 13 日 14:30~16:30选手注意:试题纸共有9 页,答题纸共有2 页,满分 100 分。
一、单项选择题(共20 题,每题 1.5 分,共计 30 分;每题有且仅有一个正确选项)1. 一个 32 位整型变量占用()个字节。
A. 4B. 8C. 32D. 1282. 二进制数 11.01 在十进制下是()。
A. 3.25B. 4.125C. 6.25D. 11.1253. 下面的故事与()算法有着异曲同工之妙。
从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:‘从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚给小和尚讲故事....’A. 枚举B. 递归C. 贪心D. 分治4. 逻辑表达式()的值与变量A 的真假无关。
A. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃AB. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃BC. (A ∧ B) ∨ (﹃ A ∧ B)D. (A ∨ B) ∧﹃A ∧ B5. 将( 2, 6, 10, 17)分别存储到某个地址区间为0~10 的哈希表中,如果哈希函数h(x) =(),将不会产生冲突,其中a mod b 表示 a 除以 b 的余数。
A. x mod 11B. x2 mod 11C. 2x mod 11D. |√2| mod 11 ,其中√X表示√X下取整6. 在十六进制表示法中,字母 A 相当于十进制中的()。
A. 9B. 10C. 15D. 167. 下图中所使用的数据结构是()。
A. 哈希表B. 栈C. 队列D. 二叉树8. 在 Windows 资源管理器中,用鼠标右键单击一个文件时,会出现一个名为“复制”的操作选项,它的意思是()。
A. 用剪切板中的文件替换该文件B. 在该文件所在文件夹中,将该文件克隆一份C. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并保留原文件D. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并删除原文件9. 已知一棵二叉树有10 个节点,则其中至多有()个节点有 2 个子节点。
2013年全国化学竞赛初赛模拟试卷一2013年全国化学竞赛初赛模拟试卷(1)(时间:3小时满分:100分)命题:齐树文题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 满分 2 6 8 8 9 8 10 8 7 8 7 9 10H 1.008 相对原子质量He4.003Li 6.941Be9.012B10.81C12.01N14.01O16.00F19.00Ne20.18Na 22.99Mg24.31Al26.98Si28.09P30.97S32.07Cl35.45Ar39.95K 39.10Ca40.08Sc44.96Ti47.88V50.94Cr52.00Mn54.94Fe55.85Co58.93Ni58.69Cu63.55Zn65.39Ga69.72Ge72.61As74.92Se78.96Br79.90Kr83.80Rb 85.47Sr87.62Y88.91Zr91.22Nb92.91Mo95.94Tc[98]Ru101.1Rh102.9Pd106.4Ag107.9Cd112.4In114.8Sn118.7Sb121.8Te127.6I126.9Xe131.3Cs 132.9Ba137.3La-LuHf178.5Ta180.9W183.8Re186.2Os190.2Ir192.2Pt195.1Au197.0Hg200.6Tl204.4Pb207.2Bi209.0Po[210]At[210]Rn[222]Fr [223]Ra[226]Ac-LaRf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds第一题(2分)微波是一种高频电磁振荡,微波炉就是利用高频电磁振荡使食品中粒子也产生振荡而发热。
欢迎阅读欢迎阅读第十九届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛初赛普及组C++语言试题竞赛时间: 2013 年 10 月 13 日 14:30~16:30选手注意:试题纸共有 9 页,答题纸共有2 页,满分 100 分。
请在答题纸上作答,写在试题纸上的一1. A.2. A.3. A.4. A. C.5. ( ),将不会产生冲突,其中a mod b 表示 a 除以 b 的余数。
A. x mod 11B. x2 mod 11C. 2x mod 11D. |√2| mod 11 ,其中√X 表示√X 下取整6. 在十六进制表示法中,字母 A 相当于十进制中的( )。
A. 9B. 10C. 15D. 167. 下图中所使用的数据结构是( )。
欢迎阅读欢迎阅读A. 哈希表B. 栈C. 队列D. 二叉树8. 在Windows 资源管理器中,用鼠标右键单击一个文件时,会出现一个名为“复制”的操作选项,它的意思是()。
A. 用剪切板中的文件替换该文件B. 在该文件所在文件夹中,将该文件克隆一份C. 将该文件复制到剪切板,并保留原文件D.9.A. 410.4A. 111.A.12. 以A.13. IPv4使用(A. 4014. (A.15.int euclid(int a, int b){if (b == 0)return a;elsereturn euclid(b, a % b);}A. 最大公共质因子B. 最小公共质因子欢迎阅读欢迎阅读C. 最大公约数D. 最小公倍数16. 通常在搜索引擎中,对某个关键词加上双引号表示()。
A. 排除关键词,不显示任何包含该关键词的结果B. 将关键词分解,在搜索结果中必须包含其中的一部分C. 精确搜索,只显示包含整个关键词的结果D. 站内搜索,只显示关键词所指向网站的内容17. A. 18. A. C. 19. 20. A. 1.2. 0+ ?使问答的过程被泄露,也无助于破解密码——因为用户并没有直接发送密码。
NOIP 2013 提高组初赛试题
关注:小码匠和老码农,和小码匠一起携手备战2023年CSP-J/S,祝愿所有孩子们取得好成绩第 1 题一个 32 位整型变量占用()个字节。
A. 4B. 8C. 32D. 128本题共1.5分第 2 题二进制数 11.01 在十进制下是()。
A. 3.25B. 4.125C. 6.25D. 11.125本题共1.5分第 3 题下面的故事与()算法有着异曲同工之妙。
从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:‚从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:‘从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚给小和尚讲故事....’‛A. 枚举B. 递归C. 贪心D. 分治本题共1.5分第 4 题1948 年,()将热力学中的熵引入信息通信领域,标志着信息论研究的开端。
A. 冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)B. 图灵(Alan Turing)C. 欧拉(Leonhard Euler)D. 克劳德·香农(Claude Shannon)本题共1.5分第 5 题已知一棵二叉树有 2013 个节点,则其中至多有()个节点有 2 个子节点。
A. 1006B. 1007C. 1023D. 1024本题共1.5分第 6 题在一个无向图中,如果任意两点之间都存在路径相连,则称其为连通图。
右图是一个有 5 个顶点、8 条边的连通图。
A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5本题共1.5分第 7 题斐波那契数列的定义如下:F1 = 1, F2 = 1, Fn = Fn – 1 + Fn – 2 (n ≥ 3)。
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A、10000 1000B、5000 5000C、5000 500D、10000 5002、关于风险处置的方式,下列哪项是不正确的:()。
A、 3B、 5C、8D、104、根据系统重要性以及安全事件对系统可用性、完整性、保密性的影响程度,安全事件可分为:()。
A. 应配备一定数量的系统管理人员、网络管理人员、安全管理员等B. 应配备专职安全管理员,不可兼任C. 应配备专职安全审计人员D. 关键事务岗位应配备多人共同管理8、电信网和互联网安全等级保护要求中存储介质的清除或销毁的活动描述不包含以下哪项内容:()。
A. 信息资产转移、暂存和清除B. 识别要清除或销毁的介质C. 存储介质处理D. 存储介质处理过程记录9、为新办公区域建设服务器机房时,应该采用哪种访问控制安全策略来控制机房的主要入口和第二入口(假设只有2个入口)?()A.主要入口和第二入口均应采取刷卡或密码锁进行控制B.主要入口应由保安守卫;第二入口应上锁,且不许任何人进出C.主要入口应采取刷卡或密码锁进行控制;第二入口应由保安守卫D.主要入口应采取刷卡或密码锁进行控制;第二入口应上锁,且不许任何人进入10、网络和业务运营商在网络实际运行之前对其安全等级保护工作的实施情况进行安全检测,确保其达到安全防护要求,这是()阶段的工作内容。
A. 1B.2C.3.1D.3.212、按照电信网和互联网安全防护体系定级对象的划分,网上营业厅所属网络/系统类型为()。
16、以下日志条目是取自Linux的一条su错误日志信息:Mar 22 11:11:34 abc PAM_pwdb[999]:authentication failure;cross(uid=500)->root for su service,这条命令应该是被存储在哪个日志文件中? ( )stlogB.wtmpC.dmesgD.messages17、下面哪种无线攻击方式是针对Client,而不是AP()。
那么在Windows系统安全加固中,我们可以拒绝接收类型为( ) 的ICMP报文,或者设置注册表HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters中的键值( )设置为0。
A.0 EnableICMPRedirectB.8 IcmpAttackProtectC.8 EnableICMPRedirectD.0 IcmpAttackProtect19、WEB站点过滤了脚本文件的上传功能,下面哪种文件命名方式可以成功利用Apache的文件解析漏洞?()A..php;.gifB..jpg%001.phpC..jpg/.phpD..php.bak20、某Windows系统管理员发现系统中出现大量异常网络流量,为了定位到是哪一个进程建立了异常的网络连接,他可以综合使用__命令与Sysinternals Suite中的__命令检验应用程序的完整性。
view、 sigcheck.exestat、 md5sum.exestat、 sigcheck.exeview、 md5sum.exe21、逆向分析Android程序时首先检查的类是()。
A. 4.0.3及以下的版本B. 4.2及以下的版本C. 4.3及以下的版本D. 3.0及以下的版本23、管理员发现本机上存在多个webshell,之后查看日志信息,发现服务器本身的日志被删除了,所以登录WEB后台,查看后台日志,此时发现后台有被管理员登录的情况,且有很多管理员登录失败的信息,之后有成功登录后并执行了一些操作的情况,下面最有可能是攻击者的攻击手段的是()。
A.账户隐藏只能在命令行下隐藏账户,所以只需要检查账户管理器上的账户就行B.账户隐藏可以实现注册表级隐藏,只要新建用户后,将注册表里账户的键值删除,这样在命令行下和注册表下都发现不了账户了,只能在账户管理器下发现C.账户隐藏可以分为命令行下的隐藏和注册表级的隐藏,对于命令行下的隐藏,可以通过查看账户管理器上的用户来查看D.以上的判断方法都错25、一句话木马是攻击者常用的shell语句,攻击者也经常用其在WEB 站点中作为隐藏后门,下面的php语句不可以作为后门被隐藏在攻击者站点的是()。
A、<?php print_r(`$_POST[cmd]`);?>B、<?phpeval(gzinflate(base64_decode('Sy1LzNFQiQ/wDw6JVk/OTVGP1bQGAA==')));?>C、<?php $_GET[a]($_REQUEST[cmd]);?>D、<?php echo($_POST['cmd']);?>26、以下关于HTTP的返回状态哪种说法是不正确的?()。
A.401状态代表访问失败B.404状态代表文件不存在C.200状态代表成功访问网页D.302状态代表继续使用原有地址来响应请求27、下图所示,神器mimikatz是直接读取哪个进程来解密hash LM加密的windows登陆密码是()。
A.winlogin.exeB.Kernel.exeC.Lsass.exeD.Svchost.exe28、请依据下图sniffer的抓包,分析最有可能是什么攻击行为?()A.ARP欺骗B.暴力破解C.DDOS攻击D.DNS域名中毒29、下图最有可能使用了google hack的哪种方式搜索?()A.site:B.site: type:docC.site:D.site: inurl:doc30、如下图所示,终端服务器超出了最大允许连接数,可以通过什么命令来强行登陆?()A.mstsc /f:IP /consoleB.mstsc /v:IP /consoleC.mstsc /w:IP /consoleD.mstsc /h:IP /console二、三、不定项选择(共50题,总分50分)1、风险评估的三个要素()。