1-Earth system science













于是,在20世纪80年代中期,特别以美国地球系统科学委员会(Earth System Science Committee)在1988年出版的《地球系统科学》一书为标志的“地球系统科学”思想和概念被明确提出。








Primary Scientific InquiryActions:?classify, combine, decrease, increase, alter, respond, freeze, melt, boil prevent, contract, expand, separate, mix, thaw, change, produce, grow, explore, create, sort, add, subtract, attempt, definite, imprint, magnify, map, shareAppearance:?rough, appearance, color, combination, luster, shape size, smooth, texture, circle, circular, dull, rectangle, characteristics, shiny, surface, soft, straight, triangle Behavior:?made up of, characteristics, composition, gas, liquid, solid, temperature, heat, rust, cold, float, hot, magnetic, sink, slide, stronger, warm, weaker, observeDirection:?east, left, north, right, south, west, backward, direction, down, up, zigzag, across, back, angle, far, farther, forward, in front, throughPosition:?high, position, around, behind, outside, between, center, over, under, east, inside, left, location, north, below, above, right, south, west, away, bottom, close, closer, front, low, middle, near, next to, topProperties:?gas, liquid, solid, takes up space, mass, phase, property, science, material, matter, mixture, object, substance, volume, made up ofThe Scientific Method:?graph, record data, relationship, sequence, tally chart, compare, observe, test, measure, scientific method, bar graph, analyze, control, data, experiment, hypothesize,observation, variable, make conclusions, describe, investigate, science, teamwork, communicate, identify, imagine , pattern , predict, problem, trialsPrimary MatterThe Changes in Matter:?alter, boil, evaporate, condense, freeze, melt, separate, combine, change, condensation, evaporation, phase, physical change, vibrate, dissolve, matterThe Properties of Matter:?appearance, atom, color, dull, light, made up of, physical property, shiny, smooth, weight, takes up space, solid, shine, mixture, mass, liquid, hot, definite, cold, characteristics, composition, luster, matter, mix, property, rough, sink, size, texture, volume Primary EnergyEnergy Resources:?coal, fossil, gasoline, nonrenewable, plastic, resource , rubber, renewable , wind energy, fossil fuel, natural gas, energy, gas, recycle, reduce, reuse, rust, wood, battery Light & Heat: absorb, heat, reflect, solar energy, temperature, light, light waves, refract, electricityPrimary MotionDirection Words:?east, left , north, right, south, west, distance, across, direction, farther, backward, circular, forward, straight, through, up, zigzag, downForce:?attract, friction, horseshoe magnet, magnet, magnetism, movement, position, repel, away, force, iron, magnetic, metal, nonmagnetic, pull, ring magnet, bar magnet, gravity, location, magnetic field, motion, nonmetal, pushPosition Words:?east, left, north, right, south, west, inside, near, outside, above, location words, around, back, between, close, far, front, high, middle, under, behind, below, in front, bottom, center, closer, low, next to, over, topSimple Machines:?fixed point, inclined plane, level, rod, simple machine, wedge, fulcrum, machine, pulley, ramp, screw, wheel and axle, workPrimary Space ScienceThe Moon:?mass, gravity, motion, orbit, surface, calendar, waning, waxing, moon, beaming, first quarter moon, full moon, lunar, new moon, phase, reflect, shimmer, third quarter moonThe Planet Earth:?mass, gravity, surface, gas, earth, environment, equator, sky, south pole, north pole, motion, orbit, revolve, night, poles, spaceship, time, autumn, seasons, day, fall, month, spring, summer, sunshine, winterThe Sun:?mass, gas, heat energy, hot, light energy, light waves, shiny, Milky Way Galaxy, sun, revolve, heat, energy, light ray, galaxy, shine, solar system, space, star, sunlight, universeThe Universe:?galaxy, light waves, Milky Way Galaxy, orbit, planets, star, sunlight, surface, time, universePrimary Earth ScienceHistory of the Earth:?earth, equator, expand, fossil, glacier, melt, movement, oxygen, rain, water Resources:?air pollution, garbage , heat energy, nonrenewable, nutrients, renewable , resource, oil, reuse, gas, fossil fuel, smog, water, wind energy, oxygenStructures:?core, flood, land, lava, mineral, movement, ocean, rock, stream, weathering, crust, earth, erosion, landform, mantle, mining, nonmetal, oil, sand, valley, cycle, earthquake, fossil fuels, glacier, lake, landslide, metal, mountain, river, volcanoThe Water Cycle:?water, cloud, melt, accumulation, condensation, evaporate, evaporation, water cycleThe Weather:?air, cloud, heat, precipitation, sunshine, storm, sun, weather patterns, flood, hail, hot, rain, temperature, thaw, tropical climate, weather, melt, snow, sleet, sunlight, wind Primary Life ScienceAnimal Body Parts:?claw, fin, flipper, fur, gills, paw, scale, tailAnimal Types:?animal, zoology, amphibian, fish, mammal, reptile, bird, insectBirds:?beak, bird, egg, feather, fly, hatch, wing, talonBody Functions:?backbone, breathe, see, hear, jaw, lungs, feel, sense, skinEcosystems:?conservation, ecosystem, endangered, location, nutrients, shelter, sunlight, pond, habitat, desert, forest, grassland, lake, ocean, riverMetamorphosis:?wing, butterfly, caterpillar, chrysalis, pupa, larva, metamorphosisPlants:?fruit, plant, seedling, soil, sprout, sunlightResources:?conservation, environment, pollution, recover, resource, farm, recycle, air pollution, reduce, reuse, water, water cycle, water pollution, nutrientThe Environment:?community, forest, ocean, pond, population, river, sand, landThe Food Chain:?carnivore, consumer, energy, herbivore, predator, prey, producer, food chain The Life Cycle:?organism, growth, inherit, offspring, parent, life cycle, life form, traitThe Needs of Living Things:?basic needs, oxygen, nutrients, water, living, nonliving, energy The Parts of a Plant:?flower, leaves, root, seed, stem, treeThe Weather:?rain, water, water cycle, sunlight, climate, cloud, cold, wind。



序号期刊名Review分区1Nature Climate Change12Nature Geoscience13REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS Y14Annual Review of Marine Science Y15Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Y16Earth System Science Data17EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS Y18BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY19Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry Y110GONDWANA RESEARCH111IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine112Geochemical Perspectives Y113ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS114Earths Future115GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES116GEOLOGY117Cryosphere118QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS119HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES120EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS121JOURNAL OF CLIMATE122GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA123GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS124Carbon Balance and Management125WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH126Geoscientific Model Development127Anthropocene128International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation129Geoscience Frontiers130SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS Y231Elements232Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water233GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN234JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY235JOURNAL OF GEODESY236Geochemical Perspectives Letters237GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE238CLIMATE DYNAMICS239Progress in Physical Geography-Earth and Environment240Earth System Dynamics241Geobiology242Landslides243ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH244Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems245JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY246GEOSTANDARDS AND GEOANALYTICAL RESEARCH247JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY248PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH2 49BASIN RESEARCH2 50LITHOS2 51TECTONICS2 52LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY2 53JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN2 54Biogeosciences2 55JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS2 56JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION2 57EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS2 58JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE2 59AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE2 60PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY2 61SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS2 62JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY2 63GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES2 64CHEMICAL GEOLOGY2 65Advances in Geophysics Y2 66ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS2 67JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES2 68INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY2 69JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH2 70OCEANOGRAPHY2 71Climate of the Past2 72MINERALIUM DEPOSITA2 73JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY2 74Solid Earth2 75SEDIMENTOLOGY2 76GEOMORPHOLOGY2 77Quaternary Geochronology2 78CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY2 79Atmospheric Measurement Techniques2 80MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY2 81JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES2 82QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY2 83JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY2 84Earth Surface Dynamics2 85ENGINEERING GEOLOGY2 86PALAEONTOLOGY2 87GIScience & Remote Sensing2 88OCEAN MODELLING2 89MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW2 90NEWSLETTERS ON STRATIGRAPHY2 91HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES2 92PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES2 93Anthropocene Review2 94MARINE GEOLOGY22 95SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLIC96GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS2 97ECONOMIC GEOLOGY2 98Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology2 99International Journal of Digital Earth2 100Journal of Palaeogeography-English2 101Science China-Earth Sciences2 102Journal of Oceanology and Limnology2 103ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA2 104Journal of Ocean University of China2 105JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY3 106ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY3 107JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS3 108JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION3 109JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE3 110Frontiers in Earth Science3 111AAPG BULLETIN3 112APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY3 113BOREAS3 114MARINE CHEMISTRY3 115INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE3 116BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY3 117JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS3 118ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY3 119SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY3 120JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY3 121TECTONOPHYSICS3 122INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW3 123AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY3 124Earth and Space Science3 125JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES3 126Geosphere3 127Lithosphere3 128GEOSYNTHETICS INTERNATIONAL3 129COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES3 130EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE3 131Progress in Earth and Planetary Science3 132GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL3 133DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS3 134THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY3 135NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES3 136METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE3 137Ocean Science3 138Natural Resources Research3 139PALEOBIOLOGY3 140JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE3 141JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY3 142PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY3 143GEOPHYSICS3144Aeolian Research3 145JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS3 146JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH3 147Geoscience Data Journal3 148AMERICAN MINERALOGIST3 149HOLOCENE3 150BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY3 151ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE3 152INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY3 153CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL3 154Journal of Operational Oceanography3 155TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY3 156JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH3 157PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING3 158Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology3 159International Journal of Geomechanics3 160TERRA NOVA3 161INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES3 162PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS3 163GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE3 164BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA3 165PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD3 166JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS3 167Weather Climate and Society3 168GEOFLUIDS3 169QUATERNARY RESEARCH3 170Papers in Palaeontology3 171VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY3 172DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY3 173GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL3 174HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL3 175JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY3 176COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES3 177MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY3 178Geoheritage3 179Journal of Geographical Sciences3 180QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL3 181Groundwater3 182WEATHER AND FORECASTING3 183Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences3 184LETHAIA3 185JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY3 186Minerals3 187CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH3 188International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction3 189LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS3 190CRETACEOUS RESEARCH3 191GEOCHEMICAL TRANSACTIONS3192JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY3 193JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY3 194Earth Interactions3 195BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE3 196Geocarto International3 197Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk3 198ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH3 199Journal of Maps3 200International Journal of Disaster Risk Science3 201Mathematical Geosciences3 202METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS3 203CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY3 204CLIMATE RESEARCH3 205GEO-MARINE LETTERS3 206TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY3 207ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES3 208Journal of Earth Science3 209ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA3 210Journal of Meteorological Research3 211Frontiers of Earth Science3 212Applied Geophysics3 213CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION3 214PALAIOS4 215JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH4 216PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH4 217MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE4 218Atmosphere4 219GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING4 220Journal of Marine Science and Engineering4 241JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY4 242PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS4 243Ingegneria Sismica4 244ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH4 245PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS4 246FACIES4 247ARCHAEOMETRY4 248Earth Science Informatics4 249Andean Geology4 250COMPTES RENDUS PALEVOL4 251Geotechnique Letters4 252RADIOCARBON4 253JOURNAL OF FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH4 254JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS4 255JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES4 256GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY4 257European Journal of Remote Sensing4258JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY4 259EPISODES4 260ANTARCTIC SCIENCE4 261Advances in Meteorology4 262Atmospheric Science Letters4 263MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY4 264PALAEONTOGRAPHICA ABTEILUNG A-PALAOZOOLOGIE-STRATIGRAPHIE4 265GEOCHEMISTRY-EXPLORATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS4 266HISTORICAL BIOLOGY4 267GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA4 268EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY4 269PALAEONTOLOGIA ELECTRONICA4 270PALYNOLOGY4 271METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS4 272NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS4 273JOURNAL OF IBERIAN GEOLOGY4 274BULLETIN OF GEOSCIENCES4 275GFF4 276PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION4 277AMEGHINIANA4 278MARINE GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH4 279PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE4 280INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPELEOLOGY4 281ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY4 282GEOBIOS4 283BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin4 284Russian Geology and Geophysics4 285GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTROPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMICS4 286GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL4 287DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS4 288ARCTIC4 289GEODIVERSITAS4 290JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY4 291AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES4 292Archaeological Prospection4 293CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES4 294ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS4 295Periodico di Mineralogia4 296TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES4 297Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems4 298Brazilian Journal of Geology4 299GEMS & GEMOLOGY4 300Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments4 301JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS4302Near Surface Geophysics4 303Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh4 304SURVEY REVIEW4 305Journal of Spatial Science Y4 306MARINE GEODESY4 307PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science4 308Geochronometria4 309Palaeoworld4 310Fossil Record4 311PalZ4 312ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN4 313ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA4 314BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FINLAND4 315Polar Science4 316PETROLOGY4 317Journal of Geosciences4 318Palaeontographica Abteilung B-Palaeophytologie Palaeobotany-Palaeophytology4 319ALCHERINGA4 320International Journal of Paleopathology4 321SOLA4 322GEOTECTONICS4 323RESOURCE GEOLOGY4 324ATMOSFERA4 325HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH4 326CANADIAN MINERALOGIST4 327Exploration Geophysics4 328Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology4 329Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria4 330RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA4 331NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY4 332STUDIA GEOPHYSICA ET GEODAETICA4 333GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL4 334Swiss Journal of Palaeontology4 335GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY4 336PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY4 337BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETA PALEONTOLOGICA ITALIANA4 338ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE4 339POLISH POLAR RESEARCH4 340Arabian Journal of Geosciences4 341Journal of Earth System Science4 342Weather4 343Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences4 344Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science4 345ANNALES SOCIETATIS GEOLOGORUM POLONIAE4346Erdkunde4 347CARNETS DE GEOLOGIE4 348Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences4 349Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization4 350REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS GEOLOGICAS4 351JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH4 352ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGIE4 353GEOLOGICA ACTA4 354JOURNAL OF CAVE AND KARST STUDIES4 355NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES-GEOLOGIE EN MIJNBOUW4 356Acta Montanistica Slovaca4 357Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia4 358Acta Geographica Slovenica-Geografski Zbornik4 359ISLAND ARC4 360Acta Geophysica4 361GEOLOGICA BELGICA4 362JOURNAL OF MARINE RESEARCH4 363Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica4 364CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES4 365BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF DENMARK4 366Jokull4 367SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY4 368STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION4 369GEOSCIENCE CANADA4 370BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY4 371NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR GEOLOGIE UND PALAONTOLOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN4 372ACTA CARSOLOGICA4 373OFIOLITI4 374Open Geosciences4 375GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL4 376JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA4 377Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami4 378ERDE4 379PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY4 380NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN4 381ANNALS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM4 382IZVESTIYA-PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH4 383PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH4 384IZVESTIYA ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC PHYSICS4 385OCEANOLOGY4 386Geofisica Internacional4 387ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOSCIENCE4 388Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana4 389ATLANTIC GEOLOGY4390TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES4 391PALEONTOLOGICAL JOURNAL4 392GEOLOGIA CROATICA4 393Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata4 394Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences4 395Revista de Geografia Norte Grande4 396Idojaras4 397Stratigraphy4 398DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES4 399Geofizika4 400MICROPALEONTOLOGY4 401Geomorphologie-Relief Processus Environnement4 402Ocean Science Journal4 403ArcheoSciences-Revue d Archeometrie4 404GEOLOGY OF ORE DEPOSITS4 405JOURNAL OF THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA4 406GEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY4 407ESTUDIOS GEOLOGICOS-MADRID4 408QUATERNAIRE4 409REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PALEONTOLOGIA4 410Journal of Volcanology and Seismology4 411Russian Meteorology and Hydrology4 412Baltica4 413LITHOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES4 414GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND BULLETIN4 415Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften4 416THALASSAS4 417Russian Journal of Pacific Geology4 418Journal of Tropical Meteorology4 419Earth Sciences Research Journal4 420Mausam4 421HIMALAYAN GEOLOGY4 422RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF THERIOLOGY4 423Acta Geotechnica Slovenica4 424Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences4 425EARTH SCIENCES HISTORY43年平均IF 20.069 14.271 14.198 13.475 10.135 8.8138.0247.757.1686.3655.7565.55.4985.1044.9484.9054.7064.5914.5434.5424.5424.5194.394.3724.34.2884.2784.264.1564.4674.1974.194.0744.0654.0374.0323.9993.9893.963.9183.9073.9073.9033.8723.8723.8693.8633.816 3.781 3.768 3.75 3.748 3.745 3.693 3.672 3.667 3.658 3.635 3.632 3.587 3.519 3.512 3.5 3.492 3.489 3.487 3.472 3.422 3.396 3.388 3.368 3.347 3.317 3.316 3.287 3.256 3.246 3.236 3.216 3.207 3.202 3.197 3.193 3.165 3.163 3.15 3.145 3.138 3.128 3.115 3.111 3.0953.02 3.008 2.188 2.102 0.72 0.719 0.623 3.007 3.004 2.962 2.931 2.898 2.892 2.885 2.854 2.839 2.836 2.806 2.776 2.769 2.747 2.731 2.719 2.714 2.712 2.705 2.686 2.654 2.654 2.638 2.633 2.607 2.584 2.578 2.573 2.571 2.56 2.558 2.553 2.55 2.547 2.547 2.546 2.535 2.5232.492 2.445 2.432 2.43 2.412 2.4 2.386 2.38 2.375 2.367 2.356 2.337 2.322 2.306 2.302 2.285 2.282 2.265 2.259 2.255 2.254 2.223 2.221 2.219 2.208 2.207 2.198 2.194 2.194 2.193 2.145 2.142 2.134 2.111 2.105 2.096 2.094 2.079 2.078 2.065 2.058 2.047 2.046 2.034 2.0211.985 1.951 1.923 1.918 1.907 1.87 1.87 1.854 1.838 1.822 1.807 1.796 1.791 1.731 1.42 1.217 1.141 1.117 0.9130.8351.774 1.774 1.772 1.746 1.746 1.737 1.732 1.585 1.57 1.568 1.559 1.559 1.554 1.552 1.549 1.546 1.542 1.542 1.539 1.538 1.536 1.528 1.5231.503 1.5 1.499 1.491 1.47 1.439 1.431 1.409 1.405 1.397 1.393 1.39 1.386 1.374 1.357 1.344 1.343 1.337 1.337 1.326 1.32 1.318 1.282 1.274 1.271 1.267 1.259 1.245 1.244 1.241 1.237 1.234 1.226 1.221 1.221 1.217 1.215 1.215 1.213 1.212 1.1921.178 1.175 1.17 1.149 1.137 1.135 1.126 1.123 1.116 1.115 1.115 1.113 1.104 1.1 1.092 1.09 1.084 1.082 1.069 1.066 1.064 1.057 1.053 1.031 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.019 1.015 1.013 1.012 1.005 1.003 1.002 0.998 0.995 0.985 0.983 0.972 0.97 0.9520.935 0.933 0.931 0.924 0.916 0.901 0.895 0.893 0.893 0.882 0.88 0.873 0.865 0.844 0.831 0.825 0.82 0.818 0.812 0.802 0.802 0.787 0.782 0.772 0.767 0.747 0.734 0.719 0.702 0.698 0.685 0.676 0.675 0.673 0.67 0.668 0.664 0.66 0.656 0.634 0.6310.6 0.6 0.597 0.592 0.588 0.585 0.584 0.581 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.579 0.577 0.571 0.569 0.548 0.546 0.544 0.536 0.528 0.513 0.51 0.471 0.466 0.462 0.451 0.433 0.418 0.328 0.319 0.285 0.272 0.254 0.163。



地球系统科学地球系统科学(Earth System Science,ESS)是研究地球上各种系统相互联系和相互作用的科学领域。



























《地球系统科学》课程教学大纲课程名称:地球系统科学 / Earth System Science课程编码:12024007 课程类型:专业选修课课程性质:专业主干课适用范围:06地理信息系统学时数:36 其中:实验/实践学时:课外学时:学分数: 2 先修课程:自然地理学、地理信息系统、遥感概论考核方式:考查制定单位:广州大学地理科学学院制定日期:2006年审核者:夏丽华执笔者:千怀遂一、教学大纲说明(一)课程的地位、作用和任务地球系统科学以全球性、统一性的整体观和系统观,从多种时空尺度研究地球的整体行为,其理论的构建,将使人类更好地认识所赖以生存的环境,更有效地防止和控制可能突发的灾害对人类所造成的损害,更有利于人类与地球的和谐发展。


(二)课程教学的目的和要求通过本课程的教学,让学生:1) 树立地球系统科学研究的整体观和系统观,了解地球系统科学的多时空尺度,并理解只有更好地认识人类所赖以生存的环境,才能更有效地防止和控制可能突发的灾难。

2) 了解可持续发展的内涵是以资源的可持续利用和良好的生态环境为基础,以经济可持续发展为前提,以谋求社会的全面进步为目标。

3) 初步了解地球系统科学研究中的遥感和地理信息系统技术,学会常用遥感图像处理软件的基本操作,能够初步运用地理信息系统技术进行空间数据的基本分析。







Earth’s Sphere
• Atmosphere • Hydrosphere • Litho Anthrosphere
• A gaseous sphere and it envelopes the Earth, • Consists of a mixture of gases composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
• Man and his direct ancestors, hominids. • The human population, it’s buildings,dams, and other constructions.
Interconnected Spheres
• Spheres are closely connected • Changes are often chain reactions • A change in one sphere results in changes in others - called an event
– Forest fire destroys plants in an area
• Interactions between spheres
– No plants => erosion – Soil in water => increased turbidity – Turbidity => impacts water plants/animals
Event <=> Sphere
• Causes & Effects • Interactions • Event <=>Sphere • Sphere<=>Sphere

地球科学概论考研大纲(Introduction to earth science examination outline)

地球科学概论考研大纲(Introduction to earth science examination outline)

地球科学概论考研大纲(Introduction to earth scienceexamination outline)Introduction room 112We should grasp and understand the thought of "historical comparative law" (realistic principle) and the research significance of earth science. ZhangwuTo study the objects, contents, characteristics and research methods of geosciences. JackiecommonChapter 1 earth tests in the universeThe key to master the geoid and the ecliptic, the concept of road. 33623039Understand the features of various terrains and landforms, and the composition of submarine geomorphic units. KaoyangjUnderstanding the earth is a part of the universe, the Milky way, the solar system, the structure of the earth and the moon, the laws of the earth's revolution around the sun, Kepler's three law, the basic parameters of the earth, and the features of the earth's surface. KaoyantjstudyThe second chapter, the outer sphere of the earth, Siping Road,Tongji UniversityTo understand the earth's outer layer (including the meaning of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere); classification of material composition and group atmosphere of the atmospheric motion dynamics, atmospheric circulation and its causes; the type of water (according to the existing form, the environment). Network inspectorUnderstanding of the atmosphere, the stratosphere and troposphere - layered structure of middle layer warm layer, mesosphere; grasping the form and definition of basic types of movement of water; groundwater; formation of glaciers and glacier types. Masonic networkThe key to grasp the concept of Coriolis force, rivers, flood, flow, tide, tidal force, permeable layer, water resisting layer, vadose zone water, diving, water table, water pressure. No. 4833623037The third chapter, the inner circle of the earthUnderstanding the material characteristics and composition of each state within the spheres of the earth; earth pressure, density, internal gravity, temperature, magnetic field; visual identification according to the minerals; according to the chemical composition of the mineral partition type; gravity anomaly and gravity equilibrium; three rock types (sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks) concept; composition magnetic field (magnetic field, magnetic field,magnetic anomalies change). studyUnderstanding the structure and division of the inner sphere of the earth; crustal types (oceanic crust, continental crust) and their layered structures. 021-Master the Moho, Gutenberg, asthenosphere, lithosphere, geothermal gradient (temperature gradient), magnetic field intensity, magnetic declination, inclination, mineral, rock, cleavage, hardness, rock structure, rock structure concept. Room 112JackieThe fourth chapter is geological age and geological functionTo understand the types of geological processes, can be divided into the surface geology (exogenic process) and internal geological processes (internal force geological); surface geological processes can be divided into weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, Cheng Yan; internal geological processes can be divided into magmatism, metamorphism, tectonic movement; Determination of isotope geology principle age.Understanding the method of determining relative geological age (stratigraphic sequence law, fossil sequence law, cutting law between geological bodies) and the division of geological age units and their basis.Grasp the geological age, stratigraphic and fossil concepts,the division of geological year representatives and their biological characteristics.The fifth chapter is weathering and denudationUnderstand the factors that affect weathering; the product of weathering.Understand the types of weathering (including physical, chemical, and biological weathering) and different forms of weathering;The structure of the weathering crust; ground water (rivers, flood, sheetflood) process and characteristics of erosion, the erosion of the river is the key, including erosion and lateral erosion, river erosion datum, erosion under the influence of inhibition on the landform - deepened and extended, V shaped Valley Valley, river, river side erosion effect on the landform change - bend, Kotani Kahiro, oxbow lake and river capture; karst and karst landform; inhibition of glaciers (planing way mining effect, erosion of the glaciated landform features) (cirque, horn, glacial Valley (U Valley) the blade (fin); ridge ridge) eolation way (Chui Yang and abrasion) and wind erosion landform. Sea and sea landscape bedrock coast.Master of weathering, weathering, soil, erosion, river erosion, flood erosion, groundwater flow washing, latent corrosion and glacier erosion, wind erosion, planing sea concept.The sixth chapter deals with the transport and sedimentationTo understand the transport characteristics of different forces, the change of clastic materials during handling, and the sedimentation in the semi deep sea and deep sea.Understand the handling mode of action (mechanical handling, chemical handling, biological sedimentation handling); mode (mechanical deposition, chemical deposition, biological deposition); type of fluvial, alluvial characteristics; sediment characteristics of flood and sheet flow; groundwater chemical characteristics of sediments (cave deposits and tufa deposition); glacier the sediment (moraine) characteristics and sedimentary geomorphology; sedimentary type wind (aeolian sand deposits and aeolian deposits) and its characteristics, sedimentary landform wind (sand dunes, loess landform). The sedimentation characteristics of the lakes, the chemical deposition process in arid climate zone Lakes (carbonate stage, sulfate and chloride stage stage and the sand lake stage); type of sedimentation and sediment characteristics of coastal and shallow water.Grasp the roundness and sorting of clastic sediments, the two element structure of floodplain sediments, the loess, diagenesis, compaction, cementation and recrystallization.The seventh chapter, magmatism and metamorphismUnderstand the volcano phenomenon; influence factors of metamorphism (temperature, pressure, chemical fluid); transformation of sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and magmatite between nature; common magmatite (volcano clastic rock, Xuan Wuyan, andesite, rhyolite, peridotite, gabbro,diabase, granite and diorite porphyrite etc.); regional metamorphic rocks (common slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, granulite migmatite, etc.); the common contact metamorphic rocks (skarn hornfels, marble, etc.); dynamic metamorphic rocks (common cataclasite and mylonite etc.).According to the understanding of silica content magmatite division (ultrabasic rocks, basic rocks, neutral rock and acid rocks); volcano eruption type (fissure type and central type eruption, the center - violent type, quiet type, taper); the product is ejected function (volcano extrusive: gas, liquid (molten lava type, and columnar joints), solid (volcano - volcano, volcano clastic elastic block, volcano, volcano ash gravel);Volcano topography (structure, type, lava flows and lava cone of the volcano is the product)); intrusive (plutonic intrusions (batholith, Yan Zhu), shallow intrusions (sills, dykes, lopolith, Yan Gai)); metamorphism (way of recrystallization, metasomatism, metamorphic crystallization for the role of the basic types of metamorphism); (contact metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism, regional metamorphism, migmatization).Master the concepts of magma, magmatism, intrusion, volcanism and metamorphism.The eighth chapter is tectonic movementTo understand the meaning and type of tectonic movement (vertical movement and horizontal movement, orogeny and epeirogeny, tectonic movement, tectonic movement and tectonicmovement); performance of tectonic movements in the terrain and surface features of the tectonic movement in the landscape; performance; performance of tectonic movement in the formation of the earthquake; genetic type; seismic geological action.Understanding the relationship between various contact formation (integration, parallel unconformity, angular unconformity) formation and tectonic characteristics, the tectonic movement of the times; the three elements of rock occurrence (strike and dip angle); the basic elements of fold (nuclear, wing, turning point, axial plane); basic types of folds (syncline and anticline) and its main characteristics (the stratigraphic distribution of symmetrical repeats and the new and old strata); Zhang joints and shear joints of the main features of the fault elements; (fault and fault disk) and fault displacement; fault types (normal fault, reverse fault, strike slip fault) and the main features of the fault; the identification and formation time (note the fault and fold formation caused by repeated difference, attention by looking at the geological map to determine the formation time of the fault).Master the concepts of river terraces, quasi plains and planation surfaces, geological structures, joints, faults, magnitude and intensity; folds, faults and unconformities on geologic maps; methods for reading simple geological maps.The ninth chapter is the geodynamic systemThe understanding of the continental drift theory and the theory of submarine spreading; the division of main plates; therelationship between plate movement and other geological processes.Understand the main ideas of plate tectonics: the boundary types of the plates (separated plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries (subduction boundaries, collision boundaries), and flat shear (shear) plate boundaries).Master the concepts of Benioff belt, submarine magnetic anomaly belt, Curie temperature, transform fault and Wilson cycle.The tenth chapter is the earth's resourcesLearn about the resource types of the earth.Grasp the concepts of natural resources, mineral resources, deposits and mineralization.The eleventh chapter is about the environment of the earthUnderstand the main environmental types of the earth (atmospheric environment, water environment, ecological environment, geological environment, geographical environment).Understanding the basic features of the geological environment and the major types of geological disasters; composition of the ecosystem; changes in the atmospheric environment.Grasp the concepts of environment, natural environment, air pollution, glacial period, interglacial period, ecosystem,ecological balance, geological environment and geological disaster.The twelfth chapter, the origin of the earth in evolutionUnderstanding the hypothesis of the origin and formation of the universe and the solar system; a simple history of the evolution of the earth.Understand the concept of meteorite strike.。


更新性,但由于谈水资源的空间分 布不合理,加之人类不合理的开发利用,加重了 泼水资源的紧缺性。
• 中国是一个拥有13亿人口的大国,民以食为天,粮 食的安全问题不仅是中国人民关心的问题,也是世 界关心的问题。中国的粮食安全一旦出现问题,对 世界也具有非常大的影响。
• 共同点:资源科学的发展起到了重要的椎推动作用, 使资源科学体系日益完善。
• 1.中国科学院系统早在20世纪50年代, 就成立了中国科学院资源综合考察 委员会, 并设置了专门管理与资源学科相关的司局级机构,他们主要开展 资掘的调查、评价、开发与利用研究。
• 2.是在国家有关的资源管理部门下设资源相关的研究院所,他们主要重视 资惊开发利闸的技术领域,而较少地涉及资源科学的基础性问题的研究, 特别是很少关注资源学科和人才培养体系的建立。
• 除了快速城市化过程导致中国耕地面积减少外, 荒漠化和土地退化是影响中国耕地面积变化的一 个重要因素。
• 从以上的分析可以看出门然资源的短缺是世界性的 ,它既是源于自然资源本身的有限性,也是源于资 源的不合理利用,资源的不合理利用导敢系列的环 境问题,环境问题反过来义会影响土地资源水资源 等可再生资源的再也能力,进一步加剧了资源的短 缺所有这些都促使了资源科学的产生。
• 美国的田纳西河流域发生了很严重的水士流失,早在1933 年美国就开始了研究田纳西河流域开发计划(TVA)
• 19世纪30年代英国开展全英大比例尺土地利用调查与制图 工作
• 苏联基于自然资源、调查, 根据一个地区自然资源的情 况来合理布局生产力。
• 重要的代表性著作: • 《土地经济学原理》( Ely and Morehouse, 1924 )美,它
• 悲观主义的代表人物是丹尼斯 ·米都斯, 他在 1972年出版了《增伏的极 限》一书,



地球物理正演英文书籍Here are some recommendations for English books on global geophysics:1. "Global Geophysics" by Keiiti Aki and Paul G. Richards - This comprehensive book covers various topics in global geophysics, including seismology, gravity, heat flow, and geomagnetism.2. "The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics" by C.M.R. Fowler - This book provides a thorough introduction to global geophysics, covering the Earth's structure, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.3. "Introduction to Planetary Geophysics: Part 1 (Cambridge Planetary Science)" by Gunter G. Wirth - This book focuses on geophysical processes and phenomena occurring on other planets and moons in the solar system, providing valuable comparative insights.4. "Principles of Geophysics" by William Lowrie - This widely-used textbook discusses various aspects of geophysics, including seismology, gravity, magnetism, and plate tectonics, with a global perspective.5. "Earth's Interior: Structure and Evolution" by Rudolf Tromp - This book explores the structure and dynamics of Earth's interior, covering topics such as seismic waves, mantle convection, and theEarth's magnetic field.These books should provide a good foundation for understanding global geophysics and its applications.。

第十二章 地球系统科学

第十二章  地球系统科学

第六节 均变与灾变
• 均变论:18世纪末叶到19世纪初叶,地质学 的奠基人,郝顿(Hutton)和莱伊尔(Lyell, C)认 为:许多大变化是由一系列微小的变动逐渐 积累而形成的。这是 “均变论”的主要观点。 • 灾变论:以居维叶(Cuvier,G)为代表的“灾变 论” 认为:生物演化过程中,“没有一种缓 慢进行的原因能产生突然的效果”,“所以 地球上的生命进程曾多次被可怕事件所打 断”,“地球表面曾经历过相继的革命及各 种灾变”。
• 五、地球系统科学的研究方法步骤 1. 观测数据的采集; 2. 观测数据的分析和解释; 3. 概念和数值模式的建立(和实 验); 4. 模式的验证,并用它作未来变 化趋势的统计预报。
• 地球是一个动力系统,地球上所有物质都 在不断地运动 ,而且都具有一定的速度、 一定的演化过程并有一定的动力学机制。 地球的公转与自转;空气的流动;大 气的温度、湿度与成分的变化;水体的流 动、化学成分的变化;生物的繁衍、死亡、 进化与变异;岩石圈的变形与变位,物质 的转化;地幔物质的分异、混杂与热对流; 地核的转动和物质成分的变化。
• 二、从整体论角度研究 强调地球系统,把地球的各组成部分作 为相互作用的一个系统加以评述。 将岩石圈、地幔、地核、大气圈、水圈、 生物圈(包括人类自身)等视为一个整体, 探讨由一系列相互作用过程联系起来的复杂 的、非线性多重耦合系统—地球系统的运行 机制,以及地球系统的变化对地球上的生命 产生什么因果关系;
• 灾变事件的滞后现象 首先,以一次巨大的陨击作用作为诱发 因素,引起全球电磁场剧变和地磁极的翻转, 陨石撞击岩石圈表层引起大爆炸,粉尘升到 大气圈上部,遮蔽了太阳幅射能,造成全球 气温骤降;或可引起海平面的剧烈变化,发 生海啸;陨击作用后几年到数万年的时间内, 大气与海洋环境的巨大变化,使不能适应环 境的生物大量灭绝。





一、什么是地球系统科学地球系统科学(Earth System Science,简称ESS)是一门综合性的学科,它研究地球作为一个整体系统的结构、功能、演化和变化,以及人类活动对地球系统的影响和反馈。



地球系统科学的英语词汇如下:中文英文地球系统Earth system地球系统科学Earth System Science (ESS)地球系统模式Earth system model (ESM)地球系统组成部分Earth system components地球系统过程Earth system processes地球系统服务Earth system services地球系统反馈Earth system feedbacks地球系统观测Earth system observation地球系统管理Earth system management二、地球系统组成部分地球系统由多个相互联系和相互影响的组成部分构成,主要包括大气层、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈和冰雪圈。



地球系统组成部分的英语词汇如下:中文英文大气层atmosphere水圈hydrosphere岩石圈lithosphere生物圈biosphere冰雪圈cryosphere对流层troposphere平流层stratosphere中间层mesosphere热层thermosphere海洋ocean湖泊lake中文英文河流river地下水groundwater地壳crust上地幔upper mantle陆生生物terrestrial biota海洋生物marine biota冰川glacier冻土permafrost雪盖snow cover三、地球系统过程地球系统过程是指在地球系统内部或者在不同组成部分之间发生的物理、化学或者生物方面的变化或者作用,如辐射、对流、降水、蒸发、光合作用、呼吸作用、板块运动、地震、火山、风化、沉积、生物地球化学循环等。

什么是可持续性科学 (1)

什么是可持续性科学 (1)

什么是可持续性科学?邬建国1,2,3** 郭晓川1 杨 劼1 钱贵霞1 牛建明1 梁存柱1 张 庆1 李 昂4(1内蒙古大学中美生态㊁能源及可持续性科学研究中心,呼和浩特010021;2北京师范大学人与环境系统可持续性研究中心,北京100875;3美国亚利桑那州立大学生命科学院和全球可持续性研究所,坦佩,亚利桑那州85287,美国;4中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093)摘 要 可持续发展是我们时代的主题,也是人类面临的最大挑战.自20世纪70年代,尤其是近20年来,可持续发展的概念日益频繁地出现在学术文章㊁政府文件以及公益宣传和商业广告之中.然而,为可持续发展提供理论基础和实践指导的科学 可持续性科学 是在21世纪初才开始形成的.该科学在短短的十几年中迅速开拓㊁不断发展,正在形成其科学概念框架和研究体系.中国是世界大国,是可持续性科学的哲学思想 天人合一” 的故乡,有必要承担起时代之重任,在追求 中国梦”的同时促进全球可持续发展,并积极参与进而引领可持续性科学的研究和实践.为了帮助实现这一宏伟而远大目标,本文拟对可持续性科学的基本概念㊁研究论题和发展前景作一概述.可持续性科学是研究人与环境之间动态关系 特别是耦合系统的脆弱性㊁抗扰性㊁弹性和稳定性 的整合型科学.它穿越自然科学和人文与社会科学,以环境㊁经济和社会的相互关系为核心,将基础性研究和应用研究融为一体.可持续发展的核心内容往往因时㊁因地㊁因人而异.因此,可持续性科学必须注重多尺度研究,同时应特别关注50到100年的时间尺度和景观以及区域的空间尺度.景观和区域不但是最可操作的空间尺度,同时也是上通全球㊁下达局地的枢纽尺度.可持续性科学需要聚焦于生态系统服务和人类福祉的相互关系,进而探讨生物多样性和生态系统过程,以及气候变化㊁土地利用变化和其他社会经济驱动过程对这一关系的影响.我们认为,景观和可持续性是可持续性科学的核心研究内容,也将是可持续性科学在以后几十年的研究热点.关键词 可持续性科学可持续发展人与环境耦合系统生态系统服务人类福祉景观区域*通讯作者.E⁃mail:Jingle.Wu@ 2013⁃10⁃08收稿,2013⁃10⁃22接受.文章编号 1001-9332(2014)01-0001-11 中图分类号 F061.3 文献标识码 AWhat is sustainability science ?WU Jian⁃guo 1,2,3,GUO Xiao⁃chuan 1,YANG Jie 1,QIAN Gui⁃xia 1,NIU Jian⁃ming 1,LIANG Cun⁃zhu 1,ZHANG Qing 1,LI Ang 4(1Sino⁃US Center for Conserva⁃tion ,Energy ,and Sustainability Science (SUCCESS ),Inner Mongolia University ,Hohhot 010021,China ;2Center for Human⁃Environment System Sustainability (CHESS ),Beijing Normal University ,Beijing 100875,China ;3School of Life Sciences and Global Institute of Sustainability ,Arizona State University ,Tempe ,AZ 85287,USA ;4Institude of Botany ,Chinese Academic of Sciences ,Beijing 100093,China ).⁃Chin.J.Appl.Ecol .,2014,25(1):1-11.Abstract :Sustainability is the theme of our time and also the grandest challenge to humanity.Since the 1970s,the term,sustainable development,has frequently appeared in the scientific literature,governmental documents,media promotions for public goods,and commercial advertisements.How⁃ever,the science that provides the theoretical foundation and practical guidance for sustainable de⁃velopment-sustainability science-only began to emerge in the beginning of the 21st century.Never⁃theless,the field has rapidly developed in depth and expanded in scope during the past decade,with its core concepts and research methods coalescing.China,as the most populous country in the world and home to the philosophical root of sustainability science-the unity of man and nature,is obligated to take upon the challenge of our time,to facilitate global sustainability while pursuing the Chinese Dream,and to play a leading role in the development of sustainability science.Toward this grandiose goal,this paper presents the first Chinese introduction to sustainability science,which应用生态学报 2014年1月 第25卷 第1期 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology,Jan.2014,25(1):1-11discusses its basic concepts,research questions,and future directions.Sustainability science is the study of the dynamic relationship between humans and the environment,particularly focusing on the vulnerability,robustness,resilience,and stability of the coupled human⁃environment system.It is a transdisciplinary science that integrates natural sciences with humanities and social sciences.It hinges on the environment⁃economy⁃society nexus,and merges basic and applied research.The key components of sustainability often change with time,place,and culture,and thus sustainability sci⁃ence needs to emphasize multi⁃scale studies in space and time,with emphasis on landscapes and re⁃gions over a horizon of50to100years.It needs to focus on the relationship between ecosystem services and human well⁃being,as influenced by biodiversity and ecosystem processes as well as cli⁃mate change,land use change,and other socioeconomic ndscape sustainability is at the core of sustainability science,and is expected to be a hot research topic in the next few decades. Key words:sustainability science;sustainable development;coupled human⁃environment systems (CHES);ecosystem services;human well⁃being;landscape;region. 自18世纪下半叶的工业革命以来,世界人口已经从不足10亿增加到71亿之多.毫无疑问,工业革命以来的科学㊁技术革命大大地推动了社会和经济的发展,使人类物质生活的整体水平得以大大提高;但一系列的重大环境问题亦相伴而来.人类驯化植物而发展了农业;驯养动物而发展了牧业;聚居贸易,劳动分工进而创造了城市;随之而来的是经济规模化㊁工业化和现代化.今天,人类之能事可谓拔山填海,堵江截流,呼风唤雨,改天换地.人类不只是驯化个别种群或物种,而是在驯化整个生态系统,整个景观,乃至整个生物圈[1-4].自然已不再 自然”,其 均衡”早已被打破[5].有多少昔日的桃花源和阿尔卡笛亚(Arcadia)已是天不蓝㊁水不澈㊁风不清㊁雨不顺?地球系统已经千疮百孔,表破内损,包括全球气候变化㊁生物多样性锐减㊁自然资源耗竭以及环境质量下降在内的诸多环境问题正在挑战着人类社会的可持续性.因此,如何在满足人类发展需求的同时,持续地保障地球生命支持系统的基本结构和功能,即 可持续发展”[6-10],已成为学术界和社会各界广泛关注的重大科学和决策问题[11-13].可持续发展的理念可追溯到中国古典哲学之核心思想 天人合一”[1].20世纪70年代,当人口㊁资源㊁生态和环境问题日趋严重㊁广为人知之时,可持续发展概念才开始盛行[14-16].然而,从1987年联合国世界环境与发展委员会正式定义什么是可持续发展,到1992年联合国在巴西里约热内卢举行的首届可持续发展地球峰会(Earth Summit),再到2002年在南非约翰内斯堡召开的第二届地球峰会,以及2012年重返巴西里约热内卢的第三届可持续发展地球峰会,显然可见20多年来联合国和世界各国政府对可持续发展的高度重视.作为可持续发展的科学依据和运作指南,可持续性科学(sustainabili⁃ty science)也在21世纪初应运而生.何谓可持续性科学?虽然确切而公认的答案尚且难寻,但可以肯定的是,该科学在短短的十几年中迅速发展,广泛拓展,其科学概念框架和研究体系正在形成.作为泱泱大国的中国,为了追 中国梦”,实现生态文明,就必须在可持续性科学方面有长足发展,继续为世界可持续发展做出重大贡献.然而,目前国内学界对该领域的研究和介绍甚少.为此,本文拟对可持续性科学的基本概念和研究论题作一较为系统的介绍,并对可持续性评估方法和可持续性科学的发展前景加以讨论.1 可持续发展和可持续性1.1 可持续发展的概念中文的 可持续发展”是直接从英文的sustain⁃able development翻译而来.根据‘在线词源词典“(/),英文 sustainable”一词出现在17世纪早期,当时该词的含义是 bear⁃able”(可忍受的)或 defensible”(可辩护的或可防御的).直到1965年, sustainable”一词才开始具有我们现在所熟悉的含义: capable of being continued at a certain level”(在一定水平上持续的能力).作为名词的 sustainability”(可持续性)最早出现于1907年,当时主要是法庭用语(譬如,法庭上一方律师对另一方律师在陈述时提出反对或抗议的 有效性”,即能否得到法官确认).作为一个意指环境㊁经济和社会3个方面持续发展的能力和趋势的术语, 可持续性”一词在1972年最早出现在英国,1974年出现在美国,此后在1978年出现在联合国文件中[17].今天,与 可持续”有关的这些术语已成为学2应 用 生 态 学 报 25卷术界㊁政策领域及各种媒体的流行语.在英文文献中, 可持续发展”和 可持续性”经常作为同义语使用.可持续发展的定义有一百多个,但最被广泛接受的无疑是1987年世界环境与发展委员会(WorldCommission on Environment and Development, WCED)的定义[16].在题为‘我们共同的未来“(Our Common Future)的报告中,WCED首次正式地将可持续发展定义为 满足当代人类的需求而不损害子孙后代满足他们自己需求的能力”;可持续发展同时也是 一个资源利用㊁投资取向㊁技术发展以及政策变化都协调一致,不断促进满足人类现在和将来需求之潜力的变化过程”[18].WCED报告进而指出,满足人类基本需要是最重要的;经济发展和资源平等共享是必需的;利益相关者的有效参与能够促进平等;发展是有限度的,须考虑环境的承载力;科技水平㊁环境资源特征㊁管理体制以及社会经济现状均会影响某个地区乃至全球的可持续性. 1999年,美国国家研究理事会(National Re⁃search Council,NRC)发表了题为‘我们共同的旅途:向可持续性过渡“(Our Common Journey:A Transi⁃tion Toward Sustainability)的报告,讨论了有关可持续发展的各种观点,以及发展和持续两者之间的相互关系[19].NRC报告依循WCED报告的理念,指出可持续发展旨在 实现社会发展目标和环境极限的长期协调”16].2002年可持续发展地球峰会发布的‘约翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言“(Johannesburg De⁃claration on Sustainable Development;http://www. /esd/environment/rio20/pages/Download/ johannesburgdeclaration.pdf)进一步阐述了可持续发展的 三支柱”(three pillars)或 三重底线”(triple bottom line)概念,即可持续发展要同时考虑环境保护㊁经济发展和社会平等3个方面(图1).协调环境㊁经济和社会之间的相互联系是可持续发展的焦点和难点,而理解三者之间关系往往涉及到 强可持续性”(strong sustainability)和 弱可持续性”(weak sustainability)的观点.这两种观点的主要区别在于如何看待人造资本(human⁃made或manufactured capital)和自然资本(natural capital)之间的 可替代性”(substitutability)(图2).具体地讲,强可持续性观点认为,人造资本(如机器㊁工具㊁建筑和基础设施)和自然资本(指自然资源和生态系统)是互补关系,环境的可持续性必须得以保障,以损害环境为代价的经济发展是不可持续的;弱可持续性观点则认为,人造资本和自然资本之间是互为替代关系,故此,只要总的资本量不减,一个环境恶化但经济发达的地区也是 可持续的”[20].显然,从长远的角度来看,弱可持续性实际上是不可持续的.而强可持续性也并非主张极端的 环境保护主义”,它只是强调环境可持续性的重要性和必要性.若没有环境的可持续,实现长期的经济和社会的可持续是不可能的[1,16,20-21].极端的强可持续性观点认为应该杜绝对生态系统的开发和利用,这显然是不切实际的,因此在文献中称之为 荒唐的强可持续性”[1,16,20-21]图1 可持续发展的 三支柱”或 三重底线”(环境㊁经济和社会)概念Fig.1 The three⁃pillar or triple bottom line concept of sustain⁃ability(environment,economy and society).图2 强可持续性”(A)和 弱可持续性”(B)观点的比较Fig.2 Comparison between strong sustainability(A)and weak sustainability(B)perspectives.两者的关键不同在于三支柱之间的 可取代性”及其极限或阈值The main differences hinge on substitutability among the three pillars and its limits or thresholds.31期 邬建国等:什么是可持续性科学? 可持续性观点对于如何理解和评估可持续发展有着重要影响.1.2 人类福祉和生态系统服务可持续发展的最终目的是提高人类福祉(hu⁃man well⁃being),即满足当代人和后代人的物质和精神需求.人类需求会因社会经济状况㊁文化传统㊁生活方式等诸多因素而变化.那么,可持续发展应该如何考虑人类需求和人类福祉呢?美国社会心理学家亚伯拉罕㊃马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)的人类需求层次理论(hierarchy of human needs)将人类需求划分为6个层次:生理需求(physiology)㊁安全需求(safety and security)㊁社交需求(love and belong⁃ing)㊁尊重需求(esteem)㊁自我实现(self⁃actualiza⁃tion)和超越自我(self⁃transcendence)[22-23].马斯洛理论虽然多年来颇有争议,但影响甚广[16].马斯洛的层次理论聚焦于个人需求,但可持续性科学须考虑的人类福祉应注重于群体或大众利益.千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,MEA)将人类需求综合为5个方面:基本生活材料㊁自由㊁健康㊁良好社会关系以及安全保障[24].这一观点已经广为采纳,并且得以进一步发展和完善[16].满足人类需求必然依赖于生态系统服务,即 人类从生态系统中所获得的利益”[24].尽管有多种生态系统服务分类方法,目前最为广泛应用的是千年生态系统评估中的划分方案 即生态系统服务包括4类:支撑服务(指生态系统过程和功能,如土壤形成㊁生产力和养分循环等)㊁供给服务(如食物㊁淡水㊁纤维等)㊁调节服务(如空气和水的净化㊁气候调节㊁疾病和自然灾害的控制等)和文化服务(如游憩㊁精神滋养㊁以及其他非物质性利益).生态系统服务依赖于生物多样性和生态系统过程和功能,同时受社会㊁经济和政策等多方面因素的影响,被普遍认为是连接自然资本与人类福祉的重要桥梁[25](图3).因此,生态系统服务为可持续发展研究提供了一个可操作的概念框架,并已经成为该领域的一个核心论题.2 可持续性科学的概念可持续性科学”一词是美国国家研究理事会在1999年题为‘我们共同的旅途:向可持续性过图3 生态系统结构和功能(自然资本)㊁生态系统服务和人类需求之间的关系 以土壤生态系统为例Fig.3 Relationship among ecosystem structure and function(natural capital),ecosystem services,and human well⁃being:Using soil ecosystem as an example.根据Dominati等[43]修改重绘Redrawn with modifications based on Dominati,et al[43].4应 用 生 态 学 报 25卷渡“的报告中首次提出的[19].2001年,Kates等[6]在‘科学“杂志中撰文,第一次系统地介绍了这一新兴的整合型科学,由此可持续性科学正式问世.‘美国国家科学院院刊“(Proceedings of the National Acad⁃emy of Sciences of the United States of America, PNAS)分别在2003和2007年出版了两期有关可持续性科学的专辑[26-27],为推动该领域的迅速发展起到了积极作用.Kates等[6]在2001年将可持续性科学定义为,在局地㊁区域和全球尺度上研究自然和社会之间动态关系的科学,是为可持续发展提供理论基础和技术手段的横向科学[7,12,16,28].可持续性科学整合自然科学和人文与社会科学,以环境㊁经济和社会的相互关系为核心,将基础性研究和应用研究融为一体.非线性动力学(nonlinear dynamics)㊁自组织复杂性(self⁃organizing complexity)㊁脆弱性(vul⁃nerability)㊁弹性(resilience)㊁惯性(inertia)㊁阈值(threshold)㊁适应性管理(adaptive management)和社会学习(social learning)是可持续性科学中的重要概念[6-7,16].同时,可持续性科学强调对现有科学技术的创造性利用以及发展新型可持续性技术的重要性.综上所述,可持续性科学是研究人与环境之间动态关系,特别是耦合系统的脆弱性㊁抗扰性㊁弹性和稳定性的整合型科学.Wu[1,4,7-8,16]在一系列文章中进一步阐述了可持续性科学的一些特点.他认为,可持续性科学是具有3个主要特征的全新的跨学科范式.首先,可持续性科学是一个多维度的㊁穿越传统的自然科学和社会科学界线的㊁集理论和实践为一体的科学.其次,可持续性科学中的可持续性具有时㊁空以及组织结构上的多尺度和等级特征,因此自上而下(top down)或自下而上(bottom up)的研究策略非但重要,而且是必须的.第三,可持续性科学强调地区特点和解决实际问题,其研究对象应该 具有特殊社会㊁文化㊁生态和经济特征”[28],因此,景观和区域应该是可持续性科学研究和实践的关键尺度,或基本空间单元[1,7,16].作为一个新的研究领域和范式,可持续性科学是时髦一时㊁过眼云烟?还是地位确立㊁日益蓬勃?针对这个问题,Bettencourt和Kaur[11]分析了1974 2010年间发表的有关可持续发展的英文文章,发现可持续性科学具有4个不同于传统科学的发展特点.第一,自从1987年世界环境与发展委员会正式定义 可持续发展”之后,相关文章呈现爆发式增长(平均8.3年增长1倍,图4);第二,从发表文章数图4 可持续发展研究历程中的重要事件和可持续性科学的形成Fig.4 Historic events in sustainable development research and the emergence of sustainability science.根据Bettencourt和Kaur[11]修改重绘Redrawn with modifications from Bettencourt and Kaur[11].量和引用频次来看,参与研究可持续性的国家数量众多,不仅包括传统的科学强国(如美国㊁西欧和日本等发达国家),同时也包括大量的发展中国家(如中国㊁巴西㊁印度㊁南非㊁土耳其等);第三,传统科学的发展往往局限于较窄的专业领域,而可持续性科学涉及的领域甚广,其中社会学㊁生物学以及工程学是对其发展作出重大贡献的3个领域;第四,共同作者数量多,体现了比传统科学研究远为广泛的作者间的合作(图4).Kates[12]对Bettencourt和Kaur[11]的工作给予了肯定,认为 他们作为可持续性科学领域的局外人,利用自身的专业技术,深刻揭示了可持续性科学与传统科学的区别”.然而,尽管我们可以概略地把可持续性科学说成是 研究可持续发展的科学”,凡是有关可持续发展的研究并非一定是可持续性科学的内容.关于可持续发展的研究至少已有40年的历史,其间有大量的论文以及政府和其他非学术组织的报告发表. 2000年以前发表的大多数有关可持续发展的文献缺乏统一的概念框架,缺乏系统性和严谨性,缺乏科学规范.因此,这一时期的许多可持续发展的研究被视为社会科学或与政府决策有关的实用研究,并未受到自然科学家的广泛重视.而在自然科学中,与可持续发展研究关系最为密切的包括生态学和环境科学.但这两个学科中的所谓可持续发展研究,长期以来只重视生态或环境可持续性,对社会和经济可持续性考虑甚少.而所谓生态或环境可持续性长期以51期 邬建国等:什么是可持续性科学? 来聚焦于生物多样性保护和生态系统稳定性.我们在这一节开首已谈到,直到21世纪初可持续性科学才正式问世,但在短短的十几年来已经引起了自然科学㊁社会科学㊁人文学科各领域的广泛关注,其科学框架和理论与方法体系正在形成之中.3摇可持续性科学的主要研究论题如前所述,可持续性科学的研究领域非常之广,涉及到的学科亦极为庞杂.但是,作为一门科学,无论交叉学科还是横向学科,都须有其主导性的研究核心问题.这里,我们根据近年来该领域的一系列重要文献,归纳并讨论一下可持续性科学的主要研究论题.在2001年发表的可持续性科学的奠基之作中, Kates等[6]提出了该领域的7个核心论题: 1)如何把自然和社会之间的动态关系 包括滞后和惯性 更好地整合到正在兴起的地球系统⁃人类发展⁃可持续性的耦合模式和概念框架之中?2)环境和发展的长期变化趋势 包括消费和人口 如何改变自然和社会之间的相互作用,进而影响可持续性?3)在不同区域,对于不同的生态系统和人类生计类型,什么在决定自然⁃社会耦合系统的脆弱性(vulnerability)和弹性(resilience)?4)如何科学而有效地定义能够预警自然⁃社会系统严重退化的极限条件和边界域值?5)什么样的激励结构系统(systems of incentive structures) 包括市场㊁政策㊁规范和科学信息 方能最有效地促进将自然和社会相互作用导入可持续轨道的社会能力(social capacity)? 6)如何将现有的关于环境和社会条件的监测和呈报系统加以整合和扩展,从而为向可持续性过渡提供更有效的指导?7)如何将如今相对独立的研究规划㊁监测㊁评估和决策支撑诸项活动更好地整合于适应性管理和社会学习(social learning)的系统之中? 2010年,Levin和Clark[29]在Kates等[6]的7个 核心”问题的基础上,提出了可持续性科学中的6个 基本”问题:1)人类福祉和自然环境之间的主要得失权衡(tradeoffs)是什么,而这些得失权衡又是如何受人类利用自然的方式所影响?2)什么在决定人与环境耦合系统的适应性,更广义地讲,该系统在外部干扰和内部变化情况下的脆弱性㊁抗扰性(或鲁棒性,robustness)和弹性?3)什么在决定人与环境之间相互作用的长期趋势和演变过程?4)如何构建能更好解释人与环境相互作用在种类和变化趋势方面之差异的理论和模型? 5)如何才能使社会最有效地引导和管理人与环境系统,从而使其向可持续性过渡?6)如何有效而严谨地评估人与环境相互作用不同轨迹的 可持续性”?2011年,Kates[12]又根据Levin和Clark[29]的论述对2001年提出的7个核心论题做了修改,具体内容如下:1)什么在决定人与环境耦合系统的长期趋势和演变过程,从而主导本世纪的主要变化方向? 2)什么在决定人与环境系统的适应性㊁脆弱性及弹性?3)如何构建能够更好解释人与环境相互作用之差异的理论和模型?4)人类福祉与自然环境之间的主要得失权衡是什么?5)如何科学而有效地定义能够为人与环境系统预警的极限条件?6)如何才能使社会最有效地引导和管理人与环境系统,从而使其向可持续性过渡?7)如何评估环境和发展的不同途径的 可持续性”?比较一下以上的3个版本不难看出,Levin和Clark[29]所提出的6个基本问题与Kates等[6]提出的7个论题其实相似,但不尽相同.首先,Levin和Clark[29]的第2㊁3㊁4㊁5和6基本问题分别对应于Kates等[6]的第3㊁2㊁1㊁5+6和7核心论题,但两者间有一重要区别;那就是前者增加了人类福祉与自然环境之间的主要得失权衡一项.确实,人与环境之间㊁生态系统服务和人类福祉之间㊁以及不同生态系统服务之间的得失权衡是近些年来生态学㊁环境科学和可持续性科学研究的一大热点.第二,Levin和Clark[29]用人与环境(耦合)系统取代了自然⁃社会(耦合)系统.当今世界,没有人为干扰的 自然”实在罕见;即使在生态学中,何为自然争议颇多,从未有定论.因此,在探讨可持续性科学问题时,人与环境系统比自然⁃社会系统更适当.第三,Levin与Clark[29]似乎将 预警”极限和边界阈值一条有意删除.当然,在研究人与环境系统的脆弱性㊁抗扰性和弹性时,不6应 用 生 态 学 报 25卷可避免地要涉及到极限和边界阈值的概念. Kates[12]在2011年修改后的7个核心论题,是对Kates等[6]2001版的7个论题和Levin和Clark[29]2010年提出的6个基本问题的整合.除了在排列顺序和措辞上有所不同,Kates[12](2011)的7个核心论题中的6个(1㊁2㊁3㊁4㊁6㊁7)和Levin和Clark[29]所提的6个基本问题基本等同.显然,人与环境系统取代了自然⁃社会系统.更重要的是, Kates[12]增加了人类福祉与自然环境之间的主要得失权衡,而将其2001年版中激励结构系统和监测和呈报系统加以合并,统称为引导和管理人与环境系统,从而使其向可持续性过渡的社会能力.此外,他仍然将确定系统预警的极限和阈值作为一个核心论题单独列出.综上所述,Kates[12]在2011年的修改版是对目前可持续性科学主要研究论题最完整和最权威的概括.4 可持续性定量评估方法如何定量地评估 可持续性”显然是可持续性科学研究中的一个重要环节[13,30-31].可持续性定量评估方法的研究和应用在可持续性科学正式出现之前就已经开始.1992年在巴西里约热内卢召开的第一届地球峰会上通过了‘21世纪议程“(Agenda21; /content/docu⁃ments/Agenda21.pdf),呼吁构建可持续发展评估方法.随后,一系列的国际组织㊁政府部门和学术团体及许多科学家一直在积极推进可持续发展评估的研究和应用,涌现出多种评估方法和分类标准,已经发表的文献可谓海量.泛阅取优,Ness等[31]依据3个标准 时间特征(回溯/历史性的或前瞻/预测性的)㊁研究焦点(如针对产品的㊁政策的或某一区域的)和整合程度(即是否同时考虑自然㊁社会和经济3个方面) 将可持续发展评估方法大致分为3类:指标(indicator)和指数(index)㊁基于产品的评估方法(product⁃related assessment methods)和往往涉及到动态模型的综合性评估方法(integrated assess⁃ment methods)(图5).其中,可持续性指标和指数以及可持续性动态模型尤为重要.前者在数学上较为简单,已经广为使用;后者可以模拟系统过程和功能,有助于理解㊁预测和调控人与环境耦合系统的行为.由于篇幅有限,我们在这里只作一概述.4.1 可持续发展指数和指标体系可持续性指标框架是基于可持续发展原理,指导指标选择㊁发展和整合的概念构架[13].常见的可持续性指标框架包括:1)压力⁃状态⁃响应框架(pres⁃sure⁃state⁃response framework,PSR)㊁基于主题的框架(theme⁃based framework)㊁基于资本的框架(cap⁃ital⁃based framework)㊁综合核算框架(integrated ac⁃counting framework)以及包容性财富框架(inclusive wealth framework)[13,32-34].比较广泛应用的综合性可持续性指标包括:生态足迹(ecological footprint,EF)㊁绿色GDP㊁人类发展指数(human development index,HDI)㊁幸福星球指数(happy planet index,HPI)㊁真实进步指标(gen⁃uine progress indicator,GPI)㊁可持续经济福利指数(index of sustainable economic welfare,ISEW;与GPI 基本相同)㊁环境绩效指数(environmental perform⁃ance index,EPI;其前身为环境可持续指数,environ⁃mental sustainability index,ESI)以及包容性财富指数(inclusive wealth index,IWI).这些指数在这里只是简单提及,大量文献对其有详尽描述[13].这些综合指数往往包含代表环境㊁经济和社会诸方面的多个指标,经过加权和聚合最终获得一个衡量可持续性的总值.然而,在应用可持续性指标体系时,则不需要将所有指标聚合成一个指数.采用多个指标分别度量可持续性的各个维度和具体方面有时更为必要,更容易理解.影响较为广泛的可持续发展指标体系包括联合国千年发展目标指标体系(Millennium Development Goals Indicators;/ unsd/mdg/Default.aspx)和联合国可持续发展委员会指标体系(United Nations Commission on Sustain⁃able Development Indicators)[34].值得一提的是,我国在可持续发展指标体系的发展和应用方面做了大量工作[15,35-37].譬如,中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组设计了一套 五级叠加,逐层收敛,规范权重,统一排序”的可持续发展指标体系[37].该指标体系分为总体层㊁系统层㊁状态层㊁变量层和要素层5个等级.总体层表达可持续发展的综合能力;系统层包括具有内部逻辑关系的5大支持系统:生存支持系统㊁发展支持系统㊁环境支持系统㊁社会支持系统和智力支持系统;状态层从不同角度表现某一系统的静态或动态特征;变量层采用多个指标反映状态的行为㊁关系㊁变化及其原因;要素层采用可测的㊁可比的㊁可获得的指标及指标群对变量层的数量表现㊁强度表现㊁速率表现给予直接的度量[37].该指标体系考虑了可持续发展的时空耦合以及各要素间相互作用,体现了发展度㊁协调度㊁持续度三者的统一[38].71期 邬建国等:什么是可持续性科学? 。



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“大地球科学”——地球系统科学张宝一1,21.中国地质大学信息工程学院,武汉 4300742.武汉中地数码科技有限公司,武汉 430074摘要:地球系统科学研究目标宏大、投资强度大、多学科交叉、需要昂贵且复杂的实验设备,已经从传统地球科学发展成为“大地球科学”。


关键词:大地球科学地球系统科学地球系统大科学思维方式Big Earth Science: Earth System Science (ESS)Zhang Baoyi1,21.Faculty of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 4300712. Wuhan Zondy Cyber-Tech Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430071Abstract: Difference with traditional earth science, earth system science faced more complex problems and needed more money. The development of earth system science should be guided by big scientific mode of thinking to reach a harmonization between of population, resource, environment, and development.Key Words: Big Earth Science, Earth System Science, Earth System, Big Scientific Mode of Thinking.1.概述 地球科学现在正处于飞跃的、突破的阶段,原来分头描述地球上各种现象的学科,正在以系统科学的高度相互结合,成为揭示机理、服务预测的地球系统科学ESS(Earth System Science),地球系统科学在研究对象、研究方法、要解决的问题、从业人员以及组织形式和规模等诸方面与传统地球科学相比具有许多全新的特色和更高的层次,已经从近代的“小地球科学”发展到了今天的“大地球科学”。



初二地球科学史概述单选题50题1. Who is known as the first person to propose the heliocentric theory?A. AristotleB. PtolemyC. CopernicusD. Galileo答案:C。





2. Which ancient Greek philosopher believed that the Earth was a flat disk floating on water?A. ThalesB. AnaximanderC. EmpedoclesD. Democritus答案:A。





3. The discovery of the Earth's magnetic field was first made byA. GilbertB. NewtonC. FaradayD. Ampere答案:A。





4. Who was the first to accurately calculate the circumference of the Earth?A. EratosthenesB. EuclidC. ArchimedesD. Hipparchus答案:A。



Mississippi Department of Education2010 Mississippi Science Framework Vertical AlignmentKindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Structure of the Earth System4a. Sort and classify various Earth materials (e.g., clay, silt, sand, pebbles, and gravel) using various strategies. (DOK 2 ) 4a. Compare andclassify Earth materials.(DOK 1)• Physical attributesof rocks (e.g.,large/small, heavy/light, smooth/rough, hard/crumbly, dark/light, etc.)• Physical attributesof soil (e.g., smell,texture, color, etc.)4a. Categorize differenttypes of Earth materials(e.g., rocks, minerals,soils, water, atmosphericgases). (DOK 2)4a. Recall that soil ismade up of variousmaterials (e.g.,weathered rock,minerals, plant andanimal remains, livingorganisms.) (DOK 1)4a. Classifysedimentary,metamorphic, andigneous rocks. (DOK 2)4a. Categorize Earth’smaterials. (DOK 1)• Rocks, minerals,soils, water, andatmospheric gases•Layers of theatmosphere,hydrosphere, andlithosphere4a. Compare andcontrast the relativepositions andcomponents of theEarth’s crust (mantle,liquid and solid core,continental crust,oceanic crust). (DOK 1)4a. Justify theimportance of Earthmaterials (e.g., rocks,minerals, atmosphericgases, and water) tohumans. (DOK 3)4a. Compare andcontrast the lithosphereand the asthenosphere.(DOK 1)• Composition,density, andlocation ofcontinental crustand oceanic crust•Physical nature ofthe lithosphere(brittle and rigid)with theasthenosphere(plastic andflowing)• How thelithosphereresponds to tectonicforces (faulting andfolding)Earth’s History4b. Identify and describe properties of Earth materials (soil, rocks, water, and air). (DOK 1) 4b. Identify Earthlandforms and bodies ofwater (continents,islands, peninsulas,oceans, rivers, lakes,ponds, creeks).(DOK 1)4b. Describe the threelayers of the Earth.(DOK 1)4b. Compare andcontrast changes in theEarth’s surface that aredue to slow processes(e.g., erosion,weathering, andmountain building) andrapid processes (e.g.,landslides, volcaniceruptions, earthquakes,floods, and asteroidcollisions). (DOK 2)4b. Compare andcontrast Earth’sgeological features andthe changes caused byexternal forces.(DOK 2)•Bodies of water,beaches, oceanridges, continentalshelves, plateaus,faults, canyons,sand dunes, andice caps• External forcesincluding heat,wind, and water• Movement ofcontinental plates4b. Explain how surfacefeatures caused byconstructive processes(e.g., depositions,volcanic eruptions,earthquakes) differ fromdestructive processes(e.g., erosion,weathering, impact oforganisms). (DOK 2)4b. Draw conclusionsabout historicalprocesses thatcontribute to theshaping of planet Earth.(DOK 3)•Movements of thecontinents throughtime• Continental plates,subduction zones,trenches, etc.4b. Explain the causesand effects of historicalprocesses shaping theplanet Earth (e.g.,movements of thecontinents, continentalplates, subductionzones, trenches, etc.)(DOK 2)4b. Describe the causeand effect relationshipsbetween the composi-tion of and movementwithin the Earth’slithosphere. (DOK 1)• Seismic wavevelocities ofearthquakes andvolcanoes tolithospheric plateboundaries usingseismic data• Volcanoes formedat mid-oceanridges, within intra-plate regions, atisland arcs, andalong somecontinental edges• Modern distributionof continents to themovement oflithospheric platessince the formationof PangaeaStrand: Earth and Space ScienceEarth in the Solar System: Weather4c. Collect and display local weather data. (DOK 2) 4c. Observe, identify,record, and graph dailyweather conditi on s.(DOK 3)4c. Collect, organize,and graph weather dataobtained by using simpleweather instruments(wind vane, rain gauge,thermometer) andexplain the componentsof the water cycle.(DOK 2)4c. Gather and displaylocal weatherinformation such astemperature,precipitation, clouds,etc., on graphs and usegraphs of weatherpatterns to predictweather conditions.(DOK 3)• Instruments (windvane, rain gauge,thermometers,anemometers, andbarometers)• Cloud types(cirrus, stratus,cumulus)• Water cycle(evaporation,precipitation, andcondensation)4c. Investigate, record,analyze and predictweather by observing,measuring with simpleweather instruments(thermometer,anemometer, wind vane,rain gauge, barometerand hygrometer),recording weather data(temperature,precipitation, skyconditions, and weatherevents), and using pastpatterns to predict futurepatterns. (DOK 2)4c. Summarize howweather changes.(DOK 2)• Weather changesfrom day to dayand over theseasons•Tools by whichweather isobserved,recorded, andpredicted4c. Analyze climatedata to draw conclusionsand make predictions.(DOK 2)4c. Describe the causesand effects of heattransfer as it relates tothe circulation of oceancurrents, atmosphericmovement, and globalwind patterns (e.g.,trade winds and the jetstream). Provideexamples of how theseglobal patterns canaffect local weather.(DOK 2)• Characteristics ofthe Gulf Streamand other largeocean currents•Effects on climatein Eastern NorthAmerica andWestern Europe•Effects of heattransfer to themovement of airmasses, high andlow pressureareas, and frontsin the atmosphere4h. Predict weatherevents by analyzingclouds, weather maps,satellites, and variousdata. (DOK 3)4c. Examine weatherforecasting and describehow meteorologists useatmospheric featuresand technology topredict the weather.DOK 2• Temperature,precipitation, wind(speed/direction),dew point, relativehumidity, andbarometricpressure•How the thermalenergy transferredto the air results invertical andhorizontalmovement of airmasses, Corioliseffect• Global windpatterns (e.g.,trade winds,westerlies, the jetstreams)• Satellites andcomputer modeling4h. Justify why animaginary hurricanemight or might not hit aparticular area, usingimportant technologicalresources including (butnot limited to) thefollowing: (DOK 2)•John C. StennisSpace CenterApplied Researchand TechnologyProject Office• NationalOceanicand AtmosphericAdministration(NOAA)• TheNationalWeather ServiceEnvironmental Changes4d. Describe ways to conserve water. (DOK 2) 4d. Categorize types ofactions that causewater, air, or landpollution. (DOK 2)4d. Distinguish howactions or events relatedto the Earth’senvironment may beharmful or helpful.(DOK 2)4d. Identify the causesand effects of varioustypes of air, land, andwater pollution and inferways to protect theenvironment. (DOK 3)4d. Describe howhuman activities havedecreased the capacityof the environment tosupport some life forms.(DOK 2)• Reducing theamount of forestcover,• Increasing theamount ofchemicalsreleased into theatmosphere• Farmingintensively4d. Describe changescaused by humans onthe environment andnatural resources andcite evidence fromresearch of ways toconserve naturalresources in the UnitedStates, including (but notlimited to) Mississippi.Examples of Mississippiefforts include thefollowing: (DOK 2)• Associated Phy-sicsof America, a privatecompany located inGreenwood MS,develops ways toconvert agriculturalproducts intoenvironment-friendlyand cost-effectiveenergy.• The NaturalResourceEnterprises (NRE)Program of theDept. of Wildlife andFisheries andCooperativeExtension Service atMSU educatelandowners aboutsustainable naturalresource enterprisesand compatiblehabitat managementpractices.• The VicksburgDistrict of the U.S.Army Corps ofEngineer’s EngineerResearch andDevelopment Centerprovides qualityengineering andother professionalproducts andservices to developand manage theNation’s waterresources, reduceflood damage, and4d. Summarize thecauses and effects ofpollution on people andthe environment (e.g.,air pollution, groundpollution, chemicalpollution) and justify howand why pollution shouldbe minimized. (DOK 1)4d. Conclude whyfactors such as the lackof resources and climatechanges can limit thegrowth of populations inspecific niches in theecosystem. (DOK 2)•Abiotic factors thataffect population,growth, and size(quantity of light,water, range oftemperatures, andsoil compositions)•Cycles of water,carbon, oxygen,and nitrogen in theenvironment•Role of single-celled organisms(e.g.,phytoplankton) inthe carbon andoxygen cycles4d. Research theimportance of theconservation ofrenewable andnonrenewableresources including (butnot limited to)Mississippi,and justifymethods that might beuseful in decreasing thehuman impact on globalwarming. (DOK 3)• Greenhouse gases•The effects of thehuman population• Relationships ofthe cycles ofwater, carbon,oxygen, andnitrogenResources4g. Explain how fossil records are used to learn about the past, identify characteristics of selected fossils, and describe why they may be found in many places. (DOK 2)•The Earth Science Museum at thePetrified Forest inFlora, MS• The NaturalScience Museum inJackson, MS 4g. Summarize theprocess that results indeposits of fossil fuels,and conclude why fossilfuels are classified asnonrenewableresources. (DOK 2)4g. Conclude that thesupply of many Earthresources (e.g., fuels,metals, fresh water,farmland) is limited andcritique a plan to extendthe use of Earth’sresources (e.g.,recycling, reuse,renewal). (DOK 3)4g. Research and citeevidence of currentresources in Earth’ssystems. (DOK 3)• Resources such asfuels, metals, freshwater, wetlands,and farmlands• Methods beingused to extend theuse of Earth’sresources throughrecycling, reuse,and renewal• Factors thatcontribute to andresult from runoff(e.g., water cycle,ground water,drainage basin(watershed)4g. Research andevaluate the use ofrenewable andnonrenewable resourcesand critique efforts in theUnited States including(but not limited) toMississippi to conservenatural resources andreduce global warming.(DOK 3)•How materials arereused in acontinuous cycle inecosystems, (e.g.,MS EthanolGasification Proj-ect to develop anddemonstratetechnologies forthe conversion ofbiomass toethanol)•Benefits of solidwaste man-agement (reduce,reuse, recycle)• Conservingrenewable andnonrenewableresources (e.g.,The Recycling andSolid WasteReductionProgram inJackson, MS)4g. Justify theimportance of continuedresearch and use of newtechnology in thedevelopment andcommercialization ofpotentially useful naturalproducts, including, butnot limited to researchefforts in Mississippi.(DOK 3)•The Thad CochranNational Center forNatural ProductsResearch, housedat the University ofMississippi•The Jamie WhittenDelta StatesResearch Centerin Stoneville, MS• The MississippiPolymer Institute,housed at theUniversity ofSouthernMississippiKindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Earth in the Solar System4e. Describe the effects of the sun on living and non-living things. (DOK 1)•Warms the land,air, and water• Helps plants grow 4e. Collect, categorize,and display variousways energy from thesun is used. (DOK 2)4g. Distinguishcharacteristics of eachseason and describehow each seasonmerges into the next.(DOK 1)4e. Model and explainthe concept of Earth’srotation as it relates today and night and inferwhy it is usually coolerat night than in the day.(DOK 2)4e. Identify patterns inthe phases of the moon,describe their sequence,and predict the nextphase viewed in thenight sky. (DOK 1)4e. Compare andcontrast the seasonsand explain whyseasons vary at differentlocations on Earth.(DOK 2)4e. Predict themovement patterns ofthe sun, moon, andEarth over a specifiedtime period. (DOK 1)4e. Explain the dailyand annual changes inthe Earth’s rotation andrevolution. (DOK 2)•How the positionsof the moon andthe sun affect tides•The phases of themoon (new,crescent, half,gibbous, full,waxing, waning)4e. Research anddevelop a logicalargument to support thefunding of NASA’sSpace Programs.(DOK 3)• Space exploration(e.g., telescopes,radio telescopes, X-ray telescopes,cameras, spectro-meters, etc.)4e Explain how the tilt ofEarth’s axis and theposition of the Earth inrelation to the sundetermine climaticzones, seasons, andlength of the days.(DOK 2)dehydratedfood,flame retardantclothing, globalpositioning system[GPS], satelliteimagery, globalweatherinformation, diag-nostic imagery)• Mississippi’scontributions to thespace industry Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Earth and the Universe4f. Identify the sun as Earth’s source of light and heat and describe changes in shadows over time. (DOK 2)4f. Identify relationshipsbetween lights andshadows and illustratehow the shape of themoon changes overtime. (DOK 1)4f. Describecharacteristics andeffects of objects in theuniverse. (DOK 1)•Position of the sunin relation to afixed object onearth at varioustimes (day andnight)• The majorcharacteristics ofplanets (e.g.,revolution androtation periods,size, number ofmoons)•Changes in theappearance of themoon4f. Describe thedifferent components ofthe solar system (sun,planets, moon,asteroids, comets.)(DOK 1)• Gravitationalattraction of thesun•Phases of themoon• Constellations4f. Describe objects inthe universe includingtheir movement.(DOK 2)• Physical featuresof the moon(craters, plains,mountains)• Appearance andmovement of Earthand its moon(waxing/ waning ofthe moon andlunar/solareclipses)•Why a planet canbe seen in differentconstellations(locations) atdifferent times4f. Compare andcontrast the physicalcharacteristics of theplanets (mass, surfacegravity, distance fromthe sun, surfacecharacteristics, moons).(DOK 2)4f. Differentiatebetween objects in theuniverse (stars, moons,solar systems, asteroids,galaxies). (DOK 1)4f. Distinguish thestructure andmovements of objects inthe solar system.(DOK 2)• Sun’s atmosphere(corona,chromosphere,photosphere andcore)• How phenomenaon the sun’ssurface (e.g.,sunspots,prominences, solarwind and solarflares) affect Earth(e.g., auroras,interference in radioand televisioncommunication)• Eclipses relative tothe position of thesun, moon, andEarth• Contributions ofCopernicus,Galileo, and Keplerin describing thesolar system4f. Describe thehierarchical structure(stars, clusters, galaxies,galactic clusters) of theuniverse and examinethe expanding universeto include its age andhistory, and the moderntechniques (e.g., radio,infrared, ultraviolet, andX-ray astronomy) usedto measure objects anddistances in theuniverse). (DOK 2)。



地球系统科学的研究范例--青藏高原隆升的地貌、环境、气候效应孙继敏【摘要】If we think that the theory of“Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics”is the most representa-tive geologic innovation of the 20th century,then,the international geological science is now undertaking a new reform,changing from a past sole science to interdisciplinary scientific research of “Global Change”and the “Earth System Science Theory”.Moreover,such kinds of multi-disciplinary integration not only involve geologic fields,but also integration with atmosphericscience,oceanography,and biolo-gy,leading the “Earth System Science Theory”to a new stage .Actually,many significant geologic or climatic events on earth,especially the Cenozoic tectonic uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau,closely link to the interactions amonglithosphere,hydrosphere,atmosphere,and biosphere.If we still take a conserva-tive view to cope with the tectonic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and its environmental effects,it will be difficult to have new developmentin geology science.%如果说“大陆漂移与板块学说”是20世纪地质学最具代表性的学术创新的话,那么,进入到21世纪,国际地质学界正在经历着一场新的变革,即由过去单一的学科发展,向多学科交叉的“全球变化”与“地球系统科学”发展,而且这样的融合并不仅仅局限于地质学的各分支学科,而是包括了与大气学、海洋学、生物学等学科的交叉发展,更加发展壮大了“地球系统科学”。























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成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Basin analysis is a process that requires the collection and integration of a wide variety of different types of data. Two of Francis Pettijohn’s guiding principles have remained as cornerstones in basin analysis: (1) the importance of an integrated approach to the study of sedimentary basins; (2) the central importance of careful field2015-5-4 work in basin analysis. 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Boetius (2005)油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 成都理工大学
Chemical/biological interaction
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Science is a method of learning and understanding
Actualism: The same forces presently in evidence acting over time with energies and frequencies similar to those now observable are the sufficient causes of all geological records, relationships and configurations.
Earth’s Hypsometry
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Geological, chemical, biological interactions
2015-5-4 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 30
The systems in Geosystems
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成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Scientific Method Flow Chart
The Scientific Process: from Perceptions to Law and Theory
2015-5-4 14 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 战略的无限期盼 ,并坚信后人能继续举着科学真理的文炬勇往直前。
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成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Convection Shapes the Earth’s Surface
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成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
The Geological Cycle
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成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
The Foundations of Sedimentary Basin
(1) Earth System Science
(2) Lithospheric Mechanics
(3) Plate Tectonics
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Earth’s Topographic regions
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
World structural regions and major mountain systems
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Ingersoll R.V. 1988. Tectonics of sedimentary basins. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 100, 1704-1719.
2015-5-4 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 2
Basin Analysis

2015-5-4 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 1
Definition of a sedimentary basin
A sedimentary basin is an area in which sediments have accumulated during a particular time period at a significantly greater rate and to a significantly greater thickness than surrounding areas. (Compare with physiographic basin – a depression in the surface of the land or sea-floor that may or may not be infilled with sediments).
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
朱夏教授 (1920-1990)
他充满着对地球结构美的深深陶醉与迷恋 ,寄托着对我国油气地质勘探大
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
Basin analysis is the integrated study of sedimentary basins as geodynamical entities. Consideration of the sedimentary basin as a whole provides a truly unified approach to the study of sediments. Sedimentary basins are primary repositories of geological information. They are also the sites of almost all of the world’s commercial hydrocarbons.
2015-5-4 成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 7
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
成都理工大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
A basin model should act as: (1) a norm, for purposes of comparison; (2) a framework and guide for future observation; (3) a predictor in other situations; and (4) an integrated basis for interpretation of the class of basin it represents.
Basin Analysis
Sedimentary basins are primary repositories of geological information. They are also the sites of almost all of the world’s commercial hydrocarbons.
The actualistic models are the key to basin analysis from the micro-to the megascale. The book is on actualistic platetectonic basin models that are derived from the study of modern basins and applied to the interpretation of ancient basins.