选修7 Unit5 Using Language
a country on the Pacific
1.a narrow costal belt;
2. the Andes Mountains;
17 in the southeast
Lima , in the north on the coast
A. was governed by Spain from
__T_o_u_r_1__3. Alessandro, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.
英语: Unit5 Traveling abroad-Using language-Peru
英语: Unit5 Traveling abroad-Using language-Peru
Skill training in
Getting & Matching Information
时间、日期、人名、地名、交通工具、体育项 目等。
名词、动词、形容词、介词、副词和短语结构 等。
Guess the possible answers
the general information about PERU
Three main geographic areas
A. was governed by Spain from 18 ;
B. atnhd geain1ed6intdhepecndeenncetfruomry Spain in 1821
人教版英语选修7Unit5 Using Language (共22张PPT)
Step 3 Speaking & Discussing
• If you could spend four or five days in and around Cuzco, how will you design the travelling route?
Work in small groups of four.
Machu Picchu: Inca ruins
Official languages: Spanish Indian
From this text,
we’ve learnt
much about the
__h__is_t_o_r_y__ and _g__e_o_g_r_a_p_h_y__ of
Machu Picchu
Inca ruins
Tour Where to The way What to do
to travel
Tour Tour
The Jungle, Machu Picchu, the Andes
Puno, Lake Titicaca, Lima
On hike, Experience the jungle and wildlife, by train see the sunrise on Andes,
★ a trip by road, fantastic views of highland
★ travel by boat across Lake Titicaca
★ stay with a local Uros family
Tour Where to The way What to do
to travel
人教英语选修7unit5 using language(共27张ppt)
AA. explore the jungle
B. enjoy some excellent food
C. buy some great souvenirs
D. Stay with a local family for a fully-day
Careful reading:detailed information
8. What can people do on this tour?
7. What places will people get to?
Andes, Cuzco, Machu Picchu( ruins)
8. What can people do on this tour?
Learn about history, visit the museums, admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy excellent food, buy souvenirs, view the ancient ruins
5. In what way will people get there? 6. What can people do on this tour?
4. What places will people get to?
Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating islands of the Uros people, Lima
Enjoy a short video. when you are watching Please try to catch the useful information
from the video .after that ,answer the following questions:
(I like to be independent. I enjoy looking around at the things in my own time. I don’t like being hurried from one place to the next.)
3. Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone ?
High ,flat plains in southeast.
的的喀喀湖(Titicaca Lake)世界海拔最高的 大淡水湖之一。湖光山色, 景色秀丽, 被誉为“高原明珠”。
Amazon Jungle
Cityபைடு நூலகம்Hall of Lima
The parade in Lima
Machu Picchu
Tick the things Lia likes doing.
□ trying different kinds of food
√□ going to historical sights
√□ looking at wildlife
□ cycling
□ swimming
Thank you! Good day!
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
2. But you _m_i_g_ht_ _f_in_d__ __i_t__ _d_i_ff_ic_u_l_t _ because it’s your first time.
3. But I also __l_ov_e___ _m_o_u_n_ta_in_s___ . 4. You _c_o_ul_d__ ___fl_y___ from Lima, the capital of
3. Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone ?
High ,flat plains in southeast.
的的喀喀湖(Titicaca Lake)世界海拔最高的 大淡水湖之一。湖光山色, 景色秀丽, 被誉为“高原明珠”。
Amazon Jungle
Cityபைடு நூலகம்Hall of Lima
The parade in Lima
Machu Picchu
Tick the things Lia likes doing.
□ trying different kinds of food
√□ going to historical sights
√□ looking at wildlife
□ cycling
□ swimming
Thank you! Good day!
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
2. But you _m_i_g_ht_ _f_in_d__ __i_t__ _d_i_ff_ic_u_l_t _ because it’s your first time.
3. But I also __l_ov_e___ _m_o_u_n_ta_in_s___ . 4. You _c_o_ul_d__ ___fl_y___ from Lima, the capital of
人教版英语选修7Unit5 Using Language (共20张PPT)
Materials Students Approaches Procedures
Welcome to Cusco, Peru
Listening and speaking: Let’s travel!
Warming up
(3 mins)
Listening & Note-taking
Teaching Plan for a Listening-and-Speaking Class
Welcome to Cusco, Peru
Listening and speaking: Let’s travel!
T Materials
Students Approaches Procedures
Warming up Listening & Note-taking
Listening material is:
“A short flight from Cuzco takes you from the Andes into the lowlands of the Amazon Jungle. From here you'll travel by boat to your accommodation in a forest reserve, which holds the record for the most bird sightings in one area. From the guesthouse you can exTpoluorre1 tihneajnudnagrloeunind tChuezcco ompany of a local guide. . .
_________ by Spain from the 16th century; Independent in ______
A wide variety of plants and ________ wildlife
South Americjoy learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting.People who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.
1.Which tours would best suit people who like an active holiday and don't need first class accommodation?
Tours 1 and 4.
2.What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2?
On the Pacific coast of _____________A narrow _______ belt __________________running parallel to the coast High, flat _____ in the southeast
I like/don't like doing/to do...I prefer to...I enjoy/love/hate doing...
_________ by Spain from the 16th century; Independent in ______
A wide variety of plants and ________ wildlife
South Americjoy learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting.People who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.
1.Which tours would best suit people who like an active holiday and don't need first class accommodation?
Tours 1 and 4.
2.What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2?
On the Pacific coast of _____________A narrow _______ belt __________________running parallel to the coast High, flat _____ in the southeast
I like/don't like doing/to do...I prefer to...I enjoy/love/hate doing...
人教英语选修7Unit5Using Language(共18张PPT)
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
Using Language
秘鲁 Peru
Which is the national flag of Peru?
Read the passage on Page 43 and answer the following questions. Q1:Which continent is Peru in? Q2: Which city is the capital of Peru? Q3. Which country once conquer Peru? Q4. Which mountains are in Peru? Q5. Which empire once existed in Peru? Q6. Which is the ancient capital of Inca?
1. Write an article to introduce Peru.
2.Find out more information about Machu Picchu on the Internet and share it with your friends.
1、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。2、你们应该培养对自己,对自己的力量的信心,百这种信心是靠克服障碍,培养意志和锻炼意志而获得的。 3、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。4、天行健,君子以自强不息。5、有百折不挠的信念的所支持的人的意志,比那些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大 的威力。6、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。7、意大利有一句谚语:对一个歌手的要求,首先是嗓子、嗓子和嗓子……我现在按照这一公式拙劣地摹仿为:对 一个要成为不负于高尔基所声称的那种“人”的要求,首先是意志、意志和意志。8、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。9、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 10、发现者,尤其是一个初出茅庐的年轻发现者,需要勇气才能无视他人的冷漠和怀疑,才能坚持自己发现的意志,并把研究继续下去。11、我的本质不是我的意志的结果, 相反,我的意志是我的本质的结果,因为我先有存在,后有意志,存在可以没有意志,但是没有存在就没有意志。12、公共的利益,人类的福利,可以使可憎的工作变为可 贵,只有开明人士才能知道克服困难所需要的热忱。13、立志用功如种树然,方其根芽,犹未有干;及其有干,尚未有枝;枝而后叶,叶而后花。14、意志的出现不是对愿 望的否定,而是把愿望合并和提升到一个更高的意识水平上。15、无论是美女的歌声,还是鬓狗的狂吠,无论是鳄鱼的眼泪,还是恶狼的嚎叫,都不会使我动摇。16、即使 遇到了不幸的灾难,已经开始了的事情决不放弃。17、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。18、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下 去。19、意志若是屈从,不论程度如何,它都帮助了暴力。20、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。21、意志坚强,就会战胜恶运。22、只有刚强的人,才有神 圣的意志,凡是战斗的人,才能取得胜利。23、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。24、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。25、能 够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。26、钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中 锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。27、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。28、立志不坚,终不济事。29、功崇惟志,业广惟勤。30、一个崇高 的目标,只要不渝地追求,就会居为壮举;在它纯洁的目光里,一切美德必将胜利。31、书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无着力处。32、您得相 信,有志者事竟成。古人告诫说:“天国是努力进入的”。只有当勉为其难地一步步向它走去的时候,才必须勉为其难地一步步走下去,才必须勉为其难地去达到它。33、 告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。34、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。35、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风 言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。36、即使在把眼睛盯着大地的时候,那超群的目光仍然保持着凝视太阳的能力。37、你既然期望辉煌伟大的一生,那么就应该从今 天起,以毫不动摇的决心和坚定不移的信念,凭自己的智慧和毅力,去创造你和人类的快乐。38、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。39、在希望与失望的决斗中,如果 你用勇气与坚决的双手紧握着,胜利必属于希望。40、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。41、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。42、生命里最重 要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借助才能与坚持来完成它。43、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。我在沙漠中曾亲眼看见,匆忙的旅人落在从容的后边;疾驰的骏马落在后头, 缓步的骆驼继续向前。44、有志者事竟成。45、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。46、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。47、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。 48、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。49、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。50、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。我终 生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。 真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末能力可以慢 慢锻炼,经验可以慢慢积累,热情不可以没有。不管什么东西,总是觉得,别人的比自己的好!只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹 出世间的绝唱。对时间的价值没有没有深切认识的人,决不会坚韧勤勉。第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。不要因为寂寞而恋爱,孤独是为了幸福而 等待。每天清晨,当我睁开眼睛,我告诉自己:我今天快乐或是不快乐,并非由我所遭遇的事情造成的,而应该取决于我自己。我可以自己选择事情的发展方向。昨日已逝,
Using Language
秘鲁 Peru
Which is the national flag of Peru?
Read the passage on Page 43 and answer the following questions. Q1:Which continent is Peru in? Q2: Which city is the capital of Peru? Q3. Which country once conquer Peru? Q4. Which mountains are in Peru? Q5. Which empire once existed in Peru? Q6. Which is the ancient capital of Inca?
1. Write an article to introduce Peru.
2.Find out more information about Machu Picchu on the Internet and share it with your friends.
1、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。2、你们应该培养对自己,对自己的力量的信心,百这种信心是靠克服障碍,培养意志和锻炼意志而获得的。 3、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。4、天行健,君子以自强不息。5、有百折不挠的信念的所支持的人的意志,比那些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大 的威力。6、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。7、意大利有一句谚语:对一个歌手的要求,首先是嗓子、嗓子和嗓子……我现在按照这一公式拙劣地摹仿为:对 一个要成为不负于高尔基所声称的那种“人”的要求,首先是意志、意志和意志。8、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。9、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 10、发现者,尤其是一个初出茅庐的年轻发现者,需要勇气才能无视他人的冷漠和怀疑,才能坚持自己发现的意志,并把研究继续下去。11、我的本质不是我的意志的结果, 相反,我的意志是我的本质的结果,因为我先有存在,后有意志,存在可以没有意志,但是没有存在就没有意志。12、公共的利益,人类的福利,可以使可憎的工作变为可 贵,只有开明人士才能知道克服困难所需要的热忱。13、立志用功如种树然,方其根芽,犹未有干;及其有干,尚未有枝;枝而后叶,叶而后花。14、意志的出现不是对愿 望的否定,而是把愿望合并和提升到一个更高的意识水平上。15、无论是美女的歌声,还是鬓狗的狂吠,无论是鳄鱼的眼泪,还是恶狼的嚎叫,都不会使我动摇。16、即使 遇到了不幸的灾难,已经开始了的事情决不放弃。17、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。18、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下 去。19、意志若是屈从,不论程度如何,它都帮助了暴力。20、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。21、意志坚强,就会战胜恶运。22、只有刚强的人,才有神 圣的意志,凡是战斗的人,才能取得胜利。23、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。24、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。25、能 够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。26、钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中 锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。27、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。28、立志不坚,终不济事。29、功崇惟志,业广惟勤。30、一个崇高 的目标,只要不渝地追求,就会居为壮举;在它纯洁的目光里,一切美德必将胜利。31、书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无着力处。32、您得相 信,有志者事竟成。古人告诫说:“天国是努力进入的”。只有当勉为其难地一步步向它走去的时候,才必须勉为其难地一步步走下去,才必须勉为其难地去达到它。33、 告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。34、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。35、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风 言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。36、即使在把眼睛盯着大地的时候,那超群的目光仍然保持着凝视太阳的能力。37、你既然期望辉煌伟大的一生,那么就应该从今 天起,以毫不动摇的决心和坚定不移的信念,凭自己的智慧和毅力,去创造你和人类的快乐。38、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。39、在希望与失望的决斗中,如果 你用勇气与坚决的双手紧握着,胜利必属于希望。40、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。41、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。42、生命里最重 要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借助才能与坚持来完成它。43、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。我在沙漠中曾亲眼看见,匆忙的旅人落在从容的后边;疾驰的骏马落在后头, 缓步的骆驼继续向前。44、有志者事竟成。45、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。46、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。47、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。 48、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。49、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。50、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。我终 生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。 真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末能力可以慢 慢锻炼,经验可以慢慢积累,热情不可以没有。不管什么东西,总是觉得,别人的比自己的好!只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹 出世间的绝唱。对时间的价值没有没有深切认识的人,决不会坚韧勤勉。第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。不要因为寂寞而恋爱,孤独是为了幸福而 等待。每天清晨,当我睁开眼睛,我告诉自己:我今天快乐或是不快乐,并非由我所遭遇的事情造成的,而应该取决于我自己。我可以自己选择事情的发展方向。昨日已逝,
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Part Ⅱ
about Language, Using Language
• 重点词语解读 (学生用书P87) 1.apology n.道歉,谢罪
make an apology to sb. for sth.因某事向某 人道歉 owe sb. an apology 应向某人道歉in apology for为……辩护 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事 向某人道歉 apologize to sb that... 向某人道歉
5.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的;大量的 be abundant in sth. =be rich insth. ...丰富,富于…… Our country is abundant in natural resources. 我国自然资源丰富。
The south of China has abundant rainfall. 中国南方雨量充足。 This area of the country is abundant with bird life. 这个国家的这个地区盛产鸟类。 The timely snow suggests an abundant year. 瑞雪兆丰年。 We have abundant proof of his crime. 我们有足够的证据证明他有罪。
(1)We should offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today. (2)I'm afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday; I think I owe you an apology. (3)He made an apology to me for breaking the glass. =He apologize to me for breaking the glass.
2.day in and day out日复一日,天天 Day in and day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles. 她不管天气如何,每天总是步行十英里。 拓展: the other day几天前 day and night日日夜夜 day by day一天一天地 day after day 日复一日 have a day off请一天假 every other day每隔一天
It will take us another week to settle in. 我们再过一个星期才能安顿下来。 They haven't settled on their baby's name yet. 他们尚未决定他们孩子的名字。 He decided to settle down there for the night. 他打算在那儿落脚过夜。 He settled down to doing his homework. 他安下心来做作业。
• Some of these families are so poor that Christmas presents are out of the question. • 有些家庭很穷,因此要买圣诞礼物是不可能的。 • The boy had no money, so it was out of the question for him to go to the movies. • 这个男孩没钱,因此去看电影是不可能的。
• He is without question the bringtest student in the school.
• 毫无疑问他是学校里最聪明的学生。
• 9.settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来;(帮 助„„)适应(或习惯于)新环境(或新工作等) • 拓展: • settle down 定居;安顿下来 • settle sb.down使某人安静下来;平静下来 • settle down to (ding) sth.静下心做…… • settle on 选定;决定 • settle up 结账
Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area .....
Round the cormer of the street is a flower shop.
[语法拓展] 在英语中,把谓语动词放到主语之前的倒装句,成为完全倒装。 常见的完全倒装有以下几种:
如:Away he went. 他跑远了。 Down it came. 它掉了下来。
(4)把作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首, 句中主语和谓语完全倒装。如: Among these people was his friend Jim. 他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。 在表语置于句首的这类倒装结构中,要注意其中的谓 语应与其后的主语保持一致,而不是与位于句首的表 语保持一致。比较: In the box was a cat. 箱子里是一只猫。 In the box were some cats. 箱子里是一些猫。
• 8.out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的
• 拓展:
• out of question 毫无疑问/没问题
• in question讨论中的;有疑问的
• without question毫无疑问
• beyond question 毋庸置疑
• There is no question of ... · · · · · · 是不可能的
7.It is a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. 这里是旅游热点,因为它里著名的马丘比丘城印加遗 址很近。 [用法分析] 本句是主从复合句, as 引导的原因状语从句,其语 气不如 because 强,通常为附加说明的理由,且是已
(5) as表示“像……一样”,引导比较状语从句,对 主句和从句的动作或状态加以比较,说明它们之间有
He doesn't work as hard as I (do).
他不像我工作那样努力。 I hope the necklace was as good as the one you lent me. 我希望我挂项链同你借给我的一样好。
Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies. 集邮和收集硬币是相似的爱好。
4.In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 在高原地区有个的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的 湖,湖上可以行船。 ( 1 ) 本 句 主句 采 用了 完 全倒 装 形式 , 正常 语 序为 :
As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material.
(3) as表示“虽然……但是……”,引导让步状语从 句,从句通常用倒装语序,把从句的表语、状语或动 词原形放在as前面,可以用though替代。例如:
as作从属连词用时,可以引导五种状语从句。现归纳 如下:
(1) as表示“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句, 多强调主句和从句中的动作或状态同时发生,从句可 放在主句前,也可放在主句后。例如:
As I waited at the stop, I heard a big noise.
She rose up as he entered.
(2) as表示“因为”、“由于”,引导原因状语从句, 其语气不如 because 强,通常为附加说明的理由,且
As she was not well, I went there alone.
In Britain, the Queen reigns, but elected representatives
of the people govern the country.
在英国,女王是君主而管理国家的却是民选的代表。 government nn before.
(3)表时间、地点和动作转移的副词here, there,now, then, up, down, in, out, off, over,away, round,等位于句首时,其后也 用完全倒装语序。这类倒装句的谓语通常表示动态的不及物动 词。如: Away went the runners. 赛跑选手们跑远了。 Round and round flew the plane. 飞机盘旋着。 Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 下雨了,伞都撑起来了。
Child as he is, he knows a lot.
虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的东西很多。 Hard as it was raining, they went on working in the field.
(4)as表示“按照”、“依照”、“像”,引导方式状 语从句,从句置于主句之后。例如: You should do as the teacher tells you. 你应当依照老师所说的去做。 The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space as they do from the earth. 空气的不存在,也说明了为什么在空中星星看来并不 闪烁,而不像从地球上看的那样。
about Language, Using Language
• 重点词语解读 (学生用书P87) 1.apology n.道歉,谢罪
make an apology to sb. for sth.因某事向某 人道歉 owe sb. an apology 应向某人道歉in apology for为……辩护 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事 向某人道歉 apologize to sb that... 向某人道歉
5.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的;大量的 be abundant in sth. =be rich insth. ...丰富,富于…… Our country is abundant in natural resources. 我国自然资源丰富。
The south of China has abundant rainfall. 中国南方雨量充足。 This area of the country is abundant with bird life. 这个国家的这个地区盛产鸟类。 The timely snow suggests an abundant year. 瑞雪兆丰年。 We have abundant proof of his crime. 我们有足够的证据证明他有罪。
(1)We should offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today. (2)I'm afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday; I think I owe you an apology. (3)He made an apology to me for breaking the glass. =He apologize to me for breaking the glass.
2.day in and day out日复一日,天天 Day in and day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles. 她不管天气如何,每天总是步行十英里。 拓展: the other day几天前 day and night日日夜夜 day by day一天一天地 day after day 日复一日 have a day off请一天假 every other day每隔一天
It will take us another week to settle in. 我们再过一个星期才能安顿下来。 They haven't settled on their baby's name yet. 他们尚未决定他们孩子的名字。 He decided to settle down there for the night. 他打算在那儿落脚过夜。 He settled down to doing his homework. 他安下心来做作业。
• Some of these families are so poor that Christmas presents are out of the question. • 有些家庭很穷,因此要买圣诞礼物是不可能的。 • The boy had no money, so it was out of the question for him to go to the movies. • 这个男孩没钱,因此去看电影是不可能的。
• He is without question the bringtest student in the school.
• 毫无疑问他是学校里最聪明的学生。
• 9.settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来;(帮 助„„)适应(或习惯于)新环境(或新工作等) • 拓展: • settle down 定居;安顿下来 • settle sb.down使某人安静下来;平静下来 • settle down to (ding) sth.静下心做…… • settle on 选定;决定 • settle up 结账
Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area .....
Round the cormer of the street is a flower shop.
[语法拓展] 在英语中,把谓语动词放到主语之前的倒装句,成为完全倒装。 常见的完全倒装有以下几种:
如:Away he went. 他跑远了。 Down it came. 它掉了下来。
(4)把作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首, 句中主语和谓语完全倒装。如: Among these people was his friend Jim. 他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。 在表语置于句首的这类倒装结构中,要注意其中的谓 语应与其后的主语保持一致,而不是与位于句首的表 语保持一致。比较: In the box was a cat. 箱子里是一只猫。 In the box were some cats. 箱子里是一些猫。
• 8.out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的
• 拓展:
• out of question 毫无疑问/没问题
• in question讨论中的;有疑问的
• without question毫无疑问
• beyond question 毋庸置疑
• There is no question of ... · · · · · · 是不可能的
7.It is a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. 这里是旅游热点,因为它里著名的马丘比丘城印加遗 址很近。 [用法分析] 本句是主从复合句, as 引导的原因状语从句,其语 气不如 because 强,通常为附加说明的理由,且是已
(5) as表示“像……一样”,引导比较状语从句,对 主句和从句的动作或状态加以比较,说明它们之间有
He doesn't work as hard as I (do).
他不像我工作那样努力。 I hope the necklace was as good as the one you lent me. 我希望我挂项链同你借给我的一样好。
Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies. 集邮和收集硬币是相似的爱好。
4.In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 在高原地区有个的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的 湖,湖上可以行船。 ( 1 ) 本 句 主句 采 用了 完 全倒 装 形式 , 正常 语 序为 :
As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material.
(3) as表示“虽然……但是……”,引导让步状语从 句,从句通常用倒装语序,把从句的表语、状语或动 词原形放在as前面,可以用though替代。例如:
as作从属连词用时,可以引导五种状语从句。现归纳 如下:
(1) as表示“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句, 多强调主句和从句中的动作或状态同时发生,从句可 放在主句前,也可放在主句后。例如:
As I waited at the stop, I heard a big noise.
She rose up as he entered.
(2) as表示“因为”、“由于”,引导原因状语从句, 其语气不如 because 强,通常为附加说明的理由,且
As she was not well, I went there alone.
In Britain, the Queen reigns, but elected representatives
of the people govern the country.
在英国,女王是君主而管理国家的却是民选的代表。 government nn before.
(3)表时间、地点和动作转移的副词here, there,now, then, up, down, in, out, off, over,away, round,等位于句首时,其后也 用完全倒装语序。这类倒装句的谓语通常表示动态的不及物动 词。如: Away went the runners. 赛跑选手们跑远了。 Round and round flew the plane. 飞机盘旋着。 Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 下雨了,伞都撑起来了。
Child as he is, he knows a lot.
虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的东西很多。 Hard as it was raining, they went on working in the field.
(4)as表示“按照”、“依照”、“像”,引导方式状 语从句,从句置于主句之后。例如: You should do as the teacher tells you. 你应当依照老师所说的去做。 The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space as they do from the earth. 空气的不存在,也说明了为什么在空中星星看来并不 闪烁,而不像从地球上看的那样。