英语PPT 通讯革命


外研版高中英语必修1Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications(ppt)

外研版高中英语必修1Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications(ppt)
Computer------made in China, made in US, made in Korea Digital camera------less than $200, more than $200, more than $500
Reading and Vocabulary
1. What is the Internet?
2. How did it start?
3. What is the World Wide Web?
4. Who invented it?
• What is the world wide web? • It is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. • Who invented it? • An English scientist named Tim BernersLee • When was it invented? • In 1991 • What is the inventor of the world wide web doing now? • He now works as a lecturer at Massachusetts institute of technology in Boston
Something you use to click on things(files,etc.)
A CD-Rom is a separate disk that contains lots of information.



3 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. Much of the protest was about the Vietnam War. But in France, the students of the Sorbonne in Paris managed to form an alliance with the trade unions and to launch a general strike, which ultimately brought about the resignation of President de Gaulle.
In descending order these are: quality of courses, employability prospects, affordability, personal security issues, lifestyle, and accessibility. College has become a means to an end, an opportunity to increase one's chances on the employment market, and not an end in itself, which gives you the chance to imagine, just for a short while, that you can change the world.

外研版高中英语必修一 Module 6 the internet and telecommunications(共37张PPT)

外研版高中英语必修一 Module 6 the internet and telecommunications(共37张PPT)
Book1 Module6
Words and phrases Sentence patterns
Writing practice
Words Revision
1. 包含 contain 可进入的 accessible
2. 通路 access
3. 崩溃 crash
drive there even if he had got his
father ’ s__p__e_r_m__is_s_i_o_n_, he had no
choice but to go there by bus. (permit)
独立的 independent 横着地 sideways
On 平av均erage the Internet updates information daily, making it easier for us to have 使用 to the lataecstceinsfsormation. However, there are too many games 设计 for us, and somdeesariegnseod crazy about playing games that they can’t 集中 注意 on their work or sctoudnicees.nStroahteow to take 优势 of it remains a big problema.dvantage
1.He picked up a bag whcicohntcaoinitnagined 500 dollars.


3G technology with2MBPS standard user rate ( high speed mobile to provide144KBPS rate ).3G技术提供2MBPS标准用户速率(高速移动下提供144KBPS
(Chinese: 天宫一号) is a Chinese space laboratory module,an experimental testbed to demonstrate the rendezvous and docking capabilities needed to support a space station complex. Launched unmanned aboard a Long March 2F/G rocket[1] on 29 September 2011, it is part of the Tiangong program, which aims to place a larger, modular station into orbit by 2020.
in modern time
光纤通信技术 optical fiber communications
多媒体通信Computer communication
Mobile satellite communication(卫星移动通信):
The use of satellite transponder signal can also be mobile communication, mobile communication can be used for the fixed satellite, and on the handheld terminal, using a low orbit satellite constellation is advantageous to the.利用卫星转发信号也可实现移动通信,对于车载移动通信可采用赤

电信革命演讲 英文 PPT

电信革命演讲 英文 PPT

In earlier times telecommunication was done slowly by mean of simple methods such as the use of smoke signals,
pigeon post
Telecommunication is now understood as a system consists of three elements: a transmitter(发射机,传送者) that takes information and converts(使转变) it to a signal; a transmission that carries the signal; and a receiver that receives the signal and converts it back into usable information. Some other telecommunication systems such as mobile telephones, computers in network act as both a transmitter and receiver or a transceiver.
Both advantages and disadvantages exist in using telecommunication tools frequently. The digital connection cannot replace the sense which felt by your eyes, face and mouth which carry more means, but we have to admit that telecommunication is necessary and essential to our daily life.



案例1:三名迷恋网络游戏的中学生逃课去网吧打 游戏,怕家长和老师发现,坐汽车到临近镇上的网 吧去玩,他们在网吧玩了三天三夜后,已身无分文, 当他们沿火车道走回家时,又困又饿,竟躺在火车 道上睡着了,正在这时一辆火车疾驰而来,两个中 学生当场被轧死。
案例2:一位迷恋网络游戏的中学生李明(化名), 一天正在网吧里打升级游戏,当他玩得正起劲时, 另一位同龄的中学生王建(化名)不小心碰了一 下他的鼠标,李明随即掏出身上带的水果刀,连 捅王建数刀,导致王建当场死亡。
据一项调查表明:20-30岁的青年上网率最高,居其次 的是12-19岁的青少年。在上网学生中[烟台调查]62%沉 溺于网络游戏,54.6%泡在聊天室,有些青少年甚至因过分 投入而染上“网络毒瘾”:上网时精神亢奋,下网后精神倦 怠,消极对待学习和生活。[湖北调查]在上网青少年中, 62.9%的青少年出现了个性化情绪,20%的青少年有情绪 低落和孤独感,12%的青少年与家人、朋友疏远,5.1%的 青少年身体健康状况下降。虽然我国没有利用网络对青少年 危害的案例的统计,但近三年,通过网络结识了不良朋友而 给学生造成身心危害的事件确明显增多。
能力。 (3)养成健康使用信息技术的习惯。 (4)遵守信息法规。
《全国青少年 要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人

文 明 公 约》
【结束语】:网络是海洋,激情冲浪,快乐至上。 网络是岛屿,扬帆出海,乐在其中。
(1)由于网络空间的高度自由,网络管理 的不规范,致使大


A protocol used to establish a direct connection between two points, often used for dial-up internet access.
Network Security
• Firewalls: Devices that filter incoming and outgoing traffic based on security policies to protect against unauthorized access or malicious attacks.
Modulation and Demodulation
The process of varying a property of a carrier wave, such as its amplitude, frequency, or phase, in accordance with the information to be transmitted. This allows information to be carried over long distances through various media.
Channel Capacity and Data Rate
Channel Capacity
The maximum amount of information that can be transmitted over a communication channel without loss of data or degradation in signal quality. It is typically limited by the physical properties of the channel and the noise level present.



幻灯片 1How could 5G change people’s lives?Student number: 1405074Name: Zhaohan Scott ZhangClass: 6.48Good morning, ladies and gentleman. My presentation title is “how could 5G change people ’s life?”. I was wondering, did you want to touch your phone to check whether there was an incoming call when you heard the ringtone. If you did, it means the mobile phone is the very important thing in your life. And the way people communicate with each other has been changed dramatically.幻灯片 2Einstein said that "I never think about the future — it comes soon enough.“ And he was right. So, I'm here to ask you to think of how the future is happening now.幻灯片 3 Over the past 200 years, the world has experienced two major waves of innovation. First, the Industrial Revolution brought us machines and factories, railways, electricity, air travel, and our lives have never been the same.幻灯片 4Then the communication revolution brought us computing power, data networks, access to information and communication, and our lives have never been the same. 幻灯片 5In the recent years, due to the increasing user demand, wireless communication networks has been developing constantly. From 2G to 3G, the technical revolution has made big changes to people ’s life and work. And right now, 4G networks in mostcountries have already adopted in the business.Fortunately, according to the existing technology, the highest wireless speed has alreadyreached 150Mbps (megabit per second). It means the videos on YouTube can be watched smoothly. Average speeds is faster than most people's home broadband. As a result, there is an argument that it is no need to upgrade current communication system, because existingnetworks have already been able to meet the daily needs; and the research and developmentexpenses for 5G will increase the consumers ’ burden.。



通信革命5G英文演讲讲义LTUniversity of Bristol Zhang Zhao Han 幻灯片1How could 5G change people’s lives?Student number: 1405074Name: Zhaohan Scott Zhang Class: 6.48Good morning, ladies and gentleman. My presentation title is “how could 5G change people ’s life?”. I waswondering, did you want to touch your phone to check whether there was anincoming call when you heard the ringtone. If you did, it means the mobile phone is the very important thing in your life. And the way people communicate with each other has been changeddramatically.幻灯片 2Einstein said that "I never think about the future — it comes soon enough.“ And he was right. So, I'm here to ask you to think of how the future is happening now.幻灯片3Over the past 200 years, the world has experienced two major waves of innovation. First, the Industrial Revolution brought usmachines and factories, railways, electricity, air travel, and our lives have never been the same.幻灯片 4Then the communication revolution brought us computing power, data networks, access to information andcommunication, and our lives have never been the same.幻灯片5In the recent years, due to the increasing user demand, wireless communicationnetworks has been developing constantly. From 2G to 3G, the technical revolution has made big changes to people ’s life and work. And right now, 4G networks in most countries have already adopted in the business. Fortunately, according to the existing technology, the highest wireless speed has already reached 150Mbps (megabit per second). It means the videos on YouTube can be watched smoothly. Average speeds is faster than most people's home broadband. As a result, there is an argument that it is no need to upgrade current communication system,because existing networks have already been able to meet the daily needs; and the research and development expenses for 5G will increase the consumers ’ burden.幻灯片6However, if we compare the wireless speed to the height in real life. From 2G to 5G, you can see them here. 2G is like a grasshopper,3G is like a border collie, and even 4G is just like a 5-story building. As the 5-srory building cannot meet our demand in real life, 4G will not meet ourcommunication demand in nest few years. We need khalifa tower, the 5G.幻灯片 7Why 5G is necessary?High speed and low latency10–100Gbps 4G’s 100–1000 times2–5msHuge capacityThe number of connected devices will reach 50 billionby 2020.To integrate existing systems seamlesslyWi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity), LTE (Long Term Evolution)and HSPA (High Speed Packet Access)Of cause, 5G can meet our demand. Because it canprovide the high speed with low latency. the rate of 10-100 Gigabitpersecond, it is 4G ’s 100-1000 times. And with its ultra low latency, only 2 to 5 millisecond, it can provide the excellent user experience.Second, Internationaltelecom organization points out that the number ofconnected devices will reach 50 billion by 2020. At that time, each person may have the smart glasses, the smart phone, the iPad, the laptop, and the smart watch. All of these need to the internet. With the limited bandwidth resource, current networks cannot accommodate so many intelligent terminals. And this is also a big challenge for 5G.Last but not least, 5G hasthe ability to integrate existing systemsseamlessly, including Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), LTE and HSPA (High Speed Packet Access). In this way it can maximize the use of existing resources and increase redundancy insurance.幻灯片8What could 5G do?Real-time short messages for emergencyNext, we move on to what 5G could do, in another word, how 5G could change our lives. Thanks to the low latency and huge capacity, 5G would allow, for example, real-time short messages to be sent to citizens ’ smart phones immediately when the earthquake or other natural disasters are detected. Citizens can use theseseconds to turn off all open flames to prevent fire disaster, and to open an exit (doors or windows) in case of deformation caused by earthquakes.幻灯片9And it can also be used to the high speed rail wayemergency system. With the low latency ‘s help, the train can brake after 2millisecond when theearthquake was detected.幻灯片 10What could 5G do?Real-time short messages for emergencyInternet of thingsairports, sensors around usMoreover, the internet of things is another benefit from 5G. The 5G ’s goal is everything could connect to the internet. Thistechnology could help the airports.幻灯片 11Today, 10 percent of all flights cancellations and delays are caused by unscheduled maintenance events. Something goes wrong unexpectedly. This results in six billion pounds in costs for the airline industry globally every year.幻灯片12not to mention the impact on all of us: stress, inconvenience, missed meetings as we sithelplessly in an airport terminal.幻灯片 13So how can the internet of things help here? 5G can develop a preventivemaintenance system which can be installed on any aircraft. It'sself-learning and able to predict issues that a human operator would miss. The aircraft, while inflight, will communicate with technicians on the ground. By the time it lands, they will already know if anything needs to beserviced. A system like this can prevent over 60 thousand delays and cancellations every year inEurope , helping seven million passengers get to their destinations on time.幻灯片 14What could 5G do?Real-time short messages for emergencyInternet of thingsairports, sensors around us connecting to theinternetHowever, the 5G, theinternet of things, can not only benefit the bigcompany, but also the common person. A professor of MIT, bring the sensors to his house. The sensors connected to internet can feel people around them, and then open the recorder and camera to record his son ’s life. His son, after the firstbirthday, would say "gaga" to mean water. And over the next half-year, he slowly learned the rightpronunciation of "water." So we're going to look through half a year in about 40 seconds. No video here, so you can focus on the sound, a new kind of journey: gaga to water. Finally, he succeed , didn ’t he? The sensors can record every time of us, so we can look back to find our happiness. Or do other useful things.幻灯片 15What could 5G do?Real-time short messages for emergencyInternet of thingsairports, sensors around us connecting to the internetCloud ComputingThe last point I want to present is cloud computing. 5G ’s download speed is much faster than current hard disks' speed. Which means traditional storage devices may lose their status in 5G time and would be replaced by the “Cloud ”.幻灯片16Q & ASo that is my presentation. Here is the q&a time, I would very appreciate to answer your questions.。



Communication Revolution and ModernHigher EducationIn the era of rapid technological advancement, the communication revolution has revolutionized the way we interact and exchange information. This revolution has had a profound impact on modern higher education, shaping the way students learn, teachers teach, and institutions operate.The advent of the internet and digital technologies has brought about a seismic shift in higher education. Online learning platforms have emerged, breaking the geographical barriers that once limited access to higher education. Students from all over the world can now access a wide range of courses and learning resources, enabling them to pursue their academic goals regardless of their location. This has opened up new opportunities for those who may have been unable to afford or access traditional higher education institutions.Moreover, the communication revolution has transformed the teaching-learning process. Interactive online classrooms and collaborative tools allow students to engagewith their peers and teachers in real-time, fostering a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment. Teachers can also utilize digital technologies to create engaging and innovative lesson plans, making learning more fun and effective.Furthermore, the communication revolution has had a significant impact on the operation of higher education institutions. Administrative tasks such as admissions, grading, and scheduling have become more efficient and streamlined through the use of digital tools and software. This has allowed institutions to focus more on improving the quality of education they provide, rather than being bogged down by administrative burdens.However, while the communication revolution has brought about numerous benefits to modern higher education, it has also presented some challenges. The proliferation of online learning platforms has led to a rise in the number of unqualified or fraudulent institutions, making it crucial for students to exercise caution when choosing a learning provider. Additionally, the digital divide remains a significant issue, as many students still lack access tothe necessary technologies and infrastructure to fully participate in online learning.In conclusion, the communication revolution has been a catalyst for positive changes in modern higher education. It has broken down barriers, expanded access, and transformed the teaching-learning process. However, to ensure that these changes are sustainable and beneficial for all, it is crucial for institutions, teachers, and students to embrace the revolution responsibly and address the challenges it poses.**通信革命与现代高等教育**在科技飞速发展的时代,通信革命彻底改变了我们交流和交换信息的方式。

工业革命史英语介绍 PPT

工业革命史英语介绍 PPT

There have been three complete industrial revolutions in human history, successively the steam technology revolution(蒸汽技术革命), the power technology revolution(电力技术革命)and the information technology revolution(信息技术革命). Today,with the development of internet industrialization(互联网产业 化), industrial intelligence(工业智能) and industrial integration(工业一 体化),people claimed that the fourth industrial revolution(第四次工业 革命) has come quietly.
Picture of the steam engine (蒸汽机)
• In 1785, Watt's improved steam engine(瓦特改良的蒸汽机) was put into use, providing more convenient power and driving the popularization(普及) and development of machinery. • In 1807, the steam-powered steamboat pilot of American Fulton succeeded.美国人富尔顿制成以 蒸汽为动力的汽船试航成功。 • In 1814, British man Stephen sun invented the steam-powered car.英 国人史蒂芬孙发明了蒸汽汽车。



China is working on the “Internet Plus” initiative to imple the construction of “digital China”, boost economic sharing and support of multiple Internet-based innovations and enhance development quality and efficiency.
glasses. Naked eye 3D technology makes it possible for us to
Memory mirror
It can let people virtually try on different outfits . Shoppers can just use hand gestures to scroll through different colors and styles of clothes. It helps people 任何系统都有其边界,越过边界你就m会ak发e 现a c很ho多ic事e情. 漏洞百出
■ Online shopping
The Singles Day=Global Shopping Festival
Shopping Website
Advanced Technology
Naked eye 3D technology
Mainstream 3D stereoscopic display technology still can not free us from the shackies of special
Communication Sharing



Phone Mobile phone Now we use phone to keep touch with each other.
We can access to information in television
Now we are more interested in computer
From ancient times to the present
The progress of mankind products communication.
wall-painting As early as in ancient times, mural painting has formed, Each figure represents the different meaning
The invention has prompted us to progress
通讯(交通)设施 Our city has excellent communications with all parts of the country. 我们城市具有完备的交通网与全国各地联系
In ancient times, people riding instead of walking
We hope that this is our future
Boat People use ships to conquer the world
Car you can as a cheetah as a fast run
Plane Human like birds flying in the sky
Communications bring people benefits at the same time, it also brings us a bad side . More development, more dangerous

Unit 4 The Telecommunications Revolution

Unit 4 The Telecommunications Revolution

Unit 4 The Telecommunications RevolutionI Language points1.telecommunication n. 电信,电讯——the technology of sending signals, images and messages over long distances by radio, television, satellite, etc.e.g. telecommunications links/networks/operators 远程通信链路/网络/操作员tele-(构成名词、动词形容词和副词)远距离的,远的——over a long distance, fare.g. telepathy 传心术telescopic 望远的2.revolution①革命——an attempt, by a large number of people, to change the government of a country,especially by violent actione.g. a bourgeois/socialist revolution 资产阶级/社会主义革命the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 1789年法国大革命的爆发a country on the brink of revolution 即将发生革命的国家②巨变,大变革——a great change in conditions, ways of working, beliefs, etc. that affects largenumber of peoplee.g. a cultural/social/scientific revolution 文化的/社会的/科学的重大变革A revolution in information technology is taking place. 信息技术正在发生巨变。

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"Flames of war" is to transmit a communication method of frontier military
intelligence in ancient China, began in the Shang and Zhou, extension to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, thousands of years old.
Initial kite is made to military needs, its main purpose is used as a military reconnaissance, or is used to transfer information and military intelligence.
The communications revolution
The communications revolution is perhaps the most significant happening in a lifetime oftwo wars and va st economic and social change.
of interest publication, based on radio communication, in 2009.
Whether one is willing or not, we can not deny that endless innovations of technology are constantly changing our lives. The informationization, the network makes the majority of people easier to use information technology, access to a wide range of information through the Internet, and active participation in the political life of the country.
通信革命也许是继两次世界大战和世界经济政治巨变之后,意义最为深远的 事件
The ancient years Those time,people used letters to convey messages,which was ineffective inconvenient and unsafe. People often couldn’t get the message at the right moment. Because of this, many things happened ,which could have been avoided。
In ancient times, China‘s use of information The use of signal flag on the ship has been 400 years of history.
transfer drum.
Lighthouse beacon signal originated
Every coins have two sides we should utilize it properly and views it as a tool of promoting own development.
Email is written, sent and received via the Internet. Phone calls, mobile phones
and Internet telephony
Fax is the fastest developing non - telecommunication service in the last twenty years.
There are three ways of communication, microwave communication,satellite communication and optical fiber communication.
The post is the need of the development of human society, and it is based on the physical transmission.
in ancient Egypt
"Hongyan“ story, from the "Han Su
Wu Zhuan"
China is the world's first use of post communication, message state. Post is to provide accommodation and horses for transfer of official documents and military intelligence personnel place in ancient times.
In Chinese ancient poetry and prose, fish is seen as a Messenger of letters transmission and "fish", "fish", "carp", "double carp" as on behalf of the letters. In the history of our country, there are bamboo of the story
Satellite phone is the product of modern
mobile communication.
Telegraph is the text information transmitted
by the electric signal.
The Journal of modern communications is a kind