


第五章 网络连接设备
第一节 网络适配器
网络适配器NIC(Network Interface Card), 俗称的网卡。 网卡是构成计算机局域网络系统中最基本的、 最重要的和必不可少的连接设备,计算机主 要通过网卡接入局域网络。服务器与工作站 都必须安装网卡。 网卡工作于OSI的数据链路层。
(5)PCMCIA接口网卡,PCMCIA接口是笔记本电脑专用接 口,PCMCIA总线分为两类,一类为16位的PCMCIA,另 一类为32位的CardBus,CardBus网卡的最大吞吐量接近 90Mbps,其是目前市售笔记本网卡的主流。
优势: 1、信息吞吐量大 2、总线自主,降低CPU消耗,提高性能 3、3.3V供电,功耗低,散热好 4、向下兼容
(6) MiniPCI(无线网络)接口卡 MiniPCI接口是在台式机PCI接口基础上扩展出的适用于笔 记本电脑的接口标准,其速度和PCI标准相当,很多此类产 品都是无线网卡。
(7)PCI-E接口网卡 PCI Express 1X接口已成为目前主流主板的必备接口。不同 于并行传输,PCI Express接口采用点对点的串行连接方式, PCI Express接口根据总线接口对位宽的要求不同而有所差 异,分为PCI Express 1X(标准250MB/s,双向500MB/s)、 2X(标准500MB/s)、4X(1GB/s)、8X(2GB/s)、16X(4GB/s)、 32X(8GB/s)。采用PCI-E接口的网卡多为千兆网卡。

(3)AUI接口网卡 这种接口类型的网卡对应用于以粗同轴电缆为传输介 质的以太网或令牌网中,这种接口类型的网卡目前更是很 少见,因为用粗同轴电缆作为传输介质的网络更是少上加 少。
(4)FDDI接口网卡 这种接口的网卡是适应于FDDI网络中,这种网络具有 100Mbps的带宽,但它所使用的传输介质是光纤,所以这 种FDDI接口网卡的接口也是光模接口的。随着快速以太网 的出现,它的速度优越性已不复存在,但它须采用昂贵的 光纤作为传输介质的缺点并没有改变,所以目前也非常少 见。



• • • • • • • Max Junction Temperature: 1750C Storage Temperature: -550C to +1750C Flip Chip Peak Pulse Power: 5000 Watts (10/1000 µs) Maximum non-repetitive peak power 5000 Watts (10/1000 µs) Total continuous power dissipation @ Tlead = 750C 10 W Turn-on time (theoretical) unidirectional 1X10-12 Turn-on time (theoretical) bidirectional 1X10-9
VOLTS CHF5KP5.0 CHF5KP5.0A CHF5KP6.0 CHF5KP6.0A CHF5KP6.5 CHF5KP6.5A CHF5KP7.0 CHF5KP7.0A CHF5KP7.5 CHF5KP7.5A CHF5KP8.0 CHF5KP8.0A CHF5KP8.5 CHF5KP8.5A CHF5KP9.0 CHF5KP9.0A CHF5KP10 CHF5KP10A CHF5KP11 CHF5KP11A CHF5KP12 CHF5KP12A CHF5KP13 CHF5KP13A CHF5KP14 CHF5KP14A CHF5KP15 CHF5KP15A CHF5KP16 CHF5KP16A CHF5KP17 CHF5KP17A CHF5KP18 CHF5KP18A CHF5KP20 CHF5KP20A CHF5KP22 CHF5KP22A CHF5KP24 CHF5KP24A CHF5KP26 CHF5KP26A CHF5KP28 CHF5KP28A CHF5KP30 CHF5KP30A CHF5KP33 CHF5KP33A CHF5KP36 CHF5KP36A CHF5KP40 CHF5KP40A CHF5KP43 CHF5KP43A CHF5KP45 CHF5KP45A CHF5KP48 CHF5KP48A CHF5KP51 CHF5KP51A CHF5KP54 CHF5KP54A CHF5KP58 CHF5KP58A CHF5KP60 CHF5KP60A CHF5KP64 CHF5KP64A CHF5KP70 CHF5KP70A CHF5KP75 CHF5KP75A CHF5KP78 CHF5KP78A CHF5KP85 CHF5KP85A CHF5KP90 CHF5KP90A CHF5KP100 CHF5KP100A CHF5KP110 CHF5KP110A 5 5 6 6 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 30 33 33 36 36 40 40 43 43 45 45 48 48 51 51 54 54 58 58 60 60 64 64 70 70 75 75 78 78 85 85 90 90 100 100 110 110



A T24C256中文资料2009-11-15 09:43特性???? 与1MHz I2C 总线兼容???? 到伏工作电压范围???? 低功耗CMOS 技术???? 写保护功能当WP 为高电平时进入写保护状态???? 64 字节页写缓冲器???? 自定时擦写周期???? 100,000 编程/擦写周期???? 可保存数据100 年???? 8 脚DIP SOIC 封装???? 温度范围商业级工业级和汽车级概述CAT24WC256 是一个256K 位串行CMOS E2PROM 内部含有32768 个字节每字节为8 位CATALYST 公司的先进CMOS 技术实质上减少了器件的功耗CAT24WC256 有一个64 字节页写缓冲器该器件通过I2C 总线接口进行操作管脚描述管脚名称功能A0 A1 地址输入SDA 串行数据/地址SCL 串行时钟WP 写保护Vcc + 电源Vss 地NC 未连接极限参数工作温度工业级-55 +125商业级0 +75贮存温度-65 +150各管脚承受电压 Vcc+Vcc 管脚承受电压 +封装功率损耗Ta=25焊接温度(10 秒) 300口输出短路电流100mA功能描述CAT24WC256 支持I2C 总线数据传送协议I2C 总线协议规定任何将数据传送到总线的器件作为发送器任何从总线接收数据的器件为接收器数据传送是由产生串行时钟和所有起始停止信号的主器件控制的CAT24WC256 是作为从器件被操作的主器件和从器件都可以作为发送器或接收器但由主器件控制传送数据发送或接收的模式管脚描述SCL 串行时钟CAT24WC256 串行时钟输入管脚用于产生器件所有数据发送或接收的时钟这是一个输入管脚SDA 串行数据/地址双向串行数据/地址管脚用于器件所有数据的发送或接收SDA 是一个开漏输出管脚可与其它开漏输出或集电极开路输出进行线或wire-ORWP 写保护当WP 脚连接到Vcc 所有内存变成写保护只能读当WP 引脚连接到Vss 或悬空允许器件进行读/写操作A0 A1 器件地址输入这些管脚为硬连线或者不连接对于单总线系统最多可寻址4 个CAT24WC256 器件参阅器件寻址当这些引脚没有连接时其默认值为0I2C 总线协议I2C 总线协议定义如下1 只有在总线空闲时才允许启动数据传送2 在数据传送过程中当时钟线为高电平时数据线必须保持稳定状态不允许有跳变时钟线为高电平时数据线的任何电平变化将被看作总线的起始或停止信号起始信号时钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从高到低的跳变作为I2C 总线的起始信号停止信号时钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从低到高的跳变作为I2C 总线的停止信号器件寻址主器件通过发送一个起始信号启动发送过程然后发送它所要寻址的从器件的地址8 位从器件地址的高5 位固定为10100 见图5 接下来的2 位A1 A0 为器件的地址位最多可以连接4 个器件到同一总线上这些位必须与硬连线输入脚A1 A0 相对应从器件地址的最低位作为读写控制位1表示对从器件进行读操作0 表示对从器件进行写操作在主器件发送起始信号和从器件地址字节后CAT24WC256 监视总线并当其地址与发送的从地址相符时响应一个应答信号通过SDA 线CAT24WC256 再根据读写控制位R/W 的状态进行读或写操作应答信号I2C 总线数据传送时每成功地传送一个字节数据后接收器都必须产生一个应答信号应答的器件在第9 个时钟周期时将SDA 线拉低表示其已收到一个8 位数据CAT24WC256 在接收到起始信号和从器件地址之后响应一个应答信号如果器件已选择了写操作则在每接收一个8 位字节之后响应一个应答信号当CAT24WC256 工作于读模式时在发送一个8 位数据后释放SDA 线并监视一个应答信号一旦接收到应答信号CAT24WC256 继续发送数据如主器件没有发送应答信号器件停止传送数据并等待一个停止信号写操作字节写在字节写模式下主器件发送起始信号和从器件地址信息R/W 位置0 给从器件在从器件送回应答信号后主器件发送两个8 位地址字写入CAT24WC256 的地址指针主器件在收到从器件的应答信号后再发送数据到被寻址的存储单元CAT24WC256 再次应答并在主器件产生停止信号后开始内部数据的擦写在内部擦写过程中CAT24WC256 不再应答主器件的任何请求页写在页写模式下单个写周期内CAT24WC256 最多可以写入64 个字节数据页写操作的启动和字节写一样不同在于传送了一字节数据后主器件允许继续发送63 个字节每发送一个字节后CAT24WC256 将响应一个应答位且内部低6 位地址加1 高位地址保持不变如果主器件在发送停止信号之前发送大于64 个字节地址计数器将自动翻转先前写入的数据被覆盖当所有64 字节接收完毕主器件发送停止信号内部编程周期开始此时所有接收到的数据在单个写周期内写入CAT24WC256应答查询可以利用内部写周期时禁止数据输入这一特性一旦主器件发送停止位指示主器件操作结束时CAT24WC256 启动内部写周期应答查询立即启动包括发送一个起始信号和进行写操作的从器件地址如果CAT24WC256 正在进行内部写操作将不会发送应答信号如果CAT24WC256 已经完成了内部写操作将发送一个应答信号主器件可以继续对CAT24WC256 进行下一次读写操作写保护写保护操作特性可使用户避免由于不当操作而造成对存储区域内部数据的改写当WP 管脚接高时整个寄存器区全部被保护起来而变为只可读取CAT24WC256 可以接收从器件地址和字节地址但是装置在接收到第一个数据字节后不发送应答信号从而避免寄存器区域被编程改写读操作CAT24WC256 读操作的初始化方式和写操作时一样仅把R/W 位置为1 有三种不同的读操作方式立即/当前地址读选择/随机读和连续读立即/当前地址读的地址计数器内容为最后操作字节的地址加1 也就是说如果上次读/写的操作地址为N 则立即读的地址从地址N+1 开始如果N=E 此处E=32767 则计数器将翻转到0 且继续输出数据CAT24WC256接收到从器件地址信号后R/W 位置1 它首先发送一个应答信号然后发送一个8 位字节数据主器件不需发送一个应答信号但要产生一个停止信号选择/随机读选择/随机读操作允许主器件对寄存器的任意字节进行读操作主器件首先通过发送起始信号从器件地址和它想读取的字节数据的地址执行一个伪写操作在CAT24WC256 应答之后主器件重新发送起始信号和从器件地址此时R/W 位置1 CAT24WC256 响应并发送应答信号然后输出所要求的一个8 位字节数据主器件不发送应答信号但产生一个停止信号连续读连续读操作可通过立即读或选择性读操作启动在CAT24WC256 发送完一个8 位字节数据后主器件产生一个应答信号来响应告知CAT24WC256 主器件要求更多的数据对应每个主机产生的应答信号CAT24WC256 将发送一个8 位数据字节当主器件不发送应答信号而发送停止位时结束此操作从CAT24WC256 输出的数据按顺序由N 到N+1 输出读操作时地址计数器在CAT24WC256 整个地址内增加这样整个寄存器区域在可在一个读操作内全部读出当读取的字节超过E 此处E=32767计数器将翻转到零并继续输出数据字节。


技术说明书 综合保护测控装置 MCR26
目 录
1 概述 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 适用范围 .................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 装置特点 .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 保护功能 .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 控制功能 .................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 监


+V CR101 7
C106 CR102 35 4 R109 R108 C110 CR103 –V R105 R106 OUT 1 GND
+IN 1
C206 CR202 10 9 R209 R208 C210 CR203 8 R205 R206 OUT2 GND
C207 R204 C211
C103 R103 C104 R101 C101 C105 R102 CR103 C108 CR203 C105 R202 CR102 CR202 R201 C201 R205
C203 R203 C204
OUT1 R106
+IN 2
APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 • FAX (520) 888-3329 • ORDERS (520) 690-8601 • EMAIL prodlit@
C203 R203 C204 R202 R201 C201 R205 C206 C106 R106 R208 C210 R209 R108 C110 R109 CR202 C105 CR102 C108 CR103 CR203 R102 R101 C101 R105 R103
C103 C104
C106 R108 C110 R109 C210

朴克(Parker)Series V26部分方向控制阀说明书

朴克(Parker)Series V26部分方向控制阀说明书

Bulletin HY14-2707-B1/USSeries V26Pressure Compensated Directional Control ValveEffective:February 1, 2004Supersedes:Cat. No. GPD-1450 dated 3/98SpecificationsDescriptionThe Parker Series V26 Sectional Directional Control Valves provide pressure compensated operation for variable displace-ment, load sensing, and fixed displacement systems.➀Contact the factory for optional portingINLET COVER•3-Way, 4-Way and 4-Way Float operation•Numerous manual spool positioner options plus remote hydraulic or electric solenoid operation •Work port relief valves available •Load sense bleed-off orifice plug•Single handle or two function mechanical joystick control of manual sections•Remote electronic and handle control of solenoid sections•Load sensing work sections with individual pressure compensation (pre-compensation)•Unloading section available for use in fixed displacement systems•Precise metering spools offering compensated flows up to 25 GPM (95 LPM)•Continuous system operating pressures to 3500 PSI (Work port pressures to 5000 PSI)•Utilizes many common components such as relief valves,spool positioners and handles with Series V20FeaturesOUTLET COVERS AND UTILITY SECTIONSWORK SECTIONSNo. 23937, V26 Pressure CompensatedWORK SECTIONSNo. 23937, V26 Pressure CompensatedWORK SECTIONSNo. 23937, V26 Pressure Compensated Spool Positioners and ActuatorsWORK SECTIONSNo. 23937, V26 Pressure CompensatedDIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) AND ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.DIMENSIONS - Typical V20C and V20LS AssemblyDirectional Control Valve Assembly (Manually Operated)DIMENSIONSDirectional Control Valve Assembly (Solenoid Operated)DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) AND ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.Parker Hannifin CorporationHydraulic Valve Division 11ORDERING CODEBulletin HY14-2707-B1/US,3C, 3/04, PHD Copyright 2004, Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights ReservedFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.WARNINGThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the "Offer of Sale".Offer of Sale Parker Hannifin CorporationHydraulic Valve Division 520 Ternes Avenue Elyria, Ohio, USA 44035Tel:(440) 366-5200Fax:(440) /hydraulicvalve AVAILABLE OPTIONS。



式变压器温控器说明BWDK-26 系列)安全指导在安装、操作和运行本温控器前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保管。




本温控器的正常运行取决于正确的运输、安装、操作和维护。 本温控器的输入电源为:220VAC,50Hz ;请确保所有电气连接正确、牢固;本温控器接通电源后,请不要接触外露的带电部件;电源板上的接线端子可能带有危险电压;对变压器进行高压测试时,请先将温控器与变压器分离,以免损坏温控器!本温控器属精密仪表,请客户妥善保管和放置,如确有问题,本说明书上或贴在温控器侧面的产品合格证上有我公司的售后服务电话,请客户直接与本公司联系,公司将有专人负责处理,谢谢合作。










Previous Page | Return to Index | Next Page3.5 mm SINGLE MONO AND STEREO JACKS1. 35RAPC4BV42. 35RAPC2AV3. 35RAPC2BHN24. 35RAPC4BH35. 35RAPC2BV46. 35RAPC2BH3click here to download a schematic drawing(you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your system to do this)click here to download a schematic drawing(you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your system to do this)click here to download a schematic drawing(you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your system to do this)click here to download a schematic drawing(you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your system to do this)APPLICATIONS* Multi-media workstations* Headphones/microphone sets* Interactive TV* Audio* Telecommunications* Medical* Computer* InstrumentationSWITCHCRAFT 3.5 mm JACK PART NUMBERING SYSTEMSeries MountingTypeCircuitryHousingOrientationBushingFootprintDesignation35 3.5 mm RAPCRight-Angle2A SingleClosedH (Horizontal)Board SpaceRequiredGreater ThanAboveBoard Height(RAPC)BlankThreadedBushingBlank See Note1PM PanelMount2B DoubleOpenV (Vertical)Board SpaceRequiredGreater ThanAboveBoard Height(RAPC)NNon-threadedBushing2 See Note 13B SingleOpen +SingleClosedV (Vertical)SolderTerminals ExitHousingOpposite FromBushing (PM)3 See Note 14B DoubleClosedBlank OpenFrame Jack4 See Note 15 See Note 1Notes:1. Footprints are assigned sequentially within a family of jacks.For example, all 35RAPCXXV2 jacks can use the 35RAPC4BV2 footprint independent of whether the bushing is threaded.Not all holes would be used by jacks with 2A, 2B, and 3B circuitry.35RAPCXXV3 jacks require an entirely different PC board layout than 35RAPCXXV2 jacks.Each number designates a different footprint.ORDERING INFORMATIONPart Number Description Height vs.WidthBushing35RAPC2AV mono vertical threaded3 35RAPC2AHN2mono horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC2AHN3mono horizontal non-threaded35RAPC2BHN2stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC2BHN3stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC3BHN2stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC3BHN3stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC4BHN2stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC4BHN3stereo horizontal non-threaded 35RAPC2AH3mono horizontal threaded3 35RAPC2BH3stereo horizontal threaded3 35RAPC3BH3stereo horizontal threaded3 35RAPC4BH3stereo horizontal threaded3 35RAPC2AV4mono vertical threaded3 35RAPC2BV4mono vertical threaded3 35RAPC3BV4stereo vertical threaded3 35RAPC4BV4stereo vertical threaded3 35RAPC2AVN4mono vertical non-threaded 35RAPC2BVN4stereo vertical non-threaded 35RAPC3BVN4stereo vertical non-threaded 35RAPC4BVN4stereo vertical non-threaded Part numbers which include the letter "N" designate non-threaded bushings. Part numbers without the letter "N" designate threaded bushing.1. Order by part number2. Contact Switchcraft for special ordering information3. Mounting hardware included.35RAPC2AV - MONO, VERTICAL, THREADEDMATERIALSCoil Spring: Steel wire.Bushing: Nickel-plated copper alloy.Terminal: Silver-plated copper alloy.Tip Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Shunt Terminal: Plated copper alloy.Cover: Thermoplastic, transparent UL 94V-2.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-1 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 20 milliohms maximum.Insulation Resistance: 100 milliohms minimum at 250V DC.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 250V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 pounds - 3.5 pounds.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 pounds - 2.64 pounds.35RAPC4BHN2 - STEREO, HORIZONTAL, NON-THREADED MATERIALSCover: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-1 black color.Shunt Terminals: Silver-plated copper alloy.Ring Spring: Copper alloy.Tip Spring: Special silver plating.Ground Terminal: Plated copper alloy.Metal: Nickel-plated copper alloy.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 30 milliohms maximum, initial 100 milliohms maximum., after life.Insulation Resistance: 100 megohms mininimum at 500V DC.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 500V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 pounds - 6.6 pounds.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 pounds - 6.6 pounds.35RAPC2BHN2 - STEREO, HORIZONTAL, NON-THREADED MATERIALSCover: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-1 black color.Ring Spring: Copper alloy.Tip Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Ground Terminal: Silver-plated copper alloy.Metal: Copper alloy, nickel plating.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 30 milliohms maximum, initial 100 milliohms maximum, after life.Insulation Resistance: 100 megohms minimum at 500V DC.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 500V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 pounds - 6.6 pounds.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 pounds - 6.6 pounds.35RAPC2BH3 - STEREO, HORIZONTAL, THREADED MATERIALSCoil Springs: Steel wire.Tip Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Switchcraft元器件交易网Ring Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Ground Terminal: Silver-plated copper alloy.Bushing: Nickel-plated copper alloy.Cover: Thermoplastic, transparent UL 94V-2.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-1 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 20 milliohms maximum, initial 100 milliohms maximum, after life.Insulation Resistance: 100 megohms minimum.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 250V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 lbs. - 3.50 lbs.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 lbs. - 3.10 lbs.35RAPC4BH3 - STEREO, HORIZONTAL, THREADED MATERIALSCoil Springs: Steel wire.Tip Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Ring Spring: Silver-plated copper alloy.Contactors: Silver-plated copper alloy.Ground Terminal: Silver-plated copper alloy.Bushing: Nickel-plated copper alloy.Cover: Thermoplastic, transparent UL 94V-2.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-1 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 20 milliohms maximum, initial 100 milliohms maximum, after life.Insulation Resistance: 100 megohms minimum.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 250V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 - 3.5 pounds.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 - 3.1 pounds.35RAPC2BV4 - STEREO, VERTICAL, THREADED MATERIALSCoil Springs: Steel Wire.Ring Spring: Copper alloy strip, tin alloy plating.Ground Terminal: Copper alloy strip, tin alloy plating.Bushing: Nickel-plated copper alloy.Cover: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Contact Resistance: 20 milliohms maximum,Switchcraft元器件交易网initial 50 milliohms maximum, after life.Insulation Resistance: 50 megohms minimum at 500V DC.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 250V AC.Life: 5,000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 lbs. to 3.50 lbs.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 lbs. to 3.10 lbs.35RAPC4BV4 - STEREO, VERTICAL, THREADED MATERIALSCoil Springs: Steel wire.Shunt Terminals: Copper alloy strip,tin alloy plated.Ring Spring: Copper alloy strip,tin alloy plated.Ground Terminal: Copper alloy strip,tin alloy plated.Bushing: Plated copper alloy.Cover: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.Body: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 black color.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSContact Resistance: 20 milliohms maximum, initial 50 milliohms maximum, after life.Insulation Resistance: 50 milliohms minimum at 500V DC.Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 250V AC.Life: 5000 cycles, minimum.Insertion Force: 0.88 - 3.5 pounds.Withdrawal Force: 0.88 - 3.5 pounds.Previous Page | Return to Index | Next PageTo search a category please click on the corresponding icon:| Connectors | Jacks and Plugs || Patch Panels, Patch Kits & Jackfields | Cable Assemblies and Patch Cords | Switches |Switchcraft元器件交易网All products shown are covered by Switchcraft's limited lifetime warranty.| Switchcraft home |About Us | Products | What's New | Search | Contact UsSwitchcraft元器件交易网。

Schurter PG05连接器IEC电源进口模块无线滤波器版本6220说明说明书

Schurter PG05连接器IEC电源进口模块无线滤波器版本6220说明说明书

1IEC Appliance Inlet C14 with Fuseholder 2-poleScrew-on mounting Snap-in versionSee below:Approvals and CompliancesC1470° CDescription- Panel mount :Screw-on version from front or rear side, snap-in version from front side- 2 Functions :Appliance Inlet Protection class I , Fuseholder for fuse-links 5 x 20 mm 2-pole- Meets the requirements of IEC 60335-1 for appliances in unattended use. This includes the enhanced requirements of glow wire tests acc. to IEC 60695-2-12 and -13.- Solder terminals or quick connect terminalsCharacteristics- All single elements are already wired- Plug removal necessary for fuse-link replacement- Suitable for use in equipment according to IEC/UL 60950Other versions on request - Types for rivet mounting available upon request References Alternative: version with line filter 5220 Alternative: Fuseholder 1-pole 6202Weblinkspdf datasheet , html-datasheet , General Product Information , Distributor-Stock-Check , Accessories , Detailed request for productT echnical DataRatings IEC10 A / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 10 A / 250 VAC; 60 Hz Dielectric Strength> 2 kVAC between L-N > 2 kVAC between L/N-PE (1 min/50 Hz)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-25 °C to 70 °CIP-Protection from front side IP 40 acc. to IEC 60529Insulation cover Suitable for appliances with protection class I acc. to IEC 61140TerminalSolder terminals or quick connect termi-nals , tin-plated Panel Thickness SScrew: max 6 mmMounting screw torque max 0.5 Nm Snap-in: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 mm Material: HousingThermoplastic, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outletC14 acc. to IEC 60320-1,UL 60320-1, CSA C22.2 no. 60320-1 (for cold conditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 10 A, Protection Class IFuseholder2-pole, Shocksafe category PC2 acc. to IEC 60127-6, UL 498, for fuse-links 5 x 20 mm Rated Power Acceptance @ Ta 23 °C5 x 20: 1.6 W 2-polePower Acceptance @ Ta > 23°CAdmissible power acceptance at higher ambient temperature see derating cur-vesApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about ApprovalsSCHURTER products are designed for use in industrial environments. They have approvals from independent testing bodies according to national and international standards. Products with specific characteristics and requirements such as required in the automotive sector according to IATF 16949, medical technology according to ISO 134485 or in the aerospace industry can be offered exclusively with customer-specific, individual agree-ments by SCHURTER.ApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: 6220Approval Logo Certificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE Certificate Number: 40046421UL Approvals ULUL File Number: E93617CQC Approvals CQC CCC Certificate Number: 2013010204594655 Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposesDesigned according to IEC 60127-6Miniature fuses. Part 6. Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-linksDesigned according to IEC 61058-1Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirementsDesigned according to UL 60320-1Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 60320-1General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring Devices Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnology equipment.Designed for applications acc.IEC 60601-1Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basicsafety and essential performanceDesigned for applications acc.IEC 60335-1Safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes. Meetsthe requirements for appliances in unattended use. This includes the en-hanced requirements of glow wire tests acc. to IEC 60695-2-12 and -13. CompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.White paper Glow wire test SCHURTER AG Meets the requirements of IEC 60335-1 for appliances in unattended use.This includes the enhanced requirements of glow wire tests acc. to IEC60695-2-12 and -13.Medical Equipment SCHURTER AG Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-12Dimensions [mm]Screw-on mountingE: Solder terminals 20.5 mmE: Quick connect terminals 23.5 mmSnap-in mountingE: solder terminals 22.5 mmE: quick-connect terminals 25.5 mmS: 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 mmDiagrams34Derating Curves 1-poleA d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i n W a t t2. air temperature Ta °C 2-poleA d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i n W a t t p e r p o l e0. air temperature Ta °CAll VariantsPackaging unit 50 PcsAccessoriesDescriptionAssorted CoversRear Cover0859.00474311.9403Cord retaining kitsCord retaining strain reliefFlat head, A4700.0001Countersunk, B4700.0002Mating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionAppliance Outlet Overview completeIEC Appliance Outlet F, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder Terminal4787IEC Appliance Outlet F, Snap-in Mounting, Front Side, Solder or Quick-connect Terminal4788IEC Appliance Outlet F or H, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder, PCB or Quick-connect Terminal5091Appliance Outlet further types to 6220Connector Overview complete4782 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347824785 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347854300-06 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C134300-06IEC Connector C15 for hot conditions 120°C, Rewireable, Straight4781IEC Connector C15 for hot conditions 120°C, Rewireable, Angled4784Connector further types to 6220...The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed18.12.2185。

Sennheiser HMEC 26-2 产品说明书

Sennheiser HMEC 26-2 产品说明书

Important safety informationHMEC 26-2 | 1Important safety information̈Please read this instruction manual carefully and completely before using the product.̈Always include this instruction manual when passing the product on to third parties.̈This instruction manual is also available on the Internet at or .Preventing health problems and accidents̈Always maintain a distance of at least 3.94“ (10 cm) between the ear cups and the cardiac pacemaker or implanted defibrillator since the product generates permanent magnetic fields.̈Keep product, accessory and packaging parts out of reach of children who could swallow smaller pieces.̈Switch the product off after use to conserve battery power. Remove the rechargeable batteries if the product will not be used for extended periods of time.̈If during flight operation you, as the pilot, operate your connected device using the headset, this can limit your attention. During flight operation, do not use the headset for making phone calls or listening to music.̈With the NoiseGard TM noise compensation switched on, typical aircraft sounds (for example, those from engines, propellers, warning alarms, etc.) may sound different to you. Before operating any aircraft, make sure that, withImportant safety information2 | HMEC 26-2NoiseGard TM switched on, you can hear and recognize these sounds. Set the volume to safe levels that do not interfere with your ability to hear informational sounds and warning alarms.̈The product is capable of producing sound pressure exceeding 85 dB(A). In many countries 85 dB(A) is the maximum legally permissible level for continuous noise exposure during the working day. Do not listen at high volume levels for long periods of time to prevent hearing damage.Preventing damage to the product and dysfunctions̈Always keep the product dry and do not expose it to extreme temperatures (hairdryer, heater, extended exposure to sunlight, etc.) to avoid corrosion or deformation.̈Only clean the product with a soft, dry cloth.̈Never repair or attempt to repair a defective product yourself. Contact your Sennheiser partner or the Sennheiser Service Department.̈Only replace parts of the product whose replacement is described in this manual. All other parts of the product must be replaced by your Sennheiser partner.Important safety informationIntended useIntended use of the product includes•having read and understood this instruction manual, especially the chapter “Important safety information” on page 1,•using the product within the operating conditions and limitations described in this instruction manual.“Improper use” means using the product other than as described in this instruction manual, or under operating conditions which differ from those described herein.HMEC 26-2 | 3The HMEC 26-2 headsetThe HMEC 26-2 headsetThe HMEC 26-2 headset with NoiseGard™ professional active noise compensation features dynamic, closed headphones. The noise-compensating condenser microphone ensures excellent speech transmission even in noisy environments. Designed for use in aircraft cockpits.Features•NoiseGard™active noise compensation reduces ambient noise by up to 18 dB – consequently the radio volume can be decreased•Lightweight•Extremely comfortable to wear due to the patented two-piece automatic headband and soft ear pads•Peak level protection (cannot be switched off) safeguards you from volume peaks above 110 dB•“Flip-away” headphone allows single-sided listening •Flexible microphone boom, can be worn on either left or right-hand side•Noise-compensating condenser microphone ensures excellent speech transmission•Single-sided cable, easy to replace4 | HMEC 26-2Package contents•With NoiseGard™ switched off, the headset can be used as a conventional headset•Power supply for NoiseGard™ from aircraft DC power supply system (on suitably equipped aircraft) or batteries/rechargeable batteries•“Auto shut-off” extends battery life•TalkThrough function (HMEC 26-2-T only)•ETSO approval C139• 5 year warrantyPackage contents1HMEC26-2headset1cable clip1wind and pop screen1pair of hygiene pads1audio cable with 2.5 mm jack plugs*1audio cable with 3.5 mm jack plugs*1belt clip*1carry bag*1instruction manual1EASA Form 1* not supplied with all product variants (see page 23)HMEC 26-2 | 5OperationOperationPutting on the headsetWhen putting on the headset, the patented two-piece headband adjusts automatically.Flipping away one earcupThe headset features a “flip-away” earcup for single-sided listening.OperationPositioning the microphoneBend the flexible microphone boom so that the microphone is placed at the corner of the mouth. Maintain a distance of 2 cm between microphone and mouth. Always use theheadset to be worn with the microphone boom positioned onHMEC 26-2 | 7OperationAdjusting the volume directly on the audio systemConnect the headset to the corresponding sockets of your audio system. Adjust the volume directly on the audio system.Adjusting the microphone sensitivityThis headset is capable of producing high sound pressure levels. Higher volumes or longer durations can damage your hearing!̈Set the volume to a medium level. Make sure that you can hear critical sounds such as warning alarms.The control units of the HMEC 26-2HMEC 26-2 | 9The control units of the HMEC 26-2 Control unit IVolume controls LED NoiseGard™ ON /OFF switch Mono/stereo switch k /k k BOOM switch L /R 3.5 mm jack socket Battery compartment 2.5 mm jack socket Headset withcontrol unit IOperating element 12345678Cable -BV-K-2Cable -B-K-2Cable -B-KP-2Cable -B-CP-2Cable -V-KX-2The control units of the HMEC 26-2Control unit II2LED3NoiseGard™ ON/OFF switchHeadset with control unit IIOperating element 12345678Cable -CP Cable -CP-2 Cable -KP Cable -KP-2 Cable -NP Cable -RP-2 Cable -DP-2Using the headsetUsing the headsetSwitching NoiseGard™ on/offThe NoiseGard™ ON/OFF switch 3 allows you to switch the NoiseGard™ active noise compensation on or off. With NoiseGard™ switched off, the headset can be used as a conventional headset.̈Set the NoiseGard™ ON/OFF switch 3 to the desired position:ON NoiseGard™ is switched on.The LED 2 lights up, indicating the battery chargestatus (see page 13) or power supply via theaircraft DC power supply system.OFF NoiseGard™ is switched off.The LED 2 is off.Using the headsetAdjusting the volumeThe two slide volume controls 1 allow you to adjust the volume for the left and right channel separately.Switching between mono and stereo modeThe mono/stereo switch 4 allows you to switch between mono (k ) and stereo (k k ) mode, depending on the audio system.Changing the left and right stereo channelThe position “R ” or “L ” of the BOOM switch 5 corresponds to the position of the microphone on the left or right side of the mouth. When the microphone boom is rotated to permit left or right side microphone orientation, the BOOM switch allows you to correctly assign the audio channels (L/R) to the appropriate headphone sides. This enables the correct orientation of the volume controls and any stereo audio signals. To move the BOOMswitch, use a pointed tool.This headset is capable of producing high sound pressure levels. Higher volumes or longer durations can damage your hearing!̈Set the volume to a medium level. Make sure that you can hear critical sounds such as warning alarms.Using the headsetPowering NoiseGard™ via two (rechargeable) batteries ̈Insert two 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries (IEC LR 6) or two 1.2 V AA rechargeable batteries (IEC LR 6). Observe correct polarity when inserting the batteries.The operating time with batteries/rechargeable batteries is approx. 60 hours. With NoiseGard™ switched on (see page 11), the LED 2 provides information on the remaining battery/rechargeable battery capacity:Activating the “auto shut-off” functionThe battery-saving “auto shut-off” function automatically switches the NoiseGard™ electronics off when the headset is disconnected from the audio system or when the aircraft avionics are switched off. The headset is delivered ex-works with the function deactivated. You can activate “auto shut-off” as follows:LED 2Meaning lights up yellow The battery capacity is sufficient.lights up redThe batteries are flat. Replace the batteries.Using the headseẗacoustic signals in the immediate vicinity. Unwanted background noise is filtered out, only allowing the voice of the other person to pass through the headset.̈Press the button A to switch the TalkThrough function on. The LED < lights up. Press the button again to switch TalkThrough off.Connecting a mobile telephoneThe 2.5 mm jack socket 8 allows you to connect a mobile telephone. For this purpose, the NoiseGard™ active noise compensation must be switched on and the microphone connector must be connected to the aircraft radio/audio. A suitable adapter for your mobile telephone with 2.5 mm jack socket is available from your specialist retailer.TalkThrough can only be used when the NoiseGard™active noise compensation is switched on .Making telephone calls or operating the mobile telephone limits your attention and may cause accidents.̈During flight operation, do not use the headset for telephone calls!Using the headseẗConnect the audio cable to the 2.5 mm jack socket 8 on the control unit I and to the corresponding jack socket on your mobile telephone.You can adjust the volume of the mobile telephone via the headset’s control unit. However, the functions of the mobile telephone cannot be controlled via the headset’s control unit.̈Operate your mobile telephone as usual and observe the instructions of the manufacturer.The latest list of compatible mobile telephones is available on our website at .Connecting an additional audio playerThe 3.5 mm jack socket 6 allows you to connect and listen to an audio player (not supplied) through the headset. For this purpose, the NoiseGard™ active noise compensation must be switched on.Listening to music or operating an audio devicelimits your attention and may cause accidents.̈During flight operation, do not use the headset for listening to additional audio sources!Using the headseẗConnect the audio cable to the 3.5 mm jack socket 6 on the control unit I and to the corresponding jack socket on your audio player.Attaching the belt clipThe belt clip allows you to attach the control unit to the seat belt so that the control unit doesn’t hinder you.̈Make sure not to squeeze any connection cable.This headset is capable of producing high sound pressure levels. Higher volumes or longer durations can damage your hearing!̈Set the volume to a medium level. Make sure that you can hear critical sounds such as warningalarms.Using the headsetAttaching the cable clipThe cable clip allows you to attach the headphone cable to your clothing so that the cable doesn’t hinder or distract you.̈Loop the cable through the clip so that the headphone cable doesn‘t hinder you.Care and maintenanceCare and maintenanceCleaning and maintaining the headseẗBefore cleaning, pull out the plugs of the product from the connections in the aircraft.̈Only use a soft, dry cloth to clean the product.Replacing the ear padsFor reasons of hygiene, you should replace the ear pads annually.̈Grasp the edge of the ear pad and pull sharply.̈Attach the new ear pad to the ear cup by pressing firmly around the ear pad until you hear all 12 latches lock into place.CAUTIONLiquids can damage the product!Liquids entering the product can short-circuit the electronics or damage the mechanics. Solvents or cleansing agents can damage the surface of the product.̈Keep all liquids far away from the product.For reasons of hygiene, you should replace the headband paddings annually.̈Pull the Ziploc type fastening strips of the old headband paddings apart. If necessary, use a pointed tool.̈Put the new headband paddings around the headbands.̈Attach the new headband paddings by joining the fastenings strips.Accessories and spare partsAccessories and spare partsBy changing the cables, you can simply retrofit different control units (see page 9 and 10) or connectors (see page 23) to your headset.Accessories•Cable -CP Cat. No. 500852•Cable -CP-2Cat. No. 505684•Cable -KP Cat. No. 500842•Cable -KP-2Cat. No. 505686•Cable -NP Cat. No. 500855•Cable -RP-2Cat. No. 505687•Cable -DP-2Cat. No. 505685•Cable -BV-K-2Cat. No. 505683•Cable -B-K-2Cat. No. 505690•Cable -B-KP-2Cat. No. 505682•Cable -B-CP-2Cat. No. 505689•Cable -V-KX-2Cat. No. 505688•Hygiene pads HZH 26, Cat. No. 502595 white, 200 pairs•Hygiene pads HZH 26, Cat. No. 504062 black, 200 pairsHMEC 26-2 | 21Accessories and spare partsSpare parts•Audio cable, length 0.6 m,2 x 3.5 mm stereo jack plug•Audio cable, length 0.6 m,2 x 2.5 mm jack plug•Ear pads, leatherette, 1 pair•Ear pads, leatherette, 100 pairs•Wind and pop screen, 1 item•Wind and pop screen, any number of items •Carry bag•Headband paddings, 1 pair•Belt clip•Cable clip HZC 08Cable clipHZC 08 (for round cables)22 | HMEC 26-2Product and cable variantsProduct and cable variantsThe following cables, connectors, control units and features are available for the HMEC 26-2 variants (see table on the following pages):1Headphhones with +6 dB characteristic SPL2Microphone with 60 mV output voltage3Single-sided round cable, 1.7 m4XLR-5 connector5¼“ (6.3 mm) jack plug (headphones)6PJ-068 equivalent (microphone)78-pin Neutricon connector86-pin Redel connector9XLR-6 connector<XLR-3 connectorA Aircraft poweredB Battery poweredC Control unit I (see page 9)D Control unit II (see page 10)E Audio cable (1 cable with 2.5 mm jack plugs and1 cable with 3.5 mm jack plugs)F Belt clipG Carry bagHMEC 26-2 | 23Product and cable variantsHMEC 26-2505671026-35-2HMEC 26-2-1505672026-30-2HMEC 26-2-T505680026-C0-2HMEC 26-2-CP505676026-35-2-999-3211 HMEC 26-2-1-CP-2*505677026-30-2-999-32C1 HMEC 26-2-KP505678026-35-2-999-3111 HMEC 26-2-1-KP-2*505679026-30-2-999-31C1 HMEC 26-2-1-B-K-2*505674026-30-2-999-11G1 HMEC 26-2-1-BV-K-2*505675026-30-2-999-11E1 HMEC 26-2-B-CP-2505671 + 505689026-35-2-999-22G1 HMEC 26-2-1-B-CP-2*505672 + 505689026-30-2-999-22G1 HMEC 26-2-V-KX-2505671 + 505688026-35-2-999-41D1 HMEC 26-2-1-V-KX-2*505672 + 505688026-30-2-999-41D1 HMEC 26-2-DP-2505671 + 505685026-35-2-999-3BC1 HMEC 26-2-1-DP-2*505672 + 505685026-30-2-999-3BC1 HMEC 26-2-NP505671 + 500855026-35-2-999-3811 HMEC 26-2-1-NP*505672 + 500855026-30-2-999-3811 HMEC 26-2-B-KP-2505671 + 505682026-35-2-999-2192 HMEC 26-2-1-B-KP-2*505672 + 505682026-30-2-999-2192 HMEC 26-2-RP-2505671 + 505687026-35-2-999-36C1 HMEC 26-2-1-RP-2*505672 + 505687026-30-2-999-36C1* Each -2-1 model is also available as a 2-T model (headphones with +6 dB characteristic SPL and microphone with60 mV output voltage)24 | HMEC 26-2Product and cable variants123456789These headsets can be combined with allcables (see page 21)HMEC 26-2 | 25Specifications26 | HMEC 26-2SpecificationsHeadphones Transducer principle dynamic, closed Ear coupling supra-aural Frequency response 20 - 14,000 HzImpedanceHMEC 26-2:600 Ω mono/1,200 Ω stereo HMEC 26-2 with -2 cables: 350 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoCharacteristic SPLHMEC 26-2:92 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mW, mono 95 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VHMEC 26-2 with -2 cables:95 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mW, mono 100 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VMax. SPL 120 dB SPL at 1 kHz Active noise compensation ≥ 18 dB (100 - 300 Hz)THD< 1 % at 1 kHz, 95 dB SPL Contact pressureapprox. 3.6 NSpecificationsHMEC 26-2 | 27Microphone incl. preamplifier TypeHMEC 26-2:BKE 46HMEC 26-2-1/T: BKE 46-1Transducer principle pre-polarized condenser microphone, noise-compensating Frequency response 100 - 6,000 HzOutput voltageadjustable from 17-100 mV/Pa HMEC 26-2:80 mV/Pa –2 dBfactory preset := 800 mV –2 dB at 114 dB SPLHMEC 26-2-1/T:60 mV/Pa ±1 dBfactory preset : = 600 mV ±1 dB at 114 dB SPLTerminating impedance 150 - 2,200 ΩSupply voltage 8 - 16 V DCGeneral data Temperature range operation: –15 °C to 55 °C storage:–55 °C to 70 °CWeight without cable approx. 210 g Cable lengthapprox. 1.70 m Power supply for NoiseGard™ professional via AA size battery (IEC LR 6) with approx. 60 hrs operating time:2 x 1.5 V alkaline battery 2 x 1.2 V rechargeable battery via aircraft DC power supply system :12 - 35 V DC , max. 35 mAConnector assignment28 | HMEC 26-2Connector assignmentCable -V-KX-2Cable -CP, -CP-2, -B-CP-2Cable -NP¼" (6.3 mm)jack plugPJ-068 equivalent123Audio Hi left Audio Hi right Audio Lo123not assigned Microphone Hi Microphone Lo123XLR-3 connector123NoiseGard TM (DC+)DC–not assignedSolder side 123Audio HiAudio Lo / DC–Microphone Hi 4512345Microphone Lo NoiseGard TM(DC+)Solder side1Audio Hi Audio Lo not assigned Microphone Lo Microphone Hi not assigned DC–8NoiseGard TM (DC+)Connector assignmentHMEC 26-2 | 29Cable -RP-2Cable -DP-2Cable -KP, -KP-2, -B-K-2, -B-KP-2, -BV-K-2Cable -KP / -KP-2 / -B-KP-21Audio Hi 1NoiseGard™ (DC+)2not assigned 2Microphone Hi 3Audio Lo / DC–3Microphone Lo Cable -B-K-21Audio Hi 1not assigned 2not assigned 2Microphone Hi 3Audio Lo3Microphone Lo Cable -BV-K-21Audio Hi left 1not assigned 2Audio Hi right 2Microphone Hi 3Audio Lo3Microphone LoSolder side 1NoiseGard TM (DC+) 2Audio Lo / DC–3Audio Hi left 4Audio Hi right 5Microphone Hi 6Microphone LoSolder sideNoiseGard TM (DC+)DC–Audio LoAudio Hi Microphone Hi Microphone Lo¼" (6.3 mm) jack plugPJ-068 equivalent123Manufacturer DeclarationsManufacturer DeclarationsWarrantySennheiser GmbH & Co. KG gives a warranty of 5 years on this product. For the current warranty conditions, please visit our website at or or contact your Sennheiser partner.In compliance with the following requirements•RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC)CE Declaration of Conformity•EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)The declaration is available at .In compliance with:Europe EMC EN 55103-1/-2ChinaWarenzeichenSennheiser and NoiseGard TM professional are registered trademarks of Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG.Other product and company names mentioned in this instruction manual may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.30 | HMEC 26-2Printed in Germany, Publ. 08/12, 548043/A01。

Eaton Moeller 系列 CI 保险组合封闭型 263526 产品说明书

Eaton Moeller 系列 CI 保险组合封闭型 263526 产品说明书

Eaton 263526Eaton Moeller® series CI Insulated enclosure, IP55_x, rotary handle black grey, for PKZ0 CI-PKZ0-GVMGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series CI Insulated enclosure263526126 mm158 mm 80 mm 0.2 kg CECI-PKZ0-GVMProduct NameCatalog Number Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Model Code0 AAccessoriesIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.0 W10 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Black-gray rotary knobPE(N) terminalMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.IP55NEMA Other DA-CE-ETN.CI-PKZ0-GVMIL03407019ZDA-CD-ci_pkz0_gvmDA-CS-ci_pkz0_gvmeaton-manual-motor-starters-enclosure-ci-insulated-enclosure-dimensions.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-mounting-ci-insulated-enclosure-dimensions-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-enclosure-ci-k-accessory-dimensions-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-enclosure-ci-insulated-enclosure-3d-drawing-003.epsRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Product category10.11 Short-circuit ratingEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.2.5 Lifting10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresFitted with: Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthDegree of protection eCAD model Installeringsinstruksjoner mCAD model TegningerAmbient operating temperature - max70 °C10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 W10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Enclosure materialPlasticKnockouts2 x M25 (cable entry knockout with thread at the top)Hard mirror with cable entry knockouts (can be cut out)2 x M25 (cable entry knockout with thread at the bottom)2 x M20 (cable entry knockouts at the rear)Ambient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationPlease enquire10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used with+ U or A, +L-PKZ0 (2 units), PKZM0-… and VHIModelSurface mounting10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information inEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Med enerett.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respectiveowners./socialmediathe instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0 W10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid。

PHOENIX CONTACT FKC 2,5 2-ST-5,08 10位插座插件商品说明书

PHOENIX CONTACT FKC 2,5 2-ST-5,08 10位插座插件商品说明书

Extract from the onlinecatalogFKC 2,5/ 2-ST-5,08Order No.: 1873058The figure shows a 10-position version of the product component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch:5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Spring-cage conn., Color: greenhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5.08 mmDimension a 5.08 mmNumber of positions2Technical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kV Rated voltage (III/2)320 V Rated voltage (II/2)630 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N12 A Nominal voltage U N250 V Nominal cross section 2.5 mm²Maximum load current12 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Internal cylindrical gage A2 Stripping length10 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm²Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm²Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm²Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm²Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm²without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm²without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm²with plastic sleeve min.2.5 mm²Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrulewith plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max120.5 mm²2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm²TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsCertification CB, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZICULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil26-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil26-12AccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly1876880STZ 8-FKC-5,08Strain relief for snapping into the latching chambers of the plugcomponents, 8-pos.1876877STZ 4-FKC-5,08Strain relief for snapping into the latching chambers of the plugs,4-pos.Marking1051993B-STIFT Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips, smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm0804293SK 5,08/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0805085SK 5,08/3,8:SO Marker card, special printing, self-adhesive, labeled acc. tocustomer requirements, 12 identical marker strips per card, max.25-position labeling per strip, color: white0805412SK 5,08/3,8:UNBEDRUCKT Marker cards, unprinted, with pitch divisions, self-adhesive, 10-section marker strips, 12 strips per card, can be labeled with theM-PENPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Keying profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating material0201689MPS-IH BU Insulating sleeve, for MPS metal part, Color: blue0201702MPS-IH GN Insulating sleeve, for MPS metal part, Color: green0201676MPS-IH RD Insulating sleeve, Color: red0201663MPS-IH WH Insulating sleeve, for MPS metal part, Color: white0201744MPS-MT Metal part0201647RPS Reducing plug, Color: grayTools1205053SZS 0,6X3,5Screwdriver, bladed, matches all screw terminal blocks up to 4.0mm² connection cross section, blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, without VDEapprovalAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1859519EMSTBVA 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 200 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Press-in 1873359FKIC 2,5/ 2-ST-5,08Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 320 V,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Spring-cage conn., Color: green1823846ICC 2,5/ 2-STZ-5,08Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Crimpconnection, Color: green1762062MDSTB 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 10 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 1763074MDSTBV 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 10 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 1802430MDSTBW 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 10 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 1770711MSTB 2,5/ 2-G-5,08-LA Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Assembly: Soldering1757242MSTBA 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 1770944MSTBA 2,5/ 2-G-5,08-LA Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Assembly: Soldering1788729MSTBVK 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 320 V,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Screwconnection, Assembly: DIN rail, Color: green1788538MVSTBU 2,5/ 2-GB-5,08Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 320 V,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Screwconnection, Assembly: Direct mounting, Color: green1769463SMSTB 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 1767371SMSTBA 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 250 V, Pitch: 5.08mm, Number of positions: 2, Color: green, Assembly: Soldering 3002034UK 3-MSTB-5,08Feed-through modular terminal block, Type of connection: Specialand hybrid connection, Screw connection, Cross section: 0.2mm² - 4 mm², AWG 24 - 12, Width: 5.08 mm, Color: gray,Mounting type: NS 32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,53002076UK 3-MVSTB-5,08Feed-through modular terminal block, Nominal current: 12A, Nominal voltage: 250 V, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS 32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,5,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.1, Color: gray3002102UK 3-MVSTB-5,08-LA 24RD Feed-through modular terminal block, Nominal current: 12A, Nominal voltage: 250 V, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS 32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,5,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.08, Color: gray3002063UK 3-MVSTB-5,08/EK Feed-through modular terminal block, Nominal current: 12A, Nominal voltage: 250 V, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS 35/7,5, NS 35/15, NS 32,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.1, Color: blue3002131UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08Feed-through modular terminal block, Type of connection: Specialand hybrid connection, Screw connection, Cross section: 0.2mm² - 4 mm², AWG 24 - 12, Width: 5.08 mm, Color: gray,Mounting type: NS 32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,53002144UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08-LA 24RD Feed-through modular terminal block, Type of connection: Screwconnection, Screw connection, Number of positions: 1, Crosssection: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm², AWG 24 - 12, Width: 5.1 mm,Color: gray, Mounting type: NS 32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,5 3002173UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08/EK Feed-through modular terminal block, Type of connection: Screwconnection, Screw connection, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG 24 - 12, Width: 5.1 mm, Color: blue, Mounting type: NS32, NS 35/15, NS 35/7,52770888UKK 3-MSTB-5,08End cover, Nominal current: 12 A, Nominal voltage: 250 V, Crosssection: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm², AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS35/7,5, NS 35/15, NS 32, Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.08, Color: gray 1876615UKK 3-MSTB-5,08-PE Feed-through modular terminal block, Nominal current: 12A, Nominal voltage: 320 V, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS 35/7,5, NS 35/15, NS 32,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.08, Color: green-yellow2770846UKK 3-MSTBVH-5,08Feed-through modular terminal block, Nominal current: 12A, Nominal voltage: 250 V, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 4 mm²,AWG: 24 - 12, Mounting type: NS 35/7,5, NS 35/15, NS 32,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Width: 5.08, Color: gray1788114UMSTBVK 2,5/ 2-G-5,08Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Nom. voltage: 320 V,Pitch: 5.08 mm, Number of positions: 2, Connection type: Screwconnection, Assembly: DIN rail, Color: greenDiagrams/Drawings Dimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbHFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 12000Fax +49 5235 3 41200© 2010 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。

Pepperl+Fuchs 产品说明:SC3,5-N0-Y106571 型号 Inductive S

Pepperl+Fuchs 产品说明:SC3,5-N0-Y106571 型号 Inductive S

17-02-16 15:18D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-02-16106571_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Gfor use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeSC3,5...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i ≤ 150 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 150 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to! The ATEX directive and there-fore the EU-type examination certificates are in general only applicable to the use of electrical apparatus operating at atmospheric conditions. The device has been checked for suitability for use at ambient temperatures of &gt;60°C by the named certification authority. The surface temperature of the device remains within the required limits. If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduc-tion of the permissible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consid-eration.Highest permissible ambient temperatureDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EU-type examination certificate. Note: Use the temperature table for category 1 The 20 % reduction in accordance with EN 1127-1 has already been applied to the temperature table for category 1.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. The associated apparatus must satisfy the requirements of category ia. Because of the risk of igni-tion, which can occur due to faults and/or transient currents in the equipotential bonding system, galvanic isolation is preferable in the supply and signal circuits. Associated apparatus without electrical isolation can only be used if the correspond-ing requirements of IEC 60079-14 are satisfied. Install the device in such a way that the resin surface is not exposed to mechanical hazards. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicin-ity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in the datasheet must also be observed.R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-02-16 15:18D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-02-16106571_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 2Gfor use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeSC3,5-N0-Y ...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 150 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i ≤ 150 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to be observed. The special conditions must be adhered to!Maximum permissible ambient temperature T amb Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EU-type examination certificate.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. Install the device in such a way that the resin surface is not exposed to mechanical hazards. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in the datasheet must also be observed.17-02-16 15:18D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-02-16106571_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Dfor use in hazardous areas with combustible dust EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1D Ex ia IIIC T135°C DaThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeSC3,5-N0-Y ...Effective internal inductivity C i ≤ 150 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 150 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The ATEX Directive and therefore the EU-type-examination certificates generally apply only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions. The device has been checked for suitability for use at ambient temperatures of &gt; 60 °C by the named certification authority. For the use of apparatus outside of atmo-spheric conditions, a reduction of the permissible minimum ignition energies may need to be considered.Highest permissible ambient temperature T ambDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the surface temperature, and the effective internal reactance values can be found on the EU-type-examination certificate. The maxi-mum permissible ambient temperature of the data sheet must be noted, in addition, the lower of the two values must be maintained.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. Install the device in such a way that the resin surface is not exposed to mechanical hazards. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in the datasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic chargeAvoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device. Information on electrostatic hazards can be found in the techni-cal specification IEC/TS 60079-32-1. Do not attach the nameplate provided in areas where electrostatic charge can build up.。



拷贝学习型遥控阐明书技术阐明:本对拷型(也叫自拷型, 自学习型, 万能型)遥控器使一般买家增配遥控器变得非常简朴, 不需要过多旳专业知识, 不用对遥控器进行编码设置, 轻松几步就能迅速复制品种繁多旳同频率旳固定码遥控器, 也可将二个或多种芯片兼容, 频率一致遥控器旳部分功能合并在一种遥控器上使用, 可拷贝市面上绝大多数旳无线遥控器(家用防盗遥控器、汽车后加装旳防盗遥控器、摩托车防盗遥控器、电动车防盗遥控器、卷闸门遥控器、车库门遥控器、电动门遥控器等等), 不适合汽车原装遥控和双向遥控器, 不适合滚动码遥控器。

可拷贝旳芯片型号有:PT2260、PT2262.PT2264.PT2240、SC2260、SC2262.CS5211.HX2260、HX2262.HS2262.EV1527、HS1527、HX1527、SMC918、AX5026.SMC926等, 不一样厂家旳芯片型号前缀也许不一样, 只需对数字部份。


其中315M、433M旳采用声表稳频, 频率是固定旳, 因此性能很稳定;可调频率合用于多种频率, 在频率不确定或非原则频率旳时候选用, 请按需选择如下图片为常用遥控器旳频率与芯片位置, 可供各位参照:有关参数:1.工作电压:DC12V(27A电池一粒)2.工作电流:?8mA3.工作频率:315MHz4.调制方式:ASK(调幅)5.发射功率:?100mW6.发射距离:50,100m(空旷地)7、编码类型:自拷贝8、工作温度:-10?,+50?9、用途:遥控电动门、窗、开关、安防等遥控领域使用环节与措施:1.清空---2.对码---3.使用清空 (数量不超过10个时发货前已清空, 请直接进入下一步)同步按下并长按第一种键和第四个键旳两个键, 按下旳瞬间灯会闪一下, 转为灭, 再转为快闪时松开成功清空后, 按下按键旳瞬间会闪一下, 按住按键时灯灭对码左手按住原遥控器要被学习旳按键不放, 右手旳对拷遥控器紧靠原遥控器, 按下准备学习旳按键。

亚克福 GC55数字压力传感器用户指南说明书

亚克福 GC55数字压力传感器用户指南说明书

PIP #: TR-PI-106Applicable to:GC55PROGRAMMING GC55 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER TO MONITOR AND CONTROL A WATER CHILLER SYSTEMThe GC55 digital pressure transmitter is compact, flexible with high differential pressure ranges (75-300 psi ranges). Also, it can be easily programmed with user defined units or psi to meet the needs of a wide variety of applications including water chiller differential pressure control application demonstrated below.Figure 1 - GC55 TransmitterWater Chiller Differential Pressure Control Application:This example demonstrates the control of an industrial water chiller system HVAC application to assuresufficient water flow to the air handlers and to detect blockage. It consists of maintaining the water flow from 30 to 35 psi of differential pressure by using the analog output to control the VFD secondary pump. Also, to activate an audible warning alarm if chiller differential pressure exceeds 40 psi and to shut down the system it exceeds 50 psi in case of coil blockage. An external normally opened relay shall be used to activate the audible alarm and normally closed to shut down the water chiller system. For thisapplication a transmitter with 0 to 75 psi differential pressure range shall be used with 1-5 V analog output, and two switches. Figure 2 is an illustration of a water chiller system diagram for reference.Figure 2 - Water Chiller System DiagramInstallation:Remove cover by removing the four screws to access electrical connections. Also to expose MODE Up and Down buttons. Connect transmitter, analog controlling output, audible warning alarm and system shutdown switches per application, diagrams below and manual instructions.Figure 3 - Electrical schematicCondenser coils Air HandlerPrimary PumpSecondary PumpGC55 TransmitterCommon PipeGC55 Transmitter Program Method:Proceed with recommendations below to control the water chiller differential pressure within 30 to 35 psi. Offset the analog output from 0 psi to 30 psi. That, is 40 % of full range corresponding to 30 psi (1 V analog output). Scale down the upper range from 75 psi to 35 psi. 46.7% of full scale equivalent to 35 psi (5 V analog output). Subsequent, set switches to sound an alarm if differential pressure reaches 40 psi, shutdown water chiller system if differential pressure reaches 50 psi and return to normal state when differential pressure drops to 35 psi.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to walk through the menu.∙ Continue to step-1 after power-on message.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return to measuring mode.Step 1.∙ CNP To select hysteresis (HYS) or Window comparator (yin). ∙ Select HYS to control analog output. ∙ Press UP or Down arrow to display HYS.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ SCL To select units (arbitrary or psi).∙ Press Up or Down arrow until psi is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ FiL To enter filter selection. There are five filter selections (F0 to F5). ∙ Use the filter function to improve analog output and difficult to readdisplay if pressure oscillates.∙ Factory default filter (F0) shall be selected since a constant pressureis expected.∙ Press Up or Down until F-0 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ A-L To enter analog output zero reference corresponding to 1 Vanalog output.∙ The operational range is from 30 to 35 psi. Therefore, zero referencecorresponding to 30 psi 1 V analog output (40.0% of full range) shall be selected.∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 40.0 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ A-H To enter full span of 35 psi corresponding to 5V analog output. ∙ The operational range is from 30 to 35 psi. Therefore, 35 psi 5 Vanalog output (46.7% of full range) shall be selected. ∙ Press UP or Down arrow until 46.7 is displayed.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to returnto measuring mode.GC55 Transmitter Switch Set Point and Dead Band Set Up Method:Next, program transmitter to sound an alarm if differential pressure reaches 40 psi, shutdown system it reaches 50 psi and to reset when differential pressure drops to 35 psi.∙ Press and hold MODE button less than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to move to the next step.∙ Continue to step-1 after once in program mode.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return to measuring mode.Step 1∙ CP1 To select output 1 switch option, differential, high or low pressure.∙ This application uses differential pressure. ∙ press UP or Down until dp is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ A-1 To enter output 1 switch set point.∙ Set the switch to change state at 40 psi to close the circuit and sound the alarm.∙ Press UP or Down until 40.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ B-1 To enter output 1 switch dead band.∙ Dead band shall be 5 psi to deactivate switch at 35 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 5.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ On1 To delay switch turn on.∙ This application shall not use delay turn on feature. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ OF1 To delay switch turn off.∙ This application shall not use delay turn off feature. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 6∙ CP2 To select output 2 switch option, differential, high or low pressure.∙ This application uses differential pressure. ∙ press UP or Down until dp is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 7∙ A-2 To enter output 2 switch set point.∙ Set the switch to change state at 50 psi to open the circuit and shut down the system.∙ Press UP or Down until 50.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 8∙ B-2 To enter output 2 switch dead band.∙ Dead band shall be set at 15 psi to deactivate switch at 35 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 15.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 9∙ On2 To delay switch turn on.∙ This application shall not use delay turn on feature. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 10∙ OF2 To delay switch turn off.∙ This application shall not use delay turn off feature. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return to measuring mode.Function Verification:The GC55 loop-check allows program, analog output and switch verification with the transmitter pressurized or non-pressurized. Please see instructions below to select Loop-Check modeLoop Check Mode setup steps:In measurement mode press the MODE key and UP key and release within one second togo into Loop Check Mode. Press and hold MODE key for more than three seconds to return to measurement mode.Analog Output Verification:Confirm analog output wiring per figure 3 diagram or installation and maintenance instructions. Analog output can be tested during loop check mode or measurement mode. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressure to test the analog output (see results below for reference).∙ Connect volt meter per manual instructionsor diagram above.∙ Press the Up or Down arrow until 30.0 isdisplayed or apply 30 psi of differential pressure.∙ Verify volt meter reading (1 V).∙ 30 psi corresponds to 0% FS analog signal (1V at 30 psi).∙ Press the Up or Down arrow until 32.5 isdisplayed or apply 32.5 psi of differential pressure.∙ Verify volt meter reading (3 V).∙ 32.5 psi corresponds to 50% FS analog signal(3 V at 32.5 psi).∙ Press the Up arrow until 35.0 is displayed orapply 35 psi of differential pressure. ∙ Verify volt meter reading (5 V).∙ 35 psi corresponds to 100% FS analog signal(5 V at 35 psi).Switches Verification:Ensure switch wiring per figure 3 diagram or installation and maintenance instructions. Switchesverification can be tested during measurement mode or loop check. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressures (see results below for reference).Warning Buzzer Switch Verification∙ Press the Up or Down arrow until 35.0 isdisplayed or apply 35 psi of differential pressure.∙ Switch in normal state (OFF).∙ Place resistance meter leads per installationdiagram above to verify continuity (open circuit).∙ Press the Up arrow until 40.0 is displayed orincrease differential pressure up to 40 psi. ∙ Switch turns ON.∙ Verify resistance meter reading (circuitcloses).∙ External relay energizes. ∙ Relay normally open closes. ∙ Audible alarm turns ON.∙ Press the Down arrow until 35.0 is displayedor decrease pressure to 35 psi.∙ Verify resistance meter reading (switch turnsoff).∙ Switch changes to normal state. ∙ Audible alarm turns OFF.Chiller System Shutdown Switch Verification∙ Press the Up or Down arrow until 35.0 isdisplayed or apply 35 psi of differential pressure.∙ Switch in normal state (Open).∙ Place resistance meter leads across resistorto verify continuity (open circuit).∙ Press the Up arrow until 50.0 is displayed or increase pressure up to 50 psi.∙ Switch turns ON (Out 1 turned ON ever since pressure reached 40 psi).∙ Verify resistance meter reading (circuit closes).∙ External relay energizes.∙ Relay normally closed switch opens ∙Compressor shuts down.∙ Press the Down arrow until 35.0 is displayed or decrease pressure to 35 psi.∙ Verify resistance meter reading (switch turns off).∙ Switch changes to normal state. ∙ Chiller returns to normal operation.。

LG Electronics Inc. MMBB0301362(1.0)KP265c说明书

LG Electronics Inc. MMBB0301362(1.0)KP265c说明书

KP265cGuía del usuarioE S P AÑO LLG Electronics Inc.MMBB0301362 (1.0)KP265cCERTIFICADO DE GARANTÍA LIMITADALG ELECTRONICS PANAMA, S.A. (LGEPS) garantiza este producto (incluyendo su batería y accesorios originales) en contra de defectos de fabricación y mano de obra como sigue:1.M ANO DE OBRA: Por un período de un (1) año contado desde la fecha de compra por elconsumidor que adquiera el producto nuevo, si este producto es encontrado defectuoso,LGEPS correrá con los gastos de reparación en los Centros de Servicio Autorizado que para estos efectos designe en cada país. Una vez expirado el período de garantía, LGEPS noserá responsable por gastos en mano de obra.2.P ARTES: Por un período de un (1) año contado desde la fecha de compra por elconsumidor que adquiera el producto nuevo, si este producto es encontrado defectuoso,LGEPS correrá con el costo de las piezas nuevas en los Centros de Servicio Autorizado que para estos efectos designe en cada país. Una vez expirado el período de garantía, LGEPS no será responsable por gastos en partes.3.B ATERÍAS Y ACCESORIOS: Por un período de seis (6) meses contados desde la fecha decompra por el consumidor que adquiera el producto nuevo, si este producto es encontrado defectuoso, LGEPS correrá con el costo de las piezas nuevas en los Centros de ServicioAutorizado que para estos efectos designe en cada país. Una vez expirado el período degarantía, LGEPS no será responsable por gastos en baterías y accesorios. Exclusiones de la garantía. La presente garantía no cubre las siguientes situaciones:a.A quellos daños causados por negligencia, impericia o inobservancia del manual de uso delteléfono, no serán cubiertos por la garantía.b.D años causados por el contacto de líquidos, comida o corrosión de las partes metálicas.c.D años causados por la invasión de cuerpos extraños al producto tales como arena e insectos.d.L a instalación indebida del equipo.e.D años sufridos por teléfonos dedicados a uso comercial (equipos para alquiler).f.E l uso de accesorios no originales invalida la garantía.g.D años sufridos por teléfonos sometidos a servicios de reparación, upgrade, apertura delteléfono e instalación de accesorios por personal ajeno a los Centros de Servicio Autorizado de LGEPS.h.M odifi caciones de conversión de tensión o frecuencia al equipo.i.D años causados por conexiones a voltajes inapropiados.j.D años sufridos por el SIM-Card. Tampoco cubre cualesquiera daños incidentales comolucro cesante y/o pérdida de oportunidad producto de la pérdida de información contenida en el SIM-Card del usuario.k.E l deterioro de las superfi cies externas del equipo debido al transcurso normal del tiempo.l.D años cosméticos, daños causados por eventos de fuerza mayor y/o caso fortuito.m.E n los casos en que el número de serie colocado por la fábrica haya sido alterado o removido del producto.n.C uando las baterías presente sellos rotos, húmedos o humidifi cados.o.C uando las baterías han sido cargadas con cargador no fabricado por LG Electronics Inc. o sus subsidiarias.p.C uando la batería ha sido utilizada en un equipo distinto a aquel para el cual fue diseñado.q.C uando la etiqueta del equipo no sea legible, esté ausente o presente alteración en la imprenta.Productos de reemplazo: Aquellos productos entregados en reemplazo de un producto defectuoso contarán con garantía de un (1) año contados a partir de la fecha de adquisición del primer producto, excepto en aquellos países y Estados que la Ley no lo permita.LA REPARACION O REEMPLAZO DEL PRODUCTO TAL Y COMO ESTA EXPUESTO EN EL PRESENTE CERTIFICADO ES LA UNICA COMPENSACION A RECIBIR POR EL CONSUMIDOR.LGEPS NO SERA RESPONSABLE POR DAÑOS INCIDENTALES O CONSECUENTES POR EL INCUMPLIMIENTO DE LA PRESENTE GARANTIA.EXCEPTO EN LOS CASOS EN QUE SEA EXPRESAMENTE PROHIBIDO POR LA LEY DEL PAISDE COMPRA DEL PRODUCTO, CUALQUIER GARANTIA IMPLICITA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O ADECUACION PARA UN PROPOSITO PARTICULAR DE ESTE PRODUCTO ESTA LIMITADA EN SU DURACION A LA DURACION DE ESTA GARANTIA.Esta garantía será válida en el país de compra del producto y Ud. podrá tener otros derechos que dependerán del país de compra. Esta garantía no es internacional por lo que no podrá exigirse en país distinto al país de compra del producto. Algunos países y Estados no permiten la exclusión o la limitación a los daños incidentales o consecuentes o permiten alguna limitación en cuánto a la duración de la garantía implícita por lo que las limitaciones y exclusiones arriba indicadas pueden no aplicarle.Para hacer válida la garantía debe mostrarse factura de compra o recibo de pago y el presente certifi cado de garantía.Para mayor información contáctenos en o a los siguientes números telefónicos: PANAMA: 800-5454, ECUADOR: 800-545454, VENEZUELA: 800-5424477, GUATEMALA: 1801-422LGLG(5454), COSTA RICA: 256-6878, 256-33967:47PM 11/04 VieMenú ContactosÁrea DescripciónLínea superior Muestra varios iconos.Líneas centrales Muestran mensajes, instrucciones y cualquier información que ingrese, tal como el número marcado.Línea inferior Muestra las funcionesque las dos teclasde función tienenasignadas en esemomento.La pantalla presenta diversos iconos, que se describen a continuación.el consumo de energía. Si aparece elicono , que indica batería baja, enel tapiz de fondo recárguela antes de modo, incluido el modo de silencio .。

Pepperl+Fuchs 1U Ultrasonic Sensor UC250-F77-IU-IO

Pepperl+Fuchs 1U Ultrasonic Sensor UC250-F77-IU-IO

1Ultrasonic sensorUC250-F77-IU-IO-V312R e l e a s e d a t e : 2019-10-17 08:30D a t e o f i s s u e : 2019-10-17261246_e n g .x m lGermany: +49 621 776 1111Pepperl+Fuchs Group Refer to "General Notes Relating to Pepperl+Fuchs Product Information".USA: +1 330 486 0001Singapore: +65 6779 9091 fa-info@ fa-info@fa-info@DimensionsElectrical ConnectionPinout123.2233.2ø3.23222531417M8 x 118931LED YELED GN/RD L+124L-3Analog output/IO-Link Interface Synchronization**if not used connect to ground (0V)13241 BN 2 WH 3 BU 4BKWire colors in accordance with EN 60947-5-2(brown)(white)(blue)(black)Additional InformationNear limit (SP 1)Far limit (SP 2)Analog output modesRising rampFalling ramp3R e l e a s e d a t e : 2019-10-17 08:30D a t e o f i s s u e : 2019-10-17261246_e n g .x m lDescription of Sensor FunctionsAdjustment possibilitiesThe sensor features an analog output with 2 programmable limits. Programming the limits, the output mode, the output type and the beam width can be done in two different ways:-Using the sensor’s programming button-Using the IO-link interface of the sensor. This method requires an IO-link master (e.g. IO-link-Master02-USB) and the associated software.The download link is available on the product page for the sensor at SynchronizationThe sensor features a synchronization input for suppressing ultrasonic mutual interference (…cross talk“). The following synchronization modes are available:1.Automatic multiplex mode.2.Automatic common mode3.Externally controlled synchronization Further Documentation-For information on programming via programming button and synchronisation you may refer to the commissioning instruction.-For detailed information on application and programming via IO-Link we provide a manual.IO-Link master, supply via USB port or separate power supply, LED indicators, M12 plug for sensor connectionV31-GM-2M-PVCFemale cordset single-ended, M8, 4-pin, PVC cable V31-GM-1M-PVC-V1-GOMH-ML7-01Mounting aid for ML7 and ML8 series, Mounting bracket OMH-ML7-02Mounting aid for ML7 and ML8 series, Mounting bracket。

Pepperl+Fuchs GUB GUBX 控制面板用户指南说明书

Pepperl+Fuchs GUB GUBX 控制面板用户指南说明书

Brief InstructionsControl PanelsGUB* / GUBX*Copyright Pepperl+FuchsDocument No.: DOCT-4031BEdition: 08/2016Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH Lilienthalstrasse 20068307 Mannheim, Germany Tel. +49 621 776-0Fax +49 621 776-1000ENGValiditySpecific processes and instructions in this instruction manual require special provisions to guarantee the safety of the operating personnel.Target Group/PersonnelResponsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting lies with the plant operator.The personnel must be appropriately trained and qualified in order to carry out mounting, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, anddismounting of the device. The trained and qualified personnel must have read and understood the instruction manual.Reference to Further DocumentationObserve laws, standards, and directives applicable to the intended use and the operating location. Observe Directive 1999/92/EC in relation to hazardous areas.The corresponding datasheets, manuals, declarations of conformity, EC-type-examination certificates, certificates, and control drawings if applicable (see datasheet) are an integral part of this document. You can find this information under .Mounting/InstallationObserve the installation instructions according to IEC/EN 60079-14.If other solid obstacles are present outside the enclosure, the minimumdistance between the flamepath of the enclosure and these obstacles must not be less than the distance according to IEC/EN 60079-14.■gas group IIA: ≥ 10 mm ■gas group IIB: ≥ 30 mm■gas group IIB+H2 or IIC: ≥ 40 mmIf mounting the enclosure on concrete use expansion anchors. When mounting the enclosure to a steel framework use vibration resistant mounting material.Protect the device against long-term or excessive mechanical vibrations.Observe the following points when installing cable glands:■Only use cable glands that are suitably certified for the application.■Only use cable glands with a temperature range appropriate to the application.■Ensure that the degree of protection is not violated by the cable glands.If you use cable glands with cylindrical thread, secure the cable glands against loosening by suitable glue or similar means.For control panels with IECEx certification, only use cable glands with metric thread or NPT thread.Mount the device so that it complies with the specified degree of protection according to IEC/EN 60529.Ensure that the degree of protection is not violated by the cable glands and the stopping plugs.Close all unused enclosure holes with the appropriate stopping plugs.The enclosure cover is heavy. In order to avoid personal injuries or property damage, make appropriate provisions for the mounting procedure.Do not damage the flamepath surfaces between enclosure and enclosure cover during the opening of the control panel.If one of the flamepath surfaces is damaged, exchange enclosure and enclosure cover.Do not add additional components into the control panel, which are not listed in the original bill of materials.Before fixing the enclosure cover to the enclosure, protect the flamepath surfaces with a thin layer of suitable protective grease.Observe the tightening torque of the terminal screws.The delivered control panel is completely wired. Do not modify or manipulate this control panel. Observe the wiring diagram when connecting the control panel.Ensure that external ground connections exist, are in good condition, and are not damaged or corroded.In order to minimize power dissipation, observe the maximum possible conductor lengths.If radio frequency sources are present in the device, the usage of the device is bound to local restrictions. Ensure that the local restrictions allow usage of this device before commissioning.Associated Apparatus / Intrinsically Safe Circuits■When the control panel is equipped with an associated apparatus with intrinsically safe circuits and the panel is in addition equipped with a thermal probe for protecting the I.S. apparatus against ambient temperatures where it is not designed for, this thermal probe has to be connected to either an internal or external switch which switches OFF the power for the I.S.apparatus in case the temperature inside of the panel reaches the upper or lower thresholds of the I.S. apparatus. If an external temperature switch is used, the user has to configure the settings of that switch according to the following rules:■Maximum temperature response threshold of [(TIEx-2) ±2°C]TIEx = Maximum value of the certified ambient temperature of the internal I.S. apparatus.■Minimum temperature response threshold of [(TminEx+2)±2°C].TminEx = minimum value of the certified ambient temperature of the internal I.S. apparatus.Operation, Maintenance, RepairObserve IEC/EN 60079-17 for maintenance and inspection.The device must be disconnected from the power supply prior to installation and maintenance. The power supply may be activated only after all the circuits required for operation have been fully assembled and connected.If the control panel was affected by a short circuit, check the following.Check the functionality of the control panel.Check that the integrity of the flameproof enclosure is present.If the enclosure is damaged, replace enclosure and enclosure cover.Check all surfaces of the flamepath for damage. If an actuator is present, check the flamepaths of the actuator for damage.If the surfaces of the flamepath are damaged, replace the enclosure and the enclosure cover. If the surfaces of the flamepath of an actuator are damaged replace the complete actuator.Do not paint or varnish the surfaces of the flamepath.If the protective grease on the surfaces of the flamepath has become old, remove the protective grease and fat with new suitable protective grease.Enclosures with degree of protection IP66/67 have seals in the flamepath. Ensure that all seals are clean, undamaged, and correctly fitted.If there is a defect, always replace the device with an original device.Safety-relevant markings are found on the nameplate supplied. Ensure that the nameplate is present and legible. Take the ambient conditions into account.If the internal equipment contains a battery and a potentially explosive atmosphere is present, do not open the enclosure.If the device is installed in potentially explosive dust atmosphere, remove dust layers which exceed 5 mm in regular intervals.Do not modify or manipulate the device.Modifications are permitted only if approved in this instruction manual.Disposal and RecyclingDisposing of device, packaging, and possibly contained batteries must be in compliance with the applicable laws and guidelines of the respective country.Technical SpecificationsTechnical DataII 2 GD Ex d IIC Gb Ex tb IIIC DbClass of Temperature / Ambient Temperature Only use cable entries and cables suitable for the class of temperature / ambient temperature as reported in the following table:Comparative Table Marking / Thread of the Cable EntryThreaded entries in the enclosures are identified by the following coding:Example: diameter of the hole Ref. 2M = hole M25x1.5TypecodeMax. Ambient Temperature Class of temperature, type of protection Ex d IIA, IIB, IICT6T5T4T340 °C N.A.80 °C 95°C 110 °C 50 °C N.A.90 °C 105 °C 120 °C 55 °C N.A.95 °C 110 °C 125 °C 60 °C90 °C100 °C115 °C130 °CConnection with cables suitable for the above mentioned temperatures00 C = 1/4'' ISO22800 N = 1/4'' NPT 00 M = M12x1.59PG = PG91 C = 1/2'' ISO2280 N = 3/8'' NPT 0 M = M16x1.511PG = PG113 C = 1'' ISO228 1 N = 1/2'' NPT 1 M = M20x1.513PG = PG1300 G = 1/4'' ISO 7/12 N = 3/4'' NPT 2 M = M25x1.516GP = PG160 G = 3/8'' ISO 7/13 N = 1'' NPT 3 M = M32x1.521PG = PG211 G = 1/2'' ISO 7/14 N = 1 1/4'' NPT 4 M = M40x1.529PG = PG292 G = 3/4'' ISO 7/15 N = 1 1/2'' NPT 42 M = M42x1.536PG = PG363 G = 1'' ISO 7/16 N = 2'' NPT 5 M = M50x1.542PG = PG424 G = 1 1/4'' ISO 7/17 N = 2 1/2'' NPT 6 M = M63x1.548PG = PG485 G = 1 1/2'' ISO 7/18 N = 3 '' NPT7 M = M75x1.56 G = 2'' ISO 7/18 M = M85x1.57 G = 2 1/2 '' ISO 7/18 G = 3'' ISO 7/1"G" means also equivalent type according UNI6125 or EN10266-2TypeGUB Enclosure Ex d IICMaterialCopper-free aluminum X Stainless steelWindowNo Window W WindowEnclosure variantStandard variant E Variant with extension Enclosure size00 ... 5See dimensions data table in data sheetElectrical circuitsD Without intrinsically safe circuits IIntrinsically safe circuits integrated Type of application U Empty enclosure T Terminal box CP Control panel CS Control station MS Motor starter DB Distribution board PS Power switching RIO Remote I/O field unit IFS Interface solution FJB Fieldbus junction box OS Optical solution Q40Q40 solutionVariant number Yxxxxxx。

KU26 产品说明书

KU26 产品说明书

KU26 USER GUIDEEnglishTABLE OF CONTENTSSYMBOLS (3)1. INTRODUCTION (4)2. KEY FEATURES (4)3. APPLICATIONS (4)4. PACKAgE CONTENTS (4)5. SAFETY INFORMATION (5)6. UNPACKINg (6)7. PhYSICAL (6)7.1 MOUNTINg SCREw hOLES FOR ACCESSORIES (7)8. wIRINg (8)8.1 K-2SPK ACCESSORY (9)9. KA1-UB AMPLIFIER (10)10. SET UP (11)10.1 RUBBER FEET MOUNTINg (11)10.2 hANgINg SETUP (12)10.3 TILTINg ThE SYSTEM (12)10.4 FLUShED wALL MOUNT (13)11. SERVICE (14)12. TEChNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (15)13. CERTIFICATION (16)This symbol alerts the user to the presence of recommendations aboutproduct’s use and maintenance.This symbol alerts the user to the presence of recommendations about theproduct’s use and maintenance.K-array declares that this device is in compliance with applicable CEstandards and regulations. Before putting the device into operation, pleaseobserve the respective country-specific regulations!WEEE Please dispose of this product at the end of its operational lifetime by bring ingit to your local collection point or recycling center for such equipment.This device complies with Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive.SYMBOLSWarning! Dangerous voltages: RISK of electric shock.Terminals marked with this symbol are HAZARDOUS LIVE and the externalwiring connected to these terminals requires installation by a qualifiedprofessional or the use of ready-made leads or cords.1. INTRODUCTION2. KEY FEATURES3. APPLICATIONS K-array’s compact subwoofers have just been scaled down even more. Components from the K-array subwoofer line have been modified to create a smaller, yet extremely powerful, bass system comprised of one 6” Neodymium transducer and one 6” passive radiator, engineered for maximum linear excursion and minimum residual noise.With a frequency range of 45Hz to 150Hz, the KU26 is a companion to the K-array Lyzard, Vyper, and Tornado speakers. The combination provides full range frequency response with prodigious output and a virtually invisible profile. The KU26 boasts extended frequency response and is electronically protected.Its neodymium transducer has a double voice coil (16+16 Ω) for selectable impedance settings (8/32 Ω)allowing you to combine up to eight KU26 units powered by just one amplifier channel. Designed as a passive speaker, the KF26 can be transformed into a self-powered speaker just by inserting the specific amplifier accessory, KA1-UB.KU26 is made entirely of steel, making it extremely resistant, even when deployed outside in tough weather conditions. This is ideal for water-front environments where ordinary bass speakers would corrode. It cannot be penetrated by foreign objects like dust, sand or water, which over time can damage an ordinary audio element. The subwoofer is available in black or white to adapt to the aesthetics for almost all applications and has dedicated accessories available and includes integrated flying points for various setups.The KU26 has been designed to extend the low range in small to medium size rooms. Applications vary from hotels and houses of worship to pubs and restaurants as well as stores and conferences.All KU26 components are designed by the K-array R&D department and custom made under the K-array quality control system.•Unique performance-to-size ratio •H igh power 121 dB SPL (peak)•6” long-excursion woofer •6” passive radiator •Extended frequency response •D ouble voice coil to allow for selectable impedance (8Ω / 32Ω)•W eather proof, suitable for outdoor installations •Dedicated accessories for flush mounting •S elf-powered capabilities with dedicated accessory • Available in black and white colors • T o extend the low range of Lyzard, Tornado and Vyper mid-high speakers • Restaurants, Lounges, Stores, Pubs • Houses of worship, Conference halls • Portable and installed AV systems 4. PACKAgE CONTENTS • 1 x Subwoofer • 1 x 4-pin Phoenix connector • 1 x serial cable • 2 x wall bracketsRead these instructions - Keep these instructions - Heed all warnings5. SAFETY INFORMATIONIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS• Read these instructions.• Keep this instructions.• Heed all warnings.• Follow all instructions and keep all warnings.• Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.• U se only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.• W hen a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.• A voiding hearing damage. Professional loudspeakers are capable of producing extremely high sound levels and should be used carefully. Never stand close to loudspeakers driven at high volume. Set the volume to a safe level. You can adapt over time to a higher volume of sound that may sound normal but can be damaging to your hearing. Hearing loss get worse every time you’re exposed to a sound level of 90 dB or over for an extended period of time. If you experience ringing in your ears or muffled speech, stop listening and have your hearing checked. The louder the volume, the less time is required before your hearing could be affected.• C hoking Hazards. This device contains small parts, which may present a choking hazard to small children. Keep the device and its accessories away from small children.• D o not make repairs yourself. Never attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the system yourself.Disassembling the unit may cause damage that is not covered under the warranty. The device contains no user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be performed by factory trained service personnel.• S ound distortion. Do not operate speakers for an extended period of time with sound distortion. This is an indication of malfunction, which in turn can generate heat and result in a fire.• C arrying, handling and installing the device. The device contains sensitive components. Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture, shred, incinerate, paint, or insert foreign objects into it. If your device has been dropped or damaged unplug the power cable immediately.• S et up.Set up your device on a stable retaining horizontal surface. If combined or mechanically connected with other products, always verify the stability of the resulted system. Install the unit only in a location that can structurally support the weight of the unit, far away from people who can interfere with the stability of the system. Assure that the wind does not interfere with the system’s stability, taking extra securities like chains, weights, ropes or any other certified anchoring systems.Doing otherwise may result in the unit falling down, causing personal injury or property damag e or even death. The system should only be suspended by qualified personnel following safe rigging practices. Secure fixings to the building structure are vital. To clarify any doubt you may have, seek help from architects, structural engineers or other specialists.6. UNPACKINgEach K-array speaker is built to the hig hest standard and thoroug hly inspected before leaving the factory. Upon arrival, carefully inspect the shipping carton, then examine and test your new amplifier. If you find any damage, immediately notify the shipping company. Only the consignee may institute a claim procedure regarding the system’s electronic equipment.7. PhYSICALWeight 5.9 kg (13.0 lbs)7.1 MOUNTINg SCREw hOLES FOR ACCESSORIESMounting screw holes for wall bracketsMounting screw holes for K-JOINT28Ω32Ω8. wIRINgThe KU26 is comprised of a 6” neodymium transducer, combined with a 6” passive transducer. The neodymium transducer features a double voice-coil (16Ω + 16Ω).The two voice coils can be wired in parallel (resulting in a 8Ω total impedance) or in serial (resulting in a 32Ω total impedance). To do this, we provide a 4-pin female Phoenix connector where users can make the wiring; then the female Phoenix connector is plugged into the male Phoenix connector situated at the back of the speaker.We provide also a “serial cable” that can be used to connect the two central pins of the phoenix connector in the 32Ω configuration.NOTEThe K-array KA84 amplifier can drive up to eight KU26 at 32Ωper channel . The K-array KA24 and KA14 amplifiers can drive up to two KU26 at 8Ω per channel .8.1 K-2SPK ACCESSORYThis accessory is used to connect a Speakon cable to a KU26. It features two Speakon connectors wired in parallel giving you the possibility to wire two or more KU26s in parallel using only Speakon cables. The two wires situated at the back of the K-2SPK carry the signal from the 1+ contact (red wire) and 1- contact (black wire) of the Speakon connector. Wire them to the phoenix connector as shown in the previous section (by default, they are wired in serial configuration). Use the four screws and the four hexagonal spacers included to mount the K-2SPK on the KU26.KU26s wired in parallel via Speakon cables9. KA1-UB AMPLIFIERBorn as a passive speaker, the KU26 can be turned into a self-powered speaker by inserting the KA1-UB amplifier module in the back.The KA1-UB works at 48v. We recommend to use K-array 48v power supplies: K-AL240-48 and K-AL480-48.The KA1-UB features a 4-pins phoenix connector carrying both power and balanced audio signal. Follow the wiring diagram below to connect it to the power supply and to the audio source.10. SET UP10.1 RUBBER FEET MOUNTINgKU26 can be positioned on a flat surface both in horizontal and in vertical position thanks to the four rubber feet included.KU26 in horizontal position on a flat surfaceKU26 in vertical position on a flat surface10.2 hANgINg SETUPThe KU26 can be mounted on the wall using the two included wall brackets.10.3 TILTINg ThE SYSTEMWhen a tilting angle is necessary, the KU26 can be mounted on the wall with the K-WALL2L or K-WALL2 accessories (not included).10.4 FLUShED wALL MOUNTThe KU26 can be easily flush mounted in wall thanks to the K-WF26 accessory (not included).The frame is affixed magnetically11. SERVICETo obtain service:1) C ontact the official K-array distributor in your country. Your local distributor will direct you to theappropriate service center.2) I f you are calling for service, please have the serial number(s) of the unit(s) available for reference.Ask for Customer Service, and be prepared to describe the problem clearly and completely.3) I f the problem cannot be resolved over the phone, you may be required to send the unit in forservice. In this instance, you will be provided with an RA (Return Authorization) number which should be included on all shipping documents and correspondence regarding the repair. Shipping charges are the responsibility of the purchaser.Any attempt to modify or replace components of the device will invalidate your warranty. Service must be performed by an authorized K-array service center.Cleaning:Use only a soft, dry cloth to clean the housing. Do not use any solvents, chemicals, or cleaning solutions containing alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives. Do not use any sprays near the product or allow liquids to spill into any openings.12. TEChNICAL SPECIFICATIONSACOUSTICSPower handling 2 x 80 WImpedance8 / 32 Ω selectable (2 x 16 Ω)Frequency range (-10 dB)45 Hz – 150 Hz (1)SPL 1W/1mt98 dB (2)Maximum SPL115 dB (cont.) – 121 dB (peak) (3)COVERAGEHorizontal omniVertical omniCROSSOVERType External crossover requiredFrequency Low pass @ 150 HzTRANSDUCERSType 1 x 6” Neodymium magnet with 1.5” voice coilType 1 x 6” passive transducerPOWER AUDIO IN/OUTConnectors 1 x 4-pin phoenix connectorWiring Serial or parallelRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIERSType KA14, KA24CERTIFICATIONIP54 (More complete water protection with K-KUIP accessory)PHYSICALDimensions35.0 cm x 18.0 cm x 11.9 cm (13.8“ x 7.1” x 4.7“)Weight 5.9 kg (13.0 lbs)Notes for data1. With dedicated preset;2. Measured @4 mt then scaled @1 mt;3. Measured with musical signalNew materials and desig n are introduced into existing products without previous notice.Present systems may differ in some respects from those presented in this catalogue.The contents of this manual are furnished for informational purposes only. K-array s.u.r.l. assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. K-array s.u.r.l. reserves the right to make modifications without prior notice.13. CERTIFICATIONK-array s.r.l. a socio unico società soggetta alla attività di direzione e coordinamento di HP Sound Equipment spaP.IVA /VAT / CF ***********-R.E.A. 609589 Cap. soc. i.v.€100.000,00Sede legale: via Paolina Romagnoli 17 50038 Scarperia e San Piero -Firenze -ITALY tel +39 055 8487222 fax +39 055 8487238************** DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYManufacturer/Importer:K-array s.u.r .l.Brand :K-ARRAY Address:via Paolina Romagnoli 17 50038 Scarperia e S. Piero Firenze ITALY Date of Issue:01/10 / 2015Model Code:KU26, KU26WDeclaration:Complies with safety essential requirements of Council Directive 2004/108/EC on the approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility.2006/95/EC on the harmonisation of the laws of member state relating equipment designed for the use within certain voltage limits This declaration applies to all specimens manufactured in accordance with the attached manufacturing drawings which form part of this declaration. Assessment of compliance of the product with the requirements relating to electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage directive was based on the following standards:EMC:EN 55103-1:2009EN 55103-2:2009EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1+A2EN 61000-3-3:2008Safety:EN 60065:2002+A1+A11+A2+A12Marking:Applying Year:2015Applied by:K-array s.u.r .l.Via Paolina Romagnoli 1750038Scarperia e S. Piero Firenze Italy Tel. +39 055 8487222Fax +39 055 8487238Signed by:Franco Spataro Technical Manager。

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Breakdown Voltage V(BR) @ IT
Maximum Clamping Voltage @IPP (1 mSEC) VC Volts
VOLTS 9.6 9.2 11.4 10.3 12.3 11.2 13.3 12.0 14.3 12.9 15.0 13.6 15.9 14.4 16.9 15.4 18.8 17.0 20.1 18.2 22.0 19.9 23.8 21.5 25.8 23.2 26.9 24.4 28.8 26.0 30.5 27.6 32.2 29.2 35.8 32.4 39.4 35.5 43.0 38.9 46.6 42.1 50.1 45.5 53.5 48.4 59.0 53.3 64.3 58.1 71.4 64.5 76.7 69.4 80.3 72.7 85.5 77.4 91.1 82.4 96.3 87.1 103.0 93.6 107.0 96.8 114.0 103.0 125 113 134 121 139 126 151 137 160 146 179 162 196 177
Maximum Reverse Leakage @ VWM
µA 2000 2000 5000 5000 2000 2000 1000 1000 250 250 150 150 50 50 20 20 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
mA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
• • • • • • Unidirectional and bidirectional Fully glass passivated 5000 watt (10/1000 µs) Eliminates wire bonding No overshoot Provides optimum voltage clamping

VBR 30V and above
VBR 30V and below
REV H 8/18/99
VOLTS MIN 6.40 6.40 6.67 6.67 7.22 7.22 7.78 7.78 8.33 8.33 8.89 8.89 9.44 9.44 10.0 10.0 11.1 11.1 12.2 12.2 13.3 13.3 14.4 14.4 15.6 15.6 16.7 16.7 17.8 17.8 18.9 18.9 20.0 20.0 22.2 22.2 24.4 24.4 26.7 26.7 28.9 28.9 31.1 31.1 33.3 33.3 36.7 36.7 40.0 40.0 44.4 44.4 47.8 47.8 50.0 50.0 53.3 53.3 56.7 56.7 60.0 60.0 64.4 64.4 66.7 66.7 71.1 71.1 77.8 77.8 83.3 83.3 86.7 86.7 94.4 94.4 100 100 111 111 122 122
8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: (480) 941-6300 Fax: (480) 947-1503
Patented Flip Chip Series
• • • • • • • Max Junction Temperature: 1750C Storage Temperature: -550C to +1750C Flip Chip Peak Pulse Power: 5000 Watts (10/1000 µs) Maximum non-repetitive peak power 5000 Watts (10/1000 µs) Total continuous power dissipation @ Tlead = 750C 10 W Turn-on time (theoretical) unidirectional 1X10-12 Turn-on time (theoretical) bidirectional 1X10-9
Maximum Peak-Pulse Current (Fig 3) IPP
AMPS 520 543 439 485 407 447 378 417 350 388 333 367 314 347 295 325 266 294 249 274 227 251 210 232 194 215 188 206 176 192 164 181 155 172 139 154 127 141 116 128 107 119 99 110 93 103 85 94 78 86 70 78 65 72 62 69 58 65 55 61 52 57 49 53 47 52 44 49 40 44 37 41 36 40 33 36 31 34 28 31 26 28
Maximum Voltage Temperature Variation of V(BR) mV/°C
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 15 15 18 16 19 18 20 19 24 22 27 24 30 27 33 29 34 30 38 35 41 38 45 40 50 45 54 49 57 51 62 55 65 60 70 64 77 69 79 70 85 75 93 84 100 90 104 94 113 102 120 109 134 122 147 132
• • • Weight: 0.8 grams (approximate) Cathode mark on top side Metallization Cr - Ag - Au (Both Sides)
• • Waffle package 15 pieces per pack (STANDARD)
VOLTS CHF5KP5.0 CHF5KP5.0A CHF5KP6.0 CHF5KP6.0A CHF5KP6.5 CHF5KP6.5A CHF5KP7.0 CHF5KP7.0A CHF5KP7.5 CHF5KP7.5A CHF5KP8.0 CHF5KP8.0A CHF5KP8.5 CHF5KP8.5A CHF5KP9.0 CHF5KP9.0A CHF5KP10 CHF5KP10A CHF5KP11 CHF5KP11A CHF5KP12 CHF5KP12A CHF5KP13 CHF5KP13A CHF5KP14 CHF5KP14A CHF5KP15 CHF5KP15A CHF5KP16 CHF5KP16A CHF5KP17 CHF5KP17A CHF5KP18 CHF5KP18A CHF5KP20 CHF5KP20A CHF5KP22 CHF5KP22A CHF5KP24 CHF5KP24A CHF5KP26 CHF5KP26A CHF5KP28 CHF5KP28A CHF5KP30 CHF5KP30A CHF5KP33 CHF5KP33A CHF5KP36 CHF5KP36A CHF5KP40 CHF5KP40A CHF5KP43 CHF5KP43A CHF5KP45 CHF5KP45A CHF5KP48 CHF5KP48A CHF5KP51 CHF5KP51A CHF5KP54 CHF5KP54A CHF5KP58 CHF5KP58A CHF5KP60 CHF5KP60A CHF5KP64 CHF5KP64A CHF5KP70 CHF5KP70A CHF5KP75 CHF5KP75A CHF5KP78 CHF5KP78A CHF5KP85 CHF5KP85A CHF5KP90 CHF5KP90A CHF5KP100 CHF5KP100A CHF5KP110 CHF5KP110A 5 5 6 6 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 30 33 33 36 36 40 40 43 43 45 45 48 48 51 51 54 54 58 58 60 60 64 64 70 70 75 75 78 78 85 85 90 90 100 100 110 110