



**学院“卓越计划”项目结题报告书学院名称:(盖章)卓越名称:传神卓越译员实验班项目负责人:余健明填表时间: 2016.9教务处制一、“卓越计划”毕业学生情况1. 考级考证情况第一届卓越译员实验班为翻译2011级全体同学,共计有52名学生,培养情况比较乐观。




2. 参加竞赛获奖情况同学们还积极参加国内的翻译赛事,并获得优异成绩。



3. 考研情况共有16名同学被国内外高校录取为硕士研究生。

1.汤嘉欣威斯敏斯特大学口译翻译********2.周二**大学同声传译翻译********3.刘瑶**大学英语口译翻译********4.周银秒**大学英语笔译翻译********5.付蔷**大学高级口译翻译********6.陈莉**大学国际法翻译********7.付平(男)**大学英语笔译翻译********8.詹彤**大学商务口译翻译********9.王佩娟**大学科技翻译翻译********10. 高斯**大学英语口译翻译********11. 雷家培**大学英语笔译翻译********12. 余画元**大学英语笔译翻译********13. 杨甜**大学英美文学翻译********14. 张丽**大学英美文学翻译********15. 项芬**大学英语笔译翻译********16. 尹梦晨**大学英语口译翻译********4. 录取为对外汉语教师情况:张烺、黄斌、聂莹分别被录取为赴泰国、菲律宾对外汉语教师。



2004年12月Speech by a British High OfficialI arrive in China this week at a time when relations between our two countries have never been better. We are already cooperating more closely on more issues than ever before. Britain's strongest bilateral relations 双边关系with China have always been based on trade贸易. However, as trade has intensified加强, other aspects of our relationship have also prospered. Over 5000 Chinese students are now studying in Britain. There are growing cultural links too.Britain has a lot to offer China. 42 of Europe's top 100 companies are British. We are increasingly strong in the knowledge-based industries of the future. 英国可以为中国提供很多帮助(带来很多东西).欧洲百强公司中有42家在英国.我们在未来的知识型产业中日益强大. One third of Europe's biotechnology companies are located in Britain. We have the world's fifth largest electronics sector. 欧洲的生物技术公司中有三分之一位于英国.我们拥有世界第五大电子产业.Ten of the world's 35 top-selling pharmaceuticals世界畅销制药were researched and developed in the UK. And London is Europe's major financial center wim mC greatest conccrkraiion o± oanKing expeiuse in mc worm.Upon these foundations I want to build a modern relationship with China. I want to consolidate a partnership which' looks forward, not back. We can only tackle global problems if we work together. 在此基础上,我希望与中国建立一种现代的新型关系,巩固与中国的伙伴关系,这种关系放眼未来,而不是过去.我们只有携手合作,才能解决全球性问题.With one of the great economies of the 21st century, China will increasingly be called upon to share the responsibilities of international leadership. The need for cooperation has never been greater. 作为21世纪的世界经济大国之一,中国将越来越收到国际社会的召唤,在国际事务中分担领导责任.对合作的需要已经达到前所未有的程度.The agenda ranges from terrorism to nuclear proliferation, from international crime to global poverty; from climate change to drugs. We can only defeat these threats together. 我们的合作议程范围广泛:从反恐怖主义到反核武器扩散,从国际犯罪到全球性贫困,从气候变化到毒品问题.我们只有齐心协力才能战胜这些威胁.By tackling the challenges of the present together, China and Britain can forge a new partnership for the future.通过解决当前的挑战中国和英国可以在未来建立一种新的伙伴关系I have come to Beijing to forge a new partnership for the future. In doing so, I will be building on firm foundations laid during the complex but ultimately successful transition in Hong Kong.香港复杂但是最终成功的转型The international community needs to face the challenges of globalization together. With China's support I am confident we can do so.2005年12月A Speech by the Chairman and CEO of IBM in BeijingDistinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,IBM has enjoyed a relationship with China that has endured for more than half a century, but I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to be doing business here. Vast new opportunities are being created by your sweeping modernization and ambitious government-led reform programs for thousands of state-owned enterprises.IBM和中国的合作已长达半个多世纪。



2014ANSWE‎R SHEET‎1 (TEM8)PART I LISTE‎N ING COMPR‎E HENS‎I ON SECTI‎O N A MINI-LECTU‎R EHow to Reduc‎e Stres‎sLife is full of thing‎s that cause‎us stres‎s. Thoug‎h we may not like stres‎s, we h ave to live with it. I. Defin‎i tion‎of stres‎s A. (1) react‎i on (1) physi‎c al i.e. force‎exert‎e d betwe‎e n two touch‎i ng bodie‎s B. human‎react‎i oni.e. respo‎n se to (2) on someo‎n e (2) a deman‎d e.g. incre‎a se in breat‎h ing, heart‎rate, (3) (3) blood‎press‎u re or muscl‎e tensi‎o n II. (4) (4) Categ‎o ry of stres‎s A. posit‎i ve stres‎s —where‎it occur‎s: Chris‎t mas, weddi‎n g, (5) (5) a job B. negat‎i ve stres‎s —where‎it occur‎s: test-takin‎g situa‎t ions‎, frien‎d’s death‎III. Ways to cope with stres‎s A. recog‎n itio‎n of stres‎s signa‎l s—monit‎o r for (6) of stres‎s (6) signa‎l s —find ways to prote‎c t onese‎l f B. atten‎t ion to body deman‎d—effec‎t of (7) (7) exerc‎i se and nutri‎t ion C. plann‎i ng and actin‎g appro‎p riat‎e ly — reaso‎n for plann‎i ng —(8) of plann‎i ng (8) resul‎t D. lea rn‎i ng to (9) (9) accep‎t—e.g. delay‎cause‎d by traff‎i c E. pacin‎g activ‎i ties‎—manag‎e able‎task —(10) (10) reaso‎n able‎speed‎2013SECTI‎O N A MINI-LECTU‎R EWhat Do Activ‎e Learn‎e rs Do?There‎are diffe‎r ence‎betwe‎e n activ‎e learn‎i ng and passi‎v e learn‎i ng.Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎of activ‎e learn‎e rs:I. readi‎n g with purpo‎s esA. befor‎e readi‎n g: setti‎n g goals‎B. while‎readi‎n g: (1) _____‎___II. (2) _____‎_ and criti‎c al in think‎i ngi.e. infor‎m atio‎n proce‎s sing‎, e.g.-- conne‎c tion‎s betwe‎e n the known‎and the new infor‎m atio‎n-- ident‎i fica‎t ion of (3) _____‎_ conce‎p ts-- judgm‎e nt on the value‎of (4) _____‎.III. activ‎e in liste‎n ingA. ways of note-takin‎g: (5) _____‎__.B. befor‎e note-takin‎g: liste‎n ing and think‎i ngIV. being‎able to get assis‎t ance‎A. reaso‎n 1: knowi‎n g compr‎e hens‎i on probl‎e ms becau‎s e of (6) _____‎_.B. Reaso‎n 2: being‎able to predi‎c t study‎diffi‎c ulti‎e sV. being‎able to quest‎i on infor‎m atio‎nA. quest‎i on what they read or hearB. evalu‎a te and (7) _____‎_.VI. Last chara‎c teri‎s ticA. attit‎u de towar‎d respo‎n sibi‎l ity-- activ‎e learn‎e rs: accep‎t-- passi‎v e learn‎e rs: (8) _____‎__B. attit‎u de towar‎d (9) _____‎_-- activ‎e learn‎e rs: evalu‎a te and chang‎e behav‎i our-- passi‎v e learn‎e rs: no chang‎e in appro‎a chRelat‎i onsh‎i p betwe‎e n skill‎and will: will is more impor‎t ant in (10) _____‎_.Lack of will leads‎to diffi‎c ulty‎in colle‎g e learn‎i ng.参考答案:1. check‎i ng their‎under‎s tand‎i ng2. refle‎c tive‎on infor‎m atio‎n3. incom‎p rehe‎n sibl‎e4. what you read5. organ‎i zed6. monit‎o ring‎their‎under‎s tand‎i ng7. diffe‎r enti‎a te8. blame‎9. perfo‎r manc‎e10. activ‎e learn‎i ngSecti‎o n A Mini-lectu‎r e或者1、check‎i n g under‎s tand‎ing。



2014年专八写作真题及参考范文PARTVI WRITING (45 MIN)Nowadays, some companies have work-from-home or remote working policies, which means that their employees do not have to commute to work every day. Some people think that this can save a lot of time travelling to and from work, thus raising employees’ productivity. However, others argue that in the workplace, people can communicate face to face, which vastly increases the efficiency of coordination and cooperation. What is your opinion?Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:My Views on Working from HomeIn the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization,language and appropriateness.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.参考范文(一)Telecommuting: an Inevitable TrendThere is no denying the fact that the past years have witnessed an increasing number of people working from home, with some employers encouraging this practice. However, there exist opposing views on this phenomenon, with proponents claiming that it saves time and increases productivity, while opponents arguing that it lacks face-to-face communication and thus affects coordination. Personally, I believe that there is truth in both opinions. Therefore, this new style of working suits more jobs that demand less face-to-face communication. However, with the popularization of the Internet and its increasingly mighty function, working from home, or telecommuting, will definitely become an inevitable and irreversible trend.Firstly, the advantages of telecommuting go far beyond saving time spent on travelling to and from the workplace. It provides a worker with an unimaginable degree of freedom and comfort. One can nearly arrange everything related to work according to his or her will. He can get up and go to bed at any time he wishes, as long as he fulfills his daily task. Furthermore, he does not have to worry about his appearances or dressing. This is especially convenient to female workers. Besides, one can choose to work out during the break at time he deems proper. Plus, he can enjoy cooking at home and have his favorite food, instead of putting up with the monotonous cuisine in the collective dining hall or potentially hazardous food in restaurants.Secondly, communicating face to face is gradually losing its necessity in an increasing number of professions along with the strides made in online communication. This is true not only in such advanced industrialized countries as the U.S. and Japan, but also here in China. Suchonline communication tools as QQ, We Chat and micro blog provide people with not only verbal chat, but also voice chat and even video chat. One does not necessarily go out to see his colleagues or clients, for it can all be accomplished online. A case in point is the surging wave of online shopping. Another strong evidence is online education. Such virtual classrooms as YY and MOOC have rendered actual classrooms seem outdated and stupid.Undeniably, face-to-face communication cannot completely give way to virtual communication, especially at the starting stage of a community, or in such cases as individualized education and primary schooling. However, as a natural consequence of the development of science and technology, working from home represents the marching direction of advanced productivity. As a member of modern society, one should get himself or herself fully prepared for the challenge of such a new style of working.参考范文(二)Telecommuting: a Two-Edged SwordAngels and devils are two poles apart, but working from home, or telecommuting, seems to combine them perfectly. Along with the advances in computer and Internet technologies, the past years have witnessed an increasing number of people working from home, with some employers encouraging this practice. However, there exist opposing views on this phenomenon. Some people take it for granted that it is a blessing, while others argue that it is a curse. As I see it, there is an element of truth in both views, and one should make a careful choice according to his or her conditions.On the one hand, no one can deny the fact that working from home brings about numerous benefits, which go far beyond saving time spent on travelling to and from the workplace. It provides a worker with an unimaginable degree of freedom and comfort. One can nearly arrange everything related to work according to his or her will. He can get up and go to bed at any time he wishes, as long as he fulfills his daily task. Furthermore, he does not have to worry about his appearances or dressing. This is especially convenient to female workers. Besides, one can choose to work out during the break at time he deems proper. Plus, he can enjoy cooking at home and have his favorite food, instead of putting up with the monotonous cuisine in the collective dining hall or potentially hazardous food in restaurants.On the other hand, however, the above mentioned advantages of telecommuting may well turn out to be its demerits. While enjoying the freedom of time arrangement, one may find himself lack of discipline and regular hours, which might be a hazard to his physical fitness. In the same way, he or she may miss the opportunity to manifest his or her attractiveness to his or her colleagues or people on the way to and back from work while appreciating the time and money that otherwise would be spent on dressing and making up. Similarly, he or she may find it troublesome to cook and wash dishes. What is the most important, as mentioned in the directions, is that telecommuting cut into face-to-face communication and thus affects the efficiency of coordination. As can be easily perceived, face-to-face communication cannot completely give way to virtual communication, especially at the starting stage of a community, or in such cases as individualized education and primary schooling.In the final analysis, I should admit honestly that I cannot give a yes-no answer to the question whether telecommuting is a good thing or not. Actually, it should be viewed as atwo-edged sword, which presents both conveniences and troubles. The best policy, as I see it, is to make your own choice according to the nature of your work as well as your personality.。

















关键词:Unity3D技术;增强现实技术;教育游戏;小学科学教育IABSTRACTWith the continuous advancement of the curriculum reform of basic education in China,the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching,the continuous improvement of the scientific literacy of the whole nation,and the reform of the science education curriculum at the basic education stage and the updating of teaching methods are very meaningful.In2017,the practical use of the virtual learning environment was identified as an important educational technology.The era of AR education application has arrived.AR education is used to change the traditional classroom education teaching mode,to activate the classroom teaching atmosphere;to improve students'interest and enthusiasm in learning science,to create informational talents that meet the requirements of the new era;to enhance teachers'information literacy,and to promote the deep integration of information technology and education.Is of great significance.In view of this,this study combined AR technology to design and develop a primary science education game based on Unity3D engine.In the first chapter,the research background and problems,research purposes and significance,research contents and methods are elaborated.In the second chapter,we collect,sort out and analyze the related concepts,the domestic and foreign literatures on the application of virtual reality technology and Unity3D technology,and summarize the research status and analyze the development trends.In the third chapter,the theoretical basis of this study is elaborated.Chapter IV is the focus of this study,based on AR technology of primary science education game courseware design.The design principles,design features,content design and rule design of courseware are put forward.The courseware is designed from the aspects of teaching objective analysis,learner characteristics analysis,teaching content design,interface design,function design and structure design.In the fifth chapter,based on the teaching content of Science in the sixth grade of elementary school,the development of science education games in elementary school based on AR technology,including the configuration ofIIdevelopment environment,the development of related terrain,the development of interface and the realization of interactive functions,and the difficulties in the development process are discussed.In the sixth chapter,it elaborates the application of primary science education game based on AR technology,and carries on the analysis and the research,the summary and the reflection to its application effect.In the seventh chapter,we mainly make a summary and outlook for the research work.It is hoped that more talents from the industry will join the design and development of educational games in the future,and contribute to education and curriculum reform for the deep integration of information technology and education. The author also hopes to provide some reference and reference for other researchers and teachers.Key Words:Unity3D;augmented reality technology;educational games;primary scientific educationIII目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景与问题提出 (1)1.1.1研究背景 (1)1.1.2问题提出 (1)1.2研究目的与意义 (4)1.2.1研究目的 (4)1.2.2研究意义 (4)1.3研究内容与方法 (6)1.3.1研究内容和框架 (6)1.3.2研究方法 (7)第2章相关概念和研究现状 (8)2.1相关概念 (8)2.1.1科学教育 (8)2.1.2教育游戏 (9)2.1.3增强现实技术 (13)2.1.4Unity3D技术 (14)2.2国内外研究现状及发展动态分析 (16)2.2.1科学教育的研究现状 (16)2.2.2教育游戏的研究现状 (18)2.2.3教育游戏在科学教育中的应用现状 (18)2.2.4基于AR的科学教育游戏案例分析 (22)第3章研究理论基础 (27)3.1皮亚杰的认知发展理论 (27)3.2建构主义学习理论 (28)3.3沉浸理论 (29)3.4游戏理论 (30)IV3.5学习科学理论 (31)第4章基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏课件的设计 (32)4.1基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏教学设计 (32)4.1.1教学目标分析 (32)4.1.2学习者特征分析 (32)4.1.3教学内容设计 (33)4.2基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏设计 (34)4.2.1设计原则 (34)4.2.2需求分析 (36)4.2.3设计特点 (36)4.2.4内容设计 (37)4.2.5规则设计 (39)4.3基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏框架设计 (39)4.3.1界面设计 (39)4.3.2功能设计 (40)4.3.3结构设计 (40)第5章基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏的开发 (42)5.1游戏开发流程 (42)5.2游戏开发具体步骤 (42)5.3游戏开发难点 (53)5.4游戏应用发布 (54)第6章基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏的应用 (54)6.1应用情况 (54)6.2应用过程 (54)6.3应用效果 (55)6.3.1量表试测和数据对比分析 (55)6.3.2问卷调查试测和数据对比分析 (58)6.3.3访谈结果分析 (64)6.4应用结论 (66)第7章总结与展望 (68)7.1研究结论 (68)V7.2不足之处 (69)7.3研究展望 (69)参考文献 (71)附录A量表结果占比统计表 (74)附录B学生访谈提纲 (81)附录C教师访谈提纲 (82)附录D小学生科学学习兴趣水平评价量表 (83)附录E《基于AR技术的小学科学教育游戏设计与开发》问卷调查表 (85)致谢 (89)VI第1章绪论1.1研究背景与问题提出1.1.1研究背景1、政策导向《全民科学素质行动计划纲要实施方案(2016-2020)》①提出,到2020年实现我国公民具备科学素质的比例超过10%的总目标,其中重点任务之一便是实施青少年科学素质行动,完善基础教育阶段的科技教育,促进中小学科技教育水平大幅提升。



P RÜFUNG FÜR DAS G ERMANISTIK-G RUNDSTUDIUM(PGG 2014)Lösungen und HörtexteTexte zum Diktat und HörverstehenI. DiktatA) Füllen Sie die Lücken aus!Die Jungen gehören zu den Sorgenkindern des deutschen 1) Bildungssystems. Das hat eine Studie jetzt wieder 2)bestätigt. Zwar haben in der Berufswelt immer noch die 3) Männer das Sagen, aber in der Schule schneiden Jungen viel 4) schlechter ab als Mädchen. Männliche Schüler brauchen also mehr 5) Unterstützung: mehr Jungenprojekte, Lese- und Schreibförderung, mehr männliche 6)Erzieher und Lehrer. Immer mehr Schulen stellen außerdem auf 7) getrennten Unterricht um – in der Hoffnung, der Zwang, cool sein zu müssen, ginge ohne weibliche8) Ablenkung zurück.B) Schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz.Für Jungen ist es tatsächlich schwer, mit dem gestiegenen Leistungsdruck zurechtzukommen, denn sie sind in der Schule oft unkonzentrierter als Mädchen. Woran dies genau liegt, können Wissenschaftler immer noch nicht im Detail bestimmen. Daher gehen viele Initiativen am eigentlichen Problem vorbei. Die Schule muss sich endlich auf die neuen Lebenswelten aller Kinder einstellen. Sie brauchen V orbilder, weibliche und männliche, nicht nur in der Familie, sondern auch in der Schule. Die Aufgabe der Schule sowie der Familieb ist es, die alten Rollenmuster gemeinsam mit den Kindern immer wieder in Frage zu stellen.II.HörverstehenTeil 1: AlltagssituationenSie hören im Folgenden 6 Minidialoge nur einmal. Markieren Sie die Lösungen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. Frau: Können Sie vor Dienstagnachmittag das Radio fertig reparieren?Mann: Entschuldigung, das ist unmöglich. Sie können es frühestens am Donnerstagnachmittag abholen. Frage: Wann wird das Radio fertig repariert?2. Mann: Was ist los? Ist deine Kamera kaputt?Frau: Ja, sie ist kaputt. Sie funktioniert nicht.Mann: Lass mich mal nachsehen. Nein, nein, die ist nicht kaputt, die Batterie ist leer.Frage: Was für ein Problem hat ihre Kamera?3. Mann: Entschuldigung, ist da noch frei?Frau: Ja, bitte.Mann: Ein Sauwetter ist das heute.Frau: Es schneit wohl draußen?Mann: Und wie!Frage: Wo könnte das Gespräch stattfinden?4. Frau: Herr Ober, wir möchten bitte zahlen.Mann: Zusammen oder getrennt?Frau: Getrennt. Ich bezahle das Rindfleisch und den Apfelsaft.Mann: Das macht 24,50 Euro.Frau: Hier sind 50 Euro.Mann: 25,50 Euro zurück.Frage: Wieviel Geld bekommt die Frau zurück?5. Frau 1: Karin, morgen haben wir schönes Wetter. Machen wir zusammen einen Ausflug?Frau 2: Nein! Morgen ist Valentinstag. Da will ich mit meinem Freund meine Eltern besuchen. Den Ausflug können wir ja nächste Woche machen.Frage: Was macht Karin morgen?6. Mädchen: Sag mal, was machst du denn für ein Gesicht? Hast du Liebeskummer oder ist sonst etwaspassiert?Junge: Frag bloß nicht! Alles ist beschissen. Ich habe die Nase voll von der Schule. Gestern gab es ´ne fünf in Mathe und heute noch ´ne sechs in Französisch. Jetzt steht es ziemlich mies. Ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr, dauernd in die Schule zu gehen und den Mist zu lernen.Frage: Warum ist der Junge deprimiert?Teil 2Nun hören Sie vier Texte. Jeden Text hören Sie zuerst einmal, dann lesen Sie die Aufgaben und danach hören Sie ihn noch einmal. Markieren Sie die richtigen Lösungen auf dem Antwortbogen.Text A NachrichtenBonn. Mit einem weltweiten Aktionsprogramm ist in Bonn die Konferenz für erneuerbare Energien zu Ende gegangen. Darin haben sich die Vertreter aus 154 Ländern verpflichtet, den Anteil der Versorgung durch Sonnen-, Wind- und Wasserkraft zu erhöhen. Bis zum Jahr 2015 sollen dadurch eine Milliarde Menschen Zugang zu moderner Energieversorgung bekommen. Die Umsetzung des Aktionsprogramms soll durch die UNO kontrolliert werden.Text B: 15 Jahre späterSprecher: Ich beobachte meine ehemaligen Mitschüler am Tisch. Äußerlich haben sie sich wenig verändert. Wenn wir zusammen sind, scheinen wir unsere alten Rollen zu spielen. Michael ist wieder sehr still, Henry und Lisa auch; Anna und Stephan reden unaufhörlich. Mir fällt auf, wie viel wir über Fonds, Versicherungen und Steuern sprechen. Was sagt das über uns und 15 Jahre Deutschland? Diese Klasse ist nicht repräsentativ. Wir haben fast alle studiert, kommen zum Großteil aus gut situierten Elternhäusern und leben in der Stadt. Wir haben bis auf eine alle Arbeit. Wir sind flexibel und mobil. Wir sind längst im Westen angekommen, aber niemand fühlt sich dort vollkommen zu Hause.Text C Bei einer FirmaChefin: Guten Morgen, Herr Büchner.Praktikant: Guten Morgen.Chefin: Ich habe Ihr Protokoll bekommen. Können wir kurz darüber sprechen?Praktikant: Ja, sicher.Chefin: Gut, ich hätte da noch gerne einige Änderungen. Das Protokoll ist einfach zu lang. Ich habe schon einmal gestrichen, was nicht so wichtig ist.Praktikant: Ah, ja. Tut mir Leid, ich wusste nicht, dass Sie nur die Ergebnisse haben wollten.Chefin: In unserer Abteilung machen wir immer ein Ergebnisprotokoll, weil keiner viel Zeit zum Lesen hat.Praktikant: Ja gut, verstehe.Chefin: Und noch eins. Bitte achten Sie auf die Rechtschreibung. Im Protokoll sind einige Fehler. Undzwei Namen waren auch nicht korrekt.Praktikant: Oh, das ist mir aber peinlich. Das kommt nicht wieder vor.Chefin: Okay, dann erwarte ich das korrigierte Protokoll bis heute Mittag.Praktikant: Ja, sicher. Kein Problem.Text D GlückZDF: Zuerst einmal: Was ist denn Glück?Prof. Dr. Angela Schorr: Für Glück gibt es verschiedene Definitionen. Die Glückserfahrungen, die wir aber alle haben, sind entweder Glück als große Zufriedenheit oder Glück als eine ganz besondere Erfahrung, als einen starken Glücksmoment, praktisch eine Spitzen-Erfahrung.ZDF: Woher kommt das Glück? Kann man Glück lernen?Angela Schorr: Glück ist auch erlernt. Man kann bestimmte Glücksstrategien und ein bestimmtes Management betreiben. Das Wichtigste ist eine Analyse der eigenen Situation. Wie ist meine Lebenssituation? Wo bin ich überall unzufrieden? Wo kann ich etwas dagegen tun? Man muss die Bereiche finden, wo man etwas verändern kann. Und dann muss man sich darauf konzentrieren und sozusagen versuchen, die vielen normalen Glücksmomente des Alltags zu sehen.ZDF: Und kann man sich an das Glück so gewöhnen, dass es zu einer Selbstverständlichkeit wird?Angela Schorr: Die Spitzen-Erfahrungen, die wir haben, können wir psychisch nicht verteidigen, sondern sie müssen sich ein wenig abbauen, d.h. eine dauerhafte Spitzen-Erfahrung ist nicht möglich. Aber es ist völlig übertrieben zu glauben, dass ein Mensch, der sehr glücklich ist, dann in einer großen Änderung sozusagen unglücklich wird. Das stimmt alles nicht. In Wirklichkeit dauert es sehr lange, von einem hohen Glückslevel auf ein mittleres und nicht auf ein niedriges Niveau herunterzukommen.Im Grunde genommen bleibt einem das Glück durchaus treu.II. Hörverstehen (20 P)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516 17 18 1920a x x x xb x x x x x x x x xc x x x x x x xIII. Leseverstehen (20 P)21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930313233343536 37 38 3940a x x x x x xb x x x x x x x xc x x x x x xIV. Grammatik und WortschatzA undB (Text A)41 42 43 44 45 46 47 484950515253545556 57 58 5960a x x x x x x xb x x x x x xc x x x x x x xB (Text B)61. geht/ist 62. werden 63. unter 64. vergeht 65. vor66. statt/anstatt67. die 68. sondern 69. mit 70. Gelernte/besserC71. an 72. den 73. leisten/kaufen 74. kann/muss/werde 75. hätten 76. als 77. stört/ärgert 78. denen 79. weder 80. geht 81. ineinander 82. es / Wasser 83. was 84. Verletzte 85. an86. leidet/steht/ lebt 87. riecht /stinkt88. damit / so dass 89. verständigen/orientieren90. obD.91. → Mit den Möglichkeiten, die durch das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden/wurden/worden sind, ...92. → Über... kommunizieren Menschen .... mit den ihnen auch offline am nächsten stehenden Freunden.93. → Obwohl sie ihre Freizeit verlieren, sind die jungen Aufsteiger bereit, sich für ihren Job einzusetzen.94. → Wenn man so nach Erfolg strebt, bleibt immer weniger Platz für Familie und Freunde.95. →Wenn die meisten Teilnehmer in Facebook die entsprechenden Einstellungen nicht wählten (wählen würden), wären private Informationen nicht nur Freunden zugänglich.E.96. →Gleich nach dem Unterricht rief mich meine Mutter an.97. →Sie möchte, dass ich fleißig lerne und wünschte mir viel Glück zum Neujahr/im neuen Jahr.98. →Es war schon tief in der Nacht, als mein Onkel endlich zu Hause war.99. →Wir waren viel in der Stadt herumgelaufen, deshalb fühlten wir uns am Abend todmüde.100. →Als ich klein war, sah ich gern fern, aber ich durfte den Fernseher nicht ohne Erlaubnis anschalten.。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2014)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 135 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which willbe done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the secondand third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each questionon Answer Sheet Two.SECTION ACONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions thatfollow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.1. What are they mainly talkingabout in the conversation?A. Transport.B. Customers.C. Relocation.D. Restaurants.2. Which of the following is mentioned by Timas a good reason for moving?A. More office space.B. Convenient parking.C. Feweroffice workers. D. A near-by train station.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of theconversation, you will be given 20 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.4. Miss Parkinson became interested in her own business .A. before she worked for the media companyB. when she was on holiday fiveyears agoC. after she went to therapists and classesD. after her friend recommended itto her5. Why did she ask her teachers to teach her at home?A. She was busier than before.B. It was more convenient.C. She liked to exercise at home.D. She was given a promotion.6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation?A. She recommended people to take classes.B. She was willing to paymore for classes at home. C. She left her job immediately after herpromotion. D. She regarded the business as apastime at first.7. Why did she finally leave her job?A. She got bored with her job.B. She saw an opportunity.C. She needed themoney. D. She was forced to leave.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the single-lens reflex?A. Different lenses can be used.B. Focusing is easier.C. You can see what you are taking.D. It is cheaper and lighter.9. According to the shop assistant, the main difference between the two types of cameras lies in .A. lensB. priceC. weightD. size10. It can be inferred from the conversation that the customer is more likely to buy in the end.A. a single-lens cameraB. nothingC. a rangefindercamera D. several lenses insteadSECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.11. Which of the following details about the front of the house is CORRECT?A. The front is pink.B. The curtain is drawn.C. Nowindow can be seen. D. There are two doors.12. What is to the immediate left side of the house?A. A washing line.B. Another house.C. A flat area.D. A chimney.13. Where is the small town in the picture?A. Between two hills.B. Further to theleft of the house. C. At the back of the house. D. At the side ofa hill.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.14. When did Ben first become interested in Mongolia?A. When he grew up.B. When he learned Mongolian.C. When he returned home.D. When he was nine years old.15. Where did he spend most of his teenage years?A. In Mongolia.B. In the Arab world.C. In his hometown.D. In some other regions.16. We learn from the passage that Ben while doing his mast er’s degree.A. became interested in classical MongolianB. learned classical and modernMongolianC. gave up modern MongolianD. mastered modern Mongolian17. Which of the following details is NOT true according to the passage?A. Ben wants to visit Mongolia when the weather is warm.B. Benconsiders the travel expense reasonable. C. The trip today is expensiveconsidering inflation. D. Ben was unable to travel toMongolia in 1971.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.18. Which is the height of towers at Sky Greens vertical farm?A. 9 meters.B. 20 meters.C. 100 meters.D. 40 meters.19. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The farm sells its vegetables to a local supermarket.B. The farm usesless water and energy to grow vegetables. C. The farm causes less pollution inits production. D. The farm sells at the same price as imported produce20. According to the passage, one particular advantage of the Sky Green is .A. local climateB. local supportC. plan for expansionD. closeness tothe citySECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now. listen to the news.21. According to the passage, Turkish police were unsure about .A. when the woman was killedB. the main cause of the deathC. the wom an’s identityD. why she failed to return home22. How many people had been detained by Turkish police?A. 9.B. 19. . D. 33.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.23. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces haveentered the town.C. French are going to land at the airport.D. Islamist militants areattacking the airport.24. Why did the French launch the military operation?A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the town.C. To protect the capital Bamako.D. To fight against Islamist militants.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.25. Which of the following is TRUE about the immigration reform?A. It was proposed by a group of senators.B. Mr Obama had carried out thereform.C. Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.D. The reform failedto improve the current system.26. According to Obama’s 2011 blueprint, how long would it take for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship?A. Eight years.B. Five years.C. Thirteen years.D. Eleven years.Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.27. What is Lorraine Melvill’s business?A. Running a plastic surgery clinic.B. Arranging for surgery and safaris.C. Providing consultancy to local people.D. Organizing trips to UK andAmerican.28. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the news item?A. Local African clients helped keep her business going.B. Her clients wereunable to pay her the money.C. Her business was affected by the global financial crisis.D. She still hadas many European clients as before.Questions 29 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.29. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Foreign investment in unstable regions.B. BP’s presence in North Africa.C. Security concerns in risky countries.D. Protection for foreign oil workers.Questions 30 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.30. What is the main message of the news item?A. London attracts shoppers from all over the world.B. Most people in Nigerialive in poverty.C. Wealthier Nigerians become a big spender.D. People from the Middle East arethe most wealthy.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage ifinserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on ANSWER SHEET TWO.The Victorians had become addicted to speed and they wanted to go ever faster.Time was money and efficiency became(31) important. Although divisions of labour had been (32) by Adam Smith and illustrated by a pin factory in The Wealth of Nations in 1776, (33) could now become fully realised. This specialization of labour was in (34) contrast to the rural means of production, in (35) the family was the means of production, consumption and socialization. (36) greater speed came a greater need for industries and businesses to make more and make it quicker. Steam made this (37) and changed working life forever (38) were the days when work was (39) by natural forces: steam engines were servant (40) neither season nor sunshine. Factories had foremen and life became correspondingly more (41) . The clocking-on machine was (42) in 1885 and time and motion studies to increase efficiency would be introduced only (43) twenty years later. (44) it was not all bad news. Agricultural incomes depended on variable harvests and weather. Factories provided (45) and predictable income, but long hours.Working life was becoming increasingly regulated, and the working (46) was reorganised to promote ever-greater efficiency. The old (47) St. Monday -when no work was done - was (48) , work stopped around middayon Saturdayand did not resume (49) Monday morning. A new division between “work”and “leisure” emerged, and this new block ofweekend leisure time coincided with the development of spectator sports like cricket and football, and the (50) _ of music hall entertainment for the new working classes.PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked A, B, Cand D. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO._ all the facts first.51. It isessential thatheA. is examiningB. will examineC. examinesD. examine52. Which of the following sentences expresses a future action?A. Lucy is continually finding fault with her sister.B. We aremeeting the visitors after the performance. C. The coach is now crossingthe Garden Bridge. D. I’m hoping that you’ll giveus some advice.53. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object complement?A. The front door remained locked.B. The boy looked disappointed.C. Nancy appeared worried.D. He seemed to have no money left.54. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. Physics is an important school subject.B. The Niagara Fallsis in North America. C. The United States borders Canada. D. Mumpsis a kind of infectious disease.55. Which of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILITY?A. The moon cannot always be at the full.B. You cannot smokeinside the building. C. He cannot come today. D. She cannot playthe piano.56. The boys in the family are old enough for .A. schoolsB. schoolC. the schoolD. the schools57. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship?60. Which of the following reflexive pronouns(反身代词)is used as an object?A. I spoke to the president himself.B. Frank is not quitehimself today. C. Linda herself will play the violin. D.You must pull yourself together.61. The research team can handle needs to be handled.A. wheneverB. whicheverC. whereverD. whatever62. Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?A. I rather like my teacher.B. That was a veryfunny film. C. Do it right now. D. We walked about 6 miles.63. When the sentence “They had made a mess of the house”is turned into passive voice, which of the following isCORRECT?A. A mess had been made in the house.B. A mess had been madeby them. C. The house had been made a mess of. D. The house hadbeen made a mess.64. Fool Michael is, he could not have done such a thing.A. asB. whoC. thatD. like65. When the sentence “Shall I drive you to the airport first?” is turnedinto indirect speech, which of the following is most appropriate?A. He agreed to drive me to the airport first.B. He offered to drive me to theairport first.C. He advised me to go to the airport first.D. He suggested that I drive tothe airport first.66. The interviewers were impressed by the high calibre of the applicants for the job. The underlined part means _.A. criterionB. qualityC. qualificationD. level67. Her career has a number of activities — composing, playing and acting.A. heldB. producedC. embracedD. combined68. The operation could her life by two or three years.A. prolongB. increaseC. expandD. continue69. All her cousins and their children have fair hair. The underlined part means .A. fineB. darkC. thickD. light70. John always feels sluggish first thing in the morning. The underlined part means .A. sickB. inactiveC. dizzyD. drowsy71. The family of the victim had to endure a long wait before the case cane to trial. The underlined part means .A. tolerateB. keepC. faceD. hold72. The chief of surgery became committee chairman by virtue of .A. seniorityB. serviceC. ageD. rank73. He turned his back on them when they most needed him. The underlined part means .A. criticizedB. ignoredC. betrayedD. deceived74. Our school did not for Christmas until mid-December.A. break outB. break downC. break upD. break inin the wind.75. The flags inthe stadiumA. flappedB. movedC. shookD. stirred76. His mother retired early on account of poor health. The underlined part means.A. despiteB. withC. according toD. because ofover the result of the elections.77. The wholecountry was inA. suspensionB. suspenseC. suspendingD. suspender78. There is no conceivable reason why there should be any difficulty during theproject. The underlined part can be replaced by all the following EXCEPT .A. thinkableB. imaginableC. possibleD. observable79. The employers prepared, with all duefor a conference with the Trade Unions.A. cautionB. concernC. certaintyD. consideration80. Our experiment was conducted under optimal conditions. Theunderlined part means .A. perfectB. properC. possibleD. proposedPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinishedstatements, each with four suggested answersmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Markyour answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AAfter breakfast the boys wandered out into the play-ground. Here the day-boyswere gradually assembling. They were sonsof the local clergy, of the officers at the Depot, and of such manufacturers or men of business as the old town possessed. Presently a bell rang, and they all trooped into school. This consisted of a large, long room at opposite ends ofwhich two under masters conducted the second and third forms, and of a smaller one, leading out of it, used by Mr. Watson, who taught the first form. To attach the preparatory to the senior school these three classes were known officially, on speech days and in reports, as upper, middle, and lower second. Philip was put in the last. The master, a red-faced man with a pleasant voice, was called Rice;he had a jolly manner with boys, and the time passed quickly. Philip was surprised when it was quarter to eleven and they were let out for ten minutes' rest.The whole school rushed noisily into the play-ground. The new boys were toldto go into the middle, while the others stationed themselves along opposite walls. They began to play Pig in the Middle. The old boys ran from wall to wall while thenew boys tried to catch them: when one was seized and the mystic words said - one, two, three, and a pig for me - he became aprisoner and, turning sides, helped to catch those who were still free. Philip saw a boy running past and tried to catch him, but his limp gave him no chance; and the runners, taking their opportunity, made straight for the ground he covered. Then one of them had the brilliant idea of imitating Philip’s clumsy run. Other boys saw it and began to laugh; then they all copied the first; and they ran round Philip, limping grotesquely, screaming with shrill laughter. They lost their heads with the delight of their new amusement, and choked with helpless merriment. One of them tripped Philip up and he fell, heavily as he always fell, and cut his knee. They laughed all the louder when he got up. A boy pushed him from behind, and he would have fallen again if another had not caught him. The game was forgotten in the entertainment of Philip’s deformity. Philip was completely scared. He could not make out why they were laughing at him. His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe, and he was more frightened than he had ever been in his life. He stood still stupidly while the boys ran round him, mimicking and laughing; they shouted to him to try and catch them; but he did not move. He did not want them to see him run any more. He was using all his strength to preventhimself from crying.A. He was ashamed of himself.B. He was verynervous. C. He was really horrified. D. He felt himself stupid.TEXT BFor parents who send their kids off to college saying, “These will be the best years of your life,”it would be veryappropriate to add, “If you can handle the stress of college life.”Freshmen are showing up already stressed out, according to the latest research study that reported students’ emotional health levels at their lowest since the survey started in 1985. While in school, more students are working part-time andnear-full-time jobs. At graduation, only 29 percent of seniors have jobs lined up.Pressure to excel often creates stress, and many students are not learning how to effectively handle this stress. Let me show five facts that I believe every college student should know about stress.First, stress can make smart people do stupid things. Stress causes what brain researchers call “c ortical inhibition.” Insimple terms, stress inhibits a part of the brain responsible for decision-making and reaction time and can adversely affect other mental abilities as well.Second, the human body doesn’t discriminate between a big stressful event anda little one. Any stressful experience willcreate about 1,400 biochemical events in your body. If any amount of stress isleft unchecked, many things can occur within the body, including premature aging, impaired cognitive function and energy drain.Third, stress can become your new pattern. When you regularly experience negative feelings and high amounts of stress, your brain recognizes this as your normal state. This then becomes the new norm, or baseline for your emotional state.Fourth, stress can be controlled. Countless studies demonstrate that people can restructure their emotional state usingemotion-refocusing techniques. These techniques help you recognize how you are feeling and shift to a more positive emotional, mental and physical state.One technique involves slowing your thoughts and focusing on your heartbeat, breathing slowly and deeply, and focusing on the positive feeling that you receive.Finally, stress can be lessened by loving what you study. Barbara Frederickson,a leading international authority on theimportance of positive emotions, says humans are genetically programmed to seek positive emotions such as love and joy. It's suggested to choose a major or career path you love and enjoy. Otherwise, you could end up fighting against your own biology.86. The author cites the latest research study in order to show that .A. students are studying harder in collegeB. most students have part-timejob nowC. stress continues to the time of graduationD. students only feel stressedwhile in school87. According to the passage, stress might cause all the following negative effects EXCEPT .A. socialB. mentalC. emotionalD. physical88. In the author’s opinion, stress can be controlled by .A. doing what you preferB. identifying your present emotionalstate firstC. finding a more positive feeling firstD. focusing on your emotional state89. According to the context, what does “your ownbiology” mean in the last paragraph?A. Your current major.B. Your future job.C. Your futureresearch. D. Your preference.90. Which of the following is the bestas the title of the passage?A. Causes of Stress.B. Type of Stress. CollegeC. Life andStress. D. Stress and Control Methods.TEXT CFor anyone who doubts that the texting revolution is upon us, consider this: The average 13- to 17-year-old sends andreceives 3,339 texts a month—more than 100 per day, according to the Nielsen Co., the media research firm. Adults are catching up. People from ages 45 to 54 sent and received 323 texts a month in the second quarter of 2010, up 75% from a year ago, Nielsen says.Behind the texting explosion is a fundamental shift in how we view our mobile devices. That they are phones is increasingly beside the point.Part of what's driving the texting surge among adults is the popularity of social media. Sites like Twitter, with postings of no more than 140 characters, are creating and reinforcing the habit of communicating in micro-bursts.Economics has much to do with texting’s popularity. Text messages costcarriers less than traditional mobile voice transmissions, and so they cost users less. Sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand to cater to heavy texters in adifficult economy. For $25 per month, users get unlimited texting, email, social networking and 300 talk minutes; for another$15, they get an additional 900 talk minutes. The name of thebrand's new wireless plan: “Beyond Tal k.”Texting’s rise over conversation is changing the way we interact, social scientists and researchers say. We are now inclined to text to relay difficult information. We stare at our phone when we want to avoid eye contact. Rather than make plans in advance, we engage in what research have named “micro-coordination”—”I’ll txt u in 10mins when I know wh/ restrnt.”Texting saves us time, but it steals from quiet reflection. “When people havea mobile device and have even a little extratime, they will communicate with someone in their life,”says Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet and American LifeProject.And the phone conversation will never be completely obsolete. Deal makers and other professionals still spend much of the day on the phone. Researchers say people are more likely to use text-based communications at the preliminary stages of projects. The phone comes into play when there are multiple options to consider or important decisions to be made.91. At the beginning of the passage, the author uses figures for the purpose of .A. introductionB. comparisonC. explanationD. transition92. According to the context, which of the following isclosest in meaning to “beside the point”?A. Unimportant.B. Unacknowledged.C. Underestimated.D. Undeniable.93. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as acause for texting’s popularity?A. Promotion of cheaper wireless packages.B. Increase in thenumber of adult texters. C. Redesign of mobile devices. D. Riseof social media.94. According to the passage, texting canhelp people to .A. face difficult situationsB. make appointments in advanceC. communicate wish strangersD. avoid awkward situations95. What is the passagemainly about?A. Texting’s popularity and effect.B. Role of texting in business.C. Preference to texting over thinking.D. Innovation of mobile devices.TEXT DThe healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life, to do the things that matter. He would rather be a plumber’s mate and do a real job that requires doing than learn about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding whatpractical use they are going to be. A girl would rather look after the baby than learn about child care. Logically we should learn about things before doing them and that is presumably why the pundits enforce this in our educational system. But it is not thenatural way-nor, I venture to think, the best way. The adolescent wants to do things first for only then does he appreciate the problems involved and want to learn more about them.They do these things better in primitive life, for there at puberty the boy joins his father in making canoes, patching huts,going out fishing or hunting. He is serving his apprenticeship in the actual accomplishments of life. It is not surprising that anthropologists(人类学家) find that the adolescents of primitive communities do not suffer from the sameneurotic(神经质的)“difficulties”as those of civilized life. This is not, as some assume, because they are permitted more sexual freedom, but because they are given more natural outlets for their native interests and powers and are allowed to grow up freely into a full life of responsibility in the community.In the 19th century this was recognized in the apprenticeship system, which allowed the boy to go out with the master carpenter, or ploughman, to engage in the actual work of carpentry or roof-mending, and so to learn his trade. In someagricultural colleges at the present time young men have to do a year’s work on a farm before their theoretical training at college. The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how tosolve them, and he can therefore take a more intelligentinterest in his theoretical work.Since more knowledge of more things is now required in order to cope with the adult world, the period of growing-up to independence takes much longer than it did in a more primitive community, and the responsibility for such education, which formerly was in the hands of the parents, is now necessarily undertaken by experts at school. But that should not make us lose sight of the basic principle, namely the need and the desire of the adolescent to engage responsibly in the real pursuits of life and then to learn how — to learn through responsibility, not to learn before responsibility.。



2016 TEM8PART V WRITINGThe following two excerpts are about Ice Bucket Challenge, an activity initiated to raise money and awareness for the disease ALS (渐冻症). From the excerpts, you can find that the activity seems to have achieved much success, but there have also been doubt and criticism.Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:1.summarize the development of ice bucket challenge activity, and then2.express your opinion towards the activity, especially whether the problem foundwith this kind of activity will finally undermine its original purpose.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.Excerpt 2范文Do It, but with Love and SincerityThe year 2014 witnessed the birth and boom of an activity online and offline both at home and abroad: the ice bucket challenge. Originally designed to attract public attention to the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the practice has aroused a heated debate during its development. There exist opposing views on this matter. Proponents, represented by the ALS Association, claim that it is beneficial and praiseworthy, for it substantially increased donations for sufferers of the disease. Opponents, however, argue that it wastes water, does harm to one’s body and risks becoming a form of entertainment or commercial advertisement.Personally, I deem that both sides have an element of truth in their arguments and the issue should not be addressed in a simple and crude way.On the one hand, no one can deny the fact that the practice has benefited patients of ALS. Many people have not only donated money but also begun to learn about the disease and pay more attention to it.On the other hand, however, the activity does seem to have deviated from its original purpose. As we have heeded, quite a number of the attendants got involved toattract eyeballs to themselves, rather than the disease. Most remain ignorant about the disease though bombarded by pictures of celebrities soaked in iced water that went viral online.In the final analysis, I should say that the activity is a two-edged sword. But we should not give up eating for fear of being choked. The best policy, as I see it, is to take measures to avoid the harm done by it. For instance, a campaign should be launched at the same time to provide people with more knowledge about the disease, and encourage them to help those in need with love and integrity. Besides, the activity can well take a different form in drought-stricken regions.2015 TEM 8PART VI WRITINGThere has been a new trend in economic activity—the sharing economy. The bigges t section of the sharing economy is travel. You can find a potential host through a web site. If you both get along and they are available during your planned trip, you stand a chance of getting a place to stay for free. In addition, people also use websites and app s to rent out their cars, houses, tools, clothes and services to one another. Time magazi ne has included this trend in a list titled ―10 ideas that will change the worl d‖. It said:―In an era when families are scattered and we may not know thw people down the str eets, sharing things—even with strangers We've just met on line—allows us to make meaningful connections.‖ What do you think of Time's comment?My Views on the Sharing EconomyIn the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in th e second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last p art you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summar y.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Fail ure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your essay on Answer Sheet Four.参考范文My Views on the Sharing EconomyThe sharing economy refers to the economic pattern in which people share access to resources, such as goods, services and data. This newly emerging trend would be impossible without the development of technology. It is the Internet that makes the sharing cheaper and easier and helps to strike a balance between supply and demand. Time magazine has listed the sharing economy as one of the ―10 ideas that will change the world‖. As far as the comment is concerned, I cannot agree with Time more.As one of the greatest benefits of the digital age, the sharing economy arises from our oldest instinct as human beings. There is always an urge for us to connect with others, especially in an era when families are scattered and we do not really know the people who li ve nearby. It has been said that ―Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.‖ However, in my eyes, the resources shared with others are more beneficial to our society.On the one hand, sharing economy leads to a more efficient use of resources. Some items are expensive to buy but widely owned by people who do not make the best use of them. Occasional sharing may provide extra income for the owners and can be less costly for the borrowers. If managed well, a win-win situation is achieved for both parties in the process. Besides, sharing economy contributes to environmental protection. Take accommodation for example. The more hotels are built, the more resources are required, which might in turn result in a decrease in arable land and public green space. On the other hand, the transaction cost is reduced due to the use of Internet and various apps. With a smart phone in your hand, it is not difficult to find a potential host in the neighboring area. People are meeting increasingly on screens, discussing online and purchasing goods domestic and overseas, paying through Internet payment system.To summarize, although the sharing economy is not perfect at present because of concerns in insurance, legal liability, safety and the like, I believe, quite firmly, that it represents the future trend and has the power to change the world for the convenience and flexibility it brings to us. Just as the old Chinese saying goes, the defects cannot obscure the virtues of a splendid jade, and I assume it also applies to the sharing economy.2014 TEM 8PART VI WRITING (45 MIN)Nowadays some companies have work-from-home or remote working policies, which means that their employees do not have to commute to work every day. Some people think that this can save a lot of time travelling to and from work, thus raising employees’ productivity. However, others argue that in the workplace, people can communicate face to face, which vastly increases the efficiency of coordination and cooperation. What is your opinion?Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:My Views on Working from HomeRecently, the emergence of working from home has gained more and more attention of society, as some companies carried out work-from-home policies.Opinions vary from person to person. Some believe that this work pattern can bring considerable benefits. For employees, it is able to save their commuting time and keep them focusing on the work without interruption, and therefore, enhance their productivity. And it's also much more economical for companies to save all the equipment and facilities.On the contrary, some people see the potential problems of this work pattern, which, in my opinion, are quite reasonable. To begin with, with more free time, it may be difficult for some employees to regulate their behavior and work hard, especially for those who lack self-consciousness, and as a result, encourage them in idleness.In addition, working alone is likely to depress one's creativity and efficiency, and also bad for self development and skills upgrading. Furthermore, it can be difficult for companies to manage home workers and monitor their performance.Last but not least, people who work this way almost have no chance to have interaction and cooperation with others, and even unable to communicate face to face, which tends to create a sense of isolation, and makes it harder to develop team spirit. As far as I'm concerned, team spirit is not only necessary for work, but also vital for personality development.From what has been discussed above, we can naturally arrive at the conclusion that working from home has both advantages and disadvantages. It's sensible for companies to weigh the pros and cons, and make correct strategy which benefits them most.My Views on Working from HomeBecause of the demand of jobs, many people choose to work from home and some companies now have work-from-home policies. Some people think that it is a good way to raise employees’ productivity, but others don’t think so. In my opinion, working from home is a better choice for employees.Firstly, it’s difficult for us to find a workplace near our home and we are satisfied with the workplace or the job. So there are many factors forcing us to work from home.However, it saves our valuable time and limited energy avoiding to be exhausted.Secondly, we have more time to strengthen the communication and cooperation with our workmates. After work, we can have a discussion about the work problems or the life issues. It can improve our relationship and make us intimate, which can create an excellent work atmosphere.Thirdly, we have more time to promote our productivity and creativity. In order to improve the work efficiency, we need time to reflect ourselves and search for various materials or information, also participate in training. So time is an important element for employees.As fa r as I’m concerned, the advantages of working from home far outweigh its disadvantages. And from what I mentioned before, working from home is a decent choice for employees.2013 TEM8PART VI WRITING (45 MIN)Is our society hostile to good people? According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily,76.1 percent of the respondents say that our current society provides a ―bad environment‖ for good people doing good things. On the other hand, the more optimistic would argue that each individual should try his or her best to do good things and be nice to others, instead of waiting for the ―social environment‖ to improve. So, what do you think? Is a sound social environment necessary for people to have high moral standards and be good to others?Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:Is a sound social environment necessary for people to be good to others?In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks.Is a sound social environment necessary for people to be good to others?A proverb says that "Present a rose to others, and its fragrance remains in your hands." Despite the fact that helping others has always been a traditional virtue in China, people are now becoming reluctant to help those in need for the fear of being prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death. Some blame the "bad social environment" for it while others believe the social environment should be not stressed in view of helping others. So far as I am concerned, I do hold that a sound social environment is quite necessary for people to be good to others. But in the meanwhile, we individuals should take initiatives to create a harmonious society, rather than wait for it to improve passively.On the one hand, a sound social environment is necessary in that it gives people a sense of security when they lend a helping hand. The passion for helping others never betrays us. It is a lack of legal and moral justice that prevents people from doing good things. Various reports are permeating the mass media about how good-willed citizens end up with trouble in doing good deeds, like the famous Peng Yu Case. To uphold social justice under similar situations, a sound social environment with Good Samaritan laws is badly needed to protect those warm-hearted helpers, which can free them from worries and risks when they deliver help. In addition, the social indifference is also partly due to the long-existed hoe-one's-own-potatoes doctrine. Helpers are often left isolated and unsupported. A sound social environment that praises human kindness and trust can reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, surely making helpers better protected.On the other hand, it is futile to wait for the social environment to improve by itself.Just imagine how a house can be built if everybody waits idly for others to make a start. Since the society is composed of individuals, it is each individual's behavior that cultivates, protects and strengthens the social morality. The social environment would not be changed overnight without individual efforts. We had but one choice that we ourselves spare no effort in moral cultivation, protection and strengthening in order to create a harmonious social context. Only by our joint efforts to accumulate good conducts step by step can we really improve the social environment.In conclusion, a sound social environment is necessary to encourage and protect intentions to do good deeds. With the climate of morality and credibility deteriorating in some way today, it is high time that we should actively devote ourselves to the improvement of social morality and build a harmonious society.2012 TEM8PART VI WRITING (45 MIN)《英语专业8级写作范文100篇》1 表达看法型作文模板一:2 现象阐释型作文模板四:3 支持与反对型作文模板五:模板六:英语专业TEM8历年作文题目:⏹2015 My Views on the Sharing Economy⏹2016 Do it, but with Love and Sincerity。

2014 Advanced imaging for detection and differentiation of colorectal neoplasia-ESGE Guideline

2014 Advanced imaging for detection and differentiation of colorectal neoplasia-ESGE Guideline

BibliographyDOI /10.1055/s-0034-1365348Published online:17.3.2014Endoscopy 2014;46:435–449©Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ·New York ISSN 0013-726XCorresponding authorMicha łF.Kami ński,MD PhD Department ofGastroenterological Oncology Institute of Oncology Roentgen Street 5Warsaw PolandFax:+48225463057mfkaminski@coi.waw.plD o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i gAbbreviations!CAC cap-assisted colonoscopy CRC colorectal cancerEMR endoscopic mucosal resectionESGE European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy FAP familial adenomatous polyposisFICE Fujinon intelligent color enhancement,flexible spec -tral imaging enhancementFAP familial adenomatous polyposisGRADE grading of recommendations assessment,develop-ment and evaluationHD-WLE high definition white-light endoscopy i-SCAN Pentax virtual chromoendoscopy system MAP MUTYH -associated polyposis NBI narrow band imagingPICO population,intervention,comparator,outcome PIVI preservation and incorporation of valuable endo-scopic innovationsRCT randomized controlled trialSD-WLE standard definition white-light endoscopy TER third eye retroscope WLEwhite-light endoscopyIntroduction!Colonoscopy is widely used for colorectal cancer (CRC)detection and prevention [1,2].Its efficacy depends on the ability to detect colorectal neoplasia [3,4].In order to maximize the detection of colorectal neoplasia we may not only need to improve the exam-ination technique and quality of bowel preparation but also to engage advanced imaging technologies such as high definition endoscopy,conventional or virtual chromoendoscopy,autofluor-escence imaging (AFI)or add-on devices [5].Some of these tech-nologies may in addition help to characterize detected lesions and thereby guide decisions about endoscopic resection or en-able real-time endoscopic diagnosis.Despite being readily avail-able,most technologies have been little adopted into clinical practice outside academic settings [6],mostly because they are perceived as cumbersome,time-consuming and requiring special training.In our view,however,an important barrier to wide-spread adoption is the lack of a clear guideline on which technol-ogy is worth using in which clinical scenario.This Guideline aims to provide endoscopists with a comprehen-sive review of advanced imaging techniques available for the de-tection and differentiation of colorectal neoplasia.We also make recommendations about the circumstances under which those techniques warrant introduction into routine clinical practice.Methods!The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE)com-missioned this Guideline.The guideline development process in-cluded meetings and online discussions among members of the guideline committee during December 2012and February 2013.Subgroups were formed,each in charge of a series of clearly de-fined key questions (●Appendix e1,available online).The guide-line committee chairs (C.H.,J.M.D.)worked with the subgroup leaders (J.P.,M.P.,R.B.,J.E.,M.F.K.)to identify pertinent search terms that included:high definition endoscopy,chromoendos-copy,virtual chromoendoscopy (always including additional sep-arate searches for NBI,FICE,and i-SCAN),autofluorescence endoscopy,and add-on devices (cap-assisted colonoscopy,Third Eye Retroscope [TER]),as well as terms pertinent to specific key questions.Techniques still under development,such as confocal laser endomicroscopy,endocytoscopy,and optical coherence to-mography,were not included in this Guideline.Technical aspects of advanced imaging technologies will be described in a separatetechnology review;they are summarized in ●Table 1.For ease of literature searching,key questions were formulated using PICO methodology [7].Searches were performed on Medline (via Pubmed)and the Co-chrane Central Register of Controlled Trials up to October 2012;additionally abstracts from the 2012United European Gastroen-terology Week and the 2012Digestive Disease Week were sear-ched.Articles were first selected by title;their relevance was then assessed by reviewing full-text articles,and publications with content that was considered irrelevant were excluded.Evi-dence tables were generated for each key question,summarizing the level of evidence of the available studies.For important out-comes,articles were individually assessed by using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation (GRADE)system for grading evidence levels and recommenda-tion strengths [8].The GRADE system is clinically orientated as the grading of recommendations depends on the balancebe-Table 1Summary of characteristics of advanced imaging techniques.D o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i g h t e d m a t e r i a l.tween benefits and risks or burden of any health intervention (●Appendix e2a,b ,available online).In order to answer the question on accuracy of virtual chromoendoscopy systems and AFI in differentiating between small neoplastic and non-neoplas-tic colorectal polyps,one of the subgroups performed a bivariate meta-analysis using a linear mixed model approach [9].Each subgroup developed draft proposals that were presented to the entire group for general discussion during a meeting held in February 2013(Düsseldorf,Germany).Based on evidence tables and draft proposals,key topics for further research were formu-lated.Further details on the methodology of ESGE guidelines have been reported elsewhere [10].In October 2013,a draft prepared by M.F.K.and C.H.was sent to all group members.After agreement on a final version,the manu-script was submitted to the journal Endoscopy for publication.The journal subjected the manuscript to peer review,and the manuscript was amended to take into account the reviewers ’comments.The final revised manuscript was agreed upon by all the authors.This Guideline was issued in 2014and will be considered for up-date in 2017.Any interim updates will be noted on the ESGE web-site:/esge-guidelines.html.Recommendations and statements!Evidence statements and recommendations are stated in italics,key evidence statements and recommendations are in bold.For ease of clinical use,recommendations and statements were grouped into five categories defined by target population and/or the role of advanced imaging for detection and/or differentiation of colorectal neoplasia.Statements on the use of virtual chromo-endoscopy mention in parentheses the type of technology (NBI,FICE or i-SCAN),which was proven to be effective.The summaryof the recommendations is presented in ●Fig.1.Detection of colorectal neoplasia in average riskpopulations!The term “average risk population ”is most widely used in the setting of CRC screening [11,12].For the purpose of this Guide-line,this term applies to all patients outside the setting of colitis or hereditary syndromes.As a large number of colonoscopies are performed in average risk populations [13],even minor increases in neoplasia detection rates achieved in this population maytranslate into a large effect on absolute numbers of CRC preven-ted.On the other hand,an advanced imaging technology should be very practical and cost-effective in order not to overload al-ready stressed health care systems if it is to be recommended for average risk populations.ESGE suggests the routine use of high definition white-light endos-copy systems for detecting colorectal neoplasia in average risk popu-lations (weak recommendation,moderate quality evidence).A meta-analysis of five studies that included 4422average risk patients showed a 3.5%(95%confidence interval [95%CI]0.9%–6.1%)incremental yield from high definition white-light endos-copy (HD-WLE)over standard definition white-light endoscopy (SD-WLE)for the detection of patients with at least one adenoma [14].There were no differences between HD-WLE and SD-WLE for high risk adenomas.We postulate that the difference in the fields of view of the endoscopes that were used is unlikely to ac-count for the increased yield observed with HD-WLE because three randomized controlled trials (RCTs),from two centers,found no significant difference in polyp detection rates between SD-WLE with 140°and 170°fields of view [15–17].In a two-cen-ter RCT published after the meta-analysis [18],the proportion of participants in whom adenomas were detected was higher with HD-WLE compared with SD-WLE (45.7%vs.38.6%;P =0.166)and the difference was significant in the proportions of patients with flat adenomas (9.5%vs.2.4%;P =0.003)and with right-sided ade-nomas (34.0%vs.19.0%;P =0.001).The cost –effectiveness of adopting HD-WLE in routine practice was not studied.High defi-nition colonoscopes are available from all major manufacturers.ESGE does not suggest routine use of conventional pancolonic chro-moendoscopy in average risk populations,despite its proven bene-fit,for practical reasons (weak recommendation,high quality evi-dence).A recent Cochrane systematic review [19]analyzed five RCTs (to-tal 1059patients)that assessed the role of conventional chromo-endoscopy in detecting colorectal lesions outside the setting of polyposis or colitis.Pancolonic chromoendoscopy significantly increased the number of patients with at least one polyp detect-ed (odds ratio [OR]2.22,95%CI 1.55–3.16)and of those with at least one dysplastic lesion detected (OR 1.67,95%CI 1.29–2.15).A limitation of the systematic review was the significant hetero-geneity observed between the studies.Since the publication of this Cochrane systematic review,four RCTs have compared HD-WLE with conventional chromoendos-copy for detecting neoplastic lesions [20–23].Only one of themAdvanced Colonoscopic ImagingDetection Average-risk populationLynch/serrated polyposis syndromeUlcerative colitis Diminutive polypsHigh-definition white-light endoscopy Conventional or virtual chromoendoscopy Conventional chromoendoscopyConventional or virtual chromoendoscopyMargins: all large NPL Invasion: NPL 0-IIc/NG-LSTPiecemeal polypectomy scarCharacterizationFig.1Summary of the recommendations.NPL,nonpolypoid lesion;0-IIc,lesions with a depressed component;NG-LST,non-granular laterally spreadingD o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i g h t e d m a t e r i a l.[22]did not find that conventional chromoendoscopy detects sig-nificantly more adenomas than HD-WLE (32.7%vs.26.9%;P =0.47).However this study only evaluated the detection of adeno-mas located in the distal colon and in the rectum.The other three studies [20,21,23]showed that chromoendoscopy increased the overall detection of adenomas,including flat and small adeno-mas.None of the studies showed an increased detection rate for advanced neoplastic lesions but none of them was sufficiently powered for this aim.In expert hands,additional procedure duration associated with pancolonic chromoendoscopy was 4–10minutes in all studies that reported this item,i.e.,a 30%–40%increase in total proce-dure duration [20,23].Additional costs associated with dyes,re-moval,and histopathological evaluation of additional non-neo-plastic lesions and the increase in total procedure duration,cou-pled with the absence of evidence supporting an increased detec-tion rate of advanced neoplasia,call against the routine use of pancolonic chromoendoscopy in average risk populations.ESGE does not recommend routine use of virtual pancolonic chro-moendoscopy,AFI,or add-on devices for detecting colorectal neo-plasia in average risk populations (strong recommendation,high quality evidence).Virtual chromoendoscopyTwo recent meta-analyses of RCTs compared detection [24,25]and miss rates [25]of colonic lesions in average risk populations using white-light endoscopy (WLE)and NBI.In the meta-analysis [24],of 7RCTs,that included a total of 2936patients,there was no significant difference in adenoma detection rate between NBI and WLE (36%vs.34%,P =0.413;relative risk [RR]1.06,95%CI 0.97–1.16).The other meta-analysis [25],included 9RCTs [26–34](3studies published in abstracts only),and a total of 3059pa-tients.This meta-analysis also showed no difference between HD-NBI and HD-WLE for the detection of adenomas (OR 1.01,95%CI 0.74–1.37),of patients with adenomas (OR 1.0,95%CI 0.83–1.20),of flat adenomas (OR 1.26,95%CI 0.62–2.57),nor in the miss rate of adenomas (OR 0.65,95%CI 0.40–1.06).Two re-cent large,multicenter RCTs [18,35]further corroborated the re-sults of these meta-analyses.Data on the use of FICE or i-SCAN for detection of colonic neopla-sia during colonoscopy are scarce.Two RCTs [36,37]did not find any difference between HD-FICE and HD-WLE concerning adeno-ma detection [36]or adenoma miss rate [37]in screening or sur-veillance colonoscopies.The single RCT that compared HD-i-SCAN with HD-WLE for screening colonoscopy showed no signif-icant difference either in adenoma detection or in the adenoma miss rates [38].NBI and FICE are often criticized for darkening the endoscopy im-age and in turn hampering the wider view of the colon [24].Whether newer-generation,brighter systems make a difference in adenoma detection remains to be evaluated.Autofluorescence endoscopyFive RCTs evaluating AFI for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in average risk patients have produced conflicting results [39–43].Details of these studies are summarized in ●Appendix e3(available online).A tandem study of AFI vs.HD-WLE [41]showed significantly lower proximal adenoma miss rates with AFI.Another RCT,from Japan [42],that allocated patients to four groups:HD-WLE alone,HD-WLE +cap-assisted colonoscopy [CAC],AFI alone,AFI +CAC,found a significantly higher number of adenomas per patient in the AFI +CAC group compared withthe HD-WLE alone group.In contrast,all three tandem RCTs that were conducted in Europe have not demonstrated differences in colorectal adenoma miss rates between AFI and HD-WLE in aca-demic settings [40,43]or between AFI and SD-WLE in a nonaca-demic setting [39].Add-on devicesFour meta-analyses,published in 2011and 2012,have compared the efficacy of CAC with that of regular colonoscopy [44–47].Three of them [44–46]included between 7and 14RCTs for the analysis of detection of colorectal lesions;one considered avail-able data regarding polyp detection not adequate for meta-anal-ysis [47].All three meta-analyses demonstrated a significantly higher polyp detection rate (by 8%–13%)but no difference in the adenoma detection rate between CAC and regular colonosco-py.Therefore,the role of CAC for the detection of colorectal neo-plasia is limited.One multicenter,tandem colonoscopy RCT compared the detec-tion of adenomas using the “third eye ”retroscope (TER)with reg-ular colonoscopy in an average risk population [48].The per-pro-tocol analysis showed that more adenomas were missed with regular colonoscopy compared with the TER (RR 1.92;95%CI 1.07–3.44)but the difference was not statistically significant in the intention-to-treat analysis (RR 1.46,P =0.185).The total pro-cedure and withdrawal times were 4and 2minutes longer with TER,respectively,because of device manipulation and additional polypectomies.The utility of TER in routine practice is further limited by technical difficulties with the use of the device in 5%of patients [48],impaired ability to aspirate luminal contents,re-latively high cost [49],and limited availability.Detection of colorectal neoplasia in hereditary syndromes!Advanced imaging,compared with regular colonoscopy,can po-tentially help in hereditary syndromes in two principal ways.First,it can assist in making a diagnosis by revealing additional lesions required to meet diagnostic criteria for sessile serrated and adenomatous polyposis syndromes [50,51].Second,when a hereditary CRC syndrome is diagnosed and surveillance is under-taken,advanced imaging may lead to better lesion detection thereby reducing the risk of interval cancer [52]or allowing the safe extension of surveillance intervals.ESGE recommends the routine use of high definition pancolonic chro-moendoscopy in patients with known or suspected Lynch syndrome (conventional chromoendoscopy,NBI,i-SCAN)or serrated polyposis syndrome (conventional chromoendoscopy,NBI)(strong recommen-dation,low quality evidence).Patients and family members with Lynch syndrome or serrated polyposis syndrome are recommended frequent,usually annual to biennial colonoscopy surveillance [53,54]in order to minimize the risk of developing interval cancer [55,56].In both syndromes,precursor lesions are more likely to be nonpolypoid,located proximally,and difficult to recognize [54,57,58].Four small tan-dem colonoscopy studies [59–62],showed higher detection rates of adenomas [59–61]or polyps [62]with conventional chromo-endoscopy compared with SD-WLE or HD-WLE in patients with Lynch syndrome,at the cost of additional time (range 1.8to 17D o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i g h t e d m a t e r i a l.minutes per case)(the studies are summarized in ●Appendix e4,available online).The role of virtual chromoendoscopy in patients with Lynch syn-drome was assessed in two prospective cohort studies [61,63]and one RCT [64].In the first cohort study [63]an additional pass with NBI significantly increased the proportion of patients detected with adenomas (absolute difference 15%,95%CI 4%–25%)compared to a single pass with HD-WLE.In the other cohort study [61]the total numbers of adenomas and flat adenomas de-tected by a second pass with conventional chromoendoscopy were significantly higher than with a first pass using HD-NBI.In a tandem RCT [64]the miss rate of polyps was significantly lower with i-SCAN compared with HD-WLE (16%vs.52%,respectively;P <0.01).A tandem RCT compared specifically AFI (Xillix Technologies Cor-poration)with HD-WLE in patients with Lynch syndrome or fa-milial CRC [65].The sensitivity for the detection of adenomas was significantly higher with AFI compared with HD-WLE (92%vs.68%,P =0.01).The AFI system used in this study is not widely commercially available.Although there are no studies that have assessed conventional chromoendoscopy in sessile serrated poly-posis,a review that summarized serrated lesion detection in an average risk population suggested that conventional chromoen-doscopy doubled the detection rate of serrated lesions,overall and in the proximal colon (no differentiation between hyperplas-tic and sessile serrated polyps was made)[51].One tandem colo-noscopy RCT in patients with sessile serrated polyposis [66]showed significantly lower polyp miss rates with HD-NBI com-pared with HD-WLE (OR 0.21;95%CI 0.09–0.45).One pilot study showed suboptimal diagnostic accuracy of AFI in differentiation between sessile serrated polyps,hyperplastic polyps,and adeno-mas [67].ESGE does not make any recommendation for the use of advanced endoscopic imaging in patients with suspected or known familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)including attenuated and MUTYH-associated polyposis (insufficient evidence to make a recommenda-tion).Patients with classical FAP have hundreds of adenomas uniformly distributed in the colorectum while those with attenuated FAP and MUTYH -associated polyposis (MAP)have much fewer,more proximally distributed,adenomas.For surveillance,sigmoidosco-py is recommended in patients with classical FAP and colonosco-py in those with attenuated FAP or with MAP [68,69].In patients with classical FAP,conventional and virtual chromoendoscopy in-crease the detection rate of adenomas compared with HD-WLE [70];however the clinical usefulness of these techniques is lim-ited,because of the recommendation for proctocolectomy early in the course of the disease.In the context of attenuated FAP and of MAP,the usefulness of these techniques during surveillance is unknown.Following proctocolectomy for FAP,small adenomas are better detected in the ileal pouch with conventional chromoendoscopy [71,72]but the clinical significance of this finding is unclear.Detection and differentiation of colorectal neoplasia in long-standing inflammatory bowel disease!Patients with long-standing left-sided or extensive ulcerative co-litis or extensive Crohn ’s colitis are recommended to have inten-sive colonoscopic surveillance because of an increased risk of CRC compared with the average risk population [53,73].Advancedimaging may be of benefit by:(i)increasing the detection of dys-plasia [74];(ii)improving the differentiation of lesions (colitis associated neoplasia,sporadic neoplasia [75,76],and non-neo-plastic lesions);and (iii)reducing the number of unnecessary biopsies.ESGE recommends the routine use of 0.1%methylene blue or 0.1%–0.5%indigo carmine pancolonic chromoendoscopy with targeted biopsies for neoplasia surveillance in patients with long-standing co-litis.In appropriately trained hands,in the situation of quiescent dis-ease activity and adequate bowel preparation,nontargeted four-quadrant biopsies can be abandoned (strong recommendation,high-quality evidence).Two sufficiently powered RCTs compared the diagnostic yield of conventional chromoendoscopy and SD-WLE [77,78].Addition-ally,one high quality meta-analysis [79]including these two RCTs and four cohort studies confirmed the overall findings in 1277patients from a well-defined target population (disease duration >8years).In the meta-analysis the pooled incremental yield of conventional chromoendoscopy with random biopsies over SD-WLE with random biopsies for the detection of patients with neoplasia was 7%(95%CI 3.2%–11.3%).Moreover,the dif-ference in proportion of lesions detected by targeted biopsies only was 44%(95%CI 28.6%–59.1%)in favor of conventional chromoendoscopy.Two prospective cohort studies [80,81]pub-lished after the meta-analysis further corroborated the results.Overall,in 8prospective studies comparing conventional chro-moendoscopy with SD-WLE,the former consistently increased the proportion of patients found with dysplasia with a factor 2.08–3.26[77–81].Although in all the abovementioned studies [77–81]random four-quadrant biopsies were taken as a back-up method in con-junction with chromoendoscopy-targeted biopsies,the diagnos-tic yield of those back-up biopsies was rather limited.The pooled sensitivity for the detection of neoplasia with chromoendoscopy-targeted biopsies only was 86%(range 71%–100%)for all studies that reported this data and 95%(range 87%–100%)after exclu-sion of one study [82]in which targeted rather than pancolonicchromoendoscopy was used (●Appendix e5,available online;[77,78,80–82,83,84,85]).The median number of targeted biop-sies sampled per procedure was 1.3(range 0.28–14.2)and the median number of targeted plus random biopsies per procedure was 34.3(range 7.0–42.2).The number of biopsies needed during conventional chromoen-doscopy surveillance of long-standing colitis can therefore be sig-nificantly reduced if only targeted biopsies are taken.The case for abandoning random biopsies is further supported by evidence of poor adherence to endoscopic protocols for random biopsies in clinical practice [86].There is however no evidence to show what the process of pancolonic chromoendoscopy training and abandoning random biopsies should look like.It has been sug-gested during expert discussion at the Disease Digestive Week 2009(T.A.Ullman and R.Kiesslich)that the following logical steps should be undertaken:(i)chromoendoscopy training with an expert on at least 30colonoscopies;(ii)chromoendoscopy with targeted and random biopsies;(iii)chromoendoscopy with random biopsies in special situations only (multiple post-inflam-matory polyps,neoplasia on previous colonoscopy,etc);and (iv)chromoendoscopy with targeted biopsies only.In studies summarized in the meta-analysis cited above [79],the duration of surveillance colonoscopy in long-standing colitis wasD o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i g h t e d m a t e r i a l.longer with pancolonic chromoendoscopy plus random biopsies compared with SD-WLE with random biopsies,by an average 11minutes (95%CI 10min 15s to 11min 43s).It is likely,however,that the duration of pancolonic chromoendoscopy with only tar-geted biopsies is comparable to or shorter than that of WLE with random biopsies [84,85].In all prospective studies [77–81]0.1%methylene blue or 0.1–0.5%indigo carmine solutions were used for chromoendoscopy,with no evidence for difference in their efficacy.Some concern was raised by a report on oxidative DNA damage in Barrett ’s epi-thelium caused by methylene blue in combination with photo-sensitization by WLE [87],but there is no clinical evidence indi-cating an increased risk in patients with long-standing colitis.Limitations of conventional chromoendoscopy in the context of long-standing colitis surveillance needs to be mentioned.There is no proof that better detection of neoplasia by conventional chromoendoscopy translates into reduced CRC mortality or de-creased risk of interval CRC.Cost –effectiveness is also unclear for chromoendoscopy compared to WLE plus random biopsies,although it may be cheaper when combined with risk stratifica-tion thereby entailing fewer colonoscopies and fewer histological samples [88].It is unknown whether there would be any benefits of conventional chromoendoscopy over WLE with newer-genera-tion HD-WLE colonoscopes.Several prerequisites are listed in the SURFACE guidelines [89],such as quiescent disease and excellent bowel preparation,which must be met in the performance of pancolonic chromoendoscopy surveillance.Nevertheless the use of pancolonic chromoendoscopy with only targeted biopsies for dysplasia detection in colitis is now strongly endorsed by the British Society of Gastroenterology [90],and the European Crohn ’s and Colitis Organization [91].ESGE found insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of virtual chromoendoscopy or autofluorescence imaging (AFI)for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in inflammatory bowel dis-ease (insufficient evidence to make a recommendation).Three RCTs compared virtual chromoendoscopy (NBI in all cases)with WLE for the detection of neoplasia in long-standing inflam-matory bowel disease [92–94].Regardless of generation of NBI and the level of definition of colonoscopes used,virtual chromo-endoscopy did not significantly increase the detection rate of neoplastic lesions compared with WLE [92–94].However,in all three RCTs,virtual chromoendoscopy with targeted biopsies alone yielded neoplasia detection rates comparable to WLE with targeted and nontargeted four-quadrant biopsies [92–94].Mean number of biopsies per patient was 0.5to 3.5in NBI with targeted biopsies only and 24.6to 38.3in WLE with targeted and random quadrantic biopsies [92,94].Two RCTs compared an HD-NBI system with high definition con-ventional chromoendoscopy,both without nontargeted biopsies,for the detection of neoplasia in long-standing inflammatory bowel disease [95,96].The first study was a single-center,cross-over RCT aimed at comparing neoplasia miss rates with HD-NBI and high definition conventional chromoendoscopy [95].The miss rate of neoplastic lesions was considerably higher with HD-NBI compared with high-definition conventional chromoendos-copy (31.8%and 13.6%,respectively)but the study was not pow-ered enough to test the observed difference for statistical signifi-cance.The second study was a multicenter,parallel group RCT aimed at comparing neoplasia detection rates with HD-NBI and high definition conventional chromoendoscopy [96].Preliminary results (108of 134planned patients have been included)showed similar neoplasia detection rates for NBI and conventional chro-moendoscopy,per lesion (24.0%and 17.2%,respectively;P =0.385)and per patient (18.5%and 16.7%,respectively).Median withdrawal time was significantly shorter in the NBI group com-pared to the chromoendoscopy group (21vs.27minutes,respec-tively;P =0.003).There were only two studies,of which one was an RCT,compar-ing HD-WLE with AFI for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in inflammatory bowel disease [94,97].A pilot study [97]showed that protruding lesions with a low autofluorescence signal were significantly more likely to be neoplastic than lesions with a high autofluorescence signal (45.0%vs.13.3%,respectively,P =0.043).In the RCT,the miss rate for neoplastic lesions was statistically significantly lower with AFI compared with HD-WLE (0%vs.50%,P =0.036).It should be noted that inadequate bowel preparation and active inflammation interrupt tissue autofluorescence,result-ing in discoloration on AFI and resembling neoplasia [97].Further studies including comparison with conventional chromoendos-copy are needed.ESGE recommends taking biopsies from flat mucosa surrounding neoplastic lesions and taking biopsies from or resecting all suspi-cious lesions identified at neoplasia surveillance in long-standing colitis,because there is no evidence that nonmagnified convention-al or virtual chromoendoscopy can reliably differentiate between colitis-associated and sporadic neoplasia or between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions (strong recommendation,low to mod-erate quality evidence).Neoplastic vs.non-neoplastic lesionsA modified pit pattern classification has been used in three con-ventional chromoendoscopy studies to differentiate between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in long-standing inflam-matory bowel disease [77,80,82].The surface staining pattern al-lowed differentiation between neoplastic and non-neoplastic le-sions with high sensitivity and specificity (93%–100%and 88%–97%,respectively)[77,80,82].However,in the reported studies magnifying endoscopes,which are not widely available,were used for lesion characterization and total procedure times were on average 9–11minutes longer.No studies report on differen-tiation between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in inflam-matory bowel disease using nonmagnifying colonoscopes with conventional chromoendoscopy.Four studies evaluated the role of non-magnified NBI in differen-tiating neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in patients with long-standing colitis [94,98–100].One case report [100]and one pilot study [99]showed that a tortuous pit pattern and a high vascular pattern intensity may help to distinguish neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions in long-standing colitis.In two small RCTs [94,98]the sensitivity and specificity of NBI in predicting histology were unsatisfactory.In one of these RCTs [94]combin-ing AFI with NBI increased sensitivity for predicting histology from 75%to 100%without a major drop in specificity.No other virtual chromoendoscopy systems were assessed for differentia-tion of lesions in the setting of colitis.Colitis-associated vs.sporadic neoplasiaCurrent guidelines suggest taking biopsies from the flat mucosa surrounding neoplastic lesions in long-standing colitis,because differentiation between colitis-associated and sporadic neoplasia is crucial in determining their optimal management [73,90].Al-though it has been suggested that conventional chromoendosco-py cannot distinguish these two entities because of a similar staining pattern [89],it has recently been shown that magnifyingD o w n l o a d e d b y : I P -P r o x y N a t i o n a l _D e f e n s e _U n i v e r s i t y , N a t i o n a l D e f e n s e U n i v e r s i t y . C o p y r i g h t e d m a t e r i a l.。



2014年全国高等学校法语专业八级考试Test national de français destinéauxétudiants spécialisés enétudes françaises dans les etablissements d’enseignement supérieur-Niveau VIII(TFS)-2014 PARTIE I Dictée(10points)Dans cette partie,vous entendrez un texte ayant20trous(chaque trou représente un mot ou une expression).Le texte sera lu deux fois(le commencement sera signalépar un bip sonore).Complétez le texte selon l’enregistrement.Maintenant,vous avez deux minutes pour lire le texte.Et après la dictée,vous aurez deux minutes pour relire votre texte.Maintenant,écoutez le texte.Un hommeàla___(1)___!___(2)____!le navire ne s’arrête pas.Le vent___(3)___,ce sombre navire-làa une route___(4)___forcéde continuer.Il passe.L’homme disparaît,puis___(5)___,il plonge et remonteàla surface;il appelle, il___(6)___les bras,on ne l’entend pas;le navire,___(7)___sous___(8)___,est toutàsa manoeuvre,les___(9)___et les passagers ne voient même plus l’homme ___(10)__;sa misérable tête n’est___(11)__dans___(12)___des vagues.Il___(13)__des cris désespérés dans les profondeurs.Quel___(14)__que cette voile qui s’en va!Il la regarde,il la regarde___(15)__.Elle s’éloigne,elle blêmit, elle___(16)__.Ilétait là___(17)__,ilétait de___(18)___,il allait et venait sur le pont avec les autres,il avait sa part de respiration et de soleil,ilétait un vivant. Maintenant,que___(19)__donc passé?Il___(20)__,il est tombé,c’est fini. PAETIE II Compréhension orale(10points)Cette partie est composée de deux sections.Section A(5points)Dans cette section,vous entendrez dix petits dialogues.Chaque dialogue vous sera passédeux fois(le commencement sera signalépar un bip sonore):vous l’écoutez et vous choisissez la bonne réponseàla question qui se pose sur le dialogue.Maintenant,vous avez trois minutes pour lire les questions et toutes les réponses suggérées.Maintenant,écoutez les dialogues.1.Quels clubs de sports jouent aujourd’hui?A.Les clubs de foot et de gymnastique.B.Les clubs de foot et de volley-ball.C.Les clubs de judo et de gymnastique.2.Oùa lieu ce dialogue?A.Dans un restaurant.B.Dans une usine de fabrication de parfums.C.Dans un jardin botanique.3.Quel est le goût de la dame?A.Elle aime mieux la photo que la perinture.B.Elle aime mieux les peintures modernes comme celles de Picasso.C.Elle aime mieux les tableaux classiques qui sont bien peints.4.Qu’est-ce que le fils de Françoise a finalement accepté?A.De continuer sesétudes de médecine au lieu de devenir professionnel detennis.B.D’abandonner sesétudes de médecine pour devenir professionnel de tennis.C.De ne plus participeràla compétition de tennis pour consacrer tout son tempsauxétudes de médecine.5.De quoi parlent-ils?A.Des accidents du travail.B.Des accidents de la route.C.Des accidents de chemin de fer.6.Que fait le monsieur comme métier?A.Architecte.B.Banquier.C.Promoteur immobilier.7.Quelle est l’attitude de la femme?A.Elle n’est pas aussi optimiste que son mari.B.Elle est plus optimiste que son mari.C.Elle est aussi optimiste que son mari.8.Dans quel type d’établissement travaille la dame?A.Dans une agence de voyages.B.Dans une agence matrimoniale.C.Dans une agence d’événements.9.Pourquoi le couple n’a-t-il pas pu partir en vacances?A.Ils n’ont pas gagnéassez d’argent.B.Les enfants ne veulent pas partir avec eux.C.Le mari n’a pas de congés payés.10.Que veut-elle dire par le mot«matière»?A.Le livre numérique.B.Le livre papier.C.Le matériel de l’ordinateur.Section B(5points)Dans cette section,vous entendrez un texte.Le texte sera lu deux fois(le commencement sera signalépar un bip sonore):vous l’écoutez et vous choisissez la bonne réponseàchacune des dix questions qui se posent sur le texte.Maintenant,vous avez trois minutes pour lire les questions et les réponses suggérées,et vous aurez trois minutes pour faire votre choix après l’écoute.Maintenant,écoutez le texte.11.Quelles sont les voix qui s’élèvent contre le project de loi sur l’enseignementsupérieur?A.Celles de Geneviève Fioraso et des académiciens.B.Celles des académiciens.C.Celles de François-Xavier Grison et des académiciens. loi Fioraso estA.favorableàl’enseignement en anglais.B.favorableàl’enseignement en français.C.Défavorableàl’enseignement en langueétrangère. loi Toubon imposaitA.l’enseignement de tous les cours en français.B.l’enseignement des cours en langueétrangère.C.l’enseignement de tous les cours en français sauf deux exceptions.14.Sciences Po n’est pas unétablissementA.respectable de la loi Toubon.B.respectueuse de la loi Toubon.C.respectéde la loi Toubon.15.François-Xavier Grison a lancésa pétitionA.le20mars.B.le4mars.C.le21mars.16.Dans quel cas nouveau peut-on donner des cours en langueétrangère selon la loiFioraso?A.Quand l’enseignant est un intervenantétranger.B.Quand on a passéun accord avec une institutionétrangère.C.Quand il s’agit des cours de langues.17.Dans«L’article2de la loi Fioraso»,le mot«article»signifieA.écrit publiédans un journal.B.Objet proposéàla vente.C.Division d’un contrat.18.Les académiciens pensent que la loi Fioraso«favorise une marginalisation denotre langue».C’est-à-dire selon eux,cette loiA.pourrait nuireàla souverainetédu français en France.B.Permettrait de lutter contre l’anglicisation croissante en France.C.Permettraitàla langue française de se donner une grande marge en France.19.«Un argument imparable»est un argumentA.impossibleàréfuter.B.impossibleàdéfendre.C.Impossibleàréparer.20.Lequel de ces trois titres proposés convient le mieuxàce texte?A.L’universitéfrançaiseàl’ère de mondialisationB.L’universitéfrançaise va-t-elle parler anglais?C.L’universitéfrançaise,pôle d’attraction pour desétudiantsétrangers.PARTIE III Vocabulaire et grammaire(20points)Cette partie est composée de deux sections.Section A(10points)Lisez les phrases suivantes et choisissez le mot ou l’expression dont le sens est le plus proche de celui de la partie soulignée.21.Je ne l’ai pas fait exprès.A.tout prèsB.ExpressémentC.IntertionnellementD.A peu près22.Il n’a pu découvrir la manoeuvre de l’ennemi,tant il est naÏf.A.parce qu’il est tellement naÏfB.d’autant plus qu’il est naÏfC.autant qu’il est naÏf.D.àtel point qu’il est naÏf23.Il a beau crier,personne ne l’entend.A.Il crie fortB.Il crie inutilementC.Il fait un joli cri.D.Il est beau de crier24.Pourêtre jeune,il n’en est pas moins brave.A.Bien qu’il soit jeuneme il est jeuneC.A condition d’être jeuneD.Afin d’être jeune25.Réforme de l’enseignelent supérieur:le français va-t-il fileràl’anglaise?A.progresseràla manière anglaiseB.disparaître discrètementC.partir en AngleterreD.remplacer l’anglais26.Madame Germaine adore son petit-fils Louis:«La trompette,c’est son violond’’Ingres!»dit-elle fièrement.A.son passe-temps favoriB.sa vocationC.son métierD.son gagne-pain27.Ils se montrent incrésules quantàl’efficacitéde ces mesures.A.incroyantsB.incroyableC.incertainsD.Sceptique force de Jean Valjean n’avait d’égale que son adresse.Il pouvait monter ainsijusqu’au toit du bagne,en s’aidant de saillies ou d’aspéritéàpeine visibles.A.domicileB.habiletéC.discoursD.appel29.L’acteur s’est excusépour son gros mot.A.richeB.volumineuxidD.grossier30.Nous devrons parachever au niveau politique l’unionéconomique et monétaire,c’est un travail d’Hercule,mais l’Europe en est capable.A.un travail gigantesqueB.un travail urgentC.un travail indispensableD.un travail importantSection B(10points)Complétez le texte suivant avec les mots et expressions convenables.Harry Potter,phénomène mondialLes Harry Potter sont-ils des livres d’enfants ou des livres d’enfants pour adultes? Qu’ils soient parent ou non,les adultes aussi sont___31___de«Pottermania».Mais que veut l’enfant?Telle est___32___qu’on se pose.En France,on avait l’habitude, depuis quelques temps,de___33___aux jeunes des livres qui traitent des problèmes de société,comme le tabac,la drogue,la pauvreté...Les aventures que ____34_____Rowling se passent dans uneécole typiquement britannique___35__il n’y a ni ordinateur niélectricité,un monde débarrasséde toutes ces choses qui____36____la vie,même celle des jeunes,si complexe et si si difficile parfois.J.K Rowling a___37___comprendre et répondreàl’angoisse d’une génération d’enfants dont les parents ont une vieémotionnelle et professionnelle parfois incertaine.____38____son monde magique,elle tâche de montreràl’enfant ce qu’est la peur,la solitude et l’indépendance pour mieux le protéger.L’école Poudlard a ses règles,et les professeurs n’abandonnent jamais,mais ils sont au contraire toujours prêts____39____aider quequ’un qui est en difficulté.Clartéet assurance,c’est lagrande force qu’on retrouve dans les livres de Rowling.Qu’on le____40____ou non, Harry Potter semble déjàêtre devenu un grand classique de la littérature.31. A.attrapés B.atteints C.attachés D.surpris32. A.le problème B.l’ question.D.le doute33. A.apprendre.B.imposer.C.proposer D.offrir34. A.décrit B.vit C.mène.D.parle35. A.qui B.où quelle D.dont36. A.rendent.B.changent.C.animent.D.enrichissent37. A.dû.B.su.C.entendu.D.souhaité38. A.Grâceà.B.Sans.C.Envers.D.souhaité39. A.à B.de.C.pour.D.afin de40. A.puisse B.sache C.dise D.veuillePARTIE IV Version(12.5points)La médecine traditionnelle chinoiseDepuis des millénaires,la médecine traditionnelle chinoise(MTC)s’intéresseàla personne dans sa globalité(corps,esprit,énergie,environnement).Selon elle,la maladie résulte d’une dérégulation intrene ou des attaques extérieures.Elle s’appuie sur les massages,la diététique,la gymnastique,la méditation et une pharmacopée riche de milliers de plantes.(...)«Maîtrise de l’énergie vitale»,le qi gong est une gymnastique douce.Intégréàla médecine chinoise,il repose sur la respiration,la concentration et des gests lents en vue d’harmoniser le corps et l’esprit.Lesétirements et les relâchements musculaires assouplissent et renforcent le corps;la respiration permet de retrouver le calme. Même si la science ne peut expliquer ses mécanismes,le corps médical reconnaît volontiers la sensation de bien-être qu’il procure chez les patients.A l’hôpital de la piété-Salpêtrière,on a constatéque le qi gong réduit le nombre de chutes dans la maladie de Parkinson,et aide ceux qui souffrent d’obésitéàse détendre et se réaproprier leur corps.(...)Et certains hôpitaux français font appelàces pratiques pour lutter contre la douleur ou l’anxiété.Vocabulaire:pharmacopée n.f.药品目录,药典PARTIE V Thème(12.5points)可持续发展要从教育抓起法国早在1977年就有环境教育,2004年法国政府又对可持续发展环境教育进行了系统化。










对于动手能力强的人很简单的,如果动手能力一般只要经过一段时间的训练也能考出来的,不必害怕的!!我来给你细说一下!!验证考试:给你两分钟看40张真假身份证,最多错4张,否则不及格,超时没看完的部分算看错处理!!然后你会随机抽取考官给你的题目你回答!这些题目事先会告诉你的,你可以背好的!!题目不可以答错!否则不及格!!!个人认为验证是最简单的!!几乎人人都过!!开箱开包检查:4分钟内在给你的旅行箱内找出5到6个危险物品,并放入指定的箩筐内!!在随机抽取题目回答!!如果找出的东西不是危险品,或者放错箩筐就算错!!(会有两个筐)注意:箱子里会有很多东西,比如伞、鞋子、衣服、裤子、瓶子、书、危险物品(刀片、雷管等很小的东西)除放在箱子的隐蔽处还会放在这些东西里面,所以掌握时间是关键!!难度一般,练习后可以过!!人身检查:有人会办成旅客,他会穿一套西服,在西服上藏有很多东西,你要把它找出来然后判断是否是违禁物品,比如领带里藏个刀片,皮带中间藏雷管!!餐巾纸中藏刀片!!时间是3分钟,共有5、6样是违禁品,错查漏查两个都不及格!!注意:检查时要有一套规范的程序,比如先查哪里后查哪里、程序不对也要扣分!!最后随即抽取题目回答,同样不能错的!!个人认为人身检查最难,每次考试总有一些人通不过的!!总之,安检初级证不是那么容易考的,要经过反复的练习的!!民航安检证书考试时间篇二一月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 1 月10 、15 、17 日雅思( IELTS ) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排 1 月9 、10 、11 日自考一般考试时间为每年1 、4 、7 、10 月1 月10 、11 日硕士研究生入学考试一般是过年前15 天左右的那个周末 1 月10 、18 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止二月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 2 月7 、12 、21 、28 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排 2 月14 、22 、28 日托福每次考试报名将在考前3 天截止2 月28 日江苏教师资格考试教师资格在线考试系统三月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 3 月 1 日北京教师资格考试教师资格在线考试系统 3 月 5 、7 、14 、21 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排3 月7 日英语专业高年级阶段统测(TEM8) 各自院校组织进行 3 月14 、22 、28 、29 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止 3 月14 、15 日公共英语公共英语网上辅导 3 月15 日上海外语口译(SIA) 上午:英语高级笔试、日语中级笔试下午:英语中级笔试 3 月15 、22 日山西教师资格考试教师资格在线考试系统 3 月21 日北京会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 3 月21 日河北会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 3 月28 日河南会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 3 月28 日甘肃会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 3 月28 日博士生入学考试英语联考 3 月28 日- 4 月 1 日全国计算机等级考试计算机等级网上辅导 3 月29 日职称英语( 职称外语) 职称英语网上辅导四月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 4 月 4 、18 、25 、30 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排 4 月 5 日上海外语口译(SIA) 英语基础能力笔试+ 口试 4 月10-13 日英语口语等级考试口译笔译网上辅导 4 月11 日陕西会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 4 月11 日中国寿险管理师 4 月11 日起连续三个周末考试 4 月11 日中国寿险理财规划师 4 月11 日起连续三个周末考试 4 月11 日中国员工福利规划师资格 4 月11 日起连续三个周末考试 4 月11 日德福考试(T estDaF) 德福考试(T estDaf) 简介 4 月 1 日自学考试计算机上机考试计算机等级网上辅导 4 月11 、12 日自学考试听力、口语、口译与听力考核口译笔译网上辅导 4 月11 、12 日投资建设项目管理师网上辅导 4 月11-16 日精算师精算师辅导 4 月12 日湖南会计从业资格考试会计从业网上辅导 4 月12 日上海外语口译(SIA) 日语高级( 只设口试) 4 月18 日英语专业基础阶段统测(TEM4) 各自院校组织进行 4 月18 、19 日自考一般考试时间为每年 1 、4 、7 、10 月 4 月17 、18 、19 日注册咨询工程师( 投资) 咨询网上辅导 4 月19日浙江教师资格考试教师资格在线考试系统五月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 5 月9 、16 、21 、30 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排 5 月9 、16 、31 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止 5 月9 、10 、11 、12 日注册建筑师一级一般考试时间一般在 5 月 5 月9 、10 日注册建筑师二级一般考试时间一般在 5 月 5 月9 、10 、16 、17 日卫生( 纸笔作答和人机对话) 09 年卫生专业技术资格考试大纲 5 月16 日商务英语初级(BEC) 一般考试时间在5 、11 月5 月16 、17 日会计职称会计职称网上辅导 5 月下旬同等学历升硕士学位全国统考 5 月23 日商务英语高级(BEC) 一般考试时间在 5 、11 月 5 月23 、24 日监理工程师监理网上辅导5 月23 、24 日环境影响评价工程师环境影响评价师网上辅导 5 月23 、24 日二、三级翻译专业资格( 水平) 口译笔译网上辅导5 月23 、24 日计算机技术与软件专业技术资格考试 5 月30 日商务英语中级(BEC) 一般考试时间在 5 、11 月六月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注 6 月 6 、7 日银行从业银行从业网上辅导 6 月11 、13 、20 、27 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排 6 月7 、8 、9 日高考每年的 6 月7 、8 、9 日 6 月13 、21 、27 日托福每次考试报名将在考前3 天截止6 月19 、20 、21 日注册税务师税务师网上辅导6 月20 日大学英语四六级(CET-4/6) 一般考试时间在6 月、12 月 6 月21 日质量一般考试时间在每年 6 月七月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注7 月 4 、11 、23 、25 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排7 月 3 、4 、5 日自考一般考试时间为每年 1 、4 、7 、10 月7 月18 日德福考试(T estDaF) 考点仅限北京、上海和青岛7 月托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止7 月日语等级日语网上辅导班八月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注8 月8 、13 、22 、29 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排8 月 2 、8 、22 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止8 月28 、29 、30 日( 原制度)9 月19 、20 日(新制度) 注册会计师注册会计师网上辅导班九月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注9 月 5 、 6 日一级建造师一级建造师网上辅导9 月 5 、12 、17 、26 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排9 月 4 、5 、6 日价格鉴证师价格鉴证师网上课程9 月4 、5 、6 日注册资产评估师一般在每年9 月的第二个周末9 月 5 、6 日注册安全工程师一般考试时间在9 月9 月5 、 6 日注册设备监理师一般定于每年的第 3 季度9 月12 、20 、26 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止8 月28 、29 、30 日( 原制度)9 月19 、20 日( 新制度) 注册会计师注册会计师网上辅导班9 月中旬国际商务师商务师网上辅导9 月中下旬司法考试9 月第三周的周末9 月中下旬执业医师医师网上辅导9 月12 日湖北教师资格人员考试教师资格在线考试系统9 月12 、13 日国际商务师国际商务师网上辅导9 月13 -14 日全国英语等级考试9 月19 、20 日注册土木工程师( 岩土) 岩土工程师网上辅导9 月19 、20 日注册结构工程师( 一级) 结构工程师网上辅导9 月19 、20 日注册结构工程师( 二级) 结构工程师网上辅导9 月19 -23 日全国计算机等级考试计算机等级网上辅导十月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注10 月8 、10 、24 、31 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排10 月10 、18 、24 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止10 月10 、11 日成人高考成人高考网上辅导10 月25 日统计师统计师网上辅导10 月17 日中国寿险管理师10 月17 日起连续三个周末考试10 月17 日中国寿险理财规划师10 月17 日起连续三个周末考试10 月17 日中国员工福利规划师10 月17 日起连续三个周末考试10 月17 、18 、24 、25 日自考一般考试时间为每年 1 、4 、7 、10 月10 月17 日自学考试上机考试自考网上辅导10 月17-18 日自学考试听力、口语、口译与听力考核自考网上辅导10 月17 、18 日房地产经纪人一般考试时间在10 月10 月17 、18 日房地产估价师一般考试时间在10 月10 月17 、18 日执业药师药师网上辅导10 月18 日审计师审计师网上辅导10 月下旬在职人员申请硕士学位全国联考10 月24 、25 日造价工程师一般考试时间在每年10 月中旬10 月24 、25 日企业法律顾问一般考试时间在每年10 月10 月24 、25 日注册城市规划师一般考试时间在每年10 月10 月25 日统计师统计师网上辅导10 月31 、11 月 1 日二级建造师二级建造师网上辅导十一月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注11 月 1 、8 、14 、21 日托福每次考试报名将在考前3 天截止11 月8 日报关员考试报关员网上辅导11 月7 日德福考试(T estDaF) 德福考试(T estDaf )简介11 月7 、14 、19 、21 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排11 月8 日经济师一般考试时间在11 月初11 月14 、15 日计算机技术与软件专业技术资格考试一般考试时间在 5 月、11 月11 月14 、15 日土地登记代理人土地登记代理人网上辅导11 月14 、15 日二、三级翻译专业资格( 水平) 口译笔译网上辅导11 月 5 日商务英语中级(BEC) 一般考试时间在 5 、11 月11 月28日商务英语初级(BEC) 一般考试时间在 5 、11 月十二月份考试科目考试时间考试名称备注12 月 3 、 5 、12 、19 日雅思(IELTS) 2009 年雅思(IELTS) 考试时间安排11 月底或12 月初中央国家机关公务员考试公务员网上辅导12 月 5 日商务英语高级(BEC) 一般考试时间在 5 、11 月12 月 5 、12 、14 、15 日托福每次考试报名将在考前 3 天截止12 月日语等级日语网上辅导班12 月19 日大学英语四六级(CET-4/6) 一般考试时间在 6 月、12 月民航安检证书考试时间篇三1:咨询工程师:考试时间:4月中旬,三年滚动。



32018年40期总第428期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2013-2018年TEM8段落改错试题的效度分析文/贵文春【摘要】本文结合了2013-2018年的TEM 8段落改错试题,从考点的错误性质入手,对其内容效度进行评估。


【关键词】TEM8;段落改错;效度【Abstract】This paper combines the TEM 8 proofreading in the year of 2013 to 2018, and evaluates the contents validity. It’s found that the test level of the proofreading was set high in these six years, the main test points were set in grammars and meaning and the distribution of test points were arranged appropriately through level analysis method proposed by Li Xiaojv. That is to say, increasingly high stability and effectiveness have enabled students to test their ability to use language knowledge freely and flexibly. Students can find the errors and correcting them especiallyin real environment of language in use.【Key words】Tem 8; proof-reading; validity【作者简介】贵文春(1994.04-),湖南衡阳人,桂林理工大学,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学。



演讲比赛最佳奖项名称【篇一:2014年演讲比赛获奖名单】陶岭中心校2014年下期演讲比赛获奖名单一等奖:三(3)班班廖奇二等奖:三(三等奖:四(3)班刘安国五(2)班何雅丽1)班周玉湘六(1)班李林杰三(1)班邓语婷二(2)班何思杰二(1)班周文芳五(2)班周滨丽六(1)班邓珩二(2)班胡雨田四(2)班邓思慧三(2)班李情五(1)班刘佳慧二(1)班何柏莉六(2)班郑雨婷陶岭中心校2014年12月24日【篇二:最全面的奖项名称翻译大全】最全面的奖项名称翻译大全一、国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金 national scholarship国家励志奖学金 national encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵 pacemaker to merit student三好学生 merit student学习优秀生 model student of academic records突出才能奖 model student of outstanding capacity先进个人 advanced individual/outstanding student优秀工作者 excellent staff优秀学生干部 excellent student cadre优秀共青团员 excellent league member优秀毕业生 outstanding graduates优秀志愿者 outstanding volunteer先进班集体 advanced class优秀团干 outstanding league cadres学生协会优秀干部 outstanding cadres of student association 学生协会工作优秀个人 outstanding individual of studentassociation精神文明先进个人 spiritual advanced individual社会工作先进个人 advanced individual of social work文体活动先进个人 advanced individual of cultural and sportsactivities道德风尚奖 ethic award精神文明奖 high morality prize最佳组织奖 prize for the best organization突出贡献奖 prize for the outstanding contribution工作创新奖 prize for the creative working团队建设奖 prize for the team contribution二、各系比赛与奖项外语系(foreign language department):话剧比赛 drama competition英语演讲比赛 english speech contest八系辩论赛 eight departments invitational debate competition 黑板报设计大赛 blackboard poster design contestppt设计大赛 courseware design competition文明宿舍 outstanding dormitoryok杯篮球比赛 ok cup for basketball game我心飞扬歌唱比赛“my heart flies” singing competition中文系( department of chinese language and literature):诗歌朗诵比赛 poetry recitation contest诗歌创作比赛 poetry creation contest摄影大赛 photography competition金话筒比赛“golden microphone” competition兴我中华演讲比赛 speech competition on revitalizing china课件比赛 courseware design contest足球比赛 football match三笔比赛 essay contest冬日环保针织比赛 knitting contest on winter environmentalprotection数学系(department of mathematics ):登山比赛 mountain-climbing competition网络工程师 network engineer certification全国建模比赛 national mathematical modeling contest知识风采比赛 knowledge competitionppt 课件制作大赛 courseware design competition经济管理系(the department of economics management):辩论赛 debate competition创业大赛 venture contest政法系(politics and law department):党团知识竞赛 knowledge contest on the party and the league 政法论坛 political and legal forum金秋系列活动series of activities in “golden season模拟法庭 moot court演讲比赛 speech competition征文比赛 essay competition计算机科学系(computer science department):网页设计大赛 web page design competition辩论赛 debate competition软件设计大赛 software design competition多媒体课件设计大赛 multimedia courseware design competition网站设计竞赛 web design competition电子科学系(electronic science department):演讲比赛 speech contest电子设计大赛 electronic design contest服装系(textile and fashion department):服装创意设计大赛 garment design competition毕业设计大赛 graduation design competition发表论文 publications专利证书 patent服装设计大赛 garment design contest泳衣大赛 swimming suit design competition手提包设计大赛 handbag design competition服装创意设计大赛 creative garment design competition生命科学系(department of life science):实验技能操作大赛 experiment skill and operation contest广东大学生生物化学实验技能大赛 the biochemical experiments contest forcollege student in guangdong 建筑与土木工程系(department of architecture civilengineering):建筑文化节 architectural culture festival建筑设计竞赛 architectural design competition节徽设计大赛 festival logo design contest“五佳”歌手活动“best five” singeractivities友谊篮球赛 friendship cup basketball match工程测量比赛 engineering survey competition班际足球赛 inter-class football match省大学生科技竞赛 science and technology contest for provincecollege students十佳学生活动组织 top ten student activities organization十大学生修身楷模 ten model students of self-cultivation学生科研创新奖 student award for research and innovation棋王大赛 chess competition电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛 e-society feisi cup architecturalrenderings computer design contest 学工程系(department of chemical engineering technology):“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛 flying fox cup 8departments invitational debate competition女子篮球赛women’s basketball match广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛 chemistry and chemical experimentskills competition for colleges in guangdong 旅游管理系(tourism and management department):导游技能大赛 tourist skills contest导游路线设计大赛 tourist route design competition党团知识竞赛 knowledge contests about the cpc and the cylc 礼仪风采大赛 manner and etiquette contest体育系(department of sports):体育文化节 physical culture festival音乐系 (music department):相声小品大赛 crosstalk and sketch contest班际篮球赛 inter-class basketball match三、证书大学英语四级cet4 (college english test band 4 certificate)大学英语六级 cet6 (college english test band 6 certificate)英语专业四级 tem4 (test for english major grade 4certificate)英语专业八级 tem8 (test for english major grade 8certificate)普通话等级考试 national mandarin test (level 1, 2, 3; gradea,b,c)日语能力考试 japanese language proficiency test (level 1, 2, 3, 4)商务日语能力考试 business japanese proficiency test商务英语证书 business english certificate)雅思 ielts (international english language testingsystem)托福 toefl (test of english as a foreign language)bec初级 (bec preliminary level,缩略为bec pre.)bec中级 (bec vantage level,缩略为becvan.)bec高级 (bec higher level,缩略为bechi.)全国计算机等级考试 national computer rank examination (ncre) rank i: dos、windowsrankⅡ: visual basic,visualfoxpro,qbasic,fortran,c,foxbaserankⅢ : pc technology、informationmanagement、internet technology、databaserankⅣ: ability to systems analysis and systems project全国计算机一级证书 first-level certificate for national computer 全国计算机二级证书 second-level certificate for nationalcomputer全国计算机三级证书 third-level certificate for national computer 全国计算机四级证书 fourth-level certificate for nationalcomputer导游证 guide id card (guide identity of identificationcard)导游资格证书 guide certificate秘书证 secretary card中级涉外秘书证 intermediate foreign secretary card会计证 accounting certificate会计从业资格证书 certificate of accounting professional初级职务(助理会计)证书 sub-accountant certificate preliminarylevel中级职称 intermediate certificate管理会计师证书: certificate in management accounting注册会计师证书: (cpa certificate)certificate of certifiedpublic accountant注册金融分析师(cfa)charteredfinancial analyst特许公认会计师(acca)the associationof chartered accountantscad工程师认证证书 cad engineer certification技工证书 technician certificate教师资格证 teacher certification心理辅导教师资格证书 psychological counseling teacher certificate报关员资格证书 clerk for the customs declaration报关员证书 customs declaration certificate人力资源从业资格证书 qualification of human resourcespractitioners驾驶证driver’s license国家司法考试证书 national judicial examination certificate (lawyer’s qualification certificate)律师资格证书attorney’s certificate业法律顾问执业资格证书 enterprise counsel qualificationcertificate法律顾问 legal adviser律师助理证 assistant lawyer certificate会计从业资格证 certificate of accounting professional初级会计职称 junior level accountant中级会计职称 medium level accountant高级职称 advanced level accountant册会计师 certified public accountant (cpc)注册税务师 certified tax agents(cta )经济师 economist精算师 actuary审计师 auditor统计师 actuary物流师职业资格证书 certificate of international logisticsspecialist国际物流师 certified international logistics specialist(cils)国际电子商务师职业资格认证 certification of international e-commercespecialist国际电子商务师 certified international e-commerce specialist (ciecs)市场营销师 marketing manager特许市场营销师 certified marketing manager (cmm)初级营销职业证书 introductory certificate in marketing市场营销职业证书 certificate in marketing国际商务谈判师 certificated international professionalnegotiator ( cipn)投资咨询师 investment counselor人力资源管理 human resource management ( hrm )中国职业经理人资格认证 certificate of chinese professional manager中国职业经理人 chinese professional manager ( cpm )注册国际投资分析师 certified international investment analyst(ciia )注册金融分析师 chartered financial analyst ( cfa )注册金融策划师 certified financial planner(cfp)认证金融理财师 associate financial planner (afp)金融风险管理师 financial risk manager (frm)证券从业资格证书 certificate of securities国际贸易单证员证书 certificate of international commercialdocuments关员资格证书 certificate of customs specialist报检员资格证书 certificate of inspection公务员考试 civil servants exam计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试 computer technology and softwareexpertise (level) qualification examination网络工程师 network engineer软件设计师 software architect数据库分析师 database analyst网络管理员 webmaster信息系统项目管理师 information systems project managementdivision网络规划设计师 network planning designer多媒体应用设计师 multimedia designer电力工程证书 certificate in electrical engineering国际电子商务师 certified international e-commercespecialist(ciecs)一、二级建造师 grade1/2 constructor造价工程师 cost engineer注册房地产估价师 certified real estate appraiser质量工程师 quality assurance engineer城市规划师 urban planner公路造价师 highway cost estimator工程造价师 budgeting specialist化学检验员 chemistry testing laboratory technician化学技能证书 chemical skills certificate药品检验员 drug inspector四、校运会第一名 the first prize第二名 the second prize【篇三:演讲比赛策划】演讲比赛策划一、活动名称:演讲比赛二、演讲主题以“诚信文明”为主题,尽情发挥各参赛选手的自身风采、主张观点及演讲才能,以新颖的角度和方式,阐述对“诚信文明”的认识和理解。

英语听力教学中分阶段Note-taking and Gap-filling练习的设计

英语听力教学中分阶段Note-taking and Gap-filling练习的设计

162018年52期总第440期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS一、Note-taking and Gap-filling 对听力教学的意义英语听力教学中,为了帮助学生理解听力文本,突出主要信息,通常会采用填空、选择、判断、填表等基础阶段听力教学常用的练习形式。

Note-taking and Gap-filling(以下称NTGF)是另一种常用的练习形式,侧重于考查学生对听力文本的综合理解以及分析文本的深层结构的能力,体现了《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对于较高层次听力的要求。


二、听力不同阶段的要求和NTGF 练习设计1.英语听力教学不同阶段的要求。





(1)《Listen This Way3》中的NTGF练习。

以主流英语听力教材《Listen This Way3》中一篇关于加拿大的NTGP练习为例(张民伦:31-32)。

Outlining CanadaA brief introduction of Canada Size: _second only to the former Soviet UnionPopulation: 26 million people Area:the Great Lakes in the southThe Rocky Mountains in the west ...VI. The monetary system in CanadaA. The unit of currency:the Canadian dollarB. Banking hours: 10.a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday, till later on Fridays.类似的练习贯穿于《listen this way 3》教材中,文本主要为事实性文本,练习提纲分两到三个层次,每个空填词不限,基本是照录原文内容细节。

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TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2014)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. Y ou will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on tile important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete tile gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing tile task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview between Oscar winning actress Angelina Jolie and CNN’s Andrew Damon.1. What is the main purpose of Angelina’s visit to Iraq?A. To look after refugees in Iraq.B. To draw attention to the refugee crisis.C. To work for U.N.H.C.R.D. To work out a plan for refugees.2. From the interview we know that AngelinaA. was strongly opposed to officials’ opinionsB. thought young kids should be given priorityC. proposed that policies be made promptlyD. was much worried about the lack of action3. Which of the following BEST explains what the global community should do?A. To take prompt and effective actions.B. To supervise the construction of schools.C. To provide water and power supply.D. To prevent instability and aggression.4. According to Angelina, what is the key issue in solving the refugee problem?A. The current situation in Iraq.B. The politics in the Middle East.C. Refugees returning to normal life.D. International and domestic efforts.5. Angelina saw her trip to Iraq significant because she couldA. help others know where the problems wereB. help bring NGOs back to the regionC. talk to different people thereD. read the official papersSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Alitalia’s attempt to help Wind Jet out.B. Cancellation of flights at Rome Airport.C. Problems caused by Wind Jet’s cash shortage.D. Expected changes of Wind Jet’s flight destinations.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.7. What did the researchers discover in northern Kenya?A. Three species of humans.B. Three human fossils.C. A human skull.D. A human tooth.8. What was the significance of the discovery?A. The findings were published in Nature.B. More research efforts were encouraged.C. Most research questions were answered.D. It supported an existing assumption.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.9. The airport originally decided to cover up the poster becauseA. some international travellers complainedB. the art exhibition was to be postponedC. other artists’ works were absent from adsD. real-life models would appear on the scene10. What was the reaction of the National Galleries of Scotland?A. Horrified.B. Indignant.C. Surprised.D. Outraged.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)TEXT AMy class at Harvard Business School helps students understand what good management theory is and how it is built. In each session, we look at one company through the lenses of different theories, using them to explain how the company got into its situation and to examine what action will yield the needed results. On the last day of class, I asked my class to turn those theoretical lenses on themselves to find answers totwo questions: First, How can I be sure I’ll be happy in my career? Second, How can I be sure my relationships with my spouse and my family will become an enduring source of happiness? Here are some management tools that can be used to help you lead a purposeful life.1. USE YOUR RESOURCES WISEL Y. Your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent shape your life’s strategy. I have a bunch of ―businesses‖ that compete for these resources: I’m trying to have a rewarding relationship with my wife, raise great kids, contribute to my community, succeed in my career, and contribute to my church. And I have exactly the same problem that a corporation does. I have a limited amount of time, energy and talent. How much do I devote to each of these pursuits?Allocation choices can make your life turn out to very different from what you intended. Sometimes that’s good: opportunities that you have never planned for emerge. But if you don’t invest your resources wisely, the outcome can be bad. As I think about my former classmates who inadvertently invested in lives of hollow unhappiness, I can’t help believing that their troubles related right back to a short-term perspective.When people with a high need for achievement have an extra half hour of time or an extra ounce of energy, they’ll unconsciously allocate it to activities that yield the most tangible accomplishments. Our careers provide the most concrete evidence that we’re moving forward. You ship a product, finish a design, complete a presentation, close a sale, teach a class, publish a paper, get paid, get promoted. In contrast, investing time and energy in your relationships with your spouse and children typically doesn’t offer the same immediate sense of achievement. Kids misbehave every day. It’s really not until 20 years down the road that you can say, ―I raised a good son or a good daughter.‖ You can neglect y our relationship with your spouse and on a daily basis it doesn’t seem as if thing are deteriorating. People who are driven to excel have this unconscious propensity to under invest in their families and overinvest in their careers, even though intimate and loving family relationships are the most powerful and enduring source of happiness.If you study the root causes of business disasters, over and over you’ll find this predisposition toward endeavors that offer immediate gratification. If you look at personal lives through that lens, you’ll see that same stunning and sobering pattern: people allocating fewer and fewer resources to the things they would have once said mattered most.2. CREATE A FAMIL Y CULTURE. It’s one thing to see into the foggy future with acuity and chart the course corrections a company must make. But it’s quite another to persuade employees to line up and work cooperatively to take the company in that new direction.When there is little agreement, you have to use ―power tools‖ – coercion, threats, punishment and so on, to secure cooperation. But if employee’s ways of working together succeed over and over, consensus begins to form. Ultimately, people don’t even think about whether their way yields success. They embrace priorities and follow procedures by instinct and assumption rather than by explicit decision, which means that they’ve created a culture. Culture, in compelling but unspoken ways, dictates the proven, acceptable methods by which member s of a group address recurrent problems. And culture defines the priority given to different types of problems. It can be a powerful management tool.I use this model to address the question, How can I be my family becomes an enduring source of happiness? My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools. But there comes a point during the teen years when power tools no longer work. At that point, parents start wishing they had begun working with their children at a very young age to build a culture in which children instinctively behave respectfully toward one another, obey their parents, and choose the right thing to do. Families have cultures, just a companies do. Those cultures can be built consciously.If you want your kids to have strong self-esteem and the confidence that they can solve hard problems, those qualities won’t magically materialize in high school. You have to design them into family’s culture and you have think about this very early on. Like employees, children build self-esteem by doing things that are hard and learning what works.11. According to the author, the key to successful allocation of resources in your life depends on whetheryouA. have long-term planningB. can manage your time wellC. are lucky enough to have new opportunitiesD. can solve both company and family problems12. What is the role of the statement ―Our careers provide the most concrete evidence that we’re movingforward‖ with reference to the previous statement in the paragraph?A. To present a contrastB. To provide a definitionC. To offer further explanationD. To illustrate career development13. According to the author, a common cause of failure in business and family relationships isA. lack of planningB. short-sightednessC. shortage of resourcesD. decision by instinct14. According to the author, when does culture begin to emergeA. When people use ―power tools‖ to reach agreementB. When people realize the importance of consensusC. When people as a group decide how to succeedD. When people decide what and how to do by instinct15. One of the similarities between company culture and family culture is thatA. culture needs to be nurturedB. cooperation is the foundationC. respect and obedience are key elementsD. problem-solving ability is essentialTEXT BIt was nearly bed-time and when they awoke next morning land would be in sight. Dr. Macphail lit his pipe and, leaning over the rail, searched the heavens for the Southern Cross. After two years at the front and a wound that had taken longer to heal than it should, he was glad to settle down quietly at Apia (阿皮亚,西萨摩亚首都) for twelve months at least, and he felt already better for the journey. Since some of the passengers were leaving the ship next day at Pago-Pago they had had a little dance that evening and in his ears hammered still the harsh notes of the mechanical piano. But the deck was quiet at last. A little way off he saw his wife in a long chair talking with the Davidsons, and he strolled over to her. When he sat down under the light and took off his hat you saw that he had very red hair, with a bald patch on the crown, and the red, freckled skin which accompanies red hair; he was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic; and he spoke with a Scots accent in a very low, quiet voice.Between the Macphails and the Davidsons, who were missionaries, there had arisen the intimacy of shipboard, which is due to propinquity rather than to any community of taste. Their chief tie was thedisapproval they shared of the men who spent their days and nights in the smoking-room playing poker or bridge and drinking. Mrs. Macphail was not a little flattered to think that she and her husband were the only people on board with whom the Davidsons were willing to associate, and even the doctor, shy but no fool, half unconsciously acknowledged the compliment. It was only because he was of an argumentative mind that in their cabin at night he permitted himself to carp (唠叨).―Mrs. Davidson was saying she didn’t know how they’d have got through the journey if it hadn’t been for us,‖ said Mrs. Macphail, as she neatly brushed out her transformation (假发). ―She said we were really the only people on the ship they cared to know.‖―I shouldn’t have thought a missionary was such a big bug (要人、名士) that he could afford to put on frills (摆架子).‖―It’s not frills. I quite understand what she means. It wouldn’t have been very nice for the Davidsons to have to mix with all that rough lot in the smoking-room.‖―The founder of their religion wasn’t so exclusive,‖ said Dr. Macphail with a chuckle.―I’ve asked you over and over again not to joke about religion,‖ answered his wife. ―I shouldn’t like to have a nature like yours, Alec. You never look for the best in people.‖He gave her a sidelong glance with his pale, blue eyes, but did not reply. After many years of married life he had learned that it was more conducive to peace to leave his wife with the last word. He was undressed before she was, and climbing into the upper bunk he settled down to read himself to sleep.When he came on deck next morning they were close to land. He looked at it with greedy eyes. There was a thin strip of silver beach rising quickly to hills covered to the top with luxuriant vegetation. The coconut trees, thick and green, came nearly to the water’s edge, and among them you saw the grass houses of the Samoaris (萨摩亚人); and here and there, gleaming white, a little church. Mrs. Davidson came and stood beside him. She was dressed in black, and wore round her neck a gold chain, from which dangled a small cross. She was a little woman, with brown, dull hair very elaborately arranged, and she had prominent blue eyes behind invisible pince-nez (夹鼻眼镜). Her face was long, like a sheep’s, but she gave no impression of foolishness, rather of extreme alertness; she had the quick movements of a bird. The most remarkable thing about her was her voice, high, metallic, and without inflection; it fell on the ear with a hard monotony, irritating to the nerves like the pitiless clamour of the pneumatic drill.―This must seem like home to you,‖ said Dr. Macphail, with his thin, difficult smile.―Ours are low islands, you know, not like these. Coral. These are volcanic. We’ve got another ten days’’ journey to reach them.‖―In these parts that’s almost like being in the next street at home,‖ said Dr. Macphail facetiously.―Well, that’s rather an exaggerated way of putting it, but one does look at distances differently in the South Seas. So far you’re right.‖Dr. Macphail sighed faintly.16. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that Dr. MacphailA. enjoyed the sound of the mechanical pianoB. preferred quietness to noiseC. was going back to his hometownD. wanted to befriend the Davidsons17. The Macphails and the Davidsons were in each other’s company because theyA. shared dislike for some passengersB. had similar religious beliefC. liked each otherD. had similar experience18. Which of the following statements best DESCRIBES Mrs. Macphail?A. She was good at making friendsB. She was prone to quarrelling with her husbandC. She was skillful in dealing with strangersD. She was easy to get along with.19. All the following adjectives can be used to depict Mrs. Davidson EXCEPTA. irritableB. unapproachableC. unpleasantD. arrogant20. Which of the following statements about Dr. Macphail is INCORRECT?A. He was fun of the Davidsons.B. He was afraid of his wife.C. He was intelligent.D. He was sociable.TEXT CToday we make room for a remarkably narrow range of personality styles. We’re told that to be great is to be bold, to be happy is to be sociable. We see ourselves as a nation of extroverts—which means that we’ve lost sight of who we really are. One-third to one-half of Americans are introverts—in the other words, one out of every two or three people you know. If you’re not an introvert yourself, you are surely raising, managing, married to, or coupled with one.If these statistics surprise you, that’s probably because so many people pretend to be extroverts. Closet introverts pass undetected on playgrounds, in high school locker rooms, and in the corridors of corporate America. Some fool even themselves, until some life event—a layoff, an empty nest, an inheritance that frees them to spend time as they like—jolts them into taking stock of their true natures. You have only to raise this subject with your friends and acquaintances to find that the most unlikely people consider themselves introverts.It makes sense that so many introverts hide even from themselves. We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal— the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha, and comfortable in the spotlight. The archetypal extrovert prefers action to contemplation, risk-taking to heed-taking, certainty to doubt. He favors quick decisions, even at the risk of being wrong. She works well in teams and socializes in groups. We like to think that we value individuality, but all too often we admire one type of individual——the kind who’s comfortable ―putting himself out there.‖Sure, we allow technologically gifted loners who launch companies in garages to have any personality they please, but they are the exceptions, not the rule, and our tolerance extends mainly to those who get fabulously wealthy or hold the promise of doing so.Introversion—along with its cousins sensitivity, seriousness, and shyness—is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology. Introverts living under the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man’s world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we’ve turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform.The Extrovert Ideal has been documented in many studies, though this research has never been grouped under a single name. Talkative people, for example, are rated as smarter, better-looking, moreinteresting, and more desirable as friends. Velocity of speech counts as well as volume: we rank fast talkers as more competent and likable than slow ones. Even the word introvert is stigmatized—one informal study, by psychologist Laurie Helgoe, found that introverts described their own physical appearance in vivid language, but when asked to describe generic introverts they drew a bland and distasteful picture.But we make a grave mistake to embrace the Extrovert Ideal so unthinkingly. Some of our greatest ideas, art, and inventions—from the theory of evolution to van Gogh’s sunflowers to the personal computer—came from quiet and cerebral people who knew how to tune in to their inner worlds and the treasures to be found there.21. According to the author, there exists, as far as personality styles are concerned, a discrepancy betweenA. what people say they can do and what they actually canB. what people profess and what statistics showC. what society values and what people pretend to beD. what people profess and what they hide from others22. The ideal extrovert is described as being all the following EXCEPTA. doubtfulB. sociableC. determinedD. bold23. According to the author, our society only permits _______ to have whatever personality they like.A. the youngB. the ordinaryC. the artisticD. the rich24. According to the passage, which of the following statements BEST reflects the author’s opinion?A. Extroversion is arbitrary forced by society as a norm upon people.B. Introversion is seen as an inferior trait because of its association with sensitivity.C. Introverts are generally regarded as either unsuccessful or as deficient.D. Extroversion and introversion have similar personality trait profiles.25. The author winds up the passage with a__________ note.A. cautiousB. positiveC. humorousD. warningTEXT DSpeaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age.This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child’s academic and intellectual development.They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which onesystem obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles.The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function — a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind — like remembering a sequence of directions while driving.Why does the tussle between two simultaneously active language systems improve these aspects of cognition? Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. But that explanation increasingly appears to be inadequate, since studies have shown that bilinguals perform better than monolinguals even at tasks that do not require inhibition, like threading a line through an ascending series of numbers scattered randomly on a page.The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. ―Bilinguals have to switch languages quite often — you may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language,‖ says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Spain. ―It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving.‖ In a study comparing Germ an-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr. Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, indicating that they were more efficient at it.The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age (and there is reason to believe that it may also apply to those who learn a second language later in life).26. According to the passage, the more recent and old views of bilingualism differ mainly inA. its practical advantagesB. perceived language fluencyC. its role in cognitionD. its role in medicine27. The fact that interference is now seen as a blessing in disguise means thatA. it has led to unexpectedly favourable resultsB. its potential benefits have remained undiscoveredC. its effects on cognitive development have been minimalD. only a few researchers have realized its advantages28. What is the role of Paragraph Four in relation to Paragraph Three?A. It provides counter evidence to Paragraph Three.B. It offers another example of the role of interference.C. It serves as a transitional paragraph in the passage.D. It further illustrates the point in Paragraph Three.29. Which of the following can account for better performance of bilinguals in doing non-inhibition tasks?A. An ability to ignore distractions.B. An ability to monitor surroundings.C. An ability to perform with less effort.D. An ability to exercise suppression.30. What is the main theme of the passage?A. Features of bilinguals and monolinguals.B. Reasons why bilinguals are smarter.C. Bilinguals and monitoring tasks.D. Interference and suppression.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)31. Which of the following is the French-speaking city in Canada?A. VancouverB. OttawaC. MontrealD. Toronto32. Which of the following are natives of New Zealand?A. The MaorisB. The AboriginalsC. The Red IndiansD. The Eskimos33. The established or national church in England isA. the Roman Catholic ChurchB. the United Reformed ChurchC. the Methodist ChurchD. the Anglican Church34. The 13 former British colonies in North America declared independence from Great Britain inA. 1774B. 1775C. 1776D. 177735. ―Grace under pressure‖ is an outstanding virtue of ____ heroes.A. Scott Fitzgerald’sB. William Faulkner’sC. Ernest Hemingway’sD. Eugene O’Neill’s36. Widowers’ House was written byA. John GalsworthyB. George Bernard ShawC. William Butler YeatsD. T. S. Eliot37. Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. William ShakespeareC. John DonneD. William Blake38. Which of the following pairs of words are homophones?A. wind (v.) / wind (n.)B. suspect (v.) / suspect (n.)C. bare (adj.) / bear (v.)D. convict (v.) / convict (n.)39. Which of the following sentences has the ―S+V+O‖ structure?A. He died a hero.B. I went to London.C. She became angry.D. Mary enjoyed parties.40. Which of the following CAN NOT be used as an adverbial?A. Heart and soul.B. The lion’s shareC. Null and void.D. Hammer and tongs.PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the positi on of the missing word with a ―∧‖ sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash ―/‖ and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.EXAMPLEWhen ∧art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) anit nev/er buys things in finished form and hangs (2) neverthem on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibitProofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO as instructed.PART V TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。
