
















因为后面喵喵由于剧情要很长一段时间才加入,为了便于后面的人上场不至于被团灭,没钱买装备请自行考虑扒还是不扒= =回到家煮真菌给冰儿吃,话说偶也想吃啊~第2天清晨冰儿醒来没看见喵喵,一番思量后决定出门去找阿喵。

此时冰儿等级为1,为了后面的BOSS 战升点级吧,速度一定要重视哦,冰儿的速度和喵喵的可不同啊。






传送门2-全章节关卡流程通关图⽂详解 发⾏于2011年的《传送门2(P o r t a l2)》是⼀款风格独特由Va l v eS o f t w a r e打造的第⼀⼈称射击和益智解谜相结合的游戏。





《传送门2》游戏中有三位主⾓,分别是“雪⼉”、“阿特拉斯”和“P-b o d y”。


需要玩家细⼼观察 游戏的核⼼是玩家使⽤名为“光圈科技⼿持传送门设备”(A p e r t u r eS c i e n c e H a n d h e l d P o r t a l D e v i c e,简称“传送门枪”),来通过各种难关。






发条人2之隐藏的世界[The Clockwork Man2:The Hidden World]图文攻略

发条人2之隐藏的世界[The Clockwork Man2:The Hidden World]图文攻略

发条人2之隐藏的世界The Clockwork Man: The Hidden WorldWalkthroughA Tutorial is available at the start of the game. You may skip it, but when playing the game for the first time, we recommend that you take the tutorial. Since the lists of items to find changes every time you play the game, the objects marked in the screenshots below may differ from those in your game. PrologueABANDONED MINES – TUNNEL∙Pick up the crowbar.∙Take the crowbar from your inventory and place it on the lever. Click on the lever to light up the tunnel.∙Zoom in towards the back of the tunnel.ABANDONED MINES – RAIL TRACKS∙Take a closer look at the steam engine.∙Click on the furnace door to open it.∙Take the Bucket from inside the furnace.∙Click outside the steam engine to return to the mines.∙Find the items on the list.∙Some of them are in the inner mines; some are in the outer tunnel.∙Use the zoom controls to switch between the two areas.ABANDONED MINES – TUNNEL∙When completed, a Matchbox and a Pile of Coal will go into your inventory.∙Take the Bucket from your inventory and place it under the water pump.∙Click on the water pump handle to try filling the Bucket.∙Pick up the Bucket again.∙Click on the Map icon on the bottom right of the screen.∙Go to the Village Stream.VILLAGE STREAM∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, an iron Rod and a Lantern will go into your inventory.∙Take the Bucket from your inventory and scoop up some water from the stream.∙Click on the Map icon and go back to the Abandoned Mines. ABANDONED MINES – RAIL TRACKS∙Go forward to the train tracks.∙You’ll need to clear the rail barriers, but a lever is missing from the control panel.∙Take the Rod from your inventory and insert it in the missing lever slot.∙Click the levers to find the correct positions that will clear all the barriers.Each lever controls 2 barriers.∙The solution is as follows: Left lever -middle position. Center lever - bottom position. Right lever - top position.∙Zoom in on the steam engine.∙Pour water from the Bucket into the water tank.∙Place the Coal inside the furnace.∙Next, pour some oil from the Lantern.∙Use the Matchbox on the oiled coals to light the furnace.∙Close the furnace door and release the brake.Chapter 1: London, England – Four days earlier PARENTS’ BEDROOM∙Find the items on the list.∙Lift up the carpet edge. You’ll need a tool to pry the floor planks open.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Parents’ Attic.PARENTS’ ATTIC∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a Hammer will go into your inventory.∙G o back to the Parents’ Bedroom.PARENTS’ BEDROOM∙Take the hammer from your inventory and use it twice to remove both floor planks.∙Examine the floor safe. Try opening the chest lock.CEMETERY∙Click on the Map icon and go to Kensal Green Cemetery.∙Gather the flowers on the list.∙When completed, a bunch of Flowers will go into your inventory.∙Take the Flowers from your inventory and place them on the graves beneath the angel.∙Zoom in on Father’s grave.∙Click on the birthdate.∙Push down the pins in the right order so that all will remain pressed down.∙Click the center pin first. All the other pins will stay down after that.∙Click on the “9” to rotate it.∙ A heart-shaped socket will appear on the angel’s chest.∙Return to the Attic.PARENTS’ ATTIC∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a Heart-shaped Locket will go into your inventory.∙Return to the Kensal Green Cemetery.CEMETERY∙Zoom in on the stone angel.∙Take the Heart-shaped Locket from your inventory and insert it in the Heart-shaped Socket o n the angel’s chest.∙ A box pops out from beneath the grave cross. Pick up the Key inside.∙Go back to the Parents’ Bedroom.PARENTS’ BEDROOM∙Zoom in on the floor safe.∙Take the Key from your inventory and use it to open the chest lock.∙Take the Cylinder and the Handwritten Notes.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Professor’s Office. PROFESSOR’S OFFICE∙Find the items on the list.∙Click on the broken vase on the floor.∙Assemble the pieces of the Valentine postcard.∙Double-click or use the mouse wheel to rotate a piece clockwise.∙When two pieces fit correctly, they will lock together.∙There is no Skip option for this puzzle. However, using a Hint will show two pieces that go together.∙The puzzle in the screenshot above is left undone to show where each piece belongs.∙When completed, the code and notes will be added to your journal.∙Zoom in on the wall safe.∙Click on the safe dial.∙Find the correct six symbols, referring to the postcard notes in your Journal.∙The code on the postcard is 832619.∙These correspond to the following books on the list: Moby Dick, The Origin of Species, the Bible, The Iliad, Alice in Wonderland, and The Raven.∙The symbols representing these books are: whale, monkey, cross, Trojan horse, rabbit, raven.∙Click on the symbols in the order listed above.∙Take all the items inside the safe. The 3 cylinders will go into your inventory.Chapter 2: Ballyscath, Ireland – Two days later VILLAGE SQUARE∙Click on the sleeping man.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Farmhouse.FARMHOUSE∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a Cage, Trowel and Trumpet will go into your inventory.∙Take the Cage from your inventory and place it on the squirrel in the cottage window.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Village Stream.VILLAGE STREAM∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a pile of Acorns will go into your inventory.∙Take the Trowel from your inventory and dig up the earth pile on the ground.∙Dig 4 times until a Bone is unearthed. Pick up the Bone.∙Click on the Map icon and return to the Village Square.VILLAGE SQUARE∙Take the Bone from your inventory and give it to the dog.∙ A ball of Yarn rolls forward. Pick up the Yarn.∙Take the Yarn and toss it at the cat, which runs away.∙ A Piece of Red String goes into your inventory.∙Pick up the Oak Stick from where the cat was standing.∙Click on the Map icon and return to the Farmhouse.FARMHOUSE∙Take the branch of Oak from your inventory and place it on the cage.∙Take the Piece of Red String from your inventory and tie it to the bottom of the stick.∙Place the Acorns inside the cage.∙Once the squirrel is inside the cage, pull the tied string.∙The squirrel will be added to your inventory.∙Find the food items on the list.∙After chatting with Martha, a Cup of Tea will go into your inventory.∙Click on the Map icon and go back to the Village Square.VILLAGE SQUARE∙Take the Trumpet from your inventory and use it on the sleeping man. ∙Once Patrick is awake, give him the Cup of Tea from your inventory.∙Borrow the fishing rod leaning on the bench beside Patrick.∙When completed, the Fishing Rod will go into your inventory.∙Use the Fishing Rod to reach the scarecrow on the tree branch.∙Pick up the Mini Scarecrow that has fallen to the ground.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Farmhouse. FARMHOUSE∙Take the Mini Scarecrow from your inventory and place it on the crow.∙The crow drops the ring on the ground. Pick up the Ring.∙Also, pick up the Key from where the crow was perched.∙Take the Key from your inventory and use it to unlock the red drawer.∙Zoom into the open drawer.∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a Fishing Hook will go into your inventory.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Village Stream.VILLAGE STREAM∙In your inventory, combine the Fishing Rod and the Fishing Hook.∙Use the repaired Fishing Rod to retrieve the tangled object from the stream.∙The 5th cylinder will go into your inventory.∙Click on the Map icon and go back to the Village Square.VILLAGE SQUARE∙Take the Ring from your inventory and give it to Patrick.∙Martha’s charm will go into your inventory.∙Click on the Map icon and return to the Farmhouse.FARMHOUSE∙Martha confirms that the cylinder is the object she threw into the stream.∙Take Martha’s Charm from your inventory and gi ve it to her. Chapter 3: The Submarine – Present timeNOTE: This chapter is available in the Premium and Ultimate Editions only. SUBMARINE EXTERIOR∙Zoom in on the entrance hatch.∙Lift the cap in front of the entrance hatch.∙Insert one of the Cylinders from your inventory into the circular opening.∙The hatch opens. Click on the ladder to descend.NAVIGATION ROOM∙On the left of the cockpit is another circular socket.∙Insert another Cylinder from your inventory into the socket.∙Pick up a Screwdriver, dirty Rag, and 5 Metallic Cards.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Engine Room. ENGINE ROOM∙Pick up a bottle of sour Wine and 2 Metallic Cards.∙Zoom in on the wall panel on the left, above the lever.∙Use the Screwdriver from your inventory to remove all 4 screws.∙Click on the panel plate to remove it. The panel goes into your inventory.∙Pick up 1 Metallic Card.∙In your inventory, combine the sour Wine with the dirty Rag.∙Use the soaked rag to clean the rusty chain 4 times.∙Take the panel from your inventory and replace it on the wall.∙Exit the close-up view.∙Pull the large lever below the panel.∙Once the water is drained, take the last 2 Metallic Cards on the floor. ∙Zoom in on the pressure gauge system on the right wall.∙The gauges’ maximum capaciti es are 5, 8, and 6 from left to right.∙The numbers 3-4-6 scratched above indicate that the gauges should contain 3, 4, and 6 units of liquid, from left to right.∙The 2 top buttons below each gauge are used to fill and drain.∙The lower button transfers liquid to the gauge on its right. The rightmost gauge will transfer its contents equally between the other two.∙Solution: first, make sure all the gauges are empty. Then do the following:1. Fill up the center gauge.2. Transfer from the center.3. Drain the right gauge.4. Transfer from the center.5. Transfer from the right.6. Drain the left gauge.7. Fill up the right gauge.8. Transfer from the right.9. Fill up the right gauge.∙Return to the Navigation Room.NAVIGATION ROOM∙Zoom in on the glass panel.∙Set the coordinates for the Hidden World by choosing the 6 correct metallic cards and placing them in their proper positions.∙The coordinates for the Hidden World are on page 13 of the journal.∙As you place the cards on the slots, the markings of each row and column will be combined on the 5 black areas.∙These should look like the symbols on the 5 coordinates. The symbols on the black areas should go in this order: from top to bottom, and then from left to right.∙Pull the throttle to start the submarine.Chapter 4: The Cavern – Four days later CAVERN∙Use your Crowbar to open the locked trunk on the right side of the cavern.∙Zoom in on the open trunk.∙Find the items on the list.∙When completed, a Brush and a Pickaxe will go into your inventory.∙Use your Pickaxe on the frozen stone carving.∙Keep removing the ice until the whole carving is revealed.∙Pick up the 6 stone disks scattered around the cavern.∙One disk is inside the trunk.∙Zoom in on the mosaic on the floor.∙Use your Brush to remove the dust from the mosaic.∙Keep cleaning it until the mosaic is revealed.∙The moons will go into your inventory.∙Place the moons and stone disks in their proper slots.∙The moons form a pattern repeatedly around the carving: large, medium, small, large, medium, small and so forth.∙The face disk goes in the center, the jackals on top, the ivy on the sides, and the circular symbol at the bottom.∙Rotate the disks to complete the carving.PLATEAU∙Click on the wooden elevator to raise it up. Chapter 5: The Hidden WorldTUNDRA∙Find the items on the list.∙ A bone Knife and a Ladder will go into your inventory.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Woodland. WOODLAND∙Find the items on the list, zooming in and out of the hut.∙ A pair of Tweezers will go into your inventory.∙Place the Ladder from your inventory on the tree. Take the slingshot. ∙Pick up some red Clay from the ground.∙Go into the hut and take some Pebbles from the hanging basket on the left.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Desert.DESERT∙Find the items on the list.∙ A mortar and pestle will go into your inventory.∙Use the Tweezers to gather some cactus thorns from the large cactus.∙Click on the Map icon and go to the Rainforest.RAINFOREST∙Examine the tree door. A carnivorous plant snaps at you.∙Use the Slingshot and pebbles on the beehive.∙Shoot at the beehive to make it fall on the carnivorous plant.∙Zoom in on the door of the treehouse.RAINFOREST TREEHOUSE∙Find the items on the list.∙Two Bamboo sticks and a drinking Cup will go into your inventory.∙Use the bone Knife to cut the musky flower on the top right of the scene.∙In your inventory, combine the musky Flower with the mortar and pestle.∙Cut the Bamboo sticks with the bone Knife to make blowguns.∙Combine the Clay with the cactus needles to make darts.∙Go back to the Tundra.TUNDRA∙Snap off some Icicles hanging from the fence.∙In your inventory, place the Icicles in the drinking Cup.∙Switch to another location to make the Icicles melt.DESERT∙Mix the flower Paste with the cup of Water.∙Coat the Darts with the tranquilizing Liquid.∙Place the darts on the Blowguns.∙Return to the Tundra.Chapter 6: The Fall of Darkness DESERT∙Pick up the disk from the Obsidian pedestal. TUNDRARAINFORESTWOODLAND∙Pick up the disk from the Obsidian pedestal.∙Go to the Overlook Plateau.OVERLOOK PLATEAU∙Zoom in on the spindle on the large rock.∙From your inventory, place the 4 disks on the center spindle.∙Rotate the disks so that the lines connect matching symbols from the stone to the innermost disk.∙Start with the outermost disk and work your way inward, making sure the lines are connected.∙Clicking on the right side of a disk rotates it clockwise; clicking on the left rotates it counter-clockwise.∙Diagrams for the 4 element puzzles are added to your journal.∙Go to each of the 4 stations to activate them.RAINFOREST∙The symbol above this station is that of Air.∙Zoom in on the panel.∙Take the Cylinder from your inventory and place it into the round opening.∙Click on the contraption to solve the puzzle.∙Click on the white diamond button to blow air into the pipes, lifting the discs upwards.∙Refer to Air puzzle diagram in the journal to see the how high a disc should be in each pipe.∙The round button in between two pipes swaps their air strength levels.∙Take the Metallic Sphere and hexagonal artifact that appear.∙Go to the next station.WOODLAND∙The symbol above this station is that of Earth.∙Zoom in on the panel.∙Take the Cylinder from your inventory and place it into the round opening.∙Click on the contraption to solve the puzzle.∙Take the Metallic Sphere from your inventory and place it on the puzzle. ∙Refer to the Earth diagram puzzle in the journal.∙Move the balls between columns until you have the correct number of balls in each.∙Then, use the bars with magnets to raise or lower the balls according to the diagram.∙To make balls hover, place magnets on both ends of its column.∙Take the hexagonal artifact that appears.∙Go to the next station.DESERT∙The symbol above this station is that of Water.∙Zoom in on the panel.∙Take the Cylinder from your inventory and place it into the round opening.∙Click on the contraption to solve the puzzle.∙The buttons on the edges of the puzzle start and stop the flow of water.∙The valve junctions control the direction of the water.∙Refer to the Water diagram puzzle in the journal to see what the flow of water should look like.∙Not all the valve junctions will be used.∙Take the Glass Tile and hexagonal artifact that appear.∙Go to the next station.TUNDRA∙The symbol above this station is that of Fire.∙Zoom in on the panel.∙Take the Cylinder from your inventory and place it into the round opening.∙Click on the contraption to solve the puzzle.∙Take the Glass Tile from your inventory and place it on the puzzle. ∙Refer to the Fire diagram puzzle in the journal.∙Arrange the 5 glass tiles on the grid so that all the squares are lit up. ∙ A glass tile lights up th e squares it’s placed on, as well as the surrounding squares by half.∙Take the hexagonal artifact that appears.∙On the map, go to the Machine Entrance.MACHINE ENTRANCE∙Take the Ladder from your inventory and place it on the wall.∙Zoom in on the circular opening.∙Place the Cylinder in the circular socket.∙Place the 4 Hexagons on the slots.∙Arrange them according to the poem on page 14 of the journal.∙The poem mentions Earth first, then Wind, then Sun (Fire), and last is Water.∙The door to the Machine opens. Click on the entrance to find the Chief. ∙Click on the pillar structure to confront Ransom.。








寂静岭2-全剧情流程图⽂攻略+隐藏要素解谜 本攻略与⼤家分享⾮常经典的恐怖冒险类游戏《寂静岭》系列第⼆部作品《寂静岭2(S i l e n t H i l l2)》的全剧情流程图⽂攻略以及游戏中隐藏要素的解谜,2代故事讲述⼀个名叫詹姆斯·桑德兰(J a m e s S u n d e r l a n d)的男⼦收到三年前死去的妻⼦玛丽(M a r y)的信,信中说她在寂静岭的特别之地等着他,渴望见到妻⼦的他半信半疑地踏上了前往寂静岭的旅程。


游戏介绍: 《寂静岭2》(⽇语:サイレントヒル2,英语:S i l e n t H i l l2,⾹港和台湾译作“沉默之丘”,⾹港又译“⿁魅⼭房2”)是2001年由K o n a m i制作发⾏的⼀款恐怖冒险类游戏,类别与前作《寂静岭》相同,为惊悚游戏,系列作的第⼆部作品。

完全版的《寂静岭2:最期之诗》(⽇语:サイレントヒル2最期の诗,美版名:S i l e n t H i l l2:R e s t l e s s D r e a m s,欧版名:S i l e n t H i l l2:I n n e r F e a r s)于2002年开始发售。

游戏平台有P S P,P S2,X B O X,P C,P S V,p c版游戏于2002年底发布。








路徒当中会有一些道具,到达山顶时,POLICE将去路堵住,看到波齐,与之对话后,回到家里,被骂了一顿后,关进了卧室,出门后,波齐跑进来,告诉奈斯他的弟弟比齐迷失了,需要帮助,于是和妈妈说了几句后,就出发了.....这时就可以记录了,记录点就是电话(黑客帝国?),叫上爱犬,就可以出发了,这时来到山顶发现POLICE已经都撤走了,再往前走,突然发现了昏迷的比齐,正准备离开时,陨石发出了极其耀眼的光芒...,一只BEE飞出来了,说一些古怪,摸不着头脑的话:“10年后世界将会被外星人吉古毁灭,但是有4个少年会奋力击败外星人,拯救地球!”接着,就可以往山下走了,那只BEE一直围着奈斯,迟迟不肯离去,继续下山,就会遇到外星人?!和外星人战斗后,奈斯终于相信BEE说的话了,回到兄弟家,和FATHER对话后,就被K 了一顿。



BEE就安静的......打开道具拦,会出现力量图鉴从邻居家出来后,向家走,这时一名莫名其妙的摄影师给奈斯拍了一张相片之后,就飞走了(超级塞亚人?)往下走,可以到达LIERARY 图书馆和服务小姐对话,就可以获得MAP,出图书馆,向往下走可以到达HOTEL,桌子上的电话也可以存档,取钱用就去CARD房间里,这里有银行自动存款机,以后要取钱方便了。

出门之后,往下走会有一见HOSPITAL,以后同伴战斗受伤或死亡后,都可以通过医院的PL护士复活(爱情的力量?)出来后,在往后走,街上会有很多的黑社会的,建议不要去若他们,很强的,看到一家GAME厅,和门口和看门人对战后,就可以和后屋的老大对战了,结束后前往市中心的市政大楼,到第2楼,和市长对话,得到西北关口的钥匙.拿到钥匙,去图书管西北部,打开了大门,关口后面会发现一个山洞,山洞中有很多的宝箱,可以获得一些道具,沿着绳子登山出洞后向左走,向上爬,到了山顶,看到了巨大的脚印再发光(牛魔王?)这时力量图鉴就会又多了一个图鉴:大脚印顺着原路返回,在关口有一个POLICE再等待奈斯,要求奈斯去市区南部的POLICE 局,到了POLICE局,和小胡子POLICE对话,被带到了审讯室,与这里面的POLICE发生战斗,不过,有点强的说...TOWNHALL市的宝拉向南走,就可以通往TWONHALL市了,徒中有宝箱,请注意,到达TOWNHALL市后,向下走,来到自行车店CYCLE SHOP那,又遇见那个摄影师了(......)进入自行车店后,和老板对话,就可以借到自行车じてんしゃ。


含蓄内敛 道德



《风语世界2:沉寂》全剧情流程图⽂攻略 游戏介绍 《风语世界2:沉寂》将会把玩家带回到沉寂世界,⼀个由梦组成的世界。

这⼀次,将有⼀个叫N o a h(诺亚)的年轻⼈陪伴玩家,他在危险的现实世界中失去了他的妹妹蕾妮,希望在沉寂世界中找到他的妹妹。


键位操作 操作较为简单主要是通过⿏标与场景道具进⾏互动解密%{p a g e-b r e a k|游戏介绍|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第⼀节-避难所 故事开始于⼀个美丽祥和的城镇,⼀场空袭打破了这个⼩镇的宁静。

这时⼀个哥哥带着正在堆雪⼈的妹妹逃进了⼀件较为安全的屋⼦⾥ 这时妹妹吓坏了,哥哥为了哄妹妹开⼼寻找着⽅法,⾸先捡起⼤理⽯表演扔球%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀节-避难所(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 随后又带上驴帽和袜⼦表演⼩丑 可妹妹说她喜欢沉静世界的国王,于是哥哥把灯罩当做皇冠表演国王%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀节-避难所(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 然后拿起电灯泡当做魔法⽔晶球 经过哥哥的⼀系列表演,妹妹变得开⼼起来,可这时房屋被飞机所丢下的炸弹炸毁了%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀节-避难所(3)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第⼆节-废墟 哥哥慢慢苏醒,很担⼼妹妹的现状 与压在⾃⼰⾝上的⽯板互动,然后按住⿏标左键向右移动掀开⽯板 担⼼妹妹是否也被⽯板压住了,掀开前⾯的⽯板发现并没有%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆节-废墟(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 这时哥哥听到了妹妹的声⾳,可电视机的声⾳太响了。

多次与电视剧互动,最后毁掉电视机 之后跟随着妹妹的声⾳进⼊“沉静世界”%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆节-废墟(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第三节-通往新世界的⼤门 来到世界之⾍的肚⾥⾥后,需要穿过障碍寻找在出⼜的妹妹 ⾸先踏上时钟道具 然后站上地球仪,获得平衡的⽅法就是,⽤⿏标或者摇杆⼩幅度的快速摆动进⾏调整,读条满后即可通过 将盔甲拉⼊胃液⾥后,爬上框架上%{p a g e-b r e a k|第三节-通往新世界的⼤门(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 接着爬上轨道,到达沉静的世界%{p a g e-b r e a k|第三节-通往新世界的⼤门(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第四节-跟上⼥⾸领 从世界之⾍的肚⼦出来后遇到了⾰命军的⼥⾸领,得知原来妹妹在她那⾥ ⼥⾸领先⾏⼀步,叫主⾓⾃⼰想办法上去,为了找回妹妹所以哥哥得跟上去 切换到地图左边的位置与⽯雕互动,推动它触发后⾯的剧情 得知刺猬爱吃⾍后将地下的⾍⼦引过去,引刺猬离开⽼窝,将斑斑放进窝⾥%{p a g e-b r e a k|第四节-跟上⼥⾸领(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 斑斑孵化成功后被刺猬吓到地图左边的位置 点击斑斑现将其变扁然后变胖,推动⽯雕到右边位置 先丢下斑斑在这⾥,主⾓就先⾏⼀步去找⼥⾸领了%{p a g e-b r e a k|第四节-跟上⼥⾸领(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第五节-炸桥 找到反叛军⼥⾸领后,得知需炸桥组织搜寻者的追击 按住⿏标左键不懂,帮助⾸领制作炸弹,炸掉⼀个圆环以后还需要炸掉另外⼀个,可材料已经不够了,这时需要会到斑斑那⾥寻找⽅法 回到斑斑那⾥,将其形态变为胖胖模式 然后与瀑布下的⽔互动,将吸⽔后的斑斑与蘑菇互动,这时斑斑就会给蘑菇浇⽔使蘑菇变⼤%{p a g e-b r e a k|第五节-炸桥(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 与放屁蘑菇互动后就能将斑斑给喷到上⾯去 将斑斑放到圆环下⾯,通过变化形态使得圆环被破坏,⼤桥也随之倒塌掉了 最后他们两⼈成功阻⽌了搜寻者的⼊侵%{p a g e-b r e a k|第五节-炸桥(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第六节-寻找苦涩的东西 这时画⾯转换到妹妹这⾥,她原来真的没事正与⼥⾸领的部下⾛在⼀起 妹妹蕾妮看到⼀个被⾷⾁植物包裹着⼩鸟奄奄⼀息了,于是叫⼤个⼦去救它。


ing_53 Ghoul Brain
ing_54 Demon Eye
ing_55 Winged Demon Eye
ing_56 Headless Heart
ing_57 Earth Elemental Crystal
ing_58 Wing Membrane
ing_59 Meat
ing_47 Boar Tusk
ing_48 Wyvern Lacrimal Gland
ing_49 Ripper Muscle
ing_50 Zombie Thyroid
ing_51 Werewolf Spinal Core
ing_52 Skeleton Bone Marrow
create potion_mana_02 中蓝
create potion_mana_03 大蓝
create potion_mana_03 超级
create potion_mana_03 最大
秘籍 作用
create potion_healing_01 小红
create potion_healing_02 中红
ing_24 Friend to Foe
ing_25 Anemone
ing_26 Might of Nine
ing_27 Mountain Breed
ing_28 Aconite
ing_29 Angelica
ing_30 Arborusia
ing_31 Rabbit Bladder
time # 设置时间(范围0-256)
kill 杀死视角中的敌人
Engine.Shadows 0 or 1 开/关 阴影效果(1为开,0为关)

SHADEZ II -Battle for Earth(英文Flash游戏大作夜战2地球战役攻略)

SHADEZ II -Battle for Earth(英文Flash游戏大作夜战2地球战役攻略)

*These controls only function when the item existsSTARTING THE GAMETHE TITLE SCREENOnce the game has loaded and you have watched the Introduction you will be presented with this screen.Shadez 2 Logo Quick navigation buttons Options buttonMore quick nav. buttons The main menu options MochiMedia login widgetThe main menu options'Start a campaign' button starts a new campaign and takes you to the World map screen. 'Continue campaign' button continues a campaign, this button is only active when you have completed your first mission. If you 'start a campaign' during an active campaign, all data (missions completed, experience, etc.) will be cleared.'Start a skirmish' takes you to the World map.The 'Instruction' button takes you to an external web page (this page) and 'more games' button takes you to .Quick Navigation buttonsThese buttons allow you to access the main menu from any screen. However you will not be able to start a new Campaign unless you go back to the Title screen. You can return to this screen by clicking the Shadez2 Logo.MochiMedia login widgetLogin into your Mochi account, if you do not have one then please register. This will allow you to access the game with its extras and will save your cur rent game play state, which will allow you to play the game on any webpage and retain your current position.Options buttonMove the mouse over this button to access the game options. You can turn the sound on/off, music on/off and change the rendering spe ed Best/Fast/Fastest. Best is the highest quality and Fastest is the lowest quality. If you have a slow machine then you should use the option 'Fastest'THE WORLD MAPOK so you clicked the 'Start a Campaign' button and now you are on the World Map screen. This is where you will access all missions in the game.Experience / Expert mode Threat markers (The missons)Selecting a missionOk then, let's get started. I would suggest playing the TRAINING mission first, this will get you familiar with building, collecting ore and training troops. We will get on to this later in this guide.When a mission is completed (not the training mission), you will be presented with new Threat markers thus new Missions.Experience points and assignmentAfter completing missions you will be rewarded with Experience points. You can assign experience points to units, structures and strikes which will in turn, increment their level making them more awesome. The maximum level for each item is 6.PLAYING THE GAMEGreat, you clicked on the training mission and commenced operations. Hopefully the troops made it there and were not intercepted by the enemy.ORDER YOUR ARMYThere are many things you can do with your army but let's stay with the basics for now. Move the mouse over the unit, the mouse pointer will change, click and the unit will turn a different color and display a health bar.Now move the pointer to another location and click, the unit will then move to this position if they are able to get there. If there is an enemy under the pointer then the unit(s) se lected will attack the target.Structures have limited commands; all the structures that can build units can have rally points set, i.e. the Barracks. To set these rally points first click on the structure and then click somewhere on the terrain. When a un it is built it will travel to this point first before it does anything else.To cancel press escape, this will deselect the unit.Group controlTo make it easier for you to move more than one unit at once you can select groups. To do this click the mouse, draw a box around the units you want (a green box will appear) and then release the button all the units in the box will be now selected.THE INTERFACE (HUD)Item detail panel The radar map Control panel: Repair, sell, info,pause, game speed, funds, add fundsPower meter Build options panelSorry for the complexity soldier but as you already know, war is a fairly complex occupation, if you want something easy I suggest you choose another vocation.Item detail panelThis gives you information on the current selected item(s). Move the mouse over it will open the shortcuts panel, giving you quick navigation to your built items.The radar mapAt anytime you can use this to scroll the map and once you have built the Communication Radar all your items and the enemy will show up on this. You can a lso click on it to move the view to that position.Control panelThe control panel allows you to:Repair or sell items (by clicking on the button and then on the item). You need a repair bay to repair and sell units.Info opens the game guide in a new win dow.Pause the game or speed up the game 2/5 times faster than real time.Shows you how many funds you have to spend and the last button (if needed) allows you to add more funds (although you have to pay for them).Build options panelThis is where you can access and build all of your army and base. Different structures allow you build different units.Power meterEvery structure requires power so you need to make sure that the power bar is always green, if it is Red then some things wi ll not work. Power Plants and Nuclear power supply power to your base.BUILDING STRUCTURESYou'll need to master this soldier, as this is what you'll be doing most of the time (apart from killing enemy scum). To begin building you will first need to find y our HQ (go on, press H) and select it.The HQ (Head quarters) The Power Plant Constructing and ReadyOK, it is now selected, now we can build the first item in the list; the Power Plant. Click the Power Plant and this will commence construction.Once the construction clock reaches the end you can now place the structure. Select the icon and place the buil ding near another building so that the image turns green. Click again and it will now be ready to use.You can cancel at anytime whether it is built or building.MANAGING FUNDS & COLLECTING OREAs you build items your funds will decrease by the cost of the item you are building. You need to keep a close eye on this as you don't want to run out.To earn more funds you need to start collecting the ore on the landscape, it's a nice shiny yellow color so you can see it. Build a Ore refinery and an Ore collector comes free with it. The Ore collector will go about its business and start collecting the ore and brings it back to your ore refinery. The ore is then turned into something you can use, MONEY.If your troops/vehicles are on the ore then t he Ore collector may have trouble getting into position so be sure to leave the Ore fields clear.Also you can directly mine ore using the Ore drill. Make sure you can store all the ore by building more Ore refineries or Ore silos. Any overflow will be los t for ever.BUILDING YOUR ARMYHaving mastered building, to create an army you will need to expand your base.The Barracks The Vehicle Factory The AirfieldThe Barracks & Training troopsOnce the barracks is built then you will be able to train some troops. You can build up to 9 of one type at a time and you can build them all at the same time as well. Troops are fast to build, so keep them queuing up. Some troops require you to build other structures to be built before they become available.The Vehicle Factory & Building vehiclesNow that the vehicle factory is built you can build more powerful units. Again like the barracks you can build up to 9 and you can build them all at the same time. Some vehicles require you to build other structures to be built before they become available.The Airfield & Building aircraftNow that the airfield is built you can build aircraft. Again like the barracks and vehicle factory you can build up to 9 and you can build them all at the same time. Some aircraft requ ire you to build other structures to be built before they become available.REPAIRING & SELLING STRUCTURESTo repair a structure simply click on the repair icon on the interface (see the interface section) and then click on the structure, if the structure's health is less than 100% it will start repairing and a tool wrench will appear over the structure. Repairing structures costs money but it is 50% cheaper to repair than rebuilding it.To sell structures simply click on the sell icon on the interface and then click the structures you wish to sell.Be sure to cancel afterwards, you don't want to start selling structures by accident. REPAIRING & SELLING UNITSOnce the repair bay is available and you have built it you can now start repairing and selling units.Simply move the unit(s) near or over the repair bay. If they need repairing, a tool wrench will appear over the unit. Again the cost of repairing units is 50% of the cost of rebuilding them. You cannot repair troops.If you wish to sell the unit, click the sell button on the interface and click the unit you want to sell. This will return 50% of the cost to build it. You cannot sell troops.INITIATING STRIKES / CALL-INSThe strikes and call-ins will change the outcome of most battles, these are key to your success. In the same way as building structures and units you can initiate strikes and call-ins. Click thestrike/call-in you wish t o initiate, this will then start the initiating. When the strike/call-in is ready click it again and assign a target by clicking on the screen.SKIRMISH OPTIONSThe skirmish options are only available to those who purchase the Expert mode. These options really allow you to change the way the game works, it also makes it easier or harder. Challenge yourself or just mess around, it is up to you.FundsYou can cycle between different starting funds. More funds should make it easier but if you are up for the challenge then keep them low.Aggressive/WavesWhen this is set the AI computer player will become more aggressive and will initiate waves of attack. If it is unset then it will simply defend its base.Fast response timeWhen this is set the AI computer player will do things a lot quicker. The handling of units will be swift and devastating.Place unitsWhen this is set the computer player will place units on the map at the start of the game. This will make it harder.Place structuresWhen this flag is set the computer player will have an almost complete starting base. If it is unset it will have to build up its base over time in the same way you have to.Rebuild structuresIf this flag is set then and you destroy an enemy's structure the computer player will rebuild it. If unset it will not rebuild its base after it has been destroyed. Unset will make it easier to play.Structures / UnitsYou can set what the computer player can build. This allows you to really customize the game and make it harder or easier depending on the amount of time you have to play the game.STRUCTURE INFORMATIO NMILITARY STRUCTURESHEADQUARTERS allows you to build all the structures list here. POWER PLANT produces power for your base.ORE REFINERY turns the ore collected, by the ore transporter, into money. NUCLEAR PLANT produces more power for your base.BARRACKS allows the training of troops. COMMUNICATIONS RADAR activates theradar map showing activity in the world.WATCH TOWER can be built a distance from structures allowing wider spacing. VEHICLE FACTORY allows the construction of heavy weaponry and other vehicles.ORE SILO stores excess ore collected. ORE DRILL can only be placed on ore anddelivers a constant stream of funds.MINIGUN TURRET defends the base against ground attacks. MISSILE TURRETS defends the base against air attacks.REPAIR BAY allows the repairing and selling of units. AIRFIELD allows the construction of aircraft: attack and transportSTRIKE CENTER allows the initiation ofstrikes and call-ins.CIVILIAN STRUCTURESOFFICE BLOCK is a civilian structure that needs defending. HOUSE is a civilian structure that needs defending. May contain children.HOUSE is a civilian structure that needs defending. May contain children. HOUSE is a civilian structure that needs defending. May contain children.THE WHITE HOUSE is the home of the President of the USA.STRUCTURE HIERARCHYUNIT INFORMATIONMILITARY UNITSMARINE carries an m16, they are the primary unit to send into battle.ROCKET TROOP fires missiles at ground and air targets.SPECIAL OPS equipped with C4 and MP5, sneaks in and plants C4 charges.ORE COLLECTOR collects the yellow ore in the world.LIGHT TANK fires a 50mm cannon and moves fast across the terrain.APC can carry troops into combat.HEAVY TANK fires a '120mm fin-stabilized' round and packs a mean punch.ROCKET VEHICLE fires missiles at air and ground targets.MOBILE CONSTRUCTION allows you to build near to it.APACHE fires minigun rounds at air targets only.BLACKHAWK fires missiles at ground targets and carries troops.CHINOOK TRANSPORT can carry troops and vehiclesCIVILIANSCIVILIAN needs to be rescued and defended.PRESIDENT is a key member of society protecting all mankind.UNIT HIERARCHYSTRIKE INFORMATIONMILITARY AIRSTRIKES / CALL-INSTOMAHAWK missiles will search and destroy ground targets near to launch location. PATRIOT missiles will search and destroy air targets near to launch location.BATTLESHIP BOMBARDMENT will obliterate ground targets at a single location. CLUSTER BOMBS will obliterate ground targets across a wide distance.MARINES DROP will drop off marines via Chinook. AIR BOMB will obliterate air and ground units in the area of blast.NAVY SEALS DROP will drop off Special ops via black hawk helicopter. HEAVY TANK DROP will drop off a heavy tank via Chinook.CARPET BOMBS will obliterate ground targets across a wide distance. BROKEN ARROW will call in an array of airstrikes and call-ins to save the day.。


twoworldscheats 1 ,回车,每次重新读档时要重新输入,(不出现物品肯定是忘记读档后重新输入)。
选项Settings - 再选择interface - 这项Inventory Action Confirmation 【off】关掉以后可以不经过确认就可以拆卸、升级、买卖物品等。
Create Qitem_272 Blacksmiths Will
Create Qitem_273 The mayors medicine
Create Qitem_278 Magic Dust
Create Qitem_286 Letters of the poet
Create Qitem_292 Soldier armor
Create Qitem_174 Wilcors Braid
Create Qitem_175 Catapult trigger
Create Qitem_181 Compass
Create Qitem_191 Moon Eye crystal
Create Qitem_204 Throglin Statue
create potion_mana_05 终极
create p
otion_healing_01 小的
create potion_healing_02 普通
Create Qitem_242 Voodoo doll
Create Qitem_255 Engagement ring
Create Qitem_264 Magical mirror
Create Qitem_270 Red dress
Create Qitem_271 Key to the temple in Ashos

时空之轮2 图文剧情攻略

时空之轮2 图文剧情攻略


(SQUARE的RPG游戏向来耐玩,隐藏要素太多了,这个要完成的话估计我一个人写要累死)2.剧情的翻译参考了天幻的CHRONOCROSS专题贴,在此特别感谢石门大桥会员的剧情翻译,这次CC的剧情很深奥,本人因为对日文一窍不通,所以也就是参考天幻的贴将所有关键对话的翻译全部列出,另外因为游戏使用的为日版,但是天幻的剧情翻译是以美版为准的,所以一些人物姓名或者地名使用的是英文,这个应该不是太会影响观看,大家将就一下吧.3.回顾贴中的部分图片以及部分资料参考了天幻CC专题站特此说明4.使用EPSXE来进行游戏的话,推荐1.52来进行游戏,1.60模拟速度有问题,最新的1.70经我测试发现DISC1更换DISC2的地方会导致游戏无法进行,考虑到目前1.52版本的比较难寻,特放出下载EPSXE 1.52下载系统介绍键位操作注:加速/减速功能只能在持有試做時間變速器是才能使用菜单操作1.左下★是通过游戏特定剧情之后才能得到的,代替了一般RPG游戏里面的等级概念,在取得新的★之前人物的能力是固定的。














数字1-0 Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 Pause SysRq
在游戏的主菜单界面,选择“开始新游戏”,能看到游戏本传,以及两 个资料片的标题。选择下面的“Call of the Tenebrae”即可。 设置角色的职业、难度,以及外貌皮肤各种参数。
在对话中,主角可询问这里有什么工作,镇长建议主角前去找刚刚救 下来的少女Edain谈话,或是到镇上的公告板上接受委托任务。 此后,公告板开放大量的支线任务,笔者会在后面介绍这些任务的做 法。接下来继续主线…… %{page-break|第一节-茏罩村镇的阴影|page-break}% 第二节:向北方旅行(Journey to the North)
在路边的一棵树下面,找到三名被捆绑的人。 他们说是本分守法的行商,在途中遇到了劫匪。他们身上的钱财都被
抢光了,被劫匪绑在这里喂野狼。 他的同伴一定在搜寻他们,请求主角吹响号角发出讯号,同伙闻讯即 会赶来营救。
主角从草丛里拾起号角,吹响了它,然后上前给三名商人松梆。 不想这三人原形毕露,要主角交出身上的钱财。原来,他们是真正的 强盗。 主角于是挥舞武器,击败这三名强盗。
%{page-break|序章-时间的碎片|page-break}% 第一节:茏罩村镇的阴影(The Shadow Over Dorchad)
上前和镇长攀谈,镇长对外乡人也是不待见,认为主角这样的外来客 只会带来麻烦。 主角询问现在的时间,镇长以为他喝醉了。于是道明来意,寻找一个 戴着面罩的女子。 镇长想起来DarPha来过村镇,说只是路过这里,至于去哪里,或许其 他的镇民会知道吧。

双重国度 攻略

双重国度 攻略































3.多多的观察箭的走向,练习预判,也就是提前量,这对于猎杀巡逻的怪 物很有帮助。 4.草原的动物会刷新,不过后期经验少的可怜,前期还是多在这磨一磨 吧。 技能篇: 本篇主要介绍弓箭手的技能详情以及入手方式,和一些使用心得。 弓箭手一共11个技能,5个被动技能,6个主动技能。 (技能介绍顺序也就是入手的顺序,具体的入手方法见后) 主动技能为橙色,被动技能为绿色。 连环箭+稳定之手 技能介绍:出生自带技能,同时也是弓箭手的招牌大技能,满级时,可以 在狙击模式下同时射出11支箭,是任何怪都抵挡不住的高强力伤害。推荐 优先加满,角色前期练级秒怪必备。 使用心得:必须在狙击模式下使用,X进入模式后,鼠标右键点击要杀的 怪物,在怪物身上标记红色印记,根据稳定之手的等级来增加点击次数, 堆叠出箭数量。对于几个靠的比较近的怪物,可以把堆叠的次数平分,这 样一次就可以秒多个怪了。 另外如果不是在狙击模式下,连环箭依然可以使用,只不过这样不能堆 叠,只能散射。建议被多个怪物包围后使用,群杀效果显著。 取得地点:自带技能。 神射游侠 技能介绍:狙击模式下增加50%的伤害,弓箭手必满的技能。建议取得技 能书后,最先加满。 取得地点:第一章支线任务《遗失的头颅》接下后,可以得知巴彦村的抄 写员托莫有办 假 证的能力,与其对话接到任务,在他那间被烧焦的屋子中 取得。 火箭 技能介绍:只能在常规模式下使用。高伤害群攻技能,满级增加200%伤 害,作用范围7米。前期因为本身的伤害比较低,所以不建议入手后马上加 满。后期满级后伤害恐怖。尤其是配合跑位,可以群秒近战怪物。有个小 技巧,把火箭射在地上,所散发出来的火焰,同样可以伤害怪物。 取得地点:一章做完铁匠给于的BT任务之后(只要熟练使用“狙击连环 箭”,BT任务也很轻松,我4级就把这任务做了。),兽人将军和兽人弓箭 手的屋子会打开(原先红锁),此时可以在兽人弓箭手的屋子里拿到(桌 上)。 快速拉弓 技能介绍:弓箭手必满的被动技能之一,满级增加80%的拉弓速度,可以 说学满之后基本上就是AK47了。但是因为有“拉弓起始力量”这个被动神技 的存在,不免的有些黯然失色,而且“拉弓起始力量”很快就能得到,所以 这个还是后期点满吧,毕竟技能点有限。不过追求高攻速的玩家也可以先 点满。 取得地点:过了巴彦的大门后直走,第一个被狼人侵占的门边上的一个2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台



⿊镜2——图⽂攻略 第⼀章 男主⾓名叫D a r r e n,学校放假中,现在在F u l l e r摄影⼯作室打⼯。

⿏标移⾄屏幕最下弹出物品栏,有B i d d e f o r d名信⽚和照相机。





⼀位可爱的英国⼥孩姗姗⽽来,想让D a r r e n给照⼀组⿊⽩照⽚。

⽼板F u l l e r将这份美差抢给⾃⼰,打发D a r r e n 去港⼜⼀家商店收取⽼板的包裹并送⼀封信给B i b a⼥⼠。




进⼊商店,与柜台后的R o s i e对话。


马上进店,剩R o s i e⼀个⼈,与之对话得到⽼板的包裹。

R o s i e说还有⼀个给F u l l e r的包裹,但还需要⼀张托收单。


与R o s i e谈论所有对话框的照⽚,再谈对话框中给D a r r e n的包裹,趁R o s i e找东西时拿⼀张空⽩托收单。



去⼴场右侧的B i b a餐厅,查看泡泡糖贩卖机,进⼊餐厅。

与B i b a谈话并给了信。

正欲离开时被医⽣N e w h o u s e叫住,说D a r r e n的妈妈本应与他见⾯的,可她没来。

在物品栏右击B i d d e f o r d名信⽚,点摄影⼯作室。



被⽼板看到,告诉D a r r e n说他妈来过电话。

D a r r e n赶到家,发现妈妈不醒⼈世,⽤电话求救。



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