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Bill Gates’ charity
Bill Gates, who is considered, the wealthiest man in the world, has started his very own foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Despite the difficulties, the scientists made some remarkable discoveries. One of them jumps right off the book's cover: A color map of the world's genetic variation has Africa at one end of the range and Australia at the other. Because Australia's native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, they were widely assumed to be closely related. But their genes tell a different story. Of all humans, Australians are most distant from the Africans and most closely resemble their neighbors, the southeast Asians. What the eye sees as racial differences—between Europeans and Africans, for example—are mainly a way to adapt to climate as humans move from one continent to another.
Structure of Text
Part Ⅰ (Para. 1) Part Ⅱ (Paras. 2~6) Part Ⅲ (Paras. 7~11) Part Ⅳ (Para. 12)
Main Idea
Developing Skill
Introduction: the richest a general statement businessman in the world, supported by details Bill Gates.
The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the original human movements. Those findings, plus the great genetic distance between present-day Africans and non-Africans, indicate that the split from the African branch is the oldest on the human family tree.
superiority of any one population ov another.
人类基因的历史与地理分布》尽管不是严格意义上的畅销书,却是一本汇 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR 集了50多年人类遗传学方面研究成果的好书。它对人类在基因层面上的差异 作了迄今为止最为广泛的调查,得出了明确的结论:如果不考虑影响肤色、 身高等表面特征的基因,不同的“种族”在外表之下相似地令人吃惊。个体之 间的差异远远大于群体之间的差异。实际上,那种认为某一种群比另一种群 的基因更优越的理论是毫无科学根据的
Important words Conquer vt. 征服 Deadly adj. 1.致命的 2.彻底的;十足的 Competitor n. 竞争者 Claw vt. 拉;抓 Interpret vt. 解释 v. 口译 Visionary n.有远见的人 adj.有远见的 Brick n. 砖 Hardware n.(计算机的)硬件 金属器具
Collecting blood, particularly from ancient populations in remote areas, was not always easy. Potential donors were often afraid to cooperate, or had religious concerns. On one occasion, when Cavalli-Sforza was taking blood samples from children in a rural region of Africa, he was confronted by an angry farmer waving an axe. Recalls the scientist: "I remember him saying,'If you take the blood of the children, I'll take yours.' He was worried that we might want to do some magic with the blood."
结合对远古人骨的研究,这一图谱证实了非洲是人类的 诞生地,因而也是人类迁徙的始发地。这些发现,再加上 现代非洲人与非非洲人之间的巨大基因差异,说明了从非 洲种群开始的分支是人类家谱上最早的分支。
The genetic maps also shed new light on the origins of populations that have long puzzled scientists. Example: the Khoisan people of southern Africa. Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient origin. The unique character of the clicking sounds in their language has persuaded some researchers that the Khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors. But their genes beg to differ. They show that the Khoisan may be a very ancient mix of west Asians and black Africans. A genetic trail visible on the maps shows that the breeding ground for this mixed population probably lies in Ethiopia or the Middle East.
尽管有困难,科学家们还是取得了一些引人注目的发现。其中之一 就醒目地印在此书封面上:人类基因变异彩图表明,非洲与澳洲分 别位于变化范围的两端。因为澳洲土著和非洲黑人之间有一些共同 的外表特征,如肤色、体型等,所以被普遍认为有密切的亲缘关系。 但是他们的基因却表明并非如此。在所有人种中,澳洲人与非洲人 的关系最远,而与其邻居东南亚人非常接近。我们所看到的人种差 异,例如欧洲人与非洲人的差异,主要是人类从一个大陆向另一个 大陆迁徙时为适应气候所产生的。
பைடு நூலகம்

然而,此书还不仅仅是对目前的种族偏见理论的反驳。这一 项目的主要倡导者,斯坦福大学教授路卡 · 卡瓦里-斯福尔扎, 与同事一起经过16年的努力,绘制了这一世界上首幅人类基 因分布图谱。此书的一大特点是提供了 500多幅图,显示了 相同的遗传基因所处的区域,这很像其他地图上用同样的颜 色标示同样海拔高度的地区。通过测定当前人类种群间的亲 缘关系,作者们勾绘了地球上早期人类迁徙的路线。他们的 研究结果相当于一份全球家谱。
Property value estimation
According to Forbes(福布斯) magazine of the world‘s

Bill Gates’ brief introduction
Bill Gates grew up in an upper middle-class family with two sisters, He enrolled at Harvard University for a career in law. But he spend more of time in the computer lab than in class. In 1975, Gates and Allen formed a partnership they called Micro-Soft.
most extensive survey to date on how humans vary at the level of their genes. The book's firm
conclusion: once the genes for surface features such as skin color and height are discounted, the "races" are remarkably alike under the skin. The variation among individuals is much greater than the differences among groups. In fact, there is no scientific basis for theories pushing the genetic
The information needed to draw that tree is found in human blood: various proteins that serve as markers to reveal a person's genetic makeup. Using data collected by scientists over decades, the authors assembled profiles of hundreds of thousands of individuals from almost 2,000 groups. And to ensure the populations were "pure", the study was confined to groups that were in their present locations as of 1492, before the first major movements from Europe began — in effect, a genetic photo of the world when Columbus sailed for America.
Bill Gates’ personal traits resulting in his success Bill Gates’ personal development in time sequence
Conclusion: Gates’ future plan
While not exactly a top selling book, The History and Geography of Human Genes is a remarkable collection of more than 50 years of research in population genetics. It stands as the
他们在人类血液中找到了绘制这一家谱所需的信息:不同的蛋白质 就是显示一个人的基因构成的标志。作者们利用几十年来科学家们 收集的数据,汇编成了近2,000个群体中成千上万个个体的数据图。 为了确保种群的‚纯正‛,这项研究将对象限定于自1492年起,即 欧洲最初的大规模迁徙之前就一直居住在现生活区域的那些群体。 这实际上就是一幅哥伦布驶向美洲时期的世界人口基因分布图。
收集血样,特别是到偏远地区的古老人群中收集血样,并非总是 易事。潜在的供血者通常不敢合作,或存在宗教上的担心。有一 次在非洲农村,正当卡瓦里· 斯福尔扎要从儿童身上采血时,一 个愤怒的村民手执斧头出现在他面前。这位科学家回忆道:‚我 记得他说,‘如果你从孩子们身上抽血,我就要放你的血。’那 个人是担心我们可能用这些血来施魔法。‛