
This is the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates.
It looks so cute and interesting that you won’t feel the skeleton horrible.
• Now let me introduce the most important character of the whole comics------• Monkey D Luffy
的特点,一个17岁得男孩。他是草帽海 贼团船长。他无忧无虑,有时很没脑子。 通常他有一个巨大的食欲,特别是肉类。 由于偶然吃了恶魔宝果食,这种果实给吃 的人获得特殊的能力,他的身体得到橡 胶的性能。路飞的梦想是成为海贼
Luffy is the captain of the pirates , his crews are as follows
Monkey D. Luffy The main character, a 17 years old boy.He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is carefree and sometimes air-headed. He generally has a huge appetite, for meat in particular. By accidentally eating a Devil Fruit, a fruit that grants special abilities to those who eat them, his body gained the properties of rubber. Luffy's dream is to become the Pirate King..蒙奇D.路飞主要

并结识在了一起。 经历了种种困难, 他们来到了伟大航路, 途中打败了许多强大的敌人.
The sea is very big, it can always make us think that what will be in the other side of the sea.
Luffy had promised his friend Shanks, in his brain has a belief that "I am the man that will to be the King of the pirate!." To him, the straw hat that shanks gave him is a commitment to witness. The story is started with the belief.
路飞是一个和朋友有过承诺 的人,在他的脑中有着唯一 的信念,那就是“我是要成 为海贼王的男人!”。对他来 说,草帽就是承诺的见证。 故事就是围绕着这一信念展 开。
On the journey, Luffy get know with the other eight partners – Swordsman Zoro, cook Sanji, sniper Usopp, navigation Nami, the doctor Chopper, the historian Robin and the musician Brook. 在路飞的旅途上,结识了其他8位 伙伴—剑士索隆、厨师香吉士、阻 击手乌索普、航海士娜美、医生乔 巴‘历史学家罗宾‘船工弗朗奇还 有音乐家布鲁克。

【海贼猎人】罗罗诺亚· 索隆[RORONOA· ZORO]
: Green hair, left ear wearing three yellow dew earrings, green apron, belt wear three knives, left arm tied black turbans
Representative material:
Goal: Draw with your own eyes to see the world map.
Reward:3000万(身为狙击王时)(司法岛事件) Feature : Inherited his mother's long
Become the world's first big sword Howe! Let his name resounded through heaven!
Air ama ( 航海士)
Reward:1600万(司法岛事件) Feature : Excellent body, left arm like a
Carpenter repairing(修船匠)
【改造人】弗兰奇[CUTTER· FRANK]
Reward:4400万贝利(司法岛事件) Feature :An artificial person, is a keen wearing swimming

Become a true maritime brave warrior.
Carpenter repairing(修船匠)
【改造人】弗兰奇[CUTTER· FRANK]
Reward:4400万贝利(司法岛事件) Feature :An artificial person, is a keen wearing swimming
trunks triangle transformation of people, blue airplane head, steel body, black triangle sunglasses, playing the guitar and often moved to tears, talking a little foreigner tune incidentally, to Coke as fuel, and fond of cola . Features: Not only is repairing highly skilled, but also understand the architecture. In addition to the back of my body are weapons (because they reach back).
Feature : Although has become a skeleton, but there is
still a black bushy afro, dressed gentleman wear, quite lecherous and funny personality, has a "yo ho ho ho" iconic laughter. Features: a variety of musical instruments, fencing, 黄泉果实 能力者

Originally manufactured dream boat, but Thousand Sunny is complete, would like to see their own making boat to reach end of the world.
【鼻歌】布鲁克[BROOK] Reward:3300万贝利(具体事件与时间尚不明)
Become the world's first big sword Howe! Let his name resounded through heaven!
Air ama ( 航海士)
Reward:1600万(司法岛事件) Feature : Excellent body, left arm like a
(The face of danger) I had not done XXXX disease. I was Usopp captain, but I have 8,000 men!
Become a true maritime brave warrior.

My name is Luffy, I was a man to be One Piece
This is our little zoro, he and his companion Guina, have dreams to become the world's first swordsman, and efforts to this end
This is a story about partnership. Because we are partners, we trust each other. Because we are partners, we have a common destiny. Because we are partners, we stubbornly persists.
“路飞 你听得见吗 让你担心了 路飞 我 一定要成为世界第一的剑豪 要不然你会很伤脑筋吧 我 我 不会再输的 在打败他成为大剑 豪之前 我是绝对不会再输 海贼王! 的 你有意见吗 海贼王 ”
a navigator with superior surveying skills and have a dream to make a map of the world
海贼王英文简介,课前演讲,free talk,英语

I would like to become strong in place of her,I will be strong to name rang heaven, I will become a strong swordsman the world's first
这是我们的小zoro,他与同伴古伊娜,都想成 为世界第一剑客,并努力着。但一场意外夺去 古伊娜的生命,zoro为实现他们共同的愿望奋 斗着
这是Brook,一个音乐家兼剑士,最后 一位草帽海贼团成员。因为能力弱,一 直被别人控制,直到草帽海贼团出现救 了他。为了更好的活着,他加入了草帽 海贼团
'After the trip around the world to meet old friend'
This is also a story about partnership. Because we are partners, we trust each other. Because we are partners, we have a common destiny. Because we are partners, we stubbornly persists. 这也是一个关于伙伴的故
This is Nico Robin, a historian. Because she has a reading ability of the world's most dangerous weapons, her childhood had been on the run. At that time, she has no family, no partner,can only trust herself.Until she met Straw Hat Pirates Group, and finally had its own attribution
海贼王 onepiece 最全英语演示

Usopp's dream is to become a "brave warrior(勇士) of the sea".
marksman 狙击手 Usopp 乌索普
His dream is to create a cure for all the world's diseases.
托尼托尼· 乔巴
One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is King of the Pirates - Gold D Roger. Legend has the One Piece buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea – “do you want the wealth ,you can get. I put everything on there, you go! ”As a result, pirates era began! 财富、名声、势力,拥有整个世界的海贼王——哥 尔D· 罗杰。他临死前说的一句话,让人们趋之若鹜 ,奔向大海——“想要我的财富吗?可以的。我把一 切都放在那里,你们去找吧!”于是,海贼时代开始 了!
Straw Hat Pirate Group
This is the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates.
It looks so cute and interesting that you won’t feel the skeleton horrible.

这是我们的主角路飞,他受他年少时的’英雄红发香克斯 “的感染,立志要找到伟大的宝藏,成为新的海贼王。要做 到这点他必须到达致命危险的海洋:伟大的航路
This is zoro, he and his companion Guina, have dreams to become the world's first swordsman, and efforts to this end
One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is King of the Pirates - Gold D Roger. Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - “do you want the wealth ,you can get. I put everything on there, you go! “As a result, pirates era began!
Finally, let us look a video
这是我们的小zoro,他与同伴古伊娜,都想成 为世界第一剑客,并努力着。但一场意外夺去 古伊娜的生命,zoro为实现他们共同的愿望奋 斗着 这是zoro,他与同伴
古伊娜,都想成为世 界第一剑客,并努力 着。但一场意外夺去 古伊娜的生命,zoro 为实现他们共同的愿 望奋斗着
This is Sanji, a sea cook, he want to find a name of all blue sea. All the fish are concentrated in that, there is a cook's paradise 。这是sanji, 一个海上厨师,想要找到一片名 T 叫all blue 的海。所有的鱼都集 中在那,那里是他就是海 贼王——葛鲁多· 罗杰。 他把他所有的财富埋在了伟大的航路 。 他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大 海——“想要我的财富吗? 可以的。我把一切都放在那里,你们去找吧!” 于是,海贼时代开始了!

介绍海贼的英文作文英文:As a fan of One Piece, I am excited to introduce the world of pirates to you. Pirates in One Piece are not just criminals who steal and rob, but also adventurers who seek treasure and freedom. The main character, Monkey D. Luffy,is a young pirate who dreams of finding the ultimate treasure, One Piece, and becoming the Pirate King. 。
The world of One Piece is filled with various types of pirates, such as the infamous Four Emperors, the powerful Shichibukai, and the rookie pirates like Luffy and his crew. Each pirate has their own unique personality, abilities,and goals. For example, the Four Emperors are the most powerful pirates in the world, while the Shichibukai are former pirates who have made a deal with the government to work for them in exchange for pardon and privileges. 。
Pirates in One Piece also have their own Jolly Roger, aflag that represents their crew and their beliefs. The Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy's crew, have a Jolly Roger with a skull wearing Luffy's signature straw hat. The Jolly Roger is not just a symbol, but also a way for pirates to intimidate their enemies and show their pride. 。
ONE PIECE 英文介绍(带中文

他是一个半机器人。他 的人造的身体给了他丌 可思议的力量,以及让 他几乎无懈可击的丌受 任何正面攻击。他的身 体配备了无数的武器。 丌过,弗兰奇和乔巳一 样喜欢隐藏自己的感情。 他的梦想是造一艘梦想 之船幵搭乘它环游世界, 他现在在桑尼号上。
He never wear pants.
• Brook's mantra: I am sorry, young lady, look at your underwear?
• 【蒙奇•D•路飞主要的特点,一个17岁的 男孩。他是草帽海贼团船长。他无忧无虑, 有时候很天然呆。他是一个吃货,特别是 对肉类。由于偶然吃了恶魔果实,吃了这 种果实的人可以获得特殊的能力,他的身 体变得像橡胶一般】
Roronoa Zoro
• He was the first to jion the crew.He is 19 years old and understanding directions and gets lost very easily.He also sleeps a greatest wordsman in the world.
• 茫茫无际的大海总是能勾起人们无限的遐想,海的那一头到底 是什么?
• For those brave risk-takers,the sea at the end is his dream,even those desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams.
• 【她吃了花花果实,喜欢考古和阅读兲于考古的书。她的梦想是找到已经消 失的“真正历史”。】
• Is Straw Hat Pirstes Group gave her to survive。

这是 Nico Robin, 一个历史学家,因 为她拥有解读世界 最危险武器的能力, 所以从小就在逃亡, 没有亲人,没有伙 伴,只能相信她自 己,直到遇见草帽 海贼团,终于有了 自己的归属
He is the ship carpenter and always let his underwear be seen by everyone…….
“我是路飞,要成为海贼王的男人” Captain: My name is Luffy, I was a Monkey· D· Luffy man to be One Piece
这是我们的主角路飞,他 受他年少时的’英雄红发 香克斯“的感染,立志要找 到伟大的宝藏,成为新的 海贼王。要做到这点他必 须到达致命危险的海洋: 伟大的航路 This is our leading role - Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, set out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.
arrive the end of the great line with Sunny(the boat created by him)
This is Brook, a musician and swordsman, the last member of Straw Hat Pirates Group. Because capacity is weak, has been controlled by others, until the Straw Hat Pirates Group appeared to save him. In order to better alive, he joined the Straw Hat Pirate Group 这是Brook,一个音乐家兼剑士, 最后一位草帽海贼团成员。因为能 力弱,一直被别人控制,直到草帽 海贼团出现救了他。为了更好的活 着,他加入了草帽海贼团

Munch D. Luffy
Characteristics: Luffy is the protocol of the series He is a young pirate who poses the ability to stretch his body parts like rubber He dreams of finding the legacy treatment called "One Piece" and becoming the Pirate King
Character relationships
Luffy is the protocol of the series and the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates He is a kind, optimistic, and determined young man who strives to become the Pirate King
English Voice Actor: Kerry Williams
English Dubbing Company: 4Kids Entertainment (Season 1), Funimation (Seasons 2-20)
Characteristics: Shanks is a red aired phrase and Luffy's senior and mentor He is known as the "Red Haired Pirate" and is highly concerned in the Pirate world He has a call and collected deminor and is a very powerful SWordsman

我最喜欢的漫画英文作文In the vast world of comics, there is one that has captured my heart and imagination: "One Piece." This epic tale of adventure, friendship, and dreams has been a constant source of joy and inspiration for me."One Piece" is the creation of Eiichiro Oda, a Japanese manga artist whose imaginative storytelling and unique art style have captivated readers worldwide. The comic follows the journey of a young pirate named Monkey D. Luffy, who dreams of becoming the Pirate King and finding the legendary treasure, One Piece. Alongside his crew of diverse and colorful characters, Luffy embarks on a series of exciting adventures, facing challenges and enemies that test their strength, willpower, and loyalty to each other. What I love most about "One Piece" is its rich and diverse worldbuilding. Oda's imagination knows no bounds, and he has created a vast and intricate universe filled with fantastic creatures, mysterious islands, and powerful foes. Each new location and encounter brings a fresh burst of excitement and wonder, keeping the story constantly engaging and unpredictable.Moreover, the characters in "One Piece" are deeply layered and relatable. They each have their own unique backstories, motivations, and dreams, which adds depth and emotional resonance to the story. Luffy's unwavering determination and joyful spirit are particularly infectious, making him an inspiration to readers. His crew, too, are a diverse group of individuals who complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, forming a powerful team that can overcome any obstacle.The themes of "One Piece" are also deeply resonant. It explores the importance of friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of dreams. Through the characters' journey, the comic teaches us about the power of teamwork, the value of perseverance, and the importance of staying true to oneself. These themes are presented in a way that is both engaging and thought-provoking, making "One Piece" not only a fun read but also a source of wisdom and inspiration.The art style of "One Piece" is also a big draw for me. Oda's unique blend of cartoonish humor and detailed action sequences creates a visually stunning comic that is both entertaining and easy to follow. The characters'expressions and body language are particularly expressive, adding a lot of personality and charm to the story.In conclusion, "One Piece" is my favorite comic because it combines the best elements of adventure, friendship, and dreams in a way that is both exciting and meaningful. It has inspired me to pursue my own dreams with determination and joy, and I am grateful to Eiichiro Oda for creating such a wonderful world of imagination and inspiration.**我最喜欢的漫画:想象与灵感的旅程**在浩如烟海的漫画世界中,有一部作品深深打动了我,那就是《海贼王》。

介绍海贼王的英文小说作文1. Monkey D. Luffy, the main character of the One Piece series, is a young and adventurous pirate with a dream of finding the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. He possessesa rubber-like body due to eating a Devil Fruit, whichgrants him incredible powers and makes him virtually immune to physical attacks.2. Luffy's journey begins as he sets sail with his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, in search of the Grand Line, a dangerous and mysterious sea where the One Piece is rumored to be located. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, powerful enemies, and unique islands filledwith treasures and secrets.3. The Straw Hat Pirates consist of a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique skills and personalities. From the skilled swordsman Roronoa Zoro to the navigator and thief Nami, and the sharpshooter Usopp, the crew members complement each other's strengths andweaknesses, creating a strong and loyal team.4. Throughout their journey, Luffy and his crew faceoff against powerful and notorious pirates, including the likes of Captain Buggy, the Warlord of the Sea Crocodile, and the pirate empress Boa Hancock. They also encounter the Marines, a powerful military force aiming to maintain order in the seas, led by the formidable Admiral Akainu.5. One Piece is not just about action and adventure; it also explores deep themes such as friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of dreams. Luffy's unwavering determination to become the Pirate King and his loyalty to his friends inspire those around him and resonate with readers.6. The world of One Piece is vast and filled with unique and imaginative characters, from powerful DevilFruit users to legendary creatures and mythical beings. The world-building in the series is intricate and detailed, with each island and its inhabitants having their own distinct culture and history.7. Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, has managed to captivate readers for over two decades with his engaging storytelling and vibrant art style. The series has become one of the best-selling manga of all time and has spawned an anime adaptation, movies, and merchandise, gaining a massive global following.8. In conclusion, One Piece is a thrilling and epic adventure that combines action, humor, and heartfelt moments. It has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide and continues to be a beloved and influential series in the world of manga and anime.。

海贼王的英文作文英文,As a fan of One Piece, I have always been fascinated by the world created by Eiichiro Oda. The story follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries, but their determination and bond as a crew help them overcome these challenges.One of the things I love about One Piece is the diverse cast of characters. Each member of Luffy's crew has their own unique personality and backstory, making them all the more interesting. For example, Zoro is a skilled swordsman who is constantly striving to become stronger, while Sanji is a chef who never backs down from a fight and is always chasing after beautiful women.Another aspect of One Piece that I appreciate is the underlying themes of friendship and loyalty. The bonds between the characters are so strong that they are willingto risk their lives for each other, and this is a message that resonates with many fans.Overall, One Piece is a fantastic series that has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. Its engaging story, lovable characters, and powerful themes make it a must-watch for anyone who loves adventure and excitement.中文,作为海贼王的粉丝,我一直被尾田栄一郎创造的世界所吸引。

海贼王的英文作文英文,As a fan of One Piece, I have to say that it is one of the best anime and manga series I have ever watched and read. The story is full of adventure, friendship, and of course, pirates. The main character, Monkey D. Luffy, is a fun-loving and determined young man who dreams of becoming the Pirate King. Along with his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy travels the Grand Line in search of the legendary treasure known as One Piece.One of the things I love about One Piece is the diverse and unique characters. Each member of the Straw Hat Pirates has their own backstory and personality, making them all interesting and lovable in their own way. From the cool and collected swordsman, Zoro, to the quirky and intelligent navigator, Nami, the crew is full of dynamic charactersthat keep the story fresh and exciting.Another aspect of One Piece that I appreciate is the themes of loyalty and perseverance. Luffy and his crew arefiercely loyal to each other and will do anything to protect their friends. They also never give up, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. This is a great message for viewers and readers to take away and apply to their own lives.Overall, One Piece is a fantastic series that I highly recommend to anyone who loves adventure, humor, and heart. It has a little bit of everything and will keep you hooked from beginning to end.中文,作为海贼王的粉丝,我必须说它是我曾经观看和阅读过的最好的动漫和漫画系列之一。
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这是 Nico Robin, , 一个历史学家, 一个历史学家,因 为她拥有解读世界 最危险武器的能力, 最危险武器的能力, 所以从小就在逃亡, 所以从小就在逃亡, 没有亲人, 没有亲人,没有伙 伴,只能相信她自 己,直到遇见草帽 海贼团,终于有了 海贼团, 自己的归属
This is Frankey, a ship carpenter, because the genius of weapons manufacturing capabilities, has been a world government pursued, in order to avoid to kill, he disguised ruffian, until she met luffy,. He was affected by the single cell boy who just want to be one piece, and joined the Straw Hat Pirates Group, began his brief but exciting trip to repair ship
一个拥有卓越的测绘技 能的航海士,她有一个 画出世界地图的梦想
I want to be a brave sea warrior 我要成为一个英勇 的海上战士 This is usoppu, a child love to lie has a real dream to be a brave sea warrior 这是usoppu,一个拥 这是 , 有成为海上勇士这一真 实梦想的爱说谎孩子
This is also a story about partnership. Because we are partners, we trust each other. Because we are partners, we have a common destiny. Because we are partners, we stubbornly persists. 这也是一个关于伙伴的故事。 这也是一个关于伙伴的故事。 因为我们是伙伴所以我们彼此 信任。 信任。 因为我们是伙伴所以我们生死 与共。 与共。因为我们是伙伴所以我 们不离不弃。 们不离不弃。
This is Nico Robin, a historia the world's most dangerous weapons, her childhood had been on the run. At that time, she has no family, no partner,can only trust herself.Until she met Straw Hat Pirates Group, and finally had its own attribution
这是Brook,一个音乐家兼剑士, ,一个音乐家兼剑士, 这是 最后一位草帽海贼团成员。因为能 最后一位草帽海贼团成员。 力弱,一直被别人控制, 力弱,一直被别人控制,直到草帽 海贼团出现救了他。 海贼团出现救了他。为了更好的活 着,他加入了草帽海贼团
Finally, let us take a look at this impressive partner for friendship
I would like to become strong in place of her,I will be strong to name rang heaven, I will become a strong swordsman the world's first
This is our little zoro, he and his companion Guina, have dreams to become the world's first swordsman, and efforts to this end 这是我们的小zoro,他与同伴古伊娜,都想成为 ,他与同伴古伊娜, 这是我们的小 世界第一剑客,并努力着。 世界第一剑客,并努力着。但一场意外夺去古伊 娜的生命, 娜的生命,zoro为实现他们共同的愿望奋斗着 为实现他们共同的愿望奋斗着
I want to be able to cure any disease doctor, because ... ... this world is not what the disease is incurable. 我要成为能医治任何病的医生, 我要成为能医治任何病的医生,因 这世上没有什么病, 为……这世上没有什么病,是无法 这世上没有什么病 医治的。 医治的。 This is Jopper, a shy doctor. But has a great dream 这是乔巴,一个害羞的医生。 这是乔巴,一个害羞的医生。 但有着伟大的梦想
东海,西海,北海,南海, 东海,西海,北海,南海,就 是这四片海所有鱼类一起存在 的海洋,那就是ALL 的海洋,那就是ALL BLUE 啊,对海砂不过厨师来说是充 满魅力的乐园, 满魅力的乐园,那是我的梦想 啊
This is sanji, a sea cook, he want to find a name of all blue sea. All the fish are concentrated in that, there is a cook's paradise 这是sanji,一个海上厨师, 这是 ,一个海上厨师, 想要找到一片名叫all 想要找到一片名叫 blue 的海。 的海。所有的鱼都集中在 那,那里是厨师的天堂
One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is King of the Pirates - Gold D Roger. Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - “do you want the wealth ,you can get. I put everything on there, you go! “As a result, pirates era began! 他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权力,他就是海贼王 他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权力,他就是海贼王— —葛鲁多 罗杰。他把他所有的财富埋在了伟大的航 葛鲁多·罗杰 葛鲁多 罗杰。 他临死前说的一句话, 路 。他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大 想要我的财富吗? 海——“想要我的财富吗?可以的。我把一切都放在 想要我的财富吗 可以的。 那里,你们去找吧! 于是, 那里,你们去找吧!”于是,海贼时代开始了!
As he grew up, his dreams are more determined than 随着他的长大, 随着他的长大,他的梦想更坚定了
“路飞 你听得见吗 让你担心了 路飞 我 一定要成为世界第一的剑豪 要不然你会很伤脑筋吧 我 我不 会再输的 在打败他成为大剑豪 之前 我是绝对不会再输的 你有 海贼王! 意见吗 海贼王 ”
“我是路飞,要成为海贼王的男人” 我是路飞,要成为海贼王的男人” 我是路飞
My name is Luffy, I was a man to be One Piece
这是我们的主角路飞,他 这是我们的主角路飞, 受他年少时的’ 受他年少时的’英雄红发 香克斯“的感染,立志要找 香克斯“的感染 立志要找 到伟大的宝藏, 到伟大的宝藏,成为新的 海贼王。 海贼王。要做到这点他必 须到达致命危险的海洋: 须到达致命危险的海洋: 伟大的航路 This is our leading role - Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.
这是一个关于梦想的故事。 这是一个关于梦想的故事。 茫茫 无际的大海总是能勾起人们无限 的遐想,海的那一头到底是什么? 的遐想,海的那一头到底是什么? 对那些勇敢的冒险者而言, 对那些勇敢的冒险者而言,大海 的尽头就是自己的梦想, 的尽头就是自己的梦想,即便是 那些亡命的海贼也有着自己为之 奋斗的梦想。 奋斗的梦想。 This is a story about a dream. Boundless sea always evoke an unlimited source of fascination for the people, the sea and that one in the end that? For those brave risk-takers, the sea at the end is his dream, even those desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams
I would like to create a map of the world saw their own 我要制造一张自己亲眼看见的世 界地图
a navigator with superior surveying skills and have a dream to make a map of the world
This is Brook, a musician and swordsman, the last member of Straw Hat Pirates Group. Because capacity is weak, has been controlled by others, until the Straw Hat Pirates Group appeared to save him. In order to better alive, he joined the Straw Hat Pirate Group