International Management sample
HR Personal Statement sample 1
Personal StatementProgram: Human Resource Management /International Business Management / Media EnterprisesIn this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound transformation. Any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international level. By now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and China ’s accession into the WTO has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development potential. But at the same time China is bound to an important obligation—its solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the WTO member countries. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for China to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is achieved.Against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually eliminated. The intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global scale. How to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face. It is precisely based on this recognition that I, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a master’s program in management whereby I may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective management.My four-year undergraduate program in Broadcast and Television Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Information Communication of XX University of Science and Technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical experience. I have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent No. 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic practices. As vice head of our university’s TV station, I produced a great number of special feature programs. I interned at a local newspaper office and at XX Provincial TV Station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic reporting. I was the assistant producer of a special show about XX Province in a serial program “Across China” by XX’s Phoenix Cable TV. Through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and TV producer, I have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal communication. In addition, I have a unique advantage—I have done a second degree in English for Science and Technology. Those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program.As a sophomore, I started my bi-degree program in business administration. I prized this important opportunity as I discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest lies. In this program, I have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Market Planning. My academic performance in this program is equally satisfactory. In May 2002, as one of a few student delegates, I participated in the Third MBA Development Forum of China held in the City of XX . I helped my advisor prepare his presentation and I also interviewed leading scholars and experts on MBA in our country. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives.Comment&summarize:At the very beginning of the personal statement the writer explained this age of information,and the prospect of china after attend WTO. Then the writer tell how to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face,that’t why he aimed to do this job as HR manager. And then he said he has experiences to get the job,this factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program. At last he tell us he has got a further education in MBA in his country This experience significantly deepened his understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives. The statement is fine with its detailed introduction of his skills which can make the committee believe he he is the one we need .。
国际参考清样(中英文版)Title: International Reference SampleTitle: 任务标题:国际参考清样Task Title: International Reference SampleThe international reference sample is a crucial component in the field of quality control and assurance.国际参考样本是在质量控制和保证领域中的一个关键组成部分。
The international reference sample is a crucial component in the field of quality control and assurance.It serves as a standard against which the quality of other samples can be measured and evaluated.国际参考样本在质量控制和保证领域扮演着至关重要的角色。
The international reference sample is a crucial component in the field of quality control and assurance.It serves as a standard against which the quality of other samples can be measured and evaluated.国际参考样本是在质量控制和保证领域中的一个关键组成部分。
The process of creating an international reference sample involves rigorous testing and validation to ensure its accuracy and reliability.创建国际参考样本的过程涉及严格的测试和验证,以确保其准确性和可靠性。
国际管理公司 ——体育经纪公司分析
这里输入简单的文字概述这里输入 简单文字概述简单的文字
此处添加详细文本描述,建议与标 题相关并符合整体语言风格,此处 添加此处添加详细文本描述,建议 与标题相此处添加详细文本描述此 处添加详细文本描述
此处添加详细文本描述,建议与标 题相关并符合整体语言风格,此处 添加此处添加详细文本描述,建议 与标题相此处添加详细文本描述此 处添加详细文本描述
02 IMG与中国
在往后的二十多年里,IMG举办了 各种不同运动的赛事,并创办和 运营甲A足球联赛(现为“中超”)、 足协杯、CBA等大型职业赛事,以 及如七星国际越野挑战赛等为赞
IMG获得了北京2008年奥林匹克 运动会申办委员会聘任为1其全
),创始人是著名经纪人马克·麦科马克(Mark McCormack),IMG成立于1960年。1960 年马克·麦科马克与昔日高尔夫球星阿诺德·帕尔默签约,成为其经纪人,开启了现代体 育营销I的MG先成河立。于2)19发60年展,历创程始:人IM是G从著球名员经经纪纪人开马始克逐·渐麦拓科展马业克务(,M将ark赞助商、电视媒体
IMG中国为大众汽车提供奥运赞 助咨询服务并为其夺得2008年北
1979年,刚刚改革 开放,IMG抓住时机, 成为第一个在中国进 行体育推广的外国公
1993年,国家体委(国家体育总局的 前身)制定了《关于培育体育市场加 快体育产业化进程的意见》。明确了 体育“面向市场、走向市场、以产业
International Safety Management (ISM) Code(as revised by 2002 amendment)Preamble1 The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.2 The Assembly adopted resolution A.443(XI), by which it invited all Governments to take the necessary steps to safeguard the shipmaster in the proper discharge of his responsibilities with regard to maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment.3 The Assembly also adopted resolution A.680(17), by which it further recognized the need for appropriate organization of management to enable it to respond to the need of those on board ships to achieve and maintain high standards of safety and environmental protection.4 Recognizing that no two shipping companies or shipowners are the same, and that ships operate under a wide range of different conditions, the Code is based on general principles and objectives.5 The Code is expressed in broad terms so that it can have a widespread application. Clearly, different levels of management, whether shore-based or at sea, will require varying levels of knowledge and awareness of the items outlined.6 The cornerstone of good safety management is commitment from the top. In matters of safety and pollution prevention it is the commitment, competence, attitudes and motivation of individuals at all levels that determines the end result.PART A - IMPLEMENTATION1 GENERAL1.1 DefinitionsThe following definitions apply to parts A and B of this Code.1.1.1 "International Safety Management (ISM) Code" means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention as adopted by the Assembly, as may be amended by the Organization.1.1.2 "Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed theresponsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.1.1.3 "Administration" means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.1.1.4 "Safety management system" means a structured and documented system enabling Company personnel to implement effectively the Company safety and environmental protection policy.1.1.5 "Document of Compliance" means a document issued to a Company which complies with the requirements of this Code.1.1.6 "Safety Management Certificate" means a document issued to a ship which signifies that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety management system.1.1.7 "Objective evidence" means quantitative or qualitative information, records or statements of fact pertaining to safety or to the existence and implementation of a safety management system element, which is based on observation, measurement or test and which can be verified.1.1.8 "Observation" means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.1.1.9 "Non-conformity" means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement.1.1.10 "Major non-conformity" means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.1.1.11 "Anniversary date" means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the date of expiry of the relevant document or certificate.1.1.12 "Convention" means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.1.2 Objectives1.2.1 The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.1.2.2 Safety management objectives of the Company should, inter alia:.1 provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment; .2 establish safeguards against all identified risks; and.3 continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and environmental protection.1.2.3 The safety management system should ensure:.1 compliance with mandatory rules and regulations; and.2 that applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization, Administrations, classification societies and maritime industry organizations are taken into account.1.3 ApplicationThe requirements of this Code may be applied to all ships.1.4 Functional requirements for a safety management systemEvery Company should develop, implement and maintain a safety management system which includes the following functional requirements:.1 a safety and environmental-protection policy;.2 instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships and protection of the environment in compliance with relevant international and flag State legislation;.3 defined levels of authority and lines of communication between, and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel;.4 procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of this Code;.5 procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations; and.6 procedures for internal audits and management reviews.2 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL-PROTECTION POLICY2.1 The Company should establish a safety and environmental-protection policy which describes how the objectives given in paragraph 1.2 will be achieved.2.2 The Company should ensure that the policy is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization, both ship-based and shore-based.3 COMPANY RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY3.1 If the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship is other than the owner, the owner must report the full name and details of such entity to the Administration.3.2 The Company should define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution prevention.3.3 The Company is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore-based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.4 DESIGNATED PERSON(S)To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board, every Company, as appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management. The responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons should include monitoring the safety and pollution-prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and ensuring that adequate resources and shore-based support are applied, as required.5 MASTER'S RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY5.1 The Company should clearly define and document the master's responsibility with regard to:.1 implementing the safety and environmental-protection policy of the Company; .2 motivating the crew in the observation of that policy;.3 issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner;.4 verifying that specified requirements are observed; and.5 reviewing the safety management system and reporting its deficiencies to the shore-based management.5.2 The Company should ensure that the safety management system operating on board the ship contains a clear statement emphasizing the master's authority. The Company should establish in the safety management system that the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Company's assistance as may be necessary.6 RESOURCES AND PERSONNEL6.1 The Company should ensure that the master is:.1 properly qualified for command;.2 fully conversant with the Company's safety management system; and.3 given the necessary support so that the master's duties can be safely performed.6.2 The Company should ensure that each ship is manned with qualified, certificated and medically fit seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements.6.3 The Company should establish procedures to ensure that new personnel and personnel transferred to new assignments related to safety and protection of the environment are given proper familiarization with their duties. Instructionswhich are essential to be provided prior to sailing should be identified, documented and given.6.4 The Company should ensure that all personnel involved in the Company's safety management system have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines.6.5 The Company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying any training which may be required in support of the safety management system and ensure that such training is provided for all personnel concerned.6.6 The Company should establish procedures by which the ship's personnel receive relevant information on the safety management system in a working language or languages understood by them.6.7 The Company should ensure that the ship's personnel are able to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties related to the safety management system.7 DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS FOR SHIPBOARD OPERATIONSThe Company should establish procedures for the preparation of plans and instructions, including checklists as appropriate, for key shipboard operations concerning the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution. The various tasks involved should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.8 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS8.1 The Company should establish procedures to identify, describe and respond to potential emergency shipboard situations.8.2 The Company should establish programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions.8.3 The safety management system should provide for measures ensuring that the Company's organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situations involving its ships.9 REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF NON-CONFORMITIES, ACCIDENTS AND HAZARDOUS OCCURRENCES9.1 The safety management system should include procedures ensuring that non-conformities, accidents and hazardous situations are reported to the Company, investigated and analysed with the objective of improving safety and pollution prevention.9.2 The Company should establish procedures for the implementation of corrective action.10 MAINTENANCE OF THE SHIP AND EQUIPMENT10.1 The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established by the Company.10.2 In meeting these requirements the Company should ensure that:.1 inspections are held at appropriate intervals;.2 any non-conformity is reported, with its possible cause, if known;.3 appropriate corrective action is taken; and.4 records of these activities are maintained.10.3 The Company should establish procedures in its safety management system to identify equipment and technical systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations. The safety management system should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the reliability of such equipment or systems. These measures should include the regular testing of stand-by arrangements and equipment or technical systems that are not in continuous use.10.4 The inspections mentioned in 10.2 as well as the measures referred to in 10.3 should be integrated into the ship's operational maintenance routine.11 DOCUMENTATION11.1 The Company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the safety management system.11.2 The Company should ensure that:.1 valid documents are available at all relevant locations;.2 changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel; and.3 obsolete documents are promptly removed.11.3 The documents used to describe and implement the safety management system may be referred to as the Safety Management Manual. Documentation should be kept in a form that the Company considers most effective. Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.12 COMPANY VERIFICATION, REVIEW AND EV ALUATION12.1 The Company should carry out internal safety audits to verify whether safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with the safety management system.12.2 The Company should periodically evaluate the efficiency of and, when needed, review the safety management system in accordance with proceduresestablished by the Company.12.3 The audits and possible corrective actions should be carried out in accordance with documented procedures.12.4 Personnel carrying out audits should be independent of the areas being audited unless this is impracticable due to the size and the nature of the Company.12.5 The results of the audits and reviews should be brought to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in the area involved.12.6 The management personnel responsible for the area involved should take timely corrective action on deficiencies found.PART B - CERTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION13 CERTIFICATION AND PERIODICAL VERIFICATION13.1 The ship should be operated by a Company which has been issued with a Document of Compliance or with an Interim Document of Compliance in accordance with paragraph 14.1, relevant to that ship.13.2 The Document of Compliance should be issued by the Administration, by an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government to the Convention to any Company complying with the requirements of this Code for a period specified by the Administration which should not exceed five years. Such a document should be accepted as evidence that the Company is capable of complying with the requirements of this Code.13.3 The Document of Compliance is only valid for the ship types explicitly indicated in the document. Such indication should be based on the types of ships on which the initial verification was based. Other ship types should only be added after verification of the Company's capability to comply with the requirements of this Code applicable to such ship types. In this context, ship types are those referred to in regulation IX/1 of the Convention.13.4 The validity of a Document of Compliance should be subject to annual verification by the Administration or by an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government within three months before or after the anniversary date.13.5 The Document of Compliance should be withdrawn by the Administration or, at its request, by the Contracting Government which issued the Document when the annual verification required in paragraph 13.4 is not requested or if there is evidence of major non-conformities with this Code.13.5.1 All associated Safety Management Certificates and/or Interim Safety Management Certificates should also be withdrawn if the Document of Compliance is withdrawn.13.6 A copy of the Document of Compliance should be placed on board in order that the master of the ship, if so requested, may produce it for verification by theAdministration or by an organization recognized by the Administration or for the purposes of the control referred to in regulation IX/6.2 of the Convention. The copy of the Document is not required to be authenticated or certified.13.7 The Safety Management Certificate should be issued to a ship for a period which should not exceed five years by the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government. The Safety Management Certificate should be issued after verifying that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety management system. Such a Certificate should be accepted as evidence that the ship is complying with the requirements of this Code.13.8 The validity of the Safety Management Certificate should be subject to at least one intermediate verification by the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government. If only one intermediate verification is to be carried out and the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate is five years, it should take place between the second and third anniversary dates of the Safety Management Certificate.13.9 In addition to the requirements of paragraph 13.5.1, the Safety Management Certificate should be withdrawn by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by the Contracting Government which has issued it when the intermediate verification required in paragraph 13.8 is not requested or if there is evidence of major non-conformity with this Code.13.10 ‚Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs 13.2 and 13.7, when the renewal verification is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of completion of the renewal verification for a period not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate.13.11 ‚When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of completion of the renewal verification for a period not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal verification."14 INTERIM CERTIFICATION14.1 An Interim Document of Compliance may be issued to facilitate initial implementation of this Code when:.1 a Company is newly established; or.2 new ship types are to be added to an existing Document of Compliance,following verification that the Company has a safety management system that meets the objectives of paragraph 1.2.3 of this Code, provided the Company demonstrates plans to implement a safety management system meeting the full requirements of this Code within the period of validity of the Interim Document of Compliance. Such an Interim Document of Compliance should be issued for a period not exceeding 12 months by the Administration or by an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government. A copy of the Interim Document of Compliance should be placed on board in order that the master of the ship, if so requested, may produce it for verification by the Administration or by an organization recognized by the Administration or for the purposes of the control referred to in regulation IX/6.2 of the Convention. The copy of the Document is not required to be authenticated or certified.14.2 An Interim Safety Management Certificate may be issued:.1 to new ships on delivery;.2 when a Company takes on responsibility for the operation of a ship which is new to the Company; or.3 when a ship changes flag.Such an Interim Safety Management Certificate should be issued for a period not exceeding 6 months by the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the Administration, by another Contracting Government.14.3 An Administration or, at the request of the Administration, another Contracting Government may, in special cases, extend the validity of an Interim Safety Management Certificate for a further period which should not exceed 6 months from the date of expiry.14.4 An Interim Safety Management Certificate may be issued following verification that:.1 the Document of Compliance, or the Interim Document of Compliance, is relevant to the ship concerned;.2 the safety management system provided by the Company for the ship concerned includes key elements of this Code and has been assessed during the audit for issuance of the Document of Compliance or demonstrated for issuance of the Interim Document of Compliance;.3 the Company has planned the audit of the ship within three months;.4 the master and officers are familiar with the safety management system and the planned arrangements for its implementation;.5 instructions, which have been identified as being essential, are provided prior to sailing; and.6 relevant information on the safety management system has been given in a working language or languages understood by the ship's personnel.15 VERIFICATION15.1 All verifications required by the provisions of this Code should be carried out in accordance with procedures acceptable to the Administration, taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization.16 FORMS OF CERTIFICATES16.1 The Document of Compliance, the Safety Management Certificate, the Interim Document of Compliance and the Interim Safety Management Certificate should be drawn up in a form corresponding to the models given in the appendix to this Code. If the language used is neither English nor French, the text should include a translation into one of these languages.16.2 In addition to the requirements of paragraph 13.3, the ship types indicated on the Document of Compliance and the Interim Document of Compliance may be endorsed to reflect any limitations in the operations of the ships described in the safety management system.。
Internationl Management Practice
简答1.SMES:vital role in contributing to national economics. employment, new job creation, development of new products and service, and international operation, typically exporting. Internet is toll(email, web-conferencing, small companies can inexpensively contact customers and set up their global business..2. managing interdependence管理相互依存关系: Because multinational firms represent global interdependency, their managers at all levels must recognize that what they do, in the aggregate, has long-term implications for the socioeconomic interdependence of nations. The profitability of individual companies depends on a cooperative and constructive attitude toward global interdependence. 1)Managing Subsidiary–Host-Country Interdependence尊重文化员工待遇2) Managing Environmental Interdependence保护环境3. culture affect management: individual level of personal behavior , culture sensitivity, (1)guard against adopting either a parochial or an ethnocentric attitude,(2)develop a cultural profile for each country or region with which the company does or is considering doing business4. the Context in the communication process:In high contact cultures(Asia, the middle East ,Africa, and the Mediterranean), feelings and thoughts are not explicitly expressed. In low-context cultures(Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, and North America), where personal and business relationships are more compartmentalized, communication media have to be more explicit. Feeling and thoughts are expressed in words, and information is more readily available.5.selective transmission involve选择性传输: the nature of the message, Typical media include email, letters, or memos, reports, meetings, telephone call, teleconferences, videoconferences, or face-to-face conversations. International dealings are often long-distance, of course, limiting the opportunity for face-to-face communication. However, personal rapport can be established or enhanced through telephone calls or videoconferencing and through trusted contacts6. Culture shock occurs when the individual first begins working in a new culture. The four stages are (1) honeymoon蜜月, when positive attitudes and expectations, excitement, and a tourist feeling prevail; (2) irritation and hostility刺激, the crisis stage when cultural differences result in problems at work, at home, and in daily living; (3) gradual adjustment,调整a period of recovery in which the "patient" gradually becomes able to understand and predict patterns of behavior, use the language, and deal with daily activities, and the family starts to accept their new life; and (4) biculturalism双文化, the stage in which the manager and family members grow to accept and appreciate local people and practices and are able to function effectively in two cultures论述1.the social responsibility of MNCs:includes the expectation that MNCs concern them selves with the social and economic effects of their decisions. The issue is how far that concern should go and what level of planning and control that concern should take.(Red Dragonfly Grouptitle sponsor of the inaugural Hope Primary School Games),The ethics has a big different of social responsibility. Ethics deals with decisions and interactions on an individual basis, while social responsibility deals with broader decisions that affect the entire corporation. Issues of social responsibility for MNCs continue to center on the poverty and lack of equal opportunity around the world, the environment, consumer concerns, and employee safety and welfare. moral universalism适合所有文化不现实,ethical relativism,文化冲突妥协2.the types of non-verbal communication: Nonverbal communication (sometimes referred to as body language) is the encoding and decoding of messages without the use of language. Some forms of nonverbal language are: kinesic behavior, proxemics, paralanguage, and object language. Kinesis生理行为Proxemics空间关系Paralanguage副语言Object language, or material culture交流方式3. Discuss the concept of organizing for globalization.(1)Organizing to facilitate a globalization strategy typically involves rationalization and the development of strategic alliances. (2)Organizing for global product standardization necessitates close coordination among the various countries involved(3)Government as well as firms may structure their holding in order to attract and integrate strategic allies For example: 1.IBM. Big Blue decided to move away from its traditional geographic structure to a global structure to aglobal structure based on its 14 worldwide industry groups, such as banking, retail, and insurance, shifting power from country managers to centralized industry expect teams. IBM hopes the restructuring will help the company take advantage of global markets and break down internal barriers.2.Asea-Brown Boveri (ABB). A global leader in the power and the oil and gas industry, ABB is legendary in its record of changing its organization structure to fit its new strategic directions and its competitive environment, such as the losses it incurred resulting from the East Asian currency crisis.。
第八条 应急准备 第九条 对不符合规定情况、事故和险 情的报告和分析 第十条 船舶和设备的维护
第十一条 文件 第十二条 公司审核、复查和评价
第十三条 发证、审核和监督
第一、安全管理体系 以使公司人员有效实 施公司的安全和环保 方针为总体目标。 第二、安全管理体系 必须是文件化的。 第三、安全管理体系 必须是结构化的。不 是一简单的文件汇编。
ISM规则 一.ISM规则概述
全称:国际船舶安全营运及 防止污染管理规则 简称:国际安全管理规则
英文全称:International Management
Code for the Safe Operation of Ship and
for Pollution Prevention 英文简称: ISM CODE
船岸 职责 手册
岸上 应急 计划
船舶 操作 手册
船舶 维护 手册
船舶 应急 手册
安 全 管 理 手 册 的 编 写
目录 公司简介 安全和环保方针 公司机构描述和权责规定 指定人员介绍 船长职责规定及船长权力的声明
资源与人员 制定船上操作方案的程序 应急准备概要 事故和不符合规定情况的报告原则 船舶和设备维护规定概要 文件控制程序要点 内审复查和评价和相关文件介绍等
实施ISM规则的 港口国监督指南
2.详细检查 当“明显依据”(Clear Grounds)存在时,应对 其SMS进行详细检查,通过对体系文件进行的核查 确认其具有《ISM规则》要求的文件化程序,并有 效实施。 “明显依据”包括下列各项:没有证书或证书无 效、存在其他可导致滞留的缺陷、存在较多非滞 留性质的缺陷。 详细检查(查验有关记录、询问船上有关人员) 的内容。
韩国GSIS大学专业详解GSIS,“国际型精英人才培养计划”,全称是the Graduate School of International Studies, 该计划的核心是对包括首尔国立大学、高丽大学、延世大学、西江大学、梨花女子大学等9所全韩国最著名大学的GSIS课程提供巨额的政府资助来重点培养国际型专业人才,使他们能够处理广泛而复杂多样的国际事务及针对来自不同文化地域的人采用的经营策略。
首尔大学GSIS专业介绍- International Commerce Major: 国际商务- International Cooperation Major:国际合作- International Area Studies Major:国际区域研究- Korean Studies major(International Student)韩国研究(只对非韩国学生)- Korean Studies major(Korean Student) 韩国研究(只对韩国学生)延世大学GSIS专业介绍- 韩国研究(Korean Studies Program-KSP)- 地区研究(Area Studies Program-ASP)- 国际合作(Program in International Cooperation-PIC)- 国际贸易和金融(International Trade and Finance Program-ITF) - 国际管理(International Management Program-IMP)高丽大学GSIS专业介绍- International Commerce Major: 国际商务- International Finance: 国际金融- International E-Commerce:国际电子商务- International Qrganization:国际合作- International Security:国际安全庆熙大学GSIS专业介绍- 国际贸易与经济合作International Trade and Business cooperation- 国际商务International Commerce Major- 拉丁美洲研究- 韩国经济与商务Korean Business and Commerce Major- 国际关系International relations西江大学GSIS专业介绍-International Relations, 国际关系-International Trade, 国际贸易-International Finance, 国际金融-East Asian Studies, 东亚研究梨花女子大学GSIS专业介绍-Trade Negotiations, 贸易谈判- International Business, 国际商务 -Development Cooperation, and 发展合作- Diplomacy and Security. 发展与安全中央大学GSIS专业介绍-国际运营和金融(GB&F)-国际事务与贸易(GA&T)-高级口译和翻译(AITP)亚洲大学GSIS专业介绍-国际商务-国际贸易-非政府组织研究-国际发展和合作釜山大学GSIS专业介绍-国际贸易专业-国际、地区合作专业-国际物流及港口管理专业-欧盟专业。
Jilin University of Finance and EconomicsInternational Finance0922International Management Managing Across Borders and Culture MGT387 International Business and ManagementName:Wu KefeiCSU ID:11504424Lecture:Robert Herriot&Ms.Wang SuyuDue Date:06-Apr-2012Contact Method:sakura_faysinaIntroductionIn this essay, the mainlyidea is the international management and the culture.PART AIn this part I mainly expound the challenges and the problems the managers and the MNCs should face.We can consider the managers and the MNCs as anentirety. So the problem will be easy to find.Since the 1990 s, because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the push over of the Berlin wall .The countries all over the world turn the military competition to the economic competition.So the globalisation is the trend of the world.Globalization can be defined as “the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies…in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before〞(p 1).Firstly, we should think about the characteristics and the qualities of the MNCs.It based on the stronglyand large company; it has a complete decision-making system and the highest decision-making system,it sarted from the global strategy of business activities;it has the strongly economic and technical power; for certain products or in some areas; it has the different degrees of monopoly.Then we can know that to solve the challenges, MNCs make the “global strategy〞. This can help us to understandwhat the problem is.a) The environment of thecompany. It can be divided into two parts: internal environment and the external environment.The environment is very important element for the company. Lin Kang (2000) gives the point that “the purpose of the analysis is to know the advantages and the disadvantages〞(p71).b) Financial management. Cut the cost,gain market share and maximize the profit. The foreign exchange risk is the biggest problem for the company to solve.Because of m ultinational company’s decentralization of production and business operation, manage many countries and regions’enterprise.It must raise capitalor all kinds of money funds from different capital market . The currency of choice between various monetary, exchange rate fluctuation, which convert the profits and losses of the risks of is inevitable.c) Human resource management.Manage the diversity of employees, set up different competitive advantage, preserve different moral standards, enhance the management of information technology and electronic commerce.Global economic integration trend of the development makes numerous of the group facing unprecedented fierce competition, also put forward the managers rethink the global environment, and how to improve the organizational performance level and looking for better organization resources. The appearance of the global organization is facing more powerful pressure of competition. In regard to the managers of global competition environment, if the managers not make the self-adjust, the company will be in a passive position. The influence of globalization on enterprise is very big. It not only makes the enterprise facing a greater range of market, also can bring many benefits to the enterprise.It put forward the new requirements of competitive advantages for the enterprise, at the same time the change of the inner staff structure of the enterprise organization also put forward the new challenges.PART BTopic 1 International Business EnvironmentGenerally speaking, theinternational business environment includes the “Legal, Technological, Accounting, and Political〞. (RickyW.Griffin.p76).Virtually all decisions facing international managers-whom to hire, how to market their company’s goods in the host market, which technologies to adopt, and so forth-are affected by the national environment of the country in which the transaction occurs.The requirement of the international business environment: the smaller risk, higher of the safety, the loss (threat)is small, earn more opportunities. But in fact, high investment income often occurredwith bigger risk. Even so, we want to compare the returns and risks, only the earning is enough to offset the cost of risk, international business activities can be undertaken. We should think over the environment in these methods:First, consider the comparisonof the countries. Second, evaluation of operating environment level method .Third, use the opportunity, threat analysis method.In a broad sense, the international business environment of the enterprise has been divided into two parts: the environment of the host countries and the international management environment. “The international business is provided withsimilarity, regularity and the extensive conditionality〞, said the Xue Qiuzhi(2002).Helen Deresky (2011.p15)make the conclusion that: “at the present situation, the financial crisis is hitting the world of work “.A) We should consider the global business environment .In this part we should think over the Globality and Emerging Markets, Effects of Institutions on Global Trade, Effects of Globalization of Corporations, Regional Trading Blocs, and the Global Manager’s role.B) The political and economic environment. Proactiveglobally-oriented firms maintain an up-to-date profile of the countries on which they maintain operations (or have plans for future investment). In this part, we can see the political risk, political risk assessment , managing political risk and managing terrorism risk ,economic risk.C)The legal environment. Theprudent global manager consults with legal services, both locally and at headquarters, to comply with host-country regulations and to maintain cooperative long-term relationships in the local area. In this part, the contract law, other regulatory issues are the important views.D) The technological environment. The effects of technology around the world are pervasive—both in business and in private lives. In many parts of the world, whole generations of technological development are being skipped over. In this part the global e-business is the key point.A skillful global manager cannot develop a suitable strategic plan or consider an investment abroad within these elements.Case: From the first KFC setting up in Beijing, there are 2000 KFC restaurants in China.1, Localization innovation.KFC has been developed as the speed of opening one restaurant a day in China. It shows the internal environment of the international business. In fact, KFC purchased the material at the local areas. As their three basic foods (bread, chicken, and vegetables) has been purchased all from China. As we know, people widely acclaimed “menu location〞. They improve the hamburgers towards Chinese taste. And they provided the Beijing roll-chicken and the newrice-set-meal. KFC doesn’t be a stickler for their own product created many new localizational food. In this point, KFC is a superior.2. Nonzero start. This is only for franchisee. As a franchisee, they don’t need to choose the place where it open, recruit employee, trains itself. KFC give the franchiseeoperating, mature and profitable restaurants. This can increase the success rate and the quality of the operation. Also help themselves expand quickly.3.Go to third-class city.KFC decline the expense for franchisee in second-third class city. This can ct the cost of management and the operating risk.From the above, KFC has analyze the environment thorough. This makes KFC in a good development in China.Topic 2 Ethics and Social ResponsibilityThe present situation of the management ethics: the most prominent of the lack of moral performance is fake, bribery, lack of credit. We all know the Sanlu Milk Powder Incident. "As many as 10, 000 infants may have drunk the contaminated Sanlu milk powder,〞vice health minister Ma Shaowei warned. (online)Melamine, also known as C3H6N6, is common plastic chemical raw materials, but also can be used as rodent poisons. For adults, renal function is completely, has the metabolism ability, so the melamine doesn’t do harm to adults. But for children,it is easy to cause kidney stones. According to medical experts, melamine is a low toxic chemical products, infant intake can cause urinary tract diseases. At present with the infant of urinary stone, is mainly caused by eating contains a large number of melamine caused SanLuPai baby formula milk powder, most children through the water more, frequently urinating and other methods, the stones can pass spontaneously.The cause of moral dilemma: Information: "buy buyers than pure", information advantage, information asymmetry; Human nature problem: rational limited, benefit driving, advance speculative phenomenon. Moral dilemma caused the concept of management review. The several related of morality: utilitarianism; right highest; fair; social contract; do as you would be done by.Influence factors of management ethics: 1. moral development stage. Moral development has three stages: Lowest level-former practices levels: only in its personal interests are affected until circumstances will make the moral judgment; Middle level-practice levels: moral judgment standard is a person is to maintain normal order and meet the expectations of others;The highest level-the level principle: men attempt to the authority of society in the organization or outside to establish the moral standards.2. personal characteristics.Managers of the personal characteristics of the o rganization’s management have direct influence on ethics:Managers of personal values (including morality), self-confidence, and self-control. Managers of individual self-confidence and self-control and management also has a moral relationship.3. Organization structure. Organization the internal organization of responsibilities and have the necessary power in check, monitoring, inspection and audit the mechanism, is there any external masses and the supervision of public opinion.4. organizational culture. Have the good faith, the tolerance of organizational culture5. problems strength. The so-called problem strength, it is to point to this problem, if take immoral behavior could have consequences of processing the severity.Moral problems strength will directly influence the manager's decision. Enterprise values: Values are about the value of certain beliefs, attitudes, and proposal.Do good to enterprise, make the enterprise stronger and larger. All business enterprise management should be fit for ethical behavior.Topic 3Understanding the Role of CultureNow, I set up a example of this topic: To separate the other MNCs with the LG company. The Chinese R&D center (research and development center) set up in 2000.The R&D center has three functions: 1. It’s the only centre for developing cellphone.2. It’s the center of developing cellphone for the world.3. The knowledge forum is very successful. LG has founded the communication system in-group. LG has combined the culture of Korea and China.The differences between the Korean culture and Chineseculture is a big problem for LG. In order to solve it, the staff in the company communicates with each other through heart-to-heart, and the view of the problem.At present,LG electricity has emphasized the “open communication〞. The spread the English as the daily language.So, under the situation of the globalization, LG has show the important role of culture.First, we should know the culture and its effects on organizations.1.The social culture. As generally understood, the culture of a society comprises the shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations. It includes many aspects: material culture, the language and communication, religion, education and appreciationofthebeauty.2. Organizational Culture. The organizational culture is different from social culture. It often widely held within a region or nation.Kennedy and Deeresummarize the system and the theory for five elements: The enterprise environment, values, heroes, cultural ceremonies and cultural network. (Online)3.Culture’s effects on management. Management as a coordinate activities activities, has a close connection to the culture. It defines the value scale culture in constructing cultural value concept and scale system ,described on the basis of the influence of culture on management practice, including the influence of the culture of the organization, culture for strategic management, and the influence of culture on the influence of the human resource management. This for our country in the new historical conditions improving all kinds of organization management performance, especially in "humanistic management", has very important affect.4. Influences on National Culture. Managers should recognize, of course, that generalizations in cultural profiles will produce only an approximation, or stereotype, of national character. Cultural need to exchange, only in the cultural exchange can spread to remove rubbish, and absorbs the essence and developing speak copycat, so, we must first understand what we have. Then see what foreign can give. If we don't know our own advantages, and the lack of a choice of basis points, in the end, what we can get is the faults of others.Reference1.Helen Deresky. (2011). International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures.7th.ed.Australia: Pearson education.2.LinKang. (2000).Multinational company and multinational management.1st.ed.Beijing:University of International Business andEconomics press.3.Ricky W.Griffin &Michael W.Pustay.(2010).International Business.6th.ed.United States of America. PermissionsDepartment .One Lake Street. Upper Saddle River New Jersey 17458.Pearson Education,Inc.4.Stephen B. Salter & Timothy D. Doupink. (2005.8.18).〞In Latin America,Rich-Poor Chasm Stifles Growth.〞Wall Street Journal.5.Xue Qiuzhi &Liu Zixin. (2002). International Business Shanghai:Fudan University (2012-4-5)7.:.yeeyan.(202-4-5)。
International-Business-and-Management-国际商务管理————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Jilin University of Finance and EconomicsInternational Finance0922International Management Managing Across Borders and Culture MGT387 International Business and ManagementName:Wu KefeiCSU ID:Lecture:Robert Herriot&Ms.Wang SuyuDue Date:06-Apr-2012Contact Method:IntroductionIn this essay, the mainly idea is the international management and the culture.PART AIn this part I mainly expound the challenges and the problems the managers and the MNCs should face.We can consider the managers and the MNCs as an entirety. So the problem will be easy to find.Since the 1990 s, because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the push over of the Berlin wall .The countries all over the world turn the military competition to the economic competition.So the globalisation is the trend of the world.Globalization can be defined as “the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies…in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before”(p 1).Firstly, we should think about the characteristics and the qualities of the MNCs. It based on the strongly and large company; it has a complete decision-making system and the highest decision-making system, it sarted from the global strategy of business activities; it has the strongly economic and technical power; for certain products or in some areas; it has the different degrees of monopoly.Then we can know that to solve the challenges, MNCs make the “global strategy”. This can help us to understand what the problem is.a) The environment of the company. It can be divided into two parts: internal environment and the external environment. The environment is very important element for the company. Lin Kang (2000) gives the point that “the purpose of the analysis is to know the advantages and the disadvantages” (p71).b) Financial management. Cut the cost, gain market share and maximize the profit. The foreign exchange risk is the biggest problem for the company to solve. Because of m ultinational company’s decentralization of production and business operation, manage many countries and regions’enterprise.It must raise capital or all kinds of money funds from different capital market . The currency of choice between various monetary, exchange rate fluctuation, which convert the profits and losses of the risks of is inevitable.c) Human resource management. Manage the diversity of employees, set up different competitive advantage, preserve different moral standards, enhance the management of information technology and electronic commerce.Global economic integration trend of the development makes numerous of the group facing unprecedented fierce competition, also put forward the managers rethink the global environment, and how to improve the organizational performance level and looking for better organization resources. The appearance of the global organization is facing more powerful pressure of competition. In regard to the managers of global competition environment, if the managers not make the self-adjust, the company will be in a passive position. The influence of globalization on enterprise is very big. It not only makes the enterprise facing a greater range of market, also can bring many benefits to the enterprise. It put forward the new requirements of competitive advantages for the enterprise, at the same time the change of the inner staff structure of the enterprise organization also put forward the new challenges.PART BTopic 1 International Business EnvironmentGenerally speaking, the international business environment includes the “Legal, Technological, Accounting, and Political”. (RickyW.Griffin.p76).Virtually all decisions facing international managers-whom to hire, how to market their company’s goods in the host market, which technologies to adopt, and so forth-are affected by the national environment of the country in which the transaction occurs.The requirement of the international business environment: the smaller risk, higher of the safety, the loss (threat)is small, earn more opportunities. But in fact, high investment income often occurred with bigger risk. Even so, we want to compare the returns and risks, only the earning is enough to offset the cost of risk, international business activities can be undertaken. We should think over the environment in these methods:First, consider the comparison of the countries. Second, evaluation of operating environment level method .Third, use the opportunity, threat analysis method.In a broad sense, the international business environment of the enterprise has been divided into two parts: the environment of the host countries and the international management environment. “The international business is provided with similarity, regularity and the extensive conditionality”, said the Xue Qiuzhi(2002).Helen Deresky (2011.p15)make the conclusion that: “at the present situation, the financial crisis is hitting the world of work “.A) We should consider the global business environment .In this part we should think over the Globality and Emerging Markets, Effects of Institutions on Global Trade, Effects of Globalization of Corporations, Regional Trading Blocs, and the Global Manager’s role.B) The political and economic environment. Proactive globally-oriented firms maintain an up-to-date pro the countries on which they maintain operations (or have plans for future investment). In this part, we can see the political risk, political risk assessment , managing political risk and managing terrorism risk ,economic risk.C) The legal environment. The prudent global manager consults with legal services, both locally and at headquarters, to comply withhost-country regulations and to maintain cooperative long-term relationships in the local area. In this part, the contract law, other regulatory issues are the important views.D) The technological environment. The effects of technology around the world are pervasive—both in business and in private lives. In many parts of the world, whole generations of technological development are being skipped over. In this part the global e-business is the key point.A skillful global manager cannot develop a suitable strategic plan or consider an investment abroad within these elements.Case: From the first KFC setting up in Beijing, there are 2000 KFC restaurants in China.1, Localization innovation.KFC has been developed as the speed of opening one restaurant a day in China. It shows the internal environment of the international business. In fact, KFC purchased the material at the local areas. As their three basic foods (bread, chicken, and vegetables) has been purchased all from China. As we know, people widely acclaimed “menu location”. They improve the hamburgers towards Chinese taste. And they provided the Beijing roll-chicken and the newrice-set-meal. KFC doesn’t be a stickler for their own product created many new localizational food. In this point, KFC is a superior.2. Nonzero start. This is only for franchisee. As a franchisee, they don’t need to choose the place where it open, recruit employee, trains itself. KFC give the franchisee operating, mature and profitable restaurants. This can increase the success rate and the quality of the operation. Also help themselves expand quickly.3.Go to third-class city.KFC decline the expense for franchisee in second-third class city. This can ct the cost of management and the operating risk.From the above, KFC has analyze the environment thorough. This makes KFC in a good development in China.Topic 2 Ethics and Social ResponsibilityThe present situation of the management ethics: the most prominent of the lack of moral performance is fake, bribery, lack of credit. We all know the Sanlu Milk Powder Incident. "As many as 10, 000 infants may have drunk the contaminated Sanlu milk powder,” vice health minister Ma Shaowei warned. (online) Melamine, also known as C3H6N6, is common plastic chemical raw materials, but also can be used as rodent poisons. For adults, renal function is completely, has the metabolism ability, so the melamine doesn’t do harm to adults. But for children, it is easy to cause kidney stones. According to medical experts, melamine is a low toxic chemical products, infant intake can cause urinary tract diseases. At present with the infant of urinary stone, is mainly caused by eating contains a large number of melamine caused SanLuPai baby formula milk powder, most children through the water more, frequently urinating and other methods, the stones can pass spontaneously.The cause of moral dilemma: Information: "buy buyers than pure", information advantage, information asymmetry; Human nature problem: rational limited, benefit driving, advance speculative phenomenon. Moral dilemma caused the concept of management review. The several related of morality: utilitarianism; right highest; fair; social contract; do as you would be done by.Influence factors of management ethics: 1. moral development stage. Moral development has three stages: Lowest level-former practices levels: only in its personal interests are affected until circumstances will make the moral judgment; Middle level-practice levels: moral judgment standard is a person is to maintain normal order and meet the expectations of others;The highest level-the level principle: men attempt to the authority of society in the organization or outside to establish the moral standards.2. personal characteristics. Managers of the personal characteristics of the organization’s management have direct influence on ethics: Managers of personal values (including morality), self-confidence, and self-control. Managers of individual self-confidence and self-control and management also has a moral relationship.3. Organization structure. Organization the internal organization of responsibilities and have the necessary power in check, monitoring, inspection and audit the mechanism, is there any external masses and the supervision of public opinion.4. organizational culture. Have the good faith, the tolerance of organizational culture5. problems strength. The so-called problem strength, it is to point to this problem, if take immoral behavior could have consequences of processing the severity.Moral problems strength will directly influence the manager's decision. Enterprise values: Values are about the value of certain beliefs, attitudes, and proposal.Do good to enterprise, make the enterprise stronger and larger. All business enterprise management should be fit for ethical behavior.Topic 3 Understanding the Role of CultureNow, I set up a example of this topic: To separate the other MNCs with the LG company. The Chinese R&D center (research and development center) set up in 2000.The R&D center has three functions: 1. It’s the only centre for developing cellphone.2. It’s the center of developing cellphone for the world.3. The knowledge forum is very successful. LG has founded the communication system in-group. LG has combined the culture of Korea and China.The differences between the Korean culture and Chineseculture is a big problem for LG. In order to solve it, the staff in the company communicates with each other through heart-to-heart, and the view of the problem.At present, LG electricity has emphasized the “open communication”. The spread the English as the daily language.So, under the situation of the globalization, LG has show the important role of culture.First, we should know the culture and its effects on organizations.1.The social culture. As generally understood, the culture of a society comprises the shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations. It includes many aspects: material culture, the language and communication, religion, education and appreciation of the beauty.2. Organizational Culture. The organizational culture is different from social culture. It often widely held within a region or nation.Kennedy and Deere summarize the system and the theory for five elements: The enterprise environment, values, heroes, cultural ceremonies and cultural network. (Online)3.Culture’s effects on management. Management as a coordinate activities activities, has a close connection to the culture. It defines the value scale culture in constructing cultural value concept and scale system ,described on the basis of the influence of culture on management practice, including the influence of the culture of the organization, culture for strategic management, and the influence of culture on the influence of the human resource management. This for our country in the new historical conditions improving all kinds of organization management performance, especially in "humanistic management", has very important affect.4. Influences on National Culture. Managers should recognize, of course, that generalizations in cultural profiles will produce only an approximation, or stereotype, of national character. Cultural need to exchange, only in the cultural exchange can spread to remove rubbish, and absorbs the essence and developing speak copycat, so, we must first understand what we have. Then see what foreign can give. If we don't know our own advantages, and the lack of a choice of basis points, in the end, what we can get is the faults of others.Reference1.Helen Deresky. (2011). International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures.7th.ed.Australia: Pearson education.2.Lin Kang. (2000). Multinational company and multinational management.1st.ed.Beijing: University of International Business and Economics press.3.Ricky W.Griffin &Michael W.Pustay.(2010).International Business.6th.ed.United States of America. Permissions Department .One Lake Street. Upper Saddle River New Jersey 17458.Pearson Education,Inc.4.Stephen B. Salter & Timothy D. Doupink. (2005.8.18).”In Latin America,Rich-Poor Chasm Stifles Growth.”Wall Street Journal.5.Xue Qiuzhi &Liu Zixin. (2002). International Business Shanghai:Fudan University press.6. (2012-4-5)7.http:(202-4-5)。
International Mangement,managing across borders and cultrures
Organizational Culture
Exists within and interacts with societal culture 2. Varies a great deal from one organization, company, institution, or group to another 3. Represents those expectations, norms, and goals held in common by members of that group
1. 2.
To understand how culture affects all aspects of international management To be able to distinguish the major dimensions which define cultural differences among societies or groups To emphasize the need for international managers to have cultural intelligence in order to interact successfully in host countries To recognize the critical value differences which frequently affect job behaviors
Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
近代对IMO(国际海事组织)的立法产生直接影响的六起重大海难。(IMO——国际海事组织INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION。)
⑵“TORRY CANYON”——《托里凯尼昂》油轮触礁断裂溢油事故。(利比里亚籍)
1967年3月8日,该油轮在英国东南沿海因舵机失灵,船长要求船东施救,但船东为了省钱要求船上自救,结果船在失控中触礁破裂,断成四截,溢出约10万吨原油。由于风浪很大,围油栏难于围住全部溢油,对海域造成了严重污染。最后动用飞机轰炸断裂的油轮,将溢油烧掉。英、法两国为清除污染付出了1000万英镑的巨额费用。本次海难的教训是:船长无权处理紧急情况。由此国际上制定了《1973年国际船舶造成污染公约》,后来经1978年议定书修正,成为《MARPOL 73/78》和《STCW 1978》两个公约。
trade terms 贸易术语IC china chamber of international commerce 中国国际商会3。
FOB free on board 离岸价,目的港船上交货4。
FOB under tackle FOB吊钩下交货5.FOB liner terms FOB班轮条件6.FOB stowed FOB包括理仓7.FOB trimmed FOB包括平仓8.CFR COST AND FREIGHT 成本加运费9。
FCA FREE CARRIER 货交承运人11.CPT Carriage paid to 运费付至12.FAS free alongside ship 船边交货13。
DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货14.DES delivered EX ship 目的刚船上交货15。
DEQ delivered EX QUAY 目的港码头交货16.DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税交货17.DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货18.EXW EX WORKS 工厂交货19.point of delivery 装货港20.deliver on board 交到船舷上21。
without delay 毫不迟疑的22。
sufficient notice 充分的通知23.freight forwarder 货运代理人24.actual carrier 实际承运人25.not unloaded 未卸下的26。
carriage and insurance paid to 运费、保费付至mission佣金 折扣29.price including commission 含佣价 净价净的 交货32.shipment 装运33。
曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester),简称曼大,世界五十强顶尖名校,是英国大学中世界排名最高的八大最著名学府之一,最高世界排名全球第26名,也是英国著名的六所“红砖大学”之一,英国罗素大学集团的创始成员之一,始建于1824年,位于英国第二繁华城市曼彻斯特,是英国最大的单一校址大学。
在英国毕业生就业市场研究机构High Flier Research发布的2014-2015最受顶级雇主青睐大学排名中,曼大位居全英第1名,同时也是该排名发布10年来唯一稳居全英前3的大学。
英国官方科研水平评估(RAE 2008)表明,曼彻斯特商学院在商业及管理学领域的“科研力量”(Research Power)位居全英第一。
根据2015年英国金融时报(Financial Times)全球商学院MBA排名,曼彻斯特商学院位列英国第5名,欧洲第12名,世界第35名。
●The geography order of enterprise market extend: local market-----area market----national market-----abroad neighbor market-----global market ●The evolvement of enterprise multinational operation ●The reason of gradualism
3. Economic policy has more and more effect on world economy
Section 2 The internationalization of enterprise operation 一、The internationalization of enterprise operation 二、Two angle of view of internationalization
●International pact and organization
2.World economy collectivization、area trend
Two main tide of world economy integration :
●Company integration
●Area integration
四 . The necessity and stringency of Chinese enterprise internationalization
●The form and development of international enterprise ●Management environment and multi-culture management of international enterprise ●Strategy management of international enterprise ●Marketing management of international enterprise ●Foreign direct investment of international enterprise ●Production Management and Technology Transfer of International Enterprise
International-Human-Resource-Management国际人力资源管理 (1
• HRM typically refers to those activities undertaken by an organisation to utilize human resources effectively,
Boxhall and Purcell give a broader definition as ‘human resources management includes the firm’s work system and its employment practices. It embraces both individual and collective aspects of people management’
• HR planning • Staffing (recruitment, selection, placement) • Performance management • Training and development • Compensation (remuneration) and benefits • Industrial relations
International Organisational structure
Chief executive/Headquarters
International division
International geographic structure
What changes when HRM goes international?
Abstract: This article aims to discuss the concept of international project management in engineering projects, its significance, challenges, and strategies for successful implementation. With the globalization of the economy, international project management has become a crucialaspect in the construction industry. This article will provide an overview of international project management, highlighting its key components and best practices.Introduction:International project management refers to the planning, execution, and control of projects that are executed across different countries and involve multiple stakeholders. In today's interconnected world, many engineering projects require international collaboration due to the availability of resources, expertise, and technology in different parts of the world. Effective international project management is essentialfor achieving project objectives, minimizing risks, and ensuring the satisfaction of all stakeholders.Key Components of International Project Management:1. Stakeholder Analysis: Identifying and analyzing the interests, expectations, and influence of stakeholders is crucial in international project management. This includes government agencies, clients, contractors, suppliers, and local communities.2. Cultural and Language Barriers: Understanding and respecting cultural differences and language barriers is vital in international projects. This involves effective communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills.3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to the laws, regulations, and standards of different countries is essential for successful international project management. This includes environmental regulations, labor laws, and building codes.4. Resource Management: Efficiently managing resources, such as labor, materials, and equipment, is critical in international projects. Thisrequires coordination with suppliers and contractors from different countries.5. Risk Management: Identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks associated with international projects is essential. This includes political, economic, and environmental risks.Strategies for Successful International Project Management:1. Clear Communication: Establishing a clear and consistent communication strategy is crucial in international projects. This includes using appropriate language, tone, and communication channels to ensure effective communication among stakeholders.2. Building Strong Relationships: Developing strong relationships with stakeholders, including local authorities, contractors, and suppliers, can help overcome cultural and language barriers and facilitate smooth project execution.3. Risk Management Plan: Developing a comprehensive risk management plan can help identify and mitigate potential risks associated with international projects. This plan should include risk identification, analysis, and mitigation strategies.4. Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability: Being culturally sensitive and adaptable is essential for successful international project management. This involves understanding local customs, values, and business practices, and adjusting project strategies accordingly.5. Effective Leadership: Strong leadership is crucial in international project management. A project manager should possess excellent communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, as well as the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.Conclusion:International project management in engineering projects is a complex and challenging endeavor. However, by understanding the key components and implementing effective strategies, project managers can ensure the successful completion of international projects. Clear communication,strong relationships, risk management, cultural sensitivity, and effective leadership are some of the critical factors that contribute to the success of international project management. As the global economy continues to grow, the demand for skilled international project managers will only increase.。
国际管理 international management: Organizational Cultures ; Intercultural communication
Objectives what is meant by “organizational culture,”
IDENTIFY the four most common categories of organizational culture that have been found through research, and discuss the characteristics of each
© 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved.
7-5 Organizational Cultures in MNCs
Integration of organizational cultures is crucial following mergers and acquisitions
Incubator culture
Strong emphasis on equality and personal orientation
Organizations are secondary to the fulfillment of individuals
Organization is an incubator for self-expression and selffulfillment
Eiffel tower culture
Strong emphasis on hierarchy and task orientation
Employees know what to do Coordination from the top Methodic approach to motivating and rewarding people and
国际管理教程与案例 (12)
Trade Agreements and Associations
U.S. – Canada Free Trade Agreement
Formed January 1988 – world’s largest free trade area
Viewed as outside the Influence Of MNE Managers Viewed as Potentially Influenced by MNE Managers
To achieve Benefits of integration
1 “Government Policy as lever for global competitiveness” approach
European Union
Slow process of European integration Founded on the principle of supranationality
Beamish, Morrison, Inkpen and Rosenzweig © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
船证明操作参考指南(二版)船证明操作参考指南(初稿)一、船证明要素:船证明必须包含船名、航次、提单号(提单号只能显示我们的提单号,不能显示客户自己的HB/L NO),正文以证明船舶基本信息、船公司资质为主,不能仅就提单信息进行证明,特别是品名、毛、件、体等由客户自己自装自点自封的货物信息不予证明。
船证明的所致人只能为发货人、收货人或通知人,亦可用通用表达式:TO WHOM MAY IT CONCERN。
如网上船东无内容显示,而显示有CARRIER或SHIP MANAGEMENT 的公司是不能作为船东来证明的。
3)对于新船的证明,THE VESSEL IS NEW VESSEL,在一年以内下水的船舶予以确认,超过一年的不建议确认。
4)船级,A、一般船证明要求为符合协会船级社条款(COVERED BYINSTITUTE CLASSIFICATION CLAUSES),我司操作为后加船级社名称,例:新浦东入的是中国船级社。