


1.更换阀座 2.更换蝶板
1.连接键损坏脱落 2.锥销剪断
1.更换键 2.更换锥销
制造厂对阀门投入使用一年内负责保修,但不超过发货期 18 个月。在保修期内,因产品 质量原因均可免费修理或更换零件。
2.3.1 普通碳钢阀门适用温度为-29℃~+425℃ 2.3.2 合金钢阀门适用温度-29℃~550℃ 2.3.3 不锈钢阀门适用温度为-196℃~+200℃
3.1 蝶式止回阀基本结构见图 1
蝶式止回阀靠介质顺流时的压力克服弹簧的扭力而开启,靠弹簧所产生的扭力矩而关闭, 再靠介质逆流时的压力产生的密封比压达到密封。
本 说 明 书 包 括 了 公 称 通 径 DN15mm~500mm(1/2”~20”) 、 公 称 压 力 PN1.6MPa~10MPa(ANSI CLASS150~600)螺纹端、法兰端、对焊端和承插焊端连接的手动、 齿轮传动、电动和气动操作的二分体式(对分式)和三分体式(对夹式)的浮动球球阀和固定球球 阀。
6.可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法 见表 1
表 1 可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法
1.摇杆与销轴配合太紧或有 异物卡住
1.检查配合情况 2.消除异物
1.阀门安装位置离泵太近 1.重新安装合适位置 2.管道内介质流动压力不稳 2.消除压力波动
5.5 应安装在垂直管道上。



球阀—产品使用说明书(总8页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Ball valves球阀使用说明书Ball Valve Operating Manual浙江石化阀门有限公司Zhejiang Petrochemical Valve Co., Ltd.二O一一年 Year 2011一用途Application球阀是一种管线阀门产品,用于接通或截断管路中的介质。



Ball valve is pipeline valve, used for connecting or cutting off medium in the pipelines.Normally it is at the state of opening or closing. And it could function as regulating the flow when it is at the state of slightly open. It is used on the pipeline such as water, gas, oil etc.二性能规范 Performance Specification压力等级: Class150; Class300; Class600;Pressure: Class150; Class300; Class600;公称尺寸:NPS 2 ~NPS24;Nominal Size: NPS 2 ~NPS24阀体材料: ASTM A216 WCB; ASTM A351 CF8;Body Material:ASTM A216 WCB;ASTM A351 CF8;产品的设计、制造按API6D的规定;检查试验按API6D的规定;法兰连接尺寸按ASME 的规定;结构长度按API6D的规定;Designed and manufactured according to API6D; Inspected and tested according to API6D;Flange ends according to ASME ; Face to face according to API 6D适用介质:水、蒸汽、油品等。




























球阀说明书1 基本要素分析1.1 球阀结构及参数球阀是由旋塞演变而来的,它的启闭件作为一个球体,利用球体绕阀杆的轴线旋转90o实现开启和关闭的目的。



球阀装配图如下图所示:图1 球阀装配图球阀零件明细表如下:表1 球阀零件明细表1.2 作业单位划分情况表2 作业单位建筑物汇总表1.3 工艺过程分析球阀生产工艺流程:(1) 零、组件制作与外购(续表为自制件工艺过程卡)(2) 组装所有零、组件在总装车间集中组装为成品。

(3) 上漆组装完成后,至油漆车间,每件成品需用油漆0.13kg(4) 产品储存所有上漆产品转运至成品库待出厂。

阀体产品名称件号材料单位重量/kg年计划产量总重量/kg阀体qf101 ZG25 5 60000 300000序号作业单位名称工序内容工序材料利用率/﹪1 原材料库原材料出库1002 热处理车间铸造阀体毛坯903 机加工车间粗铣、粗车80 热处上填料产品名称件号材料单位重量/kg 年计划产量总重量/kg上填料qf11聚四氯乙烯0.12 60000 7200序号作业单位名称工序内容工序材料利用率1 原材料库原材料出库1002 化工车间热挤压成型982 物流分析2.1 产品工艺过程分析2.1.1 分析给定的工艺过程表由于各个部件的年需求量是固定的,也就是说球阀的生产呈理想状态(零库存存),所以全年的物流量就没有必要给出。

工艺过程表计算出各个工序加工前后单件重量及废料重量如下表14所示:表14 各个零件原料重量与成品重量对比2.1.2 各个自制零部件工艺过程图2.1.3 产品总的工艺过程图2.2 物流强度分析2.2.1 作业单位之间的物流强度根据表15即可得到表16最后一列表15 物流强度等级分划表表16 作业单位之间的物流强度2.2.2 各单位之间物流强度统计图2.2.3 作业单位物流相关原始分析由上面的原始物流作定量的分析后,得到原始物流相关表。



球阀结构尺寸及重量令狐采学1:设计制造按GB12237-892:结构长度按GB12221-893:连接端:法兰尺寸按JB/T79.1-944:防火标准按API6075:阀门检查和试验按JB/T9092-996:结构:全通径浮动球二体式7:主体材料:WCB CF8 CF8M 等8:密封材料:PTFE球阀尺寸及重量mm规格 1.6MPa 2.5MPaDN L H D W kg L H D W kg 1513078151403130103151403 2015084191604150112191604 251609525180 5.51601233251806 32165150302508.61651503025010 4018015038300111801563830014 5020019051350152001725135020 6522019564350192201976435025 8025021576400272502227640030 1002802501025003832025310250040 1253202851246005840028612460065 1503603701528008140027515280085球阀、法兰球阀、铸钢球阀、不锈钢球阀三通分类及对焊三通、四通尺寸三通分为机械三通,沟槽异径三通,沟槽机械三通,普通三通;三通以制作方法划分可分为顶制三通,压制三通,锻制三通,对焊三通,铸造三通等一、三通分类三通分为机械三通,沟槽异径三通,沟槽机械三通,普通三通;三通以制作方法划分可分为顶制三通,压制三通,锻制三通,对焊三通,铸造三通等.三通按形状分有两种,等径三通和异径三通.等径三通就是三个口一样大小.异径三通就是一段主管加上一个小的分支管,显然,两个大的尺寸是主管,中间接出来的小尺寸就是支管. 在纯氧管线中,一般是有压力的.二、对焊三通、四通尺寸 GB12459。





1、技术参数1.1 阀门的公称压力和公称通径(见下表:) bar/LbDN Mm/"PN16/20Class150LbPN25/40/50Class300LbPN64Class400LbPN100Class600LbPN150/160Class900LbPN250Class1500Lb15/0.5" √√√√√√20/0.75" √√√√√√25/1" √√√√√√40/1.5" √√√√√√50/2" √√√√√√65/2.5" √√√√√√80/3" √√√√√√100/4" √√√√√√125/5" √√√√√√150/6" √√√√√√200/8" √√√√√√250/10" √√√√√√300/12" √√√√√√350/14" √√√√√√400/16" √√√√√√450/18" √√√√√√500/20" √√√√√√600/24" √√√√√√700/28" √√√√√NA 800/32" √√√√√NA 900/36" √√√√√NA 注:NA 不适用1.2 阀门的材料、温度和介质适用温度适用介质CF8/304 -196℃~200℃液氧等LC3/LF3 -101℃~200℃乙烯等LCB/LF2 -46℃~200℃二氧化碳WCB/A105 -29℃~425℃油、气、水CF8/304 -29℃~200℃硝酸类CF8M/316 -29℃~200℃醋酸类WC6/F11 -29℃~570℃氢气、高温蒸汽WC9/F22 -29℃~570℃氢气、高温蒸汽2、技术规范2.1 产品标准GB/T 12237、GB/T21385、API 6D2.2 法兰连接结构长度按:GB/T12221、JB1686、API 6D;2.3 对焊连接结构长度按:GB/T12221、API 6D;2.4 端法兰连接尺寸按:GB/T9113、JB/T79、HG/T20592、ASME B16.5;2.5 阀门的火灾安全设计按:GB/T 12237、GB/T21385、API 607;2.6 阀门的防静电设计按:GB/T 12237、API 6D;2.7 阀门的最小通径按:GB/T 12237、API 6D;2.8 焊接端连接尺寸按:GB/T12224、ASME B16.25;2.9 检查和试验按:GB/T13927、JB/T9092、API 6D。





2.范围本使用说明书包括了公称通径NPS 2~48、压力等级Class150~2500法兰端连接、承插焊端连接的两片式、三片式硬密封、软密封锻钢固定球阀;适用介质水、油、汽等介质;操作方式包括齿轮、手柄、电动执行机构、液动、气动和气液联动执行机构。


—美标球阀设计参照API 6D,阀门材料的选择符合ASME B16.34 压力—温度额定值的要求;国标球阀的设计参照GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672,阀门的材料选择符合GB/T 12224压力—温度额定值的要求。

—阀门密封材料应根据介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况耐磨损的要求而选择,参照API 6D、GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672的规定。

—阀门设计时应有防静电装置及防火结构,放火实验设备符合API 607及API 6FA 规范,并已通过英国的劳氏船级社认证。



3.2 用户须知3.2.1 概述3.2.1.1 任何场合,应首先保证人身安全。 使用阀门时允许工作压力应符合 ASME B16.34 或GB/T12224压力—温度额定值的规定。 选择阀门材料时应考虑工作介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况对耐磨损的要求。 工作介质是易燃/易爆的,要限制工作温度。 当维修/维护时,应先打开泄放阀或泄放螺塞,以泄掉中腔压力。

Parker MB系球型阀门目录说明书

Parker MB系球型阀门目录说明书

Flow Data
Port Basic
End Connections
inches (mm)
Part # inch mm Cv xT ‡ Port 1
Port 2
A† B† D E
0.052 1.3 0.06 0.45
1/16" CPITM
0.84 0.84
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Instrumentation Valve Division
Jacksonville, Alabama
MB Series Ball Valves
2-Way Angle
Port 2 C
H - Maximum Panel Thickness E
Detail of Seat/Packing U.S. Patent No. 5,730,420
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Instrumentation Valve Division
Jacksonville, Alabama
2-Way In-Line
MB Series Ball Valves
1/16" A-LOK®
(21.3) (21.3)
2Z - MB2L 0.093 2.4 0.24 0.36
1/8" CPITM
1.00 1.00 0.34 1.31 1.88 0.75 0.25 0.58 0.58 0.28
1/8" A-LOK®

SERIES WE02 三件部分无缝钢球阀门说明说明书

SERIES WE02 三件部分无缝钢球阀门说明说明书

incorporates a full port 3-piece SS ball valve for great flow rates with minimal pressure drop. The valve features a blowout proof stem for added safety, reinforced PTFE seats and seals for longer life, and a 316 SS (ASTM CF8M) ball for mounted creating a compact assembly for tight spaces. Limit switches are able to be mounted directly to the valves allowing for with either an electric or pneumatic actuator. Electric actuators are available in weatherproof or explosion-proof, a variety of supply SPECIFICATIONSVALVE Service: Compatible liquids and gases.Body: 3-piece.Line Sizes: 1/2 to 3˝ .WE02-DDA01WE02-DTD01-AWE02-DDA01-AA01WE02-CTI01-A415Valves, Ball,AutomatedVALVES3-PIECE NPT STAINLESS STEEL BALL VALVEFull Port, Vented Ball, Electric or Pneumatic ActuatorsSERIES WE02 | W.E. ANDERSON BY DWYER®DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. | ACCESSORIES Model Description R2-2120AFR4VB-01Air regulator Air filter regulator 0 to 120 psi Volume boosterMODEL CHARTSize Cv (gal/min)PopularHand OperatedModel PopularDouble Acting Pneumatic ModelPopularSpring Return Pneumatic ModelPopular NEMA 4X Two Position Electric(110 VAC) Model Popular NEMA 4X Modulating Electric(110 VAC) Model 1/2˝3/4˝1˝1-1/4˝1-1/2˝2˝2-1/2˝3˝36.6467.69110.27184.73266.62485.3791.571151.95WE02-CHD00WE02-DHD00WE02-EHD00WE02-FHD00WE02-GHD00WE02-HHD00WE02-IHD00WE02-JHD00WE02-CDA01WE02-DDA01WE02-EDA02WE02-FDA02WE02-GDA03WE02-HDA03WE02-IDA04WE02-JDA05WE02-CSR02WE02-DSR02WE02-ESR03WE02-FSR03WE02-GSR04WE02-HSR05WE02-ISR07WE02-JSR07WE02-CTD01-A WE02-DTD01-A WE02-ETD01-A WE02-FTD01-A WE02-GTD02-A WE02-HTD02-A WE02-ITD03-A WE02-JTD03-AWE02-CMD01-A WE02-DMD01-A WE02-EMD01-A WE02-FMD01-A WE02-GMD01-A WE02-HMD02-A WE02-IMD03-A WE02-JMD03-AMODEL CHART - HAND OPERATED & PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR Example WE02-CSR02-N N 09WE02-CSR02-NN09Series WE02316 SS 3-piece NPT Size and Actuator CHD00DHD00EHD00FHD00GHD00HHD00IHD00JHD00CDA01DDA01EDA02FDA02GDA03HDA03IDA04JDA05CSR02DSR02ESR03FSR03GSR04HSR05ISR07JSR071/2˝ hand operated 3/4˝ hand operated1˝ hand operated 1-1/4˝ hand operated 1-1/2˝ hand operated 2˝ hand operated 2-1/2˝ hand operated 3˝ hand operated 1/2˝ double acting 3/4˝ double acting 1˝ double acting 1-1/4˝ double acting 1-1/2˝ double acting 2˝ double acting 2-1/2˝ double acting 3˝ double acting 1/2˝ spring return 3/4˝ spring return 1˝ spring return 1-1/4˝ spring return 1-1/2˝ spring return 2˝ spring return 2-1/2˝ spring return 3˝ spring returnSolenoid NANo solenoid NEMA 4X NAMUR solenoid Solenoid Voltage N ABCDENo solenoid110 VAC 220 VAC 24 VAC 24 VDC 12 VDC Positioner and Switches 000102030406070809None 42AD0 exp limit switch 45VD0 exp position transmitter42AD0-B ATEX limit switch 42AD0-IE IECEX limit switch QV-210101 poly limit switch VPS and P1 prox switch 265ER-D5 positioner 285ER-D5 smart positionerOptions NO Fail open spring return actuatorMODEL CHART - ELECTRIC ACTUATORExample WE02-ETD01-B WE02-ETD01-B Series WE02316 SS 3-piece NPT Size and Actuator CTD01DTD01ETD01FTD01GTD02HTD02ITD03JTD03CMD01DMD01EMD01FMD01GMD01HMD02IMD03JMD03CTI01DTI01ETI02FTI02GTI03HTI04ITI05JTI05CMI01DMI01EMI02FMI02GMI03HMI04IMI05JMI051/2˝ NEMA 4X two-position 3/4˝ NEMA 4X two-position1˝ NEMA 4X two-position 1-1/4˝ NEMA 4X two-position 1-1/2˝ NEMA 4X two-position 2˝ NEMA 4X two-position 2-1/2˝ NEMA 4X two-position 3˝ NEMA 4X two-position 1/2˝ NEMA 4X modulating 3/4˝ NEMA 4X modulating 1˝ NEMA 4X modulating 1-1/4˝ NEMA 4X modulating 1-1/2˝ NEMA 4X modulating 2˝ NEMA 4X modulating 2-1/2˝ NEMA 4X modulating 3˝ NEMA 4X modulating 1/2˝ exp two-position 3/4˝ exp two-position 1˝ exp two-position 1-1/4˝ exp two-position 1-1/2˝ exp two-position 2˝ exp two-position 2-1/2˝ exp two-position 3˝ exp two-position 1/2˝ exp electric modulating 3/4˝ exp electric modulating 1˝ exp electric modulating 1-1/4˝ exp electric modulating 1-1/2˝ exp electric modulating 2˝ exp electric modulating 2-1/2˝ exp electric modulating 3˝ exp electric modulating ActuatorVoltageA B C D110 VAC 220 VAC 24 VAC 24 VDC。

Series BV2M 双片钢质量球阀商品说明说明书

Series BV2M 双片钢质量球阀商品说明说明书

(2) 3/16-24 0.882 1.378

(2) 3/16-24 0.882 1.378 N/A
1-1/4˝ (2) 1/4-20 1.000 1.500 N/A
1-1/2˝ (2) 1/4-20 1.000 1.500 N/A

(4) 1/4-20 1.000 1.500 2.000
SPECIFICATIONS End Connections: Female NPT. Pressure Limits: 1000 psi (69 bar) WOG, 150 psi (10.3 bar) SWP. Wetted Materials: Body, ball, end cap: CF8M SS; Stem: 316 SS; Seat, thrust washer: RTFE; End gasket, stem packing: PTFE. Temperature Limits: -20 to 450°F (-29 to 232°C). Agency Approvals: Meets the technical requirements of EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS II).
FEATURES/BENEFITS • Wide chemical compatibility • Bubble tight shut off to 1000 psig • Blowout-proof stem • Actuator mounting pad
APPLICATIONS • Gas or liquid flow control • Chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and other general applications

M SERIES 3-PC高性能金属座球阀安装与维护指南说明书

M SERIES 3-PC高性能金属座球阀安装与维护指南说明书

Installation & Maintenance Manual CAUTION: 1. For your safety read this manual before installation or servicing.2. Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved, and anyhazardous fluids have been drained or purged from the system.3. Ensure that all Lockout and Tagout procedures for the system have been properlyimplemented.1. USE:1.1 Maximum results and optimum valve life can be maintained under normal service conditions and in accordancewith pressure/temperature ratings and corrosion data chart.2. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR INSTALLATION:2.1 Valves are designed with a preferred flow direction, a flow arrow on the valve body indicates preferred flow.2.2 Before installation of the valves, the pipe must be flushed clean of dirt, burrs and welding residues, or the seatsand ball surface may be damaged.2.3 The pipe must be tension free and in proper alignment.2.4 Before installing, check to ensure that all valves and end connections are free from defects.2.5 Valves should be installed in pipeline completely assembled. Do not disassemble the valves to install.3. INSTALLATION OF THREADED VALVES:3.1 Use of proper thread seal material, compatible with service conditions, is paramount in preventing thread leakage.3.2 Make sure thread specification of the pipe matches the valve thread specifications.3.3 Apply wrench only on the hexagon of the valve ends to secure the valve to the pipeline. Tightening by using thevalve body or lever can seriously damage the valve.3.4 Valve is ready to be pressure tested and put into service.4. INSTALLATION OF WELD-END VALVES4.1Tack weld the valve on the pipe in four points on both end caps.4.2 With the valve in the open position (lever parallel to the axis of the pipe), finish welding the valve in the pipeline. 4.3 When valve has cooled to room temperature check for proper operation.4.4 Recheck body bolt torques to ensure proper torque value per Figure 1.4.5 Valve is ready to be pressure tested and put into service.OPERATION:5. MANUAL5.1 Opening and closing the valve is done by turning the handle a ¼ turn (90 degrees); counter-clockwise to openand clockwise to close.A. Valve in Open Position – the lever is in line (parallel) with the valve or pipeline.B. Valve in Closed Position – the lever is at a right angle (perpendicular) to the valve or pipeline.6. AUTOMATEDOPERATION6.1 Valves with actuators should be checked for proper valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment mayresult in high operational torque and unnecessary wear on the valve stem.Installation & Maintenance Manual7. DISASSEMBLY & CLEANING PROCEDURE:Caution: Ball valve can trap fluids in the ball cavity when closed.7.1 If the valve has been used to control hazardous media, it must be decontaminated before disassembly. It isrecommended that the following steps are taken for safe removal and disassembly.A. Relieve the line pressure.B. Place valve in half-open position and flush the line to remove any hazardous material.C. All persons involved in the removal and disassembly of the valve should wear the proper personal protectiveequipment, such as face shield, gloves, etc.**NOTE: If in line maintenance is required, please follow these instructions to prevent valve damage. Loosen allfour body bolts evenly in a star pattern. Completely remove three of the four body bolts from the valve leavingone of the bottom bolts. A pipe spreader must then be used to approximately acquire a 3/8” gap between eachend cap and the valve body. This will facilitate the ability to swing the valve body out of the pipeline. Note thatwithout the 3/8” gap on each end cap the valve body will not swing out of the pipeline. The necessarymaintenance can now be performed without disturbing pipe alignment.7.2 DISASSEMBLYCAUTION: On Uni-Directional valves the upstream and downstream seats must be identified as the valve is disassembled. The orientation of the ball is also critical as the downstream side of the ball must be kept next to the downstream seat.1. Turn the valve to the closed position.2. Loosen Nuts (10) on the body studs.3. Remove 3 sets of nuts and studs from valve.4. Then carefully rotate valve body out of the pipe line (refer to in line maintenance procedure above) taking extremecare not to drop a seat from either side of the valve or the ball.5. Downstream Side. Remove Gasket (9),Seat Gasket (5), Seat (4) and Ball (3). Be careful not to drop any of theabove parts when the valve body is rotated. (See Figure 2)6. Upstream Side: Remove Gasket (9), Seat Spring Seal (7), Seat Spring Retainer (6) ,Seat Spring (8).and Seat (4)(See Figure 2)7. Losen the Handle Nut (19) and remove the Handle (18). Remove the Lock Saddle (17), Nut (16), Belleville SpringWasher (15) and Ring (14) (See Figure 2).8. Press the stem toward the valve body and remove it from the body side. (See Figure 2)9. The Gland Packing (12) must be carefully removed to prevent scratching the packing.10. Use an approved solvent to clean the body, cap, ball, and other parts.11. Before reassembly, thoroughly inspect the valve for defects such as scoring of the valve stem in the packing glandarea and ball/seat damage.8. ASSEMBLY1. Slide the thrust washer (11) down onto the stem (13).2. Insert the stem (11) into the stem hole from the inside body (1), and then slide the stem packing (10) downthe stem and into the valve body. Use extreme care not to damage the stem packing. A sleeve may berequired to guide the stem packing into the bore without damaging the seal..3. Put Ring (14) and Belleville Spring Washer (15) on Stem (13), and tighten the Nut (16) per the torque valuein Figure 1. Adjust nut slightly so that the Lock Saddle can be installed (17) and Handle (18) on stem, andthen tighten Handle Nut (19).4. Turn the Handle (18) to the closed position and install Ball (3) into the body (1).5. Upstream side: Install Gasket (9) into Cap Then install Seat (4), and Seat Gasket (5) into Body (1).6. Downstream side: Put Gasket (9), into Cap then install Seat (4) into Body (1), then install Seat Spring (8).Put the flat side of Seat Spring Retainer (6) toward Seat Spring Seal (7).7. Swing Body assembly into place between the end caps (2). Lightly tighten Nuts (10) with wrench. ThenOpen and Close valve to check for smooth operation. Close the valve and then tighten the nuts in adiagonal sequence according to the torque listed in Figure 1.Installation & Maintenance Manual TROUBLESHOOTINGArea Description SolutionInner Internal Leakage 1. Check if there is any damage on the contact surface of ball(3) and seats (4).2. If parts are damaged, replace damaged ball & seats, andseat gasket (5).3. If Ball & Seats are ok replace Seat Gasket (5)4. Body Gasket (9) must be replaced with a new one everytime the valve is disassembled.OuterStem Leakage1. Tighten gland nut (12) to the torque values in Figure 1.2. If step 1 does not stop leakage, disassemble the valve toreplace gland packing (12).3. Gasket (9) must be replaced with a new one every time thevalve is disassembled.Body Gasket Leakage.1. Tighten body studs & nuts (10) to the torque values inFigure 1 per valve rating. Do not over torque studs & nuts2. If step 1 does not stop leakage, disassemble body (1) andcap (2) to replace gasket (9).BOLT TIGHTENING SPECIFICATIONSThe body bolts of the valve should be tightened evenly.Tighten one-side snugly, then the one diagonal across.Repeat for the other bolts, bringing them all down equally to the required torque value.Figure 1Torque Values600LBSizeBody Bolts Packing Gland BoltsNm In-Lbs Nm In-Lbs1/2” 20 177 5 44 3/4” 20 177 5 44 1” 40 354 8 71 1-1/2” 70 620 8 71 1-1/4” 80 708 10 89 2” 80 708 10 89Installation & Maintenance ManualFigure 2NO. PART NAMENO.PART NAMENO.PART NAME1 BODY8 SEAT SPRING 15 BELLEVILLE SPRING WASHER 2 CAP 9 GASKET 16 NUT3 BALL 10 BOLT & NUT17 LOCK SADDLE 4 SEAT11 THRUST WASHER 18 HANDLE5 SEAT GASKET12 GLAND PACKING 19 HANDLE NUT 6 SEAT SPRING RETAINER 13 STEM 7SEAT SPRING SEAL14RINGInstallation & Maintenance Manual A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user ofA-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and trainits employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。

A-T Controls M Series金属座球阀说明书

A-T Controls M Series金属座球阀说明书

M Series (FMX)3-PC High Performance Metal Seat Floating Ball ValveFull Bore TH/SW/BW EndsASME Class 600The A-T Controls M Series metal seat ball valve is designed foruse in severe services such as high temperature, high pressure,and abrasive fluids found in Oil & Gas, Petroleum, Petrochemical,Chemical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, and Mining industries.Product Features• Oversized stem design prevents deformation at higher pressures and temperatures.• Larger ball design provides better sealing to prevent leakage.• Fully conforms to ASME B16.34• Bidirectional design for backflow application• Inconel® spring design to maintain good contact between ball and seats during operation• Live-loaded packing design and dual anti-static devices eliminate stem leakage while providing longer life cycle.• Dual anti-static devices• Blowout proof stem• ISO 5211 mounting pad• Fire safe design conforms to ISO 10497 3rd edition• Optional Tungsten Carbide (TC) coating for heavy slurry & high temperatures23Design and StructuresStemPacking Lock Washer Live-loaded Packing DesignISO 5211 Mounting Pad BallSeatsSeat Area ASeat Area BSeat SpringPreferred DirectionSpiral Wound Body GasketOversized designDouble packing design Blowout Proof Anti-staticStainless steel + HCr or TC Larger ball designStainless Steel + Stellite ® or TC Bidirectional design for back flowInconel ®X750Seat Area ASeat-Gasket is press-fit into the body and this provides the stability for a wide range of temperatures.Seat Area BSeat Spring Seal design preventsbackflow leakage. Seat Spring provides flexibility for thermal expansion forstabilizing operation.CapRetainerCap •Steam, gas & liquidHVOF Thermal SprayLow PressureHigh Pressure18161512 11 1317 14191027146983594Technical Specifications MATERIALS LISTVALVE OPTIONSCARBON STEEL STAINLESS STEELSTELLITE® SEAT TUNGSTENCARBIDECHROMECARBIDE STELLITE® SEATTUNGSTENCARBIDECHROMECARBIDENO.PART NAME-20°F - 750°F-20°F - 800°F-20°F - 800°F-50°F - 750°F-50°F - 900°F-50°F - 1000°F 1BODY ASTM A216 GRADE WCB ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M2CAP ASTM A216 GRADE WCB ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M3BALLASTM A351GRADE CF8M +HCrASTM A351GRADE CF8M+ TCASTM A351GRADE CF8M+ CrCASTM A351GRADE CF8M +HCrASTM A351GRADE CF8M+ TCASTM A351GRADE CF8M+ CrC4SEAT AISI 316 + STELLITE®AISI 316 + TC AISI 316 + CrC AISI 316 + STELLITE®AISI 316 + TC AISI 316 + CrC 5SEAT GASKET GRAPHITE6SEAT SPRINGRETAINER AISI 316INCONEL® X7505Applicable Standards• Standard Body material:WCB or CF8M (other Alloys available)• Nominal size: 1/2” to 2”• Pressure rating: ASME Class 600• End connections:Threaded/Socket Weld/Butt Weld • Temperature Range: -50°F to 1000°F• Body Pressure Testing: ASME B16.34/API 598• Seat Leakage Testing:ANSI B16.104/FCI 70-2, Class V or VI • Fire Safety:Design conforms to ISO 10497 3rd Edition • Casting:MSS-SP-25 / MSS-SP-55•Fugitive Emissions: Designed to ISO 15848-1Dimensions (in.) FMX Series TH/SW/BW EndsL2Butt Weld Ends D=minimum bracket clearanceSIZE A B1B2B3B4C C1 D E J L L1L2P S W Z ISO 5211LBS 1/2”0.590.87 1.180.59 1.180.550.35 1.08 5.120.37 3.17 2.95 2.95 1.750.354M5 1.654F0433/4”0.79 1.09 1.500.79 1.500.550.35 1.08 5.120.49 3.80 3.54 3.54 1.850.354M5 1.654F04 3.51”0.98 1.35 1.810.98 1.810.790.59 1.23 6.690.49 4.25 3.94 3.94 2.360.433M6 1.969F0561-1/4” 1.26 1.70 2.20 1.26 2.200.790.59 1.23 6.690.49 5.00 4.33 4.33 2.520.433M6 1.969F0591-1/2” 1.571.942.44 1.57 2.44 1.220.83 1.888.820.49 5.59 4.92 4.92 2.870.669M8 2.756F07132”1.972.432.911.972.911.220.831.888.820.636.225.915.913.150.669M82.756F0718A-T Controls reserves the right to change product designs and technical/dimensional specifications without notice.F I R E S A F E D E S IG NM Series3-PC High Performance Metal Seat Ball Valve6Temperature & Pressure CurvesFull Bore Cv FMX Series Metal Seat Torque TablesNotes:1) Safety factors should be added for high temperature, viscous fluid, powders, steam and slurries.2) Torques are based on valve being installed in suggested direction. Consult The Application Sizing Guide for assistancewith sizing actuators.Size Cv1/2”253/4”501”901-1/4”1601-1/2”2452”460 02004006008001000120014001600ASME Class 600 Body(-28)-20(-18)(38)0100(93)200400(204)(149)300(260)500(316)600(371)700(427)800T °F (°C)(482)900(538)1000P(PSIG)CF8M BodyWCB Body TC CrCHCrStellite®WCBHCr/Stellite® Trim = Max Temperature 750°F (399°C)WCB Body = Max Temperature 800°F (425°C)TC Trim = Max Temperature 900°F (482°C)CrC Trim = Max Temperature 1000°F (538°C)Note: At temperature, themaximum pressure for thevalve is limited by either thevalve body/end cap material,or trim; whichever is lower.Pressure vs. TemperatureTRIM OPTIONS • P/T @ Max. Shutoff ∆PTemperature°FRecommended SafetyFactor MultiplierLess than 2001400 1.1550 1.3750 1.6850CF950CF1000CF316 HCr/Stellite® Trim (316/TC Trim or CRC Trim add 20% to below torques)Torques (in*lbs) @ PSIGPSI15020028535040050060065074087010001160130014801/2"909295981001041081101141191241301361423/4"1301321371401421471521551591651721801871941"150165190209224254283298325CF CF CF CF CF1-1/4"269298347384413471529558610CF CF CF CF CF1-1/2"415463543605653748843890976CF CF CF CF CF2"4905636887848571,0041,1501,2241,356CF CF CF CF CFNote: Safety factors can be interpolated forintermediate temperatures.Torques can be interpolated for intermediate pressures.1 Fire Safe DesignationF Fire Safe design2 Valve SeriesMX Metal Seat 3-pc Bidirectional, Floating Ball3 Body MaterialBlank No Designation = Stainless Steel Body and Trim CF8M-316 SSTC Carbon Steel Body, A216 Gr WCBL Low Carbon 316 SST, CF3M-316LD CD3MN Duplex SSTG CE3MN Super Duplex SST4 F316H Forged5 LCB, A3528 LCC, A3526 WC6, A2179 WC9, A2174 End ConnectionTH Threaded (NPT)SW Socket WeldBW Butt Weld5 Valve Size0050 1/2”0075 3/4”0100 1”0125 1-1/4”0150 1-1/2”0200 2”6 Seat, Lining & Trim Materials2 Tungsten Carbide Coated 316SST Seats & Ball3 HCr Coated Ball with Stellite® Inlay Seats4 Chrome Carbide Coated 316SST Seats & Ball8 Chrome Carbide Coated Inconel® 718 Seats & Ball 7 Special DesignationsX No SpecialsG Gear Operator8 Additional SpecialsX No SpecialsO Oxygen CleanedZ Special End ConfigurationV Vented Ball9 Special Stem DesignationBlank No Designation = Standard StemA 17-4P H® StemB XM-19 (Nitronic® 50) StemC Duplex 2205 StemD Inconel® 718 StemManual Ball Valve Part Number MatrixHow To Order1-2-3-4-5-678-9----Stellite® is a registered trademark of the Deloro Stellite Company, Inc. Inconel® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys/Special Metals Corporation.79955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246PHONE: 513-247-5465FAX: 513-247-5462FMX-20210811Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.LIT0018ISO 9001:2015 Certified。

1 M Series 浮动球阀制造商品说明书

1 M Series 浮动球阀制造商品说明书

1M Series (FMU/FMB/FMS)Flanged Metal Seat Floating Ball ValveFlanged Metal Seat Floating Ball ValveFull Bore Two-piece Flanged Ends ASME Class 150/300/600Product FeaturesHVOF Thermal SpraySeat Area A Seat Area B temperature and abrasive fluids. It is used in industries such as Oil Petrochemicals, Power Generation, ISO 10497 - 3rd EditionF I R E S A F E C E R T I F I E DPreferred directionFlow direction3Black liquor is viscous, and will cake in small cavities and on surfaces, which prevents valves from operating properly. A-T Controls provides a solution to this harsh service with modifications to our FMS Series. Black liquor valves include an Aflas ® O-ring on both seats to avoid black liquor media build-up, and a venturi hole in the ball to evacuate the cavity as media flows.Upstream Seat Downstream SeatScraper SeatsScraper Seat with HighVelocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) applied Tungsten Carbide Coated Trim is designed to BallSeatSeat SpringStainless Steel HCr Coated SST TC Coated SST CrC Coated SSTStellite ® Inlay SST TC Coated SST CrC Coated SST Inconel ® 718 SSTInconel ® X750Aflas ® O-rings (4)seal seat cavity, blocking from any media build-up.(400°F max temp.)Venturi Hole in Ballhelps evacuate cavity as flow passes by.Black Liquor Service(May also be applicable for other services)Scraper Standard Scraper Service (FMS)For heavy slurry such as in the pulp & paper industry.Flow directionFlow directionFlanged Metal Seat Floating Ball Valve Floating Metal Seat Ball ValveApplicable Standards• Standard Body Material: WCB or CF8M (other Alloys available)• Nominal Size & Pressure Rating: 1/2” to 8” ASME Class 150/300; 1/2”-4” ASME Class 600• End Connections: Raised Face Flange • Temperature Range: -50°F to 1000°F • Fire Safe: Certified to ISO 10497 3rd Edition • Face to Face Dimensions: ASME B16.10• Flange Dimensions: ASME B16.5• Body Pressure Testing: ASME B16.34, API 598• Seat Leakage Testing: ANSI B16.104, FCI 70-2 Class V or Class VI • Casting: MSS-SP-25/MSS-SP-55•Safety Integrity: SIL 3 CapableTechnical Specifications82763591111312104MATERIALS LISTVALVE OPTIONS CARBON STEELSTAINLESS STEEL STELLITE® SEAT TUNGSTEN CARBIDE CHROME CARBIDE STELLITE® SEAT TUNGSTEN CARBIDE CHROME CARBIDE NO.PART NAME -20°F - 750°F-20°F - 800°F-20°F - 800°F-50°F - 750°F-50°F - 900°F-50°F - 1000°F1BODY ASTM A216 GRADE WCB ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M 2CAP ASTM A216 GRADE WCB ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M3BALL ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + HCr ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + TC ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + CrC ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + HCr ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + TC ASTM A351 GRADE CF8M + CrC4SEAT AISI 316 + STELLITE®AISI 316 + TC AISI 316 + CrC AISI 316 + STELLITE ®AISI 316 + TC AISI 316 + CrC 5SEAT GASKET GRAPHITE GRAPHITE6SEAT SPRING INCONEL ®X750INCONEL ® X7507BODY GASKETAISI 316 + GRAPHITE AISI 316 + GRAPHITE 8BOLT ASTM A193 GRADE B7ASTM A193 GRADE B8NUTASTM A194 GRADE 2H ASTM A194 GRADE 89THRUST WASHER AISI 31610GLAND PACKINGAISI 316 + GRAPHITE11STEM*17-4 PH ®/ XM-19/ DUPLEX 2205/INCONEL ®718XM-19/DUPLEX 2205/INCONEL ® 718XM-19/DUPLEX 2205/INCONEL ® 71812GLAND AISI 30413GLAND BOLTAISI 304TRIM ABBREVIATIONS:HCr = Hard Chrome Plated; TC = Tungsten Carbide; CrC = Chrome Carbide*Various usage conditions shall determine stem material 17-4 PH ® SST: use below 750°F XM-19: use up to 1100°FDUPLEX 2205: use below 570°F INCONEL ® 718: use up to 1100°F5Dimensions (in.) ASME Class 150Dimensions (in.) ASME Class 300Dimensions (in.) ASME Class 600SIZE A B C D E F I J L N Q W Y Z AB DD NN ISO 5211LBS ½"0.590.39 5.12 1.480.55 2.48 1.38 2.38 4.25 3.740.630.440.98M5 1.69 1.6544F044¾"0.790.39 5.12 1.590.55 2.68 1.69 2.76 4.61 3.860.630.440.98M5 1.81 1.6544F0451"0.980.47 6.30 1.870.55 2.99 2.01 3.13 5.00 4.250.630.44 1.20M6 2.09 1.9694F0571½" 1.500.678.82 2.560.75 3.46 2.87 3.88 6.50 5.000.630.56 1.65M8 2.83 2.7564F07142" 1.970.678.82 2.830.75 3.70 3.62 4.747.01 5.980.750.63 1.65M8 3.11 2.7564F07202½" 2.560.7912.76 3.580.75 4.53 4.13 5.497.487.010.750.69 1.83M8 3.35 2.7564F07293" 2.990.7912.76 3.920.75 4.72 5.00 6.007.997.480.750.75 1.83M8 3.82 2.7564F07394" 3.94 1.0615.75 4.80 1.027.68 6.187.509.028.270.750.94 2.11M10 4.45 4.0168F10626" 5.91 1.2621.65 6.61 1.189.458.509.5115.5110.980.87 1.00 2.44M12 5.91 4.9218F121408"7.871.38N/A8.681.38N/A10.6311.7517.9913.500.871.132.80M168.315.5128F14285SIZE A B C D E F I J L N Q W Y Z AB DD NN ISO 5211LBS ½"0.590.39 5.12 1.480.55 2.48 1.38 2.62 5.51 3.740.630.560.98M5 2.32 1.6544F046¾"0.790.39 5.12 1.590.55 2.68 1.69 3.25 5.98 4.610.750.630.98M5 2.64 1.6544F0481"0.980.47 6.30 1.870.55 2.99 2.01 3.50 6.50 4.880.750.69 1.20M6 2.83 1.9694F05111½" 1.500.678.82 2.560.75 3.46 2.87 4.517.48 6.140.870.81 1.65M8 3.23 2.7564F07222" 1.970.678.82 2.830.75 3.70 3.62 5.008.50 6.500.750.88 1.65M8 3.78 2.7568F07272½" 2.560.7912.76 3.580.75 4.53 4.13 5.879.497.480.87 1.00 1.83M8 3.90 2.7568F07503" 2.990.7912.76 3.920.75 4.72 5.00 6.6111.148.270.87 1.13 1.83M8 5.08 2.7568F07704" 3.94 1.0615.75 4.80 1.027.68 6.187.8712.0110.000.87 1.25 2.11M10 5.43 4.0168F101056" 5.91 1.2621.65 6.61 1.189.458.5010.6315.8712.520.87 1.44 2.44M12 6.69 4.92112F122208"7.871.38N/A8.681.38N/A10.6313.0019.7615.000.981.632.80M168.905.51212F14380SIZE A B C D E F I J L N Q W Y Z AB DD NN ISO 5211LBS ½"0.590.39 5.12 1.480.55 2.48 1.38 2.62 6.50 3.740.630.820.98M5 2.28 1.6544F046¾"0.790.39 5.12 1.590.55 2.68 1.69 3.257.48 4.610.750.880.98M5 2.76 1.6544F0491"0.980.47 6.30 1.870.55 2.99 2.01 3.508.50 4.880.750.94 1.20M6 3.86 1.9694F05131½" 1.500.678.82 2.560.75 4.72 2.87 4.519.49 6.140.87 1.13 1.65M8 4.25 2.7564F07262" 1.970.678.82 3.230.75 5.51 3.62 5.0011.50 6.500.75 1.25 1.65M8 5.28 2.7568F07403" 2.990.8712.76 4.51 1.107.09 5.00 6.6114.028.270.87 1.50 1.83M10 6.50 4.0168F10804"3.941.0621.655.281.309.456.188.5017.0110.750.981.752.09M128.154.9218F12150ABLQ-NNWEC/LA-T Controls reserves the right to change product designs and technical/dimensional specifications without notice.M SeriesFloating Metal Seat Ball Valve6FMU/FMB Series Metal Seat Torque Table1) Safety factors should be added for high temperature, viscous fluid, powders, steam and slurries.2) Torques are based on valve being installed in suggested direction. Consult The Application Sizing Guide for assistance withsizing actuators.02004006008001000120014001600TC CrCHCr Stellite ®WCB (-28)-20(-18)(38)100(93)200400(204)(149)300(260)500(316)600(371)700900(482)(427)800(538)1000HCr/Stellite ® Trim = Max Temperature 750°F (399°C)WCB Body = Max Temperature 800°F (425°C)TC Trim = Max Temperature 900°F (482°C)CrC Trim = Max Temperature 1000°F (538°C)T °F (°C)WCB BodyCF8M BodyTC CrCWCB 900(482)7)0(538)1000HCr/Stellite ®Trim = Max Temperature 750°F (399°C)WCB Body = Max Temperature 800°F (425°C)TC Trim = Max Temperature 900°F (482°C)CrC Trim = Max Temperature 1000°F (538°C)Pressure vs. Temperature BODY MATERIAL2004006008001000120014001600ASME Class 600 BodyASME Class 300 BodyASME Class 150 Body(-28)-20(-18)(38)0100(93)200400(204)(149)300(260)500(316)600(371)700(425)800(432)900(538)1000ASME B16.34 A216-WCB P/T CurveP (P S I G )CF8M Body WCB BodyTemperature & Pressure CurvesTemperature °F (°C)P r e s s u r e (P S I G)D i f f e r e n t i a l P r e s s u r e (P S I G )Pressure vs. TemperatureTRIM OPTIONS • P/T @ Max. Shutoff ∆P316 HCr/Stellite ® Trim, Unidirectional and Bidirectional (316/TC Trim or CRC Trim add 20% to belowtorques)Torques (in*lbs) @ PSIGPSIG 1502002853504005006006507408701000116013001480½"90929598100104108110114119124130136142¾"1301321371401421471521551591651721801871941"1501651902092542542832983253634024494915351½"415463543605653748843890976CF CF CF CF CF 2"4905636887848571,0041,1501,2241,356CF CF CF CF CF 2½”7127919241,0261,1051,262CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF 3"1,2321,4351,7812,0452,2492,655CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF 4"2,6003,1804,1674,9215,5016,662CF CF CF CFCFCFCFCF6"5,3836,3348,2519,971CF CF CF CF CF 8"10,18111,86515,21718,194CFCFCFCFCFSize Cv 1/2”253/4”501”901-1/2”2452”4602-1/2”7503”1,1254”2,1006”5,0508”9,600Cv ValuesNote: Safety factors can be interpolated for intermediate temperatures. Temperature °F Recommended Safety Factor MultiplierLess Than 2001400 1.1550 1.3750 1.6850CF 950CF 1000CFTorques can be interpolated for intermediate pressures.1 Fire Safe DesignationF Fire Safe Tested2 Valve SeriesMU Metal Seat Unidirectional Shut-off, Floating Ball MB Metal Seat Bidirectional Shut-off, Floating Ball MS Metal Seat Scraper Seat Design3 Body MaterialBlank No Designation = Stainless Steel Body and Trim CF8M-316 SSTC Carbon Steel Body, A216 Gr WCBL Low Carbon 316 SST, CF3M-316LD CD3MN Duplex SSTG CE3MN Super Duplex SST4 F316H Forged5 LCB, A3528 LCC, A3526 WC6, A2179 WC9, A2174 End ConnectionF1 150# Flanged EndsF3 300# Flanged EndsF6 600# Flanged EndsFR 600# RTJ Flanged Ends5 Valve Size0050 1/2”0075 3/4”0100 1”0150 1-1/2”0200 2”0250 2-1/2”0300 3”0400 4”0600 6”0800 8”6 Seat, Lining & Trim MaterialsB Black Liquor Service (TC 316SST Seats & Ball)2 Tungsten Carbide Coated 316SST Seats & Ball3 HCr Coated Ball /w Stellite® Inlay Seats4 Chrome Carbide Coated 316SST Seats & Ball8 Chrome Carbide Coated Inconel® 718 Seats & Ball 7 Special DesignationsX No SpecialsG Gear Operator8 Additional SpecialsX No SpecialsO Oxygen CleanedZ Special End ConfigurationV Vented Ball9 Special Stem DesignationBlank No Designation = Standard StemA 17-4PH® StemB XM-19 (Nitronic® 50) StemC Duplex 2205 StemD Inconel® 718 StemManual Ball Valve Part Number MatrixHow To Order1-2-3-4-5-678-9------Stellite® is a registered trademark of the Deloro Stellite Company, Inc. Inconel® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys/Special Metals Corporation.789955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246PH 513-247-5465FAX 513-247-5462********************FMU-20210811Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.LIT0017ISO 9001:2015 Certified。

















M 系列套筒调节阀 技术规格选型说明书

M 系列套筒调节阀 技术规格选型说明书




1 调节阀名称、型号;9 介质名称;
2 公称通径;10 工作温度及范围;
3 阀座直径;11 阀体、阀内件及填料材质;
4 公称压力;12 所配附件;
5 固有流量特性;13 夹套调节阀须注明热媒接口形式及尺寸规格;
6 流量系数Kv;14 低温调节阀须注明保温长度、冷箱连接方式;
7 执行机构型式;15 防爆要求;
8 整机作用方式;16 其他特殊要求。



GM24A-MPCommunicative damper actuator for adjustingdampers in technical building installations• Air damper size up to approx. 8 m²• Torque motor 40 Nm• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V• Control modulating, communicative 2...10 Vvariable• Position feedback 2...10 V variable• Communication via Belimo MP-Bus• Conversion of sensor signalsTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 VPower consumption in operation 4.5 WPower consumption in rest position 1.6 WPower consumption for wire sizing7 VAConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 4x 0.75 mm²Data bus communication Communicative control MP-BusNumber of nodes MP-Bus max. 8Functional data Torque motor40 NmTorque variable25%, 50%, 75% reducedOperating range Y 2...10 VInput impedance100 kΩOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 VEnd point 2.5...32 VOperating modes optional Open/close3-point (AC only)Modulating (DC 0...32 V)Position feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable Start point 0.5...8 VEnd point 2.5...10 VPosition accuracy±5%Direction of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Direction of motion note Y = 0 V: At switch position 0 (ccw rotation) /1 (cw rotation)Direction of motion variable electronically reversibleManual override with push-button, can be lockedAngle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note can be limited on both sides with adjustablemechanical end stopsRunning time motor150 s / 90°Running time motor variable75...290 sAdaptation setting range manualGM24A-MPTechnical dataFunctional data Adaptation setting range variable No actionAdaptation when switched onAdaptation after pushing the manual overridebuttonOverride control MAX (maximum position) = 100%MIN (minimum position) = 0%ZS (intermediate position, AC only) = 50%Override control variable MAX = (MIN + 32%)...100%MIN = 0%...(MAX – 32%)ZS = MIN...MAXSound power level, motor45 dB(A)Mechanical interface Universal shaft clamp reversible 12...26.7 mmPosition indication Mechanical, pluggableSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2EMC CE according to 2014/30/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL Approval cULus according to UL60730-1A, UL60730-2-14and CAN/CSA E60730-1The UL marking on the actuator depends onthe production site, the device is UL-compliantin any caseHygiene test According to VDI 6022 Part 1 / SWKI VA104-01, cleanable and disinfectable, lowemissionType of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control0.8 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Storage temperature-40...80°C [-40...176°F]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight 1.6 kgGM24A-MP•••••••Safety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.Cables must not be removed from the device.To calculate the torque required, the specifications supplied by the damper manufacturers concerning the cross-section and the design, as well as the installation situation and the ventilation conditions must be observed.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Product featuresOperating modeConventional operation:The actuator is connected with a standard control signal of 0...10 V and drives to the position defined by the control signal. The measuring voltage U serves for the electrical display of the actuator position 0.5...100% and as control signal for other actuators.Operation on Bus:The actuator receives its digital control signal from the higher level controller via the MP-Bus and drives to the position defined. Connection U serves as communication interface and does not supply an analogue measuring voltage.Converter for sensorsConnection option for a sensor (passive or active sensor or switching contact). The MPactuator serves as an analogue/digital converter for the transmission of the sensor signal via MP-Bus to the higher level system.Parametrisable actuators The factory settings cover the most common applications. Single parameters can be modified with the Belimo service tools MFT-P or ZTH EU.Simple direct mountingSimple direct mounting on the damper shaft with a universal shaft clamp, supplied with an anti-rotation device to prevent the actuator from rotating.Manual overrideManual override with push-button possible (the gear train is disengaged for as long as the button is pressed or remains locked).Adjustable angle of rotation Adjustable angle of rotation with mechanical end stops.High functional reliabilityThe actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.Home positionThe first time the supply voltage is switched on, i.e. at the time of commissioning, the actuator carries out a synchronisation. The synchronisation is in the home position (0%).The actuator then moves into the position defined by the control signal.GM24A-MP Adaptation and synchronisation An adaptation can be triggered manually by pressing the "Adaptation" button or with the PC-Tool. Both mechanical end stops are detected during the adaptation (entire setting range).Automatic synchronisation after pressing the manual override button is configured. Thesynchronisation is in the home position (0%).The actuator then moves into the position defined by the control signal.A range of settings can be adapted using the PC-Tool (see MFT-P documentation) Product featuresAccessoriesGateways Description TypeGateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BACGateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Electrical accessories Description TypeAuxiliary switch 1x SPDT add-on S1AAuxiliary switch 2x SPDT add-on S2AFeedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on P140AFeedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on P1000AFeedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-on P10000ASignal converter voltage/current 100 kΩ 4...20 mA, Supply AC/DC 24 V Z-UICPositioner for wall mounting SGA24Positioner for built-in mounting SGE24Positioner for front-panel mounting SGF24Positioner for wall mounting CRP24-B1MP-Bus power supply for MP actuators ZN230-24MP Mechanical accessories Description TypeActuator arm for standard shaft clamp AH-GMABall joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8 / KH10KG10ADamper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, clamping range ø14...25 mm KH10Anti-rotation mechanism 230 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-ARS230Mounting kit for linkage operation for flat installation ZG-GMABaseplate extension for GM..A to GM..Z-GMAPosition indicator, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-PITools Description TypeService tool, with ZIP-USB function, for parametrisable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performancedevicesZTH EUBelimo PC-Tool, Software for adjustments and diagnostics MFT-PAdapter for Service-Tool ZTH MFT-CConnecting cable 5 m, A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 6-pin for connection toservice socketZK1-GENConnecting cable 5 m, A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: free wire end forconnection to MP/PP terminalZK2-GENWire colours:1 = black2 = red3 = white5 = orangeElectrical installationSupply from isolating transformer.Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.GM24A-MPWiring diagrams MP-BusAC/DC 24 V, modulatingElectrical installationFunctionsFunctions with basic values (conventional mode)Override control with AC 24 V with relay contactsOverride control with AC 24 V with rotary switch Control remotely 0...100% withpositioner SG..Minimum limit with positioner SG..Primary/secondary operation (position-dependent)Functions with basic values (conventional mode)Control with 4...20 mA via external resistorCaution:The operating range must be set to DC 2...10 V.The 500 Ohm resistor converts the 4...20 mA current signal to a voltage signal DC 2...10 V.Functional checkProcedure1. Connect 24 V to connections 1 and 22. Disconnect connection 3:– With direction of rotation 0: Actuator rotates to the left – With direction of rotation 1: Actuator rotates to the right3. Short-circuit connections 2 and 3:– Actuator runs in opposite directionFunctions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)Connection on the MP-BusMP-Bus Network topologyMax. 8 MP-Bus nodesThere are no restrictions for the network topology (star, ring, tree or mixed forms are permitted).Supply and communication in one and the same 3-wire cable • no shielding or twisting necessary• no terminating resistors required•••••Functions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)Connection of active sensorsConnection of external switching contactSupply AC/DC 24 VOutput signal 0...10 V (max. 0...32 V)Resolution 30 mVSwitching current 16 mA @ 24 VStart point of the operating range must be parametrised on the MP actuator as ≥0.5 VConnection of passive sensors1) Depending on the type 2) Resolution 1 OhmCompensation of the measured value is recommendedOverride control and limiting with AC 24 V with relay contactsControl open/closeGM24A-MPFunctions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)Override control and limiting with AC 24 V with rotary switchControl 3-point with AC 24 VCaution:The "Close" function is only guaranteed if the start point of the operating range is definedas min. 0.5 V.FunctionsOperating controls and indicators1Direction of rotation switch Switch over:Direction of rotation changes2Push-button and LED display green Off:No power supply or malfunction On:In operationPress button:Triggers angle of rotation adaptation, followed by standard mode3Push-button and LED display yellow Off:Standard modeOn:Adaptation or synchronisation process active Flickering:MP-Bus communication active Flashing:Request for addressing from MP client Press button:Confirmation of the addressing4Manual override button Press button:Gear train disengages, motor stops, manual override possible Release button:Gear train engages, synchronisation starts, followed by standard mode5Service plugFor connecting parametrisation and service tools Check power supply connection 2 Off and 3 OnPossible wiring error in power supplyGM24A-MPServiceTool connection The actuator can be parametrised by ZTH EU via the service socket.For an extended parametrisation the PC tool can be connected.Connection ZTH EU / PC-ToolDimensionsSpindle lengthMin. 52Min. 20Clamping rangeFurther documentation• Overview MP Cooperation Partners• Tool connections• Introduction to MP-Bus Technology。



COLD WATERSTORAGE CONTROL PRODUCT RANGE GUIDEDELAYED ACTION FLOAT-ACTIVATED VALVES AND ELECTRONIC TANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMDELAYED ACTION FLOAT-ACTIVATEDVALVESThe Aylesbury TM range is synonymous with mechanical float valve excellence,with tens of thousands of products in continuous use in demanding domestic,commercial and industrial applications throughout the UK and around the world.Monitors and controls water levelQuick-start feature with intuitive interfaceAlarms, fail-safe and holiday schedule functionalityAlarms can be sent to Building Management Systems (BMS) K and KAX Valves KB Valves KP ValvesFilling valve options include the Tanktronic ServoBattery ModuleProvides back-up power to the mains supply, providing up to S-ModuleAn expansion module that boosts T anktronic’s control capacity. Keraflo Limited, Unit 1, Woodley Park Estate, 56-69 Reading Road, Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, RG5 3AN01189219920|***************.uk|A subsidiary of Davidson Holdings Ltd.KERAFLO A-01Repeater PanelWorks as an interface extension to the MCU, allowing the user to programme, monitor and control the Tanktronic system remotely from the water tank(s). The unit does not require a separate power supply.Battery ModuleProvides back-up power to the mains supply, providing up to two days of normal operation before power is expended. A recommended option if the building application is particularly dependent on the Holiday Schedule function.Control Valve (BSP)The Keraflo Pilot Valve works with Tanktronic to provide tank filling. The valve is supplied with a BSP fitting suitable for pipe sizes ranging from 3⁄4” to a 1 1⁄2” bore.。







介质: 水流量范围: 见表格接液材质: 主体: 铜, 尼龙, 连接: 铜; 测量室: 氟化物(FKM), 聚乙烯, ABS 塑料精度: 波动流量: ±5%, 正常: ±2% (见说明书).温度范围: 104°F (40°C).压力范围: 145 psi (10 bar).压降: 见使用说明书.最大累计显示: 9,999,999 位.安装位置: 水平l.重量: 见尺寸图.型号描述WM-A-C-01 5/8" 尺寸(0.5-13GPM).WM-A-C-02 5/8" x 3/4"尺寸(1-20GPM).WM-A-C-03 3/4" 尺寸(1-22GPM).WM-A-C-04 1"尺寸(1.25-30GPM).WM-A-C-06 1-1/2"尺寸(3-88GPM).WM-A-C-07 2"尺寸(5-132GPM).WM-B-C-08 15 mm 尺寸(0.12-3m³/h).WM-B-C-10 20 mm尺寸(0.2-5m³/h).WM-B-C-11 25 mm尺寸(0.28-5m³/h).WM-B-C-12 32 mm尺寸(0.48-12m³/h).WM-B-C-13 40 mm尺寸(0.8-20m³/h).WM-B-C-14 50 mm尺寸(1.2-30m³/h).。

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1. 卡座防水设计,整表可实现喷淋防水,即在水表外壳
2. 球阀阀门,不受水垢影响,不受水压影响,更加安全

3. 基表、阀门等采用齿轮传动,特殊隔离密封设计,解





4. 驱动器原理


空载电流: 40mA以下
额定电压: 3.0V
负载电流: 60mA以下
电机规格: RF-330-13360
空载电流: 25mA以下
空载转速: 3200±10% rpm
起动力矩: 30g · cm
绝缘电阻: 10MΩ min/100V DC
5. 防攻击设计:防磁、防震动和低功耗发讯元件及原理



6. 水表模块盒尺寸:
