



- - -. DOC.NO. TIMESON-SM-2002-11-0001ANormal(公开)本地电信业务计费帐务系统ORACLE操作手册Version 1.0.02002.11.05TIMESONXX天辰科技XX 2000,2001,2002All Rights Reserved前言41.数据库的创立41.1.以下为ORACLE启动初始文件INITORA.ORA41.2.以下是建库脚本62.数据库根本操作112.1.数据库的正常启动112.2.安装启动与非安装启动122.3.独占和共享启动132.4.约束启动132.5.强制启动142.6.数据库关闭142.7.PL/SQL根本程序的编写152.7.1.SQL语言简介152.7.2.PL/SQL简介223.解决RDBMS问题313.1.性能优化323.1.1.优化内存323.1.2.优化输入/输出363.1.3.优化排序393.1.4.优化索引建立393.2.备份和恢复403.2.1.备份提示403.3.O RACLE 8S ERVER诊断特性433.3.1.Oracle跟踪文件443.3.2.设置跟踪事件473.3.3.V$监视视图523.3.4.锁实用程序543.4.O RACLE错误分析和解决方案563.4.1.常见Oracle错误563.4.2.ORACLE内部错误713.4.3.优先权1/优先权2问题分类和诊断操作73 3.5.常见问题77前言为了加强计费系统数据库的操作平安及更有效的管理计费系统数据库,编写该操作手册。


1.数据库的创立以下仅为数据库创立的样例脚本,在实际系统中应根据数据库设计要与系统实际配置而改变参数:1.1.以下为ORACLE启动初始文件initora.ora#this sampale init file writen by wzy 2002/11/15db_name = "jf"instance_name = ora8#service_names = ora#db_files = 1024control_files = ("/home/oracle/OraCtl/control01.ctl","/home/oracle/OraCtl/control02.ctl", "/home/oracle/OraCtl/control03.ctl")open_cursors = 100max_enabled_roles = 50db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8db_block_buffers = 4096shared_pool_size = 52428800large_pool_size = 78643200java_pool_size = 20971520log_checkpoint_interval = 10000log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800 processes = 115parallel_max_servers = 5log_buffer = 32768max_dump_file_size = 10240global_names = true#oracle_trace_collection_name = ""db_block_size = 16384#remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive #os_authent_prefix = ""job_queue_processes = 4job_queue_interval = 60open_links = 10#large_pool_size = 614400java_pool_size = 20971520 distributed_transactions = 10mts_dispatchers ="(PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer)"mts_dispatchers = "(protocol=TCP)"#patible = 8.1.0sort_area_size = 65536sort_area_retained_size = 65536# log_archive_start = true1.2.以下是建库脚本#!/bin/shORACLE_SID=ora8export ORACLE_SIDsvrmgrlconnect internalstartup nomount pfile = $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initora.oraCREATE DATABASE "app1"controlfile reusemaxdatafiles 500maxinstances 8maxlogfiles 32character set ZHS16GBKnational character set ZHS16GBKDATAFILE '/oradata/app1/system01.dbf' SIZE 200Mlogfile group 1 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo01.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo01.log') SIZE 20M,group 2 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo02.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo02.log') SIZE 20M,group 3 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo03.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo03.log') SIZE 20M;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql;CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 TABLESPACE SYSTEMSTORAGE (INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS 20); ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 ONLINE;REM ************ TABLESPACE FOR OEM_REPOSITORY ***************CREATE TABLESPACE OEM_REPOSITORY DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/oemrep01.dbf' SIZE 5M REUSEAUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 25M MAXSIZE 80MMINIMUM EXTENT 128kDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR ROLLBACK *****************CREATE TABLESPACE RBS DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/rbs01.dbf' SIZE 200M REUSE DEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR TEMPORARY *****************CREATE TABLESPACE TEMP DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/temp01.dbf' SIZE 200M REUSEDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) TEMPORARY;REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR USER *********************CREATE TABLESPACE USERS DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/users01.dbf' SIZE 50M REUSEDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR INDEX *********************CREATE TABLESPACE INDX DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/indx01.dbf' SIZE 50M REUSE DEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM **** Creating four rollback segments **************add rollback segment to 20*** CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r05 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r06 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r07 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r08 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r09 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r10 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r11 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r12 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r13 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r14 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r15 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r16 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r17 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r18 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r19 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r20 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r05 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r06 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r07 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r08 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r09 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r10 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r11 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r12 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r13 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r14 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r15 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r16 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r17 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r18 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r19 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r20 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 OFFLINE;REM **** SYS and SYSTEM users ****************alter user sys temporary tablespace TEMP;alter user system temporary tablespace TEMP;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/caths.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/otrcsvr.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catexp.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catdbsyn.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catdefer.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catrep.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/dbmspool.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catparr.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql;connect system/manager/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql;--create the product_profile and user_profile--CATALOG.SQL, ---加载数据库本身的数据字典视图--CATPROC.SQL, ---加载PL/SQL使用的PACKAGE--CATEXP.SQL ---加载EXPORT/IMPORT工具使用的数据字典disconnectspool offexit在数据库建立完后,可用以下语句〔也可以在建库脚本中直接增加〕对对tablespace增加数据文件:ALTERTABLESPACE"tablespace_name" ADD DATAFILE 'data_file_path/data_file_name' SIZE <the data file size you designed> <REUSE ><AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT{size you designed to exednd};>2.数据库根本操作2.1.数据库的正常启动正常启动数据库的选项是normal,这也是数据启动的缺省选项。



Oracle高级用法1. 概述Oracle是一种关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于企业级应用程序和数据仓库。



2. 性能优化性能优化是Oracle数据库管理的重要环节,可以提升数据库的响应速度和并发处理能力。

以下是一些常见的性能优化技巧:2.1 使用合适的数据类型和长度在设计表结构时,选择合适的数据类型和长度可以减少存储空间占用,并提高查询效率。


2.2 创建合适的索引索引是加速查询操作的关键。



2.3 使用分区表分区表是将大表按照某个字段进行分割存储的技术。



2.4 使用合适的SQL语句优化SQL语句可以大大提高数据库的性能。

一些常见的优化技巧包括使用合适的连接方式(如INNER JOIN、LEFT JOIN等)、避免使用SELECT *、避免在WHERE子句中使用函数等。

3. 分区表分区表是Oracle数据库中的一个重要特性,可以将大表拆分为多个小表进行存储和管理。

以下是一些关于分区表的用法:3.1 分区类型Oracle支持多种类型的分区方式,包括范围分区、列表分区、哈希分区和复合分区等。


3.2 分区键在创建分区表时,需要选择一个或多个字段作为分区键。




Oracle数据库相关操作培训文档Oracle数据库导入导出相关操作指导一、创建表空间,临时表空间 (2)1、创建表空间............... 错误!未定义书签。

2、创建临时表空间 (9)二、创建用户 (11)三、导入数据库 (14)四、查看数据库 (18)五、导出数据库 (20)六、导出表中数据 (25)七、向表中导入数据 (26)一、创建表空间,临时表空间安装完Oracle,创建数据库,创建监听后。



点击第二个选项卡“data Files”,点下面的“Add”按钮。














第一章Oracle入门1.1 安装1.2 系统服务图1-1 Oracle数据库系统服务1.3 数据库和实例1.3.1 数据库数据库是磁盘上存储的数据集合。




1.3.2 数据库实例实例是一组后台进程和共享内存。





1.3.3 两者关系数据库是磁盘上存储的数据集合。








1.3.4 数据库物理结构图1-2 Oracle数据库的物理结构►参数文件数据库参数文件并不是数据库文件系统中的有效组成部分,因为在启动数据库的时候,参数文件并不直接参与工作。


图1-3 数据库参数文件►文件系统图1-4 Oracle数据库的文件系统*.CTL表示控制文件*.DBF表示数据文件*.LOG表示日志文件控制文件用来管理和控制数据文件和日志文件。


database amount 就是打开控制文件,database open是打开数据文件。




Package‘ora’October14,2022Version2.0-1Date2014-04-10Title Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle DatabasesAuthor Arni MagnussonMaintainer Arni Magnusson<***************>Depends DBI,ROracleSystemRequirements Oracle clientDescription Easy-to-use functions to explore Oracle databases and import datainto er interface for the ROracle package.License GPL(>=2)NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2014-04-1015:27:20R topics documented:ora-package (1)desc (2)sql (4)tables (5)views (7)Index10 ora-package Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle DatabasesDescriptionEasy-to-use functions to explore Oracle databases and import data into er interface for the ROracle package.12descDetailsExplore database:tables list tablesviews list viewsExamine table:desc describe table or viewImport data:sql import dataAuthor(s)Arni Magnusson.ReferencesThe official Oracle manuals are available at /technetwork/indexes/ documentation/.See AlsoThe functions that do the actual work are described in the DBI and ROracle packages.desc Describe Oracle TableDescriptionShow the column names of an Oracle table(or view)and various column properties,not unlike the Oracle SQL*Plus DESC command.Also show the number of rows when the table was last analyzed. Usagedesc(table,tolower=TRUE,dots=FALSE,...)Argumentstable Oracle table name,often in the‘owner.table’format.tolower whether output table strings should be lowercased.dots whether underscores in column names should be replaced with dots,converting ‘col_name’to‘’....passed to dbConnect.desc3DetailsThe...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueA data frame with named rows and the following columns:name Oracle column name.Sclass storage mode in R.type Oracle type.len Oracle length.precision Oracle precision.scale Oracle scale.isVarLength whether the variable has varying length in Oracle.nullOK whether the variable can be null.Furthermore,the data frame contains two attributes:rows(the number of rows when the table waslast analyzed)and analyzed(when the table was last analyzed).These attributes are not availablefor all Oracle tables,but are more likely to be available when the main argument table has the fullowner.table format.NoteSee the Oracle manuals for details about type,length,precision,scale,and nulls.See Alsodesc is to Oracle tables as ll(in package gdata)is to R data frames.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:desc("dual",tolower=FALSE)desc("all_users")##End(Not run)4sql sql Import Data from OracleDescriptionRun SQL query returning an R data frame.Usagesql(query,tolower=TRUE,dots=TRUE,encoding="unknown",useBytes=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,warn=-1,debug=FALSE,...)Argumentsquery string containing SQL query or the name of afile containing a query.tolower whether column names should be lowercased.dots whether underscores in column names should be replaced with dots,converting‘col_name’to‘’.encoding passed to readLines.useBytes passed to gsub.stringsAsFactorswhether to convert string columns to factors.warn sets the handling of warning messages,e.g.when Oracle columns are of type‘LONG’.debug whether to return thefinalized SQL query string,instead of submitting it toOracle....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe query is not required to end with a semicolon.In fact,semicolons are removed internallybefore submitting the query to Oracle.The arguments encoding and useBytes enable the user to solve character encoding problemswithin the SQL query.If the query contains non-ASCII characters,readLines and gsub(calledby sql)may convert the query to a different encoding than the Oracle database expects.The arguments stringsAsFactors and warn correspond to options with the same names,but thesession options are not used as default values.Therefore,it is necessary to pass stringsAsFactors=TRUEdirectly to sql in order to import string columns as factor.This option-overriding is designed tomake results more predictable and facilitate collaboration between database users.debug=TRUE is helpful for solving problems,and also to save complex queries(possibly to afile)for later use.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueData frame containing the imported data,or a simple string if debug=TRUE.See Alsosql is to Oracle tables as read.table is to textfiles.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:##1Basic queries#Pass query as a simple stringsql("SELECT username,created FROM all_users WHERE rownum<=10")#Pass query as a multiline stringsql("SELECT extract(year from created)AS year,count(username)AS usersFROM all_usersGROUP BY extract(year from created)")#Pass query as a filewrite(c("SELECT username,created","FROM all_users","WHERE rownum<=10;"),"query.sql")sql("query.sql")##2Review query string,before sending it to Oraclesql(paste0("SELECT username,created FROM all_users WHERE rownum<=",5+5), debug=TRUE)##End(Not run)tables List Oracle TablesDescriptionList all tables in the database belonging to a specific owner or table space. Usagetables(owner="%",table="%",space="%",tolower=TRUE,...)Argumentsowner owner name.table table table space name.tolower whether owner,table,and space output entries should be lowercased....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe arguments owner,table,and space are passed as patterns that are matched by‘LIKE’,where%means any number of characters and_means exactly one character.Literal%and_are escapedusing two backslashes:"\\%"and"\\_".In other words,the default value"%"matches all strings.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo"). ValueData frame containingfive columns:owner owner name.table table table space name.rows number of rows when the table was last analyzed.analyzed when the table was last analyzed.NoteThe output is a subset of‘ALL_TABLES’in Oracle,with simplified column names:‘OWNER’‘->owner’‘TABLE_NAME’‘->table’‘TABLESPACE_NAME’‘->space’‘NUM_ROWS’‘->rows’‘LAST_ANALYZED’‘->analyzed’See Alsotables is to Oracle as ll(in package gdata)is to R environments.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Tables belonging to owner"sys":tables("sys")#Tables whose name contains"map",preceded by at least one character:tables(,"%_map%")#Tables whose name ends with"_map":tables(,"%\\_map")##End(Not run)views List Oracle ViewsDescriptionList all views in the database belonging to a specific owner.Usageviews(owner="%",view="%",tolower=TRUE,...)Argumentsowner owner name.view view name.tolower whether owner and view output entries should be lowercased....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe arguments owner and view,are passed as patterns that are matched by‘LIKE’,where%meansany number of characters and_means exactly one character.Literal%and_are escaped using twobackslashes:"\\%"and"\\_".In other words,the default value"%"matches all strings.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueData frame containing two columns:owner owner name.view view name.NoteThe output is a subset of‘ALL_VIEWS’in Oracle,with simplified column names:‘OWNER’‘->owner’‘VIEW_NAME’‘->view’See Alsoviews is to Oracle as ll(in package gdata)is to R environments.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Views belonging to owner"sys":views("sys")#Views whose name contains"all",followed by at least one character: views(,"%all_%")#Views whose name begins with"all_":views(,"all\\_%")##End(Not run)Index∗classesdesc,2∗databasedesc,2ora-package,1sql,4tables,5views,7∗utilitiesdesc,2ora-package,1sql,4tables,5views,7dbConnect,3,4,6,7desc,2,2gsub,4options,4ora,3,5,6,9ora(ora-package),1ora-package,1read.table,5readLines,4sql,2,4tables,2,5views,2,710。



操作手册目录一.表空间 (4)1。

创建表空间 (4)2.增加表空间 (4)3。

删除表空间 (5)4.查询表空间状态 (5)5.查询数据文件路径 (5)6。

移动表空间中数据文件的路径 (5)7.移动表和索引到其他表空间 (6)8.查看表空间的使用率 (7)二.用户和权限 (9)1.创建用户 (9)2。

修改用户的密码 (9)3。

给用户授权 (9)4. 查询数据库系统上有多少用户,文件名和创建时间 (10)三.归档和非归档模式 (10)1。

查看数据库的归档模式 (10)2。

修改数据库的归档模式 (10)四.日志文件 (11)1。

查询日志文件信息 (11)2.增加日志文件配置信息 (12)3.增加日志成员 (12)4。

删除一组日志 (12)五.密码文件 (13)1。

创建密码文件 (13)六.参数文件(SPFILE PFILE) (13)1。

查看数据库使用参数文件(SPFILE 还是PFILE) (13)2.创建SPFILE (13)3。

通过PFILE 启动数据库 (13)七.STATSPACK (14)1.安装STATSPACK (14)2。

数据采集 (14)3.设置自动快照 (14)4。

设置数据采集的时间 (14)八.ORACLE信息查询 (15)1.查询ORACLE数据库的名字,创建日期 (15)2. 查询ORACLE所在操作系统的主机名,实例名,版本 (15)3.查询ORACLE数据库系统版本详细信息 (15)九.控制文件 (16)1.查询控制文件 (16)2。

备份控制文件 (16)十.索引 (16)1。

创建普通索引 (16)2。

创建位图索引 (16)3.查询索引所在的表,表空间,索引类型 (16)4.查询索引所在的列 (17)十一。

主键 (18)1.定义主键 (18)2.查询主键索引 (18)3.查询约束信息 (18)4.禁止约束 (19)5。

开启主键 (19)十二。

手工建库脚本 (19)十三.。



超详细Oracle教程Oracle是一种关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS),它是由甲骨文公司(Oracle Corporation)所开发的。



我们将深入讨论以下主题:1.数据库基础知识-数据库的定义和特点-数据库管理系统(DBMS)的作用和功能-关系型数据库的特点和优势2. Oracle的安装和配置-创建和配置数据库实例-设置数据库参数和权限3.SQL基础知识- SQL(Structured Query Language)的基本概念-SQL语句的分类:DDL、DML和DCL-常用的SQL语句:SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE4.数据库对象- 表(Table)的创建、修改和删除- 索引(Index)的创建和使用- 视图(View)的创建和使用-存储过程、函数和触发器的概念和应用5.数据库管理和性能优化-用户管理和权限控制-数据备份和恢复-数据库性能优化的基本原则和方法-监控和调优工具的使用6.高级概念和功能-数据库复制和同步-数据库分区和分片-多表查询和连接操作-异常处理和事务控制在本教程中,我们将提供大量的实际示例和练习,以帮助您更好地理解和应用Oracle数据库。





Oracle Cloud CLI 参考手册说明书

Oracle Cloud CLI 参考手册说明书

Oracle® CloudCLI Reference for Oracle Mobile Hub Release 20.2.3E99925-05August 2020Oracle Cloud CLI Reference for Oracle Mobile Hub, Release 20.2.3E99925-05Copyright © 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Primary Author: Patrick KeeganThis software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software, any programs embedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs) and Oracle computer documentation or other Oracle data delivered to or accessed by U.S. Governmentend users are "commercial computer software" or “commercial computer software documentation” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such,the use, reproduction, duplication, release, display, disclosure, modification, preparation of derivative works, and/or adaptation of i) Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software, any programs embedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs), ii) Oracle computer documentation and/or iii) other Oracle data, is subject to the rights and limitations specified in the license contained in the applicable contract. The terms governing the U.S. Government’s use of Oracle cloud services are defined by the applicable contract for such services. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Epyc, and the AMD logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will notbe responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.ContentsPrefaceAudience v Documentation Accessibility v1 OverviewSyntax1-1 Global Options1-12 Setup3 Commandsapi3-1 api:create3-1api:curl3-2api:delete3-2api:deploy3-3api:fetch3-3api:list3-3api:scaffold3-4api:security3-4api:serve3-5api:update3-6 backend3-6 backend:add3-6backend:create3-7backend:delete3-7backend:list3-7backend:remove3-7 bot3-8 bot:service:create3-8bot:service:list3-9 env3-9 env:add3-9 env:delete3-10 env:list3-10 env:login3-10 policy3-10 policy:set3-10PrefaceWelcome to Oracle Mobile Hub.AudienceThis guide is intended for developers who use the command line reference (CLI) forOracle Mobile Hub (Mobile Hub) to create and deploy artifacts for mobile applicationsand intelligent chatbots.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit theOracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trsif you are hearing impaired.OverviewThe Oracle Mobile Hub (Mobile Hub) command-line interface (CLI) enables you tocreate and manage artifacts without interacting with the Mobile Hub UI.Here are some of the things you can do:•Generate new artifacts, such as backends, APIs, and bots.•Associate APIs, bots, and other artifacts with backends.•Manage policies for a service instance.Syntaxomce [options] <command>:<subcommand> [parameters]Global OptionsThe following options are available for each command:Help for the given command-h--helpEnables verbose output for debugging purposes-v--verboseSetupHere’s what you need to do to set up the CLI on your system:1.Install Node.js on your system.2.Download the CLI from the Oracle Technology Network site.3.Install the CLI:npm install -g <PATH_TO_CLI>oracle-omce-cli-1.0.0.tgz4.Get the instance’s details and credentials from the service’s UI by clickingto open the side menu, selecting Development, and then clicking the InstanceDetails link.Logging InFirst you declare the instance, where <environment_alias> is a name of yourchoosing to refer to the instance in subsequent commands:omce env:add <environment_alias> \--base-url "<BASE_URL>" \--token-endpoint "<TOKEN_ENDPOINT>" \--client <CLIENT_ID> \--secret <CLIENT_SECRET>Then you log in:omce env:loginCommandsapiUse this set of commands to create, delete, and manage custom APIs and theirimplementation code.api:createomce api:create <api-name>/<api-version> --backend <backend-name>/<backend-version>Options-b <backend_name>/<backend-version>--backend <backend_name>/<backend-version>(Required) Associate the API with the named backend. If such a backend doesn’t exist, create it.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the API with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)-r <raml_file>--raml <raml_file>Path to the RAML file on which to base the API.-t <template_name>--template <template_name>Generate the API’s scaffolding based on the named template. Right now, the following template is available:•botExamplesCreate an API called FixItFastCustomer(version 1.0).omce api:createFixItFastCustomer/1.0Create an API called FixItFastCustomer(version 1.0) and associate it with the backend FixItFast.omce api:create FixItFastCustomer/1.0 --backend FixItFast/1.0Create an API called FixItFastCustomer(version 1.0), associate it with the backend FixItFast, and generate scaffolding based on the bot template.omce api:create FixItFastCustomer/1.0 --template bot --backend FixItFast/1.0api:curlPrint a cURL command scaffold for calling an API. The scaffold is generated with anauthorization token for the backend you are working with.omce api:curl <api-name>/<api-version> --backend <backend-name>/<backend-version>Options-b <backend_name>/<backend-version>--backend <backend_name>/<backend-version>(Required) Target backend.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)—u <Auth_method>--auth <Auth_method>Authorization type for the API.Valid values:•anonymous•basic•oauthDefaults to anonymous if not otherwise specified.api:deleteDelete an API.omce api:delete <api-name>/<api-version>Chapter 3apiOptions-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Specify the environment where the API is hosted. (You must be logged in to that environment.)api:deployCreate a zip file of a custom code implementation and upload it to an environment.Unless you specify the --dir option, you call this command from the source directoryof the implementation.omce api:deploy <api-name>/<api-version>Options-d <dir_name>--dir <dir_name>Source directory of the implementation. If none specified, the current directory is used.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment for the API. (You must be logged in to that environment.)api:fetchDownload the default implementation for the API.omce api:fetch <api-name>/<api-version>Options-d <dir_name>--dir <dir_name>Target directory for unpacking the implementation. By default, it’s the current directory.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the API with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)api:listomce api:list Chapter 3apiOptions-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>The environment containing the API you want shown. (You must be logged in to that environment.)api:scaffoldCreate a scaffold for the API’s implementation. The scaffold takes the form of aNode.js module.omce api:scaffold <api-name>/<api-version>Options-d <dir_name>--dir <dir_name>Source directory of the API. If none specified, the current directory is used.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment for the API. (You must be logged in to that environment.)-t <template_name>--template <template_name>Generate the API’s scaffolding based on the named template. Right now, the following template is available:•botapi:securityName the roles that can access the API (or enable anonymous user access).omce api:security <api-name>/<api-version>Options-a--anonymousEnable anonymous user access.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment for the API. (You must be logged in to that environment.)-o <roles>--roles <roles>List of roles, separated by commas.apiapi:serveRun the API’s custom code in a local container.omce api:serve <api-name>/<api-version> --backend <backend-name>/<backend-version>Options—a—autoAutomatically create debugger gateway API.—b <backend_name>/<backend_version>--backend <backend_name>/<backend_version>(Required) Target backend.-c <container_name>--container <container_name>Source path for the custom code container-d--debugEnable node debugger-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the API with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)—m <Node_version>--compat <Node_version>Node version compatibility:•For customers up to Oracle Mobile Hub19.4.3, the default is 8.9.•For customers from Oracle Mobile Hub 20.1.3 onwards, the default is 12.16.The default value is stored inCCC_DefaultNodeConfigurationValue.Valid values:• 6.10•8.9•12.16—n <Node_installation_home> --node<Node_installation_home>Location of node installation on your system.api—p <port_number>--port <port_number>Local port to listen on. The default is 4000—s <src_path>--src <src_path>Source code path. api:updateomce api:update <api-name>/<api-version>-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the API with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)-r <raml_file>--raml <raml_file>Path to the RAML file on which to base the API. backendUse this set of commands to create, delete, and manage backends. backend:addAssociate an artifact with a backend.omce backend:add <backend_name>/<backend_version>Options-a <api_name>/<api_version>--api <api_name>/<api_version>API to add to the backend.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the backend with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)ExamplesAdd the FiFAPI/1.0 API to theFiFBackend/1.0 backend.omce backend:add FiFBackend/1.0--api FiFAPI/1.0backendbackend:createCreate a backend.omce backend:create <backend_name>/<backend_version>Options-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Associate the backend with the given environment. (You must be logged in to that environment.)backend:deleteDelete a backend.omce backend:delete <backend_name>/<backend_version>Options-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment containing the backend you are deleting. (You must be logged in to that environment.)backend:listList available backends.omce backend:listOptions-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Environment containing the backends that you want listed. (You must be logged in to that environment.)backend:removeRemove an API from a backend.omce backend:remove <backend_name>/<backend_version> --api <api_name>/<api_version>Options-a <api_name>/<api_version>(Required) API to remove from the backend.backend--api <api_name>/<api_version>-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Environment containing the backend that you are removing an artifact from. (You must be logged in to that environment.)ExamplesRemove the FiFAPI/1.0 API from theFiFBackend/1.0 backend.omce backend:remove FiFBackend/1.0--api FiFAPI/1.0botUse this set of commands to manage your a custom component service to a bot so that the bot can access to the customcomponents of a given API.omce bot:service:create <bot_name> --service<custom_component_service_name> --backend <backend_name>/<backend_version> FixItFast/1.0 --api <api_name>/<api_version> --auth<auth_type>Options-a <api_name>/<api_version>--api <api_name>/<api_version>(Required) API containing the custom components that the bot needs.-b <backend_name>/<backend_version>--backend <backend_name>/<backend_version>(Required) Backend that the bot is associated with.-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment for the bot. (You must be logged in to that environment.)-m <environment_alias>--mobile-env <environment_alias>Use a backend and/or API that is deployed to a different environment.-s <custom_component_service_name>--service <custom_component_service_name>(Required) Custom code service—u <auth_method>--auth <auth_method>(Required) Authorization type for the API.Valid values:•anonymous•basicExamplesAdd the FixItFast_AMCe componentservice to the FixItFastBot so that itcan access the custom components of the FixItFast/1.0 API.omce bot:service:add FixItFastBot --service-name FixItFast_AMCe --backend FixItFast/1.0 --api FixItFast/1.0 --auth anonymousbot:service:listList the custom component services associated with a bot.omce bot:service:list bot_nameOptions-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Target environment for the bot. (You must be logged in to that environment.)envUse this set of commands to manage environments that you are accessing throughthe CLI.env:addAdd an environment.omce env:add <environment_alias_of_your_choosing> --base-url <base_URL>--token-endpoint <token_endpoint> --client <client_id> --secret<client_secret>-b <base_URL>--base-url <base_URL>(Required) Base URL for the environment.-c <client_ID>(Required) Your team member client ID.env--client <client_ID>-s <client_secret>--secret <client_secret>(Required) Your team member client secret.-t <token_endpoint>--token-endpoint <token_endpoint>(Required) OAuth token endpoint for your environment.env:deleteRemove environment from list of environments you are working with in this session.omce env:delete <environment_alias>env:listList environments that you have added in this session.omce env:listenv:loginLog into an environment.omce env:loginOptions-e <environment_alias>--env <environment_alias>Environment to log into. policyUse this set of commands to manage policies in your environment.policy:setSet a value for an environment policy.omce policy:set policy_name policy_valueOptions-e <environment_alias>Target environment.policypolicy --env <environment_alias>。



TRUNCATE TABLE删除表中的所有行,而不记录单个行删除操作。

语法TRUNCATE TABLE name参数name是要截断的表的名称或要删除其全部行的表的名称。

注释TRUNCATE TABLE 在功能上与不带WHERE 子句的DELETE 语句相同:二者均删除表中的全部行。

但TRUNCATE TABLE 比DELETE 速度快,且使用的系统和事务日志资源少。

DELETE 语句每次删除一行,并在事务日志中为所删除的每行记录一项。

TRUNCATE TABLE 通过释放存储表数据所用的数据页来删除数据,并且只在事务日志中记录页的释放。

TRUNCATE TABLE 删除表中的所有行,但表结构及其列、约束、索引等保持不变。



如果要删除表定义及其数据,请使用DROP TABLE 语句。


由于TRUNCATE TABLE 不记录在日志中,所以它不能激活触发器。

TRUNCATE TABLE 不能用于参与了索引视图的表。

示例下例删除authors 表中的所有数据。

TRUNCATE TABLE authors1. 删除表的注意事项在删除一个表中的全部数据时,须使用TRUNCATE TABLE 表名;因为用DROP TABLE,DELETE * FROM 表名时,TABLESPACE表空间该表的占用空间并未释放,反复几次DROP,DELETE操作后,该TABLESPACE上百兆的空间就被耗光了。

2.having 子句的用法having 子句对group by 子句所确定的行组进行控制,having 子句条件中只允许涉及常量,聚组函数或group by 子句中的列.3.外部联接"+"的用法外部联接"+"按其在"="的左边或右边分左联接和右联接.若不带"+"运算符的表中的一个行不直接匹配于带"+"预算符的表中的任何行,则前者的行与后者中的一个空行相匹配并被返回.若二者均不带’+’,则二者中无法匹配的均被返回.利用外部联接"+",可以替代效率十分低下的not in 运算,大大提高运行速度.例如,下面这条命令执行起来很慢用外联接提高表连接的查询速度在作表连接(常用于视图)时,常使用以下方法来查询数据:SELECT PAY_NO, PROJECT_NAMEFROM AWHERE A.PAY_NO NOT IN (SELECT PAY_NO FROM B WHERE V ALUE >=120000);---- 但是若表A有10000条记录,表B有10000条记录,则要用掉30分钟才能查完,主要因为NOT IN要进行一条一条的比较,共需要10000*10000次比较后,才能得到结果。

Oracle ILOM 快速参考手册(CLI命令)说明书

Oracle ILOM 快速参考手册(CLI命令)说明书

Oracle ILOM Quick Reference for CLI Commands Firmware Release 5.1.xF48380-02October 2022Oracle ILOM Quick Reference for CLI Commands Firmware Release 5.1.x, F48380-02Copyright © 2022, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Primary Author: Cheryl SmithContents1 Using This DocumentationProduct Documentation Library1-1 Feedback1-12 Oracle ILOM Quick Reference for CLI CommandsSystem Information and Management2-1 Host and System Control2-2 Oracle ILOM Initial Setup2-2 System Monitoring and Status2-3 System Inventory2-4 Oracle ILOM Maintenance2-5 Oracle ILOM Configuration Management2-5 Oracle ILOM Help2-5Using This Documentation•Overview – This reference provides a list of basic commands that you can use toremotely manage your Oracle servers.•Audience – This guide is intended for technicians, system administrators, and authorized Oracle service providers.•Required knowledge – Users should have experience managing system hardware.Copyright © 1994, 2022, Oracle et/ou ses affiliés.Product Documentation LibraryLate-breaking information and known issues for this product are included in thedocumentation library at /goto/ilom/docsFeedbackProvide feedback about this documentation at Oracle Feedback.Oracle ILOM Quick Reference for CLI CommandsThis section contains information about common Oracle ILOM 5.0.x CLI commands.The following categories of commands are included in this section:•System Information and Management•Host and System Control•Oracle ILOM Initial Setup•System Monitoring and Status•System Inventory•Oracle ILOM Maintenance•Oracle ILOM Configuration Management•Oracle ILOM HelpSystem Information and ManagementTable 2-1 System Information and Management CommandsTask CLI CommandShow Oracle ILOM version versionShow system information show /System model part_numberserial_numberShow x86 BIOS version (legacy BIOSplatforms)show /System/BIOS versionShow x86 BIOS version (UEFI BIOS platforms)show /System/Firmware/Other_Firmware/ Firmware_1 versionShow SP ARC system firmware version show /System sys_fw_versionShow SP IP address show /System ilom_addressShow SP MAC address show /System ilom_mac_addressShow host MAC address show /System host_primary_mac_address T urn on the Locator LED set /System locator_indicator=onT urn off the Locator LED set /System locator_indicator=offHost and System ControlTable 2-2 Host and System Control CommandsTask CLI CommandPower on the server start /SystemPower off the server stop [-force] /SystemPower cycle the server reset /SystemRedirect host console stream to Oracle ILOM start /HOST/consoleForce PXE boot on next boot (x86 only)set /HOST boot_device=pxeForce boot to CD-ROM or DVD on the next boot (x86 only)set /HOSTboot_device=cdromSetting diagnostic tests to run.For further configuration details, seeSetting Diagnostic Tests to Run in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide Use the /HOST/diag target to set diagnostic tests.Use the help command to determine the host diagnostic properties supported on the /HOST/diagOracle ILOM Initial SetupTable 2-3 Oracle ILOM Initial Setup CommandsTask CLI CommandShow network configuration show /SP/networkConfigure static IPv4 address set /SP/networkpendingipdiscovery=staticpendingipaddress=commitpending=true address pendingipnetmask=netmaskpendingipgateway=addressConfigure static IPv6 address set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabledpending_static_ipaddress= ipv6addressset /SP/network commitpending=true Enable DHCP set /SP/networkpendingipdiscovery=dynamiccommitpending=trueSet the Oracle ILOM host name set /SP hostname=hostnameSet the system identifier set /SP system_identifier=identifierCreate user account with all privileges create /SP/users/ role=aucro [password=]newusernamepasswordCreate user account with host operator privileges create /SP/users/ role=cro [password=]newusernamepasswordCreate read-only user account create /SP/users/ role=o[password=]newusernamepassword Chapter 2Host and System ControlTable 2-3 (Cont.) Oracle ILOM Initial Setup CommandsTask CLI CommandDelete user account delete /SP/users/usernameOverride DNS servers retrieved from DHCP set /SP/clients/dns auto_dns=disabled nameserver=searchpath=nameserver1,nameserver2searchpath1, searchpath2Set the Oracle ILOM date and time set /SP/clock Configure an NTP server set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1address=addressset /SP/clock usentpserver=enabledChange the external serial port speed set /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=9600|19200|38400|57600| 115200 commitpending=trueSystem Monitoring and StatusTable 2-4 System Monitoring and Status CommandsTask CLI CommandCheck the overall system health show /System healthList all open hardware problems show /System/Open_ProblemsShow the Oracle ILOM System Log show /System/Logs/listShow cooling summary information show /System/CoolingShow actual system powerconsumptionshow /System actual_power_consumption Show the Oracle ILOM Event Log show /SP/logs/event/listT rack session IDs at the onset of a KVMS or a Serial Redirection user /SP/logs/session/listChapter 2System Monitoring and StatusTable 2-4 (Cont.) System Monitoring and Status CommandsSystem InventoryTable 2-5 System Inventory CommandsTask CLI CommandList information about all DIMMs show -level all -output table /System/Memory/ DIMMsList information about all CPUs show -level all -output table /System/ Processors/CPUsList information about all power supplies show -level all -output table /System/Power/ Power_SuppliesList information about all hard disks show -level all -output table /System/Storage/DisksChapter 2System InventoryChapter 2Oracle ILOM MaintenanceOracle ILOM MaintenanceTable 2-6 Oracle ILOM Maintenance CommandsTask CLI CommandUpdate Oracle ILOM firmware load -source /SP/firmware URIReset Oracle ILOM SP reset /SPOracle ILOM Configuration ManagementTable 2-7 Oracle ILOM Configuration ManagementTask CLI CommandReset Oracle ILOM configuration to factory defaults set /SPreset_to_defaults=allBack up Oracle ILOM configuration to a file dump -destination /SP/config URIRestore Oracle ILOM configuration from a file load -source /SP/config URI Oracle ILOM HelpTable 2-8 Oracle ILOM Help CommandsTask CLI CommandView all CLI targets for the system in any part of the CLI help targetsView help for targets or properties help targetproperty。



目录第一章查询基础 (1)1.1 入门语句 (1)1.2 语句分类 (1)1.3 关键字 (2)1.3.1 选择语句select (2)1.3.2 算术表达式+ - * / (2)1.3.3 连接运算符|| (2)1.3.4使用字段别名as (2)1.3.5是否为空值is null、is not null (2)1.3.6去重distinct (2)1.3.7排序order by (2)1.3.8 比较> < <>(或!=) between and (2)1.3.9属于(不属于)某个范围in、not in (2)1.3.10模糊查询like (2)1.3.11逻辑运算符or and not (3)第二章单行函数 (4)2.1 字符函数 (4)2.1.1 upper字母大写 (4)2.1.2 lower 字母小写 (4)2.1.3 initcap 格式化字符串 (4)2.1.4 concat 连接字符串 (4)2.1.5 substr 截取子串 (4)2.1.6 length 获取长度 (4)2.1.7 replace 替换 (4)2.1.8 instr 查找字符位置 (4)2.1.9 lpad 左侧补齐 (4)2.1.10 rpad右侧补齐 (5)2.1.11 trim 去掉左右空格 (5)2.2.1 round 四舍五入 (5)2.2.2 mod 取模 (5)2.2.3 trunc 舍掉 (5)2.3 日期函数 (5)2.3.1 months_between 月份差 (5)2.3.2 add_months 添加月份 (5)2.3.3 next_day 下一个日期 (5)2.3.4 last_day 当月最后一天 (6)2.3.5 trunc取具体日期 (6)2.4 转换函数 (6)2.4.1 to_char字符 (6)2.4.2 to_number 数字 (6)2.4.3 to_date 日期 (6)2.5 通用函数 (6)2.5.1 nvl 空值替换 (6)2.5.2 nvl2 拓展空值替换 (6)2.5.3 nullif 是否相等 (7)2.5.4 coalesce 依次取值 (7)2.5.5 case 选择 (7)2.5.6 decode 选择 (7)第三章分组函数 (8)3.1 count 总行数 (8)3.2 avg 平均值 (8)3.3 max 最大值 (8)3.4 min 最小值 (8)3.5 sum 总和 (8)3.6 group by 分组 (8)3.7 having 条件 (8)第四章多表查询 (9)4.2 等值/非等值连接equijoin/non-equijoin (9)4.3 自连接self join (9)4.4 左外连接left outer join (9)4.5 右外连接right outer join (9)4.6 满外连接full join (9)4.7 集合操作 (10)4.7.1 并集union (10)4.7.2 并集union all (10)4.7.3 交集intersect (10)4.7.4 差集minus (10)第五章子查询 (11)5.1 单行子查询 (11)5.2 多行子查询 (11)5.3 topN查询 (11)5.4 分页查询 (11)5.5 exists 判断执行 (12)第六章高级查询 (13)6.1 dbms_random 随机数 (13)6.1.1 value() 两值之间随机数 (13)6.1.2 random() 整形随机数 (13)6.1.3 string('parameter',length) 随机字符串 (13)6.2 nulls last/first 空值排序 (13)6.3 over 显示序列 (13)6.3.1 row_number() over() (13)6.3.2 rank() over() (13)6.3.3 dense_rank()over() (14)6.3.4 max/min() over() (14)6.3.5 sum() over() (14)6.3.6 lag/lead() over() (14)第七章数据类型 (15)7.1 varchar2(size) nvarchar2(size) (15)7.2 char(size) nchar(size) (15)7.3 number(p,s) (15)7.4 date (15)7.5 long (15)7.6 blob clob (15)第八章改变表结构 (16)8.1 创建表 (16)8.1.1 创建独立表 (16)8.1.2 创建有关联表 (16)8.2 添加字段 (16)8.3 修改字段 (16)8.4 删除字段 (16)8.5 清空表数据 (16)8.6 重命名表 (16)8.7 删除表 (16)第九章改变数据结构 (17)9.1 insert 插入 (17)9.2 update 更新 (17)9.3 delete 删除 (17)9.4 merge 插入更新 (17)第十章约束 (18)10.1 not null 非空约束 (18)10.2 primary key 主键约束 (18)10.3 unique 唯一约束 (18)10.4 check 条件约束 (18)10.5 foreign key 外键 (19)10.6 on delete cascade 级联删除 (19)10.7 删除约束drop constraint (20)10.8 启用约束enable constraint (20)10.9 禁用约束 (20)10.10 查看约束 (20)第十一章视图 (21)11.1 创建视图 (21)11.2 高级视图 (21)11.3 查询视图 (21)11.4 删除视图 (21)第十二章索引 (22)12.1 创建索引 (22)12.2 删除索引 (22)12.3 查询索引 (22)第十三章序列和同义词 (23)13.1 创建序列 (23)13.2 nextval、currval (23)13.3 删除序列 (24)13.4 同义词 (24)第十四章PL/SQL (25)14.1 pl/sql块 (25)14.2 Loop循环 (26)14.3 while循环 (27)14.4 for循环 (27)14.5 if语句 (28)14.6 if...else语句.. (28)14.7 if..elsif..else语句 (29)14.8 goto语句 (29)第十五章游标和函数 (30)15.1 游标 (30)15.2 函数 (31)第十六章存储过程 (32)16.1.1 参数类型in (32)16.1.2 参数类型in out (33)16.1.3 参数类型out (33)16.2 删除存储过程 (34)16.3 与函数的区别 (34)第十七章触发器 (35)17.1 语句触发器 (35)17.1.1 before语句触发器 (35)17.1.2 after语句触发器 (35)17.2 行触发器 (36)17.2.1 before行触发器 (36)17.2.2 after行触发器 (37)17.3 显示触发器信息 (38)17.4 禁止触发器 (38)17.5 激活触发器 (38)17.6 禁止或激活表的所有触发器 (38)17.7 重新编译触发器 (38)17.8 删除触发器 (38)第十八章用户管理 (39)18.1 创建用户 (39)18.2 删除用户 (39)18.3 管理员授权 (39)18.4 撤销权限 (40)18.5 锁住用户 (40)18.6 密码失效 (40)18.7 查看权限 (40)18.8 权限传递 (40)18.9 角色 (40)第十九章备份恢复数据导入 (41)19.2 还原 (41)19.3 数据导入 (41)19.4 使用PLSQL DEV进行导出/导入 (42)附录A:PLSQL DEV快捷键 (43)附录B:ORACLE的安装 (44)附录C:SQL优化 (53)附录D 补充内容 (55)第一章查询基础1.1 入门语句普通用户连接:conn scott/orcl@ORCL超级管理员连接:conn sys/orcl as sysdba登录:sqlplusdisconnect; 断开连接Save c:\ 1.txt 把SQL存到文件Ed c:\ 1.txt 编辑SQL语句@ c:\ 1.txt 运行SQL语句Desc emp; 描述Emp结构Select * from tab; 查看该用户下的所有对象Show user; 显示当前用户如果在sys 用户下:查询Select * from emp;会报错,原因:emp是属于scott,所以此时必须使用:select * from scott.emp;/ 运行上一条语句查询所有表:select table_name,owner from all_tables where owner='SCOTT'查询字段:select * from all_tab_columns where table_name='EMP'查询索引列:select * from sys.all_ind_columns where table_name='EMP'查询现有的索引:select * from user_indexes索引建立在哪些字段上:select * from user_ind_columns查询约束:select * from all_constraints where table_name='EMP'描述数据字典视图:select table_name ,comments from dictionary where table_name like '%TABLE%'1.2 语句分类DML语句(数据操作语言)Insert、Update、Delete、MergeDDL语句(数据定义语言)Create、Alter、Drop、TruncateDCL语句(数据控制语言)Grant、Revoke事务控制语句Commit、Rollback、Savepoint1.3 关键字1.3.1 选择语句selectselect * from emp where deptno=101.3.2 算术表达式+ - * /select sal+comm from emp1.3.3 连接运算符||可连接两个或多个字符select 'Dear '||ename from emp1.3.4使用字段别名asselect empno as userNo,ename as userName from emp1.3.5是否为空值is null、is not nullselect * from emp where comm is not null1.3.6去重distinct如果distinct后面是多个参数,则为多个参数的去重select distinct job,comm from emp(job和comm的组合相同时去重)1.3.7排序order byasc升序(默认)desc 降序select * from emp order by ename1.3.8 比较> < <>(或!=) between andselect * from emp where comm > sal1.3.9属于(不属于)某个范围in、not inselect * from emp where job not in('SALESMAN','CLERK')1.3.10模糊查询likeselect * from emp where ename like '%A%'%表示零或多个字符_表示一个字符对于特殊符号可使用ESCAPE 标识符来查找select * from emp where ename like '%*_%' escape '*'上面的escape表示*后面的那个符号不当成特殊字符处理,就是查找普通的_符号1.3.11逻辑运算符or and notselect * from emp where sal > 1200 and comm <1000第二章单行函数2.1 字符函数2.1.1 upper字母大写select upper('fymod') from dual2.1.2 lower 字母小写select * from emp where lower(ename)='allen'2.1.3 initcap 格式化字符串会将首字母大写,其余字母小写select initcap(ename) from emp2.1.4 concat 连接字符串select concat('Dear ',ename) from empconcat只能用于两个字符的连接,而|| 可以连接两个或者多个字符2.1.5 substr 截取子串参数个数如果是两个,则截取到末尾,如果为三个,第三个参数为截取个数。



. TIMESON-SM-2002-11-0001ANormal( 公开 )本地电信业务计费帐务系统ORACLE操作手册Version长沙天辰科技有限公司2000,2001,2002All Rights Reserved前言 ..............................................错误! 未定义书签。

1.数据库的创建 ...................................错误! 未定义书签。

.以下为 ORACLE启动初始文件 . ..................错误 !未定义书签。

.以下是建库脚本 . .............................错误 !未定义书签。

2.数据库基本操作 .................................错误! 未定义书签。

.数据库的正常启动 . ...........................错误 !未定义书签。

.安装启动与非安装启动 . .......................错误 !未定义书签。

.独占和共享启动 . .............................错误 !未定义书签。

.约束启动 . ...................................错误 !未定义书签。

.强制启动 . ...................................错误 !未定义书签。

.数据库关闭 . .................................错误 !未定义书签。

.PL/SQL基本程序的编写 .......................错误 !未定义书签。

SQL语言简介 ............................错误 ! 未定义书签。

PL/SQL简介 .............................错误 ! 未定义书签。



数据库表空间段区数据块...数据块...区...段...表空间表空间说明system 系统表空间,用于存储系统的数据字典、系统的管理信息和用户数据表等sysaux 辅助系统表空间。


该表空间由Oracle系统自动维护,一般不用于存储用户数据temp 临时表空间。


一般情况下,数据库中的所有用户都使用temp作为默认的临时表空间undotbs1 撤销表空间。



所以,用户不可以在撤销表空间中创建任何数据库对象users 用户表空间。

用于存储永久性用户对象和私有信息Oracle 体系结构Oracle 数据库从存储结构上可以分为物理存储结构与逻辑存储结构,从实例结构上可以分为内存结构与进程结构。

Oracle 的物理存储结构是由存储在磁盘中的操作系统文件所组成的,Oracle 在运行时需要使用这些文件。

一般,Oracle 数据库在物理上主要由 3种类型的文件组成,分别是数据文件(*.dbf )、控制文件(*.ctl )和重做日志文件(*.log )。

数据文件数据文件(Data File)是指存储数据库数据的文件。



读取数据时,Oracle 系统会首先从内存的数据缓冲区中查找相关数据信息,如果找不到,则从数据库文件中把数据读取出来,存放到内存的数据缓冲区中,供查询使用;存储数据时,修改后的数据信息,也是先存放在内存的数据缓冲区中,在满足写入条件(例如执行提交操作)时,由Oracle 的后台进程DBWn 将数据写入数据文件。





ORACLE DATABASE MODERNISATION IMPROVING AGILITY, REDUCING COSTS, AND PREPARING FOR THE FUTUREINTRODUCTIONY our database is at the core of your IT organisation and the services you provide. Database modernisation exploits the latest advances in business applications and drives significant business and competitive advantages with better, faster and safer data management. This guide helps you navigate the Oracle database modernisation choices that can make the upgrade process faster, clearer and minimise downtime. Discover the real world benefits that Oracle database technologies can bring to your IT business services. Some of the compelling reasons to modernise any enterprise database infrastructure include:Data growth and the challenges of big dataAs data volumes grow, every IT team has to balance performance and scalability objectives alongside making smart choices that reduce the overall cost of storage.High availability demandsOrganisations depend on IT to run efficient operations, quickly analyse information, and deliver more agile business processes. It’s essential that the IT infrastructure, and databases in particular, are continuously available and fully supported by effective disaster recovery and data security governance.Increasingly complex database environmentsThe need for additional database capacity continues to increase as applications and business processes become more sophisticated. This has left many organisations with highly complex database environments that can prove difficult and costly to manage and maintain.INTRODUCTIONDEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONHIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYVOLUME OFDATA & TCOAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONWHAT NEXT?DEMANDS FOR CONSOLIDATIONConsolidation remains a major theme in the IT industry, for applications, infrastructure and databases. The need to reduce costs in the data center will never go away. In recent years, private database cloud consolidation has taken shape as customers not only pack siloed databases onto more efficient servers but also develop a delivery service for databases to their lines of business for new projects. Oracle technologies such as Real Application Clusters and Exadata are the foundation for building these environments. With Oracle Database 12c, we take this to the next level and provide a true multitenant database that significantly slashes the cost of deploying databases and offers huge savings in operating expenditure. As customers move down this journey, Oracle has the range of options and services to ensure that any private database cloud is secure, highly available and easily manageable.How are things changing?Today’s databases differ from their legacy counterparts in a number of key areas: • High Availability • Absolute Security• Management of ever increasing volumes of data • Reduced Total Cost of Ownership • Agility • Cloud adoptionINTRODUCTIONHIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYVOLUME OFDATA & TCOAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONWHAT NEXT?DEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONHIGH AVAILABILITY & SECURITYHigh Availability Successful implementation of High Availability (HA) architectures begins by understanding the service levels required by the business. This guides important decisions on technology and determines the appropriate level of investment in HA architecture.The key benefits of Oracle’s comprehensive HA architectures include: Data availability: ensuring access to data to prevent business disruption. Data protection: preventing data loss that compromises the viability of the business. High performance: delivering improved response times for efficient business operations. Reduced costs: helping to conserve corporate resources and increase operational effectiveness. Lower risk: reducing the threat of unexpected connection interruptions. Absolute Security Oracle builds advanced technology to safeguard data where it lives — in the database. Data classification helps you identify areas of your IT infrastructure where extra measures are needed to secure corporate data. Protecting confidentiality requires defining and enforcing appropriate access levels to information. Maintaining integrity of data protects against modification or deletion. Availability of data systems, access channels and authentication mechanisms must all be working properly for the information they protect to be available when needed. Resources Whitepaper: Maximise Availability with Oracle Database 12c, June 2013Customer case study: CSOB Group Migrates Central Database linked to 90 Critical Banking Applications to a Next-Generation Database Platform On Time, On Budget, and Without Disrupting Business OperationsCustomer case study: Aria Systems Ensures Cloud Subscription and Billing System High Availability and Performance with Robust, Highly Secure Data InfrastructureINTRODUCTIONDEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONVOLUME OFDATA & TCOAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONWHAT NEXT?HIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYVOLUME OF DATA & TCOManagement of ever increasing volumes of dataAs data volumes increase, database and storage environments become increasingly complex, difficult to manage, and costly to operate.Even with the cost of storage declining increasing volumes of data make storage one of the biggest cost areas in most IT budgets.To drive down costs and simplify database management , organisations need to optimise their storage environments with automated data relocation and compression tools, and implement Information Lifecycle Management strategies.Reducing Total Cost of OwnershipOrganisations can increase the manageability of their data and reduce operating costs by consolidating multiple databases into a single stack solution. Although cost savings are often considered the biggest tangible benefit of database consolidation, it can also help you improve performance for all components of your IT infrastructure, including memory, network bandwidth, and storage.ResourcesCustomer case study: Haema AG Achieves 100% Availability for Blood Bank Management SystemCustomer case study: Oracle Technology Increases Efficiency and Enables CERN to Focus on ScienceOracle Database Storage Calculato rVOLUME OFDATA & TCOINTRODUCTIONDEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONWHAT NEXT?HIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYAGILITY & CLOUD INTEGRATIONAgilityCloud adoptionResourcesTo speed business processes and support improved The desire to move to a cloud-based database Customer case study video link: Allied Irish Ban decision-making , organisations must develop an environment is one of the biggest factors pushing Consolidates to an Oracle Private Cloudeffective strategy for acquiring, organising and analysing organisations to consolidate and modernise their Customer case study: Dubai Customs Assesses data, and use it to generate new insights about the existing databases. Cloud database deployments 20,000 Customs Declarations per Day, Reduces company and the markets they operate in. increase the availability and accessibility of mission-Average Time for Processing a Declaration from critical applications and data, but require stringent Four Hours to Less Than Ten Minutesmanagement. This is leading many customers to embrace privately managed Database as a Service (DBaaS) solutions.Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c optimises user experiences and offers total cloud control by bringing together cloud lifecycle management, cloud stack management, and business-driven application management in a single suite for Oracle Exadata DBaaS solutions.kINTRODUCTIONDEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONVOLUME OFDATA & TCOWHAT NEXT?HIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONWHAT NEXT?What next?With over 30 years of Oracle Database innovation The Oracle Consulting Migration Factory provides already, our customers have built rock-solid comprehensive migration services to help you reduce infrastructures for their mission-critical systems. downtime, minimise risk, save money, and make your database modernisation process as smooth and New capabilities in storage optimisation, high availability seamless as possible.and security are just some of the pioneering technologies developed for recent Oracle Database versions.The future is full of opportunity. Visit us today at As Oracle customers embrace IT requirements such as cloud and Big Data, they benefit from the power and Oracleagility of Oracle technologies to progress with confidence. Migration FactoryMany customers have deployed Database-as-a-Service as they have rationalised, standardised and consolidated, in many cases, on Oracle Exadata – the premier Oracle's Approachdatabase deployment platform.Likewise, Oracle Database 12c is revolutionising the way Discoverour customers can use, analyse and manage enterprise data with multitenant technology.AnalyzeThe benefits of database modernisation are clear, but Migratenavigating the process by yourself can be complex and risky. TransitionINTRODUCTIONDEMANDS FORCONSOLIDATIONVOLUME OFDATA & TCOAGILITY & CLOUDINTEGRATIONHIGH AVAILABILITY& SECURITYWHAT NEXT?。

Oracle Autonomous Database Level 100 用户指南说明书

Oracle Autonomous Database Level 100 用户指南说明书

Autonomous Database Level 100Sanjay NarvekarOracle Cloud InfrastructureOctober 2019Safe harbor statementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.ObjectivesAfter completing this lesson, you should be able to:•Compare Autonomous Database (ADB) with DB System Cloud offerings in OCI•Describe the features of Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud -Serverless and Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud -Dedicated,Autonomous Transaction Processing -Serverless and AutonomousTransaction Processing – Dedicated•Describe how to deploy, use and manage ADBUser Operates Databases Using Provided Lifecycle Automation User Builds and Operates Databases and InfrastructureAutonomous Optimizations -Specialized by WorkloadAutonomous Data Warehouse Autonomous Transaction Processing Columnar Format Row FormatCreates Data Summaries Creates IndexesMemory Speeds Joins, Aggs Memory for Caching to Avoid IOStatistics updated in real-time while preventing plan regressionsAutonomous Database -Choice of Cloud Deployment DBaaSAutonomousAutonomous VM or Bare Metal ServerlessDedicatedExadata Cloud Service or Cloud @ CustomerManagement Customer Customer Oracle Oracle Private Network Yes Yes No Yes Single/Multi Tenant Single/Multi Single/Multi Single Single/Multi Software Updates Customer InitiatedCustomer InitiatedAutomaticCustomer Policy Control Private Cloud No Yes No Yes Offers Availability No 99.95% SLO SLO SLADatabase Versions 11g,12c,18c,19c 11g,12c,18c,19c 18c 19c YesYesDisaster Recovery No No Across ADs & Regions Across ADs & Regions Hybrid DR Yes Yes No No ConsolidationYesYesNoYesAutonomous Database Cloud Service – Deployment OptionsOracle Autonomous Database can be deployed in 2 ways – dedicated and serverless.Dedicated deployment is a deployment choice that enables you to provision autonomous databases into their own dedicated Exadata cloud infrastructure, instead of a shared infrastructure with other tenants.With serverless deployment, the simplest configuration, you share the resources of an Exadata cloud infrastructure. You can quickly get started with no minimum commitment, enjoying quick database provisioning and independent scalability of compute and storage.Both deployment options are available for Autonomous Transaction Processing and Autonomous Data Warehouse.Autonomous Database -Serverless Autonomous Data Warehouse & Autonomous Transaction ProcessingAutonomous Database -Fully-managed Oracle automates end-to-endmanagement of the autonomousdatabase•Provisioning new databases•Growing/shrinking storage and/orcompute•Patching and upgrades•Backup and recoveryFull lifecycle managed using the serviceconsole•Alternatively, can be managed viacommand-line interface or REST APIAutomated Tuning in Autonomous Database “Load and go”•Define tables, load data, run queries—No tuning required—No special database expertise required—No need to worry about tablespaces, partitioning,compression, in-memory, indexes, parallel execution•Fast performance out of the box with zero tuning•Simple web-based monitoring console•Built-in resource-management plansAutonomous Database – Fully-elasticSize the database to the exact compute and storage required•Not constrained by fixed building blocks, no predefined shapesScale the database on demand•Independently scale compute or storage•Resizing occurs instantly, fully onlineShut off idle compute to save money•Restart instantlyAuto scaling:•Enable auto scaling to allow Autonomous Database to use more CPU and IO resources automatically when the workload requires it.Full Support of Database EcosystemAutonomous Database service supports :•Existing tools, running on-premises or in the cloud–Third-party BI tools–Third-party data-integration tools–Oracle BI and data-integration tools: BIEE, ODI, etc.•Oracle cloud services: Analytics Cloud Service, GoldenGate Cloud Service, Integration Cloud Service, and others•Connectivity via SQL*Net, JDBC, ODBCAutonomous Data Warehouse: ArchitectureAutonomous Transaction Processing: ArchitectureGetting Started with Autonomous Database Provisioning an ADB database requires only answersto 7 simple questions:Database name?Which data center (region)?How many CPU cores?How much storage capacity (in TBs)?Admin password?License Type?Enable Auto scaling?New service created in a few minutes (regardless ofsize)Database is open and ready for connectionsAuto Scaling Autonomous Database •Auto scaling allows Autonomous Database to automatically increase the number of CPU coresby up to three times the assigned CPU core countvalue, depending on demand for processing.•The auto scaling feature reduces the number of CPU cores when additional cores are not needed. •You can enable or disable auto scaling at any time.•For billing purposes, the database service determines the average number of CPUs used per hour.This picture shows how ADW service automatically scales OCPUs up when there is a demand for more computing power and then scales it down once the demand goes down.Securing Autonomous Database (ADB)•Stores all data in encrypted format in the Oracle Database. Only authenticated users and applications can access the data when they connect to the database.•Database clients use SSL/TLS 1.2 encrypted and mutually authenticated connections. This ensures that there is no unauthorized access to the ADB Cloud and that communications between the client and server are fully encrypted and cannot be intercepted or altered. •Certificate based authentication uses an encrypted key stored in a wallet on both the client (where the application is running) and the server (where your database service on the ADB Cloud is running). The key on the client must match the key on the server to make aconnection. A wallet contains a collection of files, including the key and other information needed to connect to your database service in the ADB Cloud.•You can specify IP addresses (or CIDR block) allowed to access the ADB using the access control list. This access control list will block all IP addresses that are not in the list from accessing the database.Connecting to the Autonomous DatabaseConnecting to Autonomous Database Warehouse (ADW) or Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) from Public Internet Connecting to ADW or ATP (via NAT or Service Gateway) from a server running on a private subnet in OCI (in the same tenancy)Connecting to ADW or ATP from a server running on a public subnet in OCI (in the same tenancy)AVAILABILITY DOMAINVCN SUBNET SUBNET InternetA C LW a l l e t /K e y s t o r eW a l l e t /K e y s t o r eCLIENT COMPUTERODBC JDBC OCI JDBC “Thin”Oracle Call Interface (OCI)Internet GatewayRoute TableRoute TableTCP /IP Encrypted using SSH over Public InternetREGIONNAT/Service GatewayTENANCY 123123CIDR Block Address Public IP of NAT Gateway IP Address123.254.7.10IP Address ListsSecurity ListsPublic IP IP Control ListTroubleshooting connectivity issues•Ensure that the Access Control List for the Autonomous Database (ADB) has the necessary entries for CIDR Block ranges and IP addresses, as your use case dictates.•When connecting to ADB from a client computer behind a firewall, the firewall must permit the use of the port specified in the database connection when connecting to the servers in the connection. The default port number for Autonomous Data Warehouse is 1522 (find the port number in the connection string from the tnsnames.ora file in your credentials ZIP file). Your firewall must allow access to servers within the domain using (TCP) port 1522.•When connecting to ADB from a server running on a private subnet (on the same OCI tenancy as the ADB), ensure that you have a service gateway or NAT gateway attached to the VCN.The route table for the subnet needs to have the appropriate routing rules for the service gateway or NAT gateway. The security lists for the subnet will need to have the right egress rules.•For connections originating from a server running on a public subnet (on the same OCI tenancy as the ADB), ensure that route table and security lists are appropriately configured.Scaling Your DatabaseScale your database on demand without tedious manual steps •Independently scale compute or storage•Resizing occurs instantly, fully online•Memory, IO bandwidth, concurrency scales linearly with CPU •Close your database to save money when not used •Restart instantlyMonitoring•Service Console based monitoring§Simplified monitoring using the web-based service console.§Historical and real-time database and CPU utilization monitoring.§Real Time SQL Monitoring to monitor running and past SQL statements.§CPU allocation chart to view number of CPUs utilized by the service.•Performance Hub based monitoring§Natively integrated in the OCI console and available via a single click from the ADB detail page§Active Session History (ASH) analytics§Real Time SQL monitoringAutonomous Database (ADB) Cloud –Backup and recovery •Autonomous Database Cloud automatically backs up your database for you. The retention period for backups is 60 days. You can restore and recover your database to any point-in-time in this retention period.•Autonomous Database Cloud automatic backups provide weekly full backups and daily incremental backups.•Manual backups for your ADB database is not needed.•But, you can do manual backups using the cloud console if you want to take backups before any major changes, for example before ETL processing, to make restore andrecovery faster. The manual backups are put in your Cloud Object Storage bucket. Whenyou initiate a point-in-time recovery Autonomous Database Cloud decides which backup to use for faster recovery.•You can initiate recovery for your Autonomous Database using the cloud console.Autonomous Database Cloud automatically restores and recovers your database to thepoint-in-time you specify.•Network Access Control Lists (ACL)s are stored in the database with other database metadata. If the database is restored to a point in time the network ACLs are reverted backAutonomous Database Cloud –Cloning•Autonomous Database provides cloning where you can choose to clone either the full database or only the database metadata.•Full Clone: creates a new database with the source database’s data and metadata.•Metadata Clone: creates a new database with the source database’s metadata without the data.•When creating a Full Clone database, the minimum storage that you can specify is the source database’s actual used space rounded to the next TB.•You can only clone an Autonomous Database instance to the same tenancy and the same region as the source database.•During the provisioning for either a Full Clone or a Metadata Clone, the optimizer statistics are copied from the source database to the cloned database.•The following applies for optimizer statistics for tables in a cloned database:§Full Clone: loads into tables behave the same as loading into a table with statistics already in place.§Metadata Clone: the first load into a table after the clone clears the statistics for that table and updates the statistics with the new load.Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud –Cloning screenshotsPre-defined Services for Autonomous Data Warehouse 3 pre-defined database services identifiable ashigh, medium and low•Choice of performance andconcurrency for ADWHIGH•Highest resources, lowest concurrency •Queries run in parallelMEDIUM•Less resources, higher concurrency•Queries run in parallelLOW•Least resources, highest concurrency•Queries run seriallyNo of concurrentqueries Max idle time CPU shares HIGH3 5 mins4 MEDIUM20 5 mins2 LOW32 1 hour1Example for a database with 16 OCPUs*When connecting for replication purposes, use the LOW database service name. For example, use this service with Oracle GoldenGate connections.SERVICES NAMERESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN SHARES PARALELLISM HIGH4Operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing MEDIUM2Operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing LOW1None TPURGENT12Manual TP8NonePre-defined Services for Autonomous Transaction Processing •Five pre-defined database services controlling priority and parallelism•Different services defined for Transactions and Reporting/BatchFor Transaction Processing For Reporting or batch processingAutonomous DatabaseDemoAutonomous Database -Dedicated Autonomous Data Warehouse & Autonomous Transaction ProcessingAutonomous Database -Dedicated•The Autonomous Dedicated database service provides a private database cloud running on dedicated Exadata Infrastructure in the Public Cloud.•It has multiple levels of isolation protects you from noisy or hostile neighbors.•Customizable operational policies give you control of provisioning, software updates, availability and density.•Quarter rack X7 Exadata Infrastructure• 2 severs( 92 OCPU, 1.44TB RAM)• 3 Storage Servers ( 76.8TB Flash, 107TB Disk)•Cluster / Virtual Cloud Network• 1 Cluster per quarter rack•Autonomous Container Database•Maximum of 4 per Cluster•Autonomous Database•High Availability SLA –Maximum 100 DBs•Extreme Availability SLA –Maximum 25 DBs Physical Characteristics and constraints RAC CLUSTERWEB STORE SHOP SHIP ….High Level Deployment FlowCreate VCNProvisionAutonomousExadataInfrastructureCreateAutonomousContainerDatabaseCreateAutonomousDatabaseAutonomous Database -DedicatedSecurity•Databases always encrypted•Reduced attack surface•Automatic protection of customer data from Oracle operations staff •Database Vault’s new Operations Control feature•Oracle automatically applies security updates for the entire stack •Quarterly, or off-cycle for high-impact security vulnerability•Customer can separately use Database Vault for their own user data isolationSummaryYou should now be able to•Compare Autonomous Database (ADB) with DB System Cloud offerings in OCI•Describe the features of Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud -Serverless and Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud -Dedicated, Autonomous Transaction Processing -Serverless and Autonomous Transaction Processing –Dedicated•Describe how to deploy, use and manage ADBAdditional resources•Autonomous Data Warehouse Service Documentationhttps:///en/cloud/paas/autonomous-data-warehouse-cloud/•Autonomous Transaction Processing Documentationhttps:///en/cloud/paas/atp-cloud/index.html•Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud for Experienced Oracle Database Users https:///en/cloud/paas/autonomous-data-warehouse-cloud/user/experienced-database-users.html -GUID-58EE6599-6DB4-4F8E-816D-0422377857E5•Migrating Amazon Redshift to Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud https:///en/cloud/paas/autonomous-data-warehouse-cloud/user/migrating.html -GUID-A00E1C78-BCB1-46E9-97FA-DD1B377DF1F2Oracle Cloud always free tier:/cloud/free/OCI training and certification:https:///cloud/iaas/training/https:///cloud/iaas/training/certification.htmlOCI hands-on labs:/provider/oracleOracle learning library videos on YouTube:/user/OracleLearning。



ORACLE使用手册To be DBA or not to be, that is NOT the question. ---- Arron作者允许自由散发此文档,但对其进行的任何修改应通知作者,以便于维护版本。


普通版版本号8.0.x,接触较多的是8.0.5;internet版版本号包括8.1.5(Release 1),8.1.6(Release 2),8.1.7(Release 3)。

普通版简称Oracle 8,internet版简称Oracle 8i。

如果不作特别说明,文中凡出现Oracle 8i均指8.1.7版。

Oracle9i目前出到第二版,版本号为9.2,简称Oracle 9i。

如果不作特别说明,文中凡出现Oracle 9i均指9.2版。





如果不作特别说明,关于Oracle 8i所有的例子都在Solaris 8 Intel Platform+Oracle 8iR3上通过,关于Oracle 9i所有的例子都在RedHat Linux 7.3+Oracle 9iR2上通过。


大量使用表emp作为例子(参见附录08_proc/proc/single/emp.sql):create table emp(no number(12) not null,name char(20) not null,age number(6) not null,duty char(1) not null,salary number(12) not null,upd_ts date not null,primary key (no));开发中对应emp表结构,定义其宿主结构(参见附录08_proc/proc/single/db.h):typedef struct{double no;char name[21];int age;char duty[2];double salary;char upd_ts[15];} emp_t;修改历史:2000/07 版本1.02000/09 版本1.1增加Linux安装,export,import使用,数据库监控及优化(utlbstat,utlestat,分析session),语言时间环境变量设置,Oracle8.0.5手工建库脚本(wei_dick提供,稍加修改)2000/10 版本1.2修改Linux安装中RedHat 6.x+Oracle 8.1.6、数据库优化中配置文件和session分析、常用技巧中下载上传文本数据和访问他机数据库;增加创建数据库实例中数据字典参考、常用技巧中删除冗余记录、应用开发,常见错误感谢liu_freeman,jiao_julian,huang_miles等人对开发工具所作的努力2001/03 版本1.3修改安装部分、init.ora配置、常用技巧、应用开发;增加手工建库、MTS配置;重写开发工具感谢li_bo的大力帮助2001/09 版本1.4修改数据库优化,使之较系统化;增加应用开发中多线程下的数据库连接2002/04 版本1.5修改数据库优化、多线程条件下数据库编程;分离附录的程序范例2002/12 版本2.0重新安排内容,增加Oracle 9i安装配置、OCI开发、mysql安装配置开发,补充数据库优化、PROC开发ORACLE傻瓜手册 (1)1安装 (6)1.1通用设置 (6)1.2UnixWare7 (7)1.2.1Oracle 8 (7)1.3HP-UX (8)1.3.1Oracle 8 (8)1.4Linux (9)1.4.1kernel 2.0 & glibc 2.0 (9)1.4.2kernel 2.2 & glibc 2.1 (9)1.4.3kernel 2.4 & glibc 2.2 (10)1.5Solaris (11)2创建 (13)2.1Oracle 8 & 8i (13)2.1.1 工具创建 (13)2.1.2 手工创建 (13)2.1.3MTS(multi-threaded server) (14)2.1.4调整临时表空间 (15)2.1.5调整回滚表空间 (15)2.1.6 调整日志 (15)2.1.7 调整用户表空间 (16)2.1.8 创建用户 (17)2.1.9 创建数据对象 (17)2.1.10 创建只读用户 (18)2.1.11 启动及关闭数据库实例 (19)2.1.12 网络配置 (19)2.2Oracle 9i (21)2.2.1 手工创建 (21)2.2.2 创建用户表空间 (22)3初始化文件配置 (23)3.1Oracle 8 & 8i (23)3.2Oracle 9i (25)4工具 (26)4.1sqlldr (26)4.2exp (27)4.3imp (28)4.4.1命令行参数 (29)4.4.2提示符命令 (29)4.4.3SET选项 (30)4.4.4例子 (30)5备份及恢复 (32)5.1export与import方式 (32)5.2冷备份 (32)5.3联机全备份+日志备份 (32)5.3.1 设置 (32)5.3.2 步骤 (33)5.3.3恢复 (33)5.4注意要点 (34)6数据库优化 (35)6.1通用设置 (35)6.1.1 硬件配置 (35)6.1.2 应用配置 (35)6.1.3 日常性能监控 (36)6.2实战分析 (36)6.2.1总体分析 (37)6.2.2 详细分析 (37)6.3专题分析 (39)6.3.1巨表查询 (39)6.3.2对比测试 (41)6.3.3上下载数据 (44)6.3.4回滚空间快照陈旧(snapshot too old) (46)7常用技巧 (48)7.1增加、更改和删除域 (48)7.2删除冗余记录 (49)7.3更改字符集 (49)7.4表数据迁移 (50)7.5成批生成数据 (50)7.6注意要点 (51)8嵌入式SQL(C) (53)8.1编译 (53)8.2SQL语句 (54)8.2.1 内部类型与宿主类型对应 (54)8.2.3事务 (55)8.2.4标准SQL语句 (55)8.2.5动态SQL语句 (55)8.2.6 数组操作 (56)8.3编程框架 (58)8.3.1总体原则 (58)8.3.2单线程和多线程 (59)8.3.3 开发工具 (60)9OCI—Oracle Call Interface (61)9.1连接和断开 (61)9.1.1 句柄层次 (61)9.1.2 连接流程 (61)9.1.3 断开流程 (62)9.2SQL语句 (62)9.2.1事务 (62)9.2.2无结果集的sql语句 (63)9.2.3有结果集的sql语句 (63)9.2.4LOB (65)9.3编程框架 (67)9.3.1总体原则 (67)9.3.2sql语句 (68)9.3.3函数 (69)10附录—MYSQL (72)10.1安装配置 (72)10.2管理 (72)10.2.1 初始调整 (72)10.2.2 建立用户对象 (73)10.3开发 (73)10.3.1 连接和断开 (73)10.3.2 无结果集的sql语句 (74)10.3.3 有结果集的sql (74)10.3.4 错误处理 (75)1安装所有参见内容都在附件01_install_02_create_03_init/下。

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Oracle的OCR(Oracle Cluster Registry)称作Oracle集群注册表,OCR提供了集群软件与其他应用程序进程之间共享信息的途径。



[oracle@class1 ~]$ ocrcheck -help
ocrcheck - Displays health of Oracle Cluster Registry.
prompt> ocrcheck
Displays current usage, location and health of the cluster registry
A log file will be created in
$ORACLE_HOME/log/<hostname>/client/ocrcheck_<pid>.log. Please ensure
you have file creation privileges in the above directory before
running this tool.


2.1 确定Oracle集群软件为10.2.0.4
[root@class1 ~]# /oracle/product/crs/bin/crsctl query crs softwareversion
CRS software version on node [class1] is []
2.2 获取OCR的备份目录信息
[oracle@class1 ~]$ ocrconfig -showbackup
class1 2014/02/19 08:23:51 /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
class1 2014/01/26 01:17:27 /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
class2 2014/01/20 23:02:47 /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
class1 2014/02/19 08:23:51 /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
class1 2014/02/19 08:23:51 /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
2.3 获取OCR备份目录中的OCR备份文件
[oracle@class1 ~]$ cd /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
[oracle@class1 crs]$ ls -ltr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4022272 01-26 01:17 backup01.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 week.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 day.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 backup00.ocr
2.4 转储OCR备份文件
[root@class1 ~]# cd /oracle/product/crs/cdata/crs
[root@class1 crs]# /oracle/product/crs/bin/ocrdump -backupfile backup00.ocr
[root@class1 crs]# ll
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 backup00.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4022272 01-26 01:17 backup01.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 day.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204755 02-19 20:35 OCRDUMPFILE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 week.ocr
[root@class1 crs]# /oracle/product/crs/bin/ocrdump -xml -backupfile backup00.ocr xml_backup00 [root@class1 crs]# ll -ltr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4022272 01-26 01:17 backup01.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 week.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 day.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5378048 02-19 08:23 backup00.ocr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204755 02-19 20:35 OCRDUMPFILE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 333494 02-19 20:37 xml_backup00
2.5 分别查看两种形式的转储文件内容
[root@class1 crs]# vi OCRDUMPFILE
[root@class1 crs]# vi xml_backup00

1)SYSTEM键包含了与Oracle Clusterware主要进程CSSD、CRSD和EVMD的相关数据;
2)DA TABASE键包含了在Oracle Clusterware注册的RAC数据库相关的数据;
3)OCR键记录了与资源概要文件相关的信息,维护其他注册到Oracle Clusterware的应用程序的可用性。

OCR作为Oracle RAC集群环境中的重要资源,建议对其内容进行深入的理解。
