



信号与系统_北京交通大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.某连续周期信号如题1图所示,该信号的频谱成分有( )【图片】参考答案:直流、奇次谐波的余弦分量2.已知描述某连续时间LTI系统的状态方程的矩阵分别为【图片】【图片】【图片】【图片】则该系统的系统函数【图片】为参考答案:3行3列矩阵3.关于连续非周期信号的频域表示,正确的说法是( )参考答案:将信号表示为不同频率正弦信号的线性组合4.连续非周期信号频谱的特点是( )参考答案:连续、非周期5.已知某线性连续时间系统,其在初始状态为【图片】、输入激励为【图片】作用下产生的完全响应为【图片】【图片】;该系统在初始状态为【图片】、输入激励为【图片】作用下产生的完全响应为【图片】【图片】试求初始状态为【图片】,激励为【图片】时系统的完全响应【图片】=( )。


参考答案:错误9.已知信号【图片】的最高频率分量为【图片】 Hz,若抽样频率【图片】,则抽样后信号的频谱一定混叠。

参考答案:错误10.连续时间周期信号【图片】的平均功率为( )参考答案:1111.利用状态变量分析法分析连续时间LTI系统时,输出方程【图片】可能与哪些因素有关参考答案:与输入和状态变量有关12.关于连续周期信号频谱的特性,正确的说法是( )参考答案:同时具有离散特性和幅度衰减特性。

13.若描述离散时间系统的差分方程为【图片】,该系统为( )。






华东师范大学软件学院期末考试卷(2014—2015学年第二学期)得分课程名称操作系统课程性质(专业必修)学生姓名学号学生系别专业年级班级一.单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 操作系统的基本功能是(A)A. 控制和管理系统内的各种资源,有效地组织多道程序的运行B. 提供用户界面,方便用户使用C. 提供方便的可视化编辑程序D. 提供功能强大的网络管理工具2. 进程控制块是描述进程状态和特性的数据结构,一个进程(D)。

A. 可以有多个进程控制块B. 可以和其他进程共用一个进程控制块C.可以没有进程控制块D. 只能有惟一的进程控制块3. 若当前进程因时间片用完而让出处理机时,该进程应转变为( A)状态。

A. 就绪B. 等待C. 运行D.完成4. 在可变分区存储管理中,最优适应分配算法要求对空闲区表项按( D)进行排列。

A. 地址从大到小B.地址从小到大C. 尺寸从大到小D.尺寸从小到大5. 在请求分页系统中,LRU算法是指(B)。

A. 最早进入内存的页先淘汰B. 近期最长时间以来没被访问的页先淘汰C. 近期被访问次数最少的页先淘汰D. 以后再也不用的页先淘汰6. 文件系统采用二级目录结构,这样可以(D )。

A.缩短访问文件存储器时间B.实现文件共享C.节省主存空间D.解决不同用户之间的文件名的冲突问题7. 下列操作系统强调交互性的系统是(B)。

A. 批处理系统B. 分时系统C. 实时系统D. 网络操作系统8. 虚拟存储的基础是程序局部性理论,它的基本含义是( B )。

A.代码的顺序执行B.程序执行时对内存访问的不均匀性C.变量的连续访问D.指令的局部性9. 磁盘上的文件是以( A )为单位读写的。

A. 块B. 记录C. 区段D. 页面10. 下面的叙述中,(D)不是设备管理中引入缓冲机制的主要原因。




中国大学MOOC课程建设指南(2014年版)“爱课程”中心2014年6月目 录第一部分 规范与要求一、教学内容(一) 视频(教师的授课录像)1.技术要求2.拍摄要求3.字幕文件4.课间提问(二)教学资料(三)随堂测验(四)课堂讨论(五)单元测验及单元作业1.单元测验2.单元作业(六)考试二、课程结构(一)按周发布课程(二)按讲发布课程第二部分 中国大学MOOC平台操作指南一、开课前期准备(一)课程团队成员在“爱课程”网上注册、登录(二)设置课程团队二、发布课程介绍页三、首次发布课程学习页1.发布公告2.发布评分方式3.发布教学单元内容(详细操作请参考“页面帮助”)4.设置论坛结构四、课程日常更新与维护第一部分规范与要求一、教学内容教学内容包含:视频、教学资料(PPT教案、参考资料等)、随堂测验、课堂讨论、单元测验及单元作业、考试。



各类资源的具体规范如下:(一) 视频(教师的授课录像)1.技术要求时长范围:5~25分钟(尽量控制在20分钟以内)。














课程名一级学科二级学科大学Python云端系统开发入门计算机null北京理工大学计算机组成原理计算机null电子科技大学Python游戏开发入门计算机null北京理工大学面向对象程序设计——Java语言计算机null浙江大学C语言程序设计进阶计算机编程语言浙江大学汇编语言程序设计计算机null电子科技大学软件测试与质量计算机软件工程华中科技大学程序设计计算机null华中科技大学网络技术与应用计算机null南京邮电大学操作系统计算机null淮阴工学院计算机硬件技术基础计算机null东北大学信息系统与数据库技术计算机null东华大学数据结构计算机null中国海洋大学多媒体技术及应用计算机计算机应用深圳大学c#程序设计计算机编程语言北京大学信息检索计算机null武汉大学大学计算机--计算思维之路计算机计算机基础北京交通大学软件工程专业导论计算机软件工程哈尔滨工业大学计算机专业导论计算机计算机基础哈尔滨工业大学编译原理计算机null哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学导论计算机null桂林电子科技大学计算机网络计算机null哈尔滨工业大学计算机图形学计算机null中国农业大学软件测试计算机null南京大学算法设计与分析入门计算机null哈尔滨工业大学大数据算法计算机计算机应用哈尔滨工业大学计算机组成原理计算机null东北大学Python数据分析与展示计算机null北京理工大学数据库系统概论(新技术篇)计算机null中国人民大学“互联网+”时代教师个人知识管理计算机null爱课程大学计算机——医学计算基础计算机计算机基础第四军医大学C语言程序设计(下)计算机null北京理工大学计算机应用基础计算机null中南财经政法大学程序设计基础计算机null江苏信息职业技术学院C语言程序设计计算机null常州信息职业技术学院大学计算机实验计算机null山东大学高级语言程序设计计算机null东北大学Python语言程序设计计算机null北京理工大学大学计算机--计算思维的视角计算机null山东大学数据库系统概论(高级篇)计算机null中国人民大学C#程序设计计算机编程语言西北工业大学计算机应用基础计算机null苏州工业职业技术学院网络技术与应用计算机null 中国人民解放军陆军工程大学计算机网络技术计算机计算机应用吉林大学大学计算机基础计算机null中国农业大学用Python玩转数据计算机null南京大学计算机操作系统计算机null南京大学数据库系统概论(基础篇)计算机null中国人民大学高级语言程序设计计算机null吉林大学嵌入式系统与实验计算机null厦门大学从自然世界到智能时代计算机null湖南大学学期负责人课程类型学期费用嵩天MOOC免费纪禄平MOOC免费嵩天MOOC免费翁恺MOOC5000.00翁恺MOOC免费邢建川MOOC免费武剑洁MOOC3000.00张晓芳MOOC3000.00杨庚MOOC免费严云洋MOOC免费柳秀梅MOOC3000.00刘晓强MOOC免费魏振钢MOOC5000.00王志强MOOC免费唐大仕MOOC5000.00黄如花MOOC5000.00王移芝MOOC免费徐晓飞MOOC免费战德臣MOOC免费陈鄞MOOC免费董荣胜MOOC免费李全龙MOOC免费赵明MOOC3000.00陈振宇MOOC免费王宏志MOOC免费王宏志MOOC5000.00程维MOOC3000.00嵩天MOOC免费王珊MOOC免费杨上影MOOC8000.00卢虹冰MOOC免费李凤霞MOOC免费金大卫MOOC免费赵彦MOOC免费李学刚MOOC免费郝兴伟MOOC免费高克宁MOOC3000.00嵩天MOOC免费郝兴伟MOOC5000.00王珊MOOC免费刘君瑞MOOC免费陈园园MOOC免费沈鑫剡MOOC5000.00李晓峰MOOC5000.00陈雷MOOC5000.00张莉MOOC5000.00骆斌MOOC3000.00王珊MOOC免费张长海MOOC5000.00李晓潮MOOC3000.00李智勇MOOC5000.00介绍页URL/course/BIT-1001871002?tid=1001963002 /course/UESTC-1001543002?tid=1002447016 /course/BIT-1001873001?tid=1001966001 /course/ZJU-1001542001?tid=1002311011 /course/ZJU-200001?tid=1002316004/course/UESTC-1002047009?tid=1002147007 /course/HUST-1001907003?tid=1002315004 /course/HUST-1001936007?tid=1002318002 /course/NJUPT-1001639008?tid=1002349023 /course/HYIT-1001753202?tid=1001839178 /course/NEU-1002125002?tid=1002233001 /course/DHU-1001993005?tid=1002354016 /course/OUC-70004?tid=1002317009/course/SZU-1001752002?tid=1002342006 /course/PKU-1001663016?tid=1002238006 /course/WHU-29001?tid=1002302018/course/NJTU-196001?tid=1002207002/course/HIT-298007?tid=1002249010/course/HIT-437006?tid=1002251019/course/HIT-1002123007?tid=1002231003 /course/GLIET-1002091005?tid=1002197009 /course/HIT-154005?tid=1002210011/course/CAU-45006?tid=1002164003/course/NJU-1001773008?tid=1001862005 /course/HIT-356006?tid=414007/course/HIT-10001?tid=253002/course/NEU-1002249011?tid=1002366016 /course/BIT-1001870002?tid=1002239009 /course/RUC-1001965017?tid=1002350012 /course/icourse-1001962014?tid=1002317002 /course/FMMU-396003?tid=1002388014/course/BIT-46004?tid=1002247005/course/ZNUEDU-1001756012?tid=1002252012 /course/JSIT-1001754038?tid=1001840030 /course/CCIT-1001755324?tid=1001839309 /course/SDU-1001981020?tid=1002311014 /course/NEU-1002123005?tid=1002233002 /course/BIT-268001?tid=1002235009/course/SDU-100001?tid=1002312008/course/RUC-1001655006?tid=1002350011 /course/NWPU-493001?tid=1002313001/course/SIIT-1001753073?tid=1001839050 /course/PAEU-315001?tid=1002318004/course/JLU-1001540001?tid=1002251021 /course/CAU-23004?tid=1002299017/course/NJU-1001571005?tid=1002322007 /course/NJU-1001571004?tid=1002328014 /course/RUC-488001?tid=1002351004/course/JLU-62001?tid=1002261005/course/XMU-1001766012?tid=1002316003 /course/HNU-1001690002?tid=1002244005操作系统计算机null苏州大学数据结构计算机null西北大学C程序设计基础计算机编程语言厦门大学软件需求工程计算机null金陵科技学院程序设计入门——C语言计算机null浙江大学C语言程序设计计算机null吉林大学数据库系统(下):管理与技术计算机null哈尔滨工业大学数据库系统(中):建模与设计计算机数据库与数据结构哈尔滨工业大学数据结构计算机null 中国人民解放军陆军工程大学C++语言程序设计(下)——从C到C++计算机编程语言中国农业大学C++语言程序设计(上)计算机null中国农业大学零基础学Java语言计算机编程语言浙江大学计算机网络计算机null南京农业大学软件工程计算机null东北大学大学计算机基础计算机null国防科技大学数据结构计算机null华中科技大学C语言程序设计(上)计算机null北京理工大学大学计算机基础计算机null同济大学VisualBasic6.0程序设计计算机null同济大学计算机控制系统计算机计算机基础东北大学嵌入式系统及应用计算机null苏州大学路由交换技术与应用计算机null淮安信息职业技术学院程序设计基础(C&C++)计算机null电子科技大学C语言程序设计精髓计算机编程语言哈尔滨工业大学数据库系统(上):模型与语言计算机null哈尔滨工业大学大学计算机—计算思维导论计算机null哈尔滨工业大学程序设计基础计算机null哈尔滨工业大学计算机组成原理(下)计算机计算机组成哈尔滨工业大学计算机组成原理(上)计算机null哈尔滨工业大学计算机系统基础(二):程序的执行和存储访问计算机计算机基础南京大学计算机系统基础(一):程序的表示、转换与链接计算机计算机基础南京大学Python网络爬虫与信息提取计算机计算机应用北京理工大学程序猿与攻城狮计算机null南京大学程序设计与算法(二)算法基础计算机null北京大学Python科学计算三维可视化计算机null北京理工大学作业系统计算机null中原大学Python机器学习应用计算机null北京理工大学数据结构计算机null武汉大学C语言程序设计计算机null大连理工大学数据结构计算机null浙江大学计算机原理计算机null国防科技大学C++程序设计计算机null西北工业大学C程序设计计算机null西北工业大学高级语言程序设计计算机null浙江警察学院计算机网络概论计算机计算机基础台湾新竹“清华大学”Java应用技术计算机null浙江大学C语言程序设计(独立SPOC)计算机null浙江大学2016秋现代管理基础计算机null浙江大学Java语言程序设计(独立SPOC)计算机null浙江大学物联网概论计算机null台湾新竹“清华大学”数据结构计算机null台湾新竹“清华大学”李培峰MOOC5000.00耿国华MOOC3000.00黄洪艺MOOC3000.00李尤丰MOOC3000.00翁恺MOOC免费张玉春MOOC5000.00战德臣MOOC免费战德臣MOOC免费陈卫卫MOOC免费阚道宏MOOC免费阚道宏MOOC免费翁恺MOOC5000.00钱燕MOOC3000.00张爽MOOC3000.00刘越MOOC免费李国徽MOOC3000.00李凤霞MOOC免费杨志强MOOC免费龚沛曾MOOC免费关守平MOOC3000.00王宜怀MOOC5000.00史红彦MOOC3000.00戴波MOOC免费苏小红MOOC免费战德臣MOOC免费战德臣MOOC免费苏小红MOOC免费刘宏伟MOOC免费刘宏伟MOOC免费袁春风MOOC3000.00袁春风MOOC5000.00嵩天MOOC免费刘钦MOOC5000.00郭炜MOOC5000.00黄天羽MOOC免费钟斌贤MOOC3000.00礼欣MOOC免费李春葆MOOC5000.00朱鸣华MOOC免费陈越MOOC5000.00唐玉华MOOC3000.00魏英MOOC免费姜学锋MOOC免费丁伟杰独立SPOC免费黄能富MOOC5000.00翁恺独立SPOC免费翁恺独立SPOC免费邢以群独立SPOC免费翁恺独立SPOC免费黄能富MOOC5000.00韩永楷MOOC5000.00/course/SUDA-1001752241?tid=1001840214 /course/NWU-298002?tid=1002252001/course/XMU-1001771003?tid=1002238002 /course/JIT-1001757003?tid=1001843004/course/ZJU-199001?tid=1002303013/course/JLU-1002058028?tid=1002163026 /course/HIT-1001578001?tid=1002212004 /course/HIT-1001554030?tid=1002211002/course/PAEU-1001660013?tid=1002298001/course/CAU-432001?tid=1002237004/course/CAU-368007?tid=1002236002/course/ZJU-1001541001?tid=1002303012 /course/NJAU-1001752039?tid=1002260009 /course/NEU-1001812013?tid=1002283007 /course/NUDT-17003?tid=1002285007/course/HUST-1001907004?tid=1002007003 /course/BIT-20019?tid=1002248008/course/TONGJI-47017?tid=1002318003/course/TONGJI-1001543001?tid=1002320002 /course/NEU-1001765003?tid=1002260004 /course/SUDA-1001754273?tid=1002285006 /course/HCIT-1001754308?tid=1001841316 /course/UESTC-1001774006?tid=1002247001 /course/HIT-69005?tid=1002224001/course/HIT-1001516002?tid=1002212003 /course/HIT-7001?tid=1002211003/course/HIT-56001?tid=1002207004/course/HIT-1001527001?tid=1002257001 /course/HIT-309001?tid=1002253005/course/NJU-1001964032?tid=1002234005/course/NJU-1001625001?tid=1002193015 /course/BIT-1001870001?tid=1002236011/course/NJU-1001616012?tid=1002163029 /course/PKU-1001894005?tid=1002160011 /course/BIT-1001871001?tid=1001964001/course/CYCU-1002030017?tid=1002132020 /course/BIT-1001872001?tid=1001965001/course/WHU-1001539003?tid=1002049010 /course/DLUT-1001948002?tid=1002051002 /course/ZJU-93001?tid=1002019005/course/NUDT-359002?tid=1002048006/course/NWPU-494001?tid=1002032026/course/NWPU-236004?tid=1002037027/spoc/course/ZJJC-1001849007?tid=1001943005 /course/NTHU-1001691005?tid=1001776024 /spoc/course/ZJU-1001760002?tid=1001847001 /spoc/course/ZJU-1001700011?tid=1001786006 /spoc/course/ZJU-1001711017?tid=1001796022 /spoc/course/ZJU-1001700012?tid=1001785006 /course/NTHU-452009?tid=522007/course/NTHU-451013?tid=522006C语言程序设计——快速入门与提高计算机null中国农业大学高级语言程序设计(Python)计算机编程语言哈尔滨工业大学程序设计计算机null同济大学C语言程序设计——快速入门与提高计算机null中国农业大学C语言程序设计计算机null浙江大学吕春利MOOC3000.00车万翔MOOC5000.00龚沛曾MOOC免费孙龙清MOOC3000.00翁恺MOOC免费/course/CAU-24005?tid=1001598005 /course/HIT-9003?tid=249005/course/TONGJI-89002?tid=271002 /course/CAU-24005?tid=24002 /course/ZJU-9001?tid=9001。

Single Variable Calculus_中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Single Variable Calculus_中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Single Variable Calculus_西北工业大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.If f (x) and g (x) are differentiable on (a, b), 【图片】and f (x) > 0, g (x) > 0,x∈(a, b), then when x∈(a, b), we have答案:2.For what values of a and b will 【图片】be differentiable for all values of x?答案:a=-1/2, b=13.The evaluation of integral【图片】(where x>1) is答案:4.Find the derivative of【图片】答案:5.Find the centroid of a thin, flat plate covering the “triangular” region i n thefirst quadrant bounded by they-axis, the parabola【图片】, and the line【图片】.答案:6.If【图片】, find the limit of g(x) as x approaches the indicated value.答案:7.Find the derivative of the function below at x=0,【图片】答案:8.【图片】is答案:-1/329.If f (x) is continuous and F′(x) = f(x), then答案:10.Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded bythe curve【图片】and the lines【图片】about【图片】.答案:11.The mean value【图片】that satisfies the Rolle’s Theorem on the function【图片】is答案:12.The critical number of 【图片】is ( )答案:0 and 213.Which statement is true?【图片】答案:A14.If【图片】,then【图片】答案:15.Evaluate【图片】.答案:16.The integtral of【图片】is答案:17.When x approaches infinity, the limit of【图片】is答案:18.The evaluation of integral【图片】is答案:19.If【图片】has continuous second-order derivative, and【图片】, then答案:20.Find the length of the enclosed loop【图片】shown here. The loop starts at【图片】and ends at【图片】.【图片】答案:21.The height of a body moving vertically is given by 【图片】, with s in metersand t in se conds. The body’s maximum height is ( )答案:22.If f (x) is increasing and f(x) > 0, then答案:23. A rock climber is about to haul up 100 N of equipment that has been hangingbeneath her on 40 m of rope that weighs 0.8 newton per meter. How much work will it take? (Hint: Solve for the rope and equipment separately, thenadd.)答案:24.The integral of【图片】is答案:25.Expand【图片】by partial function答案:26.Assume that u is a function of x and v is the derivative of u, then thederivative of arcsin(u) is答案:27.Find the center of mass of a thin plate covering the region bounded below bythe parabola 【图片】and above by the line 【图片】, if the density at the point 【图片】is 【图片】.答案:28.Find the limit【图片】答案:-129.Find the length of the curve【图片】, from【图片】 to【图片】.答案:53/630.Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the regions bounded bythe curve 【图片】and line 【图片】about the x-axis.答案:31.Find the total area of the shaded region in the following picture.【图片】答案:4/332.The total area between the region 【图片】and the x-axis is答案:33.Which statement is NOT true?答案:34.Calculate【图片】答案:-135.The second derivative of the function y=secx is ( )答案:36.If gas in a cylinder is maintained at a constant temperature T, the pressure Pis related to the volume V by a formula of the form 【图片】in which a, b, n, and R are constants. Then【图片】答案:37.If【图片】then【图片】.答案:38.Calculate 【图片】The limit is ( )答案:139.Find the tangent to the folium of descartes 【图片】at the point (3,3)答案:x+y=640.Let 【图片】The tangent line to the graph of g(x) at (0,0) is ( ).答案:x-axis41.Find the derivative of the function below at x=0, 【图片】答案:It does not exist42.Find【图片】答案:43.The average value of 【图片】over theinterval [【图片】] is答案:44.Find the average rate of change of the function【图片】over the giveninterval [2,3]答案:1945.For【图片】 find the number【图片】 by using the two steps learned in 2.3.答案:0.0546.The linearization of the function 【图片】at x=1 is ( ).答案:47.If and only if x=ln(y),y=e^x.答案:正确48.Find the derivative of the function【图片】答案:49.Find the derivative of the function 【图片】It is ( )答案:50.If f (x) is an antiderivative of【图片】then【图片】答案:51.If f ′(x ) < 0, f ′′(x ) < 0, x∈(a, b), then the graph of f (x) on (a, b) is答案:decreasing and concave down.52.If【图片】, find【图片】.答案:753.At what points are the function【图片】 continuous?答案:Discontinuous at odd integer multiples of , but continuous at all other x.54.On what interval is the function 【图片】continuous?答案:55.On what interval is the function【图片】continuous?答案:56.【图片】【图片】and【图片】答案:0, 357.Suppose that the functionf(x)is second order continuous differentiable, and【图片】,【图片】. Therefore,【图片】答案:58.When x approaches 0, the limit of【图片】is答案:59.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve 【图片】aboutthe x-axis to generate a solid.答案:60.Find the average rate of change of the function【图片】 over the giveninterval [0,2]答案:161.Find the limit of the function【图片】 and is the function continuous at thepoint being approached?答案:The limit is 0 and the function is continuous at62.The integral of [x/(x^2+1)]dx is答案:1/2[ln(x^2+1)]+C63.When x approaches 0, the limit of (1+3x)^(1/x) is答案:e^364.When x approaches infinity, the limit of x^(1/x) is答案:165.When x approaches infinity, for two functions f(x) and g(x), the limit off(x)/g(x) is infinity, and the limit of g(x)/f(x) is 0, thus a relationship between their growth rates can be said that答案:Function f(x) grouws faster than g(x).66. A function f is called a One-to-One function if it never takes on the same valuetwice.答案:正确67.The integtral of [e^(2x+1)]dx is答案:1/2[e^(2x+1)]+C68. A force of 2 N will stretch a rubber band 2 cm (0.02 m). Assuming thatHooke's Law applies, how far will a 4-N force stretch the rubber band?答案:4 cm69.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve【图片】aboutthey-axis.答案:70.Which statement is true?答案:71.Which statement is false?答案:72.Find the integration formula of the solid volume generated by the curve 【图片】, the x-axis, and the line 【图片】revolved about the x-axis by the shell method.答案:73.Find the integration formula of the area of the region bounded above by thecurve 【图片】, below by the curve 【图片】, on the left by 【图片】, and on the right by 【图片】.答案:74.If 【图片】is continuous on [-1,1] and the average value is 2, then 【图片】答案:475. A cubic function is a polynomial of degree 3; that is, it has the form 【图片】,where a≠0. Then ( ) is false.答案:x=1 is critical number when the cubic function has only one criticalnumber.76.The graph of【图片】has ( )asymptotes.答案:377.If 【图片】then答案:78.The average value of【图片】on【图片】is答案:79.If f (x) is continuous on (−1, 1), and【图片】then答案:80.The derivative of the function【图片】 is答案:81.The function 【图片】has ( )答案:A. neither a local maximum nor a local minimum82.Find the derivative of function【图片】答案:83.Find y' , if【图片】答案:84.The derivative of 【图片】is( )答案:85.Let【图片】,Then【图片】答案:18x(x+1)86.At what points, is the function 【图片】continuous?答案:A. Discontinuous only when x= 3 or x= 187.Find the derivative of x(e^x).答案:e^x(x+1)88.The integral of (1/x)dx is答案:ln|x|+C89.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve 【图片】aboutthe y-axis to generate a solid.答案:90.Find the length of the curve【图片】.答案:7ing the trapezoidal rule to estimate the integralwith n=4 steps【图片】答案:0.70500。

2014 March Mock Exam - AM -Answers

2014 March Mock Exam - AM -Answers

Block 1: MachariaQuestion1 of 6Under the new Prudent Investor Rule, a trustee has a duty to avoid fees, transaction costs, andother expenses that are not justified by the objectives of the investment program.CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 4Question2 of 6Under the new Prudent Investor Rule, previous specific restrictions on types of investments (e.g., mutual funds and unit trusts) that trustees may use have been abrogated. A trustee may invest in anything that plays an appropriate role in achieving the risk–return objectives of the trust and that meets the requirements of prudent investing, irrespective of the type of management used (i.e., active or passive). CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 3Question3 of 6The trustee with the civil engineering qualification who had previously worked with developers did not use his expertise in helping the trustees to make an informed investment decision when he suspected development costs were underestimated. Under the general fiduciary standards, if a trustee possesses more than ordinary skill, he must use it.CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 4Question4 of 6The trustees appear to have fulfilled the duty to be impartial to balancing income and capital, as both unit trusts are “balanced”—they are invested in nearly identical underlying investments with growth opportunities and current income streams. The trustees will violate the duty to avoid fees by switching to a 2% front-end load unit trust only on the basis of wanting to support a former employee. The trustees will also violate the duty of delegation because it is unlikely a prudent investor would move 100% of their investments to a brand new investment manager; it could significantly increase the risk factors faced by the fund.CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 4Question5 of 6A trustee’s compliance with his duties (i.e., care, skill, and caution) is judged as of the time an investment decision is made, not with the benefit of hindsight or subsequent developments or on the outcome of his investment decisions.CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 4Question6 of 6Even a highly paid beneficiary may still require high levels of liquidity (e.g., if his or her debt level is high, liquidity would be needed to make debt payments), and it would also be pertinent to consider the financial stability of the employer to determine the likelihood that the income stream from his or her wages will be regular. Therefore, it is still necessary for the trustee to assess the key factors of liquidity and income regularity for a highly paid beneficiary.CFA Level II“P rudence in Perspective,” John Train and Thomas A. Melfe Section 6Block 2: AnaKondaQuestion1 of 6Medeva's comment is most accurate. The percentage change in stock market value equals the percentage change in GDP plus the percentage change in the share of earnings (profit) in GDP plus the percentage change in the price-to-earnings multiple. Over short to immediate horizons, all three of these factors contribute to appreciation or depreciation of the stock market. In the long run, however, the growth rate of GDP must dominate. As noted, the ratio of earnings to GDP cannot rise forever.CFA Level II"Economic Growth and the Investment Decision," Paul KutasovicSections 2.7, 32 of 6Steady state of growth = ΔY/Y= θ/(1 –α) + n,whereθ = growth rate of TFP (in this case, 2.25)(1 –α) = labor cost in total factor cost (in this case, 0.689)n = labor force growth (in this case, 2%)For Country X: ΔY/Y = 2.25/0.689 + 2 = 5.27%CFA Level II“Economic Growth and the Investment Decision,” Paul KutasovicSection 5.2.1Question3 of 6Using the labor productivity growth accounting equation, Country Z indicates the highest growth rate in potential GDP.Growth rate in potential GDP = Long-term growth rate of labor force + Long-term growth rate in labor productivityCFA Level II“Economic Growth and the Investment Decision,” Paul KutasovicSection 4.34 of 6Rajan’s conclusions pertaining to Country Y are most consistent with the neoclassical model. Because of diminishing marginal returns to capital, the only way to sustain growth in potential GDP per capita is through technological change or growth in total factor productivity. This change results in an upward shift in the production function—the economy produces more goods and services for any given mix of labor and capital inputs.CFA Level II“Economic Growth and the Investment Decision,” Paul KutasovicSection 5.2.1Question5 of 6Country Z has the highest real interest rate according to the International Fisher effect. The Fisher effect breaks down the nominal interest rate (i) in a given country into two parts: (1) the real interest rate in that particular country (r) and (2) the expected inflation rate (πɛ) in that country.ɛɛ = Expected inflation rate.CFA Level II“Currency Exchange Rates: Determination and Forecasting,” Michael R. Rosenberg and William A. BarkerSection 3.1.56 of 6The Taylor rule to determine the appropriate policy rate isi = r n +π+ α(π–π*) + ß(y–y*)wherei= the Taylor rule prescribed central bank policy rater n= the neutral real policy rateπ = the current inflation rateπ* = the central bank’s target inflation ratey= the log of the current level of output21y* = the log of the economy’s potential/sustainable level of outputα and ß = the policy response coefficientsTaylor proposed that alpha and beta each equal 0.5.i = 2.75 + 2.67 + 0.5(2.67 – 3.27) + 0.5(3.50 – 4.00) = 2.75 + 2.67 – 0.30 – 0.25 = 4.87%CFA Level II“Currency Exchange Rates: Determination and Forecasting,” Michael R. Rosenberg and William A. BarkerSection 6.3Block 3: AdOreQuestion1 of 6In 2011, although Glace had less than 20% ownership interest in AdOre, it was considered to have significant influence, which required the equity method.CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSections 2, 5Question2 of 6In 2011, Strawberry Mines used the equity method because it exercised significant influence and owned 32% of AdOre. Under the equity method, it should recognize its percentage share (32% × 18,182 = 5,818.2) of AdOre's net income.CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSection 5.1Question3 of 6In 2011, Strawberry Mines owned 32% of AdOre's stock and had significant influence; therefore, it should have used the equity method. It will not report any dividends received from AdOre as income but would have deducted the dividends received from the carrying value of the investment in AdOre.CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSection 5.1Question4 of 6In 2011, Cupernico had a controlling interest in AdOre and would have used the consolidation method. In consolidation, companies combine all of the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of subsidiaries with the parent. Therefore, Cupernico would have included $40,000 (100%) of AdOre's long-term debt.CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSection 6.45 of 6In 2012, Cupernico and Glace shared joint control. Cupernico must use the equity method under US GAAP; if the ownership structure had not changed, Cupernico would have continued to use the consolidation method.CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSections 5.1, 6.56 of 6CFA Level II"Intercorporate Investments," Susan Perry WilliamsSection 6.2.5Block 4: Atlantic PreservesQuestion1 of 6Loris' response about the past service costs is most accurate. Past service costs arise because of the enrichment of the pension benefit to be received under the plan. Under US GAAP, any past service costs will be reported in other comprehensive income and are amortized on the profit and loss statement over the average service lives of the employees. Under IFRS, the past service costs are recognized as an expense in the income statement.CFA Level II"Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. GordonSection 2.1, 2.2,$9,683 x 0.075$9,683 $10,409$9,683 $20,818CFA Level II“Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based,”Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon Section 2.3.3Question3 of 6The yield on high quality corporate bonds is the appropriate discount rate that should be used to calculate the present value of the future benefits because it represents the rate at which the defined benefit obligation could be effectively settled.CFA Level II"Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. GordonSections 2.2, 2.3.3, 2.4.14 of 6The current service cost will decrease, not increase. A higher discount rate means that the present value of the future benefits earned in retirement will be lower and thus the annual unit credit will be lower. Therefore, the current service cost will decrease.CFA Level II"Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. GordonSection of 6The amount of Atlantic Preserve's 2013 periodic pension cost (in $ thousands) is closest to: Under US GAAP, the periodic pension cost is calculated as follows:CFA Level II"Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. GordonSection, Exhibit 2Question6 of 6The total periodic pension cost is the change in the net pension asset or liability excluding the effect of the employer's periodic contribution to the plan.“Employee Compensation: Post-Employment and Share Based,”Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon Section 2.4.3Block 5: DeMolayQuestion1 of 6When modeled using a AR(1) model, as in the formula given in Exhibit 1, random walks will have an estimated intercept coefficient near zero and an estimated slope coefficient on the first lag near 1. Therefore, his statement is correct.CFA Level II"Time-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 5.1Question2 of 6If a time series is a random walk, the best forecast of x t that can be made in period t– 1 is x t-1. So, the best forecast of the next period's trailing P/E is the current period's trailing P/E.CFA Level II"Time-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 5.1Question3 of 6We can test whether a time series is ARCH by regressing the squared residuals from a previously estimated time series model on a constant and one lag of the squared residuals (as in Exhibit 2). If the estimate of the slope (c1 in Exhibit 2) of the regression of the squared residuals on the lagged one period squared residuals is statistically significantly different from 0, the time series is ARCH(1).CFA Level IITime-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle Section 9Question4 of 6If ARCH exists, the standard errors for the regression parameters will not be correct. In the case that ARCH exists, you will need to use generalized least squares or other methods that correct for heteroskedasticity to correctly estimate the standard error of the parameters in the time series model.CFA Level II"Time-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 9Question5 of 6When working with two time series in a regression analysis, both of the series must be tested for the presence of a unit root. If neither series has a unit root, you can safely use linear regression to test the relationship between the two time series.CFA Level II"Time-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 10Question6 of 6If the two series each have a unit root, regression results will be consistent, provided that the two series are cointegrated.CFA Level II"Time-Series Analysis," Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 10Block 6: ShoshoneQuestion1 of 6Characteristic 3 describes venture capital investments, which are commonly the result of relationships between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs (existing shareholders or owners). Most buyout transactions are auctions, which involve multiple potential acquirers.CFA Level 2“Private Equity Valuation,” Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSection 2.3Question2 of 6Private equity firms may require that certain strategically important decisions (such as acquisitions or divestitures) be approved by the private equity firm, protecting its equity interests, not those of managers.CFA Level 2"Private Equity Valuation," Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSection 2.1Question3 of 6A common source of value creation in leveraged buyouts is debt reduction.CFA Level 2"Private Equity Valuation," Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSection 2.4Question4 of 6Liquidation is the route chosen if the company is no longer viable.The exit route used for LUW, Inc., was a secondary market transaction at a price that indicated a strong company.CFA Level 2"Private Equity Valuation," Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSection 2.6Question5 of 6Although the investment in Firm B produced a $10 million profit in two years, that figure represents an annual return (internal rate of return, or IRR) of only 8.01% = (70 million/60 million)1/2– 1, which is below the hurdle rate. The general partner will not receive any carried interest payments until the fund's IRR exceeds the hurdle rate.CFA Level 2"Private Equity Valuation," Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSections 3.1, 4Question6 of 6Total value to paid in (TVPI) equals distributed to paid in (DPI) plus residual value to paid in (RVPI), where DPI is the sum of distributions divided by paid-in capital [(19+38)/125] = 0.46 and RVPI is NAV after distributions divided by paid-in capital (122.7/125) = 0.98. TVPI = 0.46 + 0.98 = 1.44.CFA Level 2"Private Equity Valuation," Yves Courtois and Tim JenkinsonSections 3.5, 4Block 7: MerinarQuestion1 of 6Per $1 of notional principal, the market value of the equity swap is calculated as follows:The market value of the swap = 0.1333 × $75,000,000 = $9,997,500For example, B30(90) is calculated asCFA Level 2“Swap Markets and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceSection 4.2.3Question2 of 6The market value of the receiver swaption is calculated as follows:Max[0, (0.0275 – 0.0223)] × (0.9903 + 0.9645 + 0.9419 + 0.0149) × $25,000,000= $495,508For example, B0(180) is calculated asOther present value factors are calculated in a similar manner.The fixed rate is calculated as follows:The annualized rate = 0.0223 × 2 = 0.0446.CFA Level 2“Swap Markets and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceSection 4.2.1 and 6.4Question3 of 6Since Geng expects credit ratings for Onex Corporation bonds to weaken over the near term up to two years, and then strengthen over the longer term (five years), the appropriate strategy is to buy two-year CDS and sell five-year CDS. The two-year CDS would provide a hedge against short-term volatility, and the sale of the five-year CDS would partially fund the purchase of two-year CDS. This trade is a curve flattening trade.CFA Level 2“Credit Default Swaps,” Brian Rose and Don M. ChanceSection 4.1Question4 of 6The S&P MidCap 400 futures price is 840 × (1.035) (145/365)– 3.15 = 848.41.CFA Level 2“Futures Markets and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceSection 7.35 of 6Merinar is correct. If stock index futures are underpriced, the correct arbitrage strategy would be to short the stock index and purchase stock index futures. This approach will effectively ensure that Merinar has borrowed money at the risk-free rate and repaid at a rate less than the risk-free rate.CFA Level 2“Futures Markets and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceSection 7.3Question6 of 6Jani is correct. The futures price is equal to the expected spot price minus a risk premium. Alternatively, the expected spot price equals the futures price plus a risk premium.CFA Level 2“Futures Markest and Contracts,” Don M. ChanceSection 7.1.9Block 8: AlahtabQuestion1 of 6Using the Gordon growth model, V0 = D0 (1 + g)/(r–g).So,g = b × ROEb = 1 – Payout ratio = 1 – (48/120) = 0.6ROE = Net income/Shareholders’ equity = 120/(800 + 159.3) = 12.5g = 0.6 × 12.5 = 7.5%D0 = $48 million/50 million shares = $0.96/shareV0 = (0.96×1 + 0.075) / (0.11 – 0.075) = $29.49CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and JohnStoweSection 4.12 of 6The H-model is,whereD0= Dividend/Number of sharesD0= $48/$50 = $0.96g S= Initial short-term dividend growth rate = 20%g L= Normal long-term dividend growth rate = 6%r= 11% + 2% = 13%H= 4/2 = 2V0 = $14.54 + $3.84 = $18.38CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Section 5.3Question3 of 6FCFF = EBITDA(1 – Tax rate) + Depreciation(Tax rate) – FCInv – WCInvCFA Level II“Free Cash Flow Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 3.5Question4 of 6= $1.383 = $0.96 $1.66/$1.134=$1.02;25.13/1.63=$15.42CFA Level II“Free Cash Flow Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 4.3Question5 of 6Jatin is correct with respect to Statement 1 only. The H-model is a variant of the two-stage model in which growth begins at a high rate and declines linearly throughout the super-normal growth period until itreaches a normal growth rate at the end. A smoother transition to the mature phase growth rate would be more realistic than the erratic growth rate in dividends displayed by the data.CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 5.3“Free Cash Flow Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Section 3.8.36 of 6Lederman is correct with respect to Statement 2 only. The Pastor–Stambaugh model adds a liquidity premium as a fourth factor to the Fama–French model and thus helps make an adjustment for the liquidity concerns surrounding the stock.CFA Level II“Return Concepts,” by Jerald E. Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson, and John D. StoweSection 4.1.1, 4.2.2“Residual Income Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 4.1Block 9: GreenSnacksQuestion1 of 6GNSK is in the growth stage because it is expanding rapidly and enjoying the benefits of the health food market, which is also growing rapidly. GNSK is also experiencing high and growing profit margins as well as abnormally high earnings per share growth, which are all indicative of a company in its growth phase. CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” by Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Section 4.7QuestionGNSK’s strategy is best described as visionary. The slow growt h of the packaged food industry required a bold strategy that GNSK undertook to improve its own growth profile. This approach is characteristic of a visionary strategy. The process to develop its healthier foods with longer shelf lives took time and care, and management was willing to stay the course to develop its new process. Both of these decisions are also characteristic of the visionary strategy.CFA Level II“Your Strategy Needs a Strategy,” Martin Reeves, Claire Love, and Philipp Tillmanns3 of 6The H-model that Tanner decides to use is a variant of the two-stage dividend discount model. It assumes growth begins at a high rate and declines linearly throughout the super-normal growth period until it reaches a normal rate at the end. In the case of GNSK, the H-model is appropriate for estimating the required return because Tanner expects extraordinary earnings growth of 20% next year with the rate of growth diminishing over time to match industry conditions in Year 6.H = Half-life in years of the super-normal growth rate = 5 x 0.5 = 2.5D0 = 2.45 × 0.25 = $0.6125g L= Sustainable growth rate for the industry = ROE × (1-payout) = 0.128×(1 – 0.65) = 0.0448 or 4.48%g s= Short-term growth rate of GNSK = 0.20= (0.028) {(1.0448) + 0.388} +0.0448=0.08492 or 8.5%CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Sections 5.2, 5.6Question4 of 6Rearranging:Let D0/P0 = d and rewrite the equation:Using the industry data in Exhibit 1:Alternatively:0.037 = (0.11 – g)/(1 + g)0.037(1 + g) + g = 0.110.037 + 0.037g + g = 0.111.037g = 0.11 – 0.037g = 0.073 / 1.037 = 0.0704 =~ 7.0%CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Section 4.1“Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Value Multiples,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 3.5.2Question5 of 6V0 = D1/(r–g) where D1 = D0 (1 + g).=2.43/0.094 = $25.85CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” by Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John Stowe Section 4.16 of 6Baldridge’s statement is least accurate. The residual income approach uses the book value of eq uity, and it requires that the clean surplus relationship holds.CFA Level II“Discounted Dividend Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 2.2“Residual Income Valuation,” Jerald Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas Robinson, and John StoweSection 3.1Block 10: FischerQuestion1 of 6A 5-year/30-year multi-stage period is the most appropriate time horizon. Fischer must first consider his concentrated restricted PSMG holding that reduces diversification during the first five years while still addressing his long-term objectives to fund his retirement.CFA Level II"The Portfolio Management Process and the Investment Policy Statement," John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle, Dennis W. McLeavey, and Jerald E. PintoSection 6.2.2Question2 of 6Risk tolerance will not be satisfied. None of the investment alternatives offers a standard deviation of less than 12%, which is more than Schilz's recommendation of a 9% standard deviation risk objective.CFA Level II"The Portfolio Management Process and the Investment Policy Statement," John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle, Dennis W. McLeavey, and Jerald E. PintoSection 6.13 of 6Schilz would not include the Broad Market Index Fund. PSMG stock has a high correlation with the Broad Market Index and would offer little diversification benefit.CFA Level II"Portfolio Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. RunkleSection 2.1Question4 of 6The addition of the short assets FOF would achieve the greatest mean–variance improvement. The addition of a new asset to a portfolio is optimal if the Sharpe ratio of the new investment is larger than the product of the Sharpe ratio of the existing portfolio and the correlation of the new investment's returns with the returns of the current portfolio.The product of the Sharpe ratio of PSMG and the correlation between PSMG and the short assets FOF is –0.375. The difference between this result and the Sharpe ratio of the short assets FOF is greatest, at 0.955.CFA Level II“Portfolio Concepts,” Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle Section 2.75 of 6The standard deviation is closest to 11.3%. The standard deviation of the portfolio, by using his available funds from cash to purchase €6,250,000 of the EWM short assets fund, is approximately 11.3%. Use the following formula to calculate the standard deviation of a combination of two assets:wherethe weighting of the FOF is 0.309the weighting of PSMG is 0.691(0.3092 × 0.122) + (0.6912 × 0.22) + (2 × 0.309 × 0.691 × ‒0.75 × 0.2 × 0.12 ) = 0.012788√0.012788 = 0.113CFA Level II“Portfolio Concepts,” Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle Question6 of 6PSMG is overvalued according to the CAPM. Exhibit 2 contains the inputs of the CAPM, and the expected return for PSMG is the same as indicated by the model:whereE(Ri)= the expected return on asset i (PSMG)R F= the risk-free rate of return (2%)E(R M) = the expected return on the market portfolio (broad market equity index, 12%)βi= beta of asset i, 1.2or2% + 1.2(12% – 2%) = 14%.According to the CAPM, PSMG’s return should be 14%. Because its actual expected return is only 12%, PSMG is overvalued.CFA Level II“Portfolio Concepts,” Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle Section 2.6。



应随车轮转速的增加而升高,一般情况,应达到 2V 以上。
(4)用示波器检测传感器的输出信号电压波形,正常的信号电压波形应是均匀 稳定的正弦电
D:装有 ABS 的汽车,在制动后期,不会出现车轮抱死现象
6、带有 3/3 电磁阀的循环式制动压力调节器在升压过程中,电磁阀处于“升压”位
四、油路分析(26 分) 如下图所示为 BOSCH ESP 系统油路图,叙述 ESP 的升压、保压、减压过程。
2010~2011 学年第二学期 《汽车底盘电控系统检修》课程期末考试参考答案


Y0 X45.0 X75.0 Y20.0 Y65.0 G00 X100.0 Y60.0 Z120.0 X150.0Y160.0 M05 M30
第5页共5页ຫໍສະໝຸດ 课程答案视频课件网课刷课flyingjgh
A.G92 是模态指令
B.G04 X3.0 表示暂停 3s;
A.点位控制数控机床; B.点位直线控制数控机床;
C.G33 Z F 中的 F 表示进给量 D.G41 是刀具左补偿。
C.半闭环控制数控机床; D.轮廓控制数控机床。
13. “G04 P1”其中 P 值之单位为:( )。
A、G73 B、G83 C、G74 D、G84
2.根据加工零件图样选定的编制加工程序的原点是( )。
A.机床原点 B.编程原点 C.加工原点 D.刀具原点
3. 数控机床程序中,F100 表示_______
A、切削速度 B、进给速度 C、主轴转速 D、步进电机转速
4.一般地,数控车、铣床中多将各轴正向行程极限点定为_____ 。
C.分析机床运动关系后再根据实际情况 D.不能确定时,不能编程
15.数控系统中,( )指令在加工过程中是模态的。
22.在 XY 平面上, 某 圆弧圆心为 (0 , 0),半径为 80 , 如果 需要刀具 从
A.G01、F;B.G27、G28; C.G04; D.M02。
(80、0)沿该圆弧到达(0,80)点程序指令为:( )。
河北工业职业技术学院 《数控编程及零件加工》试卷(4)




2014年在职攻读硕士专业学位全国联考GCT模拟试题(一)参考答案第一部分语言表达能力测试(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1D2B3B4C5C6B7D8A9A10D 11B12D13B14A15C16A17D18A19B20A 21B22D23B24C25B26D27C28A29B30D 31C32B33D34C35A36C37A38A39A40C 41C42D43B44D45C46A47B48C49B50B第二部分数学知识(25题,每题4分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1B2B3D4B5C6A7B8B9D10C 11A12A13A14A15A16B17A18A19D20B 21D22C23A24D25A第三部分:逻辑推理能力(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1-10ACADB BACCA11-20DDDDB CDDDA21-30DDDCC BDDDB31-40BADBA DCABA41-50AADBC CBBCA第四部分:英语知识测试(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)Part one:vocabulary1—5C D C A A6----10B C D A BPart two:reading comprehension11—15A C D A B16---20A D C A B21---25D A C B B26---30C B C B DPart three cloze31---35C C A D A36---40B D D B CPart four Dialogue Completion41---45D D C A D46---50C B A D CGCT模拟试题(二)参考答案第一部分语言表达能力测试(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1.D 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C7.A8.A9.B10.C 11.D12.C13.C14.C15.D16.B17.A18.D19.D20.B 21.A22.B23.C24.D25.A26.A27.B28.D29.B30.A 31.A32.C33.D34.B35.A36.A37.C38.A39.B40.B 41.A42.C43.D44.C45.B46.D47.B48.B49.A50.B第二部分数学知识(25题,每题4分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1C2B3A4D5A6B7C8B9B10C 11B12C13D14D15A16C17A18A19D20A 21D22A23C24B25C第三部分:逻辑推理能力(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)1-10ADDCD BDADC11-20CABCD DDDAB21-30BCBCD CDCDC31-40ACCBA ADDDB41-50ABBBD CACBB第四部分:英语知识测试(50题,每题2分,满分100分,参考答题时间45分钟)Part one:vocabulary1—5B C A C A6----10C C B B A Part two:reading comprehension11—15C B D A C16---20B A D D D21---25D D C A B26---30D B C D B Part three cloze31---35D D B A B36---40C A C B CPart four Dialogue Completion41---45C A B C B46---50D A D B D。



3. 间日疟原虫在人体内包括红外期 , 红内期 , 配子体形成, 期,分别寄生在 肝细胞 , 红细胞 , 红细胞 。
4.成虫不寄生在肠道,但可通过粪检来诊断的吸虫是 肝吸虫 , 卫氏并殖吸虫 , 日本血吸虫 。 6.能引起脑部损害的常见 猪囊虫 、 裂头蚴 、 弓形虫 、 疟原虫 、 棘阿米巴 。
A. zygote B. schizont C. trophozoite D. gametocyte E. sporozoite
4、A butcher, who is fond of eating raw hamburger, develops chorioretinitis. A Sabin-Feldman dye test is
---○---○--学院 专业班级 学号 姓名
………… 评卷密封线 ……………… 密封线内不要答题,密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按 0 分处理 ……………… 评卷密封线 …………
2013-2014 学年 上 学期医学寄生虫学课程 时间 60 分钟
2010 级 医学八年制 时间 60 分钟
15. 从理论上认为血吸虫病经杀虫治疗后作病原检查的时间是:
A.半个月 B.3--6 个月 C.1--3 个月 D.6-12 个月 E.一年以上
16. 尿液检查可找到病原体的寄生虫病有
A.钩虫病 B.丝虫病 C.血吸虫病 D.阴道滴虫病
11. 寄生虫在自然界中得以延续生存,最主要的适应性是:






一、填空题1、通信系统中有效性的主要衡量指标有(1) 和(2) ,可靠性的主要衡量指标有(3) 和(4) 。

采用合适的信源编码可以改善系统的(5) ,采用合适的信道编码可以改善系统的(6) 。

2、话音的频率范围为(7) ,卫星通信的频率范围为(8) 。

3、GSM 系统中,传输信道的特性是(9) 。

GSM 系统不适合采用(10) 的调制方式,也不适合采用(11) 的调制方式,比较合适(12) 的调制方式,目前最常用的是(13) 调制方式。

4、PCM 采用u 律编码(14) 路,一个帧结构(15) 码,速率为(16) 。

5、信道中无差错传输的最大速率定义为(17) ,其公式为(18)2log (1)S N C B =+其是在(19) 条件下得到的。

二、简答题1、数字通信系统的有效性用什么衡量,采用什么方式可以提高数字通信系统的有效性?2、数字基带系统中,码型的选用依据(特性特点)以及目的是什么?3、扩频通信中各用户信号互不干扰的机理?以及主要的扩频方式有哪些?三、计算题1、11()()()m t n t r t dt ∞-∞=⎰,22()()()m t n t r t dt ∞-∞=⎰,其中n(t)为功率谱密度为n/2,r 1(t)和r 2(t)为任意过程。

证明:m 1(t)和m 2(t)统计独立的前提条件是r 1(t)和r 2(t)正交。

2、s 1(t)和s 2(t)被同一频率的射频信号调制,发射信号为12()()cos ()()sin ()cos ()c c c s t s t t s t t k t ωωω=++。

其中f c =10MHz ,s 1(t)和s 2(t)的信号带宽分别5kHz 和10kHz 。



2014年10⽉管综逻辑真题及答案解析2014年10⽉逻辑真题(社科赛斯MBA MPA研究⽣考前辅导枣庄分校8888278 2442726245)三、逻辑推理:第 26~55 题,每⼩题 2 分,共 60 分。

下列每题给出的 A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中,只有⼀项是符合试题要求的。
























图1 河南工业大学主页二、在学校主页中,点击左下方“快速链接”标签中的“综合教务”功能链接,即可进入综合教务管理系统选择页面,如图2所示。

图2 综合教务管理系统选择页面三、在综合教务管理系统选择页面中,点击“新教务系统”链接,进入教务管理系统用户登录界面,如图3所示。

图3 教务管理系统登录界面四、在登录界面中,学生需输入用户名、密码及验证码,用户名为学号,密码为HGD+身份证号最后六位(注意前三个字母为大写),如图4所示。

图4 系统登录界面五、学生点击“登录”按钮之后,即可进入该生的个人教务管理系统,如图5所示。

图5 个人教务管理系统界面六、在个人教务管理系统界面下,点击“网上选课”菜单下的“学生选课”链接,即可进入学生选课主界面,如图6所示。

图6 点击“学生选课”链接界面七、进入学生选课主界面后,可以看到已选的课程,如需选课,则点击页面下方的“本专业选课”按钮,如图7所示。

图7 学生选课主界面八、点击“本专业选课”按钮之后,进入可选课程列表界面,对于2014级学生,计算机类有两门选修课,分别为“大学计算机基础及Office应用”和“大学计算机基础及网页制作”,每个学生只能选择其中一门(二选一),如图8所示。

图8 可选课程列表界面九、在课程列表界面中,点击要选的课程名称,进入该课程详细信息界面,将最右边“选择情况”及是否预定教材选中,点击“选定”按钮,即可选中该门课程,如图9所示。

图9 课程信息界面十、选定后,提示保存成功,如图10所示。

图10 保存成功界面十一、选课成功后,可以返回学生选课主界面,查看已选课程,如需取消选定,可直接点击课程最右边“退选”链接,确定后,即退选了该门课程,如图11所示。

图11 已选课程列表界面请注意:计算机类课程为二选一,只选其一,不可多选,如在操作中出现返回登录界面的情况,可重新登录操作,如有疑问,请咨询各学院教学办。


Байду номын сангаас
项目 7 维护图书借阅数据库 项目测试题参考答案
1. 新建一个数据库,数据库名为 pubs。 2. 创建备份设备,备份设备名称为 bk_pubs1,保存文件为 C:\backup\pubs1.bak 3. 在 SSMS 中对 pubs 数据库进行完全备份,备份到设备 bk_pubs1 中 4. 在 pubs 数据库中创建一张表:tempStudent1(学号,课程号,成绩,学分) 5. 创建备份设备,备份设备名称为 bk_pubs2,保存文件为 C:\backup\pubs2.bak 6. 在 SSMS 中对 pubs 数据库进行差异备份,备份到设备 bk_pubs2 中 参考答案: 1.



复变函数_国防科技大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.复数序列【图片】当【图片】时的极限为 .参考答案:2.满足条件【图片】的【图片】之集合表示复平面上的 ( ).参考答案:无界单连通区域3.设【图片】为复常数,【图片】且【图片】,则满足条件【图片】的【图片】之集合表示复平面上的( ).参考答案:圆周4.点集【图片】的聚点一定是【图片】中的点.参考答案:错误5.在原点的邻域内有定义且满足条件【图片】的函数【图片】一定在原点解析.参考答案:错误6.若函数【图片】在有界单连通区域【图片】内解析且不恒等于零,则【图片】在区域【图片】内只能有有限个零点.参考答案:错误7.设函数【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:8.不存在整函数将全平面一对一映射成单位圆盘.参考答案:正确9.设函数【图片】在区域【图片】内解析且不等于零,则【图片】在【图片】内不能取得最小模.参考答案:错误10.设【图片】为逆时针方向圆周【图片】,则积分【图片】的值为零.参考答案:正确11.设函数【图片】在区域【图片】内解析,【图片】,则对于一切【图片】有【图片】.参考答案:错误12.若分式线性函数【图片】将直线映成直线,则一定有【图片】.参考答案:正确13.设【图片】为函数【图片】的孤立奇点,则【图片】为函数【图片】的可去奇点的充要条件是【图片】.参考答案:错误14.若级数【图片】收敛,且存在常数【图片】使得【图片】,则级数【图片】绝对收敛.参考答案:正确15.设【图片】为大于【图片】的正整数,则积分【图片】的值与【图片】有关.参考答案:错误16.设【图片】在单连通域【图片】内解析,【图片】是【图片】内任意一条正向简单闭曲线,则积分【图片】与积分【图片】的值均为零.参考答案:错误17.三角函数【图片】与【图片】在复平面内为无界函数.参考答案:正确18.若函数【图片】在点【图片】处满足柯西-黎曼条件,则它在点【图片】处可微.参考答案:错误19.两个复数乘积的幅角主值等于它们的幅角主值的和.参考答案:错误20.设解析函数【图片】满足【图片】,且【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:221.设函数【图片】在圆盘【图片】内是保角的,则【图片】的最大值是 .参考答案:0.522.设【图片】,【图片】为逆时针方向,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:-323.【图片】作为函数【图片】零点的阶数是 .参考答案:324.设【图片】为逆时针方向,则积分【图片】_________.参考答案:25.方程【图片】在单位圆外【图片】的根的个数为 .参考答案:426.下列结论不正确的是 ( ).参考答案:若复数项级数和都条件收敛, 则复数项级数也条件收敛27.设幂级数【图片】在【图片】处收敛, 则该幂级数在【图片】处 ( ).参考答案:敛散性不确定28.函数项级数【图片】和函数的最大解析区域( ).参考答案:为29.设【图片】为圆周【图片】从【图片】到【图片】的上半部分,则【图片】_______.参考答案:-830.设【图片】是函数【图片】在沿正实轴割开的割缝区域的一个单值分支,若【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:131.集合【图片】是有界区域.参考答案:错误32.点集【图片】是单连通区域.参考答案:正确33.幂级数【图片】在闭单位圆盘【图片】上一致收敛.参考答案:正确34.复数项级数【图片】是绝对收敛的.参考答案:正确35.曲线【图片】为光滑闭曲线.参考答案:错误36.设复数项级数【图片】收敛, 而级数【图片】发散, 则幂级数【图片】的收敛半径为1.参考答案:正确37.若幂级数【图片】的收敛半径为【图片】, 则幂级数【图片】的收敛半径也为【图片】.参考答案:错误38.幂级数【图片】在圆周【图片】上有无穷多个发散的点.参考答案:错误39.【图片】的值为 .参考答案:140.幂级数【图片】的收敛半径为 .参考答案:341.设【图片】,则【图片】在有限复平面上所有孤立奇点处留数的和为.参考答案:142.用留数方法计算积分实积分【图片】时,所构造的辅助函数为【图片】.参考答案:错误43.实积分【图片】可以用留数的方法计算.参考答案:错误44.若【图片】在【图片】的某个邻域内可导,则函数【图片】在【图片】的该邻域内解析.参考答案:正确45.对任意的非零复数【图片】,必有【图片】.参考答案:错误46.点集【图片】的边界为圆周【图片】.参考答案:错误47.点集【图片】是半径为2的开圆盘.参考答案:错误48.设函数【图片】在复平面上解析,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:149.当【图片】时,【图片】的值为 .参考答案:150.若【图片】为区域【图片】内的调和函数,则在下列函数【图片】,【图片】,【图片】,【图片】中,调和函数的个数是().参考答案:251.方程【图片】在圆环【图片】内根的个数为().参考答案:352.【图片】为函数【图片】的 ( ).参考答案:可去奇点53.函数【图片】在点【图片】处().参考答案:可导但不解析54.函数【图片】在【图片】处的留数为 .参考答案:-255.函数【图片】在点【图片】可导是【图片】在点【图片】解析的().参考答案:必要但非充分条件56.分式线性函数【图片】在【图片】处的伸缩率为().参考答案:157.【图片】是函数【图片】的 ( ).参考答案:二阶极点58.函数【图片】在圆环域【图片】内可以展开成洛朗级数.参考答案:错误59.积分【图片】的值等于零.参考答案:正确60.设【图片】为非零的复数,【图片】是不经过【图片】与【图片】的正向简单闭曲线,且积分【图片】,则().参考答案:与均在内61.设函数【图片】,要使【图片】在【图片】处解析,则需要定义【图片】的值为 .参考答案:-162.若无穷远点是亚纯函数【图片】的可去奇点, 则【图片】必恒等于一个常数.参考答案:错误63.【图片】是函数【图片】的孤立奇点.参考答案:错误64.函数【图片】的孤立奇点分别是【图片】和【图片】.参考答案:错误65.若【图片】分别是函数【图片】的【图片】阶极点和【图片】的【图片】阶极点, 则【图片】必是【图片】的【图片】阶极点.参考答案:正确66.函数【图片】的可去奇点是【图片】 .参考答案:-167.设【图片】,则【图片】在闭单位圆盘【图片】上的最大值是 .参考答案:1368.函数【图片】在圆【图片】内的极点个数为 .参考答案:2069.设【图片】为正向圆周【图片】, 则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:170.在整个复平面上的调和函数若有界,则该调和函数一定为常数.参考答案:正确71.若【图片】是【图片】在区域【图片】内的共轭调和函数,则【图片】是【图片】在区域【图片】内的共轭调和函数.参考答案:正确72.设【图片】为区域【图片】上的调和函数,若【图片】为【图片】的共轭调和函数,则【图片】也为【图片】的共轭调和函数.参考答案:错误73.设【图片】,则当【图片】按逆时针方向沿【图片】绕行一周时,【图片】幅角的改变量为 .参考答案:74.设【图片】在复平面上解析,则下列表述中不正确的是().参考答案:一定不解析75.设函数【图片】,则【图片】在【图片】处().参考答案:可导但不解析76.下列表述中,正确的表述是( ).参考答案:函数构成的映射保持角的大小不变,但方向相反77.设【图片】为实数且【图片】,那么分式线性变换【图片】把上半平面映射为【图片】平面的( ).参考答案:下半平面78.设【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:6479.设函数【图片】在复平面上解析,且【图片】,【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:180.若分式线性映射【图片】将【图片】分别映射成【图片】,则该映射将【图片】映射成 .参考答案:281.若函数【图片】为其定义域上的调和函数,则常数【图片】的值为 .参考答案:-182.若单位圆周【图片】上的三点【图片】满足【图片】,则它们一定为正三角形的三个顶点.参考答案:正确83.函数【图片】关于【图片】的泰勒展开式的收敛半径为 .参考答案:484.分式线性函数【图片】是有限复平面【图片】到有限复平面【图片】的双射.参考答案:错误85.若分式线性函数【图片】将直线映成单位圆【图片】,则一定有【图片】且【图片】.参考答案:正确86.若函数【图片】在区域【图片】内连续,且对【图片】内任意内部均在【图片】内的简单闭曲线【图片】,均有【图片】,则【图片】在区域【图片】内解析.参考答案:正确87.函数【图片】为单位圆盘【图片】内的单叶解析函数.参考答案:正确88.若函数【图片】在区域【图片】内解析且【图片】,则【图片】在是【图片】内的单叶函数.参考答案:错误89.若幂级数【图片】和函数在圆盘【图片】内解析,则【图片】的最大值为.参考答案:290.若幂级数【图片】在【图片】处条件收敛,则该幂级数的收敛半径为 .参考答案:491.存在单位圆盘【图片】内的解析函数【图片】,它将【图片】映射成【图片】.参考答案:错误92.映射【图片】在点【图片】处的伸缩率为 .参考答案:293.设【图片】为逆时针方向,则【图片】的值是______.参考答案:0.194.函数【图片】在区域【图片】内有界.参考答案:正确95.若分式线性函数【图片】将无穷远点映射到无穷远点,则一定有【图片】.参考答案:正确96.若【图片】是函数【图片】的可去奇点, 则【图片】在【图片】的某个去心邻域内必有界.参考答案:正确97.映射【图片】的不动点【图片】是满足【图片】的点,则映射【图片】的不动点为 .参考答案:398.【图片】与【图片】在复平面内有界.参考答案:错误99.若【图片】,则【图片】 .参考答案:-1100.【图片】 .答案唯一参考答案:101.极限【图片】().参考答案:不存在102.设函数【图片】,则【图片】在【图片】处().参考答案:连续但不可导103.若【图片】在区域【图片】内解析,且【图片】,则【图片】(其中【图片】为常数).参考答案:正确104.设复平面上简单光滑闭曲线【图片】所围成区域的面积为【图片】,曲线取逆时针方向,则【图片】.参考答案:正确105.设【图片】是任意不经过【图片】简单闭曲线,【图片】为任意整数,则积分【图片】的值与【图片】有关.参考答案:错误106.若函数【图片】在【图片】处连续,则【图片】在【图片】的一个邻域内连续.参考答案:错误107.若函数【图片】在区域【图片】内连续,则【图片】与【图片】均在【图片】内连续.参考答案:正确108.【图片】 .参考答案:1109.若函数【图片】在复平面内处处解析,那么实常数【图片】 .参考答案:2110.设【图片】是逆时针方向单位圆周【图片】,则【图片】.参考答案:正确111.设函数【图片】为区域【图片】内的解析函数,【图片】为【图片】内一定点,对于任意的【图片】,在【图片】内作连接【图片】和【图片】的简单光滑曲线【图片】,则函数【图片】为【图片】内的单值解析函数.参考答案:错误112.设【图片】为复平面上的调和函数,则【图片】仍然为复平面上的调和函数.参考答案:正确113.函数【图片】在有限复平面上所有孤立奇点处留数的和为零.参考答案:正确114.若函数【图片】在【图片】内解析,则积分【图片】对于【图片】为常数.参考答案:正确115.函数【图片】的支点个数为 .参考答案:2116.设【图片】为逆时针方向,则积分【图片】的值是______.参考答案:117.设函数【图片】在复平面上解析,【图片】为复平面上任一点,则函数【图片】在【图片】处的泰勒展开式为【图片】.参考答案:正确118.若【图片】是解析函数【图片】的【图片】阶零点, 则【图片】一定是【图片】的【图片】阶零点.参考答案:正确119.设【图片】为函数【图片】的单零点,则有【图片】.参考答案:正确120.若函数【图片】在区域【图片】内解析且【图片】,则【图片】是【图片】内的单叶函数.参考答案:错误121.不存在整函数将全平面一对一映射成整个单位圆内部.参考答案:正确122.设【图片】在复平面上连续,且满足【图片】与【图片】,则【图片】 .参考答案:-1123.1. 设【图片】是以【图片】为中心、【图片】为半径的逆时针方向圆周,则【图片】________.参考答案:124.设【图片】为【图片】到【图片】的直线段,设【图片】,则【图片】________.参考答案:-1125.设【图片】为沿坐标轴或平行于坐标轴的直线段所围成,沿【图片】的方向,则【图片】_______.参考答案:126.设【图片】是圆周【图片】从【图片】到【图片】的上半部分,积分【图片】的值为_______.参考答案:2127.设【图片】是正向圆周【图片】,则【图片】的值为 ______.参考答案:0.5128.设【图片】为逆时针方向,则【图片】的值是 .参考答案:3129.复数【图片】的值为 .参考答案:-8130.在球极射影下,【图片】平面上的圆【图片】上的点不变.参考答案:正确131.若互不相同的复数【图片】满足【图片】,则它们一定为正三角形的三个顶点.参考答案:错误132.【图片】的三角表示为【图片】.参考答案:正确133.满足方程【图片】的复数【图片】构成的平面点集为椭圆.参考答案:正确134.一个非零的复数【图片】乘以【图片】,则相当于 ( ).参考答案:将复数顺时针旋转135.在复平面上无界区域内的有界解析函数一定是常数.参考答案:错误136.设【图片】在单连通区域【图片】内解析,【图片】为【图片】内任一点,则对于【图片】内任何一条不经过【图片】的正向简单闭曲线,均有【图片】.参考答案:正确137.设【图片】,则【图片】为函数【图片】的().参考答案:一阶极点138.设【图片】,【图片】在【图片】的初始值取为零.点【图片】从【图片】开始沿【图片】逆时针方向运动一周再回到【图片】,此时【图片】的值为( ).参考答案:139.对任意的【图片】,必有【图片】.参考答案:错误140.设函数【图片】在区域【图片】内解析且不恒等于零,则().参考答案:在区域内零点的阶数是有限的141.复平面上的点集【图片】是半径为2的开圆盘.参考答案:错误142.函数【图片】在【图片】处( ).参考答案:无定义143.方程【图片】的所有根均在圆【图片】内.参考答案:正确144.设【图片】为函数【图片】和【图片】的【图片】阶零点, 则【图片】也是函数【图片】的【图片】阶零点.参考答案:错误145.分式线性函数可以将由两圆弧围成的二角形区域映射成两平行线构成的带形区域.参考答案:错误146.函数【图片】将【图片】平面上的半圆盘【图片】映射成【图片】平面上的单位圆盘【图片】 .参考答案:错误147.不存在整函数将全平面一对一映射成单位圆内部.参考答案:正确148.设函数【图片】是有界区域【图片】内的非常数的解析函数,且在闭域【图片】上连续,则存在【图片】,使得对任意的【图片】,有【图片】,且存在【图片】使得【图片】.参考答案:正确149.函数【图片】在闭区域【图片】上取得最大模的点为【图片】 .参考答案:正确150.分式线性函数【图片】将月牙形区域【图片】映射成().参考答案:左半平面的带形区域151.设函数【图片】在【图片】内的洛朗展式为【图片】,则【图片】的值为 .参考答案:-2152.【图片】为函数【图片】的 ( ).参考答案:可去奇点。



Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(10), 5962-5969Published Online October 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/asshttps:///10.12677/ass.2023.1210818MOOCs持续使用意愿的元分析吴冰,刘心悦同济大学经济与管理学院,上海收稿日期:2023年8月25日;录用日期:2023年10月11日;发布日期:2023年10月23日摘要研究采用元分析法,综合技术接受模型(TAM)和期望确认模型(ECM),同时纳入文化调节因素,构建研究模型,探究MOOCs持续使用意愿的影响因素。


关键词元分析,MOOCs,持续使用,使用意愿,文化差异A Meta-Analysis of Continuance Intentionto Use MOOCsBing Wu, Xinyue LiuSchool of Economics and Management, Tongji University, ShanghaiReceived: Aug. 25th, 2023; accepted: Oct. 11th, 2023; published: Oct. 23rd, 2023AbstractBy using meta-analysis, on basis of extensively collecting empirical studies on the continuous use of MOOCs, this study integrated theories related to technology acceptance model (TAM) and ex-pectation confirmation model (ECM), and included cultural adjustment factors to construct a comprehensive research model, so as to explore the influencing factors of the continuance inten-tion to use MOOCs. The research results show that, firstly, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards using MOOCs, satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and social influence all di-rectly and positively affect the intention to continue using MOOCs, of which satisfaction has the吴冰,刘心悦greatest impact; secondly, expectation confirmation can indirectly have a positive impact on the continuance intention to use MOOCs through satisfaction and perceived usefulness respectively, and both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use can have a positive impact on the conti-nuance intention to use MOOCs through attitudes, thirdly, perceived usefulness and attitude to-wards using MOOCs have a greater impact on the continuance intention to use MOOCs in the indi-vidualistic culture when compared with collectivist culture.KeywordsMeta-Analysis, MOOCs, Continuous Use, Behavioral Intention, Cultural DifferencesThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言MOOCs具有优质、便捷、开放、共享的特点,为教育带来诸多多新的可能,改变了教师、学生和学校之间的传统教与学关系。



mooc职通英语答案1、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where2、--Why are you late for school today?--I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the early bus and I had to _______ the next one. [单选题] *A. wait for(正确答案)B. ask forC. care forD. stand for3、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *A. quiteB. moreC. much(正确答案)D. most4、The car _______ after forty minutes driving, so he didn’t have the interview on time. [单选题] *A. broke down(正确答案)B. broke inC. broke outD. broke up5、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as6、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with7、He prefers to use the word “strange”to describe the way()she walks. [单选题] *A. in which(正确答案)B. by whichC. in thatD. by that8、Three ______ died of water pollution last winter. [单选题] *A. hundreds of villagersB. hundred villagers(正确答案)C. hundreds villagersD. hundred of villagers9、Across the river(). [单选题] *A. lies a new built bridgeB.lies a newly built bridge(正确答案)C. a new built bridge liesD.a newly built bridge lies10、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter11、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since12、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?--I like potatoes best. [单选题] *A. fruitB. vegetable(正确答案)C. drinkD. meat13、We had a(an)_____with him about this problem last night. [单选题] *A.explanationB.impressionC.exhibitionD.discussion(正确答案)14、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also15、18.Who is staying at home now? ________, all of them are out. [单选题] *A.NoneB.No one(正确答案)C.EveryoneD.Nothing16、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)17、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard18、---Where’s that report?---I brought it to you ____you were in Mr. Black’s office yesterday. [单选题] *A. ifB. when(正确答案)C. becauseD. before19、10.﹣Could you please sweep the floor?I’m going to cook dinner.﹣__________.I’ll do it at once,Mom.[单选题] *A.I’m afraid notB.You’re kiddingC.It’s a shameD.My pleasure(正确答案)20、Something must be wrong with the girl’s _______. She can’t hear clearly. [单选题] *A. ears(正确答案)B. noseC. armsD. eyes21、I've never been to Africa, but that is the place(). [单选题] *A. where I most want to visitB. in which I most want to visitC. I most want to visit(正确答案)D. that I want to visit it most22、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film23、My father?is _______ flowers. [单选题] *A. busy watering(正确答案)B. busy waterC. busy with wateringD. busy with water24、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English25、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one26、All he _______ was a coat. [单选题] *A. had on(正确答案)B. had toC. had a restD. had a good time27、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice28、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where29、75.Why not________ for a walk? [单选题] *A.go out(正确答案)B.to go outC.going outD.goes out30、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *A.before…asB. until…whenC. not until…that(正确答案)D.until…that。



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Laborious & Manual Approach
Efficient & Automated Approach
Source: Associated Press
Laborious & Manual Approach
Efficient & Automated Approach
Release paper P4 dwgs & bar bending schedules
Document control delay (1 week)
Iterative process
Release CAD dwg, rebar schedule (*.CSF) in Documentum
Model rebar component (Use digital Prototyping tool)
Issue and resolve TQ’s (Technical Queries)
Site assembly
Preliminary drafting 2 weeks
Back drafting 1 week

The Focus should be on Value Added Growth
Source: Singapore’s Productivity Performance of Economics Division Ministry of Trade and Industry
Source: /workers_stadium
Source: Tekla, Tokyo Sky Tree
The Many Facets and Applications of Strategic Innovation 3D Visualization (Customer Communication/Mockup/Urban Study) 3D “Clash Detection” and Coordination 3D Production (Drawings and Fabrications)
$ / time
Sustainability Emergency
Measuring Productivity Trends of Labor vs. Computer Wage
Rebar factory starts bending
Ship to site
Use model to develop and communicate methods
Check and coordinate detail drawings
Comment on spec
» Automated Cost Estimating and Scheduling » Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Different applications require specific “bridges” and interpretations of 3D geometry. How should we construct and share a product model?
» Object-Oriented Product Modeling » 4D Modeling » Industry Foundation Classes
» Virtual Reality—CAVE
» Thermal Comfort and Energy Simulation » CFD Analysis » Lighting Simulation
Virtual Design & Construction An Introduction
What is Virtual Design & Construction?
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)
Client/Business Objectives Project Objectives BIM+ ICE
Source: Stanford-CIFE
Singapore: Construction Productivity
Singapore’s GDP and Productivity Growth Sectoral Productivity Growth
(3-Year Moving Average)
Why Virtual Design & Construction?
Building Professionals

Building Professionals

Draft spec
Update spec
Release spec
Preliminary design
GA drawings
Preliminary RC detailing
Refine RC details and concept for buildability/ detailing
Prepare RC detail drawings (drafting)
Cost Estimate & Value Engr. 3D+Time Visualization Life-Cycle Cost/Environmental Impact
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
4 6 Scanning 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3D2 Laser
Hour of the day (Cases: 1. Base case & 2. Case 2, Better Solar Shielding) People Window (cond. + rad.)
empowered by

< Age 20
Age 21 - 30
Age 31 - 45
Age 46 - 80
> Age 81
< Age 20
Age 21 - 30
Age 31 - 45
Age 46 - 80
> Age 81
Current State Process, T5 Rebar Detailing for Construction
Design input/ changes
NOTE: Design changes during detailing (from: architecture, baggage, systems, etc.) are upsetting RC drawing development.
International Adoption of VDC
Source: www. /
Assess state-of-the-art technologies and information standard:
CAD check (1d/dwg)
Check against engineering calcs (.5d /dwg)
Most of the checking process is done concurrently with RC detail development.
Detailed engineering design information Consists of: engineering calculations, sketches, etc.
Automation Simulation Optimization Smart Building
Accuracy, Efficiency
Accuracy, Efficiency Informed Decision Better Informed Decision On-Demand Controls & Access
Independent final check & sign off (2 weeks)
Building control check & sign off (BAA, time?)
BAA building control accepts the opinion of the independent design check - and does not perform a check of its own
NOTE: Drawings are batched into sectionsthen subdivided into building components. Each component is an assembly package, e.g. rail box floor, wall, etc. The number of drawing sheets per building component vary depending on the work. On ART for example, each component may consist of 8-15 GA drawings and 8-15 RC detail drawings. All of the GA drawings are complete pending changes from other design disciplines