





【操作】将中药细辛研成粉末,取一小匙(5~10克)于红醋3~5ml均匀调成浓糊状,将此膏置于2.5cm×2.5cm 的消毒敷料上,外衬稍大面积的医用胶布,药膏面向里贴于肚脐,用胶布固定,每日更换1次,换药时用清水洗净肚脐皮肤,拭干后再敷,以免棋布皮肤潮湿、糜烂、感染。






1.心电图:左室肥大伴复极异常,心脏彩超: EF48%(2015.9.25为62%),提示射血分数较 前下降。 2.尿常规:潜血阳性,蛋白3+。
1.心电监测、吸氧。 2. 止痛治疗:吗啡注射液皮下注射;吗啡栓剂
应用;口服羟考酮缓释片,10毫克 Q12h。 3.心脏毒性治疗:口服单硝酸异山梨酯片。 4.手足综合征:停止口服艾坦;外用扶他林
肿瘤病人在接受化疗或分子靶向治疗的过程 中可出现。
HFS的特征表现为麻木、感觉迟钝、感觉异常、 麻刺感、无痛感或疼痛感,皮肤肿胀或红斑, 脱屑、皲裂、硬结样水泡或严重的疼痛等。
根据美国国立癌症研究所(NCI)分级标准 对手足综合征分为三级。
根据美国国立癌症研究所(NCI)分级标准对 手足综合征分为三级。
1.加强交接班,准确记录导管留置长度。 2.每日观察穿刺处有无渗血、渗液,测量臂
围,定时更换贴膜以及正压接头,导管贴 膜松动及时更换,妥善固定。 3.向患者做宣教,告知患者活动时避免导管 牵拉。
手足综合征(hand foot syndromes,HFS): 是手掌-足底感觉迟钝或化疗引起的肢端红 斑,是一种皮肤毒性。
2.加强与患者沟通,指导患者通过阅读、听广 播、听音乐等方式转移注意力以缓解疼痛 。
3.尽可能满足患者对舒适的要求,保持室内环 境安静、整洁、舒适。
1.加强与患者沟通,注意观察患者情绪变化, 及时了解患者心理需求并满足。
2.向患者讲解必要的疾病知识,缓解患者紧张 焦虑情绪,增强患者治疗的信心。


手足综合症是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,主要影响手和脚的发育。 目前,手足综合症的治疗方法主要是通过手术和物理治疗来改善患者的生活质量。 最近的研究发现,手足综合症可能与某些基因突变有关,这为未来的治疗提供了新的方向。 研究人员正在探索新的治疗方法,包括基因治疗和干细胞治疗,以改善患者的生活质量。
神经电生理检 查:进行神经 传导速度、肌 电图等神经电 生理检查,以 了解神经功能
手足综合症的症状:皮肤红肿、 疼痛、瘙痒等
鉴别诊断的疾病:湿疹、皮炎、 过敏性皮炎等
鉴别诊断的方法:皮肤科检查、 血液检查、影像学检查等
鉴别诊断的注意事项:注意观察 患者的症状和病史,避免误诊
避免接触刺激性物质,如肥 皂、洗涤剂等
定期修剪指甲,防止指甲过 长
保持良好的饮食习惯,多吃 蔬菜水果,补充维生素和矿
适当运动,增强体质,提高 免疫力
定期进行健康检查,及时发 现并治疗疾病
饮食清淡,避免 辛辣刺激性食物
多吃富含维生素 和矿物质的食物, 如蔬菜、水果、 瘦肉等
适量摄入蛋白质, 如鸡蛋、牛奶、 豆制品等
保持水分平衡, 多喝水,避免脱 水
康复训练目的:帮助患者恢复肢 体功能,提高生活质量
康复训练频率:根据患者病情和 康复进度,制定合适的训练频率
康复训练内容:包括肌肉力量训 练、关节活动度训练、平衡训练 等
康复训练注意事项:注意训练强 度和训练时间,避免过度训练导 致病情加重
患者年龄: 35岁
症状:手指 和脚趾麻木、 疼痛、肿胀



• 表皮角化细胞可以合成PDGF-α和 PDGF-β,这些因子可活化真皮毛细 血管、纤维母细胞和分泌腺表面 的PDGFR。
• 外分泌腺还表达c-kit和PDGFR。 索拉非尼和舒尼替尼正好抑制这 些靶点,导致血管修复机制失常。
NCI 标准*:1级HFS症状
NCI 标准*: 2级HFS症状
NCI 标准*: 3级HFS症状
• 可见淋巴细胞浸润和毛细 血管扩张。
➢ 综合多项国外大样本Ⅱ/Ⅲ期研究,卡培他滨相关性手足综合征 的发生率多在48%~62%,最高亦有74%的报道,而3~4级的发 生率在10%~24%。
➢HFS在治疗的1~4个周期(中位2个周期) 中出现,而且药物减量 可以影响HFS的自然病程。
PLD剂量 样本量
Eric PujadeLauraine
卵巢癌 30mg/m2/4周
Robert Z. Orlowski
多发性骨 髓瘤
所有级别 PPE发生率


[3]李娟 冯莉霞 . 复合维生素 B 族防治卡培他滨所致手足综合征 的观察与护理 [J]. 护士进修杂志, 2015,(10) .
[4]董元鸽 陆箴琦 杨瑒 . 手足综合征病人生活质量量表的研究进 展 [J]. 护理研究, 2015,(34) .doi:10.3969/j.issn.10096493.2015.34.006 .
• HFS通常发生在化疗用药后多长时间?
• 希罗达 • 多柔比星脂质体 • 5-氟尿嘧啶 • 多西他赛 • 替加氟
1. 手足综合征的定义 2. 手足综合征的分级 3. 手足综合征的护理
• 维生素B6 希罗达治疗同时合并使用大剂量维生素
• 塞来昔布 目前认为基于HFS的病理表现,考虑是一种炎性反应,
可能和环氧化酶过于表达有关,环氧化酶特异性抑制剂可能有 助于预防HFS或HFS的程度。
• 糖皮质激素 糖皮质激素与脂溶性维生素合用,可促进脂质的抗
• 制订营养计划,每日更换食物品种,促进食欲,达到营养均衡。
确保每天饮水量>2500ml。保持大、小便通畅,以促进体内药物 排泄,减少对机体的伤害。
[1]林雅芳,林朝春,林云月.乳腺癌患者使用多柔比星脂质体所 致手足综合症的护理[J].大家健康(学术版),2013,(7):234235.
[2]许丽媛,梁莹.30例化疗致手足综合症的护理[J].中日友好医 院学报,2013,27(2):126—127.












手足综合征(hand foot syndromes,HFS)又称掌跖感觉丧失性红斑综合征。



1 HFS发病机理希罗达的临床广泛应用,手足综合征的报道越来越多,研究显示:其总发生率为44%一56%[2],最高可达45%一68%,国内报道为43%[3],HFS的发生与卡培他滨剂量相关,存在剂量依赖性,有学者认为可能与药物在皮肤内的储积有关,也可能是5一FU的代谢产物在皮肤内储积所致。

卡培他滨所致HFS的发生率及严重程度与年龄、性别、既往是否用过5一FU 均无关。


HFS 病理表现为非特异性炎症性改变,到目前为止尚没有统一的病理学诊断标准,显微镜下可看到皮肤基底角质细胞空泡变性、皮肤血管周围淋巴细胞浸润,更要引起重视的是显微镜下更多看到的是血管舒张、水肿。



3 临床发生几率及分级
当卡培他 滨 的 日用量 介于 2000~2500r ag/(in。·d)时 , HFS的发生率更高 ,通 常在患者接受化疗 的两个 周期 内开始 发 生。相关报道称 ,几乎有 半数服用卡培他滨 的患者会发生 不 同程度 的手 足综 合征 ,约 10% 左右 可达 Ⅲ ~Ⅳ级 |55_。手 足综 合征被证明是卡培他滨 (capecitaBine)的一种 剂量限制 性毒性 ,故其严重程度 (1lI~1V级 )常可导致 卡培他滨的减 量 或停 药 ,影 响疗 效。根 据加 拿大 国立癌 症研 究院 (CTG) 常 见毒性 反应 分级 标准 ,可将 卡培 他滨所 致 的 HFS分 为Ⅳ
浙江临床医学2017年3 箜 鲞箜 塑
· 581·
童 竹 月 王彬 彬★
手 足综合征 (HFS)是一类 因使用相关化 疗药物所 引发 的不 良反应 。其临床表现多 为感 觉异常或迟钝 ,有麻刺感 或 疼痛 ,皮肤 红斑 ,严重 时可 出现脱屑 、溃疡等皮损 ,故 又称 为 掌趾感觉丧 失性红斑 综合征 (PPES o临床 上常 以使 用卡 培他滨 、环磷酰胺 、长春瑞滨 等化疗 药物后多见 ,其 中又以 卡 培他滨最 具代表 性。 目前 卡培他 滨被广 泛应用 于结肠癌 、 胃癌及 晚期 乳腺 癌等 实体 瘤 中 ,其联 合化 疗 的有效 率均 在 45% 左右 …1。但 由于 临床 上 HFS的发生率 较高 ,不仅影 响 患者 的生活质量 ,同时也会 因此调整化疗药物 的剂量甚至终 止化疗 ,进 而降低治疗效果 。因此对手足综合征 的早期 预防 和早期 治疗 显得尤为迫切和重要 。
4 现代 医学 对手 足综 合征 的治 疗措 施
4.1 早期 教育 和干预 在患 者开始 服用卡 培他滨 前应及 时 进行 宣 传教 育 ,通过 患 者 自我 监测 可 尽早 发 现相 关 症状 , 从 而 做 到 早 期 干 预 , 以 减 缓 HFS的发 生 程 度 。Ka|aivani Murugan等 的研 究发现对 接受卡培他滨治 疗的患者 中进 行有 关手足综合征方面 自我鉴定 和管 理的知识 普及可 以减少化疗 过程 中 HFS的发 生率及程 度 6。另外在 治疗期 间尽量鼓 励 患者多穿宽松 的鞋袜 、手套 ,避免手 足的频繁摩擦和过度受 压 ;应用 相关护肤 品对受 累皮肤进行保湿 ,且 注意避免在阳 光下 直接 曝晒 ,加剧指 (趾 )端末梢炎症 反应 。 4.2 环 氧化酶 抑制剂 根据 手足综合 征病 理性改 变过 程 中 炎症 细胞 的作用 ,有学 者提 出通过 特异 性地 抑制 环氧 化酶 2(COX一2)的表 达 预 防 HFS的 发 生 或 减 轻 HFS的程 度 。 RX Zhang等 [,]前 瞻性 随机性研 究发 现 ,将 Ⅱ期 和 Ⅲ期 结 肠癌 患者随机分为 2组 ,试验组服用卡 培他滨联合塞来昔 布 , 对照组 服用 卡培他 滨 ,结果 提示 I或 Ⅱ级 HFS发 生率 在试 验 组为 57.5%,在对照 组为 74.6%,两组 比较 差异有统计 学 意义 (P<O.O1 o此 外通 过多 变量 Cox比例风 险 回归分 析表 明塞来昔 布是 唯一影 响≥ I级或 ≥ Ⅱ级 HFS发生率 的因素。 塞来昔布 是一类选 择性抑制 环氧化 酶 一2的药物 ,有 临床研 究报道其不仅 能特异性地抑 制 Cox一2,以减少前列 腺素类物 质的产生 ,起到镇痛消炎 的作用 ,同时还 能发 挥诱导肿瘤细 胞 凋亡 ,抑制肿瘤细胞增殖 ,增加化疗药物疗 效的作用 。 4.3 维生素 B 迄今 为止 尚无基础研究揭 示维生素 B 使用 后对 改善手足综合征 的机理 ,但 大多数 的临床观察试验表明 大剂量的维生素 B 可减轻 HFS的症状 ,提高患者对卡培他滨 的耐受性 。李 向民 [8]对使 用单药希罗达或方案中含有希罗达 的 120例晚期乳腺癌 、胃癌 、结直肠 癌化疗患者的研究 中发现 , 维生素 B 对 卡培他滨改善手足综合征的作 用与剂量有关 ,大 剂量维生 素 B (300m ̄ )可以减少手足综合征的发生。J0 sJ 等 meta分析发现虽然维生素 B 不能有效预 防 HFS的发生 , 但大剂量 的维生素 B 对治疗 HFS有重要作用 。 4.4 减 少药量 或停 药 HFS的发 生与 卡培他 滨 的使用 剂量 呈正相关 ,使用 剂量越 大 ,发生率 相对越 高 [10]。 目前 临床 上对 于发生 I级反应 的患者 ,一般不 予处 理 ;对于出现 Ⅱ或 Ⅲ级反应 的患者 ,则应及 可再 次给药。但对发生 Ⅲ级 HFS






















1. 了解手足综合征,关爱化疗后的自己。


2. 抗击肿瘤,不惧手足综合征。


3. 贴心关怀,缓解手足之痛。


4. 手足综合征不可怕,我们为你护航。


5. 预防手足综合征,从细节开始。


6. 携手对抗手足综合征,共同迈向健康之路。





NCI 标准*: 2级HFS症状
2级:出现手或/和足出现伴有疼痛的红斑和肿胀或/和不适,且 影响到日常生活。
NCI 标准*: 3级HFS症状
3级手足综合症为出现皮肤脱落、溃疡、水泡或手和/或足出现严 重的疼痛和/或严重不适导致患者无法工作或无法进行日常活动。
分级 临床表现 手掌足跟麻木、瘙痒、 无痛性红斑和肿胀 功能影响 感觉不适, 不会影响正常活动
89 %
24 %
• 尽管传统化疗药物与 MKI 诱发的掌跖反应在体征、症状和发病机 制方面基本相同,为了区别起见,通常采用HFS描述与细胞毒性药 物所致的症状,而采用 HFSR 描述靶向治疗药物产生的反应。
• HFS平均发生在用药后的时间范围为11-360天。部位常见于手足 掌面。晚期可出现色素沉着,皮肤干燥。
• 起始剂量 • 累积剂量 • 在起始治疗6周内不断增加的剂量强度 • 长治疗周期 • 高龄 • 体力状况好(即ECOG为 0分者) • 女性
Hoffmann La Roche, data on file.
• 脂质体阿霉素应用周期
交大二附院肿瘤科 刁岩
• 手足综合症(Hand-foot syndrome,HFS) ,也称为掌跖感觉丧失性红斑综 合征(Palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome,PPES),是化疗药物 引起的一种皮肤毒性。
• 手掌-足底为主的四肢末端红斑和感觉异常。包括:麻木、感觉迟钝、感觉
• 基底角质细胞空泡变性、皮肤 血管周围淋巴细胞浸润、角质 细胞凋亡和皮肤水肿。 • 炎性改变、血管扩张、水肿和 白细胞浸润。 • 电镜下可见小神经纤维病变。



中国癌症症状管理实践指南钟美华,穆蕾蕾,刘冬梅.多磺酸粘多糖乳膏经超声电导联合护理干预防治手足综合征的有效性研究[J].中华现代护理杂志,2017,23(15):1987-1990.Johannes J.M. Kwakman, Yannick S. Elshot, Cornelis J.A. Punt,et al.Management of cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced hand-foot syndrome[J].Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Oncology Reviews 2020; 14:442.
Johannes J.M. Kwakman, Yannick S. Elshot, Cornelis J.A. Punt,et al.Management of cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced hand-foot syndrome[J].Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Oncology Reviews 2020; 14:442.Chen, J; Wang, Z.How to conduct integrated pharmaceutical care for patients with hand-foot syndrome associated with chemotherapeutic agents and targeted drugs[J].J ONCOL PHARM PRACT. 2021;27(4):919-929.



患者情况介绍 治疗过程及效果
治疗方案选择 患者康复情况
手足综合症患者的治疗过程和 康复经验
手足综合症对家庭和社会的影 响及应对措施
手足综合症患者及其家庭成员 的心理调适与支持
手足综合症的预防和早期干预 的重要性
Байду номын сангаас
药物治疗的原理和作用机制 常用的药物治疗方法和药物种类 药物治疗的适应症和禁忌症 药物治疗的注意事项和副作用
冷敷:对手足 部位进行冷敷, 缓解疼痛和肿

热敷:对手足 部位进行热敷, 促进血液循环
按摩:对手足 部位进行轻柔 的按摩,缓解 肌肉紧张和疼

运动:进行适 当的运动,如 手部和足部的 伸展运动,以 增加关节灵活 性和肌肉力量
发病机制:化疗药物引 起血管内皮细胞损伤, 导致炎症反应和血管病 变
手足综合症的临 床表现:疼痛、 麻木、感觉异常 等
手足综合症的诊 断标准:根据症 状、体征、影像 学检查等进行综 合评估
手足综合症的严 重程度分级:根 据症状的严重程 度分为轻度、中 度和重度
手足综合症的治 疗方法:药物治 疗、物理治疗和 手术治疗等
定期进行体检,及 早发现手足综合症 的迹象
保持健康的生活方 式,包括饮食均衡、 适量运动和良好的 睡眠
避免长时间保持同 一姿势,如久坐、 久站等
对于高危人群,如 老年人、长期从事 重体力劳动的人, 应特别注意手足的 保健和护理
保持手足清洁 干燥,避免接
避免长时间站 立或行走,适
选择合适的鞋 子和袜子,避 免过紧或过小



定期进行神经电生理检查,如肌电图、神经传 导速度测定等,以客观评估神经功能的损害情
密切观察患者的神经症状变化,如感觉异常、 肌力减退等,及时发现并处理神经功能异常。
通过冷敷减少局部充血和疼痛,热敷促进血 液循环和缓解疼痛。
遵医嘱给予止痛药或局部麻醉药,以缓解严 重疼痛。
指导患者进行正确的按摩和压迫手法,以减 轻疼痛和不适感。
合理安排休息时间,避免过度活动导致疼痛 加剧。
溃疡愈合后,应尽早开始康复训练,帮助患者恢复手足功能,提高 生活质量。
康复训练需要持续进行,并根据患者的恢复情况及时调整训练计划 ,以达到最佳效果。
06 患者教育与家属参与模式构建
为患者提供化疗相关知 识、手足综合征的识别 与处理等健康教育课程 ,增强患者的自我防范 意识和处理能力。
随着化疗疗程的延长,手足综合征的 发生率可能逐渐增加。同时,连续化 疗也会增加该综合征的严重程度。
1 2
通过采取预防措施,可以有效降低手足综合征的 发生率,从而提高患者的化疗耐受性和生活质量 。
即使手足综合征发生,通过及时的预防和治疗措 施,也可以减轻其严重程度,缩短恢复时间。
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RESEARCH ARTICLEPathogenesis of Hand-Foot Syndrome induced by PEG-modified liposomal DoxorubicinNoriyuki Yokomichi •Teruaki Nagasawa •Ariella Coler-Reilly •Hiroyuki Suzuki •Yoshiki Kubota •Ryosuke Yoshioka •Akiko Tozawa •Nao Suzuki •Yoko YamaguchiReceived:5November 2012/Accepted:11December 2012/Published online:6February 2013ÓThe Author(s)2013.This article is published with open access at Abstract PEGL-DOX is an excellent treatment for recurrent ovarian cancer that rarely causes side-effects like cardiotoxicity or hair loss,but frequently results in Hand-Foot Syndrome (HFS).In severe cases,it can become necessary to reduce the PEGL-DOX concentration or the duration of the drug therapy,sometimes making it difficult to continue treatment.In this study,we prepared an animal model to compare the effects of DOX versus PEGL-DOX,and we noticed that only treatment with PEGL-DOX resulted in HFS,which led us to conclude that extravasa-tion due to long-term circulation was one of the causes of HFS.In addition,we were able to show that the primary factor leading to the skin-specific outbreaks in the extremities was the appearance of reactive oxygen species (ROS)due to interactions between DOX and the metallic Cu(II)ions abundant in skin tissue.ROS directly disturb the surrounding tissue and simultaneously induce kerati-nocyte-specific apoptosis.Keratinocytes express the ther-moreceptor TRPM2,which is thought to be able to detect ROS and stimulate the release of chemokines (IL-8,GRO,Fractalkine),which induce directed chemotaxis in neutro-phils and other blood cells.Those cells and the keratino-cytes then undergo apoptosis and simultaneously release IL-1b ,IL-1a ,and IL-6,which brings about an inflamma-tory state.In the future,we plan to develop preventative as well as therapeutic treatments by trapping the ROS.Keywords Hand-Foot Syndrome (HFS)ÁPalmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE)ÁPegylated liposomaldoxorubicin ÁDrug delivery system (DDS)ÁReactive oxygen species (ROS)IntroductionStandard cancer treatments currently include surgery,radiation therapy,and chemotherapies such as anticancer drugs;however,there are advantages and disadvantages to each treatment.The specific course of treatment is chosen based on the cancer’s rate of progression,but in most cases,the standard of care is to choose a chemotherapeutic anti-cancer drug.Hair loss,pancytopenia,and nausea/vomiting are the side-effects most typically seen with anticancer drug treatment,but there have also been serious adverse reactions in the skin.These reactions cause intense pain in the hands and feet,and the phenomenon is known as Hand-Foot Syndrome (HFS)or Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthe-sia (PPE)[1].In cases where HFS is severe,patients experience difficulty walking and lose the ability to hold objects in the hands,everyday life becomes significantly impaired,and it may become difficult to continue the cancer treatment.Anticancer drugs that have been found to frequently cause outbreaks of HFS include:fluoropyrimidines like capecitabine,which is used to treat colorectal cancer andN.Yokomichi (&)ÁA.Tozawa ÁN.SuzukiDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology,St.Marianna University School of Medicine,2-16-1Sugao,Miyamae,Kawasaki,Kanagawa 216-8511,Japan e-mail:n.yokomichi@ n.yokomichi@marianna-u.ac.jpT.Nagasawa ÁH.Suzuki ÁY.Kubota ÁR.Yoshioka ÁY.YamaguchiNANOEGG ÒResearch Laboratories Inc,2-16-1Sugao,Miyamae,Kawasaki,Kanagawa 216-8512,Japan A.Coler-Reilly ÁY.YamaguchiInstitute of Medical Science,St.Marianna University School of Medicine,2-16-1Sugao,Miyamae,Kawasaki,Kanagawa 216-8512,JapanHuman Cell (2013)26:8–18DOI 10.1007/s13577-012-0057-0breast cancer;anthracycline,which is used against malig-nant solid tumors;a PEG-modified liposomal doxorubicin formulation(PEGL-DOX),which is used against recurrent ovarian cancer[2];docetaxel,which is used against a wide variety of cancers;and sorafenib or sunitinib,which are molecular target drugs used against kidney cancer.The frequencies with which certain drugs can induce HFS are ranked as follows:PEGL-DOX as the highest at approxi-mately78%,next is capecitabine at51–78%,andfinally sorafenib at about55%[3].Anticancer drugs are made to cause cellular malfunctions, but the particular reasons for the occurrence of side effects like pain in the hands and feet,reddening and cracking of the skin,numbness,and erythema(red spots)are not understood in much detail.For that reason,there are currently no effective treatments,and the standard practice is to recom-mend moisturizer,or topical steroids in severe cases.PEGL-DOX is exceedingly effective in treating recurrent ovarian cancer without causing side effects like cardiotox-icity,neutropenia,anemia,alopecia,or nausea/vomiting. However,because of the frequency with which HFS occurs, there is a high risk that the patient’s quality of life will severely decline.With regards to insuring the completion of medical treatment,it is extremely important to establish precautionary measures.Therefore,in order to elucidate the mechanism of HFS outbreaks,we carried out in vivo experiments to analyze skin histology in the extremities, cytokine analyses,and in vitro experiments in skin cells. Materials and methodsChemicalsDoxorubicin(DOX,generic for Adriamycin)was obtained from Nippon Kayaku(Tokyo,Japan).In order to make PEGL-DOX(trade name DoxilÒ),a PEG-modified lipo-somal formulation of DOX,lecithin and polyoxyethyle-nated lecithin were obtained from NOF(Tokyo,Japan). Methanol,chloroform,copper chloride,and Mayer’s Hematoxylin and Eosin were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries(Osaka,Japan).Fluorescein sodium salt was purchased for thefluorescent dye experiments from Sigma-Aldrich(St.Louis,MO,USA).DeadEnd TM Fluorometric TUNEL System was purchased for TUNEL staining from Promega(Madison,WI,USA).AnimalsSix-week-old female SD rats and hairless rats were pur-chased from Japan SLC(Shizuoka,Japan),and were used for experiments after1week of rest.The rats were raised in independent cages in50–60%humidity,23±1°C environment with light from0630to1830hours(12-h light–dark cycle)and were given ad libitum access to food and water.All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for Animal Experimenta-tion of St.Marianna University School of Medicine.Cell cultureFrom in vitro experiment,pathogenesis of HFS was expected to be a leakage of doxorubicin from peripheral vascular in the dermal layer in skin.As it was assumed that the cell in skin should be directly affected by doxorubicin alone,all in vitro experiments have been performed with doxorubicin alone.HaCaT cell lines derived from human keratinocytes were received from Dr.Masamitsu Ichihashi of the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine,Department of Dermatology.Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts(NHDF cells)were purchased from KURABO Industries.HaCaT were cultured using Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM;Life Technologies,Carlsbad,CA,USA),and NHDF were cultured using DMEM supplemented with GlutaMAX TM Supplement I(Life Technologies,Carlsbad, CA,USA).The media were supplemented with10%fetal bovine serum,100U of penicillin,and100U of strepto-mycin.The cells were cultured at5%CO2and37°C.Preparation of the PEGL-DOXPEGL-DOX was produced from raw materials in the lab-oratory according to the Sadzuka method[4],but the steps involvingfiltration to equalize the particle sizes and the subsequent confirmation of the average particle size were omitted.L-a-distearoylphosphatidyl-DL-glycerol(DSPG,a PEG-modified lecithin)and lecithin were dissolved in a1:4 methanol:chloroform solution and formed a thinfilm on the surface of theflask after the solvent was removed using a rotary evaporator in a35°C hot water bath.Aqueous DOX solution and sorbitol/lactic-acid solution was then added to theflask,and it was stirred for15min in a60°C hot water bath.After3min of sonication,thefinal product was a 0.2%weight/volume PEGL-DOX solution.Physico-chemical properties of PEGL-DOX were confirmed the following methods:(1)observation of aflow birefringence under a polarizing plate,and(2)semi-transparent without turbidity because of emulsified turbid appearance of lipo-some without modified PEG.Preparation of the HFS animal modelsIn order to determine whether the liposome formulation of doxorubicin developed from HFS onset,we have carried out comparative experiments with doxorubicin alone.ToPathogenesis of Hand-Foot Syndrome9prepare the HFS animal models,PEGL-DOX and/or DOX (at10and5mg/kg,respectively)was administered to SD rats via the tail veins once every3days for10days.The limbs were visually inspected and photographed10days later.Afterwards,skin tissue samples from the hind limbs were collected,fixed in formalin,and embedded in paraf-fin.In non-clinical studies reported by dealers in DOXILÒ, they did notfind onset HFS for each additive of the PEGL-DOX preparation.Thus,in the present study,administra-tion of the experiment in vivo was not performed for each additive to confirm the onset of HFS.Tissue StainingThe formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded skin tissue was sliced into4l m sections,deparaffinized,rehydrated,H&E stained,and then observed under an optical microscope. Picrosirius Red staining was applied in order to observe the state of the dermal collagenfibers and visualized under a polarized light microscope.TUNEL staining with the DeadEnd TM Fluorometric TUNEL System was used to detect apoptosis and visualized under afluorescence microscope(BIOZERO;KEYENCE,Osaka,Japan). Measurement of cytokine expression in vivoand in vitroInflammatory cytokines and chemokines were measured in order to investigate the origins of HFS.After the application of the PEGL-DOX treatment,the hind-leg skin tissue was collected and used to measure in vivo expression levels.First the tissue was homogenized,then the samples were centri-fuged,andfinally the supernatant was analyzed using the Rat Cytokine Antibody Array(RayBiotech,North Metro-Atlanta, GA,USA).In addition,in vitro experiments were conducted in order to clarify the influence of DOX on skin cells,spe-cifically epithelial cells.HaCaT cells were cultured in media supplemented with DOX and CuCl2,and the inflammatory cytokines were measured using the Human Cytokine Anti-body Array(RayBiotech).IL-8,GRO,and Fractalkine che-mokines of the CXC family,which corresponds to the CINC3 rat chemokine family were quantified using the Luminex200 system(Millipore,Billerica,MA,USA).Similar experiments were also carried out using NHDF.Creation of a visualizable model of a PEG-modified liposomal drug usingfluoresceinIn order to investigate the phenomenon by which HFS develops selectively in the limbs rather than throughout the whole body,fluorescein(FS)was used to create an easily visualizable model of a PEG-modified liposomal drug.The PEG-modified liposomalfluorescein(PEGL-FS)drug was prepared exactly as the PEGL-DOX drug was prepared.FS or PEGL-FS was administered to hairless rats via the tail vein,and whole-body FS was visualized under a long-wavelength ultraviolet lamp(UVGL-58Handheld UV Lamp;UVP,Upland,CA,USA).Observations commenced immediately after drug administration,and photographs were taken periodically.Skin samples were collected from the soles of the hind-paws at1,7,and24h after drug administration.The OCT compound-embedded tissue was cut into10-l m frozen sections and observed under afluo-rescence microscope.Measurement of DOX toxicity in vitroHaCaT and NHDF cell cultures were used to evaluate the toxicity of DOX in vivo.DOX was added at various con-centrations(0.1–10l M)to the media,and the percentage of viable cells was measured24h later using Cell Counting Kit-8(CCK8;Dojindo Laboratories,Kumamoto,Japan). Results showed that1.5l M exhibited a moderate level of toxicity that was appropriate for the toxicity tests to follow (Fig.1).To test the toxicity in the presence of copper ions, various concentrations of copper chloride(50or375l M) were added to1.5l M DOX media.After24h of culturing, the survival rate was again measured using CCK8.Finally, to test the degree of inhibition of ROS by SODs,100l g/ml SOD(Sigma-Aldrich)was added to the medium,and12h later the survival rate was again measured.Statistical analysisDunnett’s and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests were used to analyze the results of in vitro experiments.The software used was R v.2.15.1[5].Fig.1Survival rate of human skin cells following DOX treatments. HaCaT and NHDF cells were cultured with DOX for24h before counting.The values are presented as mean±SD(n=3).Signif-icantly different from control:*p\0.05,**p\0.0110N.Yokomichi et al.ResultsInjections of PEGL-DOX yielded an HFS-like disease stateSingle or multiple doses of high-dose (10mg/kg)or low-dose (5mg/kg)DOX or PEGL-DOX were administered intravenously to SD female rats,whose limbs were then observed for signs of inflammation or redness.Changes in appearance were compared within single-dose or multiple-dose groups (Fig.2a,b).Within the single-dose group,immediately following PEGL-DOX administration,reddening was observed in the forepaws,hind-paws,ears,and at the tip of the nose;however,no such change was observed after DOX administration even after high-dose treatment (Fig.2a).The redness that appeared was transient and disappeared after 5–10min.Since the thickness of the rat limb skin is very thin,we can normally see the blood vessel through the skin.Because PEGL-DOX has a red color,observed tran-sient redness after injection would correspond to the nat-ural color of PEGL-DOX.Within the multiple-dose group,inflammation was observed after multiple low-dose PEGL-DOX treatments,and the change was even more striking after high-dose treatments (Fig.2b).This observed state of inflammation,swelling,and dryness was judged to be similar enough to human HFS to conclude that HFS had indeed broken out in these rat limbs [6].Skin tissue staining revealed multiple adverse affects of high-dose PEGL-DOXH&E staining clearly revealed the following effects of multiple doses of high-dose PEGL-DOX as compared to an untreated control group:a thinned or even absent granular layer,a decrease in the number of cells between the basal layer and the stratum spinosum,a rougher arrangement of cells,and a thinning of the epithelial layer (Fig.3a).On the other hand,the dermal fibroblasts appeared relatively unaffected.Picrosirius red staining,which stains collagen fibers,revealed disarranged and broken collagen fibers in the multiple-dose PEGL-DOX group (Fig.3b).TUNEL staining,which is a marker for apoptosis,showed that apoptosis was induced in basal epidermal cells in the PEGL-DOX group (Fig.3c).In other words,the results of the TUNEL staining imply that HFS is related to apoptosis induced in epidermal cells.Antibody array showed increased expression of chemokines and inflammatory cytokinesThe proteins expressed in the regions of the rat skin tissue affected by the PEGL-DOX treatment were measured using an antibody array.Markedly increased expression of mul-tiple proteins was confirmed:the chemokines CINC3and Fractalkine,the IL-family-inhibitory IL-10,and inflam-matory cytokines such as IL-1b and IL-6(Fig.4).PEGL-FS yielded more persistent fluorescence than unaltered FS in rat pawsImmediately following administration of PEGL-FS or FS (unaltered fluorescein),very strong fluorescence was observed in the extremities.This fluorescenceweakenedFig.2Rat paws (SD,female,7weeks)after intravenous injection of DOX or PEGL-DOX.a Appearance immediately after 10mg/kg injection.b Appearance after multiple doses.Doses were adminis-tered once every 3days,and photos were taken on the 10th day.Blue circles indicate particularly inflamed areasPathogenesis of Hand-Foot Syndrome 11over time but remained strong in the paws even after 3h,and a small amount of fluorescence remained after 7h in the PEGL-FS group (Fig.5a).Tissue sections at 1h after treatment with either PEGL-FS or FS exhibited fluorescence over the entire dermal layer,indicating a high level of FS retention.It is assumed that the FS leaked out of the capillaries in the dermal layer (Fig.5b).At this point,the PEGL-FS had already started to spread to the epidermis and exhibit fluorescence there.In sections at 7h after treatment,the fluorescence had become concentrated at the upper stratum corneum,which suggested that the fluorescent dye had diffused from the dermis through the epithelium and arrived at the stratum corneum.In the PEGL-FS group,in contrast to theFSFig.3Tissue staining in rat (SD,female,7weeks)paw skin after 10mg/kg PEGL-DOX injection.a H&E staining.Epidermal layer was thinned with respect to control (epidermal layer is shown in blue between the pink stratum corneum and lighter blue dermal layer).b Picrosirius red staining.Color of stain in order of decreasingstrength and thickness of fibers:red ,yellow ,green .PEGL-DOX group displayed disarranged and broken collagen fibers.c TUNEL staining.Red marks nuclei,green marks apoptosis.Only basal cells show signs of apoptosis.(a –c )scale bar 50l m12N.Yokomichi et al.group,a small but noticeable amount of fluorescence remained in the dermis.In addition,the concentration of fluorescence in the stratum corneum appeared slightly higher in the PEGL-FS group than the FS group.DOX and Cu(II)ions increased productionof chemokines and cytokines and lowered cell survival rates,which were rescued by SODIn the regions of the rat skin tissue affected by the PEGL-DOX treatment were measured using an antibody-array,markedly increased expression of multiple cytokines was confirmed:the chemokines CINC3and Fractalkine,the IL-family-inhibitory IL-10,and inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b and IL-6(Fig.4).Therefore,we studied this mechanism in detail in vitro.HaCaT and NHDF cells were treated with various concentrations of DOX (0.1–10l M)and survival rates were determined after 24h.Results showed that 1.5l M exhibited a moderate level of toxicity that was appropriate for toxicity tests to follow (Fig.1).The presence of the 1.5l M DOX did not detectably increase the production of chemokines in the HaCaT cells,but the addition of Cu(II)ions caused increased production of the aforementioned CXC chemokines GRO and IL-8,with the production volume dependent on the Cu(II)ion concentration (Fig.6a).However,in the NHDF cells,neither DOX alone nor the combination of DOX and Cu(II)ions yielded increased production of chemokines;in fact,DOX appeared to inhibit chemokine production.The effects of DOX and Cu(II)ions on inflammatory cytokine production varied across different cytokines and different cell types (Fig.6b).HaCaT cells produced IL-1a and IL-6in response to the presence of DOX,and pro-duction was further amplified by the addition of Cu(II)ions.The production of IL-1b rose in the presence of DOXcombined with a very high concentration of Cu(II)ions.By contrast,NHDF cells exhibited no noticeable response to DOX alone,and the addition of Cu(II)ions stimulated an increase in only IL-b production.Without the addition of DOX,the survival rate of Ha-CaT cells remained relatively constant across varying concentrations of Cu(II)ions (Fig.7).However,in the presence of DOX,the survival rate of the cells rapidly decreased with increasing Cu(II)ion concentration.By contrast,the NDHF cells were relatively unaffected by the combination of DOX and Cu(II)ions.The addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD)improved this HaCaT cell survival (Fig.8).DiscussionA variety of research has been conducted on the relation-ship between Doxil Ò(trade name for PEGL-DOX)and HFS,and many important discoveries have already been made.Charrois et al.[7]have analyzed the pharmacoki-netics of DOX in rat skin tissue and tumors after multiple doses of Doxil Ò,and results have shown that the half-life of Doxil Òis particularly long in the paws.It has become known that multiple doses of anticancer drugs,or possibly a single large dose,can cause an accumulation of cell damage and a speeding up of the cell cycle in keratino-cytes,which can ultimately lead to an outbreak of HFS [8].By using the skin of humans to whom fluorescence-tagged Doxil Òhad been administered,Martschick et al.[9]have discovered that Doxil Òleaks out from the body in the sweat.Both in vivo experiments in mice and rats and in vitro experiments in HaCaT cells led to the conclusion that DOX toxicity in the skin causes hair-loss via dena-turation of the sebaceous line [10].In addition,the ideathatFig.4Rat Cytokine Antibody Array.Skin tissue from HFS-affected areas after multiple 10mg/kg PEGL-DOX injections.Results werenormalized to controls.Graph shows increased production of chemokines with respect to control.The values are presented as mean ±S.DPathogenesis of Hand-Foot Syndrome 13Manganese SOD (MnSOD)can suppress apoptosis was introduced in an experiment investigating DOX-induced apoptosis in HaCaT cells [11].Finally,it has been reported that the coexistence of DOX and Cu(II)generates ROS,which inflict oxidative damage on DNA [12].As described above,while research on DOX,Doxil Ò,and the skin is plentiful,little is known about why Doxil Ò/PEGL-DOX frequently causes HFS or why the outbreaks occur in the skin tissue.Moreover,there have been no reports of effective treatments for thiscondition.Fig.5Comparison ofphotographs after intravenous injection of 36mg/kg 1.5ml PEGL-FS or FS in hairless rats (female,7weeks).a Photos cropped from whole-body visualization under long-wavelength UV lampimmediately after,3and 7h after injection.PEGL-FS remained fluorescing in the paws 7h post-injection.b Tissue sections cut 1h and 7h after injection.PEGL-FS diffused faster from the dermis through the epidermis to the stratum corneum,lingered in the dermis longer,and showedslightly higher fluorescence than FS.Scale bar (b )100l m14N.Yokomichi et al.The tendency of PEGL-DOX to induce HFS outbreaks in rats where DOX did not led us to the theory that the dif-ference in metabolic stability between the two drugs was the cause of the difference in frequency of HFS outbreaks in humans.In other words,the key difference is that the higher metabolic stability of PEGL-DOX allows it to remain active in the blood for a longer period of time,as illustrated by the presence of PEGL-FS remaining in the rat extremities after 7h (Fig.4).This also means an increase in the frequency with which the drug reaches the hands andfeet.Fig.6Changes in chemokine and cytokine production in HaCaT and NHDF cells following addition of DOX or DOX ?Cu(II)ions to culture medium.a Production of chemokines IL-8,GRO,and Fractalkine (ng/ml).HaCaT cells exhibited DOX-and Cu(II)-dependent production of IL-8and GRO.The values are presented as mean ±SD (n =3).Significantly different from control:*p \0.05,p \0.01.b Production of cytokines IL-1a ,IL-1b ,and IL-6(ng/ml).HaCaT cells exhibited DOX/Cu(II)-dependent increased production of all cytokines shown,and NHDF cells exhibited substantially increased production of IL-1bonlyFig.7Survival rate of human cells in the presence or absence of 1.5l M DOX and varying concentrations of Cu(II)ions.a HaCaT cells.Survival rate declined with increasing Cu(II)ion concentration in the presence of DOX.b NHDF cells showed relatively littleresponse to DOX and Cu(II)ions.The values are presented as mean ±SD (n =3).Significantly different from control:*p \0.05,**p \0.01Pathogenesis of Hand-Foot Syndrome 15In fact,the capillaries are concentrated at the fingertips and the soles of the feet,where the blood flow is high.Unlike three-layer artery or arteriole walls,capillary walls are composed of only a single layer of endothelial cells,which makes capillary walls easy to penetrate with only slight provocation.The capillaries are especially concen-trated in the dermis,which suggests that anticancer drugs might easily leak into the dermis and linger there at high concentrations,as indicated by the results of the experi-ment using the fluorescein drug model PEGL-FS (Fig.4).Doxorubicin is known as the most dangerous of all ves-icant drugs,which are high-risk drugs capable of causing tissue necrosis upon extravasation [13].Therefore,the accumulation of DOX in this tissue is extremely cytotoxic.Many anticancer drugs cause DNA damage in order to induce apoptosis in cancer cells.There have been many experiments that show that apoptosis can be induced by ROS generated directly or indirectly by anticancer drugs [14–18].It is said that DOX damages DNA by generating ROS and inhibiting Topoisomerase II [12].Furthermore,it has been reported that the oxidative damage due to ROS was magnified in the presence of Cu(II)ions in experiments using the human promyelocytic leukemia cells [19].Our own results corroborated the pre-existing evidence that DOX induces apoptosis in keratinocytes via ROS in the presence of Cu(II)ions and that SOD rescues the cells from apoptosis by capturing the ROS in the culture medium [11,20].The effects of DOX and Cu(II)ions on cell viability and chemokine production appear to be tightly correlated.The results of our rat tissue staining experiments (Fig.2)indicate that DOX induces apoptosis in keratinocytes,but not in dermal fibroblasts.Similarly,the results of ourcytotoxicity tests (Fig.7)indicate that,while DOX does not affect fibroblasts,it appears to kill keratinocytes,and it appears to kill at a greater rate in the presence of Cu(II)ions.As for chemokines,the pattern is similar.While fibroblasts do not appear to produce chemokines even in the presence of both DOX and Cu(II)ions,keratinocytes produce the chemokines IL-8,GRO,and Fractalkine in response to DOX,and IL-8and GRO are produced in a Cu(II)concentration-dependent manner (Fig.6).The fact that chemokine production spiked in areas of rat skin tissue afflicted with HFS (Fig.3)suggests that these chemokines represent an important part of the mechanism by which injection of PEGL-DOX leads to HFS.Yamamoto et al.[20]have reported that the thermore-ceptor TRPM2is expressed on the surface of keratinocytes and plays the role of sensing ROS in the surrounding environment.In response to ROS,these receptors create holes in the cell surface through which Ca 2?ions flow into the keratinocytes.The rise of the intracellular Ca 2?ion concentration due to this influx induces chemokine pro-duction.This mechanism is thought to be responsible for the increase in chemokine production in HFS-affected tissues.Chemokine production alone is not sufficient to produce the typical HFS state of inflammation.Moreover,it is thought that chemokines do not directly induce keratino-cyte apoptosis,but,rather,death factor cytokines are a necessary intermediary.Death factors known to induce apoptosis include TNF-a ,Fas ligand,lymphotoxin a ,TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)/Apo2ligand,and Apo3ligand [21].Chemokines induce positive che-motaxis in blood cells,which express these death factors.For example,neutrophils expressing Fas ligand migrate to the dermis in response to chemokines produced by kerati-nocytes.These neutrophils undergo apoptosis in response to ROS,and at the same time caspase-1is activated inside the neutrophils,and IL-1b is released from the cells [22].While our fluorescent staining did not show this migration of blood cells (Fig.2),despite the presumably high level of chemokine production,it is thought that these cells may have undergone apoptosis and been taken up by macro-phages,which would explain their absence in the tissue staining photographs.The prevailing view up until now was that cells under-going apoptosis do not induce inflammation because they are absorbed by phagocytes or surrounding cells;however,the apoptosis of cells expressing death factors is a different matter.It is known that keratinocytes also express death factors [22],and it is thought that blood cells and kerati-nocytes undergoing apoptosis due to the presence of ROS cause inflammation by releasing IL-1b .Our results indicate that fibroblasts also produce IL-1b in response to ROS stimulation,and keratinocytes produce IL-1a and IL b inaFig.8Rescue of DOX/Cu(II)-induced decline in HaCaT cell survival rate by SOD.The values are presented as mean ±SD (n =3).Significantly different from DOX,DOX ?CuCl 2,and DOX ?CuCl 2?SOD,respectively:*p \0.05,*p \0.0116N.Yokomichi et al.。
