Excel operation skills




SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION科技资讯Excel 数据分析处理功能在招生录取中的应用王鸿鹏(甘肃林业职业技术学院甘肃天水741020)摘要:Excel 电子表格作为目前应用最广泛的办公软件之一,功能全面、操作方便,具有高度自动化、运算准确等特点,在表格处理、数据分析、图表制作等方面应用广泛。

该文以招生工作中遇到的数据分析处理等问题为例,介绍如何利用Excel 的自动筛选、分类汇总、数据透视及常用函数等功能,提高工作人员对信息自动化处理能力,提升工作效率。

关键词:Excel 数据分析筛选数据透视函数中图分类号:TP391文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)11(c)-0008-03Application of Excel Data Analysis and Processing Function inEnrollmentWANG Hongpeng(Gansu Forestry Polytechnic,Tianshui,Gansu Province,741020China)Abstract:As one of the most widely used office software,Excel spreadsheet has comprehensive functions,conve‐nient operation,high automation and accurate calculation.It is widely used in table processing,data analysis,chart making and so on.This paper takes the data analysis and processing problems encountered in the recruitment work as examples,and introduces how to improve the staff's automatic information processing ability and work efficiency by using the automatic screening,classification and summary,data perspective and common functions of Excel.Key Words:Excel;Data analysis;Filtering;Perspective;Functions在招生录取工作中,会涉及大量录取信息,要从众多信息中得到各种有价值信息,这就需要对录取数据进行分析、汇总处理。




Students who sign up for the competition need to submit the registration form and related materials within the specified time.2.比赛组委会将审核报名材料,并确定参赛资格。

The competition organizing committee will review the registration materials and determine the eligibility for participation.3.参赛学生需遵守比赛规则并进行相应的培训。

Participants need to follow the rules of the competition and undergo corresponding training.4.比赛将分为初赛和决赛两个阶段进行。

The competition will be divided into two stages: preliminary competition and final competition.5.初赛将采用线上考试形式,测试学生的相关知识和技能。

The preliminary competition will be conducted in the form of online exams to test students' relevant knowledge and skills.6.决赛将进行实战模拟操作,并由专家评委进行评分。

The final competition will involve practical simulation operations and will be judged by expert judges.7.参赛学生需要准时到场,参加比赛和答辩环节。




The chemical experimental technology competition is a professional competition where various chemical experimentsare conducted in the laboratory.2.选手需要展示其在化学实验技术方面的能力和技巧。

Participants need to demonstrate their ability and skills in chemical experimental technology.3.实验项目包括基础化学实验、分析化学实验和有机化学实验等。

The experimental projects include basic chemistry experiments, analytical chemistry experiments, and organic chemistry experiments.4.比赛中,选手需要独立完成实验操作,并根据实验要求进行数据分析和结果判定。

In the competition, participants need to independently complete experimental operations, and analyze data and determine results according to experimental requirements.5.安全意识和操作规范也是比赛评分的重要指标之一。

Safety awareness and operational norms are also important criteria for scoring in the competition.6.裁判将根据实验结果的准确性、实验操作的规范性和实验过程的安全性进行评分。


前 言



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工作表的标签为Sheet1、Sheet2等,标签可设置颜色,工作表的有关操作,插入,删除,重命名,移动或复制 ,保护工作表,隐藏工作表,移动工作表和复制工作表的区别在于复制工作表时需要选择“建立副本” 移动和复制工作表可以在同一个工作簿内也可以在不同工作簿内。



关于IE工作者必学技能整理汇总热门总结2019-12-30Hi, 大家好。






为嘛要IE去教?解释如下:1.人家可以说这是你设计的新线,人家只是听你指挥,同时线长领班也是需要IE去教的;2. 是所有的带线领班都有很好的沟通与教授能力的,所以你把教导的重任放给人家.那么这条线架的好不好...教的不好,产能线平衡达不到,你说怎么办???领导首先怪罪的是谁??3. IE制作WI或者SOP以及Standaed Work Combination 等等,这些你必须让产线员工了解,人是怎么走动,如何操作,物流是什么样的。




(二) Excel PPT Skills——熟练Excel和PPT软件我们IE在实际工作中,经常会需要用到EXCEL,用于[url]http://标准工时库[/url]的建立,人员效率的核算、设备OE的统计、产能的核算、生产计划的排布等等。



宏文件集▲打开全部隐藏工作表返回Sub 打开全部隐藏工作表()Dim i As IntegerFor i = 1 To Sheets.CountSheets(i).Visible = TrueNext iEnd Sub▲循环宏返回Sub 循环()AAA = Range("C2")Dim i As LongDim times As Longtimes = AAA'times代表循环次数,执行前把times赋值即可(不可小于1,不可大于2147483647)For i = 1 To timesCall 过滤一行If Range("完成标志") = "完成" Then Exit For '如果名为'完成标志'的命名单元的值等于'完成',则退出循环,如果一开始就等于'完成',则只执行一次循环就退出'If Sheets("传送参数").Range("A" & i).Text = "完成" Then Exit For '如果某列出现"完成"内容则退出循环Next iEnd Sub▲录制宏时调用“停止录制”工具栏返回Sub 录制宏时调用停止录制工具栏()mandBars("Stop Recording").Visible = TrueEnd Sub▲高级筛选5列不重复数据至指定表返回Sub 高级筛选5列不重复数据至Sheet2()Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:E65536") = "" '清除Sheet2的A:D列Range("A1:E65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheet2.Range( _"A1"), Unique:=TrueSheet2.Columns("A:E").Sort Key1:=Sheet2.Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending,Header:=xlGuess, _OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, SortMethod _:=xlPinYinEnd Sub▲双击单元执行宏(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)If Range("$A$1") = "关闭" Then Exit SubSelect Case Target.AddressCase "$A$4"Call 宏1Cancel = TrueCase "$B$4"Call 宏2Cancel = TrueCase "$C$4"Call 宏3Cancel = TrueCase "$E$4"Call 宏4Cancel = TrueEnd SelectEnd Sub▲双击指定区域单元执行宏(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)If Range("$A$1") = "关闭" Then Exit SubIf Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A4:A9", "C4:C9")) Is Nothing Then Call 打开隐藏表End Sub▲进入单元执行宏(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)'以单元格进入代替按钮对象调用宏If Range("$A$1") = "关闭" Then Exit SubSelect Case Target.AddressCase "$A$5" '单元地址(Target.Address),或命名单元名字()Call 宏1Case "$B$5"Call 宏2Case "$C$5"Call 宏3End SelectEnd Sub▲进入指定区域单元执行宏(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)If Range("$A$1") = "关闭" Then Exit SubIf Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A4:A9","C4:C9")) Is Nothing Then Call打开隐藏表End Sub▲在多个宏中依次循环执行一个(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Static RunMacro As IntegerSelect Case RunMacroCase 0宏1RunMacro = 1Case 1宏2RunMacro = 2Case 2宏3RunMacro = 0End SelectEnd Sub▲在两个宏中依次循环执行一个并相应修改按钮名称(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()With CommandButton1If .Caption = "保护工作表" ThenCall 保护工作表.Caption = "取消工作表保护"Exit SubEnd IfIf .Caption = "取消工作表保护" ThenCall 取消工作表保护.Caption = "保护工作表"Exit SubEnd IfEnd WithEnd Sub▲在三个宏中依次循环执行一个并相应修改按钮名称(控件按钮代码)返回Option ExplicitPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()With CommandButton1If .Caption = "宏1" ThenCall 宏1.Caption = "宏2"Exit SubEnd IfIf .Caption = "宏2" ThenCall 宏2.Caption = "宏3"Exit SubEnd IfIf .Caption = "宏3" ThenCall 宏3.Caption = "宏1"Exit SubEnd IfEnd WithEnd Sub▲根据A1单元文本隐藏/显示按钮(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)If Range("A1") > 2 ThenCommandButton1.Visible = 1ElseCommandButton1.Visible = 0End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()重排窗口End Sub▲当前单元返回按钮名称(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()ActiveCell = CommandButton1.CaptionEnd Sub▲当前单元内容返回到按钮名称(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()CommandButton1.Caption = ActiveCellEnd Sub▲奇偶页分别打印返回Sub 奇偶页分别打印()Dim i%, Ps%Ps = ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.DOCUMENT(50)") '总页数MsgBox "现在打印奇数页,按确定开始."For i = 1 To Ps Step 2ActiveSheet.PrintOut from:=i, To:=iNext iMsgBox "现在打印偶数页,按确定开始."For i = 2 To Ps Step 2ActiveSheet.PrintOut from:=i, To:=iNext iEnd Sub▲自动打印多工作表第一页返回Sub 自动打印多工作表第一页()Dim sh As IntegerDim xDim yDim syDim syzx = InputBox("请输入起始工作表名字:")sy = InputBox("请输入结束工作表名字:")y = Sheets(x).Indexsyz = Sheets(sy).IndexFor sh = y To syzSheets(sh).SelectSheets(sh).PrintOut from:=1, To:=1Next shEnd Sub▲查找A列文本循环插入分页符返回Sub 循环插入分页符()' Selection = Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A1") 调用指定地址内容Dim i As LongDim times As Longtimes = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Range("a:a"), "分页")'times代表循环次数,执行前把times赋值即可(不可小于1,不可大于2147483647)For i = 1 To timesCall 插入分页符Next iEnd SubSub 插入分页符()Cells.Find(What:="分页", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) _.ActivateActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=ActiveCellEnd SubSub 取消原分页()Cells.SelectActiveSheet.ResetAllPageBreaksEnd Sub▲将A列最后数据行以上的所有B列图片大小调整为所在单元大小返回Sub 将A列最后数据行以上的所有B列图片大小调整为所在单元大小()Dim Pic As Picture, i&i = [A65536].End(xlUp).RowFor Each Pic In Sheet1.PicturesIf Not Application.Intersect(Pic.TopLeftCell, Range("B1:B" & i)) Is Nothing ThenPic.Top = Pic.TopLeftCell.TopPic.Left = Pic.TopLeftCell.LeftPic.Height = Pic.TopLeftCell.HeightPic.Width = Pic.TopLeftCell.WidthEnd IfNextEnd Sub▲返回光标所在行数返回Sub 返回光标所在行数()x = ActiveCell.RowRange("A1") = xEnd Sub▲在A1返回当前选中单元格数量返回Sub 在A1返回当前选中单元格数量()[A1] = Selection.CountEnd Sub▲返回当前工作簿中工作表数量返回Sub 返回当前工作簿中工作表数量()t = Application.Sheets.CountMsgBox tEnd Sub▲返回光标选择区域的行数和列数返回Sub 返回光标选择区域的行数和列数()x = Selection.Rows.County = Selection.Columns.CountRange("A1") = xRange("A2") = yEnd Sub▲工作表中包含数据的最大行数返回Sub 包含数据的最大行数()n = Cells.Find("*", , , , 1, 2).RowMsgBox nEnd Sub▲返回A列数据的最大行数返回Sub 返回A列数据的最大行数()n = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).RowRange("B1") = nEnd Sub▲将所选区域文本插入新建文本框返回Sub 将所选区域文本插入新建文本框()For Each rag In Selectionn = n & rag.Value & Chr(10)NextActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, ActiveCell.Left +ActiveCell.Width, ActiveCell.Top + ActiveCell.Height, 250#, 100).SelectSelection.Characters.Text = "问题:" & nWith Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=3).Font.Name = "黑体".FontStyle = "常规".Size = 12End WithEnd Sub▲批量插入地址批注返回Sub 批量插入地址批注()On Error Resume NextDim r As RangeIf Selection.Cells.Count > 0 ThenFor Each r In Selectionment.Deleter.AddCommentment.Visible = Falsement.Text Text:="本单元格:" & r.Address & " of " & Selection.AddressNextEnd IfEnd Sub▲批量插入统一批注返回Sub 批量插入统一批注()Dim r As Range, msg As Stringmsg = InputBox("请输入欲批量插入的批注", "提示", "随便输点什么吧")If Selection.Cells.Count > 0 ThenFor Each r In Selectionr.AddCommentment.Visible = Falsement.Text Text:=msgNextEnd IfEnd Sub▲以A1单元内容批量插入批注返回Sub 以A1单元内容批量插入批注()Dim r As RangeIf Selection.Cells.Count > 0 ThenFor Each r In Selectionr.AddCommentment.Visible = Falsement.Text Text:=[a1].TextNextEnd IfEnd Sub▲不连续区域插入当前文件名和表名及地址返回Sub 批量插入当前文件名和表名及地址()For Each mycell In Selectionmycell.FormulaR1C1 = "[" + + "]" + +"!" + mycell.AddressNextEnd Sub▲不连续区域录入当前单元地址返回Sub 区域录入当前单元地址()For Each mycell In Selectionmycell.FormulaR1C1 = mycell.AddressNextEnd Sub▲连续区域录入当前单元地址返回Sub 连续区域录入当前单元地址()Selection = "=ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN(),4,1)"Selection.CopySelection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _:=False, Transpose:=FalseEnd Sub▲返回当前单元地址返回Sub 返回当前单元地址()d = ActiveCell.Address[A1] = dEnd Sub▲不连续区域录入当前日期返回Sub 区域录入当前日期()Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Format(Now(), "yyyy-m-d")End Sub▲不连续区域录入当前数字日期返回Sub 区域录入当前数字日期()Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd")End Sub▲不连续区域录入当前日期和时间返回Sub 区域录入当前日期和时间()Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Format(Now(), "yyyy-m-d h:mm:ss")End Sub▲不连续区域录入对勾返回Sub 批量录入对勾()Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "√"End Sub▲不连续区域录入当前文件名返回Sub 批量录入当前文件名()Selection.FormulaR1C1 = End Sub▲不连续区域添加文本返回Sub 批量添加文本()Dim s As RangeFor Each s In Selections = s & "文本内容"NextEnd Sub▲不连续区域插入文本返回Sub 批量插入文本()Dim s As RangeFor Each s In Selections = "文本内容" & sNextEnd Sub▲从指定位置向下同时录入多单元指定内容返回Sub 从指定位置向下同时录入多单元指定内容()Dim arrarr = Array("1", "2", "13", "25", "46", "12", "0", "20")[B2].Resize(8, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr)End Sub▲按aa工作表A列的内容排列工作表标签顺序返回Sub 按aa工作表A列的内容排列工作表标签顺序()Dim I%, str1$I = 1Sheets("aa").SelectDo While Cells(I, 1).Value <> ""str1 = Trim(Cells(I, 1).Value)Sheets(str1).SelectSheets(str1).Move after:=Sheets(I)I = I + 1Sheets("aa").SelectLoopEnd Sub▲以A1单元文本作表名插入工作表返回Sub 以A1单元文本作表名插入工作表()Dim nm As Stringnm = [a1]Sheets.Add = nmEnd Sub▲删除全部未选定工作表返回Sub 删除全部未选定工作表()Dim sht As Worksheet, n As Integer, iFlag As BooleanDim ShtName() As Stringn = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.CountReDim ShtName(1 To n)n = 1For Each sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheetsShtName(n) = n = n + 1NextApplication.DisplayAlerts = FalseFor Each sht In SheetsiFlag = FalseFor i = 1 To n - 1If ShtName(i) = TheniFlag = TrueExit ForEnd IfNextIf Not iFlag Then sht.DeleteNextApplication.DisplayAlerts = TrueEnd Sub▲工作表标签排序返回Sub 工作表标签排序()Dim i As Long, j As Long, nums As Long, msg As Longmsg = MsgBox("工作表按升序排列请选 '是[Y]'. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "工作表按降序排列请选 '否[N]'", vbYesNoCancel, "工作表排序")If msg = vbCancel Then Exit Subnums = Sheets.CountIf msg = vbYes Then 'Sort ascendingFor i = 1 To numsFor j = i To numsIf UCase(Sheets(j).Name) < UCase(Sheets(i).Name) ThenSheets(j).Move Before:=Sheets(i)End IfNext jNext iElse 'Sort descendingFor i = 1 To numsFor j = i To numsIf UCase(Sheets(j).Name) > UCase(Sheets(i).Name) ThenSheets(j).Move Before:=Sheets(i)End IfNext jNext iEnd IfEnd Sub▲定义指定工作表标签颜色返回Sub 定义指定工作表标签颜色()Sheets("Sheet1").Tab.ColorIndex = 46End Sub▲在目录表建立本工作簿中各表链接目录返回Sub 在目录表建立本工作簿中各表链接目录()Dim s%, Rng As RangeOn Error Resume NextSheets("目录").ActivateIf Err = 0 ThenSheets("目录").UsedRange.DeleteElseSheets.Add = "目录"End IfFor i = 1 To Sheets.CountIf Sheets(i).Name <> "目录" Thens = s + 1Set Rng = Sheets("目录").Cells(((s - 1) Mod 20) + 1, (s - 1) \ 20 + 1 + 1)Rng = Format(s, " 0") & ". " & Sheets(i).NameActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Rng, "#" & Sheets(i).Name & "!A1",ScreenTip:=Sheets(i).NameEnd IfNextSheets("目录").Range("b:iv").EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 20End Sub▲建立工作表文本目录返回Sub 建立工作表文本目录()Sheets.Add before:=Sheets(1)Sheets(1).Name = "目录"For i = 2 To Sheets.CountCells(i - 1, 1) = Sheets(i).Name'Sheets(1).Hyperlinks.Add Cells(i - 1, 1), "#" & Sheets(i).Name & "!A1" '添加超链接NextEnd Sub▲查另一文件的全部表名返回Sub 查另一文件的全部表名()On Error Resume NextDim i%Dim sh As WorksheetApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalseWorkbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\2.xls"Windows("1.xls").Activate '当前文件名称Sheets("Sheet1").Select '当前表名称i = 1 '将表名称返回到第1行For Each sh In Workbooks("2.xls").WorksheetsCells(i, 1) = '将表名称返回到第1列i = i + 1 '返回每个表名称向下移动1行Next shWindows("2.xls").Close '关闭对象文件Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub▲当前单元录入计算机名返回Sub 当前单元录入计算机名()Selection = Environ("COMPUTERNAME")'Selection = Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A1") 调用指定地址内容End Sub▲当前单元录入计算机用户名返回 Sub 当前单元录入计算机用户名()Selection = Environ("Username")'Selection = Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A1") 调用指定地址内容End Sub▲解除全部工作表保护返回Sub 解除全部工作表保护()Dim n As IntegerFor n = 1 To Sheets.CountSheets(n).UnprotectNext nEnd Sub▲为指定工作表加指定密码保护表返回Sub 为指定工作表加指定密码保护表()Sheet10.Protect Password:="123"End Sub▲在有密码的工作表执行代码返回Sub 在有密码的工作表执行代码()Sheets("1").Unprotect Password:=123 '假定表名为“1”,密码为“123” 打开工作表Range("C:C").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Hidden = True '隐藏C列空值行Sheets("1").Protect Password:=123 '重新用密码保护工作表End Sub▲执行前需要验证密码的宏(控件按钮代码)返回Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()If InputBox("请输入密码:") <> "123" Then '密码是123MsgBox "密码错误,按确定退出!", 64, "提示"Exit SubEnd IfCells(1, 1) = 10End SubSub 执行前需要验证密码的宏()If InputBox("请输入您的使用权限:", "系统提示") = 123 Then重排窗口 '要执行的宏代码或宏名称ElseMsgBox "对不起,您没有使用该宏的权限,按确定键后退出!"End IfEnd Sub▲拷贝A1公式和格式到A2返回Sub 拷贝A1公式到A2()Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表1").Range("A1").CopyWorkbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A2").PasteSpecialEnd Sub▲复制单元数值返回Sub 复制数值()s = Workbooks("book1").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A2")Workbooks("book2").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A2") = sEnd Sub▲插入数值条件格式返回Sub 插入数值条件格式()Selection.FormatConditions.DeleteSelection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _Formula1:="70"Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 45Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlLess, _Formula1:="55"Selection.FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 39Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _Formula1:="60"Selection.FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = 34End Sub▲插入透明批注返回Sub 插入透明批注()Selection.AddCommentment.Visible = FalseDim XS As WorksheetFor i = 1 To ments.Countments(i).Text "透明批注"ments(i).Shape.Fill.Visible = msoFalseNextEnd Sub▲添加文本返回Sub 添加文本()Selection = Selection + "×" '不可在数字后添加文本'Selection = Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A1") 调用指定地址内容End Sub▲光标定位到指定工作表A列最后数据行下一单元返回Sub 光标定位到指定工作表A列最后数据行下一单元()a = Sheets("数据库").[a65536].End(xlUp).RowSheets("数据库").SelectRange("A" & a + 1).SelectEnd Sub▲定位选定单元格式相同的全部单元格返回Sub 定位选定单元格式相同的全部单元格()Dim FirstCell As Range, FoundCell As RangeDim AllCells As RangeWith Application.FindFormat.Clear.NumberFormatLocal = Selection.NumberFormatLocal.HorizontalAlignment = Selection.HorizontalAlignment.VerticalAlignment = Selection.VerticalAlignment.WrapText = Selection.WrapText.Orientation = Selection.Orientation.AddIndent = Selection.AddIndent.IndentLevel = Selection.IndentLevel.ShrinkToFit = Selection.ShrinkToFit.MergeCells = Selection.MergeCells = .Font.FontStyle = Selection.Font.FontStyle.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size.Font.Strikethrough = Selection.Font.Strikethrough.Font.Subscript = Selection.Font.Subscript.Font.Underline = Selection.Font.Underline.Font.ColorIndex = Selection.Font.ColorIndex.Interior.ColorIndex = Selection.Interior.ColorIndex.Interior.Pattern = Selection.Interior.Pattern.Locked = Selection.Locked.FormulaHidden = Selection.FormulaHiddenEnd WithSet FirstCell = edRange.Find(what:="", searchformat:=True)If FirstCell Is Nothing ThenExit SubEnd IfSet AllCells = FirstCellSet FoundCell = FirstCellDoSet FoundCell = edRange.Find(After:=FoundCell, what:="",searchformat:=True)If FoundCell Is Nothing Then Exit DoSet AllCells = Union(FoundCell, AllCells)If FoundCell.Address = FirstCell.Address Then Exit DoLoopAllCells.SelectEnd Sub▲按当前单元文本定位返回Sub 按当前单元文本定位()ABC = SelectionDim aa As RangeFor Each a In edRangeIf a Like ABC ThenIf aa Is Nothing ThenSet aa = a.CellsElseSet aa = Union(aa, a.Cells)End IfEnd IfNextaa.SelectEnd Sub▲按固定文本定位返回Sub 文本定位()Dim aa As RangeFor Each a In edRangeIf a Like "*合计*" ThenIf aa Is Nothing ThenSet aa = a.CellsElseSet aa = Union(aa, a.Cells)End IfEnd IfNextaa.SelectEnd Sub▲删除包含固定文本单元的行或列返回Sub 删除包含固定文本单元的行或列()DoCells.Find(what:="哈哈").ActivateSelection.EntireRow.Delete '删除行' Selection.EntireColumn.Delete '删除列Loop Until Cells.Find(what:="哈哈") Is NothingEnd Sub▲定位数据及区域以上的空值返回Sub 定位数据及区域以上的空值()Dim aa As RangeFor Each a In edRangeIf a Like 〈0 ThenIf aa Is Nothing ThenSet aa = a.CellsElseSet aa = Union(aa, a.Cells)End IfEnd IfNextaa.SelectEnd Sub▲右侧单元自动加5(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)Application.EnableEvents = FalseTarget.Offset(0, 1) = Target + 5Application.EnableEvents = TrueEnd Sub▲当前单元加2返回Sub 当前单元加2()Selection = Selection + 2'Selection = Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("A1") 调用指定地址内容End Sub▲A列等于A列减B列返回Sub A列等于A列减B列()For i = 1 To 23Cells(i, 1) = Cells(i, 1) - Cells(i, 2)NextEnd Sub▲用于光标选定多区域跳转指定单元(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal T As Range)a = Array([b6:b7], [e6], [h6])For i = 0 To 2If Not Application.Intersect(T, a(i)) Is Nothing Then[a1].Select: Exit ForEnd IfNextEnd Sub▲将A1单元录入的数据累加到B1单元(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)Dim t As LongIf Target.Address = "$A$1" Thent = Sheet1.Range("$B$1").ValueSheet1.Range("$B$1").Value = t + Target.ValueEnd IfEnd Sub▲在指定颜色区域选择单元时添加/取消"√"(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Dim myrg As RangeFor Each myrg In TargetIf myrg.Interior.ColorIndex = 37 Then myrg = IIf(myrg <> "√", "√", "")NextEnd Sub▲在指定区域选择单元时添加/取消"√"(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Dim Rng As RangeIf Target.Count <= 15 ThenIf Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("D6:D20")) Is Nothing ThenFor Each Rng In SelectionWith RngIf .Value = "" Then.Value = "√"Else.Value = ""End IfEnd WithNextEnd IfEnd IfEnd Sub▲双击指定单元,循环录入文本(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal T As Range, Cancel As Boolean)If T.Address <> "$A$1" Then Exit SubCancel = TrueT = IIf(T = "好", "中", IIf(T = "中", "差", "好"))End Sub双击指定单元,循环录入文本(工作表代码)Dim nums As BytePrivate Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Thennums = nums Mod 3 + 1Target = Mid("上中下", nums, 1)Target.Offset(1, 0).SelectEnd IfEnd Sub▲单元区域引用(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()Sheet1.Range("A1:B3").Value = Sheet2.Range("A1:B3").ValueEnd Sub▲在指定区域选择单元时数值加1(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Application.Intersect([a1:e10], Target) Is Nothing ThenTarget = Val(Target) + 1End IfEnd Sub▲混合文本的编号返回Sub 混合文本的编号()Worksheets(1).Range("B2").Value = "北京" & (--(Mid(Worksheets(1).Range("B2"), 3,100)) + 1)End Sub▲指定区域单元双击数据累加(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)If Not Application.Intersect([A1:Y100], Target) Is Nothing Thenoldvalue = Val(Target.Value)inputvalue = InputBox("请输入数量,按ENTER键确认!", "数值累加器")Target.Value = oldvalue + inputvalueEnd IfEnd Sub▲选择单元区域触发事件(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)If Target.Address = "$A$1:$B$2" ThenMsgBox "你选择了$A$1:$B$2单元"End IfEnd Sub▲当修改指定单元内容时自动执行宏(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Application.Intersect(Target, [B3:B4]) Is Nothing Then重排窗口End IfEnd Sub▲被指定单元内容限制执行宏返回Sub 被指定单元限制执行宏()If Range("$A$1") = "关闭" Then Exit Sub窗口End Sub▲双击单元隐藏该行(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)Rows(Target.Row).Hidden = TrueEnd Sub▲高亮显示行(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 2Rows("1:2").Interior.ColorIndex = 40 '保持1至2行的颜色推荐39,22,40,Rows(Target.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 35 '高亮推荐颜色35,20,24,34,37,40,15End Sub▲高亮显示行和列(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNoneRows(Target.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 34Columns(Target.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 34End Sub▲为指定工作表设置滚动范围(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target AsRange)Sheet1.ScrollArea = "A1:M30"End Sub▲在指定单元记录打印和预览次数(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)Range("A1") = 1 + Range("A1")End Sub▲自动数字金额转大写(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal M As Range)On Error Resume Nexty = Int(Round(100 * Abs(M)) / 100)j = Round(100 * Abs(M) + 0.00001) - y * 100f = (j / 10 - Int(j / 10)) * 10A = IIf(y < 1, "", Application.Text(y, "[DBNum2]") & "元")b = IIf(j > 9.5, Application.Text(Int(j / 10), "[DBNum2]") & "角", IIf(y < 1,"", IIf(f > 1, "零", "")))c = IIf(f < 1, "整", Application.Text(Round(f, 0), "[DBNum2]") & "分")M = IIf(Abs(M) < 0.005, "", IIf(M < 0, "负" & A & b & c, A & b & c))End Sub▲将全部工作表的A1单元作为单击按钮(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target AsRange)If Target.Address = "$A$1" ThenCall 宏名End IfEnd Sub▲闹钟——到指定时间执行宏(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_Open()Application.OnTime ("11:45:00"), "提示1" '宏名字Application.OnTime ("12:00:00"), "提示2" '宏名字End Sub▲改变Excel界面标题的宏(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_Open()Application.Caption = "春节快乐"End Sub▲在指定工作表的指定单元返回光标当前多选区地址(工作簿代码)返回Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target AsRange)Worksheets("表2").Range("A1") = Target.Address(0, 0)End Sub▲B列录入数据时在A列返回记录时间(工作表代码)返回Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Target.Column = 2 ThenTarget.Offset(, -1) = NowEnd IfEnd Sub▲当指定区域修改时在其右侧的2个单元返回当前日期和时间(工作表代码)返回Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Application.Intersect(Target, [A1:A1000]) Is Nothing ThenIf Target.Column = 1 ThenTarget.Offset(, 1) = DateTarget.Offset(, 2) = TimeEnd IfEnd IfEnd SubPublic Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Application.Intersect(Target, [A1:A1000]) Is Nothing ThenIf Target.Column = 1 ThenTarget.Offset(, 1) = Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")Target.Offset(, 2) = Format(Now(), "h:mm:ss")End IfEnd IfEnd Sub▲指定单元显示光标位置内容(工作表代码)返回Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal T As Range)Sheets(1).Range("A1") = SelectionEnd Sub▲每编辑一个单元保存文件返回Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)ThisWorkbook.SaveEnd Sub▲指定允许编辑区域返回Sub 指定允许编辑区域()ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "B8:G15"End Sub▲解除允许编辑区域限制返回Sub 解除允许编辑区域限制()ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = ""End Sub▲删除指定行返回Sub 删除指定行()Workbooks("临时表").Sheets("表2").Range("5:5").DeleteEnd Sub▲删除A列为指定内容的行返回Sub 删除A列为指定内容的行()Dim a, b As Integera = Sheet1.[a65536].End(xlUp).RowFor b = a To 2 Step -1If Cells(b, 1).Value = "删除" ThenRows(b).DeleteEnd IfNextEnd Sub▲删除A列非数字单元行返回Sub 删除A列非数字单元行()i = [a65536].End(xlUp).RowRange("A1:A" & i).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 2).EntireRow.DeleteEnd Sub▲有条件删除当前行返回Sub 有条件删除当前行()If [A1] = 2 Or [B1] = "删除" ThenSelection.Delete Shift:=xlUpEnd IfEnd Sub▲选择下一行返回Sub 选择下一行()ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.SelectEnd Sub▲选择第5行开始所有数据行返回Sub 选择第5行开始所有数据行A()Dim i%i = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, LookIn:=xlValues,SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.RowRows("5:" & i).SelectEnd SubSub 选择第5行开始所有数据行B()Rows("5:" & Cells.Find("*", , , , 1, 2).Row).SelectEnd Sub▲选择光标或选区所在行返回Sub 选择光标或选区所在行()Selection.EntireRow.Select▲选择光标或选区所在列返回Sub 选择光标或选区所在列()Selection.EntireColumn.SelectEnd Sub▲光标定位到名称指定位置返回Sub 定位()Application.Goto Range(Evaluate("名称"))End Sub▲选择名称定义的数据区返回Sub 选择名称定义的数据区()[数据区].Select '插入名称要使用INDIRECT函数'Range("数据区").Select 或者'Sheet1.Range("数据区").Select 或者End Sub▲选择到指定列的最后行返回Sub 选择到指定列的最后行()Range("C4:G" & [G65536].End(xlUp).Row).SelectEnd Sub▲将Sheet1的A列的非空值写到Sheet2的A列返回Sub 将Sheet1的A列的非空值写到Sheet2的A列()Sheet1.Columns("A:A").SpecialCells(2, 23).SpecialCells(12).Copy Sheet2.[A1]End Sub▲将名称1的数据写到名称2返回Sub Macro2()Range("位置2") = Range("位置1").Value▲单元反选返回Sub 单元反选()Application.DisplayAlerts = FalseApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalseDim raddress As String, taddress As Stringraddress = Selection.Addresstaddress = edRange.AddressWith Sheets.Add.Range(taddress) = 0.Range(raddress) = "=0"raddress = .Range(taddress).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1).Address.DeleteEnd WithActiveSheet.Range(raddress).SelectApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub▲调整选中对象中的文字返回Sub 调整选中对象中的文字()'文字居中、自动调整大小With Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter.ReadingOrder = xlContext.Orientation = xlHorizontal.AutoSize = True.AddIndent = FalseEnd WithEnd Sub▲去除指定范围内的对象返回Sub 去除指定范围内的对象()。



文件和文件夹操作我们在使用Excel VBA进行处理数据时,或多或少会涉及到如何操作文件和文件夹。




对于如何运用文件之间的处理,如,文本文件、WORD、ACCESS和PPT与EXCEL 之间的互访与查询,我们将在下节中讲解。


打开VBE-工具-引用选择Microsoft Scripting Runtime动态库下面我们将会频繁用到Scripting.FileSystemObject对象来操作文件和文件夹。






绑定之后,写入下面代码,创建和引用对象:Sub BandObject()Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObjectSet fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObjectDIM FSO NEW Scripting.FileSystemObjectEnd Sub2)后期绑定。


此时,我们只有在程序运行时,绑定才有效,如,Sub CrtObject()Dim ObjFso As ObjectSet ObjFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")End Sub3、小结:1)、前期和后期绑定区别在于定义方式和创建方式不同。



翻译自我评价(推荐21篇)翻译自我评价第1篇faithful honest, principled, says it will do, and never shirk responsibility; self-control, do things always adhere to the beginnings and ends, never give up halfway; willing to learn, have a problem, not to escape, an open mind is willing to learn from others; confident but not conceited not self-centered; are willing to accept the superior who commends humility, with authority; will use 101% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; approachable. Is sincere, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, there is a strong team spirit, proactive work attitude seriously.忠实诚信,讲原则,说到做到,决不推卸责任;有自制力,做事情始终坚持有始有终,从不半途而废;肯学习,有问题不逃避,愿意虚心向他人学习;自信但不自负,不以自我为中心;愿意以谦虚态度赞扬接纳优越者,权威者;会用101%的热情和精力投入到工作中;平易近人。


翻译自我评价第2篇As a beginner, I have excellent ability to learn and be willingto learn, dare to innovate, and have a strong sense of responsibility. I am willing to take part in the young season,I am willing to endure hardships and sufferings, only through their passionate and proactive efforts to achieve their own values and work to make the greatest contribution,Constant pursuit of excellence, as a participant, I have an honest and credible character, full of team spirit;As a leader, I have the ability to do things, decisive style,good communication and interpersonal coordination. Trained in the system of economic-related professional knowledge, in a number of units and the companys internship and part-time experience;have a strong endurance, willpower and hard-working quality, serious and responsible work,aggressive,individuality optimism, Faced with difficulties and challenges.I am thinking of progress, unity and friendship, with good quality, good at communication and collaboration. During the school seriously responsible for the class and the school work, adaptable, full of team spirit,can be hard-working. Actively learn professional courses,and constantly upgrade themselves.And actively participate in activities inside and outside the school,sothat they get a better exercise.翻译自我评价第3篇Good team work spirit, solid basic skills, excellent communication skills and self-learning ability; dare to face difficulties and setbacks, the courage to meet new are willing to work hard and workI am a lively and cheerful personality, strong planning and implementation of the ability to solve complex problems with the ability to have a strong incentive, communication, coordination, team leadership, strong sense of responsibility of the cause, with high interpersonal affinity, Be able to work with colleagues in I have more than two years of administrative work experience, personnel attendance, logistics, office supplies procurement, staff mentality exchange and administrative affairs have some Responsible, strong ability to execute, love their jobs, good communication skills and to Chikunailao, the courage to forge If you can join your company, I will go allI am cheerful and friendly, optimistic and honest, honest and trustworthy, good psychological quality, strong adaptability to the environment, there is the spirit of hard work, work andperseverance, like challenges, active and conscientious and full of responsibility; to pay attention to co-ordination arrangements for effective Self-management; focus on teamwork, good communication and coordination; learning ability, and like to learn and accept new things, convinced that there will be a harvest of hard With the young, I will make unremitting efforts to make their own翻译自我评价第4篇I love learning, rigorous work attitude, strong sense of responsibility, have a good team Good analytical, problem-solving Innovation to address customer needs and safeguard interests of the company for the To accept the challenge and greater development 本人热爱学习,工作态度严谨认真,责任心强,有很好的团队合作能力。

Excel 进阶高手

Excel 进阶高手

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产量 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 138 356 97 92 53 46 类别
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Microsoft Excel – 进阶
单元格/区域 相对/绝对地址 自定义名称 数组公式
1)引用样式: A1——用列标字母与行标数字表示,A1表示第1行第1列: R1C1——用R与行标数字、C与列标数字表示,R1C3表示第1行第3列。 2)绝对引用与相对引用: A1——相对引用;横向竖向复制,行标列标引用都会变; A$1——列相对、行绝对引用;左右复制列标变;上下复制行标不会变; $A1——列绝对、行相对引用;左右复制列标不会变;上下复制行标会变; $A$1——绝对引用;横向竖向复制,行标列标都不变
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3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 七月 八月 三季度 产量 比例 九月 十月 十一月 四季度 十二月 5% 0% 13% 16% 14% 15% 10% 21% 18% 19% 20% 25%



探究计算机一级Word 和Excel 操作自动评分的实现乔洪亮(东北石油大学,163318)摘要:Word 和Excel 操作自动评分是计算机一级评分中的重要内容,计算机一级涉及考生多,实现公正客观的评分并不容易。

在计算机一级评分过程中工作人员可以通过VBA 技术来实现对考生答案的自动评分。



本文将重点探讨如何通过VBA 来实现自动评分。

关键词:Word ;Excel ;自动评分On the Realization of a Computer Word and Excel OperationAutomatic ScoringQiao Hongliang(Northeast Petroleum University,163318)Abstract :The Word and Excel operation automatic scoring is an important part of the computer level 1 examination grading.To examinees,it is not easy to realize fair and objective score.The staff in the computer grading process can realize automatic scoring for candidates’ answers by VBA technology.It is very important to enhance the study on this technology under the current background that candidates are increasing in number day by day.Application of this technology in the future can realize fast automatic scoring in the grading process.This paper focuses on how to realize the automatic score through VBA. Keywords :Word; Excel; Automatic Scoring0 引言计算机一级考试是当前高职院校中全国性的考试,随着高校生源的日益增长,计算机一级测评系统的压力也越来越大。




Strengthen the selection of raw materials to ensure a reduction in impurities.2.优化搅拌方式,确保混合均匀。

Optimize the stirring method to ensure uniform mixing.3.引入先进的混料设备,提高生产效率。

Introduce advanced mixing equipment to improve production efficiency.4.定期清洁设备,防止杂质污染。

Clean the equipment regularly to prevent contamination from impurities.5.优化操作流程,降低人为误差的发生率。

Optimize the operating process to reduce the occurrence of human errors.6.使用自动化控制系统,提高生产准确性。

Use an automated control system to improve production accuracy.7.优化成品包装方式,减小混料过程中的损耗。

Optimize the packaging method to reduce losses during the mixing process.8.加强员工技能培训,提高操作水平。

Strengthen employee skills training to improve operational levels.9.定期维护设备,确保设备运行稳定。

Regularly maintain equipment to ensure stable operation.10.设立质量检测岗位,加强对混料质量的监控。

Set up quality inspection positions to strengthen the monitoring of mixing quality.11.采用先进的成分分析仪器,确保混料配比准确。



excel面试题Introduction:Excel is a powerful tool widely used for data management, analysis, and visualization in various industries. As part of the interview process, candidates often encounter Excel-related questions to assess their proficiency and problem-solving skills. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of Excel interview questions and their solutions to help candidates prepare effectively.1. Basic Excel Functions:1.1 SUM Function:Question: How can you find the sum of a range of cells in Excel?Solution: To find the sum of a range of cells, use the SUM function. For example, if you want to find the sum of cells A1 to A10, you would write "=SUM(A1:A10)" in a different cell.1.2 AVERAGE Function:Question: How can you calculate the average value of a range of cells in Excel?Solution: To calculate the average value of a range of cells, use the AVERAGE function. For example, if you want to find the average of cells A1 to A10, you would write "=AVERAGE(A1:A10)" in a different cell.1.3 COUNT Function:Question: How can you count the number of cells with values in a range in Excel?Solution: To count the number of cells with values in a range, use the COUNT function. For example, if you want to count the number of cells with values in cells A1 to A10, you would write "=COUNT(A1:A10)" in a different cell.2. Conditional Formatting:Question: How can you apply conditional formatting in Excel?Solution: Conditional formatting allows you to format cells based on specific conditions. To apply conditional formatting, follow these steps:1. Select the range of cells you want to apply the formatting to.2. Go to the "Home" tab and click on "Conditional Formatting" in the ribbon.3. Choose the desired formatting option, such as highlighting cells that are greater than a certain value or contain specific text.4. Set the criteria for the formatting.5. Click on "OK" to apply the conditional formatting.3. Data Filtering:Question: How can you filter data in Excel?Solution: Excel provides a convenient way to filter data based on specific criteria. To filter data, follow these steps:1. Select the range of cells you want to filter.2. Go to the "Data" tab and click on "Filter" in the ribbon.3. Click on the filter arrow in the column header and choose the desired filter criteria.4. Excel will hide the rows that do not meet the selected criteria, displaying only the filtered data.4. PivotTables:Question: What is a PivotTable, and how can you create one in Excel?Solution: A PivotTable is a powerful data summarization tool in Excel that allows you to analyze, manipulate, and present data in a structured format. To create a PivotTable, follow these steps:1. Select the range of cells containing the data you want to analyze.2. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on "PivotTable" in the ribbon.3. Choose the desired location for the PivotTable (e.g., a new worksheet or an existing worksheet).4. Drag and drop the desired fields into the "Rows," "Columns," and "Values" areas to arrange and summarize the data.5. Customize the PivotTable layout and formatting as needed.5. VLOOKUP Function:Question: How can you use the VLOOKUP function in Excel?Solution: The VLOOKUP function is used to find specific data in a table based on a key. To use the VLOOKUP function, follow these steps:1. Identify the table range that contains the key and the corresponding data.2. Write the VLOOKUP formula, specifying the key to search for, the table range, the column index, and whether to find an exact match or an approximate match.3. The VLOOKUP function will return the corresponding value based on the provided key.Conclusion:This article has provided a comprehensive overview of Excel interview questions and their solutions. Excel proficiency is highly valued in many industries, and being well-prepared for an Excel interview can significantly improve your chances of success. By mastering basic Excel functions, conditional formatting, data filtering, PivotTables, and the VLOOKUP function, you can showcase your Excel skills and problem-solving abilities to potential employers. Remember to practice these concepts and explore additional Excel features to enhance your proficiency further. Good luck with your Excel interviews!。

英语模板excel -回复

英语模板excel -回复

英语模板excel -回复Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that is widely used in various industries and is essential for managing and analyzing data. In this article, we will explore the features and functions of Excel, its importance, and how to effectively use it in different scenarios.First and foremost, let's understand the basic layout of Excel. The Excel interface consists of various components, such as the ribbon, cells, rows, columns, and worksheets. The ribbon contains multiple tabs, each containing commands for different functions such as formatting, data manipulation, and analysis. Cells are the rectangular boxes where data is entered and can be manipulated. Rows run horizontally, and columns run vertically, forming agrid-like structure. Worksheets are individual sheets within a workbook where data can be organized and analyzed.Excel offers numerous features and functions that make it a versatile tool. One of its primary uses is data organization. Whether you have a small set of data or a large database, Excel provides a straightforward way to enter and manage information. You can input data into cells, apply formatting options for better visualization, and organize data into tables for easy reference.Furthermore, Excel is widely utilized for data analysis. It offers a variety of formulas and functions that enable users to perform complex calculations and manipulate data. Basic functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT can be used to calculate totals, averages, and counts respectively. Advanced functions like VLOOKUP and IF statements allow users to perform more complex tasks such as searching for specific data and applying conditional logic.Excel also includes powerful charting capabilities. With just a few clicks, users can transform raw data into visually appealing charts and graphs. Charts provide a clear representation of data trends, comparisons, and distributions, making it easier to grasp and present complex information effectively.In addition to basic functions, Excel offers advanced tools like PivotTables and data validation. PivotTables allow users to summarize and analyze large datasets by creating customized tables and charts based on selected parameters. Data validation ensures that entered data meets specified criteria, reducing errors and ensuring data integrity.The importance of Excel in the business world cannot be overstated. It enhances productivity by automating repetitive tasks, saving time and effort. Excel is used for budgeting, financial analysis, inventory management, project tracking, and various other business functions. It enables businesses to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.To effectively use Excel, it is crucial to acquire the necessary skills. Familiarize yourself with the various formulas and functions, experiment with different formatting options, and explore the advanced tools available. There are plenty of online tutorials, courses, and forums that provide comprehensive guidance on Excel usage. Practice regularly to improve your proficiency and efficiency.In conclusion, Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data organization, analysis, and visualization. Its extensive features and functions make it indispensable in various industries. By harnessing the capabilities of Excel, businesses and individuals can streamline their operations, make informed decisions, and effectively manage and analyze data.。



实验操作技能大赛流程## English Answer:Experimental Operation Skills Competition Process.The Experimental Operation Skills Competition is ahighly competitive event that tests the skills and knowledge of students in a variety of scientific disciplines. The competition consists of a series of rounds, each of which focuses on a different aspect of experimental operation.Round 1: Written Exam.The written exam is the first round of the competition. It covers a broad range of topics related to experimental operation, including:Laboratory safety.Equipment operation.Data analysis.Scientific writing.Round 2: Practical Exam.The practical exam is the second round of the competition. It consists of a series of hands-on tasks that test the students' ability to perform common laboratory operations. These tasks may include:Preparing solutions.Calibrating equipment.Conducting experiments.Analyzing data.Round 3: Oral Presentation.The oral presentation is the third and final round of the competition. It requires the students to present their research findings to a panel of judges. The presentation should be well-organized, clear, and concise.Judging Criteria.The students are judged on a variety of criteria, including:Their knowledge of experimental operation.Their ability to perform laboratory tasks.Their ability to analyze data.Their ability to communicate their research findings.Awards.The top students in the competition are awarded prizes.These prizes may include:Cash scholarships.Travel grants.Research opportunities.The Experimental Operation Skills Competition is a valuable opportunity for students to develop their skills and knowledge in experimental operation. It is also a great way to meet other students who are interested in science and to learn about the latest advances in research.## 中文回答:实验操作技能大赛流程。

计算机基础及ms office应用

计算机基础及ms office应用

计算机基础及ms office应用As we move further into the digital age, computer literacy and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications have become essential skills in both the workplace and everyday life. Understanding the basics of computer operation, file management, and troubleshooting is crucial for navigating a technology-driven world. From creating spreadsheets in Excel to designing presentations in PowerPoint, proficiency in Microsoft Office is a valuable asset that can enhance productivity and communication.随着我们步入数字时代,计算机素养和熟练掌握Microsoft Office应用已成为职场和日常生活中不可或缺的技能。


从在Excel中创建电子表格到在PowerPoint中设计演示文稿,熟练掌握Microsoft Office是一项宝贵的资产,可以提升工作效率和沟通能力。

Computer literacy encompasses a range of skills, including understanding hardware components, operating systems, and software applications. Knowing how to effectively use a computer involves more than just turning it on and off; it involvesunderstanding how to navigate the operating system, install and update software, and troubleshoot common issues. By mastering these fundamental skills, individuals can become more efficient and proficient in completing tasks on a computer.计算机素养涵盖了一系列技能,包括了解硬件组件、操作系统和软件应用程序。



厉害的英文词语以下是二十个表示“厉害”相关的英文词语、释义、短语、用法及双语例句:一、单词1. excellent- 释义:非常好的;卓越的;杰出的- 用法:可作形容词修饰名词,也可用于be excellent at(在……方面优秀)结构。

- 双语例句- She is an excellent student.(她是一名优秀的学生。

)- He is excellent at playing the piano.(他钢琴弹得非常好。

)2. outstanding- 释义:杰出的;显著的;未解决的(也可表示“未支付的”在财务方面)- 用法:作形容词,常用来形容人或事物的品质。

- 双语例句- This is an outstanding achievement.(这是一项杰出的成就。

)- The outstanding debts need to be paid soon.(未偿还的债务需要尽快支付。

)3. remarkable- 释义:非凡的;值得注意的- 用法:形容词,可用于it is remarkable that...(……是值得注意的)句型。

- 双语例句- Her performance was remarkable.(她的表现是非凡的。

) - It is remarkable that he can speak five languages.(他能说五种语言,这很了不起。

)4. terrific- 释义:极好的;极其的;非常的- 用法:形容词,口语中常用。

- 双语例句- We had a terrific time at the party.(我们在聚会上玩得非常开心。

)- You look terrific today!(你今天看起来棒极了!)5. wonderful- 释义:美妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的- 用法:形容词,可形容事物或经历。

- 双语例句- It was a wonderful concert.(那是一场美妙的音乐会。


better off you will be and the more sleep you will get
Six factors that make a great model in Excel
6) Versioning
• Save your work every 15 minutes. • Do not use Ctrl S • Develop a file naming conventio great model in Excel
3) Formulas, Formulas, Formulas
• The more you know the better – more on this latter!
Six factors that make a great model in Excel
• If a formula is too long, add a column or row and split up the formula.
• Your first tab should be either a summary or instructions and be sure to include tabs for reference or source data.
Intro and 6 Factors to Excel Excellence Exercise: Linking Data Exercise: Conditional Formulas Exercise: Pivot Tables Other Useful Formulas and Shortcuts
• Label every line clearly. Use comments if necessary to explain a line or a cell.
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在Windows 的控制面板中,点击“区域设置”图标,在弹出的“区域设置属性”对话面板上在“区域设置”里选择“中文(中国)”,在“区域设置属性”对话面板上在“数字”属性里把小数点改为“.”(未改前是“,”),按“确定”按钮结束。
























当该目录下的文件过多时,Excel 加载太多文件不但费时而且还有可能出错。
















切换至VisualBasic模块,或插入一页新的模块表(Module),在出现的空白程序窗口中键入自定义函数VBA程序,按Enter确认后完成编写工作,Excel 将自动检查其正确性。


