early work schedule and cash flow20130125final
It involves setting clear performance standards, assessБайду номын сангаасng employee performance against these standards, providing feedback, and creating development plans to improve performance
Link rewards to performance
Ensure that rewards and incentives are closely linked to individual performance and organizational goals
Recognition programs
Feedback and Recognition
Provide feedback on performance and recognize outstanding achievements
Corporate Capital Gains / Losses
Currently, capital gains are taxed at ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum 35%.
The Capital Budgeting Process
Generate investment proposals consistent with the firm’s strategic objectives.
Estimate after-tax incremental operating cash flows for the investment projects.
c) - (+) Taxes (tax savings) due to asset sale or disposal of “new” assets
d) + (-) Decreased (increased) level of “net” working capital
e) = Terminal year incremental net cash flow
Depreciation and the MACRS Method
Everything else equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the taxes paid by the firm.
Examines the purchase and redemption of treasury stock and its impact on the financial statements
Income statement analysis
Revenue Recognition
Examining the methods and timelines of revenue recognition to ensure it complies with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Distinguishing between direct and indirect costs to better understand the impact of each on the capability of specific products or services
Direct vs. Indirect Costs
Investment in Property, Plant, and Equipment: This category includes cash outflows related to the purchase of fixed assets, such as property, plant, and equipment
薪酬管理外文文献翻译The existence of an agency problem in a corporation due to the separation of ownership and control has been widely studied in literatures. This paper examines the effects of management compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions. This paper is significant because it helps to understand the relationship between them. This understandings allow the design of an optimal management compensation scheme to induce the manager to act towards the goals and best interests of the company. Grossman and Hart (1983) investigate the principal agency problem. Since the actions of the agent are unobservable and the first best course of actions can not be achieved, Grossman and Hart show that optimal management compensation scheme should be adopted to induce the manager to choose the second best course of actions. Besides management compensation schemes, other means to alleviate the agency problems are also explored. Fama and Jensen (1983) suggest two ways for reducing the agency problem: competitive market mechanisms and direct contractual provisions. Manne (1965) argues that a market mechanism such as the threat of a takeover provided by the market can be used for corporate control. "Ex-post settling up" by the managerial labour market can also discipline managers and induce them to pursue the interests of shareholders. Fama (1980) shows that if managerial labour markets function properly, and if the deviation of the firm's actual performancefrom stockholders' optimum is settled up in managers' compensation, then the agency cost will be fully borne by the agent (manager).The theoretical arguments of Jensen and Meckling (1976) and Haugen and Senbet (1981), and empirical evidence of Amihud andLev (1981), Walking and Long (1984), Agrawal and Mandelker (1985), andBenston (1985), among others, suggest that managers' holding of common stock and stock options have an important effect on managerial incentives. For example, Benston finds that changes in the value of managers' stock holdings are larger than their annual employment income. Agrawal and Mandelker find that executive security holdings have a role in reducing agency problems. This implies that the share holdings and stock options of the managers are likely to affect the corporate investment decisions. A typical management scheme consists of flat salary, bonus payment and stock options. However, the studies, so far, only provide links between the stock options and corporate investment decisions. There are few evidences that the compensation schemes may have impacts on thecorporate investment decisions. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework to study the effects of management compensation schemes on the corporate investment decisions. Assuming that the compensation schemes consist of flat salary, bonus payment, and stock options, I first examine the effects of alternative compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions under all-equity financing. Secondly, I examine the issue in a setting where a firm relies on debt financing. Briefly speaking, the findings are consistent with Amihud and Lev's results.Managers who have high shareholdings and rewarded by intensive profit sharing ratio tend to underinvest.However, the underinvestment problem can be mitigated by increasing the financial leverage. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section II presents the model. Section HI discusses the managerial incentives under all-equity financing. Section IV examines the managerial incentives under debt financing. Section V discusses the empirical implications and presents the conclusions of the study.I consider a three-date two-period model. At time t0, a firm is established and goes public. There are now two kinds of owners in the firm, namely, the controlling shareholder and the atomistic shareholders. The proceeds from initial public offering are invested in some risky assets which generate an intermediate earnings, I, at t,. At the beginning, the firm also decides its financial structure. A manager is also hired to operate the firm at this time. The manager is entitled to hold a fraction of the firm's common stocks and stock options, a (where0<a<l), at the beginning of the first period. At time t,, the firm receives intermediate earnings, denoted by I, from the initial asset. At the same time, a new project investment is available to the firm. For simplicity, the model assumes that the firm needs all the intermediate earnings, I, to invest in the new project. If the project is accepted at t,, it produces a stochastic earnings Y in t2, such that Y={I+X, I-X}, with Prob[Y=I+X] = p and Prob[Y=I-X] = 1-p, respectively. The probability, p, is a uniform density function with an interval rangedfrom 0 to 1. Initially, the model also assumes that the net earnings, X, is less than initial investment, I. This assumption is reasonable since most of the investment can not earn a more than 100% rate of return. Later, this assumption is relaxed to investigate the effect of the extraordinarily profitable investment on the results. For simplicity, It is also assumed that there is no time value for the money and no dividend will be paid before t2. If the project is rejected at t,, the intermediate earnings, I, will be kept in the firm and its value at t2 will be equal to I. Effects of Management Compensation Schemes on Corporate Investment Decision Overinvestment versus UnderinvestmentA risk neutral investor should invest in a new project if it generates a positiexpected payoff. If the payoff is normally or symmetrically distributed, tinvestor should invest whenever the probability of making a positive earninggreater than 0.5. The minimum level of probability for making an investment the neutral investor is known as the cut-off probability. The project will generzero expected payoff at a cut-off probability. If the investor invests only in tprojects with the cut-off probability greater than 0.5, then the investor tendsinvest in the less risky projects and this is known as the underinvestment. Ifinvestor invests the projects with a cut-off probability less than 0.5, then tinvestor tends to invest in more risky projects and this is known as thoverinvestment. In the paper, it is assumed that the atomistic shareholders risk neutral, the manager and controlling shareholder are risk averse.It has been argued that risk-reduction activities are considered as managerial perquisites in the context of the agency cost model. Managers tend to engage in these risk-reduction activities to decrease their largely undiversifiable "employment risk" (Amihud and Lev 1981). The finding in this paper is consistent with Amihud and Lev's empirical result. Managers tend to underinvest when they have higher shareholdings and larger profit sharing percentage. This result is independent of the level of debt financing. Although the paper can not predict themanager's action when he has a large profit sharing percentage and the profit cashflow has high variance (X > I), it shows that the manager with high shareholding will underinvest in the project. This is inconsistent with the best interests of the atomistic shareholders. However, the underinvestment problem can be mitigated by increasing the financial leverage.The results and findings in this paper provides several testable hypotheses forfuture research. If the managers underinvest in the projects, the company willunderperform in long run. Thus the earnings can be used as a proxy forunderinvestment, and a negative relationship between earningsandmanagement shareholdings, stock options or profit sharing ratiois expected.As theunderinvestment problem can be alleviated by increasing the financialleverage, a positiverelationship between earnings and financial leverage isexpected.在一个公司由于所有权和控制权的分离的代理问题存在的文献中得到了广泛的研究。
7-1 Cash Flow Analysis07CHAPTER7-2 Statement of Cash FlowsRelevance of Cash•Cash is the most liquid of assets.–Offers both liquidity and flexibility.–Both the beginning and the end of a company’soperating cycle.•Contrast: Accrual accounting and Cash basis accounting.–Net cash flow as the end measure of profitability.–Cash flow analysis helps in assessing liquidity,solvency, and financial flexibility.STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSCash flow from Operating activities: CFOcash receipts from customerscash disbursed to:suppliers of merchandiseemployees for salariesCash flow from investing activities: CFIpurchase of buildings, equipments, plantsproceeds from sales of long term assetsCash flow from financing activities: CFFborrowing/repay long term debtsissuing new shares7-4Statement of Cash Flows •Operating activities are the earning-related activities of a company, e.g. selling goods and services.•If firms do not in the long run generate more cash from operation than the returns of funds to shareholders and creditors, the firms go bankrupt•Reporting by ActivitiesBeyond revenue and expense activities represented in an income statement, they includethe net inflows and outflows of cash resultingfrom related operating activities like extendingcredit to customers, investing in inventories, andobtaining credit from suppliers .7-5Statement of Cash Flows•Investing activities are means of acquiring and disposing of non-current assets : investment, land, property, plants, equipments. –To maintain the current productivity of the operation, a firm must replace assets that they wear out (消耗) –Old assets may be sold as they become obsolete (过时), or as the firm change production –Investing activities thus provide resource to generate cash flow from operationsReporting by Activities7-6Statement of Cash Flows •Financing activities are means of contributing, withdrawing, and servicing funds to support business activities.–Include borrowing and repaying funds with bonds and other loans; contributions and withdrawals by owners and their return on investment, i.e., cash distribution to shareholders and creditors.–Note: short-term liabilities generated in operation, such as account payable, is not related to this categoryReporting by Activities7-7Cash flow pattern for different firmsCash flow from: A B C D Operation $ (3) $ 7 $ 15 $ 8 Investing (15) (12) (8) (2) Financing 18 5 (7) (6) Net CF 0 0 0 0New, growing firm Growing less rapidly Mature, stable firmDeclining firm 7-8Statement of Cash Flows •Indirect Method–Net income is adjusted for non-cash items andaccruals to yield cash flow from operations•Direct Method–Each income item is adjusted for its related accruals•Both methods yield identical results•Only the presentation format differs. Constructing the Cash Flow Statement7-9Statement of Cash Flows•Consider first the net cash from operations.Preparation of the SCF (Indirect method )7-10 Statement of Cash FlowsPreparation of the Statement of Cash Flows •Depreciation and amortization add-back.7-11Statement of Cash FlowsIncome v/s Cash Flows - ExampleConsider a $100 sale on account(1)In period of sale, net income is increased by $100 but no cashhas been generated.Net Income 100Depreciation and amortization expense 0Gains (losses) on sale of assets 0Change in accounts receivable (100)Net Cash flow from operations 0•In period of collection no income is recorded.Net Income 0Depreciation and amortization expense 0Gains (losses) on sale of assets 0Change in accounts receivable 100Net Cash flow from operations 1007-12 Preparation of the Statement of Cash FlowsIndirect method•Adjustments for changes in balance sheetaccounts can be summarized as follows:7-13•资产负债表账户变动的调整可概括如下:间接法的编制现金流量表7-14 Statement of Cash Flows Steps in Constructing the Statement(1)Start with Net Income(2)Adjust Net Income for non-cash expenses and gains(3)Recognize cash inflows (outflows) from changes in current assets and liabilities(4)Sum to yield net cash flows from operations(5)Changes in long-term assets yield net cash flows from investing activities(6)Changes in long-term liabilities and equity accounts yield net cash flows from financing activities(7)Sum cash flows from operations, investing, and financing activities to yield net change in cash(8) Add net change in cash to the beginning cash balance to yield ending cash 7-15 Statement of Cash Flows •Equity Method Investments –The investor records as income its percentage interest in the income of the investee company and records dividends received as a reduction of the investment balance. –The portion of undistributed earnings is noncash income and should be eliminated from the SCF. •Acquisitions of Companies with Stock –Such acquisitions are non-cash. –Changes in balance sheet accounts reflecting the acquired company will not equal cash inflows (outflows) reported in the SCF.Special Topics7-16 Statement of Cash FlowsSpecial Topics•Postretirement Benefit Costs–The excess of net postretirement benefit expense over cash benefits paid must be added to net income in computing netcash flows from operations•Securitization of Accounts Receivable–Companies account for the reduction in receivables as an increase in cash flow from operations since that relates to acurrent asset.–Analysts should question whether they represent trueimprovement in operating performance or a disguisedborrowing.7-17 Statement of Cash FlowsDirect Method•The direct (or inflow-outflow) method reports gross cash receipts and cash disbursements related to operations•Essentially adjusting each income statement item from accrual to cash basis•Reports total amounts of cash flowing in and out of a company from operating activities–Preferred by analysts and creditors–Implementation costs are high–When companies report using the direct method, they must disclose a reconciliation of net income to cash flows fromoperations (the indirect method) in a separate schedule7-18 Statement of Cash FlowsDirect MethodABC Cash Flow from Operating ActivitiesSource Of Cash: $000Cash received from customers 20 000Interest received 600Uses of Cash:Cash paid for inventories (6000)Cash paid for insurance (1500)Cash paid for selling expenses (2000)Income taxes paid (290)Net Cash from Operating Activities 108107-19 Analysis Implications of Cash FlowsInterpreting Cash Flows and Net Income•An income statement records revenues when earned and expenses when incurred.–It does not show the timing of cash inflows and outflows, nor the effect of operations on liquidity and solvency.–This information is available in the SCF.•Cash flows from operations (CFO) is a broader view of operating activities than is net income.–It is not a measure of profitability.•Note: A net measure, be it net income or cash flows from operations, is of limited usefulness. The key is informationabout components of these net measures.7-20 Analysis Implications of Cash FlowsInterpreting Cash Flows and Net Income •Accounting accruals determining net income rely on estimates, deferrals, allocations, and valuations.–Subjectivity•Note: CFO effectively serve as a check on net income, but not a substitute for net income.•CFO exclude elements of revenues and expenses not currently affecting cash.–Our analysis of operations and profitability should not proceed without considering these elements.7-21 Analysis of Cash FlowsCash Flow as Validators•The SCF is useful in identifying misleading orerroneous operating results or expectations.SCF provides us with important clues on:✓Feasibility of financing capital expenditures.✓Cash sources in financing expansion.✓Dependence on external financing.✓Future dividend policies.✓Ability in meeting debt service requirements.✓Financial flexibility to unanticipated needs/opportunities.✓Financial practices of management.✓Quality of earnings.7-22 Analysis of Cash FlowsInferences from Analysis of Cash Flows •Inferences from analysis of cash flows include:–Where management committed its resources–Where it reduced investments–Where additional cash was derived from–Where claims against the company were reduced–Disposition of earnings and the investment of discretionary cash flows–The size, composition, pattern, and stability of operating cash flows7-23 Analysis Implications of Cash FlowsLimitations in Cash Flow Reporting•Some limitations of the current reporting of cash flow: –Practice does not require separate disclosure of cash flows pertaining to either extraordinary items or discontinuedoperations.–Interest and dividends received and interest paid are classified as operating cash flows.–Income taxes are classified as operating cash flows.–Removal of pretax (rather than after-tax) gains or losses on sale of plant or investments from operating activities distortsour analysis of both operating and investing activities.7-24 ANALYSIS OF CASH FLOW INFORMATIONFree cash flows and valuationThe basic definition used by many analysts is cash from operations less the amount of capitalexpenditures required to maintain the firm’s presentproductive capacity.•指企业在会计期间产生的超过维持企业当前生产需要的现金。
2013IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flowsas issued at 1 January 2013. Includes IFRSs with an effective date after 1 January 2013 but not the IFRSs they will replace.This extract has been prepared by IFRS Foundation staff and has not been approved by the IASB. For the requirements reference must be made to International Financial Reporting Standards.The objective of this Standard is to require the provision of information about the historical changes in cash and cash equivalents of an entity by means of a statement of cash flows which classifies cash flows during the period from operating, investing and financing activities.Cash flows are inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents. Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.Information about the cash flows of an entity is useful in providing users of financial statements with a basis to assess the ability of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents and the needs of the entity to utilise those cash flows. The economic decisions that are taken by users require an evaluation of the ability of an entity to generate cash and cash equivalents and the timing and certainty of their generation.The statement of cash flows shall report cash flows during the period classified by operating, investing and financing activities.Operating activitiesOperating activities are the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity and other activities that are not investing or financing activities. Cash flows from operating activities are primarily derived from the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity. Therefore, they generally result from the transactions and other events that enter into the determination of profit or loss.The amount of cash flows arising from operating activities is a key indicator of the extent to which the operations of the entity have generated sufficient cash flows to repay loans, maintain the operating capability of the entity, pay dividends and make new investments without recourse to external sources of financing.An entity shall report cash flows from operating activities using either:(a)the direct method,whereby major classes of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments are disclosed; or(b)the indirect method,whereby profit or loss is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature,any deferrals or accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or payments, and items of income or expense associated with investing or financing cash flows.Investing activitiesInvesting activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents. The separate disclosure of cash flows arising from investing activities is important because the cash flows represent the extent to which expenditures have been made for resources intended to generate future income and cash flows.The aggregate cash flows arising from obtaining and losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses shall be presented separately and classified as investing activities.Financing activitiesFinancing activities are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the contributed equity and borrowings of the entity. The separate disclosure of cash flows arising from financing activities is important because it is useful in predicting claims on future cash flows by providers of capital to the entity.An entity shall report separately major classes of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments arising from investing and financing activities.Non-cash transactionsInvesting and financing transactions that do not require the use of cash or cash equivalents shall be excluded from a statement of cash flows. Such transactions shall be disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements in a way that provides all the relevant information about these investing and financing activities.Foreign currency cash flowsCash flows arising from transactions in a foreign currency shall be recorded in an entity’s functional currency by applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the functional currency and the foreign currency at the date of the cash flow.The cash flows of a foreign subsidiary shall be translated at the exchange rates between the functional currency and the foreign currency at the dates of the cash flows.Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates are not cash flows. However, the effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents held or due in a foreign currency isreported in the statement of cash flows in order to reconcile cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and the end of the period.Cash and cash equivalentsAn entity shall disclose the components of cash and cash equivalents and shall present a reconciliation of the amounts in its statement of cash flows with the equivalent items reported in the statement of financial position. An entity shall disclose, together with a commentary by management, the amount of significant cash and cash equivalent balances held by the entity that are not available for use by the group.。
Debit - An entry made on the left side of an account to record increases in assets or decreases in liabilities
Credit - An entry made on the right side of an account to record decreases in assets or increases in liabilities
Liability - Obligations of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an output from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits
Financial analysis is essential for decision making, as it allows management to identify opportunities for improvement, assessment risk, and make informed decisions about investment, financing, and other financial decisions
It is essential to maintain proper accounting records to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
Daily accounting processing requires attention to detail and a high level of accuracy to ensure the integrity and reliability of financial information
现金流量表英文版ch07 statement of cash flows
Equity investments are normally excluded, unless they are in substance a cash equivalent (e.g. preferred shares acquired within three months of their specified redemption date).
(c) cash proceeds from issuing debentures, loans, notes, bonds, mortgages and other short or longterm borrowings;
(d) cash repayments of amounts borrowed; and (e) cash payments by a lessee for the reduction
disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.
Financing activities are activities that result in changes
in the size and composition of the equity capital and borrowings of the enterprise.
Taxes on Income
cash flows arising from taxes on income are normally classified as operating, unless they can be specifically identified with financing or investing activities
关于财务管理上cash的英语作文英文回答:Cash, in the context of finance, refers to liquid assets that can be easily converted into other forms, such as deposits in banks or on-hand currency. It is considered one of the most important components of a company's financial position, as it provides immediate access to funds for necessary expenses, investments, and debt payments.Effective cash management is crucial for businesses to maintain financial stability and solvency. It involves planning, forecasting, and managing cash flows to ensure that the company has sufficient funds to meet its obligations and capitalize on opportunities. Key aspects of cash management include:Cash flow forecasting: Accurately predicting cash inflows and outflows is essential. This involves analyzinghistorical data, market trends, and anticipated transactions to estimate future cash receipts and payments.Cash budgeting: Establishing a realistic cash budget helps allocate resources effectively. It details planned expenditures, investments, and debt repayments, ensuring alignment between cash inflows and outflows.Surplus and deficit management: Companies need to manage both cash surpluses and deficits. Surpluses can be invested to generate returns, while deficits may require short-term borrowing or adjustments to cash flows.Cash conversion cycle management: Optimizing the time it takes to convert inventory into cash is crucial. This involves efficient inventory management, invoicing, and collection processes to minimize working capital requirements.Investment and borrowing decisions: Cash management involves making strategic decisions regarding investment opportunities and borrowing needs. Companies must weigh therisks and returns of potential investments and the cost of borrowing against their cash availability.中文回答:现金管理。
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example cash flow statement英文版现金流量表
The year 2013Measure unit :CNYAmount Amount1322333344355366377388399401041421143124413451446154716481718192049215022512324252627522853295430553156Cash Flow StatementItemsRow numbersupplementary informationRow numberⅠ、 Cash Flow from Operating Activities:1、Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flow from Operating Activities:Preparer:Investment in Beijing Technology Development Co.,Lt Cash received from sales of goods or rendering services Net ProfitRefunds of taxesAdd : Impairment losses on assets Cash received relating to other operating activities Depreciation of fixed assets Sub-total of cash inflowsAmortisation of intangible assetsCash paid for goods or receiving services Amortisation of long-term deferred expensesCash paid to and on behalf of employees Losses (gains) on disposalof fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assetsTax paymentsChanges in fair value loss Cash paid relating to other operating activities Losses on write-off of fixed assetsSub-total of cash outflowsFinance expenseNet Cash Flow from Operating ActivitiesLosses (gains) arising from investmentsⅡ、 Cash Flow from Investing Activities:decreas in Deferred income tax assets/("-"means increase)Cash received from disposal of investments increase in Deferred income Tax liabilities/("-"means decreas) Cash received from investments incomeDecrease (increase) in inventoriesNet cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assetsDecrease (increase) in receivables under operating activities Cash received relating to other investing activities Increase (decrease) in payables under operating activities Sub-total of cash inflowsOthersCash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assetsNet cash flow from operating activitiesCash paid to acquire investmentsCash payments relating to other investing activities Sub-total of cash outflowsNet Cash Flow from Investing Activities2、Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve Cash Receipts and Payments:Ⅲ、 Cash Flow from Financing Activities: Conversion of debt into capitalCash received by investors Reclassification of convertible bonds expiring within one year as current liabilityCash received from borrowingsFixed assets acquired under finance leasesCash received relating to other financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows Repayments of borrowingsDividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid 3、Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:Cash payments relating to other financing activities Cash at the end of the period Sub-total of cash outflowsLess: cash at the beginning of the year Ⅴ、Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash EquivalentsNet increase in cash and cash equivalentsNet Cash Flow from Financing ActivitiesAdd: cash equivalents at the end of the period Ⅳ、Effect of Foreign Currency TranslationLess: cash equivalents at the beginning of the periodUn Re gi st er ed。
kpmg英语试题及答案KPMG英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The company is looking for a candidate who is proficient in ________.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. SpanishD. German答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a function of a financial analyst?A. Analyzing financial dataB. Preparing financial reportsC. Designing marketing strategiesD. Evaluating investment opportunities答案:C3. The annual report is expected to be released ________.A. next weekB. next monthC. next quarterD. next year答案:B4. The board of directors has decided to ________ the current CEO.A. promoteB. replaceC. retainD. dismiss答案:B5. The new policy will come into ________ on January 1st.A. effectB. practiceC. useD. operation答案:A6. The market research indicates that the demand for organic food is ________.A. increasingB. decreasingC. stableD. fluctuating答案:A7. The project was delayed due to ________ weather conditions.A. adverseB. favorableC. neutralD. variable答案:A8. The company's revenue has ________ by 20% compared to last year.A. increasedB. decreasedC. remained the sameD. fluctuated答案:A9. The auditor found several instances of ________ in the financial statements.A. discrepanciesB. similaritiesC. consistenciesD. correlations答案:A10. The merger negotiations are expected to be completed by the ________ of the year.A. beginningB. endC. middleD. peak答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The ________ of the company's assets should be reported accurately in the balance sheet.答案:valuation12. The ________ of the company's shares on the stock market has a direct impact on its market capitalization.答案:price13. A ________ budget is one that allocates funds for all expected expenses and revenues.答案: comprehensive14. The ________ of the company's financial health is crucial for attracting investors.答案:assessment15. The ________ of the company's operations is a key factor in determining its profitability.答案:efficiency16. The ________ of the company's financial statements is a legal requirement.答案:audit17. A ________ is a financial instrument that represents ownership in a company.答案:share18. The ________ of the company's cash flow is essential forits liquidity management.答案:monitoring19. The ________ of the company's debt can affect its credit rating.答案:level20. The ________ of the company's financial performance is analyzed through financial ratios.答案:evaluation三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the three main financial statements used by businesses?答案:The three main financial statements are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.22. Explain the difference between a budget and a forecast.答案:A budget is a detailed financial plan that outlines expected revenues and expenses for a specific period, while a forecast is a projection of future financial performance based on trends and assumptions.23. What is the purpose of a financial audit?答案:The purpose of a financial audit is to provide an independent assessment of the accuracy and completeness of a company's financial statements, ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations.24. Describe the role of a financial analyst in a business.答案:A financial analyst assesses investment opportunities, analyzes financial data, prepares reports, and provides recommendations to help a company make informed financial decisions.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the importance of financial planning for a business.答案:Financial planning is crucial for a business as it helps in setting financial goals, allocating resources effectively, managing risks, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the company.26. Explain the concept of corporate governance and its significance.答案:Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled. It is significant as it ensures transparency, accountability, and fairness in the management of a company, which in turn builds trust among stakeholders and investors.。
(2) 1. _____ refers to the cash flow that results from the firm's ongoing, normalbusiness activities.Net working capitalCash flow to creditorsCash flow from operating activitiesCash flow from assetsCapital spending(2) 2. Which of the following are included in current assets?I. equipmentII. InventoryIII. accounts payableIV. cashII and IV onlyIII and IV onlyII, III, and IV onlyI and III onlyI, II, and IV only(2) 3. When making financial decisions related to assets, you should:place more emphasis on book values than on market values.always consider market values.place primary emphasis on historical costs.only consider market values if they are less than book values.rely primarily on the value of assets as shown on the balancesheet.(2) 4. Your _____ tax rate is the amount of tax payable on the next taxabledollar you earn.residualmarginaldeductibletotalaverage(0) 5.What is the cash flow to creditors for 2011?-$35$205$170$135-$170Cash flow to creditors = $35 - ($410 - $340) = -$35(2) 6. _____ refers to the changes in net capital assets.Cash flow from assetsNet working capitalCash flow to creditorsOperating cash flowCash flow from investing(0) 7. One of the reasons why cash flow analysis is popular is because:cash flows are hard to understand.it is easy to manipulate, or spin the cash flows.None of these.it is difficult to manipulate, or spin the cash flows.cash flows are more subjective than net income.(0) 8. Martha's Enterprises spent $2,500 to purchase equipment three years ago.This equipment is currently valued at $2,000 on today's balance sheet butcould actually be sold for $2,200. Net working capital is $300 and long-term debt is $900. Assuming the equipment is the firm's only fixed asset,what is the book value of shareholders' equity?$1,400$1,600The answer cannot be determined from the informationprovided$1,900$1,100Book value of shareholders' equity = $2,000 + $300 - $900 = $1,400(2) 9. _____ is calculated by adding back noncash expenses to net income andadjusting for changes in current assets and liabilities.Operating cash flowCash flow from operationsCash flow to creditorsNet working capitalCapital spending(2) 10. Your _____ tax rate is the total taxes you pay divided by your taxableincome.residualdeductibletotalaveragemarginal(2) 11.What is net capital spending for 2011?$57$0-$57$477-$250Net capital spending = $1,413 - $1,680 + $210 = -$57(2)12. A(n) ____ asset is one which can be quickly converted into cash without significant loss in value.currentliquidfixedlong-termintangible(0)13. An increase in total assets: can only occur when a firm has positive net income.means that net working capital is also increasing.requires an investment in fixed assets.→ must be offset by an equal increase in liabilities and shareholders' equity.means that shareholders' equity must also increase.(2)14. The financial statement showing a firm's accounting value on a particular date is the:statement of cash flows.shareholders' equity sheet.income statement.tax reconciliation statement.balance sheet.(2) 15. Noncash items refer to:the accounts payable of a firm.the credit sales of a firm.all accounts on the balance sheet other than cash on hand.expenses charged against revenues that do not directly affectcash flow.the costs incurred for the purchase of intangible fixed assets.(2) 16. _____ refers to the firm's interest payments less any net new borrowing.Capital spendingCash flow to creditorsNet working capitalCash flow from shareholdersOperating cash flow(2)17.What is the cash flow of the firm for 2011?$3,100$485$1,340$2,590$430Operating cash flow = $1,930 + $1,370 - $455 = $2,845; Change in net working capital = ($7,310 - $2,570) - ($6,225 - $2,820) = $1,335; Net capital spending = $10,670 - $10,960 + $1,370 = $1,080; Cash flow of the firm = $2,845 - $1,335 - $1,080 = $430(2) 18. Which one of the following assets is generally the most liquid?buildingspatentsequipmentinventoryaccounts receivable(2) 19. As seen on an income statement:interest expense is added to earnings before interest and taxesto get pretax income.the tax rate is applied to the earnings before interest and taxeswhen the firm has both depreciation and interest expenses.interest is deducted from income and increases the total taxesincurred.depreciation is shown as an expense but does not affect thetaxes payable.depreciation reduces both the pretax income and the netincome.(2) 20. The financial statement summarizing a firm's accounting performanceover a period of time is the:statement of cash flows.tax reconciliation statement.balance sheet.shareholders' equity sheet.income statement.(2) 21. Which of the following accounts are included in shareholders' equity?I. interest paidII. retained earningsIII. capital surplusIV. long-term debtII and III onlyI and III onlyI and II onlyI and IV onlyII and IV only(2) 22. An increase in which one of the following will cause the operating cashflow to increase?taxescostschanges in the amount of net fixed capitaldepreciationnet working capital(2) 23. A current asset is:an item currently owned by the firm.the market value of all items currently owned by the firm.an item that the firm expects to own within the next year.the amount of cash on hand the firm currently shows on itsbalance sheet.an item currently owned by the firm that will convert to cashwithin the next 12 months.(2) 24. Awnings Incorporated has beginning net fixed assets of $560 and endingnet fixed assets of $720. Assets valued at $210 were sold during the year.Depreciation was $50. What is the amount of capital spending?$210$110$420$300$160Net capital spending = $720 - $560 + $50 = $210(2) 25. A firm starts its year with a positive net working capital. During the year,the firm acquires more short-term debt than it does short-term assets. Thismeans that:accounts payable increased and inventory decreased during theyear.both accounts receivable and inventory decreased during theyear.the ending net working capital can be positive, negative, orequal to zero.the beginning current assets were less than the beginningcurrent liabilities.the ending net working capital will be negative.(0) 26. At the beginning of the year, long-term debt of a firm is $310 and totaldebt is $350. At the end of the year, long-term debt is $280 and total debtis $370. The interest paid is $50. What is the amount of the cash flow tocreditors?-$30$80$0$30$20Cash flow to creditors = $50 - ($280 - $310) = $80(2) 27. Dividends per share is equal to dividends paid:multiplied by the par value of the common stock.divided by total shareholders' equity.multiplied by the total number of shares outstanding.divided by the par value of common stock.divided by the total number of shares outstanding.(0) 28. Thompson's Jet Skis has operating cash flow of $218. Depreciation is $45and interest paid is $35. A net total of $69 was paid on long-term debt.The firm spent $180 on fixed assets and increased net working capital by$38. What is the amount of the cash flow to stockholders?-$104$142$114-$28$28Cash flow of the firm = $218 - $38 - $180 = $0; Cash flow to creditors =$35 - (-$69) = $104; Cash flow to stockholders = $0 - $104 = -$104 (2) 29. Debt is a contractual obligation that:allows the bondholders to sue the firm if it defaults.Both requires a repayment of a stated amount and interest overthe period; and allows the bondholders to sue the firm if itdefaults.Both requires the payout of residual flows to the holders ofthese instruments; and requires a repayment of a stated amountand interest over the period.requires the payout of residual flows to the holders of theseinstruments.requires a repayment of a stated amount and interest over theperiod.(0) 30. Book value:is adjusted to market value whenever the market value exceedsthe stated book value.generally tends to exceed market value when fixed assets areincluded.is more of a financial than an accounting valuation.is equivalent to market value for firms with fixed assets.→ is based on historical cost.(2)31. Which of the following are included in current liabilities?I. Note payable to a supplier in eighteen monthsII. Debt payable to a mortgage company in nine monthsIII. Accounts payable to suppliersIV. Loan payable to the bank in fourteen monthsI and III onlyI, II, and III onlyII, III, and IV onlyII and III onlyIII and IV only(2)32. The carrying value or book value of assets: is always the best measure of the company's value to aninvestor.is always higher than the replacement cost of the assets.is determined under GAAP and is based on the cost of theasset.represents the true market value according to GAAP.None of these.(2)33. Net working capital is defined as: current assets minus current liabilities.total assets minus total liabilities.current liabilities minus shareholders' equity.total liabilities minus shareholders' equity.fixed assets minus long-term liabilities.(2) 34. Mart's Boutique has sales of $670,000 and costs of $460,000. Interestexpense is $50,000 and depreciation is $55,000. The tax rate is 34%. Whatis the net income?$69,300$138,600$35,700$105,000$210,000Taxable income = $670,000 - $460,000 - $50,000 - $55,000 = $105,000;Tax = .34($105,000) = $35,700; Net income = $105,000 - $35,700 =$69,300(0) 35.What is the taxable income for 2011?$800$780$360$640Net income = $160 + $360 = $520; Taxable income = $520 ÷ (1 - .35) =$800(2) 36. Which of the following statements concerning the income statement istrue?It measures performance over a specific period of time.It includes deferred taxes.It treats interest as an expense.It determines after-tax income of the firm.All of these.(2) 37. The cash flow of the firm must be equal to:None of these.cash flow to stockholders minus cash flow to debtholders.cash flow to governments plus cash flow to stockholders.cash flow to debtholders minus cash flow to stockholders.cash flow to stockholders plus cash flow to debtholders.(2) 38.What are the sales for 2011?$4,600$4,815$4,385$5,000Sales = $1,015 + $375 + $3,210 = $4,600(2)39. _____ refers to the firm's dividend payments less any net new equity raised.Net working capitalOperating cash flowCash flow from creditorsCash flow to stockholdersCapital spending(2)40.What is the amount of net new borrowing for 2011?$25-$25$225$0-$225Net new borrowing = $8,100 - $7,875 = $225 (2) 41.What is the operating cash flow for 2011?$800$1,015$1,110$1,390$520Earnings before interest and taxes = $800 + $215 = $1,015; Operatingcash flow = $1,015 + $375 - ($800 - $520) = $1,110(2) 42. Brad's Company has equipment with a book value of $500 that could besold today at a 50% discount. Its inventory is valued at $450 and could besold to a competitor for that amount. The firm has $100 in cash andcustomers owe it $250. What is the accounting value of its liquid assets?$550$1,050$800$100$1,300Liquid assets = $450 + $100 + $250 = $800(2) 43.What is the net working capital for 2011?$345$1,005$405$805$812Net working capital = $75 + $502 + $640 - $405 = $812(2) 44. Which of the following are all components of the statement of cash flows?Cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investingactivities, and cash flow from divesting activitiesNone of these.Cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investingactivities, and cash flow from financing activitiesCash flow from brokering activities, cash flow from profitableactivities, and cash flow from non-profitable activitiesCash flow from internal activities, cash flow from externalactivities, and cash flow from financing activities(2) 45.What is the operating cash flow for 2011?$367$353$297$143$325Earnings before interest and taxes = $785 - $460 - $210 = $115; Taxableincome = $115 - $35 = $80; Taxes = .35($80) = $28; Operating cash flow= $115 + $210 - $28 = $297(2) 46. Your firm has net income of $198 on total sales of $1,200. Costs are $715and depreciation is $145. The tax rate is 34%. The firm does not haveinterest expenses. What is the operating cash flow?$241$383$485$93$340Earnings before interest and taxes = $1,200 - $715 - $145 = $340; Tax =[$198 ÷ (1 - .34)] - $198 = $102; Operating cash flow = $340 + $145 -$102 = $383(2) 47. Calculate net income based on the following information. Sales are $250,cost of goods sold is $160, depreciation expense is $35, interest paid is$20, and the tax rate is 34%.$11.90$35.00$36.30$46.20$23.10((Sales - COGS) - Depreciation - Interest) - Taxes = Net Income (($250 -$160) - $35 - $20) - $11.9 = $23.10(2) 48. Which one of the following statements concerning liquidity is correct?Trademarks and patents are highly liquid.If you sold an asset today, it was a liquid asset.Balance sheet accounts are listed in order of decreasingliquidity.The less liquidity a firm has, the lower the probability the firmwill encounter financial difficulties.If you can sell an asset next year at a price equal to its actualvalue, the asset is highly liquid.(2)49. Earnings per share is equal to: net income divided by the total number of shares outstanding.net income divided by total shareholders' equity.net income divided by the par value of the common stock.operating income divided by the par value of the commonstock.gross income multiplied by the par value of the common stock.(2)50. Cash flow to stockholders must be positive when: both the cash flow to assets and the cash flow to creditors arepositive.no income is distributed but new shares of stock are sold.the net sale of common stock exceeds the amount of dividendspaid.both the cash flow to assets and the cash flow to creditors arenegative.the dividends paid exceed the net new equity raised.。
常用词汇Abstract Resource 抽象资源Abstraction 抽象Acceleration 加速Acceptability Criteria 验收标准Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acceptance Letters 验收函Acceptance Number 接受数目Acceptance Review 验收评审Acceptance Test 验收测试Acquisition Methods 采购方式Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判Acquisition Plan 采购计划Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Acquisition Strategy 采购策略Action 行动Action Item 行动项Action Item Flags 行动项标记Action Plan 行动计划Activation 激活Active Listening 积极倾听Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算Activity Elaboration 活动详述Activity File 活动档案Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络Activity Oriented 面向活动Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划Activity Properties 活动属性Activity Quantities 活动量值Activity Status 活动状态Activity Timing 活动定时Actor 执行者角色Actual 实际的Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度Actual Cost 实际成本Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总Actual Costs 实际费用Actual Dates 实际日期Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本Actual Expenditures 实际的支出Actual Finish 实际完成Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期Actual Start 实际开始Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ACWP 已完成工作实际成本See Actual Cost of Work PerformedAdaptation 适应Added value 附加价值Addendum 附录Adequacy 适当Adjourning 解散Adjustment 调节ADM Arrow Diagram MethodADM Project ADM 项目Administration 管理部门Administrative 行政的Administrative Change 行政变更Administrative Management 行政管理ADP Automated Data ProcessingADR Alternative Dispute ResolutionAdvanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布AF Actual Finish DateAFE Application for ExpenditureAuthority for ExpenditureAffect 影响Affected Parties 受影响方Agency 代理Agenda 议程Aggregation 汇总Agreement 协议Agreement, legal 协议合同ALAP As-Late-As-PossibleAlgorithm 算法Alignment 排列成行Alliance 联合Allocated Baseline 分配的基线Allocated Requirements 分配需求Allocation 分配Allowable Cost 允许成本Allowance 预留Alternate Resource 替代资源Alternative Analysis 替代分析Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案Alternatives 可选方案Ambiguity 含糊不清Amendment 修订Amount at Stake 损失量AMR 材料提前公布Analysis 分析Analysis and Design 分析与设计Analysis Time 分析期Analyst 分析员AND Relationship 与关系Anecdotal 轶事Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价AOA Activity on ArrowActivity on ArcAON Activity on NodeAOQ Average Outgoing QualityAOQL Average Outgoing Quality LimitAPMA Area of Project Management Application Apparent Low Bidder 最低投标人Application 应用Application Area 应用领域Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证Application Programs 应用程序Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本Apportioned Effort 分摊努力Apportioned Task 分摊任务Appraisal 评估Approach 方法Appropriation 拨款Approval 批准Approval to Proceed 批准继续Approve 同意Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单Approved Changes 批准的变更Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求APR Acquisition Plan ReviewAQL Acceptable Quality LevelArbitrary 随意的Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Architectural Baseline 构架基线Architectural View 构架视图Architecture 构架Architecture, executable 构架可执行Archive 档案文件Archive Plan 存档计划Area of Project Application Area of Project Management ApplicationArea of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图Artifact 制品Artificial 人工的AS Actual Start DateASAP As-Soon-As-PossibleAs-built Design 实际建造设计As-built document.tion 实际建造文档As-Built RecordsAs-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚As-Needed 恰如所需As-of Date见Data Date.As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划Assembly 组装件Assembly Sequence 组装顺序Assessment 评估Assets 资产Assignment 分配委派任务Associated Revenue 关联收益Association 关联关系As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快Assumption 假设Assumptions 假设Assumptions List 假设清单Assurance 保证Assurance Program见Quality Assurance Program.ATP 见Acceptance Test ProcedureAttitude 态度Attribute 属性Attrition 损耗Audit 审核审计Authoritarian 独裁的Authoritative 权威的Authority 权威权力Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权Authorization 授权见ApprovalAuthorize 批准Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作Authorized Work 批准的工作Authorized Works 批准的工作Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件Automatic Generation 自动生成Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备AUW 见Authorized Unpriced WorkAuxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备Availability 可用性Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线Avoidance 避免Award 授予Award Fee 奖金Award Letter 中标函BAC 完工预算Budget at CompletionBaseline at CompletionBack Charge 逆向计费Backcharge 逆向收费Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算Bad Debts 坏帐Balance 余额权衡Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵Balanced Scorecard 平衡记分卡Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法Bank 储备Banking 储备Bar Chart 横道图Bargaining 讨价还价交涉Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力Barriers 障碍Base 基础基数Baseline 基线基准Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线Baseline Concept 基线概念Baseline Control 基线控制Baseline Cost 基线成本Baseline Dates 基线日期Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期Baseline Management 基线管理Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划Baseline Review 基线评审Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期Baseline, budget 基线预算Baseline, business 基线商业Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算Baseline, technical 基线技术Basis of Estimate 估算根据Batch 批量Batch Operation 批运行/批处理BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement BCM Business Change ManagerBCWP Budgeted Cost of Work PerformedBCWSBudgeted Cost of Work ScheduledBEC Elapsed CostBehavior 行为/反应Behavior Analysis 行为分析Benchmark 基准Benchmarking 标竿管理Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用Benefits 效益Benefits Framework 效益框架Benefits Management 效益管理Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度Benefits Profiles 效益简述Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案BATNABest and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同Best Practices 最佳实践Best value 最佳值Beta Distribution 贝塔发布Beta Test 贝塔测试Beta testing 贝塔测试Bid 投标Bid Analysis 投标分析Bid Bond 投标保证金Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费Bid document.nbspPreparation 招标文件准备Bid document.招标文件Bid Evaluation 评标Bid List 投标人清单Bid Package 标段标块Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付Bid Qualifications 投标资质Bid Response 投标响应Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策Bidder 投标人Bidders Conference 投标人会议Bidders List 投标人名单Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择Bidding 投标Bidding Strategy 投标策略Bill 帐单Bill of Materials 材料清单Bills of Materials 材料清单Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPA Blueprint 蓝图/计划设计图Board 委员会Boiler Plate 样板文件Bona Fide 真诚真实Bond 担保Bonus 奖金Bonus Schemes 奖励计划Booking Rates 预提费率BOOT Build, Own, Operate, TransferBottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算Boundary 边界BPA Blanket Purchase AgreementBPR Business Process Reengineering Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系Breach of Contract 违约Breadboarding 实验模型Break Even 盈亏平衡Breakdown 分解Breakdown Structure 分解结构Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点Bribe 贿赂BSA Balanced Scorecard ApproachBuck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任Budget 预算Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BACBudget Cost 预算成本Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用Budget Decrement 预算消耗Budget Element 预算要素Budget Estimate 预算估算Budget Presentation 预算介绍Budget Revision 预算修订Budget Unit 预算单位Budgetary Control 预算性控制Budgeted 已安排预算的Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWPBudgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本Budgeting 制定预算Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理Build 建设构造Build, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) 建造拥有经营转让Buildability 建造能力Building 建筑物Building Professionalism 建设专业化Build-to document.tion 建成文档Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备Bulk Material 大宗材料Burden 间接费用负担Burden of Proof 举证费Bureaucracy 官僚制度Burn Rate 消耗速度Burst Node 分支点Business Actor 业务参与者/角色Business Appraisal 商业评估Business Area 业务领域Business Assurance 商业保证Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人Business Case 商业案例Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCM Business Creation 商业创新Business Engineering 商业工程Business Imperative 商业需要Business Improvement 业务改进Business Manager 商务经理商业经理Business Modeling 业务建模Business Needs 商业需求Business Objectives 商业目标Business Operations 业务运作Business Process 业务流程Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程Business Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组Business Processes 业务流程Business Risk 商业风险Business Rule 商业规则Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划Business Unit 业务单位Buyer 买方Buyer's Market 买方市场Buy-In 支持认同买进Bypassing 回避Calculate Schedule 估算进度安排Calculation 计算Calendar 日历Calendar File 日历文件Calendar Range 日历范围Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期Calendar Unit 日历单位Calendar, Software 日历软件Calendars 日历集Calibration 校准CAMCost Account ManagerComputer Aided ManufacturingControl Account ManagerCAP Cost Account PlanControl Account PlanCapability 能力Capability Survey 能力调查Capital 资本Capital Appropriation 资本划拨Capital Asset 资本资产Capital Cost 资本成本Capital Employed 占用的资本Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目Capital Property 资本财产CAR Capital Appropriation RequestCards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法Career 职业Career Path Planning 职业路线规划Career Planning 职业规划Career Path Planning.Carryover Type 1 结转类型1Carryover Type 2 结转类型2Cascad Chart 层叠图CASE (1) Computer Aided Software Engineering CASE (2) Computer Aided System Engineering Cash 现金Cash Flow 现金流Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析Cash Flow Management 现金流管理Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值Cash In 现金流入Cash Out 现金支出Catalyst 催化者Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案Causation 起因Cause 动因CBD Component-Based DevelopmentCBS Cost Breakdown StructureCCB Change Control BoardCCDR Contractor Cost Data ReportCDR Critical Design ReviewCentral Processing Unit ("CPU") 中央处理单元Centralized 集中的Certain 确定的Certainty.Certainty 确定性Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证Certification 认证Chain 链Challenge 挑战Champion 推动者支持者Change 变更变化变革Change Control 变更控制Change Control Board ("CCB") 变更管理委员会Change document.tion 变更文档Change in Scope 工作范围变化Change Log 变更日志Change Management 变更管理Change Management Plan 变更管理计划Change Notice 变更通知Change Order 变更通知单Changed Conditions 变更的条款Characteristic 特性Chart 图表Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Chart Room 图表室Charter 章程Checking 检查Checklist 检查清单Checkpoint 检查点Checkpoints 检查点集Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Child 子项Child Activity 子活动CI Configuration ItemClaim 索赔Clarification 澄清Class 类Classes 类Classification 分类Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类Clearance Number 净空数Client 客户Client Environment 客户环境Client Quality Services 客户质量服务Closed Projects 已收尾的项目Closeout 收尾Closeout Report 收尾报告Closeout, phase 收尾阶段Closing 终止Closure 收尾CM Configuration Management Construction ManagementCoaching 教练Code 代码Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试Code of Accounts 帐目编码Coding 编码Collaboration 协作Collapsing 折叠Collective 集体的Combative 好战的Commercial 商务的Commercial Item Description 商务描述Commission and Handover 委托和移交Commissioning 试运行Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金Commit 提交Commitment 承诺义务Commitment document.nbsp 承诺文件Commitment EstimateCommitment Package 承诺包Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本Committed Costs 已承诺费用Common Carrier 公众运营商Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通Communication 沟通Communication Channels 沟通渠道Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的Communication Room 交流室Communications Management 沟通管理Communications Plan 沟通计划Communications Planning 沟通规划编制Community 社团Company 公司Comparison 对比Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价Competence 能力Competency 能力Competition 竞争Competitive:竞争的Compile 编译Compile Time 编译时Complete 完成Completed Activity 已完成的活动Completed Units 完工单元Completion 完工Completion Date 完成日期Complex 复杂的Component 构件组件Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试Component-Based Development (CBD) 基于构件的开发Components 组件Compound Risk 复合风险Compromise 折衷Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判Computer 计算机Computer Aided Design ("CAD") 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Drafting ("CAD") 计算机辅助制图Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM") 计算机辅助制造Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用Computer Hardware 计算机硬件Computer Modeling 计算机建模Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项Computer Software 计算机软件Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件Computer Software Configuration Item ("CSCI") 计算机软件配置项Computer Software document.tion 计算机软件文档Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索Concept 概念Concept Definition document.nbsp 概念定义文档Concept Phase 概念阶段Concept Study 概念研究Conception Phase 概念形成阶段Conceptual 概念性的Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算Conceptual Design 概念性设计Conceptual Development 概念性开发Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划Concession 让步Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步Conciliatory 调和的Concluding 终决的Conclusions 结论Concurrency 并发性Concurrent 并发事件Concurrent Delays 并行延迟Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Concurrent Tasks 并行任务Conditional Risk 条件风险Conditions 条件条款Conducting 执行Confidence Level 信心等级Configuration 配置Configuration Audit 配置审核Configuration Breakdown 配置分解Configuration Control 配置控制Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会Configuration Identification 配置识别Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序Configuration Management 配置管理Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会Configuration Relationships 配置关系Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性Confrontation 积极面对Consensus 一致同意Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程Consent 同意Consequences 后果Consideration 对价Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项Consolidate 合并Consortium 联盟Constituents 涉众Constraint 约束条件Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束Constraints 约束条件Constructability 施工能力Construction 施工构造建造建筑Construction Contractor 施工承包商Construction Cost 施工成本Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理Construction Manager 施工经理Construction Stage 施工阶段Construction Work 施工工作Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的Constructive Challenge 建设性质询Constructive Change 建设性变更Consultant 咨询顾问Consulting 咨询Consumable Resource 可消耗资源Consumables 消费性物资Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中Content 内容Content Type 内容类型Context 背景Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用Contingency 不可预见费应急费用Contingency Allowance 应急补助Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序Contingency Plan 意外事件计划Contract Package 合同包Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制Contract Plan 合同计划Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求Contract Requirements 合同要求Contract Risk 合同风险Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析Contract Signing 合同签署Contract Strategy 合同战略Contract Target Cost ("CTC") 合同目标成本Contract Target Price ("CTP") 合同目标价格Contract Type 合同分类Contract Types 合同类型Contract Work Breakdown Structure ("CWBS") 合同工作分解结构Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理Contracting 签订合同Contractor 承包商Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免Contractor Cost Data Report (CCDR) 承包商成本数据报告Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价Contractual 合同的Contractual Conditions 合同条款Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求Contributed value 贡献价值Contribution Analysis 贡献分析Control 控制Control Account ("CA") 控制帐目Control Account Manager ("CAM") 控制帐目经理Control Account Plan ("CAP") : 控制帐目计划Control and Coordination 控制和协调Control Chart 控制表Control Cycle 控制周期Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡Control Loop 控制回路Control Point 控制点Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求Control System 控制系统Control Theory 控制论Controllable Risks 可控风险Controlling 控制参看Project ControlControlling Relationship 控制关系Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵Coordination 协调Coordinator 协调员Corporate 公司Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务Corporate Budget. 公司预算Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库Corporate Management 公司管理Corporate Memory 公司记忆库Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学Corporate Planning 公司计划编制Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准Corporate Resources 公司资源Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵Corporate Standards 公司标准Corporate Supervision 公司监管Corporation 公司Correction 纠正Corrective Action 纠正措施Correlation 相关性Cost 成本Cost Account 成本帐目Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解Cost Account Manager ("CAM") 成本帐目经理Cost Account Plan ("CAP") 成本帐目计划Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法Cost Analysis 成本分析Cost Applications 成本应用Cost Avoidance 成本规避Cost Baseline 成本基线Cost Benefit 成本效益Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围Cost Center 成本中心Cost Check 成本检查Cost Classes 成本类别Cost Code 成本代码Cost Codes 成本代码Cost Control 成本控制Cost Control Point 成本控制点Cost Control System 成本控制系统Cost Curve 成本曲线Cost Distribution 成本分摊Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的Cost Element 成本元素Cost Engineering 成本工程Cost Envelope 成本区域Cost Estimate 成本估算Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系Cost Forecast 成本预测Cost Forecasting 成本预测Cost Growth 成本增长Cost Incurred 已发生成本Cost Index 成本指数Cost Indices 成本指数表Cost Input 成本投入Cost Management 成本管理Cost Model 成本模型Cost of Money 资金成本Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Overrun 成本超支Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线Cost Performance Index ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Indicator ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线Cost Performance Ratio ("CPR") 成本绩效比率Cost Performance Report ("CPR") 成本绩效报告Cost Plan 成本计划Cost Plus 成本补偿Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同Cost Reviews 成本评审Cost Savings 成本节约Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同Cost Status 成本状态Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测Cost Types 成本类型Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法Costing 成本核算Costing Systems 成本核算系统Cost-Time Resource Sheet ("CTR") 成本时间资源表Counseling 指导Countermeasures 对策CPFFC "Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract"CPI "Cost Performance Index"."Cost Performance Indicator".CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract"CPIFC "Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPM "Critical Path Method"CPN "Critical Path Network"CPPC "Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract" CPR "Cost Performance Ratio"Cost Performance Report"CPU "Central Processing Unit"CR "Change Request"Craft 技艺Crash Costs 赶工成本Crash Duration 赶工工期Crashing 赶工Creativity 创造力Credit 赊欠信誉Credited Resource 已授予的资源Crisis 危机Criteria 标准指标Criterion 标准指标Critical 关键的Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Chain 关键链Critical Defect 关键性缺陷Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品Critical Design Review 关键设计评审Critical Event 关键事件Critical Factors 关键因素Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析Critical Path Method ("CPM") 关键路径法Critical Path Network ("CPN") 关键路径网络图Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率Critical Sequence 关键工序Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商Critical Success Factors ("CSF") 关键的成功因素Critical Task 关键任务Critical Work Item 关键工作项Criticality Index 关键指数Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的Cross References 交叉参照Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划CSCI "Computer Software Configuration Item". CSF "Critical Success Factors"CTC "Contract Target Cost"CTP "Contract Target Price"CTR "Cost-Time Resource Sheet" Culture 文化Culture, organizational 文化组织文化Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线Currency Conversion 货币兑换Current Budget 当前预算Current Date Line 当前日期线Current Finish Date 当前完成日期Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配Current Start Date 当前开始日期Current Status 当前状态Current Year 当年Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税Customer 客户Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备Customer Perspective 客户观点Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员Cutoff Date 移交日期Cutover 移交CV Cost Variance"CWBS"Contract Work Breakdown Structure"Cybernetics 控制论Cycle 周期Cycle Time 周期Damages 损害赔偿金Dangle 悬空活动Data 数据Data Application 数据应用Data Collection 数据收集Data Date ("DD") 数据日期Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述Data Processing 数据处理Data Refinements 数据改进Data Type 数据类型Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织Database 数据库Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员Database Management System (DBMS) 数据库管理系统Date of Acceptance 验收日期Day Work Account 日常工作帐户DBA "Database Administrator"DBM "Dynamic Baseline Model"DBMS "Database Management System"DCE "Distributed Computing Environment"DCF "Discounted Cash Flow"DD "Data Date"Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况Decentralized 分散的Decision 决策Decision document.tion 决策文档Decision Event 决策事件Decision Making 制定决策Decision Making Process 决策过程Decision Support System 决策支持系统Decision Theory 决策论Decision Tree 决策树Decision Trees 决策树组Decomposing 分解Decomposition 分解Default 违约Default values 默认值Defect 缺陷Defective 缺陷产品Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量Deficiency 缺陷Deficiency List 缺陷清单Definition 定义Definition Phase 定义阶段Definitive 确定性的Definitive Estimate 确定性估算Deflection 风险转移Degradation 降级Delay 延期Delay, compensable 补偿性延期Delaying Resource 资源延期Delegating 授权Delegation 授权Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物Deliverables Management 交付物管理Delivery 交付Delphi Technique 德尔菲法Demonstrate 演示证明Demonstrated 已证明的Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验Demonstration 演示Demonstration Review 演示评审Department 部门Departmental Budget 部门预算Dependability 可靠性Dependencies 依赖关系Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系Dependency Arrow 关系箭线Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图Dependency Links 依赖关系Dependency Management 依赖关系管理Deployment 部署Deployment Lessons Learned document.nbsp 部署的经验教训文档Deployment Plan 部署计划Deployment Procedures 部署流程Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审Deployment View 部署视图Depreciation 折旧Descriptive 描述性的Design 设计Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段Design Alternatives 设计备选方案Design Appraisal 设计评估Design Authority 设计权威Design Baseline 基准设计Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立Design Brief 设计大纲Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造Design Concept 设计概念Design Contingency 设计应急费用Design Contract 设计合同Design Control 设计控制Design Development 设计开发Design Management 设计管理Design Management Plan 设计管理计划Design Model 设计模型Design of Experiment 试验设计Design Package 设计包Design Review 设计评审Design Subsystem 设计子系统Design Time 设计时间Design to Budget 按预算设计Design to Cost 按成本设计Design-to Specifications 按规范设计Desirable Logic 合意逻辑Detail document.tion 详细的文档Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Design 详细设计Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段Detailed Engineering 详细工程Detailed Planning 详细计划Detailed Plans 详细的计划Detailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划Determination 决定决心Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本Deterministic 确定性的Deterministic Network 确定的网络图Developed Country 发达国家Developer 开发人员Developing Country 发展中国家Development 开发Development case 开发案例Development Phase 开发阶段Development Plan 开发计划Development process 开发过程Deviation 偏差Deviation Permit 允许偏差Diagram 图DID "Data Item Description"Differences 偏差差异Differentials 差值Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境Direct Cost 直接成本Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用Direct Costs 直接成本Direct Labor 直接人工Direct Project Costs 直接项目成本费用Directing 指挥Direction 指导Directive 指示Director 主管总监Discipline 学科Discipline Maintenance 规矩的维护Discontinuous Activity 非连续的活动Discontinuous Processing 非连续的过程Discount Rate 贴现率折现率Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") 折现现金流Discounting 折现Discrete Effort 离散工作Discrete Milestone 离散里程碑Discrete Task 离散任务Discrimination 歧视Discussion 讨论Display 显示Disposal of Materials 材料处置Dispute 辩论Disruption 破坏Disruptive 破坏性的Dissemination 分发Distinguishing Constraint 区分性的约束Distributed 分布式的Distributed Computing Environment ("DCE") 分布式计算环境Distributed Processing 分布式处理Distribution List 分发清单Distribution of Minutes 分发会议纪要Distribution, of information 信息分发Diversity 多样化document.nbsp 文档document.nbspControl 文档控制document.nbspManagement 文档管理document.ry 记录片document.tion 文档document.tion Change Notice 文档变更通知document.tion Requirements Description ("DRD") 文档要求说明书Dog and Pony Show 盛大演示Domain 域DRD document.tion Requirements DescriptionDU DurationDual Concern Model 双重利益模型Dual Responsibility 双重负责Dummy 虚活动Dummy Activity 虚活动Duration 工期持续时间Duration Calculation 工期计算Duration Compression 工期压缩Duty and Tax Administration 税务和税收管理Dynamic Baseline Model? ("DBM") 动态基线模型Dynamic Classification 动态分类EAC Estimate at CompletionEstimated Actual at CompletionEarliest Feasible Date 最早可行日期Earliest Finish 最早完成Earliest Finish Time 最早完成时间Earliest Start 最早开始Earliest Start Time 最早开始时间Early Dates 最早日期Early Finish 最早完成Early Finish Date ("EF") 最早完成日期Early Start 最早开始Early Start Date ("ES") 最早开始日期Early Start Time 最早开始时间Early Warning System 早期预警系统Earned Hours 挣得小时Earned value 挣值/赢得值Earned value Analysis 挣值分析Earned value Cost Control 挣值成本控制Earned value Management 挣值管理Earned value Management System ("EVMS") 挣值管理系统e-Business 电子商务ECCEstimated Cost to CompleteEconomic Analysis 经济分析Economic Commercial value 经济商业价值。
Increased along with the development of the economy, capital operation, rich measures, also more and more people into the financial sector, participate in the economic operation. The listed company financial statement analysis also plays a more and more important role. Boss to users of financial statements of the company are: the shareholders of listed companies), including institutional investors and individual investors, listed companies, lenders (such as Banks), goods or services suppliers, company management, customers, employees, government management departments such as the tax bureau, industrial and commercial bureau and the SFC, the public and competitors, etc. These people and institutions make up the company's alleged interest group, as a result of these financial statements users at different levels of economic relations with the enterprise, their demand for the company's financial information is different also. The listed company financial information this year by the unprecedented attention.The basic building blocks of financial reports of listed companies(1) the basic financial statements: the basic financial statements include balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows.The balance sheet is one of the basic financial statements, it is based on \"assets = liabilities + owner's equity\" balance, reflecting enterprise in a certain date have economic resources and its source.Income statement reflects a certain accounting period financial reports, Chen it offers companies within the monthly, quarterly or annual net profit or loss situation, the formation of the relationship between the income statement each available \"income - cost = profit\" to sum up;In a certain accounting period cash flow statement is to reflect enterprise operating activities, investing activities and financing activities of cash inflows and cash outflows of statements.(2) schedule: refers to the basic financial statements of some major projects added in the report.(3) the notes to financial statements and financial fact sheetNotes to financial statements is mainly in the form of words and Numbers of basic financial statements and other help to understand the content of the financial statements of related matters, including basic accounting policy and the use of main skip-level method, etc.Second, the basic method of financial analysisBasic methods of financial analysis method are many, there are comparative analysis method, ratio analysis, trend analysis, etc.Comparative analysis is comparing the indicators of will contact each other, to determine the differences between them, to evaluate financial activities is good or bad. This is one of the most commonly used in financial analysis method. Comparison of commonly used forms are: current actual number compared with YuSuanShu, execution of budget in order to check the inspection schedule and results, determine the complete assessment of how well the budget. This period compared with the early, in order to understand dynamic and changing trend of financial indicators, further found that the potential and the problem; Company compare with other same industry company, the value of a company is relative, so around the company financial statement analysis is relative.Ratio analysis is to use two indicators of some kind of relationship, through calculating the ratio to consider, calculation and evaluation of company's financial position, operating results and cash flow analysis method. Rate is expressed in multiples or proportion score type.Trend analysis is comparing financial indicators in different periods to determine the difference and change trend analysis method. In a certain sense, it is combine comparative analysis and ratio analysis using a method.Three, debt paying ability analysisEnterprise debt paying ability is to reflect the important sign of enterprise financial position and operating ability, debt paying ability is the enterprise to repay maturingdebt to bear ability or ensure degree, including the ability to repay short-term and long-term debt. In general, corporate debt repayment pressure mainly has the following two aspects: one is general debt repayment of principal and interest, including long-term loans payable, bonds payable, long-term accounts payable, and a variety of short-term debt settlement, etc.; 2 it is rigid various taxes payable, the enterprise must pay.(1) current ratioLiquidity ratio is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. Formula for the liquidity ratio * 100% = current assets/current liabilities. This ratio is enterprise by current assets to repay the current liabilities ability evaluation indicators, explain enterprise each yuan current liabilities have how much liquid assets can be used as a payment guarantee, it is generally believed that current ratio is 2:1 for most of the enterprises is more appropriate ratio.(2) the quick ratioDeduct stock quick ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities ratio, due to the liquidity of inventory liquidation the slowest, or for some reason some inventory may have scrap processing or has not been made part of the inventory has been mortgaged to a creditor, in addition, the inventory valuation, there are cost and reasonable factors of the market price difference, so put in the total inventories from current assets minus and compute the quick ratio reflects the short-term debt paying ability is more credible. It is generally believed that the quick ratio 1:1 is considered to be reasonable, it shows that enterprise each have 1 yuan 1 yuan current liabilities quick assets (that is, cash or approximate cash assets) to do guarantee.(3) the asset-liability ratioAsset-liability ratio = 100% * total liabilities/total assets, total liabilities and total assets is the proportion of relations, asset-liability ratio reflects how much in total assets ratio is raised by borrowing, also can measure business in to protect the interests of the creditors in the event of liquidation. This indicator reflects theproportion of total capital provided by the creditors. The index also referred to as the leverage ratio. Look from shareholder's position, when all the capital profit rate higher than the loan interest rate, debt ratio is bigger, the better, otherwise the opposite. (4) property rightsEquity ratio is measure of long-term solvency of one of the indicators. This metric is the ratio of total liabilities and total shareholders' equity, also known as debt equity ratio. The index reflecting the capital provided by the creditors and shareholders to provide capital to the relative relations, reflect the enterprise financial structure is stable.Fourth, enterprise profitability analysisProfitability as a business marketing ability, ability to collect cash and reduce the cost of ability and the synthesis ability of the risk aversion etc, reflect the enterprise profitability index, usually from production and business operation business profitability, assets profitability analysis.(1) operating marginOperating margin is a business operating margin amount and the ratio of net income. Its computation formula is as follows: business gross margin = 100% operating margin amount business net income / *. This index is mainly reflect the main business of commodity production and business profitability. Unit of income the higher the gross margin, offset the spending ability is stronger; On the contrary, the lower the profitability. In general compared with peers, gross profit margin is low, the cost is on the high side.(2) total assets return rateReturn on total assets is total profit and total interest payments and the average total assets ratio, used to measure the company using the total assets profit ability. Return on total assets = (gross profit + interest payments)/average total assets * 100%, higher than the bank loan interest rate and the social average profit margin, state has total assets of the company profitability.(3) the business indexIt reflects the business activities net cash flow and net profit. Computation formula is: business index = / net operating cash flow. The indicator directly reflect the quality of the earnings, the company how many of each yuan net profit actually received the cash. In general, the greater the ratio, the higher the earnings quality. If the ratio is less than 1, existing in current net profit unrealized cash income. In this case, even though corporate profits, also may be cash shortage, serious will be led to the bankruptcy of enterprises.Five, the cash flow analysisThe amount of cash flows is a financial enterprise cash flow amount, is the floorboard of the cash inflow and outflow of financial enterprises. Cash inflows, is refers to the financial enterprise in a certain period of time from various kinds of economic business in the amount of cash. Cash inflows minus the difference between the cash outflow, called the net cash flow.(1) the cash flow analysisSome companies will manipulate the cash flow statement through exchanges. Through transactions between listed companies and its largest shareholder money to improve the original ugly operating cash flow. Original affiliate account funds often has the financing nature, but the borrower is not as a short-term loan or borrow for a long time, but in other payables accounting, lenders do not as a creditor's rights, but in the other receivables accounts. Changes in other payable, receivable amount at the time of prepare a statement of cash flows as business activities generated cash flow, but essentially these changes reflect the financing, investment, business activities. So when the other payable, receivable changes is the increase of cash flow, operating activities net cash flow generated by the may be overstated.(2) the cash dividend distribution of listed companiesCash dividend distribution has a strong information content. Financially sound company tends to continuous distribution better cash dividend, there are some listedcompanies while the paper profits, but profits are false, bad financial situation, generally can't often cash dividend distribution.(3) the \"cash flow\" which reflect the problemCash flow per share and per share after tax profit should be complementary to each other, some listed companies have better after-tax profit targets, but cash flow is insufficient, this was the result of typical link exchange, also appeared some listed companies in year by selling assets and cash flow is increased, this also is not necessarily a good thing.。
Cha02罗斯公司理财第九版原版书课后习题reported in the financing activity section of the accounting statement of cash flows. When Tyco received payments from customers, the cash inflows were reported as operating cash flows. Another method used by Tyco was to have acquired companies prepay operating expenses. In other words, the company acquired by Tyco would pay vendors for items not yet received. In one case, the payments totaled more than $50 million. When the acquired company was consolidated with Tyco, the prepayments reduced Tyco’s cash outflows, thus increasing the operating cash flows.Dynegy, the energy giant, was accused of engaging in a number of complex “round-trip trades.” The round-trip trades essentially involved the sale of natural resources to a counterparty, with the repurchase of the resources from the same party at the same price. In essence, Dynegy would sell an asset for $100, and immediately repurchase it from the buyer for $100. The problem arose with the treatment of the cash flows from the sale. Dynegy treated the cash from the sale of the asset as an operating cash flow, but classified the repurchase as an investing cash outflow. The total cash flows of the contracts traded by Dynegy in these round-trip trades totaled $300 million.Adelphia Communications was another company that apparently manipulated cash flows. In Adelphia’s case, the company capitalized the labor required to install cable. In other words, the company classified this labor expense as a fixed asset. While this practice is fairly common in the telecommunications industry, Adelphia capitalized a higher percentage of labor than is common. The effect of this classification was that the labor wastreated as an investment cash flow, which increased the operating cash flow.In each of these examples, the companies were trying to boost operating cash flows by shifting cash flows to a different heading. The important thing to notice is that these movements don’t affect the total cash flow of the firm, which is why we recommend focusing on this number, not just operating cash flow.Summary and ConclusionsBesides introducing you to corporate accounting, the purpose of this chapter has been to teach you how to determine cash flow from the accounting statements of a typical company.1. Cash flow is generated by the firm and paid to creditors and shareholders. It can be classifiedas:1. Cash flow from operations.2. Cash flow from changes in fixed assets.3. Cash flow from changes in working capital.2. Calculations of cash flow are not difficult, but they require care and particular attention to detailin properly accounting for noncash expenses such as depreciation and deferred taxes. It is especially important that you do not confuse cash flow with changes in net working capital and net income.Concept Questions1. Liquidity True or false: All assets are liquid at some price. Explain.2. Accounting and Cash Flows Why might the revenue and cost figures shown on a standardincome statement not represent the actual cash inflows andoutflows that occurred during a period?3. Accounting Statement of Cash Flows Looking at the accounting statement of cash flows,what does the bottom line number mean? How useful is this number for analyzing a company? 4. Cash Flows How do financial cash flows and the accounting statement of cash flows differ?Which is more useful for analyzing a company?5. Book Values versus Market Values Under standard accounting rules, it is possible for astoc kholders’ equity of Information Control Corp. one yearago:During the past year, Information Control issued 10 million shares of new stock at a total price of $43 million, and issued $10 million in new long-term debt. The company generated $9 million in net income and paid $2 million in dividends. Construct the current balance sheet reflecting the changes that occurred at Information Control Corp. during the year.8. Cash Flow to Creditors The 2009 balance sheet of Anna’s Tennis Shop, Inc., showed long-term debt of $1.34 million, and the 2010 balance sheet showed long-term debt of $1.39 million.The 2010 income statement showed an interest expense of $118,000. What was the firm’s cash flow to creditors during 2010?9. Cash Flow to Stockholders The 2009 balance sheet of Anna’s Tennis Shop, Inc., showed$430,000 in the common stock account and $2.6 million in the additional paid-in surplus account.The 2010 balance sheet showed $450,000 and $3.05 million in the same two accounts, respectively. If the company paid out $385,000 in cash dividends during 2010, what was the cash flow to stockholders for the year?10. Calculating Cash Flows Given the information for Anna’s Tennis Shop, Inc., in the previoustwo problems, suppose you also know that the firm’s net capital spending for 2010 was $875,000 and that the firmreduced its net working capital investment by $69,000. What was the firm’s 2010 operating cash flow, or OCF?INTERMEDIATE (Questions 11–24)11. Cash Flows Ritter Corporation’s accountants prepared the following financial statements foryear-end 2010:1. Explain the change in cash during 2010.2. Determine the change in net working capital in 2010.3. Determine the cash flow generated by the firm’s assets during 2010.12. Financial Cash Flows The Stancil Corporation provided the following current information:Determine the cash flows from the firm and the cash flows to investors of the firm.13. Building an Income Statement During the year, the Senbet Discount Tire Company hadgross sales of $1.2 million. The firm’s cost of goods sold and selling expenses were $450,000 and $225,000, respectively. Senbet also had notes payable of $900,000. These notes carried an interest rate of 9 percent. Depreciation was $110,000. Senbet’s tax rate was 35 percent.1. What was Senbet’s net income?2. What was Senbet’s operating cash flow?14. Calculating Total Cash Flows Schwert Corp. shows the following information on its 2010income statement: sales = $167,000; costs = $91,000; other expenses = $5,400; depreciation expense = $8,000; interest expense = $11,000; taxes = $18,060; dividends = $9,500. In addition, you’re told that the firm issued $7,250 in new equity during 2010 and redeemed $7,100 in outstanding long-term debt.1. What is the 2010 operating cash flow?2. What is the 2010 cash flow to creditors?3. What is the 2010 cash flow to stockholders?4. If net fixed assets increased by $22,400 during the year, what was the addition to networking capital (NWC)?15. Using Income Statements Given the followingi nformation for O’Hara Marine Co., calculatethe depreciation expense: sales = $43,000; costs = $27,500; addition to retained earnings = $5,300; dividends paid = $1,530;interest expense = $1,900; tax rate = 35 percent.1. What is owners’ equity for 2009 and 2010?2. What is the change in net working capital for 2010?3. In 2010, Weston Enterprises purchased $1,800 in new fixed assets. How much in fixedassets did Weston Enterprises sell? What is the cash flow from assets for the year? (The tax rate is 35 percent.)4. During 2010, Weston Enterprises raised $360 in new long-term debt. How much long-termdebt must Weston Enterprises have paid off during the year? What is the cash flow to creditors?Use the following information for Ingersoll, Inc., for Problems 23 and 24 (assume the tax rate is34 percent):23. Financial Statements Draw up an income statement and balance sheet for this company for2009 and 2010.24. Calculating Cash Flow For 2010, calculate the cash flow from assets, cash flow to creditors,and cash flow to stockholders.CHALLENGE (Questions 25–27)25. Cash Flows You are researching Time Manufacturing and have found the following accountingstatement of cash flows for the most recent year. You also know that the company paid $82 million in current taxes and had an interest expense of $43 million. Use the accounting statement of cash flows to construct the financial statement of cash flows.Nick has also provided the following information: During the year the company raised $118,000 in new long-term debt and retired $98,000 in long-term debt. The company also sold $11,000 in new stock and repurchased $40,000 in stock. The company purchased $786,000 in fixed assets and sold $139,000 in fixed assets.Angus has asked you to prepare the financial statement of cash flows and the accounting statement of cash flows. He has also asked you to answer the following questions:1. How would you describe Warf Computers’ cash flows?2. Which cash flow statement more accurately describes the cash flows at the company?3. In light of your previous answers, comment on Nick’s expansion plans.。
股票价格….(题目12号字加黑居中)(空一行)原文作者:Richard G. Sloan 综述作者:张然(10.5号字居中)(空一行)(Sloan, R. 1996. Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect Information in Accruals and Cash Flows about Future Earnings? The Accounting Review 71: 289-315.) (10.5号字居中,格式同参考文献)(空一行)说明:1、全篇中文选用宋体10.5号字,英文选用Times New Roman字体;2、A4纸型,文章不打印页码;3、均为1.2倍行距;4、页边距设为:上2.54cm,下2.54cm,左3.17 cm,右3.17 cm参考文献: (9号字)Every review paper must include a list of references containing only those works cited. Each entry should contain all data necessary for unambiguous identification. With the author-date system, use the following format:1. Arrange citations in alphabetical order according to surname of the first author or the name of the institution responsible for the citation.2. Use author’s initials instead of proper names.3. Date of publication should be placed immediately after author’s name.4. Titles of journals should not be abbreviated.5. Multiple works by the same author(s) in the same year are distinguished by letters after the date.Sample entries are as follows:American Accounting Association, Committee on Concepts and Standards for External Financial Reports. 1977. Statement on Accounting Theory and Theory Acceptance. Sarasota, FL: AAA.Demski, J. S., and D. E. M. Sappington. 1989. Hierarchical structure and responsibility accounting. Journal of Accounting Research 27: 40–58.Dye, R., B. Balachandran, and R. Magee. 1989. Contingent fees for audit firms. Working paper, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.Fabozzi, F., and I. Pollack, eds. 1987. The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities. 2nd edition. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.Kahneman, D., P. Slovic, and A. Tversky, eds. 1982. Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.Porcano, T. M. 1984a. Distributive justice and tax policy. The Accounting Review 59: 619–636.————. 1984b. The perceived effects of tax policy on corporate investment intentions. The Journal of the American Taxation Association 6 (Fall): 7–19.Shaw, W. H. 1985. Empirical evidence on the market impact of the safe harbor leasing law. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin.Sherman, T. M., ed. 1984. Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School.文献导读写作注意事项:1、每篇文章导读在2500字左右,比较复杂的文章可以长些2、导读的结构文章在本书体系中的位置及前后关系文章研究的核心问题文章的假设或预测文章选择的研究环境:数据、变量、数据年度研究方法研究结果评论:文章的贡献和不足;对未来研究的启示3、写作导读的过程中不必过于重视文章使用的理论模型和复杂的统计,计量方法。