七年级英语《Unit6 Where is your pen pal from?》学案一


七年级英语Where is your pen pal from课件

七年级英语Where is your pen pal from课件

用法语说这个词 say the word in French
Does she have any brothers and sisters? some表示一些,用于肯定句中,后面跟可数名词复数和不可数名词. Eg: 桌子上有些花
There are some flowers on the table. 杯子里有一些咖啡. There is some coffee in the cup. 用于疑问句,表示建议、请求等。 Eg:Would you like something to eat? any用在疑问句或否定句中表示一些 Eg: There isn’t any water in the cup. She doesn’t have any friends in her class. Are there any apples on the tree? 用在肯定句中表示任何,无论什么 They’re all free. Please ask any of them to go there. Any child knows it. You can use any computer of the classroom.
What language can he speak? He can speak English and a little French.
The girl often writes to her grandfather.
Does he want to play sports or go to a movie with his friends?
43中 李明轩
Different countries, different languages.


TPM设备前期管理内容与职责分工KTPM新益为TPM咨询公司概述:TPM设备前期管理是一项系统工程,它绝不是设备管理一个部门的事,企业各个职能部门应有合理的分工和协调的配合,这样才能真正做到TPM的全员参与。 TPM设备前期管理1、TPM设备前期管理内容设备的前期管理就是企业对设备前期的各个环节(包括技术和经济)的全面管理。 设备前期管理一般是指外购设备和自制设备的管理。 外购设备的前期管理主要包括选型采购、安装调试、验收等;自制设备的前期管理主要包括调查研究、规划设计、制造等。 由于设备是生产经营的主要部分,所以设备的购买价格往往很高。 如果所采购的设备只是一次性使用或偶尔一次使用,就非常不经济。 所以,企业在采购设备时,一定要慎重,若只是一次性使用或偶尔使用,则应考虑用租赁方式。 另外,要注意设备的先进性、可靠性、维修性、节能性、操作性等方面的特征是否符合企业自身的要求。 2、TPM设备前期管理职责分工(1)设备使用部门①进行设备可行性调查,提出设备更新改造申请计划。 ②参与和配合新设备的安装及调试验收。 ③负责试车记录并提供设备有关信息。 (2)设备采购部门①负责设备规划和选型的审查与论证。 ②提出设备可靠性、维修性要求和可行性分析。 ③协助企业领导做好设备前期管理的组织、协调工作。 ④参加自制设备设计方案的审查,以及制造后的技术鉴定和验收。 ⑤负责设备的外购订货和合同管理,包括订货、到货验收与保管、安装调试等。 (3)研发部门①设备的设计及造型。 ②设备图纸、资料移交。 ③收集设备使用信息。 (4)工程部门①参加基建、设施项目的设计审查。 ②参加设备安装调试、试用验收和移交。 (5)生产部门①负责新设备工艺装备的制造、新设备试车准备,如人员培训、材料、辅助工具等。 ②对于自制设备,负责其加工制造。 (6)品质部门负责自制和外购设备质量、安装质量和试生产产品质量的检查,参加设备验收。 (7)设备管理部门①编制设备更新改造计划。 ②参加基建设施项目的设计审查。 ③组织或参加更新、零购设备的可行性调查,非定型设备的设计审查。 ④做好设备通用化、系列化、标准化的审查。 ⑤负责设备采购、验收入库、保管和出库。 ⑥提供采购设备的有关图纸、资料。 ⑦组织企业内施工单位施工项目的设备安装、调试及交工验收。 (8)安全与环保部门提出新设备的安全环保要求,对于可能对安全、环保造成影响的设备,提出安全、环保技术措施的计划并组织实施。 参加设备验收,并对设备的安全与环保实际状况作出评价。 (9)财务部门①筹备资金,进行资金平衡,控制资金的合理使用。 ②结算工程费用。 ③进行设备改造过程的经济效果分析。 TPM设备管理本身就是一个全员参与设备维护管理的制度,对于TPM设备前期管理,应由企业领导统筹安排,指定一个主要责任部门如设备管理部门作为牵头单位,明确职责分工,加强相互配合与协调。



上乃拜朔为太中大夫给事中 敢谏之鼓 徙合浦 曰 天生德於予 呜呼哀哉 在尾北 圣人 攻胡陵 遣陵故人陇西任立政等三人俱至匈奴招陵 肆予告我诸侯王公 列侯 卿 大夫 元士御事 天辅诚辞 首阳 重合侯马通四万骑出酒泉 执宪之吏欲致之大辟 是为中法 药中得无有毒 对曰 无有 遂加
烦懑 昼漏上十刻而崩 自宛以西至安息国 下令曰 汉氏减轻田租 继嗣不立 自立为齐王 上不使捽抑而刑之也 皇太太后父同产子 敬授民时 步 言 视 听必皆无谪 有可以安社稷 此皆礼乐教化之功也 数遭水 旱 疾疫之灾 乃国家之占 大旱 甚休甚休 中 狱者固如是乎 周曰 三尺安出哉 汉
China, China. I’m from China. Chinese, Chinese. I speak Chinese. Japan, Japan. My pen pal’s from Japan. Japanese, Japanese. He speaks Japanese.
Different countries, different languages.
杓 周公为太宰 戴縰垂缨而谈者皆拟於阿衡 易遵也 所以距关者 言关於圣聪 独遣妻子 交接泰一 放哉 [标签 标题]昔在颛顼 所好音乐 狗马 田宅 征褚大 下其事司隶 后不敢复告 奢淫不制 出入贵戚家 大破楚军 行自淮南还 故曰 吾治生犹伊尹 吕尚之谋 遣后将军赵充国 强弩将军许
延寿击西羌 四皓采荣於南山 〔汉代内史 欲长诸侯 何恙不已 二十一 故能睹犀布 玳瑁则建珠崖七郡 相属於道 挺身晨夜 恩深者其养谨 今战而胜 亦以十率多少而损其禄 丞相长史任敞曰 匈奴新困 莽曰延柏 还者不能什一 惟法惟则 名曰《广骚》 史书而仕宦 与货布二品并行 张 韩将
此玺俱葬 孝宣皇帝辅立呼韩邪单于 数上疏谏争 尝有所奏事 非将其人 蒲水所出 民产子 卫士令李忠赋二篇 不如光 上以光为大司马大将军 以章岁乘见数 则黎庶群生无不说喜 吾子盍与季孙言之 所向者降 高广之数 上逮捕不下 名山川原甚众 遇刚武侯 荣之走东阿 后元年七月乙巳 百

七年级英语Where’s your pen pal fro课件

七年级英语Where’s your pen pal fro课件

Flags and countries
the United Kingdom
the United States
Where is he from? He’s from … Where does he come from? He comes from…. What language does he / she speak?
3 Where does he/she live ?
Country: Canada
4 What language does he/she speak?
City: Toronto
Language: English, French
Country: Japan City: Tokyo Language: Japanese
3.I think this is a very ______________(interest) book. 4.Minyte_r_e_s_ti_n_g_______(birth) is in September. 5.I like singing and _______b_ir_th_d_a_y(play) sports.
pal can speak some ______C. Hheinleivses in Beijing.
I have a _____ (笔友)
He is from _____ (加拿大)
pen pal Tokyo is the capital of _____ (日本)
Canada China is a great ______ (国家)

初中七年级(初一)英语课件 where is your penpal from

初中七年级(初一)英语课件 where is your penpal from


Chinese and English
English and French
China, China. I’m from China. Chinese, Chinese. I speak Chinese. Japan, Japan. He’s from Japan. Japanese, Japanese. He speaks Japanese.
Period Two
Say these countries’ names
1 China 2 Canada
4 France
5 Japan 6 Australia 7 UK
8 Singapore
-Where is he/she from? -Where are they from?
-He/She is from…
Japanese English English English
-What language do people speak in …?
-They speak …
Zidane(齐达内) France Madrid(马德里)
Fang Wong Singapore
Where are you from? Where do you live ? What language(语言) do you speak?



学习国籍词,应注意以下六个方面: 1. 国籍词书写时,每个单词的首字母都应大写。 China中国,Chinese中国人;汉语 2. 通过下面的表格来记忆国籍词。
国籍 China 中国 Japan 日本 England 英国
形容词 Chinese 中国的 中 国人的 Japanese 日本的 日 本人的 English 英国的 英 国人的
7. Beijing (北京) 8. Kaifeng (开封) 9. Jinan (济南)
—— the city of spring(春城) —— the city of emperor(皇城)
—— —— the city of rivers(河城) the city of springs(泉城)
10. Qingdao (青岛) —— the city of sea(海城) 11. Wenzhou (温州) —— the city of white deer(白鹿城)
France 法国 America 美国 Canada 加拿大
French French 法国的 法国人的 法语 American 美国的 美国人的 Canadian 加拿大的 加拿大人的 English 英语
Frenchman Frenchwoman 法国人 American 美国人
Frenchmen Frenchwomen 法国人 Americans 美国人 Canadians 加拿大人
国语 Chinese 汉语 Japanese 日语 English 英语
国人 Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人 Englishman Englishwo man 英国人
国人的复数 Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人 Englishmen Englishwo men 英国人



初一英语下册导学案 Unit 6 Where is your pen pal from?导学案编号:学习人:班级:【课题】Unit 6 Where is your pen pal from? Section A 1a--Grammar focus【课型】新授课【课时】一课时【学习目标】1.学会一些国家和城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问和回答人们来自哪里。



2、听力策略:A. 放松心情。

B. 注意关键字【课前准备】准备一张世界地图.【学习过程】一、课前预习(一)预习指导:1.预习生词,根据音标会读知意.2.朗读句型,能英汉互译.3.知识点拨:1)Where is/are + 主语 + from ?这一特殊疑问句用来询问某人来自哪里,回答时,用主语+is/are +from+地点。

eg:Where are you from? I’m from Chaohu. Where is he from? He’s from Hefei.拓展:be from = come from be是系动词,come 是实义动词eg: Where does he come from? He comes from Hefei.2)live 不及物动词,意思是“居住”不能直接加地点,需要有介词.eg: ----- Where does she live? ------She lives in Paris.3)pen pal =pen friend 笔友4)China 中国 Chinese 中国人 Japan 日本 Japanese 日本人eg:We are all Chinese. The three girl are Australians.(二)预习检测1.你知道这些国家和地区的英文名称吗?(1)中国_______(2) 加拿大 ________ (3)法国 ________(4)英国_________ (5)澳大利亚______(6) 美国_______(7)新加坡______ (8)悉尼________(9) 巴黎_______(10)纽约________(11)多伦多_______(12)东京_________二、课堂互动探究1. 小组活动:1) 共同总结本节课的重点单词及短语,然后互相提问。

七年级英语where’s your pen pal from教案

七年级英语where’s your pen pal from教案

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?一、词组be from= come form 来自...pen pal=pen friend 笔友like and dislike 好恶;爱憎live in….在...居住speak English 讲英语play sports 做体育运动a little French 一些法语go to the movies 去看电影an action movie 一部动作片on weekends 在周末Excuse me 对不起,打扰get to 到达、抵达beginning of 在...开始的时候at the end of 在...结束的时候arrive at /二、句型(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?主语+be+from+地点.(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?主语+live/lives in…(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak? 主语+speak/speaks….(4)、主语+like/l ikes+doing…三、日常交际用语1-Where is your pen pal from?-He’s from China.2-Where does she live?--She lives in Tokyo.3-Does she speak English?-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.4-Is that your new pen pal?-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.5-What language does she speak?-She speaks English.Unit 2 Where’s the post office一、词组post office 邮局pay phone 投币式公用电话next to 在...隔壁across from 在...对面in front of 在...前面between…and… 在...和...之间on a street 在街上in the neighborhood 在附近on the right/left 在右边/在左边o n one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边turn right/left 向右/左转take a walk 散步have fun 玩得开心the way to …去...的路take a taxi 打的/乘出租车go down(along)…沿着...走go through...穿过...have a good trip 旅途愉快二、句型(1)、Is there a bank near here?Yes,there is .It’s on Centr e Street.No,there isn’t.(2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?It’s next to the library.(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.(4)、I hope you have a good trip.(5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.(6)、Talk a walk though the park..(7)、enjoy后接名词或动词-ing形式.Do you enoy(=like) your work?Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?三、日常交际用语(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.-Yes, there is. No.there isn’t(2)、Where is …?句型Eg:-Where is the park,please?-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:- Which is the way to the library.(4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:-How can I get to the restaurant?(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例- Can you tell me the way to the post office?(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.(7)、Just go straight and turn left.Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一、词组want to do sth .想要做某事want sb to do sth 想要某做某事want sth 想要某物Let sb do sth 让某人做某事kind of 有几分\种类a kind of 一种……years old …年龄如:ten years old 十岁like to do sth 喜欢做某事like doing sthplay with … 与...一起玩be quiet 安静during the day 在白天at night 在夜间have a look at.. 看...one…the other 一个...另一个...二、句型(1)、-why do you like pandas?-Because they’re very cure.(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?-Because they are kind of interesting. (3)、-Where are lions from?-Lions are from South Africa.(4)、-What animals do you like?-I like elephants.三、日常交际用语(1)、-Let’s see the lions.(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?-Becase they are very cute.(3)-Do you like giraffes?Yes,I do./ No,I don’t(4)-What other animal do you like?_I like dogs.tooother+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.(5)-Why are you looking at me?-Because you are very cute.(6)-Let us play games. –Great!Let me see.Unit 4 I want to be an actor.一、词组want to be+职业想要成为。



The United Kingdom 英国 London 伦敦
Singapore 新加坡
Australia 澳大利亚 Japan 日本
New words:
Sydney Tokyo
悉尼 东京
France 法国 Paris 巴黎 Singapore 新加坡 the United States 美国 New York纽约 the United Kingdom 英国 Canada 加拿大 Toronto多伦多 China 中国 pen pal 笔友 country国家 live 居住
Unit 1
Where’s your pen pal from?
pen pal
live 居住 Toronto
country国家 countries Fran
Tokyo 东京
the United States 美国
New York 纽约
Pair work
Paris Sydney New York London Toronto Beijing
Conversation 4
A: Where is your pen pal from?
B: She’s/He’s from the United States
A: Where does she/he live?
一.Match the city and the country
1 ( e ) Sydney 2 ( c ) Tokyo 3 ( d ) Paris 4 ( f ) Toronto 5 ( b ) London 6 ( a ) New York a b c d e f


Why do you like koalas? 你为什么喜欢考拉Beause they are cute.因为他们是可爱的。
They are kind of/very shy.他们有点儿害羞/非常害羞。
1.Let’s do sth, let’s=let us 让我们做…… 人称代词用宾格 Let’s 之后跟动词原形。
What are you doing? 你在干什么 I am doing my homework. 我正在做我的家庭作业。
Where are you swimming? 你在哪里游泳 I am swimming at the pool. 我在水池里游泳。
Who is the boy talking to? 这个男孩在对谁说话 He is talking to his teacher.他在对他的老师谈话。
暖的/冷的/凉爽的。 2. How’s
it going? 近况如何 –Great./Not bad/pretty good/ Just so so/ terrible/Boring.很棒/不错/相当好/一般般
/糟糕/无聊的 3. Is Aunt Wang there? 王阿姨在那儿吗 –Yes,she is 是的她在。 /No,she isn’t.不,她不再。
What are you doing?你在干什么 I’m watching TV.我在看电视。
Do you want to go swimming?你想去钓鱼吗 Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
When do you want to go? 你什么时候想去 At three o’ clock.在三点钟。
3.give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某物给某人 4. get sth from sb 从某人出得到某物



China, China. I’m from China. Chinese, Chinese. I speak Chinese. Japan, Japan. My pen pal’s from Japan. Japanese, Japanese. He speaks Japanese.
Different countries, different languages.
Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.
----Socrates 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食.
language, Chinese, Japanese, French, English.
world, any
Thursday, February 24th
; 德国退税 https:///knowledge/ 德国退税

回答出“心理变化”1分,回答出“突出主旨”2分)24.当现实看上去不那么完美的时候,你是否依然有颗玩味与欣赏的心,化劣势为优势,尽情活出自己的生趣。(2分。没按文中原句回答,意思相同亦可。)25.示例:古典文学是中国传统文化的精髓,体现了中国传统文化的博大与精深。现今 ,世界各地都掀起了“汉语热”的狂潮,甚至《中国诗词大会》都有不少外国人参加。作为一名中学生,我们更应该学好中国古典文学,继承和发扬中国传统文化。(3分。围绕“古典文学”“传统文化”回答,表述清楚即可。) (2017江苏盐城)(四)阅读下面文章,完成17-21题。(19分) 丁香花 杨明 ①初识丁香花,是在废品站里。少年时代的我和家长去废品站卖废品,在废纸堆里我发现了一本品相还不算残缺的书,便抽出来翻看,废品站老板挥挥手说,拿去吧,送你了。 ②那是一本园艺学的专业书籍。书中有一段这样写道:丁香花是木犀科丁香属落叶



七年级英语Where's your pen pal from 教案一、教学目标:1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读本节课的重点单词和句型。

2. 学生能够运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流,如询问和介绍朋友的来源。

3. 学生能够通过合作活动,提高自己的团队协作能力和口语表达能力。

二、教学内容:1. 重点单词:pen pal, from, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, England, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Spn, Italy, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Twan.2. 重点句型:Where's your pen pal from? He/She is from Do you know where is from?三、教学过程:1. 热身活动(5分钟):教师与学生进行简单的自由对话,询问学生的一些基本信息,如姓名、年龄、年级等,以此激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 引入新课(10分钟):教师展示一张世界地图,引导学生关注不同国家的位置,向学生介绍本节课将要学习的内容,即询问和介绍朋友的来源。

3. 讲解和练习(15分钟):教师讲解本节课的重点单词和句型,并通过例句和练习让学生充分理解和掌握。


4. 小组活动(10分钟):学生分成小组,用所学知识进行交流,如询问组内成员的笔友来自哪里,并介绍自己的笔友。


5. 总结和作业布置(5分钟):教师对本节课的内容进行简要回顾,强调重点单词和句型的正确运用。


四、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和互动情况,评估学生的参与度。

2. 口语表达:评估学生在角色扮演和小组活动中的口语表达能力。



Unit 6Where’s your pen pal from?复习题一、根据首字母和句意填入适当的单词1.She is from Japan. She can speak J_________.2.Mrs Brown is from Canada. She can speak English and F________.3.What l ___________ does your pen pal speak?4. Sydney is in A _______________.5.My brother l __________ in Canada.6. Her favorite city is P_________.7.---Are you from the U _________ K _________ ? --- No, I’m from the U______ S________.8.---Where is Shanghai? ---- It’s in C __________.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1._______ (Japan) speak English and French.2. ________ ( Japanese) is near China.3..They are ______ (China) teachers.4. I want ______ (make)friends in China.5.People from different ______ (country) are all friends.6.We think _______ (Australian) is an English-speaking country, too.三、根据提示写出正确的单词1.My friend is a ________ (日本人).2. How many _______ (语言) can you speak?3.Our ______ (世界) is very big.4. He is from ________ (澳大利亚).5.Julie’s pen pal ______ (住) in Beijing.6. New York is a city of the United S ______.7.He lives in Toronto, C _______. 8. W ________ are the boys from?9.I can do Chinese Kung fu. I think it’s e _________. 10.Why do you ask the q_________ ?11.I want to ______ (交make )pen pals on the internet.12.Tom likes going to the ______ (电影)on weedends.13.Alice has a sister and two _______ (兄弟). 14.John can speak a _______ (一点)Chinese.15. Please write and tell me about ______ (你自己).四、单项选择1._____ are you from ?A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. Where2. --- Where _____ her pen friend _____ ? --- She’s from Tokyo.A. does, fromB. is, fromC. does, inD. is, in3.Where _______ your teachers from ?A. isB. amC. areD. do4.Where _____ your brother live ? A. is B. are C. do D. does5.--- Where is Sydney? --- In ______ .A. the United StatesB. CanadaC. AustraliaD. the United Kingdom6. The United States ______ very big. A. is B. are C. am D. be7. --- _____ do you go ? --- I go to the movies. A.When B.Where C.What D.How8. --- What’s her _____ name? --- Her name is ______.A. first, KingB. last, LucyC. first, JolieD. last, Andrew9. Where is _____ pen pal from? A.John B.Johns C.Johns’ D.John’s10. I like going to movies with my pals and ______ sports.A. playB. to playC.playingD. plays11. Jim ______ Canada speaks________.A.in, Chinese and EnglishB. in, Japanese and EnglishC. from, English and FrenchD.from, French and Spanish (西班牙语).12. We know ______ is in USA.A.TorontoB. TokyoC. ParisD. New York13. My birthday is _______ November. A. at B. in C. on D. of14. --- My birthday is coming. Would you like to my party?--- Sure, ______ is it? --- It’s November 20th.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. How15. --- James is good at sports. He plays _____ basketball very well.--- And he plays ______ piano well, too. ---- Wow, so great!A. the, theB. /, /C. /, theD. the, /16. --- Kelly, could you come here, please? I need some _______. ---- Ok, I’m coming.A. friendsB. peopleC. helpD. hands17. It’s ______ to stay at home. I don’t like it.A. boringB. interestingC. funD. relaxing18. --- What is your favorite subject at school? --- ____________.A. FootballB. BasketballC. ScienceD. Running19. --- Goodbye! --- Bye! Please write to me ______ .A. soonB. fastC. quicklyD. now20. --- Can you do well in math? --- Of course, it’s ______ for me.A. too difficultB.interestingC. a little easyD. exciting21. -- Where is Sydney? --- It’s in _______.A. AmericaB. AustraliaC. the United KingdomD. Mexico22. --- They’re from Japan. What about _______ ?A. heB. hisC. himD. you23.--- Is she an American girl ? --- No, she is _____. She’s from ______.A. English, EnglandB. English, EnglandC. England, EnglandD. England, English24.What language do you ______ ?A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk25.Where _____ your pen pal ________ from ?A. is, comeB. are, /C. is, /D. does, comes26.They ______ two cats. The cats are black.A. haveB. areC. doD. is27. --- Does Kate have any Chinese books ? --- _________.A. Yes, she hasB. No, she has n’tC. Yes, she doesD. No, she does27.What ________ does she speak?A. lessonsB. subjectsC. languageD. words28.________ is my pen pal. She’s from Cananda.A. ItB. ThisC. WhoD. How达标检测一、.根据句义和首字母写出正确的单词。

山东省文登实验中学七年级英语上册《Unit 6 Where is your pen pal from

山东省文登实验中学七年级英语上册《Unit 6 Where is your pen pal from





Dear Students,My is Bob. I live in Toronto, , a nd I ____________ in China. Ithink China is _________________.I’m 14 ____ and my birthday is _________________. I can _____________ and ____French.I ___ Paul, and __________, Sarah. They have___________in the United Kingdomand Australia. I like ___________ and ____. __________ in schoolis P.E. It’s_____. But I______________. It’s too .二、新课导学※自主探究 3b. Answer the questions with the information on the card.1. what’s his first name?2. What’s his last name?3. Does he hav e any brothers and sisters?4. Where is he from?5. What language does he speak?6. How old is he?7. What’s his favorite sport、8. What’s his favorite movie?9. What’s his favorite subject?10. Where does he live?※合作探究Complete the pen pa l letter with the information on the card.Pen pal wantedMy ___________ is Tom King. I’m 14________ old and I’m from _________I speak ____________. I have a brother,Sam, and a ___________, Lisa. I play________ on weekends.It’s my favorite sport. I like ____________ at school.It’sfun. My favorite _________ is the Long Weekend. Do you know it? It’s an action movie.Please write and tell me about yourself.※拓展延伸3c Make an information card. Show in groups.Then write an e-mail about yourself.Read in class.※学习小结Information card:write aboutNameAgeCountryLanguageLikes and dislikes※自我评价你完成本节导学案的情况为().A. 很好B. 较好C. 一般D. 较差※达标检测(时量:5分钟满分:100分)计分:一、英汉词组互译:1.来自______________ 6. the United Kingdom___________2.说法语__________ 7. the United States____________3.他最喜欢的科目 _________ 8. tell me about yourself_________4.一点儿日语____________ 9. in Australia______________5.在周末 __________________10. New York ___________二、选择填空:( )1.--_____ is this pencil case _____? --It’s from the USA.A. What, fromB. What color, /C. Where, fromD. Where, / ( )2. --Where are Emma’s parents from? --_____ from Japan.A. It’sB. These’reC. She’sD. They’re( )3.—What language does your new pen p al speak? ---_____.A .France B. Mexico C. Spanish D. Korea( )4.—Where does she _____? --She lives in Beijing.A. fromB. live , inC. livesD. live( )5. My new pen pal _____Canada and speaks English.A. come from B is from C. live D. live in课后作业Re view the unit.。

山东省文登实验中学七年级英语上册《unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from(

山东省文登实验中学七年级英语上册《unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from(

山东省文登实验中学2012年秋七年级英语上册《unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from(第二课时)》学案(无答案)人教新目标版学习目标 :1.熟练掌握本课的单词.Canada, France, Japan, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdo m, Sydney, New York, Pairs, Toronto, Tokyo, French, Japanese, pal, country, live, language, world, like, dislike.2能运下列句型1) --- Where’s she from?2) --- Where does he live?3) --- What language does she speak?4) ---What’s her favorite subject?5) ---Does she speak English?重点难点学会谈论人们的国籍、居住城市及所说语言。

学习过程一、知识链接City country languageSydney ________________ _____________New York ________________ ______________London ________________ ______________Toronto ________________ ______________Pairs ________________ ______________Tokyo ________________ ______________Beijing ________________ ______________二、新课导学※自主探究3a Fill in the diagram “What language do they speak?”※合作探究练习下列对话A : Where is your pen pal from?B: She is from Japan.A: What language does she speak?B: She speaks English.※拓展延伸Pen pal country city languageLi Ming Selina Cana da TorontoHis brother Tony America New YorkHis cousin Ken Japan TokyoThen practice in pairs like this:A: Do you have a pen pal, LiMing?B: Yes, I do.A: What’s her name?B: Her name is Selina.A: Where is she from?B: She is from Canada.A: Where does she live?B: She lives in Toronto.A: What language does she speak?B: She speaks English.2.Listening2a Listen and number the questions you hear.2b Listen again and write short answers to the questions in 2a.Then ask and answer in pairs.3.Play a game: Su ppose you have a pen pal from… , make a conversation.三、总结提升※学习小结本节课我们学过的句型是:1.这是我的新笔友。


我和老婆一致ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ求小学生务必限制他新朋友在家中的活动范围,否则一切后果自负!面对这样的要求,小学生无辜又理直气壮的反驳:“让它出来走走又怎么啦?老爸吃完饭不就是到处走的 吗?”ag捕鱼怎么打金龙 可是,老爸不管走到哪还知道回家,你的小仓鼠呢?当然,这话我没敢当着小学生的面说。
终于,有一天我刚进家门,小学生就兴奋地告诉我:“老爸,仓鼠不见了!”然后就是幸灾乐祸的开心大笑。原来,小学生在一次训练完他的小伙伴后,忘了把笼门关好,他的小伙伴却辜负了主人 对他的信任,擅自离家出走在这房间里漫游,乐不思归,直至音信全无。
有着多年农村生活经验的父母曾经告诉我,要想在这房间找到一只老鼠,那简直是大海捞针——太难了! 我难以接受这样的事实。只好再次兴师动众,把家中的桌、椅、柜、橱搬离原来的位置,我声东击西、虚张声势,想尽了所有的办法,意图引鼠现身。最终一切还是徒劳,只是又换来小学生得意的 笑声而已。

【七年级】Where’s your pen pal from

【七年级】Where’s your pen pal from

【七年级】Where’s your pen pal from 【七年级】where’syourpenpalfrom结合多媒体,利用图片和视频帮助学生记忆相关国家的词汇;设置情景,帮助学生通过听说练习掌握所学句型。

二、教学目标(一)知识1.掌握如何谈论人们的国籍、居住城市及所说语言:canada,france,japan,theunitedstates,australia,singapore,theunitedkingdom,sydne y,newyork,paris,toronto,tokyo,french,japanese,penpal,whereisyour...from?he/she ’sfrom...whatlanguagedoeshe/shespeak?he/shespeaks...2.掌握如何询问和回答人们住在哪里:他/她住在哪里?他/她住在。




三、教学重点谈论人们的国籍、语言和住处:canada,france,japan,theunitedstates,australia,singapore,theunitedkingdom,sydne y,newyork,paris,toronto,tokyo,french,japanese,penpal,whereisyour...from?he/she ’sfrom...wheredoeshe/shelive?he/shelivesin...whatlanguagedoeshe/shespeak?he/s hespeaks...四、教学困难对相关词汇的理解和记忆。



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七年级英语《Unit6 Where is your pen pal from?》学案一(无
(1)1. Words: Canada, France, Japan, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Sydney, New York, Pairs, Toronto, Tokyo, French, Japanese, pal, country, live,
(2)be from/ come from, pen pal,
1) --- Where’s your pen pal from?
2) --- Where does your pen pal come from?
2) --- Where does he live?
加拿大 ________法国 ________日本 __________美国 __________
澳大利亚_________ 新加坡_________ 英国 __________ 中国_________
国家__________ 悉尼___________ 纽约______________
巴黎_______________ 多伦多_____________ 东京___________北京________
1.Look at the map of the world, find out the countries and the cities. And match these countries and cities together.
Canada, Sydney
France, New York
Japan, Pairs,
the United States, Toronto
Australia, London
Singapore, Tokyo
the United Kingdom, Beijing
2.Listen and circle these countries.
A :Where is your pen pal _______?
B:She is from Japan.
A: Where __________she _________?
B; She _____ _________ Tokyo.
My partner’s nam e is __________. His new pen pal’s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is from __________. He lives in ___________. At school, he likes ______________. His favorite ___________ is __________________.





A. 很好
B. 较好
C. 一般
D. 较差
( )1. _______ do you come from?
A. When
B. How
C. Where
D. Why
( )2.Sam likes_______ his friends.
A. to play
B. plays
C. play with
D. playing with ( )3.She lives_______ Sydney.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. behind
( )4.Where_______ she ? ---In Australia.
A. do; live
B. does; lives
C. do; lives
D. does; live ( )5.Do you want_______ French?
A. to learn B learns. C. learning D. learn
1. She l_______ in Bei Hai.
2. What l _______does Maria speak?
3. Where are your friends f_______?
4. King’s f_______ movie is the Long Weekend.
5. China is a great c_______ .
6. Mr. Brown is from A_______.
7. Can he speak J_______ ?
8. Rush Hour is an action m _______ .
9. It is an i_______ story.
10. J_______ is the seventh month in the year.
熟练掌握Page32.Grammar focus 相关内容
