
ted演讲稿高中生精选范文TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“值得传播的创意”.一起来看看ted演讲稿高中生精选范文,欢迎查阅!ted演讲稿1I grew up diagnosed as phobically shy,我从小就有社交恐惧症and like at least 20 other people in a room of this size,这样的空间大约20人I was a stutterer.就能让以前的我结巴语塞Do you dare raise your hand?更别提举手了根本不可能And it sticks with us.这种困扰如影随形It really does stick with us,你走到哪它就跟到哪because when we are treated that way,当大家对你的存在视若无睹we feel invisible sometimes,你会开始感觉自己是隐形人or talked around and at.而别人都在你背后窃窃私语And as I started to look at people,后来我仔细去观察周遭的人which is mostly all I did,一直以来我都只敢默默观察I noticed that some people really wanted attention然后发现有些人无法忍受被忽视and recognition.他们要得到大家的注意力和认同Remember, I was young then.当时我年轻、懵懂So what did they do? What we still do perhaps too often?渴望注意力的人会做什么? 也许现在太多人在做一样的事而不自知We talk about ourselves.他们谈论的常常都是自己And yet there are other people I observed who had what I called a mutuality mindset.但另一批人就不同了我说他们的人际关系往往有一种“互相”的心态In each situation, they found a way to talk about us and create that “us” idea.无论什么场合他们的谈话里都会出现“我们”这个概念So my idea to reimagine the world is to see it one where we all become greater opportunity-makers with and for others.在我心目中的理想世界每个人都能为自己和别人创造机会There’s no greater opportunity or call for action for us now 就是现在我们必须把握良机、采取行动than to become opportunity-makers who use best talents together more often for the greater good多去整合各种才能尽可能的利益他人and accomplish things we couldn’t have done on our own.一人做不到的多人或许有办法And I want to talk to you about that,这就是我今天的重点cause even more than giving,比单纯给予even more than giving,施舍、捐赠更有影响力的is the capacity for us to do something smarter together就是人们学会集思广益for the greater good that lifts us both up共同合作创造双赢局面and that can scale.其中的利益会一层层积累That’s why I’m sitting here.这是我今天演讲的重点But I also want to point something else out.不过我还想说一件事Each one of you is better than anybody else at something.台下的你必定在某些事上比其他人都拿手That disproves that popular notion that if you’re the smartest person in the room,和那句名言“你绝不是这里最厉害的人”you’re in the wrong room.恰恰相反So let me tell you about a Hollywood party I went to a couple years back,我在几年前的一个好莱坞聚会上and I met this up-and-coming actress,遇见了位有潜力的女演员and we were soon talking about something that we both felt passionately about,我们很快就找到共同话题-public art.公共艺术And she had the fervent belief that every new building in LosAngeles她坚信洛杉矶的每栋建筑里should have public art in it. She wanted a regulation for it, 都应该有公共艺术她想要一套专属公共艺术的规范and she fervently started,所以她兴忡忡的着手进行What is here from Chicago?这里有谁是芝加哥人吗?She fervently started talking about these bean-shaped reflective sculptures in Millennium Park,她滔滔不绝的说着千禧公园里的云门雕塑and people would walk up to it人们好奇的上前一探究竟and they’d smile in the reflection of it,看着自己的映像微笑and they’d pose and they’d vamp and they’d take selfies together摆pose、赞叹、自拍留念and they’d laugh.然后笑成一团And as she was talking, a thought came to my mind.听着听着我突然灵光乍现I said, “I know someone you ought to meet.我告诉她: “妳应该见见这个人He’s getting out of San Quentin in a couple of weeks再几周他就要从圣昆丁州立监狱出来了and he shares your fervent desire that art should engage and enable people to connect.”他跟妳一样觉得艺术应该让人有共鸣、激发想像力”He spent five years in solitary,他被单独监禁了五年and I met him because I gave a speech at San Quentin,我因为在圣昆丁演讲而与他结识and he’s articulate他口条不错and he’s rather easy on the eyes长的也不赖because he’s buff. He had workout regime he did everyday.因为他是条热爱健身的汉子I think she was following me at that point.女演员大概还满有兴趣的I said, “he’d be an une_pected ally.”我又说: “他会是个得力助手”And not just that. There’s James. He’s an architect除了他之外我把詹姆也拉进来詹姆是建筑师and he’s a professor,也是个教授and he loves place-making, and place-making is when you have those mini-plazas他对地方营造很有兴趣外头的小广场、and those urban walkways城市人行道and where they’re dotted with art,任何有艺术点缀的地方都属于地方营造的范畴where people draw and come up and talk sometimes.许多人会在那儿画画、闲聊I think they’d make good allies.我想他们一定能合作无间And indeed they were.果真没错They met together. They prepared.他们碰面之后就开始筹备They spoke in front of the Lost Angeles City Council.到洛杉矶市政府传达诉求And the council members not only passed the regulation,结果市议员通过了他们订的条例half of them came down and asked to pose with them afterwards.之后甚至半数议员还去与艺术品合影They were startling, compelling and credible.他们给人的印象是震慑、具说服力、可靠You can’t buy that.全都是用钱买不到的What I’m asking you to consider is what kind of opportunity-makers we might become,希望各位想想自己能成为哪种机会制造者because more than wealth比财富、or fancy titles头衔、or a lot of contacts,人脉更可观的it’s our capacity to connect around each other’s better side and bring it out.是我们发掘他人优点的能力And I’m not saying this is easy,这一点都不容易and I’m sure many of you have made the wrong moves too about who you wanted to connect with,相信许多人都有找错对象、牵错线的经验but what I want to suggest is, this is an opportunity.但毕竟都是个“机会”I started thinking about it way back when I was a Wall Street Journal reporter and I was in Europe这个领悟要从好几年前说起当时我在欧洲担任华尔街日报记者and I was supposed to cover trends and trends that transcended business or politics or lifestyle.采访内容为时尚与流行跨越商业、政治、生活型态隔阂的流行So I had to have contacts in different worlds very different than mine,因此得和背景截然不同的人打交道because otherwise you couldn’t spot the trends.否则就无法掌握潮流走向And third, I had to write a story in a way stepping into the reader’s shoes,写故事时还得设身处地为读者想they could see how these trends could affect their lives.要让他们觉得自己和这些潮流息息相关That’s what opportunity-makers do.这就是机会制造者的任务And here’s a strange thing:奇怪之处在于Unlike an increasing number of Americans who are working and living and playing with people who think e_actly like them 越来越多人工作、生活、娱乐都喜欢寻找与自己相似的人because we then become more rigid and e_treme,久而久之就变得挑剔、极端起来opportunity-makers are actively seeking situations with people unlike them,机会制造者寻找与自己不相似的人and they’re building relationships,和他们建立关系and because they do that,这样做的话they have trusted relationships where they can bring the right team in两方之间就有互信能在适当的时机介绍彼此适当的人and recruit them to solve a problem better and faster and seize more opportunities.用更快、更好的方法解决问题同时也抓住了更多机会They’re not affronted by differences.机会创造者不会被歧异冒犯They’re fascinated by them,反而深受吸引and that is a huge shift in mindset,这是心态上的极端不同and once you feel it, you want it to happen a lot more.你一旦意识到就会为它的魅力着迷This world is calling out for us to have a collective mindset, 和别人形成“共同体”才是王道and I believe in doing that.我个人深信It’s especially important now.携手合作在这世代特别重要Why is it important now?为什么呢?Because things can be devised like drones机器小帮手and drugs and data collection,药物开发、数据收集and they can be devised by more people.都可以让更多人参与其中and cheaper ways for beneficial purposes用更经济的方式创造收益and then, as we know from the news every day, they can be used for dangerous ones.只是水能载舟亦能复舟也可能被有心人士利用It calls on us, each of us, to a higher calling.这个理念非常需要大家的重视But here’s the icing on the cake:成为机会制造者是一箭双雕It’s not just the first opportunity that you do with somebody else that’s probably your greatest,除了获得和更高竿对象合作的机会as an institution or an individual.无论对于机构或个人来说It’s after you’ve had that e_perience and you trust each other.都是开启了这扇门建立信任后It’s the une_pected things that you devise later on you never could have predicted.团队合作带来的惊人成果For e_ample, Marty is the husband of that actress I mentioned,麦迪是那位女演员的丈夫and he watched them when they were practicing,詹姆等三人排练时他就在旁边看and he was soon talking to Wally, my friend the e_-con,并很快和韦利聊开了就是刚出狱的那位about that e_ercise regime.大概在聊健身吧?And he thought, I have a set of racquetball courts.麦迪心想: “我有个壁球馆That guy could teach it. A lot of people who work there are members at my courts.韦利可以来当教练很多教练都是体育馆的会员They’re frequent travelers.他们很常来我这边They could practice in their hotel room, no equipment provided.旅馆房间里没有设备也照样能练习”That’s how Wally got hired.韦利就这样得到了板球教练的工作Not only that, years later he was also teaching racquetball.几年后他也开始教壁球学生Years after that, he was teaching the racquetball teachers.再过了几年则是教壁球老师What I’m suggesting is, when you connect with people我想说的是当你把周遭有相同兴趣、around a shared interest and action,喜好的人圈在一块you’re a ccustomed to serendipitous things happening into the future,就会逐渐适应随之而来、意想不到的收获and I think that’s what we’re looking at.我想这才是至关重要We open ourselves up to those opportunities,面对机会我们敞开心胸and in this room are key players and technology,关键推手-这里的你们再加上科技key players who are uniquely positioned to do this,每个人各司其职有自己的位置to scale systems and projects together.提升制度和计划的整体价值So here’s what I’m calling for you to do. Remember the three traits of opportunity-makers.我想拜讬大家的就是记得机会制造者的三项特质Opportunity-makers keep honing their top strength一、机会制造者不断磨练自己专长and they become pattern seekers.开拓事物运作的新方式They get involved in different worlds than their worlds二、他们乐于接触不同人的世界so they’re trusted and they can see those patterns,获取信任学习各种合作方式and they communicate to connect around sweet spots of shared interest.三、他们周旋于各方之间让参与的人都分一杯羹So what I’m asking you is, the world is hungry.我想说的是人与人之间太缺乏连结I truly believe, in my firsthand e_perience,根据亲身经验我相信the world is hungry for us to unite together as opportunity-makers这世界很需要机会制造者and to emulate those behaviors as so many of you already do, I know that firsthand,可能台下的你已经是其中之一大家都应该效仿机会制造者and to reimagine a world where we use our best talents together重塑我们的世界融合各领域人才more often to accomplish greater thing together than we could on our own.一人不能做的事借由合作来完成Just remember,请把这句话放在心上as Dave Liniger once said,大卫˙林杰说过“You can’t succeed coming to the potluck with only a fork.”“只带一只叉子就来百乐餐的人永远无法成功”(注: 后衍伸为商业成长需要集体合作、贡献)Thank you very much.谢谢大家Thank you.谢谢。

辉煌的高中生活发言稿英语Good morning, fellow students, teachers, and honored guests. It is an honor for me to stand before you today and share my thoughts on my high school experience.High school is a pivotal time in our lives. It is a period of growth, learning, and self-discovery. As we all know, it is also a time of great challenges, both academically and personally. Each of us has faced our own struggles and triumphs during these past few years, and it is these experiences that have shaped us into the individuals we are today.For some of us, high school has been a time of academic achievement. We have pushed ourselves to excel in our studies, striving for top grades and challenging ourselves with advanced courses. We have spent countless hours in the library, pouring over textbooks and cramming for exams. We have worked tirelessly on projects and essays, hoping to impress our teachers and earn their respect. And through our hard work and dedication, we have achieved success in the classroom.For others, high school has been a time of personal growth and self-discovery. We have navigated the complexities of friendships and relationships, learning valuable lessons about trust, loyalty, and empathy. We have faced adversity and overcome obstacles, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. We have discovered our passions and interests, pursuing extracurricular activities and hobbies that bring us joy and fulfillment. And through these experiences, we have developed a greater sense of self-awareness and confidence in our abilities.Of course, high school has also been a time of shared experiences and memories. We have laughed and cried together, celebrated victories and commiserated over defeats. We have attended football games and pep rallies, danced at school dances, and stayed up late cramming for exams. We have formed friendships that will last a lifetime, creating a support network of peers who understand and appreciate us for who we are.As I reflect on my high school experience, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have had. I am grateful for the support of my teachers, who have challenged and inspired me to achieve my full potential. I am grateful for the guidance of my parents, who have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and never give up. And I am grateful for the friendships I have made, which have provided me with a sense of belonging and community.In closing, I want to share a few words of wisdom with my fellow students. As we prepare to embark on the next chapter of our lives, let us remember the lessons we have learned and the experiences we have had. Let us carry with us the values of hard work, perseverance, and compassion, and use them to guide our actions and decisions in the future. Let us never forget the friendships we have made and the support we have received, and let us strive to be sources of inspiration and encouragement for others.High school has been a time of challenges and triumphs, successes and failures, laughter and tears. It has been a time of growth and self-discovery, a time that has shaped us into the individuals we aretoday. As we move forward, let us embrace the future with optimism and determination, knowing that we are prepared to face whatever challenges come our way.Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you today. I am proud to be a member of this graduating class, and I am excited to see what the future holds for each and every one of us. Congratulations to my fellow graduates, and best of luck in all of your future endeavors. Thank you.。

TED精选英语演讲稿电子版(高中)演讲稿一:The Power of Dreams演讲者:Benjamin Johnson时间:2020年5月12日演讲时长:10分钟演讲稿正文:IntroductionGood morning, ladies and gentlemen! I am honored to be standing here today to talk about the power of dreams. Dreams have the ability to inspire, motivate, and transform individuals. As high school students, it is crucial that we embrace our dreams and strive to achieve them. Today, I want to share with you why dreams are important and how they can positively impact our lives.The Importance of DreamsDreams are like a guiding light that leads us towards success. They provide us with a sense of direction and purpose. Without dreams, life can become monotonous and uninspiring. Dreams have the power to ignite a fire within us, propelling us forward and pushing us to overcome challenges.Dreams as MotivationWhen we have a dream, we become motivated to work hard and make it a reality. Dreams give us something to strive for and set goals that drive us towards personal growth. They help us focus our energy and efforts on achieving something meaningful. For example, if your dream is to become a doctor, you will be motivated to study hard, excel in your academics, and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve that dream.Inspiring OthersHaving dreams not only impacts our own lives but also inspires those around us. When others see us pursuing our dreams with determination and perseverance, it encourages them to do the same. As high school students, we have the power to inspire our peers and even younger students by sharing our dreams and showing them that anything is possible with hard work and dedication.Overcoming ChallengesDreams are not always easy to achieve. Along the journey, we will face numerous obstacles and setbacks. However, it is through the pursuit of our dreams that we learn to overcome these challenges. The road to success is rarely smooth, but it is through perseverance and resilience that we grow as individuals and become better prepared for future endeavors.ConclusionIn conclusion, dreams have immense power to transform our lives. They provide us with motivation, inspiration, and a sense of purpose. As high school students, let us embrace our dreams and work towards achieving them. Remember, dreams are not just a fleeting thought, but a powerful force that can shape our future. Let us dream big and make our dreams a reality! Thank you.演讲稿二:The Importance of Environmental Conservation 演讲者:Emily Thompson时间:2020年7月18日演讲时长:8分钟演讲稿正文:IntroductionGood afternoon, fellow students and respected teachers. Today, I would like to discuss the importance of environmental conservation. The well-being of our planet is in our hands, and as high school students, it is our responsibility to take action and make a difference. In this speech, I will outline the importance of environmental conservation and provide suggestions on how we can contribute to a greener future.The Fragility of Our EcosystemOur planet is a delicate balance of ecosystems that sustain life. However, human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are threatening this balance. It is essential to understand that we depend on the environment for our survival. Conservation efforts are crucial for protecting biodiversity, maintaining clean air and water, and ensuring the well-being of future generations.Preserving BiodiversityBiodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. It is through biodiversity that ecosystems thrive, and without it, our planet would be a desolate place. Environmental conservation plays a key role in preserving biodiversity by protecting habitats, preventing species extinction, and promoting sustainable practices.Combating Climate ChangeClimate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps are just a few of the consequences of climate change. Environmental conservation aims to reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy sources, and mitigate the impact of climate change. As high school students, we can contribute by adopting eco-friendly habits such as reducing our carbon footprint, using energy-efficient technologies, and supporting sustainable transportation.The Role of EducationEducation is a powerful tool for promoting environmental conservation. By raising awareness and providing knowledge about the importance of conservation, we can empower individuals to take action. High schools can incorporate environmental topics into their curriculum, organize awareness campaigns, and encourage students to engage in eco-friendly projects. By nurturing an environmentally conscious mindset, we can create a generation of responsible citizens who are committed to preserving our planet.Individual Actions MatterWhile addressing environmental issues may seem overwhelming, it is essential to remember that every individual action counts. Simple changes in our daily lives can make a significant impact. Recycle, reduce waste, conserve water, and use eco-friendly products. Encourage sustainable practices within your community and inspire others to join the cause. By making conscious choices, we can collectively create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.ConclusionIn conclusion, environmental conservation is of utmost importance for the future of our planet. It is our responsibility as high school students to actively participate in conservation efforts and make a positive impact. By preserving biodiversity, combating climate change, promoting education, and making individual changes, we can shape a greener future for ourselves and generations to come. Let us remember that the power to make a difference lies within each one of us. Thank you.。

我的高中生活英语演讲稿Ladies and Gentlemen,It is an honor to stand here today and share a snippet of my high school journey. High school, a phase that is often described as a transition from childhood to adulthood, a bridge between the known and the unknown.For me, high school was not just about academics, it was about finding my voice, my passion, and my purpose. It was a time of exploration, both internally and externally. Internally, I delved into the depths of my interests, my strengths, and my weaknesses. Externally, I ventured into new territories, making friends from diverse backgrounds and experiences.Academics were challenging, but they were also rewarding. The struggle to understand complex concepts, the sleepless nights before exams, and the sense of accomplishment when grades were announced, all became part of my routine. But more importantly, I learned the value of perseverance and hard work.Beyond academics, high school was a platform for personal growth. I joined clubs and participated in extracurricular activities that allowed me to develop leadership skills, teamwork, and public speaking abilities. I also had the opportunity tovolunteer in the community, which taught me the importance of giving back and making a difference.High school was also a time of self-discovery. I experimented with different hobbies, interests, and even career paths. I tried my hand at writing, speaking, and even performing on stage. These experiences not only helped me discover my passions but also gave me the confidence to pursue them.Looking back, I cherish the memories of those late-night conversations with friends, the laughter, the tears, the successes, and the failures. Every moment, whether happy or difficult, has shaped me into who I am today.As I stand here today, I want to encourage all of you to embrace your high school journey, whatever it may bring. Seize the opportunities, face the challenges, and never be afraid to dream big. Remember, high school is not just a phase, it's a journey that will shape your future.Thank you.。

我的高中生活英语作文演讲High school is a pivotal time in a person's life. It is a time of growth, self-discovery, and endless possibilities. My high school experience has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, challenges, friendships, and accomplishments.One of the most memorable aspects of my high school life has been the friendships I have made. I have met some incredible people who have become my support system, my cheerleaders, and my partners in crime. From late-night study sessions to weekend adventures, my friends have been therefor me through thick and thin. They have made my high school experience truly unforgettable.Another important part of my high school life has been the challenging academic environment. High school has pushed me to work harder, think critically, and develop problem-solving skills. From essays and exams to group projects andpresentations, I have been constantly challenged to pushmyself beyond my limits and strive for excellence. While it hasn't always been easy, the sense of accomplishment I feel when I succeed makes it all worth it.High school has also taught me valuable life lessons. I have learned the importance of time management, perseverance, and resilience. I have learned to embrace failure as alearning opportunity and to never give up on my dreams. High school has shaped me into the person I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful.In conclusion, my high school life has been a whirlwindof experiences, emotions, and growth. I have madeunforgettable memories, forged lifelong friendships, and overcome countless challenges. High school has been a chapter of my life that I will always look back on with fondness and gratitude. Thank you.。

Good morning! Today, I would like to share with you about my high school life. High school is a crucial period in our lives, a time when we grow, learn, and make memories that will last a lifetime. In this speech, I will talk about the highlights of my high school life, the challenges I faced, and the lessons I have learned.Firstly, let me talk about the friendships I made in high school. High school is a place where we meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. I was fortunate to have made some incredible friends during this period. We shared our dreams, aspirations, and challenges, and supported each other in good times and bad. These friendships have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am grateful for every moment I spent with them.One of the highlights of my high school life was the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. I was involved in theschool's debate club, where we discussed various topics and honed our public speaking skills. It was a great platform for me to express my opinions and learn how to argue effectively. Additionally, I was part of the school's basketball team, which taught me the importance of teamwork and perseverance. These activities not only helped me develop my skills but also allowed me to meet new people and make more friends.However, high school was not without its challenges. One of the most significant challenges I faced was the pressure to excel academically. The competition to get into a good college was fierce, and I often found myself overwhelmed by the workload. But through perseverance and the support of my teachers and friends, I was able to overcome these challenges. I learned that hard work pays off, and that it is essential to stay focused on our goals.Another lesson I learned in high school was the importance of self-discipline. I realized that in order to succeed, I needed to manage my time effectively and prioritize my tasks. This involved setting goals, creating a schedule, and sticking to it. It was not always easy, but I found that with discipline, I could achieve more than I ever thought possible.High school also taught me the value of respect. Whether it was respecting our teachers, our peers, or ourselves, I learned that respect is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. It is essential to treat others with kindness and understanding, and to be open to different perspectives and cultures.In conclusion, my high school life was filled with friendships, challenges, and lessons. It was a time of growth, both academically and personally. I am grateful for the experiences I had, the people I met, and the lessons I learned. As I move on to college and beyond, I carry with me the values and skills I acquired during my high school years. I believe that these experiences will shape my future and help me become the person I aspire to be.Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope that my story inspires you to make the most of your high school years and to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way. Remember, high school is a journey, and it is up to us to make it a memorable one.Thank you.。

自己训练英文作文高中英文:Training myself in English composition during high school has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a non-native speaker, I have always struggled with expressing my thoughts and ideas in a coherent and concise manner. However, through practice and perseverance, I have seen significant improvement in my writing skills.One of the most effective ways I have found to improve my English composition is by reading extensively. Reading a variety of texts, including novels, articles, and essays, has helped me to expand my vocabulary and understand the structure of different types of writing. Additionally, I have found it helpful to analyze the writing styles of authors I admire and try to incorporate their techniques into my own writing.Another key aspect of improving my English compositionhas been receiving feedback from others. Whether it be from a teacher, tutor, or peer, constructive criticism has helped me to identify areas where I need to improve and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, participating in writing workshops and group discussions has allowed me to learn from others and gain new perspectives on my writing.Despite the challenges I have faced in improving my English composition, the rewards have been significant. Not only have I seen improvement in my writing skills, but I have also gained a deeper appreciation for the English language and the power of words.中文:在高中期间,我训练自己的英语作文是一项具有挑战性但又值得的经历。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon. It is with great pleasure that I stand beforeyou today to share with you the story of my high school journey. High school is a significant period in our lives, a time of growth, discovery, and countless memories. Today, I would like to take you through the experiences that shaped me into the person I am today.IntroductionHigh school was a place where I encountered various challenges and opportunities that contributed to my personal and academic development. It was a place where I made lifelong friends, discovered my passions,and honed my skills. In this speech, I will highlight some of the key aspects of my high school experience that I believe have had the most profound impact on my life.1. Academic ExcellenceHigh school was my first step towards academic excellence. I joined a prestigious institution that emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication. The rigorous curriculum, coupled with the supportive teachers, helped me develop a strong foundation in various subjects. I was exposed to a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, literature, and arts, which sparked my curiosity and broadened my horizons.One of the most memorable moments in my academic journey was when I represented our school in a national science competition. The experience taught me the value of teamwork, perseverance, and resilience. Although we did not win the competition, the journey itself was a rewarding one, as it allowed me to work with like-minded individuals and push my limits.2. Personal GrowthHigh school was a time of significant personal growth. I learned to navigate the complexities of teenage life, including friendships, relationships, and self-identity. The challenges I faced during thisperiod helped me develop qualities such as empathy, adaptability, and resilience.One of the most impactful experiences was when I joined the school's student council. Serving as a student representative allowed me to voice the concerns and needs of my peers. It also taught me the importance of leadership, communication, and teamwork. Through this experience, I learned to balance my responsibilities as a student and an aspiring leader.3. Extracurricular ActivitiesHigh school was a time when I discovered my passion for extracurricular activities. I participated in various clubs and organizations, including the debate team, the school band, and the environmental club. These activities not only enriched my high school experience but also helped me develop valuable skills such as public speaking, teamwork, and problem-solving.One of the most memorable extracurricular experiences was when I participated in a community service project. We organized a charity event to raise funds for underprivileged children in our city. The event was a huge success, and it taught me the importance of giving back to society. It also reinforced my belief that everyone has the power to make a positive impact on the world.4. FriendshipsHigh school was a time when I formed lifelong friendships. I met individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and interests. These friendships were instrumental in shaping my character and broadening my perspective. We shared laughter, tears, and countless memories that will forever be etched in my heart.One of the most cherished friendships was with my best friend, Sarah. We supported each other through thick and thin, and she was always there to lend an ear or a shoulder to lean on. This friendship taught me the importance of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect.ConclusionIn conclusion, my high school journey was a transformative period in my life. It was a place where I grew academically, personally, and socially. The experiences I encountered during this period have shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the opportunities and challengesthat my high school provided, as they have prepared me for the future.Ladies and Gentlemen, as we embark on new journeys in life, let us remember the lessons we learned in high school. Let us continue tostrive for excellence, embrace challenges, and nurture our friendships. In doing so, we will undoubtedly create a brighter and more fulfilling future.Thank you for listening.。

Stepping into the gates of high school, I felt like I had entered a whole new world. The campus was lush with greenery and the air was filled with the scent of flowers, brimming with vitality and vigor.Initially, I struggled with the rigorous coursework, particularly the complex formulas and logical reasoning in math class. There were times when I would stay up late into the night, grappling with challenging problems, until I finally found the solution in the wee hours of the morning. That moment of epiphany gave me a surge of confidence.In addition to academic challenges, I also faced social pressures. Being shy and reserved, I often felt isolated and lonely. One time, there was a talent show in our school where I decided to participate in a poetry recitation. To prepare for this event, I practiced numerous times, even practicing facial expressions and gestures in front of the mirror. Standing on stage in front of a sea of faces, my heart was pounding. But once I started reciting, I was transported into a different world, completely immersed in the poem's imagery. For a moment, I forgot all my nervousness and fear, only driven by my love for poetry and the desire to win. That experience gave me confidence and courage, making me realize my own potential and abilities.I also engaged in volunteer activities organized by the school. Once, we collected books for underprivileged children in a remote area. I visited nearby communities and bookstores, promoting our cause. After much effort, we successfully gathered a substantial number of books and delivered them to those children, bringing them knowledge and hope. This experience taught me the importance of empathy and gratitude, and made me cherish what I have even more.As I neared the end of my high school journey, I began to ponder my future and life's direction. I realized that high school was not just an academic journey, but also a process of self-discovery. Through continuous trials and exploration, I found that I had a strong interest in literature and writing. So I decided to pursue writing as one of my future development directions. To achieve this goal, I read a lot of literary works, attended writing workshops, and sought advice from teachers and mentors. I also started writing short stories and essays, constantly revising and polishing them to improve my writing skills.In retrospect, my high school years were like a vibrant tapestry of youth, filled with colorful threads of growth and transformation. The challenges and difficulties I faced made me stronger and braver, while the beautiful memories I cherished bring me warmth and happiness. I believe that thisexperience will become the most valuable treasure of my life, guiding me on the path to the future.。

进入高中后介绍自己的发言稿英文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Good morning everyone,I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you today. My name is [Your Name] and I am excited to be starting my high school journey with you all. I come from [Your Hometown] and I have always had a passion for learning and exploring new ideas.I am a hardworking and dedicated student who is always looking to challenge myself and improve my skills. In middle school, I was involved in various extracurricular activities such as debating club, choir, and basketball team. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today and have taught me the value of teamwork, leadership, and perseverance.As I enter high school, I am looking forward to exploring new subjects and opportunities that will help me grow both academically and personally. I am particularly interested in science and mathematics, and I hope to pursue a career in a STEM-related field in the future. I am also excited to participatein clubs and activities that will allow me to meet new people and make lifelong friendships.I believe that high school is a time for self-discovery and growth, and I am eager to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you and I am confident that together we can make this a memorable and successful high school experience.Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and I am excited to embark on this new journey with all of you. Let's make the most of our time in high school and create lasting memories together.Thank you.篇2Good morning, everyone. My name is [Your Name] and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you as we embark on this new journey together in high school.First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for being a part of this incredible community of students, teachers, and staff. I am really looking forward to getting to know each andevery one of you and building strong relationships that will last a lifetime.As we start this new chapter in our lives, I wanted to share a little bit about who I am. I am [Your Age] years old and I come from [Your City or Town]. I have always been passionate about [Your Interests or Hobbies] and I am excited to continue exploring those interests here in high school.Academically, I am focused on challenging myself and pushing myself to achieve my full potential. I am eager to learn from the amazing teachers here and I am determined to excel in all of my classes.Outside of the classroom, I am also involved in a number of extracurricular activities such as [Your Extracurricular Activities]. I believe that getting involved in these activities will not only help me grow as a person, but also allow me to make meaningful connections with my peers.In conclusion, I want to thank each and every one of you for welcoming me into this high school community. I am confident that together we will accomplish great things and create lasting memories that we will cherish for years to come. I look forward to getting to know all of you better and I am excited to see what the future holds for us. Thank you.篇3Good morning everyone,I am thrilled to be standing here today to introduce myself as a new high school student. My name is [Your Name], and I am a freshman at [High School Name]. I am excited to embark on this new journey and experience all the opportunities and challenges that high school has to offer.I come from [City/State/Country], and I have lived here for most of my life. I have always been passionate about [mention your hobbies or interests], and I am looking forward to exploring new interests and activities in high school.In addition to my academic pursuits, I am also involved in [mention any extracurricular activities or clubs you are a part of].I believe that getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to meet new people and develop new skills.I am a hardworking and dedicated student, and I am committed to achieving academic success in high school. I believe that a strong work ethic and determination are key to reaching my goals.I am looking forward to getting to know my classmates, teachers, and school staff. I am excited to learn and grow in thisnew environment, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this school community.Thank you for taking the time to listen to my introduction. I am looking forward to a great year ahead.Thank you.。

Good morning! Today, I stand before you to share with you my experiences and insights about high school life, which I believe is the most crucial period in our lives. High school is not just a phase of our lives; it is a time when we learn, grow, and prepare ourselves for the future. It is a period filled with challenges, opportunities, and endlesspossibilities. Therefore, I would like to talk about the importance of perseverance, dedication, and self-belief in high school life.Firstly, perseverance is the key to success in high school. As we all know, high school is a tough period. We face numerous challenges, suchas heavy academic workload, peer pressure, and personal struggles. However, it is through these challenges that we learn to persevere. Perseverance is the ability to continue trying even when faced with difficulties and setbacks. It is the drive that pushes us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.One of the most memorable moments in my high school life was when Ifailed an exam. I was heartbroken and felt like a failure. However, instead of giving up, I decided to analyze my mistakes and work harder.I sought help from my teachers and friends, and I spent countless hours studying. Finally, I managed to improve my grades and regain my confidence. This experience taught me that perseverance is essential in achieving success. We must never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be.Secondly, dedication is another vital factor in high school life. Dedication is the commitment to give our best effort in everything we do. High school is the time when we lay the foundation for our future careers. Therefore, it is crucial to be dedicated to our studies and extracurricular activities. Dedication is not about working hard for the sake of it; it is about working hard because we believe in ourselves and our goals.In my high school life, I was involved in various extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and volunteer work. These activities not only helped me to develop my skills and talents but also taught me the importance of dedication. For instance, when I was part of theschool's basketball team, we had to practice every day, even during ourfree time. It was challenging, but we were dedicated to achieving our goals. This dedication led us to win several tournaments and build strong friendships. The same goes for my music and volunteer work. Dedication is what helps us to excel in everything we do.Lastly, self-belief is a crucial element in high school life. Self-belief is the confidence in our abilities and the belief that we can achieve our goals. High school is a time when we are constantly judged and evaluated by others. However, it is important to remember that we are the ones who know ourselves the best. We must believe in ourselves and our capabilities, regardless of what others may think.In my high school life, I encountered many moments of self-doubt. I worried about my grades, my future, and my ability to achieve my dreams. However, I learned to overcome these doubts by reminding myself of my strengths and achievements. I realized that I had the potential to succeed, and I believed in myself. This self-belief helped me to overcome obstacles and pursue my dreams with determination.In conclusion, high school life is a period of immense growth and learning. It is a time when we develop our skills, build friendships, and prepare ourselves for the future. To excel in high school, we need perseverance, dedication, and self-belief. Perseverance will help us to overcome challenges, dedication will enable us to achieve our goals, and self-belief will empower us to pursue our dreams.Ladies and gentlemen, let us embrace the challenges of high school with an open mind and a determined spirit. Let us work hard, support each other, and believe in ourselves. High school is not just a phase of our lives; it is a stepping stone towards our future success. Together, we can make the most of this incredible journey and achieve our dreams.Thank you for listening, and may we all have a fulfilling and inspiring high school life.。


I'm a lifelong traveler. Even as a little kid, I was actually working out that it would be cheaper to go to boarding school in England than just to the best school down the road from my parents' house in California. So, from the time I was nine years old I was flying alone several times a year over the North Pole, just to go to school. And of course the more I flew the more I came to love to fly, so the very week after I graduated from high school, I got a job mopping tables so that I could spend every season of my 18th year on a different continent. And then, almost inevitably, I became a travel writer so my job and my joy could become one. And I really began to feel that if you were lucky enough to walk around the candlelit temples of Tibet or to wander along the seafronts in Havana with music passing all around you, you could bring those sounds and the high cobalt skies and the flash of the blue ocean back to your friends at home, and really bring some magic and clarity to your own life. Except, as you all know, one of the first things you learn when you travel is that nowhere is magical unless you can bring the right eyes to it. You take an angry man to the Himalayas, he just starts complaining about the food. And I found that the best way that I could develop more attentive and more appreciative eyes was, oddly, by going nowhere, just by sitting still. And of course sitting still is how many of us get what we most crave and need in our accelerated lives, a break. But it was also the only way that I could find to sift through the slideshow of my experience and make sense of the future and the past. And so, to my great surprise, I found that going nowhere was at least as exciting as going to Tibet or to Cuba. And by going nowhere, I mean nothing more intimidating than taking a few minutes out of every day or a few days out of every season, or even, as some people do, a few years out of a life in order to sit still long enough to find out what moves you most, to recall where your truest happiness lies and to remember that sometimes making a living and making a life point in opposite directions.我这辈子都是个旅行者。

TED关于成功的演讲稿 - 面向高中生引言大家好,我是TED演讲者,今天我想和你们分享成功的定义和如何在高中阶段实现成功。

我的高三生活集训英语作文English Version (English Composition)Title: My Intense Journey Through Senior YearSenior year is a pivotal chapter in the book of life, filled with challenges, growth, and the anticipation of new beginnings. As I reflect on my own senior year, I am reminded of the intense journey that has shaped me, both academically and personally.IntroductionMy senior year was not just about the culmination of my high school education; it was a period of intense preparation for the next phase of my life. It was a year of late-night study sessions, early morning jogs, and the constant pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.The Academic GrindThe academic workload was daunting. With college applications looming, the pressure to excel was immense. I found myself buried under a mountain of textbooks, notes, and assignments. Yet, amidst the grind,I discovered a sense of purpose and determination that fueled my passion for learning.The Support SystemI was fortunate to have a strong support system. My teachers were not just mentors but also sources of inspiration and encouragement. They pushed me to reach beyond my limits and guided me through the complexities of advanced coursework. My classmates became my comrades in this academic battle, and together we navigated the rigors of senior year.The Extracurricular PursuitsBeyond the classroom, I was involved in various extracurricular activities that enriched my high school experience. I was part of the debate team, which honed my critical thinking and public speaking skills.I also volunteered at a local community center, an experience thattaught me the value of giving back to society.The Personal GrowthSenior year was a time of significant personal growth. I learned to manage my time effectively, balancing the demands of school with my own interests and well-being. I also developed a deeper sense of empathy and understanding for others, realizing that everyone has their own struggles and stories.The Challenges and TriumphsThe year was not without its challenges. There were moments of doubt and frustration, but these were overshadowed by the triumphs. Each test passed, each project completed, and each goal achieved was a stepping stone towards my future.The Moments of ReflectionIn the midst of the hustle, I found moments of reflection. I began to envision my future, setting goals and dreaming about what lay ahead. These moments were peaceful interludes in an otherwise hectic year, allowing me to gain perspective and clarity.The Farewell and CelebrationConclusion。

第1篇Good morning! It is my great honor to stand before you today to deliver a speech on the importance of training and its impact on our high school life. Training, in my opinion, plays a crucial role in shaping our future, enhancing our skills, and fostering personal growth. As we embark on this new academic year, let us reflect on the significance of training and strive to make the most out of our high school experience.First and foremost, training serves as a foundation for our future careers. In today's rapidly evolving world, the demand for skilled professionals is increasing. High school is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for our future success. By participating in various training programs, we can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in our chosen fields. Whether it be technical, creative, or leadership skills, training equips us with the tools to become valuable assets in the workforce.To begin with, technical training is essential for those pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In these fields, staying updated with the latest advancements is crucial. High school provides us with the opportunity to engage in hands-on projects, participate in workshops, and attend seminars that can help us build a solid foundation in STEM subjects. By doing so, we can become proficient in programming, data analysis, robotics, or any other technical skill that is in high demand in the job market.Furthermore, creative training opens doors for those interested in the arts, literature, and design. High school is the ideal time to explore our creative talents and develop our artistic skills. By participatingin art classes, writing workshops, and music clubs, we can cultivate our creativity and express ourselves through various forms of art. These experiences not only enhance our personal growth but also prepare us for careers in fields such as graphic design, photography, or creative writing.Moreover, leadership training is vital for those who aspire to become future leaders. High school offers numerous opportunities to developleadership skills through student council, sports teams, and clubs. By taking on leadership roles, we can learn how to effectively communicate, motivate others, and make informed decisions. These experiences will undoubtedly equip us with the confidence and skills needed to lead teams, manage projects, and make a positive impact on society.In addition to career preparation, training also enhances our personal growth. High school is a time of self-discovery, and training programs can help us explore our interests, talents, and passions. Byparticipating in extracurricular activities, we can expand our horizons, meet new people, and develop a sense of community. These experiences not only enrich our high school life but also prepare us for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.Furthermore, training fosters resilience and adaptability. In today's ever-changing world, the ability to adapt to new situations and overcome obstacles is crucial. Training programs, whether academic or extracurricular, challenge us to step out of our comfort zones and face new challenges. These experiences teach us to be resilient, persistent, and open-minded, qualities that will undoubtedly serve us well in our personal and professional lives.To make the most out of training opportunities, it is essential to approach them with enthusiasm and dedication. Here are a few tips tohelp you excel in your training endeavors:1. Set clear goals: Determine what skills or knowledge you want to acquire through training. Having a clear objective will help you stay focused and motivated.2. Be proactive: Take the initiative to seek out training programs that align with your interests and career aspirations. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you; go out and find them.3. Stay committed: Training requires time and effort. Make a commitment to yourself to attend sessions regularly and put in the necessary workto achieve your goals.4. Embrace challenges: Be open to new experiences and challenges. Remember that growth often comes from stepping out of your comfort zone.5. Network: Build relationships with fellow trainees, instructors, and professionals in your field. Networking can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration.6. Reflect and learn: After each training session, take the time to reflect on what you have learned and how you can apply it in your life. Continuous learning is key to personal growth.In conclusion, training is a powerful tool that can shape our highschool experience and prepare us for the future. By embracing training opportunities, we can develop the skills, knowledge, and personal qualities needed to succeed in our careers and make a positive impact on society. Let us seize this moment and make the most out of our high school years by actively participating in training programs and embracing the challenges and opportunities they offer.Thank you for your attention, and may your high school journey be filled with growth, success, and unforgettable memories.第2篇Good morning/afternoon, everyone. It is my great pleasure to standbefore you today to deliver a speech on the importance of training andits impact on our high school journey. As we move forward in our academic and personal lives, the value of continuous learning and skill development cannot be overstated. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the significance of training, its benefits, and how we can make the most of it during our high school years.First and foremost, let us define what we mean by "training." In the context of high school, training refers to any structured program designed to enhance our knowledge, skills, and abilities. This can range from academic workshops, extracurricular activities, leadership programs, to even physical fitness training. Now, let's delve into the reasons why training is crucial for our high school experience.1. Academic ExcellenceHigh school is the foundation for our future academic pursuits. By engaging in training programs, we can develop a strong academic foundation and improve our learning abilities. These programs often focus on time management, study skills, and effective note-taking techniques, which are essential for success in any educational setting. Moreover, training can help us identify our strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to tailor our study habits and seek additional support when needed.2. Skill DevelopmentThe world is constantly evolving, and it is our responsibility to adapt to these changes. Training programs provide us with the opportunity to learn new skills that will be valuable in our future careers and personal lives. Whether it's learning a foreign language, mastering digital literacy, or acquiring technical skills, training helps us stay competitive in a rapidly changing job market.3. Personal GrowthHigh school is not just about academics; it is also a time for personal growth and self-discovery. Training programs offer us the chance to explore our interests, passions, and talents. By participating in extracurricular activities and leadership programs, we can develop essential soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for our success in both our personal and professional lives.4. Networking OpportunitiesTraining programs provide us with the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share our interests and aspirations. These networking opportunities can be invaluable in the future, as they can lead to mentorship, collaboration, and even job opportunities. Building a strong network of friends and colleagues can open doors to new experiences and opportunities that we may not have considered otherwise.5. Increased ConfidenceAs we engage in training programs and successfully complete them, wegain confidence in our abilities. This newfound confidence can translate into improved academic performance, better social interactions, and a more positive outlook on life. When we believe in ourselves, we are more likely to take on challenges and push our boundaries, ultimately leading to personal growth and success.Now that we understand the importance of training, let's discuss how we can make the most of it during our high school years.1. Identify Your Interests and GoalsBefore enrolling in a training program, take some time to reflect onyour interests and goals. This will help you choose programs that align with your passions and career aspirations. Remember, it is never too early to start thinking about your future.2. Be Open to New OpportunitiesTraining programs come in various forms, so be open to trying new things. You may discover hidden talents or interests that you never knew you had. Embrace the unknown and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.3. Take Responsibility for Your LearningTraining programs are most effective when you take responsibility for your learning. This means actively participating in workshops,completing assignments, and seeking additional help when needed. Remember, no one can learn for you; it is up to you to put in the effort.4. Maintain a BalanceWhile it is important to engage in training programs, it is equally crucial to maintain a balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and personal time. Overloading yourself with too many programs can lead to burnout and reduced productivity.5. Reflect on Your ExperienceAfter completing a training program, take some time to reflect on what you have learned and how it has impacted your life. This reflection can help you make informed decisions about your future and continue to grow as an individual.In conclusion, training plays a vital role in our high school journey. By engaging in various training programs, we can develop a strong academic foundation, enhance our skills, grow personally, and build a network of friends and colleagues. As we move forward, let us embrace the opportunities that training presents and make the most of our high school years.Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all the best in your academic and personal endeavors.[Your Name]第3篇Good morning/afternoon! It is a great pleasure to stand before you today to deliver a speech on the importance of training and its impact on our high school journey. As we navigate through the complexities of adolescence and the preparation for adulthood, training plays a crucial role in shaping our future. Today, I would like to discuss the significance of training, its benefits, and how we can make the most out of the opportunities that lie ahead.First and foremost, let us understand what we mean by "training." In the context of high school, training refers to the process of acquiring new skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will equip us for success in various aspects of life. This can range from academic training, such as improving our study habits and enhancing our critical thinking skills, to extracurricular training, which includes participating in sports, clubs, and other co-curricular activities.Now, let us delve into the importance of training in our high school years:1. Academic Success: Training is essential for achieving academic excellence. By developing effective study habits, time management skills, and problem-solving abilities, we can navigate through the challenges of high school curriculum with ease. Training not only helps us to understand the material better but also prepares us for the rigorous demands of higher education.2. Personal Development: Training is not just about academic achievements; it is also about personal growth. By engaging in various training activities, we can develop qualities such as resilience, leadership, and teamwork. These qualities are essential for success in both our personal and professional lives.3. Social Skills: High school is a critical period for social development. Training through extracurricular activities provides uswith opportunities to interact with diverse groups of people, build friendships, and develop essential social skills. These skills arecrucial for building a strong support network and forming meaningful relationships throughout our lives.4. Career Preparation: The skills and knowledge acquired throughtraining can significantly impact our future career prospects. Whetherit is a technical skill, such as programming or graphic design, or asoft skill, like public speaking or teamwork, training can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.5. Self-Discovery: Training can be a powerful tool for self-discovery.As we explore different areas of interest, we can identify our strengths, weaknesses, and passions. This self-awareness is essential for making informed decisions about our future paths.Now that we understand the importance of training, let us explore some ways in which we can make the most out of the training opportunities available to us:1. Set Goals: Begin by setting clear, achievable goals for your training. Whether it is to improve your grades, learn a new language, orparticipate in a particular extracurricular activity, having a goal will help you stay focused and motivated.2. Seek Opportunities: Take the initiative to seek out training opportunities. This could involve joining clubs, participating in workshops, or seeking mentorship from teachers and professionals in your field of interest.3. Stay Consistent: Training requires consistency and dedication. Make sure to allocate time for your training activities and stick to a routine. Remember that progress takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.4. Embrace Challenges: Training often involves stepping out of your comfort zone. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and development. By facing our fears and pushing ourselves to our limits, we can develop resilience and confidence.5. Reflect and Adapt: Regularly reflect on your training experiences and assess your progress. Be open to adapting your approach if something is not working. Learning from our mistakes and adjusting our strategies is a key component of successful training.In conclusion, training is an indispensable part of our high school journey. It not only helps us to achieve academic success but also contributes to our personal and social development. By setting goals, seeking opportunities, staying consistent, embracing challenges, and reflecting on our experiences, we can make the most out of the training opportunities available to us. As we move forward, let us remember that the skills and knowledge we acquire today will shape our future and pave the way for a successful and fulfilling life.Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all the best in your training endeavors.[Your Name]。

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演说者:Malcolm London
At 7:45 a.m., I open the doors to a building dedicated to building, yet only breaks me down. I march down hallways cleaned up after me every day by regular janitors, but I never have the decency to honor their names. Lockers left open like teenage boys mouths when teenage girls wear clothes that covers their insecurities but exposes everything else. Masculinity mimicked by men who grew up with no fathers, camouflage worn by bullies who are dangerously armed but need hugs. Teachers paid less than what it costs them to be here. Oceans of adolescents come here to receive lessons but never learn to swim, part like the Red Sea when the bell rings.
This is a training ground. My high school is Chicago, diverse and segregated on purpose. Social lines are barbed wire. Labels like Regulars and Honors resonate. I am an Honors but go home with Regular students who are soldiers in territory that owns them. This is a training ground to sort out the Regulars from the Honors, a reoccurring cycle built to recycle the trash of this system.
Trained at a young age to capitalize, letters taught now that capitalism raises you but you have to step on someone else to get there. This is a training ground where one group is taught to lead and the other is made to follow. No wonder so many of my people spit bars, because the truth is hard to swallow. The need for degrees has left so many people frozen.
Homework is stressful, but when you go home every day and your home is work, you dont want to pick up any assignments. Reading textbooks is stressful, but reading does not matter when you feel your story is already written, either dead or getting booked. Taking tests is stressful, but bubbling in a Scantron does not stop bullets from bursting.
I hear education systems are failing, but I believe theyre succeeding at what theyre built to do -- to train you, to keep you on track, to track down an American dream that has failed so many of us all.
处处彰显着自己的男子气概的,是成长在没有父亲的家庭中的男人; 恃强凌弱、横行霸道的,是需要拥抱的持枪者。