



法舒地尔注射液治疗急性缺血性脑卒中神经学及血液流变学临床疗效(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________)【关键词】法舒地尔注射液;急性缺血性脑卒中;神经功能缺损;血液流变学最近的研究显示,Rho激酶在缺血性脑卒中的病理过程中起了关键作用,应用Rho激酶抑制剂对急性缺血性脑损害具有显著的神经保护和治疗作用〔1,2〕。



1 资料与方法1.1 病例选择采用随机方法于2007年2月至2009年1月随机选择50例住院的患者,其中治疗组与对照组各25例。

均符合下列标准:按照第四届全国脑血管病学术会议制定诊断标准,经头颅CT或MRI检查确诊;发病时间小于48 h,不用溶栓治疗者,排除有意识障碍患者,排除TIA、RIND和脑栓塞,排除严重心肝肾功能障碍、全身出血性疾病、消化道溃疡、过敏体质、1 w内使用抗凝治疗的患者。

1.2 一般资料治疗组中男性16例,女性9例,年龄52~71岁,平均(57.6±9.3)岁。





1.3 治疗方法两组均予以常规治疗,包括适量脱水剂,抗血小板聚集,对症治疗及防治并发症。

治疗组在常规治疗基础上,加用盐酸法舒地尔注射液(商品名:川威注射液,天津红日药业股份有限公司生产)30 mg加入5%葡萄糖液或0.9%氯化钠溶液100 ml中静脉滴注,每日2次。



细胞真题04-1304年一、填空1. 是第一位用观察生命有机体的生物学家,他首先使用了这一名词。


2. 细胞生物学是在,和上研究及其本质规律的科学。

3. 一般说,除胞饮作用和吞噬现象外,物质出入细胞还有两种方式:和。

4. 细胞大小的计量单位是,最小的能自由生活的生物是,其直径大约为。

5. 细胞形状的变化决定于,,和。

6. 核糖体是合成的细胞器,主要存在于和,其唯一功能是在的指导下由合成多肽链7. 高尔基体由,和三部分相互连通的膜囊构成,主要功能是将进行,运送到特定部位,之类也要通过它向和等部位运输。

二、名解1. 细胞学说2. ES细胞3. 嵌合体4. 半自主细胞器5. hayflick界限6. 第二信使7. 拟核8. 导肽9. 同源染色体10. 细胞分化三、问答题1. 简述线粒体的超微结构。

2. 简述衰老细胞的特征。

3. 比较有丝分裂与减数分裂的异同和他们在生物遗传与进化中的作用。

4. 内膜系统中各细胞器在结构与功能上是如何联系的。

5. 核型分析是一种重要的生物学研究手段,简述其原理,内容和应用。

6. 什么是细胞凋亡?如何检测凋亡的细胞?05年一、填空1. 光学显微镜的最大分辨率为,电子显微镜的为。

2. 质粒是存在于细菌等微生物中外的遗传因子,是能独立复制的。

3. 能够浓缩粗面内质网的分泌物,此项功能可以在光学显微镜和电子显微镜水平上用方法显示。

4. 溶酶体是由所产生,其中充满的一类异质性的细胞器。

5. 细胞骨架包括,,和。

6. 微体主要有和,前者存在于和细胞内,而后者仅仅存在于细胞内。

7. 肝细胞的功能之一是将肌细胞发酵所产生的乳酸转变为,再转变为和。

二、名解1. 单位膜(unit membrane)2. 核小体(nuleosome)3. 接触抑制(contact inhibition)4. 通道蛋白(channel protein)5. 染色体带型(chromosome banding)6. 基因组(genome)7. 有丝分裂器(mitotic apparatus)8. 高度重复序列(highly repetitive sequence)9. 动粒(kinctochore)10. 致癌基因(oncogene)三、简答题1. 生物膜的基本特征是什么/这些特征与他的生理功能有什么关系?2. 细胞表面的特化结构有哪些?3. 细胞连接有哪几种类型4. 从细胞增殖角度看细胞可分为哪几类?5. 何为联合复合体?联合的生物学意义是什么?6. 什么是端粒?端粒有什么作用?他是怎样被复制的?7. 内膜系统中各细胞器在结构与功能上是如何联系的?06年一、名解1. G0期细胞2. 细胞融合3. 微管组织中心4. 细胞凋亡5. oncogene6. 动粒(kinetochore)7. 异染色质8. trans Golgi9. 管家基因10. 放射自显影11. 主动运输12. 内质网13. dynein蛋白14. 秋水仙素(colehicine)15. 原代细胞16. 核骨架17. 细胞识别18. 转分化(transdifferentiation)19. 原位杂交20. 差别基因表达(differential gene transcription)二、简答题1. 概述核小体结构要点2. 简述癌细胞的基本特征3. 简述活性染色质的主要特征。



法舒地尔联合鼠神经生长因子对急性脑梗死患者血浆Lp 【摘要】目的探讨法舒地尔联合鼠神经生长因子对急性脑梗死患者血浆脂蛋白相关磷脂酶a2(lp-pla2)和单核细胞趋化因子-1(mcp-1)的影响。












Kappa 阿片受体的抗缺血性心脏保护作用信息机制

Kappa 阿片受体的抗缺血性心脏保护作用信息机制

B rief R eviewR oles of kappa opioid receptors in cardioprotection against ischemia the signaling mechanismsTak Ming WON G3,Song WUDepart ment of Physiology,The U niversity of Hong Kong,4/F,L aboratory Block,Faculty of Medicine B uilding,21 S assoon Road,Hong Kong SA R,ChinaAbstract: There is evidence that the myocytes produce dynorphin and dynorphin2like peptides,which are kappa opioid re2 ceptor(κ2OR)agonists.Activation ofκ2OR,a dominant opioid receptor in the heart,alters the cardiac function in vivo and in vit ro.The observations suggest that the endogenousκ2opioid peptides may act as autocrines or paracrine in regulation of cardiac functions.Myocardial ischemia is a common cause of heart disorders,which is manifested in decreased m yocardial performance,arrhythmia and infarct.When myocardial ischemia occurs,the sympathetic discharge increases,which in turn increases the work2load and oxygen consumption.This exacerbates the situation induced by ischemia.One of the mechanisms with which the body protects against ischemia2induced injury/arrhythmia is inhibition of stimulation ofβ2adrenoceptor(β2 AR),the receptor mediating the actions of sympathetic stimulation.κ2Opioids inhibit theβ2AR activation.The inhibition of theβ2AR activation is due to inhibition of Gs2protein and to a lesser extent the adenylyl cyclase of the signaling pathway me2 diatingβ2AR stimulation by a pertussis sensitive G2protein that mediatesκ2OR activation.Another mechanism against is2 chemia2induced injury is preconditioning,which is defined as prior exposures to ischemia or other insults make the heart more tolerant to subsequent and more severe insults.Protection occurs immediately or1-3days after preconditioning.κ2OR me2 diates protection of preconditioning with ischemia or metabolic inhibition,one of the conse quences of ischemia,in the heart.Activation ofκ2OR by U50488H,a selectiveκ2OR agonist(pharmacological preconditioning with U50488H,U P),activates protein kinase C(P KC),opens K ATP channels and increases the production of heat shock proteins.Blockade of P KC,or clos2 ing of the K ATP channels or inhibition of the synthesis of the heat shock protein abolishes the cardioprotection of U P.The findings indicate the important roles of P KC,the K ATP channels and the heat shock protein in cardioprotection of U P.In ad2 dition,U P also attenuates the Ca2+overload,a precipitating cause of cardiac injury,induced by ischemic insults,indicating that U P may confer cardioprotection via at least partly attenuating the Ca2+overload.Most interestingly,blockade of the K ATP channels with channel blockers,that abolishes the delayed cardioprotection of U P,also attenuates the inhibitory effect of U P on Ca2+overload,suggesting that the cardioprotective effect of opening of the K ATP channels may be due at least partly to the prevention/attenuation of Ca2+overload.K ey w ords:kappa opioid receptor;myocardial ischemia;β2adrenoceptor;ischemic preconditioningKappa阿片受体的抗缺血性心脏保护作用信息机制黄德明3,吴 淞香港大学医学院生理系,香港沙宣道21号摘 要: 有证据表明,心脏细胞产生强腓肽和强腓肽类多肽,它们是kappa阿片受体(κ2OR)的激动剂。



Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening Libraries Data SheetBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY:EPZ015666 is an orally available inhibitor of PRMT5 enzymatic activity in biochemical assays with IC 50 of 22 nM and broad selectivity against a panel of other histone methyltransferases.IC50 & Target: IC50: 22 nM (PRMT5)[1]In Vitro: Treatment of MCL cell lines with EPZ015666 leads to inhibition of SmD3 methylation and cell death, with IC 50 values in the nanomolar range [1]. EPZ015666, a potent peptide–competitive and SAM–cooperative inhibitor with >10,000–fold specificity againstPRMT5 relative to other methyltransferases [2].In Vivo: EPZ015666 is orally bioavailable and amenable to in vivo studies. We performed 21–d efficacy studies in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice bearing subcutaneous Z–138 and Maver–1 xenografts, with twice–daily (BID) oral dosing on four dose groups: 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg). After 21 d of continuous dosing, animals areeuthanized, and blood and tissues are analyzed to determine the relationship between methyl–mark pharmacodynamics andtumor–growth inhibition (TGI). EPZ015666 showed dose–dependent exposure and TGI after 21 d in both MCL models. Tumors in all EPZ015666 dose groups measured on day 21 showed statistically significant differences in weight, volume and tumor growth compared to vehicle–treated tumors. Dosing at 200 mg/kg BID induced tumor stasis in Z–138 cells, with >93% TGI after 21 d,whereas Maver–1 cells showed >70% TGI. Additionally, a third MCL xenograft is tested using the Granta–519 cell line, afast–growing model that reached endpoint on day 18 and showed dose–dependent efficacy with 45% TGI in the 200 mg/kg group.EPZ015666 is well tolerated in all three models, with minimal bodyweight loss in the 200 mg/kg dose group and no other clinical observations [1].PROTOCOL (Extracted from published papers and Only for reference)Kinase Assay:[1]EPZ015666 is serially diluted threefold from 1,000 to 0.051 nM and spotted into a 384–well polypropyleneV–bottom microplate. 3H–SAM is serially diluted twofold in assay buffer for a seven–point dilution series with a top concentration of 700 nM (final assay concentration). Reactions are initiated by the addition of 4 nM enzyme and 40 nM peptide (final assayconcentrations for both). Reactions are incubated for 60 min and quenched by the addition of 10 μL per well of 600 μM unlabeled SAM in assay buffer (final assay concentration). For the peptide competition, EPZ015666 is serially diluted threefold from 1,000 to 0.051 nM and spotted into a 384–well polypropylene V–bottom microplate. Peptide is serially diluted twofold in assay buffer for a seven–point dilution series with a top concentration of 480 nM (final assay concentration). Reactions are initiated by the addition of 4 nM enzyme and 75 nM 3H–SAM (final assay concentrations for both). Reactions are incubated for 60 min, and the reactions are quenched by the addition of 10 μL per well of 600 μM unlabeled SAM in assay buffer (final assay concentration)[1].Cell Assay: EPZ015666 is dissolved in DMSO and stored, and then diluted with appropriate medium (final DMSO 0.2%)before use [1].[1]Cultured cells in linear/log–phase growth are split to a seeding density of 2×105 cells/mL in 2–20 mL of media,depending on the yield required at the end of the growth period. Compound is diluted in DMSO and added to each culture vesselProduct Name:EPZ015666Cat. No.:HY-12727CAS No.:1616391-65-1Molecular Formula:C 20H 25N 5O 3Molecular Weight:383.44Target:Histone Methyltransferase Pathway:Epigenetics Solubility:DMSOwith a final DMSO concentration of 0.2%. Cells are allowed to grow for 96 h undisturbed. At the conclusion of each treatment period, cells are harvested by centrifugation (5 min, 1,200 rpm), and cell pellets are rinsed once with PBS before being frozen on dry ice pending further processing. Long–term proliferation assays are performed on all MCL lines, with slight adjustments to initial seeding densities, depending on growth characteristics for each cell line. All assays are carried out for 12 d[1].Animal Administration: EPZ015666 is formulated in 20% N–N–dimethylacetamide in water (Mice)[1].[1]Mice[1]Male CD–1 mice (25–40 g; n=6, with 3 per time point) are treated with a single dose of EPZ015666 at 2 mg/kg by intravenoustail–vein injection and 10 mg/kg by oral gavage administration, with both doses formulated in 20% N–N–dimethylacetamide in water. Animals are fasted overnight and weighed before dose administration on the day of dosing. Approximately 30 μL ofblood are taken from animals by submandibular or retro–orbital bleeding at pre–specified time intervals (seven time points). For the last time point (24 h), samples are collected via cardiac puncture while the animals are under anesthesia (70% CO2:30% O2). Blood samples are transferred into K2–EDTA tubes and placed on wet ice before centrifugation at 4°C (3,000g, 15 min) to obtain plasma within 30 min after sample collection. Plasma samples are stored at -70±10°C before protein precipitation and LC–MS/MS analysis. We constructed standard calibration curves by analyzing a series of control plasma aliquots containing 100 ng/mL labetalol as an internal standard and 1–3,000 ng/mL EPZ015666. Four levels of quality control are also included in the analysis (3–2,400 ng/mL EPZ015666). Data are analyzed using Phoenix WinNonlin 6.2.1.References:[1]. Chan–Penebre E, et al. A selective inhibitor of PRMT5 with in vivo and in vitro potency in MCL models. Nat Chem Biol. 2015 Jun;11(6):432–7.[2]. Kryukov GV, et al. MTAP deletion confers enhanced dependency on the PRMT5 arginine methyltransferase in cancer cells. Science. 2016 Mar 11;351(6278):1214–8.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。

Insight Problem Solving A Critical Examination of the Possibility

Insight Problem Solving A Critical Examination of the Possibility

The Journal of Problem Solving • volume 5, no. 1 (Fall 2012)56Insight Problem Solving: A Critical Examination of the Possibilityof Formal TheoryWilliam H. Batchelder 1 and Gregory E. Alexander 1AbstractThis paper provides a critical examination of the current state and future possibility of formal cognitive theory for insight problem solving and its associated “aha!” experience. Insight problems are contrasted with move problems, which have been formally defined and studied extensively by cognitive psychologists since the pioneering work of Alan Newell and Herbert Simon. To facilitate our discussion, a number of classical brainteasers are presented along with their solutions and some conclusions derived from observing the behavior of many students trying to solve them. Some of these problems are interesting in their own right, and many of them have not been discussed before in the psychologi-cal literature. The main purpose of presenting the brainteasers is to assist in discussing the status of formal cognitive theory for insight problem solving, which is argued to be considerably weaker than that found in other areas of higher cognition such as human memory, decision-making, categorization, and perception. We discuss theoretical barri-ers that have plagued the development of successful formal theory for insight problem solving. A few suggestions are made that might serve to advance the field.Keywords Insight problems, move problems, modularity, problem representation1 Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California Irvine/10.7771/1932-6246.1143Insight Problem Solving: The Possibility of Formal Theory 57• volume 5, no. 1 (Fall 2012)1. IntroductionThis paper discusses the current state and a possible future of formal cognitive theory for insight problem solving and its associated “aha!” experience. Insight problems are con-trasted with so-called move problems defined and studied extensively by Alan Newell and Herbert Simon (1972). These authors provided a formal, computational theory for such problems called the General Problem Solver (GPS), and this theory was one of the first formal information processing theories to be developed in cognitive psychology. A move problem is posed to solvers in terms of a clearly defined representation consisting of a starting state, a description of the goal state(s), and operators that allow transitions from one problem state to another, as in Newell and Simon (1972) and Mayer (1992). A solu-tion to a move problem involves applying operators successively to generate a sequence of transitions (moves) from the starting state through intermediate problem states and finally to a goal state. Move problems will be discussed more extensively in Section 4.6.In solving move problems, insight may be required for selecting productive moves at various states in the problem space; however, for our purposes we are interested in the sorts of problems that are described often as insight problems. Unlike Newell and Simon’s formal definition of move problems, there has not been a generally agreed upon defini-tion of an insight problem (Ash, Jee, and Wiley, 2012; Chronicle, MacGregor, and Ormerod, 2004; Chu and MacGregor, 2011). It is our view that it is not productive to attempt a pre-cise logical definition of an insight problem, and instead we offer a set of shared defining characteristics in the spirit of Wittgenstein’s (1958) definition of ‘game’ in terms of family resemblances. Problems that we will treat as insight problems share many of the follow-ing defining characteristics: (1) They are posed in such a way as to admit several possible problem representations, each with an associated solution search space. (2) Likely initial representations are inadequate in that they fail to allow the possibility of discovering a problem solution. (3) In order to overcome such a failure, it is necessary to find an alternative productive representation of the problem. (4) Finding a productive problem representation may be facilitated by a period of non-solving activity called incubation, and also it may be potentiated by well-chosen hints. (5) Once obtained, a productive representation leads quite directly and quickly to a solution. (6) The solution involves the use of knowledge that is well known to the solver. (7) Once the solution is obtained, it is accompanied by a so-called “aha!” experience. (8) When a solution is revealed to a non-solver, it is grasped quickly, often with a feeling of surprise at its simplicity, akin to an “aha!” experience.It is our position that very little is known empirically or theoretically about the cogni-tive processes involved in solving insight problems. Furthermore, this lack of knowledge stands in stark contrast with other areas of cognition such as human memory, decision-making, categorization, and perception. These areas of cognition have a large number of replicable empirical facts, and many formal theories and computational models exist that attempt to explain these facts in terms of underlying cognitive processes. The main goal58W. H. Batchelder and G. E. Alexander of this paper is to explain the reasons why it has been so difficult to achieve a scientific understanding of the cognitive processes involved in insight problem solving.There have been many scientific books and papers on insight problem solving, start-ing with the seminal work of the Gestalt psychologists Köhler (1925), Duncker (1945), and Wertheimer (1954), as well as the English social psychologist, Wallas (1926). Since the contributions of the early Gestalt psychologists, there have been many journal articles, a few scientific books, such as those by Sternberg and Davidson (1996) and Chu (2009), and a large number of books on the subject by laypersons. Most recently, two excellent critical reviews of insight problem solving have appeared: Ash, Cushen, and Wiley (2009) and Chu and MacGregor (2011).The approach in this paper is to discuss, at a general level, the nature of several fun-damental barriers to the scientific study of insight problem solving. Rather than criticizing particular experimental studies or specific theories in detail, we try to step back and take a look at the area itself. In this effort, we attempt to identify principled reasons why the area of insight problem solving is so resistant to scientific progress. To assist in this approach we discuss and informally analyze eighteen classical brainteasers in the main sections of the paper. These problems are among many that have been posed to hundreds of upper divisional undergraduate students in a course titled “Human Problem Solving” taught for many years by the senior author. Only the first two of these problems can be regarded strictly as move problems in the sense of Newell and Simon, and most of the rest share many of the characteristics of insight problems as described earlier.The paper is divided into five main sections. After the Introduction, Section 2 describes the nature of the problem solving class. Section 3 poses the eighteen brainteasers that will be discussed in later sections of the paper. The reader is invited to try to solve these problems before checking out the solutions in the Appendix. Section 4 lays out six major barriers to developing a deep scientific theory of insight problem solving that we believe are endemic to the field. We argue that these barriers are not present in other, more theo-retically advanced areas of higher cognition such as human memory, decision-making, categorization, and perception. These barriers include the lack of many experimental paradigms (4.1), the lack of a large, well-classified set of stimulus material (4.2), and the lack of many informative behavioral measures (4.3). In addition, it is argued that insight problem solving is difficult to study because it is non-modular, both in the sense of Fodor (1983) but more importantly in several weaker senses of modularity that admit other areas of higher cognition (4.4), the lack of theoretical generalizations about insight problem solv-ing from experiments with particular insight problems (4.5), and the lack of computational theories of human insight (4.6). Finally, in Section 5, we suggest several avenues that may help overcome some of the barriers described in Section 4. These include suggestions for useful classes of insight problems (5.1), suggestions for experimental work with expert problem solvers (5.2), and some possibilities for a computational theory of insight.The Journal of Problem Solving •Insight Problem Solving: The Possibility of Formal Theory 592. Batchelder’s Human Problem Solving ClassThe senior author, William Batchelder, has taught an Upper Divisional Undergraduate course called ‘Human Problem Solving” for over twenty-five years to classes ranging in size from 75 to 100 students. By way of background, his active research is in other areas of the cognitive sciences; however, he maintains a long-term hobby of studying classical brainteasers. In the area of complex games, he achieved the title of Senior Master from the United States Chess Federation, he was an active duplicate bridge player throughout undergraduate and graduate school, and he also achieved a reasonable level of skill in the game of Go.The content of the problem-solving course is split into two main topics. The first topic involves encouraging students to try their hand at solving a number of famous brainteasers drawn from the sizeable folklore of insight problems, especially the work of Martin Gardner (1978, 1982), Sam Loyd (1914), and Raymond Smullyan (1978). In addition, games like chess, bridge, and Go are discussed. The second topic involves presenting the psychological theory of thinking and problem solving, and in most cases the material is organized around developments in topics that are covered in the first eight chapters of Mayer (1992). These topics include work of the Gestalt psychologists on problem solving, discussion of experiments and theories concerning induction and deduction, present-ing the work on move problems, including the General Problem Solver (Newell & Simon, 1972), showing how response time studies can reveal mental architectures, and describing theories of memory representation and question answering.Despite efforts, the structure of the course does not reflect a close overlap between its two main topics. The principal reason for this is that in our view the level of theoreti-cal and empirical work on insight problem solving is at a substantially lower level than is the work in almost any other area of cognition dealing with higher processes. The main goal of this paper is to explain our reasons for this pessimistic view. To assist in this goal, it is helpful to get some classical brainteasers on the table. While most of these problems have not been used in experimental studies, the senior author has experienced the solu-tion efforts and post solution discussions of over 2,000 students who have grappled with these problems in class.3. Some Classic BrainteasersIn this section we present eighteen classical brainteasers from the folklore of problem solving that will be discussed in the remainder of the paper. These problems have de-lighted brainteaser connoisseurs for years, and most are capable of giving the solver a large dose of the “aha!” experience. There are numerous collections of these problems in books, and many collections of them are accessible through the Internet. We have selected these problems because they, and others like them, pose a real challenge to any effort to • volume 5, no. 1 (Fall 2012)60W. H. Batchelder and G. E. Alexander develop a deep and general formal theory of human or machine insight problem solving. With the exception of Problems 3.1 and 3.2, and arguably 3.6, the problems are different in important respects from so-called move problems of Newell and Simon (1972) described earlier and in Section 4.6.Most of the problems posed in this section share many of the defining characteristics of insight problems described in Section 1. In particular, they do not involve multiple steps, they require at most a very minimal amount of technical knowledge, and most of them can be solved by one or two fairly simple insights, albeit insights that are rarely achieved in real time by problem solvers. What makes these problems interesting is that they are posed in such a way as to induce solvers to represent the problem information in an unproductive way. Then the main barrier to finding a solution to one of these problems is to overcome a poor initial problem representation. This may involve such things as a re-representation of the problem, the dropping of an implicit constraint on the solution space, or seeing a parallel to some other similar problem. If the solver finds a productive way of viewing the problem, the solution generally follows rapidly and comes with burst of insight, namely the “aha!” experience. In addition, when non-solvers are given the solu-tion they too may experience a burst of insight.What follows next are statements of the eighteen brainteasers. The solutions are presented in the Appendix, and we recommend that after whatever problem solving activity a reader wishes to engage in, that the Appendix is studied before reading the remaining two sections of the paper. As we discuss each problem in the paper, we provide authorship information where authorship is known. In addition, we rephrased some of the problems from their original sources.Problem 3.1. Imagine you have an 8-inch by 8-inch array of 1-inch by 1-inch little squares. You also have a large box of 2-inch by 1-inch rectangular shaped dominoes. Of course it is easy to tile the 64 little squares with dominoes in the sense that every square is covered exactly once by a domino and no domino is hanging off the array. Now sup-pose the upper right and lower left corner squares are cut off the array. Is it possible to tile the new configuration of 62 little squares with dominoes allowing no overlaps and no overhangs?Problem 3.2. A 3-inch by 3-inch by 3-inch cheese cube is made of 27 little 1-inch cheese cubes of different flavors so that it is configured like a Rubik’s cube. A cheese-eating worm devours one of the top corner cubes. After eating any little cube, the worm can go on to eat any adjacent little cube (one that shares a wall). The middlemost little cube is by far the tastiest, so our worm wants to eat through all the little cubes finishing last with the middlemost cube. Is it possible for the worm to accomplish this goal? Could he start with eating any other little cube and finish last with the middlemost cube as the 27th?The Journal of Problem Solving •Insight Problem Solving: The Possibility of Formal Theory 61 Figure 1. The cheese eating worm problem.Problem 3.3. You have ten volumes of an encyclopedia numbered 1, . . . ,10 and shelved in a bookcase in sequence in the ordinary way. Each volume has 100 pages, and to simplify suppose the front cover of each volume is page 1 and numbering is consecutive through page 100, which is the back cover. You go to sleep and in the middle of the night a bookworm crawls onto the bookcase. It eats through the first page of the first volume and eats continuously onwards, stopping after eating the last page of the tenth volume. How many pieces of paper did the bookworm eat through?Figure 2.Bookcase setup for the Bookworm Problem.Problem 3.4. Suppose the earth is a perfect sphere, and an angel fits a tight gold belt around the equator so there is no room to slip anything under the belt. The angel has second thoughts and adds an inch to the belt, and fits it evenly around the equator. Could you slip a dime under the belt?• volume 5, no. 1 (Fall 2012)62W. H. Batchelder and G. E. Alexander Problem 3.5. Consider the cube in Figure 1 and suppose the top and bottom surfaces are painted red and the other four sides are painted blue. How many little cubes have at least one red and at least one blue side?Problem 3.6. Look at the nine dots in Figure 3. Your job is to take a pencil and con-nect them using only three straight lines. Retracing a line is not allowed and removing your pencil from the paper as you draw is not allowed. Note the usual nine-dot problem requires you to do it with four lines; you may want to try that stipulation as well. Figure 3.The setup for the Nine-Dot Problem.Problem 3.7. You are standing outside a light-tight, well-insulated closet with one door, which is closed. The closet contains three light sockets each containing a working light bulb. Outside the closet, there are three on/off light switches, each of which controls a different one of the sockets in the closet. All switches are off. Your task is to identify which switch operates which light bulb. You can turn the switches off and on and leave them in any position, but once you open the closet door you cannot change the setting of any switch. Your task is to figure out which switch controls which light bulb while you are only allowed to open the door once.Figure 4.The setup of the Light Bulb Problem.The Journal of Problem Solving •Insight Problem Solving: The Possibility of Formal Theory 63• volume 5, no . 1 (Fall 2012)Problem 3.8. We know that any finite string of symbols can be extended in infinitely many ways depending on the inductive (recursive) rule; however, many of these ways are not ‘reasonable’ from a human perspective. With this in mind, find a reasonable rule to continue the following series:Problem 3.9. You have two quart-size beakers labeled A and B. Beaker A has a pint of coffee in it and beaker B has a pint of cream in it. First you take a tablespoon of coffee from A and pour it in B. After mixing the contents of B thoroughly you take a tablespoon of the mixture in B and pour it back into A, again mixing thoroughly. After the two transfers, which beaker, if either, has a less diluted (more pure) content of its original substance - coffee in A or cream in B? (Forget any issues of chemistry such as miscibility).Figure 5. The setup of the Coffee and Cream Problem.Problem 3.10. There are two large jars, A and B. Jar A is filled with a large number of blue beads, and Jar B is filled with the same number of red beads. Five beads from Jar A are scooped out and transferred to Jar B. Someone then puts a hand in Jar B and randomly grabs five beads from it and places them in Jar A. Under what conditions after the second transfer would there be the same number of red beads in Jar A as there are blue beads in Jar B.Problem 3.11. Two trains A and B leave their train stations at exactly the same time, and, unaware of each other, head toward each other on a straight 100-mile track between the two stations. Each is going exactly 50 mph, and they are destined to crash. At the time the trains leave their stations, a SUPERFLY takes off from the engine of train A and flies directly toward train B at 100 mph. When he reaches train B, he turns around instantly, A BCD EF G HI JKLM.............64W. H. Batchelder and G. E. Alexander continuing at 100 mph toward train A. The SUPERFLY continues in this way until the trains crash head-on, and on the very last moment he slips out to live another day. How many miles does the SUPERFLY travel on his zigzag route by the time the trains collide?Problem 3.12. George lives at the foot of a mountain, and there is a single narrow trail from his house to a campsite on the top of the mountain. At exactly 6 a.m. on Satur-day he starts up the trail, and without stopping or backtracking arrives at the top before6 p.m. He pitches his tent, stays the night, and the next morning, on Sunday, at exactly 6a.m., he starts down the trail, hiking continuously without backtracking, and reaches his house before 6 p.m. Must there be a time of day on Sunday where he was exactly at the same place on the trail as he was at that time on Saturday? Could there be more than one such place?Problem 3.13. You are driving up and down a mountain that is 20 miles up and 20 miles down. You average 30 mph going up; how fast would you have to go coming down the mountain to average 60 mph for the entire trip?Problem 3.14. During a recent census, a man told the census taker that he had three children. The census taker said that he needed to know their ages, and the man replied that the product of their ages was 36. The census taker, slightly miffed, said he needed to know each of their ages. The man said, “Well the sum of their ages is the same as my house number.” The census taker looked at the house number and complained, “I still can’t tell their ages.” The man said, “Oh, that’s right, the oldest one taught the younger ones to play chess.” The census taker promptly wrote down the ages of the three children. How did he know, and what were the ages?Problem 3.15. A closet has two red hats and three white hats. Three participants and a Gamesmaster know that these are the only hats in play. Man A has two good eyes, man B only one good eye, and man C is blind. The three men sit on chairs facing each other, and the Gamesmaster places a hat on each man’s head, in such a way that no man can see the color of his own hat. The Gamesmaster offers a deal, namely if any man correctly states the color of his hat, he will get $50,000; however, if he is in error, then he has to serve the rest of his life as an indentured servant to the Gamesmaster. Man A looks around and says, “I am not going to guess.” Then Man B looks around and says, “I am not going to guess.” Finally Man C says, “ From what my friends with eyes have said, I can clearly see that my hat is _____”. He wins the $50,000, and your task is to fill in the blank and explain how the blind man knew the color of his hat.Problem 3.16. A king dies and leaves an estate, including 17 horses, to his three daughters. According to his will, everything is to be divided among his daughters as fol-lows: 1/2 to the oldest daughter, 1/3 to the middle daughter, and 1/9 to the youngest daughter. The three heirs are puzzled as to how to divide the horses among themselves, when a probate lawyer rides up on his horse and offers to assist. He adds his horse to the kings’ horses, so there will be 18 horses. Then he proceeds to divide the horses amongThe Journal of Problem Solving •Insight Problem Solving: The Possibility of Formal Theory 65 the daughters. The oldest gets ½ of the horses, which is 9; the middle daughter gets 6 horses which is 1/3rd of the horses, and the youngest gets 2 horses, 1/9th of the lot. That’s 17 horses, so the lawyer gets on his own horse and rides off with a nice commission. How was it possible for the lawyer to solve the heirs’ problem and still retain his own horse?Problem 3.17. A logical wizard offers you the opportunity to make one statement: if it is false, he will give you exactly ten dollars, and if it is true, he will give you an amount of money other than ten dollars. Give an example of a statement that would be sure to make you rich.Problem 3.18. Discover an interesting sense of the claim that it is in principle impos-sible to draw a perfect map of England while standing in a London flat; however, it is not in principle impossible to do so while living in a New York City Pad.4. Barriers to a Theory of Insight Problem SolvingAs mentioned earlier, our view is that there are a number of theoretical barriers that make it difficult to develop a satisfactory formal theory of the cognitive processes in play when humans solve classical brainteasers of the sort posed in Section 3. Further these barriers seem almost unique to insight problem solving in comparison with the more fully developed higher process areas of the cognitive sciences such as human memory, decision-making, categorization, and perception. Indeed it seems uncontroversial to us that neither human nor machine insight problem solving is well understood, and com-pared to other higher process areas in psychology, it is the least developed area both empirically and theoretically.There are two recent comprehensive critical reviews concerning insight problem solving by Ash, Cushen, and Wiley (2009) and Chu and MacGregor (2011). These articles describe the current state of empirical and theoretical work on insight problem solving, with a focus on experimental studies and theories of problem restructuring. In our view, both reviews are consistent with our belief that there has been very little sustainable progress in achieving a general scientific understanding of insight. Particularly striking is that are no established general, formal theories or models of insight problem solving. By a general formal model of insight problem solving we mean a set of clearly formulated assumptions that lead formally or logically to precise behavioral predictions over a wide range of insight problems. Such a formal model could be posed in terms of a number of formal languages including information processing assumptions, neural networks, computer simulation, stochastic assumptions, or Bayesian assumptions.Since the groundbreaking work by the Gestalt psychologists on insight problem solving, there have been theoretical ideas that have been helpful in explaining the cog-nitive processes at play in solving certain selected insight problems. Among the earlier ideas are Luchins’ concept of einstellung (blind spot) and Duncker’s functional fixedness, • volume 5, no. 1 (Fall 2012)as in Maher (1992). More recently, there have been two developed theoretical ideas: (1) Criterion for Satisfactory Progress theory (Chu, Dewald, & Chronicle, 2007; MacGregor, Ormerod, & Chronicle, 2001), and (2) Representational Change Theory (Knoblich, Ohls-son, Haider, & Rhenius, 1999). We will discuss these theories in more detail in Section 4. While it is arguable that these theoretical ideas have done good work in understanding in detail a few selected insight problems, we argue that it is not at all clear how these ideas can be generalized to constitute a formal theory of insight problem solving at anywhere near the level of generality that has been achieved by formal theories in other areas of higher process cognition.The dearth of formal theories of insight problem solving is in stark contrast with other areas of problem solving discussed in Section 4.6, for example move problems discussed earlier and the more recent work on combinatorial optimization problems such as the two dimensional traveling salesman problem (MacGregor and Chu, 2011). In addition, most other higher process areas of cognition are replete with a variety of formal theories and models. For example, in the area of human memory there are currently a very large number of formal, information processing models, many of which have evolved from earlier mathematical models, as in Norman (1970). In the area of categorization, there are currently several major formal theories along with many variations that stem from earlier theories discussed in Ashby (1992) and Estes (1996). In areas ranging from psycholinguistics to perception, there are a number of formal models based on brain-style computation stemming from Rumelhart, McClelland, and PDP Research Group’s (1987) classic two-volume book on parallel distributed processing. Since Daniel Kahneman’s 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in the Economic Sciences for work jointly with Amos Tversky developing prospect theory, as in Kahneman and Tversky (1979), psychologically based formal models of human decision-making is a major theoretical area in cognitive psychology today. In our view, there is nothing in the area of insight problem solving that approaches the depth and breadth of formal models seen in the areas mentioned above.In the following subsections, we will discuss some of the barriers that have prevented the development of a satisfactory theory of insight problem solving. Some of the bar-riers will be illustrated with references to the problems in Section 3. Then, in Section 5 we will assuage our pessimism a bit by suggesting how some of these barriers might be removed in future work to facilitate the development of an adequate theory of insight problem solving.4.1 Lack of Many Experimental ParadigmsThere are not many distinct experimental paradigms to study insight problem solving. The standard paradigm is to pick a particular problem, such as one of the ones in Section 3, and present it to several groups of subjects, perhaps in different ways. For example, groups may differ in the way a hint is presented, a diagram is provided, or an instruction。

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Volume 18, Issue 24, 15 December 2008, Pages 6369-6373

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Volume 18, Issue 24, 15 December 2008, Pages 6369-6373

The discovery of AZD5597,a potent imidazole pyrimidine amide CDK inhibitor suitable for intravenous dosingClifford D.Jones a,*,David M.Andrews a ,Andrew J.Barker a ,Kevin Blades a ,Paula Daunt a ,Simon East a ,Catherine Geh a ,Mark A.Graham a ,Keith M.Johnson a ,Sarah A.Loddick a ,Heather M.McFarland a ,Alexandra McGregor a ,Louise Moss a ,David A.Rudge a ,Peter B.Simpson a ,Michael L.Swain a ,Kin Y.Tam a ,Julie A.Tucker b ,Mike Walker aa Cancer and Infection Research,AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals,Alderley Park,Macclesfield,Cheshire SK104TG,UKbLead Generation-Discovery Enabling Capabilities and Sciences,AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals,Alderley Park,Macclesfield,Cheshire SK104TG,UKa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 20August 2008Revised 17October 2008Accepted 18October 2008Available online 25October 2008Keywords:KinaseCyclin-dependent kinase Kinase inhibitor Imidazole amide CDKCell cycle Anti-cancera b s t r a c tThe development of a novel series of imidazole pyrimidine amides as cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)inhibitors is described.Optimisation of inhibitory potency against multiple CDK’s (1,2and 9)resulted in imidazole pyrimidine amides with potent in vitro anti-proliferative effects against a range of cancer cell lines.Excellent physiochemical properties and large margins against inhibition of CYP isoforms and the hERG ion channel were achieved by modification of lipophilicity and amine basicity.A candidate with disease model activity in human cancer cell line xenografts and with suitable physiochemical and pharmacokinetic profiles for intravenous (iv)dosing was selected for further development as AZD5597.Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.The cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)family are two groups of serine–threonine protein kinases with roles in the coordination of the eukaryotic cell cycle and transcriptional regulation.Because of their critical role in the regulation of the cell cycle and the observed expression/activity pattern in most human cancers,con-siderable effort has been focused on the development of small mol-ecule CDK cell cycle inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents.1Recently,the observation of functional redundancy within the CDK family has led to the belief that inhibitors that are highly selective for individual CDKs may not be therapeutically effective.The best combination of CDK activities that will lead to the greatest efficacy with minimal toxicity is still under debate.It is known that combined depletion of CDK1and CDK2is more pro-apoptotic than depletion of either CDK alone,and that CDK1inhibition leads to MYC-dependent apoptosis.2,3In addition,the roles of the non-cell cycle CDKs such as CDK7and CDK9in transcriptional regulation is now better understood.The clinical activity observed in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with the CDK inhibitor flavopiridol may be partly accounted for by the inhibition of CDK9leading to apoptosis.Since clinical responses would be preferable to stable disease thena pro-apoptotic rather than a cytostatic agent could be optimal.Consequently,agents which inhibit the function of multiple CDKs may be clinically more successful than very selective CDK inhibitors.4Our previous efforts to discover novel CDK inhibitors led to the identification of the imidazole sulfone AZD5438(1)that was inves-tigated further as an orally bioavailable anti-cancer agent (Fig.1).5Replacement of the sulfone with piperazine led to a new series of potent CDK inhibitors (2)with improved physical properties that were also suitable for oral dosing.6To complement these com-pounds,we next sought to obtain a CDK inhibitor with properties that allowed dosing as an iv agent.In addition,the emerging0960-894X/$-see front matter Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2008.10.102*Corresponding author.Tel.:+441625513670.E-mail address:cliff.jones@ (C.D.Jones).Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry Letters 18(2008)6369–6373Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry Lettersj o ur na l h o me pa ge :w w w.e ls e v ie r.c o m/lo c a t e/bm c linformation concerning CDK function led us to choose to target the inhibition of CDK1,2and9.As well as obtaining a suitable CDK profile,a number of physio-chemical properties also need to be under close control in order to obtain an agent suitable for iv dosing.These properties include excellent solubility and extended stability of the formulated drug to chemical,enzymatic or photolytic degradation.Acquired long QT syndrome is a major problem in clinical studies due to the occurrence of significant cardiac side effects.Inhibition of the hu-man ether-a-go-go-related-gene(hERG)potassium ion channel can lead to the development of arrhythmias related to long QT. As short infusions or iv bolus doses generally lead to high maxi-mum concentrations of free drug(free C max)we sought to avoid significant hERG inhibition by early screening using a high-throughput patch–clamp hERG assay.7This paper describes the identification,development and synthesis of a new chemical series with CDK inhibitory profiles and physiochemical properties suit-able for iv dosing.We hypothesized that incorporation of a basic group into our CDK imidazole pyrimidine amide inhibitor series offered the best opportunity to achieve the required properties.The route devel-oped to obtain these compounds is shown in Scheme1.The syn-thesis of the aminopyrimidines(3,R1=H or F)has been reported previously.6,8Palladium catalysed coupling with ethyl4-iodoben-zoate followed by hydrolysis gave the corresponding acids4.These acid intermediates were subject to late stage diversification by coupling with amines to give the amides(5a–12a and5b–12b).Alternatively,for larger scale work it proved more convenient to couple the4-iodoarylamides directly with the aminopyrimidines 3using palladium catalysis.The4-iodoarylamides were readily ob-tained by reaction of the required amine with4-iodobenzoyl chlo-ride.Similar routes using4-bromo-2-fluoroarylamides were used to obtain the ortho-fluoro substituted amides(6c,d and7c,d). The4-bromo-2-fluoroarylamides were obtained by reacting the corresponding acid under standard amide coupling conditions (HATU,NEt3,DMF)with the requisite amine.An initial set of piperazine amides were synthesised using these routes and compared with ourfirst clinical candidate,the orally bioavailable CDK inhibitor AZD54381(Table1).The5-H pyrimi-dine piperazine amide5a possessed a similar enzyme and cellular profile to the previous clinical candidate.Whilst encouraging,the level of CDK1potency needed further improvement,as we re-quired an agent that was equipotent against CDK1and CDK2. The potency benefits of5-fluoro pyrimidine substitution in related chemical series have been discussed previously.6,9The increased lipophilicity of the5-fluoro pyrimidine5b resulted in an improve-ment in cellular anti-proliferative potency due to increased cellular permeability,but was approximately10-fold less potent against CDK1.The effect of the increased lipophilicity of5b was observed in the lower aqueous solubility compared to5a,which was not optimal for an iv agent.As the basicity of the piperazine amides is relatively low(measured p K a7.0for5a),we expected that stron-ger bases would improve solubility,so the corresponding piperi-dine amides were synthesised in order to improve this key parameter.Compared to the piperazine5a,the piperidine amide6a has lower enzyme potency along with lower levels of cellular anti-proliferative activity.The CDK2enzyme potency of the5-fluoro-pyrimidine equivalent6b was similar to6a and the overall en-zyme profile was more promising as,for thefirst time,we observed near equipotency for CDK2and CDK1.We were also encouraged to observe the large solubility benefit of the piperi-dine(measured p K a8.8for6d)compared to the less basic piper-azine5a.Fluorine substitution adjacent to a secondary amide was shown to be beneficial for potency in an earlier alkyl amide series.8This was observed again,with an encouraging increase in potency for the ortho-fluoro substituted amide6c compared to the bining both beneficial changes in the ortho-fluoro substituted,5-fluoro pyrimidine6d resulted in an extremely prom-ising profile with good levels of CDK1and CDK2enzyme potency which translated into excellent levels of anti-proliferative cellular activity.The decrease in solubility of6d compared to6b was due to a combination of increased lipophilicity and the presence of an internal NH–F hydrogen bond.This bond results in a more planar structure leading to improved packing in the solid state and lower solubility.Encouraged by the overall favourable profile of6d we decided to focus on exploring a range of other amides linked to ba-sic functionality(Table2).Table1CDK inhibition profile for compounds5and6.NNNNNHR1R2ONN5NNNNNHR1R2ONHN6Compound R1R2CDK2IC50(l M)CDK1IC50(l M)LoVo IC50a(l M)Solubility(l M)b1AZD54380.0060.0620.80588c5a H H0.0090.0710.524805b F H0.0180.130.17606a H H0.0370.18 2.18806b F H0.0360.050.32>25006c H F0.0110.150.20>22006d F F0.0010.0120.08270a IC50for inhibition of BrdU incorporation to LoVo cells following48h exposureto test compound.b Equilibrium solubility measured over24h at pH7.4.c Mesylate salt.6370 C.D.Jones et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.18(2008)6369–6373In addition to excellent levels of enzyme and cellular anti-pro-liferative potency for a range of amide substituents,we also ob-served excellent levels of solubility.Again,for secondary amides,the 5-fluoro pyrimidine ortho-fluoro amide substitution pattern led to the highest levels of enzyme potency against both CDK1and CDK2(e.g.,compare 7c with 7d ).This highly potent CDK1/2inhibition resulted in extremely potent inhibition of cellular prolif-eration in cancer cell lines.The chiral,non-racemic pyrrolidines ((S )-8b ,(R )-8b )also displayed excellent potency against CDK1and CDK2,again with potent anti-proliferative activity.In contrast to the piperazine amides (Table 1,5b ),the corresponding homo-piperazine 9b gave much improved properties with significant in-creases in both enzyme and cellular potency.The increased basicity of the homopiperazine (measured p K a 8.1for 9b )com-pared to the piperazine 5b (measured p K a 6.9)also resulted in much improved solubility (greater than the maximum value mea-surable in this assay).Additional profiling of a selection of these compounds dem-onstrated the attractiveness of the 5-fluoro amide series as po-tential iv agents (Table 3).All the compounds showed good levels of CDK9inhibition,particularly the dimethylethylamino amide 7d and the pyrrolidine (S )-8b .The high levels of CDK9po-tency,along with potent inhibition of CDK1/2,leads to apoptosis in proliferating cancer cells and is responsible for the unprece-dented levels of anti-proliferative activity of these compounds.The compounds tested also had an attractive balance of lipophil-icity with excellent physical properties.The lack of significant hERG activity would avoid inhibition of the hERG channel during the high free C max levels achieved in iv bolus dosing or short duration infusions.Rat iv pharmacokinetic studies showed that the compounds had a range of clearances in the low to moderate range.The volume of distribution varied from high to moderate depending on the p K a of the amine.We felt that all the compounds had favourable profiles as iv agents but as the pyrrolidine series had the best overall pro-file,it was selected for further progression.The binding mode of the pyrrolidine series was confirmed by obtaining an X-ray crystal structure of (S )-8b bound to CDK2(Fig.2).The electron density for the bound inhibitor is clearly defined.16Two hydrogen bonds are made from the aminopyrimidine to the backbone of the hinge residue,Leu83.The carbonyl group of the amide linkage makes an interaction with the backbone NH of Asp86,whilst the side-chain carboxylate of Asp86contacts the nitrogen of the dimethylamine.This latter interaction probably ac-counts for the greater potency observed for the (S )-enantiomer (S )-8b over the (R )-enantiomer (R )-8b .The attractive profile of the pyrrolidine series led us to further explore variation of the substituents on the pyrrolidine ring using the route shown in Scheme mercially available (R )-3-hydroxypyrrolidine was coupled with 4-iodobenzoyl chloride (10)then activated as the methanesulfonyl ester (11).Displace-ment with inversion of stereochemistry occurred smoothly with a range of primary and secondary amines to give the (S )-4-iodo-arylamide coupling partners (12).Subsequent coupling with the appropriate aminopyrimidine under Buchwald–Hartwig condi-tions as described in Scheme 1,gave the chiral,non-racemic pyr-rolidine products in good yield.Overall,potency against CDK2was generally retained with a variety of amine substituents,however,CDK1potency was more sensitive to substitution.This is illustrated by increasing the size of the amine substituent (e.g.,in (S )-13a ),where a good level of CDK2potency was maintained but lower CDK1activity was ob-served.A similar profile was seen with larger secondary amines (e.g.,(S )-14a ),which also had lower levels of anti-proliferative activity (Table 4).We were surprised by the sensitivity of CDK1po-tency to substitution in this position,as the amine is solvent ex-posed and there is high CDK1/CDK2sequence homology in the region adjacent to the substituted pyrrolidine ring.Much improved levels of potency against CDK1were observed for (S )-3-methylamine pyrrolidines.Again,varying levels of anti-proliferative activity were seen with 5-fluoro versus 5-H pyrimi-dine substitution.Although the 5-H pyrimidine (S )-15a potently inhibited both CDK1and CDK2enzyme activity,lower levels of anti-proliferative cellular activity were observed.The best balance of CDK1/2enzyme and anti-proliferative activ-ity was observed with the more lipophilic 5-fluoropyrimidine (S )-methylamine,(S )-15b .With high levels of both enzyme potency and cellular anti-proliferative activity,this promising compound was progressed into additional physiochemical assays (Table 5).The overall profile of (S )-15b indicated that it was suitable for further development as an iv agent.The high margins against hERG allow for flexibility in dosing either as a bolus or by extended infu-sions.The lack of CYP inhibition lowers the risk of problematic drug–drug interactions in the clinic.Excellent aqueous solubility from crystalline (S )-15b was obtained,even in simple saline for-Table 2CDK inhibition profile for compounds 7,8and 9.NNN NNH ONF NNNN NNH ONF NNNN NNH ONHR 1FN8b9b7Compound R 1CDK2IC 50(l M)CDK1IC 50(l M)LoVo IC 50(l M)Solubility (l M)7c H 0.0030.0290.003>19007d F 0.002<0.0010.002>2700(S )-8b F 0.0020.0110.037>2100(R )-8b F 0.0060.0110.070>24009bF0.0020.0050.040>2600Table 3Additional parameters for 6d ,7d ,(S )-8b and 9d .Compound CDK9enzyme (l M)log D p K a Rat PPB (%free)hERG (l M)Dose (l mol/kg)Rat Cl (mL/min/kg)Vss (L/kg)AUC (l M h)6d 0.013 2.48.86>32 2.516 5.2 1.37d 0.003 2.38.67>65 2.5249.80.8(S )-8b 0.005 2.17.4a 433 2.523 3.40.89b0.0122.08.17>321.0281.50.3ap K a of racemate.C.D.Jones et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.18(2008)6369–63736371mulations.In addition,the formulated drug showed no significant decomposition on exposure to light,plasma or through chemical hydrolysis.As well as these beneficial physiochemical properties,(S )-15b also possessed good pharmacokinetic parameters with moderate to low clearance in nude mouse and rat (Table 6).Clearance in the dog was higher (58%liver blood flow),due to the higher levels of free drug in dog plasma,but was still acceptable for an intrave-nously dosed drug.Nude mice were implanted subcutaneously with SW620human colon adenocarcinoma cells and in vivo tumour xenograft efficacy was established by dosing (S )-15b intraperitoneally (ip).Anti-tu-mour activity was observed with an inhibition of tumour volume of 55%(P <0.001)when dosed intermittently (Monday,Wednes-day,Friday)for 3weeks at 15mg/kg.On the basis of data pre-sented,the compound (S )-15b was selected for further development as AZD5597.In summary,we have discovered a new series of imidazole pyrimidine amides which possess excellent levels of anti-prolifer-ative potency against cancer cell lines.Excellent physiochemical properties and large margins against inhibition of CYP isoformsand the hERG ion channel were also achieved.A lead compound,(S )-15b (AZD5597),was selected from the series for further devel-opment as a CDK inhibitor suitable for intravenous dosing.AcknowledgmentsWe acknowledge the excellent technical expertise of the follow-ing scientists:Claire Brassington,Heather Haye,Eileen McCall and Sandra Oakes.References and notes1.Sharma,P.S.;Sharma,R.;Tyagi,R.Curr.Cancer Drug Targets 2008,8,53.2.Cai,D.;Latham,V.M.,Jr.;Zhang,X.;Shapiro,G.I.Cancer Res.2006,18,9270.3.Goga,A.;Yang,D.;Tward,A.D.;Morgan,D.O.;Bishop,J.M.Nat.Med.2007,13,820.4.Shapiro,G.I.J.Clin.Oncol.2006,24,1770.5.Anderson,M.;Andrews,D.M.;Barker,A.J.;Brassington,C.A.;Breed,J.;Byth,K.F.;Culshaw,J.D.;Finlay,M.R.V.;Fisher,E.;Gingell,H.H.J.;Green,C.P.;Heaton,D.W.;Nash,I.A.;Newcombe,N.J.;Oakes,S.E.;Pauptit,R.A.;Roberts,A.;Stanway,J.J.;Thomas,A.P.;Tucker,J.A.;Weir,H.M.Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.2008,18,5487.Figure 2.Crystal structure of (S )-8b bound to CDK2showing final electron density for (S )-8b (blue 1.0r level).10Figure was prepared using PyMol.11Table 4CDK inhibition profile for compounds 13,14and 15.R 4R 3NNNN NNH ONR 1Compound R 1NR 3R 4CDK2IC 50(l M)CDK1IC 50(l M)LoVo IC 50(l M)(S )-13a H NMe n Pr 0.0040.120.062(S )-14a H NH c Pr <0.0010.100.25(S )-15a H NHMe 0.0020.0090.18(S )-15bFNHMe0.0020.0020.039Table 5Additional data for (S )-15b .Parameterslog D1.45hERG (l M)95CYP inhibition a (l M)All >10Aqueous solubility (mg/mL)b >50Photostability (t 1/2)>24hHydrolytic stability (pH 4–10)(t 1/2)>100days Plasma stability c>18haAgainst Cyp isoforms:3A4,2D6,2C9,2C19,1A2.b At pH 5in saline from crystalline (S )-15b .cIn rat,dog and human plasma.Table 6Pharmacokinetic parameters of (S )-15b .PK parameters Mouse a Rat b Dog c PPB (%free)164>67Dose (l mol/kg) 5.0 2.50.2T½(h)3.4 3.632.3Cl (mL/min/kg)353019Vss (L/kg) 5.1 6.440.4AUC (l M/h)2.41.380.18a Female nude.b Male Han Wistar.cMale Beagle.6372 C.D.Jones et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.18(2008)6369–63736.Finlay,M.R.V.;Acton,D.G.;Andrews,D.M.;Barker,A.J.;Dennis,M.;Fisher,E.;Graham,M. 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A.;Dodson, E.J.ActaCrystallogr.1997,D53,240.16.Crystallographic statistics for the CDK2-(S)-8b complex are as follows:spacegroup P212121,unit cell53.542,71.824,71.771Å,resolution2.15Å,14,782 reflections from51,812observations give99.7%completeness with R merge of9.5%and mean I/r(I)of6.0.Thefinal model containing2209protein,154water,and33compound atoms has an R-factor of23.7%(R free using5%of the data30.6%).Mean temperature factors for the protein and the ligand are40.6 and34.6Å,pound(S)-15b:NMR(400MHz,CDCl3)d8.30(d, 1H),7.61–7.58(m,3H),7.54(d,2H),7.22(s,1H),5.58(septet,1H),3.89–3.63 (m,2H),3.58–3.20(m,3H),2.62(s,3H),2.48–2.39(m,3H),2.23–1.96(m,1H),1.84–1.74(m,1H),1.53(d,6H);LCMS MH+438.C.D.Jones et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.18(2008)6369–63736373。


广东医学 2013 年 1 月 第 34 卷第 2 期 Guangdong Medical Journal Jan. 2013,Vol. 34,No. 2
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1 ROCK 的结构和表达
ROCK 是 一 种 丝 氨 酸 / 氨 酸 蛋 白 激 酶,于 1996 年 被 发 现,分子量约 160 kD,可与 GTP - Rho 相结合,是目前功能研 究最为详细的 Rho 下游靶效应分子[3]。在哺乳动物细胞中, ROCK 有 2 个异构体: ROCK - 1 和 ROCK - 2,分别由 2 个不 同的基因编码。人类 ROCK - 1 和 ROCK - 2 基因分别位于 18 号 染 色 体 ( 18q11. 1 ) 和 2 号 染 色 体 ( 2p24 ) 。 完 整 的 ROCK - 1 和 ROCK - 2 约含有 1 300 个氨基酸,蛋白质的一 级结构有 65% 的同源性,自 N 端依次含有激酶催化结构域 ( kinase domain / catalytic domain) 、Rho 蛋白结合结构( Rho - binding domain,RBD ) 、PH 结 构 ( pleckstrin - homology domain) 和半胱氨酸富集结构域( cysteine - rich repeat domain) , 其中催化结构域的同源性高达 92%[2,4]。在小鼠和 人 类, ROCK - 1 和 ROCK - 2 均广泛表达于各组织中[1,5]。






为了克服这些临床诊断障碍,实验室对线粒体多方面的评价可以提供相对充足的证据,包括血液学,组织化学分析手段,神经影像分析,刺激实验检测,组织和细胞的酶学分析以及DNA检测(Mancuso M., 2009)。


【关键词】线粒体呼吸链功能评价【中图分类号】R329 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2012)01-0130-021.活性氧族(Reactive Oxygen Species)的产生在细胞内,线粒体是超氧离子(O2-)和其他活性氧族的主要来源,病理情况下,通过异常的氧化反应,线粒体产生约85%的超氧离子(Boveris and Chance, 1973; Dr?ge, 2002). 在线粒体复合体间的电子转运过程中,约2-5%的离子逃逸并释放O2,导致了O2-在复合体I到复合体I I I中的产生,由于线粒体活性增强或呼吸链的抑制作用,氧离子会显著的增加导致了氧化损伤,这可能是脑神经退行性病变发病的机理之一。


例如,在脑缺血和再灌注过程中,细胞间液中过多的ROS会产生氧化应激,氧化平衡被打破,从而导致细胞性的直接或间接的损伤(L e i e t a l.,1998)。


目前有很多R O S 的标记物,如广泛应用的二氢氯荧光素dichlorodihydrofluorescein (LeBel et al.,1992),及其各种衍生物如二氢溴乙非啶(Het)(Gallop et al., 1984),和二氢罗丹明dihydrorhodamine(Duganet al., 1995)。

Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity Mediates Consolidation+andreconsolidation(1)

Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity Mediates Consolidation+andreconsolidation(1)

Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveBasolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity Mediates Consolidation and Reconsolidation of Memories for Cocaine CuesFang-qiong Li,1,2*Yan-xue Xue,2*Ji-shi Wang,1Qin Fang,1Yan-qin Li,2Wei-Li Zhu,2Ying-ying He,1Jian-feng Liu,2Li-fen Xue,2Yavin Shaham,3and Lin Lu21School of Pharmacy and Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical University,Guiyang550004,China,2National Institute on Drug Dependence,Peking University,Beijing100191,China,and3Behavioral Neuroscience Branch,Intramural Research Program,National Institute on Drug Abuse–National Institutes of Health,Baltimore,Maryland21224Cocaine use and relapse involves learned associations between cocaine-associated environmental contexts and discrete stimuli and cocaine effects.Initially,thesecontextualanddiscretecuesundergomemoryconsolidationafterbeingpairedwithcocaineexposure.Duringabstinence, cocainecuememoriescanundergomemoryreconsolidationaftercueexposurewithoutthedrug.Weusedaconditionedplacepreference(CPP) procedure in rats to study the role of neuronal protein kinase cyclin-dependent kinase5(Cdk5)in consolidation and reconsolidation of cocaine cue memories.We found that the expression of cocaine CPP in drug-free tests1d after CPP training(four pairings of10mg/kg cocaine with one context and four pairings of saline with a different context)increased Cdk5activity,and levels of the Cdk5activator p35in basolateral but not central amygdala.We also found that basolateral(but not central)amygdala injections of the Cdk5inhibitor␤-butyrolactone(100ng/side) immediately(but not6h)after cocaine–context pairings during training prevented subsequent cocaine CPP expression.After training,acute basolateral(but not central)amygdala␤-butyrolactone injections immediately before testing prevented the expression of cocaine CPP;this effect was also observed on a second test performed1d later,suggesting an effect on reconsolidation of cocaine cue memories.In support, basolateral␤-butyrolactone injections,given immediately(but not6h)after a single exposure to the cocaine-paired context,prevented cocaine CPP expression1and14d after the injections.Results indicate that basolateral amygdala Cdk5activity is critical for consolidation and recon-solidation of the memories of cocaine-associated environmental cues.IntroductionEarly studies by Wikler(1973)and subsequent investigations (O’Brien et al.,1992)suggest that environmental cues associ-ated with drug taking contribute to compulsive drug use and relapse.Based on these studies,Wikler,O’Brien,and others proposed that pavlovian conditioning processes play major roles in drug addiction and that drug cue memories persist during prolonged abstinence periods(Wikler,1973;Stewart et al.,1984;O’Brien et al.,1992).In laboratory rats,studies using second-order reinforcement schedules and extinction–rein-statement procedures demonstrate that cues associated with drug effects maintain drug-seeking behavior(Goldberg,1975; Everitt and Robbins,2000)and reinstate drug seeking after prolonged abstinence periods(See,2002;Ciccocioppo et al., 2004;Lu et al.,2004).Two main mechanisms for establishment and persistence of memories for cues paired with rewarding or aversive stimuli are consolidation—a time-dependent process that leads to permanent storage of newly acquired memory(McGaugh,1966,2000)—and reconsolidation—a time-dependent process wherein consolidated memory items are rendered transiently malleable shortly after its reactivation(Misanin et al.,1968;Nader et al.,2000;Dudai,2006). The cellular mechanisms of consolidation and reconsolidation of memories for drug-associated cues can be assessed in a pavlovian conditioned place preference(CPP)procedure(Cervo et al., 1997;Beninger and Gerdjikov,2004;Miller and Marshall,2005), in which during the training phase one context is paired with drug injections,whereas another context is paired with vehicle injections(Tzschentke,1998;Bardo and Bevins,2000).During subsequent drug-free CPP tests,rats choose between the drug-and vehicle-paired contexts;increased preference for the drug context serves as measures of drug reward(Mucha et al.,1982) and incentive motivational effects of drug cues(Mueller and Stewart,2000).Cyclin-dependent kinase5(Cdk5)is a neuronal serine/thre-onine protein kinase whose function is controlled by homolo-gous neuron-specific regulatory cofactors:p35or p39(Dhavan and Tsai,2001;Benavides and Bibb,2004;Cheung et al.,2006). Cdk5plays a role in several neuronal and cellular processes,in-cluding neuronal migration and differentiation(Ohshima et al., 1996;Chae et al.,1997),axonal growth(Nikolic et al.,1998), membrane transport(Paglini and Ca´ceres,2001),and dopamineReceived April25,2010;revised May25,2010;accepted June16,2010.This work was supported in part by National Basic Research Program of China Grant2007CB512302,NaturalScience Foundation of Beijing Municipality Grants09G0762and7092058,and Natural Science Foundation ofGuizhou Province Grant2008-59.The authors declare no competing financial interests.*F.-q.Li and Y.-x.Xue contributed equally to this work.Correspondence should be addressed to either of the following:Prof.Ji-shi Wang at the above address,E-mail:jswang_yg@;or Prof.Lin Lu at the above address,E-mail:linlu@.Y.-q.Li’s present address:Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology,University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA15261.DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2112-10.2010Copyright©2010the authors0270-6474/10/3010351-09$15.00/0The Journal of Neuroscience,August4,2010•30(31):10351–10359•10351signaling(Bibb et al.,2001).Cocaine exposure increases striatal Cdk5levels and activity(Bibb et al.,2001;Kansy et al.,2004). Additionally,genetic or pharmacological inhibition of nucleus accumbens Cdk5function enhances intravenous cocaine reward (as assessed by a progressive ratio reinforcement schedule),co-caine CPP,cocaine psychomotor stimulation,and cocaine-induced potentiation of responding for reward cues(Benavides et al.,2007;Taylor et al.,2007).Results from several studies indicate a critical role of Cdk5 activity in the septo-hippocampal system in consolidation and extinction of conditioned fear memories(Fischer et al.,2002, 2003a,b;Sananbenesi et al.,2007).Here,we used the CPP proce-dure to study the role of Cdk5and its activator p35in the baso-lateral amygdala in consolidation and reconsolidation of cocaine cue memories.We studied the basolateral amygdala because of the critical roles of this brain site in consolidation and reconsoli-dation of aversive and appetitive memories(Nader et al.,2000; McGaugh,2004;Tronson and Taylor,2007;Everitt et al.,2008), including memories of cocaine cues(Kruzich and See,2001;Lee et al.,2005,2006;Fuchs et al.,2006;Bernardi et al.,2009). Materials and MethodsSubjectsTwo hundred fifty-seven male Sprague Dawley rats,weighing220–240g, were obtained from the Laboratory Animal Center,Peking University Health Science Center.Twelve of these rats were used for assessing basal levels of Cdk5and p35but did not participate in the behavioral experiments. The rats were housed in groups of five in a temperature(23Ϯ2°C)-and humidity(50Ϯ5%)-controlled animal facility with ad libitum access to food and water.The rats were kept on a reverse12h light/dark cycle.All experi-mental procedures were performed in accordance with the National Insti-tutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the local committee of animal use and protection. SurgeryRats(weighing320–350g when surgery began)were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital(50mg/kg,i.p.).Guide cannulae(23gauge;Plas-tics One)were bilaterally implanted1mm above the basolateral or cen-tral amygdala(BLA and CeA),respectively.The BLA coordinates (Paxinos and Watson,2005)were anterior/posterior,Ϫ2.9mm;medial/ lateral,Ϯ5.0mm;dorsal/ventral,Ϫ8.5mm;and the CeA coordinates were anterior/posterior,Ϫ2.9mm;medial/lateral,Ϯ4.2mm;dorsal/ventral,Ϫ7.8 mm.These coordinates are based on our previous work(Lu et al.,2005, 2007;Li et al.,2008;Wang et al.,2008).The cannulae were anchored to the skull with stainless-steel screws and dental cement.A stainless-steel stylet blocker was inserted into each cannula to keep it patent and prevent infec-tion.The rats were allowed to recover for5–7d after surgery.Drugs and injection proceduresCocaine HCl(Qinhai Pharmaceutical)was dissolved in sterile saline and was injected5min before the CPP training(or test,experiment5)ses-sions.Based on the work of Fischer et al.(2002,2003a),we used ␤-butyrolactone at a dose of100ng/side to inhibit Cdk5activity.␤-Butyrolactone(BIOMOL)was dissolved in0.2%DMSO(vehicle)and was prepared in stock solutions of200ng/␮l.␤-Butyrolactone was in-jected with Hamilton syringes connected to30gauge injectors(Plastics One).The infusion volume was0.5␮l,and the drug was injected bilat-erally over1min;the injection needle was kept in place for an additional 1min to allow for drug diffusion(Lu et al.,2005).In experiments that did not involve Western blots,the rats were anesthetized with sodium pen-tobarbital(100mg/kg,i.p.)and transcardially perfused.Cannula place-ments were assessed using Nissl staining with thickness of40␮m under light microscopy.Seventeen subjects with misplaced cannulae were ex-cluded.The locations of cannula tips of the rats are shown in Figure7. Conditioned place preferenceCPP was performed using an unbiased,counterbalanced protocol(Wang et al.,2008).The CPP apparatus consisted of five identical three-chamber polyvinylchloride(PVC)boxes(Li et al.,2008;Wang et al.,2008).Two large side chambers(27.9cm longϫ21.0cm wideϫ20.9cm high)were separated by a smaller one(12.1cm longϫ21.0cm wideϫ20.9cm high with a smooth PVC floor).The two larger chambers differed in their floor texture(bar or grid,respectively)and provided distinct contexts that were paired with cocaine or saline injections.Three distinct chambers were separated by manual guillotine doors.Baseline preference was assessed by placing the rats in the center com-partment of the CPP apparatus and allowing ad libitum access to all compartments for15min.Thirteen of the initial245rats were excluded because of a strong unconditioned preference(Ͼ540s).On subsequent conditioning days,the rats were trained for8consecutive days with al-ternating injections of cocaine(10mg/kg,i.p.)or saline(1ml/kg,i.p.)or saline in both compartments.After each injection,the rats were confined to the corresponding conditioning chambers for45min and then re-turned to their home cages.Tests for the expression of cocaine CPP in a drug-free state(15min duration)were performed at different days after training(see below).The procedure during testing was same as during the initial baseline preference assessment.The CPP score was defined as the time(in seconds)spent in the cocaine-paired chamber minus the time spent in the saline-paired chamber during CPP testing.Tissue sample preparationIn experiments in which Cdk5activity and Cdk5and p35levels were determined,the rats were decapitated without anesthesia2h after the end of the15min CPP tests.After decapitation,the brains were rapidly ex-tracted and frozen inϪ60°C N-hexane.The brains were then transferred to aϪ80°C freezer.We used a freezing cryostat(Ϫ20°C)to make1-mm-thick coronal sections located approximatelyϪ2.5–3.0mm from bregma.Bilateral tissue punches(16gauge)of the CeA and BLA were then taken and pooled together.Tissue punches were homogenized (three times10–15s;5s interval)with an electrical disperser(Wiggen-hauser,Sdn Bhd)after30min in RIPA lysis buffer(Beyotime Biotech-nology;20m M Tris,pH7.5,150m M NaCl,1%Triton X-100,2.5m M sodium pyrophosphate,1m M EDTA,1%Na3VO4,0.5␮g/ml leupeptin, 1m M phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride).The tissue homogenates were then subjected to12,000ϫg centrifugation at4°C for8min.The above procedures were performed at0to4°C.The protein concentrations of all samples were determined using the bicinchoninic acid assay(Beyotime Biotechnology).Samples were further diluted in RIPA lysis buffer to equalize the protein concentrations.Western blot assaysThe procedures of the assay were based on those used in our previous studies(Lu et al.,2005;Li et al.,2008).Four times loading buffer(16% glycerol,20%mercaptoethanol,2%SDS,0.05%bromophenol blue)was added to each sample(3:1;sample/loading buffer)before boiling for3 min.Samples were cooled and subjected to SDS-PAGE(10%acrylamide/ 0.27%N,NЈ-methylenebisacryalamide resolving gel)forϳ40min at80 V in stacking gel andϳ1h at130V in resolving gel.Proteins were transferred electrophoretically to Immobilon-P transfer membranes (Millipore)at0.25A for2.5h.Membranes were washed with TBST (Tris-buffered saline plus0.05%Tween20,pH7.4)and then dipped in blocking buffer[5%bovine serum albumin(BSA)in TBST]overnight at 4°C.The next day,the membranes were incubated for1h at room tem-perature on an orbital shaker with anti-Cdk5antibody(1:1000;Santa Cruz Biotechnology),anti-p35antibody(1:500;Santa Cruz),and␤-actin (1:1000;Santa Cruz)in TBST plus5%BSA and0.05%sodium azide. After three5min washes(three times)in TBST buffer,the blots were incubated for45min at room temperature on a shaker with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody(p35was goat anti-rabbit IgG,and Cdk5was goat anti-mice;Santa Cruz;PI-1000;Vector Labora-tories)diluted1:5000in blocking buffer.The blots were then washed three times for5min each in TBST and incubated with a layer of Super Signal Enhanced chemiluminescence substrate(Detection Reagents1 and2;1:1ratio;Pierce Biotechnology)for1min at room temperature. Excess mixture was dripped off before the blots were wrapped with a clean piece of plastic wrap(no bubbles between blot and wrap),and then the blots were exposed to x-ray film(Eastman Kodak)for5–60s.Values10352•J.Neurosci.,August4,2010•30(31):10351–10359Li et al.•Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity and Drug Memoryfor p35and Cdk5protein levels were normalized to␤-actin and analyzed with Quantity One software(version4.4.0;Bio-Rad).The Western blot assays also included the brains of12naive rats that did not participate in the behavioral experiments.The values of the Cdk5and p35levels of these rats,which were pooled and run as a single blot,were used as a reference point in the graphical presentation of the data.Cdk5activity assayCdk5activity was determined by radioactivity,and the procedures of the assay were based on previous studies(Chen and Chen,2005).Tissues from the amygdala were lysed in RIPA buffer.Cdk5was immunoprecipi-tated from the amygdala homogenates using an anti-Cdk5antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)overnight at4°C.Immobilized protein A resin slurry(Pierce Biotechnology)was added to the antigen–antibody complex,and the reaction was incubated with gentle mixing for2h at room temperature.Afterward,0.5ml of immunoprecipitation buffer(25 m M Tris,150m M NaCl,pH7.2)was added to the immunoprecipitated samples and centrifuged for2–3min at2500ϫg.The supernatant was discarded.This step was repeated several times.The final immunopre-cipitated samples were suspended and incubated with0.08␮g/␮l histone H1protein(H5505;Sigma-Aldrich)in50␮l of kinase assay buffer(10 m M MgCl2,1m M DTT,50␮M ATP,0.1␮Ci/␮l[␥-32P]adenosine triphosphate)at30°C for30min.The reaction was terminated by spot-ting20␮l of the reaction mixture on a P81phosphocellulose disc(What-man P81;Millipore).The discs were washed three times(5min each) with0.75%phosphoric acid,followed by soaking in95%ethanol for10 min and dried in the air.Radioactivity was measured with a scintillation counter(Beijing Normal University,Beijing,China)and corrected for basal activity.ExperimentsExperiment1:effect of cocaine CPP on BLA and CeA Cdk5activity,and Cdk5and p35protein levels.We used four groups of rats(nϭ10–15per group)to assess the effect of tests for the expression of cocaine CPP on Cdk5activity,Cdk5and p35protein levels in the BLA and CeA(see Fig. 1A).All rats underwent a baseline preference test.Subsequently,the two groups of saline-injected rats received daily saline injections over8d in either their home cage or the CPP apparatus,whereas the two groups of cocaine-injected rats received daily injections of saline(four times)or cocaine(four times)in either their home cage or the CPP apparatus.The test for the expression of cocaine CPP was performed1d after the last training/injection day for all rats.Two hours after the end of the15min CPP test,the rats were decapitated,and their brains were removed for subsequent determination of Cdk5activity,and p35and Cdk5protein levels in the BLA and CeA.The home cage injection-exposed rats were decapitated at the same time as the CPP-trained rats.The dependent measures were the CPP score,Cdk5activity in the BLA and CeA,and p35 and Cdk5protein levels in the BLA and CeA.In each experimental con-dition,approximately one-half of the rats(5–7/group)were used for Western blots and the other one-half(5–8/group)were used for kinase assay.Experiment2:effect of inhibition of BLA Cdk5on consolidation of cocaine CPP.We used six groups of rats to determine the role of BLA Cdk5in consolidation of cocaine CPP(see Fig.2A).For this purpose,we used a classical memory consolidation approach in which a drug is injected either immediately or several hours after the acquisition of the learning task and the expression of the learned task is assessed in a drug-free test on a different day.The effect of the drug on memory consolidation is inferred if it disrupts learning when given immediately but not several hours later after the training sessions(McGaugh,2000).Four groups of rats(nϭ7–9per group)were injected with either vehicle or ␤-butyrolactone into the BLA or CeA immediately(0min)after the four cocaine–context pairing training sessions;no injections were given after the saline–context pairing training sessions.Two other groups(nϭ7–10 per group)were injected into the BLA with vehicle or␤-butyrolactone 6h after each of the cocaine training sessions.In all groups,the test for the expression of cocaine CPP was performed1d after the last training day. Two hours after the end of CPP test,the rats receiving injection of ␤-butyrolactone or vehicle immediately after the cocaine training ses-sions were decapitated,and their brains were removed for subsequent determination of p35levels in the BLA and CeA using Western blotting. Experiment3:effect of acute inhibition of BLA Cdk5on the expression of cocaine CPP.We used four groups of rats(nϭ7–9per group)to deter-mine the role of BLA Cdk5in the acute expression of learned cocaine CPP (see Fig.3A).The rats were trained for cocaine CPP over8d and tested for the expression of CPP on day9without any injections(test1).On day10, the rats were injected with either vehicle or␤-butyrolactone into the BLA or CeA immediately before another CPP test(test2).On day11,the rats were tested again(test3)for cocaine CPP without any injections.Two hours after the end of test3,all rats were decapitated,and their brains were removed for subsequent determination of p35levels in the BLA and CeA using Western blotting.Experiment4:effect of inhibition of BLA Cdk5on reconsolidation of learned cocaine CPP.We used eight groups of rats to determine the role of BLA Cdk5in reconsolidation of learned cocaine CPP(see Figs.4A,5A). All rats were trained for cocaine CPP over8d and tested for the expres-sion of CPP on day9without any injections(test1).On day10,four groups of rats(nϭ8–10per group)were confined to the cocaine-paired context for10min to reactivate cocaine rewarding memory(Wang et al., 2008)and were then injected with either vehicle or␤-butyrolactone into the BLA or CeA immediately(0min)after cocaine–context exposure. On day11,these rats were tested again(test3)for cocaine CPP without any injections.Four other groups of BLA-injected rats underwent an identical experimental procedure,but on day10they were injected with vehicle or␤-butyrolactone either6h after the cocaine–context exposure session(two groups;nϭ7–10per group)or without any context expo-sure(two groups;nϭ7–10per group).Experiment5:additional characterization of the effect of inhibition of BLA Cdk5on reconsolidation of learned cocaine CPP.We used two groups of rats(nϭ8–10per group)to determine the persistence of the effect of BLA␤-butyrolaxtone injections on reconsolidation of learned cocaine CPP(see Fig.6A).The rats were trained for cocaine CPP over8d and tested for the expression of CPP on day9without any injections(test1). On day10,the rats were confined to the cocaine-paired context for10 min to reactivate the cocaine rewarding memory and then injected with either vehicle or␤-butyrolactone into the BLA immediately(0min)after cocaine–context exposure.On days11and25,these rats were tested again(test2and test3)for cocaine CPP without any injections.On day 26,all rats were given a priming injection of cocaine(10mg/kg,i.p.)and tested again for cocaine CPP.Cocaine was injected immediately before the test session.Data analysisData are expressed as meanϮSEM and were analyzed by ANOVA with the appropriate between-and within-subjects factors for the different experiments(see Results).The kinase assay and Western blot data were analyzed separately for the BLA and CeA.Significant main effects and interactions(pϽ0.05)from the factorial ANOVAs were followed by simple ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc tests.Because our multifactorial ANOVAs yielded multiple main effects and interaction effects,we only report in Results significant effects that are critical for data interpreta-tion.Additionally,for clarity,post hoc analyses are indicated by asterisks in the figures but are not described in Results.ResultsExperiment1:effect of cocaine CPP on BLA and CeA Cdk5 activity,Cdk5and p35protein levelsThe expression of cocaine CPP(Fig.1B)was associated with increased Cdk5activity(Fig.1C,D)and increased protein levels of p35in the BLA but not CeA(Fig.1E,F).The analysis of the behavioral data of the expression of cocaine CPP included the between-subject factors of drug(saline,cocaine)and context (home cage,CPP apparatus),and the within-subject factor of test phase(pretraining baseline preference,posttraining CPP test). This analysis revealed a significant drug by context by test phase interaction(F(1,56)ϭ13.14;pϽ0.01),training by conditioning interaction(F(1,56)ϭ8.57;pϽ0.01).These interactions are at-Li et al.•Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity and Drug Memory J.Neurosci.,August4,2010•30(31):10351–10359•10353tributable to the fact that cocaine CPP wasonly observed in the group of rats injectedwith cocaine in the CPP apparatus.Theanalyses of Cdk5activity and the Westernblots data included the between-subjectfactors of drug(saline,cocaine)and con-text(home cage,CPP apparatus).Theanalyses for Cdk5activity in the BLA re-vealed a significant drug by context inter-action(F(1,23)ϭ7.34;pϽ0.05).No significant effects were observed for Cdk5activity in the CeA(values of pϾ0.1).Theanalyses for p35levels in the BLA revealeda significant drug by context interaction(F(1,23)ϭ19.69;pϽ0.01).No significant effects were observed for Cdk5levels in the BLA or Cdk5or p35levels in the CeA (values of pϾ0.1).No group differ-ences were observed for␤-actin levels, as assessed by Western blots(data not shown).Post hoc group differences are indicated in Figure1.Experiment2:effect of inhibitionof BLA Cdk5on consolidation ofcocaine CPP␤-Butyrolactone injections into the BLA immediately after exposure to the co-caine-paired context during CPP training impaired the subsequent expression of co-caine CPP in a drug-free state(Fig.2B,left column)and led to decreased BLA p35 levels(Fig.2D);these data indicate a role of BLA Cdk5in consolidation of the memories for the cocaine-paired context.␤-Butyrolactone injections into the BLA 6h after the training sessions(Fig.2B, right column)or into the CeA immedi-ately after the training session(Fig.2C) were ineffective.The statistical analyses of CPP scores after BLA posttraining ses-sions immediate injections included the between-subject factor of␤-butyrolac-tone(0,100ng/side)and the within-subject factor of test phase(pretraining baseline preference,posttraining CPP test).This analysis revealed a significant ␤-butyrolactone by test phase interaction (F(1,14)ϭ8.93;pϽ0.05).The analyses of the effect of BLA␤-butyrolactone injec-tions6h after the training sessions or CeA ␤-butyrolactone injections immediately after the training sessions revealed signif-icant effects of test phase(F(1,12)ϭ56.67,pϽ0.01,and F(1,14)ϭ46.42,pϽ0.01,respectively)but not of␤-butyrolactone or␤-butyrolactone by test phase interaction(values of pϾ0.1).The analyses of p35 levels in the groups that received injections of␤-butyrolactone or vehicle after the cocaine training sessions revealed a significant effect of␤-butyrolactone in BLA(F(1,11)ϭ23.52;pϽ0.01)but not CeA(pϾ0.1)(Fig.2D).No group differences were observed for␤-actin levels(data not shown).Post hoc group differences are indicated in Figure2.Experiment3:effect of acute inhibition of BLA Cdk5on the expression of cocaine CPPBLA but not CeA␤-butyrolactone injections inhibited the expression of cocaine CPP when injected immediately before test2(Fig.3B,C).BLA injections also inhibited CPP expres-sion and the associated increase in p35levels on test3con-ducted1d later(Fig.3D).The CPP score data after BLA injections were analyzed with a mixed ANOVA that includedFigure1.TheexpressionofcocaineCPPisassociatedwithincreasedCdk5activityandp35proteinlevelsbutnotCdk5proteinlevelsintheBLAbutnotCeA.A,Timelineoftheexperiment(seeMaterialsandMethodsfortheexperimentalconditionsofthe4groups).B,MeanϮSEM.CPP scores(time in the cocaine-paired minus time in the saline-paired side)during baseline preference and during a test for theexpression of cocaine CPP1d after training.*Different from the other experimental groups,pϽ0.05,nϭ10–15per group.C,D,Cdk5activityintheBLAandCeA;Cdk5activityisexpressedasspecificcounts(countsperminute).*Differentfromtheotherexperimentalgroups,pϽ0.05,nϭ5–7pergroup.E,F,p35andCdk5levelsintheBLAandCeA;p35andCdk5levelsarepresentedasapercentage(meanϮSEM)ofvaluesofnaivecontrolrats(nϭ5).*Differentfromtheotherexperimentalgroups,pϽ0.05,nϭ5–8pergroup. 10354•J.Neurosci.,August4,2010•30(31):10351–10359Li et al.•Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity and Drug Memorythe between-subjects factor of ␤-butyrolactone and the within-subjects factor of test phase (baseline preference,test 1,test 2,and test 3).Analysis revealed significant effects of ␤-butyrolactone (F (1,14)ϭ18.80;p Ͻ0.01),test phase (F (3,42)ϭ13.96;p Ͻ0.01),and ␤-butyrolactone by test phase interac-tion (F (3,42)ϭ6.13;p Ͻ0.01).Post hoc analysis revealed that ␤-butyrolaxtone-treated rats exhibited significantly decreasedCPP score on CPP test 2(p Ͻ0.01)compared with vehicle-treated rats (Fig.3B ).A similar analysis after CeA injections revealed a significant main effect of test phase (F (2,28)ϭ35.31;p Ͻ0.01)but not a main effect of ␤-butyrolactone or interac-tion between the two factors (values of p Ͼ0.1)(Fig.3C ).The analyses of p35levels after test 3revealed a significant effect of BLA ␤-butyrolactone injections (F (1,11)ϭ18.25;p Ͻ0.01)(Fig.3D )but not CeA injections (p Ͼ0.05).Post hoc group differences are indicated in Figure3.Figure 2.Inhibition of Cdk5in the BLA but not CeA prevents the consolidation of cocaine CPP.A ,Timeline of the experiment.B ,C ,Mean ϮSEM.CPP scores during baseline preference and during a test for the expression of cocaine CPP 1d after training in rats injected with vehicle (0.5␮l/side)or ␤-butyrolactone(100ng/side)intotheBLAorCeAimmediatelyafter(0min)or intotheBLA6haftercocaine–contextpairings(4sessions)duringCPPtraining.*Differentfrom vehicle,p Ͻ0.05.#Different from baseline,p Ͻ0.05,n ϭ7–10per group.D ,p35levels in the BLA and CeA in rats injected with vehicle or ␤-butyrolactone into the BLA or CeA immediately after the cocaine–context pairings during CPP training.*Different from vehicle,p Ͻ0.05,n ϭ5–7pergroup.Figure 3.Inhibition of Cdk5in the BLA but not CeA prevents the expression of cocaine CPP.A ,Timeline of the experiment.B ,C ,Mean ϮSEM.CPP scores during baseline preference and during tests for the expression of cocaine CPP in rats injected vehicle (0.5␮l/side)or ␤-butyrolactone (100ng/side)into the BLA or CeA immediately before test 2.*Different from vehicle,p Ͻ0.05,n ϭ7–9per group.D ,p35levels in the BLA and CeA after test 3.*Different from vehicle,p Ͻ0.05,n ϭ5–7per group.Li et al.•Basolateral Amygdala Cdk5Activity and Drug Memory J.Neurosci.,August 4,2010•30(31):10351–10359•10355。

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使用本产品的文献:1.Zhang F, Liao L, Ju Y, Song A, Liu Y. Neurochemical plasticity of nitricoxide synthase isoforms in neurogenic detrusor overactivityafter spinal cord injury. Neurochem Res. 2011 Oct;36(10):1903-9.2.Li W, Ren G, Huang Y, Su J, Han Y, Li J, Chen X, Cao K, Chen Q, ShouP, Zhang L, Yuan ZR, Roberts AI, Shi S, Le AD, Shi Y. Mesenchymal stem cells: a double-edged sword in regulating immune responses. Cell Death Differ.2012 Sep;19(9):1505-13.3.Xu J, Jin DQ, Zhao P, Song X, Sun Z, Guo Y, Zhang L. Sesquiterpenesinhibiting NO production from Celastrus orbiculatus. Fitoterapia.2012 Dec;83(8):1302-5.4.Mao YF, Zhang YL, Yu QH, Jiang YH, Wang XW, Yao Y, Huang JL.Chronic restraint stress aggravated arthritic joint swell of rats through regulating nitric oxide production. Nitric Oxide. 2012 Oct 15;27(3):137-42.5.Jiang Q, Zhou Z, Wang L, Shi X, Wang J, Yue F, Yi Q, Yang C, Song L.The immunomodulation of inducible nitric oxide in scallop Chlamys farreri. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013 Jan;34(1):100-8.6.Yan K, Zhang R, Chen L, Chen F, Liu Y, Peng L, Sun H, Huang W, SunC, Lv B, Li F, Cai Y, Tang Y, Zou Y, Du M, Qin L, Zhang H, Jiang X.Nitric oxide-mediated immunosuppressive effect of human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells on the viability and migration of microglia. Brain Res. 2014 Nov 24;1590:1-9.7.Sun Z, Jiang Q, Wang L, Zhou Z, Wang M, Yi Q, Song L. Thecomparative proteomics analysis revealed the modulation of induciblenitric oxide on the immune response of scallop Chlamys farreri. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2014 Oct;40(2):584-94.8.Li Y, Ma C, Shi X, Wen Z, Li D, Sun M, Ding H. Effect of nitric oxidesynthase on multiple drug resistance is related to Wnt signaling in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncol Rep. 2014 Oct;32(4):1703-8.9.Wu C, Zhao W, Zhang X, Chen X. Neocryptotanshinone inhibitslipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in RAW264.7 macrophages by suppression of NF-κB and iNOS signaling pathways. Acta Pharm Sin B.2015 Jul;5(4):323-9.10.Han Y, Jiang Q, Gao H, Fan J, Wang Z, Zhong F, Zheng Y, Gong Z,Wang C. The anti-apoptotic effect of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri (PCF) in UVB-exposed HaCaT cells involves inhibition of iNOS and TGF-β1. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2015 Mar;71(2):1105-15.11.Su Z, Ye J, Qin Z, Ding X. Protective effects of madecassoside againstDoxorubicin induced nephrotoxicity in vivo and in vitro. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 14;5:18314.12.Wu B, Geng S, Bi Y, Liu H, Hu Y, Li X, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Zheng G, HeB, Wang B. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Suppresses the Function of Lung Dendritic Cells via Caveolin-1. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2015 Aug;22(8):883-95.13.Li S, Chen S, Yang W, Liao L, Li S, Li J, Zheng Y, Zhu D. Allicin relaxesisolated mesenteric arteries through activation of PKA-KATP channel in rat. J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2017 Feb;37(1):17-24.Version 2017.03.08。



miRNA 27a在心血管疾病中的作用机制何泽银1 邓皓元1 李汇华2,△(1大连医科大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学,大连116044;2大连医科大学附属第一医院心血管病研究所,大连116011)摘要 心血管疾病作为常见的临床慢性疾病是导致死亡的主要原因。


miRNA 27a通过调控免疫、炎症反应以及多种病理生理过程,从而参与心血管疾病的发病过程。

本文对miRNA 27a在心血管疾病中的作用机制以及研究进展进行简要综述,为心血管疾病的防治提供新思路。

关键词 MicroRNA(miRNA);miRNA 27a;免疫;炎症;心血管疾病中图分类号 R543 MicroRNA(miRNAs)是在真核生物中发现的一类长度约为19~25nt的内源性非编码RNA,其通过与靶基因的3'端非翻译区(3' untranslatedregion,3' UTR)结合从而降解或抑制靶基因mRNA转录后翻译进而调控基因表达[1]。





研究表明miRNA 27a作为典型的多功能基因位于19号染色体,其成熟序列为5' uucacaguggc uaaguuccgc 3'。

miRNA 27a在多种免疫炎症细胞中表达丰富,包括单核/巨噬细胞、T细胞以及树突状细胞等。

研究表明miRNA 27a在调控炎症、免疫以及心血管疾病病理生理过程具有重要作用。


For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, POD
y Version 14
Content version: July 2012
Kit for immunohistochemical detection and quantification of apoptosis (programmed cell death) at single cell level, based on labeling of DNA strand breaks (TUNEL technology): Analysis by light microscopy.
Cat. No. 11 684 817 910
Store the kit at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°C
1 Kit (50 tests)

1. 1.1 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 3. 3.1 3.2
Preface Table of contents Preface .............................................................................................................................2 Table of contents ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Kit contents ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction .....................................................................................................................5 Product overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Background information ....................................................................................................................... 8 Procedures and required materials ...........................................................................9 Flow chart .................................................................................................................................................10 Preparation of sample material ........................................................................................................10 3.2.1 Adherent cells, cell smears and cytospin preparations ..............................................11 3.2.2 Tissue sections ...........................................................................................................................11 Treatment of paraffin-embedded tissue ............................................................11 Treatment of cryopreserved tissue ......................................................................12 Labeling protocol ...................................................................................................................................13 3.3.1 Before you begin .......................................................................................................................13 3.3.2 Labeling protocol for adherent cells, cell smears, cytospin preparations and tissues ........................................................................................................14 3.3.3 Labeling protocol for difficult tissue ..................................................................................15 Signal conversion ..................................................................................................................................16 Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 17 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................................17 References ...............................................................................................................................................20 Ordering guide .......................................................................................................................................21



NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCHVolume 7, Issue 11, April 2012Cite this article as: Neural Regen Res. 2012;7(11):842-848.842 Maoguang Yang☆, Studying for doctorate, Department of Orthopedics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130033, Jilin Province, China Corresponding author: Xiaoyu Yang, Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Department of Orthopedics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130033, Jilin Province, China; Xingwei Duan, M.D., Working in People’s Hospital of Shenzhen Baoan District yangxiaoyu88@ Received: 2012-02-07 Accepted: 2012-03-08(N20111212001/WJ)Yang MG, Wu MF, Xia P, Wang CX, Yan Peng , Gao Q, Liu J, Wang HT, Duan XW, Yang XY. The role of microtubule- associated protein 1B in axonal growth and neuronal migration in the central nervous system. Neural Regen Res.2012;7(11):842-848.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374. 2012.11.008The role of microtubule-associated protein 1B in axonal growth and neuronal migration in the central nervous system*☆Maoguang Yang, Minfei Wu, Peng Xia, Chunxin Wang, Peng Yan, Qi Gao, Jian Liu, Haitao Wang, Xingwei Duan, Xiaoyu YangDepartment of Orthopedics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130033, Jilin Province, China AbstractIn this review, we discuss the role of microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) and itsphosphorylation in axonal development and regeneration in the central nervous system. MAP1Bexhibits similar functions during axonal development and regeneration. MAP1B and phosphorylatedMAP1B in neurons and axons maintain a dynamic balance between cytoskeletal components, andregulate the stability and interaction of microtubules and actin to promote axonal growth, neuralconnectivity and regeneration in the central nervous system.Key Words: microtubule-associated protein 1B; central nervous system; axonal regeneration;axonal development; axon guidance; neuronal migrationAbbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; MAP1B, microtubule-associated protein 1B; GSK3β,glycogen synthase kinase 3β; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinaseINTRODUCTIONAlthough recent evidence indicates that axonal regeneration and neural pathway reconstruction can occur following central nervous system (CNS) injury, brain and spinal axons cannot rapidly or effectively traverse the site of injury. Glial scar formation, in particular, hinders axonal regeneration and CNS self-repair[1]. Consequently, trauma, ischemia and degenerative disease can result in permanent and severe disability. Microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) is one of the first MAPs expressed in neuroblasts, and is essential for axonal development and regeneration. It can induce cytoskeletal rearrangements by regulating actin and microtubule dynamics, and promote axonal growth, development, branching and regeneration[2-3]. Moreover, it plays an important role in axon guidance and neuronal migration[4].A variety of signaling molecules are associated with axonal development and regeneration or axonal guidance, such as netrins[5], neurotrophic factor[6-7] and Wnt[8], and signaling molecules associated with neuronal migration, such as Reelin[9], modulate MAP1B function. However, the signaling pathways that regulate MAP1B function and the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we review recent advances in ourunderstanding of MAP1B function andregulation. An appreciation of the underlyingmolecular mechanisms should helpresearchers in their efforts to promote CNSrepair and axonal regeneration, and lead toeffective methods for neurological functionalrecovery following CNS injury.MAP1BMAP1B is a high-molecular-weight protein.The precursor polypeptide undergoesproteolytic processing to generate theC-terminal-derived light chain and theN-terminal-derived heavy chain[10]. TheC-terminal product is a small protein, calledMAP1B light chain 1[10], which contains amicrotubule and actin binding domain andcan regulate interactions betweenmicrotubules and microfilaments[11]. TheMAP1B heavy chain contains amicrotubule-binding domain and mediatesbinding of MAP1B light chain 1 tomicrotubules[12]. Cueille et al [13] found thatthe MAP1B heavy chain binds actin andregulates interactions between microtubulesand actin. This indicates that MAP1B canregulate microtubule stability, interactionsbetween microtubules and actin, and axonalextension[14]. MAP1B heavy chain is mainlyinvolved in axonal longitudinal growth,microtubule stability and local actindynamics, while MAP1B light chain 1 mayenhance growth cone dynamics by providing nodes for F-actin assembly[13].Protein bioactivity and distribution vary withpost-translational modification. MAP1B contains at least 33 phosphorylation sites[15], and differential phosphorylation modulates function. Phosphorylated MAP1B is categorized as type I or type II, i.e. P1-MAP1B or P2-MAP1B. The balance between MAP1B and phosphorylated MAP1B is regulated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases. P1-MAP1B is generated by phosphorylation by various protein kinases, such as glycogen synthase kinas e 3β (GSK3β) andcyclin-dependent kinase 5. Dephosphorylation ofP1-MAP1B is controlled by protein phosphatase 2A and 2B. P2-MAP1B is generated by phosphorylation by casein kinase. It is dephosphorylated by protein phosphatase 1 and 2A[16-17].The functions and subcellular distributions of P1-MAP1B and P2-MAP1B are different. P1-MAP1B mainly aggregates in distal axons and growth cones during neural development to respond to extracellular factors. It regulates microtubule and actin dynamics and axonal extension[18]. P1-MAP1B gradually disappears following axonal maturation, and is used as a marker of axonal growth[19]. P2-MAP1B is mainly localized in subcellular structures of neurons throughout postnatal development[20]MAP1B AND AXONAL DEVELOPMENT Proteomics shows that MAP1B accumulates in the growth cone during axonal development to a greater extent than in elongating axons[18, 21]. In addition, inhibiting MAP1B function significantly slows axonal development, indicating the importance of MAP1B in axonogenesis and elongation. Cultured neurons from a mouse line deficient in MAP1B showed that axonal elongation was significantly reduced, indicating inhibition of MAP1B function can partly suppress axonal growth[22], consistent with another study[23] showing that other MAPs also promote axonogenesis. Knockout of MAP1B and MAP2 or MAP1B and tau significantly impairs axonal sprouting, but knockout of MAP2 and tau does not[24-25], suggesting that although the functions of the various MAP family members partly overlap, MAP2 and tau cannot replace MAP1B in axonal development. The quantity of MAP1B in neurons is tightly controlled, because low or high MAP1B levels can result in delayed axonal sprouting, pathological axonogenesis and reduced axonal growth[26-27].MAP1B contains microtubule and actin binding domains; thus, it can regulate microtubule and actin stability[11-13]. Neuronal cultures from MAP1B knockout mice exhibit delayed neuronal migration and suppressed neurite elongation, but microtubule extension into growth cones is increased[24, 28]. Inhibiting MAP1B phosphorylation increases the size of growth cones and leads to shortened and thickened axons[29]. These results indicate that MAP1B can stabilize microtubules and induce the formation of microfilaments.Immunodepletion of MAP1B significantly increases the sensitivity of microtubules in the distal axon and growth cone to nocodazole-induced depolymerization[23, 29], indicating that MAP1B increases the ability of microtubules to resist depolymerization. This may be related to the ability of MAP1B to induce microtubule protein acetylation and reduce levels of tyrosinated microtubules, thereby increasing microtubulestability[30-31]. In addition, MAP1B has been shown to regulate growth cone guidance and inhibit branching of regenerating axons[3], but Kuo et al [2] demonstrated that axonal branching is increased following MAP1B depletion.MAP1B in distal axons and growth cones can interact with tubulin-tyrosine ligase to promote microtubule tyrosination and regulate microtubule dynamics, but MAP1B phosphorylation does not affect thisinteraction[32]. MAP1B binding to dynamic microtubules increases axonal elongation[33]. MAP1B cannot induce microtubule tyrosination because the tubulin-tyrosine ligase binding site is shielded[32]. These results indicate that MAP1B function depends on its location along the axon. MAP1B in axon terminals and growth cones promotes microtubule tyrosination, thereby regulating microtubule dynamics and stimulating axonal elongation. In contrast, MAP1B at other sites along the axon primarily stabilizes microtubules and prevents microtubule depolymerization.Previous studies have shown that axons are thickened and shortened, and growth cone extension is increased following inhibition of MAP1B phosphorylation, while deletion of MAP1B or increasing the MAP1B/P-MAP1B ratio increases microtubule stability[28-29]. Moreover, phosphorylated MAP1B mainly regulates microtubule dynamics in growth cones and growing axons[29, 34], indicating that it contributes to microtubule stability and dynamics and plays an important role in regulating microtubule stability, because extensive promotion or inhibition of microtubule stability can affect axonal growth and development[35]. Microtubules and the associated MAP1B extend into growth cones, and microtubules within the growth cone can bind actin[33]. This indirectly indicates that MAP1B binds actin, thereby regulating the interaction between microtubules and actin. Phosphorylated MAP1B can enhance growth cone motility by regulating actin dynamics in the growthcone[28]. In the initial stage of axonogenesis, phosphorylated MAP1B is at very low levels, but its levels increase with axonal development and elongation[36]. P1-MAP1B levels are highest in the growth cone, where it binds axonal terminal microtubules[27, 37]. There, it primarily regulates axonal elongation by modulating microtubule dynamics and interactions between microtubules and actin[23, 35, 38]. P2-MAP1B also participates in dendrite and synapse formation[14].GSK3β phosphorylates MAP1B to regulate microtubule843dynamics[29, 39]. Nerve growth factor in primary neurons promotes axonal growth through the GSK3β-MAP1B pathway[6, 40]. Nerve growth factor interacts with tropomyosin-related tyrosine kinase to activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular regulated kinase pathway, which in turn indirectly stimulatesGSK3β phosphorylation through other kinases[7]. Other proteins, such as dystroglycan, can also interact with MAP1B and modulate GSK3β-mediated MAP1B phosphorylation[41]. GSK3β-mediated MAP1B phosphorylation results in microtubule sensitivity to depolymerization and increases the quantity of unstable microtubules[42], thereby promoting axonal elongation[19]. Reduced MAP1B phosphorylation by inhibiting G SK3β activity through the Wnt pathway thickens and shortens axons, and enlarges growth cones and stabilizes microtubules[8].Nerve growth factor activates phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and induces GSK3β phosphorylation at ser-9, which blocks the abi lity of GSK3β to activate primed substrate, i.e. substrate that ispre-phosphorylated at certain residues[40, 43]. Two types of GSK3β phosphorylation sites, primed and non-primed, are found in MAP1B[34, 44]. Therefore, nerve growth factor can negatively regulate P1-MAP1B following PI3K activation, i.e. nerve growth factor can regulateP1-MAP1B levels through the MAPK and PI3K pathways.In PC12 cells, nerve growth factor activatesneuron-specific p35 by activating the MAPK-ERK1/2 pathway. Subsequently, p35 binds Cdk5 to form an active complex that phosphorylates MAP1B to generateP1-MAP1B[45]. Cdk5 is distributed throughout the cytoplasm and axons, while p35 is only found in axon terminals and growth cones[46]. Therefore, Cdk5 can only be activated in axon terminals and growth cones, possibly contributing to the large amount of P1-MAP1B at these sites[27, 37], which plays crucial roles in microtubule dynamics, axonal elongation and growth cone guidance[46].The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylates a variety of cytoskeletal proteins, including MAP1B and MAP2. Blocking the JNK pathway reduces MAP1B phosphorylation[47-49], resulting in axonal degeneration and cytoskeletal defects. Moreover, JNK in certain neuronal cell types can promote axonal sprouting[47]. Tanner et al[50] reported that MAP1B may also regulate interactions between the cytoskeleton and the cell membrane, and between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix or adhesion molecules. During synaptogenesis at the end stage of axonal development, MAP1B promotes axonal development through three pathways: (1) MAP1B promotes membrane skeleton assembly through interactions with F-actin; (2) MAP1B interacts with phospholipids; (3) MAP1B crosses the plasma membrane and functions as a type I membrane protein[51-52]. At least one form of MAP1B located at presynaptic and postsynaptic regions has been demonstrated to interact with cell membranes and synapsin, contributing to synapse formation and function in the later stages of axonal development[53]. The responsible subtype may be P2-MAP1B. However, this hypothesis requires further investigation.MAP1B AND AXONAL REGENERATIONCNS functional recovery mainly depends on axonal regeneration and reconstruction of neural circuitry. The injured corticospinal tract forms new connections with spinal neurons, which aids neurological functional recovery to an extent[1]. Peripheral nerve injury can induce sprouting of dorsal root ganglia into the posterior horn[54]. These results indicate that the CNS internal environment supports axonal regeneration.MAP1B mRNA and protein expression are significantly increased in cortical infarct foci and surrounding regions, promoting sensory and motor functional recovery[55-56]. This indicates that MAP1B plays an important role in nervous system repair. MAP1B can regulate interactions between microtubules and actin[23, 35, 38], and microtubules aggregate only in the presence ofMAP1B[57-58]. Cueille et al[13] proposed that interactions between microtubules and actin play important roles not only in neurogenesis and differentiation, but also in axonal regeneration and neuronal connectivity in adults, indicating that MAP1B promotes axonal regeneration by regulating interactions between microtubules and actin and that high expression of MAP1B in the CNS contributes to neural plasticity.Similar to axonal development, the ability of MAP1B to promote axonal regeneration and neuronal connectivity are highly correlated with MAP1B phosphorylation. Following traumatic brain injury, MAP1B and phosphorylated MAP1B exhibit a brief period of high expression in the hippocampus, cortex and thalamus, which has been demonstrated to associate with cytoskeletal protein stability[37]. Soares et al[59] reported that levels of phosphorylated MAP1B rapidly increase in newly generated axons near the spinal cord lesion, and neurons highly express phosphorylated MAP1B in the spinal cord following injury and periphery nerve injury, which promotes axonal reconstruction. P1-MAP1B and P2-MAP1B have distinct functions during axonal regeneration. Upregulated P1-MAP1B expression is associated with axonal regeneration, and upregulatedP2-MAP1B expression is associated with synaptic plasticity after injury[60].MAP1B and phosphorylated MAP1B are associated with axonal regeneration in the mature CNS. The JNK pathway has been shown to play an important role in axonal regeneration in JNK gene-deficient mice[61]. Phosphorylated JNK aggregates in distal axons during axonal regeneration, and promotes microtubule elongation and axonal sprouting by inducing MAP1B phosphorylation. Following spinal cord injury, JNK pathway activity is increased, which promotes axonal844sprouting and regeneration associated with MAP1B phosphorylation[59].Similar to processes in axonal development, the JNK pathway can catalyze MAP1B phosphorylation during axonal regeneration. However, the correlation between CNS axonal regeneration and development, and the precise roles of MAP1B and phosphorylated MAP1B in CNS axonal generation and functional recovery require further investigation.ROLE OF MAP1B IN AXONAL GUIDANCE During axonal growth, the growth cone is responsible for signal perception and directing axon elongation. Microtubule and actin dynamics are important for growth cone directional motility[62]. Actin is regarded as the main skeletal component for growth cone genesis and guidance, but studies have demonstrated that dynamic microtubules surrounding the growth cone play a major role in regulating growth cone guidance[63-64]. The growth cone responds to the axon guidance factor Netrin-1 and other extracellular guidance cues by transducing these signals into changes in microtubule structure[62], and microtubule stability and growth is the structural basis of axon guidance. Buck et al[62] demonstrated that changes in local microtubular stability, growth and polymerization/depolymerization mediate growth cone navigation. Therefore, microtubular instability is essential for axon and growth cone guidance[65]. The regulation of microtubule dynamics and microtubule and actin interactions allows MAP1B to mediate growth cone migration, which is related to the netrin signaling pathway[4, 66]. MAP1B deletion can increase lateral branch sprouting and perturb growth cone guidance[3, 22, 24]. Netrin-1 is an important guidance molecule and induces intracellular signaling cascades by binding receptor deleted in colorectal cancer[63-64]. MAP1B is involved in Netrin-1 signal transduction[5]. Netrin-1 can enhance MAP1B expression through Cdk5 and Gsk3[5], and it can deactivate phosphorylated MAP1B in growth cones, resulting in impaired growth cone guidance[66].MAP1B regulates microtubule stability and promotes axon elongation. P1-MAP1B mediates axon elongation to facilitate the formation of neural connections with target tissues or organs. Therefore, MAP1B andP1-MAP1B maintain microtubule dynamic balance and regulate subcellular distribution to promote axonal growth and guide migration.MAP1B AND NEURONAL MIGRATIONMAP1B can also guide neuronal migration. Similar to its role in axon guidance, MAP1B regulates neuronal migration[9], and the dynamic balance between MAP1B and P1-MAP1B regulates neuronal morphology and promotes neuronal directional movement.MAP1B gene defects result in delayed neuronal migration, ectopic localization, cortical plate defects and abnormal CNS development[24], indicating that the protein is involved in axonal elongation and neuronal migration, which is associated with actin and microtubule dynamics[24]. During neuronal migration, MAP1B regulates interactions between actin and microtubules[65]. CNS neuronal migration depends on the dynamic balance between stable and dynamic microtubules[26], which is mediated by MAP1B andP1-MAP1B[32, 67].MAP1B can induce dynein, a protein involved in cell migration, to bind lissencephaly-related protein 1[68]. Deletion of MAP1B can attenuate their interaction, indicating the important role of MAP1B in neuronal migration[68]. Bouquet et al [3, 65] proposed that MAP1B exerted similar effects through related mechanisms in different types of cells (Figure 1).Reelin may promote nervous system development through phosphorylation of MAP1B and other MAPs (such as lissencephaly-related protein 1)[68]. Reelin is an extracellular matrix protein that regulates neuronal migration and localization in the CNS by modulating MAP1B function. Reelin induces disabled 1 phosphorylation through very low density lipoprotein receptor and apolipoprotein receptor 2. Activated disabled 1 activates GSK3 and Cdk5, which synergistically increase levels of P1-MAP1B. The PI3K pathway regulates P1-MAP1B levels by inhibiting GSK3 activity[9, 43] to maintain microtubular instability and promote neuronal migration[9, 35].Netrin-1 stimulates MAP1B phosphorylation by activating GSK3β and Cdk5 to produce P1-MAP1B, which regulates interaction of microtubules and actin, to mediate neuronal migration[5]. In addition, Netrin-1 interacts with its receptor, deleted in colorectal cancer, to activate the Rho GTPase Rac1[69]. Rac1 regulates MAP1B activity and indirectly controls microtubule dynamics and cell migration[38]. This also demonstrates that Netrin-1 can regulate neuronal migration through MAP1B. Thus, the Netrin-1-Rac1-GSK3β/Cdk5-MAP1B pathway may be an effective means of controlling neuronal migration, but this idea requires verification.Kawauchi et al [67] reported that the T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 (TIAM1)-Rac1-JNK pathway plays an important role in neuronal migration. TIAM1 activates Rac1 and stimulates neuronal migration by regulating actin cytoskeleton dynamics, and JNK regulates microtubule dynamics by stimulating MAP1B phosphorylation to control neuronal migration[67]. Rac1 regulates MAP1B activity, and MAP1B enhances Rac1 activity by interacting with TIAM1[38, 52]. The effects of Cdk5, GSK3β and JNK on microtubule dynamics must be tightly regulated to maintain the balance between microtubule stability and instability. Otherwise, cytoskeletal dynamics would be impaired, perturbing neuronal migration[9, 35]. Therefore, Reelin[68] andNetrin-1[5] play important roles in neuronal migration through effects on MAP1B.845CONCLUSIONMAP1B and phosphorylated MAP1B maintain dynamic balance in CNS neurons and axons. They regulate microtubule stability and dynamics, maintain balance between microtubules and actin, and control their interaction to promote axonal growth, connectivity, and regeneration post-injury. Further studies are needed on MAP1B to investigate treatments to rapidly and effectively ameliorate CNS injury and improve the quality of patient’s life.Funding:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Establishment of corticospinal tract ischemic injury model in goat and axonal guidance of microtubule-associated protein 1B in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells migration in the spinal cord), No. 30972153.Author contributions:Maoguang Yang conceived and designed the study and wrote the manuscript. Jian Liu contributed to data support. Minfei Wu, Xingwei Duan, Haitao Wang, Peng Xia, Chunxin Wang, Qi Gao and Peng Yan provided and integrated experimental data. Xiaoyu Yang revised the manuscript and was in charge of funds.Conflicts of interest: None declared. REFERENCES[1] Sharma H, Alilain WJ, Sadhu A, et al. Reatments to restorerespiratory function after spinal cord injury and their implicationsfor regeneration, plasticity and adaptation. 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Grb2(growth factor receptor binding protein2)
接头蛋白: 信号转导通路中不同信号转导分子的接头,连接 上游信号转导分子和下游信号转导分子,通过蛋白质 相互作用结构域介导蛋白质的相互作用。
❖ G蛋白偶联型受体 ❖ 酶偶联型受体
蛋白酪氨酸激酶(PTK)型受体---RTK 又称受体型蛋白酪氨酸激酶
丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶型受体 鸟苷酸环化酶型受体 蛋白酪氨酸激酶偶联受体
❖ 离子通道受体
❖ RAS蛋白
RAS蛋白是RTK(受体型PTK)介导的信号通路中 的一种关键组分。
RAS蛋白是ras基因表达产物。RAS蛋白是一种 小的GTP结合蛋白,具有GTP酶结构域。结合 GDP为失活态,结合GTP时为活化态(鸟苷酸交 换因子,如sos)
(细胞外信号) EGF、PDGF等
(SH2) Grb2 P
Ras-GDP 细 胞
Ras-GTP 膜
Raf P

反式作用因子 P

That’s all !
Thank you!
❖ MAPK系统(mitogen-activated protein kinase)
MAPKK激酶(MAPKKK,即Raf蛋白) MAPK激酶(MAPKK ,MEK) MAPK (有丝分裂原激活的蛋白激酶)
❖ Ras与Raf结合并激活Raf(又称MAPKKK) ❖ Raf结合并磷酸化MAPKK的Ser/Thr使之激活 ❖ MAPKK磷酸化MAPK的Ser/Tyr使之激活 ❖ MAPK进入细胞核,使多种底物蛋白的Ser/Thr残基



胰岛素抵抗的分子学机制李影;闫鹏【摘要】胰岛素受体底物(IRS)丝氨酸磷酸化是胰岛素信号转导通路中的一种时间依赖性生理反馈机制,代谢及炎症应激阻断其磷酸化进而导致胰岛素抵抗.诱导胰岛素抵抗的因素激活了包括抑制性κB激酶(IKKβ)、c-Jun氨基端激酶(JNK)、细胞外信号调节激酶、雷帕霉素靶蛋白通路和p70S6激酶在内的激酶,进而导致失控的IRS丝氨酸磷酸化.因此,这些激酶是抗胰岛素抵抗的潜在药物靶点,IKKβ/核因子κB 或JNK通路靶向治疗未来可能发展为糖尿病治疗方法.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2014(020)017【总页数】3页(P3122-3124)【关键词】胰岛素;胰岛素抵抗;2型糖尿病;分子生物学【作者】李影;闫鹏【作者单位】河南科技大学第一附属医院心血管内科,河南洛阳471003;河南科技大学第一附属医院心血管内科,河南洛阳471003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R34胰岛素抵抗是肥胖的一个主要特征,是代谢综合征的一个核心部分,也是2型糖尿病、心血管疾病、肝脏疾病发展过程中的一个重要的病理生理因素[1]。


1 胰岛素受体底物1/2丝氨酸磷酸化和胰岛素抵抗胰岛素刺激的胰岛素受体底物1/2(insulin receptor substrates 1/2,IRS1/2)的酪氨酸磷酸化促进IRS1/2连接并激活磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶,进而激活下游信号蛋白激酶B、非典型蛋白激C和哺乳动物的雷帕霉素靶蛋白通路(mammalian target of rapammclin,mTOR)。






分子量433.72溶解性(25°C )DMSO 分子式C H N Br Water CAS 号577779-57-8Ethanol储存条件3年 -20°C 粉末状生物活性TBBz is a cell-permeable Casein Kinase-2 (CK2) inhibitor. CK2 inhibitors, 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBBt, Sigma Cat. # T0826) and rabromobenzimidazole (TBBz), the latter of which was shown to discriminate between different molecular forms of CK2 in yeast. TBBt, with a pK(a) ~5, exists in solution at physiological pH almost exclusively (>99%) as the monoanion; whereas TBBz, with a pKa ~9, is predominantly (>95%) in the neutral form, both of obvious relevance to their modes of binding. In vitro,TBBt inhibits different forms of CK2 with Ki values ranging from 80 to 210 nM. TBBz discriminates better between CK2 forms, with Ki values ranging from 70-510 nM. TBBz is more effective than TBBt in inducing apoptosis and to a lesser degree, necrosis in transformed human cell lines. Dvelopment of shRNA strategies for the selective knockdown of the CK2α and CK2α′ isoforms reinforces the foregoing results, indicating that inhibition of CK2 leads to attenuation of proliferation.不同实验动物依据体表面积的等效剂量转换表(数据来源于FDA 指南)小鼠大鼠兔豚鼠仓鼠狗重量 (kg)0.020.15体表面积 (m )0.0070.0250. 系数36128520动物 A (mg/kg) = 动物 B (mg/kg) ×动物 B 的K 系数动物 A 的K 系数例如,依据体表面积折算法,将白藜芦醇用于小鼠的剂量22.4 mg/kg 换算成大鼠的剂量,需要将22.4 mg/kg 乘以小鼠的K 系数(3),再除以大鼠的K 系数(6),得到白藜芦醇用于大鼠的等效剂量为11.2 mg/kg 。

6-Prime Time

6-Prime Time

How STA Works
• •
Find out all valid paths in the design Use technology libraries characterized by SPICE to calculate the delay of each path Check all the path delays to see if setup and hold time have been meet

Timing Paths (continued)
_ Q
_ Q
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Set Up of PT

Set up the search_path variable – A list of paths used to locate the design, libraries and other files needed by PT – set search_path {. ./vhdl ./scripts} Set up the link_path variable – Places where PT can find designs and libraries when linking the design – set link_path {* tech_lib.db rams.db} – It is same as DC link_library

2 细胞生物学CDK

2 细胞生物学CDK

p27 -/p27 +/+
The thymus gland
p27 +/+
p27 -/-
(4). Controlled proteolysis Details will be introduced later.
(5). Cyclin B1 Translocates to the Nucleus
(3). CKI (CDK inhibitor) Inhibits CDK-cyclin
Figure 8.13a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
p27-cyclin-Cdk complex,
P27 inhibits CDK.
Q: What is SPF and MPF? What are the molecular components?
2 2001 Nobel: CDK and cyclins
Dr. Leland Hartwell
Dr. Timothy Hunt
C. The control system can arrest the cell cycle at specific checkpoints. The Brake
1.Experimental data of MPF & SPF
2.MPF- Cyclin (周期素蛋白) &
The term denotes a molecular circuitry operating in the cell nucleus that integrates a variety of incoming signals and decides whether the cell should enter into the active cell cycle or retreat into a nonproliferating state.
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cerebral infarctions after middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion.1 Inhibition of NOS activityby N -nitro-L -arginine methyl ester (L -NAME) decreases CBF and increases stroke size in micelacking neuronal NO synthase.2 In contrast, augmentation of endothelial NO production byadministration of the eNOS substrate, L -arginine, or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, statins,has been shown to decrease cerebral infarct area probably by enhancing collateral blood flow.3,4 Thus, conditions that enhance eNOS activity could have beneficial effects oncerebrovascular disease.Recent large clinical trials suggest that statins decrease the incidence of myocardial infarctionsand ischemic strokes, in part by mechanisms beyond cholesterol reduction, possibly involvingthe improvement and restoration of endothelial function.5-7 Many of cholesterol-independentor so-called pleiotropic effects reflect statins’ ability to block the synthesis of isoprenoidintermediates, which serve as lipid attachments for intracellular signaling molecules. Theinhibition of small GTP-binding proteins Rho, Ras, and Rac, whose proper membranelocalization and function are dependent on isoprenylation, may play an important role inmediating the biologic effects of statins. Statins prevent downregulation of eNOS expressionand activity under hypoxia and by oxidized low-density lipoprotein through inhibition of Rho,leading to the stabilization of eNOS mRNA.8-10Rho kinase (ROCK), one of the downstream effectors of Rho, is a serine/threonine kinase thatis activated when bound to the active GTP-bound form of Rho. ROCK regulates stress fiberformation, smooth muscle contraction, and cell migration.11 Recent studies suggest thatROCK plays an important role in pathologic conditions, including cerebral and coronaryvasospasm,12,13 hypertension,14 vascular inflammation and remodeling,15 andarteriosclerosis.16 Inhibition of ROCK activity may mediate some of the beneficial effects ofstatins. Similar to statins, ROCK inhibitors reverse the downregulation of eNOS under hypoxicconditions and in response to thrombin.17,18 However, the physiological relevance of eNOSregulation by ROCK is unknown. The aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the effectsof ROCK on eNOS in ischemic stroke.MethodsCell CultureHuman aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC),human saphenous vein endothelial cells (HSVEC), and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC)were cultured as described previously.8-10,17 Adenovirus vectors expressing dominantnegative ROCK (Ad-DN-Rho-K) or β-galactosidase (Ad-LacZ) were infected as described.17Western BlottingProtein extraction and immunoblotting were performed as described previously.8-10,17 Formeasurement of ROCK activity, tissues were treated in 10% trichloroacetic acid with acetoneand immunoblotting with phospho-Thr 696 MYPT and MYPT polyclonal antibodies (Up-stateand Santa Cruz Biotechnology) was performed, and ratio of phospho-Thr 696 MYPT and MYPTwas determined.Northern BlottingRNA extraction and northern blotting were performed as described.8-10,17 To determineeNOS mRNA stability, cells were treated with the RNA synthetase inhibitor 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside (DRB; Sigma).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNitric Oxide Synthase Activity AssayNOS activity was determined by measuring the conversion of [3H ]-L -arginine to [3H ]-L -citrulline using NOS assay kit (Calbiochem).8-10,17Measurements of Nitric Oxide ProductionNitrite accumulation in the culture media was determined by chemiluminescence method withthe use of nitric analyzer (NOA280i; Sievers Instruments, Inc). Nonspecific value wasdetermined in the presence of 2 mmol/L of N G -monomethyl-L -arginine (L -NMMA).Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Promoter Activity AssayBAEC (90% confluent) in 6-well plates was cotransfected with 4 μg of the [-1.8 kb] eNOSpromoter linked to the luciferase reporter gene 17 and 0.5 ng of pRL-CMV vector with the useof LipofectAMINE2000 reagent (Invitrogen). Luciferase activities were determined by dual-luciferase reporter assay system (Promega) with the use of Berthold L9501 luminometer.Model of Focal Cerebral IschemiaAll experiments were conducted in accordance with National Institute of Health andMassachusetts General Hospital institutional guidelines. Mice were intraperitoneallyadministered with saline, fasudil (1, 3, or 10 mg/kg per day for 2 days) or Y-27632 (10 mg/kgper day for 2 days). Transient focal cerebral ischemia was induced in male wild-type oreNOS -/- mice (Taconic) as described previously.4 Both mice were on a mixed background ofC57BL/6 and SV129. Littermates were used as controls. Infarct areas and neurologic deficitswere determined as described.4Cerebral Blood Flow MeasurementRegional and absolute CBF were measured using [14C]iodoantipyrine autoradiography and[14C]iodoamphetamine indicator fractionation technique, respectively.4,19Statistical AnalysesResults are expressed as mean±standard error of mean. All data except neurologic deficit scorewere analyzed by means of Student t test or ANOVA followed by Fisher exact test for posthoc analyses. Neurologic deficit score was analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. A value of P <0.05was considered statistically significant.ResultsSelectivity of Fasudil and Hydroxyfasudil for Inhibiting Protein KinasesThe inhibitory activities of fasudil and its active metabolite hydroxyfasudil on serine/threoninekinases were determined. Compared with the other kinases studied, fasudil and hydroxyfasudilwere relatively more selective for ROCK1 and ROCK2, with hydroxyfasudil (IC 50 value forROCK1 and ROCK2; 0.73 and 0.72 μmol/L, respectively) being slightly more selective thanfasudil (IC 50 value for ROCK1 and ROCK2; 1.2 and 0.82 μmol/L, respectively). Comparedwith ROCKs, the IC 50 value for protein kinase A (PKA) was approximately 5-fold higher forfasudil and 50-fold higher for hydroxyfasudil (IC 50 value of fasudil and hydroxyfasudil; 5.3and 37 μmol/L, respectively). The other kinases, including protein kinase C (PKC)α, haveIC 50 values that were >100 μmol/L for fasudil and hydroxyfasudil (data not shown). Thesefindings suggest that the concentrations of fasudil and hydroxyfasudil used in this study wererelatively selective for ROCK inhibition.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptEffect of Hydroxyfasudil on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase mRNA and Protein LevelTreatment with hydroxyfasudil increased eNOS mRNA to 160±10%, 156±10%, and 156±20%in HAEC, HUVEC, and HSVEC, respectively (n=3, P <0.05) (Figure 1a). In a concentration-dependent manner, hydroxyfasudil increased eNOS mRNA levels, with an EC 50 value of 0.8±0.3 μmol/L (Figure 1b). Thus, the EC 50 value of hydroxyfasudil for eNOS mRNA iscomparable with the IC 50 value of hydroxyfasudil for ROCK inhibition. Inhibition of otherprotein kinases such as PKC, PKA, and MLCK did not affect eNOS mRNA levels (data notshown), whereas overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of ROCK (DN-Rho-K)increased eNOS mRNA levels compared with that of control LacZ (Figure 1c). These resultsindicate that inhibition of ROCK by hydroxyfasudil leads to an increase in eNOS mRNAexpression.Treatment with hydroxyfasudil increased eNOS protein expression in a concentration-dependent manner (Figure 1d). Similarly, another ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well asoverexpression of DN-Rho-K increased eNOS protein levels (Figure 1e; results not shown).Effect of Hydroxyfasudil on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity and Nitric Oxide ProductionIn a concentration-dependent manner, treatment with hydroxyfasudil increased eNOS activityand stimulated NO production (Figure 2a). These results indicate that the increase in eNOSprotein levels correlated with increases in eNOS activity and NO production.Effect of Hydroxyfasudil on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase mRNA StabilityExposure of the cells to shear stress (12 dyne/cm 2) significantly increased eNOS promoteractivity (ie, 3.0-fold induction; Figure 2b). However, treatment with hydroxyfasudil (0.1 to100 μmol/L) did not affect eNOS promoter activity. Treatment with 10 μmol/L ofhydroxyfasudil increased the half-life of eNOS mRNA from 13 to 16 hours (n=4, P <0.05)(Figure 2c). These results indicate that the increase in eNOS expression by hydroxyfasudil ismost likely mediated at the posttranscriptional level involving eNOS mRNA stability.Effect of Cerebral Ischemia on ROCK Activity and Endothelial Nitric Oxide SynthaseExpressionTo determine whether ROCK inhibition protects against ischemic stroke, mice wereadministered fasudil, which is metabolized to an active metabolite hydroxyfasudil in the liverbefore transient MCA occlusion. After MCA occlusion, ROCK activity in the ischemic regionof the brain, as measured by the Thr 696 phosphorylation of myosin-binding subunit (MYPT)of myosin light chain phosphatase,11 was increased by more than 2-fold (Figure 3a). Treatmentwith fasudil decreased ROCK activity in the brain by 55% compared with vehicle treatment(P <0.05). Interestingly, MCA occlusion was associated with a 41% decrease in eNOS proteinexpression in vehicle-treated mice (Figure 3b). eNOS expression level in fasudil-treated miceafter MCA occlusion was same to that in control mice.Effect of ROCK Inhibition in Ischemic StrokeThere were no significant differences in physiological parameters such as relative CBF, bloodpressure, and blood gases between treatment groups (Table I available online only at). The changes in relative CBF were comparable between the groups(Table, online only). In a dose-dependent manner, administration of fasudil decreased cerebralinfarct volume as compared with vehicle treatment (56.6±4.9 mm 3 for 10 mg/kg of fasudilversus 83.7±5.7 mm 3 for vehicle; P <0.05; Figure 4a). This correlated with improvement inneurologic deficit score (1.2±0.3 versus 1.9±0.3, respectively; P <0.05). Similarly, treatmentwith Y-27632 also reduced stroke size and improved neurologic deficit score (Figure 4b).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptY-27632 decreased ROCK activity to 67.4±1.9% (n=4, P <0.05) and increased eNOSexpression to 163.3±20.3% (n=4, P <0.05) compared with vehicle treatment. These resultssuggest that ROCK inhibition is neuroprotective against ischemic stroke.Infarct volume and neurologic deficit score in eNOS -/- mice were increased compared withthose of wild-type mice. Treatment with fasudil failed to reduce infarct volume and neurologicdeficit score in eNOS -/- mice compared with vehicle-treated mice (Figure 4c).Basal CBF was increased in mice treated with fasudil (10 mg/kg, 2 days) compared with thatof vehicle-treated mice (536±91 versus 118±29 mL/100 g/min, n=4, P <0.05). Antipyrineautoradiography showed that there was low regional blood flow to the core infarct zone of theparietal lobe after MCA occlusion (Figure 5). In fasudil-treated mice, however, the entire coreinfarct zone was smaller, and within the core infarct zone and the penumbra, the blood flowwas substantially higher compared with that of vehicle-treated mice. These results suggest thatROCK inhibition leads to increases in basal and regional CBF.Regulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase by ROCK Inhibition in the Vascular WallDespite inhibition of ROCK activity by fasudil, fasudil had no neuroprotective effects ineNOS -/- mice (Figure 6a). Compared with vehicle treatment, phosphorylation of MYPT wassignificantly inhibited in aortas of wild-type and eNOS -/- mice that were treated with fasudil.The inhibition of ROCK was correlated with an increase in aortic eNOS expression (Figure6b) and NOS activity (Figure 6c). These results indicate that the neuroprotective effect ofROCK inhibition by fasudil is mediated through eNOS.Discussion We have shown that fasudil and hydroxyfasudil, selective ROCK inhibitors, increase eNOS expression and NO production in vitro and in vivo. This leads to increased CBF, decreasedcerebral infarction size, and improved neurologic deficit score after cerebral ischemia.Similarly, another ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, was also neuroprotective against ischemicstroke. The neuroprotective effect of fasudil was mediated by eNOS because fasudil had nobeneficial effect on cerebral infarct size in eNOS -/- mice despite inhibition of ROCK. Thesefindings suggest that endothelial rather than vascular smooth muscle or leukocyte ROCKcontributes to the neuroprotective effects of ROCK inhibition. Indeed, ROCK activity wasincreased and eNOS expression was decreased in brain tissues after cerebral ischemia. Bothof these effects were reversed by treatment with fasudil.These results are consistent with previous studies showing that inhibition of the activator ofROCK, RhoA, by statins leads to the upregulation of eNOS in vitro and in vivo.4,10 Similarto the effects of hydroxyfasudil, the increase in eNOS expression is the result of theposttranscriptional stability of eNOS mRNA.9 This is consistent with the ability of ROCK tomediate hypoxia- or thrombin-induced downregulation of eNOS expression.17,18 Becausefasudil and hydroxyfasudil can also inhibit other protein kinases, albeit at higherconcentrations, the reciprocal relationship between ROCK activity and eNOS expression wasdemonstrated by experiments using DN-Rho-K. Indeed, a recent study showed that ROCKactivity is increased in the myocardium after ischemia-reperfusion injury.20 Thus, conditions,which lead to enhanced ROCK activity, could downregulate eNOS expression, making ROCKinhibition a novel therapeutic target for improving endothelial function.Fasudil is clinically used in several countries for treatment of cerebral vasospasms aftersubarachnoid hemorrhage. Previous studies demonstrated that fasudil has a beneficial effecton treatment for acute cerebral ischemic stroke and vasospasm.21,22 Although the directinhibition of ROCK in vascular smooth muscle by fasudil could contribute to the acuteNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscriptvasodilator response, it was unknown whether endothelial-derived NO could also mediate theneuroprotective effects of fasudil. This is especially important when we considered the morechronic effects of fasudil as shown in this study as compared with its acute vasodilator effects.Indeed, when fasudil was administered for more than 2 days, the neuroprotective effects wereentirely dependent on eNOS because fasudil had no neuroprotective effects in eNOS -/- mice.In ischemic stroke, the neurovascular unit is damaged primarily by reduction of blood flowand secondarily by ensuing inflammatory processes. Indeed, fasudil augmented NO-mediatedblood flow. Improved collateral flow and microcirculation likely explain the findings.Improved collateral flow and microcirculation may also reflect other known NO-mediatedcytoprotective effects such as inhibition of platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion. Wehave demonstrated that eNOS plays an essential role in neuroprotection mediated by statins.4 Thus, increasing CBF by upregulated eNOS activity is likely to play a predominant role inneuroprotection mediated by ROCK inhibition. It is possible that NO-dependentantiinflammatory effect of fasudil could be involved in the neuroprotection by fasudil. Indeed,recent studies suggest that the accumulation of leukocytes in acute cerebral infarction iscorrelated with brain damage.23 Postischemic inflammation in microvasculature contributesto ischemic brain injury, which could be counteracted, in part, by endothelial-derived NO. NO,which is constitutively produced by eNOS, has vascular protective effects, including inhibitionof adhesion of leukocytes and monocytes to endothelium. For example, transgenic miceoverexpressing eNOS show decreased leukocyte accumulation after vascular injury.24Increased eNOS activity by estrogen and corticosteroid leads to decreased leukocyte adherenceafter ischemia/reperfusion injury.25,26 The augmentation or preservation of eNOS activity byfasudil treatment, therefore, could lead to beneficial antiinflammatory effects in the vascularwall. The efficacy of fasudil in ischemic stroke may be related not only to the improvement ofmicrovascular hemodynamics, but also to inhibition of leukocyte-mediated damage.In summary, our findings indicate acute cerebral ischemia is associated with enhanced ROCKactivity and decreased eNOS expression. Inhibition of ROCK by fasudil/hydroxyfasudilrestores eNOS activity and protects against cerebral ischemia. The neuroprotective effects ofROCK inhibition are absent in eNOS -/- mice, indicating the obligatory role of endothelial-derived NO in mediating these beneficial effects. There are a couple of limitations in the presentstudy. In our experimental condition, the animals need to be treated for 2 days before ischemia.Further study regarding the therapeutic window is needed. In addition, the animals lackcerebrovascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes. It remains to be determinedwhether fasudil shows neuroprotective effects against ischemic stroke in mouse models withhypertension or diabetes. Although the mechanism by which cerebral ischemia increasesROCK activity remains to be elucidated, inhibition of ROCK appears to be a promising targetfor improving endothelial function and decreasing the severity of ischemic strokes.AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Kozo Kaibuchi (Nagoya University) for providing an adenovirus vector expressing a dominant-negative mutant of ROCK. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NS10828 andHL52233) and the American Heart Association (Bugher Foundation Award). Y. Rikitake is a recipient of an AHAPostdoctoral Fellowship-Northeast Affiliate and the Japan Heart Foundation/Bayer-Yakuhin Research Grant Abroad.H.-H. Kim is a recipient of the Post-doctoral Fellowship Program of Korea Science & Engineering Foundation(KOSEF).References1. Huang Z, Huang PL, Ma J, Meng W, Ayata C, Fishman MC, Moskowitz MA. Enlarged infarcts inendothelial nitric oxide synthase knockout mice are attenuated by nitro-L-arginine. J Cereb BloodFlow Metab 1996;16:981–987. [PubMed: 8784243]NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript2. Huang Z, Huang PL, Panahian N, Dalkara T, Fishman MC, Moskowitz MA. Effects of cerebral ischemia in mice deficient in neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Science 1994;265:1883–1885. [PubMed:7522345]3. Morikawa E, Moskowitz MA, Huang Z, Yoshida T, Irikura K, Dalkara T. L-arginine infusion promotes nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation, increases regional cerebral blood flow, and reduces infarction volume in the rat. 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[PubMed: 11984591]NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptFigure 1.Upregulation of eNOS mRNA and protein by hydroxyfasudil (HFD). (a) HUVEC, HSVEC,and HAEC were treated with 10 μmol/L HFD for 18 hours. eNOS mRNA expression was determined by northern blotting. Blot is a representative of 3 experiments. (b) HAEC wastreated with the indicated concentrations of HFD for 18 hours. eNOS mRNA levels were normalized by GAPDH mRNA expression (n=5). *P <0.05 vs basal condition. (c) HAEC was infected with Ad-LacZ or Ad-DN-Rho-K at 100 MOI. After 48 hours, eNOS mRNA expression was determined by northern blotting. (d and e) HAEC was treated with the indicatedconcentrations of HFD (d) or Y-27632 (e) for 96 hours. eNOS protein levels were determined by immunoblotting and normalized by α-tubulin expression (n=4). *P <0.05 vs basal condition.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptFigure 2.Effects of hydroxyfasudil (HFD) on eNOS activity, NO production, eNOS promoter activity,and eNOS mRNA stability. (a) HAEC was treated with the indicated concentrations of HFD for 96 hours. eNOS activity and nitrite release in culture media were measured (n=4). *P <0.05vs basal condition. (b) Effects of hydroxyfasudil on eNOS promoter activity. BAEC were cotransfected with [-1.8 kb] eNOS promoter construct and pRL-CMV vector. Cells were harvested 48 hours after transfection and treated with the indicated conditions of HFD or exposed to laminar flow (12 dyne/cm 2) (n=4). eNOS promoter activity was standardized to Renilla luciferase activity and expressed as fold induction. *P <0.05 vs basal condition. (c)Effects of HFD on eNOS mRNA stability. HAEC was treated with or without 10 μmol/L HFD in the presence of 50 μmol/L DRB (n=4).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptFigure 3.ROCK activity and eNOS expression in mouse brains. (a) ROCK activity and (b) eNOSexpression in mouse brains were measured. *P<0.05 vs vehicle-treated control mice, †P<0.05vs vehicle-treated mice subjected to MCA occlusion (MCAO) (n=10 each). NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptFigure 4.Effect of fasudil on cerebral infarct after MCA occlusion. (a) Wild-type mice were treated with vehicle (n=9) or 1, 3, or 10 mg/kg fasudil for 2 days (n=8, 9, 10, respectively). *P <0.05 vs vehicle. (b) Wild-type mice were treated with vehicle or 10 mg/kg Y-27632 for 2 days (n=5,each). *P <0.05 vs vehicle. (c) eNOS -/- mice were treated with vehicle or 10 mg/kg fasudil for 2 days (n=5, each).NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscript。
