AIO Revamp 上市宣导1111




多媒体播放器TB6规格书产品版本:V1.3.0文档编号:NS120000253版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。







i 目录目录目录 .....................................................................................................................................................ii1 安全说明 (1)1.1存储和运输安全 (1)1.2安装和使用安全 (1)2概述 (3)2.1产品简介 ......................................................................................................................................................32.2应用场景 ......................................................................................................................................................33产品特点 (5)3.1支持多屏播放同步机制 (5)3.2处理性能强大 (5)3.3全方位控制方案 (5)3.4支持同步异步双模式 (6)3.5支持双WiFi 模式 (6)3.5.1WiFi AP 模式....................................................................................................................................... (7)3.5.2WiFi Sta 模式 ...................................................................................................................................... (7)3.5.3WiFi AP+Sta 模式 ......................................................................................................................................73.6支持冗余备份 (8)4硬件结构 (9)4.1外观图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (9)4.1.1前面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (9)4.1.2后面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (10)4.2尺寸图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (11)5软件结构 (12)5.1系统软件 ....................................................................................................................................................125.2相关配置软件 (12)6产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 137 音视频解码规格 (15)7.1图片 (15)7.1.1解码器 (15) ii 目录 (3)7.1.2编码器 (23)7.2音频 (23)7.2.1解码器 (23)7.2.2编码器 (25)7.3视频 (25)7.3.1解码器 (25)7.3.2编码器 (18)iii 1 安全说明●请佩戴防静电护腕,穿戴绝缘手套。

爱克发发布UV喷墨新品——爱博纳2500 LED

爱克发发布UV喷墨新品——爱博纳2500 LED
稳 定 性高 。U V喷 墨印 刷机 的印刷 质 量跟 U V干燥

机后 立 即印刷 生产力得 以提高 。

也不 易破损 。

水 ,并使 用 了爱 克发 专利 的 第二 代 UP H喷 墨头 。UP H是 种压 电式 喷墨 头 这 一 喷 墨头 已 经在 爱 克发 另一 款 : M- rs i r PesTg 印刷机 上成 功应 用。U H每个 墨头有 7 4个 e P 6
喷 嘴 ,最 小 8 L的墨点 可使输 出精 度达 14 d i p 4 0 p ,同时确
保 了文字 的最小 尺寸达 4 t p .而 影像 的色彩更 平滑 、更实 地 ,从 而保证 了极高 的影像 品质 。
此次 展 会 ,爱 克 发协 同 爱 博 纳 系 列 产 品 国 内 总 代 理 —— 爱 博 纳 国 际 贸 易 有 限公 司 在 D 8展 台为 广 告 行 业 展 示 了采 用最新 LD V技术 的 2 5米 宽的宽幅 喷墨 F t E U r ̄ J1
机— —爱 克发爱博 纳 2 0 LD ( :A a u a 50 E ) 50 E npr 2 0 LD n 喷墨 印刷 机 ,并 于 9 1日下 午在 博 览馆 三 楼 会议 厅 举 月
结 合 了 LD U E V这一 先进 的技 术的 爱克发爱博 纳 2 0 50 LD喷墨 E ̄I E P, 机可 以帮助客 户降低运 营成本 并且 其所 使
干 而底 层 不干 的情 况 。在 各 种介 质 上 印刷都 有很 强 的 黏
附1 和抗 刮划1 。 生 l 生 l
爱 博纳 20 E 50 L D喷墨印刷机有 三种不同解像度的印刷 模式 ,可以在无涂层的 刚性介质以及卷筒介质上 印刷 ,最大








阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P H3G 桌面话机说明书

阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P H3G 桌面话机说明书

阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P/H3G 桌面话机简约大屏,品优价美简约大屏超强处理高清音质超高性价比的 2.8 英寸黑白大屏,配合优化的人机操作界面,用户体验更加舒适优选的元器件,调校的音频参数,多重的编解码,出色的宽带音频质量,无论是在手柄、免提还是耳机模式都能提供舒适的通话效果轻松部署完全兼容阿尔卡特朗讯成熟的快速重定向平台(EDS)和设备管理平台(EDM),非常容易开展大规模配置和部署,能极大节约部署人力选用高性能处理器,秒速开机,6 方会议,办公更加高效节能环保优化的电源设计,支持 POE Class 1 低功耗运行,极大节约运维成本阿尔卡特朗讯 H3P/H3G 是一款高性能的入门级桌面有线话机。

H3P/H3G 支持开放性的 SIP 协议,为用户提供丰富的通讯功能。


H3P/H3G 配置 2.8 英寸的背光黑白显示屏,可显示最多 5 行中文,并可支持多达 1000 个本地联系人目录以及通话记录。


H3P/H3G 具有极高的兼容性,能广泛兼容市场上的主流 SIP 平台如 Broadsoft, Metaswitch 等。

H3P 和 H3G 均同时支持外接电源供电和以太网供电。

H3P/H3G 完美兼容阿尔卡特朗讯快速重定向平台(EDS)和设备管理平台(EDM),易于实施大规模的配置和部署。

H3PH3G技术规格物理参数• 尺寸(长x宽x高):214mm x 191mm x 47mm• 重量:795g(含手柄和脚架)• 颜色:灰色• 2.8英寸, 132x64 像素黑白带背光显示屏• 支持中文显示• 可调整脚架:45° & 50°• 支持挂壁(选购配件)话机按键• 2 个带 LED 线路键 + 1 个翻页键• 4 个菜单键• 音量键(+ 和 -)• 4 维导航及回退,确认键• 9 个功能键:免提,静音,信息,耳机键,呼叫保持,转移,会议,重拨及挂机键• 标准拨号键盘通话功能• 3 个 SIP 帐号• 呼入/呼出/拒接• 呼叫转移• 呼叫等待• 呼叫保持/恢复• 重拨• 拨号规则•快速拨号•IP 直呼•键盘锁•静音/解除静音•勿扰•自动应答•语音信箱•最多可配置29个编程键•本地 6 方会议•呼叫记录(1000 条)•本地联系人(1000 条)•XML & LDAP 通讯录音频特性• 全双工免提• 支持高清宽带手柄• 编解码:Opus (NB and WB), G.722, ILBC, G711 (A-law and u-law), G.729AB • 静音检测(VAD)• 舒适噪音(CNG)• 回音消除(AEC)• D TMF:In-Band, RFC 2833/4733,SIP INFO• 支持听力辅助(HAC)电源特性• 支持 PoE, Class 1 (802.3af)• 支持 802.3az• 电源适配器: 5V/2A 直流输出(可选配件)• 空闲/活动模式最大功耗(POE):0.97W/3.16W(H3P)0.98W/3.2W(H3G)接口规格• R J-45 双百兆交换式自适应网口(H3P)• R J-45 双千兆交换式自适应网口(H3G)• R J-9 手柄接口• R J-9 耳机接口网络,安全及相关协议• S IP V2: RFC 2474, 2833, 3261, 3263,3264, 3265, 3325, 3550, 4566, 4568,5359, 6086 等• 静态 IP 和 DHCP• I Pv4/IPv6• I EEE 802.1AB/LLDP-MED• Q oS: 802.1p/Q tagging (VLAN),Layer 3 TOS, DSCP• T FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/TR069• O PENVPN, 802.1x• 支持信息验证机制(Basic, Digest)• 支持 DoS 攻击防范• 支持 TLS 1.2/1.0 和 SRTP• 出厂自带证书(X509v3)并支持安装客户证书配置• 网页管理,话机配置和自动配置• A LE 快速重定向平台(EDS)• A LE 设备管理平台(EDM)语言• 支持多国语言菜单:简体中文,繁体中文,德语,英文,法语,意大利,韩文,葡萄牙语,西班牙语等相关规范及标准安全规范• I EC 62368-1:2014, ANSI/UL62368-1-2014, CAN/CSA-C22.2NO. 62368-1-14EMC规范•E N 55032, CISPR 32• E N 55024, CISPR 24• E N 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3• 47 CFR Part 15 B Subpart B• I CES-003 Issue 6电信规范• T IA/EIA 810-B, TIA 920.130-A-1, AS/CAS004环保规范• E rP 2009/125/EC, WEEE 2012/19/EU• R OHS 2011/65/EU,中国ROHS 2.0:GBT 26572-2011• R EACH(EC1907/2006)• P roposition 65• 包材:欧盟94/62/EC听力辅助规范• F CC 47 CFR Part 68, CS-03,AS/ACIF S040环境条件• 操作环境温度:-5°C to +45°C• 操作环境湿度:5% to 95%• 存储及运输温度:-25°C/+70°C支持配件信息• 中规外接电源• 挂壁件• 阿尔卡特朗讯 AH 11GA/12GA 耳机产品包装清单• H3P/H3G 桌面话机• 有线高清宽带手柄及手柄线• 脚架• 网线 (cat5e)•安全手册• 快速使用指南阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)的名称和商标均由诺基亚(Nokia)授权上海贝尔企业通信有限公司(ALE China)使用。



飞兆推出一款双管反激式解决方案一体型(All-In-One, AIO) 应用设备电源的设计人员一直面对对空间有限、满足世界各地能源法规要求,以及提供易于设计之解决方案的挑战。

为了应对这些挑战,全球领先的高性能功率和移动产品供应商飞兆半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor) 推出一款采用mWSaver 技术的双管反激式解决方案。

用于AIO 设备的传统电源拓扑解决方案包括LLC 和单开关准谐振(QR) 反激式拓扑。


对于AIO 设备的功率范围,LLC 提供最佳的总体效率,优于双管QR 和单开关QR 反激式转换器。

不过,由于LLC 变压器的设计很难,因此在三种拓扑中具有最高的轻负载功耗。

单开关QR 反激式转换器的效率最低,但是它们易于设计且在轻负载下具有低功耗。

飞兆半导体的双管QR 反激式拓扑和次级端同步整流方案是用于AIO 应用设备的理想解决方案,能够提供良好的总体效率,降低轻负载功耗,而且易于设计。

飞兆半导体提供的AIO 解决方案非常适合75W~230W 功率范围应用,包括FAN6920MR 集成式临界导通模式PFC 和准谐振电流模式PWM 控制器产品;FAN7382 栅极驱动器;以及用于反激式拓扑和正激续流整流的FAN6204 次级端同步整流(SR)控制器。

而且,这些器件都具有同级最佳的无/轻负载功耗,能够实现达到2013 ErP 标准的设计,并可省去LLC 解决方案所需的附加电路。

此外,这些器件采用了mWSaver 技术,可为AIO 解决方案提供最低的待机输入功率。


此外,它更降低了SR MOSFET 的Vds 以提高效率,并实现更小的电路板尺寸。

其内置两级电平PFC 输出提升了低压输入的效率。

飞兆半导体增添高端和低端栅极驱动IC 产品FAN7382,能够驱动电压高达600V 的高压MOSFET 器件,大大丰富了公司的产品系列。



MAXIM/DALLAS 中文数据资料DS12CR887, DS12R885, DS12R887 RTC,带有恒压涓流充电器DS1870 LDMOS RF功放偏置控制器DS1921L-F5X Thermochron iButtonDS1923 温度/湿度记录仪iButton,具有8kB数据记录存储器DS1982, DS1982-F3, DS1982-F5 1k位只添加iButton?DS1990A 序列号iButtonDS1990R, DS1990R-F3, DS1990R-F5 序列号iButtonDS1991 多密钥iButtonDS2129 LVD SCSI 27线调节器DS2401 硅序列号DS2406 双通道、可编址开关与1k位存储器DS2408 1-Wire、8通道、可编址开关DS2411 硅序列号,带有VCC输入DS2413 1-Wire双通道、可编址开关DS2430A 256位1-Wire EEPROMDS2431 1024位、1-Wire EEPROMDS2480B 串行、1-Wire线驱动器,带有负荷检测DS2482-100 单通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-100 勘误表PDF: 2482-100A2DS2482-800, DS2482S-800 八通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-800 勘误表PDF: 2482-800A2DS2502 1k位只添加存储器DS2505 16k位只添加存储器DS28E04-100 4096位、可寻址、1-Wire EEPROM,带有PIODS3170DK DS3/E3单芯片收发器开发板DS3231, DS3231S 高精度、I2C集成RTC/TCXO/晶振DS33Z44 四路以太网映射器DS3902 双路、非易失、可变电阻器,带有用户EEPROMDS3906 三路、非易失、小步长调节可变电阻与存储器DS3984 4路冷阴极荧光灯控制器DS4302 2线、5位DAC,提供三路数字输出DS80C400-KIT DS80C400评估套件DS80C410, DS80C411 具有以太网和CAN接口的网络微控制器DS80C410 勘误表PDF: 80C410A1DS89C430, DS89C440, DS89C450 超高速闪存微控制器DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A2DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A2DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A2DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A3DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A3DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A3DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A5DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A5DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A5DS9090K 1-Wire器件评估板, B版DS9097U-009, DS9097U-E25, DS9097U-S09 通用1-Wire COM端口适配器DS9490, DS9490B, DS9490R USB至1-Wire/iButton适配器MAX1034, MAX1035 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行14位ADCMAX1072, MAX1075 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、10位ADCMAX1076, MAX1078 1.8Msps、单电源供电、低功耗、真差分、10位ADC,内置电压基准MAX1146, MAX1147, MAX1148, MAX1149 多通道、真差分、串行、14位ADCMAX1149EVKIT MAX1149评估板/评估系统MAX1220, MAX1257, MAX1258 12位、多通道ADC/DAC,带有FIFO、温度传感器和GPIO端口MAX1224, MAX1225 1.5Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX1258EVKIT MAX1057, MAX1058, MAX1257, MAX1258评估板/评估系统MAX1274, MAX1275 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX13000E, MAX13001E, MAX13002E, MAX13003E, MAX13004E, MAX13005E 超低电压电平转换器MAX1302, MAX1303 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行16位ADCMAX1304, MAX1305, MAX1306, MAX1308, MAX1309, MAX1310, MAX1312, MAX1313,MAX1314 8/4/2通道、12位、同时采样ADC,提供±10V、±5V或0至+5V模拟输入范围MAX13050, MAX13052, MAX13053, MAX13054 工业标准高速CAN收发器,具有±80V故障保护MAX13080E, MAX13081E, MAX13082E, MAX13083E, MAX13084E, MAX13085E, MAX13086E, MAX13087E, MAX13088E, MAX13089E +5.0V、±15kV ESD保护、失效保护、热插拔、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX13101E, MAX13102E, MAX13103E, MAX13108E 16通道、带有缓冲的CMOS逻辑电平转换器MAX1334, MAX1335 4.5Msps/4Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分10位ADCMAX1336, MAX1337 6.5Msps/5.5Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分8位ADCMAX13481E, MAX13482E, MAX13483E ±15kV ESD保护USB收发器, 外部/内部上拉电阻MAX1350, MAX1351, MAX1352, MAX1353, MAX1354, MAX1355, MAX1356, MAX1357 双路、高端、电流检测放大器和驱动放大器MAX1450 低成本、1%精确度信号调理器,用于压阻式传感器MAX1452 低成本、精密的传感器信号调理器MAX1487, MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, MAX488, MAX489, MAX490, MAX491 低功耗、限摆率、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX1492, MAX1494 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LCD驱动器MAX1494EVKIT MAX1493, MAX1494, MAX1495评估板/评估系统MAX1497, MAX1499 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LED驱动器和μC接口MAX1499EVKIT MAX1499评估板/评估系统MAX15000, MAX15001 电流模式PWM控制器, 可调节开关频率MAX1515 低电压、内置开关、降压/DDR调节器MAX1518B TFT-LCD DC-DC转换器, 带有运算放大器MAX1533, MAX1537 高效率、5路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX1533EVKIT MAX1533评估板MAX1540A, MAX1541 双路降压型控制器,带有电感饱和保护、动态输出和线性稳压器MAX1540EVKIT MAX1540评估板MAX1551, MAX1555 SOT23、双输入、USB/AC适配器、单节Li+电池充电器MAX1553, MAX1554 高效率、40V、升压变换器,用于2至10个白光LED驱动MAX1556, MAX1557 16μA IQ、1.2A PWM降压型DC-DC转换器MAX1556EVKIT MAX1556EVKIT评估板MAX1558, MAX1558H 双路、3mm x 3mm、1.2A/可编程电流USB开关,带有自动复位功能MAX1586A, MAX1586B, MAX1586C, MAX1587A, MAX1587C 高效率、低IQ、带有动态内核的PMIC,用于PDA和智能电话MAX16801A/B, MAX16802A/B 离线式、DC-DC PWM控制器, 用于高亮度LED驱动器MAX1858A, MAX1875A, MAX1876A 双路180°异相工作的降压控制器,具有排序/预偏置启动和POR MAX1870A 升/降压Li+电池充电器MAX1870AEVKIT MAX1870A评估板MAX1874 双路输入、USB/AC适配器、1节Li+充电器,带OVP与温度调节MAX1954A 低成本、电流模式PWM降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX1954AEVKIT MAX1954A评估板MAX19700 7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19700EVKIT MAX19700评估板/评估系统MAX19705 10位、7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19706 10位、22Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19707 10位、45Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19708 10位、11Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX2041 高线性度、1700MHz至3000MHz上变频/下变频混频器,带有LO缓冲器/开关MAX2043 1700MHz至3000MHz高线性度、低LO泄漏、基站Rx/Tx混频器MAX220, MAX222, MAX223, MAX225, MAX230, MAX231, MAX232, MAX232A, MAX233,MAX233A, MAX234, MAX235, MAX236, MAX237, MAX238, MAX239, MAX240, MAX241,MAX242, MAX243, MAX244, MAX245, MAX246, MAX247, MAX248, MAX249 +5V供电、多通道RS-232驱动器/接收器MAX2335 450MHz CDMA/OFDM LNA/混频器MAX2370 完备的、450MHz正交发送器MAX2370EVKIT MAX2370评估板MAX2980 电力线通信模拟前端收发器MAX2986 集成电力线数字收发器MAX3013 +1.2V至+3.6V、0.1μA、100Mbps、8路电平转换器MAX3205E, MAX3207E, MAX3208E 双路、四路、六路高速差分ESD保护ICMAX3301E, MAX3302E USB On-the-Go收发器与电荷泵MAX3344E, MAX3345E ±15kV ESD保护、USB收发器,UCSP封装,带有USB检测MAX3394E, MAX3395E, MAX3396E ±15kV ESD保护、大电流驱动、双/四/八通道电平转换器, 带有加速电路MAX3535E, MXL1535E +3V至+5V、提供2500VRMS隔离的RS-485/RS-422收发器,带有±15kV ESD保护MAX3570, MAX3571, MAX3573 HI-IF单芯片宽带调谐器MAX3643EVKIT MAX3643评估板MAX3645 +2.97V至+5.5V、125Mbps至200Mbps限幅放大器,带有信号丢失检测器MAX3645EVKIT MAX3645评估板MAX3654 47MHz至870MHz模拟CATV互阻放大器MAX3654EVKIT MAX3654评估板MAX3657 155Mbps低噪声互阻放大器MAX3658 622Mbps、低噪声、高增益互阻前置放大器MAX3735, MAX3735A 2.7Gbps、低功耗、SFP激光驱动器MAX3737 多速率激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3737EVKIT MAX3737评估板MAX3738 155Mbps至2.7Gbps SFF/SFP激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3744, MAX3745 2.7Gbps SFP互阻放大器,带有RSSIMAX3744EVKIT, MAX3745EVKIT MAX3744, MAX3745评估板MAX3748, MAX3748A, MAX3748B 紧凑的、155Mbps至4.25Gbps限幅放大器MAX3785 6.25Gbps、1.8V PC板均衡器MAX3787EVKIT MAX3787评估板MAX3793 1Gbps至4.25Gbps多速率互阻放大器,具有光电流监视器MAX3793EVKIT MAX3793评估板MAX3805 10.7Gbps自适应接收均衡器MAX3805EVKIT MAX3805评估板MAX3840 +3.3V、2.7Gbps双路2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3841 12.5Gbps CML 2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3967 270Mbps SFP LED驱动器MAX3969 200Mbps SFP限幅放大器MAX3969EVKIT MAX3969评估板MAX3982 SFP铜缆预加重驱动器MAX3983 四路铜缆信号调理器MAX3983EVKIT MAX3983评估板MAX3983SMAEVKIT MAX3983 SMA连接器评估板MAX4079 完备的音频/视频后端方案MAX4079EVKIT MAX4079评估板MAX4210, MAX4211 高端功率、电流监视器MAX4210EEVKIT MAX4210E、MAX4210A/B/C/D/F评估板MAX4211EEVKIT MAX4211A/B/C/D/E/F评估板MAX4397 用于双SCART连接器的音频/视频开关MAX4397EVKIT MAX4397评估系统/评估板MAX4411EVKIT MAX4411评估板MAX4729, MAX4730 低电压、3.5、SPDT、CMOS模拟开关MAX4754, MAX4755, MAX4756 0.5、四路SPDT开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4758, MAX4759 四路DPDT音频/数据开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4760, MAX4761 宽带、四路DPDT开关MAX4766 0.075A至1.5A、可编程限流开关MAX4772, MAX4773 200mA/500mA可选的限流开关MAX4795, MAX4796, MAX4797, MAX4798 450mA/500mA限流开关MAX4826, MAX4827, MAX4828, MAX4829, MAX4830, MAX4831 50mA/100mA限流开关, 带有空载标记, μDFN封装MAX4832, MAX4833 100mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4834, MAX4835 250mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4836, MAX4837 500mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4838A, MAX4840A, MAX4842A 过压保护控制器,带有状态指示FLAGMAX4850, MAX4850H, MAX4852, MAX4852H 双路SPDT模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4851, MAX4851H, MAX4853, MAX4853H 3.5/7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854 7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854H, MAX4854HL 四路SPST、宽带、信号线保护开关MAX4855 0.75、双路SPDT音频开关,具有集成比较器MAX4864L, MAX4865L, MAX4866L, MAX4867, MAX4865, MAX4866 过压保护控制器,具有反向保护功能MAX4880 过压保护控制器, 内置断路开关MAX4881, MAX4882, MAX4883, MAX4884 过压保护控制器, 内部限流, TDFN封装MAX4901, MAX4902, MAX4903, MAX4904, MAX4905 低RON、双路SPST/单路SPDT、无杂音切换开关, 可处理负电压MAX4906, MAX4906F, MAX4907, MAX4907F 高速/全速USB 2.0开关MAX5033 500mA、76V、高效率、MAXPower降压型DC-DC变换器MAX5042, MAX5043 双路开关电源IC,集成了功率MOSFET和热插拔控制器MAX5058, MAX5059 可并联的副边同步整流驱动器和反馈发生器控制ICMAX5058EVKIT MAX5051, MAX5058评估板MAX5062, MAX5062A, MAX5063, MAX5063A, MAX5064, MAX5064A, MAX5064B 125V/2A、高速、半桥MOSFET驱动器MAX5065, MAX5067 双相、+0.6V至+3.3V输出可并联、平均电流模式控制器MAX5070, MAX5071 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5072 2.2MHz、双输出、降压或升压型转换器,带有POR和电源失效输出MAX5072EVKIT MAX5072评估板MAX5074 内置MOSFET的电源IC,用于隔离型IEEE 802.3af PD和电信电源MAX5078 4A、20ns、MOSFET驱动器MAX5084, MAX5085 65V、200mA、低静态电流线性稳压器, TDFN封装MAX5088, MAX5089 2.2MHz、2A降压型转换器, 内置高边开关MAX5094A, MAX5094B, MAX5094C, MAX5094D, MAX5095A, MAX5095B, MAX5095C 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5128 128抽头、非易失、线性变化数字电位器, 采用2mm x 2mm μDFN封装MAX5417, MAX5417L, MAX5417M, MAX5417N, MAX5417P, MAX5418, MAX5419 256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5417LEVKIT MAX5417_, MAX5418_, MAX5419_评估板/评估系统MAX5477, MAX5478, MAX5479 双路、256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5478EVKIT MAX5477/MAX5478/MAX5479评估板/评估系统MAX5490 100k精密匹配的电阻分压器,SOT23封装MAX5527, MAX5528, MAX5529 64抽头、一次性编程、线性调节数字电位器MAX5820 双路、8位、低功耗、2线、串行电压输出DACMAX5865 超低功耗、高动态性能、40Msps模拟前端MAX5920 -48V热插拔控制器,外置RsenseMAX5921, MAX5939 -48V热插拔控制器,外置Rsense、提供较高的栅极下拉电流MAX5932 正电源、高压、热插拔控制器MAX5932EVKIT MAX5932评估板MAX5936, MAX5937 -48V热插拔控制器,可避免VIN阶跃故障,无需RSENSEMAX5940A, MAX5940B IEEE 802.3af PD接口控制器,用于以太网供电MAX5940BEVKIT MAX5940B, MAX5940D评估板MAX5941A, MAX5941B 符合IEEE 802.3af标准的以太网供电接口/PWM控制器,适用于用电设备MAX5945 四路网络电源控制器,用于网络供电MAX5945EVKIT, MAX5945EVSYS MAX5945评估板/评估系统MAX5953A, MAX5953B, MAX5953C, MAX5953D IEEE 802.3af PD接口和PWM控制器,集成功率MOSFETMAX6640 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6640EVKIT MAX6640评估系统/评估板MAX6641 兼容于SMBus的温度监视器,带有自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6643, MAX6644, MAX6645 自动PWM风扇速度控制器,带有过温报警输出MAX6678 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器和5个GPIOMAX6695, MAX6696 双路远端/本地温度传感器,带有SMBus串行接口MAX6877EVKIT MAX6877评估板MAX6950, MAX6951 串行接口、+2.7V至+5.5V、5位或8位LED显示驱动器MAX6966, MAX6967 10端口、恒流LED驱动器和输入/输出扩展器,带有PWM亮度控制MAX6968 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6969 16端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6970 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器MAX6977 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测MAX6978 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6980 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6981 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测MAX7030 低成本、315MHz、345MHz和433.92MHz ASK收发器, 带有N分频PLLMAX7032 低成本、基于晶振的可编程ASK/FSK收发器, 带有N分频PLLMAX7317 10端口、SPI接口输入/输出扩展器,带有过压和热插入保护MAX7319 I2C端口扩展器,具有8路输入,可屏蔽瞬态检测MAX7320 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个推挽式输出MAX7321 I2C端口扩展器,具有8个漏极开路I/O口MAX7328, MAX7329 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个I/O口MAX7347, MAX7348, MAX7349 2线接口、低EMI键盘开关和发声控制器MAX7349EVKIT MAX7349评估板/仿真: MAX7347/MAX7348MAX7375 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7381 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7389, MAX7390 微控制器时钟发生器, 带有看门狗MAX7391 快速切换时钟发生器, 带有电源失效检测MAX7445 4通道视频重建滤波器MAX7450, MAX7451, MAX7452 视频信号调理器,带有AGC和后肩钳位MAX7452EVKIT MAX7452评估板MAX7462, MAX7463 单通道视频重建滤波器和缓冲器MAX8505 3A、1MHz、1%精确度、内置开关的降压型调节器,带有电源就绪指示MAX8524, MAX8525 2至8相VRM 10/9.1 PWM控制器,提供精密的电流分配和快速电压定位MAX8525EVKIT MAX8523, MAX8525评估板MAX8533 更小、更可靠的12V、Infiniband兼容热插拔控制器MAX8533EVKIT MAX8533评估板MAX8545, MAX8546, MAX8548 低成本、宽输入范围、降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX8550, MAX8551 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑及图形卡MAX8550EVKIT MAX8550, MAX8550A, MAX8551评估板MAX8552 高速、宽输入范围、单相MOSFET驱动器MAX8553, MAX8554 4.5V至28V输入、同步PWM降压控制器,适合DDR端接和负载点应用MAX8563, MAX8564 ±1%、超低输出电压、双路或三路线性n-FET控制器MAX8564EVKIT MAX8563, MAX8564评估板MAX8566 高效、10A、PWM降压调节器, 内置开关MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575 高效LCD升压电路,可True ShutdownMAX8571EVKIT MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575评估板MAX8576, MAX8577, MAX8578, MAX8579 3V至28V输入、低成本、迟滞同步降压控制器MAX8594, MAX8594A 5路输出PMIC,提供DC-DC核电源,用于低成本PDAMAX8594EVKIT MAX8594评估板MAX8632 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑和图形卡MAX8632EVKIT MAX8632评估板MAX8702, MAX8703 双相MOSFET驱动器,带有温度传感器MAX8707 多相、固定频率控制器,用于AMD Hammer CPU核电源MAX8716, MAX8717, MAX8757 交叉工作、高效、双电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8716EVKIT MAX8716评估板MAX8717EVKIT MAX8717评估板MAX8718, MAX8719 高压、低功耗线性稳压器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8725EVKIT MAX8725评估板MAX8727 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8727EVKIT MAX8727评估板MAX8729 固定频率、半桥CCFL逆变控制器MAX8729EVKIT MAX8729评估板MAX8732A, MAX8733A, MAX8734A 高效率、四路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8737 双路、低电压线性稳压器, 外置MOSFETMAX8737EVKIT MAX8737评估板MAX8738 EEPROM可编程TFT VCOM校准器, 带有I2C接口MAX8740 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8743 双路、高效率、降压型控制器,关断状态下提供高阻MAX8751 固定频率、全桥、CCFL逆变控制器MAX8751EVKIT MAX8751评估板MAX8752 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8758 具有开关控制和运算放大器的升压调节器, 用于TFT LCDMAX8758EVKIT MAX8758评估板MAX8759 低成本SMBus CCFL背光控制器MAX8760 双相、Quick-PWM控制器,用于AMD Mobile Turion 64 CPU核电源MAX8764 高速、降压型控制器,带有精确的限流控制,用于笔记本电脑MAX9223, MAX9224 22位、低功耗、5MHz至10MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9225, MAX9226 10位、低功耗、10MHz至20MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9483, MAX9484 双输出、多模CD-RW/DVD激光二极管驱动器MAX9485 可编程音频时钟发生器MAX9485EVKIT MAX9485评估板MAX9486 8kHz参考时钟合成器,提供35.328MHz倍频输出MAX9486EVKIT MAX9486评估板MAX9489 多路输出网络时钟发生器MAX9500, MAX9501 三通道HDTV滤波器MAX9500EVKIT MAX9500评估板MAX9501EVKIT MAX9501评估板MAX9502 2.5V视频放大器, 带有重建滤波器MAX9504A, MAX9504B 3V/5V、6dB视频放大器, 可提供大电流输出MAX9701 1.3W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器MAX9701EVKIT MAX9701评估板MAX9702 1.8W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器和DirectDrive立体声耳机放大器MAX9702EVSYS/EVKIT MAX9702/MAX9702B评估系统/评估板MAX9703, MAX9704 10W立体声/15W单声道、无需滤波的扩展频谱D类放大器MAX9705 2.3W、超低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9705BEVKIT MAX9705B评估板MAX9710EVKIT MAX9710评估板MAX9712 500mW、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9713, MAX9714 6W、无需滤波、扩频单声道/立体声D类放大器MAX9714EVKIT MAX9704, MAX9714评估板MAX9715 2.8W、低EMI、立体声、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9715EVKIT MAX9715评估板MAX9716, MAX9717 低成本、单声道、1.4W BTL音频功率放大器MAX9716EVKIT MAX9716评估板MAX9718, MAX9719 低成本、单声道/立体声、1.4W差分音频功率放大器MAX9718AEVKIT MAX9718A评估板MAX9719AEVKIT MAX9719A/B/C/D评估板MAX9721 1V、固定增益、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9721EVKIT MAX9721评估板MAX9722A, MAX9722B 5V、差分输入、DirectDrive、130mW立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9722AEVKIT MAX9722A, MAX9722B评估板MAX9723 立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器, 具有BassMax、音量控制和I2C接口MAX9725 1V、低功率、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9728AEVKIT MAX9728A/MAX9728B评估板MAX9750, MAX9751, MAX9755 2.6W立体声音频功放和DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9759 3.2W、高效、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9759EVKIT MAX9759评估板MAX9770, MAX9772 1.2W、低EMI、无需虑波、单声道D类放大器,带有立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9787 2.2W立体声音频功率放大器, 提供模拟音量控制MAX9850 立体声音频DAC,带有DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9890 音频咔嗒声-怦然声抑制器MAX9951, MAX9952 双路引脚参数测量单元MAX9960 双闪存引脚电子测量/高压开关矩阵MAX9961, MAX9962 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有2mA负载MAX9967 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有35mA负载MAX9986A SiGe高线性度、815MHz至1000MHz下变频混频器, 带有LO缓冲器/开关MAXQ2000 低功耗LCD微控制器MAXQ2000 勘误表PDF: MAXQ2000A2MAXQ2000-KIT MAXQ2000评估板MAXQ3120-KIT MAXQ3120评估板MXL1543B +5V、多协议、3Tx/3Rx、软件可选的时钟/数据收发器。



电子人工智能进入新时代,开启算力需求新篇章伴随着OpenAI 推出的AIGC 产品功能逐渐强大,由此而带来了新的供给。

AIGC 已逐渐跑通成熟的商业模式,并且模型快速迭代,国内厂商奋起直追,促使整个社会对于算力需求的快速提升。

➢ 伴随着OpenAI 推出的AIGC 产品功能逐渐强大,由此而带来了新的需求。

伴随着AIGC 产品的应用场景逐渐丰富,无论是to B 端还是to C 端,都创造出了新的需求。

➢ OpenAI 已逐渐跑通成熟的商业模式,主要采用按量收费方式。


其次最新发布插件功能ChatGPT Plugins 可以帮助客户访问最新信息、运行计算或使用第三方服务。

➢ 算力需求指数级提升,国产替代随之而来。

伴随着AIGC 模型快速迭代,在模型性能实现飞跃式提升的同时,模型所使用参数量与预训练数据量也呈现指数级增长,与之相对应的便是整个社会对于算力需求的快速提升。


➢ 投资建议:我们认为,AIGC 应用面逐渐越来越广,国内各大厂商奋起直追,整个社会对于算力的需求将呈现指数级增长,叠加美日荷对我国半导体行业的掣肘,国产替代随之而来。

重点关注: ➢ 1)GPU 厂商:景嘉微、海光信息;➢ 2)CPU 厂商:海光信息、龙芯中科;➢ 3)FPGA 厂商:紫光国微、复旦微电、安路科技;➢ 4)AI 芯片厂商:寒武纪、国芯科技;➢ 风险提示:AIGC 行业发展进程不及预期;国内厂商由于起步较晚而无法与国际巨头竞争;国产替代进程不及预期。

重点关注标的:简称EPS PE CAGR-3评级22A/E 2023E 2024E 22A/E 2023E 2024E 景嘉微 0.68 0.79 0.90 165.46 142.42 125.01 15% / 寒武纪 -2.91 -1.79 -1.19 -76.22 -123.91 -186.39 36% / 紫光国微 3.10 4.03 5.12 36.23 27.87 21.94 29% 买入复旦微电 1.32 1.85 2.36 48.45 34.57 27.10 34% 增持 安路科技 0.15 0.26 0.49 475.20 274.15 145.47 81% 增持 海光信息 0.35 0.54 0.85 258.71 167.69 106.53 56% / 国芯科技 0.35 0.941.49 206.37 76.84 48.48 106% /数据来源:公司公告,iFinD ,国联证券研究所预测,股价取2023年4月19日收盘价 证券研究报告 2023年04月20日投资建议: 强于大市(维持评级)上次建议: 强于大市相对大盘走势Table_First|Table_Author 分析师:熊军执业证书编号:S0590522040001 邮箱:*****************.cn分析师:孙树明执业证书编号:S0590521070001 邮箱:**************.cn联系人 刘欢宇邮箱:**************.cn相关报告1、《北方华创业绩超预期,设备材料有望维持高增长电子》2023.04.152、《周期复苏叠加AI 创新有望推动电子大行情电子》2023.04.083、《美光释放乐观预期,存储芯片有望迎来周期拐点电子》2023.04.03本报告仅供 y bj ie s ho u @e a s t m o n e y .c o m 邮箱所有人使用,未经许可,不得外投资聚焦研究背景北京时间3月14日晚间,谷歌宣布将进一步在其产品中引入人工智能(AI )技术,北京时间2023年3月15日凌晨,OpenAI 宣布正式推出GPT-4。



欧曼银河A15L大功率重卡正式上市38《商用汽车》 2022.08Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.392022.08 《商用汽车》品覆盖的优势,其累计销量率先突破10万辆。



银河A 15L 诠释大而不凡欧曼银河A15L 大功率重卡求的深入理解,在2021层面彰显了深耕区域集散市场的决心,致力于为用户提供全新平台、全新一代的产品。


面对区域集散市场运输装备科技化程度低、油耗较 欧曼行星4×2产品上市Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.40《商用汽车》 2022.08以重卡科技全新定义,通过新一代平台、新一代安全标准、新一代智能化体验,为用户带来专属座驾。

比如,高强钢加强车身、双预警紧急制动、ESC 电子稳定系统等,让用户享受基于银河技术平台的安全标准。

同时,依托福田汽车“蚁象技术”,通过新工艺、新材料、欧曼行星4X2载货车新结构积极探索“轻量化+高承载”相融合,整车比行业水平轻300~500 kg,既合规多拉,又增收增效。

在外观方面,欧曼行星4×2载货车采用星河飞翼外观设计,新潮造型更显青春时尚;内饰方面,该车采用新一代潮流内饰设计,人性化布局,驾乘舒适现场展示的欧曼智蓝系列产品触手可及;动力方面,采用领先空Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



音频智能(AIO)融合系统目录一、系统概述 (2)二、主要产品参数 (3)2.1 AIO融合系统软件(AIO-Z0-A001) (3)2.1.1系统特点 (3)2.1.2系统功能 (6)2.2 中心服务器(PeakFire P 2302) (9)2.3 高级管理主机(PeakFire P 2506P) (10)2.4 二级管理主机(PeakFire P 2512P) (11)2.5 精简桌面管理主机(PeakFire P 2524P) (12)2.6 标准桌面管理主机(PeakFire P 2606P ) (13)2.7 精简单键语音终端(PeakFire P 2612P) (14)2.8 全功能单键语音终端(PeakFire P 2624P) (16)2.9 精简单键可视终端(PeakFire P 2506) (17)2.10 全功能单键可视终端(PeakFire P 2512 ) (18)2.11 报警柱(PeakFire P 2524 ) (20)2.12 可视报警箱(PeakFire P 2535 ) (21)2.13 可视报警箱(PeakFire P 2550 ) (22)一、系统概述AIO融合系统采用成熟的IP 语音技术,高清视频技术,视频智能分析技术、远程IO控制技术等,通过IP网络以数据包的形式在局域网内传输音视频信号,NIS系列高清可视广播对讲系统不仅通过网络技术很好的解决了远距离传输和分布式组网,同时它还是一套高融合性的公共广播系统和可视对讲系统,系统能够很好的和用户已有的视频监控系统、门禁、报警、LED显示系统进行无缝融合。







Effective: January 2019K-75-001Wheelock Series MT Multitone Horns and Multitone Horn-StrobesFEATURES•Approvals include: UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 464, and Cali-fornia State Fire Marshal (CSFM). The MT-12/24-R and MTWP-2475W-FR are FM approved and also US Coast Guard Approved for applications with the Autroprime fire alarm system•Designed to meet or exceed ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI Stan-dards and Accessibility Guidelines •Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910, 165•One alarm appliance with eight (8) selective signals to provide superior sound penetration for various ambient and wall conditions with two field selectable sound out-put levels•Audible and strobe can operate from a single signaling circuit with any of the eight (8) audible signals•Code-3 Horn and Tone meet ANSI/NFPA temporal pattern for standard emergency evacuation signaling •Multi-Candela MT Strobe models available with field selectable 15/30/75/110 candela settings•Weatherproof MT Strobe models available with 180candela rating•FIRE and AGENT markings available•Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard reverse polarity type supervision of circuit wiring by an alarm panel•Flush and surface mount options; no additional trim-plate required for flush mounting•IN and OUT wiring terminations that accept two (2) #12 to #18 AWG wires at each terminalDESCRIPTIONEaton’s Wheelock Series MT Multitone Horns and Horn-Strobes are compatible with Kidde Fire Systems'AEGIS™ and ARIES ® families of Fire Alarm-Suppression Control Units and offer a choice of eight (8) nationally and internationally recognized alerting sounds: Horn, Bell,March Time Horn, Code-3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, Slow Whoop, Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. The Code-3 horn and tone patterns are engineered to comply with NFPA/ANSI Tem-poral Pattern specifications without requiring additional equipment.The MT Strobes are designed for ADA applications with maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the requirements of NFPA 72, ANSI 117.1, UFC and UL Standard 1971 as well as meeting ADA requirements concerning photosensitive epilepsy.Each MT and MT Strobe appliance has two user selec-tive sound output levels: STANDARD dBA and HIGH dBA. The MT-12/24 provides dual voltage capability in one unit, 12 VDC or 24 VDC operation, filtered or FWR.The MT Strobe Electronic appliances operate with 24VDC and may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rectified) input voltages. Separate input terminals are available and shunt wires are provided to enable both tone and strobe to operate simultaneously from a single input.The Multitone Strobe appliances are UL Listed for indoor wall mount applications, under Standard 1971 for Devices for the Hearing Impaired and under Standard 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. MT Strobe models are listed for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% ±2%.Series MT HornSeries MT Horn-Strobe with IOB BackboxThe MT-12/24 and MTWP models for outdoor use are Listed for -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) and maximum humidity of 95%. The strobe devices use a Xenon flash-tube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a rugged Lexan ® (or equivalent) lens to provide maximum reliabil-ity for effective visible signaling. Strobe lens markings available for “Fire” and “Agent” labeled applications.The MT-12/24-R and MTWP-2475W-FR are US Coast Guard Approved for applications with the Autroprime fire alarm system.The Series MT appliances have IN and OUT wiring termi-nations that accept two #12 to #18 AWG wires at each terminal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with stan-dard reverse polarity type supervision.GENERAL NOTES•Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second minimum over their “Regulated Voltage Range” (16-33v for 24VDC units and 8-17.5v for 12VDC units).•All candela ratings represent minimum effective Multitone Strobe intensity based on UL 1971.•The MT Audible is UL 464 Listed.•“Regulated Voltage Range” is the terminology used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this change, UL used the terminology “Listed Voltage Range.”SPECIFICATIONSTable 3: UL dBA and Current Ratings for Series MT Audible Portion*RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). Forstrobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions.ToneRMS Current (Amps)dBA @ 10 FT (UL Reverberant)per UL 46424 VDC12 VDC24 VDC12 VDCHI Output STD Output HI Output STD Output HI OutputSTD OutputHI OutputSTD Output@ 24 VDCUL max *@ 24 VDC UL max *@ 12 VDC UL max *@ 12 VDC UL max *Horn 0.0740.1080.0330.0440.1450.1760.0230.03492879077Bell0.0400.0530.0180.0240.0770.0950.0140.020********March Time Horn 0.0670.1040.0330.0380.1090.1420.0230.03489848974Code-3 Horn 0.0690.0910.0260.0350.1000.1420.0230.03488838873Code-3 Tone 0.0610.0750.0260.0350.0880.1050.0150.021********Slow Whoop 0.0690.0980.0280.0370.1000.1420.0250.0359*******Siren 0.0800.1040.0270.0360.1220.1520.0210.03089848975HI/LO0.0440.0570.0200.0260.0890.1140.0180.02686818671Table 1: Alarm TonesTone Alarm Tones Pattern DescriptionHorn Broadband Horn (Continuous)Bell1560 Hz Modulated (0.07 sec ON/Repeat)March Time Horn Horn (0.25 sec ON/0.25 sec. OFF/Repeat)Code-3 Horn Horn (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern)Code-3 Tone 500 Hz (ANSI S2.41 Temporal Pattern)Slow Whoop500-1200 Hz SWEEP(4.0 sec ON/0.5 sec. OFF/Repeat)Siren 600-1200 HZ SWEEP (1.0 sec. ON/Repeat)Hi/Lo1000/800 (0.25 sec. ON/Alternate)*RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). Forstrobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions.Table 2: Current Ratings for Series MT Strobe PortionModelRMS Current (Amps)MTWP-2475MT-24MCW Candela 180cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 24.0 VDC 0.0940.0410.0630.1090.140UL Max *0.1380.0600.0920.1850.220- 2 -WIRING DIAGRAMSINSTALLATION NOTES1.If the strobe and audible operate on the same cir-cuit, add the strobe current from Table 2 to the audi-ble current from Table 3. For Peak and Inrush current across the listed voltage range, refer to Installation Instructions.2.The average current indicated is per actual Produc-tion Testing at listed VDC. For rated average and Peak current across the UL listed voltage range for both filtered DC and unfiltered VRMS, see Installa-tion Instructions.3.Contact Kidde for Installation Instruction sheets onthese products. These materials contain important information that should be read prior to specifying or installing these products, including:•Total current required by all devices connected to system primary and secondary power sources.•Fuse ratings on signaling circuits to handle maxi-mum inrush or peak currents from all devices onthose circuits.•Composite flash rate from multiple strobes withina person’s field of view.•Installation in office areas and other specification and installation issues.•Use strobes only on circuits with continuously applied operating voltage. Do not use strobes oncoded or interrupted circuits in which the appliedvoltage is cycled on and off, as the strobe maynot flash.•The voltage applied to these products must be within their rated input voltage range.•Conductor size (AWG), length and ampacity should be taken into consideration prior to designand installation of these products, particularly inretrofit installations.4.These notification appliances must be used withintheir published specifications and must be PROP-ERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, main-tained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installa-tion and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, reg-ulations and laws. Specification, application, installa-tion, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper opera-tion in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters’ Labo-ratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occu-pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guide-lines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local Authority Having Jurisdic-tion (AHJ). Failure to comply with the installationinstruction sheets could result in improperinstallation, application, and/or operationof these products in an emergency situa-tion, which could result in property damageand serious injury or death.- 3 -This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. believes this data to be accurate, but it is published and presented without any guarantee or warranty whatsoever. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The fire suppression system design, installation, maintenance, service and troubleshooting must be performed by trained, authorized Kidde Fire Systems distributorsfor the product to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721 USA. Telephone: (508) 881-2000.K-75-001 Rev AD© 2019 Kidde-Fenwal Inc.400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: 508.881.2000ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONSThe notification appliance shall be an MT Series audible/ visual device or equivalent. Notification appliance shall be electronic and use solid state components. Electrome-chanical alternatives are not approved. Each electronic signal shall provide eight (8) field selectable alarm tones. The tones shall consist of: HORN, BELL, MARCH TIME HORN, CODE-3 HORN, CODE-3 TONE, SLOW WHOOP, SIREN AND HI/LO. Tone selection shall be by durable dip switch assembly and not clips or jumpers. The Multitone Audible appliance shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. The audible and the strobe shall be able to operate from a single noti-fication circuit while producing any of these tones. The device shall provide two output sound levels: STAN-DARD and HIGH dBA. The HIGH dBA setting shall pro-vide a minimum 5 dBA increase in sound output at nominal voltage. The HIGH reverberant dBA measure-ment at 10 feet for the alarm HORN SETTING shall be 88 dBA minimum. Operating voltages shall be 24 VDC using filtered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-rectified). All models shall have provisions for standard reverse polarity type supervision and IN/OUT field wiring using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. Combination audible/visual appliances shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens or equivalent with solid state circuitry. Strobe shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second minimum over the voltage range. The strobe intensity shall be rated per UL and Listed under Standard 1971 for Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired with field selectable 15/30/75/110 candela settings. Strobe models shall incorporate cir-cuitry for synchronized strobe flash and shall be designed for compatibility with Kidde Fire Systems’AEGIS and ARIES families of Fire Alarm-Suppression Control Units and DSM Sync Modules. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during opera-tion. If the module fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized default flash rate.All Listed strobe appliances shall incorporate low tem-perature compensation to insure the lowest possible cur-rent consumption. Strobe activation shall be via independent input or from the same input circuit as the audible.The combination audible/visual appliances may be installed indoors and surface or flush mounted. They shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no additional trimplate or adapter. The aesthetic appearance shall not have any mounting holes or screw heads visible when the installation is completed. The appliance shall be finished in a textured red color.The audible device may be installed indoors or outdoors with the proper backbox.For weatherproof applications where specifications require 75 cd at -31°F (-35°C) and full temperature range of -31°F to 150°F, the Model MTWP-2475W FR shall be used.ORDERING INFORMATION*Letters correspond to letter of applicable mounting options from datasheet K-75-008. Notes:1.MT-12/24 Audible can be used with the RSSP Multi-Candela for applications requiring 15, 30, 75, 110 cd wall strobes.2.MTWP-2475W is weatherproof and rated for 180 cd@ 77°F (25°C) and 75 cd @ -31°F (-35°C) with low current draw.3.DSM Dual Circuit Modules are rated for 3.0amperes per circuit. Maximum number of intercon-nected DSM modules is twenty (20). Refer to Data Sheet K-75-012 Series DSM Sync Modules. MOUNTING OPTIONSPartNumberInputVoltageRatedCandelaStrobeLabelMounting*OptionsMT-12/24-R12/24------B,H,I,J,K MT-24MCW-FR2415/30/75/110FIRE B,H,I,J,K MT-24MCW-AR2415/30/75/110AGENT B,H,I,J,KMTWP-2475W-FR24180@ 77°F (25°C)75 cd @ -31°F (-35°C)FIREH, H+WP-KIT,SPart Number Mounting Options*DBB-R AISP-R BWBB-R EIOB-R HRP-R JIOB + WP-KIT H, H plus WP-KITWFP SThe MT-12/24-R and the MTWP-2475W-FR can be used in weatherproof applications using mounting options H, H plus the WP-KIT and S.*Letters correspond to letter of applicable mounting options from datasheet K-75-008. For complete mounting options, refer to the Notification Appliance Mounting Accessories datasheet K-75-008.ARIES is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. or its parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.EXPORT INFORMATION (USA)Jurisdiction: EARCertification: EAR99 This document contains technical data subject to the EAR.。


“ 量突破 1亿大关 ,公 司上 下都 感到 非常 高兴 和振 奋 ,这对 Te h ioo 销 c n lr特艺集 团来说 是 一件里 程碑 式事件 。 c ”Te h ioo 特 艺集 c nc lr 团 首席 执行 官罗 睿 哲表 示 ,“ 我们 已成 功 地 向全世 界 的卫 星 、电 视和 网络 电视 服务 提 供商 供应 机 顶盒 ,并 做好 了充分 准备 ,将来 可随 时 为 客户 提供 混合 解决 方案 ,为用户 点播 各种 内容 提供 支持 ,以丰富 观众 的娱 乐体验 。 ”
21 0 0年 7月 ,中 国 互 联 网 络 信 息 中心 (N I 发 布 的 C NC)
[] 张 红 , 唐 月 ,崔 岩 . F 8 TTH 技 术 考 察 报 告 【 . 京 : 播 电视 R] 北 广
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21 0 0年第 8期
广播与 电视技术 1 1 2
Te h ioo 特 艺集 团 是 全球 首屈 一 指的 有线 、卫星及 地 面 数字 机顶 盒产 品 提供 商 ,拥 有 9 c nc lr 5年以 上 的发 展历 史 ,其 订单 来 自世 界各 地 ,得 到 了全 球客 户 的肯 定 与支 持 ,这 也是 公 司今 天 能取 得 如此 辉 煌业 绩 的关 键原 因 所在 。通过 坚 持不 懈 地在 各个 技 术 平台 上 改进 其产 品 ,包 括数 字 电视 、卫 星 电 视 、地 面广 播 和 网络 电视 ,Te h ioo 特 艺 集 团和 绝大 部 分跨 国 客户 都 建 立 了长 期稳 定 的合 作 关系 ,同时 c nc lr Te h ioo 还在 家庭 网 关 、影视娱 乐等 领域 有上 乘表 现 。 c nc lr

金色时代项目 PRE-73 MKIII 微phone 预增功能说明书

金色时代项目 PRE-73 MKIII 微phone 预增功能说明书

W W W .G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T .C O MIPRE-73 MKIIIINTRODUCTIONCongratulations on choosing the Golden Age Project PRE-73 MKIII microphone preamplifier!The PRE-73 MKIII is a one-channel vintage style microphone-, line- and instrument preamplifier. The signal path uses only discrete components like resistors, capacitors and transistors. The in- and output is trans-former balanced, using two different transformers, each one optimized for its purpose. This is the way audio components were built before integrated circuits became available.Integrated circuits are small and cheap and they are widely used in most modern designs. It is clear though that audio components built with modern technology doesn´t always provide the best perceived sound quality or the type of character that the modern user desires.On the contrary, the subjective sound quality delivered by vintage equipment is often prefered over the one delivered by modern units, a situation that is even more obvious now when music is recorded with clean-sounding digital audio equipment.This is the reason why so many vintage audio components are cloned and produced again and also why the vintage originals are often very expensive on the second hand market.The circuit used in the PRE-73 MKIII is similar to the preamp section in the classical 1073 module with a corresponding sound character that is warm, punchy, sweet and musical. These classic characteristics have been heard on countless recordings through the years and it is a versatile sound that works very well on most sound sources and in most genres.The essence of this sound is now available at a surprisingly low cost, making it available to nearly everyone. FEATURES- Vintage Style electronics. No intergrated circuits in the signal path.- Maximum gain in MIC mode is 80 dB, enough to handle passive ribbon mics with quiet sound sources.- GAIN switch range 20 - 80 dB. GAIN/LINE mode switch, gain is reduced by 30 dB in LINE mode. - Selectable two position high frequency AIR boost eq, 3 or 6 dB @ 30 kHz.- Selectable 6 dB/octave two frequency high pass filter at around 40 (HP1) and 170 Hz (HP2).- Tantalum capacitors in the signal path.- Switchable impedance in MIC mode, 1200 or 300 Ohms, will change the tone of most mics. The input impedance in LINE mode is 10 kohm.- Switchable phantom power and absolute phase.- A high-impedance instrument input for any sound module, electric guitar or bass.- A simple but effective 4-step LED output level meter.- The output level control makes it possible to make fine gain adjustments and also to overload the main gain stage(s) for more character and then lower the signal to a suitable level before the output stage.- Combo XLR/TRS input jack and separate output XLR and TRS jacks for flexible connections.- Insert jack for inserting EQ´s and other units.- Selectable 600 ohm output termination.- The pcb is prepared for the Carnhill input transformer.- External power supply to avoid interaction with the audio circuits and transformers.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe signal first enters the input trans-former. The primary of the transformerhas two windings that are either con-nected in series or in parallell whichresults in an input impedance of either1200 Ohms or 300 Ohms in MIC mode. Aresistive balanced -30dB pad is insertedbefore the transformer in LINE mode. The transformer is followed by two input gain stages. For gains up to 50dB, only one of them is being used. For gains above 50dB, the second gain stage is inserted in the signal path. Both gain stages uses only three transistors each.The signal then goes to the insert jack and from there to the output level potentiometer and then to the output stage. This stage again only uses three transistors, the last one in the chain is a hefty 2N3055 power transistor run in class-A mode, driving the output transformer.So, all in all, the complete signal chain only contains a maximum of nine active elements. Compare that to the big number of tran-sistors that are usually used in one single integrated circuit! MODERN VERSUS OLDIt is true that there are some great IC´s available today that achieves very low levels of static and dynamic distortion.The simple circuits that the PRE-73 MKIII uses, and even more so the transformers, cannot match the low distortion specifications of modern IC´s.It is the distortion components that imparts a sound characterto the audio signal and, if the distortion components are of the right type, this is a good thing since it makes the recorded voice or instrument sound “better”, more musical, more pleasing to the ear. This is one reason why vintage style units are so popular today.This is not to suggest that modern, transparent sounding audio circuits is a bad thing, sometimes they are prefered over colored ones. It´s all about taste and it depends on the genre. For most modern music styles, color and character is definitely a good thing.And doesn´t it feel good to use audio components built according to the old, minimalistic approach where one can follow the signal from one discrete component to another?USING THE PRE-73 MKIIIUsing a preamplifier is not rocket science. Here are some points though to help you getting the maximum out of the PRE-73 MKIII: - Connect the cable from the power supply to the AC 24V connec-tor at the back of the PRE-73 MKIII. Power on the unit with the POWER switch on the front panel.- Connect your Mic or Line input source to the input XLR/TRS combo jack on the back panel.- Select MIC or LINE mode by the MIC/LINE switch.- Engage one of the positions of the High Pass filter if you wantto roll off the lower frequency range. Set the switch in the center position to remove the high pass filter from the signal path.- Engage one of the two positions of the AIR eq boost if you want to add some level in the upper frequency range. The center of the boost is at around 30 kHz. The switch center position = OFF.- If you want the smallest amount of coloration, always set the OUTPUT level potentiometer at or close to maximum and adjust the output level with the stepped GAIN switch.- If you want more character, turn the OUTPUT level potentio- meter counterclock-wise and increase the gain with the GAIN switch. This will drive the input gain stage(s) harder and provoke more character from them.- You can also overdrive the output stage and the output trans-former for even more character, but you will then usually need a level control after the PRE-73 MKIII in order to reduce the level to the appropiate one. This level control can be a passive damping device (like the Shure A15AS XLR switchable pad) or an input level control in the unit following the PRE-73 MkIII. The Shure A15ASis also useful for reducing the ouput level if the PRE-73 MKIII is connected to a unit that has a standard operating level of -10 dBu. The standard operating level of the PRE-73 MKIII is +4 dBu, the output level into a 600 ohm load will be about 1,23V when the “0” VU LED is lit.- Instruments can be connected to the TRS input at the front which has an input impedance of about 100 kohm. Press the DI switch to engage this input. A source at the back can remain connected.- Engage the +48V phantom power for any mic that needs it. It is a good procedure to always disengage the phantom power and wait for about 10 seconds before unplugging the mic.- When the LOW-Z switch is engaged, the input impedance of the input in MIC mode drops from 1200 Ohms to 300 Ohms. This will change the tone of most mics and will give you one more sound-shaping option. It also increases the level, which is normal.- The phase switch simply reverses the phase by reversing the wires from the secondary winding of the output transformer. Reversing the phase of the signal is useful on a number of occa-sions, one example is phase reversing the the lower mic of a snare drum to make it sum in phase with the upper mic.- There is an unbalanced Insert jack located at the back panel where you can insert Equalizers and other external effect units that has an operating level of about -10 dbu to -18dBu.Send is on “tip” and return on “ring”.- The output transformer used in the PRE-73 MKIII is made for having an ideal load of about 600 ohm. The input impedance of most modern units is 10 kohm or more. The PRE-73 MKIII there-fore has a 600 ohm output termination resistor that is engagedby the jumper (JP1) located just behind the XLR output jack. The termination reistor will lower the ouput level slightly and make the frequency response flatter in the upper range, it will also roll off the upper frequency range earlier, Remove the jumper if the PRE-73 MKIII feed a unit with a 600 ohm imput impedance of if you want to add som level in the upper range,WARRANTYThe PRE-73 MKIII is built to last. But as in any electronic device, components can break down.There is a 1,0A, slow blow fuse located inside the unit. If the unit dies, please check this fues. If it has blown, replace it with a new one. You can also try with another 24V AC adaptor if you have one available.If this doesn´t help, or if the unit has another problem, it will need repair and you should then contact the reseller where you bought the unit.The warranty period is decided by the Distributor for your country. The Distributor will support Golden Age Project resellers and end users with repairs and spare parts.REGISTRATIONYou are welcome to register your unit at our website:---------------------------I would like to thank you for chosing the PRE-73 MKIII!I hope it will serve you well and that it will help you inmaking many great sounding recordings.Yours,Bo MedinVintage character for modern ideas!W W W.G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T.C O M。

OPPO A90上市推广方案

OPPO A90上市推广方案

OPPO A90上市推广方案一、前言OPPO新机A90上市,是OPPO A系列中最新面市的一款,该机应用Use Easy平台,并加入了I-learning学习工具,是为学生一族量身打造的一款潮机.A90的背壳设计很独特,远古的太阳神,侏罗纪的恐龙,后羿射日的传说,高楼,汽车,花,草,虫,鱼……充满梦幻色彩的设计,给人一种后现代派的感觉。

二、市场环境(一)手机市场(二)竞争对手三、产品分析1、上市时间2009年08月2、手机类型音乐手机;时尚手机3、市场定位为学生一族量身打造的一款潮机4、品牌形象OPPO(欧珀)是一家全球注册,集科研、制造和营销于一体的大型高科技企业,公司主营手机、MP3/MP4 播放器、DVD 播放机、LCD TV等,产品远销美国、西欧、俄罗斯、韩国、东南亚等市场。



至今,OPPO产品的销售覆盖全球,公司多元化、国际化经营已初具规模.音乐手机正在成为移动音乐市场的主力军, 所以如何使OPPO音乐手机能在市场上占得一席之地,甚至是可以超过其他的竞争对手,成为音乐手机的领军者。

5、手机外观A90是身形小巧直板手机,三围107 X 47.7 X 13.5(mm),重量仅为79.6g。





时尚IN主张,引领背潮风尚!要炫?OPPO A90弧光蓝,总是让我如此闪亮,青春释放我张扬,尽情看我来秀场,我就是时尚!出色的人体工学设计,波纹型按键,操控更灵活舒适。



音视频(AV)系统应用和产品指南针对基于IP基础设施的音视频(AV)应用W W W.S I E M O N.C O M . CN为什么使用基于IP的音视频(AV)应用?在使用IP技术之前,视频和音频信号的传输依赖于不同类型的设备连接器和线缆组成的专用布线系统,这可能理解您的选择注意:HDBaseT-IP目前正在开发中,将包括对以太网/IP的支持。


HDBaseTHDBaseT于2010年推出,能在100米长的单根双绞线上通过标准RJ45网络接口支持所谓的“5Play”(五合一功能)——超高清4K音视频传输、100 Mb/s以太网通信(100Base-T)、USB 2.0、双向控制信号和100W供电(PoH)。




根据不同的设备厂商规格,也可选用7A 类全屏蔽线缆来实现长距离的连接。




华为视频会议试题库笔试一、填空题1.会议电视系统是集_视频 _通讯、_ 音频_通讯和_ 数据_通讯于一体的新一代交互式多媒体通信系统,是基于通信网络上的一种增值业务。

2.视频会议协议体系包括 H.320 、H.323 、 SIP 。

3.会议平台使用的双流协议为_ H.239 _。

4.720P视频格式的分辨率是_1280X720 _、1080P视频格式的分辨率是_ 1920X1080 。

5.华为会议电视终端9039S支持最大带宽 8M和视频格式 1080P30 。

6.华为会议电视终端9039A具有 3 个高清输入端口。

7.华为会议电视终端9039S具有 3 个高清输出端口。

8.S MC2.0 由web服务端、后台服务、数据库三部分组成。

9.M CU是由 MC 和 MP 两个模块组成。


11.华为VP9660的主控板名称为 ECCB 。

12.华为高端一体化终端在召开720P50/60会议时的建议会议带宽为 4M 。

13.在H.323协议体系中, GK的基本功能包括地址解析、带宽管理、区域管理。

14.VP9660最多支持 168 路分辨率为1080P30的会场。

15.SMC2.0采用 B/S 架构。

16.MCU的 GE0 接口为默认业务网口。

17.视频会议系统经过 RTP 协议传输音视频码流。


19.CIF格式的图像分辨率为 352X288 。




23.VP8660 MCU设备的一块POEA扣板能够接入4 路带宽为 2M 的4E1终端。

24.VP8660 MCU设备的一块POEB扣板能够接入4 路带宽为 4M 的4E1终端。



FOCAL 推出1000系列—打造全新入墙式和吸顶式家庭音响产品产品代理:爱威影音F O C A L 以法国工艺的卓越性以及团队高度的专业性,在入墙式和吸顶式音响市场中一直处于领先地位。

随着 100系列和300系列的相继推出,F O C A L 现推出7款1000系 列产品,其中包括有两款U to p ia 产品,进一步展现了F O C A L 品牌臻于完美的音响性能与专利技术。

此次, F O C A L 采用了品牌领先的落地式扬声器专业技术,巩固了 F O C A L 作为全球高保真音响设备品牌的领军地位。


定制安装和纯净音乐体验历经三年的深入研发,F O C A L 扬声器系列在技术上已 至领先水平。

1000系列的声音集成器由法国的技术部门制 作完成,已成为传统室内声学装置的解决方案。

F O C A L 1000系列将精致设计和独家技术(W 膜和纯铍高音单元)相结合,展现了令人震撼的立体声和家庭影 院效果。

作为300系列的扩展,1000IC W 6、1000IC A 6和 1000IC LC R 5扬声器继续沿用了以往的技术模式,从而使用 户可以在不改变收听区域架构的前提下,轻松选择不同的 音频安装方式。

本系列共7款产品,包括两款U topia 产品1000系列包括3款内置"简易快速安装”专利系统的 吸顶式扬声器,两款带有U to p ia 的入墙式扬声器,从而可以在任何方向上进行调整,以满足不同的聆听位置,并实 现更大的声音空间。

1000系列包括两款U top ia 入墙式音响产品。

得益于F O C A L 不断突破的创新理念,此次1000系列中的U to p ia 三分频扬声器和低音炮两款产品将使用Speak o n 连接提供电60祝(IfiW诖缆,从而有力体现了F O C A L的最佳性能。


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AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
全佑一生七合一(AIO3.0) 尊享全佑一生七合一加强版(AIO3.9)已停售
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AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
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AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
肾衰竭透析治疗: 每次400-600元 每周2-3次 每年4万-8万 十年? 二十年? 脑中风后遗症: 除了长期治疗外 还面临工作能力 完全丧失带来的 收入损失,对家 庭影响巨大
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AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
+ 50%
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
男女三类特定癌症 肾衰中风搭桥三类现代病 重疾延续关爱保险金
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脑中风 后遗症
肾衰竭 冠状动脉 搭桥手术
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
Male 肺癌 肝癌 前列腺癌 黄沾 罗文 罗家英 傅彪 巴菲特
Female 肺癌 乳腺癌 宫颈癌 赵丽蓉
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
重大疾病保险金 58
身故保险金 9 重疾给付后身故 3 12 保险金(额外50%) 癌症保险金 3 13 疾病终末期提前给付 7 17 保险金 老年长期护理保险金 5 14 全残保险金 29
进化第二波: 加了大家都害怕的!
75岁前 遭遇 肾衰竭 脑中风 后遗症 冠状动脉 搭桥手术
现代病保险金:若被保险人于等待期后且于75岁前发生以下特定疾病中的一 种,则除第二类重大疾病保险金外,再额外一次性给付50%基本保险金额, 本利益仅给付一次。 1)肾衰竭 2)冠状动脉搭桥术 3)脑中风后遗症; 等待期:90天; 生存期:0天
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一般8万-20万 每增加一个支架
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AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
让家庭生活能继续井然有序; 让疾病一切不再是负担。
作为一个现代白领, 我表示每天的工作就 是久坐不动!
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20 25 30 35 40 45
31.00 34.80 39.00 44.20 50.10 57.50
AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.
进化第一波: 加了大家都想要的!