考研英语系列 3 教师
考研英语作文5100字:教师的故事(ATeacher’s Story)there is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher. her name was mrs. thompson. and as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. but that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named teddy.mrs. thompson had watched teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. and teddy could be unpleasant.at the school where mrs. thompson taught, she was required to review each child’s past records and she put teddy’s off until last. however, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.teddy’s first grade teacher wrote, “teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. he does his work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around.”his second grade teacher wrote, “teddy is an ecellent student, well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.”his third grade teacher wrote, “his mother’s death has been hard on him. he tries to do his best but his father doesn’t show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren’t taken.”teddy’s fourth grade teacher wrote, “teddy is withdrawn and doesn’t show much interest in school. he doesn’t have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class.”by now, mrs. thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. she felt even worse when her students brought her christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, ecept for teddy’s. his present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag. mrs. thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume. she stifled the children’s laughter when she eclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.teddy stayed after school that day just long enough to say, “mrs. thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to.” after the children left she cried for at least an that very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and arithmetic. instead, she began to teach children.mrs. thompson paid particular attention to teddy. as she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. the more she encouraged him,the faster he responded. by the end of the year, teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children same, teddy became one of her “teacher’s pets.”a year later, she found a note under her door, from teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole years went by before she got another note from teddy. he then wrote that he had finished high school, second in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he’d stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. he assured mrs. thompson that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life.then four more years passed and yet another letter came. this time he eplained that after he got his bachelor’s degree, he decided to go a little further. the letter eplained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had. but now his name was a little longer. the letter was signed, theodore f. stoller,the story doesn’t end there. you see, there was yet another letter that spring. teddy said he’d met this girl and was going to be married. he eplained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if mrs. thompson might agree to sit in the place at the weddingthat was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.of course, mrs. thompson, did. and guess what? she wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. and she made sure she was wearing the perfume that teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last christmas together.they hugged each other, and teddy whispered in mrs. thompson’s ear, “thank you, mrs. thompson, for believing i n me. thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that i could make a difference.”mrs. thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. she said, “teddy, you have it all wrong. you were the one who taught me that i could make a difference. i didn’t know how to teach until i met you.”。
1. 张老师张老师是一位资深的考研英语教师,拥有多年的教学经验。
2. 李老师李老师在考研英语写作方面有着独特的见解。
3. 王老师王老师在口语训练方面非常有经验。
4. 赵老师赵老师在词汇学习方面非常有特色。
5. 刘老师刘老师在听力训练方面有着独特的方法。
考研大学英语试题及答案一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. 根据文章内容,以下哪项是作者的主要观点?A. 教育是社会进步的关键。
B. 技术发展对教育有负面影响。
C. 教育应与技术发展同步。
D. 教育改革是当前的紧迫任务。
答案:A2. 文章中提到的“终身学习”概念意味着什么?A. 学习应该贯穿人的一生。
B. 学习是获取知识的唯一途径。
C. 学习是年轻人的特权。
D. 学习是职业发展的必要条件。
答案:A3. 作者认为教育改革的首要任务是什么?A. 增加教育投入。
B. 改进教学方法。
C. 扩大教育资源。
D. 提高教师待遇。
答案:B4. 根据文章,以下哪项不是教育改革的潜在挑战?A. 资源分配不均。
B. 传统观念的束缚。
C. 技术更新的快速。
D. 学生对学习的不感兴趣。
答案:D5. 文章最后一段强调了什么?A. 教育改革的紧迫性。
B. 教育改革的长期性。
C. 教育改革的复杂性。
D. 教育改革的可行性。
答案:B二、完形填空(共15分,每题1.5分)[文章略]6. 根据上下文,最适合填入空白处的词是:A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. MoreoverD. Furthermore答案:A7. 空白处的词应表示:A. 原因B. 结果C. 转折D. 递进答案:C8. 根据文章内容,空白处的词应该表示:A. 强调B. 总结C. 对比D. 条件答案:A9. 空白处的词与前文的关系是:A. 并列B. 转折C. 递进D. 因果答案:B10. 空白处的词应该表达:A. 观点B. 事实C. 疑问D. 命令答案:A三、翻译(共30分,英译汉15分,汉译英15分)11. 英译汉:(15分)"The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, bringing about unprecedented opportunities and challenges."答案:技术的进步彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式,带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。
考研英语老师排行榜前十名1. 张老师张老师在考研英语辅导领域有着丰富的经验和卓越的教学能力。
2. 王老师王老师在英语教育领域有着多年的教学经验,尤其擅长考研英语写作和阅读理解。
3. 李老师李老师是一位充满激情和耐心的考研英语老师。
4. 赵老师赵老师是一位有着丰富教学经验的考研英语辅导专家。
5. 张老师张老师热爱英语教育事业,教学经验丰富,授课风格严谨且有耐心。
6. 王老师王老师是一位温和而严谨的考研英语老师。
7. 杨老师杨老师是一位富有耐心和爱心的考研英语辅导专家。
8. 刘老师刘老师是一位充满活力和创新思维的考研英语老师。
►获得荣誉及社会兼职:曾参与联合国环境署文件和粮农组织文件的翻译及审校,参与世博公众参与馆、上海美术馆展馆、上海机场集团企业、上海申通地铁、昆山市外办、吴江市外办等的资料翻译工作以及国新办对外系列宣传片、《今日中国文学》杂志系列文学评论(于美国出版发行等翻译工作;并历时 2年、总字数为 170万字的大型翻译项目——《董浩云日记》中担任项目管理和审校。
►发表论文:《“公司简介”类文本翻译探讨——以<上海机场(集团有限公司简介>英译为例》 (《东方翻译》2009年第 2期;《上外高翻 MTI 专业笔译教学模式探讨》(《东方翻译》2012年第 1期; 《<思考汉英翻译:翻译方法课程评述>——一本别开生面的汉英翻译教材》(《东方翻译》2012年第 3期。
►主要译作:2008年加入高翻实训中心,曾赴联合国粮农组织意大利罗马总部承担笔译工作; 参与政府文件、国新办外宣记录片翻译和静安文化快递编译等工作; 参与《朱自清散文》和《任正非的竞争智慧》英译本的翻译工作。
►获得荣誉及社会兼职:长期担任《东方翻译》杂志编辑, 对翻译理论也有独到见解, 曾发表论文《MTI 专业笔译实战项目教学模式探讨——以国新办宣传片项目为例》。
4. 董翔晓►个人简历:董翔晓,1984年至今,在美国从事英汉翻译工作,并提供相关商业咨询。
于 1989年参与创建一家亚洲语言翻译和排版公司,并任业务总监,直至 1999年退出公司。
1. 田静:多年教学经验,考研英语界资深教学培训师和英语讲师,拥有十余年的教师培训经验和英语教学经验。
2. 马天艺:多年辅导经验,启航考研英语单词、完形、新题型主讲老师,授课风格风趣幽默,著有畅销图书《单词之间》。
3. 孙永丹:6年辅导经验,启航考研英语团队新生派教师,英语语言学硕士,英语专业八级。
4. 管晓:5年辅导经验,北京语言大学英语语言文学硕士,全国翻译资格水平考试二级。
5. 黄文意:多年教学经验,启航考研英语辅导教师,厦门大学英语语言文学硕士。
1. 《考研英语写作指导与实践》 - 这本书由经验丰富的考研英语教
2. 《考研英语作文高分攻略》 - 这本书以实战演练为主,提供了大
3. 《考研英语作文一本通》 - 该书结构清晰,从基础写作技巧到高
4. 《考研英语作文模板与实战》 - 这本书提供了多种类型的作文模板,帮助考生快速构建文章结构,同时通过实战演练提升写作水平。
5. 《考研英语作文精讲精练》 - 这本书不仅提供了详细的写作指导,还有大量的练习题和模拟题,帮助考生巩固所学知识。
奖励及荣誉:“青岛大学优秀教师”(1997),“青岛大学文学院优秀教师”(2001),“青岛大学优秀教学奖” (2007),“青岛大学优秀共产党员”(2008, 2013),“青岛大学优秀硕士生导师”(2012,2014)梁志刚,男,1955年3月出生,山西人,教授,硕士研究生导师。
1. "Longman Academic Writing Series"(Longman 学术写作系列):该系列教材涵盖了研究生学术写作所需的各个方面,从基本写作技巧到学术论文写作、报告撰写等。
2. "Academic English: Writing and Presenting Research"(学术英语:撰写与呈现研究):该教材着重介绍学术文献的阅读和写作技巧,以及如何有效展示研究成果。
3. "English for Research: Usage, Style, and Grammar"(科研英语:使用、风格和语法):该教材主要关注科研领域所需的语法、修辞和写作风格。
4. "Academic Vocabulary in Use"(使用学术词汇):该教材通
男,1953 年生。教授、博士生导师、上海外国语大学教授 委员会主任。教育部“跨世纪优秀人才”、《英美文学研究论丛》主 编。
1977 年毕业于复旦大学外文系,随后赴江西工学院任教。 1980 年考入上海外国语学院攻读研究生课程,1983 年获英语语言文 学硕士学位。从 1983 年起他在华东化工学院任教,1986 年由国家教 委公派赴澳大利亚悉尼大学留学,攻读英美文学课程,次年在澳洲悉 尼大学再获硕士学位。回国后进入上海外国语大学攻读博士课程,于 1991 年获英语语言文学博士学位。1996 年,作为“富布莱特”学者 赴美国匹兹堡大学访学。2001 年被英国曼彻斯特大学聘为“荣誉研 究员”并赴该校访学。曾先后担任上海外国语大学英语学院高年级教 研室主任、党总支书记和副院长。 研究方向:
《乔伊斯的美学思想和小说艺术》(教育部“九五”博士点基金项目) 和《英国文学通史》(副主编,教育部博士点基金项目)、《英国小 说艺术史》(教育部“跨世纪优秀人才”项目)和《英国小说史》系 列(主编)等。 个人荣誉:
2004 年,因“为发展我国的教育事业做出的突出贡献”而受 到国务院的表彰,并获政府特殊津贴。
主持或参与国家级、省部级课题多项 主要科研成果:
专著: 《输入、互动和二语学习者》(2008);
译著: 美国著名小说家爱伦•坡短篇小说集《瓶中手稿》(2001);
教材: 《英语综合技能应试教程》(1997); 《新编英语教程》第一册第二册(修订本)(1998); 《高等学校英语专业全程通用词汇表》 (2001); 《英语听写学习课程》(2001); 《英语专业四、八级词汇表》(2004); 普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《写作教程》第二册 (2005); 《新编高等学校英语专业四级考试指南》(2005); 《文秘英语》(2006); 《写作 365》(2008)。
考研英语教育类阅读理解及解析考研英语教育类阅读理解及解析:HOW TO LURE TEACHERS?Gore says that hed spend more to boost their pay, Bush that hed cut through the bureaucracyOn this one point George W. Bush and Al Gore would agree: our schools needmore Marilyn Whirrys. For 35 years, Whirry has inspired high school students to think deeply about great literature and to use its devices in their writing. She is the kind of teacher that students come back to visit decades later in her classroom in Manhattan Beach, Calif. Last May a national educators group named her its Teacher of the Year. And with the nations public schools planning to hire 2.5 million new teachers over the next decade, Whirry is excited that each presidential candidate is pushing ways to recruit, train and reward better teachers. "Theyre both talking about teacher quality," she says. "We have a real opportunity right now."Bushs plan combines most existing federal funds for professional development and class-size reduction into a flexible new fund for teacher training and recruitment, and he adds $400 million a year in new money. Bush would allow states to spend the funds as they see fit--so long as they establish teacher-accountability systems. This is similar to what Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s. But then, says Emily Feistritzer,president of the Center for Education Information, "the money disappeared." Under Bushs plan, she says, "I worry that the money wont go where its intended to once it reaches the states."Bush would expand funding from $2.4 million to $30 million for the Troops to Teachers program, which places veterans who want to teach in public schools. The program makes use of people like Arthur Moore, who retired in 1994 after 21 years in the Army and knew he wanted to teach. "There are a lot of people who would make excellent teachers but are discouraged by the bureaucracy of the certification process," says Moore, 45, who began teaching fourth grade in Baltimore and now tests students for special education. "Troops to Teachers is an excellent way to tap their potential by lowering the barriers." Bush would also expand loan forgiveness for math and science majors who teach in needy schools.Gores plan, endorsed by the teachers unions, would spend $8 billion over 10 years to help recruit 1 million new teachers, with provisions for college aid, loan forgiveness and signing bonuses. Gore would spend an additional $8 billion to provide raises of as much as $5,000 each to teachers in poor districts that have adopted aggressive plans to improve teacher quality, plus as much as $10,000 each to teachers certified by a national board. Gore would also require states to ensure that all new teachers pass rigorous assessments. Says Feistritzer: "Gores proposal might be a little excessive in the number of teachers he wants to recruit, but his teacher testing is exactly what we need."~~~~~~~~By Rebecca Winters Time; 11/06/2000, Vol. 156 Issue 19, p88, 2/3p, 1c注(1):*选自Time;11/06/2000, p88, 2/3p, 1c注(2):*习题命题模仿对象2005年真题text 1第一题(1),2001年真题text 4第2题(2)和第3题(4),text 3第1题(5)和第2题(3)1.In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topicby________.[A] quoting the Teach of the Year[B] citing an example[C] making an assumption[D] posing a contrast2.According to Emily Feistritzer, Bushs plan might_________.[A] be handicapped by the states[B] give the states too much freedom[C] help states recruit more teachers[D] be too flexible3.The basic problem many veterans encounter when they seek the teaching profession is _____.[A] their lack of training and experience[B] their background[C] that they do not have the making of a teacher[D] the barriers in the certification process4.From paragraph 4 we can infer that__________.[A] Gores plan is better than Bushs plan[B] poor districts will receive more funding from Gores plan[C] Gores plan focuses on the number of teachers while Bushs plan on the accountability[D] Gores plan gives qualified teacher generous paycheck5.What is the passage mainly about?[A] The competition between Bush and Gore.[B] Two presidential candidates plans of teacher training, recruitment and rewarding.[C] The increasing importance of the teaching profession.[D] The differences between Bushs plan and that of Gores.答案:C A D D B篇章剖析:本篇*是说明文,介绍了两位总统候选人布什和戈尔各自的教师招募和培训计划。
考研英语作文模板老师英文回答:As a teacher, I believe that using a variety of teaching methods and resources is essential for engaging and motivating students. In my experience, I have foundthat incorporating real-life examples and interactive activities into my lessons helps students to better understand and retain the information. For example, when teaching a lesson on the water cycle, I organized a hands-on experiment where students could observe the process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. This not only made the lesson more memorable for the students, but also sparked their curiosity and enthusiasm for the topic.I also believe in the importance of building a supportive and inclusive learning environment. By encouraging open communication and collaboration, students feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. This not only fosters a sense of community within theclassroom, but also allows students to learn from each other's perspectives. For instance, I often incorporate group discussions and peer-to-peer feedback sessions into my lessons, which not only helps students to develop their communication skills, but also promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter.Overall, I believe that as a teacher, it is important to be adaptable and creative in my approach to teaching. By constantly seeking new ways to engage and inspire my students, I can help them to reach their full potential and cultivate a lifelong love for learning.中文回答:作为一名教师,我相信使用多种教学方法和资源对于吸引和激励学生至关重要。
一、真题1. 《考研英语真题解析》系列该系列书籍对历年考研英语听力真题进行了详细解析和分析,内容丰富,覆盖面广,可以帮助考生熟悉考试题型和题目难度,熟悉常见的考试技巧和解题思路。
二、教材1. 《新东方考研英语听力》该教材是由新东方培训机构编写的,适合初次备考的学生使用。
2. 《剑桥雅思真题集(含音频)》考研英语听力与雅思听力考试有很多相似之处,因此,雅思听力教材也可以作为备考材料之一。
三、APP和在线资源1. 英语流利说英语流利说是一款非常受欢迎的语言学习APP,也提供了专门的考研听力备考课程。
2. 扇贝听力扇贝听力是一款专注于听力训练的学习APP,涵盖了各种听力场景和题型,适合考生进行针对性的听力练习。
英语考研作文老师The Role of Teachers in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination。
The postgraduate entrance examination is an important milestone for many students in China. It is a highly competitive and challenging process that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. In this process, teachers play a crucial role in guiding and supporting students to achieve their goals.First and foremost, teachers provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the postgraduate entrance examination. They are responsible for teaching and explaining difficult concepts, helping students to understand complex theories and formulas, and providing them with the resources and materials they need to study effectively. Without the guidance and expertise of teachers, many students would struggle to prepare for the examination on their own.Furthermore, teachers also play a key role in motivating and inspiring students to work hard and stay focused. They encourage students to set high goals for themselves, and they provide them with the support and encouragement they need to reach those goals. Teachers often act as mentors and role models for their students, showing them the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of challenges. By instilling a sense of confidence and self-belief in their students, teachers help to create a positive and supportive learning environment that is essential for success in the postgraduate entrance examination.In addition to academic support, teachers also provide valuable advice and guidance to students as they navigate the complex and often overwhelming process of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. They help students to develop effective study habits, time management skills, and test-taking strategies. They offer feedback onstudents' progress and performance, and they provide them with practical tips and techniques for improving theirscores. Teachers also help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and they offer personalized guidance to help each student reach their full potential.Moreover, teachers also play a crucial role in providing emotional and psychological support to students during the stressful and demanding period of preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination. They offer a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on when students are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. They provide a sense of stability and reassurance, and they help students to develop the resilience and coping skills they need to manage the pressures of the examination process.In conclusion, teachers play a vital role in guiding and supporting students as they prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. They provide students with the knowledge, skills, motivation, and emotional support they need to succeed. Without the dedication and expertise of teachers, many students would struggle to achieve their goals. Therefore, it is important to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contribution thatteachers make to the success of their students in the postgraduate entrance examination.。
教师的故事(ATeacher’sStory)_考研英语作文A Teacher's StoryAs a teacher, I strongly believe that education is a powerful tool that can shape the future of our society. Throughout the years, I have encountered countless students with unique backgrounds, personalities, and dreams. Each student has their own story, and today, I would like to share some of my experiences as a teacher through the stories of a few remarkable individuals who have left a lasting impact on me.One of the most memorable students I have ever taught is John, a 16-year-old boy from a disadvantaged background. John grew up in poverty and faced numerous challenges in his life. Despite the hardships he encountered, he showed a remarkable resilience and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I remember the day when he confidently walked into my classroom and declared that he wanted to pursue a career in medicine. He knew that education was his ticket out of poverty and was determined to succeed. I was amazed by his determination and did everything in my power to support him. Through hard work and dedication, John eventually earned a scholarship to a prestigious medical school. His success reminded me that no matter where we come from, education can truly change lives.Another student who stands out in my memory is Sarah, a talented and creative girl with a passion for the arts. Sarah had a natural talent for painting, but she lacked confidence in her abilities. I encouraged her to embrace her creativity and express herself through her artwork. With guidance and support, Sarah's confidence blossomed, and her artwork became a medium for her to communicate her feelings and ideas. She wenton to win several local art competitions and even had her work exhibited in a prestigious gallery. Sarah taught me the importance of nurturing a student's talents and helping them discover their true potential.One of the most challenging students I encountered was Michael, a troubled teenager with a history of disciplinary issues. He had built a reputation for being disruptive and uninterested in his studies. However, deep down, I could see that Michael was a bright and curious young man. I made it my mission to understand him and find a way to motivate him. I discovered that he had a love for sports and used this as an opportunity to connect with him. I introduced a sports-themed project that required him to apply his knowledge in a practical way. This project sparked Michael's interest in learning and transformed his attitude towards education. He went from being a troublemaker to an engaged and enthusiastic student. Michael's transformation taught me the power of finding the right approach to inspire and engage students.These stories are just a few examples of the countless remarkable students I have had the privilege of teaching. They have taught me that as a teacher, my role extends beyond imparting knowledge. I have the power to inspire, motivate, and help shape the lives of my students. Each student has their own unique story, and it is my responsibility to listen, support, and guide them on their educational journey.In conclusion, being a teacher is not just a profession but a calling. It is a privilege to witness the growth and transformation of the students I teach. Their stories serve as a constant reminder of the importance of education and the impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. I am gratefulfor the opportunity to be a part of their journey and to play a role in shaping the future.。
考研英语教案参考答案一、教学目标1. 掌握考研英语阅读理解的解题技巧。
2. 提升学生对英语长难句的理解和分析能力。
3. 培养学生的英语写作能力,特别是议论文的写作技巧。
4. 加强学生对英语词汇、语法和句型的运用能力。
二、教学内容1. 阅读理解- 快速阅读技巧:如何快速捕捉文章主旨和关键信息。
- 细节理解题:如何定位信息并准确回答问题。
- 推理判断题:如何根据文章内容进行逻辑推理和判断。
2. 长难句分析- 识别长难句中的主干结构。
- 分析从句和非谓语动词的使用。
- 理解复杂句型的逻辑关系。
3. 写作技巧- 议论文的写作框架:如何构建清晰的论点、论据和结论。
- 论证方法:举例论证、对比论证、因果论证等。
- 写作语言:如何使用恰当的词汇和句型使文章更有说服力。
4. 词汇与语法- 考研英语高频词汇的记忆与运用。
- 语法结构的掌握:时态、语态、非谓语动词等。
- 句型的灵活运用:并列句、复合句、强调句等。
三、教学方法1. 讲解与示范:教师通过讲解和示范,帮助学生理解知识点。
2. 互动讨论:鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,提高学习兴趣和参与度。
3. 练习与反馈:通过大量的练习题,让学生巩固所学知识,并给予及时反馈。
4. 模拟测试:定期进行模拟测试,检验学生的学习效果。
四、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)- 通过提问或展示相关图片,激发学生对考研英语的兴趣。
2. 讲解(20分钟)- 教师详细讲解阅读理解技巧、长难句分析方法、写作技巧以及词汇与语法要点。
3. 练习(15分钟)- 学生独立完成练习题,教师巡回指导。
4. 讨论(10分钟)- 学生分组讨论练习题中的难点,教师参与并给予指导。
5. 反馈(5分钟)- 教师对练习题进行点评,指出学生常见的错误和不足。
6. 模拟测试(15分钟)- 学生完成模拟测试,教师在测试后进行讲解。
7. 总结(5分钟)- 教师总结本节课的重点和难点,强调学生需要掌握的关键点。
五、作业布置1. 完成指定的阅读理解练习题。
考研英语课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握考研英语的核心词汇,并能运用到具体的语境中;2. 学生能够理解和掌握考研英语常考的语法知识点,如虚拟语气、倒装句等;3. 学生能够分析并理解考研英语阅读文章的结构和主旨,提高阅读理解能力;4. 学生能够掌握一定的写作技巧,能独立完成考研英语作文。
技能目标:1. 学生能够通过课堂讨论、小组合作等方式,提高英语听说能力;2. 学生能够运用所学知识,解决实际英语阅读和写作中的问题;3. 学生能够通过模仿、练习等方法,提高英语语言运用能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生积极的学习态度,激发他们对英语学习的兴趣和热情;2. 培养学生的团队合作意识,使他们学会与他人共同学习和进步;3. 培养学生具有批判性思维,敢于挑战权威,勇于表达自己的观点;4. 培养学生具备一定的跨文化交际意识,尊重不同文化背景,提高人文素养。
二、教学内容本课程教学内容紧密结合课程目标,依据考研英语大纲和教材,科学系统地组织以下内容:1. 词汇学习:选取考研英语必备词汇,按照词根词缀、高频词汇、短语搭配等进行分类教学,帮助学生构建完整的词汇体系。
2. 语法讲解:针对考研英语常考的语法知识点,如虚拟语气、倒装句、非限定性定语从句等,进行系统讲解和练习。
3. 阅读理解:挑选具有代表性的考研英语阅读文章,分析文章结构、主旨大意,提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。
4. 写作技巧:结合教材,教授考研英语作文的写作技巧,包括文章结构、论证方法、句式运用等。
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英语应用文写作建议信Directions:You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in—music, in which he is very interested, or painting, which offers better job prospects.1)Give your suggestions.2)Explain the reasons.3)Other recommendation.Dear LiuYan,You have asked me for my advice concerning/regarding whether you should study music or painting at university, and I will try to make some useful/practical/conducive suggestions/proposals/recommendations.You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career. There is no doubt that the field of painting offers far wider job opportunities than music. Besides, for the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to cultivate their artistic temperament.Of course, I would recommend that you keep up your interest in music in your spare time.Yours sincerely,Li Ming1、Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1.describe the drawing briefly,2. explain its intended meaning, and3. give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)(注:图中自左至右文字为:佛、梁祝、解构、人本、功夫、毕昇、儒、礼、后现代、老舍、莎士比亚、爱因斯(坦)、道、天鹅湖、启蒙、仁、京剧等)2、Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)词汇训练1.The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.A. sprayedB.puzzledC.inclinedD.exported2.In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them.A. ordersB.conquersC.executesD.hedges3.She is too _______ to answer questions in the class.A. eagleB.coughC.eagerD.couch4.We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun.A. beamsB.beansC.beefD.beer5.In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot.A. extensiveB.mechanicalC.mercuryD.opera6.He gave up his study in college in _______.A. bundleB.butcherC.ashD.despair7.Several people _______ the car accident.A. witnessedB.provedC.swallowedD.drugged8.They will _______ the project with the necessary funds.A. referB.relateC.furnaceD.furnish9.I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again.A. grandB.tameC.grantedD.thumb10.He was sent to London on a special _______.A. missingB.missileC.missionD.mistress11.This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.A. wipeB.waxC.surveyD.sustain12.The _______ Court is the highest court in the United States.A. VitalB.ThunderC.ReverseD.Supreme13.Our university has an international student exchange _______ with the University of Wyoming in the United States.A. processionB.provisionC.professionD.program14.He ________ of me the best way to go.A. investigatedB.inquiredC.frightenedD.resorted15.Mr. White tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.A. harnessB.fetchC.curseD.obtain16.The police dog finally found the _______ of the prisoners of war.A. steepB.resolutionC.porterD.trail17.As the only _______ in the small village, he not only fixed the furniture but also made furniture for the villagers.A. symbolB.sourceC.panD.carpenter18.A big crowd gathered around the bus, almost _______ the traffic.A. affectingB.blockingC.creatingD.mating19.As far as I see, this book has its own _______.A. meritB.signalC.visibleD.swift20.This tree is too _______ to be planted in this area.A. tremendousB.vigorousC.shyD.tender21.This product is _______ to change without notice.A. despiteB.evilC.subjectD.crust22.I don’t know how he can _______ himself for such conduct.A. justifyB.locateC.rearD.swear23.The stolen watch has been _______ to its owner.A. retiredB.pitchedC.restoredD.cured24.It is _______ cold this winter in Xi’an.A. considerablyB.tightC.navalD.moreover25.It has been my _______ to meet with this accident.A. journalB.reductionC.affectD.fate26.Her smile _______ her secret even though she didn’t admit the fact.A. reviewedB.reversedC.respondedD.revealed27.He ________ that he could finish the job without any help.A. designedB.headedC.claimedD.preserved28.Professor Li _______ his success to his mother.A. ownsB.ruinsC.owesD.roars29.The election _______ for the State governor has begun this year.A. campaignB.boltC.hellD.immense30.Anyone without _______ illness can do this simple job.A. mildB.mindC.mentalD.mend11.A 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.D 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.D 31.C 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.D 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.C语法训练虚拟语气1、对现在的虚拟,表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式用were.而主句中的谓语动词用would (should, could, might)2、对过去的虚拟,表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词3、表示与将来事实相反的假设,对将来表示怀疑,或将来的动作不太可能实现4、当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间来调整。