

Skytech Sky200 Energy Monitoring System说明书

Skytech Sky200 Energy Monitoring System说明书

BOUTON MARCHE / ARRÊT :-Mise en marche : branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.-Arrêt : débranchez le cordon d’alimentation de la prise secteur et appuyez sur le bouton Marche / Arrêt pendant plus de 2 s. REMARQUE : L ’appareil ne peut pas être arrêté lorsqu’il est branché sur le secteur ou qu’un enregistrement est en cours.Entrées de tensionEmplacement des pions de couleur Cordon secteur Logement Carte SD ConnexionUSB Ethernet RJ 45Entrées de courantPEL 103(PEL 103 uniquement) :Permet de parcourir et de sélectionner l’affichage des données.BOUTON SÉLECTION :Met en marche ou arrête la session d’enregistrement et active ou désactive la liaison Bluetooth.La fonction s’obtient par un appui de 2 s sur le bouton SÉLECTION , ce qui allume successivement le voyant REC pendant 3 s, puis le voyant Bluetooth.VOYANT REC (DÉCLENCHEMENT / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé lance l’enregistrement (s’il était arrêté) -Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint arrête l’enregistrement (s’il était en cours)VOYANT BLUETOOTH (MARCHE / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé active Bluetooth (s’il était désactivé)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint désactive Bluetooth (s’il était activé)754321698Installation de DataView ®NE CONNECTEZ PAS L’INSTRUMENT AU PC AVANT D’AVOIR INSTALLÉ LES LOGICIELS ET LES PILOTES.1.Branchez le CD dans son lecteur.Si l’exécution automatique est activée, le programme démarre automatiquement dans votre navigateur. Si l’exé-cution automatique n’est pas activée, sélectionnez Start.html dans D:\SETUP (si votre lecteur de CD-ROM est le lecteur D ; sinon, remplacez D par la lettre de lecteur appropriée).2. Sélectionnez votre langue et cliquez sur ENTRÉE . Autorisez votre navigateur à ouvrir le fichier.3. Sélectionnez la colonne Logiciel.4.Sélectionnez DataView ou PEL Transfer si vous ne souhaitez installer que PEL Transfer.5. Téléchargez le fichier et décompressez-le.6. Sélectionnez Setup.exe et suivez les instructions.REMARQUE : Pour des instructions d’installation complètes, reportez-vous au manuel fourni sur le CD-ROM.Carte SDIntroduisez la carte SD fournie dans le PEL.Le PEL prend en charge les cartes SD (jusqu’à 2 Go) et SDHC (entre 4 et 32 Go).• Une carte de 2 Go peut contenir 4 semaines d’enregistrements si vous n’enregistrez pas les harmoniques.• Lorsque la carte SD est dans l’appareil, il est possible de la formater, dans certaines conditions, lorsquevous êtes connecté à Dataview ®.• Un formatage est possible sans restriction si la carte est inséréedans un PC en utilisant le lecteur de carte fourni.• L’extraction à chaud est possible si aucun enregistrementn’est en cours.Ouverture de PEL Transfer• Branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.L’appareil se met en marche.• Raccordez le PEL au PC avec le câble USB fourni. Attendez queles pilotes aient fini de s’installer avant de continuer.• Double-cliquez sur l’icône du PEL sur le bureau pour ouvrirPEL Transfer.• Sélectionnez l’icône Ajouter un appareil dans la barred’outil ou dans le menu principal Appareil .• Suivez les instructions de l’assistant Ajouter un appareil . SiPEL Transfer ne détecte pas l’appareil dans la liste déroulante, cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou débranchez, puis rebranchez le câble USB.• Lorsque la connexion avec l’appareil est établie, le nom de cedernier doit s’afficher sur le côté gauche de la fenêtre dans la branche Réseau PEL de l’arborescence.Configuration de l’appareilPour configurer votre PEL, sélectionnez l’appareil dans le répertoire Réseau PEL.Ouvrez la boîte de dialogue Configurer l’appareil en cliquant sur l’icône Configurer dans la barre d’outils,dans le menuAppareil ou dans la zone État .Cette boîte de dialogue comporte cinq onglets :• Général : Comporte des champs permettant d’attribuer des libellés à l’appareil, des options de commanded’arrêt automatique, de commande de l’afficheur LCD, de boutons de fonctionnement, de réglage de l’horloge et de formatage de la carte SD.• Communication : Options relatives à la liaison Bluetooth et au réseau LAN.• Mesure : Sélection du système de distribution, rapport des tensions, sélection de la fréquence et réglagedes capteurs de courant.• Enregistrement :Options de sélection des paramètres d’enregistrement.• Compteurs : Réinitialisation des compteurs et options de réinitialisation des compteurs d’énergie partielle.Cliquez sur le boutonpour transférer sur l’appareil la nouvelle configuration.Exemple de répertoire Réseau PELInstallation des sondes et des capteurs de courantDouze jeux de bagues et de pions de couleurs sont fournis avec l’appareil. Utilisez-les pour identifier les sondes et les bornes d’entrée.• Détachez les pions et placez-les dans les trous sous les bornes (les grands pour les bornes de courant, les petits pour les bornes de tension).• Clipsez une bague de la même couleur à l’extrémité de la sonde qui sera branchée sur la borne.• Mesure du courant : connecteurs 4 points I1, I2, I3• Mesure de la tension : bornes V1, V2, V3 et NLes sondes de mesure doivent être connectées au circuit à surveiller selon le schéma de branchement sélectionné. N’oubliez pas de définir le rapport de transformation lorsque nécessaire.MontageLe PEL comporte des aimants incorporés qui permettent de le fixer sur une surface magnétique.Lancement d’un enregistrement (Marche / Arrêt)Pour lancer un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Sélectionnez l’option appropriée dans l’onglet Enregistrement de la boîte de dialogue Configuration. L’appareil peut être configuré pour déclencher un enregistrement soit à une date et une heure future, soit immédiatement après écriture de la configuration sur l’appareil.• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le appuyé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le. L’appareil démarre l’enregistrement selon les réglages de configuration précédents. Pour arrêter un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Dans le menu, sélectionnez Appareil > Arrêter l’enregistrement .• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le enfoncé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le.Affichage de l’enregistrementLes données enregistrées peuvent être transférées de deux manières sur le PC pour y être affichées et pour générer des rapports :• La carte SD peut être retirée de l’appareil et branchée sur le PC via le lecteur de carte SD fourni. Lancez PEL Transfer, sélectionnez la commande Ouvrir dans le menu Fichier, pointez le fichier ICP portant le numéro de session souhaité sur la carte SD et sélectionnez Ouvrir.• Connexion directe entre le PC et le PEL (USB, réseau ou Bluetooth). Lancez PEL Transfer, ouvrez une connexion vers l’appareil, sélectionnez-le (veillez à ce qu’il soit connecté) dans l’arborescence, puis sélectionnez Sessions enregistrées. Double-cliquez sur la session d’enregistrement souhaitée.Le téléchargement terminé, sélectionnez le test téléchargé et cliquez sur le bouton Ouvrir dans la boîte de dialogue Téléchargement. Dans les deux cas, la session s’ajoute à Mes sessions ouvertes dans l’arborescence. Les données peuvent alors être affichées.09 - 2012Code 693779A01 - Ed. 1。

Whirlpool 洗衣机用户手册说明书

Whirlpool 洗衣机用户手册说明书

E AWO/D 43115TABLA DE PROGRAMAS❉:opcional / Sí : requiere dosificación1)Para un mejor cuidado de la ropa, en este programa la velocidad de centrifugado está limitada a 400 rpm.5019 301 10258Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USAProgramaEtiquetas de mante-nimiento Tipo de lavado/notas- Para seleccionar la temperatura, respete las recomendaciones del fabricante quefiguran en la etiqueta de mantenimientoCarga máx.kgDetergentes y aditivos Opciones especialesVelocidad máx.centri-fugado rpmPre-lavado Lavado PrincipalSuavizante Pre-lavado Lavado en frío Anti-arrugas Centri-fugado variableAlgodón40 - 60 - 95 °C40 - 60 - 95 °CRopa de cama, mantelería, ropa interior, toallas, camisas, etc., de algodón o lino con suciedad de normal a elevada.Para ropa muy sucia también se puede seleccionar la opción adicional de “prelavado”.5,0❉Sí❉❉❉❉❉1000Sintéticos 30 - 40 - 60 °C 30 - 40 - 60 °CBlusas, camisetas, delantales etc., con un con un grado de suciedad leve o normal de poliéster (Diolen, T revira), poliamida (Perlon, Nylon) o mezclas con algodón.2,5❉Sí❉❉❉❉❉1000Delicados30 - 40 °C 30 - 40 °CCortinas y prendas delicadas, vestidos, faldas y blusas.1,5❉Sí❉❉❉—❉1000Carga diaria40 °C40 °CT extiles de algodón o fibra sintética con suciedad leve o normal.3,0—Sí❉—❉❉❉1000Lavado rápido30 °C30 °CRopa externa poco usada de algodón, poliéster, poliamida y mezclas con algodón.3,0—Sí❉—❉—❉1000LanaFrío - 40 °C- 40 °C Sólo prendas de lana sin acabado de fieltro, etiquetadas con la marca de lana y como resistentes al lavado a máquina.1,0—Sí❉—❉—❉1000Lavado a mano40 °C 40 °C T extiles de lino, seda, lana y viscosa etiquetados como “lavar a mano”.1,0—Sí❉———❉4001)Lencería 30 °C30 °CEste ciclo es especialmente adecuado para la lencería fina (se recomienda el uso de una red para lavado).1,0—Sí❉—❉—❉4001)Aclarado y centrifugado—Igual que el último aclarado y el centrifugado final del programa “Algodón”.5,0——❉———❉1000Centrifugado —Este programa incluye un centrifugado intensivo. Es el mismo que en el programa “Algodón”.5,0——————❉1000Centrifugado suave —Este programa utiliza un centrifugado suave. Es el mismo que en el programa “Lana”.1,0——————❉1000Descarga de agua—El agua se elimina sin centrifugar.—————————A.Indicación de “Puerta abierta”La lavadora posee unas funciones de seguridad automáticas gracias a las cuales reconoce e indicainmediatamente los posibles fallos y reacciona adecuadamente, p. ej.:B.Indicación de “Reparación”C.Indicación de “Grifo cerrado”D.Indicación de “Limpie la bomba”E.Selector de programasF.Botón “Inicio/Pausa”G.Selector de velocidad de centrifugadoH.Indicador de avance del programaI.Botón “Reinicio”DHC FIGEB A5019 301 10258Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USAAñada detergente según lo indicado en la primera página y en las instrucciones de uso. Cierre la puerta y gire el selector de programas al programa y la temperatura que desee. Destella el indicador luminoso situado junto al botón “Inicio/Pausa”.Pulse los botones de las opciones que desee. Seencienden los indicadores luminosos correspondientes.Si no es posible una combinación de programa y opciones adicionales, los indicadores luminosos se apagan automáticamente. Las combinaciones de opciones que no son posibles quedan automáticamente desactivadas.Botón “Prelavado”•Sólo para cargas de ropa muy sucia (por ejemplo con arena, suciedad gruesa). El tiempo del ciclo aumenta aproximadamente 15 minutos.Botón “Lavado en frío”•El agua sólo se calienta hasta 20 °C•Opción adecuada para ropa delicada con una temperatura máxima recomendada en la etiqueta de 30 °C.•Sólo se puede seleccionar en el paso de temperatura mínima de cada programa.Botón “Antiarrugas”•Puede utilizarse junto con los programas “Algodón”, “T ejidos sintéticos” y “Carga diaria” para facilitar el planchado.•Mejora la calidad del agua y realiza un centrifugado suave.Botón “Centrifugado variable”•Cada programa posee una velocidad máxima de centrifugado predefinida.•Pulse el botón para ajustar otra velocidad de centrifugado.•Si selecciona la velocidad de centrifugado “0” el centrifugado final se cancela pero los niveles intermedios del centrifugado continúan durante el aclarado. El agua se elimina sin centrifugar.DATOS DE CONSUMOPrograma T emperatura (°C)Carga(kg)Agua(l)Energía(kWh)Duración aprox. delprograma (horas :minutos)*Algodón 955,049**1,902:00Algodón ***605,0440,852:20Algodón 405,0440,602:00T ejidos sintéticos 602,550**0,70 1.30T ejidos sintéticos 402,5450,551:15T ejidos delicados 301,5500,500:45Prendas mixtas 403,0450,451:00Lavado rápido303,0400,400:30Lana401,0550,600:45Lavado a mano 401,0450,600:40Lencería301,0450,500:40Los datos de consumo se midieron en condiciones normalizadas de acuerdo con la norma CEI/EN 60456. Los valores de consumo en el hogar pueden variar respecto a los valores de la tabla según la presión y temperatura del agua, la carga y el tipo de lavado.*El indicador de tiempo restante puede desviarse de los valores de la tabla, porque considera las condiciones de la vivienda que corresponden en ese momento.**Para reducir la temperatura del agua, se agrega agua fría al final del ciclo principal de lavado, antes de que la bombavacíe el agua.***Programa de referencia para la etiqueta de energía.AÑADA DETERGENTE, CIERRE LA PUERTA Y SELECCIONE EL PROGRAMASELECCIONE CUALQUIER OPCIÓN Abra el grifo y pulse el botón “Inicio/Pausa”. Destella el indicador luminoso situado junto al botón“Inicio/Pausa”. El indicador de secuencia del programa muestra la fase actual del programa, de izquierda a derecha a través de Lavado, Aclarado y Centrifugado/Descarga.•Cuando termina la fase del programa, se apaga el indicador luminoso correspondiente.Antes del inicio y de la finalización de un programa, los indicadores luminosos se encienden para señalar que se puede abrir la puerta. Mientras el programa de lavado esté en marcha, la puerta permanece cerrada y por ninguna razón se debe intentar forzar su apertura. En caso de una necesidad urgente de abrirla durante un programa en marcha, consulte “Cancelación (Reinicio) de un programa antes de que termine”.“Reparación”El indicador de “Reparación” se puede encender por el fallo de un componente eléctrico. Consulte la “Guía para la solución de problemas” incluida con lasinstrucciones de uso; si el fallo continúa, póngase en contacto con el Servicio posventa.“Grifo cerrado”La lavadora no recibe alimentación de agua o es insuficiente. Abra el grifo; si la indicación sigue encendida, consulte la “Guía para la solución de problemas” incluida con las instrucciones de uso.“Limpie la bomba”La lavadora no descarga el agua. Compruebe si el tubo de descarga está doblado o si hay que limpiar el filtro; en este último caso, consulte en las instrucciones de uso (“Extracción del filtro”).•T odos los indicadores de secuencia delprograma están apagados y se enciende el indicador de “Puerta abierta”.1.Gire el selector de programas a la posición de “Apagado/O”.2.Cierre el grifo.3.Abra la puerta y retire la ropa.4.Deje la puerta entreabierta para facilitar el secadodel tambor.1.Pulse el botón “Inicio/Pausa” para detenertemporalmente el programa. El indicador destella.2.Seleccione el nuevo programa (con latemperatura), las opciones suplementarias y (si lo desea) otra velocidad de centrifugado.3.Pulse nuevamente el botón “Inicio/Pausa”. Elnuevo programa continúa el programa de lavado en la fase en que se interrumpió el anterior. En este programa no es necesario añadir más detergente.El botón “Reinicio” permite cancelar un programa antes del final.•Pulse el botón “Reinicio” durante, almenos, 3 segundos. El agua se descarga antes de poder abrir la puerta.INICIO DEL PROGRAMAINDICACIÓN DE “PUERTA ABIERTA”INDICACIONES ROJAS FIN DEL PROGRAMACAMBIO DE PROGRAMA O DE OPCIONES DESPUÉS DEL INICIO DEL PROGRAMA CANCELACIÓN (REINICIO) DE UN PROGRAMA ANTES DE QUE TERMINE。


The Chinese knot was originally invented by the craftsmen. After hundreds of years’ continuous improvement, it has become a kind of elegant and colorful art and craft. In ancient times, it was used to record events, but now it is used mainly for decorative purposes. Knot, pronounced “jie” in Chinese, means love, marriage and reunion. The Chinese knot is used as gifts to exchange or as decorations to pray for good luck and ward off evil spirits. This form of handicraft has been passed down from generation to generation, and has become increasingly popular in China and around the world.
The Yellow River is over 5,400 km long and is the second longest river in China. Seen from the map, the Yellow River lies in the shape of a huge “几”. The upper reaches of the Yellow River are the main producing area of wool, leather and other livestock products. The middle and lower reaches are one of the origins of China’s agriculture. The Yellow River is considered as the Mother River of the Chinese people. The drainage area of the Yellow River is honored as the cradle of the Chinese people and also one of the origins of world civilization. It is said that Huangdi, legendary ruler and ancestor of the Chinese nation, was born here. It is said man was made by Nv Wa (a legendary goddess) with the mud in the Yellow River.



Package‘zfit’August27,2023Type PackageTitle Fit Models in a PipeVersion0.4.0Author Magnus Thor TorfasonMaintainer Magnus Thor Torfason<**************>Description Improve the usage of modelfitting functions within a pipedworkflow.License MIT+file LICENSEURL,https:///torfason/zfit/Depends R(>=3.5.0)Suggests dplyr,estimatr,MASS,pls,testthat(>=3.0.0),tibbleEncoding UTF-8Language en-USRoxygenNote7.2.3NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-08-2710:00:02UTCR topics documented:zfit (2)zfunction (3)zglm (5)zlm (7)zlm_robust (8)zprint (9)Index1112zfit zfit zfit:Fit Models in a PipeDescriptionImprove the usage of modelfitting functions within a piped workflow.Detailszfit makes it easier to use a piped workflow with functions that don’t have the“correct”order of parameters(thefirst parameter of the function does not match the object passing through the pipe).The issue is especially prevalent with modelfitting functions,such as when passing and processinga data.frame(or tibble)before passing them to lm()or similar functions.The pipe passes thedata object into thefirst parameter of the function,but the conventional estimation functions expecta formula to be thefirst parameter.This package addresses the issue with three functions that make it trivial to construct a pipe-friendly version of any function:•zfunction()reorders the arguments of a function.Just pass the name of a function,and thename of the parameter that should receive the piped argument,and it returns a version of thefunction with that parameter comingfirst.•zfold()creates a fold(a wrapper)around a function with the reordered arguments.Thisis sometimes needed instead of a simple reordering,for example for achieving correct S3dispatch,and for functions that report its name or other information in output.•zfitter()takes any estimation function with the standard format of a formula and dataparameter,and returns a version suitable for us in pipes(with the data parameter comingfirst).Internally,it simply calls the zfold()function to create a fold around thefitter function.The package also includes ready made wrappers around the most commonly used estimation func-tions.zlm()and zglm()correspond to lm()and glm(),and zlogit(),zprobit(),and zpoisson(), use glm()to perform logistic or poisson regression within a pipe.Finally,the package includes the zprint()function,which is intended to simplify the printing of derived results,such as summary(),within the pipe,without affecting the modeling result itself.See Also•zlm is the wrapper lm,probably the most commonfitting function.The helpfile for thisfunction includes several usage examples.•zglm is a wrapper for glm,tofit generalized linear models.•zprint is helpful for printing a summary of a model,but assigning the evaluated model to avariablezfunction Create a pipe-friendly version of a functionDescriptionThese functions all serve the role of rearranging the arguments of other functions,in order to create pipe-friendly versions.zfunction()rearranges the arguments of any function moving the specified argument to the front of the list,so that this argument becomes the recipient of piping.It returns a copy of the input function,that is identical to the original except for the order of the arguments.zfold()creates a pipe-friendly version of a function of the standard format by creating a fold(or wrapper)around it with the parameters pared to using zfunction(),which makes a copy of the original function with rearranged the parameters,this creates a wrapper that in turn will call the original function with all passed parameters.This is good for making pipe-friendly versions of S3generics,whereas rearranging parameters directly will break the S3dispatch mechanism.zfitter()creates a pipe-friendly version of afitting function of the standard format––that is a function with a formula parameter followed by a data parameter.It also shortens very long data names(longer than32characters by default),which otherwise are a nuisance when the data comes from the pipe,because the pipeline gets converted to a very long function call.Usagezfunction(fun,x,x_not_found=c("error","warning","ok"))zfold(fun,x,x_not_found=c("error","warning","ok"))zfitter(fun)Argumentsfun The function to adapt(for zfitter()this should be afitting function that takes formula and data parameters).The name should not be quoted,rather,theactual function should be passed(prefixed with package if needed).x The name of the argument that should be moved to the front of the argument list.Can be passed with or without quotes,and is processed using non-standardevaluation unless surrounded with curlies,as in{value},see details below.x_not_found How to handle the case where the value of x is not the name of a parameter in fun.If error,abort the function.If ok,prepend the value to the existingparameter list.This can be useful if looking to pipe data into a parameter that ishidden by a....DetailsThe x parameter is processed using non-standard evaluation,which can be disabled using curly brackets.In other words,the following are all equivalent,and return afile renaming function with the to parameter as thefirst one:•zfunction(file.rename,to)•zfunction(file.rename,"to")•param_name<-"to";zfunction(file.rename,{param_name})Examples#A a grep function with x as first param is often usefulzgrep<-zfunction(grep,x)carnames<-rownames(mtcars)grep("ll",carnames,value=TRUE)zgrep(carnames,"ll",value=TRUE)#zfunction()is the best approach to wrapping functions such as# pls::plsr() that hide the data parameter behind the ... .if(requireNamespace("pls")){zplsr<-zfunction(pls::plsr,data,x_not_found="ok")zplsr(cars,dist~speed)}#Curly{x}handling:These are all equivalentparam_name<-"to";f1<-zfunction(file.rename,to)f2<-zfunction(file.rename,"to")f3<-zfunction(file.rename,{param_name})#Using zfold()to create a grep()wrapper with the desired arg order zgrep<-zfold(grep,x)carnames<-rownames(mtcars)grep("ll",carnames,value=TRUE)zgrep(carnames,"ll",value=TRUE)#Using zfitter to wrap around a fitting function#(this is the actual way zlm_robust is defined in this package)if(requireNamespace("estimatr",quietly=TRUE)){zlm_robust<-zfitter(estimatr::lm_robust)zlm_robust(cars,speed~dist)#The resulting function works well the native pipe...if(getRversion()>="4.1.0"){cars|>zlm_robust(speed~dist)}}#...or with dplyrif(require("dplyr",warn.conflicts=FALSE)){#Pipe cars dataset into zlm_robust for fittingcars%>%zlm_robust(speed~dist)#Process iris with filter()before piping.Print a summary()#of the fitted model using zprint()before assigning the#model itself(not the summary)to m.zglm5 m<-iris%>%dplyr::filter(Species=="setosa")%>%zlm_robust(Sepal.Length~Sepal.Width+Petal.Width)%>%zprint(summary)}zglm Run a glm model in a pipeDescriptionThese functions are wrappers for the glm function.The zglm function can be used to estimate any generalized linear model in a pipe.The zlogit,zprobit,and zpoisson functions can be used to estimate specific models.All of these functions rely on the glm function for the actual estimation, they simply pass the corresponding values to the family parameter of the glm function.Usage of these functions is very similar to the zlm function(a wrapper for lm),for detailed exam-ples,check out the entry for that function.The zlogit function calls zglm,specifying family=binomial(link="logit").The zprobit function calls zglm,specifying family=binomial(link="probit").The zpoisson function calls zglm,specifying family="poisson".Usagezglm(data,formula,family=gaussian,weights,subset,na.action,start=NULL,etastart,mustart,offset,control=list(...),model=TRUE,method="",x=FALSE,y=TRUE,singular.ok=TRUE,contrasts=NULL,...)zlogit(data,formula,...)6zglmzprobit(data,formula,...)zpoisson(data,formula,...)Argumentsdata A data.frame containing the model data.formula The formula to See the glm function.weights See the glm function.subset See the glm See the glm function.start See the glm function.etastart See the glm function.mustart See the glm function.offset See the glm function.control See the glm function.model See the glm function.method See the glm function.x See the glm function.y See the glm function.singular.ok See the glm function.contrasts See the glm function....Other arguments to be passed to the glm function.ValueAfitted model.See Also•zlm is the wrapper for lm,probably the most commonfitting function.The helpfile for zlm function includes several usage examples.zlm7 zlm Run an lm model in a pipe.DescriptionThis function wraps around the lm function in order to make it more friendly to pipe syntax(with the datafirst).Usagezlm(data,formula,subset,weights,na.action,method="qr",model=TRUE,x=FALSE,y=FALSE,qr=TRUE,singular.ok=TRUE,contrasts=NULL,offset,...)Argumentsdata A data.frame containing the model data.formula The formula to befitted.subset See the lm function.weights See the lm See the lm function.method See the lm function.model See the lm function.x See the lm function.y See the lm function.qr See the lm function.singular.ok See the lm function.contrasts See the lm function.offset See the lm function....Other arguments to be passed to the lm function.8zlm_robust ValueAfitted model.See Also•zglm is a wrapper for glm,tofit generalized linear models.Examples#Usage is possible without pipeszlm(cars,dist~speed)#zfit works well with dplyr and magrittr pipesif(require("dplyr",warn.conflicts=FALSE)){#Pipe cars dataset into zlm for fittingcars%>%zlm(speed~dist)#Process iris with filter before piping to zlmiris%>%filter(Species=="setosa")%>%zlm(Sepal.Length~Sepal.Width+Petal.Width)}#zfit also works well with the native pipeif(require("dplyr")&&getRversion()>="4.1.0"){#Pipe cars dataset into zlm for fittingcars|>zlm(speed~dist)#Process iris with filter()before piping.Print a#summary of the fitted model using zprint()before#assigning the model itself(not the summary)to m.m<-iris|>filter(Species=="setosa")|>zlm(Sepal.Length~Sepal.Width+Petal.Width)|>zprint(summary)}zlm_robust Pipe-friendly wrappers for externalfittersDescriptionThese functions provide pipe-friendly wrappers around modelfitters provided by several external packages.The functions require the corresponding packages to be installed,if the required package is missing the functions warns with directions for how to install it.zlm_robust()wraps estimatr::lm_robust(),whichfits a linear model with a variety of options for estimating robust standard errors.zpolr()wraps MASS::polr(),whichfits an ordered logistic response for multi-value ordinal vari-ables,using a proportional odds logistic regression.zplsr()wraps pls::plsr(),which performs a partial least squares regression.Examplesif(requireNamespace("estimatr")&&getRversion()>="4.1.0")zlm_robust(cars,dist~speed)|>summary()|>try()if(requireNamespace("MASS")&&getRversion()>="4.1.0")zpolr(mtcars,ordered(gear)~mpg+hp)|>summary()|>try()if(requireNamespace("pls")&&getRversion()>="4.1.0")zplsr(cars,dist~speed)|>summary()|>try()zprint Print the result of a function in a pipe but return original objectDescriptionGiven x and f,this function prints f(x)before returning the original x.It is useful in a pipe,when one wants a to print the derivative of an object in the pipe but then return or assign the original object.A common use case is printing the‘summary()of an estimated model but then assigning the original model(rather than the summary object)to a variable for further processing.Usagezprint(x,f=NULL,...)Argumentsx An object,typically in a pipe.f A function to be applied to x before printing....Other arguments to be passed to f.ValueThe original object x.Examplesif(getRversion()>="4.1.0"&&require("dplyr")){#Print summary before assigning model to variablem<-lm(speed~dist,cars)|>zprint(summary)#prints summary(x)m#m is the original model object#Print grouped data before filtering originalcw_subset<-chickwts|>zprint(count,feed,sort=TRUE)|>#prints counts by feedfilter(feed=="soybean")cw_subset#cw_subset is ungrouped,but filtered by feed}Indexestimatr::lm_robust(),9glm,5lm,6,7MASS::polr(),9pls::plsr(),9zfit,2zfit-package(zfit),2zfitter(zfunction),3zfold(zfunction),3zfunction,3zglm,2,5,8zlm,2,5,6,7zlm_robust,8zlogit(zglm),5zplsr(zlm_robust),8zpoisson(zglm),5zpolr(zlm_robust),8zprint,2,9zprobit(zglm),511。



天津市静海区北京师范大学静海附属学校2024-2025学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题一、听力选择题1.What are the speakers going to do this afternoon?A.Play tennis.B.See a movie.C.Arrange a party. 2.What is most probably the man?A.A postman.B.A policeman.C.A repairman.3.Where does the conversation take place?A.On a bus.B.On a plane.C.On a train.4.How do the Scots feel about moving to Paris?A.Nervous.B.Happy.C.Uncertain.5.What does the man think of his cake?A.It’s not soft.B.It’s not fresh.C.It’s not sweet.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.How long was the man in the shower?A.For about 10 minutes.B.For about 30 minutes.C.For about 60 minutes. 7.What do we know about the man?A.He tried to save water.B.He is out of work now.C.He paid the water bill last month.8.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A.Brother and sister.B.Host and guest.C.Teacher and student.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

阅读理解B篇 (解析+词汇+变式+技巧+模拟) -2024年浙江1月卷深度解析及变式训练 (解析版)

阅读理解B篇 (解析+词汇+变式+技巧+模拟) -2024年浙江1月卷深度解析及变式训练 (解析版)

《2024年浙江1月卷深度解析及变式训练》专题03 阅读理解B 篇 (解析+词汇+变式+技巧+模拟) 解析版养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。


When was the last time you used a telephone box? I mean to make an actual phone call —not to shelter from the rain. Ages ago, right? The last time I used a phone box for its intended purpose was ... 2006. I was conducting auditions (试演) for my play in my tiny old shared house in London. Hoping to impress some talented actors to come and work for me for nothing, I spread some throws over the sofas and lit candles to make it seem a bit more “young professional”.As I rushed outdoors to empty the wastepaper baskets, the door swung shut behind me. Suddenly I was locked outside. My mobile phone was inside, but luckily there was a telephone box across the street. So I called Directory Assistance, got put through to our landlady’s managing agent, and had a spare key sent to me with just enough time to get bad in before the actors arrived.As it has been many years since I last used one, I should hardly be surprised that there are no longer any public telephones near my house. The last one standing has just been turned into a “mini community library”: any passer-by can “borrow” a book from its shelves, and return it later, or replace it with another title from their own collection.For a few months after the “library” opened, I didn’t bother taking a look, as I had assumed that it would be stuffed full of cheesy love stories. Then I noticed folk conducting spring cleans dropping boxes of voluminous books on various subjects there. And these books were free. This unbeatable price-point encouraged me to experiment with dozens of titles that I would never normally consider buying. And I’ve discovered some great books!If I ever get trapped outside my house again, my local telephone box will, sadly, no longer be able to connect me with my keys. But it can certainly keep me entertained while I wait for my wife to rescue me.24. What does the word “it” underlined in the first paragraph refer to?A. The play.B. The shared house.C. The sofa.D. The telephone box.25. Why did the author use the telephone box in 2006?A. To place an urgent call.B. To put up a notice.C. To shelter from the rain.D. To hold an audition.26. What do we know about the “mini community library”?A. It provides phone service for free.B. Anyone can contribute to its collection.C. It is popular among young readers.D. Books must be returned within a month.27. Why did the author start to use the “library”?A. He wanted to borrow some love stories.B. He was encouraged by a close neighbour.C. He found there were excellent free books.D. He thought it was an ideal place for reading.【答案】24. B25. A26. B27. C【解析】【导语】这是一篇记叙文。


All members accept the British monarch as the symbolic head of the Commonwealth.
Many have parliamentary systems of government on the British model.
English is an official language.
Court system in England and Wales 5
Criminal Courts (in England and Wales)
Magistrates’ Courts: the less serious offences and the vast majority of criminal cases (theft, the less serious cases of burglary and some assaults)
Much of the constitution is based on unwritten customs and rules called conventions. And it is embodied in a number of separate laws.
the main sources of law include:
Legal profession: Barristers Solicitors
Police: bobby, peeler; “Scotland Yard”
unarmed tradition
British Foreign Relations
Decline of the British Empire, decline of the British influence worldwide



The film The Prestige is a cinematic masterpiece that weaves a complex tapestry of illusion, rivalry, and obsession. Directed by Christopher Nolan, a filmmaker known for his intricate storytelling and nonlinear narratives, The Prestige does not disappoint in delivering a film that keeps the audience guessing until the very end.From the opening scene, the film immerses us in the world of stage magic during the late 19th century. We are introduced to two magicians, Robert Angier played by Hugh Jackman and Alfred Borden played by Christian Bale, who are both driven by a relentless pursuit of the perfect illusion. Their rivalry is ignited by a tragic accident during a magic trick, which sets them on a path of deceit, sabotage, and ultimately, obsession with outdoing each other.What struck me most about The Prestige is the way it plays with the concept of reality versus illusion. The films narrative structure mirrors the art of magic itself, with its twists and turns designed to misdirect and surprise the viewer. Just as the magicians in the film use misdirection to create their illusions, so too does Nolan use storytelling techniques to keep us guessing about the true nature of events.The performances by Jackman and Bale are exceptional, each bringing depth and complexity to their respective characters. Jackmans Angier is a charismatic showman, driven by a desire for fame and recognition, while Bales Borden is a more enigmatic figure, whose personal life remains shrouded in mystery. Their performances are supported by a strong ensemble cast, including Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, and RebeccaHall, who each contribute to the films rich tapestry of characters.Visually, The Prestige is stunning. The period setting is beautifully realized, with meticulous attention to detail in the costumes, sets, and props. The magic tricks themselves are executed with a sense of realism that adds to the films overall impact. The use of practical effects, combined with CGI, creates a seamless blend of illusion and reality that is both mesmerizing and believable.One of the films most memorable scenes is the reveal of Angiers Transported Man trick, which is a central plot point in the story. The way this is executed is both unexpected and shocking, serving as a turning point in the narrative. Its a testament to Nolans skill as a filmmaker that he is able to maintain the element of surprise while still ensuring that the reveal makes sense within the context of the story.The films exploration of the themes of obsession, sacrifice, and the cost of ambition is also compelling. Both Angier and Borden are willing to go to extreme lengths in their quest for the perfect illusion, and the film raises questions about the consequences of such singleminded pursuit. The phrase The Prestige itself, which refers to the final act in a magic trick, becomes a metaphor for the lengths these characters are willing to go to achieve their goals.In conclusion, The Prestige is a film that rewards multiple viewings, as its intricate plot and thematic depth reveal new insights with each viewing. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the art of illusion, and a filmthat lingers in the mind long after the credits have rolled. For anyone who appreciates intelligent, thoughtprovoking cinema, The Prestige is a mustsee.。

587200 足球门使用手册说明书

587200 足球门使用手册说明书

3/16" Allen Wrench9/16" Wrench1/2" WrenchTOOLS REQUIREDRubber Mallet888-277-7778ASSEMBLY, MAINTENANCE, & USAGE MANUALPORTABLE No. 587200 - 8'-0" x 24'-0" SOCCER GOAL PAIRw/ wheels, anchors, backstays, and netsN ET STEP 1: Unpack all parts and check against parts list below. Each 587200 (pair of goals) should include the following:EURO BACKSTAYS - QTY 4(PART # 292300)ANCHOR KIT W/ HDWE - QTY 4(PART # 298400)NET SUPPORT STRAP - QTY 2(PART # STAP00028)SOCCER NET - QTY 2(PART # 00491824)HARDWAREPOST BRACE - QTY 4(PART # FLAT58702)CONNECTOR FLAT - QTY 12(PART # FLAT48721E0)WHEEL FLAT - QTY 8(PART # FLAT58701)PARTQTYPART #DESCRIPTION4M22495/16" EYEBOLT4M12545/16" NYLOCK NUT4HDWE030150E05/16" CAP NUT32HDWE050040E03/8" FLAT WASHER32HDWE040020E03/8" LOCK WASHER32HDWE011240E03/8" HEX HD SCREW32HDWE090370E03/8"-16 SET SCREW12FLAT587033/8"-16 SQUARE NUT1FITG84160NET CLIP PACKQTY 160888-277-7778FLIP WHEELSQTY 4 LEFT & 4 RIGHT WHEELS(PART # 294000) 888-277-7778 888-277-7778888-277-7778Note: This step requires 2 adults.Lift front frame up.STEP 4: 888-277-7778Wheel Operation: To engage wheel, grip handle cutouts with both hands.Lift and rotate wheel until it rests on the stop bolt.Activate all 4 wheels before attempting to move soccer goal.WARNING: Watch hands and feet when using wheelsand moving the goal!888-277-7778STEP 8: Attach the net support strap (STAP00028) to the European backstays. Clip snap hooks sewn into the strap onto the eyebolts (M2249) of the backstays.Tighten the strap with the buckle.NOTE: Do not over tighten net strap.888-277-7778Turn 90 degrees to lock into place.STEP 9: To use clips, capture the net in the opening,then insert into channel.NOTE: Do not climb on the goal while attaching net.Each goal needs roughly 80 clips.Attach the net using the provided net clips (FITG84160).STEP 10: Check and tighten all hardware connections.Confirm wheels rotate and engage.Tighten net strap as needed.Assembly of 587200 soccer goal is now complete.888-277-7778888-277-7778Upon completion of the assembly/installation of these soccer goals, make sure this instruction manual is in the possession of the owner or facility manager, to save for future reference, and to order replacement parts.。



河北省石家庄精英中学2024-2025学年高一10月月考英语试卷一、阅读理解4 High School ClubsIn high schools, there are lots of clubs and fun things to do. Joining them helps you make friends with people who like the same things as you. It's a good way to find your place in the school and meet others who share your hobbies and dreams.Art History ClubJoin the Art History Club to explore famous paintings and talk about art from the past. You'll learn how to keep old art safe and might visit museums. It's great for students interested in art or taking AP Art History.Photography ClubIt is perfect for anyone who loves taking pictures or wants to learn more about it. You can chat with friends about cool ways to catch great shots and look at famous photos together. Maybe you'll even get to use a darkroom to develop your own photos. Plus, you can organize photo challenges with different themes and share your work with the club.The Film ClubIt is for movie fans and future filmmakers. You can watch amazing movies and make your own films with friends. It's a chance to learn about directing and maybe even show your creations at film festivals or local events. It's fun and a great way to explore the world of cinema.The Music ClubIt is a cool place for music lovers. You can listen to new tunes (曲子), write your own songs, or even learn how music is made. It's a fun way to get into the arts and explore the world of music, which is like a language everyone can enjoy. Join and let your musical side shine!1.What is the main goal of joining the Art History Club?A.To turn into an artist.B.To sell art in art shows.C.To make new art pieces.D.To study and protect old art.2.Which club suits students who like directing?A.Art History Club.B.Photography Club.C.The Film Club.D.The Music Club.3.Why does the author write the text?A.To recommend clubs to students.B.To introduce high school courses.C.To compare different school clubs.D.To discuss the importance of clubs.The first day of high school felt like a big adventure, but also a bit terrible. I did’t know how important studying would be, and I didn’t have any plans for what I wanted to do later in life.My friend, Alex saw that I wasn’t really into school. One day, after a boring science class, he talked to me. “You can do better,” he said seriously. “You just need to put in some effort.” His words made me think.I started to focus more in class, trying to really understand what the teachers were saying. Alex and I would study together, and he would help me with the difficult parts Gradually (逐渐地), things that I didn’t make sense before started to click.One day, while we were working on a science problem, I had a moment of understanding. I realized that learning is not just about getting good marks; it’s about exploring new ideas and enjoying the challenge of solving problems. It felt great to make things out.As time went by, my grades got better, and so did my attitude towards school. I started to think about what I wanted to do when I grew up and made plans for college. I understood that high school was a chance to get ready for my dreams.Now, I’m thankful for that moment when I realized how important learning is and for Alex’s help. It showed me that school is a place to discover what you love and to work towards your goals. I look forward to each day, knowing that every bit of learning brings me closer to becoming the person I want to be.4.What do we know about the author from paragraph 1?A.He was excited and ready.B.He made no plans for future.C.He played an adventurous game.D.He wanted to challenge himself.5.What did Alex do to help the author?A.He gave the author extra homework.B.He made science classes more interesting.C.He encouraged the author to work harder.D.He made efforts to change the author’sinterest.A.Getting a high mark.B.A talk with a teacher.C.Visiting an ideal college.D.Solving a science problem.7.Which would be the best title for the text?A.The Journey to Loving Learning B.The Importance of Studying HardC.Discovering My Future Work D.My Best Friend in High SchoolWhether you are a teenager or a young adult, high school education will give you space and chance you need to meet with like-minded people. The following tips will offer you some help.In high school, you'll meet lots more students than you did in middle school. Also, most high school tasks will require you to give a speech in front of many people. These speeches will require you to have special communication skills. You can improve your social skills by meeting new people, and spending more time with your family and friends.Every school provides a list of things that students should buy before reporting. You should buy them early enough before the price of the supplies increase. One of the things that you should include on your list is a backpack. Besides the backpack, you may also buy your school clothing and the other items you will need to make your high school life comfortable. Lastly, you can buy the right stationery (文具), including books and pens.It's common to sleep late and wake late during the holiday because you don't have any commitments (承诺) or responsibilities. Maybe, you have taken up this now habit during the holidays. Unlike middle schools, high school learning rules demand punctuality. The classes start early, even for online schools. Therefore, you can begin practicing sleeping early and waking up early at least two months before you report to school.High schools have a more complicated (复杂的) learning schedule when compared to middle schools. From waking up to reading, there are stricter programs and timetables. The best way to understand the schedule is to attend an orientation (迎新会) event. It will make you learn of the school's rules, and the things you will be expected to do upon joining.8.Which of the following is a recommended way of improving social skills?A.Studying harder.B.Making new friends.C.Asking your family for help.D.Spending more time at school.A.Having an active social life at high school.B.Preparing yourself physically ahead of time.C.Buying the right things needed for high school.D.Making your high school life comfortable is necessary.10.What does the underlined word ″punctuality″ mean in paragraph 4?A.Being on time.B.Being very polite.C.Showing confidence.D.Showing morekindness.11.Why should students take part in an orientation event?A.To win more friendship at school.B.To make the school's life colorful.C.To form a better learning method later.D.To learn about the school's learning schedule.A Japanese city is using AI (人工智能) to help with the problem of kids not wanting to go to school. They look at students’ information to see who might stop coming because of worries, being bullied (欺凌), or other problems.In a city near Tokyo, they tested an AI system for a year. They wanted to help teachers find students who are having a hard time. In Japan, more and more kids are not going to school for a long time. In 2022, almost 300,000 kids didn’t go to school for 30 days or more.The AI system looks at things like how often kids go to school, how well they do in school, and if they are healthy. It also looks at if they visit the school nurse a lot or if there are reports about them being bullied.The system then uses past data (数据) to see how likely it is that a student will stop going to school. It gives each student a color, from red (highest risk) to yellow (lowest risk).In the test, the program said 1,193 students were at high risk. Teachers decided that 265 of them needed help right away.To keep kids’ information safe, the city made rules about how to use the data and not to treat students unfairly because of the AI’s predictions (预测). They also told parents they could say no to using their kids’ data. Only important people in the school, like headmasters, could see the results.“By using real information, we might be able to stop kids from not wanting to go to school.”said Makiko Nakamuro, a professor from Keio University and an expert on education. “But we have to think really hard about keeping their data safe by telling them clearly why and how was their information.” she also said.12.What is the main purpose of using AI in the Japanese city?A.To improve students’ scores.B.To study students’ health conditions.C.To make bullying problems happen less in schools.D.To find students at risk of not attending school.13.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The job of school nurses.B.How the AI system checks kids' health.C.What information the AI system focuses on.D.The need for better education in schools. 14.How did the city protect students’ information?A.Hide all the data after testing.B.Only parents are allowed to share the data.C.Only headmasters can see the AI results.D.Make strict rules about data using. 15.What is Makiko Nakamuro’s attitude towards the AI system?A.Doubtful.B.Supportive.C.Anxious.D.Confused.How to Be a Successful High School StudentIt may be hard during the school year, but the following steps help you become a successful school student.Set clear goals. 16 Write down what you want to achieve, whether it’s getting good grades, joining sports, or joining a club. Having clear goals helps you stay focused.Manage your time wisely. Time is valuable. Once it is spent, it is gone. Create a schedule that includes time for studying, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. 17 Effective time management makes you balance (使平衡) schoolwork and personal life.18 Keep your study materials, tasks and notes in order. Use a planner to learn of tests and projects. It helps you work well, and makes it easier to find and review important information.Ask for help when you need it. If you have difficulty in learning a subject, ask your teacher. classmates, or others for help. It’s better to ask questions and get understanding than to remain confused. Asking for help is a good thing to do. It shows you want to learn more. 19 This is important for being a successful student.Do not compare yourself with others. Remember, it’s not important to worry about small things. In high school, the competition is with yourself. Every day, aim to improve and learn. Don’t worry about what other people have or what they look like. In ten years, these things won’t matter at all. 20A.Remember that school is important.B.Focus on your own journey and growth.C.Staying organized is necessary for success.D.Put your tasks in order and follow your plan.E.It also shows you are serious about your studies.F.Find a club that encourages your interests greatly.G.They are like maps that guide you on your educational journey.二、完形填空On my first day at high school. I woke up very early. I felt excited and 21 as I put on my new school clothes. It was a mix of feelings that I would never 22 . Both my parents took me to school, and as I 23 the classroom, I saw my classmates laughing and chatting. My new teacher, a kind lady, greeted me with a 24 smile. She introduced me to the class, and to my joy, my classmates made me feel like we were 25 .After the teacher's welcome speech, I 26 conversations with my new classmates. They not only broke the ice but also helped me feel included into the community. The day was 27 activities, which is helpful to my personal 28 . What's more, I had developed a few new 29 .What's important, I was 30 to have my older sister in the same school, who was a great 31 to me. She got permission to take me out to the playground where we swung (荡秋千) and had 32 together. Her presence (出现) made me feel 33 and confident.At the end of the day, my confidence increased 34 . I was now part of a new, exciting world, ready to catch all the wonderful chances high school 35 . 21.A.annoyed B.surprised C.curious D.nervous 22.A.revise B.break C.forget D.cover23.A.watched B.entered C.changed D.left 24.A.sweet B.solid C.formal D.primary 25.A.families B.neighbours C.sisters D.stars 26.A.received B.started C.encouraged D.improved 27.A.carried out B.spent on C.filled with D.broken into 28.A.promise B.nature D.growth 29.A.hobbies B.skills C.friendships C.eager D.lucky 31.A.pride C.courage D.goal 32.A.experience B.influence C.experiment B.awkward C.traditional D.wise 34.A.quietly B.recently C.greatly D.easily 35.A.flashes B.brings C.shares D.agrees三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

厨房垃圾槽安装套件:Elkay Polymer 3 -1 2 英寸 Disposer Flange

厨房垃圾槽安装套件:Elkay Polymer 3 -1 2 英寸 Disposer Flange

SPECIFICATIONSElkay® Polymer 3-1/2" Disposer Flange with Removable BasketStrainer and Rubber StopperModel(s) LKQD35In keeping with our policy of continuing product improvement, Elkay reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. Please visit for the most current version of Elkay product specification sheets. This specification describes an Elkay product with design, quality, and functional benefits to the user. When making a comparison of other producers’ offerings, be certain these features are not overlooked.Elkay REV 12162023 1-800-476-4106 | ******************© 2023 Page 1 LKQD35 Patent /patents LKQD35_spec.pdfPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSElkay® Polymer 3-1/2" Disposer Flange with Removable Basket Strainer and Rubber Stopper. Overall dimensions are 4-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 2-1/8". Made of Polymer.your Elkay Quartz Classic® or Quartz Luxe® sink∙ POLYMER CONSTRUCTION: Material is fully infused withcolor and will not chip or scratch off from daily use.∙ BASKET STRAINER AND STOPPER: Strainer catches foodand waste from going down the drain. Use stopper to fill sink with water for washing and soaking.∙ CORROSION RESISTANT: Constructed of high-qualitymaterial to resist rust and stains, keeping drain looking greatfor years to come.∙ DISPOSAL READY: Designed for garbage disposals thataccommodate 4-1/2" flange or select InSinkErator disposers. ∙ EASY CLEANING: Wash by hand with a mild detergent andsoft cloth; rinse.A Century of Tradition and Quality.For more than 100 years, Elkay has been making innovativeproducts and providing exceptional customer care. We take pride in offering plumbing products that make life easier, inspire change and leave the world a better place.Product Compliance: ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125.2Drains are listed by IAPMO ® as meeting the applicable requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code ®, International Plumbing Code ®, and National Plumbing Code of Canada.Clean and Care Manual (PDF)Installation Instructions (PDF) - 1000003753 Warranty (PDF)PART:________________________________QTY: _____________ PROJECT:______________________________________________ CONTACT:______________________________________________ DATE:__________________________________________________ NOTES:_________________________________________________APPROVAL:_____________________________________________。



福建省福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题一、阅读理解The concentric circles (同心圆状斑点), also known as eyespots on butterfly, not only look like real eyes but may also appear to glare directly at predators (捕食者) from many directions, scientists have found. This visual illusion, called the “Mona Lisa effect”, could scare would-be attackers and buy the insects enough time to escape.Scientists suspect that eyespots, with dark “pupils (瞳孔)” in the center look like real eyes to predators. Hannah Rowland, an ecologist at the Max Planck Institute wanted to see if the direction of this fake gaze contributed to the effect.First, Rowland and her co-author trained chicks to attack a worm hidden behind a paper printout of two eyespots at the end of a path. When the eyespots’ pupils were specifically pointed in the chicks’ direction, the birds repeatedly ran toward the paper and then backed away, and they waited a few minutes before attacking. But when the pupils instead appeared to look away from the direction of the chicks’ approach, the birds attacked in seconds. Centrally located pupils, though not as effective as ones that stared directly at the chicks, resulted in longer delays than pupils that looked the other way.“This suggests that they really are paying attention to the direction of the pupils in the eyespots and are perceiving them as eyelike stimulation. The concentric eyespots found most often in the insect world may seem to the chicks like a pair of eyes that follow them regardless of approach angle,” says Rowland.National University of Singapore evolutionary biologist Antonia Monteiro, who was not involved in the research, says the study is a “cool” demonstration of an evolutionary theory for eyespots. “These butterflies can be encountered from all angles, so having the pupil centrally located ends up being pretty good,” Monteiro says. Still, she says, the eyespots used in the study were several millimeters larger than even the largest commonly found in nature, raising the possibility that the chicks may have been extra frightened by the size of the paper eyes.1.What is the function of eyespots on the butterfly?A.Making them look more beautiful.B.Spotting potential dangers.C.Helping them identify the direction.D.Protecting them from being attacked. 2.How did the chicks react when shown the specifically-pointed eyespots?A.They attacked immediately.B.They turned away in seconds.C.They reacted cautiously.D.They became very excited.3.What does Monteiro mean in the last paragraph?A.The eyespot is a butterfly’s powerful weapon.B.The experiment needs further proof.C.The study first proposes an evolutionary theory of eyespots.D.Butterflies in nature have small eyespots.4.What’s the purpose of the text?A.To appeal to readers to preserve butterflies.B.To uncover the hidden biological secret of butterflies.C.To analyze the social behaviour of butterflies.D.To demonstrate the evolutionary theory for eyespots.Artificial intelligence models can trick each other into disobeying their creators and providing banned instructions for making drugs, or even building a bomb, suggesting that preventing such AI “jailbreaks” is more difficult than it seems.Many publicly available large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have hard-coded rules that aim to prevent them from exhibiting racial or sexual discrimination, or answering questions with illegal or problematic answers — things they have learned from humans via training data. But that hasn’t stopped people from finding carefully designed instructions that block these protections, known as “jailbreaks”, making AI models disobey the rules.Now, Arush Tagade at Leap Laboratories and his co-workers have found a process of jailbreaks. They found that they could simply instruct one LLM to convince other models to adopt a persona (角色), which is able to answer questions the base model has been programmed to refuse. This process is called “persona modulation (调节)”.Tagade says this approach works because much of the training data consumed by large models comes from online conversations, and the models learn to act in certain ways in responseto different inputs. By having the right conversation with a model, it is possible to make it adopt a particular persona, causing it to act differently.There is also an idea in AI circles, one yet to be proven, that creating lots of rules for an AI to prevent it displaying unwanted behaviour can accidentally create a blueprint for a model to act that way. This potentially leaves the AI easy to be tricked into taking on an evil persona. “If you’re forcing your model to be good persona, it somewhat understands what a bad persona is,” says Tagade.Yinzhen Li at Imperial College London says it is worrying how current models can be misused, but developers need to weigh such risks with the potential benefits of LLMs. “Like drugs, they also have side effects that need to be controlled,” she says.5.What does the AI jailbreak refer to?A.The technique to break restrictions of AI models.B.The initiative to set hard-coded rules for AI models.C.The capability of AI models improving themselves.D.The process of AI models learning new information.6.What can we know about the persona modulation?A.It can help AI models understand emotions.B.It prevents AI learning via online conversations.C.It can make AI models adopt a particular persona.D.It forces AI models to follow only good personas.7.What is Yinzhen Li’s attitude towards LLMs?A.Unclear.B.Cautious.C.Approving.D.Negative. 8.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.LLMs: Illegal Learning Models B.LLMs: The Latest AdvancementC.AI Jailbreaks: A New Challenge D.AI Jailbreaks: A Perfect ApproachAs most Americans spend at least 50% of their food budget dining out, public criticism falls on restaurants to help consumers make healthier food choices. The Menu Labeling Final Rule has come into effect, requiring restaurants with more than 20 locations to show the calories of food on menus.By representing these values in a discrepant way — using physically larger numbers on the page for lower-calorie options, and smaller numbers for high-calorie foods — businesses can shift customers’ preferences toward healthier food, according to Ruiying Cai from the Washington State University.In their study, Cai and her colleagues asked participants to choose between a less healthy item and a healthier option after randomly assigning them to two groups. In the first group, calorie counts and font sizes rose and fell together. In the second group, the size became larger as the calorie count fell. Researchers also asked participants questions to assess their health-consciousness.Results showed participants in the second group, who saw low calorie counts printed in large sizes, were more likely to adopt the healthier option. Moreover, less health-conscious participants were the most affected, while people with more health awareness were less influenced since they already favored healthier food.This research adjusted customer behaviors by creating a Stroop effect. Named after psychologist J. Ridley Stroop, the Stroop effect refers to a delay in reaction to mismatch in its classic form. For example, if the word “purple” is written in green, it takes respondents longer time to identify the color than if the word and the color match. Similarly, the effect is observed when the physical size of the number does not match its number in this study.“Restaurants are interested in encouraging customers to make healthier choices,” Cai said. However, simply labeling the food as healthy may not have the intended effect. “Healthy food items could be profitable for restaurants, but whenever a ‘healthy’ label is attached, people may assume it does not taste good,” she explained. “We’re trying to provide restaurants with indirect suggestions, rather than saying it out loud.”9.What does the underlined word “discrepant” in paragraph 2mean?A.Creative.B.Relative C.Conflicting D.Misleading 10.Which of the following type of customers would be affected most from the research?A.Strict diet followers.B.Convenience food fans.C.Homema de meal lovers.D.Health magazine readers.11.What is paragraph 5 mainly about?A.The significance of research results.B.The measurement of response delays.C.The psychological basis of the study design.D.The influential variations of the Stroop effect.12.Which of the following might be Cai’s suggestion for restaurants?A.Use font magic to drive healthier choices.B.Pay more attention to the taste of the food.C.Create a quiet dining atmosphere for customers.D.Attach “healthy” labels to the food on the menu.Reading books can exercise your brain. Kids who started reading at an earlier age go on to perform better on certain intelligence tests. As one gets older, it might help slow down or even stop cognitive (认知的) decline. 13 Many Americans don’t read frequently. It’s time to change this trend to give your brain gray matter a good workout.14 When you have some leisure time — you’re waiting for a friend, sleeping lightly on the way from or to work, or doing a task that doesn’t require your full attention—you can open your text instead of playing your favorite smartphone game. 15 While paper is still the clear winner in the court of public opinion, science hasn’t proven that physical books are better than digital ones.Academic research has mostly focused on the ability to remember. A study took place in a laboratory setting: students all read the same text, but some looked at the words on paper and others viewed an on-screen PDF file. It turned out that no meaningful difference between the two media existed. As for audiobooks, they affected the brain gray matter somewhat differently.16Ultimately, if you hope to get a reading habit going, you shouldn’t dismiss (摒弃) paper, electronic, or audio books. 17 Don’t be afraid to change things depending on the occasion.A.Audiobooks (有声书) still affect your thoughts and feelings.B.Choose what is the most suitable for your needs.C.Words on a page can improve emotional intelligence.D.This brings about a great debate: pages vs screens vs audio.E.Keep a book, an e-reader, or an audiobook app on you as you go about the day.F.Despite this, the overall book reading time for Americans is on the decline.G.However, they stimulated the brain just as deeply as black-and-white pages二、完形填空A week ago, in search of an extremely 18 flower called the tagimoucia, I travelled to Taveuni, where the plant only grows.My host Vagoni told me that many locals may have only seen the flower in pictures. He also told me that I’d be 19 to climb the mountain without a 20 . “You’ll be on the steep (陡峭的) service road before you 21 the rainforest on an unmarked track to have any chance of finding the tagimoucia. There’s thick 22 and it’s always raining,” he said. “At best, you don’t find the 23 . At worst, you get completely 24 .”I asked Vagoni 25 this worst case had happened before. “ 26 !” he said. “Just two weeks ago, a group of seven locals went up without a guide and got lost in the cloud. There was a search-and-rescue mission. What a 27 !”Soon, we set out up the service road with a guide. I’d hiked Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, and made it 28 the Everest Base Camp. 29 , I quickly discovered that Taveuni’s extreme humidity and the trail’s steepness make the climbing astonishingly 30 . I needed to stop to rest every 10 minutes.An hour later, we were in the forest, ducking under fallen trees and climbing over other obstacles. Suddenly, the guide pointed up with 31 . “Look! The tagimoucia!” he shouted.I couldn’t believe we’d found it — I also couldn’t see a thing, as my glasses were 32 up in the mist.18.A.delicate B.beautiful C.tiny D.rare 19.A.slow B.funny C.foolish D.weak B.rope C.walking stick D.sleeping bag 21.A.cut into for C.look around D.make out 22.A.forest B.grass C.fog D.snow 23.A.way B.water C.shelter D.flower 24.A.mad B.lost C.exhausted D.defeated25.A.when C.whether D.why 26.A.Accidentally B.Basically C.Frequently D.Rarely 27.A.chance B.coincidence C.schedule D.mess 28.A.with C.for 29.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides 30.A.impressive B.urgent C.unique D.tough 31.A.curiosity B.interest C.excitement D.fear 32.A.straightened B.steamed C.pushed D.broken三、单词拼写33.Most of employers are planning to cut down on wages instead of reducing the staff in rto the economic depression.(根据首字母单词拼写)34.Believing that knowledge changes destiny, though l money, his parents managed to send him to university. (根据首字母单词拼写)35.The n experience of losing his job led to a positive transformation as he finally pursued his passion for creativity and founded a successful startup. (根据首字母单词拼写)36.When you finish your essay, you’d better have it p to make it more readable. (根据首字母单词拼写)37.The space station is c of several units, including living quarters, a laboratory, and a docking port for visiting vehicles. (根据首字母单词拼写)38.Word came that the introduction of the new system, s for a certain reason, would not be carried out until the next year. (根据首字母单词拼写)39.Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more s to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems. (根据首字母单词拼写)40.The researcher selected participants for the study at r to ensure a representative sample. (根据首字母单词拼写)41.To ensure s development, the company has made a decision to use recycled materials in its packaging to reduce environmental impact. (根据首字母单词拼写)42.(abandon) himself to the flow of the music, the dancer lost himself in the rhythmand moved with effortless grace. (根据首字母单词拼写)四、语法填空43.It’s high time that we healed the deep (divide) between the rich and the poor. (根据所给词的适当形式填空)44.Paris has played a (dominate) role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power. (根据首字母单词拼写)45.In the modern city, the (harmony) blend of diverse cultures created a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere that attracted people from all over the world. (所给词的适当形式填空)46.The professor gave the class a series of challenging (assign) to complete throughout the semester. (所给词的适当形式填空)47.Young people should be led to believe that anything is possible and that nothing can stand in their way with determination and (persevere).(所给词的适当形式填空)48.In the recent regional mathematics competition, the two contestants from different schools, John and Sarah, scored 90 and 85 (respective). (所给词的适当形式填空)五、选词填空根据句意从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当的形式完成句子。

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让我们开始编写示例代码:```juliausing Base.Threads# 设置餐馆的座位数量const MAX_SEATS = 5# 定义一个共享资源:餐馆的座位数量seats_available = Threads.Atomic{Int}(MAX_SEATS)# 定义一个简单的函数模拟顾客用餐过程function dine(customer_id::Int)println("顾客 $customer_id 正在尝试进入餐馆...")# 尝试获得座位,如果没有座位可用则等待@threads atomic_add!(seats_available, -1)# 顾客用餐println("顾客 $customer_id 正在享用美食...")sleep(rand())# 用餐结束,释放座位@threads atomic_add!(seats_available, 1)println("顾客 $customer_id 用餐结束,离开餐馆...")end# 创建10个不同的顾客customers = [Threads.@spawn dine(i) for i in 1:10]# 等待所有顾客用餐完成for customer in customerswait(customer)endprintln("所有顾客用餐结束,餐馆打烊!")```在上面的代码中,我们首先导入了`Base.Threads`模块,该模块提供了用于并发编程的工具。















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下面将介绍一些关于IOI 1998年的题目和相关参考内容。

1998年的IOI题目有四道,分别是:1. 路径问题(Path):给定一个图和一个起点到终点的路径长度,要求计算出该路径上经过的每个节点的编号。



2. 近邻问题(Neighbors):给定一个由0和1组成的矩阵,要求计算每个元素周围(上、下、左、右、对角线)的1的数量。



3. 最大矩形问题(Largest Rectangle):给定一个由0和1组成的矩阵,要求计算其中全为1的矩形区域的最大面积。



4. 寻找路径问题(Find Path):给定一个迷宫矩阵,要求从起点到终点找到一条路径。



以上是IOI 1998年的部分题目和相关参考内容。





AcWing2548.⼤胖⼦⾛迷宫(BFS)⼩明是个⼤胖⼦,或者说是个⼤⼤胖⼦,如果说正常⼈占⽤ 1×1 的⾯积,⼩明要占⽤ 5×5 的⾯积。






朋友们设计了⼀个迷宫,迷宫可以看成是⼀个由 n×n 个⽅阵组成的⽅阵,正常⼈每次占⽤⽅阵中 1×1 的区域,⽽⼩明要占⽤ 5×5 的区域。



为了⽅便⼩明,朋友们把迷宫的起点设置在了第 3 ⾏第 3 列,终点设置在了第 n−2 ⾏第 n−2 列。

⼩明在时刻 0 出发,每单位时间可以向当前位置的上、下、左、右移动单位 1 的距离,也可以停留在原地不动。

⼩明⾛迷宫⾛得很⾟苦,如果他在迷宫⾥⾯待的时间很长,则由于消耗了很多脂肪,他会在时刻 k 变成⼀个胖⼦,只占⽤ 3×3 的区域。

如果待的时间更长,他会在时刻 2k 变成⼀个正常⼈,只占⽤ 1×1 的区域。




输⼊格式输⼊的第⼀⾏包含两个整数 n,k。

接下来 n ⾏,每⾏⼀个由 n 个字符组成的字符串,字符为 + 表⽰为空地,字符为 * 表⽰为阻碍物。


数据范围1≤n≤300,1≤k≤1000输⼊样例:9 5+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***+*****+++++++++++++++++++++++++++输出样例:16bfs即可。


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Mobile: +917200540578(India)/+97334405308(Bahrain)
E-mail: jeriesdes@
NAME : G.Arokiya Jeriesdes
To reach challenging position with a ITI(Fitter) of specialization where I can effectively contribute my skills & experience to the growth of the organization.
Hard worker, extremely result -oriented, Creative, Highly-analytical, Flexible, Well Organized and ability to work effectively under pressure in order to meet tough deadlines, Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Educational Qualification
(Tamilnadu state Board (India))
Safety Courses
13/04/2011 Mumbai
and Social Responsibilities
16/04/2011 Mumbai
Fire Prevention & Fire
20/04/2011 Mumbai Proficiency Survival
Elementary First Aid 23/04/2011 Mumbai
4 +Years Experience In Rig field.
Work Experience:
Operate and perform first line maintenance on rig floor drilling equipment.
Maintain drilling equipment, tubulars, handling equipment etc as per rig specific procedures.
Examine all safety equipment on the rig floor prior to use ensuring they are in safe operating condition.
Actively participate in the Safety Management Systems.
Inspect all tools and equipment prior to use ensuring they are in safe operating condition.
Maintain rig floor in a clean and tidy manner.
Actively participate in well control drills as required.
Make certain all loads leaving the rig floor with the crane are slung / rigged correctly and clean.
Assist in maintaining and running the mud processing solids control equipment.
Perform regular steel preparation and painting to maintain rig floor equipment and structure.
Actively participate in all pre-job plans and meetings for drilling operations
Obtain training to safely and competently operate hoisting devices for equipment and personnel.
Actively participate in weekly rig and departmental safety meetings.
Provide assistance with deck operations as and when required.
Ensure that approved rig operating procedures are adhered to at all times. Report all unsafe activities, situations, and potential hazards to
Assist in running and retrieving marine riser and BOP.
Assist the Derrickman in mud mixing operations.
∙ Have completed H2S Entry/Escape course and hazardous
chemical handling (CI2, H2SO4, NH3 and NaOH).
♦ Knowledge of fire and Safety System, Deluge
Valve, Sprinkler System, Monitors, Hydrants,
Experience in the operation of Fire Extinguishers like
Foam, DCP, CO2, Operation usage of fire suit
preparation and hot work and familiar with breathing
apparatus etc.
Personal Details
Father’s name: A.Gnana Chandran.
Passport Number : L4156181
Date of expiry : 08/10/2023
Place of Issue : Tirunelveli
Passport status : ECNR
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages known : English, Hindi, Tamil.
Permanent Address : Antonyar koil street,
Kavalkinaru,Tirunelveli Dist
Tamilnadu (India)
Contact Number : +917200540578(India)
Thanking you,
Date: (Signature) Place: G.Arokiya Jeriesdes。
