


1.2 定义 除另有明文规定外,下列定义适用于本规则。附加定义见本规则的各章。
1.2.1 起居处所系指公共处所、走廊、盥洗室、居住室、办公室、医务室、电影室、游戏和 娱乐室、理发室、没有炊事用具的配膳室及类似处所。
1.2.2 A级分隔系指SOLAS公约第II-2/3.2条中所定义的分隔。 1.2.3 主管机关系指船旗国政府。对于主管机关(港口),见港口主管当局。 1.2.4 周年日系指相应于《国际散装运输液化气体适装证书》到期日期的每年的月和日。 1.2.5 沸点系指货品呈现蒸气压力等于大气压力时的温度。 1.2.6 船宽(B)系指船舶的最大宽度,对于金属壳体的船舶,在船中部量至肋骨型线,对于 壳体为其他任何材料的船舶,量至壳体外表面。船宽(B)应以m计。 1.2.7 货物区域系指船上设有货物围护系统、货泵舱和压缩机舱的部分,并包括在这些处所
.1 火灾和爆炸; .2 撤离; .3 危险区域的延伸; .4 受压气体排放至岸上; .5 高压气体排放; .6 货物处理中的翻滚状况; .7 易燃制冷气体的储存和处理; .8 货物围护系统外货物液体和蒸气的持续存在; .9 液货舱过压和低压; .10 液体货物的船至船驳运;和 .11 停泊期间的碰撞风险。 1.1.11 如在本规则内使用风险评估或类似研究,结果也应包括但不限于下列作为有效证据: .1 使用的方法和标准的说明; .2 情景分析说明可能存在的变化或研究中错误的来源; .3 独立和适当的第三方对风险评估过程的验证; .4 制定风险评估依据的质量系统; .5 评估中使用的数据的来源、适合性和有效性; .6 评估中相关人员的知识基础; .7 结果与相关方关联的分布系统;和 .8 独立和适当的第三方对结果的验证。 1.1.12 尽管根据SOLAS公约,本规则法律上视作强制性文件,但本规则4.28和附录1、3和4 的规定为建议性或资料性。



经修正的《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》修正案(第MSC.365(93)号决议)文章属性•【缔约国】海上安全委员会•【条约领域】海上运输•【公布日期】2015.05.22•【条约类别】其他•【签订地点】正文经修正的《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》修正案(第MSC.365(93)号决议)(2014年5月22日通过)海上安全委员会,忆及《国际海事组织公约》关于本委员会职能的第二十八条第(二)款,还忆及《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(《安全公约》)(以下称“该公约”)关于该公约附则除第I章规定外的适用修正程序的第VⅢ(b)条,在其第九十三届会议上,审议了按照该公约第VⅢ(b)(i)条提出和分发的该公约修正案,1. 按照该公约第VⅢ(b)(iv)条,通过该公约的修正案,其文本载于本决议之附件;2. 按照该公约第VⅢ(b)(vi)(2)(bb)条,决定所述修正案将在2015年7月1日视为已被接受,除非在此日期之前,有三分之一以上的该公约缔约国政府或其合计商船队占世界商船总吨位不少于50%的缔约国政府表示其反对该修正案;3. 请《安全公约》缔约国政府注意,按照该公约第VⅢ(b)(vii)(2)条,该修正案在按照上述第2段被接受后,将于2016年1月1日生效;4. 要求秘书长遵照该公约第VⅢ(b)(v)条,将本决议及其附件中的修正案文本的核证无误副本分发给该公约的所有缔约国政府;5. 还要求秘书长将本决议及其附件的副本分发给非该公约缔约国政府的本组织会员。

附件经修正的《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》修正案第II-1章构造-结构、分舱与稳性、机电设备C部分机电设备第29条-操舵装置1 在第3.2款之后,增加下列新的条文:“如船舶在海试期间,以最深航行吃水并以主机最大持续转速及最大设计螺距相应的航速前进时,证明符合该要求不切实际,则该船舶无论何时建造均可通过下列方法之一证明符合该要求:.1 船舶在海试期间,以主机最大持续转速及最大设计螺距相应的航速前进时呈平浮状态,且舵完全浸没;或.2 如海试期间无法实现舵完全浸没,则须采取在所建议的海试载荷条件下的舵叶浸没面积计算出适当的前进速度。



XP中msc命令全集2009-05-18 10:27密码忘了省去重新安装系统的方法纯dos 下执行,xp:copy C:\WINDOWS\repair\*.* 到c:\windows\system32\config2k: copy C:\winnt\repair\*.* 到c:\winnt\system32\configcacls----------显示或者修改文件的访问控制表(ACL)certmgr.msc----证书管理实用程序ciadv.msc------索引服务程序compmgmt.msc---计算机管理devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序fsmgmt.msc-----共享文件夹管理器gpedit.msc-----组策略lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组ntmsmgr.msc----移动存储管理器ntmsoprq.msc---移动存储管理员操作请求perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序rsop.msc-------组策略结果集secpol.msc-----本地安全策略services.msc---本地服务设置wmimgmt.msc ---打开windows管理体系结构(wmi)calc-----------启动计算器charmap--------启动字符映射表chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查cleanmgr-------垃圾整理cliconfg-------SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用程序Clipbrd--------剪贴板查看器cmd.exe--------CMD命令提示符conf-----------启动netmeetingdcomcnfg-------打开系统组件服务ddeshare-------打开DDE共享设置dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序drwtsn32------ 系统医生dvdplay--------DVD播放器dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息eudcedit-------造字程序cleanmgr /sageset:99 ----让清理系统功能更完善cleanmgr /SAGERUN:99 ----直接清理eventvwr-------事件查看器explorer-------打开资源管理器iexpress-------木马捆绑工具,系统自带logoff---------注销命令magnify--------放大镜实用程序mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况mmc------------打开控制台mobsync--------同步命令mplayer2-------媒体播放机Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序mspaint--------画图板mstsc----------远程桌面连接narrator-------屏幕“讲述人”net start messenger----开始信使服务net stop messenger-----停止信使服务netstat -an----(TC)命令检查接口notepad--------打开记事本nslookup-------网络管理的工具向导ntbackup-------系统备份和还原odbcad32-------ODBC数据源管理器oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活oobemsoobe a----检查XP是否激活osk------------打开屏幕键盘packager-------对象包装程序progman--------程序管理器regedit.exe----注册表regedt32-------注册表编辑器regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------取消ZIP支持rononce -p ----15秒关机sfc scannow---windows文件保护sfc.exe--------系统文件检查器shrpubw--------创建共享文件夹sigverif-------文件签名验证程序sndrec32-------录音机Sndvol32-------音量控制程序syncapp--------创建一个公文包sysedit--------系统配置编辑器syskey---------系统加密,一旦加密就不能解开,保护windows xp系统的双重密码services.msc---本地服务设置systeminfo 系统信息察看tasklist /svc 察看服务pidtaskmgr--------任务管理器tourstart------xp简介(安装完成后出现的漫游xp程序)tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令utilman--------辅助工具管理器wiaacmgr-------扫描仪和照相机向导winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天winmsd---------系统信息winver---------检查Windows版本write----------写字板wscrīpt--------windows脚本宿主设置wupdmgr--------windows更新程序CHKNTFS /t:0--- 让非法关机后scandisk 取消10秒等待mstsc------- windows 3389登陆器sfc /purgecache ---可以清除“Windows 文件保护”文件高速缓存,即删除了dllcache文件夹下的全部内容,对于硬盘比较紧张的用户这当然也可以,但从此Windows XP失去了自己恢复系统文件的能力,所以折中的办法应该是适当减小该文件夹的大小,/cachesize=x参数即可设置“Windows 文件保护”文件高速缓存的大小,其默认大小为102M,最小值为15M,你可以根据情况设置,Windows 会根据文件的重要程度自行调节(当然也可增大该文件夹)。

SOLAS第II-2章修正案(MSC365(93)) CCS 上海规范 - 中国船级社

SOLAS第II-2章修正案(MSC365(93)) CCS 上海规范  - 中国船级社
CCS 上海规范研究所
一,SOLAS第 II-2章修正案(MSC.365(93))
等效系统的要求 .1 主管机关可以在考虑了船舶的布置和设备后,按照本条 第5.5.4.3款接受采用其他的固定式系统。 .2 对于2016年1月1日及以后建造的8000 DWT及以上但小 于20000DWT的液货船,为代替本条1所要求的固定式装置, 主管机关也可以按照本条第3款接受其他等效的布置和保护方 式。 .3 等效系统和布置应满足:原要求 (1)在整个正常压载航行以及必要的舱内作业期间,能 防止爆炸性混合物在完整的液货舱内产生危险的积聚; (2)设计成使该系统本身产生静电而着火的危险性减至 最低程度。
CCS 上海规范研究所
一,SOLAS第 II-2章修正案(MSC.365(93))
2016年1月1日起实施。 船舶审图和建造检验时应注意:该要求适用于液货船、 化学品液货船和气体运输船的惰性气体系统。 自2016年1月1日起,建造验船师应核对8000DWT及 以上液货船安装上船的惰性气体系统应具有按照 MSC.367(93)决议签发的产品证书。 对现有船的追溯: 2016年1月1日以前(包括2012年 7月1日以前),有关对液货船的操作性要求需满足 16.3.3要求,但16.3.3.3除外。船舶营运验船师应注 意。 有关操作性要求需纳入公司ISM管理体系中,检验时 应注意核查。
CCS 上海规范研究所
一,SOLAS第 II-2章修正案(MSC.365(93))
1、SOLAS第II-2/4.5.5条和第16.3.3条对油船、化学 品船和气体运输船惰性气体系统的修订要求 将原设置惰性气体系统的要求由20000DWT及以上 的液货船提高到8000DWT及以上,并明确适用于 化学品船和气体运输船。 2016年1月1日之前建造的满足原要求 (MSC.98(73)),2016年1月1日及以后建造的满 足新要求(MSC.367(93)。具体要求如下:




含MSC.206(81),MSC.217(82),MSC.292(87),MSC.311(88)附件国际消防安全系统规则目录前言第1章 通则第2章 国际通岸接头第3章 人员保护第4章 灭火器第5章 固定式气体灭火系统第6章 固定式泡沫灭火系统第7章 固定式压力水雾和细水雾灭火系统第8章 自动喷水器,探火和失火报警系统第9章 固定式探火和失火报警系统第10章抽烟式探火系统第11章低位照明系统第12章固定式应急消防泵第13章脱险通道布置第14章固定式甲板泡沫系统第15章惰性气体系统第16章固定式碳氢化合物气体探测系统(MSC.292(87),2012年1月1日生效)国际消防安全系统规则(消防安全系统规则)前言1本规则旨在为经修正的1974国际海上人命安公约第Ⅱ-2章所要求的消防安全系统提供特定工程技术规定的国际标准。




《国际海运危险货物规则(IMDG规则)》修正案(第MSC.372(93)决议)文章属性•【缔约国】海上安全委员会•【条约领域】海上运输•【公布日期】•【条约类别】其他•【签订地点】正文《国际海运危险货物规则(IMDG规则)》修正案(第MSC.372(93)决议)(2014年5月22日通过 2016年1月1日生效)海上安全委员会,忆及《国际海事组织公约》第28(b)条关于本委员会的职能,注意到海安会经第MSC.122(75)号决议,通过了《国际海运危险货物规则》(以下简称“《国际危规》”),该规则已根据经修正的《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(以下简称“本公约”)第VII章于2004年1月1日成为强制性规则,还注意到本公约第VⅢ(b)条和第VII/1.1条关于《国际危规》的修正程序,在其第93届会议上,审议了根据本公约第VⅢ(b)(i)条提出和散发的《国际危规》修正案,1按照本公约第VⅢ(b)(iv)条,通过了《国际危规》修正案,其文本见本决议附件;2按照本公约第VⅢ(b)(vi)(2)(bb)条,决定该修正案于2015年7月1日须视为被接受,除非在此日期之前,有三分之一以上的本公约缔约国政府或拥有商船队合计吨位不少于世界商船队总吨位50%的缔约国政府通知反对该修正案;3请本公约缔约国政府注意,按照公约VⅢ(b)(vii)(2)条,该修正案须在按照上述第2段被接受后,于2016年1月1日生效;4同意本公约缔约国政府可从2015年1月1日起自愿实施该修正案的全部或部分要求;5要求秘书长遵照本公约第VⅢ(b)(v)款,将本决议及其附件中的修正案文本的核证无误副本发送给所有本公约缔约国政府;6还要求秘书长将本决议及其附件的副本发送给所有非本公约缔约国的本组织会员。






8 ) ⅢC规则第 2 1 章新增的大量有毒有害物质清单 化学品船经营公司及相关设计单位应高度关注新修订的 I B C规则第 2 1 章新增的大量有毒有害物质清单 ,
在设计和运输安全方面尽早考虑 。
9 ) 近海工程支持船 O S V化学品规则 海上钻井平台经营公司及相关设计单位应高度关注新批准的近海工程支持船 OS V 化学品规贝 U A g 大量新
作业自 几 胄 白 实现半自动化甚至全 自动化操作 , 再考虑远程货物运输的自动化 。 2) 分道航行制和定线制
航运公司需要关注本届会议批准的有关新增或修订后的分道航行制和定线制 ,在航线规戈  ̄ B - , J - 予以考虑 。 3) N A V T E X接收机和增强型群呼没备 对设备制造商应注意 2 0 1 9 年 7月 1 日及之后新装的 N A V T E X接收机尽量满足新修订的窄带直接印字电
综合安 耳 牯、 各分委会报告、 工作计划等 2 3 项议程 。 会议成立了 G B S工作组 、 I MO文件提前实施工作组 、 能力需求分析专家组和审议和通过强制性文件修正案起草组 。 提醒 l 界注意的事项 :
1 ) 海上自主船
海上自主船成为国际海事热点 ,在可预 见的将来 ,会成为未来航运的发展方向。建议航运界、相关科研 院所尽早投 入相关研究 ,研发不同级别智能化或自动化的船舶 ,首先在港区作业 、 短程干货运输、小型特种
技术 ,尽早生产相关产品 ,早先 占领市场 。
5 ) 《 国际海运固体散货 ( I MS B C) 规则 》 修正案
《 国际海运固体{ 敦货 ( I MS B C) 规则 》 修正案 ( MS C . 4 2 6 08 ) ) ,2 0 1 9 年1 月 1日生效 。各国可掳 卜 年

MSC 982 船桥设备及设计的人体工程学标准Dec,2000_

MSC 982 船桥设备及设计的人体工程学标准Dec,2000_

2 These Guidelines have been prepared to support provisions of the revised regulation V/15 of the SOLAS Convention - Principles relating to bridge design, design and arrangement of navigational systems and equipment and bridge procedures, which is expected to enter into force on 1 July 2002. 该准则用于为预计将于2002年7月1日生效的SOLAS修正案第五章,第十五款(船桥设计,导航系统及设备的设 计和布置,及驾驶室准则的相关规范)提供规范支持。
6 December 2000), adopted the annexed Guidelines on Ergonomic Criteria for Bridge Equipment
and Layout which have been developed to assist designers in realizing a sufficient ergonomic
their tasks by a user-centered design of the bridge equipment and layout.



第MSC.339(91)号决议(2012年11月30日通过)通过《国际消防安全系统规则》(FSS规则)修正案海上安全委员会,忆及国际海事组织公约第二十八条第(二)款关于本委员会的职能,注意到MSC.98(73)决议通过的《国际消防安全系统规则》(以下称“FSS规则”),其根据《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(以下称“公约”)第II-2章已成为强制性规则,还注意到公约第VIII(b)条和第II-2/3.22条关于修正FSS规则的程序,在其九十一届会议上审议了按公约第VIII (b)(i)条提出和分发的FSS规则的修正案,1. 按公约第VIII(b)(iv)条规定,通过《国际消防安全系统规则》修正案,其文本载于本决议附件;2. 按公约第VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb)条规定,决定该修正案须于2014年1月1日视为已被接受,除非在此日期之前,有三分之一以上的公约缔约国政府或拥有商船合计吨位数不少于世界商船总吨数50%的缔约国政府通报其反对该修正案;3. 提请公约各缔约国政府注意,按公约第VIII(b)(vii)(2)条规定,该修正案须在按上述2被接受后,于2014年7月1日生效;4. 要求秘书长按公约第VIII(b)(v)条规定,将核准无误的本决议及其附件中修正案文本的副本分发给所有公约缔约国政府;5. 还要求秘书长将本决议及其附件的副本分发给非公约缔约国的本组织成员。

***附件《国际消防安全系统规则》(FSS规则)修正案第3章人员保护1 现有2.1.2由下列二个新段落替代:“ 呼吸器应为1具自给式压缩空气呼吸器,其瓶内储气量应至少为1,200 l,或1具其他型式的自给式呼吸器,其可供使用的时间至少为30 min。

呼吸器所有的空气瓶应能互换。 压缩空气呼吸器应设有听觉报警和视觉或其他装置,以在瓶内储气量降至不少于200 l前向使用者发出警报。

”第5章固定式气体灭火系统2 在2.1.1.1的第二句后,新增句子如下:“未采用至少A-0级分隔分开并设有独立通风系统的相邻处所应视为同一处所。



国际海事组织第93届海上安全委员会会议快报中国船级社 2014年5月国际海事组织(IMO)海上安全委员会(MSC)第93届会议于2014年5月14日至23日在英国伦敦IMO总部召开,海安会主席丹麦的Christian Breinholt先生主持了会议。






(1) SOLAS II-1/29操舵装置,适用于新造船和现有船。




(2) SOLAS第II-2/1、II-2/3和II-2/20-1条,主要适用于新造船。




RESOLUTION MSC81(70) (adopted on 11 December 1998)

RESOLUTION MSC81(70) (adopted on 11 December 1998)

ANNEX 6RESOLUTION MSC.81(70)(adopted on 11 December 1998)REVISED RECOMMENDATION ON TESTING OF LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCESTHE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE,RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,RECALLING ALSO that the Assembly, when adopting resolution A.689(17) on Testing of life-saving appliances, authorized the Committee to keep the Recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances under review and to adopt, when appropriate, amendments thereto,RECALLING FURTHER that, since the adoption of resolution A.689(17), the Committee has amended the Recommendation annexed thereto in five occasions, i.e. by resolution MSC.54(66), by circulars MSC/Circ.596, MSC/Circ.615 and MSC/Circ.809 and through the present resolution,NOTING that the 1995 SOLAS Conference, in adopting amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention concerning the safety of ro-ro passenger ships, also adopted resolution 7 on Development of requirements, guidelines and performance standards, whereby the Committee was requested to develop relevant requirements, guidelines and performance standards to assist in the implementation of the amendments adopted by the Conference,NOTING ALSO that the requirements of the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code came into force on 1 July 1998 under the provisions of new chapter III of the 1974 SOLAS Convention,RECOGNIZING the need to introduce more precise requirements in the testing of life-saving appliances,HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment at its forty-first session,1.ADOPTS the Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances, set out in the Annex to the present resolution;2.RECOMMENDS Governments to ensure that life-saving appliances are subjected to:.1the tests recommended in the Annex to the present resolution; or.2such tests as the Administration is satisfied are substantially equivalent to those recommended in the Annex to the present resolution.ANNEX 6Page 2ANNEXREVISED RECOMMENDATION ON TESTING OF LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCESCONTENTSINTRODUCTIONPART 1 - PROTOTYPE TESTS FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES1LIFEBUOYS1.1Lifebuoys specification1.2Temperature cycling test1.3Drop test1.4Test for oil resistance1.5Fire test1.6Flotation test1.7Strength test1.8Test for operation with a light and smoke signal1.9Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal tests2LIFEJACKETS2.1Temperature cycling test2.2Buoyancy test2.3Fire test2.4Test for oil resistance2.5Tests of materials for cover, tapes and seams2.6Strength tests2.7Additional tests for lifejacket buoyancy material other than cork or kapok2.8Donning test2.9Water performance tests2.10Children's lifejacket tests2.11Tests for inflatable lifejackets3IMMERSION SUITS, ANTI-EXPOSURE SUITS AND THERMAL PROTECTIVE AIDS 3.1Tests common to non-insulated and insulated immersion suits3.2 Thermal protective tests3.3Thermal protective aids for survival craft4PYROTECHNICS - ROCKET PARACHUTE FLARES, HAND FLARES AND BUOYANT SMOKE SIGNALS4.1General4.2Temperature tests4.3Water and corrosion resistance test4.4Handling safety test4.5Safety inspection4.6Rocket parachute flares test4.7Hand flares test4.8 Buoyant smoke signals testANNEX 6Page 3 5LIFERAFTS - RIGID AND INFLATABLE5.1Drop test5.2Jump test5.3Weight test5.4Towing test5.5Mooring out tests5.6Liferaft painter system test5.7Loading and seating test5.8Boarding and closing arrangement test5.9Stability test5.10Manoeuvrability test5.11Swamp test5.12Canopy closure test5.13Buoyancy of float-free liferafts5.14Detailed inspection5.15Weak link test5.16Davit-launched liferafts: strength test of lifting components5.17Additional tests applicable to inflatable liferafts only5.18Additional tests applicable to automatically self-righting liferafts only5.19Submergence test for automatically self-righting and canopied reversible liferafts5.20Wind velocity test5.21Test for self-draining of floors of canopied reversible liferafts and automatically self-rightingliferafts5.22Liferaft light tests6LIFEBOATS6.1Definitions and general conditions6.2Lifeboat material tests6.3Lifeboat overload test6.4Davit-launched lifeboat impact and drop test6.5Free-fall lifeboat free-fall test6.6Lifeboat seating strength test6.7Lifeboat seating space test6.8Lifeboat freeboard and stability tests6.9Release mechanism test6.10Lifeboat operational test6.11Lifeboat towing and painter release test6.12Lifeboat light tests6.13Canopy erection test6.14Additional tests for totally enclosed lifeboats6.15Air supply test for lifeboats with a self-contained air support system6.16Additional tests for fire-protected lifeboats6.17Measuring and evaluating acceleration forces7RESCUE BOATS AND FAST RESCUE BOATS7.1Rigid rescue boats7.2Inflated rescue boats7.3Rigid/inflated rescue boats7.4Rigid fast rescue boatsANNEX 6Page 47.5Inflated fast rescue boats7.6Rigid/inflated fast rescue boats7.7Outboard motors for rescue boats8LAUNCHING AND EMBARKATION APPLIANCES8.1Testing of davits and launching appliances8.2Davit-launched liferaft automatic release hook test9LINE-THROWING APPLIANCES9.1Tests for pyrotechnics9.2Function test9.3Line tensile test9.4Visual examination9.5Temperature test10POSITION-INDICATING LIGHTS FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES10.1Survival craft and rescue boats light tests10.2Lifebuoy self-igniting light tests10.3 Lifejacket light tests10.4Common tests for all position-indicating lights (additional lights are required to carry out theenvironmental tests)11HYDROSTATIC RELEASE UNITS11.1Visual and dimensional examination11.2Technical tests11.3Performance test12MARINE EVACUATION SYSTEMS12.1Materials12.2Marine evacuation system container12.3Marine evacuation passage12.4Marine evacuation platform, if fitted12.5Associated inflatable liferafts12.6Performance13SEARCHLIGHTS FOR LIFEBOATS AND RESCUE BOATS13.1Visual examination13.2Durability and resistance to environmental conditions13.3Operational controls13.4Light testsANNEX 6Page 5PART 2 - PRODUCTION AND INSTALLATION TESTS1GENERAL2INDIVIDUAL BUOYANCY EQUIPMENT2.1Lifejackets2.2Immersion and anti-exposure suits3PORTABLE BUOYANCY EQUIPMENT3.1Lifebuoys4PYROTECHNICS5SURVIVAL CRAFT5.1Liferaft operational inflation test5.2Davit-launched liferaft and inflated rescue boat test5.3Lifeboat and rescue boat test5.4Launch test6LAUNCHING AND STOWAGE ARRANGEMENTS6.1Launching appliances using falls and winches6.2Installation tests of liferaft launching appliances7MARINE EVACUATION SYSTEMS7.1Installation testsANNEX 6Page 6INTRODUCTIONThe tests in this Recommendation have been developed on the basis of the requirements of the International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code.Life-saving appliances which are installed on board on or after 1 July 1999 should meet the applicable requirements of this Recommendation or substantially equivalent ones, as may be specified by the Administration. Where there has been a substantial change in the equipment performance requirements or the test procedures in this recommendation, an item of equipment previously tested to resolution A.521(13), or previous versions of resolution A.689(17), need only be subjected to tests affected by such changes.Life-saving appliances which were installed on board before 1 July 1999 may meet the applicable requirements of the Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances adopted by resolution A.521(13), previous versions of resolution A.689(17), or substantially equivalent ones, as may be specified by the Administration, and may continue in use on the ship on which they are presently installed, as long as they remain suitable for service.Tests for requirements referred to in the LSA Code, which are not included in this Recommendation, should be to the satisfaction of the Administration.It should be verified that life-saving appliances not covered by tests referred to in this Recommendation meet the applicable requirements of the LSA Code.PART 1- PROTOTYPE TEST FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES1LIFEBUOYS1.1Lifebuoys specificationIt should be established by measurement, weighing and inspection that:.1the lifebuoy has an outer diameter of not more than 800 mm and an inner diameter of not less than 400 mm;.2the lifebuoy has a mass of not less than 2.5 kg;.3if it is intended to operate the quick-release arrangement provided for a self-activated smoke signal and self-igniting light, the lifebuoy has a mass sufficient to operate suchquick-release arrangement or 4 kg, whichever is greater (see 1.8); and.4the lifebuoy is fitted with a grabline of not less than 9.5 mm in diameter and of not less than four times the outside diameter of the body of the buoy in length and secured in four equalloops.ANNEX 6Page 71.2Temperature cycling testThe following test should be carried out on two lifebuoys.1.2.1The lifebuoys should be alternately subjected to surrounding temperatures of -30°C and +65°C. These alternating cycles need not follow immediately after each other and the following procedure, repeated for a total of 10 cycles, is acceptable:.1 an 8 h cycle at +65°C to be completed in one day; and.2the specimens removed from the warm chamber that same day and left exposed under ordinary room conditions until the next day;.3an 8 h cycle at -30°C to be completed the next day; and.4the specimens removed from the cold chamber that same day and left exposed under ordinary room conditions until the next day.1.2.2The lifebuoys should show no sign of loss of rigidity under high temperatures and, after the tests, should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.1.3Drop testThe two lifebuoys should be dropped into the water from the height at which they are intended to be stowed on ships in their lightest seagoing condition, or 30 m, whichever is the greater, without suffering damage. In addition, one lifebuoy should be dropped three times from a height of 2 m on to a concrete floor. 1.4 Test for oil resistanceOne of the lifebuoys should be immersed horizontally for a period of 24 h under a 100 mm head of diesel oil at normal room temperature. After this test the lifebuoy should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.1.5Fire testThe other lifebuoy should be subjected to a fire test. A test pan 30 cm x 35 cm x 6 cm should be placed in an essentially draught-free area. Water should be put in the bottom of the test pan to a depth of 1 cm followed by enough petrol to make a minimum total depth of 4 cm. The petrol should then be ignited and allowed to burn freely for 30 s. The lifebuoy should then be moved through flames in an upright, forward, free-hanging position, with the bottom of the lifebuoy 25 cm above the top edge of the test pan so that the duration of exposure to the flames is 2 s. The lifebuoy should not sustain burning or continue melting after being removed from the flames.ANNEX 6Page 81.6Flotation testThe two lifebuoys subjected to the above tests should be floated in fresh water with not less than 14.5 kg of iron suspended from each of them and should remain floating for a period of 24 h.1.7Strength testA lifebuoy body should be suspended by a 50 mm wide strap. A similar strap should be passed around the opposite side of the body with a 90 kg mass suspended from it. After 30 min, the lifebuoy body should be examined. There should be no breaks, cracks or permanent deformation.1.8Test for operation with a light and smoke signalA lifebuoy intended for quick release with a light and smoke signal should be given this test. The lifebuoy should be arranged in a manner simulating its installation on a ship for release from the navigating bridge.A lifebuoy light and smoke signal should be attached to the lifebuoy in the manner recommended by the manufacturers. The lifebuoy should be released and should activate both the light and the smoke signal.1.9Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal tests1.9.1 Nine self-activating smoke signals should be subjected to temperature cycling as prescribed in 1.2.1 and, after the tests, should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.1.9.2 After at least 10 complete temperature cycles, the first three smoke signals should be subjected toa temperature of -30ºC for at least 48 h, then taken from this stowage temperature and be activated and operated in seawater at a temperature of -1ºC and the next three smoke signals should be subjected to a temperature of +65ºC for at least 48 h then taken from this stowage temperature and be activated and operated in seawater at a temperature of +30ºC. After the smoke signals have been emitting smoke for 7 min, the smoke-emitting ends of the smoke signals should be immersed to a depth of 25 mm for 10 s. On being released the smoke signals should continue operating for a total period of smoke emission of not less than 15 min. The signals should not ignite explosively or in a manner dangerous to persons close by.1.9.3 The last three smoke signals taken from ordinary room conditions and attached by a line to a lifebuoy should undergo the drop test into water prescribed in 1.3. The lifebuoy should be dropped from a quick-release fitting. The smoke signals should not be damaged and should function for a period of at least 15 min.1.9.4Smoke signals should also be subjected to the tests and examinations prescribed in 4.2.4, 4.3.1,4.3.3, 4.5.5, 4.5.6, 4.8.2 and A smoke signal should be tested in waves at least 300 mm high. The signal should function effectively and for not less than 15 min.ANNEX 6Page 92LIFEJACKETS2.1Temperature cycling testA lifejacket should be subjected to the temperature cycling as prescribed in 1.2.1 and should then be externally examined. If the buoyancy material has not been subjected to the tests prescribed in 2.7, the lifejacket should also be examined internally. The lifejacket materials should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.2.2Buoyancy testThe buoyancy of the lifejacket should be measured before and after 24 h complete submersion to just below the surface in fresh water. The difference between the initial buoyancy and the final buoyancy should not exceed 5% of the initial buoyancy.2.3Fire testA lifejacket should be subjected to the fire test prescribed in 1.5. The lifejacket should not sustain burning or continue melting after being removed from the flames.2.4Test for oil resistance2.4.1The lifejacket should be tested for oil resistance as prescribed in the buoyancy material has not been subjected to the tests prescribed in 2.7, the lifejacket should also be examined internally and the effect determined. The material must show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.2.5Tests of materials for cover, tapes and seamsThe materials used for the cover, tapes, seams and additional equipment should be tested to the satisfaction of the Administration to establish that they are rot-proof, colour-fast and resistant to deterioration from exposure to sunlight and that they are not unduly affected by seawater, oil or fungal attack.2.6Strength testsBody or lifting loop strength tests2.6.1The lifejacket should be immersed in water for a period of 2 min. It should then be removed from the water and closed in the same manner as when it is worn by a person. A force of not less than 3,200 N (2,400 N in the case of a child-size lifejacket) should be applied for 30 min to the part of the lifejacket that secures it to the body of the wearer (see figure 1) or to the lifting loop of the lifejacket. The lifejacket should not be damaged as a result of this test.ANNEX 6Page 10Vest-type lifejacket Yoke or over-the-head-type lifejacketC - Cylinder125 mm diameter for adult sizes50 mm diameter for child sizesL - Test loadFigure 1 - Body strength test arrangement for lifejacketsShoulder strength test2.6.2The lifejacket should be immersed in water for a period of 2 min. It should then be removed from the water and closed in the same manner as when it is worn by a person. A force of not less than 900 N (700 N in the case of a child-size lifejacket) should be applied for 30 min to the shoulder section of the lifejacket (see figure 2). The lifejacket should not be damaged as a result of this test.Vest-type lifejacket Yoke or over-the-head-type lifejacketC - Cylinder125 mm diameter for adult sizes50 mm diameter for child sizesL - Test loadFigure 2 - Shoulder strength test arrangement for lifejackets2.7 Additional tests for lifejacket buoyancy material other than cork or kapokThe following tests should be carried out on eight specimens of lifejacket buoyancy materials other than cork or kapok.Test for stability under temperature cycling2.7.1Six specimens should be alternately subjected for 8 h to surrounding temperatures of -30°C and +65°C. These alternating cycles need not follow immediately after each other and the following procedure, repeated for ten cycles, is acceptable:.1an 8 h cycle at +65°C to be completed in one day; and.2the specimens removed from the warm chamber that same day and left exposed under ordinary room conditions until the next day;.3an 8 h cycle at -30°C to be completed the next day; and.4the specimens removed from the cold chamber that same day and left exposed under ordinary room conditions until the next day.2.7.2The dimensions of the specimens should be recorded at the end of the ten-cycle period. The specimens should be carefully examined and should not show any sign of external change of structure or of mechanical qualities.2.7.3Two of the specimens should be cut open and should not show any sign of internal change of structure.2.7.4Four of the specimens should be used for water absorption tests, two of which should be so tested after they have also been subjected to the diesel oil test as prescribed in 1.4.Tests for water absorption2.7.5The tests should be carried out in fresh water and the specimens should be immersed for a period of seven days under a 1.25 m head of water.2.7.6The tests should be carried out:.1on two specimens as supplied;.2on two specimens which have been subjected to the temperature cycling as prescribed in2.7.1; and.3on two specimens which have been subjected to the temperature cycling as prescribed in2.7.1 followed by the diesel oil test as prescribed in specimens should be at least 300 mm square and be of the same thickness as used in the lifejacket. Alternatively, the entire lifejacket may be subjected to the test. The dimensions should be recorded at the beginning and end of these tests.2.7.8The results should state the mass in kilograms which each specimen could support out of the water after one and seven days immersion (the selection of a test method suitable for obtaining this result directly or indirectly is left to the discretion of the testing authority). The reduction of buoyancy should not exceed 16% for specimens which have been exposed to the diesel oil conditioning and must not exceed 5% for all other specimens. The specimens should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities.2.8Donning test2.8.1As lifejackets will be used by uninitiated persons, often in adverse conditions, it is essential that risk of incorrect donning be minimized. Ties and fastenings necessary for proper performance should be few and simple. Lifejackets should readily fit various sizes of adults, both lightly and heavily clad. Lifejackets should be capable of being worn inside-out, or clearly in only one way.Test subjects2.8.2These test should be carried out with at least six able-bodied persons of the following heights and weights:Height Weight1.40 m - 1.60 m 1 person under 60 kg1 person over 60 kg1.60 m - 1.80 m 1 person under 70 kg1 person over 70 kgover 1.80 m 1 person under 80 kg1 person over 80 kg.1at least one and not more than two of the persons should be females with not more than one female in the same height range;.2for the approval of the lifejackets, the test results obtained from each of the participating subjects should be acceptable except as provided otherwise.Clothing2.8.3Each test subject should be tested wearing normal clothing. The test should be repeated with the test subject wearing heavy-weather clothing.Test2.8.4After demonstration, the test subjects should correctly don lifejackets within a period of 1 min, without assistance.Assessment2.8.5The observer should note:.1ease and speed of donning; and.2 proper fit and adjustment.2.9Water performance tests2.9.1This portion of the test is intended to determine the ability of the lifejacket to assist a helpless person or one in an exhausted or unconscious state and to show that the lifejacket does not unduly restrict movement. All tests should be carried out in fresh water under still conditions.Test subjects2.9.2These tests should be carried out with at least six persons as described in 2.8.2. Only good swimmers should be used, since the ability to relax in the water is rarely otherwise obtained.Clothing2.9.3 Subjects should wear only swimming costumes.Preparation for water performance tests2.9.4The test subjects should be made familiar with each of the tests set out below, particularly the requirement regarding relaxing and exhaling in the face-down position. The test subject should don the lifejacket, unassisted, using only the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The observer should note the points prescribed in 2.8.5.Righting tests2.9.5The test subject should swim at least three gentle strokes (breast stroke) and then with minimum headway relax, with the head down and the lungs partially filled, simulating a state of utter exhaustion. The period of time should be recorded starting from the completion of the last stroke until the mouth of the test subject comes clear of the water. The above test should be repeated after the test subject has exhaled. The time should again be ascertained as above. The freeboard from the water surface to the mouth should be recorded with the test subject at rest.Drop test2.9.6Without readjusting the lifejacket, the test subject should jump vertically into the water, feet first, from a height of at least 4.5 m. When jumping into the water, the test subject should be allowed to hold on to the lifejacket during water entry to avoid possible injury. The freeboard to the mouth should be recorded after the test subject comes to rest.Assessment2.9.7After each of the water tests described above, the test subject should come to rest with the mouth clear of the water by at least 120 mm. The average of all subjects' trunk angles should be at least 30° backof vertical, and each individual subject's angle should be at least 20° back of vertical. The average of all subjects' faceplane (head) angles should be at least 40° above horizontal, and each individual subject's angle should be at least 30° above horizontal. In the righting test, the mouth should be clear of the water in not more than 5 s. The lifejacket should not become dislodged or cause harm to the test subject.2.9.8When evaluating the results of a test in accordance with 2.9.5, 2.9.7 and 2.9.8, the Administration may, in exceptional circumstances, disregard the results of a test on a subject if the results show a very slight deviation from the specified criteria, provided the Administration is satisfied that the deviation can be attributed to the unusual size and stature characteristics of the test subject and the results of tests on other subjects, chosen in accordance with 2.9.2, show the satisfactory performance of the lifejacket.Swimming and water emergence test2.9.9All test subjects, without wearing the lifejacket, should attempt to swim 25 m and board a liferaft or a rigid platform with its surface 300 mm above the water surface. All test subjects who successfully complete this task should perform it again wearing the lifejacket. At least two thirds of the test subjects who can accomplish the task without the lifejacket should also be able to perform it with the lifejacket.2.10Children's lifejacket testsAs far as possible, similar tests should be applied for approval of lifejackets suitable for children.2.10.1When conducting water performance tests under 2.9, child-size lifejackets should meet the following requirements for their critical flotation stability characteristics. The range of sizes for child-size lifejackets, should be considered based on the test results. Devices should be sized by height or by height and weight.2.10.2Test subjects should be selected to fully represent the range of sizes for which the device is to be approved. Devices for smaller children should be tested on children as small as approximately 760 mm tall and 9 kg mass. At least six test subjects should be used for each 380 mm and 16 kg of size range: .1Turning time. Each individual subject must turn face-up in not more than 5 s..2Freeboard. The combined results for clearance of the mouth above the water for all subjects should average at least 90 mm; each individual subject under 1,270 mm and 23 kgshould have at least 50 mm clearance, and each individual subject over 1,270 mm and23 kg should have at least 75 mm clearance..3Trunk angle. The average of all subjects' results should be at least 40° back of vertical, and each individual subject's result should be at least 20° back of vertical..4Faceplane (head) angle. The average of all subjects' results should be at least 35° above horizontal, and each individual subject's result should be at least 20° above horizontal..5Mobility. Mobility of the subject both in and out of the water should be given consideration in determining the acceptability of a device for approval.2.11Tests for inflatable lifejackets2.11.1Two inflatable lifejackets should be subjected to the temperature cycling test prescribed in paragraph 1.2.1 in the uninflated condition and should then be externally examined. The inflatable lifejacket materials should show no sign of damage such as shrinking, cracking, swelling, dissolution or change of mechanical qualities. The automatic and manual inflation systems shall each be tested immediately after each temperature cycling test as follows:.1after the high temperature cycle (test in paragraph the two inflatable lifejackets take from a stowage temperature of +65°C, one should be activated using the automaticinflation system by placing it in seawater at a temperature of +30°C and the other shouldbe activated using the manual inflation system; and.2after the low temperature cycle (test in paragraph the two inflatable lifejackets take from a stowage temperature of -30°C, one should be activated using the automaticinflation system by placing it in seawater at a temperature of -1°C and the other should beactivated using the manual inflation system.2.11.2The test in 2.8 should be conducted using lifejackets both in the inflated and uninflated conditions.2.11.3The tests in 2.9 should be conducted using lifejackets that have been inflated both automatically and manually, and also with one of the compartments uninflated. The tests with one of the compartments uninflated should be repeated as many times as necessary to perform the test once with each compartment in the uninflated condition.2.11.4Tests of materials for inflatable bladders, inflation systems and componentsThe material used for the inflatable bladder, inflation system and components should be tested to establish that they are rot-proof, colour fast and resistant to deterioration from exposure to sunlight and that they are not duly affected by seawater, oil or fungal attack. Material testsResistance to rot and illumination tested according to AATCC Method 30:1981 and ISO 105-B04:1988 Illumination should take place to Class 4-5.Following exposure to rot or illumination tests above the tensile strength should be measured using the grab method given in ISO 5082. Minimum tensile strength should be not less than 300 N per 25 mm in the warp and weft direction. Coated fabricsCoated fabrics used in the construction of inflatable buoyancy chambers should comply with the following requirements:.1coating adhesion should be tested in accordance with ISO 2411:1991 using the method described in paragraph 5.1 at 100 mm/min and should be not less than 50 N per 50 mmwidth.。



处所应备有指导该系统操作的说明书。 !"#"$"% !"! !"!"# 除主管机关准许外, 不允许采用自动释放灭火剂的装置。
二氧化碳系统 灭火剂的数量
除另有规定外, 应足以放出体积至少等于该船 ! " ! " # " # 货物处所所备二氧化碳的数量, 受保护的最大货物处所总容积 $&’ 的自由气体。 所释放出的自由气体体积至少等于下列两 ! " ! " # " ! 机器处所应备有足够的二氧化碳量, 者中的较大值: "# 被保护的最大机器处所总容积的 %&’ , 此容积算至机舱棚的一个水平面为 止, 在这个水平面上, 机舱棚的水平面积等于或小于从双层底顶至机舱棚最 低部分的中点处水平面积的 %&’ ; " ! 被保护的最大机器处所包括机舱棚在内的全部容积的 $(’ 。 如其两个或两个以上的机器处所未完全隔开者而被 ! "! " # " $ 对小于 !&&& 总吨的货船, 视作一个处所时, 上述 ! " ! " # " # 条规定的百分数可分别减小到 $(’ 与 $&’ 。 !"!"#"% !"!"#"( 这里所指的二氧化碳自由气体的容积应以 & " ()*$ + ,- 计算。 机器处所的固定管系应能使 .(’ 的气体在 !*/0 内注入该处所。
直径为 ",(( 的孔 * 个, 等距离分布, 在上述螺栓 节圆直径上, 开槽口至法兰盘外缘 至少为 "* % -(( 每只直径 ")((, 长度 -.(( * 副,



MSC 98/23/Add.1Annex 7, page 1附件7第MSC.425(98)号决议(2017年6月15日通过)国际救生设备(LSA规则)修正案海上安全委员会,忆及国际海事组织公约第28(b)条关于本委员会职能的决定,注意到第MSC.48(66)号决议通过的《国际救生设备(LSA规则)》(“救生设备规则”),根据《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(“本公约”)第III章已成为强制性文件,还注意到关于救生设备规则修正程序的本公约第VIII(b)条和第III/3.10条,在其第98届会议上审议了按本公约第VIII(b)(i)条提出和分发的救生设备规则修正案,1 按本公约第VIII(b)(i)条规定,通过救生设备规则修正案,其文本载于本决议附件;2 按本公约第VIII(b)(iv)(2)(bb)条规定,决定该修正案将于2019年7月1日视为已被接受,除非在此日期之前,有三分之一以上的本公约缔约国政府或拥有商船合计吨位数不少于世界商船总吨数50%的缔约国政府向秘书长通报其反对该修正案;3 敦请本公约各缔约国政府注意,按本公约第VIII(b)(vii)(2)条规定,该修正案将在上述22被接收后,于2020年1月1日生效;4 要求秘书长按本公约第VIII(b)(v)条规定,将核正无误的本决议及其附件中的修正案文本的副本分发给本公约所有缔约国政府;5 还要求秘书长将本决议及其附件的副本分发给非本公约缔约国政府的本组织各成员。

MSC 98/23/Add.1Annex 7, page 2附件国际救生设备(LSA规则)修正案第VI章降落与登乘设备6.1 降落与登乘设备1 第6.1.1.5款和第6.1.1.6款以下述文字替代:“ 降落设备及其附属设备的强度,除绞车外,须足以承受不少于2.2倍最大工作负荷的工厂静负荷试验。 设计构件和一切滑车、吊艇索、眼板、链环、坚固件和其他一切用作连接降落设备的配件须使用安全系数,该系数源于规定的最大工作负荷和结构所选材料的极限强度。






在其第88届会议上审议了按该公约第VIII(b)(i)条提出和分发的消防规则修正案,1.按该公约第VIII(b)(iv)条规定,通过《国际消防安全系统规则》的修正案,其文本载于本决议附件中;2.按该公约第VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb)条规定,决定该修正案应于2012年1月1日视为已被接受,除非在此日期之前,有三分之一以上的该公约缔约国政府或拥有商船合计总吨位不少于世界商船总吨位50%的缔约国政府通报其反对该修正案;3.提请《安全公约》各缔约国政府注意,按照该公约第VIII(b)(vii)(2)条规定,该修正案在按上述第2段被接受后,应于2012年7月1日生效;4. 要求秘书长按照该公约第VIII(b)(v)条规定,将本决议及其附件中的修正案文本的核证无误副本分送发该公约所有缔约国政府;5. 进一步要求秘书长将本决议及其附件的副本送发非该公约缔约国的本组织会员国。

附件《国际消防安全系统规则(消防规则)》修正案现有第9章由以下替代:第9章固定式探火和失火报警系统1 适用范围1.1 本章详细规定了公约第II-2章所要求的固定式探火和失火报警系统的技术要求。


1.2 定义1.2.1 分区系指指示装置标示的一组火警探测器和手动报警按钮。

1.2.2 分区识别能力系指系统具有识别已触发的探测器或手动报警按钮所在分区的能力。



cmd中各种指令大全1、calc:启动计算器2、appwiz.cpl:程序和功能3、certmgr.msc:证书管理实用程序4、charmap:启动字符映射表5、chkdsk.exe:Chkdsk磁盘检查(管理员身份运行命令提示符)6、cleanmgr: 打开磁盘清理工具7、cliconfg:SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用工具8、cmstp:连接管理器配置文件安装程序9、cmd.exe:CMD命令提示符10、自动关机命令:Shutdown -s -t 30:表示30秒后自动关机,中间带有空格。

shutdown -a :取消定时关机Shutdown -r -t 30:表示30秒后自动重新启动rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation:表示锁定计算机11、colorcpl:颜色管理,配置显示器和打印机等中的色彩12、CompMgmtLauncher:计算机管理13、compmgmt.msc:计算机管理14、credwiz:备份或还原储存的用户名和密码15、comexp.msc:打开系统组件服务16、control:控制面版17、dcomcnfg:打开系统组件服务18、Dccw:显示颜色校准19、devmgmt.msc:设备管理器20、desk.cpl:屏幕辨别率21、dfrgui:优化驱动器Win 7→dfrg.msc:磁盘碎片整理程序22、dialer:电话拨号程序23、diskmgmt.msc:磁盘管理24、dvdplay:DVD播放器25、dxdiag:检查DirectX信息26、eudcedit:造字程序27、eventvwr:事件查看器28、explorer:打开资源管理器29、Firewall.cpl:Win防火墙30、FXSCOVER:传真封面编辑器31、fsmgmt.msc:共享文件夹管理器32、gpedit.msc:组策略33、hdwwiz.cpl:设备管理器34、inetcpl.cpl:Internet属性35、intl.cpl:区域36、iexpress:木马捆绑工具,系统自带37、joy.cpl:游戏控制器38、logoff:注销命令39、lusrmgr.msc:本地用户和组40、lpksetup:语言包安装/删除向导,安装向导会提示下载语言包41、lusrmgr.msc:本机用户和组42、main.cpl:鼠标属性43、mmsys.cpl:声音44、magnify:放大镜实用程序45、mem.exe:显示内存运用情况(如果直接运行无效,可以先管理员身份运行命令提示符,在命令提示符里输入mem.exe>d:a.txt 即可打开d盘查看a.txt,里面的就是内存运用情况了。



C C S 通 函Circular中国船级社(2014年)通函第53号总第537号2014年12月31日(共40页)发:总部有关处室、上海规范所、各审图中心、各分社(办事处)、有关船厂、产品制造厂、设计单位、船舶管理公司及船东关于执行MSC.367(93)决议有关FSS规则修正案的通知规则修正案的通知MSC.367(93)决议有关1、前言1.1 2014年5月22日国际海事组织海上安全委员会93次会议上,通过了关于FSS规则第15章“惰性气体系统”修正案的MSC.367(93)号决议,自2016年1月1日起生效。

1.2 本通函对MSC.367(93)决议附件的修订内容以及该修正案执行中应遵循的检验和发证要求提供了说明。

1.3 MSC.367(93)决议及附件的原文和中译文分别见本通函的附件1 和2。

修订内容2、主要主要修订内容2.1 适用范围2.1.1 经MSC.365(93)决议修正的SOLAS公约第II-2章第4.5.5条所述要求配备的惰性气体系统,即指经MSC.367(93)决议修正的FSS规则第15章“惰性气体系统”。

2.1.2 MSC.367(93)决议对惰性气体系统提出了相关性能标准要求,主要涉及以下三种类型的惰性气体系统:(1)由主锅炉或辅锅炉产生并经处理的烟道气体型;(2)由燃油或燃气燃烧产生的气体型;(3)由氮气发生器产生的气体型。

2.1.3 因该决议将现有FSS规则第15章与A.567(14)决议《化学品液货船惰性气体系统规则》合并成一个文件,并适当参考了IACS UR F20“惰性气体”的部分要求。


2.2 主要修改内容2.2.1 全章分四部分,包括:(1)有关定义;(2)所有系统的通用要求,如功能要求、惰性气体来源、安全措施、系统各部件要求、显示和报警、使用说明等;(3)烟气型和燃气或燃油型系统的附加要求,如系统和布置要求、显示和报警;(4)氮气发生器系统的附加要求,如系统和布置要求、显示和报警。



27 SOLAS V/22 驾驶 MSC.31(63)
附件 2
28 SOLAS II-2/15 套 MSC.31(63)
附件 2
是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 化学品船 是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 化学品船 否 1998 年 7 月 1 日 所有船舶 是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 所有船舶 是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 所有船舶


29 SOLAS VII/11 通 1997 年版 SOLAS 是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 液化气船
IGC 规则
30 SOLAS III/26 MSC.47(66)(199 是 1998 年 7 月 1 日 客滚船
客滚船的救生附 7 版 SOLAS
3.22 节
之前,该规定适用于所有载员超过 12 名乘客的客船。
MSC.68/23 是 1997 年 7 月 1 日 客滚船
乘客>12 K≥1997 年 7 月 1 日 通风管道承受聚积于滚装甲板上的水由于内部晃动引起的冲击压力。在此
3.22 节
9 SOLAS V/8-1 强制 MSC.63(67)
是 1997 年 6 月 3 日 所有船舶 总吨≥500 任何日期
10 A.803(19),A.80 MSC.68(68)

MSC 进港代码一览表

MSC 进港代码一览表

MSC 进港代码一览表Silk Service制表日期:2010年3月31日Booking Code(关单号): FMSC****SBase Ports(基本港): Valencia (ESVLC), Felixstowe (GBFXT), Rotterdam (NLRTM), Antwerp (BEANR).备注(如有疑问,请向MSC客服部查询):1,请严格按照此进港代码一览表填制纸面装箱单(Container-Load-Plan)及预录电子装箱单(E-CLP)。


可访问港区官方网站查询填制及预录正确与否;2,进港代码仅作为码头进港箱位安排及船公司配载依据,并非表示货物实际中转港;3,请特别注意生效船名航次之更新,若无特别备注,该进港代码即适用于当前接受订舱之船名航次;4,请访问联东船代主页获取最新的进港代码一览表:MSC 进港代码一览表Lion Service制表日期:2010年3月31日Booking Code(关单号): LMSC****SBase Ports(基本港): Sines (PTSIE), Le Havre (FRLEH), Hamburg (DEHAM), Bremerhaven (DEBRV),Antwerp (BEANR)备注(如有疑问,请向MSC客服部查询):1,请严格按照此进港代码一览表填制纸面装箱单(Container-Load-Plan)及预录电子装箱单(E-CLP)。


可访问港区官方网站查询填制及预录正确与否;2,进港代码仅作为码头进港箱位安排及船公司配载依据,并非表示货物实际中转港;3,请特别注意生效船名航次之更新,若无特别备注,该进港代码即适用于当前接受订舱之船名航次;4,请访问联东船代主页获取最新的进港代码一览表:Booking Code(关单号): MMSC****SBase Ports(基本港): Gioia Tauro (ITGIT), Napoli (ITNAP), La Spezia (ITSPE),Fos (FRFOS), Barcelona (ESBCN).备注(如有疑问,请向MSC客服部查询):1,请严格按照此进港代码一览表填制纸面装箱单(Container-Load-Plan)及预录电子装箱单(E-CLP)。

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