Parametrically Excited Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations


Generalised chiral QED2 Anomaly and Exotic Statistics

Generalised chiral QED2  Anomaly and Exotic Statistics

a r X i v :h e p -t h /9705178v 1 23 M a y 1997Generalized Chiral QED 2:Anomaly and Exotic StatisticsFuad M.SaradzhevInstitute of Physics,Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,Huseyn Javid pr.33,370143Baku,AZERBAIJANABSTRACTWe study the influence of the anomaly on the physical quantum picture of the generalized chiral Schwinger model defined on S 1.We show that the anomaly i)results in the background linearly rising electric field and ii)makes the spectrum of the physical Hamiltonian nonrelativistic without a massive boson.The physical matter fields acquire exotic statistics.We construct explicitly the algebra of the Poincare generators and show that it differs from the Poincare one.We exhibit the role of the vacuum Berry phase in the failure of the Poincare algebra to close.We prove that,in spite of the background electric field,such phenomenon as the total screening of external charges characteristic for the standard Schwinger model takes place in the generalized chiral Schwinger model,too.PACS numbers:03.70+k ,11.10.Mn.1IntroductionThe two-dimensional QED with massless fermions,i.e.the Schwinger model(SM),demonstrates such phenomena as the dynamical mass generation and the total screening of the charge[1].Although the Lagrangian of the SM contains only masslessfields,a massive bosonfield emerges out of the interplay of the dynamics that govern the originalfields.This mass generation is due to the complete compensation of any external charge inserted into the vacuum.In the chiral Schwinger model(CSM)[2,3]the right and left chiral components of the fermionic field have different charges.The left-right asymmetric matter content leads to an anomaly.At the quantum level,the local gauge symmetry is not realized by a unitary action of the gauge symmetry group on Hilbert space.The Hilbert space furnishes a projective representation of the symmetry group[4,5,6].In this paper,we aim to study the influence of the anomaly on the physical quantum picture of the CSM.Do the dynamical mass generation and the total screening of charges take place also in the CSM?Are there any new physical effects caused just by the left-right asymmetry?These are the questions which we want to answer.To get the physical quantum picture of the CSM we needfirst to construct a self-consistent quantum theory of the model and then solve all the quantum constraints.In the quantization procedure,the anomaly manifests itself through a special Schwinger term in the commutator algebra of the Gauss law generators.This term changes the nature of the Gauss law constraint:instead of beingfirst-class constraint,it turns into second-class one.As a consequence,the physical quantum states cannot be defined as annihilated by the Gauss law generator.There are different approaches to overcome this problem and to consistently quantize the CSM. The fact that the second class constraint appears only after quantization means that the number of degrees of freedom of the quantum theory is larger than that of the classical theory.To keep the Gauss law constraintfirst-class,Faddeev and Shatashvili proposed adding an auxiliaryfield in such a way that the dynamical content of the model does not change[7].At the same time,after quantization it is the auxiliaryfield that furnishes the additional”irrelevant”quantum degrees of freedom.The auxiliaryfield is described by the Wess-Zumino term.When this term is added to the Lagrangian of the original model,a new,anomaly-free model is obtained.Subsequent canonical quantization of the new model is achieved by the Dirac procedure.For the CSM,the correspondig WZ-term is not defined uniquely.It contains the so called Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter a>1.This parameter reflects an ambiguity in the bosonization procedure and in the construction of the WZ-term.The spectrum of the new,anomaly-free model turns out to be relativistic and contains a relativistic boson.However,the mass of the boson also depends on the Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter[2,3].This mass corresponds therefore to the”irrelevant”quantum degrees of freedom.The quantum theory with such a parameter in the spectrum is not physical,i.e. thatfinal version of the quantum theory which we would like to get.The latter should not contain any nonphysical parameters,otherwise one can not say anything about a physical quantum picture.In another approach also formulated by Faddeev[8],the auxiliaryfield is not added,so the quantum Gauss law constraint remains second-class.The standard Gauss law is assumed to be regained as a statement valid in matrix elements between some states of the total Hilbert space,and it is the states that are called physical.The theory is regularized in such a way that the quantum Hamiltonian commutes with the nonmodified,i.e.second-class quantum Gauss law constraint.The spectrum turns out to be non-relativistic[9,10].Here,we follow the approach given in our previous work[11].The pecularity of the CSM is that its anomalous behaviour is trivial in the sense that the second class constraint which appears afterquantization can be turned intofirst class by a simple redefinition of the canonical variables.This allows us to formulate a modified Gauss law to constrain physical states.The physical states are gauge-invariant up to a phase,the phase being1-cocycle of the gauge symmetry group algebra.In [12,13,14],the modification of the Gauss law constraint is obtained by making use of the adiabatic approach.Contrary to[11]where the CSM is defined on R1,we suppose here that space is a circle of lengthL,−L2,so space-time manifold is a cylinder S1×R1.The gaugefield then acquires aglobal physical degree of freedom represented by the non-integrable phase of the Wilson integral on S1.We show that this brings in the physical quantum picture new features of principle.Another way of making two-dimensional gaugefield dynamics nontrivial is byfixing the spatial asymptotics of the gaugefield[15,16].If we assume that the gaugefield defined on R1diminishes rather rapidly at spatial infinities,then it again acquires a global physical degree of freedom.We will see that the physical quantum picture for the model defined on S1is equivalent to that obtained in[15,16].We consider the general version of the CSM with a U(1)gaugefield coupled with different charges to both chiral components of a fermionicfield.We show that the charges are not arbitrary,but satisfy a quantization condition.The SM where these charges are equal is a special case of the generalized CSM.This will allow us at each step of our consideration to see the distinction between the two models.We work in the temporal gauge A0=0in the framework of the canonical quantization scheme and the Dirac’s quantization method for the constrained systems[17].We use the system of units where c=1.In Section2,we quantize our model in two steps.First,the matterfields are quantized, while A1is handled as a classical backgroundfield.The gaugefield A1is quantized afterwords,using the functional Schrodinger representation.We derive the anomalous commutators with nonvanishing Schwinger terms which indicate that our model is anomalous.In Section3,we show that the Schwinger term in the commutator of the Gauss law generators is removed by a redefinition of these generators and formulate the modified quantum Gauss law constraint.We prove that this constraint can be also obtained by using the adiabatic approximation and the notion of quantum holonomy.In Section4,we construct the physical quantum Hamiltonian consistent with the modified quan-tum Gauss law constraint,i.e.invariant under the modified gauge transformations both topologically trivial and non-trivial.We introduce the modified topologically non-trivial gauge transformation op-erator and defineθ–states which are its eigenstates.We consider in detail the case of the SM and demonstrate its equivalence to the freefield theory of a massive scalarfield.For the generalized CSM,we define the exotic statistics matterfield and reformulate the quantum theory in terms of thisfield.In Section5,we construct two other Poincare generators,i.e.the momentum and the boost.We act in the same way as before with the Hamiltonian,namely we define the physical generators as those which are invariant under both topologically trivial and non-trivial gauge transformations.We show that the algebra of the constructed generators is not a Poincare one and that the failure of the Poincare algebra to close is connected to the nonvanishing vacuum Berry curvature.In Section6,we study the charge screening.We introduce external charges and calculate(i)the energy of the ground state of the physical Hamiltonian with the external charges and(ii)the current density induced by these charges.Section7contains our conclusions and discussion.2Quantization Procedure2.1Classical TheoryThe Lagrangian density of the generalized CSM isL=−10,1,γ0=σ1,γ1=−iσ2,γ0γ1=γ5=σ3,σi(i=2(1±γ5)ψ.In the temporal gauge A0=0,the Hamiltonian density isH=H EM+H F,(2) where H EM=12)=A1(L2)=ψ±(L¯he±λ}ψ±,generated byG=∂1E+e+j++e−j−,λbeing a gauge function,as well as under global gauge transformations of the right-handed and left-handed Diracfields which are generated byQ±=e± L/2−L/2dxj±(x).Due to the gauge invariance,the Hamiltonian density is not uniquely determined.On the con-strained submanifold G≈0of the full phase space,the Hamiltonian density˜H=H+v H·G,(4) where v H is an arbitrary Lagrange multiplier which can be any function of thefield variables and their momenta,reduces to the Hamiltonian density H.In this sense,our theory cannot distinguish between H and˜H,and so both Hamiltonian densities are physically equivalent to each other.For arbitrary e+,e−the gauge transformations do not respect the boundary conditions 3.The gauge transformations compatible with the boundary conditions must be either of the formλ(L2)+¯h2πe+=N,N∈Z,(6)or of the formλ(L2)+¯h2πe−=N∈Z.(7)Eqs.6or7imply the charge quantization condition for our system.Without loss of generality, we choose the condition 6.For N=1,e−=e+and we have the standard Schwinger model.For N=0,we get the model in which only the right-handed component of the Diracfield is coupled to the gaugefield.From Eq.5we see that the gauge transformations under consideration are divided into topo-logical classes characterized by the integer n.Ifλ(L2),then the gauge transformation istopologically trivial and belongs to the n=0class.If n=0it is nontrivial and has winding number n.Given Eq.5,the nonintegrable phaseΓ(A)=exp{i¯he+L b(t)}.In contrast toΓ(A),the line integralb(t)=1e+Ln.By a non-trivial gauge transformation of the formg n=exp{i2πe+L].The configurations b=0and b=¯h2πe+L.2.2Quantization and AnomalyThe eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues of thefirst quantized fermionic Hamiltonians ared± x|n;± =±εn,± x|n;± ,wherex|n;± =1L exp{i¯hεn,±·x},εn,±=2π2π).We see that the spectrum of the eigenvalues depends on b.For e+b Le+L,the energies ofεn,+decrease by¯h2πL N.Some of energy levels change sign.However,the spectrum atthe configurations b=0and b=¯h2π2π¯h (and e−b L2π¯h]and{e±b L2π¯h],a†n|vac;A;+ =0for n≤[e+b Landb n |vac;A ;− =0for n ≤[e −b L2π¯h ].(11)Excited states are constructed by operating creation operators on the Fock vacuum.In the ζ–function regularization scheme,we define the action of the functional derivative on first quantized fermionic kets and bras byδδA 1(x )|n ;± ·|λεm,±|−s/2,n ;±|←δδA 1(x )|m ;± m ;±|·|λεm,±|−s/2.From 8we get the action ofδδA 1(x )a n =−lim s →0m ∈Zn ;+|δδA 1(x )a †n=lims →0m ∈Zm ;+|δδA 1(x )on b n ,b †n can be written analogously.Next we define the quantum fermionic currents and fermionic parts of the second-quantized Hamiltonian asˆj s ±(x )=12L /2−L /2dx (ψ†s ±d ±ψs ±−ψs ±d ⋆±ψ†s±).Substituting 8into these expressions,we obtainˆj s ±(x )=n ∈Z1Lnx }ρs ±(n ),whereρs +(n )≡k ∈Z12[b †k ,b k +n ]−·|λεk,−|−s/2|λεk +n,−|−s/2are momentum space charge density (or current)operators,andˆH s ±(x )=n ∈Z1Lnx }H s±(n ),H s ±(n )≡H s 0,±(n )∓e ±bρs±(n ),(12)whereH s0,+(n)≡¯hπ2[a†k,a k+n]−·|λεk,+|−s/2|λεk+n,+|−s/2,H s0,−(n)≡¯hπ2[b k+n,b†k]−·|λεk,−|−s/2|λεk+n,−|−s/2. The charges corresponding to the currentsˆj s±(x)areˆQ s±=e± L/2−L/2dxˆj s±(x)=e±ρs±(0).With Eqs.10and11,we have for the vacuum expectation values:vac;A;±|ˆj±(x)|vac;A;± =−12(ξ++ξ−),whereη±≡±lim s→01λ k∈Z|λεk,±|−s+1.Taking the sums,we obtainη±=±22π¯h}−1L(({e±b L2)2−12η±,ˆQ ±=e±:ρ±(0):−L2ξ±,where double dots indicate normal ordering with respect to|vac,A ,ˆH 0,+=¯h2π2π¯h]ka†k a k|λεk,+|−s− k≤[e+b LLlims→0{k>[e−b L2π¯h]kb†k b k|λεk,−|−s}and:ρ+(0):=lims→0{ k>[e+b L2π¯h]a k a†k|λεk,+|−s},:ρ−(0):=lims→0{ k≤[e−b L2π¯h]b k b†k|λεk,−|−s}.The operators:ˆj±(x):and:ˆH±:are well defined when acting onfinitely excited states which have only afinite number of excitations relative to the Fock vacuum.To construct the quantum electromagnetic Hamiltonian,we quantize the gaugefield using the functional Schrodinger representation.In this representation,when the vacuum and excited fermionic Fock states are functionals of A1,the gaugefield operators are represented asˆA1(x)→A1(x),ˆE(x)→−i¯hδL pxαp.Since A1(x)is a real function,αp satisfiesαp=α⋆−p.The Fourier expansion for the canonical momentum conjugate to A1(x)is thenˆE(x)=1L¯h p∈Z p=0e−i2πdαp, whereˆπb≡−i¯h dL exp{i2πL ¯h2ddb−1dα−p+qd2Lˆπ2b−1dαqd2(ξ++ξ−).If we multiply two operators that arefinite linear combinations of the fermionic creation and annihilation operators,theζ–function regulated operator product agrees with the naive product. However,if the operators involve infinite summations their naive product is not generally well defined. We then define the operator product by mutiplying the regulated operators with s large and positive and analytically continue the result to s=0.In this way we obtain the following relations[ρ±(m),ρ±(n)]−=±mδm,−n,(15) [H0,±(n),H0,±(m)]−=±¯h2π[ˆH0,±,ρ±(m)]−=∓¯h2πdbρ±(m)=0,d2π¯hδp,±m,d2π¯hδp,±m,(p>0).(16) The quantum Gauss operator isˆG=ˆG0+2πLpx−ˆG−(p)e−i2πLe+ρN(0),ˆG ±(p)≡¯h pd2πρN(±p)andρN=ρ++Nρ−is momentum space total charge density operator.Using15and16,we easily get thatρ+(±p)(andρ−(±p))are gauge invariant.For example, forρ+(±p)we have:[ˆG+(p),ρ+(±q)]−=0,[ˆG−(p),ρ+(±q)]−=0,(p>0,q>0).The operatorsˆG±(p)don’t commute with themselves,[ˆG+(p),ˆG−(q)]−=(1−N2)e2+L24π2d3Quantum Constraints3.1Quantum SymmetryIn non-anomalous gauge theories,Gauss law is considered to be valid for physical states only.This identifies physical states as those which are gauge-invariant.The problem with the anomalous be-haviour of the generalized CSM,in terms of states in Hilbert space,is apparent:owing to theSchwinger terms we cannot require that states be annihilated by the Gauss law generators ˆG±(p ).Let us represent the action of the topologically trivial gauge transformations by the operatorsU 0(τ)=exp {i¯hp>0(ˆG+τ++ˆG −τ−)}(17)with τ0,τ±(p )smooth,thenU −10(τ)α±p U 0(τ)=α±−ipτ∓(p ),U −1(τ)d dα±p∓i 2π)2τ±(p ),(p >0).The composition law for the operators U 0isU 0(τ(1))U 0(τ(2))=exp {2πiω2(τ(1),τ(2))}U 0(τ(1)+τ(2)),whereω2(τ(1),τ(2))≡−i2π¯h )2p>0p (τ(1)−τ(2)+−τ(1)+τ(2)−)is a 2-cocycle of the gauge group algebra.Thus for N =±1we are dealing with a projectiverepresentation.The 2-cocycle ω2(τ(1),τ(2))is trivial,since it can be removed by a simple redefinition of U 0(τ).Indeed,the modified operators˜U0(τ)=exp {i 2πα1(γ;τ)}·U 0(τ),(18)whereα1(γ,τ)≡−12π¯h )2p>0(α−p τ−−αp τ+)is a 1-cocycle,satisfy the ordinary composition law˜U0(τ(1))˜U 0(τ(2))=˜U 0(τ(1)+τ(2)),i.e.the action of the topologically trivial gauge transformations represented by 18is unitary.The modified Gauss law generators corresponding to 18areˆ˜G±(p )=ˆG ±(p )±18π2α±p .(19)The generators ˆ˜G±(p )commute:[ˆ˜G+(p ),ˆ˜G −(q )]−=0.This means that Gauss law can be maintained at the quantum level for N=±1,too.We define physical states as those which are annihilated byˆ˜G±(p)[11]:ˆ˜G(p)|phys;A =0.(20)±The zero componentˆG0is a sum of quantum generators of the global gauge transformations of the right-handed and left-handed fermionicfields,so the other quantum constraints are:ρ±(0):|phys;A =0.(21) It follows from20that the physical states|phys;A respond to a gauge transformation from the zero topological class with a phase:U0(τ)|phys;A =exp{−i2πα1(γ;τ)}|phys;A .(22) Only for models without anomaly,i.e.for N=±1,this equation translates into the statement that physical states are gauge invariant.Equation22expresses in an exact form the nature of anomaly in the CSM.At the quantum level the gauge invariance is not broken,but realized projectively.The1-cocycleα1occuring in the projective representation contributes to the commutator of the Gauss law generators by a Schwinger term and produces therefore the anomaly.3.2Adiabatic ApproachLet us show now that we can come to the quantum constraints20and21in a different way,using the adiabatic approximation[23,24].In the adiabatic approach,the dynamical variables are divided into two sets,one which we call fast variables and the other which we call slow variables.In our case, we treat the fermions as fast variables and the gaugefields as slow variables.Let A1be a manifold of all static gaugefield configurations A1(x).On A1a time-dependent gaugefield A1(x,t)corresponds to a path and a periodic gaugefield to a closed loop.We consider the fermionic part of the second-quantized Hamiltonian:ˆH F:which depends on t through the background gaugefield A1and so changes very slowly with time.We consider next the periodic gaugefield A1(x,t)(0≤t<T).After a time T the periodicfield A1(x,t)returns to its original value:A1(x,0)=A1(x,T),so that:ˆH F:(0)=:ˆH F:(T).At each instant t we define eigenstates for:ˆH F:(t)by:ˆH F:(t)|F,A(t) =εF(t)|F,A(t) .The state|F=0,A(t) ≡|vac,A(t) is a ground state of:ˆH F:(t),:ˆH F:(t)|vac,A(t) =0.The Fock states|F,A(t) depend on t only through their implicit dependence on A1.They are assumed to be periodic in time,|F,A(T) =|F,A(0) ,orthonormalized,F′,A(t)|F,A(t) =δF,F′,and nondegenerate.The time evolution of the wave function of our system(fermions in a background gaugefield)is clearly governed by the Schrodinger equation:∂ψ(t)i¯h¯h T0dt·εF(t),whileT0dt L/2−L/2dx˙A1(x,t) F,A(t)|iδγBerryF≡δA1(x,t)|F,A(t) ,(24) then= T0dt L/2−L/2dx˙A1(x,t)A F(x,t).γBerryFWe see that upon parallel transport around a closed loop on A1the Fock state|F,A(t) acquiresan additional phase which is integrated exponential of A F(x,t).Whereas the dynamical phaseγdynF provides information about the duration of the evolution,the Berry’s phase reflects the nontrivial holonomy of the Fock states on A1.However,a direct computation of the diagonal matrix elements ofδδδA1(x,t)A F(y,t)−2π2¯h2 n>01L n(x−y))=(1−N2)e2+2ǫ(x−y)−1The corresponding U(1)connection is easily deduced asA F=0(x,t)=−12 T0dt L/2−L/2dx L/2−L/2dy˙A1(x,t)F F=0(x,y,t)A1(y,t).In terms of the Fourier components,the connection A F=0is rewritten as vac,A(t)|ddα±p(t)|vac,A(t) ≡A±(p,t)=±(1−N2)e2+L2pα∓p,so the nonvanishing curvature isF+−(p)≡d dαpA−=(1−N2)e2+L2p.A parallel transportation of the vacuum|vac,A(t) around a closed loop in(αp,α−p)–space(p>0) yields back the same vacuum state multiplied by the phaseγBerry F=0=(1−N2)e2+L2piαp˙α−p.This phase is associated with the projective representation of the gauge group.For N=±1,when the representation is unitary,the curvature F+−and the Berry phase vanish.As mentioned in the beginning of this Section,the projective representation is trivial and the2-cocycle in the composition law of the gauge transformation operators can be removed by a redefinition of these operators.Analogously,if we redefine the momentum operators asddα±p≡d8π2¯h21 dα±p|vac,A(t) =0,˜F+−=˜ddαp˜A−=0.However,the nonvanishing curvature F+−(p)shows itself in the algebra of the modified momentum operators which are noncommuting:[˜ddα−q]−=F+−(p)δp,q.Following27,we modify the Gauss law generators asˆG ±(p)−→ˆ˜G±(p)=¯h p˜d2πρN(±p)that coincides with19.The modified Gauss law generators have vanishing vacuum expectation values,vac,A(t)|ˆ˜G±(p,t)|vac,A(t) =0.This justifies the definition20.For the zero componentˆG0,the vacuum expectation valuevac,A(t)|ˆG0|vac,A(t) =−12(e+η++e−η−)=1The quantum theory consistently describing the dynamics of the CSM should be definitely compatible with20.The corresponding quantum Hamiltonian is then defined by the conditions[ˆ˜H,ˆ˜G±(p)]−=0(p>0)(29)which specify thatˆ˜H must be invariant under the modified topologically trivial gauge transformations generated byˆ˜G±(p).We have in29a system of non-homogeneous equations in the Lagrange multipliersˆv H,±which become operators at the quantum level.The solution of these equations isˆv H,±(p)=¯hp2{pd4π¯h)2α∓p}.Substituting this expression forˆv H,±(p)into the quantum counterpart of28,on the physical states |phys;A we obtain1L2¯h2 p>0(d dα−p−1dαp,˜ddα±by˜d2L ˆπ2b−1dαp,˜d2Lˆπ2b+V(ρN;ρN),whereV(ρN;ρN)≡e2+Lp2ρN(−p)ρN(p)is the energy of the Coulomb current-current interaction.In order to make the dependence on N for the Hamiltonian more obvious,let us representρN asρN=12(1−N)σ,whereρ≡ρ1=ρ++ρ−,σ≡ρ−1=ρ+−ρ−,and[ρ(p),ρ(q)]−=[σ(p),σ(q)]−=0,[σ(p),ρ(q)]−=2pδp,−q.Then the Coulomb interaction energy takes the formV(ρN;ρN)=14(1−N)2V(σ;σ)+12Lˆπ2b+V(ρ;ρ).For N=−1,the momentum space electric charge density operator isσ(p)andˆ˜H EM =12π¯h:[e+b L2π¯h]+n,ˆψ+→exp{i2πn2π¯h ]→[e−b LLx}ˆψ−.The action of the topologically nontrivial gauge transformations on the states can be represented by the operatorsU n=exp{−i2π¯h ]−2πd[e+b L nρN(n)and U0is given by17.To identify the gauge transformation as belonging to the n th topological class we use the index n in31.The case n=0corresponds to the topologically trivial gauge transformations.The topologically nontrivial gauge transformation operators satisfy the same composition law as the topologically trivial ones.The modified operators are˜U n =exp{−i¯hˆTb})n|phys;A .Among all states|phys;A one may identify the eigenstates of the operators of the physical variables.The action of the topologically nontrivial gauge transformations on such states may, generally speaking,change only the phase of these states by a C–number,since with any gauge transformations both topologically trivial and nontrivial,the operators of the physical variables and the observables cannot be ing|phys;θ to designate these physical states,we haveexp{∓i¯h ˆTb})n|phys;A(so calledθ–states[26,27]),where|phys;A is an arbitrary physical state from20.In one dimension the parameterθis related to a constant background electricfield.To show this, let us introduce states which are invariant even against the topologically nontrivial gauge transfor-mations.Recalling that[e+b L2π¯h]θ}|phys;θ .(32)The new states|phys continue to be annihilated byˆ˜G±(p),and are also invariant under the topo-logically nontrivial gauge transformations.The electromagnetic part of the Hamiltonian transforms asˆHEM→exp{i[e+b L2π¯h]θ}=12L¯h2 p>0[˜d dα−p]+, the new Hamiltonian the momentumˆπb is supplemented by the electricfield strength Eθ≡e+The condition34can be then rewritten as a system of linear equations in(β0,β±).We can easilyfind a solution of these equations,which gives us(β0,β±)as functions of[e+b L2π¯h}.However,these constants are irrelevant for our consideration and we neglect them.Finding(β0,β±)from34and substituting them into the expression33,on the physical states we obtainˆ˜H|phys;A =ˆHphys|phys;AwhereˆH phys =ˆH physF+ˆH physEM,ˆH physF=ˆH0,++ˆH0,−−1L¯h(1+N2)([e+b LL ¯h[e+b L2L ˆπ2b+V(ρN;ρN)+e2+L2π¯h] p∈Z p=0(−1)p 24(1−N2)2([e+b LL¯h p>0|λεp,±|−sρs±(−p)ρs±(p).Eqs.35and36give us a physical Hamiltonian invariant under both topologically trivial andnontrivial gauge transformations,ˆH physF andˆH physEMbeing invariant separately.The last two terms in35make invariant the free fermionic part of the Hamiltonian,while the ones in36the electromagnetic part.For N=±1,the last two terms in36vanish.These terms are therefore caused by the anomaly and represent new types of interaction which are absent in the nonanomalous models.The new interactions admit the following interpretation.Let us combine the last term in36with the kinetic part of the electromagnetic Hamiltonian,then124(1−N2)2([e+b L2L2 L/2−L/2dx(ˆπb−L E(x))2,i.e.the momentumˆπb is supplemented by the linearly rising electricfield strengthE(x)≡−e+2π¯h].As in four-dimensional models of a relativistic particle moving in an externalfield,we may define a generalized momentum operator in the formˆ˜πb(x)≡ˆπb−L E(x).The commutation relations for ˆ˜πb are[ˆ˜πb (x ),ˆ˜πb (y )]−=i (1−N 2)e 2+LL(1−N 2)[e +b L2L 2ˆ˜π2b→14π2(1−N 2)[e +b Lp 2ρN (p )=−e 2+L2p 2ρbgrd ·ρN (p ).It is just the background linearly rising electric field that couples b to the fermionic physical degreesof freedom in the Coulomb interaction.As a consequence,the eigenstates of the physical Hamiltonian are not a direct product of the purely fermionic Fock states and wave functionals of b .This is a common feature of gauge theories with anomaly.That the Hilbert space in such theories is not a tensor product of the Hilbert space for a gauge field and the fixed Hilbert space for fermions was shown in [6],[7].The background charge interpretation is related to the definition of the Fock vacuum.The definition given in Eqs.10-11depends on [e +b L2π¯h]is fixed.The values of the gauge field in regions of different [e +b L2π¯h]changes,then there is a nontrivial spectral flow,i.e.some of energy levels of the first quantized fermionic Hamiltonians cross zero and change sign.This means that the definition of the Fock vacuum changes.The charge operators ˆQ ±also change.Let :ˆQ (0)±:be charge operators defined in the region where[e +b L 2π¯h]the charge operators become :ˆQ (0)±:∓e ±[e ±b L。




















2Stochastic averaging of quasi-generalized Hamiltonian systems

2Stochastic averaging of quasi-generalized Hamiltonian systems
Keywords: Stochastic averaging method Generalized Hamiltonian systems Gaussian white noises
A stochastic averaging method for generalized Hamiltonian systems (GHS) subject to light dampings and weak stochastic excitations is proposed. First, the GHS are briefly reviewed and classified into five classes, i.e., non-integrable GHS, completely integrable and non-resonant GHS, completely integrable and resonant GHS, partially integrable and non-resonant GHS and partially integrable and resonant GHS. Then, the averaged Itoˆ and FPK equations and the drift and diffusion coefficients for the five classes of quasi-GHS are derived. Finally, the stochastic averaging for a nine-dimensional quasi-partially integrable GHS is given to illustrate the application of the proposed procedure, and the results are confirmed by using those from Monte Carlo simulation.














































2019,39A (1):95-104数学物理学报http://actam s.w 一类相对非线性薛定谔方程解的存在性+W 邱雯W 张贻民 **3Abdelgadir Ahmed Adam(工武汉理工大学数学科学研究中心武汉430070; 2武汉理工大学理学院数学系 武汉430070;3Department of Mathematics, Taibah University Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia)摘要:利用临界点理论考虑了一类相对非线性薛定谔方程,主要通过变量代换将相对非线性薛 定谔方程转化成半线性椭圆型方程.首先考虑位势函数为零时,将经典的场方程结果推广到了 相对非线性薛定谔方程;而后利用临界点理论得到了有界位势情形方程非平凡解的存在性,在此情形,改进了文献[12-13]中的超线性条件.关键词:山路引理;相对非线性薛定谔方程;集中紧引理.M R (2010)主题分类:35J20; 35J62 中图分类号:O175.25 文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-3998(2019)01-95-101引言考虑如下相对非线性薛定谔方程izt = —A z + W (x )z — h (\z \2)z — k A \/l + z 2x G R N ,(1.1)其中z : R x R N — C , 是给定的常数,W : R N — R 是给定的位势,h 是实函数.方程(1.1)来源于物质中的高功率超短激光方程(参见文献[1-2, 4])•文献[1-2]研究了方程(1.1) 极小解的整体存在性以及一维柯西问题解的整体存在性和渐近行为.C h e n 和Sudan 证 明了参数小于零时,方程(1.1)具有负能量的解,且当时间足够大时,解不能消散.关于 方程(1.1)更多的背景可以参见文献[1-2, 4]及其参考文献•如果考虑方程(1.1)的驻波解,即考虑z (x ,t ) = e x p (-iEt )u (x ),其中E G R , u > 0是实函数•易知函数z 满足方程(1.1)当且仅当函数u 满足—A u + V {x )u — ZcA \/1 -\- u 2—, U= h (u ), x G (1.2)2\/1 + u 2收稿日期:2017-12-27;修订日期:2018-04-23E-mail: loiolo@; zhangym802@; ahmedguangzhou17@*基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11471330, 11501555, 11771127)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2017IVA-075, 2017IVA076, 2018-zy-138, 2018IB014)Supported by the NSFC (11471330, 11501555, 11771127), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2017IVA075, 2017IVA076, 2018-zy-138, 2018IB014)**通讯作者96数学物理学报Vol.39A其中V=W-五是新的位势函数,^表示新的非线性函数.当k=0,方程就是经典的半线 性椭圆型方程,不同情形下方程解的存在性和多解性结果非常多丨10-11,15-16.若k = 0,不 失一般性,假设k = 1.对于方程(1.2),S h e n和W a n g [12]首先引入新的变换得到了方程在 超线性次临界情形下驻波解的存在性.C h e n g和Y a n g[5-6],C h e n g和Y a o[7]将文献[12]的 结果推广到了更一般的非线性情形.接着,S h e n和W a n g[14]利用山路引理,得到了临界情 形下方程非平凡解的存在性,并进而在文献[13]中考虑了参数k < 0时方程非平凡解的存 在性.本文中,首先考虑方程(1.2)当V(x) =0时解的存在性,希望将经典的B e r e s t y c k i-L io n s 场方程[3]的结果推广到方程(1.2).即考虑如下问题:—A u AVi+w2广92Vl+U1=h(u),x G R N,(1.3)其中h(u)G C(R,R)满足:(h0)当N 2 3 时,—00<lim<s—0_lim 幽=s—0+ s=—m< 0;当N =1,2 时,lim ^=-m G(-〇〇,0),其中m是正常数.s—0s(h i)当W 23时,-〇〇<l i m哮S 〇,其中Z=#写;当W =2时,对任意的a > 0,s—>•+〇〇存在Ca > 0,使得对所有的s 20,有|h(s)| s C aeas2.(h2)当N2 2 时,存在Z >0,使得H(C) =/0C h(s)dx >0;当N =1时,存在Z o>0, 使得对所有Z G(0,C o),有H(C) <0,且H(Co) = 0, h(Co) > 0.可得到相似B erestycki-Lions场方程的结果为定理1.1假设方程(1.3)中函数h满足条件(h0)-(h2),则方程(1.3)存在一个非平凡解 w(x) G妒取、且满足如下性质:(i) Vx G R N, w(x) >0;(ii) ^是施瓦兹球对称的,即^卜)=[^),厂=卜|,并且^卜)随着厂递减;(iii) w G C2(R n);(iv) w(x)和它的二阶导数在无穷远处对于某些C满足指数衰减|D aw(x)| <Ce-5|x|, x G R n,其中 d >0,|a|< 2.注1.1文献[13]中的注1.3在关于N 2 3时,给出了场方程的相似结论,但是没有证 明.本文给出了定理1.1 一个简短的证明,并且考虑了 N= 1,2的情形.从S h e n和W a n g[12-14] —系列的工作可以看出,他们在用尽量简洁的条件去得到方程(1.2)次临界和临界情形非平凡解的存在性,方法是经典的山路引理,因此不可避免的假设 了一个相似的(A R)条件:存在一个M使得对任意的s >〇,成立〇 < M好(s)S SM S).本文希望可以对他们提出的条件进行一定的改进,因此考虑如下相对非线性薛定谔方程—A m+V[x)u —A V1+m2—=f(x,m),x G R^, (1.4)2^1十u2其中/(x,u)G C(R x R N,R),位势V :R N — R是连续的,函数V与f满足如下条件 (V0)存在V〇 >0,使得对任意的x G R N都有V(x) 2V〇 >0;No .1邱雯等:一类相对非线性薛定谔方程解的存在性97(V1)lim V (x )= V (⑴),且对任意的 x G R w 都有 V (x ) < V (⑴);|x |—(fO) lim ’(¥) = 0,即 /(x ,s) = o(|s|),s — 0+;s —0 s(f 1)存在常数2 < q i < 2*及C > 0,使得|f (x, s)| < C (1 + |s|q 1-1);(f 2)存在常数</2 >及函数h G ^(R #),使得^=/(x , s)s - F (x , s) > s® - h i{x ),V6其中(x , s ) G R N x [0, +t o );(f 3)当 s — o o 时,有^^ — o o .定理1.2假设函数V 满足(V 0)-(V 1),函数f 满足(f 0)-(f 3).则问题(1.4)在空间 Hi(RN )上存在一个非平凡解.-些基本性质方程(1.3)和(1.4)对应的能量泛函分别为J 〇(u )J r n1十2(1+ u 2)|V u |2dx ^H (u)dx,J r nI 〇(u )7r n2(1十 u 2)|V w |2d x + — / V (x )u 2 dx — F (x , u )dx :2 JRN J r n其中 H (u ) = J 〇u h(s)dx,F (x ,u ) =J 〇u /(x ,s )d x .由于泛函 J 〇和 I 〇 在通常的 Sobolev 空间H 1^,中不好定义,令g (u ),1十2(1十 u 2)7相似文献[12]引入变董代换v = G (u )= /〇ug (t )dt ,得到新的能董泛函为J (v ) = J 〇(G ~1(v )) = ~ [ |V v |2d x — f H (G ~1(v ))dx :2 J r nJ r n(2.1)2u 2u I (v )=I 〇(G -1(v )) = l [2 J R N 则方程(1.3)和(1.4)变为|V v |2dx 十12V (x )|G -1(v )|2dx F (x, G -1(v))dx.(2.2)—A v 十 V (x )—A v =V ) _,-1W 厂h (G ^giG -1-W )(v )),(2.3)f (x ,G -g (G -—1㈦)1㈦)’v G H 1(R n ).(2.4)引理2.1函数g 与变董代换G -1⑷具有如下性质: (g 〇)对任意 s g R ,有 y f |S| < |G -^丨 < |s|;(gl ) (G H 5))7 = ^(G -H s ))=/2+2(G -1⑷)2 ^ i .V 2+3(G-i (S))2 S 丄,98数学物理学报Vol .39A(g2) lin i s—0(g3) limg一1 ⑷=sG 一1⑷1;(g 4)对任意 s G R ,有 fG —i (s) S g(G_s 1(s)) S G —i (s);(g 5)对任意 s 2 0,有 s S G —Y s X G —1^)) S (6 - 2a /^)s .注2.1 —方面,由引理2.1,函数h , V (x ), /(x ,s )的定义及满足的条件,可知泛函J (v )和I (v )在空间Hi(R N )中有定义,且J (v ), I (v ) G C 1.另一方面,相似文献[13]中第二节易 知求方程(13)的解等价于求方程(2.3)的解,求方程(14)的解等价于求方程(2.4)的解.弓丨理2.2如果函数h (s )满足条件(h 〇)-(h 2),则函数啊-養y勝卜s与函数h 具有相似的条件.证(h 〇)的相似条件.由函数h 和^的定义可知函数k (v ) G C (R +,R ).进一步,由引 理2.1中性质(g 2),可知lim G -» = 0,因此lim g (G -») = g (0) = 1.结合引理2.1中性v ——0 v ——0质(g 2)和条件(h 〇)可得limk (v )limh (G ~1(v)) G -1(v)limh (G -1(v))->0 vv —0 G -1(v ) v g (G -1(v ))G -1(v )—0 G -1(v )(h 1)的相似条件.当N 2 3时,由引理2.1中性质(g 3),可知lim G -1(v )=⑴,因此lim g-1(G -1(v))结合引理2.1中性质(g3)和条件(h i )可得limk(v)/N 十2)^N — 2)lim2h (G -1(v))G -1(v)1^,、(N 十2)^N —2)G -1(v )(N 十2)/(N -2) v (N 十2)/(N —2)g (G —1(v))3lim h (G -1(v))0.G -i(v )—⑵ G -1(v )(N+2)AN —2)当N = 2时,由引理2.1中性质(g 0)和(g1),结合条件(h1),对a > 0, Ca > 0,可得1k(v)g (G -1(v))h (G —1(v)) < h (G —1(v)) < C aea(^ (v)) < C ae°(h 2)的相似条件.由函数g 和G 的定义可知,函数G 和G -1是单调递增的.因此,当N 2 2时,有h (G —1(s))dG —1(s)h (t)d t.同理可得 W = 1 的情形,且 fc(G(C。

Hamilton力学的辛算法 ppt课件

Hamilton力学的辛算法  ppt课件

• H q,p Tp Vq
—— “可分、线性Hamilton体系”
H q,p 1 pT
qT T
q p
1 2
1 2
0 V
0 1n
1n T
0 V
0 T
用以下 gll x构造的差分格式都是辛格式
l,l 0,0 1,1 2, 2
3, 3
4, 4
gll x 1
1 x 2
1 x 2
1 x x2 2 12
1 x x2 2 12
1 x x2 x3 2 10 120
1 x x2 x3 2 10 120
1 x 3x2 x3 x4 2 28 84 1680
线 线对 多张张 流 性 性偶 重量量 形 空 泛空 线空分 理 间 函间 性间析 论泛 函现代微分几来自 规范场理论 微分拓扑 辛几何
外微分 辛几何
• 辛几何的基础是外微分形式。 • 外微分形式是如下概念推广到高维的产物:
实对称矩阵的本征值均为实数 实对称矩阵的不同本征值的本征向量必正交
Hamilton矩阵的非辛共轭本征值的本征向量必 辛正交





























U(t) = K * U * Exp(-p * t)

U(t) = K * U * Exp(-2 * p * t) * Cos(p * t + \phis)






















































2 Fermi Liquids and Luttinger Liquids

2 Fermi Liquids and Luttinger Liquids

Heinz J. Schulz et al.
Subsequently, I will first briefly discuss the case of a noninteracting manyfermion system (the Fermi gas), and then turn to Landau’s theory of the interacting case (the liquid), first from a phenomenological point of view, and then microscopically. A much more detailed and complete exposition of these subjects can be found in the literature [5–9]. 2.2.1 The Fermi Gas
Fermi Liquids and Luttinger Liquids
Heinz J. Schulz, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and Pierbiagio Pieri
In these lecture notes, corresponding roughly to lectures given at the summer school in Chia Laguna, Italy, in September 1997, an attempt is made to present the physics of three-dimensional interacting fermion systems (very roughly) and that of their one-dimensional counterparts, the so-called Luttinger liquids (in some more detail). These subjects play a crucial role in a number of currently highly active areas of research: high temperature and organic superconductors, quantum phase transitions, correlated fermion systems, quantum wires, the quantum Hall effect, low-dimensional magnetism, and probably some others. Some understanding of this physics thus certainly should be useful in a variety of areas, and it is hoped that these notes will be helpful in this. As the subject of these lectures was quite similar to those delivered at Les Houches, some overlap in the notes [1] was unavoidable. However, a number of improvements have been made, for example a discussion of the “Klein factors” occurring in the bosonization of one-dimensional fermions, and new material added, mainly concerning spin chains and coupled Luttinger liquids. Some attempt has been made to keep references up to date, but this certainly has not always been successful, so we apologize in advance for any omissions (but then, these are lecture notes, not a review article).



庞特里亚金极大值原理是偏微分方程The Pontryagin maximum principle is a fundamental concept in the field of optimal control theory. It provides a powerful tool for determining the optimal control strategies for dynamical systems subject to constraints. Originally developed by Russian mathematician Lev Pontryagin in the 1950s, this principle has had a significant impact on various areas of science and engineering.庞特里亚金极大值原理是最优控制理论中的一个基本概念。



The central idea behind the Pontryagin maximum principle is to find the optimal control that maximizes a certain objective function, subject to the dynamics of the system and any constraints that may be present. By formulating the optimal control problem in terms of a Hamiltonian function, one can derive a set of differential equations known as the Pontryagin equations, which must be satisfied by the optimal control.庞特里亚金极大值原理的核心思想是寻找最优控制,从而最大化一个特定的目标函数,同时要考虑系统的动态性质和可能存在的约束。























python 希尔伯特变换 求瞬时振幅 相位

python 希尔伯特变换 求瞬时振幅 相位



以下是一个使用scipy.signal.hilbert()函数进行希尔伯特变换的简单示例,然后计算瞬时幅度和相位:pythonimport numpy as npfrom scipy.signal import hilbert# 创建一个简单的正弦波信号fs = 1000 # 采样率T = 1 / fs # 采样周期t = np.arange(0, 1, T) # 时间向量# 正弦波参数f = 50 # 频率A = 1 # 振幅# 创建正弦波信号x = A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t)# 计算希尔伯特变换analytic_signal = hilbert(x)instantaneous_amplitude = np.abs(analytic_signal)instantaneous_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(analytic_signal))# 绘制结果import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))plt.plot(t, x, label='Original Signal')plt.plot(t, instantaneous_amplitude, label='Instantaneous Amplitude')plt.plot(t, instantaneous_phase, label='Instantaneous Phase [rad]') plt.xlabel('Time [s]')plt.legend()plt.grid(True)这个例子首先创建了一个简单的正弦波信号,然后使用scipy.signal.hilbert()函数对它进行了希尔伯特变换。



哈密顿函数雅可比贝尔曼方程,也称为哈密顿-雅可比方程,是一种常微分方程,由18世纪英国物理学家、数学家、化学家约翰·哈密顿(John Hamilton)于1834年提出。


其中,qi是系统的位置变量,pi是关联的动量,Li 是每个位置变量的动能函数。




非保守系统的拟Hamilton原理及其应用1. 介绍在经典力学中,Hamilton原理是描述保守力系统运动的重要原理之一。



2. 非保守系统的拟Hamilton原理拟Hamilton原理是根据非保守系统的平衡原理推导出来的一种描述系统运动的方法。



拟Hamilton原理的数学表达如下:$$\\delta W + \\delta K + \\delta U = 0$$其中, - $\\delta W$代表外力做功的变化量 - $\\delta K$代表系统动能的变化量 - $\\delta U$代表系统势能的变化量该原理表明,在非保守力作用下,系统的总能量仍然守恒。

3. 非保守系统的拟Hamilton原理的应用非保守系统的拟Hamilton原理在各个领域均有广泛的应用。

以下列举了一些常见的应用场景:3.1 摩擦力系统在摩擦力系统中,摩擦力是一个典型的非保守力。



3.2 阻力系统阻力也是一个常见的非保守力。



3.3 电路系统在电路系统中,电阻产生的热能可以看作是非保守力的作用。





二维氢原子中的基态奇异特性数值精确对角化法刘褚航;强百强;季育琛;李炜【期刊名称】《物理学报》【年(卷),期】2017(66)23【摘要】利用数值有限差分法处理二维氢原子的基态波函数时,计算结果发现其存在着数值奇异特性.本文通过构造一套具有正交完备性的离散贝塞尔基函数,并结合基于Lanczos技术的数值精确对角化方法研究二维氢原子中的基态波函数的数值奇异特性,得到的波函数数值解及其相应的本征能量均与解析结果相一致.这套新的完备的离散贝塞尔基函数,可以在研究一些波函数具有数值奇异特性的体系中发挥至关重要的作用.%With the development of computing technology, numerical exact diagonalization method plays a vital role in mod-ern computational condensed matter physics, especially in the research area of strongly correlated electron systems: it becomes a benchmark for other numerical computational techniques, such as quantum Monte Carlo, numerical renormal-ization group, density matrix renormalization group, and dynamic mean field theory. In this paper, we first numerically exactly diagonalize the three-dimensional hydrogen atom with the combination of finite-difference method, and find that the numerical wave function of ground state is in good agreement with the analytical calculations. We then turn to discuss the space dimension confinement hydrogen system, two-dimensional hydrogen atom, and notice that the numer-ical wave function is no longer in agreement with the analytical calculation, wherethe ground state wave function has a numerical singularity as radius approaches to zero. Compared with the case of the three-dimensional hydrogen atom, this issue mainly comes from the nature of space dimension confinement. To resolve such an issue of numerical singularity in two-dimensional hydrogen atom, we need to construct a new discrete and normalized Bessel function as a basis to study the ground state behavior of dimension confinement system based on the framework of Lanczos-type numerical exact diagonalization. The constructed normalized Bessel basis is orthogonal and discrete, and thus becomes suitable for practical calculation. Besides, these prominent properties of such a Bessel basis greatly reduce the complexity and difficulty in practical calculation, and thus makes computing work efficient. In addition, Lanczos-type numerical exact diagonalization method can extremely speed up the process of solving the eigenvalue equation. As a result, such a high efficient calculation of our method demonstrates the consistence between numerical and analytical ground state energy value, and the corresponding wave function with enough truncated basis number. Since this kind of numerical singularity occurs in many space dimension confinement systems, our finding for constructing a new discrete Bessel basis function may be helpful in studying the quantum systems with numerical singularity behaviors in wavefunctions in future. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the Bessel basis is incorporated into the linear augment plane wave method in the density functional theory to study the electronic band structure of the condensed material and obtain high accurate results,especially in the theoretical prediction of topological insulators and in experimental realization as well.【总页数】8页(P9-16)【作者】刘褚航;强百强;季育琛;李炜【作者单位】上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院, 上海 201210;上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院, 上海 201210;上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院, 上海 201210;中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所, 信息功能材料国家重点实验室, 上海200050【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.高频强激光场中氢原子基态电离特性研究 [J], 高婉琴;王加祥;张雅芸2.氢原子基态极化率的精确计算 [J], 陈昌远3.基于去奇异边界元法的二维数值波浪水池计算参数影响分析 [J], 杨师宇;吴静萍;汪敏;陈昌哲4.二维边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析法 [J], 牛忠荣;王左辉;胡宗军;周焕林5.氢原子(e,2e)反应中基态三重微分散射截面的计算 [J], 王号;张春光;李晖因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



【摘要】本文得到在局部Lipschitz条件下的布朗运动和泊松过程混合驱动的倒向随机微分方程解的存在唯一性 ;同时也证明了布朗运动和泊松过程混合驱动的完全藕合的正倒向随机微分方程在局部Lipschitz条件下的解的存在唯一性 .
1.非Lipschitz条件下由泊松过程驱动的随机微分方程Euler方法的依概率收敛性[J], 于辉
2.非Lipschitz条件下由连续局部鞅驱动的倒向随机微分方程 [J], 李师煜;李文学;高武军
3.局部Lipschitz条件下的正倒向随机微分方程 [J], 吴臻;谷艳玲
4.非Lipschitz条件下由Lévy过程驱动的倒向随机微分方程解的存在唯一及其稳定性(英文) [J], 任永;胡兰英;夏宁茂
5.局部Lipschitz条件下的正倒向重随机微分方程 [J], 朱庆峰;石玉峰

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(iii) P (t) ∼ t
for |t| >> (ε2 Γ)−1 , for some α > 0.
See the appendix in section 9 as well as [2], [9] for definitions and results on almost periodic functions. (f, g ) denotes the inner product of f and g . If ψ0 is normalized then P (t) has the quantum mechanical interpretation of the probability that the system at time t is in the state ψ0 . 3 We do not discuss the short time behavior in this article; see [12]. This small time behavior is related to the ”watched pot” effect in quantum measurement theory [15].
was considered. The method used is a time dependent / dynamical systems approach introduced in [21], [23] for the problem of perturbations of operators with embedded eigenvalues in their continuous spectra, [24], in the context of resonant radiation damping of nonlinear systems, as well as in [22]; see also [12]. New analytical questions must be addressed in view of (i) the presence of infinitely many frequencies which may resonate with the continuum as well as (ii) the possible accumulation of such resonances in the continuous spectrum. This leads to a careful use of almost periodic properties of the perturbation (Theorems 2.1 and 2.2) and hypothesis (H6) (Theorem 2.3), which is easily seen to hold when the perturbation, W (t), consists of a sum over finite number of frequencies, µj . A special case for which the hypotheses of our theorems are verified is the case of the Schr¨ odinger operator H0 = −∆ + V (x). Here, V (x) is a real-valued function of x ∈ IR3 which decays sufficiently rapidly as |x| → ∞. In this setting Soffer and Weinstein [22] studied

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview Consider a dynamical system of the form: i∂t φ = H0 φ, (1.1)
where H0 denotes a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. We further assume that H0 has only one eigenstate ψ0 ∈ H with corresponding simple eigenvalue λ0 . Thus, b∗ (t) = e−iλ0 t ψ0 (1.2)
is a time-periodic bound state solution of the dynamical system (1.1). We next introduce the perturbed dynamical system: i∂t φ = ( H0 + εW (t) ) φ. (1.3)
In this paper we prove that if the perturbation , εW (t), is a small, ”generic” and almost periodic in time 1 , then solutions of the perturbed dynamical system (1.3) tend to zero as t → ±∞. It follows that the state, b∗ (t), does not continue or deform to a time periodic or even time almost periodic state. Thus, b∗ (t) is structurally unstable with respect to this class of perturbations. Our methods yield a detailed description of the transient (t large but finite) and long time (t → ±∞) behavior solutions to the initial value problem. Theorems 2.1-2.3 contain precise statements of our main results. The following picture emerges concerning time evolution (1.3) for initial data given by the bound state, ψ0 , of the unperturbed problem. Let P (t) = |( ψ0 , φ(t) )|2 , the modulus square of the projection of the solution at time t onto the state ψ0 2 . Then, (i) P (t) ∼ 1 − CW |t|2 , for |t| small,3 (ii) P (t) ∼ exp(−2ε2 Γt) for t ≤ O((ε2 Γ)−1 ), Γ = O(W 2 ), and
Parametrically Excited Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations
arXiv:nlin/0012021v1 [nlin.PS] 11 Dec 2000
E. Kirr

பைடு நூலகம்
and M.I. Weinstein

February 8, 2008
Abstract Consider a linear autonomous Hamiltonian system with a time periodic bound state solution. In this paper we study the structural instability of this bound state relative to time almost periodic perturbations which are small, localized and Hamiltonian. This class of perturbations includes those whose time dependence is periodic, but encompasses a large class of those with finite (quasiperiodic) or infinitely many non-commensurate frequencies. Problems of the type considered arise in many areas of application including ionization physics and the propagation of light in optical fibers in the presence of defects. The mechanism of instability is radiation damping due to resonant coupling of the bound state to the continuum modes by the time-dependent perturbation. This results in a transfer of energy from the discrete modes to the continuum. The rate of decay of solutions is slow and hence the decaying bound states can be viewed as metastable. These results generalize those of A. Soffer and M.I. Weinstein, who treated localized time-periodic perturbations of a particular form. In the present work, new analytical issues need to be addressed in view of (i) the presence of infinitely many frequencies which may resonate with the continuum as well as (ii) the possible accumulation of such resonances in the continuous spectrum. The theory is applied to a general class of Schr¨ odinger operators.