




































Leçon 1 Bonjour 译文对话1——你好,安娜。



对话2 ——安娜,这(位)是谁?——这(位)是米歇尔。








Leçon 2 chez un ami 三、译文第二课在朋友家对话1(在门口)咚......咚......咚......勒马:谁呀?安娜:你猜猜!勒马:是不是法妮啊?安娜:劳驾,是我,安娜!勒马:呵!你好!安娜!。








安娜:是你的手提箱?可你要去哪里呀?勒马:我吗?......你猜猜看!Leçon 3 Présentations第三课:自我介绍马克:你好!塞西尔。
















Leçon 4 L’heure ,c’est l’heure ! 译文第四课:时间就是时间!对话1(在街上)安妮:你好!克莱尔。



2024年第7期现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry基金项目:西安石油大学2021年度研究生教育综合改革研究与实践课题 石油特色翻译课程案例教学模式研究及案例库建设(2021-X -YJG -020)㊂作者简介:牛绿洲(1992-),女,吉林榆树人,西安石油大学外国语学院翻译硕士,研究方向:英语笔译;高鹏鹏,陕西礼泉人,西安石油大学外国语学院副教授㊁硕士生导师,研究方向:石油专门用途英语翻译理论与实践㊂功能对等理论下的 双碳 文本翻译探索牛绿洲㊀高鹏鹏(西安石油大学,陕西西安710065)摘㊀要:在全球围绕 双碳 目标进行环境保护的背景下, 双碳 技术文本的翻译需求越来越受到重视㊂本文以功能对等理论为指导理论,结合COCA 语料库,从语义㊁语篇两个层面对此类文本的翻译方法进行探索,从语义的角度,对行业的专业术语进行准确把握;语篇层面,注重目标文本的句式特点与篇章结构,符合目标语行业表达习惯,从而达到满足跨文化交际的目的㊂关键词: 双碳 文本;功能对等理论;翻译中图分类号:F74㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2024.07.0320㊀引言沙涛㊁李群㊁于法稳(2022)发布了‘低碳发展蓝皮书“中国碳中和发展报告,影响巨大㊂通过对源文本分析,译者发现可行性研究报告属于应用科技类文本,具有信息量大㊁逻辑严密等特点㊂吕娜(2021)通过评‘英汉翻译技巧“一书,进行功能对等理论与科技文本翻译的契合性探索㊂1㊀尤金㊃奈达功能对等理论尤金㊃奈达首先提出 动态对等 理论,所追求的是用最自然的语言来最大程度地呈现源文本信息㊂之后又提出了 功能对等 理论,该理论以实现翻译的交际功能,读者的心理感受对等为重点,在此基础上,尽量追求形式对等㊂2㊀ 双碳 类文本研究在 双碳 文本中,涉碳术语多,需要准确翻译;从表达方式来看,源文本分句(即流水句)居多㊂而目标文本,需句式精练,符合目标语读者的阅读习惯㊂可进行原文结构的调整,采用直译㊁意译㊁增译法等翻译方法,借助长句㊁被动语态㊁定语从句等翻译手段以实现译文的可读性㊁客观性㊂3㊀功能对等理论指导下的 双碳 类文本翻译根据 双碳 类文本行文风格特点,在目标文本再现源文本信息的基础上,译者从语义㊁语篇两个层面剖析,以此来最大程度地实现信息对等与读者心理反应对等,同时进行一些必要的删减增补,以此达到舍形取神的目的㊂3.1㊀语义层面3.1.1㊀聚焦原文,精准翻译在 双碳 文本中,官方的翻译直接采用即可;而有些术语新词,则是中国根据本国国情提出,多用四字或六字词语表达,强调对偶工整等㊂ 在新词生成的背后,有着人类普遍的认知机制,这就为英汉互译提供了可能 邵斌,黎昌抱(2010)㊂译者借助COCA 语料库,对此类新词的高频翻译进行分析,结合具体词汇语义,将其置于原文语义中㊂例1:中国生态文明建设进入以降碳为重点战略方向,推动减污降碳协同增效,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型,实现生态环境质量改善由量变到质变的关键时期㊂Translation:The building of Chinese eco -civilization has entered the critical period,with carbon reduction as its key strategic orientation,promoting synergistic effect of the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions,and the green transformation of economic and social development in an all -round way,thus to accomplish improvement of biological environment from quantitative change to quality.分析: 中国生态文明 全面绿色转型 翻译时通过参照平行文本,查询中国术语库,采用直译的方法㊂其中 减污降碳 翻译,一方面注重翻译完整性,另一方面又力求译文的简洁客观性,符合科技英语表达习惯,根据句意,减㊁降可省译,均翻译为reduction㊂例2: 十三五 时期是碳减排相关政策文件的主要形成期,这一时期减排目标逐步明确㊁减排范围逐渐扩展到各个领域,这也是中国碳汇指数整体呈现上升趋势的重要原因㊂Translation:The 13th Five -Year Plan is a critical pe-riod that sees the documents about reduction of carbon emis-sions are mainly formulated,a period that witnesses gradual-ly clearer goal for carbon reduction and more wide range that expands into every field,which is the main reason for the ascending of carbon offset index in China.分析:该句主要是 碳汇 的翻译,译者通过查询COCA 术语库方法,主要有carbon sink,carbon storage 及carbon offset 的翻译(见表1),其中carbon storage 总词频㊃39㊃现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry2024年第7期最高,在学术期刊中的使用量也最高㊂显然根据词频使用情况来确定 碳汇 翻译是不恰当的㊂文中指的是中国出台系列政策措施来抵消二氧化碳的排放量㊂而off-set本身有补偿;抵消之意㊂因而采用 carbon offset 的翻译用法㊂表1㊀碳汇英文翻译碳汇翻译总词频总文本词频学术期刊词频carbon sink985934 carbon storage1176483 carbon offset33286㊀㊀注:数据来源COCA语料库㊂3.1.2㊀适度转化,结构调整双碳文本中存在隐含主语,多为并列句㊂反观英文,则需主语明确,主次分明㊂翻译应确定主语使句子结构完整;另使用加注法对句意进行补充说明,实现句意的完整传达㊂例:有研究认为人均GDP达到2.2万美元时,在统计意义上可实现人均碳排放达峰,但受多种不确定性因素影响,各国人均碳排放峰值和达到峰值的年份不同㊂Translation:Some research shows that Peak Carbon Dioxide Emission of per capita can be achieved in statistics level once GDP of per capita attains$22,000.Yet the peak value realized in different countries and in different years differs affected by uncertain factors.分析:可采用被动语态的翻译,将原句的 在统计意义上可实现人均碳排放达峰 作主句,并使 人均碳排放达峰 作被动语态中的主语,这样使得行文客观,便于读者理解事实的发生原因㊁发现以及结果㊂3.1.3㊀聚焦背景,化虚为实译者需充分了解翻译文本的背景知识,考虑文本所要传达的信息背景,进行上下文分析联系㊂在翻译中要指代明确,避免出现混淆㊁指代不明的情况,将源文本中隐含的知识化为实体㊂例1:从 双碳 目标经济学内涵来看,碳中和是基于经济增长与二氧化碳排放脱钩理论及EKC假说,由发展优先到建设 美丽中国 ㊁实现中国经济低碳转型与高质量发展的现实要求㊂Translation:To view double carbon (peak carbon dioxide emissions,carbon neutrality)within the category of the target economics,carbon neutrality is based on economic growth,decoupling theory for carbon dioxide emissions and EKC hypothesis.And it requires that what China should do in realistic areas range from priority development to beauti-ful China,realization of low-carbon transformation and high-quality development in economics.分析: 现实要求 前修饰的定语成分较多,若按原文结构翻译,则译文冗杂㊂将 要求 名词译为动词 re-quire , 现实 处理为状语 in realistic areas ,并在从句中采用增加主语的方法 what China should do ,实现语义层面的对等㊂例2:未来40年内,中国将开启经济社会的全方位绿色低碳转型,而碳中和对世界各国而言都是一条全新的发展道路,并没有成功经验可以借鉴,中国必须自主探索相关路径,主动应对挑战并克服困难㊂Translation:In the next40years,China will initiate green low-carbon transformation of economic society in allrespects.While the carbon neutrality is a new development path for all countries,and none of successful experience could be borrowed from,so it is necessary that China explore its own way independently,actively facing challenges and o-vercoming difficulties.分析: 相关路径 是需符合中国国情的道路,采用增译法 its own way ;在第二个意群中添加 so 表示原文的一句到底处理为因果句使其条理分明㊂3.2㊀语篇层面在实现译文的语意完整基础上,语篇的连贯性不可或缺,需厘清意群,梳理句子主干与分支;同时化繁为简,表达凝练㊂例:中国减排成效显著,2019年碳排放强度比2005年降低48.1%,但碳中和目标提出后,中国的碳减排工作遇到了转折点,需从产业到部门㊁从国家到省(区㊁市)重新探索更为安全可靠的方案和路径,挖掘产业升级与绿色转型的潜在机遇㊂Translation:Carbon reductions in China has achieved great fruit for lowered48.1%of carbon emissions in2019 compared with that in2015.However,the proceeding carbon emissions faced a turning point since the Carbon Neutrality goal was proposed,which requires that we need again ex-plore scheme and pathway more safe and reliable from the national level to capital,prefecture also municipality,tap po-tential opportunities for industry upgrading and green trans-formation.分析:该表达是典型的流水句式,逐句翻译可读性不高㊂故将原句整合为两个意群,第一个为国内形势 降低48.1%,整理为一个英语长句;并通过 how-ever 衔接两个意群㊂4㊀结语本文通过语义分析㊁语篇分析两个层面对此类文本的翻译进行剖析,认为应以准确翻译 语义 为首要任务,兼顾形式对等,灵活运用功能对等理论,使目标语读者接收到和源语读者一样的文本信息与感受,从而实现中国 双碳 话语的有效传播㊂参考文献[1]匡耀求,肖子茜,谢梦仪,等.术语Carbon Storage汉译探讨[J].中国科技术语,2022,24(04):86-95.[2]吕娜.功能对等理论在英语翻译中的应用探讨 评‘英汉翻译技巧“[J].热带作物学报,2021,42(06):1843. [3]沙涛,李群,于法稳,等.‘低碳发展蓝皮书“中国碳中和发展报告[M].社会科学文献出版社,2022:001-043.㊃49㊃。



商务英语阅读教程2叶兴国译文Why China WorkA look at bright pot in the receion begin with Beijing,where tatecontrol i looking mart。


The contruction ite of the China Pavilion,hot to the World EpoShanghai 2022 By Rana Foroohar ,NEWSWEEKPublihedJan102022 From the magazine iue dated Jan 19,2022China i the only major economy that i likely to how ignificant growth thi year, becaue it i the only one that routinely break every rule in the economic tetbook In fact, the main reaon China i not lowing afat a the other big five economie i it capacity for macro-control。



Why doe China’ market economic ytem work Now that the United State and Europe are moving toward macro-economiccontrol-by nationalizing the banking and car indutrie,and impoing heavy new regulation on the financial indutry-thequetion ha a new urgency。

高级英语-张中载-B1-L03 The Use of Force

高级英语-张中载-B1-L03 The Use of Force

那么多东西 依靠
一辆红色 手推车
晶莹闪亮于 雨水中
旁边有几只 白鸡
Lesson Three
That is Just to Say
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox
and which you were probably saving for breakfast
In addition to his writing, Williams had a long career as a physician practicing both pediatrics and general medicine. He was affiliated with what was then known as Passaic General Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey, where he served as the hospital's chief of pediatrics from 1924 until his death.
profusion n.丰富,充沛; 慷慨 profuse a.丰富的;很多的;慷慨的
Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion. 橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量 丰富。
Lesson Three
Advanced English 高级英语
主讲:李世存 2019-2020-1
Lesson Three

acacia mangium中英文对照

acacia mangium中英文对照

Acacia mangium is a fast-growing tree species native to Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is widely planted in the tropics and subtropics for its valuable wood and other uses. In this article, we will provide aprehensiveparison of the characteristics of Acacia mangium in both English and Chinese, to facilitate a better understanding of this species.1. Scientific Name- English: Acacia mangium- Chinese: 盐肤木2. Description- English: Acacia mangium is a large tree that can grow up to 30-35 meters in height, with a str本人ght trunk and a broad, spreading crown. The bark is dark grey and fissured, and the leaves are bipinnate, with 5-8 p本人rs of pinnae and 20-40 p本人rs of leaflets.- Chinese: 盐肤木是一种高大的树木,最高可长到30-35米,树干笔直,树冠广阔。


3. Wood Characteristics- English: The wood of Acacia mangium is highly valued for itsstrength, durability, and resistance to decay. It is used in a wide range of applications, including construction, furniture, and paper production.- Chinese: 盐肤木的木材以其强度、耐久性和抗腐蚀性而备受青睐。



ABEmory Jensen是一名10岁的四年级学生,当穿梭在一场艺术展时,她用手指划过一面挂满艺术品的墙。








盲校项目的负责人Kate Borg说:“这些学生中的大多数可能从来没有去过艺术馆或真正去体验过艺术是什么。





“我抑制不住自己的眼泪,”“dreamscapes”经理Andrea Silva说。
















Creating and managing a profit pool
Profit pool analysis may indicate new opportunities or threats
Be open to a new perspective on your business and industry
other components
personal computers
share of industry revenue
Value chain focus Axes
Vertical—operating margin Horizontal—share of industry data
service repair
aftermarket parts auto rental
Profit Pools: Company Examples
Automakers U-Haul Elevators (OTIS) Harley Davidson
Current strategy
Change product focus
Change Customer focus
Application to our cases
Retail industry (Wal*Mart) Soft drink industry (Coca-Cola and





















































Writing an English essay in a fourline grid can be an interesting and structured way to organize your thoughts and present them in a clear and concise manner. Heres a stepbystep guide on how to write an English essay in a fourline grid, using a hypothetical topic as an example:Hypothetical Topic: The Impact of Technology on Modern EducationIntroduction 1st LineHook: Start with a thoughtprovoking statement or question that grabs the readers attention. For example, Can you imagine a classroom without computers or the internet?Background: Briefly introduce the topic and its relevance. Mention the rapid technological advancements and their influence on education.Thesis Statement: State your main argument or the central point of your essay. For example, This essay will explore how technology has revolutionized modern education, enhancing learning experiences and expanding access to knowledge.Body Paragraphs 2nd and 3rd LinesParagraph 1 Enhancing Learning ExperiencesTopic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of the paragraph. For example, Technology has significantly improved the learning experience by making it more interactive and personalized.Supporting Details: Provide examples or evidence to support your claim. Discuss the use of multimedia tools, online resources, and adaptive learning software.Transition: Connect this paragraph to the next by hinting at anotheraspect of the topic.Paragraph 2 Expanding Access to KnowledgeTopic Sentence: Introduce the next main idea. For example, Beyond enhancing the learning experience, technology has democratized education by providing access to a wealth of information.Supporting Details: Discuss online courses, open educational resources, and the role of mobile learning in reaching remote areas.Transition: Move to the next paragraph by acknowledging potential drawbacks or challenges.Paragraph 3 Challenges and SolutionsTopic Sentence: Address the flip side of the argument. For example, Despite its benefits, technology in education also faces challenges such as digital divide and information overload.Supporting Details: Discuss the digital divide, the need for digital literacy, and strategies to manage information overload.Transition: Prepare the reader for the conclusion by summarizing the main points.Conclusion 4th LineRestatement of Thesis: Reiterate your thesis statement in a new way. For example, In conclusion, technology has undeniably transformed the landscape of modern education.Summary of Main Points: Briefly summarize the key arguments made in the body paragraphs without introducing new information.Final Thoughts: End with a call to action or a thoughtprovoking statementthat leaves the reader with something to consider. For example, As we continue to integrate technology into education, it is crucial to address the challenges to ensure that all learners can benefit from these advancements.Tips for Writing in a FourLine Grid:Clarity: Ensure each line of your grid serves a distinct purpose and contributes to the overall argument.Cohesion: Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and maintain the flow of your essay.Evidence: Support your claims with relevant examples, statistics, or expert opinions.Structure: Follow a clear and logical structure that guides the reader through your argument.By following this guide, you can effectively organize your thoughts and present a wellstructured essay in a fourline grid format. Remember, the key to a successful essay is a clear thesis, strong supporting evidence, and a coherent flow of ideas.。



《信息检索》期末复习一、单项选择题1、文摘、题录、目录等属于(B )。

A、一次文献B、二次文献C、零次文献D、三次文献2、从文献的(B )角度区分,可将文献分为印刷型、电子型文献。

A、内容公开次数 B 载体类型 C 出版类型 D 公开程度3、按照出版时间的先后,应将各个级别的文献排列成(C )。

A、三次文献、二次文献、一次文献B、一次文献、三次文献、二次文献C、一次文献、二次文献、三次文献D、二次文献、三次文献、一次文献4、手稿、私人笔记等属于(C )文献,辞典、手册等属于(C )文献。

A、一次,三次 B 零次、二次C、零次、三次 D 一次、二次5、逻辑“与”算符是用来组配(C)。





6、利用文献后面所附的参考文献进行检索的方法称为(A)A、追溯法B、直接法C、抽查法D 综合法7、如果检索结果过少,查全率很低,需要调整检索范围,此时调整检索策略的方法有(B )等。






A、情报 B 、信息C、知识D、数据9、以作者本人取得的成果为依据而创作的论文、报告等,并经公开发表或出版的各种文献,称为(B )A、零次文献B、一次文献C、二次文献D、三次文献10、哪一种布尔逻辑运算符用于交叉概念或限定关系的组配?(A )A、逻辑与(AND)B、逻辑或(OR)C、逻辑非(NOT)D、逻辑与和逻辑非11、逻辑算符包括(D)算符。

A、逻辑“与”B、逻辑“或”C、逻辑“非”D、A、B和C12、事实检索包含检索课题(A )等内容。

A、背景知识、事件过程、人物机构B、相关文献、人物机构、统治数据C、事件过程、国外文献、国内文献D、国内文献、国外文献、统计数据13、区别于一般期刊论文或者教科书,参考工具书的突出特点是(C )。


to try very hard
I still couldn’t hear anything no matter how I strained my ears.
He overworked last week and strained himself.
~ every nerve
4. over-heated: too hot
The green banana: a symbol of hidden treasures from every culture
Plot: ”my” experience in a small Brazilian village and what “I” concluded Setting: a small village in the central area of Brazil Protagonists: an American traveler (“I”), several Brazilian people
messages. Things ~ed out quite differently. Don’t worry, things will work out in the end.
9. in case: so as to be safe if (something happens); if
e.g. Take a raincoat ~ it rains. Give him a call ~ he doesn’t know. Take your skates ~ you decide to go
Language study
1. meet,encounter
bump into, come across, run across, run into

我的树林 Anna's译文

我的树林  Anna's译文
























一、填空题:1. 文献按其加工深度不同可以划分为一次文献、二次文献和三次文献。

2. 信息素质的内涵包括信息需求、信息意识、信息知识、信息道德和信息能力。

3. 构成文献的三要素是内核、物质载体和符号系统。

4. CNKI的中文全称是中国知识基础设施工程。

5. 标准文献的主体是技术标准。

6. 期刊论文的文献出处包括期刊名称、年卷期和起止页码。

7. 在计算机信息检索中,用于组配检索词和限定检索范围的布尔逻辑运算符包括and 、or和not三种。

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Tala: Hello.Hani:We could just elope(私奔潜逃),you know.Tala:But then you wouldn't get to see me dressed like an extra(临时演员)for"dynasty".Reema:So much to do...Philippe:You hair looks perfect,madam.Reema:When I want your opinion,I will give it ti you.Rani:Madam?that one.Thank you,madam.Reema:I need a cigarette.Hani:Are you ready?Tala:Almost....I'm working.Hani:20minutes before our engagement party starts?!Reema:Where is my husband?Rani:In the garden,madam.Reema:And where is my coffee?Rani:Coming,madam.Reema:Did the dress fit Tala?She didn't stop eating at lunch.Rani:Like a glove,madam.(fit like a glove完全相合;恰好)Hani:I love you.Bye Tala.Tala:Bye.Reema:And Lamia?Did you take in(收进)her clothes?Lamia:By 2cm,madam.Reema:Excellent.Q:Let's hope this is the final engagement party.You father has to throw for your sister.For a man of his stature(身材精神道德的高度)to endure(忍耐克服)the shame(羞耻憾事)...L:How do I look?Q:You could cover your shoulders a little more.L:It's not cold.Q:It's not proper.Reema:Did Zina like the green dress I picked for her?Rani:She loved it madam.("Wear this.No blacks for your sister's party.Mama")Reema:The cake,how does the cake look?Lamia:It looks perfect,madam.Just perfect.Amman,JordanAyi:She will do it before dinner.AA:No way,Tala loves her food too much.Ayi:The last time she broke the engagement before dinner.AA:And the first time she waited till Reema had a mouthful of coffee.I just hope she keeps the jewelry this time.8 karats, d flawless(dflawless深蓝颜钻;flawless 完美的无暇的).Who wouldn't?Tala never keeps the jewelry.She's always had a screw loose(出故障出毛病).Ramzi:And how is my favorite niece?Tala:Uncle Ramzi!Ayi:Hello.Tala:You managed to get on a plane?Ramzi:Plane?!?You know I'll never get on a plane!Not after that dream I had.The crash,the devastation(毁坏荒废)...Tala:The dream was in 1967...Ramzi:Right after the six-day war.Israel has a lot to answer for.Anyway,I wouldn't have missed it.I wanted to meet the man who made it this far,again.Tala:Uncle,I love him.Ramzi:Of course you love him.He's christian and he's rich.Tala:Not to mention:kind,thoughtful.And forward-thinking.And handsome.Ramzi:Handsome is good.But ask your auntie why she married me.Looks and character come and go;Only large sums of money last forever.Tala:So it would seem.Zina:You look amazing,sis.Tala:Wish I could say the same.Zina:That's because I've been alone with mum and Lamia for four whole days.You know I think I've found those weapons of mass destruction Bush was looking for.How clever of him to disguise them as two Arab housewives.Lamia:Zina,that dress looks beautiful on you.Mama said you should be entertaining your guests. Zina:Yeah,Tala.Surely you should be familiar with engagement party etiquette(礼节礼仪规矩) by now...F:She looks so happy,doesn't she,Reema?Reema:Of course.F:And beautiful.Just like her mother..LondonFi:No,no,no,I don't think so.I understand what you saying,but I think that 10% is the maximum you can except from that...Don't worry,we'll talk tomorrow,ok?Goodbye.Fi:I thought you'd gone for the day.Leyla:The printer's not working at home.Fi:What are you printing?Leyla:Umm,just some bits and pieces.Fi:Come e up.Sit down.You have a minute,don't you?All this is going to be yours one day,you know?Leyla:All of it?!Fi:And your sister's.But sales are everything.They're the lifeblood(生机的根源生命必须的血液)of this place.Lella:You know I'm not good at selling,dad.Fi:You don't sell life insurance...Leyla:I know,I know,it sells itself.Fi:Life insurance is a sure bet.I just ask my client.do you know you're going to die?There is only one answer.Then I ask him are you one hundred and fifty percent absolutely positively(肯定的)happy that your wife and your kids are properly taken care of.You've got e on,try it. Leyla:Dad...Fi:Oh,come on.I'm your client.Try it.Lella:I'm sorry,dad.I'm good with the admin(管理),and Yasmin's better with people.Fi:She's a waitress!Leyla:She's learning so she can start her own food company!Fi:Three years at university so she can wash dishes!She doesn't need her own company.She has her own company!Lella:I have a date with Ali tonight.Fi:I like him.He's a good boy.Are you going to the mosque(清真寺)first?Leyla:We're heading into town to see a friend of his.Then we're having dinner.Fi:It's Friday.Leyla:I believe in our religion,I do,I just...I don't like to go when everyone else dose.Fi:If you don't go when everyone else does how will they know you're a good Muslim?Go on then,but don't be out too late.Leyla:I'm not 16,dad.Fi:I know...Leyla:So she's palestinian,your friend?Ali:Yes,she lives in London but her wedding will be back in Jordan where I was for her engagement party.You remember?Leyla:What does Tala do?Ali:I think she has some of her grandfather's spirit in her.You know she's recently bought a company over here?For a Arab woman from her background that's pretty unusual.What's matter?Are you nervous?Leyla:A bit.I'm always like that with new people.Ali:Don't be.Tala is great.Trust me,you'll love her.Rani:Evening.Ali:Evening.Reema:How long have you and Ali been dating?Leyla:About two month.Reema:And?Does he want to marry you?Leyla:I think he's just waiting for me to ask him.Reema:Tala,my eldest daughter,is getting married in six weeks.And what dose your father do? Tala:Stop interrogating the poor girl,mama.Ali:Hey...Tala:She's going out with Ali.Not me.Ali:Tala,meet Leyla.Leyla:Hello!Tala:Sorry to break your British reserve.But we always kiss in Jordan usually just before we slit (撕裂)your throat.Reema:When are you going to stop critizing our homeland,Tala?Tala:When everyone else stops being afraid to.Leyla:How do you and Ali know each other?Tala:He went to school with my third fiance(未婚夫).They were at Cornell together.Ali:She has four,you know.Fiance,I mean.Leyla:Four?Reema:She's still picky.I've always liked Namir.Tala:Mama,he was a drug addict.Reema:He's from a very respectable family.Tala:Yeah,and during our engagement party I caught him in the bathroom with white powder on his nose.Reema:You always jump to conclusions.Maybe he was trying to hide a skin blemish(缺点瑕疵).He had some pock-marks(pock 痘痕麻子)on one side of his face.Tala,I've just had your wedding dress taken in(收进).Leyla:Congratulations on your wedding.Will it be in a mosque?Reema:A church.A church.Tala:Not all Arabs are Muslims.Leyla:Oh,I'm sorry.I shouldn't have assumed.(假设).Tala:Are you a Muslim?Leyla:Yes.Tala:Why?Reema:Tala,What kind of question is that?Because she was born a muslin,Tala:No,she wasn't.Reema:Weren't you?Tala:She was born a female and a member of a certain race,and if she'd been adopted by a jewish family,she'd have been jewish.Reema:Thank god she wasn't adopted!What the middle east doesn't need is more jews.Tala:Mama,please don't start with the anti-semitism(反犹太主义).Reema:Anti-semitic?Who's anti-semitic?!I am semitic(闪米特人的闪族语系的闪族人),that's the point.And yet,the Israelis grabbed Palestine from us.Tala:And Arab countries threw out(赶走抛散扔掉否决突出)over a million of jews. Leyla:But the Isrealis should be fair to the Palestians.They know what is like to lose their land.Reema:Now someone's speaking sense!Tala:True.But we need to draw a line under the past and move forward.Rani:Your headache medicine,madam.Reema:I don't have a headache.Rani:But it's seven o'clock,madam.Reema:Well,then I haven't adjusted to London time yet.Leyla:Nice to met you.Reema:I apologize for my daughter.Ali:Good night!Reema:See you.Tala:You didn't answer my question.Leyla:I'm not jewish.Tala:Why not?Leyla:Why aren't you?Tala:I don't subscribe to(同意) any religion.Leyla:See you live without any faith?Tala:Ha!I didn't say that.Leyla:Why should my faith offend you?Tala:They don't.I just wanna know why they don't offend you.Ali:Tala,ease up.(放松缓和减轻)Leyla:Don't they do small talk in the middle east?Tala:This is the small talk in the middle east.For a serious debate we move on to(移向转向) politics.Ali:And before that happens,I'm gonna take Leyla to dinner.Do you wanna blow off(吹掉) your parents and join us?Tala:They're going to back to Jordan tomorrow.But thank you...Both.Leyla:Perhaps another time.Tala:I'd like that.We can be all British and talk about the weather.Ali:You are naughty!:Leyla!He'll be here soon!Come on!I don't understand why Ali can't eat with us first?Lelay:He's booked a tennis court,mum.:At onr o'clock?That's lunch time.Yasmin:Only in a suburban(郊区的土气的)house though,mum,I believe London's what?2 hours ahead of us?Or would that be two years?:You and your cosmopolitan(世界主义的四海一家的)attitude.What kind of salad are you making anyway?Yasmin:It's Greek salad.:Oh,and an Indian salad isn't good enough for you!Yasmin:Mum,what is an Indian salad?Week old lettuce and chilies(干辣椒)?!:You two are so worried about other cultures.London!Greece!What about your own heritage?Did you ever think about that?!India has one of the richest cultures in the world.Yasmin:Well,I'm glad you said that,mum.Coz I'm thinking of spending 6 months outthere.Backpacking,:You are not going backpacking and in India of all places!Yasmin:What about the culture,the heritage?:What about being rapped and murdered?!And clean underwear?Leyla:Why would you take underwear,Yasmin?!:What if you meet people that we know?They'll think we can't afford to send you on a real holiday. Yasmin:Mum,there are a billion people in India.What are the chances that I'm gonna bump(无意中遇到碰到)into someone from your surrey bridge club?:Ali!Are you going to the door dressed like that?Leyla:We're going to play tennis,mum.:What's that smell?Yasmin:Feta cheeese.Ali:How are you?hi,auntie.Hello.How are you?:First class.Ali:Hi,uncle.:Hello Ali.Ali:Mmm,something smells good in here.Yasmin:Thank you.That's my Greek salad.Ali:Hey,Yasmin,I didn't know you could cook.:Of course she can.And so can Leyla.Who makes the best cakes and never puts on weight. Yasmin:Yeah,that's our Leyla.She's gonna make a wonderful housewife someday.And apparently,she knows how to sell life insurance with the best of them.:How many times do I have to tell you?It sells itself.Leyla:We should be going.Ali:Bye,uncle.:Oh,next time come for lunch.Ali:Oh,I'd love to,next time.Leyla:Come.:ok,ok.Let's hope she has the sense to hold onto him.Yasmin:Like a life raft.(救生筏)Mum!Mum!Ali:Oh,by the way.We're meeting some friend at the club.Hope that's ok.Leyla:Scared I'd beat you one-on-one?Ali:Terrified!Leyla:Who are you playing with?Ali:You remenber Tala?Oh,and another friend of mine,Jeff.Actually,I owe Jeff a game so you can play Tala.Is that ok?Leyla:Fine.Ali:Hey,how are you guys doing?Hope you've been practicing.Yeah,right.Hey,how are you?:Not bad,you?Ali:Good!Tala:Come on,let's play.Tala:They have a really great coach here if you want a lesson...That was amazing.You're pretty good,you know?Leyla:You're not so bad yourself.Tala:This way.I'll show you the changing room.That was quite a comeback.Leyla:I prayed for divine(神圣的非凡的牧师) intervention(干涉介入调停).Tala:I didn't say that there wasn't a god.It's just religion that bothers me.Sorry if I offended you. Leyla;On the contrary.You made me think.Tala:Yeah?About what?Leyla:About...Thank you.How we follow certain paths is it just expectation or conditioning? Tala:Let me take a look at that.Leyla:It's alright.I'm always clumsy.Tala:You konw you should,you should really relax more.Just be at ease with yourself.Maybe a shower will help.They're over there.Leyla:Alright.Tala:So,are you coming for the polo match tomorrow?Ali:Honey,as much as I'd like to see you fall in your ass,no can do tomorrow.Rugby's(英式橄榄球)on.Tala:It's just a practice game.It's usually fun.Leyla:I'm supposed to have lunch with my family tomorrow.Ali:Hey,I'm sure they won't mind.Think of all the fun you'll have.Turning divots(草皮).Just watch where you tread(踏踩行走步态),huh:You mussed lunch yesterday and now you want to miss it today?!It's sunday!Why don't you ask Ali to come for lunch?He could meet grandma.Leyla:He's taking me to polo match,mum.:Polo?You mean the game?Yasmin:No,mum,she means the mints.(薄荷糖铸币厂):All those horses and sweating(出汗发出) South Americans!Will prince Charles be there?Well,at least you're making an effort for a change.What's that?!!!Leyla:Excuse me.Hello?:Leyla.Leyla:Hi,dad...Listen,we're gonna be later than I thought.Ali's really into the polo.:He just called.Leyla:Who just called?:Ali.He asked if you wanted to go over to his place to watch rugby(英式橄榄球) after you got back..I didn't tell your mother,daughter.Leyla:Thanks,dad.Tala:Thanks,Antoinette,see you later.Impressed?I didn't even break out in a sweat(一身大汗)...Leyla:I kept thinking you were gonna fall leaning(倾斜倚靠)across on a horse like that. Tala:I like to take chances.Leyla:Is that why you left your family's business?Tala:I wanted to see if I could create my own brand.Leyla:I'm inpressed.Tala:No,don't be.Not yet,at least.I've yet to get a decent(合适的相当好的) order.But something should pan out (成功结果一帆风顺证明)soon.How about you?Leyla:Me?Nothing to tell.My dad encouraged me to join his company.And I've never left.Tala:And?You like it there?Leyla:It's not exactly (不全是未必就大约)inspiring.Tala:So what inspires you,Leyla?Leyla:Writing...Fiction...Tala:Can I read some of your stuff(东西材料)?How else am I gonna find out what goes on beneath(在…之下) that quiet exterior(外表)?Tala:You have an amazing talent.Leyla:I'm...Just learning.Tala:Make sure you do something(做就对了) with it.Leyla:Have you really been engaged for four times?I mean,you seem like such a decisive person. Tala:Yeah,,well,I'm not proud of it.You know about the last guy.he had a problem with drugs,Or make-up.Well,he ticked(气炸被套) all the boxes.He's christian Arab,good family,handsome,intelligent.It just didn't click(点击).Leyla:I can understand that.And the first?Tala:Well,that was a big mistake I let my mother pressurize me into.He produces tons of date.My mother loves dates.Leyla:You can never have too many dates.Tala:Oh,trust me,I found out you can.How about you?What about you and Ali?How's that going?Leyla:I like him a lot.Tala:Does it click?Leyla:Not the way I imagined it should.Tala:Well,maybe we expect too much.It's starting to rain.:Oxford!Oxford's where you go to get a degree,not to get away.It's only an hour by train.Why do you have to go for two days?Leyla:So if it takes me 3 hours,I can stay the night?:Oh,my god.What is that?!Yasmin:It's Ethiopian bread.:We have Indian bread right here!anyway,I thought they were starving in Ethiopia.Yasmin:Yeah,well,if they had bread,then this is what it would look like.:Who are you going with?Leyla:A friend.:Oh,Ali.Leyla:No,not Ali.Does everything have to revolve around (以…为中心)him?Yasmin:She has a friend and they're going away for couple of days.Why do you make everything a problem?Yasmin:Don't let her get to you,Leyla.Leyla:She's not...She's not getting to me.Yasmin:What's wrong?Are you tw o-timing Ali?Leyla;Of course not.You know me.I can barely go out with this one guy properly.Yasmin:Yeah,why is that?It's there anything you want to talk to me about?Leyla:No.Yasmin:I mean anything.You lied to mum and dad last week about the polo with Ali.Leyla:I know.I can't believe I did that.Yasmin:No.it was about time if you ask me.But why?who are you going to Oxford with?Leyla:Nobody,just Tala.Yasmin;I see...Leyla:What?What do you see?Yasmin:Well,noting.It's just you've been spending a lot of time with this Tala.Haven't you? Leyla:She's nice.Yasmin:Nice?Nice as in mum's bridge club ladies nice or as in hot?Leyla:What's wrong with you?Her family's sponsoring(赞助发起) a charity event and her sister's going to be there,ok?Yasmin:Ok...:Do you two think that lunch will make itself?!!Yasmin:No.but that lettuce has walked outta fridge on its own.:Come and take this horrible bread and send it to Africa where it belongs!Tala:Have you ever been to Oxford before?Leyla:Oh,I love it!There's something magical about it.Especially the buildings.Tala:That sweet city with her dreaming spires(尖顶).Leyla:Matthew Arnold?Tala:Mh-mm...Shall we go see the library?Leyla:I'd love to.What's Lamia doing?Tala:Buying a picnic hamper(食盒食篮障碍物).Leyla:Is she upset with us?Tala:Just with me.She wants me to shop for the wedding.Leyla:In Oxford?!Tala:Well,I've refused to meet her in Paris.Here,Leyla.Try it.Leyla:Mmm,that is mia,would you like to try some?Lamia:I don't do carbs(碳水化合物).Tala:Since when?!Leyla:Lamia,you used to study here,right?What subject?Tala:Flower arranging.Lamia:So...I hear you didn't get the order,Well,maybe now you can come back and help dad.And stop all this independent stuff.Tala:You know,Leyla is the most brilliant writer.You have to read her stuff.Leyla:No,no.I'm just learning.But I do love it.Tala:One day soon you will read her stuff in bookstores.Could you publish an edition with pictures in it?Tala:Shall we walk some more?Lamia:No.Leyla:Yes.Lamia:Whatever you prefer.I need to get back to the room.Kareem always checks where I am. Tala:Tell him that you're busy.Lamia:Are you coming with me?Tala:e on.It's exactly that kind of relationship I wanted to avoid.At all cots(不惜任何代价无论如何). Leyla:So your fianc is not like that?Tala:Hani?No.He is an Arab and he's born and brought up in Jordan.But he's different from the rest.Kind,open-minded.And he makes a great martini.Leyla:He sounds wonderful.Tala:Yeah,he is.He is.At least I can't find anything wrong with him.Leyla:Why you are trying?Thank you.Tala:For what?Leyla:For all this.It's overwhelming(压倒淹没制服).Tala:You know,it's been a while since I've seen it all through new eyes.Thank you.Tala:What do you thinking about?Leyla:Why I didn't meet you years ago.Tala:We'd have been underaged(未成年).Tala:Hello.Hi Hani.I'm fine.Can I call you later?No,nothing is wrong.I just woke up.I'll call you in a while,ok?Bye.Yeah,I love you too.Leyla:Have you ever done this before?Tala:Slept with a woman when my finac makes wedding preparation?No.Never done that before. Leyla:That's not what I meant.Tala:When I was 18.I fell madly in love with a girl.In my first year in college.We spent few wonderful months together.I never knew I could feel so complete...So alive...Leyla:Till now,obviously.Tala:Till now.Leyla:So what happened?Tala:I broke it off.I was in pieces.I told myself that it was for the best.That I was away from home and I was lonely and...Leyla:And now?Tala:This is not a way to live,Leyla.It's not easy.It's not acceptable.Leyla:We didn't break any rules last night,Tala.Tala:Yeah,but we did where I come from.ok?Nobody lives like this.At least not openly.Leyla:And you live in the west now.Tala:Yeah,but I don't think it's acceptable to cheat on you fianc anywhere in the world.Tala:What do you like most about this place?Leyla:Worlds that once existed.Just the scent(气味痕迹)of antiquity.Lamia:Ugh.Smells like mould(发霉) i n here.Tala:I don't care what anyone says,Lamia.You have a romantic soul.Lamia:Hello,mama.Can you hear me?Reema:Stop the drier.Hello,Lamia.Lamia:Mama.Rani:Your tea,madam.Lamia:This place is a complete dump(倾倒垃圾场).Reema:Give it to Philippe.Lamia:Only museums and no shops.They don't even have a Gucci!Reema:Did you get her something colourful?Lamia:Tala thinks grey is a colour.And they got bored of shopping.Reema:They?Lamia:Her friend is here with her.Leyla.Reema:The Indian jewess?Lamia:The Indian.I didn't know she was Jewish.They're spending all their time together.I guess it's nice for Tala to have such a close friend.Reema:Good thing she's coming back next week,huh?Lamia:That's the other thing.I think she wants to stay in London a while longer.Reema:She did this with the second engagement.Or was it the first?And she never came back for the wedding.Lamia:I'm sure it's not exactly like that.Mama?Mama?Tala:Home,sweet home.Hello?Mama.Hani:Hello,my love.Tala:Hani.Reema:Did you enjoy your trip?Leyla:Yes.Hani:I miss you.I'd give anything to be with you now.Reema:Sit down.Sit down.I have a surprise for Tala.I'd like you to see it.Hani:How was your trip?Tala:Fine,I just walked in.Hani:I know.Tala:How do you know?Hani:I can see you.Tala:What do you mean?Where are you?Hani:Right here.Sweetheart...Tala:They are so in love...It brings tears to my eyes.Hani:And you must be Leyla.It's such pleasure to meet you.Tala's talked about you a lot.Leyla:You too.Hani:How was Oxford?Leyla:Lovely,much more than I'd expected.Hani:You know,no one ever says.How romantic traditioYoun.The river,its buildings,the history. Reema:Well,let's have dinner.You girls must be hungry.Leyla:I have to go but thank you.Reema:Oh no,I won't hear of it.A quick bite.Hani works in the Jordanian government,you know?Tala:The foreign office.Leyla:Does that cover relations with Israel?Hani:Yes.Leyla:How can you stand it?Hani:We have to stand it.And sometimes even learn something from the Israelis.Reema:What do you want to learn?How to shoot children?Tala:Obviously not that.But Israel is the closest thing to a democracy that we have in the middle east.Reema:Oh,thank god I didn't send your sisters to that American school.They turned you into an Arab-hater.Hani:Auntie,your daughter is one of the proudest Palestinians I know.Why don't you show Leyla and Tala the invitations?Tala:What invitations?Hani:To our wedding.Reema:Well?Leyla:It's beautiful.Really perfect.Reema:Are you alright?Leyla:Just a headache.Reema:Here.Leyla:I just need a bathroom.Reema:Upstairs,ninth door on the left.Leyla:Thank you.Tala:Do you want me to go with you?Leyla:No,I'm fine.Leyla:What are you doing?Tala:Holding your hand.Leyla:So what happens?We get five minutes of hand-holding?I get the night in Oxford and he gets the night in London?!Tala:That's not fair.Leyla:What is fair Tala?Tala:We can't live like this.My families won't understand.I can't lead you into a life that's...difficult. Leyla:I don't need your protection.Thanks to you,I know what I want.And I can't go back.I want to feel the way I did last night every day.I want to be with someone that ten years from now makes my heart jump when I hear her key in the door.And that someone is you.Tala:I can't hurt Hani.Leyla:Are you in love with him?Tala:There are things I love about him.I can't ruin lives.Leyla:You will.Especially yours.Hani:Tala,are you ok?Leyla:Tell me you can do this.Tala...:Ramzi,welcome!Hello.Zina:Christ(天啊),I'm still here.Kareem:No two women should look this beautiful at six in the morning.Zina:Is the king coming for breakfast?Kareem:No I'm going to the airport.Sami's flying from New York for the wedding.Zina:I haven't seen your brother in years.Does he still like musicals?Kareem:I don't know.But I'm sure he's looking very much forward to seeing you.Zina:Why?Kareem:We'll be back in time for breakfast with your parents.Zina:Wasn't he supposed to get a place for Lamia like 4 years ago?Tala:Would you leave a suite(套房) at the best hotel in town if you were getting it for free?Zina:I'd leave paradise(天堂) itself if mama was there.Kareem:Well,Kareem would brave hell(地狱)to secure his enheritance(遗产).Zina:He's not their son.Tala:But in the absence of a son he is the perfect son-in-law.Kareem:Which David could never be.Any way he broke up with me.Tala:He did?I'm sorry,sweetheart.Zina:He wants to bring up his kids as Jews.Hanukkah(光明节),Passover(逾越节)...Imagine mama's face...Tala:I'd really rather not.Though it might be worth it.Zina:We thought we could start our own mini peace process.He never made a secret of being attached to(附属于爱慕) his culture.Tala:Then why did he even get involved with you?I mean,what kind of a person allows you to get emotionally entangled(使卷入被缠住) when they know there's no way forward?Zina:I need a coffee.Tala:No,no...You need to stop selling yourself(把自己卖出去) short.Zina:Sometimes...sometimes...You can't stop and rationalize (使合理化)everything so perfectly.Don't you ever just do something even when you know deep down(实际上在心底) it's gonna be a disaster?Kareem:You will like Zina,if you give her a chance.She's a nice girl.And she wears a lot of black also.I think two of you will match perfectly.Sami:I'm really not interested in women.Kareem:Too busy working at the investment bank,I imagine?I mean,you have to start thinking about your future,Sami.Sami:What?Like you?Kareem:Yes.Like me.:Welcome,Sami.Sami:Thank you.:It's not very often that I have all my daughters at home at the same time.I'd like to propose a toast(提议干杯敬酒).To Tala and Hani!And may you have many daughters.Sami:No thanks,I'm vegetarian.Zina:Really?Me too.Sami:Have you ever been to dan's bakery in New York?Zina:In the village?I love that place.Sami:They make the best Arabic bread.And they have the best looking bakers.Reema:That's not important,daughter.Sami:Well,it is to me.Lamia:Did anyone see?There was another suicide bomb last night.Tala:It's barbaric(野蛮的原始的) way they brainwash these people.This idea of paradise(天堂) waiting for you if you kill innocent people.Reema:They're not killing innocent people.They're killing Israelis.Have you forgotten what they did to us at Sabra(出生在以色列的犹太人土生土长的以色列人)and Shatilla and Deir yassin(亚辛村254名巴勒斯坦人,大部分是老人,妇女和儿童惨遭杀害)?Zina:So we sink(下沉消沉) to their level and kill children?Kareem:Children who grow up to be Israeli soldiers.Hani:Kareem...Please...Kareem:With all due respect(恕我直言冒昧的说),Hani.But you and I have never suffered like our Palestinian countrymen.Tala:If I remember rightly.You were busy the last time we went to a refugee(难民)camp to interview people for jobs.Kareem:I was holding the fort (留守代管)at the office for your father that day.And Lamia and I went to the refugee(难民) charity dinner just last month.Sami:Where the refugee's washed the dishes.Tala:Will you all excuse me please,I have a..I've got l lot I have to do.Reema:The seamstress(女裁缝师) will be here at 10.Make sure you hold your stomach in this time.:Are you trying to kill me.Creeping(爬行) into the house like a robber?Leyla:Sorry.:You missed "Bollywood Sisters".Nina's just found out her 16 years old daughter is pregnant and a drug addict.I made you some pasta(意粉).Leyla:I need to talk to you.:What's the matter?Are you sick?Leyla:No I'm fine.Actually very good.Happy.Where's dad?:In town with a client,He'll be back home soon.Ali called.Leyla:Oh,shit,I forgot about him.:Well,he is a wonderful boy.Leyla:Mom,I'm not happy with him.:Then auntie Gulshan's son is looking for someone.He's very successful.Leyla:He's a bookie!:And tall and handsome.Leyla:He's 6 foot 7!All I can see is his navel(肚脐).:Well,then you'll have tall children.。

商务英语阅读Unit 6-叶兴国

商务英语阅读Unit 6-叶兴国
(太好了);Literature → Litterature (垃圾文学)。
3) 减字法:保留原词的发音,舍去不发音的字母或字母组合;语音拼写 词。如:Day & Night → Day & Nite (日夜营业) disk jockey → deejay (音乐节目
4) 换字法: 以“近似”创造一种似是而非的效果,有时也常以同音或近 音且本身有词义的单元替代某一单词的部分或全部而构成新词。如:
Hale Waihona Puke Business English: A Reading Course
1. Affixation:前缀法
Prefixation: 加前缀 Suffixation: 加后缀
Business English: A Reading Course
9. Loan word外来词构词法:
karoshi (日语) :过劳死;
4) 文化生活领域:Multiculturalism多元文化, headhunter猎头公司, internot
Business English: A Reading Course
1. What can the word “sketch” in the sentence “… Kaufman handed out pads and pencils and invited attendees to sketch the products they wanted. ” be replaced by?



18第六单元Translation of Text A青香蕉1虽然这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。






























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浙江财经大学东方学院毕业论文(或毕业设计)外文文献翻译与商誉政策有关的会计辩论学生姓名林帮策指导教师郦姝绮分院会计分院专业名称会计学班级11ACA 学号 11204201392014年12月5日与商誉政策有关的会计辩论①一、介绍辩论围绕的FRS 10(ASB的,1997年)在英国出版的显示各种会计政策和概念有关商誉的实际各种原因主张的支持。

















鉴于希望我们的分在英国析阐明了有关问题,认为该参考指数是从①Cooper,Julie:“与商誉政策有关的会计原则和辩论”,《会计商业及金融史》,2007年7月(17):241 – 264。































































Debating Accounting Principles andPolicies: the Case of Goodwill②1 IntroductionDebate surrounding the publication of FRS 10 (ASB,1997) in the UK displayed support for a variety of accounting policies for goodwill,advocated for a variety of practical and conceptual reasons.An analysis of papers written on goodwill between 1884 and 1921 explores whether this lack of unanimity is a recent phenomenon or not. The paper concludes that during this earlier period there were a number of areas of agreement regarding goodwill but,although a majority of authorities favoured a capitalise/amortise policy,there was a significant difference of opinion relating to its treatment once recorded in the accounts.Analysis also suggests that advocated policies were derived from a desire to promote and operationalise the principle of prudence.In a report for the Accounting Standards Board (ASB),Arnold et al. (1992) concluded that,‘Although much has been written on the problem of accounting for goodwill during the past century,a solution remains elusive’ (Arnold et al.,1992:pvi.). Certainly,in the last 25 years UK accounting standards have proposed,with differing ‘mixes’ and differing rationales,three different approaches to accounting for goodwill –immediate write-off to reserves,capitalisation at cost with systematic amortisation and capitalisation with permanent retention and impairment review (Accounting Standards Committee (ASC),1984;ASB,1997;International Accounting Standards Board, 2004).Academics,accounting practitioners,market analysts and companies have supported all these various policies (see,for example, Solomons,1989;Grinyer et al.,1990;Arnold et al.,1992;Baxter, 1993;ASB,1994; Archer et al., 1995;ASB, 1995, 1996).②Cooper,Julie:”Debating Accounting Principles and Policies:the Case of Goodwill”,《Accounting, Business & Financial History》,2007,7(17):241-264.Arnold et al. do not expand on their above statement.In particular,they do not explain what they mean by a ‘solution’.A solution to an accounting problem could be defined in a number of ways.For example, it could be (i) one agreed by a majority of leading theorists as giving useful information,or (ii) one that would be politically acceptable.Bryer (1995) argues that historically the view held by Arnold et al., is ‘questionable’.He suggests that most leading late nineteenth and early twentieth-century authorities agreed that goodwill was simply the purchase of sufficient expected‘surplus profits’ to persuade the owner(s) to part with the net assets and control of a business,and that to reveal the rate of return on capital this cost should be capitalised and amortised against those surplus profits as they are realized’ (Bryer, 1995:p284).This paper analyses the accounting principles,rules and underlying theory put forward by some of the earliest authoritative commentators in an attempt to provide further detailand analysis of the two views given above.This is achieved by a detailed examination and analysis of papers written on goodwill between 1884 and 1921.This first date refers to what appears to be the first published accounting article on goodwill (Harris, 1884).The latter date is determined by the publication of the original Accountants’Index by the AICPA in the United States (AICPA, 1921).This literature is supplemented by reference to general accounting and auditing texts of the period.Given that our analysis wishes to shed light on the debate regarding historical views of goodwill in the UK,the literature considered here from the Index relates only to the UK.This also locates the debate within a consistent legal and tax framework.The article is structured in the following manner.The next section identifies prior literature relating to historical analysis in this area.The following two sections deal more closely with the authoritative historical literature:some common ground with respect to accounting for goodwill is identified,followed by key differences of opinion. There is then a consideration of what was the key issue behind the different opinions in the historical literature.The final section draws some conclusions.2. Prior Historical AnalysesEarly authoritative literature paid considerable attention to the nature and definition of goodwill.The earliest definitions saw goodwill as being derived from,or caused by,various business attributes or advantages.Initially,with the first legal definition1 given by Lord Eldon in 1810,in Crutwell v.Lye,goodwill was‘nothing more than the probability that the old customers will resort to the old place’ (in Dawson, 1903:p196).This was extended by Vice-ChancellorWood in 1859,in Churton v.Douglas:Lord Eldon did not mean to confine the rights involved in the term goodwill to the advantage of occupying premises to which customers were in the habit of going(Goodwill) must mean every advantage that has been acquired by the old firm by carrying on its business,everything connected with the premises and the name of the firm, and everything connected with or carrying with it the benefits of the business.Early authoritative literature also paid considerable attention to the valuation of goodwill.For accountants in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the issue of goodwill arose in practice with the task of business valuation (for example, on the promotion of new businesses or the sale of a business or part of a business). Theoretically it was assumed that the value of the business as a whole was the sum of the values of all the identifiable assets.4 Although goodwill was regarded as inseparable from the business as a whole,as an identifiable asset it was assumed that it could be separately valued,and there were definite theoretical ideas as to how such a valuation should proceed.The basic approach saw the value of goodwill calculated by multiplying a chosen definition of profits by a chosen number of years.Initially the definition of profits was purely average net profits.This was refined in particular to take into account the amount of capital that had been invested in order to earn those profits.This ensuredthat only excess profits contributed to the valuation of goodwill.It was the use of this method of valuation that encouraged commentators to also define goodwill as excess profit.Whether viewed as cause or as effect,the courts regarded goodwill as transferable business property and therefore as an identifiable business asset.In 1895 in Wilmer v. McNamara the courts also confirmed its status as fixed capital.Goodwill was also legal property within the meaning of the Stamp Act 1891 (More, 1891: p. 283; Dawson,1903: p. 196). Goodwill as an accounting asset was not made explicit in British statute law until the Companies Act 1928, which recorded goodwill in its suggested balance sheet formats.The Davey Committee of 1895 had included goodwill as a business asset within its suggested balance sheet formats but these were not included in the resultant Companies Act 1900.However,that Act had included particulars relating to the publication of prospectuses.On the sale of a business to a company that was about to issue a prospectus inviting the public to subscribe for shares or debentures,the price paid for the ‘Goodwill’ had to be separately disclosed in that prospectus.However,given that the courts regarded goodwill as a business asset, accountants accepted it as an accounting asset before 1928. In particular,goodwill was classified as a fixed asset,being developed or acquired in order to enable the undertaking to carry on its business rather than for resale (Dicksee, 1892: p. 121 and 1897:p45).Some prior literature offering an historical analysis of accounting for goodwill can be found.Courtis (1983) discussed the nature and definition of goodwill by tracing its conceptual clarification via earlier writers on accounting,legal opinion and etymology.He identified a shift in thinking over the nineteenth century.From being first thought of as a set of inducements,such as location or good repute, which attract persistent patronage, the understanding of goodwill came to be dominated by methods for its valuation based on superior earning power concepts and by the accounting notion of a residuum.Carsberg (1966) discussed these valuation methods.He reviewed a number of significant early writings in the area and assessed the contribution of P.D. Leake in the light of these.Neither of these authors discussed the accounting policychoices of businesses.The history of goodwill provided by Hughes (1982) does discuss accounting policy choice.However,the emphasis of that history is primarily on events in the US, which are placed in a structural and institutional framework.Goodwill is seen as a reflection of the dominant form of business existing at any point in time.In analysing the nature of goodwill,the institutional framework and ideas of Thorstein Veblen and John Kenneth Galbraith are utilised.Napier (1994) provides a brief history of brand accounting in the UK.With respect to the time frame of this paper, brands were usually subsumed under the heading of goodwill,or under trademarks and patents.Napier identifies a number of aspects of accounting for goodwill at this time.Purchased goodwill would be accounted for,whereas internally generated goodwill was not, and a number of examples of the recording of goodwill in the accounts of purchasing businesses are given.Once goodwill was included in the accounts,Napier identifies three approaches to its subsequent treatment.First it could be immediately eliminated,or written-off, altogether.Second it could be capitalised as an asset with its recorded amount possibly being reduced irregularly in years of abnormally high profits.Third, goodwill could be amortised systematically in the same way as other long-lived assets with finite lives. Napier states that in practice most companies preferred the second of these options but he does not discuss theoretical and/or practical reasons for the advocacy of the three options and for the choices made by companies in practice.Bryer (1995) is particularly concerned with explaining the inclusion in SSAP 22,Accounting for goodwill (ASC, 1984) of the policy of writing-off goodwill against capital.In so doing he includes a discussion of a number of early authorities (1995:p291–294) and concludes that leading accounting authorities of the time had agreed both a conceptual view of goodwill and the rules for its accounting treatment –goodwill was viewed as‘surplus profit’ which,when purchased, required capitalisation and amortisation in the financial accounts of the purchaser (1995: p. 284).As leading authorities in support of this Bryer (1995: pp. 291–293) quotes Matheson (1884), More (1891) and Leake (1912, 1914) and refers to Whinney (1898) and Payne(1892).He also quotes Hatfield (1913) who mentions Child, Cooper, Guthrie and Pixley as among those favouring a regular writing off of goodwill.Bryer recognises that certain authorities advocated alternative accounting policies,however he argues (for the UK) that:firstly, the substantial majority of early leading authorities favoured amortization.Secondly, writing off against capital was only legally available for partnerships and sole traders, and was often advocated for them so that owners could avoid disclosing their purchase price at any future sale, and not on accounting grounds. Thirdly, those advocating the retention of goodwill for companies also often did so for ‘practical’ reason to avoid the costly and potentially embarrassing necessity of widespread court-sanctioned write-downs of capital.The above quotations suggest that the emphasis of early authoritative literature was on determining an accounting policy to aid decisions on the appropriate distribution of profits in the context of the need to maintain the permanent capital of the business. The numeric examples given by More and Leake further emphasise the appropriate dividends to be paid. The principle of prudence was the link between the accounting policy and the theoretical requirement for capital maintenance. What is evident from the debate over the most appropriate accounting policy is that operationalising the principle of prudence was not always clear to the authorities themselves.To the extent that dividends were a proxy for (realised) profits in the nineteenth century and management published a balance sheet, the debate could also be seen to be about meeting the demand of the capital market with respect to observing the generation of profit and calculating the rate of return on capital which Bryer’s analysis emphasises (1995:p284).3 ConclusionThis paper has investigated the competing claims made by Arnold et al. (1992: p.vi) and Bryer (1995:p284) as regards the nature and extent of any agreement surrounding the principles and policies for accounting for goodwill during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Analysis of the early authoritative literature suggests that there were several areas of agreement with respect to accounting for goodwill.These included the nature and definition of goodwill,its status as an accounting asset,its inseparability from the business as a whole, its ability to be separately valued,and the circumstances of its recognition in the accounts.However,a significant difference in opinion was identified relating to the treatment of purchased goodwill subsequent to its recording in the accounts. There was a general agreement that the immediate write-off of such goodwill to reserves as the most appropriate accounting treatment for unincorporated businesses (sole traders and partnerships).For companies, however,four different policies were advocated: (i) immediate write-off to reserves;(ii) capitalise at cost and permanently retain;(iii) capitalised at cost,permanently retain but establish a goodwill reserve via appropriations from profit; and (iv) capitalise at cost and amortise to profit.This paper is in agreement with Bryer that the majority of early leading authorities favoured capitalise/amortise.However,this should not be read as meaning that there was not substantial disagreement with and debate about the policy.As for Arnold et al.’s claim that a solution was ‘elusive’,they were probably not particularly thinking about the 30 years surrounding the turn of the last century (the period covered by this paper),and it is clear from the literature of the last 30 years up to their publication that a ‘solution’ had not been reached in the sense of an agreed answer among theorists,nor in the sense of a politically acceptable accounting standard.In these senses, they were merely stating the obvious,so Bryer’s suggestion that we should question the broadness of their statement was warranted.。
