User requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe
研华 4U 上架式工业机箱 ACP-4000 IPC-610 用户手册说明书
ACP-4000/IPC-610 SeriesCopyright/版权声明/版權聲明The documentation and the software included with this product are copyrighted 2021 by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Advantech Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make improvements in the products described in this manual at any time without notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co., Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. How-ever, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringe-ments of the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.随附本产品发行的文件为研华公司 2021 年版权所有,并保留相关权利。
配置AAA命令身份认证相关命令aaa authenticationaaa authentication要使用AAA进行用户认证,请执行全局配置命令aaa authentication配置用户认证的方法列表。
该命令的no 形式删除用户认证的方法列表。
aaa authentication {dot1x | enable | ppp | login} {default | list-name}method1 [method2...]no aaa authentication {dot1x | enable | ppp | login} {default |list-name}【参数说明】default :使用该参数,则后面定义身份方法列表作为用户认证的默认方法。
list-name :定义一个登录身份认证的方法列表,可以是任何字符串。
dot1x :Dot1x用户enable:Enable用户ppp :PPP用户login :Login用户method :必须为表1所列关键字之一,一个方法列表最多有4个方法。
表1 AAA用户身份认证方法【缺省情况】如果没有配置默认的default方法列表,等同于配置方法aaa authentication {dot1x | enable | ppp | login} default groupradius【命令模式】全局配置模式。
您必须使用aaa authentication配置默认的或可选的方法列表用于用户认证。
Ruijie(config)#aaa authentication dot1x rds_d1x groupradius local【相关命令】授权相关命令RGNOS目前支持对网络协议进行授权,包括以下相关命令:aaa authorization networkaaa authorization network要使用AAA对访问网络用户的服务请求(包括PPP、SLIP等协议)进行授权,执行全局配置命令aaa authorization network。
cas-management 配置说明-概述说明以及解释
cas-management 配置说明-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述CAS-Management是一种用于统一身份认证和授权管理的开源软件,旨在提供安全、可扩展和灵活的身份认证解决方案。
它基于CAS(Central Authentication Service)协议,可以帮助组织轻松地集成各种应用程序和服务,实现单点登录和安全身份验证。
通过学习本文,读者将能够更好地使用CAS-Management 来管理用户身份验证和授权,提升系统的安全性和用户体验。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分应该包括本篇文章的整体框架和组织结构。
具体来说,在CAS-Management 配置说明这篇文章中,文章结构部分可以简要概括为以下几个方面:1. 引言部分:介绍CAS-Management的背景和重要性,概括本文的内容以及解决问题的目的。
2. 正文部分:主要分为CAS-Management简介、配置步骤和常见问题解决方法三大部分,详细介绍CAS-Management系统的相关知识和配置方法。
3. 结论部分:总结文章内容,展望未来CAS-Management的发展,并结束整篇文章的结尾。
1.3 目的CAS-Management 配置说明的主要目的是帮助读者了解如何配置和使用CAS-Management,提供详细的配置步骤和常见问题的解决方法。
此外,本文还旨在介绍CAS-Management 的基本概念,并展望其在未来的发展方向,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这一工具。
通过display local-user来查看是否存在无关账号
undo local-user username
通过display password来看密码策略
undo local-user username
local-user admin
password cipher $c$3$91+quQroSJWHM4sAJOker3sBNmMjwUEU
requirements.txt 语法
以下是一些常见的语法规则:1. 每行指定一个依赖项,并且使用等号(=)将包名和版本号进行分隔。
例如:```requests==2.25.1numpy==1.20.1Flask==1.1.2```2. 为了指定范围内的版本,可以使用符号(<, <=, >, >=, !=)来表示。
例如:```pandas>=1.1.5matplotlib<3.3.4```3. 除了指定具体的包和版本号外,还可以使用一些特殊的符号来指定安装的额外选项,例如使用-e参数来指定安装源码包。
例如:```-e git+#egg=package_name```4. 除了直接指定包的名称和版本号外,还可以使用一些其他方式来指定依赖项,例如通过指定包的下载位置区域或使用通配符。
例如:```git+package_name @package_name @ #egg=package_namepackage_name>=2.0.*```二、requirements.txt文件的使用在实际项目中,requirements.txt文件的使用非常普遍。
以下是一些使用requirements.txt文件的常见操作:1. 安装依赖项:可以使用pip命令来根据requirements.txt文件安装项目所需的依赖项。
例如:```pip install -r requirements.txt```2. 导出依赖项:可以使用pip命令来将当前环境下已安装的依赖项导出到requirements.txt文件中。
LDAP 概念与架设
LDAP 概念与架设現今網路常用的服務,以 HTTP、Mail 和 File System (Samba) 為最常用的服務,然而在這些常用的服務裡,會有使用者帳號的問題,每當要使用 Mail 時要輸入 Mail 的帳號密碼,存取 File System 要有 File System 帳號密碼,再更多的服務就要記更多的帳號密碼,小弟曾看過某機關,一位承辦人居要要背五組以上的的帳號密碼,而每兩個月又要修改一次,想想看這是多麼恐怖的一件事。
LDAP 是一種目綠服務,可使用 LDAP 記錄各種的人員資訊,就像是通訊錄一樣,又更進階一點,他也可以拿來做帳號整合,若是在 AP 上都有所支援,那麼要使用同一組帳號秘碼就不再是難以搞定的事了。
在小弟等當兵的這一段日子裡,打算使用 LDAP 來做Linux login(new window)、Postfix(new window)、Samba、HTTP 等帳號密碼整合。
所以,我將會寫一系列的LDAP 整合文章,當然,太深入、難以說明或是太過於理論的地方我都不會講,因為這只是筆記,我會儘量說明清楚。
無論如何,小弟只對 Redhat Linux 的部份較為熟悉,所以在以下文章裡所提到的 LDAP,其實是指 OpenLDAP 套件,跟 Microsoft 的 Active Directory 沒有關係,因為小弟對 AD 也不熟。
在這個章節裡,我將要介紹基本的 LDAP 觀念和如何使者用 ldap command 來新增、查尋資料。
而在實作的環境裡,我是使用 CentOS 4.0,也就是說若您的系統是使用 CentOS 4、Redhat Enterprise Linux 4、Fedora Core 3 或 Fedora Core 4 的話應該都可以照著本文章實作,當然,CentOS 4.0 裡附的 OpenLDAP 版本是 openldap-2.2。
Dell EMC Repository Manager 版本 3.2 故障排除指南说明书
Dell EMC Repository Manager Version 3.2 Troubleshooting GuideNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2018 - 2019 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2019 - 03Rev. A001 Overview (5)What is new in this release (5)Accessing documents from the Dell EMC support site (5)Other documents you may need (6)DUP Dependencies (6)Creating repository (7)Creating manual repository (8)Creating repository with inventory (8)Creating repository with iDRAC and OME integration (9)Creating repository with VMware integration (10)Creating repository with console integration (11)Creating deployment tools (12)Creating deployment tool_Smart bootable ISO (13)Best practice for creating bootable CD or USB keys for updates (13)Creating deployment tool_Smart deployment script (15)Creating deployment to shared location (15)Configuring settings (16)Configuring network settings (17)Configuring email configuration (17)Creating store settings (18)Configuring plugin settings (18)Configuring catalog settings (19)Comparing repository (19) (20)A Frequently asked questions (21)What to do when DRM is unresponsive? (21)Accessing DRM is taking longer time when too many catalogs imported? (21)How to delete DRM database? (21)Where is the Dell EMC Repository Manager runtime log located? (21)Can DRM be run through a Proxy Server? (21)How do I edit the ‘.sh’ file in Linux deployment script bundle? Is there any recommended tool to edit thisfile? (22)I am facing access issue in Linux operating system. How do I proceed further? (22)I saved a file in the mapped network location. However, I am not able to access location from DRM. Whatdo I do now? (22)I am not able to automatically discover the Microsoft Exchange Web Service URL when trying toconfigure the email notifications. Is there any other option to discover the URL apart from updating itmanually? (22)I get a message “GLX version 1.2 or higher is required” when I try to open a Linux terminal window. Thismessage is observed in SUSE Linux 11 and 12 (22)I am not able to create an inventory repository using a specific catalog and inventory file throughcommand line interface. How do I proceed? (22)Where can I change the DUP sequence order in DRM 3.x before exporting to a deployment format? (23)Contents3I am not able to install DRM in a custom location on Linux operating system. How do I proceed with theinstallation? (23)After I delete a bundle, it is not removed from the bundle list on the GUI. Should I delete it elsewhere sothat it is updated on the GUI? (23)I have installed the latest version of DRM on my system and I am trying to downgrade to one of theprevious versions. However, I am not able to proceed further. What do I do now? (23)Why import of plugins are failing (23)What to do when the browse window is unresponsive in Linux operating system? (23)4ContentsOverview The Dell EMC Repository Manager (DRM) ensures that the Dell systems are up-to-date with the latest BIOS, driver, firmware, and software. DRM allows you to:•Create repositories of customized component(s) and updates.•Create groups of related updates for systems running the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating system.•Generate comparison reports. Update baselines of custom repositories and generate deployment tools.The customized repositories are made up of Dell EMC Update Packages (DUPs) or Non-DUPs (such as .exe, .msi, .bin or any other file formats) files. DUPs are software utilities provided to update specific software and firmware components. You can arrange these components to group the related updates together. Every repository has a catalog.xml file and it specifies the content of the repository. DRM also has catalog.xml.gz and catalog.gz files. You can import the repository content in two formats, however, you can export the repository content in catalog.xml format only. The file downloaded from /catalog is digitally signed to ensure system security.NOTE: In order to provide better security, the site has been removed, and will be redirected to http:// However, the most secure option we recommend is to use https://.Topics:•What is new in this release•Accessing documents from the Dell EMC support site•Other documents you may need•DUP Dependencies•Creating repository•Creating deployment tools•Configuring settings•Comparing repositoryWhat is new in this releaseThis release of Dell Repository Manager (DRM) supports the following new features:•Enhanced user experience for OpenManage Enterprise repository creation•Enhanced user experience for OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center repository creation•Option to replace default script in Smart Bootable ISO.•Option to replace default script in Smart Deployment Script.•Automatic Dell EMC System Update through Smart Deployment Script and Smart Bootable ISO.•Improved UI experience in Compare Window.•Enhanced usability experience in manual repository creation and manual bundle addition•Sign verification for all artifacts that are downloaded and used in the application.•Provides support for only HTTPS protocol.Accessing documents from the Dell EMC support site You can access the required documents using the following links:Overview5•For Dell EMC Enterprise Systems Management documents — /esmmanuals•For Dell EMC OpenManage documents — /openmanagemanuals•For Dell EMC Remote Enterprise Systems Management documents — /esmmanuals•For iDRAC and Dell Lifecycle Controller documents — /idracmanuals•For Dell EMC OpenManage Connections Enterprise Systems Management documents — /esmmanuals•For Dell EMC Serviceability T ools documents — /serviceabilitytools•a Go to /support.b Click Browse all products.c From All products page, click Software, and then click the required link from the following:–Analytics–Client Systems Management–Enterprise Applications–Enterprise Systems Management–Public Sector Solutions–Utilities–Mainframe–Serviceability Tools–Virtualization Solutions–Operating Systems–Supportd To view a document, click the required product and then click the required version.•Using search engines:–T ype the name and version of the document in the search box.Other documents you may needIn addition to this guide, you can access the following guides available at the support site..•Dell EMC Repository Manager Quick Installation Guide•Dell EMC System Update User’s Guide•Dell EMC Systems Management - OpenManage Software Support Matrix•Dell EMC Update Packages User's Guide•Dell EMC Server Update Utility User's Guide•Dell EMC OpenManage Server Administrator Installation Guide•Dell EMC OpenManage Essentials User's Guide•Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise User's Guide•Dell EMC OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter•Dell EMC OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center Version 7.1 for System Center Configuration Manager and System Center Virtual Machine ManagerDUP DependenciesThis feature articulates the relationship between two different DUPs. SUU enables certain rules and submissions to determine if a set of conditions or requirements are met. These conditions or requirements are called dependencies. Dependency exists when a DUP of a particular kind has a dependency on additional DUP for further execution. This helps the users to determine, which DUP to install first and which one to follow. There are two types of dependencies:•Hard Dependency — Dependency that must be applied in order to be able to apply the update.•Soft Dependency — Dependency that needs to be applied in order to use certain new features coming with the update.6OverviewNOTE: In certain scenarios, for a complete update or upgrade, you must install two and more DUPs. It is possible that forindividual DUPs, you must restart the system, to realize the impact of other installed DUPs.Creating repositoryDRM enables you to create a repository of components that allows you to deploy multiple updates in one instance.The user scenarios in this chapter describes the process of creating repositories.Overview7Creating manual repositoryThis flowchart describes the process to create a manual repository in DRM.Creating repository with inventoryThis flowchart describes the process to create a repository with inventory in DRM.8OverviewCreating repository with iDRAC and OME integrationThis flowchart describes the process to create a repository with iDRAC and OME integration.Overview9Creating repository with VMware integration This flowchart describes the process to create a repository with VMware integration in DRM.10OverviewCreating repository with console integrationThis flowchart describes the process to create a repository with console integration in DRM. You can use this method for OpenManageIntegration for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (OMIMSSC).This chapter describes the process to export the repository as deployment tool type.Creating deployment tool_Smart bootable ISOThis section describes the process to export a repository as Smart Bootable ISO.Best practice for creating bootable CD or USB keys for updatesYou can create bootable USB keys for updates, using any third party or free tool. You can start your managed system by the bootable CD or USB storage. After the system starts, it automatically runs the selected updates. After the update is complete, you can remove the CD or USB storage, and reboot the system to your host operating system.NOTE: Rufus and UNetBootin are third-party software. Install and use these software at your own risk. Dell EMC shares only thebest practices for using Rufus and UNetBootin.Creating bootable USB keys using UNetBootinTo create bootable USB keys, using the tool UNetBootin:1 Download the UNetBootin for Windows or Linux available at Run the Dell Repository Manager and generate the bootable ISO.3 Start UNetBootin and select the Diskimage option.4 Click […] adjacent to the ISO drop-down menu and navigate to the ISO created by Dell Repository Manager.5 Ensure that the type setting is equal to USB drive and the location where you want to download the USB key displays in the drivedrop-down menu.6 Click OK to start the USB writing.7 After the USB key writing is complete, insert the USB key into a USB port on the system you want to upgrade.8 Press <F11>.The boot menu is displayed.9 Select option 1 in the UNetBootin boot menu to proceed with the component updates.To create bootable USB keys, using non-graphical user interface, provide the following command line:>unetbootin method=diskimage isofile="/home/user/LinuxISO.iso" installtype=USB targetdrive=/dev/ sdc1Creating bootable USB keys using Rufus toolTo create bootable USB keys, using Rufus tool.1 Download the latest version of Rufus for Windows available at Run the Dell Repository Manager and generate the bootable ISO.3 Start Rufus and select the Disk or ISO image option.4 Click Select adjacent to the Boot Selection and navigate to the ISO created by Dell Repository Manager.5 Ensure to choose MBR Partition T ype and BIOS target system with VFAT file system.6 Click OK to start the USB writing.7 After the USB key writing is complete, insert the USB key into a USB port on the system you want to upgrade.8 Press <F11>. The boot menu is displayed.9 Select the USB key as the boot target.10 Select option 1 in the Rufus boot menu to proceed with the component updates.Creating deployment tool_Smart deployment script This section describes the process to export a repository as Smart deployment script.Creating deployment to shared locationThis section describes the process to export a repository to a common shared location.This section describes the process to configure the settings or application preferences.Configuring network settingsThis section describes the process to configure network settings in DRM.Configuring email configuration This section describes the process to configure email settings in DRM.This section describes the process to configure data store settings in DRM.This section describes the process to configure plugin settings in DRM.This section describes the process to configure catalog settings in DRM.This section describes the process to compare a repository against latest catalog loaded in DRM.Frequently asked questionsThis section lists some frequently asked questions about DRM.What to do when DRM is unresponsive?When DRM becomes unresponsive, the following error message is displayed: Lost connection. Waiting for DRM Service to reconnect. Press Ctrl+F5 to refresh DRM.Accessing DRM is taking longer time when too many catalogs imported?When there are more catalogs added to a repository, the DRM's performance is impacted.It is recommended to add a maximum number of 10 catalogs and delete catalogs that are not in use.How to delete DRM database?Stop the DRM services and then delete the following folders:•For Windows: C:\ProgramData\Dell\drm\log\drmservice-0.log•For Linux: /var/dell/drm/log/drmservice-0.logNOTE: If you have administrative privileges, ensure that you unhide all the hidden folders in Microsoft Windows operatingsystem.Where is the Dell EMC Repository Manager runtime log located?DRM creates the log file at runtime in the following location:•Windows: C:\ProgramData\Dell\drm\log•Linux: /var/dell/drm/logYou can also view the logs through Save and Mail Logs option in the Dell EMC drop-down menu.Can DRM be run through a Proxy Server?Yes, install DRM inside the firewall and connect to a catalog located outside the firewall ( or a local repository) through a proxy server. You can use the proxy server settings of Internet Explorer. If the proxy settings for Internet Explorer are not working, the proxy can be set in DRM. You can then use Dell Repository Manager to customize the catalog as per the requirement and store the customized catalog inside the firewall. For more information on setting proxy, see Configuring Network Settings.NOTE: If proxy server credentials are changed, ensure that you change the proxy credentials in DRM as well.How do I edit the ‘.sh’ file in Linux deployment script bundle? Is there any recommended tool to edit this file?Notepad++ editor is recommended for editing the Linux based file extension on a Microsoft Windows operating system. If you want to edit the extension of the file on a Linux operating system, vi editor is recommended.I am facing access issue in Linux operating system. How do I proceed further?Ensure that you have:•Read and Execution access•Read and Write access to the drmuser in the particular folder including all individual directories where you want to create a repository.I saved a file in the mapped network location. However, I am not able to access location from DRM. What do I do now?Ensure that you have privileges to access the location and then login with the appropriate credentials.I am not able to automatically discover the Microsoft Exchange Web Service URL when trying to configure the email notifications. Is there any other option to discover the URL apart from updating it manually?No. In DRM 3.0, the auto-discovery of Microsoft Exchange Web Server URL is not supported. You have to update the URL manually.I get a message “GLX version 1.2 or higher is required” when I try to open a Linux terminal window. This message is observed in SUSE Linux 11 and 12.This is a warning message and does not affect the functionality of the product.I am not able to create an inventory repository using a specific catalog and inventory file through command line interface. How do I proceed?Ensure that the catalog and inventory are available in the same network location and then create a repository.Where can I change the DUP sequence order in DRM 3.x before exporting to a deployment format?You can no longer customize the sequence to install DUPs. Starting DRM 3.0, the smart deployment feature now run DSU at install time on a server configuration to determine the proper order to install the DUPs. DRM ensures that iDRAC is the last update to run and the sequence for rest of the DUPs is taken care by DSU.I am not able to install DRM in a custom location on Linux operating system. How do I proceed with the installation?On Linux operating system, you cannot install DRM to a custom location through GUI installer mode. By default, the installer location is set to /opt/dell. However, you can use the CLI interactive mode to install DRM on a custom location.After I delete a bundle, it is not removed from the bundle list on the GUI. Should I delete it elsewhere so that it is updated on the GUI?If the size of a bundle or a collection of bundles that are selected to be deleted exceeds 1 GB, several minutes may be required to delete and reflect the progress on the GUI. The workaround is to wait for sometime for the change to be reflected on the GUI or exit from the DRM console and reopen the DRM application.I have installed the latest version of DRM on my system and I am trying to downgrade to one of the previous versions. However, I am not able to proceed further. What do I do now?Reverting to the previous version of DRM is not supported in the current version of the DRM installer . T o install an earlier version of DRM, manually uninstall the latest version through Add/Remove Programs in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel and then run the installer of the required version.NOTE: DRM 2.0 and DRM 3.x.x can co-exist on the same system.Why import of plugins are failingWhen importing plugins from the exported repository using Smart Deployment Script deployment job, the plugins are not imported because the corresponding sign files are not available.Manually download the plug-in and sign files from support site and have them in the same location.What to do when the browse window is unresponsive in Linux operating system?If you are using /home/ as your target location for exporting a file in Linux operating system, remove the trailing slash, and then export the file.If you have already used /home/ for exporting a file and the browse window becomes unresponsive, delete the directory: /var/dell/drm/ config, and then continue using DRM.。
第三方软件验收测试标准English Answer:Definition of Third-Party Software Acceptance Testing Standards.Third-party software acceptance testing standards define the criteria and procedures used to evaluate whether a software product developed by a third-party vendor meets the requirements specified by the customer. These standards provide a framework for ensuring that the software meets the customer's needs and expectations.Types of Third-Party Software Acceptance Testing Standards.There are several different types of third-party software acceptance testing standards. Some of the most common include:Industry-specific standards: These standards are developed by industry organizations and are specific to a particular industry or sector. For example, the healthcare industry has its own set of standards for testing medical software.Government standards: These standards are developed by government agencies and are used to ensure that software products meet the requirements of government regulations. For example, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has its own set of standards for testing medical devices.Vendor-specific standards: These standards are developed by software vendors and are used to test their own products. While these standards may not be as rigorous as industry or government standards, they can still provide a valuable framework for testing.Benefits of Using Third-Party Software Acceptance Testing Standards.There are several benefits to using third-partysoftware acceptance testing standards. These benefits include:Reduced risk: By using standards, customers can reduce the risk of accepting software that does not meet their requirements.Increased confidence: Standards provide customers with confidence that the software they are purchasing has been tested and verified by an independent third party.Improved communication: Standards provide a common language for customers and vendors to communicate about the testing process.Reduced costs: By using standards, customers can avoid the cost of developing their own testing procedures.How to Select Third-Party Software Acceptance Testing Standards.When selecting third-party software acceptance testingstandards, customers should consider the following factors:The industry or sector in which the software will be used.The specific requirements of the software.The level of risk associated with the software.The cost of the standards.中文回答:第三方软件验收测试标准的定义。
用户需求User Requirement Specification批准执行签名下面的签名表示批准及其附件,且表明已经为执行作好了准备。
1. 目录1.目录 (2)2.范围 (2)3.目的 (3)4.整体技术要求 (3)5.各联动线要求 (3)5.1法规和指南 (3)5.2术语 (4)5.3洗瓶机 (4)5.3.1描述 (4)5.3.2主要要求 (4)5.4隧道式灭菌干燥机 (8)5.4.1描述 (8)5.4.2主要要求 (8)5.5直线式灌装加塞机 (12)5.5.1描述 (12)5.5.2主要要求 (13)5.6型轧盖机 (16)5.6.1描述 (16)5.6.2主要要求 (16)2. 范围2.1此文件所定义的URS是适用于钠钙玻璃模制注射剂瓶洗烘灌封联动线设备。
3. 目的3.1本文件记录设备的所有要求。
4. 整体技术要求5. 各联动线要求5.1法规和指南设计、制造、材料、所有部件的供应以及配置必须基于并符合中国相关规范、要求和准则。
安全:依照 CE 标准。
噪音:依照 CE 标准,不得高于82dBA.所有的电气设备和电缆必须根据IEC标准。
cGMP规范:------ SFDA -《药品生产质量管理规范》2008年版------ 中国药典2010年版5.2术语5.3洗瓶机5.3.1描述洗瓶机布置在普通钠钙玻璃模制注射剂瓶的洗瓶间,用于清洗钠钙玻璃模制注射剂瓶。
TouchMix XI 电脑用户手册说明书
ComputerUser ManualVersion 1.0Table of ContentsPreface (3)CE Conformity Statement (3)Copyright Statement (4)Safety Information (5)Basic Safety Instructions (5)Certifications (7)Hazardous Location ‐ Installation Control Drawings (9)USA and Canada Installations: (14)ATEX (EU) Installations: (16)IECEx Installations: (17)Exploring the TouchMix® XI Computer (21)Installing the Wi‐Fi Module (22)Opening the Back Cover (23)Mounting and Cable Fittings: (24)Safe Area Cable Connections (24)Making Connections: (24)NON‐ENERGY LIMITED (Safe Area) Connections (25)ENERGY LIMITED (Hazardous Area) Connections (32)Additional Safety Features (37)Closing Back Cover (39)Computer Mounting (Wall, Pole, or Stand) (40)Power On (41)Maintenance (42)Cleaning the TouchMix® XI Computer Screen (42)Appendix (43)Specifications (43)PrefaceCE Conformity StatementThis product has passed IEC 60950-1 (EN 60950-1) Product Safety testing. Test conditions included the recommended power supplies. In order to protect the product from ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) damage and EMI leakage, we strongly recommend the use of CE‐compliant devices when connecting to the product. FCC Compliance StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference;2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced computer technician for helpCopyright Statement© Copyright 2016 Advantech Co., All Rights Reserved.All rights reserved. This manual is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying and distribution. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form, electronic or otherwise, without the express permission of Advantech Co. This product features software manufactured by Advanced Convergence Alliance, along with other third party software. All described herein shall not be distributed, modified, reverse engineered, or reproduced in any manner without the prior permission of Advantech Co. or of the other third parties, to whom the software rights belong. All other product names, trademarks or logos mentioned herein and are the property of their respective owners.TouchMix is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.Safety InformationSensitive to Static Discharge!Always ground yourself to remove any static charge before touching the CPU board. Modern electronic devices are very sensitive to static electric charges. As a safety precaution, use a grounding wrist strap at all times. Place all electronic components in a static-dissipative surface or static-shielded bag when they are not in the chassis.Basic Safety Instructions1. Equipment does not contain user serviceable parts, do not open.2. For proper Installation refer to the appropriate Installation Control Drawingbelow.3. Read these safety instructions carefully.4. Keep this user manual for later reference5. Dropping Equipment or letting it fall could cause damage.6. Do not leave this equipment in an unconditioned environmentWhere the storage temperature is under 0︒C (32︒F) or above 40︒C (104︒F), itmay damage the equipment.7. Use only provided power supply source to power equipment.8. All cautions ad warnings on the equipment should be followed.9. If the equipment is not used for a long period of time, disconnect it from thepower source to avoid being damaged by stray transient over voltages.CAUTION:RISK OF EXPLOSION IF INTERNAL COIN CELL BATTERY IS INCORRECTL Y REPLACED. REPLACE ONL Y WITH SAME OR EQUIVALENT TYPE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. PROPERL Y DISCARD BATTERIES AFTER USE.ATTENTION:RISQUE D'EXPLOSION SI LA PILE INTERNE N’EST PAS REMPLACÉE CORRECTEMENT. REMPLACER UNIQUEMENT AVEC UNE PILE DE MEME TYPE OU UN ÉQUIVALENT RECOMMANDÉ PAR LE FABRICANT. DISPOSER CORRECTEMENT DE LA PILE APRÈS UTILISATION.CertificationsIEC60950-1 General SafetyHazardous Location - Installation Control DrawingsThe following drawings provide the minimal requirements for installation of the computer system into a hazardous environment. These drawings cover North America (USA& Canada), ATEX (EU), and IECEx Installation sites. Additional local requirements may apply. It is the end users responsibility to make sure the installation complies with all applicable local, national, and international requirements.Hazardous Location Certifications:US: Class I, Division 2, Group C,D T4; Conforms to: ISA12.12.01Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA [iC] IIB T4; Conforms to: UL60079-0,-11,-15With non-incendive circuit outputsCAN: Ex nA [iC] IIB T4; Certified to CSA60079-0,-11,-15Class I, Division 2, Group C,D T4; Certified to: CSA213With non-incendive circuit outputsATEX: II 3G Ex nA [iC] IIB T4 Gc; 0°C ≤T a ≤ 45°C – ITS16ATEX28440IECEx: Ex nA [iC] T4 Gc; IP54; 0°C ≤T a ≤ 45°C - IECEx ETL15.0060Hazardous Location Certificates: North AmericaExploring the TouchMix® XI ComputerTouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Installing the Wi-Fi Module1)Unscrew the Wi-Fi cover, revealing gasket and USB port:2)Prepare Wi-Fi module and foam seal (in Accessory Box) as follows:Orient parts as shown Slide Wi-Fi Module into foam as shown3)Insert the Wi-Fi module into the top USB port of the T ouchMix® XI computer. Re-secure the Wi-Fi cover with screws. Do not over tighten screws.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Opening the Back CoverLoosen all eight screws, as indicated below.NOTE: These are captured screws – do not remove from coverTouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Mounting and Cable Fittings:Safe Area Cable ConnectionsThe TouchMix® XI computer allows for cable connections to a safe area via a conduit attached to the housing.∙For USA & Canadian installations, the computer housing provides a single conduit opening able to accept a standard "Ex" certified conduit fitting. ∙For ATEX/IECEx installations any suitable ATEX/IEC approved cable gland is to be used.NOTE: It is the installer’s responsibility to determine how connections are made and comply with all local codes.Making Connections:To maintain safe installation conditions, ALL connections must be made in accordance with the Installation Control Drawings and local codes provided in this manual .Internal connectors must be secured with provided screws and retaining brackets (see below)Bracket installation:Push brackets tightly against connector, install and tighten down screw, to keep connector secure.TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800NON-ENERGY LIMITED (Safe Area) Connections(1) 12VDC Power Supply ConnectionUse supplied DC power cable and cable exit gland. Reference Installation Control Drawings)Pin NumberSignal Name1 12VDC2 12VDC 3DC Return, Case 4DC Return, Casea.) Standard Power Supply and 50ft CableInstall power supply in safe area, route cable to computer via appropriate means (see Installation Control Drawings) and connect to DC power input on computer . – DO NOT CONNECT AC Mains until all connections to the computer have been completed!12 3 45TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Standard Power SupplyStandard DC cableb.) Optional ATEX approved Power Supply (ATEX Installations ONL Y )Mount ATEX power supply in the hazardous area as required. Connect the DC cord to the TouchMix® XI Computer DC power input and route to ATEX power supply and connect toPower Supply connector. Route AC cord to Safe Area via appropriate means (seeInstallation Control Drawings) – DO NOT CONNECT AC Mains until all connections to the computer have been completed!Optional ATEX Power SupplyTouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Optional ATEX CablePower Cable Installation ‐ The TouchMix® XI computer includes a hardened power cable and metal cable gland that must be installed prior to final mounting of the computer.Step 1 – Remove Back cover as described above. Push rubber shipping plug out from the inside.TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Step 2 – Prepare power cable and cable gland components as illustrated. Make sure the power cable is oriented to have the correct connector as shown.Step3 – Slip power cable in to gland parts in the order shown. Start with the nut, then slip the rubber seal onto cable by spreading open the slit in the rubber piece and slide over cable, then slip on the threaded fitting (seal towards connector).Step 4 – Slide Power connector into the computer housing as shown. Use care to align connector key when inserting (key facing up towards installer). Secure by tightening the nut.TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Step 5 – Screw gland fitting into housing. Make sure threads are aligned and the fitting does not bind while tightening. Do not over tighten fitting as this may damage the seal . The seal between may not be deformed.Step 6 – Slide rubber plug into the fitting and push in as far as possible by hand.Step 7 — Slide nut onto fitting and tighten to create a tight squeeze on the cable.NON‐ENERGY LIMITED (Safe Area) CONNECTIONS Continued(2)USB 2.0 PortReference Installation Control Drawings and local codes for connections.(3)Dedicated USB Port for Memory Stick (Installed at factory)Consult your retailer for an appropriate replacement.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800(4) HDMI Video PortReference Installation Control Drawings and local codes for connections.(5) Ethernet PortReference Installation Control Drawings and local codes for connections.TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800ENERGY LIMITED (Hazardous Area) Connections"Non ‐lncendive Field Wiring Connections for Class I, Division 2, Group(s)"ALL ports marked with MUST comply with the Entity Parameters provided in the tables below.Internal connections:Internal energy limited USB and Serial to be used ONLY for hazardous location approved scales.Serical connection USB connection Use the supplied cover with holeTouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800(1) RS232 Serial Port (Dedicated for scale)Requires end user supplied cable for installation. (Reference Installation Control Drawings)IMPORTANT ‐ ALL connections to these ports MUST comply with the Entity Parameters provided below.Note ‐ Cable capacitance and inductance must be included in the overall connection calculations. Worst case capacitance and inductances generally accepted are: Capacitance ‐197pF/m (60pF/ft.) and Inductance ‐0.66uH/m (0.20uH/ft.)Vmax (or Ui) > Voc (or Uo) Imax (or Ii) > Isc (or Io)Pi > PoCi + Ccable < Ca (or Co) Li + Lcable < La (or Lo)TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800(2) USB2.0 Port (Dedicated for scale)Requires end user supplied cable for installation. (Reference Installation Control Drawings)IMPORTANT ‐ ALL connections to these ports MUST comply with the Entity Parameters provided belowNote: USB Power (pin 1) has an output impedance of 9Ohms. USB device power is limited to steady state current of 500mA @ 5V±0.25V .Note ‐ Cable capacitance and inductance must be included in the overall connection calculations. Worst case capacitance and inductances generally accepted are:Capacitance ‐197pF/m (60pF/ft.) and Inductance ‐0.66uH/m (0.20uH/ft.)Vmax (or Ui) > Voc (or Uo) Imax (or Ii) > Isc (or Io)Pi > PoCi + Ccable < Ca (or Co) Li + Lcable < La (or Lo)TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Side mounted USB 2.0 Port - Approved for USB Memory use ONLY!Side Connection:To be used with USB Memory ONLY, no other devices are allowed. Loosen capture screw (A) and flip the door up to insert USB drive.When not in use, this cover must be secured with the screw.ANote ‐ Cable capacitance and inductance must be included in the overall connection calculations. Worst case capacitance and inductances generally accepted are:Capacitance‐197pF/m (60pF/ft.) and Inductance‐0.66uH/m (0.20uH/ft.)Vmax (or Ui) > Voc (or Uo)Imax (or Ii) > Isc (or Io)Pi > PoCi + Ccable < Ca (or Co)Li + Lcable < La (or Lo)TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Additional Safety FeaturesEquipment Grounding ConnectionThe grounding screw terminal is located on the back lower right corner of the computer. Consult Installation Control Drawings for connection requirements.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Back Cover Power Interlock SwitchThis switch disables the computer when the Back cover is open. Make sure all Back cover screws are securely fastened.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Closing Back CoverOnce all of the connections have been made, reseat the Back cover and secure with all eight (8) retaining screws held in the cover.Caution: Before closing, check that the Back cover seal is fully seated into groove around both connection areas. This seal is attached at the factory and should not require readjustment under normal use.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800TouchMix ® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800Computer Mounting (Wall, Pole, or Stand)The computer is able to be mounted to any wall, pole, or stand mount via the industry standard VESA mount pattern on the rear face of the computer .● Pattern: VESA 75 x 75mm or 100 x 100mm● Screws: M4 (length dependent on mounting bracket)Power OnEnsure the Back cover is installed and secured with screws. Press the button, on the back lower right (when viewing computer from the screen side). When powered on,the LED light on the button turns green.TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800MaintenanceNote: There are no user serviceable parts inside the computer.Cleaning the T ouchMix® XI Computer Screen1. Turn off the TouchMix® XI Computer and unplug the power cord.2. Wipe the screen and exterior with a soft cloth.3. Recommend using a razor blade to remove any paint on touch screen glass. TouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800AppendixSpecificationsGeneral⏹Manufacturer: Advantech, Corp.⏹Model No: DMS-SA18⏹Dimensions (W x H x D): 390mm x 314mm x 60mm⏹Chassis material: Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings⏹Mounting: VESA mount⏹Input voltage: 12VDC/3.7A⏹OS Support: Windows 8 Embedded Standard⏹Weight: 6 kgI/O Ports⏹Energy limited⏹USB 2.0 (1)⏹RS-232 Serial Port DB9 (1)⏹Side USB 2.0 (1) for software updates⏹Non Energy limited⏹LAN Port 1GB (1)⏹HDMI Port (1)⏹USB 2.0 (2) One occupied by the pre-installed USB Memory Stick⏹USB 2.0 (1) used by Wi-Fi moduleP-CAP Type T ouchscreen⏹Type: Projected Capacitive (Glass Film Film)⏹T ouch function: up to 4 simultaneous touch pointsTouchMix® XI Computer User Manual Date: 6/10/16 Doc#: 2005SA1800。
csr san 证书 解析
csr san 证书解析
解析CSR SAN证书涉及以下几个方面:
1. CSR,CSR是一个加密文档,包含了你的证书申请信息,包
解析CSR SAN证书时,需要查看CSR中的SAN字段,以确定证书是
2. SAN,主题备用名称允许你在一个SSL证书中添加多个域名。
CSR SAN证书时,需要检查SAN字段中列出的所有域名,确保证书
3. 证书颁发机构,解析CSR SAN证书还涉及到与颁发机构的交互。
4. 服务器配置,最后,解析CSR SAN证书还需要考虑服务器配置。
总的来说,解析CSR SAN证书涉及到查看CSR中的SAN字段,
Solaris 2.5 设备驱动程序接口说明书
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19.
gitlab三方登录设计流程英文回答:GitLab OAuth Integration Design Flow.1. User Initiation.User clicks on the "Sign in with <Third Party Provider>" button.GitLab redirects the user to the third party provider's authorization page.2. Authorization.User grants GitLab authorization to access their profile data.The third party provider redirects the user back to GitLab.3. Token Exchange.GitLab exchanges the authorization code received from the third party provider for an access token and refresh token.The access token is used for accessing the user's profile data, while the refresh token is used for renewing the access token when it expires.4. User Profile Retrieval.GitLab fetches the user's profile information from the third party provider using the access token.The profile information includes details like name, email, and profile picture.5. GitLab Account Creation or Linking.If the user does not have an existing GitLab account,one is created using the profile information obtained from the third party provider.If the user already has a GitLab account, the third party provider account is linked to it.6. User Redirection.After a successful authentication and account creation/linking process, GitLab redirects the user to the intended destination within the application.7. Session Persistence.GitLab stores the user's session information in a secure cookie.The session cookie is used to maintain the user's authenticated state throughout their browsing session.8. Authorization Code Flow Diagram.[User] -> "Sign in with <Third Party Provider>"-> [GitLab]-> [Third Party Provider Authorization Page]-> [User] (Grant Authorization)。
SSL/TLS 认证可以有效防止中间人攻击和数据窃取,适用于对数据安全性要求较高的场景。
san 常用协议(一)
san 常用协议(一)
San 常用协议模板
1. 协议简介
本协议旨在规范双方当事人在使用 San 平台时的权利和义务。
2. 协议内容
3. 法律适用和争议解决
4. 其他
以上是对“San 常用协议”的相关规定,若一方或双方违反本协议,将承担相应的法律责任。
Security of Authentication Protocols Involving T rusted Third Party
Z HUO Ji-liang , LIN Hui-li, LI Xian-xian (School of Computer S cience & Engi neer ing , Beihang Uni versi ty , Beiji ng 100083 , Chi na)
在有 T T P 存 在 的 情况 下 , 这 两 个设 计 目 标主 要 是 通过 T T P 及其所生成的安全会 话密钥来实现 的 。 因此协 议通常包 含两个基本 步 骤 :①在 对等 参 与者(或 其 中之 一)的 请求 下 , T T P 完成会话密 钥的生 成和 分发 ;②两 个对 等参与 者通 过握 手过程向对方证明自己的确拥有 T TP 刚刚颁发的会话密钥 。
早已成为国际上的一个研究热点 , 而且在近年来取 得了许多重 要的进展[ 6] :提出 了许 多用 于协 议分 析的 理论 模型 和分 析方 法 , 还开发出了许多自动分析工具 。 然而文献中专门针对具 有 可信第三方的这类认证协议特殊安全需求的分析较少 , 如何设 计安全高效的这类协议是一个实际应用中亟待解决的问题 。
我们把这类协议的基本安全需求归纳为以下四点 : (1)保密性 。 除去 A , B 和可信第 三方 S 外 , 没 有其他主体 可以得到该密钥 K ab 。 (2)真实性 。 K ab 的最初的来源是可信第三方 S 。 (3)新鲜性 。 K ab 是可信第三 方 S 为本次 协议会 话所生成
的一个新密钥 。 (4)一致性 。 A , B 最终所得到的会话密钥是同一个密钥 。 这四个基本安全需求是这类协议安全的四个必要条件 , 如
1300 0x00000514 并未指定所有的参照权限给呼叫者。
1301 0x00000515 帐户名称与安全识别码之间尚有未执⾏完成的联机。
1302 0x00000516 此帐户并未设定特别的系统配额限制。
1303 0x00000517 没有可⽤的加密机码。
1304 0x00000518 NT 密码太复杂,⽆法转换成 LAN Manager 密码。
传回的LAN Manager密码是⼀个空字符串。
1305 0x00000519 修正层次不详。
1306 0x0000051A 表⽰两个修订阶层不兼容。
1307 0x0000051B 此安全识别码⽆法指定为这个对象的拥有者。
1308 0x0000051C 此安全识别码⽆法指定为主要的对象群组。
1309 0x0000051D An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client.1310 0x0000051E 不可以关闭群组。
1311 0x0000051F ⽬前没有可登⼊的服务器,所以⽆法处理登⼊要求。
1312 0x00000520 指定登⼊作业阶段不存在。
1313 0x00000521 指定的权限不存在。
1313 0x00000521 指定的权限不存在。
1314 0x00000522 客户端未列出要求的权限。
1315 0x00000523 所提供的名称格式与帐户名称不符。
1316 0x00000524 指定的使⽤者已经存在。
1317 0x00000525 指定的使⽤者不存在。
1318 0x00000526 指定的群组已经存在。
1319 0x00000527 指定的群组不存存。
1320 0x00000528 指定的使⽤者帐户已经是指定群组的成员,或指定的群组因为内含成员⽽⽆法删除。
Novell(R) Open Enterprise Server 2.0Novell 软件许可协议请仔细阅读本协议。
未经 Novell 授权,不得出售、转让或进一步分发本软件。
本 Novell 软件许可协议(以下简称“协议”)是您(作为实体或个人)与 Novell, Inc.(以下简称“Novell”)之间的法律协议。
本软件可能包含或附带其它软件程序,这些软件程序适用于不同的许可条款并/或由 Novell 之外的许可证颁发者许可。
许可使用“用户”指单个目录树中的用户对象(或包含诸如信用卡信息或 PIN 号码等代表个人数据的其它类型的对象),无论该用户对象是分配给了人员还是设备,它都具有 (a) 对本软件的任何部分的访问或使用权利,或者 (b) 对本软件管理的产品(设备、硬件或软件)的访问或使用权利。
Novell Open Enterprise Server。
可在 NetWare(R) 平台、Linux* 平台或同时在这两种平台上安装和使用 Novell Open Enterprise Server 软件。
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User Requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe#Dimitrios Lekkas+, Sokratis K. Katsikas+, Diomidis D. Spinellis+, Pavel Gladychev* and Ahmed Patel*+ Department of Information and Communication Systems, University of the Aegean, Karlovassi GR-83200, Greece, e-mail:{dlek,ska,dspin}*CNDSRG, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, email: {apatel,pavel}@net-cs.ucd.ieKey words:Trusted Third Parties, user requirements, legal requirementsAbstract:We review the Public Key Infrastructure in Europe as outlined in various INFOSEC and ACTS projects. The objective is to specify an abstractreference model for the PKI as a combination of the results of variousEuropean projects, which is scaleable, based on standards and flexible acrossdifferent domains, geographical areas and business sectors. The userrequirements in various business domains, such as health, transport andpublic information systems are extracted and highlighted. The user needs arethen used as the reference for the development of the services that a TrustedThird Party must offer to its users and consequently they will be the base for# In Simone Fisher-Hübner, Gerald Quirchmayr, and Louise Yngström, editors, User Identification & Privacy Protection: Applications in Public Administration & Electronic Commerce, pages 229-242, Kista, Sweden, June 1999. IFIP WG 8.5 and WS 9.6.This is a machine-readable rendering of a working paper draft that led to a publication. The publication should always be cited in preference to this draft using the reference in the previous footnote. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.12Dimitrios Lekkas et al the construction of an abstract reference model. This model outlines ingeneral terms the entities involved in the provision of TTP services and thefunctions supporting their interactions.1.INTRODUCTIONThe use of electronic messaging is becoming more widespread as Information and Communication Technology becomes more effective and cheaper and telecommunications become more advanced. However, the increased user interconnectivity, the growth of electronic commerce, and the reliance upon electronic communications means that more information is being carried electronically. Sensitive information such as contracts, money transactions, and personal details become vulnerable to attacks such as eavesdropping, non-authorised modification, and masquerading.A Public Key Infrastructure — using public and private keys for data encryption and for digitally signing of messages — can play an integral role in facing these attacks by providing end-to-end security of information in terms of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and non-repudiation security services. The strength of these security services depends upon the security of the underlying keys, whether they are used for data encryption or for message signing. Security is therefore based on the protection of the confidentiality of the private keys and the integrity of the public keys in the delivery and storage processes.In a small community, the integrity of the public keys could be ensured by manual delivery of the keys. However, in a international electronic messaging environment the manual delivery of keys between users is not adequate. Automatic key management by a trusted agent is necessary; this must be performed by a Trusted Third Party (TTP) in order to facilitate the use of public key cryptography and digital signing.The main goal of this paper is to present a review of the TTP user requirements in various domains, notably health care, public transport, shipping, and public information systems as dealt with in several INFOSEC and ACTS projects. The basic user requirements in the aforementioned sectors proved to be similar, though the level of importance of particular requirements is different and there are some additional domain-specific requirements.Most of the projects specified as a minimal set of security services that would serve the user requirements: the authentication of users, the integrity of messages, the privacy and confidentiality of messages, the non-repudiation of message origin and receipt, and the availability of the offered services. Additionally, the issues that have been recognised as important in some of the projects are the anonymity of participants, time-stamping, ease of use, theUser Requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe3 uniqueness of the documents, protection of the transacting parties from abuse, and various legal issues.The solutions offered in the examined projects, although they assert a substantial support for facing the common security threats in their specific domains, they do not provide for any inter-domain operability nor for the construction of a common reference model, based on commonly accepted standards.This review aims to contribute to the specification of an abstract reference model for the PKI as a combination of the results of various European projects, which is scaleable, based on standards, and flexible across different domains, geographical areas, and business sectors. It combines and collates the results of earlier INFOSEC and ACTS projects, allowing the development of a common reference model and of common terminology that can be used across different business sectors and national borders. Finally, it addresses the provision of services enabling the cross-certification procedures and contributes towards the standardisation of the TTP services.The paper is structured as follows: In section 2, the fundamentals of TTPs are briefly provided. Section 3 offers an overview of the projects that were reviewed. Section 4 presents the TTP user requirements as captured by the projects described in section 2. The same section discusses legal TTP requirements. Finally, section 5 summarises our conclusions.2.TRUSTED THIRD PARTY FUNDAMENTALSAs described in [Castell, 1993]: "A TTP is an impartial organisation delivering business confidence, through commercial and technical security features, to an electronic transaction. It supplies technically and legally reliable means of carrying out, facilitating, producing independent evidence about and/or arbitrating on an electronic transaction. Its services are provided and underwritten by technical, legal, financial and/or structural means".2.1 A typical TTP transactionAn example of the steps of a secure transaction within the environment of the Public Key Infrastructure, is described in Figure 1. The most commonly adopted schema is the ‘on-line’ communication with the TTP rather than the ‘off-line’, which is not suitable for the support of on-line services, or the ‘in-line’, in which case the TTP interferes in every communication between the transacting parties. Furthermore, this schema adopts the TTP-to-TTP cross-certification, which proved to be the most reliable method in the projects4Dimitrios Lekkas et al examined, rather than the user-TTP cross-certification. The latter, although it offers the shortest certification path, requires from the end-user to have the technical ability and the legal status to recognise all the possible standards and formats of the services offered by any TTP.Figure 1. A typical TTP secure transactionStep 1: Both users involved in the sample transaction are registered with the TTP of their domain (country or business sector etc.) and therefore a “Trusted Link” is established between each user and her/his TTP.Step 2: The first user sends a message to the second user, which is digitally signed using her/his private signing key.Step 3: The recipient requests information about the sender, from her/his home TTP.Step 4: The TTP of the recipient re-routes the request for information to the TTP of the sender through a valid certification path, which may be direct or may include other higher-level TTPs. The request is signed with the private key of the recipient’s TTP.Step 5: The TTP of the sender responds to the request by returning the valid certificate of the sender or by stating that the certificate of the sender is not valid. In any case the response is digitally signed by the TTP with its private key.User Requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe5 Step 6: The TTP of the recipient validates the response and returns it to the requester signed in turn with its private key.Step 7: The recipient validates the response using the public key of her/his TTP. She/he is finally able to check the validity of the received message by using the public key of the sender, which is included in the returned certificate, whose authenticity and integrity is guaranteed by her/his home TTP.3.OVERVIEW OF RELEVANT INFOSEC ANDACTS PROJECTS3.1THIS: Trusted Health Information SystemsInformation technology involved in the public health care sector is widely used for the management and communication of healthcare records and other sensitive information, requiring anonymity and protection against attacks.The main objective of the project was to specify and define the health care sector requirements for the security services that must be offered and to propose a specific electronic signature solution associated to Trusted Third Party services.3.2Trusthealth-ETSThis project aimed to implement trustworthy information systems in health care to facilitate the secure exchange of information. It provided a set of specifications for security services and interfaces and a TTP service infrastructure operational in many countries and publicly available. The security services offered were based on the user requirements as described in project “THIS”.Some of the issues that have been treated as important ones in Trusthealth-ETS are the operational electronic proof of authenticity throughout Europe and the assurance of an internationally unique, coherent and acceptable scheme. It introduced a Public Key Infrastructure specially designed for the health care sector, enabling the health professionals to communicate securely one with another and to have access to patients data. The implementation proposed was based on certificates specific for health care and on directory services.6Dimitrios Lekkas et al 3.3TESTFITThe field trial of TESTFIT was addressed to a specific user community, that of the public transport and international freight forwarders. However, the general objective of the project was to implement a solution using the TTP/ES approach to meet the security needs for a variety of users across Europe, to provide a standard for the inter-connection of TTPs and to promote the Electronic signature services to a wide user community.The pilot implementation involved a trial with freight forwarders, transport operators and railway companies. It introduces the ‘Security Message Headers’ for the exchange of documents and includes several considerations on legal and regulatory aspects, quality aspects, as well as on the utilisation of the results of other relevant projects and of the internationally acceptable standards.3.4BOLEROBolero was specialised in the community of shipping and international transport. The main objective of the project was to implement a solution, by using the TTP/ES approach, to provide an electronic equivalent of negotiable documents used in international trading such as the ‘Bills of Lading’, ‘Airway Bills’ and other maritime official documents.The project dealt with technical, legal and commercial aspects of a commercial transaction within the shipping industry. It is important to mention that prior to this study, there was no acceptable electronic equivalent of the negotiable documents, due to the legal difficulties faced, such as:–the possession of a ‘Bill of Lading’ usually is equivalent to the ownership of the cargo,–the document is ‘negotiable’ that means an entire cargo can change ownership by just consigning the Bill of Lading to another party or thesame document may be officially presented in a court,–banks are involved and money transactions are dependent on the presence of such a document, and–the legal issues governing the use of Bills of Lading needed to be reviewed for the acceptance of the electronic form.3.5EBRIDGEProvided Electronic Signatures (ES) and TTP enhancements to the EBR project, which in turn set up national company registries providing information to the public. The objectives of the project were:User Requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe7–to demonstrate the feasibility of integration of ES technology to an already existent information retrieval infrastructure and the management of such a service,–to evaluate the security offered by the field trial and indicate additions necessary for a secure operational service,–to prepare and suggest the legal, regulatory and contractual framework within the field trial (and a future operational service) will operate, and–to establish a Common Interest Group (CIG) that would both test the acceptability of the project principles and further spread the awareness of the results of the project.3.6EAGLEThe main objectives of this project were to study commercial, licensing and regulatory issues related to TTP services as well as the practicality and feasibility of a commercial TTP service. The EAGLE project studies in particular the potential services and features which could be offered by a pan-European network of TTPs and the potential technical mechanisms for key management for confidentiality services including the option of key recovery. Furthermore it examined the regulatory situation in the participating countries, surveying existing practices, current and future legislation, and reporting on any differences and conflicts3.7S2101The prime objective of the S2101 project was to contribute to the strategic framework for the security of information systems, to the identification of user requirements and to the development of specifications and standardisation with respect to the security of information systems. The project was charged with producing a framework for the user requirements capture process, the guidelines for the management of TTPs and a functional model proving its validity.3.8ABSThe aim of ABS (Architecture for Brokerage Service) project was to design, implement and validate an open brokerage architecture for the provision of on-line information services, in the context of electronic commerce. The trials involved the participation of end-users, of a large number of National Hosts and of several Internet-based content providers.Two main trials were organised. The purpose of the first trial was to validate basic functionalities like the combination of different sources to8Dimitrios Lekkas et algenerate a complex user request, the user interface, user request processing and request registration. The second trial involved services such as dynamic search execution, interfaces to supporting services and the federation of brokers. This test was addressed to user groups formed by the existing customer base of the content providers involved in the project.3.9GAIAThe GAIA (Generic Architecture for Information Availability) project developed a sector and supplier independent Generic Architecture for Information Availability, to support multilateral information trading. The GAIA architecture facilitates the location and delivery of information, products and digital services through a scaleable brokerage model broadly applicable to distributed information supply chains and networks. The project demonstrated applicability in three sectors: Music, Publishing and Technical Data.3.10OSMThe “Open Service Model for global information brokerage and distribution” project built an object oriented framework for globally distributed electronic commerce based on CORBA. The system includes an extensible set of object facilities and desktop components for building open electronic marketplaces. User and Service Centred Trials were undertaken in the area of news, media, content management and delivery.4.TTP REQUIREMENTS4.1TTP user requirementsIn this section we present — as a joint result of the user requirements capture processes of the examined projects — a unified and complete set of functional and non-functional end-user TTP service requirements.Authentication: The accurate identification of the parties involved in various transactions or requesting documents storage and retrieval. This is implemented by using asymmetric cryptography (key pairs) for the electronic signing of a message and in many cases with the smart cards as a means of key storage.Data Integrity: A message is not altered during its transmission through the electronic means, maliciously or accidentally. The integrity of sensitiveUser Requirements of Trusted Third Parties in Europe9 documents in all the examined sectors of health care, public transport and brokerage systems is seen as an important requirement. The solutions proposed are based again on electronic signatures and on hash-generating algorithms.Confidentiality: Encryption of messages that must not be disclosed to any irrelevant party is mentioned as a major requirement in many projects; however only few implementations have taken place due to the legal complexities faced in most countries. The implementations are usually based on symmetric encryption keys and rarely on asymmetric key pairs. In the case of symmetric encryption, the key is incorporated in the digital signature of the sender.Non-repudiation: A user cannot deny having sent or having received a particular message. Respectively we have the non-repudiation of origin and the non-repudiation of receipt, which are treated separately. Non-repudiation of origin is implemented using Electronic Signatures and in some cases by time-stamping. Non-repudiation of receipt is not implemented in any of the reviewed projects, although it is mentioned as a requirement. Only manual or automatic transmission of receipts is considered as a solution in some cases.Availability: 24-hour 365-day service availability is also seen as a user requirement, since the service will be on-line, accessible through the network and applicable to different countries with different time-zones. Also the business sectors that a TTP service will apply such as Healthcare, transport and commerce are highly demanding as regards the availability of the information systems. Some projects have mentioned the necessity of a strong hardware background tolerant to break downs, with high availability.Ease of use: System interfaces must be implemented in such a way that they would take into account the user friendliness, the applicability in many different business sectors and the linguistic and time diversity in Europe. The transparency of the certification procedures for the end user contributes also to the ease of use.Mobility: Special provision is made in many cases for the mobile users. Roaming services are available, enabling the end-user to use the TTP services in the same way, regardless her/his location.Anonymity: A user may require to retain her/his anonymity, although she/he is able to perform secure transactions. An entity may be registered with a TTP, but upon request, her/his personal details are not disclosed to anyone. This requirement is usually found in the health care sector systems.Time-stamping: A reliable time-stamp, attached to the electronic documents exchanged between the users, is also seen as a requirement, in many circumstances. However, the time-stamping service, where offered, is seen as an auxiliary service or as an ‘add-on’, since it is not a pure security service, but it has indirect connection with other services, such as the non-repudiation service. Furthermore the implementation of time-stamping10Dimitrios Lekkas et al services carries a high level of complexity, since they require reliable and expensive hardware time synchronisation procedures.Uniqueness: The uniqueness of a commercial document (such as a negotiable Bill of Lading) in electronic form is also seen as a requirement, especially by the projects dealing with the public transport sector. It is required that the original document can be always identified, as well as the current holder of the document.Interoperability: Secure message exchanging cannot be restricted within one domain. It is required that secure messages can be sent across domains, between users who are registered with different TTPs.Protection from abuse: Abuse of the TTP infrastructure should be difficult and where possible detectable. Physical and electronic Access control lists must be implemented.Legal and Notary: The requirement of the users to have sufficient legal protection and rules conformity with the official electronic documents, exactly like exchanging paper documents, is in-depth considered in many projects. An interesting proposal introduces the idea that the members of a TTP are forming an association and they must abide by its rules in order for the electronic documents they exchange to become acceptable in a jurisdiction. Another legal requirement is that the TTP should implement policies and mechanisms for dispute resolution.Accreditation: The auditing procedures for a TTP are considered as essential for the unobstructed operation and for the trustworthiness of the system. A generally accepted organisation in a pan-European scale should act as a certification authority for the TTP and create the necessary accredits.Compatibility and Portability: It is necessary for the system to be designed in such a way that it would be compatible with the most widely used technologies and able to easily adopt any newer variation of the established technologies.Security policy: The TTP is requested to present to its users a well-defined security policy, that will accommodate both national constraints and regulations as well as the security objectives related to the business sector it is addressed to.Modularity: The infrastructure required for the TTP services should be scaleable in an economic way and manageable in large scale implementations. Furthermore, the services offered must be implemented in the system in a modular way, enabling the addition or subtraction of service modules.Key management: Either the end-user or the state itself, will request from the TTP various services related to the signing and confidentiality keys (if they are different). These include key generation, key distribution — usually with out-of-band mechanisms, key recovery (when a key is lost, or by court decision, or when an organisation demands access to files encrypted by itsemployees) key backup, key escrow (surrendering keys to a third party upon law enforcement), and automatic key update upon expiration or compromise.Directory services: It is a necessary part of the TTP systems, for distributing the public keys and the certificates of the registered users and for making them publicly available. The availability of public keys and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) is an essential for the certification/validation process. Directory services should be implemented under the widely deployed standards such as X.500, LDAP, DNS.Personal data protection: The TTP must abide by the rules already in force in several European countries regarding the protection of the sensitive personal data, wherever such data could be found massively stored.Out-of-band communication: Out-of-band communication mechanisms such as the delivery of smart cards or conventional mail are necessary at the early stages of user registration before ‘Trust’ is established between the TTP and the user.On-Line services: Finally, the end-users will require the provision of some on-line services such as registration, billing, and the availability of a help-desk.4.2TTP legal requirementsAll the examined projects are concerned about various organisational, legal and regulatory issues that will assist the TTP to establish Trust within the domain they deal with. It is a common idea that the regulations that govern a TTP are affected by legislation specific to each country and by the rules and practices followed within a business sector or domain. The common market implies the free mobility of professionals, goods, and consumers from different sectors such as health care, transport, and on-line services. As the law concerning this mobility itself and the electronic means for their secure and lawful transactions varies considerably along European countries the projects were required to provide harmonised solutions.The main objectives of the examined projects were three:–the compliance with national and international law,–the ‘binding’ of the users of a TTP by certain rules and agreements that will enable the presentation of their transactions in a jurisdiction, asofficial documents, and–the interoperability between different European countries and different business sectors, that will enable their users to perform lawful and official transactions.In particular, the legal issues addressed and taken into account for the usage of TTP services are:–the regulations about the protection of private information as recommended by various countries and by the European Union,–the secrecy of professional data, which is found in European legislation in many variations,–the provision of evidence of authenticity for the content and the originator of the electronic documents, which may be officially used in the state or in the court,–the various state regulations about the usage of cryptographic products and specifically the export and the personal use,–the concept of ‘Ownership’ in medical data and in shipping documents, such as the ‘Bills of Lading’, and–the creation of official Associations of users, who will abide by their rules and who are clearly stating full trust to the TTP. The association aims to create a legally binding electronic signature, which is capable of full and unconditional acceptance by a judge.The conclusion derived from the legal requirements studied in the INFOSEC projects is the need for a dispute resolving mechanism. Often in the commercial world the contents of contracts and agreements are worthless pieces of paper until a dispute arises; at that point a TTP must provide adequate solutions. The majority of the projects accept as a solution the formation of bilateral commercial agreements between the service providers and the users, as well as between different service providers, for interoperability purposes.5.CONCLUSIONSAll the aforementioned projects may be mapped onto an abstract reference model as described in the ‘Keystone’ project. The various activities performed within a TTP for the provision of its services can be clustered in roles. These roles can be defined as integrated actions performing specific well defined tasks in order to provide, probably in interaction with other entities and roles, trust services in open distributed systems. The roles are of little use if used separately. They represent the individual actions, which comprise trusted services. Examples of individual roles are the ‘Key management’, the ‘Customer oriented services’, the ‘Trust enhancement and management role’, the ‘time-stamping services’ and the ‘Certification role’.The organisational entities involved in transactions, i.e. the ‘actors’, are the users and the TTPs. Trust services are offered by the TTPs to the users at the TTP-User interface. Roles perform specific well-defined individual tasks, and several roles co-operate in order to provide security services to meet specific user requirements and therefore implement trust service. TTPs in。