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• 3.He started smashing up all the furniture. • a. cleaning up • b. replacing • c. destroying • d. painting
• 4.Please concentrate on your own test paper.
• A. stretch B. expand C. skip D. slip
• 3.Don't ______ to let me know if you are in need of help.
• A. hesitate • B. reject • C. puzzle • D. thrill
• 2. Mary found it hard to get the right of reaching the president of the company.(access)
• 3. The idea attracts Mary. (appeals) • 4. I fully understand my responsibility for
• 一、话题作文 • 1. Where to live -- in the City or the
Country • 2. 网上购物 • 3. Starting Career in a Big City or Small
Town • 二、应用文 • 1.note writing • 2. 邀请信
• A. tune B. tone C. cue D.remark
• 2. The moment seemed to _______ out endlesssly, his gaze traveliing across her face, her neck, her shoulder, returing to her eyes.
• A. taken apart B, set aside C. set apart D. fallen apart
• 5. So if your mind's made up, I ______ argue with you.
• A. had better • B. know better than to • C. might as well • D. would rather
• 6. Their data do ______ a long-term relative decline in urban manufacturing.
• A. strike out • B. hand down •Hale Waihona Puke BaiduC. bear out • D. hold to
• 1. The woolen clothes will shrink in the wash.
• 4. Although the poem contains such pessimistic overtones and pathetic acceptance of fate, there is hope to be found in the last two lines which seem to be ______from the rest.
• a. focus attention on • b. start working on • c. finishing • d. reviewing
rewrite sentences (2009年)
• 1. I'd think carefully before spending all that money on clothes.(twice)
• a. become darker • b. become lighter • c. become larger • d. become thinner
• 2.She turned out to be the champion in the competition.
• a. winner • b. loser • c. challenger • d. opponent
• 高职高专类英语专业: • 1.计算机; • 2.大学语文; • 3.综合一(精读、泛读); • 4.综合二(听力、翻译技巧)
Vocabulary and structure
• 1. Perhaps there was more than a grain of truth in the ______ of one of his closest colleagues that Keynes had never spent the twenty minutes necessary to understand the theory of value.
他所读的报纸。 • 5. 在政府的领导下,人民奋起应对地震后
• 英译汉
• 1.Finally, experiences pay off on the happiness meter because of their novelty.
1. 用单词的正确形式填空 2. 短文改错
you. (aware)
• 词汇: • 1. 专升本高频词汇:意思+例句 • 2. 四级高频词汇 • 3. 专四高频词汇 • 短语: • 四六级重点词语搭配
• 汉译英 • 1.如果你不能准时到达的话,请提前让我知
道。 • 2. 就钱而言,我一向努力做到小心谨慎。 • 3. 这个报告中有两点特别值得注意。 • 4. 就我所知,他的所有政治观点都来自于
• 1. 真题是王道! • 2. 词汇、短语学习贯穿始终。 • 3. 认真研究,逐个击破。 • 4. 复习要有计划性。 • 5. 做好应对变化的准备。