lecure 7IT



Lecture to accompany Waddell, Jones, & George: Contemporary Management (2nd edn) 7-2
Effective managers lead in ways that motivate people High-performing people help organisations achieve goals The following theories of motivation are considered
For motivation and job satisfaction to be high
motivator needs must be met hygiene needs must be addressed
High monetary rewards with little support or recognition are not enough Intrinsic motivation is related to motivator needs, and extrinsic motivation is related to hygiene needs Management implication: jobs should be designed so that they are intrinsically motivating
Extrinsically motivated behaviour
Behaviour that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment

lecture 7

lecture 7

Let us examine just a few words taken from Hamlet :
1. The rivals of my watch, bid them make haste. (partners) 2. …as common as any the most vulgar thing to sense…. (common) 3. I’ll wipe away all trivial fond records. (foolish) 4. How pregnant sometimes his replies are. (meaningful)
The original meaning of “room” is “space; place”, which still remains in such sentences as “There is still room for improvement” and “Give me some room (给我让点地方)”.
Deer is a typical example. Deer originally means “animal” in general as in Shakespeare’s King Lear: Rats and mice and such small deer Have been Tom’s food for seven long days. Now it is restricted to denote a particular kind of animal. Its original meaning is replaced by Latin word animal and French word beast.
Bullish (股市看涨的 股市看涨的) 股市看涨的



Reading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。

Lecture 7

Lecture 7
• Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme. --Paradise Lost, Book I, l 16

• I may assert eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to men. • --Paradise Lost, Book I, l 18

Bending to look on me, I started back, It started back, but pleas'd I soon returnd, Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answering looks Of sympathie and love; there I had fixt Mine eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire, Had not a voice thus warnd me, What thou seest, What there thou seest fair Creature is thy self, With thee it came and goes: but follow me, And I will bring thee where no shadow staies Thy coming, and thy soft imbraces, hee Whose image thou art, him thou shalt enjoy Inseparablie thine, to him shalt beare Multitudes like thy self, and thence be call'd Mother of human Race

lecture 7介绍性口译(英-汉)

lecture 7介绍性口译(英-汉)

---sentences in focus-----sentences focus--• 6. One of the visions of Beijing in the
“City’s Strategic Plan” is to build a clean, City’ Plan” green and environment-friendly environmentsustainable city. • 北京的《城市发展战略计划》之一就是打 北京的《城市发展战略计划》之一就是打 造一座清洁、绿色、环保可持续发展的城 造一座清洁、绿色、环保可持续发展的城 市。
• 3. Development can bring an extra benefit because many old debts
can be paid for by the development charges. • 发展可以带来额外的好处,因为许多所欠的旧债可以在建设过程中偿 付。
---sentences in focus-----sentences focus--• 3.The Greater Toronto Area has one of the most
2.The Romantic Champagne
• For weeks on end • The bottles are turned every day for weeks on • • • •
end. 连续数周每一瓶香槟每天都要翻转。 Go specially well with 特别 配…/balance …with …将…与…搭配起来 1)One of the delights of Chinese food is its range—it’ range—it’s fairly easy to tailor a perfectly good Chinese meal that will go well with wines. 中国菜的好处之一在于品种繁多的菜式, 我们很 容易选择一种可与葡萄酒相得益彰的菜肴。

语言学 L.7.

语言学 L.7.

Hubei University of Economics-L.X
Linguistics: A Course book —— Lecture 7
Phonetics 4. 2) Vowel description (doing exercises) 1) The criteria of vowel description (see P.37) Vowels are normally described with reference to four criteria: a) The height of tongue raising : high, mid (mid-high, mid-low), low b) The position of the highest part of the tongue: front, center, back c) The length or tenseness of the vowel tense vs. lax or long vs. short d) The kind of opening made at the lips: rounded vs. unrounded
Hubei University of Economics-L.X
Linguistics: A Course book —— Lecture 7
4. Vowels 1) Cardinal vowels (see p.33) Primary cardinal vowels: CV1[i], CV2[e], CV3[ε] CV4[æ] CV5[ɑ] CV6[‫ ]כ‬CV7[o] CV8[u] Secondary cardinal vowels (English) [∧ ] Schwa [ə] (p.34)

Lecture 7 level of words 《英语写作手册》丁往道编 外研社

Lecture 7 level of words 《英语写作手册》丁往道编 外研社
• 我祈求我们的天父减轻您的丧子之痛,使您只怀有 对于已故亲人的美好回忆和庄严的自豪感,您有这 种自豪感是理所当然的,因为您在自由的祭坛上献 出了代价如此昂贵的牺牲。”
• 这是林肯总统给烈士母亲比克斯比夫人慰问信中的一句
话。比克斯比夫人的五个儿子都在南北战争中光荣牺牲。 句中用了文体正式程度很高的词.
• Now compare these pairs of verbs: • Common
• 1. He checked up on his accountant. • 2.They put up with their neighbors. • 3.She caught on very quickly. • 4.She made up for it with an early night. • 5.He went down with a fever. The cost of living went up.
mon/ Neutral (good for all kinds of writing) —Most frequently used
• College papers • Mass publications • Business communications
—For educated persons
e.g.: It is very/damn great. 2. Using the Exact Word
—Meaning of words e.g.: major study / academic study 3. Using Figurative Language
—Figures of speech e.g.: My love is like a red, red rose.

Lecture 7 -- Definitions (corrected)

Lecture 7 -- Definitions (corrected)
Lecture 8:
Howard Barrell
We have seen how the same word can have more than one meaning, depending on its use. The meaning of language depends upon its use and context. It not easy to say exactly what a particular word means without looking at the context in which it is used. For this reason, I recommended to you the Meaning-as-Use theory. But sometimes this approach to establishing the meanings of words is inadequate. Sometimes it is necessary to establish the exact meaning of a particular word. If, for example, you as a journalist or a lawyer talk about someone who has not met their ‘fiduciary duties’, it is necessary to know the exact meaning of ‘fiduciary’ is. If we do not, we may well misunderstand what is being said. Let us find a similar example in Albanian and BHS. At other times, we may come across a word we are unfamiliar with, or when a word we know is being used in a way that is unfamiliar to us. In this case we want to avoid not understanding what is being said at all. In these two cases, we may call for the word or the way it is being used to be explained or ‘defined’ to us. For this we ask for, or look for, a definition of the word.


通常,一台光驱由主体主架、光盘托架系 统、激光头组件(也称光驱机芯)和控制 板四大部分组成。
发射激光束A—>打在前方的棱镜上B—>径折射后 到达棱镜C—>径折射及聚焦透镜D,使激光束会聚 后,打在光盘上。 经光盘反射回来的激光束,通过聚焦透镜打C棱镜, 折射到B前方棱镜上—>折射回激光接收器内。 当束姿态发生变化时,打在光盘上的光束为椭圆 点,正常情况,打在光盘上的光束为圆点。
正确安装好光驱 光驱是否正确连接到主板上 要长时间打开CD—ROM的仓门,避免大量灰尘进入光驱 CD—ROM不用时,里面不要放光盘(有光盘电机转,加速电机老化) 每次关机把光盘拿出来。(开机光盘停在激光头很近的地方,突然电 机一转,光盘会刮伤光头) 用VCD清洁光盘来清洁光驱 使用正版光盘:盗版制造工艺差 不要在电脑上看碟片:轻微划伤VCD可放,在读取过程中突然失去信 号VCD伺服机构会自动跳过(所谓纠错VCD能跳过能力)。而光驱是数 据机,要求数据完整突然失去信号,激光头会不断寻找读不出的部分, 直到寻到为止,若30秒仍找不到,CPU会给出寻找失效,光驱停止 读好盘时完全正常,说明, 机械动作平稳,机械聚焦部分没什么大问 题。 检修:
用相机擦镜纸加小量无水酒精,清擦聚焦透镜、 棱镜和折射棱镜上的灰尘 调激光发射限流电阻——微调电位器 调聚焦透镜姿态
激光头是最怕灰尘的,很多光驱长期使用后,识盘率下降 就是因为尘土过多,所以平时不要把托架留在外面。 不用光驱时,尽量不要把光盘留在驱动器内,因为光驱要 保持“一定的随机访问速度”,盘片在其内会保持一定的 转速,这样就加快了电机老化。 在关机时,如果光盘留在离激光头很近的地方,那当电机 转起来后很容易划伤光头。 散热问题也是非常重要的,一定要注意电脑的通风条件及 环境温度的高低, 机箱的摆放一定要保证光驱保持在水平位置,否则光驱高 速运行时,光盘可能会对激光头产生致命的碰撞而损坏



第七讲 载流子的漂移和扩散(续)9月16,2001内容:1.漂移2.扩散3.传输时间阅读作业del Alamo Ch. 4,§4.2-4.4主要问题●在电场中,载流子如何移动?漂移速度主要由什么决定?●能带图如何表示一个电场的存在?●浓度梯度如何影响载流子?●平均起来,一个载流子通过漂移或扩散从半导体的一个区域移动另一个区域要花多长时间?⒈ 漂移存在电场时载流子发生移动:□ 漂移速度-电场:ε-加在电子上的电场力:q ε−-碰撞间的加速度:ceq m ε∗−-在时间ce τ获得的速度:drift cee ce q m ετυ∗=−或 drift ee υµε=− e µ电子迁移率[2/cm V s ]迁移率表明载流子响应ε的容易程度。

drift e e υµε=−drift h h υµε=−迁移率取决于掺杂水平以及是多数载流子还是少数载流子类型。

Si 在300K 时:●在低的N时:由声子散射所限制●在高的N时:由离化杂质散射所限制□ 速度饱和隐含的假定:准平衡,也就是说,散射率不太受平衡的影响。

drift drift thυευυ:=只在对高的ε:载流子从ε许多能量→光子发射显著增强→散射率1/ε:→漂移速度饱和sat υ;对Si 在300K 时,710/sat cm s υ;漂移速度与电场的关系由下式很好的表示: 1drift satµευµευ=+m 速度饱和时所要求的电场: satsat υεµ=在现代器件中速度饱和是至关重要的:如果2500/cm V s µ=,4210/sat V cm ε=(1m µ上2V )因为µ取决于掺杂,sat ε也取决于掺杂。

□ 粒子流和电流密度粒子流#粒子通过单位的表面(与流动方向正交)每单位时间[21cm s −−]电流密度电荷通过单位的表面(与流动方向正交)每单位时间[21cm s −−]e e J qF =−e e e n dt F n dt υυ==那么e e J qn υ=− h hJ qn υ=−漂移电流(低电场)e e J q n µε=h h J q n µε=总的为:()e h J q n p εµµε=+电导率[()1cm −Ω]:()e h q n p σµµ=+电阻率[cm Ω]:()1e h q n p ρµµ=+检查符号:()1e h q n p ρµµ=+ρ强烈的依赖于掺杂经常被硅片供应商用来表明衬底的掺杂水平 -对n 型:1n e D q N ρµ; -对p 型:1p h A q N ρµ;Si 在300K 时:漂移电流(高电场):esat esatJ qn υ= hsat hsatJ qn υ=得到更大电流的唯一方法是增加载流子浓度。



stats stats stats
3. 常用的检验
R中的函数 含义 所在的程序包
jarque.bera.test() shapiro.test() Box.test() adf.test() pp.test() bptest() dwtest() kpss.test()
Jarque-Bera正态性检验 Shapiro-Wilk正态性检验 Box-Pierce或Ljung-Box独立性检验 Augmented Dickey-Fuller单根检验 Phillips-Perron检验 Breusch-Pagan异方差检验 Durbin-Watson自相关检验(lmtest) KPSS稳态检验
> monthplot(presidents) > plot.ts(presidents) > identify(1969.25,70,"***") [1] 1
80 80 presidents Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 30 1945 40 50 60 70
1960 Time
> ts(1:10, frequency = 4, start = c(1959, 2)) Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1959 1 2 3 1960 4 5 6 7 1961 8 9 10
2. 时间序列分解
先进行adf检验, > adf.test(d1) Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test data: d1 Dickey-Fuller = -3.1519, Lag order = 5, p-value = 0.09899 alternative hypothesis: stationary > adf.test(d2) (略) > adf.test(d3) (略) 结果表明在显著性水平为0.1时,三个序列都是平稳的。



Since the company wouldn't desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear information about such things as the applicant's age, qualifications and work experiences as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well. 由于公司不会录用材料不佳的申请者,因此向有希望的应聘者寄发包括 诸如年龄,资历,工作经验等简明详细的申请表,并想了解应聘者情况 的有关人士征求参考意见,这是很重要的. 分析:it is important 是主句,其中it是形式主语;that an application 分析: form should request clear information是真正的主语从句.Since the company wouldn t desire applicants who do not have a good profile wouldn't profile是 原因状语从句,其中who do not have a good profile是定语从句,修饰 其前的名词applicants.sent to a prospective applicant是过去分词短 语作定语,修饰其前的名词an application form.about such things as the applicant's age, qualifications and work experiences as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well是介 词短语作定语修饰其前的名词clear information,其中who know the applicant well是定语从句修饰其前的名词other individuals.此句结构 复杂,宜采用综合法来译

Lecture_7 冠词

Lecture_7 冠词

Refer to P76-82
• How to wait in an iPhone 5 line
• For those who don‘t want to spend even
the more than ______hefty price tag(天价) for
the ______iPhone, but do want to pick up a ______phone on Friday, perhaps
Specific Reference
Indefinite Specific Reference
Generic Reference
When we say the reference is generic, we are talking about any member representative of a class of people or things. All the three forms of article ( the definite article the, the indefinite article a(n), and the zero article) can be used generically to refer to the members of a class as a whole.
Anaphoric Specific Reference 后照应特指
It refers to something that has been mentioned in the previous context.
Cataphoric Specific Reference 前照应特指
It denotes something that is going to occur in the context later.

Lecture 7

Lecture 7

Lecture 7任务:1.翻译完上周的练习,并将答案入库,上交双语译文。

2.翻译包含非译元素的句子3.翻译练习2 (40 min),上交双语译文。



1.启动Workbench和word,Workbench中打开前面章节用过的翻译记忆库,Word中打开前面用过的SDL TRADOS 2007 AND MAC USERS.rtf文档。

2.在SDL TRADOS 2007 AND MAC USERS.rtf中将光标置于TRADOS 6 & 6.5&7 can work with virtually many language combination that is also supported by Microsoft Windows.句段,单击“打开/获取“。


4.识别为非译元素的部分可用“获取非译元素(Get Placeable)”按钮将其插入于译文框中。











9.要识别非译元素,在Workbench的“File”菜单“Setup” 中选择“Substitutions”标签页。

英译汉 Lecture 7

英译汉 Lecture 7

2. a phrase—a sentence 10. I wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before. 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的纪录。 11. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,这是一条 普遍公认的规律。 12. But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains to the international relations. 但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使 国际关系处于紧张状态。

• •

1.Ease and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. (Vanity Fair) 他们在巴黎生活得有舒服又有趣,可是终究不过 是在偷安嬉耍,不是个长远之计. 2.Luckily, at this time he caught a liver complaint, for the cure of which he returned to Europe, and which was the source of great comfort and amusement to him in his native country. 算他好运,在那个时候害了肝炎,必须回欧洲治疗, 才有机会在本国享福.
②A crashing thunderstorm, with thick rain hissing down from skies black as night, stopped Victor Henry from leaving the White House. 隆隆的几声雷响,从漆黑的天空哗啦啦下起大雨来。 维克多.亨利无法离开白宫了。 ③Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking! 鲜花怒放,枝条吐出新绿,溪水淙淙奔流,春天是 那么欢快,脚步匆匆——这一切都是语言无法描述 的。

Lecture 7句子汉英笔记法练习(经贸专题)

Lecture 7句子汉英笔记法练习(经贸专题)

句子汉英笔记法练习I.经济商贸专题II.外交政治专题III.能源环境专题IV.体育旅游专题V.文化教育专题一、汉译英I. 经济商贸专题1.人民币的汇率问题一直是国际上很关心的一个问题,中国很多重要的贸易伙伴都敦促中国要采取更为灵活的人民币汇率机制。

The RMB question has been the focus of world attention,with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate.2.中国民间贸易在对外贸易中起着重要的作用,与此同时,中国与世界各国政府间的贸易联系,也得到了巨大而持续的发展。

While China’s nongovernmental businesses are playing a more pivotal role in foreign trade, governmental business contacts between China and the rest of the world also saw remarkable and continuous growth.3.我们必须坚持国际建设与经济建设协调发展。

We must maintain a balance between the nation's defense construction and its economic development.4.我们成功地避免了经济的大起大落,避免了物价的过度上涨。

We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy and preventing excessive price hikes.5.双方贸易与合作迅速发展的主要原因在于两国的经济有着很强的互补性。










在听的过程中,要特殊留意开头,比如托福官方模考套题11 Lecture 4,教授引出主旨”The ‘Four Ms’: Market, Media, Money, Message. All are important areas to focus on when creating your advertising plan. We will look at them one by one.”通过最终这句话可以预判文章的结构,在主体段分别讲解了这四个M的原则。

在听主体段的过程中要留意first, second, and then, finally或者提问之类的话题转变的信号词。


主要的特点就是教授针对某个问题或现象的解决方案或者产生缘由提出了猜想和假设,可能是深化剖析一种假设,比如托福官方模考套题22 Lecture 1中对于state形成缘由是environmental approach的分析;也可能是同时提出了几种假设,比如托福官方模考套题22 Lecture 2中young sun paradox的几种solution猜想。

第7堂 独立主格结构

第7堂 独立主格结构



它相当于一个状语从句,却没有连词的引导,也不像从句那样具有完整、独立的谓语;它类似于非谓语动词作状语,但又包含着自己独立的主语形式;它更像一个句子,而谓语部分又是不完整、不独立的,或缺少必要的【例1】(99-Passage 3)二、独立主格的基本形式独立主格结构的基本构成是:主格形式的独立主语+不完整的(非独立的)谓语形式。

其非独立谓语部分可以是分词、不定式、副词、形容词等,以分词(包括现在分词和过去分【例1】(00-Passage 2)【例2】重点讲解一、独立主格结构的语法功能独立主格结构可以在句子中充当时间、原因、方式、条件、伴随及补充说明等状语,在【例】【补充拓展】――状语从句和独立主格作状语的区别二、with/without的复合结构作独立主格独立结构中的逻辑主语前有时可以加with或without,作伴随状语或定语,具体来说有以下五种情况:1.with+名词/代词+形容词/方位副词这一结构中,形容词/方位副词作宾语补足语,表示宾语所处的状态。






课堂练习一、难句分析1. Either put it to the test yourself, or help out someone who is trying to travel hopefully with his thumb outstretched.2. The last meal being the eve of his betrayal, it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the number by the early Christians.3. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.4. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns.【课堂讲评】1.【分析】由Either …or连接的并列句。

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Alongside the ship Ship’s rail
II.Group D
1. Delivered at Frontier Attention: (1)seller is not responsible for unloading (2)specify which frontier? exporting or importing frontier? Different frontier, different obligations for the seller (2)All mode transportation
Trade terms EXW FCA Delivery Place Seller’s premises Seller’s country
Risk Transfer Carriage Insura nce Clear for import Clear for export
Transport -ation All All
In which, Purchasing price of export (1)Total export cost (RMB)(after (RMB)(after export rebate) = (including value added taxes+ standard expense-export rebates)
unit price
unit of measurement
trade terms)
2.Choosing the currency: hard currency in exporting, weak currency in importing
VI. Setting Price Clause in Sales Contract
Total export cost(RMB) Cost of exports in terms = FOB net receipt of foreign of Foreign Exchange exchange(USD)
= =
117,000+117000*10%-117000/(1+17%)*9% 17300-2160-112
Seller(relat ed)
Buyer‘s Buyer’s premises disposal (指定地点) Buyer’s premises Buyer’s disposal
Seller(relat seller ed expense) Seller(relat ed) seller
II.FAS(free alongside ship)
1.Understanding:goods are placed alongside the ship at the named port by the buyer; 2.risk transfer See the lecture5 table
Trade terms DAF DES Delivery Place Frontier(边 境)
Risk Transfer Carriage Insura nce Clear for import Clear for export
Transport -ation All sea
Purchasing price standard expenses-export rebates
Total amount-freight-insurance premium
=119700/15028 =CNY7.965/USD
IV.Profit &Loss on exporting
Profit &Loss on exporting = (FOB foreign exchange net income* banks buying rate)
How to transfer the value under CIF to the value under FOB
E.g. One firm is exporting 1000 pieces of sit-up sitbench, with following trade terms and conditions:USD 17.30 per piece CIF New York for total amount of USD173,00,covering USD2160 freight,USD 112 insurance Y117 per piece for total amount of CNY 117,000(with 17% VAT)purchasing price ,10% standard expense,9% rate of export rebates,USD1:CNY8.28 exchange rate. Q:Pls. calculate the cost of exports in terms of foreign exchange
Profit &Loss on exporting = (FOB foreign exchange net income* banks buying rate)
total export cost(after export rebates
= (Total amount-freight-insurance premium)
VI. Setting Price Clause in Sales Contract
prises the currency of price, unit price, unit of measurement, and trade term D D 300 per metric ton CIF New York
under FOB*8.28 -119700
=15028*8.28-CNY119700 =CNY4731.84
V.Calculation of Commission and Discount
1.calculation of commission
based on the invoice value; If based on the FOB or FCA, then commission is deducted from the freight and insurance. E.g.(1)If:FOB net price is US$1000,to calculate E.g.(1)If:FOB FOBC5% then,FOB5%=USD10000*(1then,FOB5%=USD10000*(1-5%)=USD1052.63
2.DES(delivered ex ship) See the following table 3.DEQ(delivered ex quay) 4.DDU(delivered duty unpaid) 5.DDP(delivered duty paid)
I. EX Works
1.Understanding:delivers at the buyer’s disposal, at the seller’s premises, 2.Attention: (1)seller 2.Attention: (1)seller is not responsible for the clear for export (2)Not responsible for loading 3.Seller has the minimum obligations
Lecture6:Other 7 Trade Terms&
Pricing &Quotation
Contents: 1.EX works 2.FAS(free alongside ship) 3.Group D Trade terms: DAF,DES,DEQ 4.Pricing &quotation Aims: : Grasping the differences of the different trade terms
Buyer’s disposal
Seller Seller seller
buyer buyer
seller seller
On board at Buyer’s the port of disposal destination (船上) Port of destination (目的巷) Buyer’s disposal (处置 下)
(2)standard expenses=purchasing price of (2)standard expenses=purchasing export*standard rate(5%-10%) rate(5%(3)export rebates= (3)export rebates=
Purchasing price of export (including value added taxes) (1+value added tax rate)*rate of export rebate
Buyer’s disposal Buyer’s disposal
buyer buyer
buyer seller
Buyer(loadi buyer ng ,unloadin g according to the contract) buyer buyer