The Applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Digital Age Assumptions, Conjectur


七年级英语上册重点单词短语句型汇总(外研版Module 6-10)

七年级英语上册重点单词短语句型汇总(外研版Module 6-10)

七年级英语上册重点单词短语句型汇总(外研版Module 6-10)涓冨勾绾ц?/鍙ュ瀷姹囨€伙紙澶栫爺鐗圡odule 6-10锛?Module 6 A trip to the zoo?1.a trip to the zoo ?.welcome to... 娆㈣繋鍒?.....3.many kinds of... ?.....4.such as... ......5.different countries 涓嶅悓鐨勫浗瀹?.look at.... 鐪?.....7.lingling the panda 鐔婄尗鐜茬幉8.the black and white animal 榛戠櫧鐩搁棿鐨勫姩鐗?.live in Africa 鐢熸椿鍦ㄩ潪娲?0.a little fruit 涓€鐐瑰効姘存灉11.30 kilos of bamboo a day 姣忓ぉ30绔瑰瓙 well as... 杩樻湁......13.the favourite of people鐨?people鈥檚favourite14.all over the world 鍏ㄤ笘鐣? African animal 涓€? alone 鍗曠嫭鐢熸椿 good at swimming 鎿呴暱娓告吵18.catch other animals for food 鎶撳叾浠栧姩鐗╀负椋?9.the world of animals鍔ㄧ墿涓栫晫銆愰噸鐐瑰彞瀛愩€?1.Welcome to Beijing Zoo. 娆㈣繋鍒板?.The zoo has many kindsof animals.?There are kinds of animalsin the zoo.3.The animals come from different countries and eatdifferent food.杩欎簺鍔ㄧ墿鏉ヨ嚜涓嶅悓鐨勫浗瀹讹紝鍚冧笉鍚岀殑椋熺墿銆?.They also eat plants.浠栦滑涔熷悆妞嶇墿銆?.Do pandas eat plants and leaves?鍙跺瓙鍚楋紵Sure. They love bamboo. ?.Shall we go and see pandas? 鎴戜滑鍘荤湅鐔婄尗濂藉悧锛焂es.Let鈥檚go. 濂界殑с€?.Which is Lingling the panda ?锛?.There is a panda called Lingling. ?.A pandadoesn鈥檛eat meat . 鐔婄尗涓嶅悆鑲夈€?0.The tiger lives in Asia. 鑰佽檸鐢熸椿鍦ㄤ簹娲层€?Thetiger comes from Asia.11.A panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day.30?2.They eat bamboo, as well as plants andleaves.?3.A panda is the favourite of people all overthe world.€?4.The zebra is an African animal. ? Thezebra comes from Africa.15.The tiger likes living alone, and it is goodat swimming .铏庡枩娆㈢嫭灞咃紝鍚屾椂鎿呴暱娓告吵銆?6.The tiger often catches many kinds of animalsfor food.?Module7 Computers?1.connect A to B 杩炴帴A鍒癇锛屾妸A杩炴帴鍒癇2.turn on / off... 鎵撳紑/鍏抽棴urn up /down.... 璋冮珮/璋冧綆......3.write sth on the computer 鍦ㄧ數鑴戜笂鍐? a new document 鎵撳紑涓€涓 the mouse on...... 鍦?.....澶勭偣鍑婚紶鏍?.in the new document 鍦ㄦ柊鏂囦欢閲?.save the document 淇濆瓨鏂囦欢8.write a name for the document 9.visit sb /鐪嬫湜鏌愪汉10.print the document 鎵撳嵃鏂囦欢11.put some paper in锛坱he printer锛?鎶婁竴浜涚焊鏀惧叆锛堟墦鍗版満锛?2.on Sundays 鍦ㄦ槦鏈熷ぉ13.share sth with sb 鍜屾煇浜? my home 鍦ㄦ垜瀹堕噷15.a manager of a company 涓€浣嶅叕鍙哥殑缁忕悊16.go on the Internet 涓婄綉17.check the times of trains ?8.make travel plans 鍒plan to do sth 璁″垝鍋氭煇浜?9.listen to music涔? movies=watch a movie 鐪嬬數褰?1.every Friday night 姣忎釜鏄熸湡浜旀櫄涓? for some information about... 鎼滅储涓€浜涙湁鍏?.....鐨勪俊鎭?3.check one鈥檚email to sb on the Internet 鍦ㄧ綉缁滀笂鍜?.....璋堣瘽25.send emails to sb 鍙戠數瀛愰偖浠剁粰......26.playcomputer games 鎵撶數瀛愭父鎴? for a company 涓轰竴瀹跺叕鍙稿伐浣? the cinema 鍦ㄧ數褰遍櫌 train tickets=buy a train ticket 涔扮伀杞︾エ30.remember to do sth 璁颁綇鍋氭煇浜嬶紙杩樻病鍋氾級 music32.plan for our holiday 璁″垝鎴戜滑鐨勫亣鏈?e sth to do sth 浣跨敤鈥︹€﹀仛鈥︹€?銆愰噸鐐瑰彞瀛愩€?1.How do I do my homework on the computer?2.What鈥檚next? 鎺ヤ笅鏉ユ槸浠€涔堬紵3.Please connect the screen t o the computer.璇锋妸鏄剧ず鍣ㄨ繛鎺ュ埌涓绘満銆?.Finally, turn on the computer. 鏈€鍚庯紝鎵撳紑鐢佃剳銆?.I want to learn how to print a docu ment.鎴戞兂瀛︿範鎬庢牱鎵撳嵃鏂囦欢銆?.My father often talks to his customers on thecomputer.鎴戠埗浜茬粡甯稿湪鐢佃剳涓婂拰浠栫殑瀹㈡埛娲借皥銆?.I also go on the Internet to check my emails.?.I listen to music or watch movies on thecomputer every Friday night .姣忔槦鏈熶簲鏅氫笂鎴戝湪鐢佃剳涓婂惉闊充箰鎴栫湅鐢靛奖銆?.There is no computer in my home. 鍦ㄦ垜瀹堕噷娌℃湁鐢佃剳銆?0.I play a lot of games and my mother doesn 鈥檛like it.鎴戠帺澶ч噺娓告垙锛屾垜姣嶄翰灏变細涓嶉珮鍏淬€傦紙鎴戠帺澶ч噺娓告垙锛屾垜姣嶄翰涓嶅枩娆㈣繖浠朵簨銆傦級?1.?.娉ㄦ剰琛ㄨ揪涓€绯诲垪鍔ㄤ綔鐨勮繛鎺ヨ瘝锛欶 8 Choosing presents?1.have a birthday party for sb 涓烘煇浜轰妇琛岀敓鏃ユ淳瀵?.go to one鈥檚birthday party a Chinese birthday party 鍦ㄤ腑鍥戒汉鐨勭敓鏃ヨ仛浼氫笂 the birthday dinner5.make a birthday cake for sb 涓烘煇浜哄埗浣滅敓鏃ヨ泲绯?.give/send birthday cards 閫佺敓鏃ヨ春鐗?.get birthday presents 鏀跺埌鐢熸棩绀肩墿8.on one鈥檚birthday 鍦ㄦ煇浜虹殑鐢熸棩锛堥偅澶╋級9.a box of chocolates 涓€鐩掑阀鍏嬪姏10.a cinema ticket 涓€寮犵數褰辩エaconcert ticket 涓€寮犻煶涔愪細鍏ュ満鍒?1.choose a birthday present for... 涓?.....閫夋嫨鐢熸棩绀肩墿12.stay/keep healthy 淇濇寔鍋ュ悍13.get some exercise 14.every day 姣忓ぉ15.eleven silk scarves 11鏉′笣缁稿洿宸?6.浜?spend +鏃堕棿/閽?on sth 鍦ㄦ煇鐗╀笂鑺辫垂鏃堕棿/ 閽变汉spend +鏃堕棿/閽?(in) doing sth 鍦ㄥ仛鏌愪簨涓婅姳璐规椂闂?/ 閽? magazines=read a magazine18.go to the cinema. 鍘荤湅鐢靛奖 sports 瑙傜湅浣撹偛璧涗簨20.go to concerts=go to the concert 鍘诲惉闊充箰浼?1.the CDs of one鈥檚favourite songs 鏌愪汉鏈€鍠滅埍鐨勬瓕鏇茬殑鍞辩墖22.go to the football match 鍘荤湅瓒崇悆璧? football matches on TV 鍦ㄧ數瑙嗛噷鐪嬭冻鐞冩瘮璧? weekends = at the weekend 鍦ㄥ懆鏈? AC Milan 鐪婣C绫冲叞锛堢殑姣旇禌锛? films=watch a film 鐪嬬數褰?7.stay at home 寰呭湪瀹堕噷28.on Saturday evening 鍦ㄦ槦鏈熷叚鏅氫笂29.hear from sb 鏀跺埌鏌愪汉鐨勬潵淇? sb play football 瑙傜湅鏌愪汉韪㈣冻鐞?銆愰噸鐐瑰彞瀛愩€?1.Would you like to come to my birthday party?浣犳効鎰忔潵鍙傚姞鎴戠殑鐢熸棩?Yes, I鈥檇love to./ I鈥檇love to,but....? 鎴戝緢鎰挎剰锛屼絾鏄?.....2.My mother never makes a birthday cake for me.鎴戞瘝浜蹭粠涓嶇粰鎴戝埗浣滅敓鏃ヨ泲绯曘€?.Do you sing it in Chinese or in English?浣4.What would you like for your birthday??.It鈥檚a secret. 杩欐槸绉樺瘑銆?.What do you often do on Teachers鈥?Day?鍦ㄦ暀甯堣妭浣犲父鍋氫粈涔堝憿锛?.She spends lots of money on clothes.濂瑰湪琛f湇涓婅姳璐逛簡澶ч噺鐨勯挶銆?.We usually watch football on TV at weekends.父鍦ㄧ數瑙嗛噷鐪嬭冻鐞冭禌銆?.Which presents do you choose for your friends?10.It鈥檚great to hear from you.?1.I鈥檓afraid I can鈥檛come. 鎭愭€曟垜涓嶈兘鏉ャ€?2.I always watch my sister play football.鎴戜竴鐩撮兘鍦??1.often, usually, always, never?.ow oftenModule 9 people and places?1.stand in line 鎺掗槦2.take a photo of... 缁?.....鐓х浉3.wait for a bus 绛夊叕鍏辨苯杞?.walk on the Great Wall 鍦ㄩ暱鍩庝笂璧皐alk to school/work 璧扮潃鍘诲?涓婄彮walk home with sb on the phone 鍦ㄧ數璇濋噷鍜?.....璇磋瘽6.right now =at the moment =now 鐜板湪 with sb 鍜?.....鍦ㄤ竴璧?.be on sale 鍦ㄥ嚭鍞?.lie in the sun 韬哄湪闃冲厜涓?0.send sth to sb by email?1.enjoy the trip a lot 闈炲父鍠12.it鈥檚time to do sth 璇ュ仛......鐨勬椂闂翠簡it鈥檚time for sth 璇?.....鐨勬椂闂翠簡13.go/be on a trip to +鍦扮偣鍙傚姞鍒?.....鐨勬梾娓?4.get off / on 涓?涓婏紙杞︼紝鑸?.....锛?5.leave work 涓嬬彮 to school/work 寮€杞﹀幓瀛︽牎/涓婄彮drive home 寮€杞﹀洖瀹?7.have afternoon tea 鍠濅笅鍗堣尪18.have a drink 19.go to the theater 鍘诲墽闄㈢湅鎴? a film=see a film 鐪嬬數褰?1.go home from work 22.start lessons 寮€濮嬩笂璇?3.see friends=visit friends 鎷? home 25.a few+澶嶆暟涓€浜?.....26.enjoy doing sth ?......27.go back to... 鍥?.....28.hi from... 鏉ヨ嚜......鐨勯棶鍊?9.thank sb for sth 鍥犳煇浜嬭阿璋㈡煇浜簍hank sbfor doing sth 鍥犲仛鏌愪簨璋㈣阿鏌愪汉30.enjoy the sun31.look at the homes of ...... 瑙傝祻......鐨勬埧灞?2.a movie star 鐢靛奖鏄庢槦33.a postcard from sb 鏉ヨ嚜浜?.....鐨勬槑淇$墖 sb 缁?.....鎵撶數璇?5.visit the Forbidden City 36.look at maps 鐪嬪湴鍥?7.have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself 鐜╃殑楂樺叴锛岃繃鐨勬剦蹇? taijiquan 鎵撳お鏋佹嫵 yangge Ё姝? for a bus.=run for buses銆愰噸鐐瑰彞瀛愩€?1.We鈥檙e enjoying the school trip a lot.梾娓搞€?.I鈥檓standing on the Great Wall and talking to you.煄涓婂拰浣犳墦鐢佃瘽銆?.We鈥檙e on a school trip to the Great Wall.鎴戜滑姝?.Are they with you? 浠栦滑鍜屼綘鍦ㄤ竴璧峰悧锛?.They are on sale at the shop. 瀹冧滑鍦ㄥ晢搴楅噷鍑哄敭銆?.Please take some photos and send them to me.璇风収涓€浜涘儚锛屽苟鐢ㄧ數瀛愰偖浠跺彂閫佺粰鎴戙€?.It鈥檚time to go back to school now. 璇ュ洖鏍$殑鏃堕棿浜嗐€?.At this moment, in different places of theworld, people are doing different things.嬨€?.Hi from Tony. 鏉ヨ嚜Tony鐨勯棶鍊欍€?0.Thank you for your postcard . 璋㈣阿浣犵殑鏄庝俊鐗囥€俆hankyou for sending me a postcard. 璋㈣阿浣犻€佹槑淇$墖缁欐垜銆?1.We are having a good time. 鎴戜滑姝g帺鐨勯珮鍏淬€傚?Module 10 Spring Festival?1.get / be ready for...... 涓?.....鍋氬噯澶噂et/be Aready for B A2.Spring Festival 鏄ヨ妭3.make big red lanterns 鍒朵綔澶х4.learn a dragon dance 瀛﹁垶榫?.clean the house 鎵撴壂鎴垮眿6.sweep the floor 鎵撴壂鍦版澘7.cook the meal 鐑硅皟椋熺墿 busy with sth 蹇欎簬鏌愪簨be busy doing sth 蹇欎簬鍋氭煇浜?.be at work=be working 姝e湪宸ヤ綔10.put sth away 鎶?.....鏀惧ソ; 鏁寸悊 hard ?study hard 12.jion sb 鍔犲叆锛堟煇浜涗汉锛?3.hurry up ?4.hurry to +鍦扮偣鍖嗗繖鍒?......hurry todo sth 鍖嗗繖鍋氭煇浜?5.sweep away bad luck 櫎闇夎繍16.have a look at... =look at... 鐪嬩竴涓?.....17.celebrate Spring Festivalヨ妭18.have a traditional family dinner 鍚冧竴椤夸紶缁熺殑瀹跺涵鍥㈠渾楗? much +涓嶅彲鏁?......(涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇?so many+濡......() a special programme on TV 鍦ㄧ數瑙嗛噷洰21.wear new clothes 绌跨潃鏂拌。



英语教案之语音六家人:第一家人English Lesson Plan: Phonology Family OneIntroduction:Welcome to the first lesson on Phonology Family One. This lesson will focus on the basics of phonetics and phonology.We will start by discussing the difference between sounds and letters, how sounds are produced, and how they are classified.Objectives:- To understand the difference between sounds and letters.- To understand how sounds are produced.- To be able to classify sounds by their place and manner of articulation.- To develop phonological awareness.Materials:- Whiteboard or blackboard- Markers or chalk- Handouts (optional)I. Warm-up:Start the lesson with a quick review of the English alphabet. Ask the students to recite the alphabet and encourage them to pay attention to the sounds of each letter. Then ask them if they know any other languages and if they can recite their alphabet. Point out that not all alphabets use the same letters or sounds.II. Presentation:Explain that although we use letters to write, words are made up of sounds. Sounds are produced by the movement of air through the mouth and/or nose. Show diagrams of the mouth and throat to illustrate how sounds are produced.Next, introduce the concept of phonology. Phonology is the study of the sound system of a language. Explain that sounds can be classified by their place and manner of articulation. Place of articulation refers to where in the mouth the sound is produced, while manner of articulation refers to how the sound is produced.Display a chart of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and explain how it can be used to represent the sounds of all languages.III. Practice:Divide the class into groups and have them practice identifying the place and manner of articulation of different sounds. This can be done through a game, such as charades, where students act out different sounds and groups have to guess the place and manner of articulation.IV. Evaluation:Evaluate students鈥?understanding of the lesson鈥檚objectives by administering a short quiz on the difference between sounds and letters and how sounds are produced. Grade them on their ability to accurately classify sounds by their place and manner of articulation.V. Conclusion:Wrap up the lesson by summarizing the main points and encourage students to practice listening for sounds and classifying them by place and manner of articulation.In conclusion, phonology is an important part of language learning and development. Understanding the sounds of a language is crucial for effective communication and can help to improve pronunciation skills. This lesson is just thebeginning of many that will help students develop their phonological awareness and understanding.。



用英语演讲,如何让听众深受感动?As a public speaker, it is important to be able to capture the attention of your audience and keep them engaged throughout your speech. However, it takes more than just a good command of the English language and a well-structured presentation to move and connect with your listeners on an emotional level. It requires a combination of factors such as using appropriate language, understanding your audience, telling a personal story, using emotional appeal, and delivering with passion and conviction.Use Appropriate LanguageThe first key to delivering an emotionally impactful speech is to use language that your audience can relate to. A good public speaker needs to be able to adjust their spoken language to match the level of their audience, avoiding using complex vocabulary that may not be understood. Using everyday language and speaking in a natural, conversational tone can help to put your listeners at ease and help them to better connect with you. Additionally, using humor or anecdotes that are relevant to your audience can also help to break the ice and build a connection with them.Understand Your AudienceKnowing and researching your audience beforehand can help you tailor your speech to their preferences and interests. This can involve researching their demographic or understanding the specific issue or topic that they are passionate about. if it鈥檚 a group of young professionals, tailor your language and examples to the context of their work. Understanding and catering to the specific interests of your audience can help to make your presentation more relatable and relevant to them.Tell a Personal StoryPeople are naturally drawn to stories, and telling a personal story has the power to evoke strong emotions and make your speech more memorable. Sharing a personal story relevant to your topic can help to connect with your audience on a deeper level and create empathy. Sharing a personalstory can also make it easier for the audience to understand your perspective on the topic and see the relevance of what you are talking about to your own life. This can help tocreate a sense of trust and credibility between you and your audience.Use Emotional AppealAppealing to the emotions of your listeners can be an effective way to create an impact on your audience. Emotions can motivate people to take action, and using emotive language such as vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and sensory details can make your presentation more memorable. For example, if you are talking about the impact of climate change on the environment, you can describe the devastating impact of a hurricane or drought in a way that creates a visual of destruction and loss. This can help to convey the importance and urgency of taking action to address the issue.Deliver with Passion and ConvictionFinally, the most important factor in delivering an emotionally impactful speech is to deliver it with passion and conviction. If you show that you truly care about the message you're sharing, your audience will be more likely to engage with it on an emotional level. Using voice inflection, body language, and gestures can help to create a moreengaging presence on stage. When you are in tune with your own emotions, the audience can feel it, and it鈥檚 more likely that your message will be delivered with conviction.In conclusion, to move and connect your audience on an emotional level, it takes a combination of factors such as using appropriate language, understanding your audience, telling a personal story, using emotional appeal, and delivering with passion and conviction. With these tips applied, you can deliver a impactful speech that is both memorable and transformative.。



让我们一起探索宇宙的奥秘——太空船英语演讲稿分享Dear fellow explorers,It is my great pleasure to speak to you today about the wonders of space travel and the importance of exploring the mysteries of the universe. Our journey begins with the incredible achievement of launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit around the Earth on October 4, 1957. This milestone in human history marked the beginning of a new era of space exploration, one that has opened up countless opportunities for scientific discovery, technological innovation, and global collaboration.Since that historic moment, humans have sent spacecraft and probes to every corner of our solar system, learning more about our own planet and those beyond. These missions have allowed us to explore the surface of the moon, collect samples of Martian rock, and even visit distant moons like Europa and Titan, where there is the potential for life. There are still many questions that need to be answered, such as the source of dark matter and energy, the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and the origin of the cosmos itself.As we continue to navigate this uncharted territory, we are constantly pushing the limits of what we know about the universe, and advancing our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. But we must remember that these achievements are not without sacrifice, and many dedicated scientists and astronauts have given their lives to help us reach this point. Nevertheless, the pursuit of knowledge and the thirst for discovery has inspired generations of people around the world to join forces and take up the challenge of exploring the cosmos.One of the most significant advancements in space exploration has been the development of space shuttles and spacecraft capable of taking humans beyond the Earth and into space. With every mission, we are expanding our knowledge of how to live and work in space, develop advanced technologies, and understand the long-term effects of living in microgravity. And as we look to the future, new technologies such as reusable rockets and advanced propulsion systems will play a critical role in making space travel more accessible and affordable.For instance, the Space X鈥檚 Falcon 9 rocket is a game-changing innovation that has significantly reduced the cost of putting objects into space. By employing reusable rockets, our ability to explore space beyond the lower orbits will be dramatically improved. This achievement and other advancements in space technology will bring us closer to the reality of interstellar travel and the possibility of colonizing other planets in our solar system.As we continue to explore the wonders of space, it is important that we work together and share our discoveries with the world. International collaboration has been acritical component of space exploration since the earliest days of the space race, and it remains essential to our efforts to explore and learn from the cosmos. By pooling our resources, we can create more efficient ways to explore the universe, discover more about its mysteries, and inspire generations of future scientists and explorers.In conclusion, space exploration is one of the greatest achievements of humanity, and it will continue to inspire future generations to explore and learn about our place in the cosmos. By working together, we can overcome the challenges of space travel and unlock the secrets of theuniverse. So let us continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge and explore the mysteries of the cosmos. Thank you.。



三年级小学生英语学习的特点及对策IntroductionEnglish is one of the most widely spoken languages globally, and its importance has been increasing exponentially. It is an international language of business, tourism, and academics. Therefore, it is necessary to learn this language from an early age.In this article, we will discuss the characteristics and strategies of English language learning for three-year-old primary school students in 2023.Characteristics of English Language Learning for Three-Year-Old Primary School Students1. Short Attention SpanThree-year-old primary school students have a short attention span. They get bored easily and are easily distracted by other activities, making it challenging to focus on a single task for a long time. This trait especially impacts their learning abilities.2. Limited VocabularyThree-year-old primary school students have limited vocabulary. They are still in the early stages of language development and have not yet acquired the capability to comprehend and express themselves in complex sentences.3. Language Learning MotivationThree-year-old primary school students are very enthusiastic about learning English. They have a passion to explore and learn about different languages and cultures.4. Social InteractionThree-year-old primary school students love to interact with others. Interaction with their peers and teachers plays a fundamental role in the process of English language learning.Strategies for Effective English Language Learning for Three-Year-Old Primary School Students1. Short and Engaging LessonsGiven that three-year-old primary school students have a short attention span, lessons must be short and interactiveto keep their interest alive. The lessons must be designed ina way that caters to their attention span.2. Repetition and ReinforcementTo overcome the limited vocabulary problem, repetition is a must. The teacher should use repetitious exercises to reinforce the same vocabulary until students can comprehend them.3. Interactive Learning EnvironmentThe English learning classroom should be designed in a way that encourages social interaction between students andteachers. The environment must be engaging, with the use of videos, music, and other language learning aids.4. Fun and Playful LearningTo keep the students motivated and excited about learning English, it is crucial to make it fun and playful. The inclusion of games, songs, and storybooks can make learning enjoyable and effective.5. Contextual LearningLanguage learning must be contextual. The teacher must use explanations that make sense to the students and relate them to their daily lives.ConclusionIn conclusion, the importance of English language learning cannot be overstated. It鈥檚 essential to lay the foundation for language learning at a young age. For three-year-old primary school students, learning English can be a challenge. However, with the right teaching techniques, such as short and engaging lessons, repetition and reinforcement, interactive learning, fun and playful learning, and contextual learning, the process of learning English will be much easier and more effective.。



Porter’sGenericStrategies波特的⼀般竞争战略Porter's Generic StrategiesIf the primary determinant of a firm's profitability is the attractiveness of the industry in which it operates, an important secondary determinant is its position within that industry. Even though an industry may have below-average profitability, a firm that is optimally positioned can generate superior returns.A firm positions itself by leveraging its strengths. Michael Porter has argued that a firm's strengths ultimately fall into one of two headings: cost advantage and differentiation. By applying these strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, three generic strategies result: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. These strategies are applied at the business unit level. They are called generic strategies because they are not firm or industry dependent. The following table illustrates Porter's generic strategies:Porter's Generic StrategiesCost Leadership StrategyThis generic strategy calls for being the low cost producer in an industry for a given level of quality. The firm sells its products either at average industry prices to earn a profit higher than that of rivals, or below the average industry prices to gain market share. In the event of a price war, the firm can maintain some profitability while the competition suffers losses. Even without a price war, as the industry matures and prices decline, the firms that can produce more cheaply will remain profitable for a longer period of time. The cost leadership strategy usually targets a broad market.Some of the ways that firms acquire cost advantages are by improving process efficiencies, gaining unique access to a large source of lower cost materials, making optimal outsourcing and vertical integration decisions, or avoiding some costs altogether. If competing firms are unable to lower their costs by a similar amount, the firm may be able to sustain a competitive advantage based on cost leadership.Firms that succeed in cost leadership often have the following internal strengths:Access to the capital required to make a significant investment in production assets; this investment represents a barrier to entry that many firms may not overcome.Skill in designing products for efficient manufacturing, for example, having a small component count to shorten the assembly process.High level of expertise in manufacturing process engineering.Efficient distribution channels.Each generic strategy has its risks, including the low-cost strategy. For example, other firms may be able to lower their costs as well. As technology improves, the competition may be able to leapfrog the production capabilities, thus eliminating thecompetitive advantage. Additionally, several firms following a focus strategy and targeting various narrow markets may be able to achieve an even lower cost within their segments and as a group gain significant market share.Differentiation StrategyA differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or different from the products of the competition. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may allow the firm to charge a premium price for it. The firm hopes that the higher price will more than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product. Because of the product's unique attributes, if suppliers increase their prices the firm may be able to pass along the costs to its customers who cannot find substitute products easily.Firms that succeed in a differentiation strategy often have the following internal strengths:?Access to leading scientific research.Highly skilled and creative product development team.Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of the product.Corporate reputation for quality and innovation.The risks associated with a differentiation strategy include imitation by competitors and changes in customer tastes. Additionally, various firms pursuing focus strategies may be able to achieve even greater differentiation in their market segments.Focus StrategyThe focus strategy concentrates on a narrow segment and within that segment attempts to achieve either a cost advantage or differentiation. The premise is that the needs of the group can be better serviced by focusing entirely on it. A firm using a focus strategy often enjoys a high degree of customer loyalty, and this entrenched loyalty discourages other firms from competing directly.Because of their narrow market focus, firms pursuing a focus strategy have lower volumes and therefore less bargaining power with their suppliers. However, firms pursuing a differentiation-focused strategy may be able to pass higher costs on to customers since close substitute products do not exist.Firms that succeed in a focus strategy are able to tailor a broad range of product development strengths to a relatively narrow market segment that they know very well.Some risks of focus strategies include imitation and changes in the target segments. Furthermore, it may be fairly easy for a broad-market cost leader to adapt its product in order to compete directly. Finally, other focusers may be able to carve out sub-segments that they can serve even better.A Combination of Generic Strategies- Stuck in the Middle?These generic strategies are not necessarily compatible with one another. If a firm attempts to achieve an advantage on all fronts, in this attempt it may achieve no advantage at all. For example, if a firm differentiates itself by supplying very high quality products, it risks undermining that quality if it seeks to become a cost leader. Even if the quality did not suffer, the firm would risk projecting a confusing image. For this reason, Michael Porter argued that to be successful over the long-term, a firm must select only oneof these three generic strategies. Otherwise, with more than one single generic strategy the firm will be "stuck in the middle" and will not achieve a competitive advantage.Porter argued that firms that are able to succeed at multiple strategies often do so by creating separate business units for each strategy. By separating the strategies into different units having different policies and even different cultures, a corporation is less likely to become "stuck in the middle."However, there exists a viewpoint that a single generic strategy is not always best because within the same product customers often seek multi-dimensional satisfactions such as a combination of quality, style, convenience, and price. There have been cases in which high quality producers faithfully followed a single strategy and then suffered greatly when another firm entered the market with a lower-quality product that better met the overall needs of the customers.Generic Strategies and Industry ForcesThese generic strategies each have attributes that can serve to defend against competitive forces. The following table compares some characteristics of the generic strategies in the context of the Porter's five forces.Generic Strategies and Industry Forces。



个性化英语教学,让每名学生都能享受学习之乐In recent years, personalized learning has transformed the way students acquire knowledge and skills. With advances in technology and innovative teaching methods, educators have the ability to customize lessons to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of their students. In particular, personalized English language teaching has becomeincreasingly popular, enabling every student to enjoy the pleasure of learning. In this article, we will explore the advantages of personalized English language teaching and how it can benefit each student.Personalized learning in English language teaching goes beyond the traditional classroom setting, where one teacher lectures a group of students. Instead, teachers leverage technology to create tailored learning experiences that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. This approach allows students to learn at their own pace and focus on specific areas where they need improvement. For example, if a student struggles with pronunciation, the teacher can use a speech recognition software to target that particular aspect oftheir learning.In traditional classroom settings, a teacher may teach a lesson to an entire class and hope that every student absorbsthe material. However, personalized learning allows teachersto assess each student鈥檚 strengths, weaknesses and interests, and adapt lessons to fit their individual learning style. This results in increased engagement, motivation, and ultimately, better outcomes. Students are more likely toretain the material when it is presented in a way that resonates with their learning preferences.Moreover, personalized English language teaching encourages students to take responsibility for their learning. Instead of simply being passive recipients of information, students can take an active role in setting their own goals, tracking their progress, and identifying areas where theyneed further support. This cultivates a sense of ownershipand autonomy, leading to greater self-confidence and a lovefor learning.Personalized English language teaching also allows for greater flexibility and creativity in lesson planning. For example, a teacher may use a game-based learning approach for students who respond well to competition and collaboration or a project-based learning approach for students who prefer hands-on activities. This flexibility enables teachers tocater to the diverse needs of their students and creates a more engaging and enjoyable learning experience.The benefits of personalized English language teachingare not limited to students with a specific learning style or ability level. Everyone, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses, can benefit from a personalized approach. By tailoring lessons to each student鈥檚 needs, teachers can foster a sense of inclusivity and support for each individual.In conclusion, personalized English language teaching offers numerous advantages for both students and teachers. By leveraging technology and innovative teaching methods,teachers can create customized learning experiences thatcater to each student鈥檚 needs, strengths and interests.This results in increased engagement, motivation, and ultimately, improved learning outcomes. With personalized teaching, every student can enjoy the pleasure of learningand achieve their full potential.。





若要在直接引用插入自己的解释,应使用方括号[ ]。


下面是一些示例:例一:The DSM IV defines the disorder [dysthymic] as being in a chronically depressed mood that occurs for "most of the day more days than not for at least two years (Criterion A) .... In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum duration is only one year" (APA, 1994, p. 345).例二:Issac (1995) states that bipolar disorder "is not only uncommon but may be the most diagnostic entity in children and adolescents in similar settings .... and may be the most common diagnosis in adolescents who are court-remanded to such settings"(p.275).2.大段落引用当中文引用超过160字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进4个空格,两端对齐,之后每行都缩进)。



TEXT AAnimals or children? — A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?—— 一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury — circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。



Seasons教案The lecture Notes of 銆奆un with English 銆?Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen. It鈥檚my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is < Fun with English > Book3 Unit3 Where鈥檚my football. I鈥檒l prepare to say my lesson for six parts. First of all, I鈥檒l say the teaching material. This is the second lesson of unit 3. So if the students can learn this lesson well.锛?It will be helpful for the students to learn the rest of this unit. The topic of this lesson is related to their daily life. So it is helpful to improve their spoken English. Second, the analysis of the students. It is not a long history that English as a subject in our school. The main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils 鈥?basic abilities of their listening, speaking and their good sense of the English language. The students of Grade four who teem with imagination锛?like fantasy and are full of curiosity. They are willing to participate in performance, liking playing games, eagering to get others especially the teachers鈥?affirmation. Primary school English teaching is basic education. Students should work hard to build a solid foundation for their lifelong development Third, teaching aids Before studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of children鈥檚growing of mind. I put forward the teaching objects according to English syllabus and new lesson standard. 1. Knowledge Objective The students can use the sentence pattern.: Where 鈥檚my鈥?.? It鈥檚in / on/ under/behind鈥?2. Ability objective 鈶?To develop Ss鈥?abilities of listening, reading and speaking. 鈶?To train the Ss鈥檃bility of working in groups 鈶?To foster Ss鈥?abilities of communication and innovation 3. Emotion objective 鈶燭o develop Ss鈥?interest in English 鈶o foster Ss鈥?consciouseness of good cooperation and proper competition Difficult points and key points The key point is the differences among on , in , under, behind. The difficultpoint is the students can use the prepositions to express their thoughts in proper sentences. Fourth,teaching and study methods In the class , the main roles are students who are the masers of learning activaties. at the same time teachers are the organizers and guiders. Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, imagining and thinking. The teaching methods mainly used are The Audio-Lingual Method, task-based method , Communicative Approach and TPR. Communication method:I鈥檒l set up a real situation in this way. The Ss can say in pairs. They can say freely and needen鈥檛worring about making mistakes. Task-based method : that is to say, I鈥檒l let the students finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out. To help the students get a better understanding of the key structures. Fifth, Teaching aids cards, Courseware I made full use of network resources . the combination of voice and images make the teaching clearer and convenient. They can show Ss some pictures , some audio files, some visual files. Sixth, analysis of teaching procedure. According to the above teaching design, combing with the characteristics of primary school English Teaching, I designed my lesson, Step涓€. Warming-up Firstly, I greet to the students with a simple dialogue in English. After that I sing a song with the students 鈥?Where鈥檚Mr Thumb?鈥?Purpose of my design: In this step, teacher and the Ss sing in unison and perform the song 鈥淲here鈥檚Mr Thumb? Thus, review the sentence pattern 鈥渨here is 鈥?鈥?And arouse the Ss' performance desire, participation desire, and lead the Ss into a thick English studying atmosphere. singing a song can make Ss feel pleased Step浜? Presentation This course is very important. I 鈥檒l mainly talk about this step. 1. Present the four words: on ; in ; under; behind using the courseware( 姝ゆ椂鍐欐澘涔﹀洓涓粙璇嶃€傜敾鍦ㄦ埧瀛愪笂) Let the students look at the screen to learn the words 鈥渙n. Under, in, behind鈥?at the same time I write them on the blackboard.After that I let the students practise these two words group by group, row by row, line by line, two by two , one by one. 2.Play a game: Simon says:to practice 鈥淥n, in, under, behind鈥?The students read the words and do the actions following me. If I say Simon says, they will not do the action, just say the word. Purpose of my designing: children can keep their attentions in limited time. The game can avoid the boredom from the pure machine drills. It creates the conditions of a relaxed and natural atmosphere for children鈥檚drills. Then achieve the aim of consolidating and deepening the words. At the same time, the children like learning in playing. It accords with the children's psychological characteristics. 3. do exercises . let the Ss do the exercises check whether they have grasped the learned knowledge 4.Review the words: 鈥? It serve for next step. Then, I put a pen in my book. I ask the students 鈥?where鈥檚my pen?鈥?With a student to be assistant. He 鈥榣l tell me 鈥?it鈥檚in the book. Ss can understand the main contents of this dialogue, Guide the students to use these sentences pattern to make dialogues group by group without repetition. Finding out which group can make the most dialogues. Purpose of my designing: Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study. In the group activities, they can speak much with ease. With no doubt, this will encourage them to speak English. 鈥淭ask-based鈥?teaching method is used here to develop the Ss鈥?ability of communication and co-operation. I think proper competition can arouse the Ss鈥?interest in English learning. If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. 5.learn the text I play the tape recorder completely. Let the Ss concentrate on listening. Then, I ask the students to read after the tape. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. At last I鈥檒l ask the Ss to act it out with a partner according to the Sample. Then find out which group act it out well. I鈥檒l give them a ticker. Purpose of my designing: By this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson. This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole. At the same time let the Sshave a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability. Step 涓?.Consolidation. Play a game 鈥淢agic eyes鈥? In this part, I show students a picture. After a few seconds, let them say what they saw just now. Through various activities and games, students can generate interest in learning English. They make the students dared to, happy to and good at speaking English, and they actively participate in the exchange, and foster confidence in learning English Step 鍥涖€?Homework 1. Let the students use the prepositions to describe the things in their bedroom. Make a dialogue according to 鈥渓earn to say 鈥渁nd write it in the exercise book. Purpose of my designing: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned. All in all, the design of this lesson seeks to student-centered, task-centered, activity-way, giving students space to identify problems, analyze problems, and solve the problems. The whole purpose of teaching design service for classroom teaching .It enables students to become the direct beneficiaries鈥?.It enhances students鈥?interest and confidence. Finally Make the students "Like to say," "would say," "can communicate", Let them feel learning English "It's fun. It 's easy! Above is the lecture note of my lesson. Thank you!。



经典舞台剧再现:英语戏剧社2023年度总结The year 2023 marked a remarkable achievement for the English Drama Society. The Society successfully staged aseries of classic stage plays, showcasing the talents of its members and bringing to life some of the greatest works of drama to ever grace the stage.The Society's efforts were not without challenges. However, the dedication and enthusiasm of its members never wavered. With hard work, determination and creativeness, the artists of the English Drama Society were able to capture the essence of some of the world's most cherished stage productions.The year 2023 saw the staging of a number of classic plays, ranging from Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, and many others. The artistic direction was superb,with every aspect of the performances professionally executed, from the costumes to the set design and the actor's performances.The performances received critical acclaim from thepublic and the media. The media characterized the group's works as 'unforgettable' and 'mesmerizing,' while the public hailed the performances as 'spellbinding' and 'a true masterclass.' The Society鈥檚 collective talent was put onfull display with each performance 鈥?a testament to the hard work and dedication each member put in.Beyond the artistic accolades, the Society has become a hub for theater lovers in the city. People from all walks of life came in droves to witness the breathtaking performances. Whether it was the drama, the acting or the story, there was always something for everyone in each play. The Society鈥檚performances did much to elevate the level of theater in the city.To put on a remarkable production takes a lot of teamwork, dedication, and perseverance. The members of the English Drama Society demonstrated these virtues in abundance. Theyput in countless hours of rehearsals, working their hardestto deliver the perfect story. This resilience and commitment are what makes the society stand out in the crowded horizonsof theater.The Society has continued to plan for even moreremarkable productions in the coming years. The members aimto further improve the quality of their performances and to bring drama to the masses. With this kind of dedication and commitment, it is no doubt that the Society will continue to flourish and grow, inspiring generations to come.In conclusion, the English Drama Society's 2023 productions are a testament to the power of dedication,teamwork, and talent. The people behind these productions have shown the world what great performance looks like, reminding us of the importance of stage art and theater in molding our lives. The Society has given us a glimpse of what is possible when people come together, united in a common goal. We couldn鈥檛 be more excited to see all that they achieve in the years to come.。



英文译文在桥梁覆盖中的聚丙烯酰胺改性混凝土在实验室材料性能测试和有限元建模结构中的反应Qinwu Xu1; Zengzhi Sun2; Hu Wang3; and Aiqin Shen4摘自:Qinwu boratory Testing Material Property and FE Modeling Structural Response of PAM-Modified Concrete Overlay on Bridges[J]. ASCE:Journal of bridge engineering,2009,14(1):26-35摘要:在开裂困扰和界面脱粘的影响下,波特兰水泥混凝土通过反复装载车辆和温度循环进行覆盖桥面。













Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(Period 7 Revision Summing up and learning tip)

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(Period 7 Revision Summing up and learning tip)

Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note(Period 7RevisionSumming up and learning tip)Unit 3銆€The Million Pound Bank NotePeriod 7銆€Revision: Summing up and learning tip 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽This is the last teaching period of this unit, so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit. It includes the following parts: Summing Up, Learning Tip, assessment and consolidation exercises. Summing Up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher can first use this part to let students to sum up what they have learned and then explain what students couldn鈥檛understand very well in this unit. An experienced teacher should design some additional exercises for students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents. Learning Tip encourages students to try writing a play so they can practice their oral English. Get together with their friends and classmates and write dialogues for a short play. It can be about anything of interest to all of them. Everyone should have a part or a role to speak. They can use one of the reading passages from their textbook to make a short story. And acting out the play will help improve their pronunciation and intonation. This is a good way to learn English. In this period, the teacher can also provide more practices to consolidate what students have learned in this unit. Finally, ask students to finish Checking yourself on Page 61 in the Workbook. This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit. It is very important to improve their learning. Of course, a testing assessment is also needed. 嶇偣1. Get students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit. 2. Develop students鈥?ability to solve problems. Get students to turn what they have learned intotheir ability. 1. Get students to go over the usefulnew words and expressions in this unit. 2. Have students review the new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative. 1. Develop students鈥?ability to use the important language points in this unit. 2. Enable students to learn to use noun clauses as the object and the predicative correctly. 鎯1. Encourage students to learn more about dramas and learn how to act out a play.2. Stimulate students鈥?love of literature and art.3. Strengthen students鈥?sense of group cooperation. 鈫扴tep 1 Revision 1. Check the homework exercises. 2. Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit. 鈫扴tep 2 Lead-in Tell students: Up to now, we have finished Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note. Have you learned and grasped all in this unit? Turn to Page 24. You can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the part Summing Up. 鈫扴tep 3 Summing Up Five minutes for students to summarize what they have learned in this unit by themselves. Then check and explain something where necessary. Suggested answers: Write down what you have learned about 鈥淭he Million Pound Bank Note鈥? (Students鈥?answer may vary. )We have learned about this play is adapted from Mark Twain鈥檚short story by the same title. Like most of Mark Twain鈥檚stories, it is meant to be humorous. We can also learn about the fact from the play that money is everything in the capital society. From this unit you have also learned useful verbs: wander, permit, stare, spot, account, seek, scream, bow phrasal verbs: bring up, go ahead, stare at, account for, take a chance useful nouns: birthplace, novel, adventure, phrase, author, scene, pavement, businessman, permit, bay, fault, spot, passage, account, embassy, patience, contrary, envelope, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, manner, scream, rag, bow, barber useful adjectives and adverbs: contrary, unbelievable, rude, genuine, ahead, indeed other useful expressions: by accident, on the contrary, in rags, as for new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative 鈫扴tep 4 Practice Show the exercises on the screen orgive out exercise papers. First let students do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary. 鈪? Word spelling 1. Dickens wrote many n銆€銆€銆€. 2. All the children listened to his a銆€銆€銆€with eager attention. 3. This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three s銆€銆€銆€. 4. The children w銆€銆€銆€in the woods. 5. Do you p銆€銆€銆€your children to smoke? 6. Traveling on my own, I can decide which s銆€銆€銆€can be skipped over to save energy or time for another s銆€銆€銆€. 7. The a銆€銆€銆€show we have spent more than we received. 8. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his p銆€銆€銆€and understanding. 9. We s銆€銆€銆€an answer to the question, but couldn鈥檛find one. 10. We thought Mary would pass and John would fail, but c銆€銆€銆€to expectation it was the other way round. 11. It would be u銆€銆€銆€that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends! 12. In an invoice the a銆€銆€銆€of money should be written both in words and in figures. 13. Stop s銆€銆€銆€, for we can hear you.14. All g銆€銆€銆€knowledge originates in direct experience. 15. 鈥旸id you hear the explosion last night? 鈥旾______________ I did. 鈪? Complete the following sentences, using the proper expressions learned in this unit. 1.______________ (浜嬪疄涓?, he was spotted to be late for school ______________ (鍋剁劧). 2. ______________ (璇村疄璇?, we shouldn鈥檛have sympathy on those people who are ______________ ()to pretend to be poor. 3. It is not polite to ______________ (?other people. 4. His laziness could______________ (瑙i噴涓? 瀵艰嚧)his failure. 5. I just don鈥檛want to______________ (璁╀綘鍥犲府鎴戣€岄櫡鍏ュ洶澧冧腑)銆?6. The problem is what we shall ______________ (澶勭悊)the rubbish. 7. I ______________ (鎸h埞璐?by working as ______________ (涔夊姟宸?. 8. She鈥檚always speaking to others ______________ (绮楅瞾鐨勬柟寮?. 9. She won鈥檛______________ (鍏?銆?10. The topic doesn鈥檛seem boring tome; ______________ (; 姝g浉鍙?, I think it鈥檚very interesting. 11. We decided to ______________ (纰拌繍姘?on the weather and have the party outdoors. 12. ______________ (鑷充簬浣犵殑涔?, I promise I鈥檒l give it back to you next week. 鈪? Choose the best answer. 1. When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: give the monkey exactly______________ he wants. A. what銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€B. which銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€C. when銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€D. that 2. ______________ she couldn鈥檛understand was ______________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that 3. These shoes look very good. I wonder ______________. A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost C. how much they cost D. how much are they cost 4. Doris 鈥?success lies in the fact ______________ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others. A. which B. that C. when D. why 5. The Beatles, ______________ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A. what B. that C. how D. as 6. ______________ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising 7. 鈥旵ould you do me a favor? 鈥旾t depends on ______________ it is. A. which B. whichever C. what D. whatever 8. Then I have learned there are a lot of troubles in our lives, but the problem is ______________ they control you or you control them. A. why B. what C. that D. whether 9. The poor young man is ready to accept ______________ help he can get. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever 10. The shopkeeper didn 鈥檛want to sell for ______________ he thought was not enough. A. where B. how C. what D. which Keys for reference: 鈪? 1. novels銆€2. adventures銆€3. scenes 銆€4. wandered銆€5. permit銆€6. spot; spot銆€7. accounts銆€8. patience銆€9. sought銆€10. contrary銆€11. unbelievable銆€12. amount銆€13. screaming銆€14. genuine銆€15. Indeed 鈪? 1. As a matter of fact; by accident銆€2. To be honest; in rags銆€ 3. stare at銆€4. account for銆€5. put you intotrouble of helping me銆€6. do with銆€7. earn my passage; an unpaid hand锟斤拷8. in a rude manner銆€9. permit her dog to enter the yard銆€10. on the contrary銆€11. take a chance銆€12. As to your book 鈪? 1锝? AACBD銆€6锝?0 BCDCC 鈫扴tep 5 Learning Tip Ask the students to turn to Page 24. Read through the passage and make sure they understand it. Encourage them to do as the passage tells them to because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning English and form a good habit. 鈫扴tep 6 Assessment 1. Checking yourself (on Page 61 in the Workbook) First get the students to think about these questions individually. Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary. 2. Fill in the form. After learning this unit, I鈥檓able to do the following things. . . very well well only with the help of others I need to work harder. 1. Giving a brief introduction to the story The Million Pound Bank Note in my own words. 2. Giving a brief introduction to the American writer, Mark Twain, in my own words. 3. Acting out a few scenes of the play with my group members. 4. Writing out a short scene of the play, using the stage directions appropriately. 5. Using the new words and expressions of this unit in speaking and writing. 6. Using the expressions of making requests and ordering food in speaking. 7. Using the noun clauses as the object and the predicative correctly in speaking and writing. 鈫扴tep 7 Homework 1. Finish off the Workbook exercises. 2. Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 3.Unit 3銆€The Million Pound Bank Note Unit revision Summing up (Students鈥?answer may vary. )We have learned about this play is adapted from Mark Twain鈥檚short story by the same title. Like most of Mark Twain鈥檚stories, it is meant to be humorous. We can also learn about the fact from the play that money is everything in the capital society. From this unit you have also learned useful verbs: wander, permit, stare, spot, account, seek, scream, bow phrasal verbs: bring up, go ahead, stare at, account for, take a chance useful nouns: birthplace, novel,adventure, phrase, author, scene, pavement, businessman, permit, bay, fault, spot, passage, account, embassy, patience, contrary, envelope, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, manner, scream, rag, bow, barber useful adjectives and adverbs: contrary, unbelievable, rude, genuine, ahead, indeed other useful expressions: by accident, on the contrary, in rags, as for new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative娲诲姩涓庢帰绌?As we know, Mark Twain was a great humorist. Many famous jokes was about him. Go to the library or surf the Internet to find some and share them with your classmates. Samples: Mark Twain and the Barber In the course of one of his lecture trips, Mark Twain arrived at a small town before dinner. He went to a barber鈥檚shop to be shaved. 鈥淎re you a stranger? 鈥?asked the barber. 鈥淵es, 鈥?Mark Twain replied. 鈥淭his is the first time I鈥檝e been here. 鈥?鈥淵ou chose a good time to come, 鈥?the barber continued. 鈥淢ark Twain is going to give a lecture tonight. You鈥檒l go, I suppose? 鈥?鈥淥h, I guess so. 鈥?鈥淗ave you bought your ticket? 鈥?鈥淣ot yet. 鈥?鈥淏ut everything is sold out. You鈥檒l have to stand. 鈥?鈥淗ow annoying! 鈥?Mark Twain said with a sigh. 鈥淚never saw such luck. I always have to stand when that fellow lectures. 鈥?Mark Twain and Whistler Whistler, the famous artist, once invited Mark Twain to visit his studio to see a new painting he was just finishing. The humorist examined the canvas for some time in silence, then said, 鈥淚鈥檇do away with that cloud if I were you, 鈥?and extended his hand carelessly toward one corner of the picture as though about to smudge out a cloud effect. Whistler cried out nervously, 鈥淕od, sir, be careful! Don 鈥檛you see the paint is still wet? 鈥?鈥淥h, that doesn鈥檛matter, 鈥?said Mark Twain. 鈥淚鈥檝e got my gloves on. 鈥?。



In today's global society, having good oral communication skills in English is essential to succeed academically, professionally, and socially. Speaking is one of the four main skills of language learning, and it requires more than just vocabulary and grammar knowledge. To become a competent English speaker, one has to develop a range of communicative strategies and techniques to convey meaning effectively in different contexts and with various interlocutors. In this teaching plan, we will explore some of the key aspects oforal communication skills in English and provide practical activities and exercises to build students' confidence and fluency in speaking.I. Setting the context and objectivesThe first step in teaching oral communication skills is to establish a relevant and meaningful context for learning. Depending on the students' interests, needs, and goals, the teacher can choose various themes, topics, or situations that require speaking in English. Some possible examples are:鈥?Describing a personal experience, hobby, or interest鈥?Giving a presentation or speech on a current issue or event鈥?Role-playing a job interview, negotiation, or social interaction鈥?Participating in a debate, discussion, or groupproject鈥?Making a phone call, ordering food, or asking for directions鈥?Giving and receiving feedback on a performance or taskThe teacher can also identify specific learningobjectives based on the students' level, age, and proficiency. Some of the common goals for oral communication skills are:鈥?Improving pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm鈥?Enriching vocabulary, idioms, and expressions鈥?Organizing and structuring ideas and messages鈥?Using appropriate register, tone, and style鈥?Listening actively and responding appropriately鈥?Overcoming anxiety, shyness, or fear of speakingII. Pre-speaking activitiesBefore engaging in actual speaking tasks, students needto warm up and prepare for the language use. Pre-speaking activities can serve several purposes, such as:鈥?Activating prior knowledge and schema on the topic鈥?Building vocabulary and language chunks related to the topic鈥?Practicing pronunciation and fluency through drilling and repetition鈥?Encouraging interaction and collaboration among peers鈥?Reducing affective barriers and anxiety about speakingSome of the pre-speaking activities that can be used are:鈥?Brainstorming : In groups or individually, students write down as many ideas or words as possible related to the speaking topic. The teacher can provide a prompt, specific questions, or a word cloud to guide the brainstorming.鈥?Vocabulary building : The teacher selects some key words or phrases from the topic and asks students to match them with their meanings, use them in sentences, or create a word web.鈥?Sentence starters : The teacher provides some incomplete sentences or questions that students need to complete or answer. For example, "I think that... because...","In my opinion, the most important... is...", "What would you do if...?"鈥?Role-playing : The teacher assigns different roles or personas to students and asks them to act out a given scenario or situation. This can help students practice functional language and social skills, as well as develop empathy and perspective-taking.鈥?Peer feedback : The teacher divides students into pairs or small groups and asks them to give constructive feedback on each other's performance or language use. This can be done through a checklist, rubric, or open-ended comments.III. Speaking activitiesAfter the pre-speaking activities, students are ready to engage in actual speaking tasks that require them to apply the language knowledge and skills they have acquired. The speaking activities can vary in complexity, length, and interaction pattern. Some examples are:鈥?Individual presentation : Each student prepares a short speech or talk on the topic and delivers it in front of the class or a small group. The teacher can provide guidelines on the length, content, and delivery techniques.鈥?Pair discussion : Students work in pairs and take turns discussing a given topic or question. The teacher can provide some prompts or cues to guide the discussion and encourage follow-up questions or clarifications.鈥?Group debate : Students are divided into two or more groups and have to defend their position or argument on a controversial issue or topic. The teacher can provide some pre-reading materials or research tasks, as well as rules and time limits.鈥?Information gap : Students are given different pieces of information on a topic or task and have to communicate and exchange them in order to achieve a common goal or solve a problem. The teacher can vary the level of difficulty and complexity.鈥?Role-playing simulation : Students are given a scenario or situation in which they have to act out differentroles or characters. The teacher can provide some guidelines or instructions on the role-play and encourage creativity and improvisation.IV. Post-speaking activitiesAfter the speaking activities, students need to reflect on their performance and receive feedback from the teacher and peers. The post-speaking activities can help students consolidate their learning, correct errors, and set goals for future improvement. Some examples are:鈥?Self-reflection : Students write down their own strengths and weaknesses in their speaking performance, as well as what they learned or need to improve. The teacher can provide a checklist or rubric to guide the reflection.鈥?Peer feedback : Students give feedback on their peers' performance using a specific criteria or checklist. The teacher can provide some sentence starters or prompts to help them give effective feedback.鈥?Error correction : The teacher writes down some common errors or mistakes made by the students during the speakingactivities and asks them to correct them individually or in pairs.鈥?Goal setting : The teacher asks students to set some specific and measurable goals for their future speaking improvement, based on the feedback and reflection they received.ConclusionIn conclusion, oral communication skills are crucial in English language learning and require a holistic and integrated approach that combines pre-speaking, speaking, and post-speaking activities. By setting a relevant and meaningful context, identifying specific learning objectives, and using a variety of techniques and activities, teachers can help students develop their confidence, fluency, and accuracy in speaking English. Ultimately, the goal of oral communication skills teaching is not only to produce competent speakers, but also to promote intercultural understanding, empathy, and appreciation of diversity.。

CNN10 - 060118 美

CNN10 - 060118 美

CNN10 - 06/01/18 美 加征关税引发反制;合成钻石和天然钻石 怎么区分;埃博拉病毒爆发最新消息20182018813I'm Carl Azuz. And I have a special announcement to make today on尔·阿祖兹。

我今天要在CNN 10频道特别宣布:周五太棒了!018 season. We're not going away, we're just going off the air for aay, August 13th.我们不会离开,只是停播几个月然后在8月13日星期一回来。

al Africa. International health officials say they have reason to beread of an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.员表示,他们有理由对刚果埃博拉疫情的控制状况持谨慎态度。

then, there'd been 54 cases identified in the DRC. That includes 25age, the virus kills about half of those who get it.民主共和国已经发现了54个病例。


平均来说,这in a rural area. But what alarmed medical officials a couple of weeksty named Mbandaka, where more than a million people live and therely there.但几周前令医疗官员感到震惊的是,疫情已经扩散到了一个名为姆们担心疫情可能迅速蔓延。

he World Health Organization says more than 400 had beental.生组织表示,目前已有400多人接种了疫苗。



青年演讲比赛参赛选手的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,It is an honor to stand before you today to speak about the importance of youth participation in public speaking competitions. I am here to represent the young voices that are eager to be heard and want to make a difference in our society.Public speaking competitions are an excellent platform for young people to showcase their talents and abilities. These competitions provide opportunities for them to develop their communication and leadership skills, as well as their confidence and self-esteem.In these competitions, participants are given topics to prepare and deliver speeches on. This requires them to research, analyze and organize information on the topic, and present their thoughts and ideas in a concise and persuasive manner. Through these experiences, young people learn how to express themselves effectively and become better communicators.Furthermore, these competitions allow young people to engage in social issues that affect them, their communities, and the world at large. By addressing these issues through their speeches, they become more aware of the challenges that people face and are inspired to take action to make a difference.Many of the great leaders we know today started their journey through public speaking competitions. Their experiences in these competitions paved the way for their leadership success and helped them develop their voices and messages. Young people who participate in these competitions today could be the future leaders of tomorrow, and these competitions provide a platform for them to hone their skills and voices.However, it is important to note that participation in these competitions is not just about winning. While it is great to be recognized for one鈥檚 efforts, the real value lies in the journey towards personal growth and development. It is about the lessons learned, the skills acquired, and the confidence gained that will serve young people far beyond their time in the competition.In conclusion, I would like to encourage all young people to participate in public speaking competitions. Your voices are important, and your perspectives matter. You have the power to make a difference in the world, and it all starts with developing your skills and confidence through platforms like these. So go out there, research, strategize, and prepare a winning speech. Your future self will thank you for it. Thank you.。



《竞争优势》读后感英文回答:As I delved into the profound insights of Michael Porter's seminal work, "Competitive Advantage," I felt like a treasure seeker unearthing invaluable gems of business strategy. This masterpiece illuminated my understanding of the intricate forces that shape industry dynamics and drive organizational success.Porter's meticulous analysis of industry structure and competitive positioning laid bare the foundation of competitive advantage. He emphasized the crucial role of five industry forces: the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of substitute products or services, and rivalry among existing competitors. By understanding these forces and their interrelationships, businesses canidentify opportunities for differentiation and exploit weaknesses in the competitive landscape.The concept of "generic strategies" proved particularly enlightening, as it provided a clear framework for firms to choose their competitive positioning. Porter distinguished three generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Cost leadership involves achieving the lowest production and distribution costs in the industry, while differentiation involves creating a product or service that is unique and highly valued by customers. Focus involves targeting a specific market segment with a tailored offering.Porter's emphasis on "value creation" resonated deeply with me. He argued that businesses should focus on creating value for customers, not just maximizing profits. Value creation involves delivering products or services that exceed customer expectations while minimizing costs. By creating a positive customer experience and building customer loyalty, businesses can establish a sustainable competitive advantage.The case studies presented in the book reinforced thepractical applicability of Porter's theories. The examplesof Southwest Airlines, Apple, and Toyota vividlyillustrated how businesses can apply generic strategies to achieve exceptional results. Southwest Airlines' relentless focus on cost efficiency enabled it to become a low-cost leader in the airline industry. Apple's relentless pursuitof innovation and differentiation led to the creation of iconic products like the iPhone and the iPad. Toyota's emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction helped it establish a dominant position in the automotive industry.中文回答:拜读迈克尔·波特的巨著《竞争优势》,我仿佛化身寻宝者,挖掘出商界战略的珍宝。



As the world continues to evolve and businesses strive to remain competitive, the sales function has transformed significantly. In the past, selling was more about pitching a product or service and convincing customers to buy. Today, sales is more about building strong relationships, understanding customer needs, and delivering value that exceeds customer expectations.To be successful in sales, it's crucial to have a deep understanding of the market, the customer, and the competition. This understanding enables sales professionalsto identify needs, craft compelling solutions, andeffectively communicate value to potential customers.One of the key components of successful sales iseffective communication. In today's market, customers have access to vast amounts of information, and they expect sales professionals to be knowledgeable and responsive. Salespeople must be adept at creating customized and relevant messages that resonate with customers, allowing them to differentiate themselves from competitors and make a lasting impression.Another crucial aspect of sales is the ability to build strong relationships. This involves understanding theindividual needs and preferences of each customer, and taking the time to truly listen and empathize. By building rapport and trust with customers, sales professionals can increase their likelihood of success by earning repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews.In today's world, technology also plays an important role in sales. From online customer databases to social media marketing platforms, technology has revolutionized the way sales professionals conduct business. Effective utilizationof these tools can help sales professionals reach a broader audience, manage customer relationships more easily and efficiently, and ultimately drive sales growth.Lastly, sales professionals must be able to effectively adapt to change. In today's fast-paced business environment, change is constant, and sales professionals must learn to quickly adapt to new technologies, customer needs, and industry trends. By embracing change and being proactive in identifying new opportunities, sales professionals can stay ahead of competitors and remain successful in an ever-changing market.In conclusion, successful sales in today鈥檚 competitive market requires a combination of strong communication skills, adaptability, and technology utilization. By staying attuned to market trends, understanding customer needs, and building strong relationships with customers, sales professionals can achieve long-term success and drive business growth.。

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Journal of ManagementDOI: 10.1016/; 30; 569 Journal of Management Eonsoo Kim, Dae-Il Nam and J. L. Stimpert Assumptions, Conjectures, and Suggestions The Applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Digital Age:/cgi/content/abstract/30/5/569The online version of this article can be found at: Published by:On behalf of:Southern Management Associationcan be found at:Journal of Management Additional services and information for/cgi/alerts Email Alerts:/subscriptions Subscriptions:/journalsReprints.nav Reprints:/journalsPermissions.nav Permissions:/cgi/content/refs/30/5/569SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): (this article cites 35 articles hosted on the CitationsThe Applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Digital Age:Assumptions,Conjectures,and SuggestionsEonsoo KimDepartment of Management,Korea University,5-1Anam-dong Sungbuk-ku,Seoul,136-701,South KoreaDae-il NamLG Economic Research Institute,LG Twin Towers,East Tower33rd Floor,20,Yoido-dong Youngdungpo-gu,Seoul,150-721,South KoreaJ.L.Stimpert∗Department of Economics and Business,Colorado College,14East Cache La Poudre Street,Colorado Springs,CO80903,USAReceived16October2002;received in revised form10July2003;accepted16December2003Available online15June2004Because current management theories evolved in the context of brick-and-mortarfirms,this paper examines three key questions raised by the advent of e-business:(1)Will the strategy types found among e-businessfirms resemble Porter’s(1980)generic strategies?(2)Will we find performance differences among e-businessfirms pursuing different types of strategies?(3) Will wefind differences in the strategy-performance relationships of pure onlinefirms(pure plays)andfirms with both online and offline operations(clicks-and-bricks)?We conclude that integrated strategies that combine elements of cost leadership and differentiation will outper-form cost leadership or differentiation strategies.We also argue that,regardless of business strategy type,clicks-and-bricksfirms that closely integrate their on-and offline operations will enjoy performance advantages over their pure play counterparts.©2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Enthusiasm for e-business has waned since the Internet boom of the late1990s,but busi-ness activity on the Internet continues to grow.A recent Business Week article claimed“the Net is actually delivering on many of its supposedly discredited promises...It is helping∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+17193896418;fax:+17193896927.E-mail,,LStimpert@(J.L.Stimpert).0149-2063/$–see front matter©2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/ E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589companies slash costs.It is speeding the pace of innovation and jacking up productiv-ity...Of the publicly held Internet companies that survived the shakeout,some40percent were profitable in the fourth quarter of2002”(Business Week,2003b:44) is now the top leisure-travel agency online or off,while13percent of all traditional travel agency locations closed in2002.Expedia also has higher profit margins than American Express.Nearly every public Internet-basedfinancial services company is profitable.And, while less thanfive percent of all shopping is done online,eBay will become one of the top 15retailers in the United States during2003,and will move into the top40 (Business Week,2003b).Andy Grove,chairman of Intel,has recently stated,“Everything we ever said about the Internet is happening”(Business Week,2003a:86).In surveying this new economic landscape,Scott and Walter(2003)concluded that In-ternet technologies constitute a major business innovation,and suggested that this is reason enough for research into the challenges,problems,and opportunities facing e-business firms.And,based on their review of the e-business literature,Ngai and Wat(2002)noted that e-business research is emerging as a major stream of management scholarship,and that the pace of e-business research is likely to quicken in the future.One important question is how this new information age differs from the machine age of the last100years.Managers and scholars alike are struggling to understand how economic and business rules have changed and should change.Many have claimed that existing busi-ness and management concepts will not be applicable in this new environment.Others argue that the Internet is nothing but a new business tool and that not much has really changed.In their review of the e-commerce literature,Amit and Zott(2001)concluded that researchers have not yet articulated the central issues related to the e-business phenomenon,nor have they developed theories that address the unique features of virtual markets.They suggested two important questions for future research and scholarship:(1)What are the sources of competitive advantage in online markets,and how do they differ from the sources of advan-tage in offline markets?and(2)Are strategy perspectives and tools that were formulated in a competitive landscape inhabited by offlinefirms still relevant in the new world of e-business? This paper addresses these important issues by examining how existing strategy frame-works,models,and tools are,and are not,applicable in this new Internet age.We explore: (a)when the strategy types found among e-businessfirms resemble Porter’s(1980)generic strategies,(b)when we willfind performance difference among e-businessfirms pursuing different strategy types,and(c)when we willfind differences in the strategy-performance relationships of pure onlinefirms(pure plays)andfirms with both on-and offline opera-tions(clicks-and-bricks).Although current management theories evolved in the context of brick-and-mortarfirms,we propose that Porter’s generic strategy framework is still appli-cable,albeit in need of some modification,to competition in the digital age.BackgroundPorter’s TypologyA major stream of strategy research examines the relationship between strategy type and firm performance(Carter,Stearns,Reynolds,&Miller,1994;Dess&Davis,1984;Fahey&E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589571 Christensen,1986;Kim&Lim,1988;Miller,1987;McDougall&Robinson,1990).These strategy types,sometimes called generic strategies(Porter,1980),archetypes,or gestalts (Robinson&Pearce,1988),simplify a myriad of possible strategies into a limited set of strategy types.Here,we focus on Porter’s framework of generic strategies for a couple of reasons.First, Porter’s framework of generic strategies is inherently tied tofirm performance.Second, Porter’s framework overlaps with other typologies.For example,Porter’s strategy of differ-entiation resembles Miles and Snow’s(1978)prospector strategy,and Porter’s strategy of cost leadership is similar to Miles and Snow’s defender and Hambrick’s(1983)and Dess and Davis’s(1984)cost leadership strategies.Porter’s strategy of focus is very much like Miller and Friesen’s(1986)niche innovator strategy.Porter’s framework proposes thatfirms must choose whether to serve broad or narrow market segments and whether to seek advantage through low costs or perceived uniqueness. Firms choosing to serve broad markets and to derive advantage through low costs are termed “cost leaders,”while those that seek to derive advantage through uniqueness are termed “differentiators.”Firms may also pursue“focus”strategies by targeting narrow market segments and by emphasizing either low costs or uniqueness.According to Porter,somefirms do not pursue a viable business strategy,and he labels thesefirms“stuck in the middle.”According to Porter,firms become stuck in the middle for one of two reasons.First,they might fail to pursue successfully any of the generic business strategies.For example,afirm might fail to differentiate itself from its competitors,but it may also fail to develop the capabilities or resources needed to be a successful cost leader. Porter has also suggested thatfirms can become stuck in the middle by trying to pursue more than one generic strategy simultaneously.Characteristics of the E-Business EnvironmentWhile Porter’s typology has received a good deal of empirical support in traditional busi-ness contexts(Dess&Davis,1984;Hambrick,1983;Miller&Friesen,1986;Miller,1988), we do not know whether Porter’s generic strategies or any other strategy typology can be applied to e-businessfirms(Smith,Bailey,&Brynjolfsson,1999).An extensive body of lit-erature has already described the essential characteristics of the e-business environment and how it differs from and is similar to traditional business environments(e.g.,Armstrong& Hagel,1996;Bakos,1997;Burke,1996;Cross&Smith,1996;Murphy,Hofacker,& Bennett,2001;Porter,2001;Schlauch,&Laposa,2001).Here,we highlight aspects of the e-business competitive landscape that are most relevant to the concept of competitive strategy.How is e-business different?The Internet allowsfirms to overcome physical boundaries and distance and it also allows them to serve larger audiences more efficiently.At the same time,and perhaps more importantly,Web technologies allow companies to target specific consumer groups,which may be difficult to do in traditional markets due to the high cost of obtaining information about a particular customer segment.Furthermore,traditional marketing methods usually emphasize only one-way communication from marketers to consumers,while the Internet is an interactive medium(Yelkur&DaCosta,2001).Since572 E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589informationflows both ways between retailers and customers,firms can use the information gathered through customer interactions to develop more effective marketing methods,to refine their product mix,and to offer better customer support(Wang,Head,&Archer, 2002).As a result,the Internet allowsfirms to go beyond market segmentation to market fragmentation,dividing their markets into ever-smaller groups of customers–even tailoring their offerings to individual consumers(Robert,1993).Second,the Internet providesfirms with more detailed and higher quality information on customer rmation technologies making use of point of sale data have been used to improve inventory management and customer analysis,but this information tends to be rather crude since it usually includes only merchandise descriptions and quantities sold.On the other hand,vast amounts of rich data can be collected,analyzed,and accessed through the Web by marketers and consumers.This gives e-businessfirms potentially very important advantages in being able to target their product or service offerings to specific customers.For example, uses collaborativefiltering software to offer its users customized page views based on past searching habits.The software also permits Amazon to engage in anticipatory marketing by suggesting titles that may appeal to customers.And, consumers gain by readily obtaining more market knowledge for criteria comparison(Head, Archer&Yuan,2000).The Internet also offers significant opportunities for reducing operating costs,particularly for servicefirms.A study by Andersen Consulting(as cited in Yelkur&DaCosta,2001) provides examples of improved transaction efficiency for service industries such as travel andfinancial services.For example,the average cost of a banking transaction at a local branch is$e of an ATM machine reduces this cost to$.27,but performing this same transaction over the Internet costs a mere$.01.A typical reservation made through a travel agent costs$10.00,but this same transaction made over the Internet costs only$2.00.What has not changed?On the other hand,we believe manyfirms have been trapped by what we would characterize as“the myth of lower cost and price”–that there are no limitations to how much costs and prices can be reduced.If the bust proved anything, it’s that e-businesses must have viable business models.In fact,many e-businesses have found that they must incur considerable costs and make sizeable investments to provide value to their customers(Porter,2001) has,for example,made large investments in its distribution facilities.Other companies have found that virtual activities do not eliminate the need for physical activities,but often amplify their importance.The introduction of Internet applications in one activity often places greater demands on physical activities elsewhere in the value chain.For example,direct ordering makes warehousing and shipping more important.Similarly,while Internet job-posting services have greatly reduced the cost of reaching potential job applicants,they have alsoflooded employers with electronic resumes.By making it easier for job seekers to distribute resumes,the Internet forces employers to sort through many more unsuitable candidates.The added back-end costs, often for physical activities,can end-up outweighing up-front savings(Porter,2001). Interestingly,Internetfirms do not necessarily offer lower prices than traditionalfirms. Clay,Krishnan,Wolff,and Fernandes(2002)found that,on average,total prices were lower in physical bookstores than at online bookstores because sales taxes tend to be less expensive than shipping costs.Lee and Gosain(2002)reported a similar conclusion in the pricing ofE.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589573 CDs.The Internet marketplace continues to show price dispersion despite the apparently near-zero search costs for consumers.Many products and services sold by online retailers are the same as those offered by offline retailers.The primary attraction of online shopping is that customers enjoy rich informa-tion and convenience.At the same time,consumers can be overwhelmed by information overload,and they may actually perceive an increase in their search costs.Furthermore, consumers often view online shopping as being riskier than traditional shopping channels. Orders are contracted before consumers receive or physically evaluate merchandise,and the delivery process may also generate risks if consumers do not receive their orders in the time frame and condition expected.Consumers also risk privacy loss(Head et al.,2000). The Internet provides an efficient means to purchase products and services,but cata-log retailers with toll-free numbers and automated fulfillment centers have been around for decades offering a convenient,consumer-friendly interface and speedy delivery.The Internet only changes the customer interface(Porter,2001).In the context of electronic commerce,the functions provided by Web sites can be classified into three phases–pro-motion,online transaction,and after-sales phases–and the activities associated with each of these phases are not all that different from the activities that are associated with offline transactions.The promotion phase includes a company’s efforts to attract customers by advertising,public relations,new product or service announcements,and related activi-ties.Customers’electronic purchasing activities occur during the online transaction phase, where orders and charges are placed electronically through a Web-based interface.As in any type of transaction environment,trustworthiness,dependability,and reliability are im-portant catalysts in triggering sales.The after-sales phase includes customer service and problem resolution.This phase should generate customer satisfaction by meeting demand, addressing any concerns,and pleasing customers(Liu&Arnett,2000).Generic E-Business StrategiesAssumptions and Necessary Conditions for E-Business Competitive StrategyWe cannot say with certainty whether the new e-business environment represents a totally different,discontinuous change from the old business environment or whether the old and new environments will share many features and competitive challenges.We therefore make several assumptions about the application of conventional generic strategies in e-commerce settings.One critical assumption underlying this paper is that electronic technologies create a platform to support existing business practices and that we have not advanced to the point of precipitating a paradigm shift(Porter,2001).As a result,we assume thatfirms still view customers in terms of shared characteristics(i.e.,market segmentation is possible),that different sets of customers have different needs and desires(i.e.,opportunities for product differentiation exist),and that products and services exhibit different demand elasticities (i.e.,firms may compete on price).In addition to this assumption,at least two other conditions seem necessary for e-business success.First,online businesses must offer some minimally acceptable level of service,con-574 E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589venience,and panies offering products or services online must demonstrate that they provide real benefits(Porter,2001).The demise of ’s reverse auc-tion business demonstrates that the benefits offered by any e-business must significantly outweigh any inconveniences suffered by customers.Second,a broad range of factors can serve as sources of differentiation,and many factors, including reliability and convenience,can help onlinefirms differentiate themselves from otherfirms.At the same time,we believe that some factors,such as security,are simply necessary conditions for the success of any online business.Customers will not pay for products or services over the Web if they do not believe their credit card information will be transmitted securely(Liu&Arnett,2000).Yang and Jun(2002)found that reliability was the most important consideration for regular Internet customers,while those who do not shop on the Internet identified security as their most critical concern.Our brief overview of the e-business landscape and these assumptions and necessary conditions suggest two plausible scenarios of competitive strategy:First,due to the power of search engines and the ease of making price comparisons,Internet retailers will be forced to charge essentially the same price,giving an advantage to successful cost leaders. Alternatively,firms will strive to compete on factors other than price,giving an advantage tofirms that employ successful differentiation strategies(Clay et al.,2002).In the following sections,we explore these strategic options and consider possible variations.Cost Leadership StrategyCost leadership can be an obvious strategic choice for many e-businessfirms.Although lower costs do not necessarily mean lower prices,lower prices have been a key selling point for e-businessfirms like ,CDnow,and many others,at least in the early stages of their development.The cost leadership strategy may be particularly appealing to online buyers who are price sensitive.In one study conducted in Korea,71percent of500first-time online shoppers indicated that price was their most important consideration(Kim&Kim, 2000).The Internet also allowsfirms to adjust their prices quickly so they can enjoy greater pricingflexibility and more efficient price competition(Bakos,1998;Lee&Gosain,2002). The Internet also helps consumers overcome bounded rationality in terms of price scan-ning.The longstanding satisfying argument(Cyert&March,1963)may be less applicable in the Internet environment since the speed and expansiveness of information search on the Web enable consumers to quickly gather a wealth of data for price comparisons.Price com-parison sites can further reduce search costs,so sophisticated Internet users can benefit from nearly perfect information acquired at little or no cost(Bakos,1997).Internet technologies also provide buyers with easier access to information about products and suppliers,thus bolstering buyer bargaining power(Porter,2001).Another characteristic of e-businesses is the law of increasing returns(Arthur,1996).For afirm to enjoy increasing returns,it must secure a critical mass of consumers as soon as petitive pricing is often the quickest and easiest way for afirm to secure the largest number of consumers.If the Web brings considerable pressure to bear on prices,firms may conclude that they have no choice but to pursue a strategy of cost leadership.Porter(2001)argues that it is difficult for onlinefirms to differentiate themselves,since they lack many potential points ofE.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589575distinction such as showrooms,sales personnel,and service departments.Moreover,Internet brands have proven difficult to build,perhaps because the lack of a physical store location or direct human contact makes virtual businesses seem less tangible to customers.Despite huge outlays on advertising,product discounts,and purchase incentives,most brands have not approached the power of previously established brands,achieving only modest levels of customer loyalty and creating few barriers to entry(Phau&Poon,2000).Differentiation StrategyAs noted above,differentiation can be based on many elements or factors,including design,brand image,reputation,technology,product features,networks,and customer ser-vice.Any successful differentiation strategy must be based on elements that are difficult for competitors to imitate.In spite of conditions that encourage e-businessfirms to compete on price,we believe that many if not all of these differentiating elements can also be used by e-businesses to distinguish themselves from competitors.The Internet’s lower switching costs should also encourage e-businesses to pursue a strategy of differentiation.In traditional businesses,consumers often tolerate mediocre products and services due to high switching costs.In the e-business environment,however, consumers can get access to information that was previously impossible to obtain or to compare,and can,with just a few mouse clicks,easily switch tofirms that offer additional value through differentiated features(Kim,2000;Porter,2001).As a result,e-business retailers will gain advantage if they can offer differentiated products and services,and they must also seek additional ways to distinguish themselves(Kim& Lim,1988;Miller,1991).In addition to traditional differentiating factors such as brand image,product features,and customer service,many e-businesses are also differentiating their distribution channels by emphasizing speed of delivery,convenience,and the security of transactions.Amit and Zott(2001)concluded that trust and security can be keys to “locking-in”customer purchases and loyalty.Liu and Arnett(2000)identified characteristics of Web sites that help online retailers differentiate their offerings,including the quality of information and the level of service pro-vided by the site,perceived quality of products and services,interactive feedback between the retailer and customers and the level of customization offered to individual customers, Web site“playfulness”that promotes customer concentration and excitement,system de-sign features that offer well organized hyperlinks,customized search functions,high-speed access,ease in correcting server errors,and follow-up services to customers.The few empirical studies that have examined the efforts of e-businessfirms to differenti-ate themselves have confirmed the importance of branding and other non-price factors.For example,a study of13online bookstores and two nationwide chains with physical stores found that prices were essentially the same at all of the retailers and that online prices had not converged to the lowest prices(Clay et al.,2002).In spite of its low-price claims,the study found that ’s unit prices werefive percent higher than ’s prices and11percent higher than ’s prices,providing some indirect evidence of product differentiation.The two leading online retailers of CDs in the US that together account for more than80percent of the total market share are not the dominant price leaders (Lee&Gosain,2002).Thesefindings suggest that customers may be“price rational”but not576 E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589necessarily“price obsessive,”and that they have a strong inclination to be loyal to a retailer that offers a satisfying shopping experience(though not necessarily the lowest prices). Although popular sites like frequently advertise their low prices,many people are also attracted to these sites because of their brand reputation and credibility(Smith et al.,1999).Chang(1997)found that customers of Internet bookstores in Korea saw brand (of a company)as more important than the prices charged for books.He also reported that more people used these Web sites to search for information and tofind certain books than to compare prices.Lynch and Ariely(2000)found that,even in highly competitive e-business environments,buyers are less sensitive to price when they were given more information about how a particular product or service might meet their wants or needs.Other studies emphasize the importance of service and convenience as differentiating elements.Yang and Jun(2002)found that customer loyalty comes from an Internet company offering better service than otherfirms.Reichheld and Schefter(2000)also found that convenience was the top priority for the largest single segment of online customers,and that these customers were willing to pay more for greater convenience.Focus StrategyFirms pursuing a focus strategy target specific groups of buyers,product lines,or geo-graphic areas.Within their more limited market scope,they emphasize either low costs or differentiated products and services.Many Internet companies are new entrants,and they will logically choose to compete against large,establishedfirms by focusing on a particular market niche.In addition,the lower levels of investment required by many online businesses means that they enjoy lower break-even points than competitors with higher levels offixed costs.Thus,targeting even small market segments might be viable,and consumers may be easily connected with companies that focus on niche markets due to the Internet’s search advantages.Furthermore,the Internet allowsfirms to customize their offerings to meet the specific wants and needs of their customers(Bakos,1998).Customers are identified every time they visit a Web site,and a great deal of information about each customer can be accumulated over time.Based on this information,firms can customize products or services for particular customers.In fact,the Internet is the ideal medium for serving the fragmented nature of today’s consumer markets,and it is becoming increasingly viable for afirm to commu-nicate and deliver content over the Internet to small niche markets(Yelkur&DaCosta, 2001).As already noted,Internet businesses can face extreme price competition when products and services are similar because other factors that moderate competition(e.g.,store loca-tion)are not present.When products and services are capable of significant differentiation, however,the Internet can help segment consumers and direct them toward the appropri-ate product or service,as is the case in the hotel industry.The more specific the segment, the easier it is to estimate demand,and the Internet facilitates this micro-segmentation or fragmentation.As a result,e-businesses pursuing a focus strategy may have the ability to charge higher prices by matching buyers’needs with specific product or service offerings. In traditional business settings,this same degree of personalization would be relatively more expensive to offer(Yelkur&DaCosta,2001).E.Kim et al./Journal of Management200430(5)569–589577 Focused customer recruitment and retention are foundations of customer loyalty in any business setting,but they are musts for any e-businesses.In fact,we believe that focus is a necessary condition for a successful e-business competitive strategy.E-businesses that do not take advantage of the focusing–or fragmenting–capabilities of the Internet will be unlikely to establish a competitive advantage.Successful e-businesses shouldfind that Internet technologies make Porter’s(1980)competitive scope dimension infinitely scalable. As noted earlier,scalability and market scopeflexibility–the ability to serve simultaneously (or in quick succession)broad markets and very small market niches–are hallmarks of Internet technologies.As a result,we believe that the traditional focus strategy is not as relevant or viable in the e-business business-to-consumer context.In short,the strategy of focus is more of a competitive imperative than a competitive option for e-businessfirms.Generic Strategies and E-Business PerformanceCost leadership is widely practiced today among e-businessfirms that sell standard-ized products and services such as books()and travel(). Indeed,amongfirst-time online shoppers,price may well be the most important factor influ-encing their buying decisions(Kim&Kim,2000).This may be partially attributable to the ease of scanning and comparing prices on the Internet(Bakos,1998).However,easy price comparisons and very low customer switching costs suggest thatfirms pursuing a strategy of cost leadership could easily become locked in a vicious cycle of price-cutting. Because the Internet is an open system,companies have more difficulty maintaining pro-prietary offerings,thus intensifying the rivalry among competitors.Internet technologies tend to reduce variable costs,tilting cost structures towardfixed cost and creating signif-icantly greater pressure for companies to engage in destructive price competition(Porter, 2001).In addition,firms pursuing cost leadership will turn to outside vendors that offer the same products and services to otherfirms,so that purchased inputs become more homoge-neous,further eroding company distinctiveness and increasing price competition(Porter, 2001).Since the Internet also mitigates the need for an established sales force or access to existing marketing and distribution channels,barriers to entry are further reduced.Given all of these drawbacks,Merrilees(2001)concludes that,while low prices are important to customers,a generic strategy of cost leadership has many drawbacks for e-businessfirms. Magretta also reaches a similar conclusion in a recent Harvard Business Review article: It was precisely this kind of competition–destructive competition,to use Michael Porter’s term–that did in many Internet retailers,whether they were selling pet supplies,drugs, or toys.Too manyfledgling companies rushed to market with identical business models and no strategies to differentiate themselves in terms of which customers and markets to serve,what products and services to offer,and what kinds of value to create.(2002:91) Therefore,differentiation,based either on customizable products and services,on a cus-tomized online experience,convenience,or some combination of all of these factors,is likely to be a more viable strategy.Firms like that reduce customer search costs, engender trust,and offer products,services,and online experiences tailored to end-users’needs are likely to elicit initial and repeat purchases.。
