



云南大学《计算机网络信息安全》期中考试校级选修课云南大学2011-2012学年下学期《计算机网络信息安全与应用》考试试卷满分100分考试时间:开卷任课教师:贺思德学院软件学院专业网络工程学号11111111111111 姓名桐人题号1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3 总分得分一、在一台网络计算机上安装网络协议分析软件Wireshark,先清空IE浏览器的临时文件夹,捕获计算机访问互联网的以下数据。


二、发送一句短英文的电子邮件,捕获分析自己的电子邮件网络数据,回答以下问题:1、自己的网络计算机的MAC地址是98:4b:e1:c9:bb:b9本地网络出口网关的MAC地址是(参看教材20页例)7a-79-05-00-00-92、自己的网络计算机的IP地址是113.55.45.211自己注册的电子邮件服务器的IP地址是202.205.3.553、与邮件服务器建立TCP连接时本地主机的端口号是12783邮件服务器端的TCP端口号是804、在三次握手建立了TCP连接后,本机的HTTP进程用POST (178页表6.2)向邮件服务器登录邮箱时,从数据中是否可读出自己的用户名可以登录密码加密过无法读出5、当自己成功登录邮件服务器后,利用Wireshark的Analyze工具栏中的Follow TCP Stream工具,找出自己的主机发送给服务器的Cookies内容是u=23256500946、邮件服务器向本机返回的Cookie的内容是u=2325650094; Expires=Sat, 23-Jun-2012 17:00:17 GMT; Path=/7、从捕获数据中能否获取自己的电子邮件内容?简述电子邮件面临的安全问题,如何保护自己的用户名?如何保护自己的口令?如何保护邮件信息?如何防垃圾邮件?答:能够获取邮箱内容。






A.16,6B.17,6C.18,8 D .19,82、某容量为256MB的存储器由若干4M×8位的DRAM芯片构成,该DRAM芯片的地址引脚和数据引脚总数是()。






A.800MHzB.1.2 GHzC.1.5GHzD.1.8GHz6、一次总线事务中,主设备只需给出一个首地址,从设备就能从首地址开始的若干连续单元读出或写入多个数据。







A.有形的C.虚拟的答案:D 2、在一个用面向对象编程语言实现的软件系统中,当一个对象内的一个方法被激活,则称之为向该对象发送-A.命令B.代码C.消息D.数据答案:C 3、在整个软件过程中,哪个阶段花费最长的时间和最多的成本?A.分析B.设计C.实现D.维护答案:D 4、是语义上相连的、由边界符号界定的、由一个聚合标识符标识的一系列程序语句。

A.for 循环B.模块C.if 语句D.文件答案:B 5、好的软件设计,模块应该是。

A.低内聚、高耦合B.低内聚、低耦合C.r¾内聚、低耦合D.高内聚、高耦合答案:C6、针对下面这个用例图,哪个说法是错误的?B.物理 D.逻辑A.学生能够与系统中的用例A交互。

















Flaut,Error&FailurePIE ModelPlease construct a simple program P(with a fault)and3tests(t1,t2,t3),s.t.t1executes the fault,but no errort2(executes the fault and)produces an error,but no failuret3produces a failureTesting vs.Debugging软件测试过程集成测试集成测试是指按照设计要求将经过单元测试的模块组合起来进行的测试,检查这些相对功能独立的单元之间接口是否存在问题。





软件测试和开发的关系Verification和VerificationVerification✓“Are we building the product right?”✓Does the software meet the specification?Validation✓“Are we building the right product?”✓Does the software meet the user requirements?✓Quality&ReliabilityQuality✓The customer feel that the product is excellent and superior to his otherchoicesReliability✓One aspect of quality✓How often the product crashes or trashes his dataSoftware Quality Assurance✓Not the same as software testing…✓Find bugs,find them as early as possible,and make sure they get fixed✓Create and enforce standards and methods to improve the development process and to prevent bugs from occurring.黑盒测试和白盒测试在黑盒测试中,测试人员只需知道软件要做什么即可,无法看到盒子是如何运作的,只需要进行一些输入,就能得到某种输出结果白盒测试可以访问程序员的代码,并听过检查代码来协助测试静态测试和动态测试静态测试:测试不运行的部分,只是检查和审阅动态测试:运行和使用软件静态黑盒测试测试产品说明书动态黑盒测试动态是因为程序在运行,有时候也叫功能测试第一步:取得规约第二步:设计测试用例测试用例为了测试某个问题、某种情况、某个功能等(测试点)而进行的测试操作测试用例(test case)是可以被独立执行的一个过程,这个过程是一个最小的测试实体,不能再被分解。



云南大学2005至2006学年上学期软件学院《软件工程》期中考试(闭卷)试卷满分:100分 考试时间:120分钟 任课教师:李彤专业:____学号:____姓名:_____1. Explain the following terms (15 Points, 3 Points for Each):(1) User interface(2) Software evolution(3) Software requirements(4) System model(5) Verification2. Answer the following questions briefly (20 Points, 5 Points for Each):(1) Advantages of incremental development?(2) What is the component-based development?(3) What is the multiple inheritance?(4) What is the architectural design?3. Multiple Choices (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1)A generalized description of a collection of similar objects is aa. classb. instancec. subclassd. super class(2)Which of the following should be considered as candidateobjects in a problem space?a. eventsb. peoplec. datad. all of the above(3)Which of the following should not be included in the CASEtoolset architecture?a. design editorb. code generatorc. wage systemd. design translator(4)Where was the ETHICOMP Working Conference 2007 held in2-3 April 2007?a. Peking Universityb. Yunnan Universityc. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronauticsd. Harbin Institute of Technology(5)What types of requirements are elicited during softwarerequirements analysis?a. functional and non-functionalb. algorithmic and data structurec. architectural and structurald. usability and reliability(6)The data flow diagrama. depicts relationships between data objectsb. depicts functions that transform the data flowc. specified major logical decisions as they occurd. indicates system reactions to external events(7)Which of the following is not an area of concern in the designmodel?a. architectureb. datac. interfacesd. project scope(8)V&V meansa. verification and validationb. visa and visualc. version and validationd. vista and visit(9)The types of requirements includea. over all requirements and specific requirementsb. Chinese requirements and foreign requirementsc. student requirements and teacher requirementsd. user requirements and system requirements(10)Extreme programming is an approacha. to sleeping not more than 2 hours a dayb. to development based on the development and delivery ofvery small increments of functionalityc. to doing everything extremelyd. to developing software with managers4. True or False (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1)In evolutionary development, specification, development andvalidation are sequential.a. Trueb. False(2)Distributed system model shows how data and processing isdistributed across a range of components.a. Trueb. False(3)Spiral development process is represented as a spiral rather thanas a sequence of activities with backtracking.a. Trueb. False(4)Architectural design is not a creative process so the processdiffers depending on the type of system being developed.a. Trueb. False(5)Functional requirements define system properties andconstraints e.g.reliability,response time and storage requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations, etc.a. Trueb. False(6)Adding more people to a project that is already behind scheduleis a good way to catch up.a. Trueb. False(7)For increasing the performance, the designers should use finerather than large-grain components.a. Trueb. False(8)Architectural designs should decide how the architectures willbe evaluated?a. Trueb. False(9)Milestones are the end-point of a process activity.a. Trueb. False(10)Exhaustive testing can show a program is free from defects.However, exhaustive testing is impossible.a. Trueb. False5. Read the following charts carefully, and then explain what they mean. (13 Points)6. Read the following chart carefully, and then explain what it means. (12 Points)(a)(b)(c)7. (20 Points)Analyse and design a simple management information system of a library. The system allows the users to manage items (including books, magazines, films and programs). Draw out the following models briefly:(1) user case (5 Points),(2) class hierarchy (8 Points) and(3) sequence diagram (7 Points).云南大学2009至2010学年上学期软件学院软件工程/网络工程/信息安全专业2007级本科《软件工程》期末考试(闭卷)试卷B 卷参考答案满分:100分 考试时间:120分钟 任课教师:李彤1. Explain the following terms (15 Points, 3 Points for Each):(1) User interfaceThe interface between users and the software systems.(2) Software evolutionThe software change in the software life cycle.(3) Software requirementsThe requirements are the descriptions of the software services and constraints that are generated during the requirements engineering process. It may range from a high-level abstract statement of a service or of a system constraint to a detailed mathematical functional specification.(4) System modelA system model is a specification which helps the analyst to understand the functionality of the system and is used to communicate with customers.(5) VerificationAre we building the product right?i.e.the software should conform to its specification.2. Answer the following questions briefly (20 Points, 5 Points for Each):(1) Advantages of incremental development?1. Accelerated delivery of customer services. Each increment delivers the highest priority functionality to the customer.2. User engagement with the system. Users have to be involved in the development which means the system is more likely to meet their requirements and the users are more committed to the system. (2) What is the component-based development?Component-based software engineering (CBSE) is an approach to software development that relies on software reuse. It emerged from the failure of object-oriented development to support effective reuse. Single object classes are too detailed and specific. Components are more abstract than object classes and can be considered to be stand-alone service providers.(3) What is the multiple inheritance?Rather than inheriting the attributes and services from a single parent class, a system which supports multiple inheritance allows object classes to inherit from several super-classes.(4) What is the architectural design?The design process for identifying the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for sub-system control and communication is architectural design.3. Multiple Choices (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1) a, (2) d, (3) c, (4) b, (5) a, (6) b, (7) d, (8) a, (9) d, (10) b.4. True or False (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1) b, (2) a, (3) a, (4) b, (5) b, (6) b, (7) b, (8) a, (9) a, (10) a.5. (13 Points)It describes the software reengineering process activities:•Source code translation–Convert code to a new language.•Reverse engineering–Analyse the program to understand it;•Program structure improvement–Restructure automatically for understandability;•Program modularisation–Reorganise the program structure;•Data reengineering–Clean-up and restructure system data.6. (12 Points)It describes the Types of composition.(1) Sequential composition where the composed components are executed ininterfaces of each component. composition where onecomponent calls on another.This provides interfaceof one component is composed with the required interface of another. (3) Additive composition where the interfaces of two components are put together to create a new component.7. (20 Points)(1) User case (5 Points)Ar ticle p rintingArticle s ea rchUs er a d m inis tra tio nLib raryUs erLib raryS taff(2) Class hierarchy (8 Points)(3) Sequence diagram (7 Points)。





A:总线型结构 B:树型结构 C:环型结构 D:星型结构8、TCP/IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一种______。

A:信息资源 B:通信规定 C:软件 D:硬件9、为了以拨号的方式接入因特网,必须使用的设备是______。

A:Modem B:网卡 C:电话机 D:声卡10、下面______命令用于测试网络是否连通。

A:telnet B:ipconfig C:ping D:tracert11、在Internet中,用于文件传输的协议是______。

A:HTTP B:SMTP C:FTP D:POP12、系统可靠性最高的网络拓扑结构是______。

A:总线型 B:网状型 C:星型 D:树型13、分布范围小,投资少,配置简单是______的特点。

A:局域网 B:城域网 C:广域网 D:互联网14、下列选项中,属于计算机网络作用的是______。



云南大学2002至2003学年上学期软件学院《软件工程》期中考试(闭卷)满分:100分 考试时间:120分钟 任课教师:李彤专业:______学号:______姓名:______1. Explain the following terms (15 Points, 3 Points for Each):(1) Legacy system(2) Software process(3) Use-cases(4) Upper-CASE(5) Data processing model2. Answer the following questions briefly (20 Points, 5 Points for Each):(1) What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?(2) What are software engineering methods?(3) What are the ethical dilemmas in software engineering?(4) What are the UI design principles?3. Multiple Choices (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1)Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineeringareas?a. processb. manufacturingc. object-orientedd. software tools(2)What are the three generic phases of software engineering?a. definition, evaluation, evolutionb. what, how, wherec. programming, debugging, maintenanced. analysis, design, coding(3)The prototyping model of software development isa. a reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.b. a useful approach when a customer cannot define requirementsclearly.c. the best approach to use for projects with large developmentteams.d. a risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product.(4)The formal methods of software development make use ofmathematical methods toa. define the specification for computer-based systemsb. develop defect free computer-based systemsc. verify the correctness of computer-based systemsd. all of the above(5)Use-cases are scenarios that describea. how software is to be used in a given situation.b. how CASE tools will be used to construct the system.c. the build plan for a software product.d. the test cases for a software product.(6)A problems with agile methods isa. programmers will fall asleep.b. software engineers refuse to take part in.c. it can be difficult to keep the interest of customers who areinvolved in the process.d. managers can not make enough money.(7)Reuse-based software engineering includes:a. application system reuseb. component reusec. object and function reused. all of the above(8)Data dictionaries are lists of all of the names used in thea. customersb. system modelsc. companiesd. programs(9)ACM/IEEE Code of Ethics must be obeyed bya. studentsb. engineersc. members of these organisationsd. all the people in the world(10)The problems of evolutionary development include:a. lack of process visibilityb. systems are often poorly structuredc. special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may berequiredd. all of the above4. True or False (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1)The architectural model provides the software engineer with a view ofthe system as a whole.a. Trueb. False(2)Operations are object procedures that are invoked when an objectreceives a message.a. Trueb. False(3)Inheritance provides a mechanism by which changes to lower levelclasses can be propagated to all super classes quickly.a. Trueb. False(4)Object-oriented design achieves low module coupling and providesbetter information hiding than structured approach.a. Trueb. False(5)Software is a product and can be manufactured using the sametechnologies used for other engineering artifacts.a. Trueb. False(6)Agile methods are probably best suited to small/medium-sizedbusiness systems or PC products.a. Trueb. False(7)A design pattern is a way of reusing concrete knowledge about aproblem and its solution.a. Trueb. False(8)Object models describe the system in terms of data flows and theirassociations.a. Trueb. False(9)The requirements engineering process includes a feasibility study,requirements elicitation and analysis, requirements specification and requirements management.a. Trueb. False(10)System requirements rarely evolve in the course of a project soprocess iteration where earlier stages are reworked is always part of the process for large systems.a. Trueb. False5. Read the following chart carefully, and then explain what it means. (10 Points)6. Why are the engineering viewpoints important? Read the7. (20 Points, 10 Points for Each)Analyse and design a simple management information system of the salary management.The system allows the users to input the salary information of each staff. In addition,according to the real work achievement each month, the users modify some information in the salary database for each staff. Finally, the system produces two reports: the total salary report and the salary list for each staff. Draw out the following models briefly:(1) Data flow diagram,(2) Block diagram.参考答案1. Explain the following terms (15 Points, 3 Points for Each): (1) Legacy systemExisting systems which must be maintained.(2) Software processA set of activities whose goal is the development or evolution of software.(3) Use-casesUse-cases are a scenario based technique in the UML which identify the actors in an interaction and which describe the interaction itself. (4) Upper-CASETools to support the early process activities of requirements and design.(5) Data processing modelData processing model shows how data is processed as it moves through the system.2. Answer the following questions briefly (20 Points, 5 Points for Each):(1) What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals; software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing anddelivering useful software. Computer science theories are still insufficient to act as a complete underpinning for software engineering (unlike e.g. physics and electrical engineering).(2) What are software engineering methods?Software engineering methods are structured approaches to software development which include system models,notations,rules,design advice and process guidance.(3) What are the ethical dilemmas in software engineering?It is the disagreement in principle with the policies of senior management. Your employer acts in an unethical way and releases a safety-critical system without finishing the testing of the system or asks you to participate in the development of military weapons systems or nuclear systems.(4) What are the UI design principles?User familiarity: The interface should be based on user-oriented terms and concepts rather than computer concepts.For example,an office system should use concepts such as letters, documents, folders etc. rather than directories,file identifiers,etc. Consistency: The system should display an appropriate level of consistency. Commands and menus should have the same format; command punctuation should be similar,etc. Minimal surprise: If a command operates in a known way,the user should be able to predict the operation of comparable commands. Recoverability: The system should provide some resilience to user errors and allow the user to recover from errors. This might include an undo facility,confirmation of destructive actions,'soft'deletes,etc. User guidance: Some user guidance such as help systems, on-line manuals, etc. should be supplied. User diversity: Interaction facilities for different types of user should be supported.For example,some users have seeing difficulties and so larger text should be available.3. Multiple Choices (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1) b, (2) d, (3) b, (4) d, (5) a, (6) c, (7) d, (8) b, (9) c, (10) d.4. True or False (10 Points, 1 Point for Each):(1) a, (2) a, (3) b, (4) a, (5) b, (6) a, (7) b, (8) b, (9) a, (10) b.5. (10 Points)Evolutionary development is based on the idea of developing an initial implementation, exposing this to user comment and refining it through many versions until an adequate system has been developed. Specification, development and validation activities are interleaved rather than separate, with rapid feedback across activities.6. (15 Points)Engineering viewpoints may be important for two reasons. Firstly, the engineers developing the system may have experience with similar systems and may be able to suggest requirements from that experience. Secondly, technical staff who have to manage and maintain the system may have requirements that will help simplify system support. System management requirements are increasingly important because system management costs are an increasing proportion of the total lifetime costs for a system. Finally, viewpoints that provide requirements may come from the marketing and external affairs departments in an organisation. This is especially true for web-based systems, particularly e-commerce systems and shrink-wrapped software products. Web-based systems must present a favourable image of the organisation as well as deliver functionality to the user. For software products, the marketing department should know what system features will make the system more marketable to potential buyers. For any non-trivial system, there are a huge number of possible viewpoints,and it is practically impossible to elicit requirements from all of them.Therefore,it is important that you organise and structure the viewpoints into a hierarchy. Viewpoints in the same branch are likely to share common requirements. (10 Points)This chart is a relatively simple diagram of the viewpoints that may be consulted in deriving the requirements for the LIBSYS system. You can see that the classification of interactor, indirect and domain viewpoints helps identify sources of requirements apart from the immediate users of Data flow diagram (10 Points)the system. (5 Points)Block diagram (10 Points)Salary management systemInput data Make report Output reportAdjust data Verify data Make total report Make salary list Add total head Add list head Input data Print total report Print salary list。



《软件工程》期中试题一、选择题:1.The waterfall model of software development is also known as the ( ) AA. Classical life cycle modelB. Fountain modelC. Spiral modelD. Chaos model2.The incremental model of software development is ( ) BA. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.B. A good approach when a working core product is required quickly.C. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.D. A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products.3.COCOMO II is an example of a suite of modern empirical estimation models that requiresizing information expressed as ( ) DA. function pointsB. lines of codeC. application pointsD. any of the above4.An effective risk management plan will need to address which of the following issues? ( )DA. risk avoidanceB. risk monitoringC. contingency planningD. all of the above5.The relationships shown in a data model must be classified to show their ( ) CA. Width and depthB. Directionality and reliabilityC. cardinality and modalityD. probability and risk6.The data dictionary contains descriptions of each software ( ) BA. configuration itemB. data objectC. diagramD. notation7.The state transition diagram ( ) AA. indicates system reactions to external eventsB. depicts relationships between data objectsC. depicts functions that transform the data flowD. indicates how data are transformed by the system8.Which of the following is not an area of concern in the design model? ( ) DA. architectureB. dataC. interfacesD. project scope9. A program design language (PDL) is often a ( ) AA. combination of programming constructs and narrative textB. legitimate programming language in its own rightC. machine readable software development languageD. useful way to represent software architecture10.What types of errors are missed by black-box testing and can be uncovered by white-boxtesting? ( ) BA. behavioral errorsB. subtle logic errorsC. performance errorsD. input error11.To achieve high modularity of software components you need CA. high coupling and high cohesionB. high coupling and low cohesionC. low coupling and high cohesionD. low coupling and low cohesion12.Which of the following is not an objective for building an analysis model? CA. define set of software requirementsB. describe customer requirementsC. develop an abbreviated solution for the problemD. establish basis for software design13.下图所示的软件模块结构图,该软件的宽度为()。



软件工程考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 软件工程的主要目标是()。

A. 提高软件的生产率B. 提高软件的运行效率C. 降低软件的生产成本D. 提高软件的可维护性答案:A2. 软件工程的三要素包括()。

A. 方法、工具和过程B. 方法、工具和人员C. 方法、过程和人员D. 工具、过程和人员答案:C3. 软件需求分析阶段的主要任务是()。

A. 确定软件的功能需求B. 确定软件的非功能需求C. 确定软件的界面需求D. 确定软件的测试需求答案:A4. 软件设计阶段的主要任务是()。

A. 制定软件开发计划B. 确定软件的体系结构C. 编写软件详细设计文档D. 进行软件测试答案:B5. 软件测试的目的是()。

A. 证明软件是正确的B. 发现软件中的错误C. 证明软件是无错误的D. 证明软件是可维护的答案:B6. 软件维护不包括以下哪项活动()。

A. 改正性维护B. 适应性维护C. 完善性维护D. 软件设计答案:D7. 软件项目管理的主要任务不包括()。

A. 进度管理B. 质量管理C. 风险管理D. 软件编码答案:D8. 面向对象方法中,对象的基本特性不包括()。

A. 抽象B. 封装C. 继承D. 多态答案:D9. UML(统一建模语言)是一种()。

A. 程序设计语言B. 数据库查询语言C. 建模语言D. 脚本语言答案:C10. 在软件开发过程中,需求变更是不可避免的,以下哪项不是需求变更的原因()。

A. 客户的需求不明确B. 项目范围的扩大C. 技术实现的困难D. 软件已经完成答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 软件工程的基本原理包括()。

A. 抽象B. 模块化C. 逐步求精D. 迭代开发答案:ABC12. 软件需求分析阶段的输出包括()。

A. 需求规格说明书B. 用户手册C. 系统架构图D. 测试计划答案:A13. 软件设计阶段的主要文档包括()。

A. 架构设计文档B. 详细设计文档C. 用户手册D. 测试计划答案:AB14. 软件测试的类型包括()。



一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四2.计算机网络中可以共享的资源包括()A、硬件、软件、数据、通信信道B、主机、外设、软件、通信信道C、硬件、程序、数据、通信信道D、主机、程序、数据、通信信道3.网络协议主要要素为()A、数据格式、编码、信号电平B、数据格式、控制信息、速度匹配C、语法、语义、同步D、编码、控制信息、同步4.采用专用线路通信时,可以省去的通信阶段是()A、建立通信线路B、建立数据传输链路C、传送通信控制信号和数据D、双方确认通信结束5.通信系统必须具备的三个基本要素是()A、终端、电缆、计算机B、信号发生器、通信线路、信号接收设备C、信源、通信媒体、信宿D、终端、通信设施、接收设备6.宽带传输通常使用的速率为()A0-10Mbit/sB1-2.5Mbit/sC5-10Mbit/s D、0-400Mbit/s7.计算机网络通信系统是()A、电信号传输系统B、文字通信系统C、信号通信系统D、数据通信系统8.网络接口卡的基本功能包括:数据转换、通信服务和()A、数据传输B、数据缓存C、数据服务D、数据共享9.完成通信线路的设置与拆除的通信设备是()A、线路控制器B、调制解调器C、通信控制器D、多路复用器10.在星型局域网结构中,连接文件服务器与工作站的设备是()A、调制解调器B、交换器C、路由器D、集线器11.在OSI七层结构模型中,处于数据链路层与运输层之间的是()A、物理层B、网络层C、会话层D、表示层12.完成路径选择功能是在OSI模型的()A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、运输层13.下列功能中,属于表示层提供的是()A、交互管理B透明传输C、死锁处理D、文本压缩14.在TCP/IP协议簇的层次中,解决计算机之间通信问题是在()A、网络接口层B、网际层C、传输层D、应用层15.对局域网来说,网络控制的核心是()A、工作站B网卡C、网络服务器D、网络互连设备16.在中继系统中,中继器处于()A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、高层17.各种网络在物理层互连时要求()A、数据传输率和链路协议都相同B、数据传输率相同,链路协议可不同C、数据传输率可不同,链路协议相同D、数据传输率和链路协议都可不同18.网络管理系统中,管理对象是指()A、网络系统中各种具体设备B、网络系统中各种具体软件C、网络系统中各类管理人员D、网络系统中具体可以操作的数据19.Intranet技术主要由一系列的组件和技术构成,Intranet的网络协议核心是()A、ISP/SPX B、P PP C、TCP/IP D、SLIP20.网络管理信息系统的分析设计以()A、功能模块设计为中心B、数据分析为中心C、系统拓扑结构设计为中心D、系统规模分析为中心计算机网络技术期末复习试卷一、填空题(0.5%×30)1.传送信号的一条通道叫____信道________。



数据库系统设计期中复习整理第一章1.数据独立性:Physical data independence : Physical level can change without having to change the logical level. Logical data independence : Logical level can change without having to change the external(外部的)level.2.数据库管理系统架构3.ACID(1)原子性(Atomicity):一个事务中的所有操作要么全部成功,要么全部失败。








4.CAP(1)Consistency 一致性强一致性强一致性(即时一致性)假如A先写入了一个值到存储系统,存储系统保证后续A,B,C的读取操作都将返回最新值弱一致性假如A先写入了一个值到存储系统,存储系统不能保证后续A,B,C的读取操作能读取到最新值。







1.Explain the following terms (15 points)(1)Requirements:现阶段定义的三种需求类型:抽象功能需求。





(2)software process以软件的开发或演化为目标的一系列活动:(1)规范-系统应该做什么和它的发展的限制(2)开发-软件系统的生产(3)验证-检查软件是客户想要的(4)进化-改变软件响应不断变化的需求。

(3)data flow diagrams:数据流图是一种内在的(固有的)多种分析方法。






(5)specification规范-系统应该做什么和它的发展的限制2.answer the following questions by briefly?(1) what is CDIO?CDIO代表构思(Conceive)、设计(Design)、实现(Implement)、运作(Operate),将产品从研发到运作的生命周期作为载体,让学生主动地、把课程知识结构有机地联系到学习、实践的全部过程中(2)what are described in principles of ACM/IEEE Code of ethics?–•公共–软件工程师应始终与公众利益一致。







A 软件过程B 软件测试C 软件⽣存周期D 软件⼯程3.从结构化的瀑布模型看,在它的⽣命周期中的⼋个阶段中,下⾯的⼏个选项中哪个环节出错,对软件的影响最⼤( )。


A. 软件开发计划B.可⾏性报告C.需求规格说明书D.测试报告5.需求分析的产品是()A.数据流程图案B.数据字典C.判定表 D.需求规格说明书6.需求分析中开发⼈员要从⽤户那⾥了解()A.软件做什么B.⽤户使⽤界⾯C.输⼊的信息D.软件的规模7.瀑布模型本质上是⼀种()模型。



A.需求不确定性⾼的 B.需求确定的C.管理信息 D.实时11.软件可⾏性研究实质上是要进⾏⼀次( )需求分析、设计过程。





室友从老师口头说的重点记下来的:决策表 弱健壮性等价方法测试用例 顶点 边覆盖 主路径测试 基本路径测试 建决策表有哪些元素题型是判断+5个大题*15分,所以以下整理的(取自前四章PPT,第五章有一小部分)只有25分,其他的都是上面的重点,这些内容没法整理只能自己照着PPT看一看了。

1. 下面哪种说法更合理(C)A. 白盒测试+黑盒测试=灰盒测试B. 灰盒测试具有源代码,完全内部代码C. 灰盒测试只有部分程序内部信息D. 灰盒测试没有任何程序内部信息2. 通过性测试:给的要求都能达到失效性测试:测试容易出错的值3. 测试的原则:1.完全测试一个程序是不可能的2.软件测试是一个有风险的行为3.测试没办法显示出潜伏的缺陷4.找到的bug越多,说明有更多的bug5.软件测试越多,免疫力越强6.不是所有被发现的bug都会被修复7.难以说谎的软件缺陷8.说明书没有终点9.软件测试人员不是最popular10.软件测试是有条理的和技术的专业4. 什么是bug?bug一词的原意是“臭虫”或“虫子”。


5. Flaut, Error & FailureFlaut:软件中的静态缺陷,瑕疵Error:一些fault表现出来的不正确的内部状态Failure:不符合预期的一些软件表现或行为6. 一个测试执行到包含fault的代码,一定会产生错误的中间状态error吗?不一定7. 产生错误的中间状态error,一定会有失效failure吗?不一定,错误的过程可能会碰巧得出正确的结果。

8. 会不会存在一个没有任何测试能够发现的fault呢?会的。


9. 过程模型:执行→感染→传播(第一章PPT 22页)10. 用例图:从用户角度描述系统功能。














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