Comparative Analysis of Active Bandwidth Estimation Tools
通过质谱技术的辅助下, 将每个斑点中的蛋白质进行鉴定和定量。
这些差异表达的蛋白质可以分为两类: 一类是显著上调的蛋白质,另一类是显著下调的蛋白质。
陕西农业科学2021,67(04):35-39Shaanxi Journal of AgDcultural Sciences淫羊0不同部位有效成分含量比较研究邓寒霜▽,杨文怡3,贺博3,李月1(1.商洛学院生物医药与食品工程学院,陕西商洛726000;2.陕西秦岭特色生物资源产业技术研究院,陕西商洛726000;3.陕西天士力植物药业有限公司,陕西商洛726000)摘要:为探索增加淫羊餐药材药用部位的可行性,验证药典关于淫羊餐药材来源的规定是否合理,为拓宽淫羊餐药材资源奠定基础,随机采集8批淫羊餐药材样晶,按根、茎、叶柄、叶片分为4个不同部位,应用HPLC法对其中的淫羊}K、朝}定A、朝}定B、朝}定C、宝I等5种成分进行含量测定。
关键词:淫羊};药用部位;有效成分;含量比较中图分类号:R282.6文献标识码:A文章编号:0488-5368(2021)04-0035-05Comparative Study on Contert of Active Componentsin Differeet Parts of EpimediumDENG Hanshuang1,2,YANg Wenyi3,HE Bo3,LI Yue1(1.College of Biopharmaceutal and Foof Enginering,Shangluo University,Shangluo, Shaanxi726000,China;2.Shaanxi Qinling Industrial Technology Research Instituta o Special Biological Resources,Shangluo,Shaanxi726000,China;3.Shaanxi Tasly Plant Pharmaceutical Co.,Lti,Shangluo Shaanxi726000,China)Abstract:In order ta explore the feasibility for incmasing the medicinal pots of epimedium,ta veDfy source of epimedium in Phamiacopoeia,and lay a foundation for expanding the source of epimedium.Eight batches of epimedium were randomly collected and divided into4pots according ta tUeir mots,stems,petioles and Naves. The content of icaDin,epimedin A,chaohuoding B,chaohuoding C and baohuoside I were detemiined by HPLC.The results showed that tUa cenmnts of icaDin,chaohuoding B,chaohuoding C and baohuo/n I in the Navas of Epimedium were the highest,which tUa average value was1.60%, 1.10%,2.14%and0.16%,respectively.The total cenmnts of icaDin,chaohuoding A,chaohuoding B and chaohuoding C in the Naves were higher tUan those in the Phamiacopoeia.The content of epimedine A in the mot of epimedium was the highest, its ayerge value was1.46%.The total content of active components in tUe mot of epimedium was higher tUan tUat of Phomacopoem.The content of active components in stems and petioles of epimedium was basical l y less tUan0.10%-The results showed tUat the current Phamiacopoeia about the medicinal parts of epimedium is reasonable,but the mot of epimedium has tUa potential for medicinal development.Key woris:Epimedium;Medicinal parts;Efective components;Content compaDson收稿日期:2020-07-02修回日期:2020-07-20基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZY-FP-02);商洛市科技项目(SK2019-79);商洛学院科技专项(JY2019-01)(第一作者简介:邓寒霜(1977-),男,湖南怀化人,副教授,硕士,主要从事中药质量控制研究。
第 21 卷 第 6 期2023 年 6 月Vol.21,No.6Jun.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information TechnologyKa波段电磁波在大气等离子体中的透射特性郑强林a,b,闫二艳a,b,杨浩a,b,聂勇a,b,鲍向阳a,b(中国工程物理研究院 a.应用电子学研究所;b.高功率微波技术重点实验室,四川绵阳621999)摘要:在大气环境模拟实验平台上,利用S波段高功率微波(HPM)击穿大气产生等离子体,开展Ka波段电磁波在等离子体中的传输特性实验研究,得到不同频率电磁波下等离子体传输衰减规律,并发现电磁波与大气等离子互作用呈现透射新颖现象:Ka频段透射增强或减弱呈振荡形式,透射增强最大增幅接近2倍,最大增强频点附近透射增强以周期性规律出现,间隔周期约为80 MHz。
关键词:电磁波;等离子体;透射增强中图分类号:TN011 文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022090Propagation analysis of Ka-band electromagnetic wave in atmospheric plasmaZHENG Qianglin a,b,YAN Eryan a,b,YANG Hao a,b,NIE Yong a,b,BAO Xiangyang a,b(a.Institute of Applied Electronics;b.Key Laboratory of High Power Microwave Technology,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang Sichuan 621999,China)AbstractAbstract::S-band High Power Microwave(HPM) is employed to produce the plasma in the atmosphere environment simulation chamber. The experiment researches on Ka-band microwavepropagating characteristics in atmospheric plasma are performed, and the Ka-band microwaveattenuation characteristics of atmospheric plasma are obtained. Some novelty propagation characteristicsin the interaction of electromagnetic wave and atmospheric plasma are found: the electromagnetic wavetransmission signal enhancement effect appears oscillation on Ka-band; the maximum value ofpropagation enhancement is almost 2 times, and the period of oscillation is 80 MHz. The phenomenon ofpropagation enhancement also occurs with the enhancing of buffer gas pressure, but the amplitudedecreases. The reasons of propagation enhancement are analyzed. The research results provide importanttechnical support for the application of plasma in stealth and black barrier communications.KeywordsKeywords::electromagnetic waves;plasma;propagation enhancement effect飞行器在大气层高速飞行时,与大气强烈作用,其头部会形成激波,波后气体温度、压强迅速上升,导致大气电离产生等离子体。
立体 动 态 干 扰 电 脑 卒 中 肩
手 综 合 征
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t r e — d me s n l y a c n e e e c he i n i a d n mi it r r n e o f c re tt ea y o h u d r h n y d o u r n h r p n s o l e a d s n r me
天间隔 1 , 天 治疗 1个月。 评 定方 法 : 采用 F g—Mee ul yr e法对治 疗前后患者 的上肢肢 体运动 功能 进行综 合 评定 ; 上肢疼痛评定采用视觉模拟评 分 ( A ) 使用 lc V S: Om长 的直线 , 两端 分别 表 示“ 痛 ”( 无 0)和 “ 象 中剧 烈 疼 痛 ” 想
atrsr k . t o s F ry—s v n s o l e f to e Me h d : o t e e e h ud r
h n y d o atr sr k r a d ml a d s n r me fe to e wee r n o y d vd d no r ame t r u a d o t l ii e i t te t n g o p n c n r o r u . oh g u s h d R u i e a i t— g o p B t o p a o t e r h b l a r n i t n t a me t a d t e t ame t g o p as i r t n , n h r t n u lo o e e r a d d w t h e —dme so a y a c i — d e i t r e— i n i n ld n mi n h tr r n e u r n t ea y ef e c c re t h r p .T e ra me t e h t t n e ef cswe ea s se f r1 mo t . e ut : f t r s e s d a t nh R s l e e s u p rl t r f n t n at r t r e— d — p e i mb moo u ci e h e o f i me s n ld n mi tr r n e c re t h r n i a y a c i e e e c u r n e - o n f t a y wa s n f a t mp o e h n b fr p s i i c nl i r v d t a eo e g i y te t n , n i a n lg e s ae s n f r ame t a d vs la ao u c l i i — u g i c n y 1wee .C n l so tr e — dme . a d o r d o cu in: h e i n so a y a c i tree c u rn h r p in l d n mi ne r n e c r tt e a y f e o h u d rh n y d o t rsr k a n s o l e a d s n r me a e to e h d f s n f a t r l a d a i r v h o t i i c n oe, n c n mp o e t e u — g i
结果:A组检出率小于B组检出率,但两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组病灶检出率低于B组,两组差异有统计学意义(P关键词:SWI;PWI;缺血性脑梗死;缺血半暗带;量化评定;应用中图分类号:R445.2 文献标识码:B DOI:10?郾3969/j.issn.1001-0270.2021.04.10Application of SWI and PWI in Quantitative Assessment of Ischemic Penumbra in Acute Ischemic Cerebral InfarctionFENG Jin-rong(Department of Radiology,Xinyi People’s Hospital, Guangdong 525300, China)Abstract: Objective: To study the application of SWI and PWI in quantitative assessment of ischemic penumbra in acute ischemic cerebral infarction. Methods: 124 patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarction from June 2019 to August 2020 in our hospital were selected as the research objects, and they were randomly divided into group A and group B with 62 cases in each group. Group a underwent SWI and group B underwent PWI. The quantitative evaluation results of ischemic penumbra in the two groups were compared. Results: the detection rate of group A was lower than that of group B, but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05); The detection rate of lesions in group A was lower than that in group B, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: there is no significant difference between SWI and PWI in the detection rate of ischemic penumbra in patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarction,indicating that SWI can be used to screen ischemic penumbra in patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarction, and has less damage to human body compared with PWI, which has the value of popularization and application.Key Words: SWI; PWI; Ischemic cerebral infarction; Ischemic penumbra; Quantitative evaluation; application近年来心脑血管疾病的患病率一直居高不下,而且整体呈现上升态势,严重威胁着人们的生命健康[1]。
早期高血压弦脉脉象特点及其瞬时波强技术参数特征分析任亚娟1,肖沪生1,徐 芳1,刘 萍2,王艳春1,马菲菲11.上海中医药大学附属龙华医院超声科,上海 200032;2.上海中医药大学附属龙华医院心内科,上海 200032[摘要] 目的:应用瞬时波强(WI )技术探测早期高血压弦脉患者颈总动脉各参数,分析早期高血压弦脉的脉象特点;提取弦脉脉象判别的特征参数,探讨早期高血压弦脉患者颈总动脉WI 参数的特点,以期为弦脉的精准分型及信息解读提供客观依据。
方法:选择52例早期原发性高血压弦脉、50例生理性弦脉、50例平脉受试者,分析其颈总动脉的WI 参数,总结早期高血压弦脉的脉象特点,并运用SIMCA 14.1统计软件提取脉象分型的主参数。
结果:早期高血压弦脉组与平脉组及生理性弦脉组比较,瞬时加速度波强(W 1)、负向波面积(NA )值增高,W 1-W 2间期降低(均P <0.01);而平脉组与生理性弦脉组W 1、NA 、W 1-W 2间期比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P >0.05)。
平脉组、生理性弦脉组、早期高血压弦脉组的血管压力应变弹性模量(EP )、脉搏波传导速度(PWV )、血管硬化参数(β)数值均逐渐增高(均P <0.01)。
平脉组血管顺应性(AC )高于其他2组(均P <0.01),生理性弦脉组AC 高于早期高血压弦脉组(P <0.05)。
3组R -W 1间期比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
基于主成分分析(PCA )和正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS -DA ),生理性弦脉组与平脉组样本区分明显,表明2组WI 各参数比较差异均有统计学意义(均P <0.05),特征性的WI 参数[投影重要性(V IP 值)>1]为EP 、PWV 、β、AC ,其中贡献率为EP >PWV >β>AC 。
基于PCA 和OPLS -DA ,生理性弦脉组与早期高血压弦脉组样本区分明显,表明2组WI 各参数差异均有统计学意义(均P <0.05),特征性的WI 参数(V IP 值>1)为EP 、PWV 、NA 、W 1、β,其中贡献率为EP >PWV >NA >W 1>β。
SPECIAL REPORT Diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricularcardiomyopathy/dysplasiaProposed Modification of the Task Force CriteriaFrank I.Marcus1*Chair,William J.McKenna2Co-Chair,Duane Sherrill1,Cristina Basso3,Barbara Bauce3,David A.Bluemke4,Hugh Calkins5,Domenico Corrado3,Moniek G.P.J.Cox6,James P.Daubert7,Guy Fontaine10,Kathleen Gear1,Richard Hauer6,Andrea Nava3,Michael H.Picard11,Nikos Protonotarios13,Jeffrey E.Saffitz12,Danita M.Yoerger Sanborn11,Jonathan S.Steinberg9,Harikrishna Tandri5,Gaetano Thiene3,Jeffrey A.Towbin14, Adalena Tsatsopoulou13,Thomas Wichter15,and Wojciech Zareba81University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ;2The Heart Hospital,London,United Kingdom;3University of Padua Medical School,Padua,Italy;4National Institutes of Health,Clinical Center, Bethesda;5Johns Hopkins Hospital,Baltimore,MD;6University Medical Center Utrecht,Utrecht,The Netherlands;7Strong Memorial Hospital,Rochester,NY;8University ofRochester Medical Center,Rochester,NY;9St.Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center,New York,NY;10Hopital La Salpetriere,Paris,France;11Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston,MA;12Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Boston,MA;13Yannis Protonotarios Medical Centre,Hora Naxos,Greece;14Cincinnati Children’s Hospital,Cincinnati,OH;and15Marienhospital Osnabru¨ck,Osnabru¨ck,GermanyOnline publish-ahead-of-print19February2010This paper was guest edited by Douglas P.Zipes*Correspondence to Dr Frank I.Marcus,Sarver Heart Center,1501N Campbell,Rm5153,Box245037,Tucson,AZ.Email fmarcus@This article has been co-published in the April2010issue of Circulation(Vol.121,Issue13)&2010American Heart Association,Inc.and European Society of Cardiology.European Heart Journal(2010)31,806–814doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehq025Downloaded fromplasia’.2Progression to more diffuse RV disease and left ventricular (LV)involvement,typically affecting the posterior lateral wall,is common.3Predominant LV disease is also recognized.4Postmor-tem diagnosis may require extensive sampling and transillumina-tion.5Disease expression is variable.In the early‘concealed phase’,individuals are often asymptomatic but may nonetheless be at risk of sudden cardiac death,notably during exertion.6In the overt‘electrical phase’,individuals present with symptomatic arrhythmias,and RV morphological abnormalities are readily dis-cernible by conventional ter,diffuse disease may result in biventricular heart failure,whereas ventricular arrhythmias may or may not be present.The ultimate phenotype may resemble dilated cardiomyopathy.Clinical manifestations vary with age and stage of disease.7ARVC/D is considered to be familial with autosomal dominant inheritance,although there are recessive forms(eg,Naxos disease,Carvajal syndrome)that are associated with a cutaneous phenotype.8,9Genetic variations have been found in the desmo-somes that are responsible for cell-to-cell binding10,11(Figure1). Seven genes have been identified that are associated with ARVC/ D:plakoglobin(JUP),12desmoplakin(DSP),13plakophilin-2 (PKP2),14desmoglein-2(DSG2),15,16desmocollin-2(DSC2),17,18 transforming growth factor beta-3(TGFß3),19and TMEM43.20 Mutations in RYR2coding the ryanodine receptor have been reported in ARVC/D in patients with an arrhythmic presentation (stress-induced bidirectional ventricular tachycardia)in the absence of significant electrocardiographic or structural abnormal-ities.At present,catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is considered a disorder distinct from ARVC/D.11Pre-liminary observations suggest that the mechanical defect of the desmosomes alters function of the gap junction.Electrocardio-graphic(ECG)changes and arrhythmias may develop before histo-logical evidence of myocyte loss or clinical evidence of RV dysfunction.21,22It has been proposed that similar clinical pheno-types occur that are based on disruption of a‘final common pathway’by mutations in genes encoding proteins in the defined desmosomal pathway.23Recognition of the genetic basis of ARVC/D facilitates examination of the pathogenesis in relation to arrhythmogenesis and disease progression.24It has been suggested that patients with ARVC/D may be predis-posed or susceptible to viral myocarditis,which could lead to a decrease in cardiac function and accelerate progression of the disease.25–27The link between ARVC/D and myocarditis is still undefined.BackgroundThe original1994International Task Force criteria for the clinical diagnosis of ARVC/D were based on structural,histological, ECG,arrhythmic,and familial features of the disease28(Table1).phy.Arrhythmias of RV origin,another cardinal feature of ARVC/D,was designated a minor criterion because of its occur-rence in other diseases,particularly idiopathic RV outflow tract tachycardia.Furthermore,the1994criteria focused on RV disease manifestations and stipulated the absence of or only mildLV involvement because of the need to exclude common disorderssuch as ischemic heart disease and dilated cardiomyopathy.At the time of the publication of the original Task Force guide-lines,clinical experience with ARVC/D was dominated by sympto-matic index cases and sudden cardiac death victims–the overt or severe end of the disease spectrum.Consequently,the1994cri-teria were highly specific,but they lacked sensitivity for early and familial disease.29–31Over the past15years,additional ECG markers have been pro-posed.32–34In addition,the genetic basis of the disease has been recognized,with the potential for mutation analysis.Experiencewith quantification of imaging criteria of ARVC/D has increased,and newer imaging techniques have been introduced,such as contrast-enhanced echocardiography,3-dimensional echocardio-graphy,cardiovascular magnetic resonance with late enhancement,and electroanatomic voltage mapping.35–40Figure1The cardiac desmosome and proposed roles of the desmosome in(A)supporting structural stability through cell–cell adhesion,(B)regulating transcription of genes involved in adi-pogenesis and apoptosis,and maintaining proper electrical con-ductivity through regulation of(C)gap junctions and(D)calcium homeostasis.Dsc2indicates desmocollin-2;Dsg2, desmoglein-2;Dsp,desmoplakin;Pkg,plakoglobin;Pkp2, plakophilin-2;and PM,plasma membrane.Reprinted by per-mission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd:Nat Clin Pract CardiovascMed11,& Peking University on March 6, 2011Downloaded from.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 1Comparison of original and revised task force criteriaOriginal task force criteriaRevised task force criteriaI.Global or regional dysfunction and structural alterations*Major†Severe dilatation and reduction of RV ejection fraction with no (or only mild)LV impairment†Localized RV aneurysms (akinetic or dyskinetic areas with diastolic bulging)†Severe segmental dilatation of the RVBy 2D echo:†Regional RV akinesia,dyskinesia,or aneurysm †and 1of the following (end diastole):—PLAX RVOT 32mm (corrected for body size [PLAX/BSA] 19mm/m 2)—PSAX RVOT 36mm (corrected for body size [PSAX/BSA] 21mm/m 2)—or fractional area change 33%By MRI:†Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia or dyssynchronous RV contraction †and 1of the following:—Ratio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSA 110mL/m 2(male)or 100mL/m 2(female)—or RV ejection fraction 40%By RV angiography:†Regional RV akinesia,dyskinesia,or aneurysmMinor†Mild global RV dilatation and/or ejection fraction reduction with normal LV†Mild segmental dilatation of the RV †Regional RV hypokinesiaBy 2D echo:†Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia †and 1of the following (end diastole):—PLAX RVOT 29to ,32mm (corrected for body size [PLAX/BSA] 16to,19mm/m 2)—PSAX RVOT 32to ,36mm (corrected for body size [PSAX/BSA] 18to,21mm/m 2)—or fractional area change .33%to 40%By MRI:†Regional RV akinesia or dyskinesia or dyssynchronous RV contraction †and 1of the following:—Ratio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSA 100to ,110mL/m 2(male)or90to ,100mL/m 2(female)—or RV ejection fraction .40%to 45%II.Tissue characterization of wall Major†Fibrofatty replacement of myocardium on endomyocardial biopsy †Residual myocytes ,60%by morphometric analysis (or ,50%if estimated),with fibrous replacement of the RV free wall myocardium in 1sample,with or without fatty replacement of tissue on endomyocardial biopsyMinor†Residual myocytes 60%to 75%by morphometric analysis (or 50%to 65%if estimated),with fibrous replacement of the RV free wall myocardium in 1sample,with or without fatty replacement of tissue on endomyocardial biopsyIII.Repolarization abnormalities Major†Inverted T waves in right precordial leads (V 1,V 2,and V 3)or beyond in individuals .14years of age (in the absence of complete right bundle-branch block QRS 120ms)Minor†Inverted T waves in right precordial leads (V 2and V 3)(people age .12years,in absence of right bundle-branch block)†Inverted T waves in leads V 1and V 2in individuals .14years of age (in the absence of complete right bundle-branch block)or in V 4,V 5,or V 6†Inverted T waves in leads V 1,V 2,V 3,and V 4in individuals .14years of age in the presence of complete right bundle-branch blockContinuedF.I.Marcus et al .808at Peking University on March 6, 2011 Downloaded fromSince publication of the 1994Task Force guidelines,cardiovascu-lar evaluation of the relatives of ARVC/D index cases and,more recently,genotype–phenotype association studies have also high-lighted the shortcomings of the criteria.It is now recognized that LV involvement may occur early in the course of the diseasewith some frequency.4,41The criteria also lack sensitivity for the diagnosis of familial disease.Modifications of the original criteria have been proposed to facilitate clinical diagnosis in first-degree relatives who often have incomplete expression of the disease.42According to these recommendations,in the context of proven.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 1ContinuedOriginal task force criteriaRevised task force criteriaIV.Depolarization/conduction abnormalities Major†Epsilon waves or localized prolongation (.110ms)of the QRS complex in right precordial leads (V 1to V 3)†Epsilon wave (reproducible low-amplitude signals between end of QRS complex to onset of the T wave)in the right precordial leads (V 1to V 3)Minor†Late potentials (SAECG)†Late potentials by SAECG in 1of 3parameters in the absence of a QRS duration of 110ms on the standard ECG†Filtered QRS duration (fQRS) 114ms†Duration of terminal QRS ,40m V (low-amplitude signal duration) 38ms †Root-mean-square voltage of terminal 40ms 20m V†Terminal activation duration of QRS 55ms measured from the nadir of the S wave to the end of the QRS,including R 0,in V 1,V 2,or V 3,in the absence of complete right bundle-branch blockV.Arrhythmias Major†Nonsustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia of left bundle-branchmorphology with superior axis (negative or indeterminate QRS in leads II,III,and aVF and positive in lead aVL)Minor†Left bundle-branch block-type ventricular tachycardia (sustained and nonsustained)(ECG,Holter,exercise)†Frequent ventricular extrasystoles (.1000per 24hours)(Holter)†Nonsustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia of RV outflow configuration,left bundle-branch block morphology with inferior axis (positive QRS in leads II,III,and aVF and negative in lead aVL)or of unknown axis †.500ventricular extrasystoles per 24hours (Holter)VI.Family history Major†Familial disease confirmed at necropsy or surgery†ARVC/D confirmed in a first-degree relative who meets current Task Force criteria†ARVC/D confirmed pathologically at autopsy or surgery in a first-degree relative †Identification of a pathogenic mutation †categorized as associated or probably associated with ARVC/D in the patient under evaluation Minor†Family history of premature sudden death (,35years of age)due to suspected ARVC/D†Familial history (clinical diagnosis based on present criteria)†History of ARVC/D in a first-degree relative in whom it is not possible or practical to determine whether the family member meets current Task Force criteria †Premature sudden death (,35years of age)due to suspected ARVC/D in a first-degree relative†ARVC/D confirmed pathologically or by current Task Force Criteria in second-degree relativePLAX indicates parasternal long-axis view;RVOT,RV outflow tract;BSA,body surface area;PSAX,parasternal short-axis view;aVF,augmented voltage unipolar left foot lead;and aVL,augmented voltage unipolar left arm lead.Diagnostic terminology for original criteria:This diagnosis is fulfilled by the presence of 2major,or 1major plus 2minor criteria or 4minor criteria from different groups.Diagnostic terminology for revised criteria:definite diagnosis:2major or 1major and 2minor criteria or 4minor from different categories;borderline:1major and 1minor or 3minor criteria from different categories;possible:1major or 2minor criteria from different categories.*Hypokinesis is not included in this or subsequent definitions of RV regional wall motion abnormalities for the proposed modified criteria.†A pathogenic mutation is a DNA alteration associated with ARVC/D that alters or is expected to alter the encoded protein,is unobserved or rare in a large non-ARVC/D control population,and either alters or is predicted to alter the structure or function of the protein or has demonstrated linkage to the disease phenotype in a conclusive pedigree.Diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia809at Peking University on March 6, 2011 Downloaded fromis based on the documentation of one of the following in a family member:(1)T-wave inversion in right precordial leads V1,V2,and V3inindividuals over the age of14years.(2)Late potentials by signal-averaged ECG(SAECG).(3)Ventricular tachycardia of left bundle-branch block mor-phology on ECG,Holter monitor,or during exercise testing or.200premature ventricular contractions in24hours. (4)Either mild global dilatation or reduction in RV ejection frac-tion with normal LV or mild segmental dilatation of the RV or regional RV hypokinesis.Revision of the diagnostic criteria is important to provide guidance on the role of emerging diagnostic modalities and to recognize advances in the genetics of ARVC/D.The criteria have been modi-fied to incorporate new knowledge and technology to improve diagnostic sensitivity,but with the important requisite of maintain-ing diagnostic specificity,and they include quantitative parameters for Task Force criteria,particularly for the imaging studies (Table1).The approach of classifying structural,histological, ECG,arrhythmic,and genetic features of the disease as major and minor criteria has been maintained.MethodsA limitation of the previous Task Force criteria was the reliance on subjective criteria for assessing ventricular structure and function and for evaluation of myocardial histology.In this modification of the Task Force criteria,quantitative criteria are proposed and abnormalities are defined on the basis of comparison with normal subject data(Table1).The data from108probands with newly diagnosed ARVC/D,age 12years,who were enrolled in the National Institutes of Health-supported Multidisciplinary Study of Right Ventricular Dysplasia,43were compared with those of normal subjects(online-only Data Supplement).The cri-teria were selected on the basis of analysis of sensitivity and speci-ficity from receiver operating characteristic curves.For analysis of each test[e.g.echocardiogram,magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)],proband data were excluded if that test was crucial for the diagnosis of the individual patient.This was done to eliminate bias in estimating the sensitivity and specificity of that particular test.In general,when determining the sensitivity and specificity of a new screening test,it is recommended that none of the screening test elements be used in making the primary diagnosis; this principle also holds when establishing diagnostic criteria. ResultsThere were44proband MRIs compared with462MRIs of normal subjects,69proband echocardiograms compared with450echo-cardiograms of normal subjects,69proband SAECGs compared with103SAECGs of normal subjects,and68proband Holters compared with398Holters of normal subjects.The minor criteria for echocardiography were selected where specificity and sensi-tivity are equal(sensitivity equals specificity)(Table2).The major criteria were selected as the value that yielded95%specificity.Sen-sitivity and specificity for the MRI criteria were made RV end-diastolic volume indexed to body surface area(size)andRV ejection fraction(function)simultaneously by using the OR logistical function.If either RV size or function was positive in con-junction with RV wall motion abnormality,then the subject wouldbe classified as having a major criterion for the MRI.The sensitivityof RV size alone or function alone ranged from41%to50%formajor criteria and31%to41%for minor criteria,with specificityof96%to100%.Using the OR logistical function improved the sensitivity of the MRI to79%to89%for major criteria and68%to78%for minor criteria.The original Task Force criteria list late potentials as a minor cri-terion.It has become common practice,though not based on evi-dence,to state that the SAECG is positive if2of the following3 parameters are abnormal:filtered QRS duration(fQRS),root-mean square voltage of the terminal40ms of the QRS,or durationof the terminal QRS signal,40m V.Analysis of each of the single parameters of the SAECG with late potentials by using a40-to250-Hzfilter had a sensitivity ranging from58%to60%,with aspecificity of94%to96%.Two of three parameters had a sensi-tivity of66%and specificity of95%,adding little advantage withregard to sensitivity and specifiing any one of the3 SAECG parameters had a sensitivity of74%and specificity of92%.A definitive diagnosis of ARVC/D is based on histological dem-onstration of transmuralfibrofatty replacement of RV myocardiumat biopsy(Figure2),necropsy,or surgery.5,44In most patients, however,assessment of transmural myocardium is not possible.In addition,diagnosis based on RV endomyocardial biopsy speci-mens is limited because the segmental nature of the disease causes false e of electroanatomic voltage mappingto identify pathological areas for biopsy sampling may improvethe yield.45RV free wall biopsy has a slight risk of perforation,but the more accessible interventricular septum rarely exhibits his-tological changes.Nevertheless,endomyocardial biopsy may ident-ify other conditions(e.g.myocarditis,sarcoidosis,endomyocardialfibrosis),and the recognition of myocyte loss withfibrous orfibro-fatty replacement can be a valuable diagnostic feature.46The identification of disease-causing genes has led to the recognition of a broader spectrum of disease expression within families,including individuals who have predominantly LV disease, manifest clinically by inferolateral T-wave changes,ventricular ectopy,or ventricular tachycardia with right bundle-branch block morphology and epicardial or midmyocardial late enhancementby MRI.4,7,38,39,41The importance of familial disease highlights arole for mutation analysis of probands with cascade screening of relatives that offers an alternative strategy to serial noninvasive car-diovascular evaluation of families.A positive diagnosis in a family member changes the probability of disease in an individual sus-pected of the disease to1:2from1:1000to1:5000.Thus,con-firmed disease in afirst degree relative is a major criterion for diagnosis.42DiscussionThe diagnosis of ARVC/D relies on the demonstration of struc-tural,functional,and electrophysiological abnormalities that are caused by or reflect the underlying histological changes.Technical advances in MRI and2-dimensional echocardiography haveat Peking University on March 6, 2011Downloaded fromimproved the capability to image the RV with reproducible measure-ments of volume and systolic function,which permits classification of severity and differentiation from normality 47(Table 2).Previous diag-nostic reliance on subjective assessment of RV wall thinning,wall motion abnormalities,and fatty infiltration of the myocardium byMRI has proven problematic.48,49Recognition of significant fatty involvement without concomitant fibrosis of the RV in normal indi-viduals renders this unique MRI capability of limited te enhancement on MRI permits myocardial tissue characterization in the LV.It can be difficult to be certain of late enhancement for..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 2Sensitivity and specificity of proposed RV imaging criteria*ValueSensitivity,%Specificity,%EchocardiogramMajorPLAX RVOT (diastole)32mm 7595Corrected for body size (PLAX/BSA) 19mm/m2PSAX RVOT (diastole)36mm 6295Corrected for body size (PSAX/BSA) 21mm/m 2Fractional area change 33%5595MinorPLAX RVOT (diastole)29mm8787Corrected for body size (PLAX/BSA) 16to 18mm/m 2iPSAX RVOT (diastole)32mm8080Corrected for body size (PSAX/BSA) 18to 20mm/m 2Fractional area change 40%7676MRI †MajorRatio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSAMales 110mL/m 2Females 100mL/m 27690F or6898CRV ejection fraction 40%MinorRatio of RV end-diastolic volume to BSAMales 100mL/m 2Females 90mL/m 27985F or8997CRV ejection fraction45%Abbreviations as in Table 1.*All the major and minor criteria listed in this table are in addition to the requirement that regional wall motion abnormalities must also be present.†The sensitivity and specificity for males and females are the same as listed if,in addition to the stated wall motion criteria,there is either abnormal RV size or function or both.Figure 2Endomyocardial biopsy findings in a proband affected by a diffuse form of ARVC/D.All 3biopsy samples are from different regionsof the RV free wall.There is extensive fibrofatty tissue replacement with myocardial atrophy,which is a major criterion (i.e.residual myocytes ,60%by morphometric analysis or ,50%if estimated).Contributed by C.Basso,Padua,Italy.Diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia811at Peking University on March 6, 2011 Downloaded fromcharacterization of RV myocardium because of the thin wall of the RV and possible confusion with fat.50There also have been recent developments to quantify the extent of RV wall motion abnormalities by angiography with computer-based analysis,as well as to determine RV volumes.51,52In addition,commercial software is available to deter-mine RV volumes and ejection fraction.53The RV angiogram obtained in multiple views is considered to be a reliable imaging test to assess wall motion abnormalities but requires considerable experience.Standardized protocols for performance of these diag-nostic studies (ECG,SAECG,echocardiogram,RV angiogram,and MRI)are available on .Repolarization abnormalities are early and sensitive markers of disease expression in ARVC/D.T-wave inversion in V1,V2,and V3and beyond in individuals .14years of age who are otherwise healthy is observed in only 4%of healthy women and 1%of men.Therefore,it is reasonably specific in this population and con-sidered a major diagnostic abnormality in ARVC/D.54Depolariz-ation delay in right precordial leads is also common in ARVC/D.33,34Evaluation of the duration of terminal QRS activation (Figure 3)incorporates slurring of the S wave,as well as R 0,into a single measure of terminal activation duration.34Depolarization abnormalities cannot be evaluated in the presence of typical com-plete right bundle-branch block with terminal delay in leads I and V 6.However,T-wave inversion in V 1,V 2,V 3,and V 4is uncommon in patients with right bundle-branch block who do not have ARVC/D and is seen frequently in those who do have the disease.Con-ventional definitions are used for ventricular arrhythmias.An abnormal SAECG is based on time domain criteria with cutoffs generated from receiver operating characteristic curves.55,56The sensitivity and specificity of any one of the time domain criteria is similar to that of any 2or 3of these criteria;therefore,any one of the criteria is proposed as a criterion for this modality.The presence of left bundle-branch block ventricular tachycardia with an inferior axis (R wave positive in leads II and III and negative in lead aVL)is typical of focal RV outflow tract tachycardia.57Similar features may be seen in patients with ARVC/D but usually coexist with anterior T-wave inversion and ventricular arrhythmias of varying morphologies.The presence of ventricular ectopy increases with age,but .200ventricular premature beats in 24hours in an adult ,50years of age suggests underlying myo-cardial disease.58The revised criteria were applied post hoc to 108newly diag-nosed probands enrolled in the Multidisciplinary Study of Right Ventricular Dysplasia,a study supported by the National Institutes of Health.They had been carefully evaluated,including assessment of diagnostic tests by expert core laboratories.43Of the 73pro-bands with final classification as ‘affected’,71remain affected and 2were reclassified as borderline.The change from affected to bor-derline in the 2was due to the echocardiogram’s fulfilling only minor criteria in one and only mild hypokinesis in the angiogram of the other.Of the 28probands classified as borderline (met some but not all of the original Task Force criteria–i.e.1major and 1minor or 3minor),5remain borderline and 16were reclas-sified by the new criteria as affected.Seven became unaffected (did not meet the proposed modified Task Force criteria).Of 7pro-bands previously classified as unaffected,4remained unaffected,1became affected,and 2became borderline.Therefore,the effect of the revised criteria is to increase the sensitivity of the classification,primarily in probands previously classified as borderline.Nine of 28probands classified as borderline by original criteria had gene variants consistent with ARVC/D.The sensitivity of the revised criteria is not perfect,as exemplified by the observation that if the genetic criteria are ignored,the proposed criteria classi-fied 2as unaffected and 3remained borderline,and 4became affected.Including the proposed genetic criteria resulted in all 9being classified asaffected.Figure 3ECG from proband with T-wave inversion in V 1through V 4and prolongation of the terminal activation duration 55ms measuredfrom the nadir of the S wave to the end of the QRS complex in V 1.Contributed by M.G.P.J.Cox,Utrecht,The Netherlands.F.I.Marcus et al .812at Peking University on March 6, 2011 Downloaded from。
二、材料与方法1. 实验材料本实验选用成年SD大鼠,建立帕金森病模型。
2. 方法(1)建立帕金森大鼠模型:采用6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)注射法建立PD大鼠模型。
三、结果1. 甘松对帕金森大鼠运动功能的改善作用实验结果显示,经过甘松治疗后的帕金森大鼠,其运动功能得到显著改善,静止性震颤、运动迟缓等症状有所减轻。
2. 甘松对肠-脑轴相关指标的影响(1)肠道微生物:甘松治疗能够调节帕金森大鼠肠道微生物的组成,增加有益菌群的数量,降低有害菌群的比例。
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先选用的一种重要控制方 式, 其特点 显著, 优 势明 显: 能够保证干道直行 车队行驶速度 快, 停车 次数 少, 服务水平高 ; 可以提高车流行驶的平滑性与道路 实际通行能力; 能够调节路段车辆行驶车速, 增强车 辆行驶速度的一致性; 可以促使驾驶人与行人更加 遵守交通信号, 减少交叉口交通事故发生; 并能进一 步提升城市干道的吸引力与优先地位, 更有利于取 得良好信号协调控制效果, 故干道绿波协调控制受 到了交通参与者、 管理者、 工程设计师以及专家学者 们的青睐与重视。 在国外, Morgan 等提出了干道双向绿波协调控 制信号配时设计方法, 建立了最大绿波带宽的混合整 数线性规划模型 ) ) ) MAXBAND 模型, 利用分枝定 界法对控制模型进行了最优化求解 , 并通过设计开发 MAXBAND 软件包, 实现了双向不同带宽需求条件 下的最佳公共信号周期、 最佳相位差、 最佳左转相序、 绿波带速度以及绿波带宽度的计算求解[ 1- 3] ; Messer 等在 Little 建立的 MAXBAND 模型和 Brooks 提出的 干道绿波协调控制算法基础上, 研发了 PASSER 系 列绿波协调控制优化配时软件, 其中 PASSER II 使用 迭代梯度搜索方法对信号周期、 信号相序及相位差进 行寻优, 适用于干道绿波协调控制需求, PASSER IV 则使用启发式算法求解关于信号周期、 信号相序与相 位差的混合整数线性规划模型, 可适用于干道或干道 网络绿波协调控制需求[ 4- 6] ; Gartner 等针对不同路段 交通流量、 通行条件以及带宽需求的不同 , 在 MAX BAND 模型基础之上提出了可变带宽的干道双向绿 波协调控制模型 ) ) ) MULT IBAND 模型 , 运 用 MI NOS 工具箱对 MULT IBAND - 96 中的混合整数线性 规划问题进行了最优化求解, 并通过加入路网闭环约 束条件, 将 MU LT IBAND 模型的应用范围进一步扩 展到城市干道网区域协调控制, 运用启发式分解算法 改进了混合整数线性规划问题的求解效率 , 以充分发 挥可变带宽协调控制模型的实时性特点, 能基本适应 交通信号协调控制的实时性要求[ 7-10] 。在国内, 《 交 通工程手册 》 介绍了 2 种简便易用的双向绿波协调控 制信号配时设计方法, 即图解法与数解法 , 其中图解 法是利用几何作图方法进行信号协调配时设计, 通过 对公共信号周期的不断调整, 最终确定合适的交叉口
10.1117/2.1201308.005081 Active terahertz waveguides based on transmission-line metamaterialsBenjamin S.Williams,Amir Ali Tavallaee,Philip Hon,and Tatsuo ItohThe demonstration of a1D left-handed metamaterial waveguide for terahertz quantum-cascade lasers opens the door to new techniques for beam steering and shaping.Electromagnetic metamaterials are artificial structures that can be engineered to exhibit customizable or conventionally unob-tainable electromagnetic properties,such as propagation with near-zero or even negative refractive index.In a material with a negative index,theflow of energy is opposite to the move-ment of the wavefronts,an effect known as backward-wave or left-handed propagation(so named because the electricfield, magneticfield,and wavevector form a left-handed triple).At IR and optical frequencies,left-handed materials can be made by incorporating plasmonic structures into a dielectric.Pro-vided the size and periodicity of the structures is sufficiently small compared to the wavelength,waves propagate as if the medium were uniform with new values for the refractive index (or other bulk properties).Current research in this area investi-gates electromagnetic metamaterials for novel antenna concepts, sub-wavelength resonators and waveguides,superlenses that beat the diffraction limit,and even cloaking from electromag-netic radiation.Our research group has been working on methods to apply metamaterial concepts to the terahertz(THz)frequency range, where the wavelength is approximately a hundred times longer than in the visible.The novelty in our work is the combina-tion of metamaterial-inspired waveguides with a THz quantum-cascade laser-gain medium.In this way,stimulated emission of THz photons from intraband transitions in the gallium-arsenide-based medium compensates for losses and allows active devices.1To design and describe the metamaterial waveguide,we adopt the transmission-line formalism,where negativeand Figure1.Calculated dispersion relation for a balanced terahertz(THz) metamaterial waveguide exhibiting left-handed(LH)and right-handed (RH)propagation.GaAs:Gallium arsenide.AlGaAs:Aluminum gal-lium arsenide.p:Unit cell propagation are modeled by the introduction of additional lumped element capacitance and inductance into the series and shunt branches of the transmission line.2Where a conventional transmission line has series inductance L R and shunt capacitance C R,a metamaterial line is modeled by adding series capacitance C L and shunt inductance L L(the subscripts L and R stand for left-handed and right-handed propagation, respectively).We can adapt this scheme to THz quantum-cascade devices,which are fabricated into a metal-dielectric-metal waveguide.Figure1shows the calculated dispersion relation for a typical design with left-handed propagation be-low about2.6THz and right-handed propagation above2.6THz: a composite right-/left-handed(CRLH)metamaterial wave-guide.At2.6THz,the dispersion relation crosses between the two types of propagation,without a stopband,while maintain-ing non-zero group velocity.Such a condition is referred to as balanced and results from proper engineering of the effective capacitance and inductance on the transmission line.The key advance in this recent work is the inclusion of 200nm-size gaps in the top metallization of the waveguide:see Figure2.These gaps play the role of a series capacitance in theContinued on next page10.1117/2.1201308.005081Page2/2Figure 2.Image of a composite right-/left-handed metamaterial wave-guide implemented in a THz quantum-cascade (QC)metal-metal waveguide.The dielectric of this ‘transmission line’is made up of active THz QC gain material grown in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells.The inset image shows a close-up of 200nm gaps in the metallization that create the series capacitance C L and enable left-handed propagation.C x ,L x :Capacitors,inductors (where x denotes R or L).Cu:Copper.Cr:Chromium.Au:Gold.transmission-line model for the waveguide,and are the key fea-ture that enables left-handed propagation.We demonstrated the existence of left-handed propagation indirectly by using a sec-tion of the CRLH metamaterial waveguide as a leaky-wave cou-pling antenna for a THz quantum-cascade laser.The laser feeds the antenna with the THz signal,which is then radiated into the far-field at an angle that depends on the THz frequency and its location on the dispersion diagram.While propagation in the right-handed region will result in a beam angled in the for-ward direction,propagation in the left-handed region generates a beam angled in the backward direction (off normal).Propaga-tion with a zero effective index (ˇD 0)gives a beam directed in the surface normal direction.Therefore,by measuring the far-field beam pattern and the radiation frequency,we can recon-struct the dispersion relation:see Figure 1.We recently observed a backward-directed beam for the first time,demonstrating the existence of left-handed propagation.3Beyond this proof of principle,we now have access to a wide array of microwave circuit,antenna,and metamaterial design techniques that can be applied to THz lasers.For example,such a metamaterial antenna could be used to steer a beam between the forward and backward directions (depending on the exact frequency).Or,if we can develop dynamic control of the circuit elements,tunable resonators and phase shifters become possi-ble.Our future work focuses on using these design techniques to create a new class of lasers with flexible and dynamic control of spectral and radiation properties,including beam shaping and steering,wavelength tuning,and polarization state.Author InformationBenjamin S.Williams,Amir Ali Tavallaee,Philip Hon,and Tatsuo ItohUniversity of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles,CAReferences1.B.S.Williams,Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers ,Nat.Photon.1,pp.517–525,2007.i,C.Caloz,and T.Itoh,Composite right/left-handed transmission line metama-terials ,IEEE Microw.Mag.5,pp.34–50,2004.3.A.A.Tavallaee,P .W.C.Hon,Q.-S.Chen,T.Itoh,and B.S.Williams,Active terahertz quantum-cascade composite right/left handed metamaterial ,Appl.Phys.Lett.102,p.021103,2013.c2013SPIE。
GSEAꎬ FDR< 0 05 的 词 条 也 做 为 是 该 基 因 优 化 后
藤和黄藤中鉴定得到 3 504 和 3 027 个功能模块ꎬ包括光合作用、木质素生物合成、类黄酮生物合成、苯丙素
生物合成等主要的生物学过程ꎮ 同时ꎬ使用共表达网络和功能模块对基因的功能注释进行了优化ꎬ对棕榈
库ꎬ CcNET 提供了基于 CEN 的二倍体和多倍体棉花
物物种间同源关系的 CENꎬ RiceNet v2 是一个升级
后的水稻 CEN 分析数据库ꎬ Bamboo ̄NET 提供了毛
竹的 CEN 和优化后的基因功能注释ꎮ 但是ꎬ 棕榈藤
中的 CEN 研究仍处于空白ꎮ
一般 CEN 的构建遵循以下 3 个步骤: 计算基因
因的覆盖度和模块数量最大化ꎬ 分别在单叶省藤和
所使 用 RNase ̄free DNase I 试 剂 在 37 ℃ 下 处 理 30
附图 S4) ꎮ 此外ꎬ 使用基因集富集分析 ( GSEA) 工
并使用 NanoDrop 2000 分光光度计测定浓度和纯度ꎮ
黄藤中选定 k = 6 和 k = 5 作为 CFinder 的参数 ( 原文
此ꎬ 纤鞭生长发育的遗传调控机制备受关注ꎮ 作为
间的相似性值ꎻ 选定阈值提取基因对形成网络ꎻ 在
竹藤基因组图谱 ( GABR) 项目的一部分ꎬ 虽然国
CEN 中寻找功能模块ꎮ 每一步都有不同的方法可供
际竹藤中心在 2018 年发布了单叶省藤和黄藤 2 个代
选择ꎬ 所以构建一个 CEN 可以有许多不同的组合方
对作为 CENꎮ
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Comparative Analysis of Active BandwidthEstimation ToolsFederico Montesino-PouzolsInstituto de Microelectrnica de Sevilla(IMSE-CNM)–CSICAvda.Reina Mercedes s/n.Edif.CICA.E-41012Seville,SpainFederico.Montesino@m.esAbstract.A comparative analysis of state-of-the-art active probing toolsfor bandwidth estimation is outlined.Techniques and tools for capacity,available bandwidth and bulk transfer capacity estimation are simul-taneously assessed.First,a generic framework for the design of activebandwidth estimation tools is proposed as a result of our analysis of theimplementation and performance of a number of available techniquesand tools.Then,we describe afirst and comprehensive series of testsperformed over a broad range of bandwidth estimation tools,scenariosand experimental conditions.These tests have been done with the aimto develop a set of practices,procedures and tools for the comparativeanalysis of active bandwidth estimation techniques and tools,which arepresented.Finally,Overall conclusions are discussed and pointers to pub-licly available records and tools are given.1IntroductionActive bandwidth estimation tools can not only provide network operators with useful information on network characteristics and performance,but also can en-able end users(and user applications)to perform independent network auditing, load balancing,and server selection tasks,among many others,without requiring access to network elements or administrative resources.The research community is developing a set of metrics and techniques for active bandwidth measurement.Many of them[1]are well understood and can provide accurate estimates under certain conditions.Some institutions have announced initiatives to deploy test platforms for active and passive bandwidth estimation as well as other related techniques, though no substantial results have been reported as for active bandwidth es-timation.Also,some partial measurement and evaluation studies of bandwidth estimation tools have been published[2,3].Nonetheless,we draw attention to the lack of publicly available comprehensive and comparative experimental results. We also note the lack of common and consistent practices and procedures to test available active bandwidth measurement tools.Our aim is to develop a set of practices,procedures and tools for the com-parative analysis of active bandwidth estimation techniques and tools.This way, we expect to fulfill two goals:–Ease the deployment of platforms that take advantage of the huge amount of available experimental resources to provide a solid experimental basis for research on active bandwidth estimation.–Assess to what extend current bandwidth estimation tools can be used as basis for providing a bandwidth estimation service for user applications as well as networks operation.2Analysis of Bandwidth Estimation TechniquesOur study covers measurement techniques as well as implementations.In this section,an study of measurement techniques for different metrics and techniques is outlined,ignoring implementation details of tools.The nomenclature and tax-onomy of metrics,measurement techniques and tools given in[1]is considered as reference.Our approach is to simultaneously assess techniques and tools for capacity, available bandwidth and bulk transfer capacity estimation,which allows us to abstract a common design model for these tools.In this section,we present a generic framework for the design of active band-width estimation tools that will be referenced in following sections.Though this analysis can be generalized to network performance and dynamics analysis tech-niques,we restrict the following discussion to bandwidth estimation techniques.A review of the source code of a number of active bandwidth estimation tools has been performed.As in early stages of development of bandwidth esti-mation tools there has been no clear taxonomy of techniques and no consensus on nomenclature and definition of bandwidth metrics,a great deal of code du-plication among bandwidth estimation tools has been found.The facts that pathChirp[4]has been implemented using the NetDyn[5] code as starting point,and that cprobe[6]and pipechar[7]provide estimates of the asymptotic dispersion rate[8,3]rather than the available bandwidth,are revealing.Thus,we have paid special attention to isolating reusable components in bandwidth estimation tools.A simplified scheme that summarizes components and relations of a band-width estimation tool according to our analysis is depicted in Figure1.Two main stages in these tools are identified:measurement and estimation.Measurement involves the generation of a probe packet pattern,its transmission through the network,and its reception and measurement.Estimation comprises statistical and heuristic processing of measurements according to some network model.A major component is what we call probe packets generation system;both the measurement and the estimation stages depend on it.Isolation of this func-tion as a component allows for the efficient implementation of tools for a set of measurement techniques,since facilities for common traffic patterns generation can be reused.The probe packet generation component should provide generic services such as generation of packet trains,which currently can be found implemented as functions or methods in most tools based on packet trains.In case of packetFig.1.Design scheme of an active bandwidth estimation tooltrains for techniques that follow the probe gap model[3],the packet gap can befixed(as in IGI/PTR[2]),or a Poisson process(as in Spruce[3].Similarly, in case of techniques that use the probe rate model[3],facilities can be defined for different patterns of packet trains as found in tools such as Pathload[9], PathChrip[4]and TOPP[10].Also,within this design framework,traffic generation tools(such as Iperf[11]), often employed jointly with bandwidth estimation tools in order to perform tests, can be integrated as additional facilities provided by the probe packets genera-tion component.A feedback line from the estimation component to the probe packets genera-tion component can improve performance by reducing network load and required estimation time.Within this feedback line,we consider a third component,de-cision making,in charge of conducting the probe packet generation process de-pending on the estimated accuracy and convergence of tentative estimates from the estimation component.Keeping the probe packets generation system as a generic component sepa-rate from the decision making component makes it possible to implement tools that combine different probe packets patterns to estimate bandwidth,in a way similar to that of IGI/PTR.Some tools,such as early versions of pchar[12]lack the decision making module.In such cases,the probe packets pattern isfixed for each set of input parameters.Note that the simplified scheme shown omits some reusable subsystems such as route change detection.In case of tools that run both at the receiver and the sender side,the scheme in Figure1corresponds to the end system that sends probe packets(usually the client).A more in depth description of this design can be found at[13]3Comparative Analysis of Active Bandwidth Estimation ToolsIn this section,we outline the comparative analysis of active bandwidth estima-tion tools carried out.We describe the scenarios considered as well as overall practices and procedures followed to conduct experiments.General conclusions from our experiments are summarized.We evaluate tools rather than techniques,focusing on design and implemen-tation details that affect estimates accuracy,efficiency,speed and reliability.We put the focus on analyzing experimental results for developing and refining prac-tices,procedures and tools for iterative tests performance.Previous initiatives conducted by a number of institutions have been taken into account.In particular,we have partially based our work on studies per-formed on the old TEN-155European research and education network[14] (which reports a detailed study,based on netperf[15],performed over a number of network paths and throughout long periods of time),a more recent analysis performed for G´EANT[16](the current European research and education net-work),and the Internet Monitoring Program at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center[17]These initiatives are aimed at studying the deployment of bandwidth estima-tion tools in production networks as the basis for an additional service available for end-user applications as well as network operators.However,no systematic evaluation of a significant subset of currently available active bandwidth esti-mation tools with respect to a complete set of criteria,across a wide variety of network paths and experimental conditions,using a well defined set of proce-dures,has been conducted.Since we focus on experimental results,we do not perform tests through simulation but only using emulated and real scenarios.Tools such as dummynet and NIST Net running on FreeBSD and GNU/Linux boxes are being employed for scenario emulation.Emulated scenarios make it possible for us to test the effects both of extreme network configurations and traffic shapers on estimation tools.Real scenarios range from LAN environments and cable subscriber networks operated by private ISPs to the high performance Spanish NREN(national re-search and education network)backbone operated by RedIRIS,with connections to G´EANT as well as private ISPs.Tests are being conducted on network paths with variable length,ranging from single links to paths that traverse one or more administrative domains.Most tests have been performed through paths between the following three end points:–Cable modem end point(private ISP subscriber line).–Several hosts at a LAN environment within a research institution connected to the Spanish NREN.–Host near the RedIRIS backbone.Considering the paths between these end points,we have applied a set of general practices.The most important ones are the following:–For each path,whenever possible,tests are performed in both directions, distinguishing symmetric and asymmetric paths.–Estimation tools are run through GNU time,recording its output together with the tool logs.–Attach to test logs output from helper tools that provide basic information about network paths,such as DNS lookups,traceroute and ping.–When testing each of the analyzed tools,perform tests with only one instance of the tool,and also with multiple instances of the same tool running at the same time.–Perform tests both with overall idle systems and heavily loaded systems.For the latter case,we distinguish three types of system load:•cpu intensive tasks•input/output intensive tasks•both cpu and input/output intensive tasks–For tools based on ICMP,perform tests with several levels of ICMP rate limits.–In order to analyze the effects of simple traffic patterns,we use automated traffic generation tools such as Iperf(see /models/trafficgenerators.html).–Consider path properties that imply known limitations for which there is no known solution,among which the effect of layer-2store-and-forward devices on capacity estimation tools based on the variable packet size technique has been taken into account for our LAN experiments.For simplicity,we are using just IPv4,as it is the network protocol common to the whole set of tools under test.attention has being paid to failure conditions and to the set of parameters accepted as user input by the tools being tested. We have performed small modifications to the source code as a way to apply some of our procedures.Some tests have been performed using tools for estimating capacity,available bandwidth and bulk transfer capacity under the same network configuration and conditions.In such cases,for each path and each hop in the path,the theoretical relationships between these metrics provide a method to detect wrong estimates. These tests also reveal similar and disparate effects of practical conditions and scenarios on different estimation techniques.We have completed a source code review for a comprehensive number of ac-tive bandwidth estimation tools available from the research community(see the lists of tools provided by Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center[17],among other organiza-tions.Tools and versions analyzed to date are enumerated in Table1.A taxon-omy as well as a brief discussion of many of them can be found in[1].PreviousTool Versionbprobe 1.0clink[18] 1.0Nettimer[19]2.3.8pathrate 2.3.3pchar 1.4(+Debian GNU/Linuxpackage1.4-4patches)sprobe[20]0.3Available Bandwidthcprobe 1.0IGI/PTR 1.0NetDyn-pathChrip 2.3.3pathload 1.1.1pipechar Mar25-2K1Spruce0.2Iperf[11] 1.7.0netperf 2.2pl4Treno961001nttcp 1.43Table1.Tools and versions analyzedcomparisons of some of the available bandwidth estimation tools are also pub-lished[2,3].For a complete and updated enumeration of the tools analyzed refer to[13].As we perform tests over these tools,comparative analysis procedures are being developed.Among these,we highlight a number of generic comparison criteria,though we note that not every criterion can be applied to each and every tool.We have classified these criteria into two groups:afirst set of criteria specified as simple numerical and scalar metrics that provide a partial comparison of tools performance,and a second set of criteria that provide a comparative evaluation of tools performance.Thefirst set includes metrics that can be useful to quickly choose or discard some techniques and tools according to simple constraints such as required time or allowed probe bandwidth,some of these metrics are the following:–Total probe traffic generated.–Maximum attainable accuracy.–Total estimation time.The second set of criteria,suited for comparative analysis between different techniques includes but is not limited to the following:–Accuracy:maximum accuracy for afixed time,maximum accuracy for a limited amount of probe traffic,dependency of accuracy on estimation time, and dependency of accuracy on probe traffic volume.–Consistency of estimates(as discussed in[18]).–Efficiency:required network load for a given accuracy,and required network load for a given estimation time.–Estimation time:required time for a given accuracy.–Dependency of accuracy,efficiency and estimation time on overall network load as well as overall machine(both sender and receiver)load.–Dependency of accuracy,efficiency and estimation time on path properties such as number of hops and rount trip time.In addition to these numerical criteria for comparative analysis,we have analyzed the response of estimation tools to the following factors:–Effects of path asymmetry.–Effects of layer-2store-and-forward devices.–Route changes.–Installation required on both ends of the path.–Possibility to estimate per hop properties.–What path property is actually measured for paths with traffic shaping nodes.–Reliability in case of loss of connectivity between sender and receiver.–Possibility to run multiple instances simultaneously.Particularly,as already noted in[3],train generation tools hold the CPU for the full packet train generation interval,preventing the simultaneous generation of several trains.In low bandwidth links,the delay is high enough so as to use system calls for scheduling.However,high bandwidth links require the design of packet train generators able to cope with multiple packet trains.–Congestion avoidance mechanisms implemented in tools.–Effects of cross traffic.–Upper and lower bandwidth limits for which the tool works.–Operating system privileges required to run the tool(privileged socket num-bers,raw sockets interface,etc.).–Underlying suppositions in the network model and estimation technique fol-lowed by the tool.path is a static characteristic.As an example,tools based on the probe gap model[3](as Spruce,and IGI)assume there is a single bottleneck in the path(which is both the narrow and tight link),and also as-sume that the queue of that link does not become empty between the probe packets[2,3]–Support for important generic parameters,such as socket numbers and con-straints for probe packets size.Repeated application of the aforementioned practices and procedures has lead to the developemnt of a system of tests automation as well as results processing and recording scripts implemented in Ruby.These have been complemented withadditional scripts for visualization based on the comparison criteria described, making up a framework for the comparative analysis of active bandwidth esti-mation tools.As for the comparison of output from different tools,we point out the need for a common output format for active bandwidth estimation tools.Output from scripts of the test framework is kept in NetLogger ULM format[21].Also,we are currently developing scripts that convert,when possible,specific log formats to the NetLogger ULM format(already supported by pathload and pathrate) for reporting estimates.Due to space constraints we do not include a complete description of exper-iments.A more comprehensive description can be found at[13].We note,however,that current tools are implementations of one bandwidth estimation technique.For this reason,differences in networking code(particu-larly those portions related to timestamping)may have an undesired impact on comparing similar techniques implemented through different tools.These and other implementation issues are hard to quantify and even isolate.It has been found that sometimes the analyzed tools provide very wrong estimates or even no estimates at all likely as a consequence of implementation issues,specially noticeable when estimating high bandwidths(around100Mbps and above),but also relatively often when estimating bandwidth of10Mbps or even lower.Limited clock resolution and system I/O throughput,as well as the fact that these tools are usually run on non real-time systems seem to be the main underlying reasons.Recent developments[22]and analysis[23]confirm our ob-servations.4Conclusions and Future WorkWe have presented thefirst systematic comparative analysis of active bandwidth estimation tools performed over a broad range of tools,scenarios(both emulated and real)as well as experimental conditions,which results are publicly available from[13].Techniques and tools to estimate capacity,available bandwidth and bulk transfer capacity have been studied jointly.With this work we aim to lay out a common framework for the design and implementation of component based active bandwidth estimation tools.In ad-dition,a set of practices,procedures and tools which make up a test framework for the comparative analysis of active bandwidth estimation tools has been de-veloped.The test framework as well as records from our experiments are also available from[13].As a result from the tests carried out,a number of failure conditions for the analyzed tools have been identified,as well as the dependency of the esti-mates accuracy on factors such as system load and network path properties.How these factors impact estimates of the three metrics studied(capacity,available bandwidth and bulk transfer capacity)has been jointly analyzed.As further development we plan to extend the set of considered scenarios to include network testbeds such as PlanetLab[24].Also,we are currently working on a web interface for the presented test framework which is intended to be a first experimental platform for cooperative comparative analysis of bandwidth estimation tools through the Internet,based on the practices,procedures and tools developed.Finally,we expect to raise a well defined set of questions(and rationales from our experiments)in order to establish a technical comparison criteria that could eventually lead to the development and standarization of benchmarks for active bandwidth estimation tools.5AcknowledgementWe would like to thank D.R.L´o pez and A.Barriga for their useful comments and assistance.We would also like to thank IMSE and RedIRIS for allowing us to use their resources in our experimentsReferences1.Prasad,R.S.,Murray,M.,Dovrolis, C.,Claffy,K.:Bandwidth estimation:metrics,measurement techniques,and tools.IEEE Network Magazine(2003) /fac/Constantinos.Dovrolis/publications.html.2.Hu,N.,Steenkiste,P.:Evaluation and Characterization of Available BandwidthProbing Techniques.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication21(2003) 879–894/www/igi/.3.Strauss,J.,Katabi,D.,Kaashoek,F.:A Measurement Study of Available Band-width Estimation Tools.In:ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop.(2003)/vern/imc-2003/program.html.4.Ribeiro,V.J.,Riedi,R.H.,Baraniuk,R.G.,Navratil,J.,Cottrell,L.:pathChirp:Ef-ficient Available Bandwidth Estimation for Network Paths.In:Passive and Active Measurement Workshop.(2003)/proceedings.html.5.Banerjee,S.,Agrawala, A.K.:Estimating Available 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