美国小学英语全体系指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? L3 读
美国小学英语全体系指南针教材主题5动物能做什么?L5 说
L5 说SpeakingT68
教学资源Teaching Resources
1完成游戏棋盘。再选择七个动物,画在每个方格内。Complete your game board. Choose seven more animals and draw one in each square. (15 min.)
继续加深课程Take the Lesson Further(10min.)
了解学生们Know Your Students
继续加深课程Take the Lesson Further(10min.)
·读单词kangaroo,让学生们效仿重复,并指出69页上袋鼠的图片,问:What can akangaroo do? (It can jump high.)
美国小学英语全体系课程指南针 主题4 我家里有谁? L12 写
★在班级展示家庭树。描述每片树叶上的人或宠物。Show your family tree to the class. Describe the person or pet on each leaf. (35 min.)
管理班级Manage Your Class
4 帮助学生们根据自己家族树的等级来选择正确的线的长度:短的是祖父母;中等长度的是父母,阿姨和舅舅(叔叔);长的是孩子或堂兄弟姐妹。之后,帮助学生们把叶子系到树枝上,像家谱一样排列树叶
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further(15min.)
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further(15min.)
·让学生们合作,按照从大到小排列他们的家庭树。请学生们交流来解决:My family is small. There are three people. How many people are in your family? Four. Your tree goes next tomine.之后,让排在后面的学生走向前,然后告诉全班同学他家里有多少人。
主题4我家里有谁?Who is in my family?
教学资源Teaching Resources
·让学生们预览这些图片。问:What are thechildren doing? (Walking.) What are they thinking about?(Their abilities.)
·大声读说明和第一个句子。问:What can Liam do? (Jump.) Is he like a kangaroo or a falcon? (Kangaroo.) Why? (Kangaroos can jump. Falcons can’t jump.)
3Rachel can ……………………………………………..
4Enzo can ………………………………………………….
2和同伴交谈。问和答。你像什么动物,为什么?Talk with a partner. Ask and answer: What animal are you like? Why?
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further15min.)
让学生们思考Get Students Thinking
·指着第二个句子。说:Here, “like” isn’t a verb. It means “similar to.”
·在黑板上写:I like elephants. I like my friend James. James is like an elephant. He’s big and strong. I’m like a lizard. I’m little and fast.让学生们确认用like的比较。
美国小学英语全体系指南针教材主题5动物能做什么?L11 说
·第三次播放,让学生们检查。之后问:What other questions does she ask? (Can you smell well? Canyou smell things far away?) How does she guess? (Are you a dog?)
*他们能做什么?他们有什么特殊的感官?完成这个图表。What can they do? Do they have any special senses? Complete the chart.
使用手势Using Gestures
·让学生们混在一起表演像他们的一个动物。让他们去寻找其他可能模仿同一种动物的人。当他们找到一个,他们就粘在一起,然后去寻找其他人。当所有学生被分组时,询问每一组,他们动物的一种能力:Can you fly high?
·在左边栏里写:Rabbit.指向中间栏并问:What can it do? (Run fast.)指向最右栏,并问:Does it have any special senses? (It can hear well.)
介绍技能Present theSkill(10 min.)
·引出学生们知道的或和朋友们一起使用的手势(OK手势,点头/摇头,嘘声等等)。鼓励学生们在能解释的情况下用单词解释词义:It’s OK. Yes/No. Be quiet!
指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? 0概述
用不带冠词的复数名词来概括描述一个类别或组:Kangaroos can jump.这称之为“零冠词”。
将感官与身体部位联系起来Connecting Senses to Body Parts
2画出你最喜爱的动物Draw your favorite animal. (5 min.)
·让同学们回想自己喜欢的动物。之后,让大家选一个最喜欢的并画出来。鼓励大家画正在做动作的动物。说:Think about it. Can your animal fly, run or swim?
身体部位Body Parts
arm, fin, foot (pl. feet), hand, head, leg, tail, trunk, wing
bat, cheetah, chimpanzee, dolphin, elephant, falcon, gecko, kangaroo,lizard, owl, penguin, snake
找出问题和解决方法Finding the Problem and Solution
·请志愿者读示例段落的一个句子,然后问:What does a sentence start with? (A capitalletter.) What does it end with? (A period or exclamation mark.)
*在主题句下画红线,在结束句下画蓝线。Underline the topic sentence in red. Underline the closingsentence in blue.
2选择一个令人惊奇的动物。在笔记本上写关于它的一个段落Choose an amazing animal. Write a paragraph about it in your notebook.
1看所有的动物。比较它们身体各部位Look at all the animals. Compare theirbody parts.
Dogs, lizards and sharks have tails.
2比较你的动物能做什么Compare what your animals can d.
·继续这样说动物的能力。问像这样的问题:Which animals can (swim)? Which animals can’t (fly)?
1听并跟随Listen and follow.
在一列单Writing aParagraph
·之后问:What are the sentences in the middle?引出中间是辅助信息。在图表的中间行写出辅助信息。
美国小学英语全体系课程指南针 主题3 我家在哪? L6 写
1看地图,读并圈出大写字母Look at the map. Read and circle the capital letters.
2绘制一张学校附近的地图Make a map of your school’s neighborhood
1 在地图的中央画你的学校
2 画出学校附近的地点并贴上标签。街道和其他名称用大写字母
用你的经历来描述一个位置Using YourExperiencesto Describe aLocation
Topic3where is my home?
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further(10min.)
·全班一起或分小组,让学生轮流想象和猜测页面上地图上的位置。让一位学生悄悄的选一个地方,并想象在那里,正看向四周。让同学们问问题来搜集线索并猜:What’s near/next to/across from you? Is there a street? Which one?
Topic3Where is my home?
1你称之为“家”的是什么?打勾What do you call“home”? Mark (✓).(5 min.)
·全班一起读问题和答案选项。问:Is only one answer correct? (No.) Why not?引出这些地方时人们居住的地方。让学生们思考并勾出自己的答案。要求每个答案选项举手,讨论那个答案是最常见的。
介绍技能Present the Skill (5 min.)
3表演这个故事。使用like, don’t like, love和hate.Act out the story. Uselike, don’t like, loveandhate.(15 min.)
·之后问:What games do they try to play? (Tug-of-war,hide and seek, hopscotch, chess.) Who finds a solution to theproblem at the end? (Owl.)
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (15min.)
·对于第一张图片,问:Does Mouse like flying into the air? (No.) How do you know? (He’s nervous.)
美国小学英语全体系指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? L7 词汇
AnswersUnderline two instances each: smell, stanza 1; see, stanza 2; hear, stanza 3; taste, stanza 4; feel, stanza 5
介绍技能Present the Skill(20 min.)
·说并让学生们重复:An ear can hear. A nose cansmell. An eye can see.
介绍词汇Present the Vocabulary(5 min.)
·在黑板上画一个大S.说:What letter is this? (S.)把S变成蛇的图片。说:S is for sssssnake!让学生们跟着重复。问:What do snakes say? (Ssss!)
*再听,并跟着唱Listenagain and sing along. (25 min.)
美国小学英语全体系指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? L4 听
They can jump out of the water.They can run fast.
They can swim fast.They can run as fast as a car!
3写两个句子来支持这个主要意思Write two sentences to support this main idea.
2听。勾出他们所看见的。Listen. Mark (✓) what they see.37(15 min.)
·播放曲目37,然后让学生们只是听,来确认活动1中自己的答案。之后,问:How do you know they’re at the zoo?引出有人说“Welcome to the zoo”和野生动物。
1Cheetahs have longlegs/feet.
2Chimpanzees have stronglegs/arms.
3Dolphins have powerfultails/fins.
*再听一次。每句的主要意思是哪个?编号。Listen again. Which of the main ideas does each sentencesupport? Number.
·让学生们看这些图片,问:How are theysimilar? (They’re animals.) Are they pets? (No.)
·和学生们一起读说明和选项。问:What can you see at a (park/zoo/playground)?
Answerthe zoo
·读/写:学生们写一篇游戏评论:I give jumprope five stars! I love it! It’s fun to see how many times I can jump.
1选择十个游戏Choose ten games.(10 min.)
·把学生们分对,然后让他们为自己的Go Fish纸牌选择十个游戏。
*想出每个游戏规则Think of the rules of each game. (25 min.)
介绍专题Present theProject(10min.)
·提醒学生们,他们在第9课中学过怎样玩Go Fish游戏。引出学生们能回想起的任何规则。
·让学生们看纸牌模型。提醒学生们Go Fish是一个配对游戏。问:What matching information
is on both cards? (Jump rope.)引出这个游戏的一张纸牌有一个图片,而另一张纸牌描述怎样玩。
指南针主题6我喜欢玩什么游戏?What games do I like to play?
学生们将制作和玩Go Fish纸牌游戏。
教学资源Teaching Resources
索引卡(每学生10张),第86页中Go Fish说明书复印件(每对学生一份),躲避球用的轻橡胶球,超长跳绳(每组一个)
英语作文饲养小动物可以做什么The Joy and Responsibilities of Pet Ownership.Owning a pet is a rewarding experience that brings joy, companionship, and a sense of purpose to many people's lives. Whether it's a dog, cat, bird, or any other type of animal, pets provide us with a sense of responsibility and can teach us valuable lessons about love, care, and empathy.Bonding and Companionship.One of the most significant benefits of owning a pet is the strong bond and companionship that develop over time. Pets are natural social beings and thrive on interactionand attention from their owners. By spending time with them, playing, cuddling, or simply being present, we form a deep emotional connection that can lead to a sense offulfillment and happiness.Teaching Responsibility.Owning a pet is also a great way to teach children responsibility. Taking care of a pet involves regular feeding, grooming, exercise, and vet visits. This teaches children the importance of routine, commitment, and considering the needs of others. It also helps them develop empathy as they learn to understand and care for a creature that depends on them for its well-being.Physical Activity.Many pets, especially dogs, require regular exercise to stay healthy. Taking your dog for a walk or run not only benefits their physical health but also provides you with an opportunity to get some exercise too. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being.Emotional Support.Pets can also provide emotional support, especially during tough times. They are unjudgmental listeners andprovide a nonofthreatening space for us to process our feelings. The simple act petting or hugging your pet can release oxytocin, a hormone known as the "cuddle hormone," which helps to reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness and happiness.Social Interaction.Owning a pet can also lead to more social interaction. Dog parks, pet stores, and even vet visits provide opportunities to meet other pet owners and share experiences, tips, and stories. This can lead to new friendships and a sense of community.Observation and Learning.Watching your pet's behaviors can also be a valuable learning experience. Animals have unique ways of communicating and adapting to their environment, and observing them can teach us about survival skills, problem-solving, and instincts.The Responsibility of Pet Ownership.However, while the benefits of pet ownership are numerous, it's important to remember that it's also a significant responsibility. Pets rely on their owners for their basic needs, including food, shelter, and medical care. It's essential to be able to provide these needs consistently and to be prepared for any unexpected expenses, such as emergency vet visits.Additionally, pets require regular training and socialization to ensure they integrate well into societyand avoid behavioral issues. This involves setting boundaries, providing structure, and being consistent with rules and expectations.Conclusion.Owning a pet is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that can bring joy and companionship to your life. It's important to remember, however, that it's also asignificant responsibility that requires commitment, time,and resources. By providing your pet with love, care, and attention, you can enjoy the many benefits of pet ownership while also fostering a deeper understanding and respect for animals.。
美国小学英语全体系课程指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? L1 词汇
介绍词汇Present the Vocabulary(10min.)
·读单词,让学生们重复。提醒学生们pl.代表plural.当你说的时候,让学生们跟着重复并举手指来数:One foot, two feet.
·之后,主持关于身体各部位的用处的讨论,问像这样的问题:What does a bird do with its wings? (Fly.)What do you use to run? (Legs, feet.)
*每个身体部位都谁有?请分类。Who has each body part? Sort. (15 min.)
介绍技能Present the Skill (5min.)
继续加深课程Take the Lesson Further(15min.)
*每个身体部位都谁有?请分类Who has each body part? Sort.
Body Parts
foot (pl. feet)
学生们将观看Max, Maddie和船长介绍他们的宠物。
afoodsbsmall animalscsounds
2How do geckos use theirstickyfeet?
ato climb and not fallbto run fastcto eat food
3Binocularshelp you…
ahear small animals.bsee things far away.cfly fast.
你能像蝙蝠那样听吗?Can you hearlike a bat?
超能力:粘附脚Superpower:Sticky Feet
你能像壁虎那样爬吗?Can you climblike a gecko?
教学资源Teaching Resources
引导课程Lead in to the Lesson(10min.)
·让学生们画他们最爱的超级英雄正在做令人惊奇的事。让他们用大而清晰的字母拼写超级英雄的名字,贴到自己的画上。之后,让学生们分享自己的画并说出自己的超级英雄都能做什么。问:Who’s your superhero? What are his/her superpowers? (He/She can…)
介绍词汇Present the Vocabulary (5 min.)
·让学生们预览这些标题,并将每个标题与一幅图片相匹配。问:What kind of animal is a falcon? (A bird.) Whatkind of animal is a gecko? (A lizard.) What kind of animal isa bat?学生们可能会说bird.解释一下,蝙蝠虽然有翅膀,但它并不是鸟类。
3 在课堂上分享漫画 Share your comic with your class. (30 min.) ·给各组时间来练习。每个组员要展示一张图画,同时读背面的文本。学生们要站起来并按 照正确的顺序读。 ·请各组向全班介绍?
L12 专题 Project
这是超级黑猩猩! 他很强壮! 他能爬树! 超级黑猩猩来救援了! 不要担心! 我爬得又高又快!
救命!我的猫在树上! 我不会爬树。 树太高了! 谢谢你,超级黑猩猩! 你是我的英雄! 漫画: 一只超级动物英雄 Comic: An
1 听并跟随漫画 Listen and follow the comic.
1 听并跟随漫画。Listen and follow the comic. (15 min.) ·播放曲目 43,并让学生们跟着看每张图片旁的文字。 ·之后,给 3 位同学分配角色:叙述者(第 1 版面),女孩(第 2,4 版面),超级黑猩猩(第 3 格版面),让他们一起大声读这个漫画。如果时间充裕,继续叫其他同学来这样读漫画。 鼓励学生们表情丰富的阅读。
美国小学英语全体系指南针 主题5 动物能做什么? L2 语法
·用本课动词玩Board Race游戏(详见xvi页)。说一个动词,让各组写或画能做这个动作的动物和事物(例如,bird, owl, falcon, parrot,airplane能飞)
1听并跟随Listen and follow.(10min.)
了解学生们Know Your Students
1听并跟随Listen and follow.
Answers1 can’t 2 can 3 can’t 4 can
继续加深课程Take the Lesson Further (25min.)
1 让同学们自己完成这些句子。
2看,圈出并配对Look, circle and match.1Hecan / can’trun.
2Shecan / can’tjump.
3Penguins are birds, but theycan / can’tfly.
4Owls are birds, and theycan / can’tfly.
介绍语法Present the Grammar(10min.)
·和全班同学一起读第二个条目。给出一个例子:The owlis white.问:Are all owls white? (No.)解释一下笼统地描述某个事物,主语用复数形式,前面不用冠词a,an,或the.之后问:Can all owls fly? (Yes.)说并让学生们跟着重复:Owls can fly.
2为Lola写两个新问题。Write two new questions for Lola. (10 min.)
3角色扮演和Lola对话Role-play a dialogue with Lola. (20 min.)
了解学生们Know Your Students
3角色扮演和Lola的对话Role-play a dialogue with Lola.
用Can来问能力Asking AboutAbilities with Can
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
What canyoudo?
·问:Who’s talking? (A scientist and a parrot.) Which one isLola? (The parrot.)
介绍语法Present the Grammar(10min.)
1听并跟随Listen and follow.
Can youHow manyWhat canWhat color
一、动物基础词汇1. 动物(animal):指生活在地球上并有生命的生物,能够自行活动、寻找食物和繁殖后代。
2. 鸟(bird):羽翼丰满,通常有两只脚和喙,能飞行。
3. 猫(cat):有四只脚和尾巴,长有胡须和小耳朵,能够捕食小动物。
4. 狗(dog):有四只脚和尾巴,是人类的宠物之一,通常用于看守家庭和驱赶小偷。
5. 鱼(fish):生活在水中的动物,有鳞和鳍,能够呼吸水中的氧气。
6. 马(horse):有四只脚和尾巴,能够奔跑和承担人类的工作。
7. 狮子(lion):大型猫科动物,有鬃毛和锋利的牙齿,是非常勇敢的动物。
8. 猴子(monkey):有灵活的手指和尾巴,通常能够爬树和摘果子。
9. 熊(bear):有浓密的毛发和能够抓住东西的爪子,能够在冬天进入冬眠状态。
10. 老鼠(mouse):小型哺乳动物,一般通过啃咬来获取食物。
练习题:1. 英语中动物的单词是什么?答案:animal2. 鸟与其他动物有什么不同之处?答案:鸟有羽翼,能够飞行。
3. 狗和猫都是人类的宠物,你更喜欢哪个?答案:个人答案,无标准答案。
4. 鱼能够在水中呼吸,那么人类呢?答案:人类需要通过吸氧来呼吸。
5. 熊在什么时候会进入冬眠状态?答案:在冬天。
二、动物表述1. 食肉动物(carnivore):以其他动物为食物的动物。
2. 食草动物(herbivore):以植物为食物的动物。
3. 杂食动物(omnivore):同时以植物和动物为食物的动物。
4. 猎物(prey):被食肉动物捕猎的动物。
5. 捕食者(predator):以其他动物为食物的动物。
6. 繁殖(reproduce):指生殖和繁衍后代的过程。
7. 栖息地(habitat):动物生活和繁衍的地方,通常与食物和气候有关。
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·问:What is Crow trying to get? (Water.) Does she get waterby the end of the story? (Yes.)
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (20min.)
指南针主题5动物能做什么What can animals do?
L3读ReadingT66聪明的乌鸦Smart Crowp54
·大多数学生能用can/can’t说一个句子来描述每个图片里发生了什么事情:Crow can’t
drink the water. Crow can drop stones in the pitcher. Now, crow can drink the water.
·少数学生能够更详细的讲这个故事。鼓励他们描述环境:Crow is in a garden.There’s a tall pitcher.以及乌鸦的感受:She’s happy/ unhappy.
引导课程Lead in to the Lesson(10min.)
介绍技能Present the Skill
·大声读词条,然后在黑板上写出这两个问题。在第一个问题problem下划线。在第二个问题中,在fix the problem下划线,在它的下面,写出单词solution.
·让学生们会看第52页故事“Grandfather’s Carrot”里的图片。问:What can’t they do?引出结论是,角色们不能把大胡萝卜从地里拔出来。说:That’s a problem!
·让学生们在自己的笔记本上写出这些单词,并在不同的字母(dr-, th-)下划线。
1听并跟随。Listen and follow. (15min)
·让学生们预览图片和标题,问:What character do you see in the picture? (A bird.) What’s the title? (“Smart Crow.”) What do you think a crow is? (A bird.)
·问:How do they fix the problem?引出他们一起拔。问:Does it work? Does the carrot come out? (Yes.)That’s a solution!
介绍词汇Present theVocabulary.(5min.)
*读故事,圈出表明乌鸦的问题的图片。Read the story.Circle the picture that shows Crow’s problem. (15 min.)
·请班级其余同学听,当听到单词can’t时举手。 暂停朗读,问:What’s Crow’s problem? (She can’t drink the water.) Why? (The pitcher is tootall.)让学生们圈出正确的图片。
She flies away.She’s thirsty.
*盖住课文,用自己的语言重讲这个故事。Cover the text. Retell the story in your own words.
教学资源Teaching Resources
发现问题并找到解决办法Finding theProblem andSolution
1听并跟随Listen and follow
*读故事,圈出表明乌鸦的问题的图片Read the story. Circle the picture that shows Crow’s problem.
AnswerShe uses stones.
3盖上课文。用自己的语言重述这个故事。Cover the text. Retell the story in your own words.(15 min.)
了解学生们Know Your Students
*再读,按顺序给图片编号Read again. Number the pictures in order
2勾出表明乌鸦解决问题的句子Mark (✓) the sentence that shows how Crow solves herproblem.
She finds a tall pitcher.She uses stones.
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (20 min.)
结合学习方式Integrate Learning Styles
继续深入课程Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
让学生们思考Get Students Thinking
·帮助学生们把寓意和自己的经验联系起来,例如,说:Imagine that your bedroom is a mess! Toysand clothes are everywhere. Can you clean them all up at onetime? (No.) How can you start? (You can pick up one thing.)请学生们想其他问题或者能做的小事,例如家庭作业或家务。
·读第一段,然后问问题来引出不熟悉单词的含义:Crow is thirsty. What does shewant? (Water.)问并让学生们指出图片:What’s a pitcher? Where is Crow’s beak?
·继续这样读剩余的段落。问并让学生们指出图片:What’s a stone?让一位学生演示dropping某物。用手势说明当水面“up,up,up”时会发生什么。
Answerthe top picture
2勾出表明乌鸦解决问题的句子Mark (✓) the sentence that shows how Crow solves her problem. (10 min.)
·指并大声读黑板上来自条目的问题:How does the character fix the problem?让学生们分对讨论,并选出解决办法。
寓意:一点一点,就能解决问题。Moral:Little by little, you can solve your problems!