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西方经济学必修课Western EconomicsThis course we mainly learn macroeconomics and microeconomics.Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the entire economy. This includes a national, regional, or global economy.Measures of national income and output: to estimate total economic activity in a country or region, including gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), and net national income (NNI)---The expenditure approach. It focuses on finding the total output of a nation by finding the total amount of money spent.[C = household consumption, I = gross private domestic investment, G = government consumption and gross investment,X= gross exports of goods and services,M= gross imports of goods and services]---The income approach. It equates the total output of a nation to the total factor income received by people of the nation.National income= Compensation of employees + Net interest + Rental & royalty income + Profit of firms + Income from self-employment + NFIA (net factor income from abroad). The IS/LM model(I nvestment S aving/L iquidity preference M oney supply) is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market.Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of how the individual modern household and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources. Demand curve: In economics, the demand curve is the graph depicting the relationshipbetween the price of a certain commodity, and the amount of it that consumers are willing and able to purchase at that given price.A graph showing the hypothetical of a or that would be at different points.Securities and InvestmentSecurities investment is mainly about how to manage the investment, from both fundamental and technical analysis of stocks, the meaning of the fundamentals of analysis of the value of the company stock, financial position, profitability, growth ability, technical analysis refers to the analysis of the stock price from a technical point of view, the main application of the k-line theory. The trend line, the form of law, and the golden section theory."Asset management"Investment management is the professional management of various securities (shares, bonds etc.) and assets ., real estate), to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors. Investors may be institutions (insurance companies, pension funds, corporations etc.) or private investors (both directly via investment contracts and more commonly 证券投资学主要讲的是如何来管理投资,从基本面和技术两个方面来分析股票,基本面的含义是分析公司股票的价值,主要从财务状况,盈利能力,增长能力等方面,技术分析指的是从技术角度来分析股票价格,主要应用的是k线理论。



1.Advanced MathematicsIn this course i learned hoe to solve derivative problem, for example, f(x) equals 4x square 2 plus 3x, then the derivate of this quotation will be 8x plus 3. And we also learned Integration, which can be thought of as measuring the area under a curve, defined by f(x), between two points, like a and b. For example, the x axis represents time, and the y axis represents speed, the distance is the area of the shaded region.2.ManagementThis course introduced us some basic theories of modern management. Such as Herzberg's two factor theory, this theory mainly suggested a two-step approach to understanding employee motivation and satisfaction. He divided the reasons which would infect employees into two kinds, one is hygiene factors and the other is motivator factors. Such factors like wages, company policy and working conditions are hygiene factors, this kind of factor decided if it would cost dissatisfaction and demotivation. And the motivation factors are more likely to be something like opportunity to advancement, challenging and sense of personal achievement. Unlike hygiene factors, motivation factors will help to determine satisfaction and motivation. this theory actually been used widely in modern companies, ...Secondly, we learned a very famous and important theory, Maslow 's "Hierarchy of Needs". It suggests that you are motivated by your needs, and your needs can be divided into five hierarchy, there are physiological, safety, love\belonging, esteem, self-actualization.3.Political economicsIn this course we learned Marxism, in which introduced Value in use, it means anylabor-product has a value and a use-value, and if it traded as a commodity in markets, it Additionally has an exchange value, most often expressed as a money-price.Marx acknowledges that commodities being traded also have a general utility, implied by the fact that people want them, but he argues that this by itself tells us nothing about the specific character of the economy in which they are produced and sold. Use value means the ability to satisfy people's some certain need. For example, the average price for one hour is ten, then a made a shoe in one hour, but it is damaged, then the value of this shoe is ten but the use value of this shoe is zero since the shoe already lost its ability to satisfy people's need. Secondly, exchange value as for Marx refers to what other commodities it will exchange for. 4.Monetary bankingIn this course, i learned the mainly about bank, bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment agent for customers and to borrow and lend money. Now banks can offer many different channels and services, such as branches, ATMs, mails, telephone banking and online banking. People can get these services easily. For example, I prefer buying something on the internet, because it is very easy and by my online banking I can pay the bills quickly. When I want to transform some money to someone, via online banking I can do it andcheck my account. Because of th is service, I won’t to go to the bank and wait for long time. Via online banking, people also can choose to save their money, pay the electricity feeBretton Woods system, it's been built up after the world war two, its feature was an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate by tying its currency to the US dollar and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalance of payments. The ultimate reasons why this system brake down is the insolvable problem of this system, first of all, if the dollar needs to be stable or else other country would not accept it as an international payment and store method,so American's international payment need to be favorable balance, but on the other hand, the other countries in the world need to have enough foreign exchange reserve which would need American to keep in deficit. There are three direct reasons why this system broke down,1. American's gold reserve keep reducing, which mainly cause by the Viet Nam war. 2.American's inflation getting worse. 3. American's international balance of payment keep being deficit, which cause the DollarGult.Then i learned inflation and deflation, inflation generally caused lots of currencies, which would cause money devalue and total price rises up. Inflation can be divided into demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation, the former one caused by excessive growth of aggregate demand, it means too much money chase too few goods. To be more specific, it could be demand for money is invariant but the money supple increase too much., or the economy system decrease its demand for money greatly. And the second type of inflation is cause by the increase of cost, material and salary. Deflation is caused by price going down for more than one year. It can cause 3 low and 1 high. Price of commodities goes down, effective demands is not enough, money supply is low and economy grows in a low rate, and high unemployment. An increase in the general level of prices implies a decrease in the purchasing power of the currency.Measures: Expansionary monetary policy, expansionary fiscal policy. Expansionary monetary policy means is monetary policy that seeks to increase the size of the money supply. fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection (taxation) and expenditure (spending) to influence the economy. The two main instruments of fiscal policy are government taxation and expenditure. Changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending can impact the following variables in the economy: Aggregate demand and the level of economic activity; The pattern of resource allocation; The distribution of income.5.AccountingFirstly i learned accounting is processing the economy data into accounting information, so that we can figuring out the financial status and business results and use it for future decision. To be more specific, we learned balance sheet, it including assets, liabilities and net worth. Assets shows all the productive assets a company owns, and the second part shows all the financing methods, such as liabilities and shareholder's equity. It always have to follow the formula: Assets= Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity.Balance sheet has a lot of functions, allow me to explain them to you in a vividly example, i kept every income and expenditure of my family, so first, from it i can quickly get to know the financial statement of our family, about the family's financial strength and capabilities to Purchase something expensive like cars or house. I think this is same for the company, they can quickly know whether they are ready to expansion or not. Secondly, the balance sheet canhelp to analyze the trend, in the area of receivables and payables. Thirdly, along with the income statement, can make financial reporting to potential lender such as banks, investors. And we learned cash flow statement.6.Corporate financeI learned the time value of money in this course, it refers to a certain amount of money can buy more things than the same money can buy in present. For example, now i have 100 yuan, if the interest is 5%, then after a year, this 100 yuan will be worth 105 yuan in the future. This is because the common phenomenon of inflation. For example, as the professor said, theoretically,, you are actually saving money if you pay the credit card's debt at the last day of the limitation.Then we learned matching principle, a company can minimize its financial cost by matching principle, which refers to a short term finance demand should supply by short term debt financing, and long term finance demand should be support by long term finance recourse. For example,7.International tradeIn this course, i learned free trade and protectionism, free trade is a trade policy that allows traders to act or transact without the interference from government, under this trade policy, prices are a reflection of true supply and demand, and are the sole determinant of resources allocation. And protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states, through methods like tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas and some other government regulations designed to discourage imports and prevent foreign companies take over domestic markets and companies. For example, Walmart in china. Two supermarkets from Walmart, Shenzhen Walmart and Beijing Walmart might have different prices on one good, because Shenzhen as a economic special zone, don't allow protectionism exist, the Chinese government in order to protect the domestic retailer, set up a series of tax policy to foreign retailers.Thirdly, we learned balance of trade, it refers to the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over i certain period. A positive or favorable balance of trade is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative or unfavorable balance is referred to as a trade deficit or a trade gap. Surplus appears on the balance of payment will be as a credit balance, the advantage of it is it will enhance the ability of international reserve and foreign payment, but it also have disadvantages about it, for example china and American:1. It will increase the pressure of RMB appreciation, cuz favorable balance of trade will make the supply of dollar more than demand, then will cause the expectation of dollar depreciation and RMB appreciation, then it would increase the pressure of RMB appreciation, the more surplus get the bigger pressure of RMB appreciation gets. Favorable balance of trade would cause international trade friction, china's having favorable balance means the countries doing business with china will have unfavorable balance, then they will use limit the export of china's product to protect their domestic industry, for example, after China join WTO, trade between China and American has the largest deficit, so China's relationship with American has always been so tight.2.8.International trade practiceIn this course we learned some practical knowledge about international trade, firstly, trade terms like FOB, CIF and CFR, these are three most useful trade terms, FOB means free on board, CFR means cost and fright, CIF means cost and fright and insurance. In these three trade terms, what seller needs to paid is increasing, but the responsibility has all transferred to the buyer once the goods cross the ship side. For example, a company in Brazil bought a thousand pieces silk, and he choose CIF as the trade term, then i need to prepare all the documents for export from China and pat the insurance and fright to the goods, after once the good cross the ship side, before the ship sail, the goods were accidentally falling off the ship and ruined, then the buyer need to contact and negotiate the compensation.And wo learned payments of international trade, such as L/C, letter of credit. D/P, documents against payment, which can be divided into D/P sight and D/P after sight or after date. D/A, documents against acceptance. The risk to the exporter is different with these three kind of payment, if i am exporting some goods, foe example, i am gonna export ten thousand meter silk to you, i would choose the most safe payment to me, L/C, letter of credit, because after the contract is included, the your bank would supplies a letter of credit to me, then i will consigns the goods to a my carrier in exchange for a bill of lading, after that i will provide the bill of lading to bank in exchange for payment, my bank exchanges bill of lading for payment from your bank. Then your bank exchanges bill of lading for payment from you, at last, you provides bill of lading to my carrier and takes delivery of goods.And some details process of doing business with foreign companies.We studied the detailed process of doing business with foreign companies in this course. After learning about a suitable company which can be done business with, we need to do inquiry, offer and acceptance. This is a negotiation process.Then we sign the contract. During this process, we need to define the name of commodity, package and quantity accurately. And we must state clearly what trade term and which legislation we use in this business. There are different kinds of trade terms, such as FOB (free on board)装运港船上交货, CIF (cost insurance and freight)成本加保险费加运费, and CFR (cost and freight)成本加运费. These terms explain the responsibilities and duties of shipper托运人,发货人and consignee收运人.After signing the contract, the seller needs to prepare for the cargo, do custom clearance清关,外贸通关and inspection检查. Before connecting with carrier, the shipper or consignee needs to confirm insurance. There are many transport ways. Such as shipping, rail, and air. We choose the ways according to the cargo and particular case. The normal and basic way is container transport集装箱运输. It can realize CY to CY集装箱运输,场到场and CY to SD??. The normal types of containers are 20 feet’, 40’gp and reefer.After the cargo arrives at the destination, consignee pays and gets bills. Then he takes delivery with the bills. There are two types of bills. Original bill原始票据and seaway bill海运单. The Consignee also can request to do telex release. The payment ways consist of remittance汇款, collection and letter of credit信用证.After the buyer pays for all the fees and picks up the cargo, this business is finished.瓦家:Letter of Credit: is a document that a financial institution or similar party issues to a seller of goods or services which provides that the issuer will pay the seller for goods or services the seller delivers to a third-party buyer.9.International finance theory and practiceIn this course10.FinanceI learned inflation and deflation11.International investingIn this course i learned about foreign direct investment, which means direct investment into production in a country by a company in another country, either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country. Foreign direct investment is done for many reasons including to take advantage of cheaper wages, special investment privileges such as tax exemptions offered by the country as an incentive to gain tariff-free access to the markets of the country to portfolio investment which is a passive investment in the securities of another country such as stocks and bonds. For example, Walmart in Guangzhou, since China have set a tax for foreign retailers to protect domestic retailers, so Walmart's "low price everyday" can not work in GZ, so Walmart purchase a domestic retailer haoyouduo to enter the market, then it can avoid the tax policy Chinese government set up for foreign company.Then we also learned what a company should do before entering a completely strange market, introduce us a method by evaluating the certain region of its currency stability, political stability and discrimination&controls. Each par worth a certain percentage. Add up all the points and comparing them. For example, if you want invest in Asia, comparing China and India, then the basic infrastructure in China may get some point while India may have more advantage in law.12.World economicsWorld economy introduces mainly the economy situations of some representative countries in the world. This course divides the world economy into five categories. There are developed economy countries, such as America and Japan, quick developing economy countries, like Latin America, like Argentina, Brazil. Economy system reforming country, the Soviet Union changes to Russia, for example, after the disintegration of the soviet union, a very few people get the wealthy of former national corporations, which cause the massive gap between poor people and wealth people. And there are economy develops stably, such as Norway and Switzerland. The countries whose economy is still growing, such as China and India. One is the world important manufacturing area and another is world IT support center. They are both searching for their own developing roads.13.Transnational corporationThis is a course introducing many aspects of transnational corporation, such as the environment analyze of target market, that means when a corporation intend to enter a completely strange market, it needs to do some research about the environment of that country, which includes politic environment, cultural environment, and the most important one, economic environment. For example, if my corporation want develop my business in Africa, ineed to ...And i learned international corporation marketingAnd i learned the research and development of international corporation, it has many forms, such as buying14.EconometricsI learned a very popular and useful application to solve statistic problems in finance. First of all, i learned there are three types of data, time-series data, cross-sectional data, and panel data. For example, time-series data is something like the inflation of a country from 2002 to 2010. Cross-sectional data are like all citizens' income in Shenzhen in 2010. Panel data contains both of them, like all citizens' income in SZ from 2002 to 2010.After this we learned how to build a econometric model.Economic or financial theory(Precious study)Formulation of an Estimable Theoretical ModelCollection of dataModel EstimationTestify Is the Model Statistically work?If no then reformulate Model, if yes then Interpret Model and Use for analysis.For example, i can build up a econometric model about the relationship betweenputer theory and practiceThis course mainly introduced how to use many popular and useful software, for example, the more professional way of using Word, Excel and PPT, which really build up a solid foundation to my future study like management information system, using excel to organize all the statistic, and in almost each class since then i using PPT to show my presentation, which through that my ability of making PPT is getting really good, i now designing my own model of PPT.16.Human resources managementThis course is shows me the actual use of modern management theories, one fo the Impressive knowledge i learned from this course is Performance management, it means to motivate employees work as members of a group, to improve organizational effectiveness in order to accomplish company's goal. It includes planning work and setting expectations, continually monitoring performance, developing the capacity to perform, periodically rating performance to check who are the best, and rewarding good performance. For example, when i get into a new company, the HR manager should ask me to write a short report about my personal expectation, and combine with the company's goal, they can make a performance plan especially for me, setting every milestone for me and the company, keep an eye on my working direction and performance, help me to develop myself when they found out i'm doing well or reset the performance plan if i'm heading the wrong direction, at last, reward my performance so i can be motivated and keeping the good performance at next statement. Secondly, labor union, is an organization of workers who have banded together to achievecommon goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions. For example, if17.Project managementThis is a very practical course cuz we learned most of the knowledge by doing the experiment that designed by ourselves. First of all, this course mainly tell us how to run a project efficiently, a project usually needs five development stages, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, closing. For example, my group designed a project of...And there is another interesting and useful tool i learned during the project, it's called Gantt chart, it's a kind of bar chart that illustrates project schedule, it divides a project into several minor parts, and each of them would have a start statement and end statement on the chart, which can show perfectly how the project goes. For example, i can divide my today's schedule into several parts, like having breakfast, walking to here, waiting for the interview, interviewing and so on.18.MicroeconomicsThis course is mainly study in demand and supply,19.MacroeconomicsThis course is20.Management information systemThis course introduce a very new and efficient method of managing informations which become a very important part of modern company management. We learned this course by a very practical way, most of the course are taught in the experiment room, everyone of us need to build a management information system for Toyota, who's been the first one using MIS in operation management. The whole idea of management information system is share all informations to everyone participate in operating. So i build a MIS about inventory, for example, every Toyota car needs four Tyre and one engine, if there is one car been ordered, then the MIS of inventory will show the demand of four Tyre and one engine and immediately sending to the place of assemble, meanwhile this inventory will share the information to the producer, then they can produce four more Tyre and one engine to fill up the inventory. This kind of information sharing would decrease the cost of internal running. It's a relative new concept of operate. 21.Economic lawThe most impressed knowledge i learned in this course is intellectual property, it refers to creation of the mind: such as inventions, literary, and artistic work.and intellectual property law is the area of law that deals with the creation of intellectual property patents, copyrights and trademarks. To be more specific, copyright protect the expressive arts; patents protect an invention from being made, sold or used by other for a certain period of time; and trademarks protect the names and identifying marks of products and companies. For example, actually in China, most Chinese are lack of the awareness of protecting intellectual property, recently i have notice there is a Chinese boy in Germany being arrested for illegally downloading the movie Avengers, he does not it is illegally until the german policeman tell him. And when i copya german cartoon movie from my german teacher, he made me promise that i would not use it as illegally way, so i think Chinese need to learn more, far more about intellectual property. The other law i learned in this course is consumer protection law, it mainly introduces how to punish the sellers’ harming consumer behaviors. In China, the fifteenth of March every year is the cons umer rights protection day. All law rules and this day contributes to protect consumers’ lawful rights and interests, making them buy things at ease and enjoy consuming happily.22.StatisticsStatistics is a science which studies how to measure, collect, concludes and analyzes the data which reflect the total quantity objectively. Mathematical statistics is its theory basis.It is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. Also with prediction and forecasting based on data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, government and business.23.International trade of serviceThis course is actually the favorite course of all, i bought a book named <The world is flat> and read it over and over again to better understand trade of service. This kind of service is actually getting increasingly important in the world trade, firstly, international trade in service does not result in ownership, i took a airplane to here, i booked the seat on the airplane but that doesn't mean i can keep the seat to myself, in trade service, this only means a paid for enjoy the service. Secondly, trade in service has many different forms, like travel to another country, education in another country, or even more unpredictable but a very popular way of service trade, outsourcing, this means transferrer some low additional profit part in the product to other area, where have advantages like low labor cost. For example, Bangalore in India,24.International technical tradeThis course is a very interesting and useful class under the present globalized world, especially for Chinese. In the course, it explained technical trade is increasingly important for many reasons, one of which is, technique, like product, most of them has life cycle, so it would maximize the profit through international technical trade. To be more specific, for example, a cell phone, the smart cell phone represented by iphone have taken over the market of most countries. At the first stage of25.Operating managementThis course is kind of hard course for me cuz it introduce a whole new area of knowledge about the actual operate in a company especially in the produce and inventory stage. Since the modern corporation have realized it cost them a fortune on such parts like transportation and inventory, so they start to focus on managing this parts efficiently to save some cost. For example, we learned how the product should be arrange in the storehouse according to the pick up frequency and amount. And we learned a extraordinary operate system—JIT, just in time. Invented and using by TOYOTA, it reduce the in-progress inventory and associate carrying cost. The soul of the system is no inventory and MIS, it is a pull production. Forexample, now i bought a TOYOTA car, then the manager of the selling store upload this information in their MIS system, then the producers start to produce the different part of the car, and then send it to the factory to put them together, after that just send them out to the selling store. No inventory!26.Corporation economicsThis course mainly introducing modern corporation, there are some characteristics of modern corporation, such as the property right of a corporation is shareholding system, which is a very common phenomenon in the share market . It means maintaining ownership over a share on a long-term basis, it can collect a lot of capitals together to run a certain corporation. For example, if a website i am running is doing great, then i can put it into the market to collect capital in order to wider website company size. Another characteristic of modern corporation is the ownership and the administration of the corporation is departed. For example, the CEO of google company in China is Likaifu, he was hired to run the corporation but he has nothing to do with own the google corporation, they hire him because he has a lot of experience of management and he knows well about the culture of China.And we learned merger annexation and purchasingAnd we learned human resources and employment of corporation, firstly, labor union, is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions. For example, i have read a news that the Lufthansa airplane company in Germany recently had strike for rising salary, this is a big function of labor union.27.International marketingThis course we learned some basic knowledge about marketing, first of all, we learned 4P model, which refers to product, price, place and promotion. These are the elements you need to consider when you developing a product into market, for example, if i wanna sell this cup, i need to know if it can satisfy consumer, as a cup, can consumer drink with it? And then, what price should i set for this cup, i can set it according to the produce cost of this cup or set it according to the price other seller set for this cup. And place, like what distance should i build my factory or where should i set this cup in retailer's store. Last, the promotion, which is a very important part, it includes target the type of the consumer of this cup, like is it made for business occasion or for party? In this part, get to know the local culture is very important, for example, coca cola in Iran, they forgot that the local consumer tend to read from right to left, so their poster about the coke is...And then in this course, l learned a very useful theory, the product life cycle theory. It refers to most product have four stages in a certain market: introduction, growth, maturity, and saturation and decline. Each stage has its own feature, we can comparing them in sales, investment cost, competition, advertising and profit. For example, the cell phone28.Intercultural business communication。






























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关于aps审核的八大问题关于aps审核的八大问题1) aps适用范围:大学学满6学期,并打算去德国申请硕士的学生以及三年制高等大专毕业后申请预科的学生。


2) 通过率问题:一审现在通过率在85%左右,三审不过的大约在1%左右。





6)对于答不出的题目:没有关系,考官可以理解你答不出2,3个问题,但是你必须有所反应,可以把你知道的相关的知识说给他听,千万不要选择沉默7) 审核成绩问题:最终aps成绩是根据你的成绩单用巴伐利亚公式算出的,面试不会影响你的aps成绩8) 补审的问题:当你最终补审8学期成绩的时候,你的aps成绩会根据你的8学期成绩而发生变动,还是按照巴伐利亚算法得出 ps。


第2篇:关于分层审核的问题关于分层审核的问题一、什么是分层审核:1)现场管理者每天对*作者所做的工作进行验*符合*;主管对现场管理者做验*工作加以验*;部门负责人对主管验*工作的结果加以验*的一系列全过程工作;2) 分层审核必须形成历史记录(不定空头指标),要有具体的标准和数据。





































































这种练习,应该以扎实地选用一种市面上通行的教材(老至Ziele, 新至Lernziel Deutsch都完全可以胜任)作为根基进行,从而充分利用这些教材比较完整的语法体系和词汇量。








会计专业APS总结第一篇:会计专业APS总结会计:Rechnungswesen Unternehmen wirtschaftliche Aktivität durch die Buchhaltungssystem und umgewandelt in effektive Finanzinformationen für Führungskräfte zu verwenden.Buchhaltung ist die Bilanzierungs-und Aufsichtsfunktionen.Der Hauptfaktor, Bilanzierung von sechs.Vermögenswerte, Schulden , Eigenkapital, Erträge, Aufwendungen und Gewinne.Vermögenswerte Vorteile bringen wird.Unternehmensanleihen werden Abfluss von wirtschaftlichem Nutzen führen.Nachdem das Eigenkapital der Eigentümer liegt Vermögenswerte abzüglich der Verbindlichkeiten, Vorteile durch den Eigentümer genossen.Die Erträge werden zu einem Anstieg der Eigentümer Eigenkapital Gesamtkapitalzuflüsse wirtschaftlichen Nutzens, unabhängig von den Eigentümer-Eingänge führen.Kosten würde zu einer Verminderung des Eigenkapitals Eigentümer und dem Besitzer der Abfluss von Investitionen unabhängig von wirtschaftlichen Interessen führen.Gewinn ist die Betriebser gebnisse des Unternehmens für einen bestimmten Zeitraum , der Jahresüberschuss minus Aufwendungen.会计将企业的经济活动,通过会计系统的处理,转换成有效的财务信息,提供给管理者使用。



APS审核经验总结2月12日1:先列一下每门的重点,然后再维基百科2:每门准备几个知识点就够了,每个知识点要有例子3:要找不同科目联系,老师问1,在2里学的,可以说其实1在3那门课里才是重点,老师就会开始问你说的3都学什么呢,老师还会问你几个科目的区别4:要注意整理专业课间的联系和区别,把老师往自己熟悉的科目和知识点引5:一环科学姐一审笔试面试问的全是有机,最近还有被问军事理论的6:应该考前多搜集,看看咱刚考过什么题7:SB R,固废填埋,臭氧层破坏,污水处理常用方法,颗粒物2月16日A1:参考论坛中经历逐步完善复习内容,发现重点的要掌握细节(比如试剂加多少毫升),不重点的也得有概念(好多。









,不要自己说的东西自己都不是很懂9.科学分类词典10.VB最基础的语法11.自我介绍(self introduction)可以体现一些个性,吸引他们问一些你熟悉的专业知识12.不会的词可以问他们13.考的最高的科目,刚好及格的科目14.说不出来,不要冷场,说点别的15.这是我。






















































In this course, I learned basic financial concepts, such as money, credit and interest rates, financial institutions, financial instruments and financial markets.Basic concepts of finance1.MoneyA commodity that is legally established as an exchangeable equivalent of all other commodities.Money as a medium of exchange. The purchasing and selling are done through the money. Money as a unit of account. It helps to measure the value of goods and services.Money as a store of value. Money held’s in the form of cash is considered highly liquid assets. Money as a standard of deferred payments. In today economy buying and selling of goods are made on the basis of credit.2.CreditThe behavior that they loan you money to use which you must in turn pay back including interest. Credit tools: cheque, commercial bills, commercial paper, bond, stock.3.Interest(Simple interest) Interest paid only on the original principal, not on the interest accrued. Interest = principal x rate x n(期限) 利息=本金x利率x n (期限)。

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1.Advanced MathematicsIn this course i learned hoe to solve derivative problem,for example,f(x) equals4x square2plus3x,then the derivate of this quotation will be8x plus 3.And we also learned Integration,which can be thought of as measuring the area under a curve,defined by f(x),between two points,like a and b.For example,the x axis represents time,and the y axis represents speed,the distance is the area of the shaded region.2.ManagementThis course introduced us some basic theories of modern management.Such as Herzberg's two factor theory,this theory mainly suggested a two-step approach to understanding employee motivation and satisfaction.He divided the reasons which would infect employees into two kinds,one is hygiene factors and the other is motivator factors.Such factors like wages,company policy and working conditions are hygiene factors,this kind of factor decided if it would cost dissatisfaction and demotivation.And the motivation factors are more likely to be something like opportunity to advancement,challenging and sense of personal achievement.Unlike hygiene factors,motivation factors will help to determine satisfaction and motivation.this theory actually been used widely in modern companies,...Secondly,we learned a very famous and important theory,Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs".It suggests that you are motivated by your needs,and your needs can be divided into five hierarchy,there are physiological,safety, love\belonging,esteem,self-actualization.3.Political economicsIn this course we learned Marxism,in which introduced Value in use,it means anylabor-product has a value and a use-value,and if it traded as a commodity in markets,itAdditionally has an exchange value,most often expressed as a money-price. Marx acknowledges that commodities being traded also have a general utility, implied by the fact that people want them,but he argues that this by itself tells us nothing about the specific character of the economy in which they are produced and e value means the ability to satisfy people's some certain need.For example,the average price for one hour is ten,then a made a shoe in one hour,but it is damaged,then the value of this shoe is ten but the use value of this shoe is zero since the shoe already lost its ability to satisfy people's need.Secondly,exchange value as for Marx refers to what other commodities it will exchange for.4.Monetary bankingIn this course,i learned the mainly about bank,bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment agent for customers and to borrow and lend money.Now banks can offer many different channels and services,such as branches,ATMs,mails,telephone banking and online banking.People can get these services easily.For example,I prefer buying something on the internet,because it is very easy and by my online banking I can pay the bills quickly.When I want to transform some money to someone, via online banking I can do it and check my account.Because of this service,I won’t to go to the bank and wait for long time.Via online banking,people also can choose to save their money,pay the electricity feeBretton Woods system,it's been built up after the world war two,its feature was an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate by tying its currency to the US dollar and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalance of payments.The ultimate reasons why this system brake down is the insolvable problem of this system,first of all,if the dollar needs to be stable or else other country would not accept it as an international payment and store method,so American's international payment need to be favorable balance,but on the other hand,the other countries in the world need to have enough foreign exchange reserve which would need American to keep in deficit.There are three direct reasons why this system broke down,1.American's gold reserve keep reducing,which mainly cause by the Viet Nam war. 2.American's inflation getting worse. 3.American's international balance of payment keep being deficit,which cause the DollarGult.Then i learned inflation and deflation,inflation generally caused lots of currencies,which would cause money devalue and total price rises up. Inflation can be divided into demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation,the former one caused by excessive growth of aggregate demand,it means too much money chase too few goods.To be more specific,it could be demand for money is invariant but the money supple increase too much.,or the economy system decrease its demand for money greatly.And the second type of inflation is cause by the increase of cost,material and salary.Deflation is caused by price going down for more than one year.It can cause3low and1 high.Price of commodities goes down,effective demands is not enough, money supply is low and economy grows in a low rate,and high unemployment.An increase in the general level of prices implies a decrease in the purchasing power of the currency.Measures:Expansionary monetary policy,expansionary fiscal policy. Expansionarymonetary policy means is monetary policy that seeks to increase the size of the money supply.fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection(taxation)and expenditure(spending)to influence the economy.The two main instruments of fiscal policy are government taxation and expenditure.Changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending can impact the following variables in the economy:Aggregate demand and the level of economic activity;The pattern of resource allocation;The distribution of income.5.AccountingFirstly i learned accounting is processing the economy data into accounting information,so that we can figuring out the financial status and business results and use it for future decision.To be more specific,we learned balance sheet,it including assets,liabilities and net worth.Assets shows all the productive assets a company owns,and the second part shows all the financing methods,such as liabilities and shareholder's equity.It always have to follow the formula:Assets=Liabilities+Shareholders'Equity.Balance sheet has a lot of functions,allow me to explain them to you in a vividly example,i kept every income and expenditure of my family,so first, from it i can quickly get to know the financial statement of our family,about the family's financial strength and capabilities toPurchase something expensive like cars or house.I think this is same for the company,they can quickly know whether they are ready to expansion or not. Secondly,the balance sheet can help to analyze the trend,in the area of receivables and payables.Thirdly,along with the income statement,can make financial reporting to potential lender such as banks,investors.And we learned cash flow statement.6.Corporate financeI learned the time value of money in this course,it refers to a certain amount of money can buy more things than the same money can buy in present.For example,now i have100yuan,if the interest is5%,then after a year,this100 yuan will be worth105yuan in the future.This is because the common phenomenon of inflation.For example,as the professor said,theoretically,, you are actually saving money if you pay the credit card's debt at the last day of the limitation.Then we learned matching principle,a company can minimize its financial cost by matching principle,which refers to a short term finance demand should supply by short term debt financing,and long term finance demand should be support by long term finance recourse.For example,7.International tradeIn this course,i learned free trade and protectionism,free trade is a trade policy that allows traders to act or transact without the interference from government,under this trade policy,prices are a reflection of true supply anddemand,and are the sole determinant of resources allocation.And protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states, through methods like tariffs on imported goods,restrictive quotas and some other government regulations designed to discourage imports and prevent foreign companies take over domestic markets and companies.For example, Walmart in china.Two supermarkets from Walmart,Shenzhen Walmart and Beijing Walmart might have different prices on one good,because Shenzhen as a economic special zone,don't allow protectionism exist,the Chinese government in order to protect the domestic retailer,set up a series of tax policy to foreign retailers.Thirdly,we learned balance of trade,it refers to the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over i certain period.A positive or favorable balance of trade is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported;a negative or unfavorable balance is referred to as a trade deficit or a trade gap.Surplus appears on the balance of payment will be as a credit balance,the advantage of it is it will enhance the ability of international reserve and foreign payment,but it also have disadvantages about it,for example china and American:1.It will increase the pressure of RMB appreciation,cuz favorable balance of trade will make the supply of dollar more than demand,then will cause the expectation of dollar depreciation and RMB appreciation,then it would increase the pressure of RMB appreciation,the more surplus get the bigger pressure of RMB appreciation gets.Favorable balance of trade would cause international trade friction,china's having favorable balance means the countries doing business with china will have unfavorable balance,then they will use limit the export of china's product to protect their domestic industry,for example,after China join WTO,trade between China and American has the largest deficit,so China's relationship with American has always been so tight.2.8.International trade practiceIn this course we learned some practical knowledge about international trade, firstly,trade terms like FOB,CIF and CFR,these are three most useful trade terms,FOB means free on board,CFR means cost and fright,CIF means cost and fright and insurance.In these three trade terms,what seller needs to paid is increasing,but the responsibility has all transferred to the buyer once the goods cross the ship side.For example,a company in Brazil bought a thousand pieces silk,and he choose CIF as the trade term,then i need to prepare all the documents for export from China and pat the insurance and fright to the goods,after once the good cross the ship side,before the ship sail, the goods were accidentally falling off the ship and ruined,then the buyer need to contact and negotiate the compensation.And wo learned payments of international trade,such as L/C,letter of credit. D/P,documents against payment,which can be divided into D/P sight and D/P after sight or after date.D/A,documents against acceptance.The risk to theexporter is different with these three kind of payment,if i am exporting some goods,foe example,i am gonna export ten thousand meter silk to you,i would choose the most safe payment to me,L/C,letter of credit,because after the contract is included,the your bank would supplies a letter of credit to me,then i will consigns the goods to a my carrier in exchange for a bill of lading,after that i will provide the bill of lading to bank in exchange for payment,my bank exchanges bill of lading for payment from your bank.Then your bank exchanges bill of lading for payment from you,at last,you provides bill of lading to my carrier and takes delivery of goods.And some details process of doing business with foreign companies.We studied the detailed process of doing business with foreign companies in this course.After learning about a suitable company which can be done business with,we need to do inquiry,offer and acceptance.This is a negotiation process.Then we sign the contract.During this process,we need to define the name of commodity,package and quantity accurately.And we must state clearly what trade term and which legislation we use in this business.There are different kinds of trade terms,such as FOB(free on board)装运港船上交货,CIF(cost insurance and freight)成本加保险费加运费,and CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费.These terms explain the responsibilities and duties of shipper托运人,发货人and consignee收运人.After signing the contract,the seller needs to prepare for the cargo,do custom clearance清关,外贸通关and inspection检查.Before connecting with carrier, the shipper or consignee needs to confirm insurance.There are many transport ways.Such as shipping,rail,and air.We choose the ways according to the cargo and particular case.The normal and basic way is container transport集装箱运输.It can realize CY to CY集装箱运输,场到场and CY to SD??.The normal types of containers are20feet’,40’gp and reefer.After the cargo arrives at the destination,consignee pays and gets bills.Then he takes delivery with the bills.There are two types of bills.Original bill原始票据and seaway bill海运单.The Consignee also can request to do telex release. The payment ways consist of remittance汇款,collection and letter of credit信用证.After the buyer pays for all the fees and picks up the cargo,this business is finished.瓦家:Letter of Credit:is a document that a financial institution or similar party issues to a seller of goods or services which provides that the issuer will pay the seller for goods or services the seller delivers to a third-party buyer.9.International finance theory and practiceIn this course10.FinanceI learned inflation and deflation11.International investingIn this course i learned about foreign direct investment,which means direct investment into production in a country by a company in another country,either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country.Foreign direct investment is done for many reasons including to take advantage of cheaper wages,special investment privileges such as tax exemptions offered by the country as an incentive to gain tariff-free access to the markets of the country to portfolio investment which is a passive investment in the securities of another country such as stocks and bonds.For example,Walmart in Guangzhou,since China have set a tax for foreign retailers to protect domestic retailers,so Walmart's"low price everyday"can not work in GZ,so Walmart purchase a domestic retailer haoyouduo to enter the market,then it can avoid the tax policy Chinese government set up for foreign company.Then we also learned what a company should do before entering a completely strange market,introduce us a method by evaluating the certain region of its currency stability,political stability and discrimination&controls.Each par worth a certain percentage.Add up all the points and comparing them.For example, if you want invest in Asia,comparing China and India,then the basic infrastructure in China may get some point while India may have more advantage in law.12.World economicsWorld economy introduces mainly the economy situations of some representative countries in the world.This course divides the world economy into five categories.There are developed economy countries,such as America and Japan,quick developing economy countries,like Latin America,like Argentina,Brazil.Economy system reforming country,the Soviet Union changes to Russia,for example,after the disintegration of the soviet union,a very few people get the wealthy of former national corporations,which cause the massive gap between poor people and wealth people.And there are economy develops stably,such as Norway and Switzerland.The countries whose economy is still growing,such as China and India.One is the world important manufacturing area and another is world IT support center.They are both searching for their own developing roads.13.Transnational corporationThis is a course introducing many aspects of transnational corporation,such as the environment analyze of target market,that means when a corporation intend to enter a completely strange market,it needs to do some research about the environment of that country,which includes politic environment,cultural environment,and the most important one,economic environment.For example,if my corporation want develop my business in Africa,i need to... And i learned international corporation marketingAnd i learned the research and development of international corporation,it has many forms,such as buying14.EconometricsI learned a very popular and useful application to solve statistic problems in finance.First of all,i learned there are three types of data,time-series data, cross-sectional data,and panel data.For example,time-series data is something like the inflation of a country from2002to2010.Cross-sectional data are like all citizens'income in Shenzhen in2010.Panel data contains both of them,like all citizens'income in SZ from2002to2010.After this we learned how to build a econometric model.Economic or financial theory(Precious study)Formulation of an Estimable Theoretical ModelCollection of dataModel EstimationTestify Is the Model Statistically work?If no then reformulate Model,if yes then Interpret Model and Use for analysis. For example,i can build up a econometric model about the relationship betweenputer theory and practiceThis course mainly introduced how to use many popular and useful software, for example,the more professional way of using Word,Excel and PPT,which really build up a solid foundation to my future study like management information system,using excel to organize all the statistic,and in almost each class since then i using PPT to show my presentation,which through that my ability of making PPT is getting really good,i now designing my own model of PPT.16.Human resources managementThis course is shows me the actual use of modern management theories,one fo theImpressive knowledge i learned from this course is Performance management, it means to motivate employees work as members of a group,to improve organizational effectiveness in order to accomplish company's goal.It includes planning work and setting expectations,continually monitoring performance, developing the capacity to perform,periodically rating performance to check who are the best,and rewarding good performance.For example,when i getinto a new company,the HR manager should ask me to write a short report about my personal expectation,and combine with the company's goal,they can make a performance plan especially for me,setting every milestone for me and the company,keep an eye on my working direction and performance,help me to develop myself when they found out i'm doing well or reset the performance plan if i'm heading the wrong direction,at last,reward my performance so i can be motivated and keeping the good performance at next statement.Secondly,labor union,is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay,increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions.For example,if17.Project managementThis is a very practical course cuz we learned most of the knowledge by doing the experiment that designed by ourselves.First of all,this course mainly tell us how to run a project efficiently,a project usually needs five development stages,initiating,planning,executing,monitoring and controlling,closing.For example,my group designed a project of...And there is another interesting and useful tool i learned during the project,it's called Gantt chart,it's a kind of bar chart that illustrates project schedule,it divides a project into several minor parts,and each of them would have a start statement and end statement on the chart,which can show perfectly how the project goes.For example,i can divide my today's schedule into several parts, like having breakfast,walking to here,waiting for the interview,interviewing and so on.18.MicroeconomicsThis course is mainly study in demand and supply,19.MacroeconomicsThis course is20.Management information systemThis course introduce a very new and efficient method of managing informations which become a very important part of modern company management.We learned this course by a very practical way,most of the course are taught in the experiment room,everyone of us need to build a management information system for Toyota,who's been the first one using MIS in operation management.The whole idea of management information system is share allinformations to everyone participate in operating.So i build a MIS about inventory,for example,every Toyota car needs four Tyre and one engine,if there is one car been ordered,then the MIS of inventory will show the demandof four Tyre and one engine and immediately sending to the place of assemble, meanwhile this inventory will share the information to the producer,then they can produce four more Tyre and one engine to fill up the inventory.This kind of information sharing would decrease the cost of internal running.It's a relative new concept of operate.21.Economic lawThe most impressed knowledge i learned in this course is intellectual property, it refers to creation of the mind:such as inventions,literary,and artistic work.and intellectual property law is the area of law that deals with the creation of intellectual property patents,copyrights and trademarks.To be more specific, copyright protect the expressive arts;patents protect an invention from being made,sold or used by other for a certain period of time;and trademarks protect the names and identifying marks of products and companies.For example,actually in China,most Chinese are lack of the awareness of protecting intellectual property,recently i have notice there is a Chinese boy in Germany being arrested for illegally downloading the movie Avengers,he does not it is illegally until the german policeman tell him.And when i copy a german cartoon movie from my german teacher,he made me promise that i would not use it as illegally way,so i think Chinese need to learn more,far more about intellectual property.The other law i learned in this course is consumer protection law,it mainly introduces how to punish the sellers’harming consumer behaviors.In China, the fifteenth of March every year is the consumer rights protection day.All law rules and this day contributes to protect consumers’lawful rights and interests, making them buy things at ease and enjoy consuming happily.22.StatisticsStatistics is a science which studies how to measure,collect,concludes and analyzes the data which reflect the total quantity objectively.Mathematical statistics is its theory basis.It is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection analysis,interpretation or explanation,and presentation of data.Also with prediction and forecasting based on data.It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines,from the natural and social sciences to the humanities,government and business. 23.International trade of serviceThis course is actually the favorite course of all,i bought a book named<The world is flat>and read it over and over again to better understand trade of service.This kind of service is actually getting increasingly important in the world trade,firstly,international trade in service does not result in ownership,i took a airplane to here,i booked the seat on the airplane but that doesn't mean i can keep the seat to myself,in trade service,this only means a paid for enjoythe service.Secondly,trade in service has many different forms,like travel to another country,education in another country,or even more unpredictable but a very popular way of service trade,outsourcing,this means transferrer some low additional profit part in the product to other area,where have advantages like low labor cost.For example,Bangalore in India,24.International technical tradeThis course is a very interesting and useful class under the present globalized world,especially for Chinese.In the course,it explained technical trade is increasingly important for many reasons,one of which is,technique,like product,most of them has life cycle,so it would maximize the profit through international technical trade.To be more specific,for example,a cell phone, the smart cell phone represented by iphone have taken over the market of most countries.At the first stage of25.Operating managementThis course is kind of hard course for me cuz it introduce a whole new area of knowledge about the actual operate in a company especially in the produce and inventory stage.Since the modern corporation have realized it cost them a fortune on such parts like transportation and inventory,so they start to focus on managing this parts efficiently to save some cost.For example,we learned how the product should be arrange in the storehouse according to the pick up frequency and amount.And we learned a extraordinary operate system—JIT, just in time.Invented and using by TOYOTA,it reduce the in-progress inventory and associate carrying cost.The soul of the system is no inventory and MIS,it is a pull production.For example,now i bought a TOYOTA car,then the manager of the selling store upload this information in their MIS system, then the producers start to produce the different part of the car,and then send it to the factory to put them together,after that just send them out to the selling store.No inventory!26.Corporation economicsThis course mainly introducing modern corporation,there are some characteristics of modern corporation,such as the property right of a corporation is shareholding system,which is a very common phenomenon in the share market.It means maintaining ownership over a share on a long-term basis,it can collect a lot of capitals together to run a certain corporation.For example,if a website i am running is doing great,then i can put it into the market to collect capital in order to wider website company size.Another characteristic of modern corporation is the ownership and the administration of the corporation is departed.For example,the CEO of google company in China is Likaifu,he was hired to run the corporation but he has nothing to do with own the google corporation,they hire him because he has a lot of experience of management and he knows well about the culture of China.And we learned merger annexation and purchasingAnd we learned human resources and employment of corporation,firstly,labor union,is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade,achieving higher pay,increasing the number of employees an employer hires,and better working conditions.For example,i have read a news that the Lufthansa airplane company in Germany recently had strike for rising salary,this is a big function of labor union.27.International marketingThis course we learned some basic knowledge about marketing,first of all,we learned4P model,which refers to product,price,place and promotion.These are the elements you need to consider when you developing a product into market,for example,if i wanna sell this cup,i need to know if it can satisfy consumer,as a cup,can consumer drink with it?And then,what price should i set for this cup,i can set it according to the produce cost of this cup or set it according to the price other seller set for this cup.And place,like what distance should i build my factory or where should i set this cup in retailer's st, the promotion,which is a very important part,it includes target the type of the consumer of this cup,like is it made for business occasion or for party?In this part,get to know the local culture is very important,for example,coca cola in Iran,they forgot that the local consumer tend to read from right to left,so their poster about the coke is...And then in this course,l learned a very useful theory,the product life cycle theory.It refers to most product have four stages in a certain market: introduction,growth,maturity,and saturation and decline.Each stage has its own feature,we can comparing them in sales,investment cost,competition, advertising and profit.For example,the cell phone28.Intercultural business communicationThis is a very interesting course,mainly about the differences we need to notice about the countries we are going to do business with.The mainly teaching way of this course is presentation,each group have to choose a country they are interested in and make a presentation about the cultural differences we should notice,my group's presentation is about Germany, something like when doing business with german,punctuality is very important and you might ruin the business for getting late.And some other things like justify the time if you are doing business with a country have daylight saving time custom.Moreover,for example,if you are doing business with some north Europe country like Sweden,some days in a year they might have polar night, that's something you should definitely be aware of.。
