Penning collisions of laser-cooled metastable helium atoms

After week 1 After 7 days
2. Medical/Dental practitioners are best to detect and manage complications
Laser surgery, like other form of surgical procedure, is associated with known complications.
Mis-use of laser/IPL energy can lead to • Under-treatment (no effect) • Over-treatment (leading to complication such as pigmentary disturbance or even scarring)
2. Other western countries already have regulations to control their use.
3. Laser/IPL are “high-tech” knife. 4. Most public are not aware of the danger associated
The selectivity of IPL is decreased and much higher energy is often needed to achieve the clinical result.
Treatment of skin diseases
Congenital port-wine stain Freckle Tattoo Laser hair removal Laser resurfacing
纳米管制作皮肤感应器 翻译 中英

“我们所制作的这个纳米管很可能是首次可被拉伸的,透明的,肤质般感应的,有或者没有碳的纳米管”小组成员之一Darren Lipomi.说。

( —r - ) 奠
“ 测 手 大 是 膜 白 其 法 得到 的结 果 一样 。 。 m 检 膜 段 多 将 蛋 从
得 了新 进展 研 究 人员 以 四氯 化 碳 为 氯气
源 和 碳 源 ,通 过 碳 化 物 衍 生 碳
晶 碳 收 缩 , 使 其 孔 隙 量 达 到 斯 研 究 院合 作 ,开 发 了一 种 名 为 8 %。1 9 0 9 7年初 , 卤代烃 ,如 四 “ 向散 射 干 涉 仪 ” ( S ) 的新 后 BI
G B ( 于 放 松 、睡 AA 用
眠和 调节 紧张 )相 关 的 蛋 白质 膜 进 行 检验 ,把 包 含 这些 蛋 白质 的 膜 和 对 应 结 合 分 子 相 混 合 ,用 B I 术测 得 的 值 也 和用 其 他 方 S技
的结 构 时 面 临很 多 困难 现 有 的
员等可 以通 过 引 入氢 气 蔷 美 光 测w,eJ大 非 常敏 感 。如 果 分子 开 始 互 相作 认 为 l 激, l ; 胞J 以及 天 国 . 检 细 膜 =l J
低 温蒸发四 碳的 氯化 方法降 蛋 白技 术 研 制成 功 低
C C层 的厚 度 。该 双 层碳 膜 的形 D 成机 制 为碳化 硅 的氯 化 和 C D V 层 的形 成 ,这 两 个过 程 同 时发 生 而又 相互竞 争 。 该 双 层 碳 膜 可 作 为 比 C C更 好 D 的界 面涂 层 应 用 于金 属 基 复 合 材 滑涂 层 。 据 报 道 ,美 国范 德 堡 大 学 研 究 人 员 开 发 出 一 种 新 型 激 光 技 术 ,可检 测 细 胞膜 上 的蛋 白质 和 其 他 多种 生 物 分 子之 间 的 相互 反 应 。这 种 检 测将 在 药 物 开 发 进程

表面技术第53卷第4期金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展杨庆,徐文文,周伟,刘璐华,赖朝彬*(江西理工大学 材料冶金化学学部,江西 赣州 341000)摘要:大多数金属材料的失效都是从其表面开始的,进而影响整个材料的整体性能。
关键词:金属材料;表面纳米化;梯度纳米结构;纳米化机理;表面性能中图分类号:TG178 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)04-0020-14DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.04.002Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallizationof Metallic MaterialsYANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, LIU Luhua, LAI Chaobin*(Department of Materials Metallurgy and Chemistry, Jiangxi University ofTechnology, Jiangxi Ganzhou 341000, China)ABSTRACT: It is well known that the failure of most metallic materials starts from their surfaces, which in turn affects the overall performance of the whole material. Numerous studies have shown that the preparation of nanocrystals on the surface of metallic materials, i.e., surface nanosizing, can enhance the surface properties of materials and extend their service life. Surface nanosizing of metallic materials makes use of repeated violent plastic deformation to make the surface coarse grains gradually收稿日期:2023-02-23;修订日期:2023-06-29Received:2023-02-23;Revised:2023-06-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52174316,51974139);国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC2905200,2022YFC2905205);江西省自然科学基金项目(20212ACB204008)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(52174316, 51974139); National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905200, 2022YFC2905205); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20212ACB204008)引文格式:杨庆, 徐文文, 周伟, 等. 金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.YANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, et al. Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallization of Metallic Materials[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第4期杨庆,等:金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展·21·refine to the nanometer level, forming nanostructured layers with gradient changes of grains along the thickness direction, including surface non-woven nanocrystalline layer, submicron fine crystal layer, coarse crystal deformation layer and matrix layer, and this unique gradient nanostructure is effective for the significant improvement of surface properties of metallic materials. The process technology and related applications of nanocrystalline layers on the surface of metallic materials in China and abroad are introduced, and the research progress of high-performance gradient nanostructured materials is discussed.Starting from the classification of the preparation process of gradient nanostructured materials and combining with the research results of surface nanosizing in China and abroad, a brief overview of three methods of metal surface nanosizing, namely, surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing and hybrid nanosizing, was given, the advantages and disadvantages of each were discussed and the advantages of surface self-nanosizing technology were summarized. On the basis of this, the key role of dislocations and twins in the process of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was analyzed, and the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was inextricably linked to the material structure and the size of layer dislocation energy, and the current research status of the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was summarized. Finally, the key technologies required to be overcome in the existing surface strengthening process were summarized, and future research work was prospected. It was proposed to combine surface nanosizing technology with some existing surface treatment technologies such as electroplating, vapor deposition, tack coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc., to replace the high-cost manufacturing technologies and prepare inexpensive complex-phase surface layers with more excellent performance.Techniques for the preparation of gradient nanostructured materials include surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing, and hybrid surface nanosizing. Surface coating or deposition technology has the advantages of precise control of grain size and chemical composition, and relatively mature process optimization, etc. However, because the coating or deposition technology adds a cover layer on the material surface, the overall size of the material increases slightly, and there is a certain boundary between the coating and the material, and there will be defects in the specific input of production applications.In addition, the thickness of the gradient layer prepared by this technology is related to the deposition rate, which takes several hours to prepare a sample. The surface self-nanitrification technique, which generates intense plastic deformation on the surface of metal materials, has the advantages of simple operation, low cost and wide application, low investment in equipment and easy realization of unique advantages. The nanocrystalline layer prepared on the surface of metal materials with the surface self-nanitrification technique has a dense structure and no chemical composition difference from the substrate, and no surface defects such as pitting and pores, but the thickness of the gradient layers and nanolayers prepared by this technique as well as the surface quality of the material vary greatly depending on the process. Hybrid surface nanosizing is a combination of the first two techniques, in which a nanocrystalline layer is firstly prepared on the surface of a metallic material by surface nanosizing technology, and then a compound with a different composition from the base layer is formed on its surface by means of chemical treatment.To realize the modern industrial application of this new surface strengthening technology, it is still necessary to clarify the strengthening mechanism and formation kinetics of surface nanosizing technology as well as the effect of process parameters, microstructure, structure and properties on the nanosizing behavior of the material. For different nanosizing technologies, the precise numerical models for nanosizing technologies need to be established and improved, and the surface self-nanosizing equipment suitable for industrial scale production needs to be developed. In the future, surface nanosizing technology will be combined with some existing surface treatment technologies (e.g. electroplating, vapor deposition, adhesion coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc.) to prepare a complex phase surface layer with more excellent performance, which is expected to achieve a greater comprehensive performance improvement of the surface layer of metal materials.KEY WORDS: metal material; surface nanocrystallization; gradient nanostructures; nanocrystallization mechanism; surface properties金属材料在基建工程、航空航天中扮演着重要角色,随着当今科学技术的高速发展,传统金属材料的局限性日趋明显,开发一种综合性能优异的金属材料迫在眉睫。

基于金纳米粒子局域表面等离子体共振吸收检测卡托普利X许 丹(西南大学化学化工学院,重庆 400715) 摘 要:柠檬酸根稳定的金胶在一定盐浓度下由于盐的电荷屏蔽效应而发生聚集。
加入一定浓度的卡托普利后,由于卡托普利分子中含有巯基和羧基,其分子中的巯基可以通过Au -S 键连在金纳米粒子表面,同时,在pH9.91的条件下,其分子中的羧基去质子化形成-COO -,导致金胶表面负电荷增多,纳米粒子之间的静电排斥力增大,金胶的聚集得到了抑制。
该方法的线性范围为0.04~1.2L M ,检出限为20nM 。
关键词:金纳米粒子;卡托普利;表面等离子体共振吸收 中图分类号:T Q460.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7981(2012)03—0006—03 卡托普利(1-[(2S )-2-甲基-3-巯基-1-氧化丙基]-L -脯氨酸,Cap,结构如下图所示)是一种人工合成的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,目前广泛应用于治疗高血压及心力衰竭等疾病。
图1 实验原理图近年来,金纳米粒子由于其独特的表面等离子体共振吸收性质被广泛用于色度传感。
13nm 柠檬酸根包被的金胶呈现酒红色,一旦发生聚集则呈现紫色或蓝色[4]。
金胶在一定浓度的NaCl 溶液中发生聚集,在本研究中,我们发现当体系中同时存在卡托普利后,金胶的聚集能得到抑制,基于此现象,建立了一种金胶由聚集到分散的状态来高灵敏检测卡托普利的新方法。

壁、多壁碳纳米管混合特性的双壁碳纳米管更具有吸引力。 西 北大 学 的研 究人 员发 现 ,D WNT的长 度 比 S T长 4%。由于 双壁碳 纳米 管长度 更 WN 4 长,因而透明导电的 D T在用 于太阳能电池板时,其电导率提高了 2 WN . 4倍。 ( 英惠 杨
内的发育 。该项发现的关键之处在于,这种表面可直接激励细胞,因而无需借助药物,从而 排 除药物 不 良影 响。 科学家 们 利用化 学试剂 改变 通常 的医 用金属 ( 如钛 )的表 面 。将 这些金 属 置于选 定 的酸 和氧 化物 混合 液 中,使金 属表 面形成 海 绵状 、由纳 米尺 寸小坑 组成 的图案 。研 究表 明,经 过 处理 的表 面使 骨细 胞生长 加速 、抑制 了无 用细 胞 的生长 ,并激 发 了支 撑细 胞 。此外 ,由于与
纳米 多孔表面 的接 触 ,有利 于细胞 附着 ,且 生长 的基因表 达 能力也提 高 了。 . ( 英惠 摘译 ) 杨
聚焦离子束技术雕刻 出的纳米级 图案
美国国家标准与工艺研究所 ( IT N S )报道,将离子流聚焦成一个 lm大小的光点技术 n 在 纳 米工 艺 中有 广泛 用途 ,利用 这 项技 术可 在 半 导体上 刻 出 比 目前所有 方 法 都更 精小 的 图 形 ,它还能进行 以比目前 电子显微镜所达到的分辨率更为细小的非破坏成像 。 研 究人 员制 成 了一个 小的原 子 “ ” 云 ,而后 联合 使用磁 场及激 光捉 住这 些 原子并 将其 冷 冻至极低温度。利用另一个激光器将原子离化,并使荷 电粒子加速通过一个小孔,从而制成 了带 能离 子束 。这一装 置 被命名 为 MO I,用作 磁光 离子源 陷 阱。MO I TS TS首先 以铬 原子进 行了演示,并确定除镓外其他元素均可达到相应亮度与强度,宛如聚集离子束。 该项技术还 可用 于许 多其 他原 子 。这些 离子 束可用 于切 削纳 米级 图案 ,而不产 生污 染 ,还 可用 于提 高离 子 束显微 镜 的对 比度 。 ( 英惠 摘译) 杨

Green Chemistry
是 体高、分水α- 子、不化水饱学溶和提性单到引体的发(以 了 染乳剂烯水 溶环反的发在的聚粒液和类作剂境应黏生水自合中聚水单介回的体度大相由,,合溶体质收可系,幅中基而自。性,的能)黏并度不扩聚由既麻性乳乳在度且变断散合基避烦。液化水并在化分到反容免,水聚剂相不聚。解胶应易了同作合四中高合采时为成束发保最组实,过用还介自或生持简分现昂 减质基程由乳在较单构贵 少自具本中基胶彼长的成的 了有由上体的粒此的配。溶 引不基接系,中孤寿方剂 发污聚近黏当时立命主, 火染合于度水就的而又 灾环要反连也相引乳得避 和境由应续不中发胶到免 污、单即相会
202过4/7/氧17 化氢-亚铁盐、有机过Gre氧en C化hem氢istry-聚胺等。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
4. 分散介质
由于水中含有的金属离子(特别是钙、镁、铁、铅等离子) 会严重影响聚合物溶液的稳定性,并对聚合过程有阻聚作用,所 以乳液聚合要使用蒸馏水或去离子水,所用水的电导值应控制在 10mS/cm以下。
Green Chemistry
3. 引发剂
乳液聚合使用的热分解引发 剂大多是过硫酸钾和过硫酸 铵等过氧化物,遇热时过氧 键发生均裂而生成的自由基。
热分解型引发剂 氧化还原引发剂

据悉,这一研究项目是由美国空军研究工作实验室和美国能源部共同资助的,同时韩国中央大学(Chung-Ang University)也参与了部分研究。

3 国家自然科学基金资助项目1997-10-15收到激光诱导的反斯托克斯荧光制冷———一个全新的制冷概念3秦伟平 张家骅 黄世华(中国科学院激发态物理开放实验室,长春 130021) 摘 要 激光诱导的反斯托克斯荧光制冷,是近年来刚刚起步的新的制冷技术.光致反斯托克斯荧光的发射为凝聚态物质激光制冷提供了物理学基础.激光制冷具有体积小、重量轻、无噪声、无振动、无污染、无电磁辐射等优点,可望在不久的将来成为一项实用的制冷技术.该技术在光计算、光存储、超导、空间技术、集成光学、光通信和电子工业等领域具有广泛的应用前景.关键词 激光制冷,反斯托克斯荧光,稀土离子荧光LASER IN D UCE D ANTI ST OKES F L U ORESCENT COOL INGQin Weiping Zhang Jiahua Huang Shihua(L aboratory of Excited State Processes ,The Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Changchun 130021)Abstract Laser -induced anti -Stokes fluorescent cooling is a new technique introduced in recent years.The emission of anti -Stokes fluorescence excited by light is the physical basis for thefluorescent cooling of condensed matter.A refrigerator based on laser -cooling has the advantage of small size ,light weight ,noise free operation ,no moving parts ,no pollution ,and no electromagnetic re ser -induced fluorescent cooling may become a practical technique in the near future that may be widely used in optical computation ,optical storage ,superconductivity ,space technology ,inte 2grated optics ,optical communication and the electronics industry.K ey w ords laser cooling ,anto -Stokes fluorescence ,fluorescence of rare -earth ions1 引言生活在现在的社会中,人们对激光和制冷这两件事会觉得很熟悉.人们使用的激光唱盘机、激光视盘机和激光电视等都是应用了激光技术的高科技生活用品;而冰箱具有的冷藏能力更是在家庭生活中起了重要作用,因此人们对制冷的概念有更加深刻的认识.如果把激光和制冷这两件看起来不相关的事情联系到一起,可能会使很多人感到惊讶.然而,科学家们真的把这两件看起来不相关的事情联系到了一起,并在近来很短的时间内作出了惊人的成绩.Epstein 在《自然》[1]杂志上报道了用激光诱导固体材料的反斯托克斯荧光制冷方法,实现了013K 的降温.这是一个历史性的突破.紧接着,Clark 和Rumbles [2]发表了用同一方法在液体中实现了激光制冷,将温度降了3K.在后来不长的时间里,Mungan [3]用该方法在玻璃光纤中实现了16K 的降温.早在1929年,Pringsheim[4]就提出了通过反斯托克斯荧光对材料进行制冷的思想.十几年后,著名物理学家朗道[5]从热动力学的原理出发,证明了它的可行性,从而在理论上为反斯托克斯荧光制冷的实现铺平了道路.1950年,法国研究者Kastler[6]讨论了两个系统:(1)在圆偏振光的照射下,钠蒸气劈裂的塞曼能级;(2)在氯化钠晶体中的稀土离子电子跃迁的振动边带.他认为,在上面两个系统中都可能观察到发光-卡路里(lumino-caloric)效应.1957年,捷克研究者Tauc[7]在发表的论文中,提出半导体可以作为反斯托克斯荧光制冷材料,并申请了专利[8].但由于G aAs等半导体具有比较大的折射率,即外量子效率很低,光子趋向束缚于材料的内部,增加了参与无辐射跃迁的几率,因此没有观察到净的制冷.如果这个问题一旦解决,直接对芯片进行制冷就将成为可能.激光器诞生以后,人们很自然地将它应用到了反斯托克斯荧光研究上.1968年,Kushida 和G eusic[9]在贝耳实验室利用Nd3+∶YA G激光器泵浦另外一块Nd3+∶YA G制冷样品.他们的根据是,受激激光发射的平均能量应该比第二块晶体的同一对能级间的自发辐射的平均能量低.然而,由于技术和条件上的原因,他们却没有观察到净的制冷效应.当然,对于Nd3+离子存在另外一个问题,在激光的激发态能级的上面和下面存在着一些其他的4f带,促进了无辐射跃迁的发生.1972年,Chang[10]在一次会议上,发表了有关在有机染料溶液中实现反斯托克斯荧光制冷应用的可能性的观点,直到最近该工作才得以完成[2].第一个被观察到具有实际制冷现象的系统是由CO2激光器泵浦的CO2气体的振动态跃迁[11].特别是用1016μm泵浦的(1000)→(0001)跃迁,(0001)→(0000)的反斯托克斯荧光发射为413μm具有理想的分支比.观察到的压强变化与~1K的制冷相一致.然而,同固体材料相比,气体的密度比较低,碰撞退激发要在比较高的气体压力下才能起决定作用.很明显这样的系统对于实际的制冷器并不理想.2 基本原理通过反斯托克斯荧光对材料进行激光制冷的原理并不复杂.泵浦用的激光就像制冷泵,有人称其为“光子泵”[12],反斯托克斯荧光作为带走热量的介质.当我们用光激发一些材料时,这些材料会吸收激发光子,紧接着又会放出荧光光子.如果我们对激发光和材料进行选择,就有可能发生如下的情况,即材料吸收较低能量的光子后,发射出较高能量的光子.这两种光子间的能量差就是材料的热激发所形成的.也就是说,材料中的热能转变成了光能,并以荧光的形式被带走.而材料的温度会降低,达到制冷的目的.这就是反斯托克斯荧光制冷的基本原理.而这种吸收能量较低的光子后发射能量较高的光子的过程称为反斯托克斯荧光过程,所发射的荧光称为反斯托克斯荧光.毫无疑问,制冷的工作材料和激发光波长的选择是该技术应首先要解决的问题.为了说明如何选择上面两个关键因素,必须将基本原理加以详细的说明.首先,让我们从材料谈起.根据上面谈到的基本原理,激光制冷所使用的材料应具有光致荧光特性.材料在某一波长的光激发下能发射出荧光.因此,要求材料中具有发光中心.所谓的发光中心就是在某种条件下能够发射光子的原子、分子、离子和缺陷.它们往往是人们为了某种目的有意掺入材料中的一些杂质.图1表示一个能级结构非常简单的发光中心,其中11为基态,21和22为激发态能级的两个斯达克劈裂.基态和激发态之间具有比较大的能级间距.根据能隙定理,激发态向基态的跃迁以辐射跃迁为主,无辐射跃迁的几率非常小,可以忽略.因此,上能级的激发态只能通过发射一个光子的形式向下能级弛豫.我们也可以说,系统的辐射跃迁(荧光)量子效率接近1,即每吸收一个具有能隙宽度大小的光子便放出一个光子.图1 上能级劈裂的发光中心模型(11为基态能级,21和22是激发态的两个斯达克劈裂能级,相距很近.吸收光子后,从11跃迁到21,热激发使21向22发生跃迁,并在很短的时间内达到热平衡)我们假设激发态的两个斯达克劈裂能级间的距离最大只有几个k T ,k 为玻尔兹曼常数,T 为制冷时的温度.当这两个能级的热平衡被破坏后,在极其短暂的时间内(几个皮秒或更快),两个能级将重新达到热平衡.这就构成了一个最简单的荧光制冷系统.例如,一个窄带光源(也就是激光),被调谐到激发基态11向激发态21之间的跃迁,能级21就会变得过布居,从而相对于能级22之间的热平衡就不复存在.为了恢复热平衡,一些处于激发态21的粒子将瞬间地转移到较高的能级22上.随后,处于激发态的粒子就马上会以辐射跃迁的方式弛豫到基态:能级21→11和22→11的跃迁都会辐射荧光.这样的荧光辐射弛豫,典型地发生于纳秒到毫秒量级的时间的尺度内,比激发态之间的热平衡要慢得多.很明显,发射的光子的平均能量比吸收光子的平均能量大.这个能量差就是受激能级之间达到热平衡所需要的热吸收,并且被固体材料所发射的荧光带走,结果造成了制冷效应.另外,我们也可以假设基态劈裂成两个能级11和12(如图2所示),并且激发态是由单个能级21构成.通过调谐激光,使能级12向21跃迁,随着能级21向12和21向11的跃迁发生,放出荧光光子.为了满足热平衡的要求,11吸收热量后在瞬间向12发生热跃迁.这样,就保证了12向21光跃迁的粒子数的需求.同样,荧光光子的平均能量大于吸收光子的平均能量,从而产生制冷效应.图2 下能级劈裂的发光中心模型(11和12为相距很近的两个基态斯达克劈裂能级,21是激发态能级.吸收光子后,从12跃迁到21.热激发使11向12发生跃迁,并在很短的时间内达到热平衡)更一般地讲,我们可以想象如图3所示的这种情况.上能态和下能态都是由相距很近的一些能级组成.泵浦激光尽可能地调谐到吸收光谱的红边,这样激发跃迁发生在下能级的顶部和上能级的底部之间.激发态和基态间将产生光辐射跃迁,辐射的荧光平均地具有较短的波长,或者说具有较高的能量,结果就导致了制冷.在该模型中,基态和激发态都具有能级劈裂,一旦激发过程发生,被破坏的热平衡将通过吸收热量重新建立.图3 上、下能级均有劈裂的发光中心模型(11—1n 为相距很近的一组基态斯达克劈裂能级;21—2n 为相距很近的一组激发态斯达克劈裂能级.吸收光子后,从1n 跃迁到21.热激发劈裂能级在很短的时间内达到热平衡)在该项研究中,可选材料应具有类似于图1,2,3中所画的能级结构.如导半体(激发带隙)、掺杂稀土或过渡金属的晶体和玻璃(激发它们的4f 或5d 多重态)、处于任何态的多原子分子(激发在振动能级之间产生).如辐射量子效率为1,每个光子的制冷能量就等于荧光光子和吸收光子之间的能量差.入射泵浦光的波长为λ泵浦,并将荧光光子的平均能量写为λ平均/hc.我们可以导出P制冷=P吸收(λ泵浦-λ平均)/λ平均,式中P制冷为制冷功率,P吸收为吸收的泵浦功率.此处的λ平均是由实验决定的,即通过测量荧光光谱并找到其平均能量所对应的波长.利用以上公式,人们可以很容易地计算出任何感兴趣的材料的制冷效率.然而,在实际工作中,很多因素都会限制制冷功率.如无辐射能量弛豫过程(加热过程)、激发态的再吸收、荧光的吸收、材料体的和表面的不纯净所造成的能量转移等诸多过程.3 实验方法Epstein等人首次成功地通过激光诱导反斯托克斯荧光在固体体材料上获得净的制冷.他们所用的材料为掺杂Yb3+的重金属氟化物玻璃Z BLANP(ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF-PbF2).Z BLANP是一种声子能量较低的玻璃材料.近几年来人们对Z BLANP玻璃的研究越来越多.稀土离子Yb3+具有类似图3所示的简单的能级结构,也就是说,在体玻璃材料的紫外吸收边的下方,只有两个非均匀展宽的能级,即一个4能级的2F7/2基态和一个3能级的2F5/2激发态,它们之间有近1μm的能隙劈裂.对于反斯托克斯荧光制冷的研究来说,钇在该基质中具有非常理想的无辐射长寿命及高的平均荧光光子能量.如图4所示,Epstein等人利用共线光热探测技术,研究了掺杂1wt%Yb3+的Z BLANP 样品的微观制冷性质.用斩波的红外光照射样品,同时用一束反向的He-Ne激光束聚焦在样品的同样区域,015Hz斩波的泵浦红外光引起He-Ne激光发生热诱导的角度变化,并被数字示波器同步地探测到.观察到的探测信号的大小作为泵浦波长的函数,决定于样品的吸收和红外泵浦功率,并给出了制冷效率.如图5所示,在980nm和1010nm激光激发下,两个波形相差180度的相位.这表明两个波长的激发分别导致加热和制冷两种效应.图4 共线光热探测方法的实验装置(He-Ne激光通过样品的制冷区域,当温度发生变化时,折射率要发生改变,因此He-Ne激光的方向要发生偏折.利用位置灵敏探测器即可测到这种变化)图5 共线光热探测的两种波形(在980nm激光激发下,加热效应使He-Ne光束产生偏折,在1010nm激光激发下,制冷效应使He-Ne光束产生相反方向的偏折.因此,两种波形分别对应着加热效应和制冷效应)在实验中,研究人员采用了两个完全一样的样品,样品的形状如火柴杆,悬吊在一个真空室内.沿着其中的一个样品的长轴用功率为800mW、波长为1008nm的光进行照射.为了探测照射样品相对于非照射样品的温度,用一个InSb焦平面阵列测量样品上一个小点的黑体辐射.他们探测到了低于环境温度013K的净制冷效应[1].该研究组的另外一个工作是将温度降了16K[3].他们将样品的几何形状变得更加合理,采用了钇掺杂的Z BLANP玻璃光纤.用770nW 的1015nm的激光泵浦一小段这样的光纤,使其温度从298K变到了282K.温度是直接从测量荧光光谱的形状得到的,因为荧光光谱的形状受基态和激发态能级的玻尔兹曼布居的影响.另外,通过对样品进行激光的突然照射,测量样品的指数热弛豫,可以肯定地说,样品上起决定作用的热负荷是背底的黑体辐射.对于上述实验来说,在1015nm波长泵浦时,室温实验的制冷效率约为2%.当然,如果泵浦波长加长,制冷效率还能提高.然而,由于在样品的吸收光谱的红端,吸收系数迅速下降,这就需要相应地增加光束在样品中的光程,以增加吸收.为此目的,可以采用两种方法:一是采用长的光纤作为工作材料,并且光纤的外包层对荧光是透明的,荧光可以透过它射出,光纤缠绕在一个冷端上,冷端镀金以反射荧光辐射,然而,并不是所有的材料都可以拉制成具有所需的弯曲半径和强度;更一般的方法是,将表面抛光的样品置于一个共焦的F-P腔内,激光从反射镜上的一个小孔射入,经过多次反射以增加光程.入射激光由于反射而陷于腔内,直到被样品吸收.另外一个比较有意义的工作是由Clark[2]等人完成的.他们采用罗丹明101作为制冷介质,因为它的量子效率接近于1,不存在无辐射弛豫通道.他们采用的样品是含有罗丹明101的酸性乙醇溶液,其中罗丹明101的含量为10-4M,HCl的含量为10-2M.实验中研究人员用1mW的He-Ne激光(63218nm)对该样品进行激发,并用单色仪和光电倍增管观测荧光光谱和荧光强度.他们发现在上述条件下,罗丹明101的荧光强度随时间的增加不断减弱,表明制冷效应存在.在进一步的工作中他们发现:激发光波长在620—634nm范围内,荧光强度随时间减弱;激发光波长在583—605nm范围内,荧光强度随时间增强.前者意味着制冷效应的存在,后者意味着加热效应起了作用.Clark 等人利用该方法观察到了3K的降温.4 应用前景目前在室温实验中得到的激光制冷效率仅为2%,当然通过增加泵浦波长还可以将其提高.但是,随着波长的增加,制冷介质对泵浦光的吸收也迅速下降.当然我们可以通过加长光程来增加制冷介质对泵浦光的吸收.一种方法是采用光纤状介质,并使荧光可以从光纤的表面射出,减少荧光再吸收的几率;另一种方法是采用F-P腔的结构,将制冷介质置于腔内,这样就可以增加泵浦光在介质内的往返次数,加大了制冷介质对泵浦光的吸收.随着半导体激光器的不断发展,各种波长的半导体激光器层出不穷.这就为激光制冷器的小型化提供了条件.体积小而又无振动的制冷器毫无疑问将具有广阔的应用前景.比如在光存储领域,用光谱烧孔的方法对信息进行记录,可以在每个记录点上记录上千个比特的信息,然而,这需要在低温下才能实现.将记录介质泡在液氮中进行工作是不现实的.体积小的激光制冷器就有可能实现其实用化.另外在电子工业领域,随着集成度的不断增加,芯片的单位体积发热量不断上升,已经到了影响集成度进一步提高的程度.目前高度集成的芯片采用风扇制冷的方法.这不仅增加了噪声,也常常使芯片不能正常工作.在空间和军事领域,体积和重量的减少就意味着资金的节省和安全性的提高.因此,我们可以说,未来的高科技呼唤着激光制冷器的实用化.参考文献[1]R.I.Epstein,M.I.Buchwald,B.C.Edwards et al.,N at ure,377(1995),500.[2]J.L.Clark,G.Rumbles,Phys.Rev.Lett.,76(1996),2037.[3] C.E.Mungan,M.I.Buchwald,B.C.Edwards et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.,78(1997),1030.[4]P.Pringsheim,Z.Phys.,57(1929),739.[5]ndau,J.Phys.(Moscow),10(1946),503.[6] A.K astler,J.Phys.Radium,11(1950),255.[7]J.Tauc,J.Phys.,7(1957),275.[8]W.E.Bradley,U.S.Patent,No.2898743,(1959).[9]T.Kushida,J.E.G eusic,Phys.Rev.Lett.,21(1968),1172.[10]M.S.Chang,S.S.Elliott,T.K.Gustafson et al.,I EEEJ.Quant um Elect ron.,8(1972),527.[11]N.Djeu,W.T.Whitney,Phys.Rev.Lett.,46(1981),236.[12]N.Djeu, m un.,26(1978),354.3 国家自然科学基金资助项目,安徽省自然科学基金资助项目1997-10-10收到初稿,1997-12-15修回理论物理研究与光纤通信新概念探索3杨 理 阎沐霖(中国科学技术大学基础物理中心,合肥 230026)刘颂豪(华南师范大学量子电子学研究所,广州 510631) 摘 要 文章从光纤通信的基本概念出发,介绍了新一代光纤通信系统———光孤子通信系统研究中与物理学有密切关系的一些方面,并结合作者近年来的探索性工作,较深入地讨论了这一首例非线性通信系统的关键问题,提出了孤子信道的RLL(run length limited)编码和孤子-混沌通信的概念,并重点介绍了光孤子-呼吸子通信的基本思想和主要结果.关键词 光孤子通信,光孤子-呼吸子序列,RLL信道编码,孤子-混沌通信THEORETICAL PH YSICS AN D THE EXPLORATION OF NEWCONCEPTS IN FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONY ang Li Y an Mulin(Center f or Fundamental Phycsics,U niversity of Science and Technology of China,Hef ei 230026)Liu Songhao(Instit ute of Quant um Elect ronics,South China Normal U niversity,Guangz hou 510631)Abstract Beginning with the basic concepts of optical communications,several aspects close2 ly related to the physics of optical soliton communications are introduced.The key problems of this nonlinear communication system are discussed in depth.We propose some new concepts such as RLL channel coding of solitons and soliton-chaos communication,and introduce the basic ideas and main results of optical soliton-breather communication.K ey w ords optical soliton communication,optical soliton-breather sequencies,RLL channel coding,soliton-chaos communication 现在常能见到人们把信息与物质、能量相提并论,信息的重要性正逐渐为当代社会所认识.严格说来,各种技术资料、工艺流程以至整个科学技术理论都是“信息”,失去这些信息,人类社会将不知要倒退多少年.进一步而言,生命的过程本质上也是信息演变的过程.由碳、氢、氧、氮等简单元素构成的基因携带着生命的信。

左图是中国科学院化学所的科技人员利 用纳米加工技术在石墨表面通过搬迁碳 原子而绘制出的世界上最小的中国地图。 这幅地图到底有多小呢?打个比方吧, 如果把这幅图放大到一张一米见方的中 国地图大小的尺寸,就相当于把该幅地 图放大到中国辽阔的领土的面积。
右图是由碳纳米管制作的纳米齿轮模型。 纳米齿轮上的原子清晰可见。最异想天开 的用途莫过于将碳纳米管做成太空升降机 的缆绳。由于碳纳米管的强度高、重量轻, 如果把它做成缆绳,即使缆绳的长度是从 太空下垂到地面的距离,它也完全可以经 得住自身的重量。到那个时候,人类到外 太空旅行将是一件轻而易举的事情
纳米机器人是纳米生物学中最具有诱惑力的内容,第一代 纳米机器人是生物系统和机械系统的有机结合体,这种纳米机 器人可注入人体血管内,进行健康检查和疾病治疗。还可以用 来进行人体器官的修复工作、作整容手术、从基因中除去有害 的DNA,或把正常的DNA安装在基因中,使机体正常运行。 第二代纳米机器人是直接从原子或分子装配成具有特定功能的 纳米尺度的分子装置,第三代纳米机器人将包含有纳米计算机, 是一种可以进行人机对话的装置。
在研究纳米机器人在人体内的运行情况时,我们最先想到的可能 就是它的导航和动力问题。纳米技术专家们正在寻找这些问题的解决 方案。每种方案都各有优劣,绝大部分可以分成两类:外部系统和机 载导航系统。
外部导航系统可能使用很多不同的方法指示纳米机器人到达正 确的位置。其中一种是利用超声波信号检测纳米机器人的位置,指 引它去往正确的目的地。医生向病人的身体发射超声波信号,信号 可能穿过身体,也可能反射回信号源,或者两种情况同时出现。纳 米机器人也可以发出超声波脉冲信号,医生通过使用带有超声波传 感器的特殊设备来检测信号。 机载系统也叫内部传感器,同样可能在导航方面发挥重要作用。 一个带有化学传感器的纳米机器人可以探测并根据特定的化学物质 进行追踪,找到正确的病灶。带有光谱传感器的纳米机器人则能够 从周围的组织上采样,对样本进行分析,找到所要寻找用纳米机器将获取的碳原子逐个组织起来,变成精美 的金刚石;将二氧化物分子重新分解为原来的组成部分;在 人血中放入纳米巡航工具,它能自动寻找沉积于静脉血管壁 上的胆固醇,然后将它们一一分解;将来纳米机器能够把草 地上剪下来的草变成面包……在完全意义上讲,世上每一个 现实存在的物体无论是电脑还是奶酪都是由分子组成的 在理论上,纳米机器可以构建所有的物体。

新发 明将在 上海世 博会台湾馆展 示。
可将机械 能量转化为 电能, 转化率达 2%。 0 未来
台湾 纺织产业综合研究所将L D包裹在纺 这种新 型材料 将对人类 生活产 生积极 的影响。 E
织纱线 中,增加 了纺织 品的应用 范围和 附加价 据林立伟介绍 , 一般纺织 品纤维直径 为 1 0岬 。 值 ,2 0 0 8年先完成雏 型 ,2 0 0 9年正式将 L D 纳米纤维只有 1Im。如 果把这种 纤维织入 纺 E L
粘胶为原料混纺 的P A E E C 纱线等 , 这类纱线主 要用 于春 夏季面料 、 服装的制作 。
美 国 加州 大 学 伯 克 利 分 校 : 研制 出可智 能发 电的新型 纳米纤 维
伯克利分校机械 工程 系林立伟和来 自北京 中科 院 电子研究所 的访 问学者王军波等组成研
科技 新成果 “ 纱线 包裹 L D”将在 世博 E 会台湾馆展 出
羊毛混纺系列纱线是新澳集 团将在展会上 反应性 的新型纺织助剂 ,经色媒 体处理后 的棉 亮相 的另一大类产品 。 该类产品 中有 以桑蚕丝 、 纤维与色媒体 的反应性基 团反应 ,使棉 纤维由
牛奶 纤维 、莱 赛尔 、棉 、粘 胶等 原料 混纺 的 此 引进 阳离子染座 。溶液 中阴离子性 的染料就 F IN S I R E D H P纱线 . 以莱赛尔 、 有 抗起球腈纶 、 会和 阳离子染座正负相吸迅速 上染及固着。
降低 了强力损先 优 体纺织品的印染技术 ,通过与大型 内衣厂家 的 了竹浆 纤维漂 白产 品白度 , 合作保持 着技术与产 品同步 。立体成 型纺织 采 选 了相容 性好的活性染 料和相应 的染色工艺 , 紫外线吸 用 的是在纺织阶段 将面料 立体成型 的技术 。由 提高了染色质量 开发 了新型 阻燃 剂 、 无 提 于该面料表面呈凹凸立体状 ,所 以无法使用 常 收剂 、 甲醛抗皱整理剂及相关 的整理技术。 规的印染工艺技术进行 上色。 o R vs 在引进 高了功 能性产 品的附加值 L n ei e 喷墨印染机后 ,开发 出了可 以将立体 纺织面料 在 印染过程 中保持 立体 造型 的模具 。 0 9 在2 0 年 L n ig集团推广 VlOF 纤维 e zn L 『 r 春夏 , u z 推 出的B d l 系列产品 , Gne o yWi d 就充 兰精(e z g集 团董事局 日前 与柯恩纤维 Lni ) n 分发挥了该技术的特点 , 成功地对 3 0 件立体 有限公司( eh i 达成战略合作协 议。 00 K lem) 将在全 术 可以在成 衣阶段进行 印染 上色 , 以, 所 省去了

l j —
i 0 _
美 国 研 究 人 员 在 固 体 材 料 激 光 冷 却 方 面 取 得 突 破
据 www. h t nc .o 网 却 至 1O , 同 时随 着 温度 的 降 反 斯 托 克 斯 荧 光 过 程 中随 着 晶 p o o isc r n 7K 站 报 道 ,美 国新 墨西 哥 大 学 的 低 ,其 效 率 和 冷 却 能 力 均 会 递 格 振 动 的 消 失 而 被 排 除 的。 个 研 究 小 组 研 制 出 一 种 可 用 减 。现 在 他 们 已经 排 除 了这 一 他 们 认 为 ,根 据 他 们 正 在 于 机 载/ 载传 感 器 的全 固 态 激 障碍 ,他 们 在 非 最 佳 条 件 下 利 进 行 的建 模 工 作 和 辅 助 光 谱 测 星
掺 iF 光冷 却 ( 学 制 冷) 术 。 小 组 用 激 光 冷 却 技 术 ( 镱 的 LY 4 量 情 况 , 一 旦 最 佳 条 件 和 材 料 光 技 该 的Se —aa教授表示, hi B he k 目前 标 晶体)以 9 0mW 的 冷 却 能 力 达 纯 度 的 合 理 改进 得 到 实 施 ,他 准 的 多 级 热 电 ( 尔贴 )制 冷 器 到 了 15 的 冷 却 温 度 。 固体 们 就 有 可 能使 冷 却 温 度 接 近 液 帕 5 K 在
仅 可 将 某个 器 件 ( 探 测 器 )冷 材 料 的 激 光 冷 却 中 ,热 量 是 在 如 氮 (7K)的温 度 。 7
图 1 研 究人 员 正在 对 掺 镱 的 YL 晶体 的制冷 效 率进 行 光谱 研 究 F
SekB he解 释 道 ,红 外 镱 基 制 冷 机 。他 们 认 为 ,关键 是 他 们 所 用 的 样 品 腔 涂 有 一 层 可 hi—a a 光 子 探 测 器 和 焦 平 面 阵 列 必 须 要 能 充 分 利 用 掺 镱 的 YL 晶体 将 样 品上 的辐 射 ( F 黑体 )负 载 减 经过冷却才会变得非常灵敏 ( 低 ( 晶体 场 分 裂)中 的锐 利 斯 塔 克 至 最 少 的膜 层 。此 外 , 们 还 设 他 暗 电流) 。许 多 这样 的探 测 器 目 能 级 共 振 。不 同 于 以 前 激 光 冷 计 和 运 用 了一 种 非 接 触 式 温 度 前 使 用 的都 是 机 械 制 冷 机 ( 斯 却 中使 用 的 玻 璃 基 质 , 晶体 基 测 量技 术 。 如 特 林 制 冷机)。这 些 制 冷 机 体 积


生物激光共聚焦显微镜英语英文回答:Bio-Laser Confocal Microscope.A bio-laser confocal microscope (BLCM) is a high-resolution imaging technique that uses laser scanning to create 3D images of biological samples. It is a combination of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) and biological microscopy. The main difference between LSCM and BLCM is that BLCM uses a laser to scan the sample, while LSCM uses a focused beam of light. This allows BLCM to achieve higher resolution images than LSCM.BLCM is a powerful tool that can be used to study the structure and function of biological cells and tissues. It is used in a wide variety of applications, including:Cell biology.Developmental biology.Neuroscience.Cancer research.Drug discovery.BLCM is a complex instrument, but the basic principlesof operation are relatively simple. The laser is scanned across the sample, and the reflected or transmitted lightis collected by a detector. The detector signal is thenused to create a 3D image of the sample.The resolution of a BLCM is determined by the wavelength of the laser and the numerical aperture of the objective lens. The smaller the wavelength of the laser,the higher the resolution. The higher the numericalaperture of the objective lens, the greater the ability to collect light from the sample.BLCM is a valuable tool for studying biological samples.It can provide high-resolution images of the structure and function of cells and tissues. This information can be used to help understand the mechanisms of disease and to develop new treatments.中文回答:生物激光共聚焦显微镜。

而这一次,是首次利用激光束在日常条件下冷却像水这样的液体,” 这篇论文的主要作者,也是华盛顿大学材料科学与工程专业助理教授Peter Pauzauskie说。
“对于细胞如何分裂,分子和酶如何实现它们的功能,还有许多令人感兴趣的方面,但在以往却没有办法做到通过冷却的方式来研究它们的特性,” Pauzauskie说,他也是来自华盛顿州里奇兰,美国能源部的太平洋西北国家实验室的科学家。

这篇论文的主要作者,也是华盛顿大学材料科学与工程专业助理教授Peter Pauzauskie说。
1.华盛顿大学重大突破首次实现用激光制冷液体 [J],
2.华盛顿大学重大突破:首次实现用激光制冷液体 [J],
3.单分子激光制冷首次达到接近绝对零度 [J],
4.《自然》:单分子激光制冷首次达到接近绝对零度 [J],
5.常温常压下首次实现用激光制冷液体 [J],

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1Acousticvibrationsbeautyprinciple Eachperson'sfacehasatleastthreemillionpores,whilecleansingliquid andhandsonlycleanskinsurface,itisdifficulttoremovetheoilpores,Only cleanouttheporesoftheoilresidue,cantheskinrecoverfromthedeep clean.Lessonslearned46yearsspecializesinskincareexperience,the wholedevelopmentprocessguidedbyskinspecialists,combinedwithour advancedengineerstosonicmicro-vibrationtechnology,fittingfaceof intelligentdesign,nodeadcomprehensivecleanyourskin.8600timesper minute,high-frequencyvibration,Vibrateoutofdeepporesoilanddeep c l ea ne v e r yp o re .Po re sl i g h t w e i g h tt ra n s pa re n t ,d e l i cates k i ns m o ot h ,o n ce againchangetheskinmorethroughcleanliness. 2HotandcoldBeautyPrinciple Ajapanprofessorattheuniversityshowsthatwhenskinreachs42℃ temperaturehelpstoproduceHSPproteins,repairskincellsandstrengthen theskinelasticity,andpreventtheformationofwrinkles.Theicehotbeauty bar,hot42℃nursingcanhelpexpandthepores,makedeepcleaning convenient.Whilefrozennursingcaninstantlyreceivefineskinpores,lock themoistureoftheskinindeepskin,letyoucontinuewarmandfrozencare. Pe o p l ePa yatte n t i o ntot h eb ea u t yi sv e r yi n te re ste di n4 2 ℃i ceh ota l te r n ate beauty.This42℃icehotbeautybar,thetemperaturerange6℃to42℃.The feelingofwarmprocessingandiceprocessingcancontinue.Beautymuscle magictomaketheskinbecomesmoothandfullofelasticity.6℃and42℃ icehotalternaterestoreskinfirmnessandelasticity.Icehotalternatecare musclecanpromoteskinforrapidexpansionandcontractionmovement, thebeautyofthismildmusclemovement,helpstostimulatetheskin's bloodcirculation,speedupthemetabolismofskin;Inadditiontoeffective repelblackrimoftheeyeandsimpleeyewrinkles.Moregreatlyincreaseskin t ra n s pa re n c y,e v e nw i t h o u tm a ke u p,t h es k i na l s oh a sc r y sta ls h i n e .By acousticvibrationtopromotecompactsoothingeffect.

1半导体激光器件1.1 概述目前,各种新型的光电子器件层出不穷。
1.2 几种常见纳米激光器1.纳米导线激光器在2001年,美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的研究人员在只及人的头发丝千分之一的纳米导线上制造出了世界最小的激光器——纳米导线激光器。
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a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0103063v 1 [p h y s i c s .a t o m -p h ] 20 M a r 2001Penning collisions of laser-cooled metastable helium atomsF.Pereira Dos Santos,F.Perales a ,J.L´e onard,A.Sinatra,Junmin Wang b ,F.S.Pavone c ,E.Rasel d ,C.S.Unnikrishnan e ,M.LeducLaboratoire Kastler Brossel ∗,D´e partement de Physique,Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure,24rue Lhomond,75231Paris Cedex 05,France()We present experimental results on the two-body loss rates in a magneto-optical trap of metastable helium atoms.Abso-lute rates are measured in a systematic way for several laser detunings ranging from -5to -30MHz and at different inten-sities,by monitoring the decay of the trap fluorescence.The dependence of the two-body loss rate coefficient βon the ex-cited state (23P 2)and metastable state (23S 1)populations is also investigated.From these results we infer a rather uniform rate constant K sp =(1±0.4)×10−7cm 3/s.PACS 32.80.PjOptical cooling of atoms;trapping,34.50.Rk-Laser modified scattering and reactionsI.INTRODUCTIONHelium atoms in the metastable triplet state 23S 1(He*)appear to be a good candidate for Bose-Einstein Condensa-tion (BEC)according to theoretical predictions [1].The cross section for elastic collisions between spin-polarised metastable helium atoms is expected to be large,allowing efficient ther-malization and evaporation in a magnetostatic trap,which is the standard technique to reach BEC [2–5].On the other hand,very high autoionization rates (Penning collisions)pre-vent reaching high densities of metastable helium atoms,both in the presence and in the absence of light,unless the sample is spin polarized.If a metastable helium atom collide either with an other metastable atom,or with an helium atom excited in the 23P 2state,the quasi molecule formed can autoionize according to the following reactions:He (23S 1)+He (23S 1)→He (11S 0)+He ++e −He +2+e −(1)He (23P 2)+He (23S 1)→He (11S 0)+He ++e −He +2+e−(2)A first experiment at subthermal energy (E =1.6meV)with the metastable helium system was performed by M¨u ller et al.[6],allowing the determination of the interaction ing those potentials the rate βSS for the reactions (1)has been calculated [7–9]to be a few 10−10cm 3/s,which agrees with measurements performed in Magneto-Optical Traps (MOT)[10,7,11].According to theoretical predictions [1],the ionization rate corresponding to the reactions (1)should be suppressed by four orders of magnitude in a magne-tostatic trap.Spin polarization of the atoms and spin conser-vation in the collisional process are the causes of this suppres-sion,which makes the quest of BEC reasonable.Actually,a reduction of more than a factor of 20in the two-body loss ratein an optically polarized sample was observed experimentally [12].In presence of light exciting the transition 23S 1→23P 2,the reaction (2)is dominant.“Optical collisions”with metastable helium atoms were measured to have surprisingly large cross sections when compared with alkali systems [13].The study of optical collisions is of fundamental importance in order to optimize the first step towards BEC,consisting in pre-cooling and trapping the atoms in a MOT.The goal is to transfer a cloud as dense as possible in a magnetic trap,in order to increase the elastic collision rate and start evaporation.The experimental study of optical collisions is the subject of this paper.Several groups reported measurements of optical collisions rates,by studying losses in the MOT at small detunings [10,8,11]around −5MHz and at large detunings [11]at −35MHz and −45MHz.Measurements over a broad range of detunings,from −5MHz to −20MHz,were reported in [14]and the dependence of the loss rate on the intensity of the MOT laser beams was investigated.In reference [7]a theo-retical model for optical collisions is also proposed predicting rates in good agreement with the measurements,but differ-ing by more than one order of magnitude with all the other measurements previously quoted.Our measurements are performed in a MOT loaded with 109atoms,at a peak density of 1010atoms/cm 3.With respect to previous works,we extend the measurements of the two-body loss rate to a wider range of detunings and intensities with a good precision,by measuring the number of atoms and the size of the trap using absorption techniques.Also,by measuring accurately the excited state population in each trapping condition,we are able to interpret our data with a simple model,expressing the two-body loss rate in terms of the excited state population and of a rate constant K sp ,found to be independent of the laser detuning and intensity.Our experimental setup is described in section II,while in section III we explain our detection system and we give the working conditions and performance of our magneto-optical trap.In section IV we describe in detail the experimental procedure used to measure the two-body loss rate and the ex-cited state population for different trapping conditions.The results are given in section V,and the conclusions in section VI.II.EXPERIMENTAL SET-UPA beam of metastable helium atoms is generated by a con-tinuous high voltage discharge in helium gas,cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature.Radiation pressure on the metastable beam allows one to increase its brightness,and to deflect itfrom the ground state helium beam[15].The metastable atoms are then decelerated by the Zeeman slowing technique and loaded in a magneto-optical trap(MOT)in a quartz cell at a background pressure of5×10−10torr.More details on the experimental setup will be given in a forthcoming paper[16]. MOT parameters for optimal loading of the trap are listed in table I.For the laser manipulation of the atoms,we use the line at1083nm,connecting the metastable triplet state 23S1to the radiative state23P2.The saturation intensity I sat for this transition is0,16mW/cm2and the linewidthΓ/2πis1.6MHz.Our laser system consists of a DBR laser diode (SDL-6702-H1)in an extended cavity configuration,injecting a commercial Ytterbium dopedfiber amplifier(IRE-POLUS Group).The diode is stabilized by saturation spectroscopy at-240MHz from resonance.At thefiber output we obtain 600mW of power,in a TEM00mode at the same frequency.The estimated linewidth is around300kHz.All the frequen-cies required for collimation,deflection,trapping and probing are generated by acousto-optical modulators in a double pass configuration,while we use directly part of thefiber output beam for slowing the atoms.TABLE I.Optimal loading parameters of the He∗mag-neto-optical trap.Laser detuningLaser beam diameterVertical laser intensity(Ox)Longitudinal laser intensity(Oy)Transverse laser intensity(Oz)Total intensityWeak axis magneticfield gradientStrong axis magneticfield gradient2.Our Watt-meter(Co-herent lab-master)is calibrated to3%accuracy and allows a rectilinear calibrationfit of the photodiode voltage.We mea-sure a maximum total absorption of1mW,corresponding to (1±0.1)×109atoms.We estimate the accuracy for the mea-surement of N to be about10%.Incident power (mW)FIG.2.Absorbed power by the MOT versus incident power of the laser probe beam.The absorbed power saturates at1mW for an incident power of10mW.The corresponding number of atoms is(1±0.1)×109atomsThe typical parameters of our magneto-optical trap with the operating conditions of table I are listed in table II. TABLE II.Characterization of the MOT with parameters of table I.Number of atomsRMS size(weak axis)RMS size(strong axis)Density at the centerTemperatureWe stress the fact that the case of He*differs of that of alkalis,for which the imaging method gives a direct measure-ment of both the two-dimensional column density and the rms sizes of the MOT,by absorption of a brief and low intensity probe pulse (I ≪I sat ).In the case of He*,the quantum efficiency of the CCD camera (10−3at 1.083µm )is too low to provide images with a sufficient signal to noise ratio.We need instead to illuminate the atoms with a 200µs pulse whose intensity is about 0.1mW/cm 2(I ∼I sat ),and use a moderate magnification of 1/5.Another difficulty with He*occurs from the large recoil momentum ¯h k/m (9.2cm/s)due to the light mass of the atoms :the atoms are pushed out of resonance during the 200µs pulse if a traveling wave pulse is used.The solution we adopted is toilluminate the atoms in a standing wave with the set-up shown in figure 1.Though this scheme allows us to obtain pictures with a good contrast,the drawback is that the images obtained in the standing wave configuration for I ∼I sat are more difficult to analyze than in the low intensity case.In order to interpret the absorption pictures in the standing wave configuration,and for any sat-uration parameter,we developed a handy theoretical model (see appendix A)giving the column density of the atoms for each pixel of the CCD camera.The resulting density is then fitted by a Gaussian curve to extract the size of the cloud.IV.MEASURING THE TRAP DECAY BYFLUORESCENCE Once the loading of the MOT is interrupted,the evolution of the number of trapped atoms N is given by the following equation:dN(2π)32σ2x−y 22σ2z(4)At low enough pressure and high enough density,losses dueto background gas are negligible,so that the equation reduces todN(4π)31+β2n (0,t 0)(t −t 0)(6)where t 0is the initial time.In order to follow the evolution ofthe number of trapped atoms,we monitor the fluorescence de-cay of the MOT with a photodiode (PD2in figure 1).As thefluorescence signal is proportional to the number of atoms,we obtain a fluorescence decay curve reproducing equation (6),which we fit to get the parameter βn (0,t 0).In order to de-termine β,one still has to measure n (0,t 0),which means that one has to measure the rms size of the cloud along the three directions and the initial number of atoms N (t 0).Our goal is to measure the loss rate for a wide range of de-tunings and intensities.The experimental procedure,divided in three successive steps,is the following.(1)First,we load the trap for 1s at δ=−45MHz and at the highest intensity in the trapping beams (I/Isat=50per laser arm).Then,we stop the loading by blocking the slowing beam with a mechanical shutter.20ms later,we “compress”the MOT by suddenly changing its detuning and intensity using acousto-optical modulators.We record the fluorescence signal during this procedure.A typical fluorescence curve is shown in figure 3.Time (ms)FIG.3.Evolution of the fluorescence signal.Once the loadingis stopped,scattered light from the slowing beam is blocked,which explains the drop of the signal at t=-10ms.The detuning is then set to δ=−20MHz at t=0ms and the fluorescence decays.The loading is stopped at t=-20ms and the photodiode sig-nal drops by a factor of 2at t=-10ms because the background light from the slowing beam is blocked.The fluorescence is greatly enhanced in the beginning of the compression phase at t=0ms,as expected when the detuning is set closer to res-onance (the detuning is set here to -20MHz),but decays to almost zero in about 100ms because of the two-body losses.Figure 4shows the time evolution of the size of the cloud dur-ing this phase of compression,showing that 10ms are enough to reach the new equilibrium size.Thus,we extract the pa-rameter βn (0,t 0)from a fit of the fluorescence decay starting from t =t 0=10ms.At this very time we measure the sizes of the MOT along x and y and the number of atoms in order to calculate n (0,t 0).Time (ms)FIG.4.Size of the MOT during the compression phase.The new equilibrium is reached after10ms(2)Then,the sizes along the weak axis of the magneticfield gradient are measured by absorption on the CCD camera as explained in section III.Figure5shows the rms size along x for various laser detunings and intensities.The size along z (strong axis of the quadrupolefield)is inferred from measure-ments of the sizes along x and y with a magneticfield gradient b twice as large.Wefind a typical size along z20%smaller than along the weak axes of the quadrupole.We did not cor-rect the sizes for the expansion of the cloud during the pulse lasting200µs,as this would have required the measurement of the temperature for all the detunings and intensities.Nev-ertheless,we performed some time offlight measurements, giving temperatures ranging from0.3mK at-10MHz to1 mK at-40MHz,from which we estimate that the sizes are overestimated at most by5%at-25MHz and by15%at-5 MHz.In addition,we measured the statistical error on the sizes to be relatively small at large detunings,2to3%,but larger at small detunings(about10%at-5MHz).This is due (i)to the poor spatial resolution of our imaging system(pixel dimension80µm×130µm),and(ii)to a low signal to noise ratio for small detunings where the loss rate is larger,as most of the atoms are lost during the compression phase.I/I satFIG.5.Rms size of the MOT cloud as a function of the intensity of the MOT laser beams for various detunings.(3)Finally,to determine the number of atoms that were still trapped at t0=10ms,we simultaneously switch offthe magneticfield and set the trapping beams on resonance at t0,instead of letting the trap decay as infigure3.The laser intensity is set to a high enough value to strongly saturate the transition.We get a peak offluorescence,whose amplitude is proportional to the number of atoms.We compare it with the peak obtained with the same procedure but for the MOT in the best loading conditions offigure2,for which we measured the number of atoms precisely.From this comparison,we infer the number of atoms at t=t0in the compressed MOT,and thus determine n(0,t0).This measurement also gives access to the value of the average population of the excited stateπp.Indeed,πp is given byF1/2=2×πp(7)where F is thefluorescence signal we measure in the com-pressed MOT at t0,and F max thefluorescence signal at res-onance,when the transition is saturated,andπp expected to be1/2.Figure6shows the results of thefluorescence measurements, giving F max/F as a function of the inverse of the laser inten-sity I for various detunings.It is interesting to note that the inverse of F is found to vary linearly with the inverse of I.Isat/I (×10 -2)FIG.6.Fluorescence signal F from the MOT as a function of intensity I of the laser beams.The inverse of thefluorescence F is found to vary linearly with the inverse of the intensity I.The results are used for the calibration of the number of atoms.Following[17],thefluorescence of N atoms in the com-pressed MOT can be modeled by the following equation:F=ηN hνΓIsatI sat+4δ2coefficients over all possible transitions.For a J =1←→J =2transition,this average is 0.56.We can rewrite equation (8)asF maxC 1+1+4δ2C 1I sat 2.The results of figure 6show a good agreement with (9).But,C 2and C 1are not found equal,and both depend on the de-tuning.For example,C 1is found to be 0.58,0.48,0.46,0.44,0.22for δ=-25,-20,-15,-10,-5MHz respectively.We stress the fact that,for the fluorescence at resonance,and for full saturation,C1and C2are expected to be equal.V.RESULTSThe results of the Penning collisions rate βare shown in figures 7and 8.1,0x102,0x103,0x104,0x10I/I satFIG.7.Two-body loss rate factor as a function of laser powerfor several detunings.Figure 7presents the loss parameter βas a function of the laser intensity for different detunings δ,from -30to -5MHz.The uncertainty of the measurements varies from 25%for large detunings to 60%for small detunings.For all detun-ings,βincreases with power,which shows that S-P collisions are dominant.1010δ (MHz)FIG.8.Two-body loss rate factor as a function of detuning fora fixed intensity I =80I sat of the laser.Fig.8shows the loss parameter as a function of detuning for a fixed intensity (I2,0x104,0x106,0x108,0x101,0x101,2x101,4x101,6x101,8x10I/I satFIG.9.Rate coefficient K sp for all our measurements,as afunction of the laser intensity I for several detunings.In figure 9,we then plot K sp for the ensemble of our data.We do not see clear evidence for a dependence of K sp with the detuning or the intensity within the dispersion of our data.To a good approximation,we estimate then that K sp is actually constant in the explored range of parameters:K sp =(1.0±0.4)×10−7cm 3/s,with a dispersion that roughly agrees with the error bars we claim.This result agrees with the first measurement ever performed [10],but the precision is now much improved.It also agrees well with the measure-ments of [8]where the authors found K sp =(8.3±2.5)×10−8cm 3/s,assuming that for their parameters (δ=−5MHz and I =30mW/cm 2),πs =πp =0.5.An important point is that,in contrast with the measure-ment of the fluorescence at resonance where the transition is assumed to be saturated,πp in the compressed MOT never reaches 0.5in our measurements :even for the smallest de-tuning and the highest intensity,πp is only 0.2.This explains why the results for βin figure 7at δ=−5MHz strongly in-crease for increasing intensity over the whole explored range.VI.CONCLUSIONWe measured the absolute two-body loss rate betweenmetastable atoms in a magneto-optical trap as a function of detuning and intensity.We extended the range of these pa-rameters and compared the results to those of previous mea-surements,mostly performed at small ing a new experimental approach,we obtained reliable values for the two-body loss rates with an improved accuracy as compared to most earlier results.In the region of overlap of parame-ters,we find a good agreement with previous measurements,within the quoted uncertainties.We find a loss rate monotoni-cally increasing as a function of intensity and decreasing with detuning.Our measurements are interpreted with a simple model,giving a rather constant loss rate K sp ,with an aver-age value of (1±0.4)×10−7cm 3/s,as already found in the very first measurement of [10].We believe that the quality and the extended range of our measurements should moti-vate more theoretical work,in order to understand better the peculiar dynamics of Penning collisions between metastablehelium atoms in the presence of light.Acknowledgments:The authors wish to thank C.Cohen-Tannoudji for helpful discussions and careful reading of the manuscript.aPermanent address:Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers,UMR 7538du CNRS,Universit´e Paris Nord,Avenue J.B.Cl´e ment,93430Villetaneuse,France.bPermanent address:Institute of Opto-Electronics,Shanxi University,36Wucheng Road,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030006,China.cPermanent address :Dept.of Physics,Univ.of Perugia,Via Pascoli,Perugia,Italy;Lens and INFM,L.go E.Fermi 2,Firenze,Italy dPresent address :Universit¨a t Hannover,Welfengarten 1,D-30167Hannover,Germany.ePermanent address :TIFR,Homi Bhabha Road,Mumbai 400005,India.∗Unit´e de Recherche de l’Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure et de l’Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie,associ´e e au CNRS (UMR 8552).APPENDIX A:MODEL OF THE ABSORPTION In this appendix we describe the method we used to quan-titatively interpret the absorption images of the atomic cloud when a standing wave configuration of the probe beam is used,and for an arbitrary saturation parameter.We describe the atoms as two-level atoms characterized by a non linear sus-ceptibility:χ=n (x,y,z )−d 2(Γ/2)2+δ2+|Ω|2/2(A1)where n (x,y,z )is the atomic density,d the atomic dipole,δthe detuning,Γthe inverse lifetime of the excited state and Ωis the Rabi frequency given by¯h Ωwhere χ0,χ+and χ−are slowly varying envelopes,and where we neglect terms in the expansion describing generation of frequencies others than the probe frequency via the non linear interaction.If we insert theexpansions (A4)and (A5)intothepropagation equation (A3)and use the rotating wave appoximation,we obtain a set of two coupled differential equations for the slowly varying field amplitudes A +,A −.By splitting the complex amplitudes into modulus and phase:A +=|A +|e iφ+A −=|A −|e iφ−(A6)and by introducing the phase difference (φ+−φ−)in the definition of the slowly varying susceptibilities χ+and χ−:χ+=˜χ+e i (φ+−φ−)χ−=˜χ−e −i (φ+−φ−),(A7)one can write :d |A +|2(Im˜χ+|A −|+Im ˜χ0|A +|)(A8)d |A −|2(Im ˜χ−|A +|+Im˜χ0|A −|).(A9)By using expressions (A1)and (A4),the quantities k 0Im˜χ+,k 0Im ˜χ−and k 0Im ˜χ0are readily calculated:k 0Im˜χ0=3λ22πn (x,y,z )αf 1(A11)whereα=(Γ/2)22(|A +|2+|A −|2)(A12)f 0=11−ǫ2;f 1=1−f 0(Γ/2)2+δ2+1dZ =3λ2dZ=3λ2[1]G.V.Shlyapnikov,J.T.M.Walraven,U.M.Rahmanov,and 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