Quantum interference effect on the density of states in disordered d-wave superconductors
生活大爆炸第三季S3E10 中英文对照剧本

他说的很多话本是故意为了幽默一下的 A lot of what he says is intended as humor. 是啊 但我一点也不觉得有趣 Yeah, well, I don't think it's very funny. 我也是 但是我一笑他就灿烂了 Me neither, but he just lights up when I laugh. 霍华德 不能让她跑了 Howard, never let her go. 莱纳德 霍华德说你正在进行 So, Leonard, Howard says you're working on 一些量子力学的基本测试 fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. 没错 I am. 你对物理感兴趣吗 Are you interested in physics? 我觉得很很吸引人 Oh, I find it fascinating. 如果我没有选择微生物学的话 If I hadn't gone into microbiology, 我也许就会进军物理了 I probably would have gone into physics. 或者冰舞 Or ice dancing. 事实上 我对于阿哈伦诺夫-博姆的 Actually, my tests of the Aharonov-Bohm 量子干涉效应实验已经到达了一个很有趣的阶段 quantum interference effect have reached an interesting point. 现在 我们正在测试基于电势的 Right now, we're testing the phase shift 相位偏移 due to an electric potential. 真是太棒了 That's amazing. 那是 莱纳德的工作几乎就跟 Yes. Leonard's work is nearly as amazing 三年级小学生用湿毛巾种青豆一样棒 as third graders growing lima beans in wet paper towels. 虽然我很欣赏你的 "喔 又损人了" While I appreciate the "Oh, snap," 但你那温湿的口气飘进我的耳中令我很不舒服 I'm uncomfortable having your moist breath in my ear. 你会用 Are you going to try

最新物理实验报告(英文)Abstract:This report presents the findings of a recent physics experiment conducted to investigate the effects of quantum entanglement on particle behavior at the subatomic level. Utilizing a sophisticated setup involving photon detectors and a vacuum chamber, the experiment aimed to quantify the degree of correlation between entangled particles and to test the limits of nonlocal communication.Introduction:Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that lies at the heart of quantum physics, where the quantum states of two or more particles become interlinked such that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them. This experiment was designed to further our understanding of this phenomenon and its implications for the fundamental principles of physics.Methods:The experiment was carried out in a controlled environment to minimize external interference. A pair of photons was generated and entangled using a nonlinear crystal. The photons were then separated and sent to two distinct detection stations. The detection process was synchronized, and the data collected included the time, position, and polarization state of each photon.Results:The results indicated a high degree of correlation between the entangled photons. Despite being separated by a significant distance, the photons exhibited a consistent pattern in their polarization states, suggesting a strong entanglement effect. The data also showed that the collapse of the quantum state upon measurement occurred simultaneously for both particles, supporting the theory of nonlocality.Discussion:The findings of this experiment contribute to the ongoing debate about the nature of quantum entanglement and its potential applications. The consistent correlations observed between the entangled particles provide strong evidence for the nonlocal properties of quantum mechanics. This has implications for the development of quantum computing and secure communication technologies.Conclusion:The experiment has successfully demonstrated the robustness of quantum entanglement and its potential for practical applications. Further research is needed to explore the broader implications of these findings and to refine the experimental techniques for probing the quantum realm.References:[1] Einstein, A., Podolsky, B., & Rosen, N. (1935). Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 47(8), 777-780.[2] Bell, J. S. (1964). On the Einstein Podolsky RosenParadox. Physics, 1(3), 195-200.[3] Aspect, A., Grangier, P., & Roger, G. (1982). Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell's Theorem. Physical Review Letters, 49(2), 91-94.。
凝聚态物理国际邀请报告p0617-ma zhsh

The transmission coefficient of resonant tunneling channel
The relative phase difference between electronic pathways for the resonant and nonresonant tunneling channels
tdir =| tdir | eiϕdir
tresonance =| tresonance | e
iϕ resonance
T ∼| tdir || tresonance | cos ∆ϕ res
∆ϕres = ϕ resonance − ϕ dir
The transmission coefficient of nonresonant tunneling channel
Main feature of Photon-assisted Tunneling
The conductance exhibits a strong non-linearity and the resonance located at the photon sidebands. Electrons exchange the energy by absorbing or emitting photons The additional tunneling processes The characteristic current is a symmetric offset when the gate voltage scans the resonant level.
ε mn = ε − ε d + mω1 − nω 2 Ω2 = 4ΓlΓr /
生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第10集

莱纳德看我的Hey, Leonard, check this out.莱纳德她又来了Leonard, she's doing it again.我觉得你调戏食物会让谢尔顿郁闷I think it upsets Sheldon when you play with the food. 不应该是她从碗里随便拿起食物No. It upsets Sheldon when she willy-nilly takes it而不顾还要平均分配的问题时from the containers without regard让谢尔顿很郁闷for its equitable distribution.这就是印度有饥荒的根本原因This is essentially why you have famine in India.你要我吐回去吗You want me to put it back?莱纳德Leonard.当你调戏谢尔顿时会让谢尔顿郁闷It upsets Sheldon when you play with the Sheldon.怎么样啊我亲爱的呆瓜们What's up, my nerdizzles?拉杰谢尔顿Raj, Sheldon,我想将我的女朋友伯纳黛特引见与你们I want you to meet my girlfriend Bernadette. 你好莱纳德佩妮Hello. Leonard, Penny,你们认识我的女友伯纳黛特的you know my girlfriend Bernadette.-嗯-嗨- Yeah. - Hey.伯纳黛特跟呆瓜们说绝对的Bernadette, say fo'shizzle to my nerdizzles. 我不能这么说I don't think I can.我没有霍华德那种街头痞子风I don't have Howard's street cred.我希望这没造成问题I hope it's all right--我跟我的女朋友伯纳黛特说I told my girlfriend Bernadette她可以跟我们共进晚餐she could join us for dinner.当然可以人多乐趣多Sure. The more, the merrier.不对这是个错误的对等关系Wa-- no, that's a false equivalency.人多不等于乐趣多More does not equal merry.如果这公寓里现在有两千人If there were 2,000 people in this apartment right now, 那我们会很开心吗不我们会窒息而死would we be celebrating? No, we'd be suffocating.-谢尔顿-别郁闷我- Sheldon... - Don't "Sheldon" me.我们定的是五人份不是六人We ordered for five people, not six.来不没事儿的Oh, come on, it's fine.我们全部摊在桌上分享就好就像家庭聚餐式的We'll just put it all on the table, you know, family style. 噢那是当我们家庭聚餐时Oh, sure. And while we're at it,为什么不把手背到背后why don't we put our hands behind our backs,来个老式的进食大赛呢have an old-fashioned eating contest?放轻松没事儿的Relax, it'll be fine.做吧你们Sit down, you guys.别别别No! No! No!怎么了What?!对了你不能坐那儿Oh, yeah, you can't sit there.为什么不能Why not?那是谢尔顿的专属座位That's where Sheldon sits.他不能坐其他地方吗He can't sit somewhere else?不不不你看啊在冬天呢No, no, no-- you see, in the winter,这个座位与暖气片的距离足够让他保持温暖that seat is close enough to the radiator so that he's warm,但又不会太近以至于出汗yet not so close that he sweats.而在夏天这个位置又正好处在In the summer, it's directly in the path of由这个和那个窗口之间对流所产生的微风之中a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. 这儿的角度并不是直接面朝电视It faces the television at an angle that isn't direct,所以他还能跟所有人交谈so he can still talk to everybody,同时又不会太偏导致画面失真yet not so wide that the picture looks distorted.看来你还是有那么点指望的嘛Perhaps there's hope for you after all.喔我喜欢你的鞋子Ooh, I love your shoes.谢谢Oh, thanks.很可爱不是吗They are cute, aren't they?-你在哪儿买到的-实惠鞋店- Where'd you get them? - Shoes for Less.我正有此意要去那儿I've been meaning to go over there. 东西很多价格也便宜Oh, great selection, great prices.我娘说的对确实有地狱My mother was right. Hell is real. 别这样谢尔顿Come on, Sheldon.让妇女们聊吧Let the womenfolk chat.妇女Womenfolk?少女Gals?妞儿Chicks?有子宫的美国人Utero-Americans?吃你的饭吧Just eat your dinner.别太跟他较真儿Don't take him too seriously.他说的很多话本是故意为了幽默一下的A lot of what he says is intended as humor.是啊但我一点也不觉得有趣Yeah, well, I don't think it's very funny.我也是但是我一笑他就灿烂了Me neither, but he just lights up when I laugh. 霍华德不能让她跑了Howard, never let her go.莱纳德霍华德说你正在进行So, Leonard, Howard says you're working on 一些量子力学的基本测试fundamental tests of quantum mechanics.没错I am.你对物理感兴趣吗Are you interested in physics?我觉得很很吸引人Oh, I find it fascinating.如果我没有选择微生物学的话If I hadn't gone into microbiology,我也许就会进军物理了I probably would have gone into physics.或者冰舞Or ice dancing.事实上我对于阿哈伦诺夫-博姆的Actually, my tests of the Aharonov-Bohm量子干涉效应实验已经到达了一个很有趣的阶段quantum interference effect have reached an interesting point. 现在我们正在测试基于电势的Right now, we're testing the phase shift相位偏移due to an electric potential.真是太棒了That's amazing.那是莱纳德的工作几乎就跟Yes. Leonard's work is nearly as amazing三年级小学生用湿毛巾种青豆一样棒as third graders growing lima beans in wet paper towels.虽然我很欣赏你的"喔又损人了"While I appreciate the "Oh, snap,"但你那温湿的口气飘进我的耳中令我很不舒服I'm uncomfortable having your moist breath in my ear.你会用Are you going to try穿隧结合来设定电压吗to set up the voltages using tunnel junctions? 是的Yes, I am.你要看我笔记本上的模拟情况吗You want to see a simulation on my laptop? 好啊给我看看Oh, yeah, show me.在微生物学中我做过的最激动人心的事情In microbiology, the most exciting thing也就是跟酵母玩玩I get to work with is yeast.霍华德Howard?怎么了Yeah?你的鞋子真漂亮Your shoes are delightful.你在哪儿买的Where did you get them?什么What?逗你玩儿我才不关心呢Bazinga. I don't care.哈吃灰吧你Ha! Eat my dust,万年不变的古板水管工racially stereotypical plumber.这不公平That's not fair.我被一棵树卡住了I got stuck behind a tree.外加一只母牛和企鹅And a cow and a penguin.认了吧兄弟Face it, dude,不管是现实的车还是虚拟的卡通车whether it's a real car or a virtual cartoon car,你都不能驾驭you can't drive.只需要点练习而已Just need a little more practice.你需要的是金手指驾驶技巧和一盏神灯What you need is cheat codes, motor skills and a magic genie来帮马里奥赛车小废柴实现愿望who grants wishes to little boys who suck at Mario Kart. 谢尔顿我能跟你说两句话吗Hey, Sheldon, can I talk to you for a second?这跟鞋没关系对吧It's not about shoes, is it?我不想再聊鞋子了I don't think I could go through that again.跟鞋子无关It's not about shoes.那就说吧Then speak.我们能私下谈吗Um, actually, can we do it in private?好吧All right.走开Go away.我知道很无礼但她要私下谈I agree, it's rude, but she asked for privacy.谢谢拉杰Thanks, Raj.事情是这样的Okay, so here's the thing:我想请你教我一点物理学I was wondering if you could maybe teach me a little physics? 一点物理学A little physics?没有这个说法There's no such thing.物理学包含整个宇宙Physics encompasses the entire universe,从量子粒子到超新星from quantum particles to supernovas,从自旋电子到旋转星系from spinning electrons to spinning galaxies.行Yeah, okay, cool.不用说得像广播特别报导一样I don't need the PBS special.只要了解到I just want to know enough能和莱纳德谈他的工作就行so I can talk to Leonard about his job.就像伯纳黛特那样You know, like Bernadette does.干嘛不叫莱纳德教你Why can't Leonard teach you?我想给他个惊喜'Cause I want to surprise him.就不能以其他方式给他惊喜吗Can't you surprise him in some other way?比如你要是打扫一下房间For example, I'm sure he'd be delightfully taken aback 我肯定他又惊又喜if you cleaned your apartment.拜托谢尔顿这对我很重要Come on, Sheldon, this is important to me.佩妮Penny,教你可是艰巨的任务this would be a massive undertaking,我的时间既有限又宝贵呢and my time is both limited and valuable.你整天都坐着玩电子游戏呢You're sitting here playing video games all day.被你说中了Okay, point.你学了哪些基础知识What sort of foundation do you have?学校教过什么科学课吗Did you take any science classes in school?有我做过青蛙的实验Sure. I did the one with the frogs.青蛙的实验The one with the frogs.对其实挺好玩的Yeah, actually, it was pretty cool.很多女生都吐了但我把小青蛙像鹿一样宰了A lot of the girls threw up, but I gutted that thing like a deer. 抱歉佩妮I'm sorry, Penny.恕我无能为力I don't think so.别这样嘛Oh, come on!你这么聪明就当挑战一下A smart guy like you, it'll be a challenge.当成实验来做嘛You can make it like an experiment.有意思Interesting.既然别人能教I suppose if someone could teach sign language KoKo大猩猩学手语to KoKo the gorilla...我也能教你基本物理学I could teach you some rudimentary physics.太好了Great!虽然有点侮辱人但很好It's a little insulting, but great.我就做KoKo吧I'll be KoKo.不见得吧Not likely.KoKo学会了超过两千个单词KoKo learned to understand over 2,000 words, 没有一个跟鞋子有关呢not one of which had anything to do with shoes.Hey, fellas.这是在下的女友伯纳黛特This is my girlfriend Bernadette.在下的女友伯纳黛特My girlfriend Bernadette.他们都是谁Who are all those people?不知道Have no idea.好啊莱纳德Hey, Leonard.好瞧瞧Hi. Hey, look,这不是霍华德的女友伯纳黛特嘛it's Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette.带这位小美人逛逛这老盐矿Thought I'd give the little woman a tour of the old salt mines. 他说的不是盐矿He doesn't mean salt mines.他说的是工作地点He means where he works.Yeah, no, I got it.你的实验进展如何So, how's your experiment going?很顺利Ah, terrific.我们正在准备电子加速器We're getting the electron accelerator set up. 后天就能准备好We should be ready to go day after tomorrow. 真想见识一下Boy, I'd love to see that.欢迎你来You're welcome to come.真的吗太好了Really? Oh, that'd be great.多兴奋啊How exciting is that?简直就像七月过光明节一样Like Hanukkah in July.七月有光明节吗Do they have that?No.又被你糊弄了You got me again.这不是脱脂酸奶This isn't non-fat yogurt.简直全是脂肪This is fatty fat fat.失陪一下Excuse me.心肝儿能帮我拿张餐巾吗Could you grab me another napkin, sweetie? -当然可以-谢谢宝贝- Sure. - Thanks, honey.说你打什么如意算盘All right, what is your deal?你说什么Excuse me?邀请我女朋友Inviting my girlfriend去看你的电子加速器to come see your electron accelerator?Yeah? So?你真有两下子You really are a piece of work.舞会皇后It's not enough被你弄到手还不满意you get the prom queen, you have to get你还想抢走陪衬头牌呢the head of the decorating committee, too? 你在说什么呢What are you talking about?别跟我装无辜Don't play innocent with me.用神奇实验设备勾引女人I practically invented这招是我发明的using fancy lab equipment to seduce women. 成功过吗Has it ever worked?目前没有重点不是这个Not so far, but that's not the point!霍华德别紧张Howard, relax.我对你女朋友没兴趣I'm not interested in your girlfriend.最好如此I hope not.你不会想跟我瞎搅和Because you don't want to mess with me. 我可是疯子I'm crazy.我相信你I believe you.实验日志第一篇Research journal, entry one.我准备开展I'm about to embark on one of科学生涯中的巨大挑战之一the great challenges of my scientific career: 教佩妮物理学teaching Penny physics.我称之为大猩猩工程I'm calling it Project Gorilla.好啊谢尔顿Hey, Sheldon.请进坐吧Come in. T ake a seat.实验目标已到Subject has arrived.我亲切地欢迎她I've extended a friendly casual greeting.准备好开始了吗Ready to get started?稍等One moment.目标气色很好也很热情Subject appears well-rested and enthusiastic. 显然无知是福Apparently, ignorance is bliss.好吧我们开始All right, let us begin.你的笔记本呢Where's your notebook?我没笔记本Um, I don't have one.那你咋记笔记How are you going to take notes without a notebook? 还得记笔记吗I have to take notes?不然你怎么考试How else are you gonna study for the tests?最好还要考试吗There's gonna be a test?可不止一次考试Test-sss.给Here.这是大学规定It's college-ruled.希望没吓着你I hope that's not too intimidating.多谢你的体贴Thank you.不客气You're welcome.现在开始讲物理学入门Now, Introduction to Physics.什么是物理What is physics?物理这个词来源于古希腊语中的"physika"Physics comes from the ancient Greek word "physika."你该记笔记了It's at this point that you'll want to start taking notes. "Physika"是指自然科学"Physika" means the science of natural things.而就在那遥远的古希腊我们的旅程开始了And it is there, in ancient Greece, that our story begins.-靠古希腊-嘘- Ancient Greece?! - Hush.有问题先举手If you have questions, raise your hand.那是在大约公元前600年的一个仲夏夜It's a warm summer evening, circa 600 BC.当你从集市[古希腊圣贤集会所]购物归来You've finished your shopping at the local market, or Agora... 抬头仰望夜空...And you look up at the night sky.突然你发现星星在游弋There you notice some of the stars seem to move,于是你将他们命名为"行星"或"漫游者"So you name them "planetes," or "wanderer".佩妮同学有问题吗Yes, Penny?这和莱纳德的研究有什么关系Um, does this have anything to do with Leonard's work? 这是一个历时2600年的旅程This is the beginning of a 2,600-year journey我们慢慢讲不急We're going to take together追溯到古希腊From the ancient Greeks从艾萨克·牛顿到尼尔斯·玻尔[原子理论和量子力学的创始人] Through Isaac Newton to Niels Bohr再到埃尔文·薛定谔[创立波动力学]To Erwin Schrodinger再到荷兰研究学派To the Dutch researchers莱纳德近来就在重复他们的研究呢That Leonard is currently ripping off.居然有2600年2,600 years?没错可能有些许误差Yeah, give or take.正如我之前所说在那遥远的古希腊As I was saying, it's a warm summer evening 一个氤氲的仲夏夜In ancient Greece...怎么了佩妮同学Yes, Penny?我要去洗手间I have to go to the bathroom.你就不能憋一下吗Can't you hold it?我可憋不了2600年Not for 2,600 years.大猩猩实验日志2Project Gorilla, entry two.我被榨干了I am exhausted.-霍华德-怎么- Howard? - Huh?这个要从前面解开的It unhooks in the front.难怪啊Oh, that explains a lot.霍华德我回来了Howard, I'm home!整栋楼都听到了Of course.老年健身取消了Senior fitness was cancelled.我发现原来还真会忘了怎么骑车It turns out you can forget how to ride a bike.我是没啥但山姆·哈普蒂安摔了个嘴啃泥I'm fine, but, oy, did Sam Harpootian eat gravel. 太棒了娘That's great, Ma!80多的亚美尼亚老人摔断了半边下巴What's great about an 80-year-old Armenian man 有什么可棒的With half his chin scraped off?!我想我得走了I guess I should go.不别动No, no, don't move.娘晚饭我想吃炖羊肉Hey, Ma, can I have lamb stew for dinner?炖羊肉那我还得去超市买Lamb stew? I'd have to go to the supermarket. 帮帮忙啦Please?我真的很想吃嘛I got a real hankering.噢我最疼我家小屁脸宝贝了Oh, I can't say no to my little tushy face.我很快回来I'll be back soon.多谢啦娘Thanks, Ma.你要家常豌豆还是拉素豌豆[豌豆的一种]Do you want the regular peas or the Le Seur? 平时不都是加拉素豌豆的吗Always Le Seur peas with lamb stew!好吧你总是说得有理You're right! When you're right, you're right! 如果拉素豌豆卖完了咋办What if they're out of the Le Seur?那就买家常的啊Then get the regular!好吧你别冲我吼啊All right! You don't have to yell!抱歉Sorry about that.我来调成震动Let me just put that on vibrate.我早就调好啦I'm already on vibrate.这个我可听懂了You know, that one I got.霍华德你和莱纳德说起我什么了吗Howard, did you say something to Leonard about me? 什么意思Uh, what do you mean?他说我要是明天去看他的实验He says if I go see his experiment tomorrow可能你会感觉不好It might weird you out.是吗他这样说吗Really? He said that?你不是在吃莱纳德的醋吧You're not jealous of Leonard, are you?我才没有呢Me? No.我只是说在没和别人商量的情况下I may have mentioned that it's a little inappropriate邀请别人的女友去看他的实验To be asking another man's girlfriend to his experiment这样有点不太合适Without first discussing it with said man.你的意思是我和莱纳德一起还要经过同意Are you saying I need to ask your permission to hang out with Leonard? 我可没这么说I didn't say anything like that.我是说莱纳德必须经过我同意I said Leonard has to ask my permission.拜托我可不想和我娘共进炖羊肉啊Come on, I don't want to eat lamb stew with my mother.可恶我差点就解开bra了Damn, I was this close on the bra.记住牛顿发现亚里士多德的理论是错的Now, remember, Newton realized that Aristotle was wrong运动不需要靠力来维持And force was not necessary to maintain motion.所以加上a = 9.8平方米每秒So let's plug in our 9.8 meters per second squared我们能得到As "A" and we get万有引力乘以质量Force-- Earth gravity- equals mass times 9.8 meters等于9.8米每秒的平方Per second per second.从而得到ma = mgSo we can see that "ma" equals "mg"我们可以推算出什么And what do we know from this?我们能推算出Uh, we know that...牛顿真是个聪明绝顶的小甜饼...Newton was a really smart cookie.哇所以才有了牛顿打滚吗[一种点心很像驴打滚]Oh! Is that where Fig Newtons come from?不牛顿打滚得名于马萨诸塞州的一个小镇No, Fig Newtons are named after a small town in Massachusetts.-别光顾着记这个啊-抱歉- Don't write that down! - Sorry.好如果ma = mg 我们可以推算出什么Now, if "ma" equals "mg," what does that imply?我不知道I don't know.你怎么可以不知道How can you not know?我都告诉你了啊I just told you.你最近脑子被敲过了吗Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?你这也太刻薄了吧Hey! You don't have to be so mean!抱歉I'm sorry.你最近脑子被敲过了吗Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?-你这个老师真是烂透了-是吗- No, you just suck at teaching. - Really?你觉得这两种解释哪个更靠谱点呢Of those two explanations, which one seems the most likely?天哪Oh, God...谢尔顿我也很想听懂Sheldon, I'm trying to understand,但你说得太快了but you're going too fast.能不能倒回去一点Can you just back up a little bit?好吧All right.在那个古希腊的仲夏夜It's a warm summer evening in ancient Greece... 别倒回那么多Not that far back!好吧Okay!你到底哪点开始听不懂的At what point did you begin to feel lost?我不知道I don't know.我们抬头仰望星空是在哪里Where were we looking up at the night sky?-希腊-见鬼- Greece. - Damn it!用不着灰心There's no need to get frustrated.总有人学得快有人学得慢People learn at different rates.不像漂浮在真空中的物体在那里Unlike objects falling in a vacuum, which...? ma=mg"ma" equals "mg"...?平方?Squared?不对No.亚里斯多德Aristotle?不对No.等于五Five?那我不知道了Then I don't know.你哭什么Why are you crying?我哭我自己蠢啊Because I'm stupid!那也没理由哭啊That's no reason to cry.人只有悲伤的时候才该哭One cries because one is sad.比如说其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤For example, I cry because others are stupid所以我才哭and it makes me sad.好了能不能先不扯这些题外话Okay, can we just please forget about all this extra stuff 就告诉我莱纳德平常在做的那些and can you just tell me what Leonard does?好吧All right.莱纳德正致力于研究出为何亚原子粒子Leonard is attempting to learn why sub-atomic particles 会像现在这样运动move the way they do.真的就这样Really? That's it?这听起来并不是很复杂嘛Well, that doesn't sound so complicated.是不复杂It's not.所以莱纳德才干这个That's why Leonard does it.我只有一个问题Okay, I just have one question.亚原子粒子到底是什么What exactly are sub-atomic particles?问得好A good question.谢谢Thank you.要回答这个问题我们首先必须自问And to answer it, we first must ask ourselves: 物理是什么"What is physics?"又绕回来了Oh, balls.在那个古希腊的仲夏夜It's a warm summer evening in ancient Greece...我有事要找你算账Okay, I got a bone to pick with you.这回我又怎么了What did I do now?我和伯纳黛特正要做爱做的事被你的短信搅了I was in bed with Bernadette, and you text-blocked me.什么What?!我们都脱光光了正要水乳交融的时候...We were completely naked, about to devour each other when,你发短信告诉她我对她跟你出来有意见you text her that I have a problem with her hanging out with you. 你确实对她跟我出来有意见You do have a problem with her hanging out with me.对但你不该对她说的Yeah, but that's not what you tell her.那我该跟她怎么说What was I supposed to tell her?我不知道说些别让我显得I don't know. Something that doesn't make me come off猥琐又吃醋的脑残的话as a petty, jealous douche.那该怎么说才好And what would that be?拜托我得帮你想好一切吗Come on, do I have to think of everything? 你好莱纳德Hey, Leonard.我来太晚了吗还能看实验不Am I too late to see the experiment?你来这干嘛What are you doing here?跟你一样Same thing you're doing here.来看莱纳德的实验I came to see Leonard's experiment.才怪No, you didn't.你说过莱纳德的实验很蠢You said Leonard's experiment was stupid. 你跟她说我的实验很蠢You told her my experiment was stupid?我只是复述谢尔顿的话I was just repeating what Sheldon said.我们别再转移话题了吧Let's not get off topic.伯纳黛特我得跟你道歉Bernadette, I need to apologize.我错了不该对你跟谁交友指手划脚的I was wrong to tell you who you should be friends with. 我该留你们俩独处吗Should I, um, leave you two alone?不用莱纳德你也该听听No, Leonard, you should hear this.好反正我也没想走Okay, good, 'cause I wasn't really gonna go.我知道我看上去自信满满老于世故但Look, I know I come off as confident and worldly, but... 其实我并不是这样的the truth is I'm not.好雷人We're shocked.所以我容易感到受到其他人的威胁Which is why I tend to feel threatened by other guys.或噪音或围观群众Or loud noises, clowns and nuns.但我已经知道这样做有多蠢But I now realize how foolish that is.他有次就因为头卡在毛衣里He had a panic attack once就恐慌了when he got his head stuck in a sweater.那可是件高领套头毛衣It was a full turtleneck.你为什么不帮帮我Why aren't you helping me?我不知道I don't know.也许因为我疯了Maybe because I'm... crazy?!伯纳黛特求你再给我一次机会吧Bernadette, please, I'm asking you to give me another chance. 你怎么想莱纳德What do you think, Leonard?我该再给他一次机会吗Should I give him another chance?你自己做主It's up to you.反正他也没说你的实验蠢He didn't call your experiment stupid.过来吧屁屁脸Come here, tushy face.屁屁脸"Tushy face."这话一定得立马推上微博That is going on Twitter right now.拉杰你真该去看看莱纳德的实验Raj, you should've seen Leonard's experiment. 电子束发射后产生的干涉图样The interference pattern was so cool实在太酷了when the electron beam was on.很高兴你喜欢Glad you enjoyed it.多数人对我的工作都不那么感兴趣Most people aren't that interested in what I do. 莱纳德其实你这么说不对Actually, that's not true, Leonard.事实上最近我一直在琢磨In fact, recently I've been thinking that考虑到你实验中的各项参数given the parameters of your experiment,通过你那纳米级装备的螺线管the transport of electrons through the aperture所进行的电子干涉实验of the nano-fabricated metal rings is qualitatively no different 跟荷兰已成功进行的实验没有任何不同than the experiment already conducted in the Netherlands. 他们通过螺线管干涉电子Their observed phase shift观测到的周相移动in the diffusing electrons inside the metal ring已成功地用电子模拟的形式证明了already conclusively demonstrated the electric analogue阿哈罗诺夫-玻姆的量子干涉效应of the Aharonov-Bohm quantum-interference effect.就这样我也就知道这些That's it. That's all I know.等等还有Oh, wait...!"牛顿打滚"是以马萨诸塞一城市命名的Fig Newtons were named after a town in Massachusetts, 而不是那科学家not the scientist.。

用初中英语简要介绍双缝实验The Double-Slit ExperimentThe double-slit experiment is a fundamental experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and other quantum particles. It was first performed by the English physicist Thomas Young in 1801, and it has since become one of the most famous experiments in the history of science.The basic setup of the double-slit experiment is as follows. A source of light, such as a laser or a monochromatic light source, is directed towards a barrier that has two narrow slits cut in it. The light passing through the slits is then projected onto a screen or a detector. When the light passes through the two slits, it creates an interference pattern on the screen, with alternating bright and dark regions.This interference pattern is a clear demonstration of the wave-like nature of light. If light were simply a stream of particles, one would expect to see two separate bright spots on the screen, corresponding to the two slits. However, the interference pattern shows that the light is behaving like a wave, with the waves from the two slits interfering with each other.The double-slit experiment can also be performed with other quantum particles, such as electrons or atoms. When these particles are directed towards the double slit, they also exhibit an interference pattern, indicating that they too have a wave-like nature.The wave-particle duality of quantum particles is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It means that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, depending on the experiment being performed. This is a departure from the classical view of the world, where objects were either waves or particles, but not both.The double-slit experiment has been used to demonstrate the wave-particle duality of various quantum particles, including electrons, neutrons, atoms, and even large molecules. In each case, the interference pattern observed on the screen is a clear indication of the wave-like nature of the particles.One of the most interesting aspects of the double-slit experiment is the role of the observer. When the experiment is set up to detect which slit the particle goes through, the interference pattern disappears, and the particles behave like classical particles. This suggests that the act of measurement or observation can affect the behavior of quantum particles.This is a concept known as the "observer effect" in quantum mechanics, and it has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. It suggests that the very act of observing or measuring a quantum system can alter its behavior, and that the observer is not a passive participant in the experiment.The double-slit experiment has also been used to explore the concept of quantum entanglement, which is another fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. Quantum entanglement occurs when two or more quantum particles become "entangled" with each other, such that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other.In the double-slit experiment, the interference pattern can be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. For example, if two particles are entangled and then directed towards the double slit, the interference pattern observed on the screen will depend on the state of the entangled particles.Overall, the double-slit experiment is a powerful and versatile tool for exploring the fundamental nature of reality at the quantum level. It has been used to demonstrate the wave-particle duality of light and other quantum particles, the observer effect, and the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. As such, it remains one ofthe most important and influential experiments in the history of science.。

量子测量术语1 范围本文件规定了量子测量相关的基本术语和定义。
2 规范性引用文件本文件没有规范性引用文件。
3 通用基础3.1量子测量quantum measurement利用量子的最小、离散、不可分割特性及量子自旋、量子相干、量子压缩、量子纠缠等特性,大幅提升经典测量性能的测量。
3.2量子计量quantum metrology基于基本物理常数定义国际单位制基本单位,利用量子系统、量子特性或量子现象复现测量单位量值或实现直接溯源到基本物理常数的测量,可用于其他高精度测量研究。
3.3量子传感quantum sensing利用量子系统、量子特性或量子现象实现的传感技术。
3.4量子态quantum state量子系统的状态。
3.5量子费希尔信息quantum Fisher information量子费希尔信息是经典费希尔信息的扩展,表征了量子系统状态对待测参数的敏感性,可用于确定参数测量的最高精度。
3.6海森堡极限Heisenberg limit根据海森堡不确定性关系,在给定的量子态下,量子系统的某个指定的可观测物理量受其非对易物理量测量不确定性的制约所能达到的测量精度极限。
3.7标准量子极限standard quantum limit由量子力学原理决定的噪声极限,即多粒子系统处于真空态时两个正交分量的量子噪声相等且满足海森堡最小不确定关系。
3.8散粒噪声shot noise散粒噪声,或称泊松噪声,是一种遵从泊松过程的噪声。
3.9量子真空涨落quantum vacuum fluctuation真空能量密度的随机扰动,是海森堡不确定原理导致的结果。
3.10量子噪声quantum noise测量过程中由于量子系统的海森堡不确定性引发的噪声。
3.11量子投影噪声quantum projection noise测量过程中由于量子投影测量结果的随机性所引发的噪声。

关键词:量子精密测量;里德堡原子;微波电场;电磁感应透明中图分类号:TB97文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-5795(2021)01-0001-09Rydberg Atoms Based Microwave Electric Field SensingBAIJinhai,HU Dong,GONG Hao$WANG Yu(Changcheng Institute of Metrology&Measurement,Beijing100095,China)Abstract:Rydberg atoms are the atoms in highly excited states with lar-e principaO quantum numbers n,and long lifetimes.The lar-e Ryd-ber-atom polarizabilitu and strong dipole transitions between enereetically nearby states are highly sensitive to electris fielOs.The new developed scheme for microwave electric field precision measurement is based on quantum interference effects(electromaaneticclly induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting)in Rydbere atoms contained in a dielectric vapoe cell.The mininium measured strengths of microwave electric fieies of the new scheme are far below the standard values obtained by traditional antenna methods.And it has several advantages,such as self-calibration,non-perturbation to the measured field,a broadband measurement frequency range,etc,is the next-generation electric field standard.In this review,we describe work on the new method for measuring microwave electric field based on Rydberg atoms.We introducc the basic theory and experimental techniques of the new method,and discuss the future development direction.Key words:quantum precision measurement;Rydberg atoms;microwave electric fielO;electromagnetically induced transparency0引言原子是一种典型的量子体系,具有可复现、性能稳定、能级精确等优点。

凝聚态物理材料物理专业考博量子物理领域英文高频词汇1. Quantum Mechanics - 量子力学2. Wavefunction - 波函数3. Hamiltonian - 哈密顿量4. Schrödinger Equation - 薛定谔方程5. Quantum Field Theory - 量子场论6. Quantum Entanglement - 量子纠缠7. Uncertainty Principle - 不确定性原理8. Quantum Tunneling - 量子隧穿9. Quantum Superposition - 量子叠加10. Quantum Decoherence - 量子退相干11. Spin - 自旋12. Quantum Computing - 量子计算13. Quantum Teleportation - 量子纠缠传输14. Quantum Interference - 量子干涉15. Quantum Information - 量子信息16. Quantum Optics - 量子光学17. Quantum Dots - 量子点18. Quantum Hall Effect - 量子霍尔效应19. Bose-Einstein Condensate - 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态20. Fermi-Dirac Statistics - 费米-狄拉克统计中文翻译:1. Quantum Mechanics - 量子力学2. Wavefunction - 波函数3. Hamiltonian - 哈密顿量4. Schrödinger Equation - 薛定谔方程5. Quantum Field Theory - 量子场论6. Quantum Entanglement - 量子纠缠7. Uncertainty Principle - 不确定性原理8. Quantum Tunneling - 量子隧穿9. Quantum Superposition - 量子叠加10. Quantum Decoherence - 量子退相干11. Spin - 自旋12. Quantum Computing - 量子计算13. Quantum Teleportation - 量子纠缠传输14. Quantum Interference - 量子干涉15. Quantum Information - 量子信息16. Quantum Optics - 量子光学17. Quantum Dots - 量子点18. Quantum Hall Effect - 量子霍尔效应19. Bose-Einstein Condensate - 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态20. Fermi-Dirac Statistics - 费米-狄拉克统计。

原子的布居捕获依赖于原子上能级与能带带边的相专业提供学术期刊、学位论文下载、外文文献检索下载服务 购买地址: 对位置,低频场的频率和原子不同跃迁通道间的相对跃迁强度。

Mach–Zehnder interferometerIn physics, the Mach–Zehnder interferometer is a device used to determine the relative phase shift variations between two collimated beams derived by splitting light from a single source. The interferometer has been used, among other things, to measure phase shifts between the two beams caused by a sample or a change in length of one of the paths. The apparatus is named after the physicists Ludwig Mach (the son of Ernst Mach) and Ludwig Zehnder: Zehnder's proposal in an 1891 article[1] was refined by Mach in an 1892 article.[2]IntroductionThe Mach–Zehnder interferometer is a highly configurable instrument. In contrast to the well-known Michelson interferometer, each of the well-separated light paths is traversed only once.If it is decided to produce fringes in white light, then, since white light has a limited coherence length, on the order of micrometers, great care must be taken to simultaneously equalize the optical paths over all wavelengths or no fringes will be visible. As seen in Fig. 1, a compensating cell made of the same type of glass as the test cell (so as to have equal optical dispersion) would be placed in the path of the reference beam to match the test cell. Note also the precise orientation of the beam splitters. The reflecting surfaces of the beam splitters would be oriented so that the test and reference beams pass through an equal amount of glass. In this orientation, the test and reference beams each experience two front-surface reflections, resulting in the same number of phase inversions. The result is that light traveling an equal optical path length in the test and reference beams produces a white light fringe of constructive interference.[3][4]Figure 2. Localized fringes result when an extended source is used in a 迈克尔逊interferometer. By appropriately adjusting the mirrors and beam splitters, the fringes can be localized in any desired plane.Collimated sources result in a nonlocalized fringe pattern. Localized fringes result when an extended source is used. In Fig. 2, we see that the fringes can be adjusted so that they are localized in any desired plane.[5]:18 In most cases, the fringes would be adjusted to lie in the same plane as the test object, so that fringes and test object can be photographed together.The Mach–Zehnder interferometer's relatively large and freely accessible working space, and its flexibility in locating the fringes has made it the interferometer of choice for visualizing flow in wind tunnels[6][7] and for flow visualization studies in general. It is frequently used in the fields of aerodynamics, plasma physics and heat transfer to measure pressure, density, and temperature changes in gases.[5]:18,93–95Mach–Zehnder interferometers are used in electro-optic modulators, electronic devices used in various fibre-optic communications applications. 迈克尔逊modulators are incorporated in monolithic integrated circuits and offer well-behaved, high-bandwidth electro-optic amplitude and phase responses over a multiple GHz frequency range.Mach–Zehnder interferometers are also used to study one of the most counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics, the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement.[8][9]The possibility to easily control the features of the light in the reference channel without disturbing the light in the object channel popularized the Mach–Zehnder configuration in holographic interferometry. In particular, optical heterodyne detection with an off-axis, frequency-shifted reference beam ensures good experimental conditions for shot-noise limited holography with video-rate cameras,[10] vibrometry,[11] and laser Doppler imaging of blood flow.[12]How it worksSet-upA collimated beam is split by a half-silvered mirror. The two resulting beams (the "sample beam" and the "reference beam") are each reflected by a mirror. The two beams then pass a second half-silvered mirror and enter two detectors.PropertiesThe Fresnel equations for reflection and transmission of a wave at a dielectric imply that there is a phase change for a reflection when a wave reflects off a change from low to high refractive index but not when it reflects off a change from high to low.A 180 degree phase shift occurs upon reflection from the front of a mirror, since the medium behind the mirror (glass) has a higher refractive index than the medium the light is traveling in (air). No phase shift accompanies a rear surface reflection, since the medium behind the mirror (air) has a lower refractive index than the medium the light is traveling in (glass).Figure 3.Effect of a sample on the phase of the output beams in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The speed of light is slower in media with an index of refraction greater than that of a vacuum, which is 1. Specifically, its speed is: v = c/n, where c is the speed of light in vacuum and n is the index of refraction. This causes a phase shift increase proportional to (n − 1) × length traveled. If k is the constant phase shift incurred by passing through a glass plate on which a mirror resides, a total of 2k phase shift occurs when reflecting off the rear of a mirror. This is because light traveling toward the rear of a mirror will enter the glass plate, incurring k phase shift, and then reflect off the mirror with no additional phase shift since only air is now behind the mirror, and travel again back through the glass plate incurring an additional k phase shift.The rule about phase shifts applies to beamsplitters constructed with a dielectric coating, and must be modified if a metallic coating is used, or when different polarizations are taken into account. Also, in real interferometers, the thicknesses of the beamsplitters may differ, and the path lengths are not necessarily equal. Regardless, in the absence of absorption, conservation of energy guarantees that the two paths must differ by a half wavelength phase shift. Also note thatbeamsplitters that are not 50/50 are frequently employed to improve the interferometer's performance in certain types of measurement.[3]Observing the effect of a sampleIn Fig. 3, in the absence of a sample, both the sample beam SB and the reference beam RB will arrive in phase at detector 1, yielding constructive interference. Both SB and RB will have undergone a phase shift of (1×wavelength + k) due to two front-surface reflections and one transmission through a glass plate.At detector 2, in the absence of a sample, the sample beam and reference beam will arrive with a phase difference of half a wavelength, yielding complete destructive interference. The RB arriving at detector 2 will have undergone a phase shift of (0.5×wavelength + 2k) due to one front-surface reflection and two transmissions. The SB arriving at detector 2 will have undergone a (1×wavelength + 2k) phase shift due to two front-surface reflections and one rear-surface reflection. Therefore, when there is no sample, only detector 1 receives light.If a sample is placed in the path of the sample beam, the intensities of the beams entering the two detectors will change, allowing the calculation of the phase shift caused by the sample.ApplicationsThe versatility of the Mach–Zehnder configuration has led to its being used in a wide range of fundamental research topics in quantum mechanics, including studies on counterfactual definiteness, quantum entanglement, quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum logic, Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester, the quantum eraser experiment, the quantum Zeno effect, and neutron diffraction. In optical telecommunications it is used as an electro-optic modulator for phase as well as amplitude modulation of light.迈克尔逊干涉仪在物理学中,迈克尔逊干涉仪是用于确定通过分离来自单个光源的光而得到的两个准直光束之间的相对相移变化的装置。
Importance of quantum interference in molecular-scale devices

Importance of quantum interferencein molecular-scale devicesKamil Walczak 1Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz UniversityUmultowska 85, 61-614 Poznań, PolandElectron transport is theoretically investigated in a molecular device made of anthracene molecule attached to the electrodes by thiol end groups in two different configurations (para and meta, respectively). Molecular system is described by a simple Hückel-like model (with non-orthogonal basis set of atomic orbitals), while the coupling to the electrodes is treated through the use of Newns-Anderson chemisorption theory (constant density of states within energy bandwidth). Transport characteristics (current-voltage and conductance-voltage) are calculated from the transmission function in the standard Landauer formulation. The essential question of quantum interference is discussed in detail. The results have shown a striking variation of transport properties of the device depending on the character of molecular binding to the electrodes.Key words: molecular device, quantum interference, electronic transport, molecular electronicsPACS numbers: 85.65.+h , 73.23.-bI. IntroductionMolecular junctions are promising candidates as future electronic devices because of their small size and self-assembly features. Such junctions are usually composed of two metallic electrodes (source and drain) joined by individual molecule (bridge). The charge is transferred under the bias voltage and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics are measured experimentally [1]. In general, transport properties of such structures are dominated by some effects of quantum origin, such as: tunneling, quantization of molecular energy levels and discreteness of electron charge and spin. However, recently it was pointed out that also quantum interference effects can lead to substantial variation in the conductance of molecule-scale devices [2-9].The main purpose of this work is to show some theoretical aspects of interference phenomena in anthracene molecule connecting two identical electrodes by thiol (–SH) end groups (see fig.1). These end groups (or more precisely sulfur terminal atoms, since hydrogen atom seems to be lost in the chemisorption process) ensure readily attachment to metal surfaces [10]. It is shown that the molecule acts not only as a scattering impurity between two reservoirs of electrons (electrodes), but simultaneously as an “electronic interferometer”. Interference itself reveals the wave nature of the electrons passing from the source to drain through the molecule. Here the variation of interference conditions is achieved by changing the connection between anthracene molecule and electrodes.Fig.1 A schematic model of analyzed samples.II. Theoretical treatmentMolecular device is defined as anthracene molecule joined to two metallic surfaces with the help of thiol end groups in two different configurations – para (A) and meta (B), respectively. In both cases we have different interference conditions and so we expect to observe changes in transport characteristics. Problem of electronic conduction between two continuum reservoirs of states via a molecular bridge with discrete energy levels can be solved within transfer matrix technique of scattering theory [11,12]. The current flowing through the device is obtained from the transmission function T through the integration procedure [12]: []dE )E (f )E (f )E (T h e 2)V (I D S m m ---=ò+¥¥-, (1)where: f denotes Fermi distribution function for room temperature (293 K) with chemical potentials 2/eV E F D /S ±=m referred to the source and drain, respectively. In this type of non-self-consistent calculations, one must postulate voltage distribution along the molecular bridge. For the sake of simplicity we assume that voltage drop is limited to the electrodes only [13], shifting their Fermi level located in the middle of the HOMO-LUMO gap [14]. However, other choices of the voltage distribution have only a small effect on our final results and general conclusions. The differential conductance is then calculated as the derivative of the current with respect to the voltage [15]:[])(T )(T G G D S 021m m +=, (2) where 5.77h /e 2G 20»= [μS] is the quantum of conductance.Formula for the transmission probability can be expressed in the convenient matrix form[12]:[]+++--=G )(G )(tr )E (T D D S S S S S S , (3)where D /S S and are self-energy terms of the source/drain electrode and the Green ’s function of the molecule is expressed as follows:1D S ]H ES [G ----=S S . (4)Here S denotes overlapping matrix (where the overlap between the nearest-neighbor sites is assumed to be equal to 0.25). Since only delocalized π-electrons dictate the transport properties of organic molecules, the electronic structure of the molecule is described by a simple H ückel Hamiltonian H with one π-orbital per site (atom) [16], where overlapping is explicitly included (using non-orthogonal basis set of atomic orbitals). Throughout this work we take the standard energy parameters for organic conjugated systems: on-site energy is 6.6-=a eV and nearest-neighbor hopping integral is 7.2-=b eV. In the H ückel π-bond picture, all carbon and sulfur atoms are treated equivalently (because of their electronegativity). In our simplified model, the coupling to the electrodes is treated through the use of Newns-Anderson chemisorption theory [11], where ideal electrodes are described by constant density of states within energy bandwidth [17-20]. So self-energy matrices (S ) take the diagonal form with elements equal to i 05.0- [eV].Fig.2 Transmission as a function of electron energy (with respect to Fermi energy level)for devices in configuration A (solid curve) and B (broken curve), respectively.Fig.3 Comparison of conductance spectra for devices in configurationA (solid curve) andB (broken curve), respectively. III. Results and discussionNow we proceed to analyze our results from the point of view of quantum interference effects. The geometry of the molecule is taken to be that of anthracene with sulfur atoms on either end of the molecule, binding it to the electrodes in two different configurations – para(A) and meta (B), respectively. For isolated anthracene the HOMO is at 614.7- eV and the LUMO is at 352.5- eV. Because of our simplification that Fermi level is arbitrarily chosen to be located in the middle of the HOMO-LUMO gap, 483.6E F -= eV. The HOMO-LUMO gap for molecular system in para configuration is reduced from 262.2 eV for anthracene to the value of 667.0 eV, but for molecular system in meta configuration it is reduced to zero.Figure 2 shows the transmission dependence on the electron energy for anthracene in para (A) and meta (B) connections with identical electrodes. For transparency we plot it in the logarithmic scale. Asymmetry of the transmission function (with respect to the Fermi energy level) is due to non-orthogonality of atomic orbitals used to describe molecular system. The existence of resonances in the transmission probability is associated with resonant tunneling through molecular eigenstates. Such resonance peaks are shifted and broadened by the fact of the coupling with the electrodes (just like discrete energy levels of the molecule). A change in the configuration of connection between anthracene and two electrodes results in variation of the interference conditions and obvious changes in the transmission function. It manifests itself as shifts in the resonance peaks and in reduction of their height. Well-separated energy levels give rise to distinct peaks in the spectrum, while molecular levels close in energy can overlap and eventually interfere (reduction of resonance peaks is due to destructive interference).Fig.4 Comparison of current-voltage characteristics for devices in configurationA (solid curve) andB (broken curve), respectively.Another remarkable feature of the transmission spectrum is the appearance of antiresonances, which are defined as transmittance zeros and correspond to the physical situation for incident electron being perfectly reflected by a molecule. There are two different mechanisms (well-known in literature) responsible for the origin of antiresonances. One of these is associated with interference between the different molecular orbitals through which the electron propagates [2,21]. The second mechanism is due entirely to the non-orthogonality of atomic orbitals on different atoms [17]. In principle, transport problem in which a non-orthogonal basis set of states is used can be solved by a method proposed recently by Emberly and Kirczenow [5], where condition for antiresonances was analytically demonstrated. However, in this work we perform numerical evaluations of energies at which incoming electron has no chance to leave the source electrode. There are six antiresonances for device in configuration A (F E 821.2E +-=, F E 160.2+-, F E 622.1+-, F E 320.2+,F E 600.3+, F E 907.5+) and only one for device in configuration B (F E E =). Antiresonance is predicted to manifest itself by producing a drop in the differential conductance [5]. Moreover, the fact that it is generated exactly at the Fermi energy of metallic electrodes has important consequences for the conductance spectrum in which antiresonance can be observed (as shown in fig.3). However, in practice this unusual phenomenon can be blurred by some neglected factors which are present in realistic systems, such as: Stark effect, σ states, σ-π hybridization or many-body effects.In figure 4 we plot the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics for both analyzed structures (in para – A and meta – B connections, respectively). The current steps are attributed to the discreteness of molecular energy levels as modified by the coupling with the electrodes [12]. Because this coupling is assumed to be small (bad contacts are suggested by experimental data [1]), the transmission peaks are very narrow and therefore the I-V dependence has a step-like character. In particular, the height of the step in the I-V curve is directly proportional to the area of the corresponding peak in the transmission spectrum. Since quantum interference is important in determining the magnitudes of the resonance peaks, it is also crucial for calculations of the tunneling current. Indeed, the magnitude of the current flowing through the device is very sensitive on the manner of attachment between anthracene molecule and metal surfaces. Large values of the current are predicted for device of configuration A, while reduction of the current by orders of magnitude is expected for device of configuration B (although the shape of the I-V curve is similar in both cases). Such reduction is caused by destructive interference.IV. SummaryIn this paper we have examined the possibility that quantum interference can substantially affect the conductance in molecular-scale devices. The results have shown a striking variation of all the transport characteristics depending on the geometry of the molecular system (its connection with the electrodes). Anyway, the quantum effect of destructive interference may be used within the molecular device to switch its conductivity on and off [8,9]. The existence of interference effects in molecular devices open the question of their control. The phase shift of molecular orbitals could be controlled by a transverse magnetic field or a longitudinal electric field. However, magnetic field seems to be too large to produce significant phase shift (according to our simulations – hundreds of Teslas). AcknowledgmentsAuthor is very grateful to B. Bułka, T. Kostyrko and B. Tobijaszewska for illuminating discussions. Special thanks are addressed to S. Robaszkiewicz for his stimulating suggestions.References1E-mail address: walczak@.pl[1] M. A. Reed, Proc. IEEE 87, 625 (1999) and references therein.[2] P. Sautet, C. Joachim, Chem. Phys. 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最复杂的操作方法英语作文The Most Complex Operation MethodIn the world of technology and innovation, numerous complex operation methods have been developed to perform various tasks efficiently. Among them, one can argue that quantum computing stands out as the most complex operation method. Quantum computing is a cutting-edge field that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to manipulate and process information at the atomic and subatomic levels. This essay will discuss the intricacies involved in quantum computing and why it is considered the most complex operation method.To understand the complexity of quantum computing, a basic comprehension of quantum mechanics is required. Unlike classical computing, which is based on bits that represent either a zero or a one, quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent both zero and one simultaneously. This phenomenon is called superposition and is one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Superposition allows qubits to exist in multiple states, exponentially increasing the computational power of quantum computers.Another key concept in quantum computing is entanglement. When qubits become entangled, the state of one qubit becomes linked to the state of another qubit, regardless of the distance between them. This property allows for information to be transmitted instantaneously, which is essential for certain algorithms used in quantum computing. However, the entanglement of qubits also increases the complexity of the operation method, as it requires precise control and manipulation of multiple qubits simultaneously.Furthermore, quantum computing relies on the phenomenon of quantum interference. Interference occurs when two or more quantum states interfere constructively or destructively, leading to varying outcomes. Quantum algorithms take advantage of interference to amplify the probability of obtaining the correct answer while minimizing the probability of incorrect results. However, designing and implementing algorithms that effectively utilize quantum interference is a challenging task, requiring in-depth knowledge of both quantum mechanics and computer science.Moreover, the hardware and infrastructure of quantum computers add another layer of complexity to the operation method. Building and maintaining a quantum computer involves working with ultra-coldtemperatures and isolating the system from external interference. The delicate nature of quantum systems, combined with the need for stable environments, makes the operation of quantum computers an intricate and arduous process.In conclusion, quantum computing stands out as the most complex operation method due to its reliance on the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, entanglement, and interference. The design and implementation of quantum algorithms and the challenges associated with building and maintaining quantum computers contribute to its complexity. As technology advances, further research and development in quantum computing are expected, leading to more complex and powerful operation methods in the future.。

量子效应在大脑中的应用英文回答:Quantum effects in the brain have been a topic of much speculation and research in recent years. As a complex and mysterious organ, the brain has always fascinatedscientists and researchers who seek to understand its inner workings. Quantum mechanics, with its principles of superposition and entanglement, has raised the possibility that these phenomena may play a role in cognitive processes.One potential application of quantum effects in thebrain is in the field of consciousness. Some researchers believe that the mysterious nature of consciousness may be explained by quantum processes occurring in the brain. For example, the phenomenon of quantum superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states at once, could potentially explain the complex and dynamic nature of consciousness.Another area where quantum effects may be relevant is in the field of memory and learning. The brain's ability to store and retrieve information is a complex process that is not fully understood. Quantum processes, such as quantum entanglement, could play a role in the formation and retrieval of memories. For example, entangled particles could be used to store information in a way that is more robust and efficient than current methods.In addition, quantum effects in the brain could also have implications for mental health and neurological disorders. For example, abnormalities in quantum processes in the brain could potentially lead to conditions such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer's disease. By understanding and manipulating these quantum effects, researchers may be able to develop new treatments and therapies for these conditions.Overall, the potential applications of quantum effects in the brain are vast and exciting. While much researchstill needs to be done to fully understand the role of quantum mechanics in cognitive processes, the possibilitiesare endless.中文回答:大脑中的量子效应近年来一直是一个备受关注和研究的话题。

interference造句1.Adaptive output power minimizes interference.2.All these things cause interference.3.constant angle transmission interference spectroscopy.4.We have destructive interference here.5.Radio interference refers to the interference with radio reception caused by a generator set.6.Supranational interference economy has two models,that is,hegemonic interference economy model and international interference economic mechanism model.7.This paper analyzes frequency interference, control channel interference and service channel interference in PHS and it also gives some solutions.8.This work should be continued without interference.9.Intercarrier interference cancellation for MIMO-OFDM systems.10.Any regulatory interference worsens the outcome.11.I continued, disregarding the woman's interference.12.Our present policy is continued without interference.13.However, what we actually see is an interference pattern corresponding to the interference of two waves. 14.The product can prevent line external electromagnetic interference, but also can prevent the interference betweenlines.15.Study on the Cosite lnterference in the Aeronautical FH Communication and Anti-interference Countermeasure. 16.There is no interference whatsoever from outside and we will not accept any interference from anywhere.17.Second, the effect of prime distractor interference and probe distractor interference on negative priming were examined, to see whether negative priming is contingent on distractor interference.18.The effects of several types of oppressive broadband interference (BPSK interference,FM interference) on pseudo noise coded fuze system are analyzed.19.In order to decrease the mirror frequency interference, cross interference and inter-modulation interference, double lF (Intermediate frequency) is adopted in the receiver.20.This interference term makes quantum logic more flexible.21.Multiple access interference cause seriously near-far impact.22.Context-interference Analysis of Li Xinpin's Ad Copy.23.The interference free ability and the complicacy of eliminating interference of bedrock bench mark are discussed in this paper.24.Estimate of AlDS interference effect on rural residents of Zhuhai.25.Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of electric power plant with internal combustion engines--Conducted interference.26.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.27.Based on a data acquisition system for ultrasonic flaw detection, the paper describes the effect of interference on data acquisition systems and methods for the suppression of interference.28.A scheme of extended joint detection was presented, which was used to cancel strong adjacent cell interference(ACl) and intra cell interference.29.METHODS The bacterial endotoxin limit of cefothiophene sodium for injection was calculated, and its maximum non-interference concentration was determined by interference test.30.Then analyzes the performance of overcoming inter symbol interference (ISl) and inter channel interference (lCl) of the guard interval (Gl) and the cyclic prefix (CP).31.The major interference sources are secondary electricpower supply, electric spark and cable, And then some methods of interference suppression are given.32.China pursues the principle of non-interference in others' internal affairs.33.The DSSS system has inherent capability to counteract narrow-band interference.34.An effective method to eliminate serious interference of ESP by an auxiliary grounding.。
量子纠缠 双缝干涉 英语 范例

量子纠缠双缝干涉英语范例Engaging with the perplexing world of quantum entanglement and the double-slit interference phenomenon in the realm of English provides a fascinating journey into the depths of physics and language. Let's embark on this exploration, delving into these intricate concepts without the crutchesof conventional transition words.Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon Albert Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance," challengesour conventional understanding of reality. At its core, it entails the entwining of particles in such a way that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the stateof another, regardless of the distance separating them.This peculiar connection, seemingly defying the constraints of space and time, forms the bedrock of quantum mechanics.Moving onto the enigmatic realm of double-slit interference, we encounter another perplexing aspect of quantum physics. Imagine a scenario where particles, such as photons or electrons, are fired one by one towards a barrier with twonarrow slits. Classical intuition would suggest that each particle would pass through one of the slits and create a pattern on the screen behind the barrier corresponding tothe two slits. However, the reality is far more bewildering.When observed, particles behave as discrete entities, creating a pattern on the screen that aligns with the positions of the slits. However, when left unobserved, they exhibit wave-like behavior, producing an interferencepattern consistent with waves passing through both slits simultaneously. This duality of particle and wave behavior perplexed physicists for decades and remains a cornerstoneof quantum mechanics.Now, let's intertwine these concepts with the intricate fabric of the English language. Just as particles become entangled in the quantum realm, words and phrases entwineto convey meaning and evoke understanding. The delicate dance of syntax and semantics mirrors the interconnectedness observed in quantum systems.Consider the act of communication itself. When wearticulate thoughts and ideas, we send linguistic particles into the ether, where they interact with the minds of others, shaping perceptions and influencing understanding. In this linguistic entanglement, the state of one mind can indeed influence the state of another, echoing the eerie connectivity of entangled particles.Furthermore, language, like quantum particles, exhibits a duality of behavior. It can serve as a discrete tool for conveying specific information, much like particles behaving as individual entities when observed. Yet, it also possesses a wave-like quality, capable of conveying nuanced emotions, cultural nuances, and abstract concepts that transcend mere words on a page.Consider the phrase "I love you." In its discrete form, it conveys a specific sentiment, a declaration of affection towards another individual. However, its wave-like nature allows it to resonate with profound emotional depth, evoking a myriad of feelings and memories unique to each recipient.In a similar vein, the act of reading mirrors the double-slit experiment in its ability to collapse linguistic wave functions into discrete meanings. When we read a text, we observe its words and phrases, collapsing the wave of potential interpretations into a singular understanding based on our individual perceptions and experiences.Yet, just as the act of observation alters the behavior of quantum particles, our interpretation of language is inherently subjective, influenced by our cultural background, personal biases, and cognitive predispositions. Thus, the same text can elicit vastly different interpretations from different readers, much like the varied outcomes observed in the double-slit experiment.In conclusion, the parallels between quantum entanglement, double-slit interference, and the intricacies of the English language highlight the profound interconnectedness of the physical and linguistic worlds. Just as physicists grapple with the mysteries of the quantum realm, linguists navigate the complexities of communication, both realmsoffering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.。

量子反常霍尔效应的英语Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectThe Quantum Anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is an exotic state of matter, discovered in 2014, that occurs when atwo-dimensional system of electrons is subjected to certain types of magnetic fields that cause the electrons to form tiny vortices. These vortices, or 'globally-coupled spin-orbit excitations', allow electrons to move in a way that would normally be impossible, creating a Hall effect that is not consistent with conventional physics. The QAHE has been proposed as a possible way to create spintronic devices, which could be used to make more efficient electronic components for a variety of applications.The Quantum Anomalous Hall effect is an example of a topological phase of matter, which is characterized by its insensitivity to certain types of perturbations. This means that, unlike conventional material, it is not easily disrupted by slight changes in temperature or pressure. This makes it ideal for applications that require precision and reliability. Furthermore, the QAHE could be used in quantum computing due to its insensitivity to noise and low power requirements.The Quantum Anomalous Hall effect has been observed in avariety of materials, including graphene, bismuth-selenium compounds, and thin films of antimony-tellurium alloys. It has also been proposed as a possible way to createradiation-resistant transistors that could be used in devices such as telecommunication satellites and high-altitude aircraft.The Quantum Anomalous Hall effect is an exciting new discovery, and it may open up new possibilities for technological advances in the near future. For example, spintronic devices based on the QAHE could lead to improved energy efficiency and faster data processing. Furthermore, its potential in quantum computing could revolutionize the way we store and process information. As research continues, it is likely that the QAHE will continue to prove itself as a valuable tool for technological advancement.。
Quantum Mechanics

Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics: A Journey into the Quantum World Introduction: Quantum mechanics is a fascinating branch of physics that delves into the mysterious and counterintuitive nature of the microscopic world. It provides a framework for understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level, where classical physics fails to explain phenomena adequately. In this article, we will embark on a journey into the realm of quantum mechanics, exploring its fundamental principles, key experiments, and the profound implications it has on our understanding of the universe. The Quantum Revolution: The development of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century marked a revolution in physics. It challenged the classical Newtonian worldview and introduced a probabilistic description of nature. One of the key figures in this revolution was Max Planck, who proposed the concept of quantized energy, suggesting that energy is emitted or absorbed in discrete packets called quanta. This idea laid the foundation for Albert Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Wave-Particle Duality: One of the most perplexing aspects of quantum mechanics is the wave-particle duality, which states that particles like electrons and photons can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This duality was experimentally confirmed by the famous double-slit experiment, where particles passing through two slits created an interference pattern suggestive of wave behavior. This phenomenon challenges our classical intuitions and highlights the inherent uncertainty at the quantum level. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that places a limit on the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be known simultaneously. It states that the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be determined. This principle introduces a fundamental indeterminacy into the behavior of quantum systems and has profound implications for our understanding of reality. Quantum Superposition and Entanglement: Another mind-boggling aspect of quantum mechanics is the phenomenon of superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This concept was famously illustrated by Erwin Schr?dinger'sthought experiment involving a cat that is both alive and dead until observed. Superposition forms the basis of quantum computing, where quantum bits or qubits can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1, enabling exponentially faster calculations. Entanglement is closely related to superposition and occurs when two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the others. This phenomenon, famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance" by Einstein, has been experimentally confirmed and is now being explored for applications in quantum communication and cryptography. Applications and Future Implications: Quantum mechanics has far-reaching implications beyond the realm of fundamental physics. It has revolutionized technology, enabling the development of devices such as lasers, transistors, and atomic clocks. Quantum cryptography promises unbreakable encryption, while quantum computing holds the potential to solve complex problems that are currently intractable for classical computers. Furthermore, quantum mechanics has sparked philosophical debates about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the role of the observer. It challenges our notions of determinism and objective reality, inviting us to question the very fabric of the universe. Conclusion: In conclusion, quantum mechanics is a captivating field that unravels the mysteries of the microscopic world. Its principles of wave-particle duality, uncertainty, superposition, and entanglement challenge our classical intuitions and expand our understanding of the universe. With its technological applications and philosophical implications, quantum mechanics continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge and reshape our perception of reality. As we delve deeper into the quantum world, we embark on a journey of discovery that promises to revolutionize science and transform our understanding of the universe.。

碰撞量子干涉效应的研究碰撞量子干涉效应(Collisional Quantum Interference Effect)是指在分子碰撞过程中,由于量子干涉效应的存在,使得某些反应途径被压制或增强的现象。
1. 非弹性散射中的压制效应:在非弹性散射中,反应产物的形成需要吸收或放出能量,这种能量转移的过程对反应的速率有很大的影响。
2. 光化学反应中的增强效应:在光化学反应中,光子与分子碰撞后,分子的电子能级会发生变化,从而引起反应。
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National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China
Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
rithmic weak-localization correction due to the 0-mode cooperon, and the existence of diffusive π -modes can give rise to a finite, or even divergent zero-energy DOS upon approaching the UN limit. The weak-localization calculations carried out by Yashenkin et al. appear to capture the physical origin of the discrepancies between predicted low-energy quasiparticle DOS. Furthermore, the quasiparticle weak-localization effect was also suggested to have important influences on transport properties such as the electrical [6], spin [13], thermal [27], and optical [28] conductivities of d-wave superconductors. While the QI effects have been widely investigated for disordered normal metals [24], a corresponding theory for random Dirac fermions in superconducting cuprates is far from well established, and thus highly deserves further development. This paper presents an intensive study of the QI effect on the quasiparticle DOS in 2D d-wave superconductors with dilute nonmagnetic impurities both near the Born and near the unitary limits. These two limiting cases are considered to be closely related with the disorder effects in cuprate superconductors. It is reasonable that the disorder due to defects off the copper-oxygen plane may be treated in the Born approximation and that defects in the plane may be in the unitary limit [6]. Albeit sharing certain aspects with Ref. [23], we further develop the weak-localization theory in d-wave superconductors, and obtain some new results in this paper. First, the expressions of the Goldstone modes for quasiparticle diffusion are derived in details both near the Born and near the unitary limits. Second, we calculate the additional contributions to the DOS from those lowest-order self-energy diagrams containing nonsingular ladders, which were not taking into account previously. These diagrams are shown to give rise to various renormalization factors for the DOS correction in the Born and unitary limits. Third, by taking into account a new nontrivial self-energy diagram with the π -mode diffuson, we show that the QI correction to the DOS becomes a δ-function of the energy upon approaching the UN limit. This result can be used to account for the resonant peak found by the previous numerical studies [19, 20]. The structure of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II, the commonly used self-
arXiv:cond-mat/0211590v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 26 Nov 2002
Quantum interference effect on the density of states in disordered d-wave superconductors
Y. H. Yang,1,2 Y. G. Wang,2 M. Liu,2 and D. Y. Xing1
PACS numbers: 74.25.Jb, 71.20.-b, 73.20.Fz
I. Introduction
Since the experiments revealed the d-wave symmetry of the order parameter in cuprate superconductors [1], the physics of low-energy quasiparticle excitations in disordered two-dimensional (2D) d-wave superconductors has been a subjecarch [2]. The characteristic feature of the dx2 −y2 -wave pairing state is the existence of four nodal points where the order parameter vanishes. In the vicinity of the gap nodes there exist low-lying Dirac-type quasiparticle excitations. An understanding of the disorder effect induced by randomly-distributed impurities on these low-energy states is essential for the elucidation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of disordered d-wave superconductors. During the years a number of theoretical approaches, such as the self-consistent approximation schemes [3–9], non-perturbative methods [10–17], and numerical studies [18-22], have been developed to calculate the quasiparticle density of states (DOS) in the presence of disorder. Unfortunately, many of these theories contradict each other. The DOS at zero energy was variously predicted to be finite [3–10], vanishing [11–14,18,21], and divergent [15,20]. Recently, it has been made clear that [16,17,19,22] much of this controversy roots in the fact that the d-wave superconductor is fundamentally sensitive to the details of disorder, as well as to certain symmetries of the normal state Hamiltonian. In order to clarify the physics of the various asymptotic results for the DOS, Yashenkin et al. [23] analyzed the diffusive modes in disordered d-wave superconductors and calculated the weak-localization correction to the DOS with the diagrammatic technique. It is well known that the weak localization in electron systems is a manifestation of the quantum interference (QI) effect, which stems from the existence of the Goldstone modes (cooperon and diffuson) [24]. As pointed out by Altland and Zirnbauer [25], the Goldstone modes in a superconductor have different features from those in a normal metal, for the local particle-hole symmetry of the superconducting state gives rise to a combination of impurity- and Andreev-scattering processes. As a result, every cooperon or diffuson mode in the retarded-advanced (RA) channel entails a corresponding mode in the retarded-retarded (RR) or advanced-advanced (AA) channel. In the combined limit of the unitarity and nested Fermi surface (the UN limit), each of these 0-mode cooperon and diffuson has a π -mode counterpart due to the global particle-hole symmetry [23, 26]. For disordered d-wave superconductors, it was found [23] that in generic situations the quasiparticle DOS is subject to a loga-