anatomy of the facial nerve
起病急 发病率高 病程长 疗效明显 后遗症少
好发于年轻人 发病率:15-40/10万
病因及发病机理(Etiology & Episode Mechanism)
狭窄的骨性管道 外在因素: 位置较表浅 痉挛 局部血管 缺血、缺氧、水肿 面神经容易受累
减轻水肿 :皮质激素
地塞米松 10~15mg/天,7-10天 泼尼松(PDN; Prednisone) 1 mg / kg 5 天,以后7日内逐渐减量
(Stage of Acute Therapeutic Principle)
改善循环: 706代血浆、低右 营养神经:B族维生素类、胞二磷胆碱、
(Clinical Situation)
常有面部受凉史 多为单侧 病初耳 后疼痛
额部、眼部、鼻部、颊部、口 角、 颈、 诧言改变、进食 味觉改变 听觉改变
(Ramsay- Hunt Syndrome)
定 位:膝状神经节受累 定 性:带状疱疹病毒感染 临床 表现:面瘫、舌前2/3味觉障碍、 听 觉过敏, 唾液、泪液分泌障 碍,耳内疼痛,外耳道疱疹
鳄泪综合征(Crocodile Tear Syndrome)
面神经炎后,由于长出了新的神经纤维,导致 传至口唇肌肉的神经冲动反而刺激泪腺,结果咀 嚼食物时病人会流泪。
・应用解剖・面神经额支的颧弓上定位测量及其临床意义姜 平1, 钟世镇2, 徐达传2, 高建华1(1.第一军医大学南方医院整形外科; 第一军医大学解剖学教研室,广东广州510515) 【摘要】目的:研究并定位跨经颧弓的面神经额支行程,为相关外科手术预防额支损伤提供指导。
【关键词】面神经; 颞支; 额支【中图分类号】R32311;R322185 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1001-165X(2003)01-0010-03Applied anatomy of the frontal branch of facial nerve:path across the zygom atic archJ IA N G Ping ,ZHON G S hi2z heng,XU Da2chuan,et al.Depart ment of Plastic S urgery,N anf ang Hospital,First Military Medical U niversity,Guangz hou510515,China【Abstract】Objective:To locate the path of the frontal branch of facial nerve(FB)crossing the zygomaticarch.Methods:Sixteen fixed adult heads specimens were dissected.The number of FB and the site of FB inter2secting lower and upper border of the zygomatic arch were documented.R esults:There were respectively2.4and2.6FB rami crossing the lower and upper border of zygoma,correspondingly the intersecting section werefrom1.6mm posterior to articular tubercle to2.7mm anterior to articular tubercle,and from24.0mm to33.1mm anterior to supra2acoustic pore.Conclusion:The path of FB across the zygomatic arch could be named a’risk zone’and a’relative risk zone’according to surgical dissection.【K ey w ords】facial nerve; frontal branch; zygomatic arch 本研究通过大体解剖和显微解剖,观测面神经额支行程与颧弓的位置关系,并通过颧弓下缘、上缘和骨性标志点对额支进行定位,以期为相关手术预防额支损伤提供应用解剖学基础。
Facial Nerve Palsy
Physical exam:
– Schirmer’s test: – Stapedial reflex: – Taste test: – Submandibular salivery flow test: Warton’s ducts
Anatomy: Surgical landmarks
Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery:
– Processus chocleariformis – Oval window and horizontal canal – Short process of the incus – Pyramid
Complete vs. incomplete Segmental vs. uniform involvement Unilateral vs. bilateral Cranial nerves assessment Neurologic evaluation Cerebellar signs
Physical exam:
Pons. precentral gyrus. Upper part of the nucleus:
– Upper face – Involuntary emotional movementsLeabharlann Anatomy: Course
Motor fibers originate… Hooks around… Joined by… Facial n. leaves the brainstem… Travels through… Enters the IAC. Then traverse the temporal bone through facial n. canal Leaves the temporal bone through Finally divides into terminal branches.
面神经水平段及垂直段骨管内大血管伴行一例Large vessel accompany with tympanic segment and vertical portion of facial nerve:a case report我们行颞骨解剖训练时(解剖教研室提供),发现一例标本面神经水平段及垂直段骨管内有较大动、静脉血管伴行,如果在行面神经减压术时遇到此种解剖变异,则很容易损伤血管而导致较严重出血,又因其不易明辨,如用双极电凝等方法止血则可能会造成面神经的严重损伤,遂报告如下。
在茎乳孔上方0.5 cm处神经血管束明显膨大呈纺锤形并在此有多个血管分支,其中有三支较明显:一支发自面神经血管束后方,向后走行(图2);一支发自面神经血管束内面,向内下走行(图5);还有一支发自面神经血管束前内,向前内下走行(图3)。
图1 暗蓝色条索状物与预计面神经走形一致(3个箭头示) 图2 面神经轮廓逐渐显现,面神经血管束纺锤样膨大后部,可见分支血管向后走行(箭头示) 图3 还有一支血管发自面神经血管束纺锤样膨大部前内,向前内下走行(箭头示),在近面神经出茎乳孔处横形切段神经血管束 图4 显微镜下清晰可见神经与伴行动静脉的关系 图5 面神经血管束内面,可见分支血管向内下走行(箭头示) 图 6取下部分面神经及血管复合体,包括鼓索(短箭头)及部分锤骨柄、镫骨肌支(长箭头)和镫骨图7 病理切片观察,可见神经、血管同一包膜 HE ×40讨论 颞骨内面神经与滋养血管伴行的情况已有较多报道,Minatogawa 等[1]对人颞骨内面神经血供进行研究后指出,脑膜中动脉发出的岩支分布至膝状神经节,茎乳动脉走行于面神经垂直段的前内侧直达上1/3,然后攀绕神经的内侧或外侧上行,到达水平段发出数个小支在面神经膝部与岩支互相吻合成动脉网。
本研究 通过大体解剖和显微解剖 ,观测 面神经额支的行 程 ,并通过改 良的体表标志 点和连线对 其进行定位 ,为临床 相 关 手 术提 供 更 加 广 泛 、适用 的体 表 定 位 依 据 。
1 材 料 和 方 法 经 福 尔 马 林 固 定 的 面 部 无 破 损 的成 人 头 部 标 本 2O侧 ,
基金项 目:湖南省教育厅基金项 目(编号:06C707)
图 1 标 志 点和 标 志 线
测量项 目:(I)两条标 志线的长度 :①经耳轮上 点和外眦上 点的连线 (即 线段 AD)的长度 ;⑦经耳屏上切迹 点和外眦点的连 线(即线段 BC)的长度;(2) 两条标志线上分 别跨越 的面神经的额 支数 ;(3)两条标志线上 ,额支的最前 分 支 Fa和最后分 支 Fb与标志线相交点在标志线上的相对位置。如仅 一支额支 则 最 前 分 支 和 最 后 分 支 均 以 此 支 记 .
segment s(1/5-1/2) ̄1/9.Conclusion The dangerous area where the frontal branch of facial nerve step over should be
get out of the way in the face lifting. Key w ords:facial nerv e;frontal branch;sudace marks
(Department of Anatomy,University of South China,Hengyang 421001,Hunan,China)
Abstract= Objective To position the frontal branch of facial nerve sur face marks through the new way医学 2008年 5月第 17卷第 5期 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine.May.2008.Vo1.17.No.5
十二对脑神经 知识点英语
十二对脑神经知识点英语The Twelve Cranial Nerves: A Comprehensive Overview.The cranial nerves are twelve pairs of nerves that emerge directly from the brain, innervating various structures in the head and neck. They play a crucial role in sensory perception, motor function, and autonomic regulation. Understanding the anatomy and functions of these nerves is essential for a comprehensive understanding of neurology.Classification of Cranial Nerves.The cranial nerves are classified into two main types: sensory and motor. Sensory nerves transmit sensory information from the periphery to the brain, while motor nerves carry motor commands from the brain to muscles and glands.Sensory Cranial Nerves.Olfactory Nerve (CN I): Responsible for the sense of smell.Optic Nerve (CN II): Transmits visual information from the retina to the brain.Oculomotor Nerve (CN III): Innervates muscles responsible for eye movements, pupillary constriction, and eyelid closure.Trochlear Nerve (CN IV): Innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye, controlling downward and outward eye movements.Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): Provides sensory innervation to the face, including the skin, teeth, and mucous membranes. It also innervates the muscles of mastication.Abducens Nerve (CN VI): Innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye, controlling outward eye movements.Facial Nerve (CN VII): Innervates the muscles offacial expression, lacrimal glands, and taste buds on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII): Transmits auditory and vestibular information from the inner ear to the brain.Motor Cranial Nerves.Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII): Innervates the muscles of the tongue, controlling its movements for speech and swallowing.Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX): Innervates the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate, plays a role in swallowing, and provides taste sensation to the posterior third of the tongue.Vagus Nerve (CN X): The longest cranial nerve, it innervates structures throughout the thorax and abdomen, including the heart, lungs, digestive system, and vocal cords.Accessory Nerve (CN XI): Innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, controlling head and neck movements.Autonomic Cranial Nerves.The vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve are considered autonomic cranial nerves, as they contain both sensory and motor fibers involved in regulating involuntary functions such as heart rate, digestion, and salivation.Innervation Territories.Each cranial nerve supplies a specific region of the head and neck, known as its innervation territory. Knowledge of these territories is essential for diagnosing and treating neurological conditions.Clinical Significance.Damage to the cranial nerves can result in a wide rangeof neurological symptoms, depending on the affected nerve. Examples include:Olfactory nerve: Loss of smell (anosmia)。
05---三叉神经Trigeminal Nerve
The ophthalmic nerve— V1 division
The ophthalmic nerve courses in the wall of the cavernous sinus, just below the fourth nerve and lateral to the sixth nerve(眼神 经穿入海绵窦外侧壁,在滑车神经和展神经外下方走行). This can be seen as a craniocaudal ovoid nerve, which is much larger than the adjacent fourth and sixth nerves. This nerve can only be depicted in a reliable way on coronal contrast-enhanced high-resolution T1W images through the cavernous sinus(眼神 经在增强后的高分辨T1WI冠状位上可以看到). The nerve then leaves the skull through the SOF and enters the orbit, where it divides into a frontal, lacrimal, and nasociliary nerve providing sensory innervation to the globe, nose, forehead, and scalp(眼
Trigeminal nuclei— intra-axial segment
The spinal nucleus is a caudal extension of the PSN and descends from the level of the lower pons down to spinal cord level C3 (三叉神经脊束
面神经 前庭蜗神经 中英文
②Weber test
place the tuning fork base down in the centre of the forehead , ask to compare the sound (BC) of both side
• louder in affected side Weber(+):conductive deafness • louder in unaffected side Weber(-):sensorineural deafness
(2) Vestibular nerve前庭神经
for nystagmus(眼震) ice water caloric test(冷热水试验)
thank you
geniculate ganglion syndrome (膝状神经节)
in/above the stapedius nerve (镫骨肌神经) in/above chorda tympani nerve (股索神经) •outside stylomastoid foramen
clinical features
(1) Cochlear nerve耳蜗神经
rough estimate:soud of watch,tuning fork( 音叉) • Vigorously rub your fingers together very near to each ear, ask the patient if the sound was the same in both ears.
ii. Sensory : test for taste/ask patient about taste
下颌骨周围重要软组织结构及下颌神经管的解剖-人体解剖学论文-基础医学论文-医学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——摘要:目的精细解剖下颌角周围软组织结构及下颌神经管, 为下颌角肥大整形术提供解剖学参考。
方法20例大体标本, 观察及测量面动静脉、面神经下颌缘支及咬肌区的血管和神经。
据下颌骨表面骨性标志定位5条径线, 测量该5条径线上下颌神经管在下颌骨中的位置。
结果面动脉距下颌角点为23. 1836. 28 mm, 距咬肌前缘为-9. 519. 27 mm。
面静脉距离下颌角点为17. 7932. 03mm。
面神经下颌缘支贴近下颌角部及下颌骨下缘走行, 距离下颌角点为-8. 5710. 70 mm, 而咬肌前缘下颌缘支距下颌骨下缘为-8. 8311. 06 mm。
下颌神经管在5个截面中距离下颌骨外侧点分别大于10. 50 mm、14. 72 mm、15. 60 mm、8. 53 mm、6. 74 mm。
结论在剥离下颌角区软组织时, 注意对咬肌前缘面动脉、面神经下颌缘支及下颌角点附近面神经下颌缘支的保护。
而在截骨或劈骨时, 根据下颌神经管的安全范围, 可在下颌骨颊侧骨板快速画出一条指导性的安全线。
关键词:下颌角肥大; 下颌神经管; 截骨; 解剖学; 成人;Abstract:Objective To dissect soft tissue structure around the mandibular angle and the mandibular nerve canal accurately, as to provide anatomical reference for the mandibular angle hypertrophy operation. Methods Twenty formalin-fixed adult head-and-neck specimens were observed and measured for facial arteries and veins, the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerves, and the vessels and nerves of masseter muscle. Five lines positioned according to the characteristic structures of the mandible were used for themeasurement of mandibular nerve canal. The safety range of the soft tissue structure and the mandibular nerve canal, external carotid artery, maxillary artery, and transverse facial artery were calculated. Results The distance between the facial artery and the mandibular angle is 23. 18-36.28 mm. Facial artery to the anterior margin of masseter muscle is-9. 51-9.27 mm. Separation between the facial vein and the mandibular angle is 17. 79-32. 03 mm. The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve is close to the mandibular angle and the lower edge of the mandible, measurements showed a distance of-8. 57-10. 70 mm towards mandibular angle. At anterior masseter muscle, separation between mandibular branches and the lower edge of the mandible is-8. 83-11. 06 mm. The four major sources of masseter arteries are the masseter branch of the facial artery, external carotid artery, maxillary artery, and transverse facial artery. The masseter nerve entered the masseter muscle alongside with the masseter artery. In the five cross sections, the disctance from mandibular nerve canal to the lateral mandibular point is more than 10. 50 mm, 14. 72 mm, 15. 60 mm, 8. 53 mm and 6. 74 mm, respectively. Conclusion Attention should be paid, when undermining soft tissue in the mandibular angle, three main structures specifically the facial artery and the marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve located at the anterior aspect of mandibular muscle, and the mandibular marginal branch of the facial nerve located at the mandibular angle areprerogative. Layers removed from the masseter muscle are best done at the thickestregion of the middle inferior aspect. A guide safety line can be drawn quickly during osteotomy on the buccal bone palate of the mandible based on the safety range of mandibular nerve canal.Keyword:Mandibular angle hypertrophy; Mandibular nerve canal; Osteotomy; Anatomy; Adult;下颌角肥大俗称方型脸。
4例术后腮腺瘘,7~10 d痊愈。
[Abstract] Objective:To study the signification of facial nerve anatomy during parotid operation. Methods:This paper was to summarize and analyze retrospectively the clinical experience of 101 cases with the parotid-tumor who were performed operation from 1998 to 2005. Of these 101 cases, facial nerve were anatomized in 86 cases(85.1%,86/101),including facial nerve con-caudex anatomy in 15 cases, ramus marginal mandibulae nervous facial anatomy in 71 cases. M alignant tumor in 3 cases and little adenoid tumor in 12 cases weren’t facial nerve anatomy. Based on demand of the treatment, parotid local excision in 12 cases, parotid superficial-lobe excision in 74 cases and parotid total excision in 15 cases were performed. Results: Followed-up all of patients for 9~33 months, postoperatively, no one recurrence. Fistula of parotid gland occurred in 4 cases and 7~10 days were healed through changing dressing and permanence facial palsy in 1 cases and no post-operative complications such as blooding or infection were observed. Conclusion:It is one of effective measures in parotid operations with facial nerve anatomy for preventing facial nerve iatrogenic damage. Methylene blue is helpful to discriminate facial nerve.[Key words] Facial nerve;Anatomy;Parotid tumor;Surgery腮腺部分或全切除術是治疗腮腺肿瘤的主要方法,因腮腺肿瘤与面神经关系密切,而术中面神经损伤是常见并发症。
In the realm of human anatomy,the facial features known as the five senses play a crucial role in our daily interactions and experiences.These features include the eyes, ears,nose,mouth,and tongue,each serving distinct functions that contribute to our perception of the world around us.Eyes:The Windows to the SoulThe eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul.They are the primary organs for vision,allowing us to perceive our surroundings through the sense of sight.They detect light and color,enabling us to appreciate the beauty of nature,read,and recognize faces. The eyes are composed of various parts,including the cornea,iris,pupil,lens,and retina, each with a specific role in the process of vision.Ears:The Receivers of SoundEars are the organs of hearing and balance.They capture sound waves and convert them into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound.The ear is divided into three parts: the outer ear,middle ear,and inner ear.The outer ear collects sound waves,the middle ear amplifies them,and the inner ear,specifically the cochlea,translates them into nerve impulses.Nose:The Sense of SmellThe nose is responsible for the sense of smell,which is closely linked to the sense of taste. It contains olfactory receptors that detect different odors and send signals to the brain, allowing us to enjoy the aroma of food and beverages,and also to detect potentially harmful substances.The nose also plays a role in respiration,helping to filter,warm,and humidify the air we breathe.Mouth:The Gateway for Speech and TasteThe mouth is a multifunctional organ that serves as the entry point for food and the source of speech.It contains the tongue,teeth,and palate,which work together to facilitate chewing,tasting,and articulating words.The tongue,in particular,is covered with taste buds that can detect sweet,sour,salty,bitter,and umami flavors. Tongue:The Taster and ArticulatorThe tongue is a muscular organ that plays a central role in both the gustatory and speech functions.It moves food around the mouth for chewing and mixing with saliva,which aids in digestion.The tongues flexibility and muscle control are also essential for clear speech,as it shapes the mouth to produce different sounds.The Interconnectedness of the SensesWhile each of the five senses operates independently,they are interconnected in waysthat enhance our overall sensory experience.For example,the sense of smell can intensify the flavors we taste,and the sense of sight can influence our perception of taste as well.The integration of these senses allows us to have a rich and complex understanding of the world.In conclusion,the five senses are integral to our existence,providing us with the means to navigate,communicate,and enjoy life.They are a testament to the complexity and wonder of human biology,and their proper functioning is essential for a high quality of life.。
面部支持韧带的解剖学进展李秀琪【摘要】面部支持韧带主要包括颧弓韧带、下颌骨韧带、颈阔肌-耳韧带和颈阔肌-皮肤前韧带.面部支持韧带作为浅表肌腱膜系统(SMAS)和真皮与深筋膜和骨膜的锚定点,起支持、固定其相应区域面部的皮肤和皮下软组织,维持正常的解剖位置的作用.支持韧带与血管神经关系密切,掌握支持韧带的解剖可以避免除皱术中损伤血管神经.此外,支持韧带的松解对于提升面部下垂组织至关重要,掌握支持韧带的解剖非常必要.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2014(020)017【总页数】3页(P3178-3180)【关键词】面部支持韧带;除皱术;面部老化【作者】李秀琪【作者单位】中国医学科学院整形外科医院面颈美容中心,北京100144【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R602面部支持韧带与手指的Grayson韧带和Creland韧带的功能相似,是皮肤和浅表肌腱膜系统(superficial musculoaponeurotis system,SMAS)与周围组织结构的固定装置。
1 真性韧带起于骨膜止于皮肤的称为真性韧带,主要包括:眼轮匝肌支持韧带(orbicularis retaining ligament,ORL)、颧弓韧带、颊上颌韧带上颌部、下颌骨韧带[3]。
1.1 颧弓韧带McGregor最先指出腮腺筋膜的前界与颊部皮肤之间存在纤维黏结,将其命名为“McGregor′s Patch”,后被证实为颧弓韧带[2-3]。
起点 上颌骨和下颌骨牙槽突
止点 口轮匝肌
作用 收紧脸颊和维持口内压力
外观:略呈楔形,底向外略呈三 角,尖向内对咽侧壁。质软,色 淡黄,外有腮腺鞘包被。
位置:下颌后窝 上界——外耳道和颧弓 下界——下颌角的后下方 后界——颞骨乳突和胸锁 乳突肌前缘 前界——咬肌前缘
位置:眶上缘内、中1/3交界处,距正中线约2.5cm 神经:眶上神经 (属感觉神经)
三叉神经→眼神经→额神经→眶上神经 血管:眶上动脉、眶上静脉
位置:眶下缘中点下方0.5~0.8cm处,或由鼻尖到 眼外角连线的中点处
神经:眶下神经 (属感觉神经) 三叉神经→上颌神经→眶下神经
• 他们由5个主要骨骼构成:
– 额骨 – 鼻骨 – 颧骨 – 上颌骨 – 下颌骨
冠状缝 蝶骨 额骨
眶上切迹 (孔) 眉间 颧骨 鼻骨 上颌骨 牙槽 下颌骨
人字缝 外耳道 枕骨 枕外隆凸 颧弓
眉间 眶上切迹
鼻骨 眶面 顴突 牙槽
眶面 顴弓 颧突 眶下孔 下颌支
颏孔 下颌体
表皮 真皮
角质层 透明层 颗粒层 棘细胞层
• 皮下组织
– 连接神经,肌肉和血管。 – 皮下层由含结缔组织和脂肪的网状组织构成。 – 皮下脂肪储存有助于维持脸型。 – 皮下层以下是SMAS(Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic
【关键词】腮腺;叶间导管;面神经颧支;干眼病【中图分类号】R361 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-8231(2017)01-0059-02Applied anatomy of the parotid gland and zygomatic branch of facial nerveCHEN Zhi-qiang, WU Gui-long, YUAN En-jian, LEI ZHen.Changsha Medical University 421001, China【Abstract】Objective To explore the anatomic basis of treatment of dry eyewith the transfer of the parotid gland .Method The first interlobar duct of parotid gland and zygomatic branch of facial nerve of 10 (20 sides) adult cadaveric head and face of parotid gland were dissected and observed , and the datameasured.Results Zygomatic branch of facial nerve and parotid gland first interlobar duct reverse. Conclusion The treatment of dry eye disease with first leaf catheter translocation is an ideal surgical procedure.【Key words】Parotid gland;Leaf catheter;Zygomatic branch of facial nerve;Dry eye干眼病又称干燥性角膜炎,是由于眼部或全身多种原因引起的眼腺细胞分泌减少的常见眼病,此病会导致视力下降,重症者致盲率较高,至今没有较好的治疗方法。
面神经(Facial nerve) 28页PPT文档共30页文档
16、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为 了城墙 而战斗 一样。 ——赫 拉克利 特 17、人类对于不公正的行为加以指责 ,并非 因为他 们愿意 做出这 种行为 ,而是 惟恐自 己会成 为这种 行为的 牺牲者 。—— 柏拉图 18、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强 者做什 么事都 横行霸 道。— —奥维 德 19、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶 。—— 托·伍·威尔逊 20、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含 义最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿