Physical and chemical characterization of Pescabivona ,a Sicilian white flesh peach cultivar [Prunus persica (L.)Batsch]Giuseppe Montevecchi a ,⁎,Giuseppe Vasile Simone b ,Francesca Masino a ,b ,Cristina Bignami a ,b ,Andrea Antonelli a ,baCentro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per il Miglioramento e la Valorizzazione delle Risorse Biologiche Agro-Alimentari BIOGEST-SITEIA,Universitàdegli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia,c/o Via G.Amendola 2(Padiglione Besta),42122Reggio Emilia,Italy bDipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e degli Alimenti,Universitàdegli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia,Via G.Amendola 2,42122Reggio Emilia,Italya b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 11July 2011Accepted 12October 2011Keywords:PescabivonaWhite flesh peach Peach composition Organic acids SugarsLactone compoundsPescabivona is an autochthonous white flesh peach cultivar population from Sicily.The composition of four Pescabivona peach landraces (Murtiddara,Bianca,Agostina,and Settembrina)at three different growing altitudes was studied.Color,color distance,weight,pulp firmness,pH,soluble solid content (SSC),titratable acidity (TA),SSC/TA ratio,organic acids,sugars,phenolics,antioxidant capacity,and lactone compounds were determined.In general for the analyzed parameters,univariate statistical analysis highlighted only a few signi ficant differences among the landraces and the altitudes,thus demonstrating a general homogeneity of this local cultivar population.Principal component analysis,as well,did not show a clear separation among the different landraces,in particular for Bianca,Agostina,and Settembrina.The physico-chemical analysis showed high pulp firmness,high lactone content,and a balanced SSC/TA ratio.Moreover,even if the pulp firmness values were quite high for Agostina and Settembrina,sugar and acid content were typical of fresh-market quality peaches.©2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn Sicily,peach cultivation was practiced since the Middle Ages and in the course of the centuries an interesting germplasm of Prunus persica (L.)Batsch was originated by environmental and human selection (Caruso,Di Lorenzo,&Barone,1992;Marchese et al.,2006).Pescabi-vona ,also called “Pesca di Bivona ”(Caruso,1982),is an autochthonous cultivar population (cv.)(Marchese,Tobutt,&Caruso,2005)solely grown in its original area,the countryside near Bivona,located in theMiddle-West of Sicily.Nowadays,Pescabivona includes four landraces called:Murtiddara (also called Primizia Bianca),Bianca,Agostina,and Settembrina (Cusumano,2009).They are characterized by different rip-ening times that cover all the summer season from the end of June (Murtiddara)until the end of September (Settembrina).Nevertheless,despite the attention of the researchers toward the production of pea-ches growing in the South of Italy,there are just a few studies about Pes-cabivona that describe its high-quality features.In particular,it is widely appreciated for its sensory characteristics combined with the non-melting flesh (Caruso,1982;Caruso et al.,2006).In the last few years,the trend in peach breeding was aimed to com-bine the flesh firmness of nonmelting-flesh fruits,commonly used for processing,with the fresh-market quality attributes typical of melting-flesh peaches (Brovelli,Brecht,Sherman,&Sims,1998).For these reasons,Pescabivona is worthy to be studied in detail to show its quality and offer an alternative among consumers disappointed for peaches currently available on the market (Castellari,2002;Infante,Martínez-Gómez,&Predieri,2008).Lack of flavor and firmness due to early harvesting (Bruhn et al.,1991),along with the presence of off-flavors and flesh browning (Von Mollendorff,Jacobs,&de Villiers,1992)as a consequence of long conservation are,in fact,the main consumer complaints.Physico-chemical and sensory analysis characterize peach quality,giving objective data on the peculiar,structural,and functional charac-teristics of the fruit.This information is required for the achievement of EU Protected Designation of Origin (PDO),Protected GeographicalFood Research International 45(2012)123–131Abbreviations:A,Agostina (landrace);Al,Altitudes;a.s.l.,above sea level;ABTS,2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid);ANOVA,Analysis Of Variance;B,Bianca (landrace);C 18,Octadecyl Carbon chain;CIE,International Commission on Illumi-nation;CH 3CN,acetonitrile;cv.(cvs.),cultivated variety (cultivar);EI,Electronic Ioniza-tion;EU,European Union;eV,electron Volt;FID,Flame Ionization Detector;GC/MS,Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometer detector;H 2SO 4,sulfuric acid;HPLC,High Pressure Liquid Chromatography;i.d.,internal diameter;Ld,Landraces;M,Murtid-dara (landrace);m/z,mass-to-charge ratio;N 2,nitrogen gas;NaOH,sodium hydroxide;OAV,Odor Activity Value;p,p-value;PC,Principal Component;PCA,Principal Component Analysis;PDO,Protected Designation of Origin;PGI,Protected Geographical Indication;r,coef ficient of correlation;R 2,coef ficient of determination;rpm,revolutions per minute;RSD,Relative Standard Deviation;S,Settembrina (landrace);SAX,Strong Anion-Exchange;SD,Standard Deviation;SPE,Solid Phase Extraction;SSC,Soluble Solid Content;SSC/TA,Soluble Solid Content/Titratable Acidity ratio;TA,Titratable Acidity;TEAC,Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity;UV,Ultraviolet;VCEAC,Vitamin C Equivalent Antioxi-dant Capacity;Vis,Visible;vs.,versus.⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+390522522061;fax:+390522522027.E-mail (G.Montevecchi).0963-9969/$–see front matter ©2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.10.019Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectFood Research Internationalj o u rn a l ho m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /f o o d re sIndication(PGI)certification and for the definition of the quality scheme guaranteeing the standard of the product and the specifications of the production system.This research was aimed at characterizing and evaluating the quality of Pescabivona in order to:i)acquire information on Pescabivona quality characteristics not examined so far by research,and that play a determi-nant role in the consumer judgment;ii)provide information for exploi-tation and marketing of this local product on a wider geographical scale, outside the area where Pescabivona is already well known and appreci-ated;iii)give support to growing activities based on local germplasm as a source of valuable quality features;iv)support the achievement of PGI according to the EU rules.Finally,it is thefirst detailed study on compo-sition of these peaches on the international and domestic literature.2.Materials and methods2.1.SamplingSamples of the four Pescabivona peach landraces(Murtiddara, Bianca,Agostina,and Settembrina)were collected inside the growing area around Bivona(Sicily,Italy,lat.37.619,long.13.438)during all the harvest season.Commercial orchards representative of the prevailing environmen-tal,agronomic,and management conditions were individuated.The orchards were grown on hilly-mountainous areas and exposed to the South.The soil was of a medium clay texture,with subalkaline reaction and normal quantities of macro and micronutrients.The plants were grafted on GF677or MRS2/5rootstocks,trained to vase and spaced 4m×4m apart.Pruning,soil management,pest,and disease control were carried out according to the local traditional systems.Localized irrigation was supplied in the summer(Cusumano,2009).Sampling was carried out according to the following design.Since peach cultivation spans in Bivona from250to750m of altitude,the area was divided into three levels(250,500,and750m a.s.l.),and a gross sample of18peaches was collected for each level and landrace by different trees.Each gross sample was portioned in three lots(6pea-ches each)to have enough samples to carry out the analysis in triplicate (4landraces×3altitudes×3replications=36samples).The peaches were collected at“ready-to-eat”ripening stage evaluat-ed by means of change in ground color from green to yellow and fruit size corresponding to AA caliber(diameter from73to80mm,and circumference from23to25cm).Since peach quality shows variability within tree(Génard&Bruchou,1992),fruit sampling was standardized under the following condition:middle vigor trees,rootstock GF677, south exposure,external part of the tree.2.2.Reagents and standardsOrganic acids(citric,malic,quinic,and succinic acid),fructose,glu-cose,sucrose,(+)-catechin,chlorogenic acid,vitamin C,2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)(ABTS),potassium persulfate,lac-tones(γ-decalactone,δ-decalactone,γ-dodecalactone,δ-dodecalactone), 2-octanol,n-undecane,and silica gel100C18(particle size:0.040–0.063mm,not endcapped),were purchased from Fluka Sigma-Aldrich®(Milan,Italy).High purity solvents(acetonitrile,dichloromethane,eth-anol,and methanol)were supplied by VWR International S.r.l.(Milan, Italy),while sulfuric and hydrochloric acids,and sodium hydroxide were purchased from Carlo Erba Reagents S.p.A.(Rodano,Milan,Italy).Deionized water was obtained by a Milli-Q purification system (Millipore,Milan,Italy).2.3.Physico-chemical determinations2.3.1.ColorSamples were analyzed for peel and pulp color.Peel and pulp color were determined with a reflectance chromameter(CR-400;Konica Minolta Sensing Inc.,Osaka,Japan).CIE coordinates(L*,a*,and b*) (CIE,1976)were calculated for each fruit.Illuminant D65was used. Three measurements were carried out on the peel as ground color and over color,and on the pulp,while the red percentage of the peel was visually evaluated.Color distance was calculated as reported in literature(Billmeyer &Saltzman,1981).2.3.2.Weight,firmness,soluble solids content,pH,titratable acidityThe intact fruits were weighed on an electronic balance(Europe 1700;Gibertini,Novate,MI,Italy).Measure offleshfirmness(expressed in kg/0.5cm2)was carried out on opposite sides of the fruit by Fruit Pressure Tester(Effegi FT327;TR S. n.c.,Forlì,Italy),with an8-mm diameter probe.Soluble solid content(SSC),expressed as°Brix,was determined on a few drops of juice with a manual refractometer(53015C;TR S.n.c., Vicenza,Italy).pH was measured with a pH-meter(Micro pH2002;Crison Strumenti S.p.A.,Modena,Italy).Titratable acidity(TA),expressed as percentage of malic acid,was measured by0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution(phenolphthalein as indicator)on theflesh prior to liquidizing andfiltering.Triplicate analyses were carried out on all the samples.2.4.Chemical determinations2.4.1.Fruit extractionThe ethanolic extraction was carried out as reported in literature (Perez,Olias,Espada,Olias,&Sanz,1997)and stored at−18°C under N2to prevent oxidation.Briefly,peeledflesh slices of each6-peach lot and ethanol were liquidized with a mixer(Power Mix MCM5300; Bosch,Germany).The mixed sample was made up to250mL.The peels were extracted with the same procedure,but using meth-anol as extraction solvent and making up to100mL.Peel extracts were used only for phenolic and antioxidant capacity determinations.2.4.2.HPLC analysis2.4.2.1.Fractionation for HPLC analysis.An aliquot of ethanolic extract (5mL)was basified to pH9–10by NaOH1mol/L and it was evaporat-ed(1mL)by rotational vacuum concentrator(Eppendorf concentra-tor5301;Eppendorf,Hamburg,Germany).Then the concentrated extract was loaded onto a0.5g-SAX cartridge(Isolute®SAX;Biotage, Uppsala,Sweden)conditioned with3mL methanol followed by3mL H2O.Total sugars were eluted with3mL deionized H2O,and total or-ganic acids were obtained by eluting the column with0.1N hydro-chloric acid(3mL).These were made up tofinal volume of5mL,filtered through0.45μm nylonfilters before HPLC analysis. quantification of organic acids and anic acids and sugars were determined by an HPLC method reported by Chinnici, Spinabelli,Riponi,&Amati(2005)with minor adjustments of the chromatographic conditions.A Perkin Elmer HPLC Series200apparatus with an isocratic pump (Perkin Elmer series200LCP;Perkin Elmer Inc.,Norwalk,U.S.A.) equipped with an UV/Vis detector(Perkin Elmer UV/Vis detector LC295)and an injection valve(Rheodyne Inc.,Cotati,U.S.A.)fitted with a5-μL loop was used for acid quantifications,while a refractive index detector(Perkin Elmer Series200)and an injection valvefitted with a20-μL loop was used for sugars.The samples were separated isocratically using an Aminex HPX-87H (Bio-Rad,Richmond,U.S.A.)hydrogen-form cation exchange resin-based column(300×7.8-mm i.d.),protected by a pre-column (30×4.6mm).The mobile phase was a solvent system of H2SO4 (0.0015mol/L;pH2.7)and10%CH3CN for organic acids,while H2SO4 (0.0015mol/L;pH2.7)for sugars.Theflow rate was set at0.4mL/min.124G.Montevecchi et al./Food Research International45(2012)123–131Chromatograms were acquired at210nm and processed by Total-Chrom Workstation version6.2.1chromatography system software (Perkin Elmer,Inc.).Peaks were identified by comparing retention times of pure standards,while the quantification was performed through an external standard calibration curve.Linearity range was studied with solutions derived by sequentially diluting a standard stock solution.The same calibration runs were used for the limits of detection,considered as the concentration three times higher than the noise.Repeatability of the method was carried out byfive injections of the same sample,and by calculating the relative standard deviation (RSD)of each analyte concentration.Recovery of sugars and organic acids were calculated by measuring the analyte concentration before and after SPE separation.2.4.3.Phenolic and antioxidant capacity measurement2.4.3.1.Phenolic determination.Flavan-3-ols and hydroxycinnamic acids were measured on diluted(1:20)andfiltered extracts of pulp and peel.Spectrophotometric measures were carried out at280and 320nm,respectively.Each sample was read in triplicate in quartz cells by a V-550UV/Vis spectrophotometer(Jasco,Tokyo,Japan).The mea-sures were converted into concentrations through external standard calibration curves,by using catechin forflavan-3-ols and chlorogenic acid for hydroxycinnamic acids.Linearity range was studied with solu-tions derived by sequentially diluting standard stock solutions. assay.Antioxidant capacity of the pulp and peel extracts was measured using a protocol based on the ABTS assay(Re et al., 1999).The ABTS was dissolved in distilled water at14mM concentra-tion.ABTS radical cation(ABTS+)was produced by the reaction of ABTS stock solution with4.9mM potassium persulfate at the ratio of1:1and leaving the mixture to stand in the dark at4°C for 12–16h before use.The resulting blue–green ABTS+solution was di-luted in ethanol to an absorbance of0.792±0.015at734nm.An ali-quot(20μL)of each ethanolic extract was added to3.00mL of the resulting blue–green ABTS+.The mixture,protected from the light, was incubated in the Jasco V-550UV/Vis spectrophotometer at 37°C for10min;the decrease in absorbance at734nm was mea-sured at the endpoint of10min.Vitamin C standard calibration curve that correlates the concentration of vitamin C and the amount of absorbance reduction(ABTS scavenging assay),caused by vitamin C,was obtained.The results were measured as mg vitamin C equiva-lent antioxidant capacity(VCEAC)per kg of fresh peach.ctones2.4.4.1.Isolation and concentration of lactones.In order to eliminate eth-anol,ethanolic extract(150mL)was concentrated with a rotary evap-orator(Heidolph VV2000;Heidolph,Kelheim,Germany)at25°C.The residue,about50mL,was diluted10times with water and transferred in a1-L conicalflask.Then,silica gel100C18(1.0g)activated with methanol was added and the suspension was stirred for30min at 25°C.The suspension was transferred into a1cm-glass column equipped with a frit,and the C18bed was eluted with10mL dichloro-methane.The organic phase was centrifuged at5000rpm for5min at 25°C,the residual water was removed with a Pasteur pipette,and finally the volume was reduced to500μL under a stream of pure N2. analysis of lactones.Concentrated extracts(1μL)were ana-lyzed with a GC9000Series gas chromatograph(Fisons Instruments S.p.A.,Rodano,Milan,Italy)equipped with a Megawax column (15m×0.18mm i.d.,0.3μmfilm thickness),a split/splitless injector working in split mode(1:48split ratio;250°C),and a FID(250°C).The column temperature was kept at60°C for2min and then it rose up to230°C(5°C/min)and held for25min.The carrier gas(hydrogen)flowed at1mL/min.Chromatograms were acquired and processed with Chrom-Card 1.15Software(Fisons Instruments S.p.A.,Rodano,Milan,Italy).GC/MS analyses were carried out with a Hewlett–Packard instrument 6890series(Hewlett–Packard Waldbronn,Germany)equipped with a mass spectrometer detector(HP5973Mass Selective Detector),under the same conditions.The molecule fragmentation was carried out by electron ionization(EI).The data were collected in the full scan mode and mass-to-charge ratio(m/z)recorded from33to700at70eV. Chromatograms were acquired and processed with Enhanced Chem Station software(G1701AA Version A.03.00—Hewlett Packard©).Peaks were identified by comparing retention times and mass spec-tra of pure standards.The quantification was made by FID detection using the internal standard method. evaluation.Reference standard solutions and internal standard solution(2-octanol)were prepared by dissolving each substance in absolute ethanol(10,000mg/L,stock solutions).An aliquot of each standard together with the internal standard solution were used to prepare a100mg/L standard mixture.This standard mixture was subjected to isolation and concentration.Before the concentration step,the organic solution of n-undecane was added.Finally,it was injected in the same conditions of sample.2.5.Statistical analysisAnalysis of variance(two-way ANOVA),linear regression analysis, and principal component analysis(PCA)were performed using Statis-tica version8.0software(Stat180Soft Inc.,Tulsa,USA).3.Results and discussion3.1.Physico-chemical determinations3.1.1.ColorThe differences concerning the color measurements among land-races and altitudes were not statistically significant,except pulp ground color L*that showed significant differences among landraces(p≤0.05).Considering the peel ground color distances(Fig.1A),the most re-markable differences were found between Bianca and Agostina,while the comparisons between Murtiddara-Settembrina and Bianca-Settembrina showed the lowest distances.The peel over color (Fig.1A)clearly placed Murtiddara apart from all the other landraces, which were closer to each other.The data concerning the pulp ground color(Fig.1A)showed as Settembrina had the highest color distances from the other landraces that were quite homogenous,particularly Murtiddara and Agostina.Peel ground color and even more peel over color of the fruits grown at the highest altitudes(500and750m a.s.l.)were more ho-mogenous if compared with fruits grown at250m(Fig.1B).Pulp ground color did not show analogous differences(Fig.1B).The peel ground color was yellow–cream.The percentage of red of the peel was quite high(>50%)for Murtiddara(500and750m a.s.l.), followed by Agostina,and Settembrina(b40%).A higher percentage of red in Murtiddara was already described by Caruso(Caruso et al., 2006).Settembrina showed a peculiar red strip along the suture line, probably due to mutation concerning the epidermis layer(Marchese et al.,2006).3.1.2.Weight,firmness,soluble solids content,pH,titratable acidityThe results and statistical analysis concerning the physical and chemical analysis were reported in Table1.The good homogeneity among the weights of the fruits supported the correctness of the sam-pling operation and was planned to assure a representative sampling.125G.Montevecchi et al./Food Research International45(2012)123–131According to the literature (Caruso et al.,2006),pulp firmness of ripe peaches tended to be higher for the late landraces.The lowest values were recorded for Murtiddara (June),while Agostina (August)and Settembrina (September)showed the highest ones (p ≤0.01).More-over,the fruits produced at 750m a.s.l.had higher pulp firmness values,except for Bianca.The effect of different microclimate conditions seems to be very important.In apple,the higher flesh firmness of fruits produced at 800m in comparison to 500m has been reported and it has been related to the temperature effect (Diamantidis et al.,2002).Although fruits were considered “ready to eat ”,the pulp firmness parameters were quite high (2.54–4.74).These values are usually associated to middle mature up to unripe fruits (Crisosto,2002;Crisosto,Crisosto,Echeverria,&Puy,2006;Testoni et al.,2008),so that Pescabivona was not classi fiable according to the most common ripening index.In fact,the pulp firmness values in Pescabivona were not linked to unripe fruit features (Bruhn et al.,1991;Castellari,2002;Crisosto et al.,2006).Soluble solids content,expressed by °Brix,(Table 1)did not give rise to statistically signi ficant differences among the landraces and among the al-titudes.°Brix measure is mainly affected by sugars content.However,fruit sweetness is not strictly related to sugar content but it is widely controlled by acidity (Castellari,2002)that acts as an antagonist,and also by flavor (Crisosto et al.,2006).Moreover,°Brix itself is an index in fluenced by all the soluble constituents.The correlation between °Brix and sucrose or total sugar content gave acceptable results (y=0.001x+8.712,r=0.56and y=473.054x+1991.420,r=0.64,respectively),although the deter-mination coef ficients were not particularly high.As the sweetening power is strictly related to the nature of the sub-stances involved in the taste perceptions,it could be interesting to study the comparison between the sweetness and the total sugar content cor-rected with the relative sweetness for each carbohydrate (Coultate,2002):1.52for fructose,0.76for glucose,and 1.00for sucrose.Considering pH (Table 1),the fruits of the four Pescabivona land-races can be classi fied as acid (pH b 4)(Dirlewanger et al.,1999).In fact,pH values ranged between 3.5and 4.0,while the TA showed values around 0.6–0.7g/100g malic acid and a little lower for Agostina (0.45–0.49g/100g malic acid)only.However,it was not possible to find statistically signi ficant differences among landraces and altitudes.The ratio between soluble solid content and titratable acidity (SSC/TA)is the expression of taste equilibrium (Castellari,2002).Fruits with low SSC/TA values are perceived as sour,while too high values are equally unpleasant.This index ranged from 19.65to 26.79for all altitudes and landraces,except for Murtiddara 750m a.s.l.This last issue was proba-bly due to the early ripening season for the fruits harvested at the high-est altitude.3.2.Chemical determinations3.2.1.HPLC quanti fication of organic acids and sugarsEthanolic extracts were subjected to a preliminary separation by SPE cartridges to avoid coelution of fructose and quinic acid.SAX cartridges were successfully used to separate neutral substances from acidones,B-AABPeel ground colourPeel over colour Pulp ground colourFig.1.Color distance related to peel ground color,peel over color,and pulp ground color among landraces [A]and among altitudes [B].Murtiddara (M),Bianca (B),Agostina (A),Settembrina (S).Table 1Physico-chemical parameters of the four landraces harvested at three different altitudes expressed as the mean values of three replicates (±SD).Results of two way ANOVA are reported as F value **p ≤0.01;*p ≤0.05;n.s.=not signi ficant.MurtiddaraBiancaAgostina Settembrina 2-way ANOVA Meters a.s.l.250500750250500750250500750250500750Ld a Al b Weight (g)Mean 194.71182.22164.60199.22198.76197.07207.64197.00194.98220.16224.31178.96n.s.n.s.±SD 19.8021.8214.5212.4720.7117.8618.9817.1916.0124.8719.9817.40Pulp firmness (kg/0.5cm 2)Mean 2.54 2.88 3.70 3.84 3.24 3.76 3.48 3.13 4.37 4.41 4.49 4.74**n.s.±SD 0.51 1.030.980.96 1.000.700.530.510.490.640.750.47Pulp pH Mean 3.61 3.76 3.50 3.74 3.76 3.55 3.89 3.82 3.84 3.70 3.71 3.71n.s.n.s.±SD solid content (°Brix)Mean 13.6213.6811.6814.7114.6613.9313.1411.7711.8612.0815.0212.69n.s.n.s.±SD 1.29 1.100.87 1.29 1.39 1.24 1.11 1.090.980.970.730.36TA c (g/100g malic acid)Mean 0.570.650.770.690.750.620.490.460.450.540.760.61n.s.n.s.±SD dMean23.9421.0315.3521.3219.6522.5226.7925.8326.3522.7820.1121.05n.s.n.s.a Landraces.b Altitudes.c Titratable acidity.dSoluble solid content/titratable acidity.126G.Montevecchi et al./Food Research International 45(2012)123–131although their use entailed two injections for each sample.Excellent re-covery for all the organic acids and sugars were found out.Filtration through a nylon membrane,a fundamental step before HPLC sample injection,suppressed the matrix-effect due to UV absorb-ing substances,as a consequence of the ability of nylon to adsorb phenolics.A method of literature (Chinnici et al.,2005)was subjected to minor adjustments to improve separation of malic and quinic acid in isocratic mode,as required for refractive index detector stability.H 2SO 4solutions (pH 1.3and 2.7)and three CH 3CN concentrations (0,5,and 10%)were tested to cover all the working range of the column.Retention times of organic acids decreased when pH increased,as a consequence of the enhancing of the ion exclusion effect.With pH=2.7,malic acid eluted before quinic acid apart from CH 3CN percentage.The best combi-nation of the two parameters was reached with 10%CH 3CN at pH 2.7.Sugar separation was easily achieved with no organic modi fier.Calibration was performed with external standard method,with a very good signi ficance (R 2>0.990)for all the substances.Repeatability showed RSDs lower than 10%for all substances except quinic acid (about 15%).The organic acid concentrations (Table 2)were according to the data of literature (Dirlewanger et al.,1999;Esti et al.,1997;Perez et al.,1997).The same consideration can be applied for sugars (Cantín,Gogorcena,&Moreno,2009),except for fructose.Its concentration,in fact,was very high if compared to literature (Perez et al.,1997).On the other hand,other works reported higher content for glucose and fructose (Robertson,Meredith,Horvat,&Senter,1990).Although sugar and organic acid concentrations were proper of “ready-to-eat ”peaches,pulp firmness was quite high as strongly sug-gested to satisfy consumer expectation (Brovelli et al.,1998).Citric and malic acids were the most abundant organic acids with a prevalence of the latter.In particular,citric acid showed signi ficant dif-ferences among the landraces,while malic acid among the altitudes,and samples collected at 500m a.s.l.had the greatest content.The low amount of citric acid of Agostina was very interesting.For this reason,Agostina showed the highest SSC/TA,although the sugar content was not the highest.Succinic and quinic acids were present in comparable amount,but the former showed signi ficant differences among landraces (p ≤0.05),while quinic acid,with a concentration quite variable,showed great dif-ferences among landraces (p ≤0.01)and altitudes (p ≤0.05).Sucrose was the most abundant sugar (Table 2),ranging from 55g/kg (Murtiddara,750m a.s.l.)to 86g/kg (Settembrina,at 500m a.s.l.).Su-crose low content and low malic acid/citric acid ratio con firmed the greenness of 750-m Murtiddara.Considering the microclimate differ-ences among various growing locations,the four landraces had sucroseTable 2Organic acid (mg/100g),sugar (mg/100g),flavan-3-ol (as catechin,mg/kg),hydroxycinnamic acid (as chlorogenic acid,mg/kg)concentrations,and antioxidant activity (mg vi-tamin C equivalent/kg fresh peach)of the four landraces at three different altitudes expressed as the mean values of three replicates (±SD).The values are also showed as μmol Trolox equivalent/g fresh peach.Results of two way ANOVA are reported as F value **p ≤0.01;*p ≤0.05;n.s.=not signi ficant.MurtiddaraBianca Agostina Settembrina 2-way ANOVA Meters a.s.l.250500750250500750250500750250500750Ld a Al b Organic acids Citric acid Mean 188.2207.2340.8192.0220.8169.*n.s.±SD 26.320.638.612.929.628.413.612.312.013.422.521.6Malic acid Mean 313.5424.3359.7461.8489.4413.2356.5446.1391.5427.6646.5388.7n.s.*±SD 19.345.922.473.624.147.921.927.424.026.339.723.9Quinic acid Mean 5.4 4.7 4.414.512.743.***±SD 3.4 3.2 4.67.0 3.824.6 5.5 6.9 5.6 3.9 1.5 5.8Succinic acidMean 14.322.217.415.412.922.428.533.*n.s.±SD6. Fructose Mean 788.8801.21107764.110311041936.5822.5811.2761.5510.41040n.s.n.s.±SD 67.0166.329.4137.648.9107.867.565.853.545.350.365.8Glucose Mean 455.1513.7682.5742.5910.3863.5714.0655.6593.9644.0693.2705.4*n.s.±SD 17.7131.29.1133.938.156.815.834.644.535.847.587.4SucroseMean 804972985499589071516124570167355364673086306235n.s.*±SD 537.6813.4295.81148.0229.6445.7324.6567.8435.6643.5954.6456.8Phenolics Flavan-3-ols eMean 170912231169159521901702167311601587184021471888n.s.n.s.±SD 443.4207.2168.2298.6314.2142.0112.6290.319.848.0212.2148.5Hydroxycinnamic acids e Mean 202.7178.5196.1227.4303.5226.0131.8103.4128.7145.6174.9206.9*n.s.±SD fMean 289527202581329045783577202813421886219222912402**n.s.±SD 206.5337.3402.2648.2438.3393.8113.6142.571.051.1197.7126.2Hydroxycinnamic acids fMean 345.3411.0412.8490.4681.7543.0261.4193.1262.8328.2319.6393.1**n.s.±SD 17.954.273.192.613.446.636.820.419.116.536.714.0Antioxidant capacitymg VCEAC c /kg fresh peach e Mean 112990680012291518124590355180079910281112*n.s.±SD 96.4190.7144.9183.0168.1126.5146.8105.255.068.0166.0116.0μmol TEAC d /g fresh peach e 5.4 4.3 3.8 5.97.2 5.9 4.3 2.6 3.8 3.8 4.9 5.3mg VCEAC c /kg fresh peach f Mean 18321825170321382918224212947861071132015151696**n.s.±SD117.8323.8283.2232.2287.5242.9219.273.314.460.4178.664.6μmol TEAC d /g fresh peach f8. 6.2 3.8 5.1 Landraces.b Altitudes.c Vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity.d Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (Calculated from VCEAC value.See Section details).e In pulp.fIn peel.127G.Montevecchi et al./Food Research International 45(2012)123–131。
中国当代医药2020年8月第27卷第24期CHINA MODERN MEDICINE Vol.27No.24August 2020·妇幼医学·婴幼儿腹泻是临床上一种较为常见的肠道疾病,主要表现为腹泻、呕吐等症状,其中腹泻分为急性腹泻和慢性腹泻。
结果观察组患儿的临床治疗总有效率(94.44%)高于对照组(83.33%),差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗后,观察组患儿的腹泻次数、吐奶次数少于对照组,体重高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
[关键词]益生菌;乳糖酶;乳糖不耐受;婴幼儿;慢性腹泻[中图分类号]R725.7[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2020)8(c)-0151-03Clinical effect of probiotics combined with Lactase in the treatment of chronic diarrhea caused by lactose intolerance in infants and young chil⁃drenZHANG Ying HUANG Ming-Jian ZHANG Kai-Zhen Department of Pediatrics,Haizhu District Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510000,China[Abstract]Objective To explore the clinical effect of probiotics combined with Lactase in the treatment of chronic di⁃arrhea caused by lactose intolerance in infants and young children.Methods A total of 36children with chronic diar⁃rhea caused by lactose intolerance admitted to our hospital from August 2019to January 2020were selected as the re⁃search objects,and they were divided into the control group and the observation group according to the random number table method,with 18cases in each group.The control group was treated with Lactase,and the observation group wastreated with probiotics (Clostridium Caseate Bivalent Viable Powder)combined Lactase.Treatment effect,number of di⁃arrhea,number of vomiting and weight changes were compared between two groups of children.Results The total effec⁃tive rate of treatment of children in the observation group was 94.44%,which was higher than that of the control group of 83.33%,the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).After treatment,the numbers of diarrhea and milking in the observation group were fewer than those in the control group,and the weight was higher than that in the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion The combination of probiotics and Lactase is effective in treating chronic diarrhea caused by lactose intolerance in infants and young children.It can effectively re⁃ducing the frequency of diarrhea and vomiting in children,increasing the weight of children,and is worthy of clinical application.[Key words]Probiotics;Lactase;Lactose intolerance;Infants and young children;Chronic diarrhea[基金项目]广东省广州市海珠区科技计划项目(海科工商信计2018-31)151·妇幼医学·中国当代医药2020年8月第27卷第24期CHINA MODERN MEDICINE Vol.27No.24August 2020泻症状改善不明显,因此考虑是否有部分婴幼儿同时存在肠道菌群失调加重其腹泻症状[2]。
Potential mechanisms explaining why hydrolyzed casein-based diets outclass single amino acid-based diets in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes in diabetes-prone BB ratsJ.T.J.Visser 1*N.A.Bos 2L.F.Harthoorn 3F.Stellaard 4S.Beijer-Liefers 1J.Rozing 1E.A.F.van Tol 31Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 2Institute of Medical Education,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 3Mead Johnson Nutrition,Evansville,IN,USA4Department Laboratory Medicine,Laboratory of Liver,Digestive and Metabolic Diseases,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands *Correspondence to:Jeroen Visser,Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,A.Deusinglaan 1,9713AV Groningen,The Netherlands.E-mail:j.t.j.visser@med.umcg.nlAbstractBackground It remains controversial whether avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers,such as cow ’s milk proteins,can prevent type 1diabetes in genetically susceptible individuals.Here,different extensive casein hydrolysates (HC)and single amino acid (AA)formulations were tested for their effect on mechanisms underlying autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis in diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats.Intestinal integrity,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune reactivity were studies to assess whether these formulations have differential effects in autoimmune diabetes prevention.Methods Diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats received diets in which the protein fraction was exchanged for the different hydrolysates or AA compositions,starting from weaning until the end of the experiment (d150).Diabetes development was monitored,and faecal and ileal samples were collected.Gut microbiota composition and cytokine/tight junction mRNA expression were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction.Cytokine levels of ileum explant cultures were measured by ELISA,and intestinal permeability was measured in vivo by lactulose-mannitol assay.Results Both HC-diet fed groups revealed remarkable reduction of diabetes incidence with the most pronounced effect in Nutramigen W -fed animals.Interestingly,AA-fed rats only showed delayed autoimmune diabetes development.Furthermore,both HC-fed groups had improved intestinal barrier function when compared with control chow or AA-fed animals.Interestingly,higher IL-10levels were measured in ileum tissue explants from Nutramigen W -fed rats.Bene ficial gut microbiota changes (increased Lactobacilli and reduced Bacteroides spp.levels)were found associated especially with HC-diet interventions.Conclusions Casein hydrolysates were found superior to AA-mix in autoimmune diabetes prevention.This suggests the presence of speci fic peptides that bene ficially affect mechanisms that may play a critical role in autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis.Copyright ©2012John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Keywords autoimmune diabetes;hydrolysed casein;amino acids;intestinal barrier;gut microbiota;mucosal immune systemIntroductionType 1diabetes (T1D)is an autoimmune disease leading to the destruction of the insulin producing b -cells in the islet of Langerhans.Both genetic andR ES E A R C H A RT I C L EReceived:8December 2011Revised:16March 2012Accepted:2April 2012DIABETES/METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2012;28:505–513.Published online in Wiley Online Library ()DOI:10.1002/dmrr.2311environmental factors play a causal role in the induc-tion of T1D.It seems well established–in both animal models and clinical studies–that environmental factors such as diet and intestinal microbial antigens play an important role in the onset of T1D[1–3].These diabe-togenic triggers from food sources,including cow’s milk proteins,may induce an immune cascade eventually leading to the autoimmune process typical of T1D[1–3].Two decades ago,it was hypothesized that cow’s milk protein was a potential dietary trigger of T1D[4–6], based on epidemiological data[7],as well as the higher prevalence of antibodies against bovine serum albumin and casein in sera of T1D patients[8].Hence,it has been suggested that cow’s milk protein avoidance may prevent autoimmune diabetes in the diabetes prone(DP) BioBreeding(BB)rat[9].Later epidemiological studies did seem to contradict this hypothesis where a cow’s milk protein containing diet reduced autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BB rat[10,11].Nevertheless,it remains plausible to hypothesize that avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers will modulate diabetes development.Several groups,including our own,have found that casein hydrolysates reduced autoimmune diabetes development in rodent models of T1D[12–16].These observations in animal models led to the instigation of the Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk[17].The preliminary results of a Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk pilot study in Finland suggest that casein hydrolysates reduce autoim-mune reactivity against theß-cell in children at risk for T1D development[17].Until now,little is known about the qualitative differ-ences or mechanisms of action of the casein hydrolysates or single amino acids in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes.This is important to know,because it may not be just cow’s milk protein avoidance but also specific functional peptides in casein hydrolysates that may contribute to the prevention of autoimmune activation in the development of T1D.To study this concept,different casein hydrolysates as well as single amino acid formulations were compared with a whole protein containing lab chow for their efficacy in preventing autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat.For this purpose,different mechanisms that may contribute to the development of autoimmune reactivity,that is,intestinal barrier function,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune function were studied. MethodsAnimalsDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were maintained and bred at the Institutional Central Animal Facility of UMCG as previously described[18].Animal care and handling was in compliance with the principles of laboratory animal care(NIH publication no.85–23;revised1985), and the animal experiments were approved by the local UMCG Ethical Board for Animal Studies.Diets and intervention protocolDietsThe rats received the following diets:(1)A standard control diabetogenic lab chow(Rmh-B2181,AB Diets, Woerden,the Netherlands)with similar macronutrient composition as the experimental basal mix(TD08102, Harlan-Teklad,Madison WI,USA).The basal mix was supplemented with a replacement for the protein fraction by(2)Nutramigen W Hydrolysed Casein(Mead Johnson Nutrition,Zeeland,MI,USA),(3)Pancase™Hydrolysed Casein(Sensient Flavours,Strassbourg,France),and(4) amino acid(AA)mix(Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Emmersville,WI,USA).Intervention protocolThe four groups of DP-BB rats were fed ad libitum the specific diets from weaning(d21)until the end of the experiment(d150).Faecal samples were collected at 56days of age,65days of age,at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period.Intestinal ileal tissue samples were collected at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period(d150).Monitoring for diabetes onsetDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were monitored for the development of T1D until150days of age.Animals were weighed three times per week.In case of weight loss,blood glucose was measured in tail vein blood using blood glucose test strips(Accu Check Comfort,Roche Diagnostics,The Netherlands).When blood glucose(non-fasting)exceeded 11mmol/L on two consecutive days or once≥15mmol/L, rats were considered diabetic and sacrificed.At diabetes onset or at endpoint(if animals did not develop diabetes; 150days of age),rats were sacrificed and gut tissue and blood were collected for analysis.The development of T1D in DP-BB rats is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).These infiltrating immune cells destroy the insulin producingß-cells.The degree of insulitis was rated on a scale of1–4as described previously by Visser et al.[19,20].Briefly,1,normal islet appearance and no infiltration;2,mild insulitis,where macrophages/mononuclear cells are around and not affecting more than50%of the islet;3,severe insulitis, where macrophages/mononuclear cells completely penetrate and infiltrate the islets;4,end-stage islets.Per pancreas section,an average histological insulitis score was calculated by adding up the histological insulitis score of each islet and dividing it by the total number of islets counted.On average,10–20islets were counted per animal.The result is the average score of two analysis performed independently by two persons.506J.T.J.Visser et al.Lactulose-mannitol test for measuring intestinal permeability in vivoThe lactulose-mannitol(LA/MA)test is a non-invasive technique to measure intestinal barrier function in vivo[21]. At65days of age,6–8animals per group were randomly chosen and subjected to a LA/MA test.A LA/MA test as described by Meddings et al.[21]was performed before the onset of diabetes at65days of age.Briefly,a stock solution was made containing4g mannitol and6g lactulose per100mL distilled water.Each rat was given 2mL of the probe.Rats were placed in stainless steel metabolic cages with wire bottoms to separate faeces from urine.Plastic tubes were mounted underneath a spout on the bottom of each cage to collect urine.Rats were denied access to water for 3h,at which point they were allowed free access to water for the remainder of the experiment.Urine was collected for a total of24h,at which point the rats were returned to their normal cages and monitored until150days of age for T1D development.Urine volumes were measured,and the urine composition was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).HPLC analysisBriefly,cellobiose was added as an internal standard,and the urine wasfiltered through a0.4-m mfilter and diluted as necessary.Samples were deionized and then injected on a Dionex MA-1ion exchange column.Sugars were eluted with NaOH at aflow rate of0.4mL/min with a concentration gradient from400to600mM.Peaks were detected using pulsed amperometric detection on a Dionex HPLC and quantified as peak areas.Calibration was performed on a daily basis with authentic standards at multiple concentrations,and the experimental standards were diluted so that the areas of all peaks fell within the calibration range.Final data were reported as a ratio of fractional excretions(lactulose-mannitol).Fractional excre-tion is defined as the fraction of the gavaged dose recovered in the urine sample.Quantitative PCRFrom the diabetic(between70and150days of age)or nondiabetic rats(150days of age)ileal tissue(Æ1cm) was obtained,frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at À80 C.RNA was isolated from seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),11Pancase S fed rats (eight diabetic and three nondiabetic),12Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and six nondiabetic)and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of genes encoding TJ-related proteins,IFN-g and TNF-a could be studied for all animals.Expression of IL-10could be measured for the seven control rats,seven Pancase S fed rats(five diabetic and two nondiabetic),11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic)and ten AA-mix fed rats(nine diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of TGF-ßcould be measured for the seven control rats,ten Pancase S fed rats(seven diabetic and three nondiabetic), 11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic) and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic). For RNA isolation,tissue was homogenized in1mL of TRI reagent(Sigma-Aldrich,Zwijndrecht,The Netherlands), and the RNA concentration determined using a nanodrop (ND-1000,Isogen,Maarsen,The Netherlands)at230nm. Isolated RNA of5m g was converted to cDNA using the SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase kit(Invitrogen Life Technologies,Breda,The Netherlands).In order to measure differences in expression levels of genes encoding for TJ-related proteins(Myo9B,claudin-1,claudin-2, occludin)and cytokines(IL-10,TGF-ß,IFN-g and TNF-a), transcript levels of the subsequent genes and the reference gene hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-transferase(HPRT) were quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)as described previously[16].Primer sequences were as follows:Myo9B forward CGCAGTCGTGTGAGCAGTGT and revers ACTCTTCCTC-CGTCCAGTGT;claudin-1forward ATTGGCATGAAGTGCAT-GAG and reverse CCACTAATGTCGCCAGA CCT;claudin-2 forward GCTCCGTGAGTATCTGCTCTG and reverse TCA-CAG TGTCTCTGGCAAGC;occludin forward CCATGTCTGT-GAGGCCTTTT and reverse AAAGAGTATGCCGGCTGAGA; HPRT forward GCGAAAGTGGAAAAGCCAAGT and reverse GCC ACATCAACAGGACTCTTGTAG;IL-10forward AGT-GAAGACCAGCAAAGGC reverse TCATTCATGGCCTTGTA-GACAC;TGF-ßforward GACCGCAACAACGCAATCTA reverse ACCAAGGTA ACGCCAGGAAT.Real-time PCR analysis was performed using iQ SYBR Green Supermix(Bio-Rad Laboratories,Veenendaal,The Netherlands)according to the manufacturer’s instructions on an iCycler iQ Real-Time PCR Detection System(Bio-rad),using the following programme:3min95 C,40 cycles of(30s95 C and30s at60 C,10s at58 C) and then80times an increase in temperature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.Results were expressed as ratio target gene:HPRT according to a mathematical method described by Pfafflet al.[22].Snap well assay for measuring IL-10 release by ileum explantsIL-10release by ileum explants was measured in vitro by snap well assay as described by Visser et al.[16].Briefly, a small sample(of a standard length of50mm)was taken from the ileum.In the time(15min)between sacrifice and mounting in the snapwells(Corning B.V., Schiphol-rijk,The Netherlands),the samples were kept in incubation medium(IM;DMEM+4.5g glucose, Gibco,Breda,The Netherlands)at4 C.The dissected ileum tissue was cleaned,cut into smaller fragments, rinsed with IM and mounted in snap well inserts,with the mucosal side facing upwards.The insert was then placed in a pre-warmed six wells plate containing2mL of IM in each well.On top of the insert450m L IM was added.After mounting,the inserts in the six wells plate were incubated for8h at37 C.After incubation,theHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D507supernatants of the upper compartments were collected, and IL-10levels were measured by ELISA(Beckton Dickinson).Measuring bacterial DNA in rat faecal samples by qPCRBacterial DNA was isolated of seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),12Pancase S fed rats(eight diabetic and four nondiabetic),Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and seven nondiabetic)and13AA-mix fed rats (11diabetic and two nondiabetic).Bacterial DNA was isolated and analysed by qPCR as described previously [23].Briefly,DNA from faecal samples was extracted using the PSP Spin Stool Kit(Invitek,Berlin,Germany)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.After isolation,the concentration of DNA was measured with the Nanodrop method as described previously[16].DNA was diluted to 10ng/m L.A qPCR with the SYBR Green detection system (Bio-Rad)was performed on the samples,using group-specific primers based on bacterial16S ribosomal DNA. To detect all bacteria,the following universal bacte-rial primer set was used:UnivF340-ACTCCTACGGGAGG-CAGCAGT and UniR514-ATTACCGCGGCTGCGGC.The bacteria representative for the Bacteroides were measured with the primers BactF285-GGTTCTGA-GAGGAAGGTCCC and UnivR338-GCTGCCTCCCGTAG-GAGT;Lactobacillus group LABF-AGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCA and LABR-CACCGCTACACATGGAG;Eubacterium rectale/ Clostridium coccoides group(Erec)UniF338-ACTCCTACGG-GAGGCAGC and CcocR-GCTTCTTAGTCAGGTACCGT-CAT;Mouse intestinal bacteroides group UniF516-CCAG-CAGCCGCGGTAATA and MIBR-CGCATTCCGCATACTTCTC. Each primer set was evaluated against reference bacterial strains for primer efficiency and specificity.See supple-mentary table1for detailed information about primer sets (design and validation)and reference strains.Each reaction mixture was composed of12.5m L SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(Bio-rad),2m L of primer mix (10pmol/m L each),8.5m L of sterile H2O and2m L of stool DNA(10ng/m L).For the negative control,2m L of sterile H2O was added to the reaction mix.The amplification programme consisted of one cycle of95 C for3min (enzyme activation),then40cycles of95 C for10s and 58 C for30s.After the amplification programme,the programme was as follows:95 C for1min,58 C for 1min,58 C for10s,then80times an increase in temper-ature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.The qPCR was performed in triplicate,for both standards and samples. Each plate had a standard curve.Internal standard curves were constructed from serial dilutions of reference bacterial strain genomic DNA,in order to translate the qPCR values into number of bacte-ria/g faeces.Briefly,the reference strain was cultured, DNA was extracted,and the amount of DNA was measured using the Nanodrop.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of all bacteria per ng DNA were done as follows:Escherichia coli,genome size(i.e.1bacteria)is4.7Â106bp,which is 5.07Â10À15g(1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So1ng DNA isolated from an E.coli culture repre-sents1.97Â105bacteria.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of Bacteroides spp.per ng DNA were done as follows:Bacteroides fragilis,genome size (i.e.1bacteria)is5.2Â106bp,which is5.6Â10À15g (1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So 1ng DNA isolated from a B.fragilis culture represents 1.79Â105bacteria.The amount of bacteria per ng sample DNA is then calculated using the standard curve.This calcu-lation was also performed for the other bacteria tested using the specific genomic size of each bacterium.Because the amount of DNA isolated per gramme faeces is known,the number of bacteria per gramme faeces can be calculated. Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was done by using the software package of Graphpad Prism version4(Graphpad Software,San Diego,CA,USA).Difference in diabetes incidence between the different diets was calculated by the log rank test for Kaplan–Meier survival curves.Differences between the four treatments groups in LA/MA ratio,mRNA expression of ileal tight junction proteins and cytokines,and IL-10production in snapwell cultures was calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Mann–Whitney U-test to identify the differ-ences between the groups.Differences in gut microbiota were analysed by paired T-test.Correlations were tested for significance using the Spearman correlation method.A p-value<0.05was considered statistically significant. ResultsDiabetes incidence and histology of pancreas tissueAll experimental diets delayed the development of autoimmune diabetes,based on clinical manifestations (e.g.weight loss,blood glucose,etc.),in the DP-BB rat as shown in Figure 1.However,only the hydrolysed casein-based diets(Pancase S and Nutramigen W)resulted in both a delay and significant reduction of diabetes devel-opment,with the Nutramigen W fed group showed the lowest incidence of diabetes at the age of150days.The development of autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).As expected,the diabetic rats showed severe insulitis (score above3),and the nondiabetic rats show a low insulitis score(below1.5);no differences were observed between the different treatment groups(data not shown). The insulitis scores in the nondiabetic rats at150days of age are comparable with the insulitis scores of healthy diabetes resistant BB rats[19].508J.T.J.Visser et al.Intestinal barrier functionality established by LA/MA testThe effect of the different diets on the intestinal barrier function in vivo was measured by the LA/MA test.Interestingly,when performing the in vivo intestinal permeability measurement for the combined study groups,the prediabetic urinary LA/MA ratio measured at 65days of age revealed a strong negative correlation with the day of diabetes onset (Figure 2,left image).Hence,early increased intestinal permeability seems to be associated with autoimmune diabetes development later in life.As shown in Figure 2,the hydrolysed casein-based diets signi ficantly reduced the urinary LA/MA ratio re flecting improved intestinal barrier function in vivo ,whereas the AA-mix based diet had no effect on the intestinal barrier function as measured by the LA/MA test.Expression of tight junction mRNA in ileal tissueAt endpoint,as compared with the control diet group,all the experimental diets resulted in an increased ileal mRNA expression of claudin-1(Figure 3).With regard to ileal occludin mRNA expression,Kruskal –Wallis analysis of the four groups together showed no signi ficance (p =0.3).However,separate comparison between the control group and the three different treatment groups by Mann –Whitney U -test showed a difference between the Nutramigen fed group and the control group.It has to be noted that this result might be affected by the two outliers in the Nutramigen fed group.As compared with the control diet group,none of the experimental diets affected ileal Myo9B and claudin-2mRNA expression.Cytokine pro file of ileum tissueAt endpoint,Kruskal –Wallis analysis showed a trend (p ≤0.1)between dietary intervention and ileal IL-10mRNA expression and production (Figures 4and 5).After performing Mann –Whitney analysis,only the Nutramigen W based diet resulted in a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10mRNA expression as compared with the control diet (Figure 4).Furthermore,a trend (p =0.1)could be observed for increased TGF-ßmRNA expression in ileum tissue of Nutramigen W fed rats.No differences between the various treatment groups could be observed with regard to IFN-g and TNF-a mRNA expression (data not shown).In addition,IL-10protein production of ileal tissue was measured in vitro in the supernatants of snapwell cultures.Again,only DP-BB rats fed the Nutramigen W based diet have a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10protein production (Figure 5),which extended the mRNA data.Gut microbiota analysisFeeding the hydrolysed casein and AA-mix diets resulted in a decline of relative Bacteroides spp.levels in the gut microbiota of DP-BB rats,whereas in the control rats,the Bacteroides spp.levels remained stable over time (Figure 6).The Nutramigen and AA-mix fed groups showed a decline after 65days of age,whereas the Pancase S fed rats showed a decline atendpoint.Figure 1.Kaplan Meijer curve showing diabetes development in DP-BB rats fed the control diet (n =15),Pancase S based diet (n =14),a Nutramigen W based diet (n =15)and an AA-mix based diet (n =15).*,p <0.05for mean day of onset and incidence as compared with controls;#,p <0.05for mean day of onset as com-pared with controls.The experiment was ended at 150days ofageFigure 2.Correlation between urinary lactulose-mannitol (LA/MA)ratio at 65days of age and day of diabetes onset (left image)and urinary LA/MA ratio at 65days of age in DP-BB rats on the indicated diets (right image).Group sizes for (B):Controls (n =6),Pancase S (n =7),Nutramigen W (n =8)and AA-mix (n =8).In (B),the data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls and AA-mix groupHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 509Interestingly,the control group and the AA-mix fed rats showed a decline of lactobacilli levels over time,whereas the lactobacilli levels in the Pancase S and Nutramigen levels remained stable.The AA-mix fed rats showed already,at 65days of age,very low lactobacilli levels as compared with the controls and hydrolysed casein fed rats.No differences were observed between diabetic and non-diabetic rats and with regard to total bacterial load,mouse intestinal bacteroides and Erec levels (data not shown).DiscussionThe HC-based diets revealed a reduction of autoimmune diabetes incidence in the DP-BB rats at 150days ofageFigure 3.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of occludin (A),Myo9b (B),claudin-1(C)and claudin-2(D)in DP-BB rats fed the indi-cated diets.Data are expressed by a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05;**,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 4.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of IL-10(A)and TGF-ß(B)in DP-BB rats fed the indicated diets.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 5.IL-10production in vitro at endpoint by ileal tissue explants mounted in snapwells.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =4),Pancase S (n =6),Nutramigen W (n =9),and AA-mix (n =11)510J.T.J.Visser et al.with the Nutramigen W based diet having the most pronounced effect.Somewhat unexpected in this study,the AA-mix based diet,which completely avoided complete proteins,only showed a delay in the onset of autoimmune diabetes when compared with the control diet.This differential effect on autoimmune diabetes development between the HC diets and the AA-mix based diet suggests involvement of speci fic functionality of small peptides in the casein hydrolysates on mechanisms underlying autoim-mune diabetes pathogenesis in the DP-BB rat.Several observations showed that gut microbiota have a strong impact on diabetes development in animal models of T1D [24–29].Lowering intestinal bacterial load in NOD mice and DP-BB rats by antibiotics reduced and delayed autoimmune diabetes development [24,25,28,29].Gut microbiota manipulation by antibiotics combined with HC even completely prevented autoimmune diabetes in DP-BB rats [24].However,germ-free nonobese diabetic (NOD)mice and DP-BB rats show robust autoimmune diabetes development [27–29].This suggests that a certain level of exposure to gut microbes is essential for protection against T1D development.In addition,in DP-BB rats,the composi-tion of the gut microbiota determined the chance to developautoimmune diabetes [24,26].DP-BB rats with low intes-tinal levels of Bacteroides spp.did not develop autoimmune diabetes,whereas the rats with high levels of these bacteria developed autoimmune diabetes [24].Interestingly,expo-sure of DP-BB rats to Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2delayed and prevented autoimmune diabetes development [26].In view of these results,it is reasonable to hypothesize that lactobacilli might be associated with the prevention of autoimmune diabetes and Bacteroides spp.bacteria might be associated with the induction of autoimmune diabetes.Intriguingly,recent preliminary data with a small group of four T1D patients indicate that high intestinal Bacteroides spp.levels and low intestinal lactobacilli levels might be associated with an increased chance to develop T1D [30].From the results presented here,it is reasonable to conclude that speci fically,the HC-based diets induced the development of a more bene ficial or protective gut microbiota associated with a lower chance to develop autoimmune diabetes [24,26,30]and characterized by low Bacteroides spp.and high lactobacilli levels.This change in the gut microbiota might be one of the factors responsible for the delay and/or reduction in autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BBrat.Figure 6.Longitudinal faecal bacteria levels of the individual rats exposed to the different experimental diets.Relative levels of Bacteroides spp.(top)and lactobacilli (bottom)expressed as proportion (%)of total bacteria.Data are expressed as mean ÆSEM.56d:(56days of age),65d:(65days of age)and End:(endpoint).*,p <0.05as compared with 56days of age.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =12),Nutramigen W (n =12),and AA-mix (n =13)HC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 511。
英语作文-如何评估医学护肤品制造行业规模The medical skincare industry is a burgeoning field that intersects healthcare and beauty, encompassing a wide range of products designed to maintain skin health and treat various skin conditions. Evaluating the scale of this industry requires a multifaceted approach, considering factors such as market size, growth trends, consumer demographics, and technological advancements.Market Size and Growth Trends。
To assess the market size, one can start by examining the revenue generated from the sale of medical skincare products. This includes over-the-counter items, prescription-based treatments, and professional services offered by dermatologists and aestheticians. The industry has seen a steady increase in demand, attributed to a growing awareness of skin health and the aging population seeking anti-aging solutions.Consumer Demographics。
结果阿卡波糖组的糖化血红蛋白、空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖优于格列吡嗪组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 阿卡波糖;格列吡嗪;2型糖尿病;血糖;效果分析[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)05(b)-0112-04 Comparsion of Acarbose and Glipizide in Reducing Blood Glucose in Pa⁃tients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusZHU Weiguo, LIANG Ming, JIA QiangqiangDepartment of Pharmacy, Guanyun County People´s Hospital, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 222200 China [Abstract] Objective To study the therapeutic effect and pharmacological value of acarbose and glipizide in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods A total of 120 patients with type 2 diabetes who received medical treatment in Guanyun County People´s Hospital of Lianyungang City from January to December 2022 were selected as the research objects and divided into two groups with 60 patients in each group by random number table method. Glipizide group was treated with glipizide group, and acarbose group was treated with acarbose group. Blood glucose level, therapeutic effect and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose of the acarbose group were better than those of glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The total effective rate of the acarbose group was 96.67%, which was higher than 88.33% of the glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2= 5.689, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion When acarbose is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, it can better stabi⁃lize blood glucose and other related test values, and also meet the needs of patients in terms of drug safety.[Key words] Acarbose; Glipizide; Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Blood glucose; Effect analysis在中老年人群中,2型糖尿病的发病率极高[1],临床症状非常典型,极易诱发肾病、视网膜病等多种并发症[2]。
Increased Proportions of Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus Group and Loss of Butyrate-Producing Bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseWei Wang,a Liping Chen,a Rui Zhou,a,b Xiaobing Wang,a Lu Song,a Sha Huang,a Ge Wang,a Bing Xia a,bDepartment of Gastroenterology/Hepatology,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China a;Hubei Clinical Center&Key Laboratory of Intestinal&Colorectal Diseases,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China bDysbiosis in the intestinal microbiota of persons with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)has been described,but there are still varied reports on changes in the abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus organisms in patients with IBD.The aim of this investi-gation was to compare the compositions of mucosa-associated and fecal bacteria in patients with IBD and in healthy controls (HCs).Fecal and biopsy samples from21HCs,21and15Crohn’s disease(CD)patients,and34and29ulcerative colitis(UC) patients,respectively,were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR targeting the16S rRNA gene.The bacterial numbers were transformed into relative percentages for statistical analysis.The proportions of bacteria were uniformly distributed along the colon regardless of the disease state.Bifidobacterium was significantly increased in the biopsy specimens of active UC patients compared to those in the HCs(4.6%versus2.1%,P؍0.001),and the proportion of Bifidobacterium was significantly higher in the biopsy specimens than in the fecal samples in active CD patients(2.7%versus2.0%,P؍0.012).The Lactobacillus group was significantly increased in the biopsy specimens of active CD patients compared to those in the HCs(3.4%versus2.3%,P؍0.036).Compared to the HCs,Faecalibacterium prausnitzii was sharply decreased in both the fecal and biopsy specimens of the active CD patients(0.3%versus14.0%,P<0.0001for fecal samples;0.8%versus11.4%,P<0.0001for biopsy specimens)and the active UC patients(4.3%versus14.0%,P؍0.001for fecal samples;2.8%versus11.4%,P<0.0001for biopsy specimens).In conclusion,Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus group were increased in active IBD patients and should be used more cau-tiously as probiotics during the active phase of IBD.Butyrate-producing bacteria might be important to gut homeostasis.C rohn’s disease(CD)and ulcerative colitis(UC)are two formsof inflammatory bowel disease(IBD),a condition driven by an abnormal immune response to the intestinal microbiota in genetically susceptible hosts(1–3).Dysbiosis of the intestinal mi-crobiota is common in IBD.Evidence from antibiotic treatment of IBD,fecal stream diversion in CD,and experimental models of colitis have shown that microbiotas play an important role in the pathogenesis of IBD,and the improvement of dysbiosis in the intestinal microbiota has been propounded as a new strategy for IBD treatment(4).Probiotics are live microorganisms that have health benefits to the host when consumed in adequate amounts,and clinical stud-ies indicate that the quantity of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus organisms decreases in the intestinal microbiotas of IBD patients(4).Several clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of VSL#3,a mixture of eight different probiotics,for the treatment of UC patients(5,6),and single-species probiotic treatment,such as one with Escherichia coli Nissle1917,Bifidobacterium,or Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG,also displays efficacy in the management of pa-tients with UC(7–9).Meanwhile,experimental studies in colitis mouse models have demonstrated the potential protective mech-anisms of these probiotics,through their reinforcement of the epithelial barrier(10,11),inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine secretion(12,13),and modulation of immune responses(14, 15).Few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of probiotics in CD patients.One study suggested that Faecalibacterium prausnitzii prevents2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid(TNBS)-induced colitis(16).However,studies have shown that the diversity of the genus Bifidobacterium is not decreased in the feces of patients with active CD(17)and that the numbers of Bifidobacterium organisms do not decrease in active CD patients(18).A twin study even found an increased abundance of Bifidobacterium and F.prausnitzii or-ganisms in the mucosal samples of colonic CD patients,as well as an elevated abundance of Lactobacillus organisms in the mucosal samples of ileal CD patients(19).These reports seem to be in conflict with previous data.To investigate the changes caused by common probiotics in IBD patients,we used real-time PCR to quantify bacteria in mu-cosal biopsy specimens and fecal samples of patients with IBD. Furthermore,we also determined the proportional differences of the dominant commensal bacteria between paired fecal and mu-cosal samples.MATERIALS AND METHODSPatients and samples.Chinese patients of Han ethnicity with UC and CD were consecutively recruited from among the outpatients and inpatientsReceived12June2013Returned for modification26July2013Accepted7November2013Published ahead of print13November2013Editor:B.A.ForbesAddress correspondence to Bing Xia,bingxiawh@.W.W.and L.C.contributed equally to this article.Supplemental material for this article may be found at /10.1128/JCM.01500-13.Copyright©2014,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.doi:10.1128/JCM.01500-13 Journal of Clinical Microbiology p.398–406February2014Volume52Number2in the Department of Gastroenterology at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan,China.Patients diagnosed with IBD based on data from clinics,radiology,endoscopy,and histology were included in the study.The protocol was approved by the ethics commission of Zhongnan Hospital.The subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding environmental exposure,dietary habits,and antibiotic,probiotic,and drug use.The subjects were required to be adults with an unrestricted diet.Subjects with positive stool cultures of pathogens who were taking anti-biotic or probiotic treatments or colon-cleansing products in the 3months before sampling were excluded.Next,the subjects were invited to participate in the study and provided informed consent.They were askedto expel stool onto a sterile petri dish directly before bowel preparation,and a fresh stool sample was collected on-site and immediately was trans-ferred to the laboratory with an ice box within 1h and stored at Ϫ80°C for further analysis.Subsequently,a magnesium sulfate solution and water were used for bowel preparation,colonoscopy was followed by video en-doscopy,and biopsy specimens were taken from different gut locations.The collection procedure for the fecal and biopsy specimens was accom-plished within 24h.The fecal and biopsy specimens were collected from 76and 63sub-jects,respectively (Table 1).Active CD and active UC were defined as a CD activity index of Ͼ150and a UC activity index of Ͼ3(20,21),respectively.Meanwhile,21healthy controls were matched for stool samples and biopsied tissues,and there were also 8patients with active CD,3patients with CD in remission,16patients with active UC,and 4patients with UC in remission.DNA extraction from biopsy and fecal specimen materials.DNA was extracted from 200mg of feces.Briefly,200mg of stool was added to a 2-ml microcentrifuge tube prefilled with 300mg of 0.1-mm glass beads (Sigma,USA)and incubated on ice until the addition of 1.4ml stool lysis (ASL)buffer from the QIAamp DNA stool minikit (Qiagen,Germany).The samples were immediately subjected to bead beating (45s;speed,6.5m/s)twice using a FastPrep-24machine (MP Biomedicals,USA)before heat and chemical lysis at 95°C for 5min.The subsequent steps of DNA extraction were performed according to the QIAamp kit protocol for pathogen detection.The biopsy specimen DNA was extracted using the QIAamp DNA minikit (Qiagen,Germany)according to the manufactur-er’s instructions,with an additional bead-beating step (45s;speed,6.5,performed twice)using a FastPrep-24at the beginning of the protocol.The extracted DNA was stored at Ϫ80°C for further analysis.Amplification by conventional PCR to check primer specificity.A Bio-Rad PCR machine (Bio-Rad,USA)was used for conventional PCR to check primer specificity.The primers (Table 2)were purchased fromTABLE 1Numbers of specimens by patient group,disease status,and specimen type Patient group Disease status Biopsy location No.of specimens:No.of matched biopsy/fecal specimens Biopsy Feces CDActiveIleum 9158Colon 12Rectum 12Quiescent Ileum 263Colon 3Rectum 3UC Active Colon 222916Rectum 22QuiescentColon 554Rectum 5HC ControlIleum 212121Colon 21Rectum21TABLE 2Group-and species-specific 16S rRNA primers used Target Primer direction Sequence (5=to 3=)Annealing T m (°C)Product size (bp)Reference no.All bacteriaForward ACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAGT 6120044Reverse GTATTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCAC Bacteroides Forward GTCAGTTGTGAAAGTTTGC 61.512745Reverse CAATCGGGAGTTCTTCGTG Bifidobacterium Forward AGGGTTCGATTCTGCTCAG 6215645Reverse CATCCGGCATTACCACCC C.coccoides group (XIVa)Forward AAATGACGGTACCTGACTAA 60.744046Reverse CTTTGAGTTTCATTCTTGCGAA C.leptum group (IV)Forward GTTGACAAAACGGAGGAAGG 6024538Reverse GACGGGCGGTGTGTACAA F.prausnitzii Forward AGATGGCCTCGCGTCCGA 61.519934Reverse CCGAAGACCTTCTTCCTCC Lactobacillus group bForward GCAGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCA 61.534047Reverse GCATTYCACCGCTACACATG E.coli Forward GTTAATACCTTTGCTCATTGA 6134046Reverse ACCAGGGTATCTAATCCTGTT -Globin geneForward CAACTTCATCCACGTTCACC *a26828ReverseGAAGAGCCAAGGACAGGTACa Based on detected bacterial T m .bLactobacillus group PCR primers used to amplify bacteria,including the Lactobacillus ,Pediococcus ,Leuconostoc ,and Weissella group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB).Bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseFebruary 2014Volume 52Number 399ShengGong BioTech(ShengGong,China).PCR consisted of35cycles, with an initial DNA denaturation step at95°C(30s),followed by gradi-ent annealing temperature(30s)and elongation at72°C(45s).The procedure was completed with afinal elongation step at72°C(10min). The determinations of optimum temperature were performed using a MyCycler gradient PCR machine,which was adjusted for various tem-perature ranges(Bio-Rad,USA).Real-time PCR.Bacterial16S rRNA gene copies were quantified in mucosal tissue and feces using an iCycler real-time PCR detection system(Bio-Rad,USA).Briefly,standard curves were constructed with a10-fold dilution series of amplified bacterial16S rRNA genes from the reference strains.To determine the influence of biopsy specimen sizes of mucosal tissue,the human cell numbers were quantified using primers specific for the-globin gene to determine the total number of mucosa-associated bacteria in the biopsy specimens.To reduce the quantitative error of the detected bacteria and to characterize the changes in bacterial copies,the abundance of16S rRNA gene copies was calculated from standard curves,and specific bacterial groups were expressed as a percentage of the total bacteria determined by the universal primers.Each reaction was performed in duplicate and re-peated three times.The amplifications were performed in afinal reac-tion volume of20l containing2ϫSYBR mix(GeneCopoeia,USA), 0.4l of each primer at afinal concentration of0.2M,0.4l of ROX (5-carboxy-X-rhodamine)reference dye,2l of bacterial DNA,and ultrapure water to20l.The amplification protocol consisted of one cycle of95°C for10min,followed by40cycles of95°C for10s,an-nealing temperature for30s,and72°C elongation for30s.Thefluo-rescent products were detected at the last step of each cycle.Melting curve analysis was performed from the annealing temperatures to95°C at an increase of0.5°C per10s after amplification to monitor the target PCR product specificity andfidelity.Statistical analysis.Data analysis was conducted using SPSS17.0. Comparisons were made using Student’s t test or a one-way analysis of variance for variables with normal distributions.For nonnormal distribu-tions,the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons between groups,and the Kruskal-Wallis method was used to compare more than two groups.P values ofϽ0.05were considered statistically significant. The total bacterial counts(CFU/g)of each bacterium in the fecal samples were log transformed(log10CFU)for statistical analysis.Specific bacterial counts were expressed as a percentage of the total bacterial counts of each sample.RESULTSClinical characteristics.The demographic and clinical character-istics of the IBD patients are shown in Tables S1and S2in the supplemental material.Percent variation of bacteria in feces.The average bacterial quantifications of feces in each group are summarized in Table3. The comparisons of the fecal bacteria in all groups are shown in Fig.1a and b.The total numbers of bacteria in the fecal samples were similar between the healthy control(HC),CD,and UC pa-tients,and no significant differences were observed.Interestingly,we unexpectedly observed an increase of Bifido-bacterium and the Lactobacillus group in both the active CD(A-CD)and active UC(A-UC)patients,but neither of these popula-tions was significantly different from those in the HCs.However, the proportion of Bifidobacterium was higher in A-UC patients than in A-CD patients.The proportions of Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus group were decreased in quiescent-IBD patients compared to active-IBD patients.We also observed a trend of increased Bacteroides organisms in A-CD and A-UC patients compared to healthy controls,but no significant differences were observed.Furthermore,the propor-tion of Bacteroides was lower in quiescent-IBD patients than in active-IBD patients.The Clostridium coccoides group decreased significantly in the feces of both A-CD(Pϭ0.004)and A-UC patients(Pϭ0.015).The Clostridium leptum group,another main group of the Firmicutes phylum,was decreased in A-CD(PϽ0.0001)and A-UC(PϽ0.0001)patients and decreased in R-CDTABLE3Quantification of bacteria in fecal microbiotaDisease group %(meanϮSD)of the indicated bacterial species/group:Bacteroides C.coccoides C.leptum F.prausnitzii Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus E.coliHC14.566Ϯ12.16129.048Ϯ12.75019.618Ϯ10.55814.023Ϯ10.593 1.244Ϯ2.059 2.260Ϯ3.588 1.597Ϯ4.483 A-CD28.444Ϯ22.85015.593Ϯ12.977 1.703Ϯ2.1640.260Ϯ0.575 1.986Ϯ3.442 4.268Ϯ7.073 6.344Ϯ6.505 R-CD23.957Ϯ19.38917.738Ϯ10.466 5.843Ϯ7.541 4.266Ϯ6.078 1.575Ϯ1.673 2.324Ϯ2.537 5.676Ϯ5.687 A-UC26.958Ϯ22.10119.583Ϯ14.767 5.466Ϯ5.106 2.248Ϯ2.860 2.943Ϯ7.410 3.315Ϯ3.43114.742Ϯ17.474 R-UC28.892Ϯ13.47222.617Ϯ8.24711.784Ϯ11.3577.600Ϯ3.795 2.819Ϯ3.326 2.615Ϯ2.630 2.310Ϯ4.607 FIG1(a)Quantification of total bacteria in feces;(b)quantification of dominant bacteria in feces.HC,healthy control;ACD,active Crohn’s disease;RCD, Crohn’s disease in remission;AUC,active ulcerative colitis;RUC,ulcerative colitis in remission.*,PϽ0.05;**,PϽ0.0001.Wang et al. Journal of Clinical Microbiologypatients (P ϭ0.036)compared to in the HCs.We found that the decreased proportion of C.leptum was higher in A-CD patients than in A-UC patients (P ϭ0.014).Although the proportions of C.coccoides and C.leptum in feces showed a rising trend in patients with quiescent IBD,there was no significant difference between quiescent IBD and active IBD patients.F.prausnitzii ,a represen-tative bacterium of the C.leptum group,was decreased both in patients with A-CD (P Ͻ0.0001)and in those with A-UC (P ϭ0.001).The decrease in the proportion of F.prausnitzii in patients with A-CD was significant compared with that in A-UC patients (P ϭ0.01).F.prausnitzii was increased in quiescent IBD patients,but no significant differences were observed compared with pa-tients with active IBD.E.coli ,the most abundant bacterium in the Gammaproteobacteria ,was increased in both CD and UC patients.The proportion of E.coli increased in active-CD (P ϭ0.005)and quiescent-CD (P ϭ0.026)patients compared to that in the HCs.Additionally,the proportion of E.coli increased in active-UC pa-tients (P ϭ0.001)compared to HCs,and the proportion de-creased in quiescent-UC (P ϭ0.05)patients compared with active-UC patients.Moreover,we found that the increased pro-portion of E.coli was more striking in the active-UC than in the active-CD patients (P ϭ0.027).Percent variation of bacteria in different gut locations.To determine whether the percentages of commensals varied signifi-cantly in the different gut locations,we compared the bacterialproportions among the three biopsied locations (Fig.2).The total number of mucosa-associated bacteria in the healthy controls was consistent across the different biopsied locations.The percentages of detected bacteria were almost uniformly distributed along the colon in the healthy controls.The percentages of detected bacteria were also consistent across the different biopsied locations in pa-tients with A-CD.Interestingly,the same results were observed in patients with A-UC and UC in remission (R-UC),in whom the bacteria were almost uniformly distributed along the colon,re-gardless of whether the area was inflamed.Percent variation of bacteria in mucosal biopsy specimens.The average bacterial quantifications of the biopsy specimens in each group are summarized in Table 4.The results were also com-pared to those for HCs.In the present study,we observed a de-creased trend in total mucosa-associated bacteria in patients with CD and UC compared to in the HCs,but no significant difference was observed.Because the biopsied sample size of the CD patients in remission (R-CD)group was limited,we did not compare it with that of the healthy controls.A comparison of the bacteria found in the biopsy specimens from all groups is shown in Fig.3a and b .Bifidobacterium was increased in patients with A-UC (P ϭ0.001)compared to in the HCs,and the increased proportion of Bifidobacterium in the biopsy specimens was higher in A-UC than A-CD patients (P ϭ0.032).Again,the Lactobacillus groupunex-FIG 2Ratios of bacteria in different gut locations and feces.Shown in the upper left graph is the total number of mucosa-associated bacteria at different biopsied locations in different groups.The other five graphs show the dominant probiotic ratios in the feces and different gut locations.Bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseFebruary 2014Volume 52Number 2 401pectedly presented a significant increase in patients with A-CD (Pϭ0.036)compared to in the HCs,and although the increased proportion of the Lactobacillus group was higher in patients with A-CD than A-UC,no significant difference was observed.We also observed a rising trend in patients with A-UC,but this trend was not significant.In contrast,the percentages of Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus group presented a decreasing trend in patients with quiescent UC,but no significant differences were observed.We observed a trend of increased Bacteroides in the biopsy specimens from patients with A-CD and A-UC compared to in healthy controls,but no significant difference was observed.The proportion of the C.coccoides group in biopsy specimens was de-creased in A-CD patients(PϽ0.0001)compared to in the HCs, while no significant decrease was found in patients with A-UC. The decreased proportion of the C.coccoides group was more striking in patients with A-CD compared to A-UC(Pϭ0.003). The C.leptum group was decreased in patients with A-CD(PϽ0.0001)and A-UC(PϽ0.0001)compared to HCs,and the de-creased proportion was higher in A-CD than A-UC patients,al-though no significant difference was observed.We observed a sig-nificant decrease in the C.leptum group in patients with R-UC (Pϭ0.016)compared to in the HCs.F.prausnitzii was also de-creased in patients with A-CD(PϽ0.0001)and A-UC(PϽ0.0001)compared to in the HCs,and the decreased proportion ofF.prausnitzii was significantly higher in patients with A-CD than in patients with A-UC(Pϭ0.006).Both the C.coccoides group and F.prausnitzii exhibited a rising trend in patients with quies-cent UC compared to those with active UC,but no significant difference was observed.Additionally,E.coli significantly in-creased in the biopsy specimens in IBD patients.The proportion of E.coli was at a high level in patients with active CD(Pϭ0.018) compared to in the HCs.Moreover,E.coli also increased in active UC patients(Pϭ0.016)compare to in the HCs.Although the proportion of E.coli was higher in active CD than in active UC patients,no significant differences were was observed.Comparison of the ratio between fecal and biopsy specimens. As the detected bacteria in the intestinal mucosal biopsy spec-imens showed similar proportions regardless of the biopsied location,we determined whether the proportion was different between biopsy and fecal specimens(Fig.4).The proportion of E.coli was significantly higher in the biopsy specimens(Pϭ0.002) than in fecal samples in21healthy controls,but no significant differences were observed in the other comparisons.In eight paired A-CD cases,the proportion of Bifidobacterium was in-creased in biopsy specimens of the active CD patients(Pϭ0.012) compared to in the fecal samples.The C.coccoides group showed a decrease in the biopsy specimens of A-CD patients(Pϭ0.003) compared to the fecal samples,but this result was not found in the UC patients.Conversely,the C.leptum group and its representa-tive bacterium F.prausnitzii were decreased in the fecal samples of A-CD patients compared to in the biopsy specimens,but no sig-nificant difference was observed.Thisfinding was partly due to the small number of paired cases.However,the C.leptum group showed a decrease in the fecal samples of patients with A-UC(Pϭ0.001)compared to biopsy specimens,but not in R-UC patients. DISCUSSIONIn the present study,we investigated mucosa-associated com-mensal bacteria,as they adhere strictly to the epithelium and can provide access to the mucosa-associated microbiota of the subjects,which may play a more critical role than fecal mi-crobes in IBD pathogenesis(22).In our study,we found that the proportions of detected mucosa-associated bacteria in healthy gastrointestinal tracts were uniformly distributed along the colon,which was in accordance with thefindings from a previous study(23,24).The total bacterial counts and detected bacteria were similar across the different gut locations in the colon,regardless of the disease state,which was in line with some previous data(24,25),although reports with con-flicts data have also been published(26–30).TABLE4Quantification of bacteria in mucosal microbiotaDisease group %(meanϮSD)of the indicated bacterial species/group:Bacteroides C.coccoides C.leptum F.prausnitzii Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus E.coliHC19.030Ϯ6.59926.182ϮA.98021.957Ϯ8.08911.415Ϯ6.085 2.147Ϯ1.514 2.262Ϯ2.887 4.872Ϯ8.83 A-CD32.263Ϯ22.400 6.286Ϯ3.5148.578Ϯ7.6040.817Ϯ0.976 2.793Ϯ2.600 3.420Ϯ2.16911.666Ϯ8.796 A-UC28.393Ϯ15.35619.045Ϯ14.10613.326Ϯ6.679 2.844Ϯ2.243 4.653Ϯ2.889 3.267Ϯ2.5909.831Ϯ10.984 R-UC31.477Ϯ22.29619.542Ϯ14.44412.754Ϯ7.027 3.849Ϯ4.238 3.527Ϯ1.981 2.349Ϯ2.0080.875Ϯ0.459 FIG3(a)Total mucosa-associated bacteria in different groups.(b)Quantification of dominant bacteria in biopsy specimens.*,PϽ0.05;**,PϽ0.0001. Wang et al. Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyAs common probiotics,Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus have received considerable attention.Surprisingly,the proportion of Bifidobacterium was found to be increased in patients with active IBD.These data were partly in agreement with previous data (17),although conflicting data have also been published (31).Compar-atively,the proportion of Bifidobacterium was reduced in quies-cent CD and UC patients.However,the quantitative PCR (qPCR)results had good agreement only with 454pyrosequencing in the fecal samples.Moran et al.(32)reported that germ-free interleu-kin-10-deficient (IL-10Ϫ/Ϫ)mice administered Bifidobacterium animalis had marked duodenal and mild colonic inflammation and immune responses.Moreover,Medina et al.(33)showed that B.longum diverted immune responses toward a proinflammatory or regulatory profile,consequently producing different effects.In contrast,another study demonstrated that oral Bifidobacterium administration prevented intestinal inflammation through the in-duction of intestinal IL-10-producing Tr1cells and ameliorated colitis in immunocompromised mice (35).In the current study,the Lactobacillus group PCR primers used to amplify bacteria belong to the Lactobacillus ,Pediococcus ,Leuconostoc ,and Weissella groups of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)(25).Unexpectedly,we observed that the Lactobacillus group pre-sented marked increases in patients with active IBD,despite no significant differences in those with active UC.However,in pa-tients with quiescent IBD,the proportion of the Lactobacillus group was similar to that of the HCs in both the fecal and biopsy samples.Because it was difficult to design genus-specific primers to definitively discriminate Lactobacillus ,Pediococcus ,Leuconos-toc ,and Weissella group organisms,we quantified the Lactobacillus group with the genus primer,and the species of the Lactobacillus genus are phylogenetically diverse,with Ͼ100species docu-mented to date (36).This result may suggest that other species of the Lactobacillus genus or LAB-producing bacteria were also in-creased in active-IBD patients.A previous study showed that Lac-tobacillus can secrete lactocepin and exert anti-inflammatory ef-fects by selectively degrading proinflammatory chemokines (12).Mileti et al.(37)found that Lactobacillus paracasei displayed a delay in the development of colitis and a decreased severity of disease but that L.plantarum and L.rhamnosus GG exacerbated the development of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis.In contrast,Tsilingiri et al.(39)found that L.plantarum induced an inflammatory response in the healthy tissue cultured ex vivo at the end of incubation that resembled the response induced by Salmonella .Moreover,L.paracasei ,L.plantarum ,and L.rhamno-sus GG were detrimental in the inflamed tissue derived from IBD patients cultured ex vivo ,whereas the supernatant from the cul-ture system of L.paracasei directly acted on the tissue and down-regulated the proinflammatory activities of the existing leukocytes (39).It remains to be determined which species of Lactobacillus group is increased in patients during the active phase of IBD.Thus,the effects of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the gut lumen of active IBD patients are of importance and should be determined.Although the bacteria of the Firmicutes phylum presented a varied degree of decline,the decrease in proportion was greater in patients with A-CD than in patients with A-UC.Moreover,weFIG 4Comparison of the ratios in paired fecal and biopsy samples.*,P Ͻ0.05;**,P Ͻ0.0001.Bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseFebruary 2014Volume 52Number 2 403found that the C.coccoides group,which comprises Clostridiumcluster XIVa,including members of other genera,such as Copro-coccus,Eubacterium,Lachnospira,and Ruminococcus(38),wasmore deficient in the biopsy specimens of the A-CD patients thanin the fecal samples,and that the reduced proportion was higherthan that of C.leptum in the biopsy specimens.In contrast,previ-ous studies reported that F.prausnitzii within the C.leptum groupwas strikingly low in mucosa-associated microbiotas(40,41).Based on these results,it is tantalizing to hypothesize that the C.coccoides group was more effective in adhering to the mucosalsurface and that the decrease in the C.coccoides group in both thefecal and biopsy specimens of active CD patients,especially with astrikingly decreased proportion in the biopsy specimens,was spe-cific to CD in genetically susceptible individuals.In our study,we found that the representative bacterium ofthe C.leptum group,F.prausnitzii,nearly disappeared in bothdifferent gut locations and in feces but increased in patientswith quiescent IBD.Previous reports showed that F.prausnitziiproduces formate and butyrate and that its fermented product D-lactate provides energy for colonic epithelial cells and plays an important role in epithelial barrier integrity and immunemodulation(41,42).Additionally,Sokol et al.(16)demon-strated that F.prausnitzii exhibits a butyrate-independent anti-inflammatory effect in IBD models.Interestingly,however,Hansen et al.(43)found that F.prausnitzii was increased inpediatric CD patients at the onset of disease,but not in patientswith UC,suggesting a more dynamic role for this organism inthe development of IBD.Moreover,Willing et al.(19)reportedan increase in F.prausnitzii in colonic CD in twins with inflam-matory bowel disease but a decrease in F.prausnitzii in ilealCD.The biopsy specimens in the study by Hansen et al.weretaken from a single site:from the distal colon in controls,orfrom the most distal inflamed site in IBD.The biggest differ-ence in their data was the inclusion of subjects regardless ofwhether they accepted the conventional IBD treatment.There-fore,pharmacological treatment may be a potential con-founder in the microbial study of IBD.Previous data showedthat the abundance of F.prausnitzii decreased strikingly in pa-tients with ileal CD(28,40),and Sokol et al.(16)also foundthat F.prausnitzii presented a reduction in resected ileal Crohnmucosa and was associated with endoscopic recurrence at6months.However,our data show that F.prausnitzii was con-sistent at different gut locations in patients with CD.This maybe caused by various lifestyle and dietary habits.Our study wasfocused on the populations of central China,most of whomprefer a high-fiber diet,according to the results of our ques-tionnaire.Additionally,F.prausnitzii represented a higher av-erage proportion(11.4%)in the biopsy specimens of the HCs,and organisms with such high proportions may display variedfunctions in different mucosal sites.This remains an interest-ing pursuit for further research.This study design was based on the analysis of bacterial16S rRNAgenes and reflected the gene copy number rather than true cellcounts.Also,the rRNA gene analysis did not reflect the functionalchanges in gastrointestinal tract microbes,such as enhanced viru-lence,mucosal adherence,and invasion,which do not influence therelative proportions of species in the microbiota.Therefore,furtherstudies should be conducted on the functions of commensal bacteria.We identified specific commensal bacteria that were signif-icantly increased or decreased in individuals with CD and UC.The butyrate-producing bacteria of Clostridium clusters IV and XIVa were found to be decreased;in particular,F.prausnitzii was decreased in IBD patients.However,Bifidobacterium and the Lactobacillus group were increased in patients with active IBD. Thus,more attention should be paid to butyrate-producing bac-teria,and Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus could then be used more cautiously as probiotics in patients during the acute phase of IBD.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank all the subjects who volunteered to participate in this study.This study was supported by Hubei Science&Technology Bureau (grant no.303131796),the Fundamental Research Funds of the Central University of Ministry of Education of China(grant no.2012303020201 and201130302020004),and the National Support Project of the Ministry of Science&Technology of China(grant no.2012BAI06B03).We declare no conflicts of interest.REFERENCES1.Chassaing B,Darfeuille-Michaud A.2011.The commensal microbiota andenteropathogens in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases.Gastro-enterology140:1720–1728./10.1053/j.gastro.2011.01.054.2.Sartor RB.2006.Mechanisms of disease:pathogenesis of Crohn’s diseaseand ulcerative colitis.Nature Clin.Pract.Gastroenterol.Hepatol.3:390–407./10.1038/ncpgasthep0528.3.Sartor RB.2008.Microbial influences in inflammatory bowel diseases.Gastroenterology134:577–594./10.1053/j.gastro.2007 .11.059.4.Neish AS.2009.Microbes in gastrointestinal health and disease.Gastro-enterology136:65–80./10.1053/j.gastro.2008.10.080.5.Miele E,Pascarella F,Giannetti E,Quaglietta L,Baldassano RN,StaianoA.2009.Effect of a probiotic preparation(VSL#3)on induction andmaintenance of remission in children with ulcerative colitis.Am.J.Gas-troenterol.104:437–443./10.1038/ajg.2008.118.6.Tursi A,Brandimarte G,Papa A,Giglio A,Elisei W,Giorgetti GM,FortiG,Morini S,Hassan C,Pistoia MA,Modeo ME,Rodino’S,D’Amico T, Sebkova L,Sacca’N,Di Giulio E,Luzza F,Imeneo M,Larussa T,Di Rosa S,Annese V,Danese S,Gasbarrini A.2010.Treatment of relapsing mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with the probiotic VSL#3as adjunc-tive to a standard pharmaceutical treatment:a double-blind,randomized, placebo-controlled study.Am.J.Gastroenterol.105:2218–2227.http://dx /10.1038/ajg.2010.218.7.Kruis W,Fric P,Pokrotnieks J,Lukás M,Fixa B,Kascák M,Kamm MA,Weismueller J,Beglinger C,Stolte M,Wolff C,Schulze J.2004.Main-taining remission of ulcerative colitis with the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle1917is as effective as with standard mesalazine.Gut53:1617–1623./10.1136/gut.2003.037747.8.Kato K,Mizuno S,Umesaki Y,Ishii Y,Sugitani M,Imaoka A,OtsukaM,Hasunuma O,Kurihara R,Iwasaki A,Arakawa Y.2004.Randomized placebo-controlled trial assessing the effect of bifidobacteria-fermented milk on active ulcerative colitis.Aliment.Pharmacol.Ther.20:1133–1141./10.1111/j.1365-2036.2004.02268.x.9.Zocco MA,dal Verme LZ,Cremonini F,Piscaglia AC,Nista EC,Candelli M,Novi M,Rigante D,Cazzato IA,Ojetti V,Armuzzi A, Gasbarrini G,Gasbarrini A.2006.Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in main-taining remission of ulcerative colitis.Aliment.Pharmacol.Ther.23: 1567–1574./10.1111/j.1365-2036.2006.02927.x.10.Zakostelska Z,Kverka M,Klimesova K,Rossmann P,Mrazek J,Ko-pecny J,Hornova M,Srutkova D,Hudcovic T,Ridl J,Tlaskalova-Hogenova H.2011.Lysate of probiotic Lactobacillus casei DN-114001 ameliorates colitis by strengthening the gut barrier function and changing the gut microenvironment.PLoS One6:e27961./10.1371 /journal.pone.0027961.11.Patel RM,Myers LS,Kurundkar AR,Maheshwari A,Nusrat A,Lin PW.2012.Probiotic bacteria induce maturation of intestinal claudin3expres-sion and barrier function.Am.J.Pathol.180:626–635. /10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.10.025.12.von Schillde MA,Hörmannsperger G,Weiher M,Alpert CA,Hahne H,Bäuerl C,van Huynegem K,Steidler L,Hrncir T,Pérez-Martínez G,Wang et al. 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史学敏,刘珊娜,杜茜. 鄂尔多斯地区酸粥细菌多样性分析及乳酸菌的分离鉴定[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(9):153−159. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060261SHI Xuemin, LIU Shanna, DU Xi. Bacterial Diversity Analysis of Sour Porridge from Ordos and Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(9): 153−159. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060261· 生物工程 ·鄂尔多斯地区酸粥细菌多样性分析及乳酸菌的分离鉴定史学敏1,刘珊娜1,2, *,杜 茜1(1.天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300392;2.天津市农副产品深加工技术工程中心,天津 300392)摘 要:以采集自内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区的8个酸粥样品为研究对象,利用Illumina MiSeq 高通量测序技术,对样品进行细菌菌群结构及多样性研究,分离鉴定其优势菌株。
结果表明:8个样品中的细菌主要来自厚壁菌门(Firmicutes )和变形菌门(Proteobacteria ),乳酸杆菌属(Lactobacillus )和醋酸杆菌属(Acetobacter )为优势菌属。
对上述样品中的乳酸菌进行分离纯化,通过生理生化试验结合分子生物学方法,鉴定获得1株干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei ),1株发酵乳杆菌(Lactobacillus fermentum ),2株植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum )和4株副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei )。
2021年5月第42卷第10期食品研究与开发专题论述~=~218DOI : 10.12161/j.issn.l005-6521.2021.10.034MLST 在乳酸菌鉴定及其多样性分析中的应用赵尘培,姜琳琳* ,张建龙,陈国忠,于馨,朱洪伟,张兴晓*基金项目:山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2020QC227);烟台市重点研发计划(2020YT06000171)作者简介:赵尘培(1996-),女(汉),硕士研究生,研究方向:乳酸菌筛选及鉴定。
*通信作者凄琳琳(1986-),女(汉),讲师,博士,研究方向:益生菌功能研究;张兴晓(1973-),男(汉),教授,博士,研究方向:微生物 与免疫学研究。
多位点序列分型(multilocus sequence typing , MLST )是一种基于核酸序列测定的细菌分型方法,能够准确地从亚种水平进行菌株分类,在鉴定物种的遗传多样性方面发挥重要作用。
该文概述MLST 技术的原理、方法、优缺点及其在乳酸菌分类鉴定及遗 传多样性方面的研究现状,为乳酸菌株的鉴定提供理论依据。
关键词:乳酸菌;多位点序列分型;鉴定;遗传多样性Application of MLST in Identification and Diversity Analysis of Lactic Acid BacteriaZHAO Chen-pei, JIANG Lin-lin *, ZHANG Jian-long, CHEN Guo-zhong, YU Xin, ZHU Hong-wei,ZHANG Xing-xiao *(School of Life Sciences , Ludong University , Yantai 264025, Shandong , China )Abstract : Lactic acid bacteria is a type of important probiotic bacteria found in the intestines of healthy humansand animals. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the dynamic equilibrium of the intestinal microecology. Because their functions are strain -specific , it is essential to develop a rapid and reliable molecular markertechnique for the identification of different species of lactic acid bacteria. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) isa method employed for bacterial gene typing and is based on DNA sequencing. Moreover, MLST can simultaneously identify strains at the subspecies level and has been used for the analysis of the genetic diversityof lactic acid bacteria. The aim of the present study was to describe the basic principle , methods , advantagesand disadvantages of MLST, while highlighting the suitability of MLST for the identification and classification oflactic acid bacteria.Key words : lactic acid bacteria; multilocus sequence typing; identification; genetic diversity引文格式:赵尘培,姜琳琳,张建龙,等.MLST 在乳酸菌鉴定及其多样性分析中的应用[J].食品研究与开发,2021, 42(10):218-224.ZHAO Chenpei , JIANG Linlin , ZHANG Jianlong , et al. Application of MLST in Identification and Diversity Analysis ofLactic Acid Bacteria[J]. Food Research and Development , 2021, 42( 10) : 218—224.乳酸菌(lactic acid bacteria,LAB)是一类能够发酵 糖类物质最终产物为乳酸的革兰氏阳性细菌。
特产研究169Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant ResearchDOI:10.16720/ki.tcyj.2022.083植物乳杆菌的生理特性及影响其增殖的因素马翠柳1,王金铭1,袁伟涛1,赵德辉2,刘晗璐3※(1.中国农业科学院特产研究所,吉林长春130112;2.河北科技师范学院,河北秦皇岛066000;3.赤峰学院,内蒙古赤峰024000)摘要:植物乳杆菌作为一类有益菌,在人类生产生活中应用广泛。
关键词:植物乳杆菌;生理特性;增殖中图分类号:TS201.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-4721(2023)03-0169-05Physiological Characteristics and Factors of Proliferationon MA Cuiliu1,WANG Jinming1,YUAN Weitao1,ZHAO Dehui2,LIU Hanlu3※(1.Institute of Special Animal and Plant Sciences of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun130112, China;2.Hebei scientific and technical teachers'college,Qinhuangdao066000,China;3.Chifeng University,Chifeng024000,China)Absrtact:As a sort of probiotic,Lactobacillus plantarum was widely used in human production activity,metabolites with the antibacterial effects and immunomodulatory produced in the growth works as well as antibiotics.Carbon source and nitrogen source are essential culture medium,which dominate the generation of cell and synthesis of metabolic substance.Proper temperature,pH,bacterial load and so on play a key role in multiplicative process and performance.The medium and fermentation conditions of cultivate Lactobacillus plantarum are re-viewed,which would lay a foundation for increasing production efficiency and enhancing benefit.Keywords:Lactobacillus plantarum;physiological characteristics;proliferation乳酸菌为当今益生菌生产应用中最广泛的菌种,乳酸杆菌属包含50多个不同的物种,在乳酸菌中占据主要地位。
•论著•糖尿病肾病患者肠道菌群分布变化与炎症指标相关性分析李雷张帆方飞沈知行赵进和湖州市第三人民医院老年内科313000通信作者:赵进和,Email:54765806@,电话:137****9030【摘要】目的探讨糖尿病肾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)患者相关肠道菌群分布变化与炎症指标的相关性。
比较三组肠道菌群分布及变化、炎症指标[肿瘤坏死因子a(tumor necrosis factor alpha,TNF-a)、白细胞介素6(interleukin6,IL-6)、白细胞介素8(interleukin8,IL-8)A超敏C反应蛋白(high sensitive C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)]水平,并分析肠道细菌水平与炎症指标的相关性。
结果TNF-a、IL-6、hs・CRP水平比较:DKD组〉T2DM组〉对照组,差异有统计学意义[(29.46±9.71)vs(20.94±6.55)vs(8.55±2.21)ng/L,(30.64±10.17)vs(21.31±6.38)vs(8.91±2.25)ng/L,(418.15±12.44)vs(325.23±l1.62)vs(279.41±9.46)|xmol/L,P<0.05];DKD组、T2DM组的IL-8水平明显高于对照组[(6.16±1.28)vs(5.54±0,84)(P<0.05)]o三组乳酸杆菌数、酵母菌数比较,差异无统计学意义(Q0.05);三组双歧杆菌数、真杆菌数比较:DKD组VT2DM组V对照组[(5.73±0.35)vs(7.38±0.67)vs(9.88±2.73),(7.95±0.74)vs(9.04±0.86)vs(10.06±0.66),P<0.05];三组大肠杆菌数比较:DKD组〉T2DM组>对照组,差异有统计学意义[(11.36±0.43)vs(10.51±0.34)vs(9.89±0.52),P<0.05]o Pearson分析显示,双歧杆菌数与TNF-a JL-6JL-8.hs-CRP均呈负相关(PvO.05);真杆菌数与TNF-a JL-6.hs-CRP呈负相关(PvO.05);大肠杆菌数与TNF-a JL-6.IL-8.hs-CRP均呈正相关(P<0.05)o结论DKD患者肠道细菌分布和数量及炎症因子水平均有异常表现,且二者密切相关,关注T2DM患者肠道菌群及炎性因子水平或可为慢性肾病防治提供新思路。
Analysis of bacterial diversity in the intestine of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus )based on 16S rDNA gene sequencesShaofeng Han 1,Yuchun Liu 1,Zhigang Zhou 1,Suxu He 1,Y anan Cao 1,Pengjun Shi 1,Bin Yao 1&Einar RingÖ21Key Laboratory for Feed Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture,Feed Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing,China2Norwegian College of Fishery Science,Faculty of Biosciences,Fisheries and Economics,University of TromsÖ,TromsÖ,NorwayCorrespondence:B Y ao and Z Zhou,Key Laboratory for Feed Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture,Feed Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,No.12Zhongguancun South Street,Beijing 100081,China.E-mail:yaobin@;zhou_zg@AbstractIn the current study ,we assessed bacterial diversity in the gut content of pond-reared grass carp (Cteno-pharyngodon idellus ),in the associated habitat envir-onments (pond water and sediment)and in the ingested food (commercial feed and the reed Phrag-mites australis )by analysing 16S rDNA sequences from clone libraries.The highest bacterial diversity was observed in the gut content and was determined by the total number of operational taxonomic units,Shannon diversity index (H ),Shannon equitability index (E H ),Coverage (C good )and rarefaction curves calculated from the 16S rDNA gene libraries.Our data indicated that allochthonous gut microbes of grass carp were distinctively di¡erent from the corre-sponding environmental microbes.The pairwise si-milarity coe⁄cient (C s )for microbe communities between gut content and ingested food was higher than for those between the gut content and habitats,indicating that the allochthonous microbiota identi-¢ed in the intestines of grass carp were phylogeneti-cally closer to those in the ingested food than to those in the habitat.Based on our study and previous research,we suggest that the digesta of grass carp harbours a microbiota phylogenetic core of Proteo-bacteria and Firmicutes and this observation deserves further investigations with respect to a po-tential pool of probiotics to grass carp.Keywords:grass carp,Ctenopharyngodon idellus ,intestinal bacterial diversity ,16S rDNAIntroductionGastrointestinal (GI)microbiota participate in sev-eral important physiological functions of the host,in-cluding digestion,development of the mucosal system,angiogenesis and protection against disease (Macfarlane &Macfarlane 1997;Hooper,Midtvedt &Gordon 2002).It is generally accepted that identi¢ca-tion of the GI microbiota is undoubtedly important for understanding the functional mechanisms be-tween the microbes and the host (Go mez &Balca zar2008).Di⁄culties in analysing the complexity of bac-terial community using classic methods of cultiva-tion have necessitated the development of molecular methods.In order to overcome these problems,var-ious methods such as denaturing gradient gel elec-trophoresis (DGGE)(Muyzer,W aal &Uitterlinden 1993),£uorescence in situ hybridization (Huber,Spanggaard,Appel,Rossen,Nielsen &Gram 2004),temporal temperature-gradient electrophor-esis (Navarrete,Magne,Mardones,Riveros,Opazo,Suau,Pochart &Romero 2010)and clone libraries (Kim,Brunt &Austin 2007;Brons &Elsas 2008;Na-varrete,Espejo &Romero 2009;W ard,Blaire,Penn,Methe&Detrich 2009)have been used in order to cir-cumvent the need for microbial isolation.The DGGE-based method is a useful tool for separ-ating gene fragments but has strict length limitations (generally o 500bp)(Myers,Fischer,Lerman &Man-iatis 1985)and often fails to establish an exact identi-¢cation of the fragments using the BLAST program (Altschul,Gish,Miller,Myers &Lipman 1990).InAquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02543.xr 2010The AuthorsAquaculture Research r 2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd47addition,it only detects the dominant bacterial species in the environments(Muyzer et al.1993). The generation of16S rDNA clone libraries that con-tain near-full-length16S rDNA sequences would likely result in more precise sequence identi¢cation than sequences obtained from DGGE(Brons&Elsas 2008).The grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)is a her-bivorous freshwater¢sh of the Cyprinidae family and these¢sh are widely cultivated for food in China.The output was44million tonnes in2008and com-prised420%of the total freshwater-cultured¢sh annual output(Ministry of Agriculture,China 2009).Members of the Cyprinidae family have also been introduced to Europe and the United States for aquatic weed control(Chilton&Muoneke1983). During the last three decades,some papers have been published in which the gut microbiota of grass carp were identi¢ed using traditional methods such as freshwater agar and some selective culture media (Trust,Bull,Currie&Buckley1979;Zhou,Chen, Zhang&Chen1998;Luo,Chen&Cai2001;He, Zhang,Xie,Hao,W ang&He2008).Recently,Huang, Shi,W ang,Luo,Shao,W ang,Y ang and Y ao(2009)stu-died the intestinal bacterial community of grass carp by PCR ampli¢cation of the V3region of16S rDNA and by DGGE;to our knowledge,a16S rDNA clone library has not been generated for the identi¢cation of grass carp gut microbiota,however.The diversity of the GI microbiota of¢sh is in£u-enced by environmental factors such as ingested food and habitat(Sugita,Oshima,Tamura&Deguchi1983; Nieto,Toranzo&Barja1984).However,the correla-tion between gut microbiota and its corresponding environmental microbiota is per se not fully under-stood,and whether the grass carp gut harbours a mi-crobiota phylogenetic core(the common phyla within the gut contents of grass carp from di¡erent backgrounds)has not been addressed.In the present study,we identi¢ed the allochthonous intestinal mi-crobiota of the grass carp by generating a16S rDNA library comprised of sequences from samples of grass carp gut content,the associated habitat(pond water and sediment)and the ingested food(commercial feed and natural food).Materials and methodsSample preparationGrass carp was raised in a poly-culture pond of grass carp,gibel carp(Carassius auratus gibelio)and blunt-nose black bream(Megalobrama amblycephala)in the suburb of Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province,China.A description of the pond as well as the¢sh and pond water,sampling methods and sampling procedure is presented in W ang,Zhou,He,Liu,Cao,Shi,Y ao and RingÖ(2010).Twelve grass carp were randomly col-lected from the pond.Pond water and sediment sam-ples were collected from the same pond locations (n54).Sediment samples were collected using a mud dredger(VG,Beijing Purity Instruments,Beij-ing,China)and were pooled before analysis.In addi-tion,feed samples($200g)were obtained from the automatic feeder.Samples of the reed(Phragmites australis)available for ingestion by grass carp were collected from four randomly chosen sites in the pond.Samples were stored on ice for transport to the lab and then kept atÀ201C until analysis.After ex-amining all¢sh(12),gut contents from six grass carp having identical gut fullness were used.The gut sam-ples chosen were visually full of food ingested and the digesta were gently squeezed out under sterile condi-tions and pooled before analysis.Pooled samples were used to avoid erroneous conclusions due to in-dividual variations in gut microbiota as described elsewhere(Spanggaard,Huber,Nielsen,Nielsen,Ap-pel&Gram2000;He,Zhou,Liu,Shi,Y ao,RingÖ& Y oon2009).DNA extractionTotal DNAwas extracted from5g sediment or feed as described by Tsai and Olson(1991).Extracted DNA was puri¢ed using the Gel Cycle-Pure DNA kit (Takara,Tokyo,Japan)according to the manufac-turer’s instructions and used as template DNA for PCR ampli¢cation.DNA was extracted from pond water as described elsewhere(Gernert,Gl˛ckner, Krohne&Hentschel2005).DNA was extracted from ¢sh gut content using the hexadecyltrimethylammo-nium bromide(CTAB)method,which involves a step of suspending the samples in CTAB extraction bu¡er (Thakuria,Schmidt,Mac Siu rta in,Egan&Doohan 2008).To obtain reed DNA,5g reed sample was cut into small pieces,transferred to a sterile triangular £ask containing20mL PBS bu¡er and10glass beads (0.5cm diameter)and then agitated at4g for30min. The mixture was allowed to settle for10min,and the supernatant was transferred into a sterile tube and centrifuged at14000Âg for15min at41C.Total DNA was extracted from the precipitate using the DNA extraction kit(Takara).Intestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al.Aquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56r2010The Authors 48Aquaculture Research r2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^56PCR ampli¢cation and16S rDNA library constructionUniversal primers27f and1492r(Martin-Laurent, Philippot,Hallet,Chaussod,Germon,Soulas&Ca-troux2001),which anneal at nucleotide positions 8^27and1492^1513of the16S rDNA gene(Escheri-chia coli numbering),respectively,were used for16S rDNA library construction.PCR reaction conditions were as described by Martin-Laurent et al.(2001). PCR products($1300bp)were puri¢ed,cloned into the pGEM-T vector and transformed into E.coli XL1-blue(Promega,Southampton,UK)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Blue/white selection was used for clone screening.For each sample type, $100clones containing correct inserts($1300bp) were randomly selected,veri¢ed by PCR ampli¢cation using the27f/1492r primer set and sequenced by Sun-biotech(Beijing,China).Data analysisThe16S rDNA clone library sequences were sub-mitted to the CHECK_CHIMERA program of the Riboso-mal Database Project to detect possible chimeric artefacts(Cole,Chai,Farris,W ang,Julam,McGarrel, Garrity&Tiedje2005).All sequences were subjected to similarity searches using the BLAST program (Altschul et al.1990)after removing unreliable sequences at the30and50ends.Using the TSYS-PC program(version 2.1,Jandel Scienti¢c,San Rafael,CA,USA),sequences identi¢ed in the current study were integrated into an anno-tated tree based on parsimony.The relative abun-dance(%)of an operational taxonomic unit(OTU; the clones with100%sequence similarity),represent-ing the ratio of the number of the clones of a speci¢c OTU to the total number of clones,was considered to be signi¢cant when the value was more than1.5-fold higher or less than0.5-fold lower than the abunda-nce of any other OTU.The Shannon diversity index was calculated using the equation H5ÀS RA i ln(RA i),and the Shannon equitability index was cal-culated using the equation E H5H/ln(S)(where RA i is the proportion of the i th OTU and S is the total number of OTUs)(Dethlefsen,Huse,Sogin&Relman 2008).The Coverage(C good)was calculated according to Good(1953)using the equation C good51ÀN1/the total number of OTUs(where N1is the number of OTUs with only one clone).Cluster analysis was based on the unweighted pair group method using the arithmetic mean algorithm(UPGMA).In this study,the bacterial communities with a pairwise si-milarity coe⁄cient(C s:the measure of the similarity of two samples by UPGMA)o0.60were regarded as di¡erent,those with0.60C s o0.80were consid-ered to be marginally di¡erent and those with C s!0.80were considered to be similar(W ang et al. 2010).Rarefaction curves were created using the spe-cies diversity function of the ECOSIM700statistical software(Gotelli&Entsminger2002).ResultsThe phylogenetic a⁄liations of the16S rDNA genes isolated from the gut content of grass carp and from corresponding habitat and food samples are shown in Table1.After removing unreliable sequence data, a total of490clones were identi¢ed,including100 clones from gut samples,102clones from feed sam-ples,88clones from reed samples,100clones from pond water samples and100clones from sediment samples.The dominant bacterial phylum identi¢ed in each sample type was Proteobacteria(Fig.1).Spe-ci¢cally,the dominant class of bacteria in grass carp gut,feed,pond water and sediment samples was g-Proteobacteria,which comprised28.0%,33.3%, 46.0%and49.0%,respectively,of the total bacterial content.The dominant class in reed samples was Bacteroidetes,with a relative abundance of18.2% (Table1).However,unclassi¢ed bacteria comprised a large proportion of the bacteria in each sample type: 21.0%,31.4%,13.6%,42.0%and37.0%in gut content, feed,reed,pond water and sediment samples respec-tively.The OTUs with the greatest relative abundance in gut content,feed,reed,pond water and sediment were OTU36(99%similarity to Pseudomonas aerugi-nosa;FM209186),OTU10(99%similarity to Bacillus sp.;AY822760),OTU34(98%similarity to uncul-tured b-Proteobacterium;EU753670),OTU64(99% similarity to the uncultured bacterium,DQ394301) and OTU35(100%similarity to Enterobacter sp.; EF175731)respectively(Table1).The diversity of the allochthonous intestinal bac-terial community in the grass carp gut and in the cor-responding ecosystem components is presented in Fig.2.The total number of OTUs was the highest in the gut content(48),followed by pond water(29), reed(19),sediment(18)and feed(13).The Shannon diversity index(H)in the gut content was3.465,high-er than that in the associated habitat and food sam-ples.Similar trends were observed in the Shannon equitability index(E H)values and the CoverageAquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56Intestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al.r2010The AuthorsAquaculture Research r2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^5649Table1Phylogenetic a⁄liation of16S rDNA gene phylotypes isolated from the gut content of grass carp and from associated food and habitat samplesÃOTU Relative abundance(%)Closest relative in GenBank(accession no.)Similarity tothe closestrelative(%)PhylogeneticgroupGut content(100clones)Feed(102clones)Reed(88clones)Water(100clones)Sediment(100clones)OTU1 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Actinomyces naeslundii(AJ635359.1)94Actinobacteridae OTU2 2.0b0.0a 1.1b0.0a0.0a Arthrobacter sp.(AJ810894.1)98Actinobacteridae OTU3 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Curtobacterium sp.(EF411134.1)99Actinobacteridae OTU4 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Curtobacteriumflaccumfaciens(AM410688.1)99ActinobacteridaeOTU5 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Microbacterium phyllosphaerae(EF143430.1)98Actinobacteridae OTU6 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Bacillus coagulans(DQ297928.1)99BacillalesOTU7 1.0b 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a Bacillus massiliensis(DQ350816.1)99BacillalesOTU8 4.0c 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a Bacillus megaterium(DQ660362.1)99BacillalesOTU9 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Bacillus pumilus(EU221329.1)99BacillalesOTU10 2.0ab19.6c 4.5b 1.0a 2.0ab Bacillus sp.(AY822760.1)99BacillalesOTU11 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Exiguobacterium sp.(DQ019168.1)99BacillalesOTU12 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Geobacillus toebi(AY608982.1)99BacillalesOTU13 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Staphylococcus kloosii(DQ093351.1)91BacillalesOTU14 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Ureibacillus koreensis(DQ348072.1)99BacillalesOTU15 2.0b0.0a13.6c0.0a0.0a Ureibacillus thermosphaericus(AB101594.1)99BacillalesOTU16 1.0b0.0a18.2d 3.0c0.0a Uncultured Bacteroidetes(EF612369.1)94Bacteroidetes OTU17 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Clostridium sp.(AY188850.1)99ClostridiaOTU18 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Low G1C Gram-positive bacterium M54(AB116132.1)99FirmicutesOTU19 1.0b 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a Lactobacillus curvatus(EU855223.1)99Lactobacillales OTU20 1.0b 1.0b 2.3b0.0a0.0a Lactobacillus fermentum(AB362626.1)99Lactobacillales OTU21 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Lactococcus lactis(AB008215.1)99Lactobacillales OTU227.0c 2.9bc 1.1b0.0a0.0a Leuconostoc citreum(AB362721.1)99Lactobacillales OTU23 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Streptococcus(AY232833.1)94Lactobacillales OTU24 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Streptococcus constellatus(AF104676.1)94Lactobacillales OTU25 2.0bc0.0a 1.1b 4.0c0.0a Streptococcus iniae(AF335572.1)99Lactobacillales OTU26 1.0b0.0a 3.4c0.0a0.0a Streptococcus parauberis(FJ009631.1)99Lactobacillales OTU270.0a 4.9b0.0a0.0a0.0a Streptococcus salivarius(AM157419.1)93Lactobacillales OTU28 1.0b 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a Wiessella confuse(DQ321751.1)99Lactobacillales OTU29 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Afipia geno sp.(U87773.1)99a-Proteobacteria OTU30 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a 3.0c Achromobacter xylosoxidans(EU373389.1)99b-Proteobacteria OTU31 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Methylophilus leisingeri(AB193725.1)99b-Proteobacteria OTU320.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a 6.0b Uncultured b-Proteobacterium(FM253602.1)98b-Proteobacteria OTU330.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a 3.0b Uncultured b-Proteobacterium(EF612408.1)98b-ProteobacteriaOTU34 3.0b0.0a25.0c 4.0b0.0a Uncultured b-Proteobacterium(EU753670.1)98b-Proteobacteria OTU35 3.0a15.7bc 5.7ab 2.0a22.0c Enterobacter sp.(EF175731.1)100g-Proteobacteria OTU3617.0d7.8c d 2.3ab 1.0a 4.0bc Pseudomonas aeruginosa(FM209186.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU37 2.0bc9.8d0.0a 1.0b 3.0c Pseudomonas putida(CP000926.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU38 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b Serratia liquefaciens(DQ123840.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU39 3.0b0.0a 2.3b0.0a13.0c Shigella sonnei(EU723822.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU400.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured g-Proteobacterium(AF324537.1)99g-ProteobacteriaOTU410.0a0.0a 1.1b 4.0c0.0a Uncultured g-Proteobacterium(EU394575.1)99g-ProteobacteriaIntestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al.Aquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56r2010The Authors 50Aquaculture Research r2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^56(C good)values,indicating that the microbiota in the gut content of grass carp was more diverse than in samples from the associated microbial environments. Rarefaction curves generated for the16S rDNA clone libraries con¢rmed that the bacterial diversity of the grass carp gut content was greater than in associated environmental samples(Fig.3).The bacterial communities in samples from the as-sociated environment were signi¢cantly di¡erent (C s o0.50)from those in the gut content of grass carp (Table2).Nonetheless,the C s values between samples from ingested food(feed or reed)and gut content (C s50.46or0.49respectively)were higher than be-tween samples from habitat(pond water or sediment) and gut content(C s50.28or0.34respectively),indi-cating that the allochthonous intestinal microbiota of the grass carp was relatively closer to ingested food than to the habitat(Table2).The relative abundance of25OTUs(1,3^6,9,11^ 14,17^18,21,23^24,29,31,57,60,66and72^76)inTable1ContinuedOTU Relative abundance(%)Closest relative in GenBank(accession no.)Similarity tothe closestrelative(%)PhylogeneticgroupGut content(100clones)Feed(102clones)Reed(88clones)Water(100clones)Sediment(100clones)OTU420.0a0.0a 2.3b 6.0b0.0a Uncultured g-Proteobacterium(EU394575.1)99g-ProteobacteriaOTU430.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b Uncultured Shigella(FJ193063.1)100g-Proteobacteria OTU44 1.0b0.0a0.0a10.0c0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(FJ192439.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU450.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(FJ192480.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU46 1.0b0.0a0.0a12.0b0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(FJ192980.1)100g-Proteobacteria OTU470.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(FJ192631.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU480.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(EU407207.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU490.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured Acinetobacter(AF467299.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU500.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(AM157426.1)97g-Proteobacteria OTU510.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b0.0a Acinetobacter johnsonii(DQ911549.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU520.0a0.0a 2.3bc 1.0b 3.0c Acinetobacter sp.(EU703817.1)99g-Proteobacteria OTU530.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a7.0b Uncultured bacterium(AJ487021.1)99Unclassified OTU540.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a15.0b Uncultured bacterium(AM697120.1)98Unclassified OTU550.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a 5.0b Uncultured bacterium(AM745142.1)89Unclassified OTU560.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(AY661997.1)98Unclassified OTU57 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ125520.1)98Unclassified OTU58 1.0b0.0a 4.5c11.0c 1.0b Uncultured bacterium(DQ226081.1)99Unclassified OTU590.0a0.0a 4.5b0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ228365.1)94Unclassified OTU60 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ256349.1)99Unclassified OTU610.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ264533.1)99Unclassified OTU620.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ264605.1)99Unclassified OTU630.0a0.0a0.0a 4.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ264645.1)99Unclassified OTU640.0a0.0a 2.3b13.0c0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ394301.1)99Unclassified OTU650.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b Uncultured bacterium(DQ415787.1)99Unclassified OTU66 2.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ455576.1)94Unclassified OTU67 1.0b0.0a 2.3bc 6.0c0.0a Uncultured bacterium(DQ532284.1)98Unclassified OTU680.0a14.7b0.0a0.0a 5.0b Uncultured bacterium(DQ675075.1)99Unclassified OTU690.0a0.0a0.0a 2.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EF632913.1)99Unclassified OTU700.0a16.7c0.0a 1.0b 2.0b Uncultured bacterium(EF655641.1)99Unclassified OTU710.0a0.0a0.0a 1.0b0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EF999404.1)99Unclassified OTU72 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EU024330.1)99Unclassified OTU73 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EU234087.1)95Unclassified OTU74 6.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EU358726.1)99Unclassified OTU75 1.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(EU799211.1)99Unclassified OTU76 6.0b0.0a0.0a0.0a0.0a Uncultured bacterium(FJ172868.1)91UnclassifiedÃWithin each row,data marked with the same superscript re£ect values within a0.5^1.5-fold di¡erence range.OTU,operational taxonomic unit,the clones with100%sequence similarity.Aquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56Intestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al.r2010The AuthorsAquaculture Research r2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^5651gut content samples was substantially higher than that in samples from the associated environments (Table 1).Twenty-eight OTUs (27,32,33,40^43,45,47^56,59,61^65and 68^71)were identi¢ed in the as-sociated environment samples.These OTUs were not detected in the digesta samples.Of the eight OTUs with a relative abundance of !3%in the gut con-tent samples,six were identi¢ed in both gut content and its corresponding environment samples (OTUs 8,22,34^36and 39)and two were identi¢ed only in the gut content samples (OTUs 74and 76).DiscussionTo our knowledge,16S rDNA clone library has been used in four studies to evaluate the intestinal micro-bial diversity in ¢sh (Kim et al .2007;Navarrete et al .2009;W ard et al .2009;the current study).In the pre-sent study ,we used a universal primer set to con-struct 16S rDNA gene libraries for identi¢cation of the allochthonous gut microbiota of grass carp and of the habitat and food samples.Many researchers have suggested that methods based on 16SrDNA0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Microbial environmentsP e r c e n t a g eFigure 1Bacterial phylum composition in the gut content of grass carp and in food and habitat samples.The bacterial phylum composition was calculated based on Table 1.102030405060Microbial environmentsT o t a l n u m b e r o f O T U0.511.522.533.54Microbial environmentsH0.780.80.820.840.860.880.90.92Microbial environmentsC Good0. environmentsCEFigure 2Bacterial diversity in the grass carp intestine and in the associated habitat and food samples (a)total number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs);(b)H ;(c)E H ;(d)C good .H 5ÀS RA i ln(RA i );E H 5H /ln(S )(where RA i is the proportion of the i th OTU and S is the total number of OTUs)(Dethlefsen et al .2008);C good 51ÀN 1/total number of OTUs (where N 1is the number of OTUs with only one clone)(Good1953).Intestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al .Aquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56r 2010The Authors52Aquaculture Research r 2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^56gene sequences using universal primers may not ac-curately re£ect the true underlying diversity of a gi-ven environment (Marchesi,Sato,Weightman,Martin,Fry ,Hiom &W ade1998;Suzuki &Giovannoni 1996).In addition,technical challenges such as PCR bias,varying ribosomal DNA copy numbers and the e⁄ciency of DNA extraction procedures all have the potential to signi¢cantly skew abundance estimates;therefore,assumption of a direct relationship be-tween the number of sequences of a particular type in a clone library and the number of organisms in the environment may be inaccurate (Marchesi et al .1998;Suzuki &Giovannoni 1996).However,genera-tion of a16S rDNA clone library using sequences that are almost full length improves the accuracy of spe-cies identi¢cation (Brons &Elsas 2008).The current study used di¡erent methods to extract DNA from di¡erent sample types,which allowed for the better recovery of DNA (He,Zhou,Y ao &Bai 2009)and,sub-sequently ,for identical PCR ampli¢cation reaction conditions.Thus,bias towards any individual samplewould be similar across all sample types and would consequently be minimal when comparing the rela-tive abundance of a speci¢c OTU (Zhou,Liu,He,Shi,Gao,Y ao &RingÖ2009).Furthermore,relative abun-dance di¡erences were considered to be signi¢cant only when the relative OTU abundance in any one sample type was !1.5-fold higher or 0.5-fold lower than that in any other sample type.In the present study ,Proteobacteria,Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were the dominant allochtho-nous microbiota in the gut content of grass carp cul-tured in pond,while Huang et al .(2009)reported three bacterial phyla,Proteobacteria,Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria,in the gut digesta of grass carp when the 16S rDNA V3DGGE method was used.In previous studies using classic cultivation,Luo et al .(2001)identi¢ed Proteobacteria,Firmicutes,Bacter-oides and Actinobacteria as the dominant allochtho-nous bacteria in the intestine of grass carp fed a commercial feed containing diverse components and nutrients,while Zhou et al .(1998)reported Pro-teobacteria,Bacteroides and Firmicutes in the gut content of grass carp fed either a commercial feed or Spirodela polyrhiza .Although di¡erent food types obviously change the bacterial composition of the gut (Zhou et al .1998),the gut studies of grass carp indicate that Proteobacteria and Firmicutes com-prise the microbiota phylogenetic core (the common phyla).In previous investigations,it has been proposed that water and food are the sources of some of the bacteria present in the GI tract of ¢sh (V erschuere,Rombaut,Sorgeloos &V erstraete 2000;Olafsen 2001;Romero &Navarrete 2006).Similar ¢ndings were observed in the present study;75%of the OTUs with a relative abundance !3%in the gut content were identi¢ed in feed and habitat samples.However,we observed that the similarity coe⁄cients between gut microbiota and microbiota from the associated environment were quite low (C s o 0.50),indicating that a substantial number of grass carp gut microbio-ta are distinct from the corresponding environmental microbiota.Furthermore,the gut content of grass carp raised in the pond showed the highest bacterial diversity compared with its surrounding environ-ments,supporting by the total number of OTUs,Shannon diversity index (H ),Shannon equitability index (E H ),Coverage (C good )and rarefaction curves,which might re£ect the uniqueness of the host gut environment.In addition,the C good values observed in all the samples were larger than 0.70,which indi-cates that the clone number analysed in each sampleTable 2Pairwise similarity coe⁄cients (C s )matrix for bac-terial communities identi¢ed in the gut content of grass carp and in food and habitat samples ÃGut content FeedReed Water SedimentGut content 1.00Feed 0.46ÃÃ 1.00Reed 0.49ÃÃ0.71w 1.00Water 0.28ÃÃ0.58ÃÃ0.68w 1.00Sediment0.34ÃÃ0.75w0.67w0.57ÃÃ1.00ÃIn this study ,C so 0.60is regarded as a signi¢cant di¡erence;that of 0.60 C s o 0.80is a marginal di¡erence;and that !0.80is very similar.ÃÃSigni¢cantly di¡erent.wMarginally di¡erent.05101520253035Number of clonesN u m b e r o f p h y l p t y p eFigure 3Rarefaction curves from 16S rDNA clone li-braries from the gut content of grass carp and from asso-ciated habitat and food samples.Rarefaction curves were created using the species diversity function of the ECOSIM 700statistical software (Gotelli &Entsminger 2002).Aquaculture Research,2010,42,47^56Intestinal bacterial diversity in grass carp S Han et al .r 2010The AuthorsAquaculture Research r 2010Blackwell Publishing Ltd,Aquaculture Research,42,47^5653。
Potential of novel Lactobacillus helveticus strains and their cell wall bound proteases to release physiologically active peptides from milk proteinsK.R.Elfahri,O.N.Donkor,T.Vasiljevic*Advanced Food Systems Research Unit,College of Health and Biomedicine,Victoria University,Werribee Campus,PO Box14428,Melbourne,VIC8001,Australiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received29October2013 Received in revised form25March2014Accepted26March2014 Available online26April2014a b s t r a c tThe release of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory(ACE-I),antioxidant and immunomodulatory peptides from milk proteins by selected Lactobacillus helveticus strains and their crude protease extracts (CPE)was investigated.Reconstituted skim milk(RSM)was incubated with L.helveticus strains or CPE and samples were tested for functionality using a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell k peptides produced by L.helveticus474CPE with ACE-I activity increased significantly after6h incubation followed by a significant reduction after12h.Peptides formed by CPE of L.helveticus1188showed a significantly greater antioxidative capacity than those from other strains.These peptides also differen-tially stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with those liberated by L.helveticus1188 CPE inducing the highest production of interleukin-10,whereas the CPE of L.helveticus474formed peptides with significant induction of interferon-g.These strains might potentially be used in the development of functional fermented food products.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionBioactive peptides derived from proteins during milk fermen-tation usually consist of dipeptides to oligopeptides,which in some instances may exceed20amino acid residues(Erdmann,Cheung,& Schröder,2008;Wang&De Mejia,2005).Depending on the size and amino acid content,these peptides may exert different physi-ological activities,such as antihypertensive,antioxidative and immunomodulatory(Park,2009).These potent peptides are the direct result of metabolic activities of fermented starter cultures and their proteolytic and peptidolytic action on milk proteins(Pan, Luo,&Tanokura,2005).Some of the bioactive peptide fragments derived from milk proteins thus reveal multifunctional properties and may exert two or more different biological activities(Meisel& FitzGerald,2003).Production of bioactive peptides derived from fermented milk with starter cultures has been studied extensively (Fitzgerald&Murray,2006;Gobbetti,Stepaniak,De Angelis, Corsetti,&Di Cagno,2002).Oral intake of these bioactive pep-tides may affect many human physiological systems including digestive,nervous,endocrine,immune and cardiovascular (Korhonen,2009).Fitzgerald and Meisel(2003)reported that some well-recognised benefits of known bioactive peptides have anti-hypertensive and immunomodulatory activities.Lactobacillus helveticus strains have been noted for high pro-teolytic and peptidolytic activity in comparison with other commercially important lactic acid bacteria(LAB)(Kilpi,Kahala, Steele,Pihlanto,&Joutsjoki,2007;Nielsen,Martinussen, Flambard,Sørensen,&Otte,2009).It has been well established that a number of Lactobacillus sp.thrive in milk mainly due to their developed proteolytic system(Griffiths&Tellez,2013;Holzapfel, Haberer,Geisen,Björkroth,&Schillinger,2001).This system in-volves a cascade of processes with a number of steps including an extracellular proteinase initiating degradation of casein into oli-gopeptides,transport systems that translocate peptides and amino acids across the cell wall(Slattery,O’Callaghan,Fitzgerald, Beresford,&Ross,2010),various intracellular peptidases for further degradation of peptides into amino acids,and different enzymes that convert liberated amino acids into various cell con-stituents(Griffiths&Tellez,2013;Kunji,Mierau,Hagting,Poolman, &Konings,1996).For example,extracellular proteinases from L.helveticus CP790have been reported to produce large b-casein fragments with ACE-inhibitory activities(Yamamoto,Akino,& Takano,1993)whereas other peptides appear to be generated by the activities of both proteinases and peptidases(Yamamoto,*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ61399198062.E-mail lists available at ScienceDirectInternational Dairy Journal jou rn al homepage:/locate/idairyj/10.1016/j.idairyj.2014.03.0100958-6946/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.International Dairy Journal38(2014)37e46Maeno,&Takano,1999).Algaron,Miranda,Le Bars,and Monnet (2004)demonstrate that the specific peptidase activity of LAB would influence bioactive nature of the peptides produced.Ueno, Mizuno,and Yamamoto(2004)extracted an endopeptidase from L.helveticus CM4and confirmed that this enzyme can release tri-peptides IPP and VPP from oligopeptides as substrates.Other fac-tors such as pH also affect the production of bioactive peptides. Nielsen et al.(2009)found that the pH at the end of fermentation influences the ACE-inhibitory activity of fermented milk,which was also strain dependent.In addition to the ACE inhibition,other physiological activities of liberated peptides have been examined.However,limited infor-mation is available on antioxidant peptides derived from fermented dairy products although several peptides derived from other food proteins have been assessed and shown to have antioxidative properties(Dávalos,Miguel,Bartolomé,&López-Fandiño,2004; Saiga,Tanabe,&Nishimura,2003).Milk proteins have a potential for free radical scavenging by peptides containing tyrosine and cysteine(Pihlanto,2006).Peptides derived from casein hydrolysis have also been reported to have free radical scavenging activity (Cervato,Cazzola,&Cestaro,1999;Wong&Kitts,2003).The bioactivity of these peptides released during dairy fermentations may add value to functional foods and provide further health benefits to consumers(Osuntoki&Korie,2010).Peptides derived from bovine milk proteins have been reported to regulate immune cells and consequently affect cellular functions of the immune system(Gauthier,Pouliot,&Saint-Sauveur,2006). Although the effects of LAB on stimulation of T helper1and2(Th1/ Th2)cells in cytokine production are well characterised,studies of immunomodulatory effects of peptides derived from milk proteins have not been widely investigated due to lack of characterisation of such peptides(Gauthier et al.,2006).Several studies are available on production of biologically active peptides liberated from milk proteins by fermented milk cultures(Donkor,Henriksson,Singh, Vasiljevic,&Shah,2007a;Hernández-Ledesma,Miralles,Amigo, Ramos,&Recio,2005;Matar,Amiot,Savoie,&Goulet,1996)but few details exist in relation to the role of proteinases in the release of bioactive peptides from bovine milk proteins.The aim of this study thus was to investigate the potential of novel L.helveticus strains to release ACE-I,antioxidant and immu-nomodulatory peptides derived from milk proteins during their growth in skim milk.Additionally,liberation of these peptides by crude protease extract(CPE)obtained from these strains was assessed.Thefindings would therefore contribute to the current understanding of the function of wall bound proteases during digestion of the casein and also provide an insight into how these proteases and/or dairy cultures could be exploited further in the development of functional dairy products.2.Materials and methodsL.helveticus ASCC474,L.helveticus ASCC1188,and L.helveticus ASCC1315were obtained from the Australian Starter Culture Collection(Dairy Innovation Australia,Werribee,Australia).All strains were stored atÀ80 C as the stock cultures.The cell con-centration of the stock cultures was approximately109cfu mLÀ1as determined by plate counts.The propagation of each strain was performed according to Donkor,Henriksson,Vasiljevic,and Shah (2007b).Briefly,sterile10mL aliquots of de Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS)broth(Oxoid,West Heidelberg,Australia)were inoculated with100m L of each stock culture strain individually and incubated at37 C for24h.After two successive transfers of24h incubation, the pre-inocula cultures were prepared by inoculating10mL ali-quots of sterile reconstituted skim milk(RSM)containing14%(w/ w)total milk solids with1%(v/v)of propagated and activated culture(108e109cfu mLÀ1)to reach an initial concentration about 106e107cfu mLÀ1in the medium.The last step was to produce food grade strains with RSM before transferring the culture into milk.2.1.Culture performance during cultivation in milkThe fermentation trials were conducted as described by Donkor et al.(2007b)with some modifications.Five hundred millilitres of RSM was prepared by dissolving14%total solids of skim milk powder(Bonlac Foods Limited,Melbourne,Victoria,Australia)in Milli-Q water and heat treated at85 C for30min followed by cooling to approximately40 C.The milk was aliquoted and each portion was aseptically inoculated with1%(v/v)of each strain activated in RSM as stated above and incubated at37 C for12h. Samples were taken for analysis at2h intervals during12h fermentation.The pH was measured using a pH meter(model8417; HANNA Instruments,Singapore)at the set time intervals.The inoculated milk with1%Milli-Q water was used as a control under the same conditions.Each sample was divided into two portions. Thefirst portion(10mL)was used immediately for assessing viable cell concentration and measurement of pH changes.The remaining portion(50mL)was centrifuged at15,000Âg(JA20rotor,Beckman Instruments Inc.,Palo Alto,CA,USA)for30min at4 C and the supernatant wasfiltered through a0.45m mfilter tip(Schleicher& Schuell GmbH,Dassel,Germany)and stored atÀ20 C for proteo-lytic and ACE-I activity analysis.Cell populations of each Lactobacillus strain(L.helveticus ASCC474,L.helveticus ASCC1188,L.helveticus ASCC1315)were assessed using the pour plate technique and sterile bacteriological peptone(Oxoid)water for serial dilutions,described by Nielsen et al.(2009).All samples were enumerated on MRS-sorbitol agar under anaerobic incubation using anaerobic kits(Oxoid limited, Basingstoke,Hampshire,England)at37 C for72h.Plates con-taining25e250colonies were enumerated and the cfu mLÀ1of the sample was calculated.2.2.Extraction of crude proteinaseThe extraction of crude cell wall bound proteases was con-ducted according to the method of(Nas&Nissen-Meyer,1992). Briefly,cells of the L.helveticus strains were individually harvested from200mL MRS culture incubated at37 C for24h by centri-fugation at10,000Âg(JA20rotor,Beckman)for30min.The cells were washed twice with50m M b-glycerophosphate at pH7.0 containing20m M CaCl2to minimise the release of the cell wall bound proteinases.After washing,extraction of the cell-wall proteinase was carried out by resuspending the cells three suc-cessive times in2mL of20m M Bis e tris buffer containing10m M ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA)(pH adjusted to6.0with concentrated HCl)to optimise the release of proteinase(Nas& Nissen-Meyer,1992).The supernatants obtained from the extrac-tions werefiltered through0.20m m membranefilter(Millipore, Billerica,MA,USA)and the resultingfiltrate was designated crude proteinase extract(CPE).The protein content of CPE was deter-mined using Bradford reagent according to the manufacturer’s instruction(Sigma e Aldrich,St.Louis,MO,USA).2.3.Protein hydrolysis by L.helveticus crude proteinase extractThe crude proteinase extracts were kept frozen after the extraction atÀ20 C.Each CPE(1%)was mixed with200mL(14% total solid)RSM and incubated for12h at37 C.Samples were taken at0,6and12h during incubation,pH adjusted to4.6by adding1M HCl and centrifuged at15,000Âg(JA20rotor,Beckman) for30min at4 C.The supernatants were removed andfilteredK.R.Elfahri et al./International Dairy Journal38(2014)37e46 38before freeze-drying(Dynavac freeze drier;FD300,Dynavac Eng. Pty.Ltd.,Melbourne,Australia).The protein content was deter-mined before storage atÀ20 C for further analysis.2.4.Determination of proteolytic activityThe extent of proteolytic activity at appropriate times during fermentation of milk was measured by assessing the release of free amino groups using the o-phthaldialdehyde(OPA)method (Church,Swaisgood,Porter,&Catignani,1983)and following the procedure described by Donkor et al.(2007a)with some modifications.Briefly,10mL of1%(w/v)trichloroacetic acid(TCA) were added to10mL of each sample.The mixture was centrifuged at4000Âg(SorvallÒRT7centrifuge,DuPont, Newtown,CT,USA)for30min at4 C and the supernatant was vacuum-filtered using0.45m mfilter tip(Schleicher&Schuell GmbH,Dassel,Germany).The collected suspension(150m L)was then mixed with3mL of OPA reagent before being left at room temperature(w20 C)for2min.The absorbance of each mixture was measured at340nm using NovaSpecÒe II Spectrophotom-eter(Pharmacia,Cambridge,UK)and the proteolytic activity was expressed as the absorbance of OPA derivatives at340nm.A relative degree of proteolytic activity of all samples was compared with that of milk at0h.2.5.Preparation of released soluble peptides and chromatographic determinationThe samples were prepared as described by Donkor et al. (2007a)by adjusting pH to4.6of appropriate aliquots of samples obtained at regular intervals as outlined above.This was followed by centrifugation at15,000Âg(JA20rotor,Beckman)for30min at 4 C.The supernatants were subsequentlyfiltered through a 0.45m m membranefilter(Schleicher&Schuell)and stored frozen atÀ20 C until assayed.Thefiltered soluble peptides were separately profiled using a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC)system(Varian Analytical Instruments,Walnut Creek,CA, USA)using a linear gradient from100%to0%solvent A(0.1%tri-fluoroacetic acid(TFA)in water)and solvent B(0.1%TFA in90%,v/v, acetonitrile in water)over40min at aflow rate of0.75mL minÀ1as described by Donkor et al.(2007b).All samples were injected into an RP-HPLC column(C18,250mmÂ4.6mm,5m m,Grace Vdac, Hesperia,CA,USA)and eluted peaks were detected with a Varian 9050UV/VIS detector(Varian Analytical Instruments)set at 214nm.All runs were performed at room temperature(w20 C).2.6.ACE inhibitory activityThe angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory(ACE-I)activity was determined in the samples according to the method of Donkor et al.(2007b)and Wijesekara,Qian,Ryu,Ngo,and Kim(2011).The absorbance of the reaction solution was determined at228nm using a UV/VIS spectrophotometer(Pharmacia,LKB-UltrospecIII, GE Healthcare,Amersham,Buckinghamshire,UK).The following equation was used to calculate the inhibitory activity:ACE inhibitionð%Þ¼½1ÀðCÀDÞ=ðAÀBÞ Â100(1) where A is the absorbance in the ACE solution in buffer;B is the absorbance of the buffer,C is the absorbance of ACE solution with sample in the buffer;and D is the absorbance of the sample in the buffer but without ACE.2.7.Determination of radical scavenging activityThe1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)radical method was used as reported previously by Bhandari,Kumar,Singh,and Ahuja (2010)to determine the free radical scavenging ability of oligo-peptides released by CPE.Briefly,0.3mL of soluble freeze dried sample(20mg freeze-dried sample in1mL of Milli-Q water)was mixed with2mL of0.1m M DPPH and shaken vigorously.The so-lution was kept in the dark at room temperature for30min.This was followed by measuring reduction in absorbance at517nm.In the control,the sample volume was replaced with Milli-Q water. The following equation was used to calculate the percentage of radical scavenging activity:Radical scavenging activityð%Þ¼½ðControlÀSampleÞÂ=Control Â100(2) 2.8.Isolation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from buffy coatHuman peripheral mononuclear cells were isolated from healthy donor buffy coats(Australian Red Cross Blood Services (ARCBS),Melbourne,Australia)by Ficoll gradient.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC)were isolated as reported previously (Laffineur,Genetet,&Leonil,1996)with minor modifications as reported in Donkor et al.(2012).Briefly,buffy coat was mixed with an equal volume of phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)and layered on Ficoll-Paque Plus(GE Healthcare,Bio-Sciences,Uppsala,Sweden)in a50mL centrifuge tube.Cells at the interphase were collected after centrifugation and blood lymphocytes were then washed once in cold PBS.After repeated centrifugation,the pellet was resuspended in an ACK(Ammonium-Chloride-Potassium)lysing buffer and sterile PBS.The cells were collected by centrifugation.This washing step was repeated twice.The resulting pellet was then resuspended in Iscove’s modified Dulbecco’s medium(IMDM,Sigma)supple-mented with10%foetal bovine serum(FBS,GIBCO,Mulgrave, Australia),and antibiotic antimycotic solution(Sigma).2.9.Immunomodulatory activity of peptidesImmunomodulatory activity of peptides was assessed following the method described in Donkor et al.(2012)with the aim to determine in vitro immunostimulatory potential of liberated pep-tides from cultured RSM.Briefly,PBMCs(1Âl06cells mLÀ1)were co-cultured with100m L of each freeze dried sample(20m g protein) and then resuspended in IMDM in a24-wellflat bottomed plate (Greiner Bio-One GmbH,Frickenhausen,Germany).The mixtures were incubated for72h at37 C in a humidified5%CO2incubator. PBMCs alone were cultured for the same period as control.Inter-leukin(IL)-10and interferon gamma(IFN-g)were measured by commercially available ELISA kits(BD Biosciences,North Ryde, NSW,Australia).2.10.Statistical analysisAll the tests were carried out in triplicate for each bacterial culture,with all analyses performed at least in duplicate.All results obtained were analysed as a split plot in time design with2main factors:strains and replications as the main plot and time as a subplot.The statistical evaluations of the data were performed using the General Linear Model(SAS,1996).Significant differences between treatments were tested by analysis of variance(ANOVA) followed by a comparison between treatments performed byK.R.Elfahri et al./International Dairy Journal38(2014)37e4639Fisher’s least significant difference(LSD)method,with a level of significance of P<0.05.3.Results and discussion3.1.The growth performance of the selected strainsStrains of L.helveticus have been shown to be highly proteolytic in dairy based systems among starter cultures(Virtanen,Pihlanto, Akkanen,&Korhonen,2007)thus they present a potential tool to liberate dormant bioactive peptides from milk proteins.The culture performance in the current study was assessed by the production of organic acids as the primary metabolites,and was measured by decline in pH.The growth was also assessed by determining viable cell counts.For appropriate culture performance in milk,a bacterial culture requires highly developed proteolytic and glycolytic sys-tems capable of providing essential compounds for the culture growth(amino acids,glucose)(Kunji et al.,1996).During12h in-cubation of selected LAB strains in sterile milk,the culture growth resulted in a pH reduction in various degrees ranging from4.2to 3.9(Fig.1A).The rate of pH decline is indicative of the culture activity and performance.Closer data analysis by curvefitting has found that the rate of acid production and thus pH decline was strain depen-dent similar to a previous observation(Matar et al.,1996).The best performer among all the strains was L.helveticus1315,which showed the highest(P<0.05)rate of pH decline(À0.243units hÀ1). Differences in growth observed for the strains were likely due to differences in their metabolic ability and growth requirements.This indicates that the utilisation of lactose varied by strain,which in turn affected quantities of lactic acid produced(Leroy&De Vuyst, 2004).To provide therapeutic effects,dairy starter cultures should be present in cultured milk at the minimum level of 109log cfu per portion of fermented milk(Gomes da Cruz,Alonso Buriti,Batista de Souza,Fonseca Faria,&Isay Saad,2009).The population of the assessed L.helveticus strains(L.helveticus 474,L.helveticus1188,L.helveticus1315)with the initial inocula of 6.14, 6.05and 6.1log cfu mLÀ1,respectively,achieved desired levels in milk at the end of12h incubation(Fig.1B).During the first6h of incubation,L.helveticus474showed the highest (P<0.05)growth compared with the other selected strains,but there was no observable difference(P>0.05)among strains at the end of fermentation time.Furthermore,pH decline had no apparent effect on the viability of the strains(Fig.1B).Leclerc, Gauthier,Bachelard,Santure,and Roy(2002)found that the viable counts of L.helveticus strains(R211and R389)reached 109cfu mLÀ1after10h of milk fermentation,followed by a slight decline likely due to accumulation of lactic acid.The pH has been identified as one of the important factors that can affect the growth of microorganisms(Donkor et al.,2007b).In addition, strain selection,hydrogen peroxide presence in the medium due to bacterial metabolism,temperature of incubation,concentration of organic acid production,inoculation level,as well as the fermentation time have been suggested to affect viability of LAB during milk fermentation(McComas&Gilliland,2003;Rybka& Kailasapathy,1996).3.2.Proteolytic activities of selected strainsProteolysis as assessed by the release of free NH3groups was determined using OPA method.During fermentation,milk proteins were degraded by Lactobacillus proteinases and peptidases, resulting in the release of free amino groups and various forms of peptides.As depicted in Fig.1C,the amount of liberated amino groups and peptides increased significantly(P<0.05)during fermentation for all strains tested.The extent of proteolysis varied among the strains and was time and strain dependent(Donkor et al.,2007a).These results were similar to those reported by Leclerc et al.(2002).L.helveticus1188and474achieved a higher (P<0.05)proteolytic activity compared with L.helveticus1315at 12h(Fig.1C).The results indicate that the studied L.helveticus strains certainly possessed the ability to utilise milk proteins effi-ciently comparable to other LAB strains(Leclerc et al.,2002).The observed differences in our study among the levels of aminoacid Fig.1.Decline of pH(A),cell growth(B)and extent of proteolysis as measured using the OPA method(C)during growth of L.helveticus strains Lh474(;),Lh1188(C),and Lh1315(B),in sterile skim milk for12h at37 C.Standard error of the mean for all samples was0.017,0.02and0.01,respectively.K.R.Elfahri et al./International Dairy Journal38(2014)37e46 40groups liberated during fermentation could probably relate to the differences in proteolytic and peptidolytic activities of the selected strains(Shihata&Shah,2000).3.3.Protein hydrolysis by crude protease extracts of selectedL.helveticus strainsThe role of LAB proteinases is to degrade milk proteins at spe-cific bonds to release different oligopeptides ranging from4to18amino acid residues with most containing4e8amino acids resi-dues(Kunji et al.,1996).Only short peptides are able to cross the cell wall into the cytoplasm for further degradation by peptidases to release amino acids required for cell growth and repair.Longer peptides that remain in the medium could serve as biological active peptides(Ramchandran&Shah,2008).In our study,CPE of selected L.helveticus strains was added to RSM and incubated for12h,with the profiles of released oligopeptides determined using RP-HPLC (Fig.4).A number of different peaks(between15and40min)Fig.2.RP-HPLC profiles of the water-soluble peptides released in milk after0,6and12h of growth of L.helveticus1188(A),L.helveticus1315(B),and L.helveticus474(C)at37 C. The eluted peptides were detected at214nm.The arrows are indicative of a fermentation time only.K.R.Elfahri et al./International Dairy Journal38(2014)37e4641were observed for all milk samples incubated with CPE in com-parison with untreated parison of protein hydrolysis for treated batches was dif ficult due to the similarities of peaks based on the total area count.The results therefore indicated that the CPE of selected strains likely had similar proteinases and degradation patterns (Ramchandran &Shah,2008).The data obtained from RP-HPLC show the pro file of peptides released during the growth of selected cultures in milk over 12h incubation at 37 C (Fig.2A e C).After 6h of fermentation with the strains,a substantial number of peaks appeared in all samples.This trend progressed further with extension of fermentation time and was clearly an indication of high proteolytic activity of L.helveticus strains (LeBlanc,Matar,Valdéz,LeBlanc,&Perdigon,2002;Seppo,Jauhiainen,Poussa,&Korpela,2003).In addition,the peptide pro-files of Lactobacillus strains appeared substantially different from each other depicting differences in their proteolytic ability and speci ficity.3.4.In vitro ACE-I activities of fermented milkProteolytic strains of the Lactobacillus species have been demonstrated to produce high numbers of bioactive peptides including ACE-I and antihypertensive peptides in dairy products (López-Fandiño,Otte,&van Camp,2006).Some ACE-I peptides are products of extracellular proteases alone such as the large b -casein fragments produced by the extracellular proteases from L.helveticus CP790(Yamamoto et al.,1993)whereas others are most likely the result of the concerted action of both proteases and peptidases (Yamamoto et al.,1999).In the current study in vitro ACE-I activity of filtrated soluble peptide fractions from all fermented milk samples showed various levels of activities at assessed intervals during incubation (Fig.3).The measured inhibitory activities varied from 1.26to 48.69%during the fermentation time.The L.helveticus strains showed strong proteolytic activity in milk and have been known to produce potent in vitro ACE-I peptides during milk fermentation (Pihlanto,Virtanen,&Korhonen,2010).The highest ACE inhibitory activity (P <0.05)in fermented milk was observed for L.helveticus 1315,which increased from 6.33%at the beginning to 48.69%at the end of fermentation.The obtained results concurred with some previous reports (Donkor et al.,2007b;Shuangquan,Tsuda,&Miyamoto,2008)but were noticeably greater than some other reports involving Lactobacillus strains (Nielsen et al.,2009;Ramchandran &Shah,2010)or highly potent peptides such as IPP (Gonzalez-Gonzalez,Gibson,&Jauregi,2013),The observed liberation of antihypertensive peptides can be attributed to certain proteolytic enzymes,such as some amino peptidases (PepC,PepN and PepX)of the selected strains (Fuglsang,Rattray,Nilsson,&Nyborg,2003).Furthermore,ACE-I activity of filtrated peptides of L.helveticus 474also increased remarkably (P <0.05)from 1.26%at zero time to 48.66%at 10h but then declined signi ficantly (P <0.05)to 24.34%at 12h of incubation.Slight fluctuation was observed for L.helveticus 1315.This instability in ACE-I peptide production of some strains could be attributed to the activity of Lactobacillus proteinases and peptidases,which might have further hydrolysed some ACE-I peptides (Donkor et al.,2007b ).Similarly Nielsen et al.(2009)observed 3fold decline of ACE-I activity of selected Lactobacillus strains over a 7day storage period.Interestingly Lactococcus strains in the same study were capable of further increasing hypotensive potency during the same period (Nielsen et al.,2009).These observed changes in the production of bioactive peptides,may warrant further studies to con firm the causes of degradation and the enzymes involved,which could aid in the culture selection.3.5.In vitro ACE-I activities from soluble peptides produced by crude protease extracts of selected L.helveticus strains in milk A preliminary in vitro ACE-I activities study of milk incubated with prepared CPE is shown in Fig.5.The percentage of ACE inhibitory activity of L.helveticus 474CPE increased signi ficantly (P <0.05)after 6h followed by signi ficant reduction (P <0.05)to 7.1%at 12h.It appeared some ACE-I oligopeptides were further hydrolysed,an indication of the importance of the role of pro-teinases.However,there were no changes in inhibitory activities caused by soluble peptides of L.helveticus 1188and 1315CPE during the same period of incubation.Peptides with ACE-I properties may result from extracellular proteinases of these strains cleaving native milk proteins,mainly caseins,to different oligopeptides.Intracel-lular peptidases may further hydrolyse these oligopeptides liber-ating shorter bioactive peptides (Kunji et al.,1996).3.6.Antioxidative capacity of released oligopeptidesIn our study,peptides derived from milk proteins by crude proteinases of selected proteolytic L.helveticus strains were assessed separately for their antioxidant activity by DPPH þradical cation assay (Fig.6).The free radical scavenging activity in all samples changed signi ficantly (P <0.05)at 6and 12h compared with untreated milk.No antioxidative activity was detected in untreated milk (data not shown).Milk with CPE of L.helveticus 1188showed the highest (P <0.05)antioxidant capacity,which increased from 18.8%at 0h to 23.5and 86.7at 6and 12h,respectively.Similar trends were observed for CPEs of L.helveticus 474and 1315during the same incubation period (Fig.6).The results obtained in our study were almost 3times higher than those re-ported by Ahire,Mokashe,Patil,and Chaudhari (2013)for folate producing probiotic L.helveticus CD6.The variations of these activities may be attributed to the pro-duction of different bioactive peptides,which exhibited antioxidant properties (Qian et al.,2011).Similar to our findings,milk fer-mented with Lactobacillus casei strain has been reported to have a high antioxidative activity which progressively increased with time and was attributed to released peptides (Nishino,Shibahara-Sone,Kikuchi-Hayakawa,&Ishikawa,2000).Similarly,Liu,Chen,and Lin (2005)reported that milk and soy-milk fermented with the ke fir culture showed high DPPH radical-scavenging activity.The authors also suggested that this activity may be,in part,attributed to peptides released during fermentation of milk and soyproteins.Fig.3.In vitro ACE inhibitory activity during growth of L.helveticus strains Lh474(;),Lh1188(C )and Lh1315(B )in sterile skim milk for 12h at 37 C.Standard error of the mean for all samples was 1.73.K.R.Elfahri et al./International Dairy Journal 38(2014)37e 4642。
一般认为24h 内咯血量<100mL 为小量咯血,100~500mL 为中等量咯血,>500mL 或1次咯血量>100mL 为大咯血[1]。
方法:将以上病例随机分为两组,所有患者均常规给予异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇、吡嗪酰胺四联抗结核治疗及一般药物止血,对照组40例,排除药物禁忌证,垂体后叶素6U+生理盐水20mL 缓慢静脉注射,后予垂体后叶素18U+生理盐水40mL 以6mL/h 泵入维持,酚妥拉明80mg+生理盐水40mL 以5mL/h 泵入,维持,根据血压情况可酌情调整泵入浓度。
治疗组40例,在对照组基础上加用甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠40mg 静脉输液1次/d,同时予异丙嗪25mg 肌内注射12h/次,两组用药3~5d,观察止血效果及药物不良反应。
疗效评价标准:①显效:用药2d 内咯血停止或咯血量明显减少;②有效:用药5d 内咯血停止或咯血量明显减少;③无效:用药5d 内咯血无明显减少或增多,需紧急介入手术止血或外科手术止血。
论著·临床论坛CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS 颈动脉粥样硬化主要表现为动脉壁比正常状态厚,这是由于颈动脉部分部位脂质堆积、纤维基质成分增加,促使斑块形成,演化成颈动脉粥样硬化[1]。
然后用流加 NaOH 的方法使 pH 保持不 变 , 发酵过程中的乳酸生成曲线如图 3 和图 4 所 示。
图 1 用 HCl 调节 pH 的生长曲线
图 2 用乳酸调节 pH 时的生长曲线
图 3 用 HCl 调节培养基初始 pH 时 对乳酸产量的影响
由图 3 和图 4 可以看 出 , 当 发酵液 pH 控制在 6.0 左右 , 乳酸产量最高 , 这与乳酸菌
第 29 卷 第 6 期 闫 征等 :pH 值对乳酸菌生长和乳酸产量的影响
2.5 发酵过程中调节 pH 对乳 酸菌生长和 研
10 John J F , M alte A , Shara S.P rocess Biochemistry , 2001, 36 (7):671~ 675
11 Kazuhito A , T akeo K , Hiroy uki U.J Bacteriol , 2001, 183(1):397~ 400
图 5 加入不同的酸中合剂对 乳酸菌生长的影响
图 6 加入不同的酸 中合剂对产酸的影响
从图 5 和图 6 可以看出 , 乳酸菌在 6 ~ 8 h 之间进入对数生长期 , 在 20 ~ 24 h 之间进 入稳定期 , 对数生长期同时也是产酸率最高 的时期 。 用 N H4O H 调节 pH 比用其他 2 种 酸中和剂时菌体的生长更为迅速 , 这可能是 由于 N H4OH 增加了发酵液中氮源的浓 度 , 从而促进了菌体生长 , 但最终产酸量比较低 , 这可能是由于菌体生长过快 , 导致乳酸过快 积累 , 抑制了后期菌体的生长 。
英语作文-医学护肤品零售行业竞争白热化,企业需加强品牌建设In the fiercely competitive landscape of the retail sector for medical skincare products, the significance of robust brand construction cannot be overstated. As companies vie for consumer attention and loyalty, establishing a distinct and compelling brand identity becomes paramount. This article explores the escalating competition within the medical skincare retail industry and underscores the imperative for enterprises to fortify their brand presence.The contemporary market for medical skincare products is characterized by intense rivalry among industry players. With an array of brands vying for market share, consumers are presented with an abundance of choices. Consequently, companies must navigate a crowded marketplace, where differentiation is key to survival. In this context, brand building emerges as a linchpin strategy for carving out a distinctive niche and fostering consumer allegiance.The cornerstone of effective brand construction lies in cultivating a compelling brand identity. Beyond merely offering quality products, successful brands convey a coherent narrative and evoke emotive connections with consumers. A robust brand identity serves as a beacon, guiding consumer preferences amidst a sea of alternatives. By articulating a unique value proposition and embodying desirable traits such as trustworthiness, innovation, or sustainability, brands can engender loyalty and preference among consumers.Moreover, in the context of heightened competition, brand visibility assumes heightened importance. Enterprises must employ a multifaceted approach to enhance their brand presence across diverse touchpoints. From traditional advertising channels to digital platforms, companies must deploy an integrated marketing strategy to amplify brand recognition and engagement. By leveraging social media platforms, influencerpartnerships, and experiential marketing initiatives, brands can foster meaningful interactions with consumers and cultivate a vibrant brand ecosystem.Furthermore, as discerning consumers increasingly prioritize authenticity and transparency, brands must uphold rigorous standards of integrity. Transparent communication regarding product ingredients, manufacturing processes, and corporate values fosters trust and credibility among consumers. By embracing accountability and proactively addressing consumer concerns, brands can forge enduring relationships built on mutual respect and reciprocity.In addition to cultivating consumer-facing brand initiatives, enterprises must also prioritize internal brand alignment. Employee advocacy and brand evangelism are potent drivers of brand authenticity and resonance. By nurturing a company culture rooted in brand values and empowering employees as brand ambassadors, organizations can foster a cohesive brand narrative that resonates both internally and externally.Ultimately, amidst the intensifying competition within the medical skincare retail industry, the imperative for robust brand construction looms large. By articulating a compelling brand identity, enhancing brand visibility, upholding integrity, and fostering internal alignment, enterprises can navigate the competitive landscape with confidence and resilience. In an era defined by choice and discernment, the power of a strong brand cannot be overstated—it serves as a beacon of trust, differentiation, and enduring consumer loyalty in an ever-evolving marketplace.。
impact on the gut immune system and
Probiotics,prebiotics,and synbiotics: impact on the gut immune system andallergic reactionsPascal Gourbeyre,Sandra Denery,and Marie Bodinier1INRA,UR1268,Unite´de recherche sur les Biopolyme`res,leurs Interactions et Assemblages,Nantes,France RECEIVED NOVEMBER23,2009;REVISED DECEMBER3,2010;ACCEPTED DECEMBER10,2010.DOI:10.1189/jlb.1109753ABSTRACTProbiotics and prebiotics,alone or together(synbiot-ics),can influence the intestinal microbiota and modu-late the immune response.They may therefore be tools that can prevent or alleviate certain pathologies involv-ing the gut immune system,such as allergies for which no treatment is yet available.This review focusesfirst on the definitions of probiotics,prebiotics,and synbiot-ics and key cells in the gut immune system.It then dis-cusses their effects on mucosal immune stimulation. Experimentalfindings suggest that different probiotic species have similar effects on innate immunity by im-proving the mechanisms of pathogen destruction.On the contrary,their impacts seem to be variable on the adaptive immune system.Prebiotics can also exert an influence on the gut immune system via the stimulation of the autochthonous bacteria metabolism.Finally,this review focuses on the effects of food supplements on allergy.Different studies performed in humans or ro-dents have supported a potential role for selected pro-biotics and prebiotics in reducing some allergic param-eters.Probiotic effects on allergy treatment are un-clear,especially in human studies.However,they are potentially effective at short-term for prevention when they are administered in perinatal conditions.A clinical study performed with an infant cohort revealed a bene-ficial effect of prebiotics in preventing allergic manifes-tations at long-term.Further studies are nonetheless essential to confirm thesefindings.Food supplements offer potential tools for the prevention or treatment of allergy,but insufficient evidence is available at present to recommend their use in clinical practice.J.Leukoc. Biol.89:685–695;2011.IntroductionIn1998,probiotics were described as:“live microorganisms which,when consumed in adequate amounts,confer a health benefit on the host”[1].Prebiotics have been defined as“non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by se-lectively stimulating the growth and/or the activity of one or a lim-ited number of bacterial species already resident in the colon,and thus attempt to improve host health”[2,3].A synbiotic is defined as a product that contains both prebiotic(s)and probiotic(s).These food supplements have numerous and complex effects on the intestinal microbiota and gut immune system.Their properties mean that they may have some interesting applications in some pathological situations involving the gut immune system[4–6]. However,at present,there is no evidence(or only some prelimi-nary evidence)of their potential therapeutic application in the prevention or treatment of gut pathologies such as inflammatory bowel diseases[7]or allergies[8,9].Epidemiological studies have indicated that the prevalence of allergic disorders,such as allergic rhinitis,asthma,and eczema,has risen during recent de-cades in many Western countries[10,11].This increased disease incidence seems to be associated with a variety of environmental factors:the hygiene hypothesis,antibiotic use,increased chemical exposure,lifestyle changes,or a Western-style diet low infiber and antioxidants[12–14].As yet,there is no treatment that can cure allergies,thus enhancing the interest of using functional foods enriched in prebiotics or probiotics.This review provides an overview of data about probiotics,prebiotics,and synbiotics and discusses the varying definitions of them suggested by differ-ent investigators.Key cells of the gut immune system are de-scribed,and the effects of these food supplements on mucosal immune stimulation,and ultimately,allergic diseases are consid-ered.Our aim has been to determine whether there are suffi-cient,valid arguments to support the use of these food supple-ments in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. DEFINITIONS OF PROBIOTICS, PREBIOTICS,AND SYNBIOTICSProbioticsProbiotics are microorganisms(bacteria,yeast)that exert a beneficial effect on host health[15].When some of these mi-1.Correspondence:INRA,UR1268,Unite´de recherche sur les Biopoly-me`res,leurs Interactions et Assemblages(BIA),F-44316Nantes,France.E-mail:bodinier@nantes.inra.frAbbreviations:ADϭatopic dermatitis,DTHϭdelayed-type hypersensitivity,FOSϭfructooligosaccharides,GOSϭgalactooligosaccharides,LGGϭLactobacillus rhamnosus GG,NODϭnucleotide-binding oligomeriza-tion domain,PPϭPeyer's patches,PRRϭpattern recognition receptors,SCFAϭshort-chain fatty acid,SOSϭsoybean oligosaccharides,TregϭTregulatory cellReview 0741-5400/11/0089-685©Society for Leukocyte Biology Volume89,May2011Journal of Leukocyte Biology685croorganisms are ingested,they are able to resist the physico-chemical conditions prevailing in the digestive tract[16],and the strains most frequently used as probiotics belong to the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus[17,18].Allochthonous lactobacilli and bifidobacteria(probiotics)ingested as food or supplements need to be differentiated from the autochtonous organisms that constitute human commensal microbiota.The populations of these bacterial genera,whatever their origin (allochthonous or autochtonous),differ between individuals and can be affected by environmental factors such as drugs and diet.Probiotics can act on the gut immune system(as dis-cussed later).They also play non-immune,protective roles by directly blocking intestinal pathogenic microbes and enhanc-ing mucosal integrity via epithelial cell stimulation.Directly blocking intestinal pathogenic microbesProbiotics can directly inhibit the growth of pathogens by pro-ducing antibacterial substances,including bacteriocins(such as lantibiotics)and different acids(acetic,lactic,and propi-onic acid)[19,20].They can also decrease the adhesion of pathogens and their toxins to the gastrointestinal tract through their ability to adhere to intestinal epithelial cells.In vitro studies have demonstrated that probiotics possess lectin-like adhesion components able to bind on carbohydrates from glycoconjugate receptors of the epithelial cell surface[21–23], thus blocking pathogen binding to intestinal epithelial cells. Moreover,some probiotic strains belonging to the Lactobacillus genus have displayed in vitro abilities to bind to the surface of enterocytes[24].Enhancing mucosal integrityFirst,probiotic bacteria can enhance the integrity of the intes-tinal barrier.Indeed,Ewaschuck et al.[25]established thatBifidobacterium infantis increases resistance in an in vitro model of the intestinal barrier(T84human epithelial cells),and other probiotics,such as Lactobacillus plantarum,act on tight junctions by increasing the expression of zonula occludens pro-teins and occludins[26].Probiotics are also able to induce the production of cytoprotective substances by enterocytes,such as the heat shock proteins[27]and antimicrobial peptides,e.g., defensin[28]and mucin[29,30],to prevent bacterial adher-ence.Finally,they may be involved in preventing cytokine-in-duced epithelial damage by promoting the survival of intesti-nal epithelial cells by activating antiapoptotic and inhibiting proapoptotic pathways[31].In summary,probiotics are able to exert an impact on the intestinal environment through different key non-immune mechanisms.PrebioticsA variety of molecules can be prebiotics,but the great majority is dietaryfibers,such as oligosaccharides.Their principal ef-fect is related to the metabolism of the microbiota.Indeed,if no dietaryfiber is present in the colon,anaerobic bacteria draw their energy from protein fermentation.This metabolism leads to the production of toxic and potentially carcinogenic compounds(such as ammoniac or phenolic compounds)[32, 33].By contrast,the fermentation of carbohydrate(such as dietaryfiber)generates SCFAs,such as acetate,propionate,or butyrate[34],which are not toxic to the host[32],and consti-tutes potential fuel for epithelial cells.For instance,in an in vivo rat model,a fructan(inulin,FOS)-enriched diet has in-creased the production of SCFA[35].The interesting proper-ties of SCFAs on the intestinal barrier and gut immune system are discussed below.Several oligosaccharides are considered to be prebiotics,such as inulin,GOS,FOS,SOS,and xylooligo-saccharides.The most widely studied have been inulin,GOS, FOS,and a mixture of GOS and inulin[36,37].These mole-cules are resistant to in vitro digestion by pancreatic and brush-border enzymes[38].Chicory is the principal industrial source of inulin,from which FOS are often obtained by partial enzymatic hydrolysis[39].GOS are produced from lactose us-ing-galactosidase[40].Each bacterial genus or species has a preferential substrate.Most strains belonging to the Bifidobacte-rium and Lactobacillus genera preferentially use fructans rather than glucose as a substrate[41,42].However,other bacteria such as Clostridia and Bacteroides are also able to grow on fructans[35,43].Nevertheless,their growth is less efficient than that of Bifidobacterium because of less-efficient substrate absorption(notably on oligofructose)[43].Thus,prebiotics actfirst to ensure selective stimulation of the activity of benefi-cial autochtonous bacterial strains[38],but they do not stimu-late the same genera of intestinal microbiota in humans and rodents.Indeed,in humans,prebiotics specifically increasebifidobacterial populations in fecal samples[33,44,45], whereas lactobacilli populations are increased significantly in the fecal microbiota of rodents(rat,mouse)[46,47].Last but not least,some prebiotics(GOS)can exert a direct antimicro-bial effect,as they can adhere to the binding sites of bacteria on the enterocyte surface and thus,block the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to intestinal epithelial cells[42,48].In conclusion,although it is clear that prebiotics have some effects on microbiota(modification,stimulation,antipatho-genic effect),little is known about the specific action of each type of oligosaccharide on the various genera and species that make up the microbiota.SynbioticsA combination of probiotic(s)and prebiotic(s)constitutes a synbiotic[2,16],which can stimulate and increase the survival of probiotic and autochthonous-specific strains in the intesti-nal tract.Su et al.[49]administered some combinations to mice,each containing one prebiotic(FOS,SOS,or inulin) and one probiotic(Lactobacillus acidophilus,Bifidobacterium lac-tis,or Lactobacillus casei).They then analyzed the amounts and survival of each probiotic strain in fecal samples.A SOS-or FOS-containing diet appeared to stimulate the growth of L. acidophilus and sustain its highest level.FOS and inulin dietary treatment exerted the same effects on ctis.SOS,FOS,or inulin improved the survival and retention time of L.casei. Such effects have also been demonstrated in humans,as the administration of probiotic LGG with GOS was seen to signifi-cantly increase the amount of allochtonous Lactobacillus rham-nosus and autochthonous bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in fe-ces from treated children[50].Human breast milk contains oligosaccharides(more diverse and more complex than those found in many animal milks) [51]and lactic acid bacteria,which may be potentialprobiot-686Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume89,ics[52,53].Breast milk can therefore be considered as a syn-biotic food.It has been evidenced that bacteria from human milk can colonize the gut of a breast-fed child[53].Some studies have also suggested that oligosaccharides from breast milk may influence the establishment of autochtonous micro-biota in breast-fed children[17].Indeed,differences in terms of microbiota composition have been observed between breast-fed and formula-fed children.In particular,it has been estab-lished that the Bifidobacterium genus is more common in the feces of breast-fed infants[17,51].KEY CELLS OF THE GUT IMMUNE SYSTEM AND THEIR INTERACTIONSWITH MICROORGANISMSCells for antigen absorptionThe induction sites of the immune response in the gut corre-spond to follicles of GALT organized at the level of PP.M cells present in PP play a key role because of their ability to transport macromolecules,microorganisms,and inert particles from the lumen into lymphoid tissue through adsorptive endo-cytosis.The uptake of antigens,macromolecules,and microor-ganisms can also occur through active transepithelial vesicular transport in enterocytes[54]and M cells[55].Finally,DCs may extend their dendrites through epithelial tight junctions and thus,capture luminal antigens directly[56].When anti-genic molecules have been transported across the intestinal barrier,they can then stimulate the innate and adaptive im-mune systems.Cells of innate immunityThese cells act as thefirst line of defense against pathogens but are not overly specific in their ability to recognize their targets.Key players in the innate immune response include phagocytic cells,such as neutrophils,monocytes,macrophages, and NK cells.Cells of adaptive immunityDCs,macrophages,and monocytes provide an interface be-tween the innate and adaptive immune systems,as they act as professional APCs.This“bridging”role is crucial to initiating the adaptive immune response,as T cells do not respond to free antigens but only to those presented by APCs.In adaptive immunity,distinct subsets of CD4ϩTh cells(Th1,Th2,orTh17)are described on the basis of their cytokine secretion profiles after the activation and differentiation of naive CD4ϩcells[57](see Fig.2).IL-12IL-12enables the differentiation of naive T cells into Th1lym-phocytes,which are involved in the tolerance and defense mecha-nisms of the host against pathogens via the production of differ-ent inflammatory cytokines such as IL-2and IFN-␥[58].IL-4IL-4enables the differentiation of naive T cells into Th2lym-phocytes.Th2cells produce cytokines(IL-4,IL-5)that can ac-tivate B lymphocytes so that they produce IgE.They are impli-cated in the mechanisms of parasite defense,atopy,and aller-gic reaction[59].TGF-,IL-6,and IL-1TGF-,IL-6,and IL-1are involved in the generation of Th17 cells.These cells secrete IL-17and IL-22,which are critical to regulating tissue inflammation[60].Th17cells have been shown to protect against extracellular bacteria and fungal in-fections,as well as contributing to some autoimmune re-sponses[61].Naı¨ve CD4ϩT cells are also converted into potent immuno-suppressive cells,CD4ϩCD25ϩTregs,by TGF-[62].Tregs, through their IL-10and TGF-production,are able to check the immune response,block Th1(autoimmune diseases)or Th2(al-lergic diseases)hyperpolarization,and thus,regulate the Th1/ Th2balance.The recognition of microorganisms and their role in immune response inductionDCs recognize different pathogens via microbial PRRs and translate these signals into factors that polarize Th1and Th2 cells[61,63].TLRs,which discriminate between different types of pathogens,are the most common PRRs(Fig.1).The binding of TLR4or TLR9to bacterial ligands,such as un-methylated CpG and LPS,turns immature DCs into IL-12-pro-ducing and Th1-promoting DCs[64,65].The PRR known to mediate the differentiation of Tregs and Th17cells appears to be TLR2,which is able to recognize lipoteichoic acid on Gramϩbacteria[65,66].The PRRs that mediate Th2-promot-ing DCs still need to be determined.NOD proteins are homol-ogous to TLR,as they contain leucine-rich repeats and recog-nize pathogenic components at the cell surface.NOD2is ex-pressed by intestinal epithelial cells,canfix LPS and peptidoglycans,and activates LPS-mediated pathways such as NF-B[67].Consequently,NOD2serves as a key component in the innate mucosal response to luminalbacteria.Figure1.Mechanisms underlying the differentiation of naive CD4؉T cells into CD4؉T cell subsets.Th1,Th2,and Th17cells and Tregs.Influence of cytokine production by DCs and the triggering of TLR by pathogenic molecules.Gourbeyre et e of food supplements for the prevention or treatment of allergy Volume89,May2011Journal of Leukocyte Biology687TLR and NOD proteins can be activated by specific probi-otic strains.Indeed,Tobita et al.[68]established that heat-treated Lactobacillus crispatus KT strains could induce TLR2and NOD2activation in C3H/HeN mouse PP.Numerous actors in the gut immune system have now been presented.So what are the effects of food supplements,such as probiotics or prebiotics,on these immune actors?EFFECTS OF PROBIOTICS ANDPREBIOTICS ON THE GUT IMMUNE SYSTEMImmunomodulatory properties of probioticsProbiotic antigenic fragments (e.g.,cell wall compounds)are able to cross the intestinal barrier via intestinal epithelial cells [69]and M cells [70]at the level of PP.They are then pro-cessed and presented to the immune system and modulate the innate and adaptive response (Fig.2).Modulation of innate immunityProbiotics are endowed with antiviral properties,in that they increase the cytotoxic potential of NK cells and phagocytosis capacity of macrophages [71].Indeed,cell wall components,such as the lipoteichoic acid of Gram ϩbacteria (bifidobacteria or lactobacilli),can stimulate NO synthase [72]and induce the production of NO (a virus-infected cell death mechanism)by macrophages (via TNF-␣secretion).This mechanism in-volves an up-regulation of important surface phagocytosis re-ceptors such as Fc ␥RIII [73]and TLR [74].Modulation of the adaptive immune responseMany probiotic strains seem to be capable of stimulating the production of IgAs by B cells,which bind antigens andthereby,limit their access to the epithelium [71].In children with viral gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus,probiotics such as LGG have been shown to stimulate rotavirus-specific IgA anti-body responses,which are theoretically significant in the pre-vention of reinfections.They can thus reduce the number and duration of episodes of diarrhea [75].Probiotics interact with a wide variety of cells (enterocytes,DC,Th1,Th2,Treg)in the intestine and may modulate the immune response toward a pro-or anti-inflammatory action.This appears to be a strongly strain-dependent effect.First,it has been shown in in vitro cell models (enterocyte models,such as HT-29,caco-2,and DC derived from PBMC)that probiotics can influence the production of cytokines by intestinal APC and,initiate the orientation of the adaptive re-sponse.Indeed,it has been demonstrated that Lactobacillus sakei induces the expression of IL-1,IL-8,and TNF-␣(proin-flammatory),whereas Lactobacillus johnsonii stimulates the pro-duction of TGF-(anti-inflammatory)in Caco-2cells [76].Second,it has been observed in animal models that probi-otic strains can modulate the Th1/Th2balance toward Th1activation (proinflammatory effect)or Th1inhibition (anti-inflammatory effect).Using a food allergy model to study the Th2response in mice,Shida et al.[77]showed that an i.p.injection of heat-killed L.casei Shirota induced a rise in serum IL-12levels and a skewing of the cytokine profile from Th2to Th1(proinflammatory effect).Vidal et al.[78]reported that supplementation with Lactobacillus paracasei also enhanced Th1cell-dependent immune responses in a mouse model.How-ever,recent studies have supported the potential anti-inflam-matory effect of Lactobacillus strains in rat colitis [79,80].Pro-biotics may also favor the production of an anti-inflammatory cytokine,IL-10.This is a cytokine that acts primarily to inhibit the inflammatory response,produced by many cell types (Th2cells,DCs,monocytes,B cells,and Tregs)[81].This immuno-modulatory effect has also been assessed in human clinical studies (see Effect of probiotics on allergy).Indeed,the con-sumption of LGG was shown to increase IL-10production in the serum of children with AD [82].Finally,it has been shown that two probiotic species belong-ing to the same genus may have antagonist effects on each other.For example,L.casei subsp.alactus alone has been char-acterized during in vitro culture cell experiments as an in-ducer of proinflammatory cytokines in DCs.However,this ef-fect was not observed with a mixture of L.casei subsp.alactus and Lactobacillus reuteri [83].This antagonistic effect of a pro-biotic mix has also been observed in animal models.The ad-ministration of L.casei ,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus ,and L.acidophilus in mice increased the systemic production of IgG1,typical of a Th2response,but L.acidophilus alone en-hanced the production of IgG2a,typical of a Th1response [84].In conclusion,if different probiotic species have equivalent effects on innate immunity by improving mechanisms ofpathogen destruction,their effects appear variable (sometimes antagonist)on the adaptive immune system as a function of strains.Immunomodulatory properties of prebioticsPrebiotics can exert an effect on the intestinal barrier and gut immune system that is mediated by the SCFAs produced by microbiota.One of these SCFAs,butyrate,has been the most studied.Butyrate has been identified as a modulator ofhistoneFigure 2.Prebiotic and probiotic effects on the innate and adaptive immune responses.A nonspecific antiviral effect through the stimula-tion of innate immune cells:increase in the cytotoxic activity of NK cells and macrophage phagocytosis.As a function of the probiotic strains,pro (Th1cells)-or anti (Th2cells and Tregs)-inflammatory responses of the adaptive immune system can beactivated.688Journal of Leukocyte BiologyVolume 89,May 2011tail acetylation,and consequently,it can increase the accessi-bility of many genes to transcriptional factors(activator or re-pressor)[85].The transcriptional effects of butyrate on differ-ent subsets of cells involved in the gut immune system have been studied in vitro:neutrophils[86],enterocytes(up-regula-tion of NOD2expression in Caco-2cells)[87],and DCs(im-pact on DC maturation)[88].It was thus observed in entero-cyte models that butyrate enhanced the intestinal barrier by regulating the assembly of tight junction proteins[89].All of these studies were performed in vitro on cultured cell lines, but the transcriptional effect of butyrate has also been demon-strated in vivo in humans.Vanhoutvin et al.[90]established that the local administration of butyrate resulted in an in-creased transcription of the genes mainly associated with en-ergy metabolism and inflammation(TNF-␣signaling).Bu-tyrate is produced by the Clostridium,Eubacterium,and Rumino-coccus genera,whereas other SCFAs,such as acetate or propionate,are produced by lactic acid bacteria of the Bifido-bacterium and Lactobacillus genera.As mentioned above,prebi-otics stimulate the activity of lactic acid bacteria much more than butyrate-producing bacteria.So butyrate alone cannot explain the effects of prebiotics on the gut immune system; propionate and acetate must also play key roles in the regula-tion of expression of immune system genes.Indeed,Cavaglieri et al.[91]showed that lymphocytes harvested from LNs and cultured with acetate,propionate,and butyrate produced high levels of IL-10,whereas butyrate alone had little effect.Kiefer et al.[92]demonstrated that propionate significantly modu-lates histone acetylation in HT-29cells.EFFECTS OF PROBIOTICS,PREBIOTICS, AND SYNBIOTICS ON ALLERGYThe intestinal epithelium is constantly exposed to a multitude of foreign materials that can be harmful or beneficial to the organism.Consequently,the intestinal immune system needs tofind a balance between the protective immune responses that are induced following an encounter with intestinal patho-gens or toxins and the tolerance of commensal bacteria and food antigens.Inadequate protective immune reactions can cause severe immune disease and are actively prevented in healthy individuals.Food antigens and commensal bacteria constitute the majority of the antigen load in the intestine, and the“default”reaction of the immune system confronted with them leads to systemic unresponsiveness.This phenome-non is known as oral tolerance and is a key feature of intesti-nal immunity[93].The result of interactions among intestinal contents,unique anatomical features,and immune and non-immune cells is an environment that favors the tolerance by the induction of IgA antibodies(by TGF--secreting Th3cells) and CD4ϩTregs(producing IL-10and IFN-␥).This ensures that a homeostatic balance is maintained between the intesti-nal immune system and its antigen load,so that it retains the ability to recognize dangerous and harmless antigens as for-eign and preserves the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.The inappropriate immune responses to food and commensal bac-teria that are responsible for celiac disease,Crohn’s disease, and food allergy are a result of a deregulation of these crucial processes[94,95].Inϳ6%of children and4%of adults in the United States,tolerance of a given dietary antigen is not established or breaks down,resulting in food hypersensitivity. Although food allergies can result in sudden and life-threaten-ing symptoms,their prevalence is remarkably low considering the complexities of the gut-associated mucosal system[96].An allergic reaction mainly corresponds to the activation of Th2 cells against food allergens and occurs in two phases(Fig.3): thefirst phase corresponds to transport of the allergen through the intestinal barrier,its capture by APCs(DC or en-terocyte),and its presentation to naive Th0cells,which differ-entiate in the presence of IL-4into Th2cells.Activated Th2 cells then produce an IL-4cytokine that enables the produc-tion of allergen-specific IgE by B cells[97].These secreted IgEs then bind to mast cells via the IgE receptor FcRI.The activation phase corresponds to the degranulation of mast cells after further exposure to the same allergen that links directly with specific IgE on the surface of these cells.This phenome-non triggers release of the allergic mediators involved in clini-cal manifestations of allergy.The gut microbiota plays a cru-cial role in the establishment of tolerance to food antigens. Indeed,studies about axenic mice revealed a failure in the acquisition of tolerance to some food proteins[98].Differ-ences in terms of microbiota genus and species have been ob-served between allergic versus healthy individuals in some studies.Indeed,He et al.[99]have found major differences in the fecalflora of these two populations in terms of the profiles of bifidobacteria species and their ability to adhere to human intestinal mucus(more adherent in healthy children).By monitoring the gutflora of allergic and healthy children from two different countries(Estonia and Sweden),Bjo¨rkste´n et al. [100]evidenced a lower colonization by anaerobic bacteria (bifidobacteria)and elevated counts of some aerobic species (coliforms)in children developing an allergic tendency at the age of2years.Thus,modifications to gut microbiota in aller-gic individuals through the use of food supplements such as probiotics or prebiotics could in the future constitute aninter-Figure3.Description of the sensitization and activation phases of the allergic reaction.Prebiotic and probiotic effects on the Th1/Th2bal-ance;an impact on allergy?Gourbeyre et e of food supplements for the prevention or treatment of allergy Volume89,May2011Journal of Leukocyte Biology689esting strategy to prevent or treat allergic diseases.Indeed,at present,the standard of care for food allergy includes a strict avoidance of food allergens and ready access to self-injectable epinephrine.The problems involved in avoiding food aller-gens and the potential for sudden and life-threatening reac-tions can diminish the health-related quality of life of patients and their families.Effect of probiotics on allergyNumerous animal and human studies have been performed to test the potential effects of different probiotic strains,mainly in the context of preventing and treating allergies. Probiotics as tools for allergy preventionAnimal models Most studies have been performed in animals with distinct genetic backgrounds:different mouse strains[68, 101–105],rats[106],and dogs[107].In most cases,the probi-otic effects were assessed in adults(mice aged6–8weeks). Fewer studies have focused on the influence of perinatal ad-ministration(given to the mother or pups).The effectiveness of some probiotic strains in preventing allergy has been shown in many studies by an increase in the Th1response(Escherichia coli Nissle[101],Lactococcus[102],several bifidobacteria and lactobacilli[103]);an alleviation of clinical symptoms(Lactoba-cillus[104]);and an increase in TLR2expression(Lactobacillus [68]).However,negative effects of probiotics on allergy have also been evidenced[105,106].Indeed,de Jonge et al.[106] showed that L.casei Shirota administered to3-to4-week-old Brown Norway rats before allergen sensitization increased the Th2response and the number of basophilic granulocytes in the blood.Yang et al.[105]observed that live Bifidobaterium adolescentis and Bifidobaterium longum administered to Balb/c mice increased DTH and spleen lymphocyte proliferation.It therefore appears that not all probiotic strains have the same effect on preventing allergy:only some of them are effective and can achieve prevention,and others stimulate the allergic response.We consider that these heterogeneous effects of probiotics can also be explained by the diversity of study methods,in terms of the differences in parameters,such as the genetic background of animals,their age,the probiotic strains used, the state of bacteria(live or heat-killed),or the sensitization mode.Human studies Human studies can be considered sepa-rately as a function of the perinatal conditions of probiotic administration.The probiotics were given only to the children (five studies)[108–112]or to mothers and children(five stud-ies)[113–117].Under thefirst condition of administration (children only),it is impossible to reach a clear conclusion as to the effect of the probiotic,as all of the potential impacts on allergy were observed:an increase in allergy[112],no effect [109–111],or a clear decrease[108].Of thefive studies using a combined approach(mothers and children),the majority appeared to suggest a protective effect on allergy[113,115, 116]with a reduction in the incidence of atopic eczema.How-ever,the analysis of the cohort developed by Kallioma¨cki et al. [113]in the longer term(2–4years[118]and7years[119]) showed that the probiotic effect was not sustained over the long-term.Moreover,the study of Kopp et al.[117],which had been developed with the same experimental protocol as Kallioma¨cki et al.[113],did not demonstrate any effect of the strain at short-term.The same percentage of children devel-oped an allergy,and there was no difference in IgE concentra-tions.They also observed that children with recurrent episodes of wheezing bronchitis were more frequently in the probiotic group.Various strains of probiotics have been used during studies in humans and animals,but that most studied has been LGG [110,113,117].Surprisingly,although administered under the same conditions,this strain seems to have contradictory ef-fects.Thus,of the two studies about LGG administration in mothers and children[117,118],only one[118]established a slightly positive effect of LGG on allergy prevention at6 month of age(reduced risk of atopy).Moreover,when LGG was administered in children only,Scalabrin et al.[110]saw no preventive effect.Consequently,even if the combined approach(motherϩchildren)has enabled more positive results in the short-term than other modes of administration,insufficient data are available to affirm that probiotics can prevent allergy in humans.In conclusion,the heterogeneity in the design of animal and human studies(different strains,doses,periods of expo-sure,and environmental conditions)could explain the contra-dictory effects of probiotics on preventing allergy.However, individual parameters are also likely to be responsible for these disparities,such as the environment,the composition of microbiota,or genetic background,etc.Thus,probiotics can-not yet be considered to constitute effective tools to prevent allergy.Probiotics as tools for the treatment of allergyAnimal models Only three studies[120–122]have been car-ried out using animal models.They involved the use of mice of various ages(3–8weeks)and different probiotic species alone or combined by intranasal or oral ways after allergen sensitization[Lactococcus lactis,L.casei,Bifidobacterium breve,B. infantis,Bifidobacterium animalis,L.plantarum,L.rhamnosus). These studies evidenced a reduction in the allergic response, characterized by a decreased Th2response(reduced produc-tion of specific IgG1,IgE,and IL-4)and an increased Th1re-sponse(augmentation of TNF-␣and IFN-␥production). Despite their disparities in terms of protocol design,the re-sults of these studies were consistent with a beneficial thera-peutic effect of probiotics.Nevertheless,further studies are necessary to confirm the interesting effects of this food supple-ment and to explain the mechanisms involved.Human studies Human studies about probiotics as a treat-ment for allergy have revealed varying impacts:a beneficial effect of probiotics causing a decrease in Severity Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis Index levels in patients who received probi-otic-supplemented formulas[123–126],a moderate effect [127–129],or no effect[130].L.rhamnosus sp and particularly, LGG are still the most widely studied probiotics[124,125, 127–130].The effectiveness of this latter probiotic strain on the treatment of AD has not yet been assessed.Indeed,only two studies have described a clear improvement in allergic symptoms[124,125].Finally,in a setting of AD,Brouwer etal. 690Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume89,。
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S C I E N T I A RU M P O L O N O R U M ACTAActa Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 7(2) 2008, 5-20Corresponding author – Adres do korespondencji: Dr in ż. Kamila Goderska, Institute of Food Technology of Plant Origin of Life Sciences in Pozna ń, Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624 Pozna ń, Poland, e-mail: kamilag@up.poznan.plCOMPARISON OF THE GROWTH OF LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS AND BIFIDOBACTERIUM BIFIDUMSPECIES IN MEDIA SUPPLEMENTED WITH SELECTED SACCHARIDES INCLUDING PREBIOTICSKamila Goderska, Jacek Nowak, Zbigniew CzarneckiUniversity of Life Sciences in Pozna ńAbstract. The performed investigations evaluated the growth dynamics of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079, Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242, Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082, Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20215, Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239, Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456 in media supplemented with various saccharides, including prebiotic preparations. The addition of saccharides to the medium exerted a sig-nificant influence not only on the number of bacterial cells but also on their acid-creating capability. Glucose, lactose and saccharose turned out to be the easiest available saccha-rides for all the bacterial strains tested. In the media supplemented with these sugars the highest numbers of bacterial cells were determined. At the shortage of mono- and disac-charides, all strains of the bacteria tested were capable of utilising the prebiotic prepara-tions as sources of carbon and energy in the media. The amount and isomeric forms of lactic acid produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and Bifidobacterium bifi-dum DSM 20239 were determined. Both strains meet the requirements adopted by the WHO and produce more than 70% lactic acid L(+) in the media with the addition of vari-ous saccharides. Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 was found to produce signifi-cantly higher amount of lactic acid in different media.Key words: probiotics, prebiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus , Bifidobacterium bifidum , lactic acidINTRODUCTIONPrebiotics are food additives whose favourable effect on the human organism is as-sociated with the stimulation of growth and activity of some strains of the native micro-flora or microflora introduced with the ingested food [De Vuyst 2002]. A prebiotic is defined as «a non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selec-tively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria inK. Goderska ... Acta Sci. Pol.6 the colon» [Roberfroid 1998]. Prebiotics can be fermented through certain microorgan-isms e.g. lactic acid bacteria from Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus belong to the most common species used as probiotics in the human diet [Fooks et al. 1999]. Principal end products of prebiotics bacterial fermentation in the colon are: CO 2, H 2, CH 4, short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and other organic acids [Roberfroid 2000, Cherbut 2002, Cummings and MacFarlane 2002, Mountzouris et al. 2002]. Reduction of gut pH through SCFA formation inhibits growth of pathogenic colon bacteria. In this way, the host’s health condition is improved as well as his/her resistance to the penetration into the organism of potential allergens [Tannock 2002]. Different researchers consider fructans-fructo- -oligosaccharides (FOS) in this inulin and oligofructose, lactulose, galacto-oligosaccha-rides (GOS), transgalacto-oligosaccharides (TOS), and iso-maltooligosaccharides (IMO) as prebiotics [Fooks et al. 1999, Blaut 2002, Rastall and Maitin 2002].Bifidobacteria are known to have probiotic properties. The digestive system as well as mucous membranes of humans and animals constitute natural sites of Bifidobacte-rium , whereas Lactobacillus bacteria inhibit the digestive and urogenital systems[Klaenhammer 1995]. Bifidobacteria are among the first colonisers of the sterile gastro-intestinal tract of newborns during breast feeding [Arunachalam 1999, Doleyres and Lacroix 2005]. Media for the culturing of Bifidobacterium require the presence of car-bon source. Besides glucose all bifidobacteria are also capable of utilising galactose, lactose and usually fructose as carbon sources [Gomes and Malcata 1999], or products containing these carbohydrates, e.g. honey (fructose, galactose, oligosaccharide fraction in the structure) [Arunachalam 1999, Chick et al. 2001, Ustunal and Gandhi 2001, Shin and Ustunol 2005].The genus of Bifidobacterium may, with the assistance of intracellular enzymes, break down polysaccharides which undergo conversion into glucose and fructose phos-phates and, later on, can be metabolised in a way characteristic for bifidobacteria. Most strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus can ferment amygdalin, cellobiose, fructose, galac-tose, glucose, lactose, maltose, mannose, salicin, sucrose and trehalose [Gomes and Malcata 1999].Predominant growth substrates for gut bacteria are of dietary origin and consist of foodstuffs that have not been absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract (resistant starch, dietary fibre, sugars, oligosaccharides, proteins, peptides and amino acids). There is also a quantitatively lower contribution from endogenous sources such a mucins[Fooks et al. 1999, Ouwehand et al. 2005].The main development of functional food refers to food articles which contain pro-biotics and prebiotics are involved in the fortification of the bacterial microbiota in the intestines [Matilla-Sandholm et al. 2002, Mountzouris et al. 2002]. The list of pro-health ingredients includes: oligosaccharides, polyphenols, phospholipids, proteins and peptides, polyene fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, probiotics, phytocompounds and food fibre [Westrate et al. 2002]. Prebiotics may be very important in the nutrition of diabetics for whom the type and quantity of carbohydrates contained in the food products is very important [Biesalski 1999].There is abundant literature dealing with the effect of prebiotics on the organism in in vivo experiments but few investigations were devoted to in vitro experiments on the impact of FOS on the growth of selected probiotic bacteria. The in vitro studies concern, primarily, milk products with the raffinose family oligosaccharides [Martínez-Villalu-enga et al. 2006] or galactooligosascharides from dairy products and products fromComparison of the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus ... Technologia Alimentaria 7(2) 2008 7lactose or whey (lactulose, lactitol, lactobionic acid) for selected bacteria [Gopal et al. 2001, Saarela et al. 2003]. Even if the in vitro growth of bacteria on FOS was tested, it did not involve bacteria tested in our study [Biedrzycka and Bielecka 2004, Maxwell et al. 2004, Pennacchia et al. 2006].The results of initiated studies in humans indicated that inulin, fructooligosaccharose or galactooligosaccharose may play important role for the absorption of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ [Roberfroid 2000, Tuohy et al. 2003]. Lowering of blood lipids has been associated with prebiotic consumption [Roberfroid 1998]. Inulin and oligofructose prebiotic prop-erties were confirmed in numerous experiments carried out both on animals and people. Feeding of animals with diets enriched with preparations of non-digestible oligosaccha-rides resulted in some colonic microflora changes [Bielecka et al. 2002, Roberfroid 1998].Another important question with regard to the effect of inulin or fructo-oligosaccha-rides on human fecal bifidobacterial counts is the dose-effect relationship. Within a range of 4-20 g or more, when initial bifidobacterial numbers are already high, it is difficult to further increase the size of the population by ingesting exogenous bifidobac-terial cells. However, this does not exclude the possibility that, a dose-effect relation-ship might be observed if it were to be measured in the same group of volunteers with similar initial counts of bifidobacteria. But within the general population, in which fecal counts of bifidobacteria vary considerably, such a dose-effect relationship would be difficult to observe. It is generally regarded that at least 4 g/day but more preferably 8 g/day of FOS or GOS would be needed to significantly elevate bifidobacteria in the human gut [Alander et al. 2001, Losada and Olleros 2002, Matteuzzi et al. 2004, Scan-tlebury Manning and Gibson 2004].If probiotics and a prebiotic occur together in one product, we refer to it as a synbiotic or eubiotic. The above-mentioned combination aims at increased survivability of the administered probiotic and facilitates its inoculation in the large intestine [Scantlebury Manning and Gibson 2004].Our investigations fit into investigations on the evaluation of the efficiency of the application of prebiotics in combination with potentially probiotic bacteria. Therefore, it seems feasible to undertake in vitro research concerned with the growth dynamics of potentially probiotic bacteria in the media supplemented with different saccharides, including those recognised as prebiotics, and to study differences between bacterial species.MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains and growth conditionsLactobacillus acidophilus (DSM 20079 and DSM 20242) and Bifidobacterium bifi-dum(DSM 20082, DSM 20215, DSM 20239 and DSM 20456) were obtained from Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ). Lactobacillus acidophilus were grown in carbohydrate-free MRS medium [Saarela et al. 2003] and Bifidobacterium bifidum in carbohydrate-free Medium 58 (DSMZ) anaerobically at 37°C (pH = 6.5). The media were supplemented with sugar or fructooligosaccharids tested in amount 33.3% of dry mass of medium. The following saccharides were added:K. Goderska ... Acta Sci. Pol.8 glucose, fructose, lactose, saccharose (POCh, Poland), oligofructose (Raftilose® P95- -Orafti, Belgium), inulin (Raftiline® HP-Orafti, Belgium).Raftilose® P95 contains 95% oligofructose with the remaining 5% of glucose, fructose and saccharose. Raftiline® HP contains 100% inulin and is characterised by high purity. In comparison with standard inulin, Raftiline® HP is characterised by 50% reduction of its doses in products, while maintaining the same organoleptic properties and advantages associated with the substitution of fat [Roberfroid 2002].The inoculum was prepared from strains stored at –70°C using appropriate media for 24 hours and it was propagated in the medium for the next 48 hours anaerobically at 37°C. The cells were centrifuged (15 min; 5000 rpm; at 4°C) and suspended in sodium chloride solutions (8.5 g × L -1).Bacteria prepared in this way provided the inoculum (2 × 107 cfu × mL -1) which was used at the amount of 10% (v/v). The number of live (cfu × mL -1) bacteria was deter-mined by total plate count after 24 and 48 hours of cultivation. Medium without sugar and with glucose were used as controls.Nephelometric method of measurement of bacterial growthGrowths of control cultures (glucose) and of test cultures (different sugars and pre-biotics) were monitored after 24, 48, 72 h of incubation by measuring optical density at 600 nm using the spectrophotometer CADAS 3Os (Dr Lange, Germany). The refer-ences blanc were media with different sugars without bacteria [Gopal et al. 1996]. Supernatant pH determination after cultivation of bacteriaBacterial cells were centrifuged after 48 hours (15 min; 5000 rpm; at 4°C) and pH of supernatants were measured.Determination of the quantities of lactic acid [Ball 1990, Biorad 1994]Lactic acid was determined on a Waters liquid chromatographer equipped in a re-fractometric detector (type Waters 410). The applied column was that of the Merck type POLYSPHER R OAKC. A solution of sulphuric acid of 0.005 mol L -1 concentration was used as eluant at a flow of 0.5 mL min -1. Assays were carried out at 32 RIU/F.S sensi-tivity of the detector. Samples were diluted depending on the predicted concentration of lactic acid. Measurements, file integration as well as the calculation of results were carried out with the assistance of the Millenium 32 computer program. Calculations and measurements were performed in relation to the previously prepared and investigated model solutions of the examined substance.Assays of the L(+) and D(-) isomers of lactic acidAssays of the L(+) and D(-) isomers of lactic acid were carried out by the chroma-tographic method Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. guidebook using the Waters liquid chromatographer with a UV detector (type Waters 2487). A Baker B.V. type Chiralpak MA (+) column was used to carry out assays. 2 mM concentration of CuSO 4 and 0.6 mL min -1 flow was used as an eluant. Measurements, file integration as well as the cal-Comparison of the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus ... Technologia Alimentaria 7(2) 2008 9culation of results were carried out with the assistance of the Millenium 32 computer program.Statistical assessmentAll the media tested for each strain were prepared in five replications and the results are mean values from these repetitions. Statistical analysis of results using Excel 2000 software was preformed employing mean descriptive statistics and single-factorial analysis of variance (P < 0.05).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONEffect of the addition of saccharides on changes in viable counts and active acidity of the mediumThe addition of saccharides to the medium increased significantly both the total number of bacteria as well as their acid-creating capacity. In the case of cultivation of the Lactobacillus acidophilus in the medium without the addition of sugar, the total number of bacteria was found to decline. The total number of bacteria reached 5.13 × 105 cfu × mL-1 in the case of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and 3.2 × 103 cfu × mL-1for Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242 in the 48th hour of cultivation and was significantly lower than in the case when saccharides were added to the medium (Fig. 1 and 2). Glucose, lactose and saccharose were the most readily catabolised saccharides. Moreover, media supplemented with the above sugars gave the highest total number of bacteria for both Lactobacillus strains. In the 48th hour of cultivation of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079, the total number of bacteria in the medium with the addition of the above-mentioned sugars reached: 2.45 × 108 cfu × mL-1; 1.46 × 107 cfu × mL-1 and 2.53 × 106 cfu × mL-1, respectively. The above values were higher for Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242 strain: 2.83 × 109 cfu × mL-1; 4.06 × 108 cfu×mL-1 and 1.46 × 108cfu × mL-1, respectively. The Lactobacillus strains also utilised Raftilose and Raftiline in the medium as carbon sources. Although total number of bacteria developed during 48 hours of cultivation were not as high as in the case of easily-available carbon sources, nevertheless their numbers differed significantly in comparison with the me-dium without saccharide supplementation. In the case of the medium supplemented with Raftiline, the total number of bacteria in the 48th hour of cultivation was lower than in the case of Raftilose and amounted to 1.22 × 106 cfu × mL-1 and 6.28 × 106 cfu × mL-1 for Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 strain. In the case of Lactobacillus acidophi-lus DSM 20242 strain, these values for the medium with the above two sugars were higher and in the 48th hour reached: 1.18 × 107 cfu × mL-1 and 1.47 × 108 cfu × mL-1, respectively. In the case of cultivation of all strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum in the medium without saccharide supplementation, significant increase in the total number of bacteria was recorded indicating that these bacteria utilised also other nutrients available in the «rich» medium. Nevertheless, the increase in the numbers of live cells was higher in the case of the addition of saccharides to the medium (Fig. 3-6). In the case of Bifido-bacterium bifidum DSM 20082 and DSM 20239, the highest increase in the total numberK. Goderska ... Acta Sci. Pol.10Fig. 1. Changes in the viable counts of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 in the media sup-P – Raftilose, – Raftiline. Absorbance: – glucose, ▲ – fructose, + – lactose, – saccharose, ■Rys. 1. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 w podło żu z do-datkiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji pod-czas hodowli. Śążne – bez cukru, – w po żcej glukoz ę, – fruk-toz ęę, – sacharoz ę● – bez cukru, – glukoza, ▲ – fruktoza, + – laktoza, – sacharoza, ■Raftilineof bacteria was recorded in the medium with the addition of glucose and total number of bacteria reached: 2.16 × 109 cfu × mL -1 and 6.21 × 107 cfu × mL -1 in the 48th hour, respectively (Fig. 3 and 5). In the case of B. bifidum DSM 20215 and B. bifidum DSM 20456 in the medium supplemented with lactose, the total number of bacteria in the 48th hour of cultivation amounted to: 4.21 × 108 cfu × mL -1 and 4.14 × 108 cfu × mL -1, respectively (Fig. 4 and 6). All strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum grew better in the medium with the addition of Raftilose than Raftiline. In the 48th hour of cultivation, the total number of bacteria in the medium with Raftilose for the individual strains reached the following values: DSM 20082 – 1.18 × 109 cfu × mL -1; DSM 20215 – 2.25 × 109 cfu × mL -1; DSM 20239 – 1.1 × 107 cfu × mL -1 and DSM 20456 – 3.87 × 108 cfu × mL -1. Total number of bacteria of all strains were significantly higher in the medium supple-mented with Raftilose than in the medium with the addition of Raftiline (P < 0.05). In the medium supplemented with Raftiline, the determined values were: DSM 20082 –3.41 × 108 cfu × mL -1, DSM 20215 – 5.17×108 cfu × mL -1; DSM 20239 – 6.32 × 106 cfu × mL -1 and DSM 20456 – 5.02 × 107 cfu × mL -1 and were by one order of magnitude lower than in the case of the medium supplemented with Raftilose. In thecase of all strains, optical density value of the medium reached higher values for cultures in theh L o g 10c f u /m L DComparison of the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus ... Technologia Alimentaria 7(2) 200811Fig. 2. Changes in the viable counts of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242 in the media sup-plemented with different saccharides and prebiotic preparations and OD changes. Expla-nations see Figure 1Rys. 2. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242 w podło żu z do-datkiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji pod-czas hodowli. Obja śnienia patrz rysunek 1Fig. 3. Changes in the viable counts of Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082 in the media sup-plemented with different saccharides and prebiotic preparations and OD changes. Expla-nations see Figure 1Rys. 3. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082 w podło żu z dodat-kiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji podczas hodowli. Obja śnienia patrz rysunek 15,005,506,006,507,007,508,008,509,009,5010,00h L o g 10c f u /m L 0,00,20,40,60,81,01,2O Dh L o g 10c f u /m L O DK. Goderska ... Acta Sci. Pol.12Fig. 4. Changes in the viable counts of Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20215 in the media sup-plemented with different saccharides and prebiotic preparations and OD changes. Expla-nations see Figure 1Rys. 4. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20215 w podło żu z dodat-kiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji podczas hodowli. Obja śnienia patrz rysunek 1Fig. 5. Changes in the viable counts of Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239 in the media sup-plemented with different saccharides and prebiotic preparations and OD changes. Expla-nations see Figure 1Rys. 5. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239 w podło żu z dodat-kiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji podczas hodowli. Obja śnienia patrz rysunek 15.005.506.006.507.007.508.008.509.009.5010.000244872h L o g 10c f u /m L D5.005.506.006.507.007.508.008.509.009.5010.00h L o g 10c f u /m L 1.21.4O DComparison of the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus ... Technologia Alimentaria 7(2) 200813Fig. 6. Changes in the viable counts of Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456 in the media sup-plemented with different saccharides and prebiotic preparations and OD changes. Expla-nations see Figure 1Rys. 6. Zmiana liczby żywych bakterii Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456 w podło żu z dodat-kiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznych oraz zmiana absorbancji podczas hodowli. Obja śnienia patrz rysunek 1medium with Raftilose than with Raftiline – we obtained higher biomass yield of bacte-rial cells. The tested strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum utilized saccharose or lactose much better than prebiotics.Therefore, the experiments confirmed that glucose is the easiest available saccharide for the tested strains. Some strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum utilise lactose as readily as saccharose. At the shortage of saccharides in the medium, all strains of the tested bacteria are capable to utilise the prebiotic substances. Higher total number of bacteria was recorded in the media with Raftilose and Raftiline in comparison with cultures without saccharide supplementation.Also Śli żewska and Libudzisz [2001] reported differences in the growth of intestinal bacteria from Lactobacillus in the presence of fructo-oligosaccharides. The lowest in-crease of biomass was recorded in the media containing inulin and inulin preparations (Raftiline® HP and ST) and it was found to depend on the strain. The lowest biomass increase was also confirmed by the optical density of the medium with the Raftiline® HP supplementation. We recorded higher optical density values in the medium with the addition of Raftiline® HP than Raftilose® P95 only for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082. The above-mentioned researchers also obtained a slightly higher biomass yield in the media containing oligofructose (Raftilose® P95 and L60) in comparison with the increase in the presence of inulin. Nearly all of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains tested in our experiments in the media supplemented with the Raftilose® P95 certified the above investigations but only for Bifidobacterium optical density values were lower than cultures in the media containing mono- and disaccharides. Lactobacil-lus strains tested in our investigations achieved higher optical density values in the me-dium supplemented with the Raftilose® P95 than in the medium with the additionof h L o g 10c f u /m L DK. Goderska ... Acta Sci. Pol. 14 fructose. Moreover, Śli żewska and Libudzisz [2001] showed that glucose and saccha-rose are the best sources of carbon for Lactobacillus acidophilus . Our experiments also proved that, from among the examined carbon sources, both tested Lactobacillus aci-dophilus utilised glucose and saccharose best. It was in the media with these very addi-tives that we recorded the highest total number of bacteria as well as the highest optical density values.Raftiline and Raftilose were also utilized by all the Bifidobacterium strains in ex-periments conducted by Mayer et al. [2003]. In their studies, Rada et al. [2002] empha-sised different growth, in the medium supplemented with various saccharides, depend-ent on the species or even strain of Bifidobacterium . They also indicated that there is Bifidobacterium pseudolongum which does not ferment glucose. In the case of Bifido-bacterium bifidum examined in this study, this did not occur and all strains achieved a distinctly higher growth in the medium supplemented with glucose than with prebiotic preparations.Possibilities of synbiotic production were also reported by Kneifel et al. [2000] who observed growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in media with the addition of prebiotics. In addition, numerous researchers emphasize a better growth of bacteria derived from intestines in the medium supplemented with inulin with DP > 10. Other authors reported that galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides with lower DP are best in supporting the growth of bifidobacteria and carbohydrates with high DP are poor substrates for bifidobacteria [Bruno et al. 2002].Table 1 presents acidity of media after 48 hours of cultivation of different strains in the media supplemented with saccharides. The ready-to-use media for all strains before inoculation were characterised by pH = 6.5. It changed only slightly after 48 hours, when no saccharides were added to the medium. The lowest pH value of 5.97 was re-corded for the Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239. However, for the culture of this strain, the authors recorded the highest pH changes after 48 hours in the media with all types of saccharides. The pH values of the media in the cultures of all bacterial strains in the medium with the addition of glucose differed statistically significantly in com-parison with those with the addition of Raftilose and Raftiline (P < 0.05). Also cultures supplemented with prebiotic preparations differed between one another statistically significantly (P < 0.05). The medium pH supplemented with Raftilose dropped, for Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20242 to the values of 3.81 and 3.68, respectively. These values were lower in comparison with the addition to the medium of Raftiline and amounted to: 5.9 and 5.79, respectively. Bifidobacterium bifidum reduce less the pH of the Raftilose-containing medium in com-parison with Lactobacillus acidophilus . The respective values amounted to: 4.27 – for the Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082; 4.23 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20215; 4.02 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239 and 4.56 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456. These values are significantly different for the cultures of these strains in the media supplemented with fructose, lactose and saccharose. In addition, cultures of Bifidobacterium bifidum supplemented with Raftiline reduced the pH of the medium more than those with Lactobacillus acidophilus . These values amounted to:5.12 – Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082; 5.03 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20215; 4.82 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239 and 5.51 – for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456. We recorded significant differences for cultures with the addition of other saccharides. In the case of the culture with Lactobacillus acidophilus DSMComparison of the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus ... Technologia Alimentaria 7(2) 2008 15Table 1. Medium pH value after 48 hours of cultivation six probiotics strains with the addition of different saccharides and prebiotic preparationsTabela 1. Zmiana pH podłoża po 46 h hodowli sześciu probiotycznych szczepów w podłożu z dodatkiem różnych sacharydów i preparatów prebiotycznychLactobacillus acidophilus Bifidobacterium bifidum MediumPożywka DSM 20079* DSM 20242* DSM 20082* DSM 20215* DSM 20239* DSM 20456*Without sugarBez cukru6.40 ±0.05 g 6.34 ±0.04 e 6.13 ±0.05 e 6.26 ±0.04 e 5.97 ±0.06 g 6.16 ±0.06 eGlucoseGlukoza3.72 ±0.03 b 3.67 ±0.03 b 3.71 ±0.02 a 3.68 ±0.03 a 3.52 ±0.04 a 3.93 ±0.04 aFructoseFruktoza4.30 ±0.03 e 4.24 ±0.04 c 3.78 ±0.03 b 3.65 ±0.04 a 3.66 ±0.03 c 4.04 ±0.05 bLactoseLaktoza3.90 ±0.03 d 3.70 ±0.05 b 3.83 ±0.02 b 3.76 ±0.03 b 3.73 ±0.03 d4.00 ±0.03 a,bSaccharoseSacharoza3.60 ±0.04 a 3.61 ±0.03 a 3.71 ±0.03 a 3.63 ±0.02 a 3.57 ±0.02 b 3.95 ±0.04 a,b Raftilose 3.81 ±0.03 c 3.68 ±0.05 b4.27 ±0.04 c 4.23 ±0.04 c 4.02 ±0.05 e 4.56 ±0.05 c Raftiline5.90 ±0.05 f 5.79 ±0.05 d 5.12 ±0.05 d 5.03 ±0.05 d 4.82 ±0.04 f 5.51 ±0.05 d*Mean and standard deviation.Means in the columns with different letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g are significantly different (P < 0.05).*Średnio i odchylenie standardowe.Wartości w kolumnach oznaczone różnymi literami: a, b, c, d, e, f, g są statystycznie różne (P < 0,05).20079, significant differences were found between the pH of cultures supplemented with glucose (3.72 ±0.03) and Raftilose (3.81 ±0.03), whereas for Lactobacillus aci-dophilus DSM 20242 – there were no significant differences between culture with the addition of glucose (3.67 ±0.03), lactose (3.70 ±0.05) and Raftilose (3.68 ±0.05; P > 0.05). We observed significant differences between the pH value of the media with glucose (3.72 ±0.03) and saccharose (3.60 ±0.04) for Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079. In the case of cultures with Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20082, no significant differences were observed between the pH of the media containing glucose (3.71 ±0.02) and saccharose (3.71 ±0.03) as well as between fructose (3.78 ±0.03) and lactose (3.83 ±0.02). There were also no significant differences for culture of Bifidobacterium bifi-dum DSM 20215 with glucose (3.68 ±0.03), saccharose (3.63 ±0.02) and fructose (3.65 ±0.04). The same can be said about cultures of Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20456 supplemented with glucose (3.93 ±0.04), saccharose (3.95 ±0.04) and lactose (4.00 ±0.03) as well as fructose (4.04 ±0.05), lactose (4.00 ±0.03) and saccharose (3.95 ±0.04; P > 0.05). The pH of the media containing fructose (3.66 ±0.03) and saccharose (3.57 ±0.02) for Bifidobacterium bifidum DSM 20239 failed to show significant differences. Therefore, the above discussed research results confirm data about the significance of differences of bacterial cultures in media supplemented with prebiotics and other easily available saccharides.Analysing the correlation of pH changes of the medium with the total number of bacteria during the cultivation in media containing different saccharides it can be no-。