118094 财政学 教学大纲(国贸)
财政学Public Finance课程编号:118094 学分: 3开课学院:商学院课内学时:48课程类别:学科平台课课程性质:必修一、课程的性质和目的课程性质:《财政学》是经济管理类核心课程,是国际经济与贸易专业基础课程。
国贸 必考简答论述汇编(分章节)
外贸商务企业 国贸专业毕业生
典型 工作 岗位
典型 工作 流程
业务准备 交易磋商 拟定合同 履行合同 业务善后
典型 学习 情景
5个 教学 模块
任务2-3: 交易磋商之还盘
任务2-4: 交易磋商之接受
任务3-1: 进出口合同格式分析
任务3-2: 进出口合同内容 任务3-3: 进出口合同特殊条款
任务4-2:履行进口合同 独立综合实践:综合模拟练习
根据该课程的学习特点,按 照“学中做、做中学”的教学思 路,组织和设计各类资源,提供 了大量的实践内容,使专业知识 点与实践紧密结合。
依托目前的校外实训基地,和 企业专家共同开发该课程的教学内 容,根据最新的外贸业务员岗位来 定核心的专业教学内容,并能及时 调整本课程的相关专业知识点,初 步实现了“校企共建”课程的目标。
工作流程相同:外贸业务准备 交易磋商 签订合同 履行合同 业务善后 知识、能力点逐步递增
• 课程实施 • 教学手段
讨论 长期大量顺差与逆差的结果? 顺差----外汇量增多---本币升值----国际市场本国W价格上升----出口量减少 Eg: $1:¥8 $1:¥4 (2:8) 思考 本币对外贬值对本国的进出口有何影响?
2000年中国内地十大贸易伙伴依次为:日本、美国、欧盟、香港特区、东盟、韩国、台湾省、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、加拿大。与他们的贸易额达$4085亿,占中国进出口总额的86% 2004年,我国进出口贸易额首次突破万亿大关,达11548亿美元,成为世界第三大贸易国。其中,我国与欧盟、美国、日本、香港特区、东盟、加、澳、韩等十大贸易伙伴的贸易额实现全面增长,累计达到9588.3亿美元,占我国进出口贸易额的83%。
1、贸易额(值)(The Value of Trade) (1)定义:~是以货币表示的世界各国的进出口贸易值。 (2)计算:各国出口额(值)相加作为国际贸易总额(值)。各国(地区)统计其出口值时通常采用FOB价计算。
2、贸易量(Quantum of Trade) (1)定义:以不变价格表示的贸易值。 (2)公式: 贸易量=进出口额/进出口价格指数 (计算期 ) (计算期 ) (计算期指数/基期指数) 例题:1970年,世界出口额$2800亿,1978年,世界出口额为$11736亿。假定出口价格指数为1970年为100,1978年为265。试分别比较1978年世界出口额和世界出口量与1970年世界出口额的增长变化情况
第一章: 导论 第二章: 国际贸易产生、地位与作用 第三章: 国际分工 第四章: 国际分工理论 第五章: 世界市场与世界市场价格 第六章: 对外贸易政策 第七章: 关税措施 第八章: 非关税壁垒 第九章: 出口促进与出口管制 第十章: 国际服务贸易 第十一章:国际贸易救济措施 第十二章:区域经济一体化
我某进出口公司向香港一进口商出口货物一 批,香港开来的信用证中的唛头为三角形中一个 大写的“东”字,我出口公司缮制唛头时使用了 简体“东”字,结果遭到开证行的拒付,理由是 唛头属于货物包装上的标志,原则上必须和指定 的字体和符号相同,不得随意更改,后经开证行 联系开证人方予付款,延迟收汇一个月。
§1.1 国际贸易单证工作的意义
二、单证工作的意义 ➢ 单证是国际结算的基本工具 ➢ 单证是经营管理的重要环节 ➢ 单证是政策性很强的涉外工作(单证 就是外汇) ➢ 单证是企业业务和素质的体现
§1.2 国贸单证工作的基本要求
国际贸易单证工作的基本要求 (十个字)
is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for
Documentary Credit (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.500”。该外 贸公司于5月14日将全部货物装船,提单签发日为5 月14日,当受益人于6月7日将符合信用证规定的各 项单据交议付行议付时遭银行拒付。问:银行是否 有权拒付,为什么?
§1.2 国贸单证工作的基本要求
在国际贸易中,外贸单证的时间性是很强的,单 证工作的及时性要求主要体现在两个方面:
1. 出单要及时 2. 交单要及时
一方面是指各种单据的出单日期必须合理、可行,也 就是说,每一种单据的出单日期不能超过信用证规定 的有效期限或按商业习惯的合理日期。
第十二章 国际经济争议解决
3、仲裁裁决的效力 仲裁裁决具有法律的拘束力 4、仲裁裁决的撤销: 仲裁协议无效;仲裁程序不当;仲裁庭越权; 仲裁庭组成不当。 五、仲裁裁决的承认与执行 1、1958年《关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约》 2、我国的规定:《民事诉讼法》的规定; 我国对公约的保留 3、我国香港与内地之间执行仲裁裁决的 安排:1999“安排”.
4.根据国际法上关于主权国家及其管辖范围 的一般原则,一国法院作出的判决,仅在该 国境内有效,而外国法院在任何情况下都没 有承认与执行他国法院判决的义务。() 5.仲裁协议是使某一特定的仲裁机构取得对 协议项下的案件的管辖权的依据,同时也是 排除法院对该特定案件实施管辖的主要的抗 辩理由。() 6.在国际商事仲裁立法与实践上,法院和仲 裁庭均有权对某一特定仲裁协议的有效性作 出认定。()
• 6.下列哪一项不属于联合国贸法会《国际商 事仲裁示范法》规定的当事人可以申请撤销仲 裁裁决的理由?() A.订立仲裁协议的任何一方当事人根据应当 适用于他们的法律为无行为能力者 B.未能将有关指定仲裁员或进行仲裁程序的 事项向当事人发出适当通知,或者由于其他原 因未能给当事人表达其对争议事项的意见的机 会 C.仲裁庭裁决的事项超出了当事人在仲裁协 议中规定的事项 D.当事人事先未在合同中订立仲裁条款
7.下列哪一项情况下我国不适用《纽约承认与 执行外国仲裁裁决公约》?() A.对在《纽约公约》另一缔约国领土内作出 的仲裁裁决的承认与执行上 B.对按照我国法律属于契约性和非契约性商 事法律关系所引起的争议 C.对外国投资者与东道国政府之间的争端 D.对勘探开发自然资源所引起的争端
8.下列关于世界贸易组织争端解决机制的表述 哪一项是错误的()? A.因为只有在实施了磋商程序未果的情况下, 申请人才有权提出设立专家组的请求 B.DSB应当在一定期限内通过专家组报告,除 非某一缔约方声称将对此报告提出上诉,或 DSB一致决定不采纳此项报告 C.上诉机构是WTO设立的常设机构 D.上诉庭不仅审理专家组报告中所涉及的法 律问题,以及专家组对这些问题作出的解释, 而且有权审理专家组报告中所涉及的事实问题
1、课后第 12 题:一经济社会生产三种产品:书本、面包和菜豆。1998 年和 1999 年的产量和价格(美元)如下表 所示
1998 年
1999 年
价格Biblioteka 书本10010110
(1)1998 年名义 GDP; (2)1999 年名义 GDP; (3)以 1998 年为基期,1998 年和 1999 年的实际 GDP 是多少,这两年实际 GDP 变化 多少百分比? (4)以 1999 年为基期,1998 年和 1999 年的实际 GDP 是多少,这两年实际 GDP 变化 多少百分比? (5)“GDP 的变化取决于我们用哪一年的价格作衡量实际 GDP 的基期的价格。”这句 话对否? (6)用 1998 年作为基期,计算 1998 年和 1999 年的 GDP 折算指数。 【答案】
一、重要概念(名词解释+单选+判断) 了解周边知识,不仅仅是背诵概念!
1、国内生产总值(GDP):指经济社会(即一国或一地区)在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物 品和劳务)的市场价值。 2、国民生产总值(GNP):某国国民所拥有的全部生产要素在一定时期内所生产的最终产品的市场价值。 3、最终产品:在一定时期内生产的并由其最后使用者购买的产品和劳务就称为最终产品。 4、中间产品:指用于再出售而供生产别种产品的产品。 5、托宾 Q:=企业的股票市场价值/新建企业的成本。 6、凯恩斯陷阱(流动偏好陷阱):当利率极低,人们会认为这时利率不大可能再下降,或者说有价证券市场价格不 大可能再上升而只会下降,人们不管有多少货币都愿意持有在手中,这种情况就称为“凯恩斯陷阱”或“流动偏好 陷阱”。 7、挤出效应:指政府支出增加所引起的私人消费或投资降低的效果。 8、自动稳定器:指经济系统本身存在的一种会减少各种干扰对国民收入冲击的机制,能够在经济繁荣时期自动抑制 通胀,在经济衰退时期自动减轻萧条,无需政府采取任何行动。 9、再贴现率:中央银行对商业银行及其他金融机构的放款利率。 10、基础货币:存款扩张的基础是商业银行的准备金总额(包括法定的和超额的)加上非银行部门持有的通货,称为 基础货币。 11、货币创造乘数:中央银行新增一笔原始货币供给将使活期存款总和(亦即货币供给量)扩大为这笔新增原始货币 供给量的 1/Rd 倍,1/Rd 称为货币创造乘数。 12、摩擦性失业:指在生产过程中由于难以避免的摩擦而造成的短期、局部性失业。 13、结构性失业:指劳动力的供给和需求不匹配所造成的失业,其特点是既有失业,又有职位空缺,失业者或者没有 合适的技能或者居住地点不当,因此无法填补现有的职位空缺。 14、周期性失业:指经济周期中的衰退或萧条时,因需求下降而造成的失业,这种失业是由整个经济的支出和产出下 降造成的。
产业结构:是指社会再生产过程中,国民经济 各产业之间的生产技术经济联系和数量比例关 系。 产业结构变动理论: 1、李斯特幼稚产业保护理论 2、配第——克拉克定律 3、霍夫曼定理 4、钱纳里定理 5、库滋涅茨部门结构变动理论
25 20 15 10
5 0 -5 -10 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999
一、GATS关于国际服务贸易的分类 1、过境支付(Cross-border Supply) 2、消费者移动(Consumer Abroad) 3、人员流动(Movement of Personnel) 4、商业存在(Commercial Presence)
第一节 国际服务贸易的发展与现状
《美加自由贸易协定》(FTA):服 务贸易是指由或代表其他缔约方的一个 人,在其境内或进入一缔约方听欧冠所 指定的一项服务。
第一节 国际服务贸易的发展与现状
薛荣久:国际服务贸易是指国家之间相 互提供的作为劳动活动服务的特殊使用 价值。
讲授:孙强 国贸07A-1、2、3、4、5
第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第十章 第十一章 第十二章
国际服务贸易基本范畴 4
中国入世关于服务贸易的承诺 2
满足各种需求,提供解 决问题的能力。
《公司治理学》课程教学大纲课程编号:课程类别:专业选修课程学分:3 先修课程:适用专业:国际贸易一、课程的地位和作用(性质和任务)《公司治理学》课程是国际贸易专业本科生重要的专业选修课程之一,也是一门通过对公司治理的综合性研究,探讨公司治理实践中具有共性的基本原理、运作规范和方法的学科。
4、马歇尔—勒纳条件:本国出口的价格需求弹性与本国进口的价格需 求弹性之和的绝对值必须大于1,即商品的进出口变化对于价格调整的 反应要大。
3、自由贸易区:是经济一体化组织较低层次的形式,即一体化密切程 度较差的一种形式。成员国间取消关税壁垒,对其他国家各自仍然保持 独立的关税。
4、 关税同盟:经济一体化在发展过程中的一个阶段,它除了在成员国 间取消关税壁垒,而且采取共同的对外关税,关税收入按照既定的比例 进行分配。
7、国际贸易产品生命周期学说:是将周期理论与国际贸易结合起来, 认定国际贸易的发生是由于不同国家之间生产技术方面存在着差距,
技术差距的产生于缩小会改变国际贸易中的比较利益,从而使国际贸 易中所谓比较利益从静态发展成为动态即比较利益从一个或一类国家 转移(传导)到另一个或一类国家,一类产品的生产的优势因而从一 个国家转移到另外的国家,国际贸易的价格也因而发生变化。
第5章 、国际贸易的现代与当代理论(II)
1、 产业内贸易理论:是国际经济学界产生了一种新理论,主要针对国 际贸易大多发生在发达国家之间,并既进口又出口同类产品的现象。产 业内贸易理论,有其理论的假设前提、相应的理论解释。对产品的同质 性、异质性与产业内贸易现象进行解释,并提出了产业内贸易指数的计 算方式。
2、社会无差异曲线:社会无差异曲线是表示社会福利水平一定时,社 会成员之间的效用的不同搭配关系的曲线
3、绝对利益:在某一类商品的生产上,一个经济体在劳动生产率上占 有绝对优势,或其生产所耗费的劳动成本绝对低于另一经济体,若各 个经济体都从事自己占有绝对优势的商品的生产,继而进行交换,那 么双方都可以通过交换得到绝对利益,从而整个世界也可以获得分工 的好处。P16
2.FAQ是FarAverageQuality的简称,它表示一定时期内某地出口货物的平均品质水平,习称“良好平均品质”,一般是指中等货或 大路货而言。在国际货物贸易中,某些品质变化较大而难以规定统 一标准的农副产品,往往用此术语来表示其品质。在我国出口农副 产品时,除用FAQ这一术语来表示其品质外,同时还在合同中约定具体规格。
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Chapter 12 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure andArbitration12.1 Commodity Inspection12.1.1 Importance of Commodity InspectionIn international trade, the quality, quantity and packing of the goods delivered by the seller should be in conformity with the terms and conditions of the sales contract. In this sense, inspection of commodity and the issuance of certificate of inspection are one of the necessary steps in a transaction.Inspection may be made by the seller and the buyer themselves. However, probably, neither party is willing to have the goods inspected by the other party to judge whether the goods are in conformity with the stipulations in the sales contract.Therefore, for the purpose of identifying liabilities and ascertaining facts, inspection by authoritative and impartial inspection institutions and the certificates of inspection issued by them are usually required in the sales contract. The certificate of inspection is regarded as the basis of the delivery of the goods.12.1.2 Time and Places of InspectionThere are three ways of stipulating the time and place of inspection in sales contract1. Inspection in exporting countryThis means that the goods are to be inspected by the inspection institution specified in the contract at the seller's factory or at the port/place of shipment in exporting country. The inspection certificate issued thereunder is the final basis of the delivery of the goods.In case the goods are found by the buyer to be not in conformity with the contract after arrival at the port/place of destination, the buyer can not claim against the seller unless he can prove that the unconformity is blamed to the seller. Thus this is favorable to the seller.2. Inspection in importing countryThis means that the goods are to be inspected by the inspection institution specified in the contract at the port/place of destination in importing country. The inspection certificate issued thereunder is the final basis of the goods delivered and the buyer could claim against the seller supported by it. Thus, in fact, the seller has to guarantee that the goods are in conformity with thecontract after arrival at the port/place of destination, which is unfavorable to him.3. Inspection in exporting country and re-inspection in importing countryThis means that the goods are to be inspected first at the port/place of shipment in exporting country and then re-inspected at the port/place of destination in importing country. The inspection certificate issued by the inspection institution at the port/place of shipment will be a part of the documents to be presented by the seller, immediately after shipment, for payment under relevant letter of credit. The inspection certificate issued at the port/place of destination in importing country will support the buyer to lodge a claim with the seller if the goods are found unconformity with the contract by re-inspection after arrival at the above destination. Therefore, this method is favorable to both sides and widely used in international trade.12.1.3 Inspection Institutions and Inspection Certificates1. Inspection institutionsThere are two major types of inspection institutions: governmental and non-governmental. The governmental inspection institutions such as the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the USA specialize in inspection of particular commodities. The general commodities transacted in international trade are mainly inspected by non-governmental institutions such as the famous SGS in Swiss.Chinese governmental inspection agency of imported and exported commodities is the Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC. The provincial Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaus directly under it are particularly responsible for local inspections of imported and exported commodities.2. Inspection certificates1) Types of inspection certificatesThe inspection certificate most commonly used in international trade is inspection certificate of quality or quantity. They are almost necessary for every transaction.There are also some other types of inspection certificates such as inspection certificate of value, sanitary inspection certificate, disinfection inspection certificate, etc.2) Functions of inspection certificatesThe inspection certificate functions as the basis of the delivery of the goods, the document to be examined by the customs, the grounds for a claim and the criterion for identifying liabilities.12.1.4 Inspection StandardsInspection on import and export commodities shall cover quality, specification, quantity, weight, packing and the requirements for safety and hygiene. The following are the variousinspection standards.~ If the compulsory standards or other inspection standards which must be complied with are specified by laws or administrative regulations, the inspection shall be performed according to the standards as specified by laws and administrative regulations.~ In the absence of the compulsory standards or other inspection standards which must, be complied with as specified by laws or administrative regulations, the inspection shall be performed according to the standards agreed upon in the international trade contracts. If the trade is conducted against the sample, the inspection shall be performed simultaneously according to the sample provided.~ In cases the compulsory standards or other inspection standards which must be complied with as specified by laws or administrative regulations are lower than the standards agreed upon in the international trade contract, the inspection shall be conducted according to the standards agreed upon in the international trade contract. If the trade is conducted against the sample, the inspection shall be performed simultaneously according to the sample provided.~ In the absence of compulsory standards or other inspection standards which must be complied with as specified by laws and administrative regulations, and in case inspection standards are either not agreed upon or agreed upon unclearly in the contract, the inspection shall be conducted according to the standards of the manufacturing country, or relevant international standards or the standards designed by the state inspection agency.12.1.5 Inspection Clause in Sales ContractThe following is an example of inspection clause in the international sales contract."The certificate of quality and quantity issued by Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau shall be a part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant letter of credit. "12.2 Claim12.2.1 Breach of Contrac tBreach of contract means the refusal or failure by a party to a contract to fulfill an obligation as stipulated in the contract. In international trade transaction, either the seller or the buyer may break the sales contract.1. Breach of contract committed by the sellerBreach of contract committed by the seller mainly covers non-delivery, late delivery andunconformity of the goods, etc.2. Breach of contract committed by the buyerBreach of contract committed by the buyer mainly covers non-payment, late payment and failure to take delivery of the goods, etc.12.2.2 Claim Clause in Sales ContractBreach of contract by either party may cause some loss to the other party, and then the party suffering loss will generally lodge a claim with the breaching party for compensation. So a claim clause is usually contained in the sales contract. The following are the examples of some different types of claim clauses.1. Discrepancy & claim clauseThis is the commonly adopted claim clause in an international sales contract. Here is an example:"Any discrepancy and claim by the buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be filed with 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination and supported by a survey report issued bya surveyor approved by the seller."2. Penalty clauseSometimes a penalty clause may be included in the contract in case the seller fails to deliver the goods on time, or the buyer fails to make payment on time. Under this clause, the other party has the right to claim a penalty against the breaching party.The following is an example of penalty clause:"Should the seller fall to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract, the buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted from the payment for the goods by the buyer. The rate of penalty is charged at 1% of the total value of the goods whose delivery has been delayed for every seven days. "3. Inspection & claim clauseThe inspection clause and the claim clause are usually combined in a contract. For example: "It is mutually agreed that the inspection certificate of quality and quantity issued by Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau shall be a part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant letter of credit. The buyer shall have the right to re-inspect the goods. The re-inspection fee shall be borne by the buyer. Should the quality and/or quantity be found not in conformity with that of the contract, the buyer is entitled to lodge with the seller a claim which should be supported by survey reports issued by a recognized surveyor approved by the seller. The claim, if any, shall be lodged within 15 days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination. "12.3 Force Majeure12.3.1 What Is Force Majeure1. Definition of force majeureForce majeure is an event or effect that can not be reasonably anticipated nor controlled. A party is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from his failure to perform the contract caused by force majeure. However, at first, he must prove that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control and that he could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract or to have avoided or overcome it or its consequences.Force majeure is not only narrowly defined, but also limited in its application. It applies to occasional and accidental situations, such as natural disasters, war, embargoes, strikes, the bankruptcy of the supplier and etc, which frustrate both one party's attempting to perform and his expecting performance. Because neither party is really at fault, the breaching party is exempt from liability and the other party can not lodge a claim against him. However, the other party could exercise any proper right other than to claim damages, such as asking for delivery later.2. Consequences of force majeureThere are usually two consequences of force majeure: termination of the contract and postponement of the contract. Whether terminating the contract or postponing the performance of the contract depends on what degree the force majeure event has affected the performance of the contract, or on the detailed stipulations in the contract.Generally speaking, the contract can be avoided only if the occurrence of the force majeure event makes it impossible to perform the contract, such as the loss of or damage to specifically designated goods, or the event is so serous that it is impossible to recover within a short period of time. Otherwise, the suffering party can only postpone the performance of the contract to reduce the possible losses to the other party.12.3.2 Force Majeure Clause in Sales ContractThe clause of force majeure usually contains the following items.1. The scope of force majeure eventsSince there is no recognized and definite explanation as to which events should be regarded as force majeure, the seller and the buyer usually stipulate in their contract the scope of force majeure events.Generally, the natural disasters such as flood, storm, heavy snow, earthquake, etc, and thecertain social disturbances like war, strikes and etc are considered as force majeure events.2. Time limit of notifying the other partyIn case of a force majeure event, the suffering party who fails to perform the contact must give notice to the other party of the impediment and its effect on his ability to perform. If the notice is not received by the other party within a reasonable time after the suffering party who fails to perform knew or ought to have known of the impediment, he is liable for damages resulting from such non-receipt.3. The issuer of the certificateA force majeure event should be verified by a certificate or survey report that attests such an event. The issuer of the certificate or report may be specified in the clause.4. An example of a force majeure clauseHere is an example of a force majeure clause in the international sales contract:"If the shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war, earthquake, flood, fire, storm, heavy snow or other causes of force majeure, the seller Shall not be held responsibility for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall notify the buyer by cable and furnish the latter by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events. "12.4 Arbitration12.4.1 The Ways of Settlement of DisputesIn international trade, disputes often arise between the two parties to a Sales contract when one party deems that the other fails to perform his obligations as stipulated in the contract, but the other party do not think so. The following four ways may be adopted to settle such disputes.1. Friendly consultationIt is best for the parties to settle disputes through friendly consultation. Thus the disputes could be resolved with the friendly business relation maintained between the two sides. However, in practice, it is so difficult for the two sides to reach an agreement through friendly consultation that this way is seldom successful in resolving disputes.2. MediationMediation could be considered as negotiation with a moderator. The mediator (a neutral third party) makes efforts to help the two parties work out their own solutions and then reach an agreement. However, the mediation has little chance of success unless the mediator is trusted by both two parties and it is not easy to find such a mediator.3. LitigationLitigation means lawsuit, a process in law instituted by one party to compel another to dohim justice. It is usually costly and time-consuming. It is likely to make the two'parties hostile to each other and damage the relation between them. Therefore, this way should be used as rarely as possible.4. ArbitrationArbitration means a method of settling disputes arising between the two sides of parties who voluntarily render their disputes to a panel of arbitrators agreed by themselves to deal with in accordance with certain arbitration rules and make a final decision binding both two parties based on the arbitration agreement the parties have reached.Compared with litigation, arbitration may save both the cost and the time. Moreover, it will not ruin the relation between the two sides and helps to preserve a long-term business relationship.Among the four ways mentioned above, arbitration is most commonly used in settlement of international trade disputes.12.4.2 Arbitration AgreementArbitration involves an written agreement between two or more individuals or entities to submit a dispute for resolution with a qualified arbitrator or panel of arbitrators.The arbitration agreement may be reached before or after the disputes arise. Before disputes arise, the two parties may previously conclude an arbitration clause in the sales contract. Alternatively, in the course of performance of the sales contract, they could reach an independent arbitration agreement after disputes arose. The two types of arbitration agreement are of the same enforcement and similar contents.An arbitration agreement usually contains the following elements.1 The intention of requesting for arbitrationThe intention of requesting for arbitration is the explicit written words of desire to submit the dispute for arbitration by the parties. The words of requesting for arbitration should be clear, exact, sure and in accordance with the essence of the finality of arbitration and possess the effect of excluding the jurisdiction of courts without any ambiguousness, indistinctness or speciousness.For example, the arbitration agreement should not be concluded this way : "Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be first settled by friendly consultation by the parties, if failed, it shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration according to the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. If there is a challenge against the arbitral award, it shall then be submitted to the court for settlement. " This arbitration agreement is not properly concluded because it has not excluded the effect of the jurisdiction of court. It breaches the basic principles of the finality and the non-appeal ability of arbitral awards.2. Arbitration mattersThe matters for arbitration should be stipulated in the arbitration agreement, and should be in a way as broad as possible.Any restrictive language or words can not be used in an arbitration agreement so that the arbitration agreement can be concluded in most broad sense. For example, the amount of dispute or the nature of dispute should not be limited in the arbitration agreement. Instead, no matter how large the amount of the dispute is or no matter what kind of the nature of dispute is , provided that the law permits, all can be submitted to arbitration so that it could be best for the parties to protect their interests.3. Arbitration organizationThe arbitration is to be conducted by an arbitration organization. Such an arbitration organization should be specified in the arbitration agreement. In China, the arbitration is usually conducted by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Particular panels of arbitrators of the Commission will be appointed to arbitrate particular cases.Sometimes, the parties may not specify an arbitration organization but several arbitrators directly. In these cases, how to select the arbitrators should be stated clearly and definitely in the arbitration agreement. It should be noted that the number of arbitrators should be odd or else it may be in a tie when settling the dispute.4. Arbitration placeThe arbitration place can be anywhere in the seller's country, the buyer's country or a third country. The arbitration place is very important for the arbitral award so it should be specified clearly in the arbitration agreement. The country where the arbitration takes place or an arbitral award is made is the country of the nationality of an arbitral award. Therefore, it is the arbitration place that is in the first place in recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award.According to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award concluded in New York in 1958, the arbitral awards that have been made out of the country where the recognition and enforcement are required are the foreign arbitral awards. On the other hand, to provided an arbitration place is usually equal to provide an arbitration procedure law which shall be applied to the arbitration case. The procedure law of the country where the arbitration takes place is usually applicable to the arbitration case, if the parties have not explicitly specified the procedure law (rule) of a certain country in the arbitration agreement.5. Rules of arbitrationIt is of great importance to provide the rule of arbitration in an arbitration agreement, because the rule of arbitration governs the whole process of an arbitration case from the beginning of accepting the case to the end of making an award. Different rules of arbitration will more or less have some influence on the arbitration case and the arbitral award.6. Effect of arbitral awardAccording to international practice, an arbitration agreement should also stipulate that thearbitral award is final and binding on both parties. Either party should recognize and enforce the arbitral award and could not to appeal to the court to revise it.7. Arbitration fees (expenses)It is sure that to arbitrate a dispute costs some. An arbitration agreement shall provide that which party is to bear the arbitration fees. Usually, the losing party will be provided to bear it.The arbitral award may decide by which party the arbitration fee is to be borne and the decision of the award is usually considered prior to the stipulation about this provided in the arbitration agreement.12.4.3 Arbitration Procedures1. Application for arbitrationWhen applying for arbitration, the claimant should submit to the arbitration organization specified in the arbitration agreement an application for arbitration in writing, the arbitration agreement (or the contract including an arbitration clause), the statement of facts and the evidences on which his claim is based. The claimant shall pay an arbitration fee in advance to the arbitration organization.The application for arbitration and relevant documents should be submitted in the same copies to the defendant and all the arbitrators.2. Formation of arbitration tribunalArbitrators should be appointed by the two parties to form an arbitration tribunal to hear the arbitration case and make the award. If the dispute is submitted to an arbitration organization, the arbitrator may be selected from its panels of arbitrators.No matter whether the arbitrators are appointed by the two parties themselves or selected froro the panels, they should remain impartial and the number of them should be odd.3. HearingGenerally, oral hearings are conducted in the course of arbitration. However, the arbitration tribunal may, examine the case and make an award on the basis of documents only at the request of the parties or with their consent, and with the arbitration tribunal's confirmation that oral hearings are unnecessary.The date of oral hearing should be fixed by the arbitration tribunal and be informed to the parties some days before the date of hearing so that they may have sufficient time to make necessary preparations.4. AwardIn the ordinary arbitration procedures, the arbitration tribunal should render an arbitral award within reasonable time. According to the arbitration rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, the arbitral award shall be rendered within 9 months (inforeign-related economic cases and maritime cases) as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed. In some special cases, the time limit could be extended conditionally.The date on which the arbitral award is made is the date on which the arbitral award comes into effect. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.5. Enforcement of an awardThe parties should automatically execute the arbitral award within the time limit specified in the arbitral award. In case .one party fails to execute the arbitral award, the other party has the right to apply to the competent court for enforcement~Whenever one party applies for enforcement to the competent foreign court, he shall submit to the court written application for enforcement together with the arbitration agreement and the original copy of arbitral award and its corresponding translation copy.6. Setting aside an awardIf one party deems that there are matters not in conformity with the statutory procedure in the award after receipt of the arbitral award, he may apply for setting aside the arbitral award to the competent court in the place where the arbitration takes place.When applying for setting aside a foreign-related arbitral award, the party which proves that the arbitral award involves one of the following circumstances.~ The parties have neither included an arbitration clause in their contract nor written arbitration agreement for submission. should present evidence subsequently concluded a ~ The party against whom the enforcement is sought was not notified to appoint an arbitrator or to take part in the arbitration proceedings, or was unable to state his opinions due to reasons for which he is not responsible.~ The formation of the arbitration tribunal or the arbitration procedure was not in accordance with th arbitration rules agreed upon by the parties.The court, which after examination and verification, is convinced that there exists one of the above circumstances, or considers that the award is in violation of public interest, shall rule to set aside the award.12.4.4 Arbitration Clause in Sales ContractIn order to settle the possible disputes smoothly and quickly, most parties previously conclude the arbitration clause in their contracts. Then any dispute related to the contract would submit to arbitration according to this clause. If no dispute arises through the transaction, the clause will not be used.The following is an example of the arbitration clause in international trade contract:"All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between the two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall thenbe submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration rules of the arbitration organization of the defendant country. The award made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization. "。