Genetic parameters of production traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)




中国水产科学 2018年9月, 25(5): 998-1003 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China研究论文收稿日期: 2017-12-09; 修订日期: 2018-03-01.基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31772843); 青岛市产业培育计划项目(17-3-3-64-nsh); 山东省科技发展计划项目(2016ZDJ-S06A06).作者简介: 张景晓(1990−), 男, 博士研究生, 从事贝类遗传育种研究. E-mail: jingxiao2000@ 通信作者: 李琪, 教授. E-mail: qili66@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1118.2018.17438长牡蛎‘海大1号’生长性状的遗传参数评估张景晓, 李琪, 徐成勋中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266003摘要: 分别以长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas )‘海大1号’第8代和第9代选育群体中的个体为亲本, 采用巢式设计的交配方法, 于2016年和2017年分别获得41个和38个全同胞家系。

根据各家系长牡蛎330日龄的壳高、壳长、壳宽和体重等表型参数, 通过建立多性状动物模型, 利用ASReml 软件中的限制性极大似然法估算各表型变量的方差组分, 对‘海大1号’连续两代选育群体生长性状的遗传参数进行评估。

结果表明, 两个选育世代的‘海大1号’生长性状均具有较高的变异水平, 变异系数为20.74%~55.14%, 各生长性状仍具有遗传改良潜力。

‘海大1号’各生长性状间的表型相关均为正相关, 相关系数大小存在差异。

3个壳型性状与体重的遗传相关均为正相关, 且处于较高水平(0.40~0.66)。

除壳宽性状的遗传力较低外, 壳高、壳长与体重的遗传力在0.16~0.37, 均属中高等遗传力水平, 表明‘海大1号’经过多代选育后, 生长性状仍具有较大的加性遗传效应, 可根据个体表型值大小, 继续通过群体选育获得遗传进展。



中国美利奴羊(新疆型)初生重的遗传力估计及非遗传因素分析徐新明;李彦飞;付雪峰;于丽娟;张艳花;黄锡霞;田可川【摘要】本研究利用SAS 8.1软件的最小二乘方差分析和MTDFREML软件对南山种羊场的2125只中国美利奴羊(新疆型)的初生重进行了遗传力估计,并分析了非遗传因素对羔羊初生重的影响.结果表明,初生重的遗传力为0.30,属于中等遗传力(0.1<h2<0.3).在非遗传因素中,母亲年龄、出生年份、产羔类型和群别对羔羊的初生重有极显著影响(P<0.01),而性别对初生重无显著影响(P>0.05).试验结果为中国美利奴羊(新疆型)进一步选育提供一定的依据.【期刊名称】《中国畜牧兽医》【年(卷),期】2014(041)006【总页数】4页(P168-171)【关键词】中国美利奴羊;初生重;遗传力;非遗传因素【作者】徐新明;李彦飞;付雪峰;于丽娟;张艳花;黄锡霞;田可川【作者单位】新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830000;新疆农业大学动物科学学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830052;新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830000;新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830000;新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830000;新疆农业大学动物科学学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830052;新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S813.1中国美利奴羊是中国在引入澳洲美利奴羊的基础上,于1985年培育成的第一个毛用细毛羊品种,父系以澳洲美利奴羊为主。






牛基因英文sci写法Title: The Genetic Basis of Bovine TraitsIntroduction:Genetics plays a crucial role in determining the characteristics and traits of different animal species. In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on the genetic basis of bovine traits. This article aims to provide an overview of the current understanding of bovine genetics and explore the scientific advancements in this field.I. Genetic Factors Influencing Bovine Traits1. Mendelian Inheritance:- Mendelian genetics form the foundation of understanding inheritance in bovines.- Key characteristics, such as coat color, blood type, and genetic disorders, follow Mendelian patterns of inheritance.2. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL):- QTL analysis identifies regions in the genome that are linked to specific quantitative traits.- This approach has led to the identification of genes associated with milk production, growth, and meat quality in bovines.3. Candidate Genes:- Candidate gene studies focus on specific genes that are believed to play a role in certain traits.- By investigating variations in these genes, researchers have linked them to bovine fertility, disease resistance, and feed efficiency.II. Genomic Technologies for Bovine Genetics Research1. Genotyping:- Genotyping technologies, such as SNP arrays, allow researchers to analyze thousands of genetic markers simultaneously.- This enables the identification of genomic regions associated with traits of interest.2. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS):- NGS has revolutionized bovine genetics research by enabling whole-genome sequencing at a much lower cost.- This technology has facilitated the discovery of novel genes and regulatory elements underlying bovine traits.III. Application of Bovine Genetics in Agriculture1. Selective Breeding:- Utilizing genetic information, selective breeding programs aim to improve desirable traits in cattle populations.- By breeding animals with favorable genetic profiles, farmers can enhance productivity, disease resistance, and overall quality.2. Genomic Selection:- Genomic selection integrates genetic information into breeding programs to predict an individual's genetic merit.- This approach enables the selection of superior animals at an early age, reducing the generation interval and accelerating genetic gain.IV. Challenges and Future Directions1. Genomic Variability:- Bovine genetics research faces challenges due to the extensive genomic variability among cattle breeds.- Further studies are necessary to understand breed-specific genetic factors and their impact on traits.2. Epigenetics and Gene Expression:- Future research should focus on elucidating the role of epigenetic modifications and gene expression in bovine traits.- Understanding these mechanisms will provide deeper insights into the regulation of genetic traits.3. Functional Validation:- Validating the functional relevance of candidate genes and genomic regions identified in bovine genetics research is crucial.- Experimental studies involving gene knockouts, gene editing, and gene expression analyses will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of bovine genetics.Conclusion:The study of bovine genetics has illuminated the genetic basis of various traits and provided valuable insights into breeding strategies and genomic selection. Further advancements in genomic technologies and functional validation methods will enhance our understanding of cattle genetics and contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.。

Prediction of genetic values of quantitative traits in plant breeding using pedigree

Prediction of genetic values of quantitative traits in plant breeding using pedigree

Genetics: Published Articles Ahead of Print, published on September 2, 2010 as 10.1534/genetics.110.1185211 Prediction of genetic values of quantitative traits in plant breeding usingpedigree and molecular markersJosé Crossa*, 1, 2,Gustavo de los Campos*, †, 2,Paulino Pérez§,*, 2;Daniel Gianola‡,Juan Burgueño§,*,José Luis Araus*,Dan Makumbi*,Ravi Singh*,Susanne Dreisigacker*,Jianbing Yan*Vivi Arief ¶,Marianne Banziger*,Hans-Joachim Braun** International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), México;† Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama-Birmingham, USA;‡ Departments of Animal Science, Dairy Science, and Biostatistics and MedicalInformatics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA;§ Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillos, México.¶ School of Land Crop and Food Sciences of the University of Queensland, Australia.1: Corresponding author;2: The first three authors made equal contributions.Running
Prediction of genetic values using pedigree and molecular markers Key
Unit Crop
Laboratory, CIMMYT
 Fax: 52‐55‐58047559
ABSTRACTThe availability of dense molecular markers has made possible the use of genomic selection (GS) for plant breeding. However, the evaluation of models for GS in real plant populations is very limited. This article evaluates the performance of parametric semi-parametric models for GS using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays) data in which different traits were measured in several environmental conditions. The findings, based on extensive cross-validations, indicate that models including marker information had higher predictive ability than pedigree-based models. In the wheat data set, and relative to a pedigree model, gains in predictive ability due to inclusion of markers ranged from 7.7% to 35.7%. Correlation between observed and predictive values in the maize data set achieved values up to 0.79. Estimates of marker effects were different across environmental conditions, indicating that genotype ×environment interaction is an important component of genetic variability. These results indicate that GS in plant breeding can be an effective strategy for selecting among lines whose phenotypes have yet to be observed.INTRODUCTIONPedigree-based prediction of genetic values based on the additive infinitesimal model (F ISHER 1918) has played a central role in genetic improvement of complex traits in plants and animals. Animal breeders have used this model for predicting breeding values either in a mixed model (BLUP; H ENDERSON 1984)or a Bayesian framework (G IANOLA AND F ERNANDO1986). More recently, plant breeders have incorporated pedigree information into linear mixed models for predicting breeding values (C ROSSA et al. 2006, 2007; O AKEY et al.2006;B URGUEÑO et al. 2007;P IEPHO et al. 2007).The availability of thousands of genome wide molecular markers has made possible the use of genomic selection (GS) for prediction of genetic values (M EUWISSEN et al. 2001) in plants (e.g., B ERNARDO and Y U 2007; P IEPHO 2009; J ANNINK et al.2010)and animals (G ONZALEZ-R ECIO et al.2008;V AN R ADEN et al.2008;H AYES et al.2009; DE LOS C AMPOS et al. 2009a). Implementing GS poses several statistical and computational challenges, such as how models can cope with the curse of dimensionality, colinearity between markers, or the complexity of quantitative traits. Parametric (e.g., M EUWISSEN et al. 2001) and semi-parametric (e.g., G IANOLA et al. 2006; G IANOLA and VAN K AAM2008) methods address these problems differently.In standard genetic models, phenotypic outcomes, , are viewed as the sum of a genetic value, , and a model residual, , that is, . In parametric models for GS, is described as a regression on marker covariates (j=1,…p molecular markers) of the form , such that(or , in matrix notation), where is the regression of on the j th marker covariate .Estimation of via multiple regression by ordinary least squares (OLS) is not feasible when p>n. A commonly used alternative is to estimate marker effects jointly using penalized methods such as ridge regression (H OERL and K ENNARD1970) or the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO; T IBSHIRANI 1996), or their Bayesian counterpart. This approach yields greater accuracy of estimated genetic values and can be coupled with geostatistical techniques commonly used in plant breeding to model multi-environments trials (P IEPHO 2009).In ridge regression (or its Bayesian counterpart) the extent of shrinkage is homogeneous across markers, which may not be appropriate if some markers are located in regions that are not associated with genetic variance, while markers in other regions may be linked to QTLs (G ODDARD and H AYES 2007). To overcome this limitation, many authors have proposed methods that use marker-specific shrinkage. In a Bayesian setting, this can be implemented using priors of marker effects that are mixtures of scaled-normal densities. Examples of this are methods Bayes A and Bayes B of M EUWISSEN et al. (2001) and the Bayesian LASSO of P ARK and C ASELLA (2008).An alternative to parametric regressions is to use semi-parametric methods such as reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) regression (G IANOLA and VAN K AAM2008). The Bayesian RKHS regression regards genetic values as random variables coming from a Gaussian process centered at zero and with a (co)variance structure that is proportional to a kernel matrix K (DE LOS C AMPOS et al. 2009b), that is, , where , are vectors of marker genotypes for the i th and j th individuals, respectively, and is a positive definite function evaluated in marker genotypes. In a finite-dimensional settingthis amounts to model the vector of genetic values, , as multivariate normal, that is, where is a variance parameter. One of the most attractive features of RKHS regression is that the methodology can be used with almost any information set (e.g., covariates, strings, images, graphs). A second advantage is that with RKHS the model is represented in terms of n unknowns, which gives RKHS a great computational advantage relative to some parametric methods, especially when p>>n.This study presents an evaluation of several methods for GS using two extensive data sets. One contains phenotypic records of a series of wheat trials and recently generated genomic data. The other data set pertains to international maize trials in which different traits were measured in maize lines evaluated under severe drought and well-watered conditions.MATERIALS AND METHODSExperimental dataTwo distinct data sets were used: the first one comprises information from a collection of 599 historical CIMMYT wheat lines, and the second one includes inf ormation on 300 CIMMYT maize lines.Wheat data set. This data set includes 599 wheat lines developed by the CIMMYT Global Wheat Breeding program. Environments were grouped into four target sets of environments (E1-E4). The trait was grain yield (GY). Hereinafter we will refer to this data set as Wheat-Grain Yield (W-GY). A pedigree was used for deriving the additive relationship matrix A among the 599 lines, as described in /icis/index.php/TDM_GMS_Browse (M C L AREN et al. 2005). Theentries of this matrix equal twice the kinship coefficient (or coefficient of parentage) between pairs of lines.Wheat lines were genotyped using 1,447 Diversity Array Technology markers (hereinafter generically referred to as markers) generated by Triticarte Pty. Ltd. (Canberra, Australia; .au). These markers may take on two values, denoted by their presence (1) or absence (0). In this data set, the overall mean frequency of the allele coded as 1 was 0.561, with a minimum of 0.008 and a maximum of 0.987. Markers with allele frequency smaller than 0.05 or greater than 0.95 were removed. Missing genotypes were imputed using samples from the marginal distribution of marker genotypes, that is, , where is the estimated allele frequency computed from the non-missing genotypes. After edition 1,279 markers were retained.Maize data set. The maize data set is from the Drought Tolerance Maize for Africa project of CIMMYT’s Global Maize Program. The original data set included 300 tropical lines genotyped with 1,148 single nucleotide polymorphisms (hereinafter generically referred to as markers). For each marker, the allele with lowest frequency was coded as one.No pedigree was available for this data. Traits analyzed for this study were grain yield (GY), female flowering (FFL) (or days to silking), male flowering (MFL) (or days to anthesis) and the anthesis-silking interval (ASI), each evaluated under severe drought stress (SS) and well-watered (WW) conditions. Hereinafter we will refer to these data sets as Maize-Grain Yield (M-GY) and Maize-Flowering (M-F), respectively. The number of lines in the M-F data set was 284, whereas 264 lines were available in M-GY. The average minor allele frequency in these data sets was 0.20. After editing (with same procedures asthose described above), the numbers of markers available for analysis were 1,148 and 1,135 in M-F and M-GY, respectively.Statistical modelsThis study evaluated several models for GS that differ depending on the type of information used for constructing predictions (pedigree, markers, or both) and on how molecular markers were incorporated into the model (parametric vs. semi-parametric). All the unknowns in the model were trait-environment specific. Consequently, separate models were fitted to each trait-environment combination. For ease of presentation, models are described for a generic trait-environment.Likelihood function. In all models, phenotypic records were described as,where is the average performance of the i th line, is the number of replicates used for computing the mean value of the i th genotype, is an intercept, is the genetic value of the i th genotype, and is a model residual. In all environments, the response variable was standardized to a sample variance equal to one. The joint distributionof model residuals was With this assumption, the likelihood function becomes. [1] Models differed on how pedigree and molecular marker information was included in .Standard infinitesimal model.In this model, denoted as P (standing for pedigree),and , where is the additive relationship matrix computed from the pedigree and is the infinitesimal additive genetic variance. Following standard assumptions, the joint prior of model unknowns in P was[2a]where are Scaled Inverse Chi-squared priors assigned to the variance parameters. The prior scale and degrees of freedom parameters were set to and , respectively. This prior has finite variance and an expectation of 0.5. Combining [1] and [2a], the joint posterior density of P is[2b]Above, denotes all hyper-parameters indexing the prior distribution. This posterior distribution does not have a closed form; however, samples from the above model can be obtained from a Gibbs sampler, as described, for example, in S ORENSEN and G IANOLA (2002). No pedigree data were available for the maize data set; therefore, this model was only in the wheat data set.Parametric genomic models.For parametric regression, we use the Bayesian LASSO (BL, P ARK and C ASELLA 2008), extended by inclusion of an infinitesimal effect, as described in DE LOS C AMPOS et al.(2009a).In this model:,and the joint prior density of the model unknowns (upon assigning a flat prior to ) is[3a]Above, marker effects are assigned independent Gaussian priors with marker-specific variances (). At the next level of the hierarchical model, the’s are assigned IIDexponential priors, is assigned a Gamma prior with rate (δ) and shape (r), which in this study were set to and , respectively. Finally, independent Scaled Inverse Chi-squared priors were assigned to the variance parameters, and the scale and degree of freedom parameters were set to and , respectively. The above model is referred to as PM-BL.The effect of the prior choice for in the BL has been addressed in DE LOS C AMPOS et al.(2009a). These authors studied the influence of the choice of hyper-parameters for on inference of several items and concluded that, even when the prior for had influence on inferences about this unknown, model goodness of fit and estimates of genetic values were robust with respect to the choice of . Figure A1 (Appendix A)depicts the prior density of λ, , corresponding to the hyper-parameter values used in this study; this prior gave a high density over a wide range of values of . Also, as shown later, the posterior mean of λ changed between traits and data sets, indicating that Bayesian learning took place.Combining the assumptions of the likelihood [1] and the prior described in [3a], the joint posterior density is[3b]This density does not have a closed form; however, samples from the above model can be obtained from a Gibbs sampler, as described in DE LOS C AMPOS et al. (2009a). Inferences for the regularization parameter are presented in terms of, which were obtained by taking the positive square-root of samples from the posterior distribution of .A marker-based model, M-BL, can be obtained from [3b] by setting , which implies .Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) using marker genotypes. Prediction of genetic values using Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP, e.g., R OBINSON1991) of marker effects is commonly used in GS (e.g., M EUWISSEN et al. 2001; B ERNARDO and Y U 2007). We include this method as a reference. BLUP estimates are derived from the following model:,where D=. From these assumptions, the BLUP estimates of marker effects areComputation of BLUPs requires knowledge of . To this end, we fitted a random effects model,where is the observed phenotype of the k th replicate of the i th genotype (;), and . This model yields estimates of , where . An estimate of was obtained by plugging theestimate of in (e.g., M EUWISSEN et al.2001;VAN R ADEN 2007), where is the estimated allelic frequency of the j th marker, andthe average (across markers) allele frequency, which in our case was estimated from the marker data.Semi-parametric models (RKHS). In RKHS, genetic values are viewed as a Gaussian process. When markers and a pedigree are available, genetic values can be modeled as the sum of two components,where is as before and is a Gaussian process with a (co)variance function proportional to the evaluations of a reproducing kernel, , evaluated in marker genotypes; here and are vectors of marker genotype codes for the i th and j th individuals, respectively. The joint prior distribution of , , and the associated variance parameters, , , and , are as follows:[4a]Above, K is a kernel-matrix, which is symmetric and positive-definite. In this study, the entries of these matrices were the evaluations of a Gaussian kernel,, where is a squared-Euclidean distance, and is a bandwidth parameter that controls how fast the prior correlation drops as lines get further apart in the sense of . The values of the distance function depend on p, on allele frequencies, and on how related the lines are. The choice of the bandwidth parameter should consider the observed distribution of so as to avoid situations where K is either a matrix full of ones or an identity matrix. In this study we chose, where is the sample median of . This choice yields at the median distance. Higher (lower) prior correlation is assigned to pairs of lines that are closer (farther apart) than , as measured by . Addressing the optimal choice of bandwidth parameter is not within the scope of this study; see DE LOS C AMPOS et al. (2010). The scale and degree of freedom parameters of the prior described in [4a] were and.Combining the assumptions in [1] and [4a], the joint posterior density of this marker and pedigree RKHS model (PM-RKHS) is[4b]This density does not possess a closed form; however, samples from this posterior distribution can be obtained using a slightly modified version of the Gibbs sampler that implements the pedigree model in [2a].In the RKHS regression of [4b], the variances of and can gauge the relative contribution of each of these components to the conditional expectation function. From [4a], , where is the i th diagonal element of matrix A, and . Here, is a standardized kernel, with . This does not occur in ; here , where is the coefficient of inbreeding of the i th individual. In the wheat population, the average value of was 1.98.As with parametric methods, a marker-based model, M-RKHS, can be obtained as a particular case of [4b], with, which implies.Data AnalysisFull-data analysis.Models were first fitted using all lines in the data set, and inferences for each fit were based on 30,000 samples (obtained after discarding 5,000 samples as burn-in). Convergence was checked by inspecting trace plots of variance parameters.Cross-validation.Prediction of performance of lines whose phenotypes are yet to be observed is a central problem in plant breeding. Such prediction can be used, for example, to decide which of the newly generated lines will be evaluated in field trials. Cross-validation (CV) methods were used to evaluate the ability of a model to predict future outcomes. To this end, data was divided into ten folds; this was done by using an index variable, , i=1,..,n, that randomly assigns observations to ten disjointfolds, , j=1,..,10. CV predictions of the observations in the first fold, , are obtained omitting phenotypic data on all lines in the first fold. This yields CV predictions of lines in the first fold, that is, . Repeating this exercise for the 2nd, 3rd,.., 10th folds yields a whole set of CV predictions that can be compared with actual observations to assess predictive ability.Principal component analysis of estimated marker effectsParametric models such as the BL yield estimates of marker effects which, in our case, are environment-specific. These estimates can be used to assess and visualize genetic effect × environment interaction. Biplots from principal component analysis of the matrix of estimated marker effects in each trait-environment combination were obtained. The methodology is briefly explained in Appendix B. Use of biplots to assess genetic effect ×environment interaction is further described in C ORNELIUS et al. (2001). RESULTSThis section begins by presenting estimates of variance parameters and of the regularization parameters of BL and RKHS that were obtained when models were fitted using all available records (i.e., full data analysis). Next, results from the principal components analysis of estimated marker effects (also obtained from the full data analysis) for the W-GY data set are given (results for the maize data set are provided in Appendix C). Subsequently, estimates of measures of predictive ability obtained from cross-validation are presented.Variance and Regularization ParametersTables 1a and 1b give the estimates of posterior means of variance parameters and of λin the BL. The posterior mean of the residual variance () can be used to assess model goodness of fit. Since the response variable was standardized within trait/environment combinations, the estimate of gives an indication of the fraction of the phenotypic variance that can be attributable to model residuals. In the GY-W data set (Table 1a), RKHS models fitted data markedly better (smaller ) than P, M-BL, or PM-BL. Model M-BL had a posterior mean of residual variance that was either similar or slightly larger than that of P, while PM-BL fitted the data better than P. Results from the maize data sets (Table 1b) were mixed: M-BL fitted the data much better than M-RKHS for FFL and MFL, regardless of environmental conditions, but the opposite was observed (i.e., M-RKHS fitted data better than M-BL) for ASI and GY (Table 1b).For the W-GY data set, the posterior means of in PM-BL and PM-RKHS were smaller than that obtained in P (Table 1a). This indicates that the inclusion of markers reduces the relative contribution of the regression on the pedigree, . In PM-RKHS, the, evaluated at and at the posterior mean of and , were always greater than two (Table 1a), indicating that in PM-RKHS models, the regression on the markers made a much important contribution to the conditional expectation than the regression on the pedigree.Marker effectsEstimated marker effects obtained from PM-BL are provided in Tables S1, S2, and S3 of supplementary material.The multivariate analysis of estimated marker effects for the W-GY data set indicated that the first two principal components explained 74% of the total variability in estimated marker effects (Fig. 1). Sample correlations between phenotypes in the four environments showed that E2 and E3 had a correlation of 0.661, whereas E2 and E4, and E3 and E4 had correlations of 0.411 and 0.388, respectively. The correlation patterns of estimated marker effects were similar, but the strength of the association was slightly weaker. For instance, the correlation between estimates of marker effects were 0.633 (E2-E3), 0.388 (E2-E4), and 0.384 (E3-E4). Correlations between E1 and the other environments were low and negative for phenotypic and estimated marker effect data.The variance of estimated marker effects was slightly smaller in E4; this can be inferred by the length of the corresponding vector in Fig. 1. The vast majority of the estimated effects is located around the center of the figure (i.e., estimated effects were small, in absolute value), which reflects shrinkage of the BL model. However, some markers had estimated effects that were large in absolute value; some of those markers are identified by their name in Fig. 1, and the estimated effects are given in Table S1. An approximation to the estimated effect of the presence of a marker in GY for a given environment can be obtained by orthogonal projection of the marker effect displayed in Fig. 1 on the vector of the corresponding environment. To illustrate this, consider E1, where the presence of markers wPt.9256, wPt.6047, and wPt.3904 is expected to increase GY (Fig. 1); in contrast, the presence of markers wPt.3462, wPt.3922, and wPt.4988 (located in the opposite direction of E1) is expected to reduce GY.The multivariate analysis of estimated marker effects allows identifying which markers contribute to positive/negative genetic correlation between environments. Markers whose presence is expected to increase or decrease GY across environments can be viewedas contributing to positive genetic correlations in GY between environments. Examples of this group are markers wPt.9256, wPt.6047, and c.373879, whose presence increased GY in the four environments; and wPt.3393, c.380591, and c.381717, whose presence decreased GY in all environments. However, some markers act in an ‘antagonistic’ fashion, that is, the presence of a marker increases (decreases) GY in some environments and decreases (increases) GY in others.Results from the multivariate analysis of marker effects in the maize data sets (M-F, and M-GY) were similar to those observed in the wheat data set in regard to: (1) the first two principal components explained a large proportion (85.8%) of the observed variability of estimated marker effects; (2) due to shrinkage, most estimated marker effects clustered around zero; and (3) although the overall correlation patterns between estimated marker effects reflected the type of association observed between phenotypes, it was possible to identify subsets of markers that contributed to positive genetic correlation and others that induced negative genetic associations. A detailed discussion of these results is given in Appendix C.Predictive abilityTables 2a and 2b show the estimated correlations between phenotypic outcomes and cross-validation (CV) predictions for W-GY, M-F, and M-GY data sets. Overall, the values of these correlations, especially those obtained with BL or RKHS methods, were large for all models, data sets, and traits, indicating that genomic selection can be effective for predicting the performance of lines with yet-to-be observed phenotypes. Predictive ability was different between models and data sets: for W-GY correlations ranged from 0.355 to0.608, for M-F correlations varied from 0.464 to 0.79, and for M-GY they ranged from 0.415 to 0.514.Wheat data set.In the W-GY, correlations ranged from 0.355 (BLUP in E3) to 0.608 (PM-RKHS in E1) (Table 2a), and relative to the P model, the PM-RKHS model produced the highest relative gain in CV-correlation in three out of four environments. BLUP was outperformed by BL and RKHS methods across environments. In this data, PM models had better predictive ability than P models, and the magnitude of the gain in predictive ability attained by including markers in the model varied from a modest 7.7% (PM-BL in GY-E3) to a very important 35.7% (PM-RKHS in GY-E1) (Table 2a). In general, RKHS outperformed BL both in M and PM, and BLUP outperformed P models in three out of four environments (all but E3); however, as stated, BLUP was outperformed by BL and RKHS.Maize flowering. In the M-F, correlations ranged from 0.464 (BLUP for MFL-SS) to 0.790 (M-BL for MFL-WW) (Table 2b). For these traits, BLUP was systematically outperformed by BL and RKHS. Also for these traits, M-BL yielded better predictions than M-RKHS, with relatively high correlation values that ranged from 0.774 to 0.790. However, for ASI under severe drought stress and well-watered conditions, correlations were not as strong as those found for the other flowering time traits, and M-RKHS outperformed M-BL, with correlation values of 0.547 and 0.572, respectively (Table 2b).Maize grain yield. Predictive correlations in M-GY (Table 2b) were smaller than those obtained in flowering traits, and the differences between methods were not clear as in the M-F data set. Here, CV correlations ranged from 0.415 (M-BL GY under drought stress) to 0.525 (M-BL GY well-watered). These traits did not yield a clear ranking of models: BL was best for GY under well-watered conditions, and RKHS was best for GYunder drought stress. However, as stated, in M-GY the differences in predictive ability between models were not large.DISCUSSIONSeveral simulation studies (B ERNARDO and Y U 2007; W ONG and B ERNARDO 2008; M AYOR and B ERNARDO 2009; Z HONG et al. 2009) have reported important gains in genetic progress associated with the use of GS in plant breeding. Recently, H EFFNER et al. (2009) concluded that the high correlation between true breeding values and the genomic estimated breeding values found in several simulation studies is sufficient for considering selection based on molecular markers alone; however, evaluation of these methods with real plant data is still very limited.Empirical evaluation of GS. The results of this study indicate that, even with a modest number of molecular markers, models for GS can attain relatively high predictive ability for genetic values of traits of economic interest in contrasting environmental conditions. These findings are in agreement with simulation-based studies such as those mentioned above and with empirical evidence reported in animal breeding (e.g., G ONZALEZ-R ECIO et al.2008;V AN R ADEN et al.2008;H AYES et al.2009;W EIGEL et al. 2009).Evaluation of predictive ability indicated that models using marker and pedigree data jointly (PM) outperformed pedigree models (P) across traits and environments, regardless of the choice of model (BL, RKHS). These results are consistent with those reported by C ROSSA et al. (2010), who evaluated P, M, and PM models using the BL and RKHS for grain yield in a wheat (n=170) and several disease traits in maize.。



孟德尔遗传定律专业英文Gregor Mendel's groundbreaking work in genetics laid the foundation for our understanding of heredity. His experiments with pea plants revealed the fundamental principles that govern the inheritance of traits.The Law of Segregation states that during the formationof sex cells, the two versions of a gene separate, each going into a different sex cell. This principle ensures that offspring inherit one gene version from each parent.The Law of Independent Assortment, another of Mendel'skey findings, explains that genes for different traits are inherited independently of one another. This means that the inheritance of one trait does not influence the inheritanceof another.Mendel's work was revolutionary, yet it remained largely unrecognized during his lifetime. It was only after his death that the significance of his findings was fully appreciated, leading to a deeper exploration of genetic inheritance.Today, Mendel's laws are integral to the field of genetics, influencing everything from agriculture to medicine. They help us understand the complexity of genetic traits and predict how they will be passed down through generations.Despite the simplicity of Mendel's experiments, theimplications of his findings are vast. They have shaped our comprehension of genetic diversity and the role of genes in shaping the characteristics of living organisms.In modern genetics, Mendel's laws are often expanded upon with the understanding of more complex genetic interactions, such as epistasis and gene linkage. However, the core principles he established remain unshaken.As we delve deeper into the genome, Mendel's legacy continues to inspire. His work serves as a reminder that even the simplest of experiments can unlock profound truths about the natural world.In summary, Gregor Mendel's laws of genetics are not just historical curiosities but continue to be essential tools in the study of heredity, shaping our understanding of life's intricate patterns.。



Chapter 1 单词翻译:单词翻译:Nicotian 烟草属烟草属 combustion :燃烧. Solanaceae 茄科茄科 combustibility 可燃性度可燃性度 nicotine 尼古丁,烟碱尼古丁,烟碱 pest resistance 抗虫害抗虫害agronomic performance 农艺性能农艺性能 Chinese -Style Cigarette :中式卷烟:中式卷烟Chinese-style cigarette :中式卷烟:中式卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette :烤烟型卷烟:烤烟型卷烟blended cigarette :混合型卷烟:混合型卷烟 tar content :焦油含量:焦油含量:焦油含量 aromatic 芳香的芳香的 limit regulation’:限焦令. Virginia tobacco :弗吉尼亚烟:弗吉尼亚烟Flue-cured tobacco :烤烟:烤烟 Bright tobacco :浅色烟:浅色烟 Burley tobacco :白肋烟:白肋烟Oriental tobacco 东方烟东方烟 Aromatic tobacco :香料烟:香料烟 Maryland tobacco :马里兰烟:马里兰烟 Cigar tobacco :雪茄烟:雪茄烟 disease resistance :抗病性:抗病性 plant's physiology :植物生理:植物生理thresh :打叶:打叶 redrying :复烤:复烤 aging :老化,(陈化、醇化) fermentation 发酵发酵cigarette manufacture :卷烟生产:卷烟生产 smoke chemistry :烟气化学:烟气化学 cigar 雪茄雪茄cigarillo 小雪茄小雪茄 smokeless tobacco :无烟烟草:无烟烟草 botanical 植物的植物的air-curing 晾制晾制 sun-curing 晒制晒制 fire-curing 熏制fiue-curing 烤制烤制the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration :STMA officially :国家烟草专卖局:国家烟草专卖局2. 长句子翻译长句子翻译Tobacco (Nicotiana (Nicotiana tabacum tabacum L.) L.) is is is a a a kind kind kind of of of special special special plant plant plant containing containing containing nicotine, nicotine, nicotine, belong belong belong to to Solanaceae, Nicotiana. Tobacco differs from other crops in that it is used mostly for combustion. Variables of botanical, physical and chemical characteristics of leaf tobacco determine degrees of combustibility, smoke composition, taste and aroma and, thus, product acceptability. 烟草是一种特殊的含有尼古丁的植物,属于茄科烟草属。



遗传学名词解释●law of segregation(分离定律):一个遗传性状的两个等位基因在配子形成过程中是分离的,最终形成不同的配子●law of independent assortment(自由组合定律):应当具有两对(或更多对)相对性状的亲本进行杂交,在子一代产生配子时,在等位基因分离的同时,非同源染色体上的非等位基因表现为自由组合。

●The Law of Dominance(显性定律):在杂合子中,一个等位基因可以隐藏另一个等位基因的存在。


●test cross(测交):是一种特殊形式的杂交,是杂交子一代个体(F1)再与其隐性或双隐性亲本的交配,是用以测验子一代个体基因型的一种回交。



●Complete dominance(完全显性):发生在杂合子和显性纯合子表型相同的情况下。

●incomplete dominance(不完全显性):f1杂种的表型介于两个亲本的表型之间。


●multiple allele(复等位基因):一个基因有两个以上的等位基因。

●allele frequency(等位基因频率):基因的每个等位基因占基因拷贝总数的一个百分比,这个百分比称为等位基因频率。

●monomorphic genes(单型的基因):这种基因只有一种常见的野生型等位基因。

●polymorphic genes(多态性基因):有些基因有一个以上的等位基因。


●Recessive epistasis(隐性上位)隐性等位基因需要隐藏另一个基因的作用,这种掩蔽现象称为隐性上位。



geneticGenetic Algorithms: An IntroductionIntroductionGenetic algorithms are a class of optimization algorithms that mimic the process of natural selection in order to find solutions to complex problems. They are based on the concept of evolution and genetics and have been successfully applied in various fields such as engineering, computer science, biology, and economics. This document aims to provide an introduction to genetic algorithms, explaining their basic principles, components, and applications.1. Basics of Genetic Algorithms1.1 Evolutionary NatureGenetic algorithms are inspired by the process of natural evolution. They start with a population of potential solutions (individuals) representing different points in the search space. These individuals undergo a series of iterations called generations, during which they are evaluated based on afitness function that quantifies how good they are as solutions to the problem.1.2 Genetic RepresentationIn a genetic algorithm, each individual is represented as a string of genes, where a gene corresponds to a certain characteristic or variable of the solution. The collection of genes forms a chromosome, and the complete set of chromosomes constitutes the population.1.3 Genetic OperatorsGenetic algorithms utilize three main genetic operators to create new individuals:1.3.1 SelectionDuring selection, individuals with higher fitness values have a higher chance of being chosen for reproduction. This mimics the survival of the fittest principle in nature.1.3.2 CrossoverCrossover involves swapping genetic information between pairs of individuals. It is performed at a random crossoverpoint to create offspring with characteristics inherited from both parents.1.3.3 MutationMutation introduces small random changes to the genetic material of an individual. This helps explore new areas of the search space and prevent premature convergence to suboptimal solutions.2. Genetic Algorithm Workflow2.1 InitializationThe algorithm begins by initializing a population of individuals randomly or based on prior knowledge about the problem. Each individual is represented by a chromosome encoded with genes.2.2 EvaluationEach individual in the population is evaluated using the fitness function, which measures how well the individual solves the problem. The fitness function determines the reproductive success of each individual.2.3 SelectionBased on their fitness values, individuals are selected for reproduction. The selection process can be done using various strategies such as tournament selection, roulette wheel selection, or rank-based selection.2.4 CrossoverSelected individuals undergo crossover, where genetic information is exchanged between pairs of individuals. This generates a new population of offspring.2.5 MutationTo add diversity to the population and prevent convergence to a local optimum, a small fraction of the offspring undergoes mutation. Random changes are introduced to their genes.2.6 ReplacementThe new population, consisting of offspring and mutated individuals, replaces the previous population. This ensures the survival of the fittest individuals.2.7 TerminationThe algorithm continues to iterate through the steps of selection, crossover, mutation, and replacement until a termination condition is met. This condition can be a maximum number of generations, a desired fitness level, or any other predefined criterion.3. Applications of Genetic AlgorithmsGenetic algorithms have been applied to solve a wide range of optimization problems, including:3.1 Engineering DesignGenetic algorithms are widely used in engineering design optimization, such as in determining optimum parameters for complex systems, designing efficient structures, and optimizing production processes.3.2 Scheduling and RoutingThey have been utilized to solve complex scheduling and routing problems, such as job scheduling, vehicle routing, and airline crew scheduling.3.3 Machine LearningGenetic algorithms have been combined with machine learning algorithms to optimize the performance of machine learning models. They can be used for feature selection, parameter optimization, and model fitting.3.4 Financial ModelingIn finance, genetic algorithms are used for portfolio optimization, risk management, and trading strategy development. They can identify the optimal portfolio allocation based on historical data and risk preferences.ConclusionGenetic algorithms offer a powerful and flexible approach to solving complex optimization problems. By mimicking the process of natural evolution, they generate high-quality solutions and can handle a wide range of problem domains. By understanding the basic principles and workflow of genetic algorithms, practitioners can apply this technique to various real-world problems and achieve improved results.。

数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传分析R软件包SEA v2.0

数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传分析R软件包SEA v2.0

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.14088数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传分析R软件包SEA v2.0王靖天**张亚雯**杜应雯**任文龙李宏福孙文献葛超章元明*华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,湖北武汉430070摘要:利用双亲分离群体数量性状表型值可鉴定其主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,为数量性状遗传基础和作物育种提供参考信息。

为全面总结数量性状分离分析的研究成果、添加软件包新功能和矫正以前版本的缺陷,在R Studio-1.4.1103平台和R编程语言框架下,开发了具有交互式图形用户界面的R软件包SEA v2.0。


为节省计算时间,用doParallel包并行计算、data.table 包读写数据和MASS包估计分布参数。



通过大豆结荚习性数据分析和Monte Carlo模拟研究,证实了SEA v2.0软件包的有效性。


关键词:双亲分离群体;数量性状;主基因+多基因混合模型;R软件包;SEASEA v2.0: an R software package for mixed major genes plus polygenes inheritance analysis of quantitative traitsWANG Jing-Tian**, ZHANG Ya-Wen**, DU Ying-Wen**, REN Wen-Long, LI Hong-Fu, SUN Wen-Xian, GE Chao, and ZHANG Yuan-Ming*College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, ChinaAbstract:The phenotypic values for quantitative trait from bi-parental segregation populations can be used to identify its mixed major genes plus polygenes inheritance model, which provides important information for the genetic basis of quantitative traits and crop breeding. To comprehensively summarize the research results of methodological advances, add the new functions of the software and correct its shortcomings in previous versions, an R software package SEA v2.0 with interactive graphical user interface is developed under R studio–1.4.1103 platform and R environment. In this software, there were 14 types of bi-parental segregation populations, and each type included four modules: data input, data analysis, posterior probability calculation, and distribution curve drawing. To save running time, doParallel was used to conduct parallel computing, data.table was used to quickly read and write datasets, and MASS was used to estimate the parameters in component distributions. KScorrect, kolmim, and shiny packages were used to simplify the programs. As long as users uploaded the data file with *.csv format and set the related parameters, the results could be quickly displayed. The software was validated by real data analysis of soybean podding habit and Monte Carlo simulation studies, and can be downloaded from https:///web/packages/SEA/index.html.本研究由国家自然科学基金项目(32070557)资助。



G factor G 因素G factor 一般因素G periodG period G 期G score 年级分数G tolerance G 耐力G 期 G 期GA 总平均数gab 空谈GABA γ 氨基丁酸gabble 急促不清的说话gabby 健谈的gaby 傻子GAD 泛焦虑症gad 游荡gaffe 失礼gag reflex 咽反射gage 量规Gagne s accumulative learning theory 加涅的累积学习论Gagne s hierarchy of learning 加涅的学习层次Gagne s hierarchy system of learning 加涅的学习层次系统Gagne s learning model 加涅的学习模型Gagne s learning outcome variety 加涅的学习结果种类Gagne s stages of learning 加涅的学习阶段Gagne s theory of instruction 加涅的教学论gaiety 快乐gain 增益gain experience 获得经验gain from illness 因病得益gaining new insights through restudying the old material 温故知新gainsharing 收入分成gain loss hypothesis 得失说gain loss model 得失模型gain loss theory 得失论gait 步态galactochloral 半乳糖氯醛galactosemia 半乳糖血galeanthropia 变猫妄想Galen s doctrine of temperament 盖伦气质学说galeophilia 爱猫癖gall 恐吓Gallup polls 盖洛普民意测验Gallup s public opinion poll 盖洛普民意测验Galton bar 高尔顿横木Galton Questionnaire 高尔顿问卷Galton whistle 高尔顿音笛Galton s law 高氏定律Galton s tube 高尔顿音笛Galton s whistle 高尔顿音笛Galton Watson process 高华二氏步骤高华二氏步骤galvanic current 电流galvanic reflex 电反射galvanic shock 电休克galvanic skin reflex 皮电反射galvanic skin response 皮电反应galvanic skin response apparatus 皮电反应仪galvanic stimulation 电刺激galvanocontractility 电流收缩性galvanogustometer 电味觉计galvanohypnotism 电催眠galvanometer 电流计galvanonervous 电流神经的galvanotropism 向电性gam 交际gambler 赌博者gambler s fallacy 赌博者的错误gambling 赌博gambling focus 赌胜性聚焦gambling house 赌场game 游戏game against nature 反自然博奕game against society 反社会博奕game of adult infant 成人 婴儿游戏成人 婴儿 戏game of dialogue 对话游戏game theory 博奕论gamenomania 求婚狂gamester 赌棍gamete 生殖细胞game with rules 规则游戏gamin 流浪儿gaming 赌博gamma distribution γ分布gamma fiber γ纤维gamma motor neuron γ运动神经元γ运动神经原gamma movement γ运动gamma rhythm γ节律gamma aminobutyric acid γ 氨基丁酸gamophobia 婚姻恐怖症gang 帮派gang 团伙gang age 帮团年龄gang behavior 帮派行为gangland 黑社会ganglia 神经节ganglia coeliaca 腹腔神经节ganglia lumbalia 腰腔神经节ganglia thoracalia 胸腔神经节ganglia trunci sympathici 交感干神经节交感 神经节gangliocyte 神经节细胞gangliolytic 神经节阻滞的ganglion 神经节ganglion basal 基底神经节ganglion cell 神经节细胞ganglion cell layer 神经节细胞层ganglion cerebral 脑丘ganglion ciliare 睫状脑神经节ganglion collaterale 副神经节ganglion cordis 心脏脑神经节ganglion geniculi 膝状脑神经节ganglion hypogastrium 腹下神经节ganglion neuron 节神经元ganglion oculare 眼神经节ganglion oticum 耳神经节ganglion prevertebral 椎前神经节ganglion spinale 脊神经节ganglion splanchnicum 内脏脑神经节ganglion sympathetic 交感神经节ganglionic blocking agent 神经节阻滞剂神经节阻滞剂ganglionic cell 神经节细胞ganglionic crest 神经节脊ganglionic layer 神经节层ganglionic neuron 神经节原ganglionoplegic 神经节阻滞的ganglioside 神经节苷脂ganja 印度大麻Ganser symptom 甘塞尔症状Ganser syndrome 甘塞尔综合症Ganser s twilight state 甘塞尔昏暗状态甘塞尔昏暗状态gaol 监狱gaolbird 囚犯gaol break 越狱gap 间断garbage 不准确数据garbage 垃圾Garcia effect 加萨效应gargalanesthesia 痒感缺失gargalesthesia 痒感gargoylism 脂肪软骨营养不良garrulity 喋喋不休GAS 一般适应综合症gas chromatography 气体分色法gasconade 夸口gasometer 气量计gasometry 气体定量法gasping center 喘息中枢gastralgia 胃痛gastric 胃的gastric anacidity 胃酸缺乏gastrin 促胃液素gastroduodenitis 胃十二指肠炎gastroduodenoscopy 胃十二指肠镜检gastroduodenostomy 胃十二指肠吻合术胃十二指肠吻合术gastrointestinal disorder 肠胃失调gastrointestinal hormones 肠胃激素gastrointestinal reaction 胃肠反应gastrointestinal system 肠胃系统gastrone 抑胃分泌素gastronome 美食家gastrorrhoea 胃液分泌过多gastroscope 胃窥镜gastroscopy 胃镜检查gastrosis 胃病gastrospasm 胃痉挛gastrospiry 吞气症gastroxynsis 胃酸过多症gastrula 原肠胚gate cell 闸门细胞gate control theory 闸门控制说gate control theory of pain 痛的闸门控制说gatekeeper 社会观察人员Gates Reading Readiness Test 盖茨阅读准备测验Gates Mckillop Reading Diagnostic Tests 盖麦二氏阅读鉴定测验Gates MacGinitie Reading Test 盖麦二氏阅读测验gateway 途径gather 收集gather data 收集数据gather experience 积累经验gather information 收集信息gating mechanism 闸门机制gatism 大小便失禁gauge 规范Gauss curve 高斯曲线Gauss distribution 高斯分布Gauss lens system 高斯透镜系统Gaussian curve 高斯曲线Gaussian probability distribution 高斯概率分布Gaza s operation 神经支切断术gaze 凝视GCA 地面控制进场GCI 普通认知指数gear ratio 传动比Geist Picture Interest Inventory 盖氏图画式兴趣量表gelasmus 憨笑Gelb effect 杰尔贝效应geld 阉割gelded 阉割了的Gelineau s syndrome 发作性睡眠Gelor lens system 塞洛尔透镜系统gelototherapy 欢笑疗法geminus 双生子gender consistency 性别一致性gender constancy 性别恒定性gender identity 性别认定gender identity disorder 性别认定障碍性别认定疾病gender role 性别角色gender stability 性别固定gender typing 性别特征形成gene 基因gene action 基因作用gene activation 基因活化gene activity 基因活性gene amplification 基因增殖gene balance 基因平衡gene conversion 基因转换gene copy 基因拷贝gene dosage 基因量gene duplication 基因复制gene expression 基因表达gene interaction 基因相互作用gene mutation 基因突变gene mutation rate 基因突变率gene order 基因序列gene recombination 基因重组gene replication 基因复制gene substitution 基因替代gene theory 基因学说genealogical table 系谱表genealogy 家系genecology 种群生态学geneogenous 先天性的general 一般的general ability 一般能力general ability test 一般能力测验general abnormality factor 一般异常因素一般 常因素general achievement test 一般成就测验普通成就测验general activity 一般活动general adaptation syndrome 一般适应综合症general amnesia 概括性遗忘general amnesia 全面性遗忘general anesthesia 全身麻醉general anxiety 一般性焦虑General Anxiety Scale 一般焦虑量表General Aptitude Test Battery 一般能力倾向测验普通文书测验general attention 一般注意general attitude type 一般态度型general average 总平均数general birth rate 一般出生率general census 全面普查general characteristic 一般特性general cognitive index 普通认知指数general concept 一般概念general condensed summary 要点说明general cortex 一般皮质general death rate 一般死亡率general didactics 普通教授学general diffused lighting 漫射照明general disturbance 整体性失调General Educational Development Tests 普通教育发展测验general factor 一般因素General Health Questionnaire 普通健康问卷general homology 一般相应general hunger 一般饥饿general intelligence 一般智力general intelligence factor 一般智力因素普通智慧因素general investigation 普查general knowledge 一般知识general lighting 一般照明general linguistics 普通语言学general mean 总平均数general measure 一般测量general measure of reliability 可靠性一般测量general mental ability 一般心理能力general methodology 普通方法学general microbiology 普通微生物学general mood of society 社会风气general paralysis of insane 麻痹性痴呆general paresis 轻瘫general phisical examination 一般身体检查general physiology 普通生理学general problem solver 通用问题解答general problem solver procedure 通用问题解决程序general process of reading comprehension 阅读理解的一般过程general psychology 普通心理学General Psychology and Experimental Psychology 普通心理与实验心理general range 一般范围general reaction 全身反应general reference group theory 一般参照组理论general sensation 全身感觉general sensory 一般感觉general sensory area 一般感觉区general sexual dysfunction 普遍性功能障碍general sociology 普通社会学general survey 普查general system 统摄系统general system theory 一般系统论general transfer 一般迁移general trend 一般趋势general will 共同意志generality 一般性generalizability theory 概化理论概化理论generalization 泛化generalization 类化generalization gradient 泛化梯度generalization hypothesis 泛化假说generalization of image 形象概括generalization of problem 课题的类化generalization of subject matter 教材的概括generalize 普遍化generalized anxiety disorder 泛焦虑症generalized epilepsy 全部性癫痫generalized expectancy 类化预期generalized imitation 类化模仿generalized least squares estimator 一般化最小二乘推定量generalized log series 类化对数数列generalized other 类化的他人generalized reinforce 类化强化物generalized seizure 普遍性发作generalized sexual inhibition 普遍性功能抑制generalized trait 类化特质generalized transduction 普通性传导generalized goal tension 类化目标扩张类化目标扩张generalizing abstraction 概括抽象generalizing assimilation 概识同化generate 生育generate test method 生成检验法generating structure 生成结构generation 生育generation gap 代沟generation interval 世代间隙generation discrimination theory 生成 辨别理论generative center 发生中心generative grammar 衍生语法generative organs 生殖器官generative power 生殖力generative semantics 生成语义学generative theory 生成理论generative transformational grammar 生成转换语法generativity 繁殖generativity vs stagnation conflict 创建与休怠冲突generator 发生器generator electrical potential 发生器电位发生器电位generator potential 启动电位generic 一般的generic coefficient 种属系数generic condition 一般条件generosity effect 宽容效应genesclinic 偏性遗传genesis 发生genetic assimilation 遗传同化genetic banks 物种遗传库genetic block 遗传性阻碍genetic carrier 遗传载体genetic code 遗传密码genetic complement 遗传互补genetic complex 遗传综体genetic constitution 遗传素质genetic continuity 遗传连续性genetic control 遗传控制genetic copying 遗传复制genetic correlation 遗传相关genetic counseling 遗传咨询genetic definition 发生论定义genetic differences 遗传差异genetic disorder 遗传性障碍genetic dominance 遗传支配性genetic dominant traits 遗传的显性特征遗传的显性特徵genetic drift 遗传漂变genetic effect of radiation 遗传辐射效应遗传辐射效应genetic element 遗传成份genetic engineer 遗传工程学家genetic engineering 遗传工程genetic epistemology 发生认识论genetic equilibrium 遗传平衡genetic factor 遗传因子genetic feedback 遗传反馈genetic gain 遗传获得量genetic guidance 遗传辅导genetic homeostasis 遗传稳态genetic information 遗传信息genetic limitation 遗传限度genetic load 遗传负荷genetic mark 遗传标记genetic material 遗传物质genetic method 发生法genetic obesity 遗传型肥胖症genetic potential 遗传潜力genetic predeterminism 遗传决定论genetic psychology 发生心理学genetic recessive traits 遗传的隐性特征遗传的隐性特徵genetic relationship 亲缘关系genetic sequence 发生次序genetic stability 遗传稳定性genetic statistics 遗传统计genetic surgery 遗传手术genetic synecology 群落发生学genetic theory 发生说genetic theory of language 语言天赋论语言天赋论genetic transcription 基因转录genetic variant 遗传性变型genetic variation 遗传性变异genetical mark 遗传标记genetical population 遗传群体genetics 遗传学genetous 先天的Geneva school 日内瓦学派gene environment interaction 基因遗传相互作用genic 基因的genic interaction 基因相互作用genic material 遗传物质genic value 基因值geniculate body 膝状体geniculocortical system 膝状体皮质系genital 生殖器的genital character 性征期性格genital disorder 性器失调genital locomotor stage 性运动期genital phase 性器期genital stage 性征期genital zone 性感区genitalia 外生殖器genitality 生殖力genius 天才genocatachresia 色情倒错genocide 种族灭绝genocopy 拟遗传型genome 基因组genome mutation 基因组突变genomotive 隐性动机genomotive 原生性动机genopathy 基因病genophobia 性事恐怖症genotype 遗传型genotype environment correlation 遗传 环境相关genotype environment interaction 遗传 环境互应genotypic control 遗传型控制genotypic environment 遗传型环境genotypic milieu 遗传背景genovariation 基因变异gens 氏族gentle 高贵的gentleman 有教养的人genu 膝genuflect 屈膝genuine epilepsy 真性癫痫genuine hallucination 真性幻觉genuineness 真挚genus 类genus homo 人属geographical environment 地理环境geometric average 几何平均数geometric construction 几何构造geometric distance model 几何距离模式几何距离模式geometric distribution 几何分布geometric figure 几何图形geometric horopter 几何视野单像区geometric mean 几何平均数geometric method 几何平均法geometric model 几何模型geometric series 几何级数geometrical concept 几何概念geometrical optical illusion 几何光学错觉geometrical progression 几何级数geometry 几何学geometry design 绘几何形geophagia 食土癖geophagist 食土癖者geopsychology 地理心理学gephyrophobia 过桥恐怖症geratology 老年医学gereology 老年学geriatric medicine 老年医学geriatric psychiatry 老年精神医学geriatric psychology 老年心理学geriatrics 老年病学geriopsychosis 老年精神病Gerlach s network 格拉赫网germ cell 生殖细胞germinal period 胚胎期germination inhibitor 萌发抑制作用gerocomia 老年保健gerontic 老年的gerontogenesis 老年发生gerontolinguistics 老年语言学Gerontological Apperception Test 老年统觉测验gerontological psychology 老年心理学gerontology 老年学gerontophile 亲老人癖gerontophile 嗜耄癖gerontophilia 爱恋老人gerontophilia 嗜耄癖者gerontopia 老视geropsychiatry 老年精神医学geropsychology 老年心理学Gerstmann s syndrome 格斯特曼综合症格斯特曼徵候 Gesell Development Scale 格塞尔发展量表Gesell Development Schedules 格塞尔发展测量表Gesell Development Test 格塞尔发展测验格塞尔学前测验Gesell developmental norm 格塞尔发展常模Gestal laws of organization 组织完形法则Gestalt 格式塔Gestalt 完形Gestalt Completion Test 完形补足测验Gestalt factor 完形因素Gestalt laws of perceptual organization 知觉组织完形法则Gestalt principles of organization 格式塔组织原则Gestalt psychology 格式塔心理学Gestalt psychology 完形心理学完形心理学Gestalt psychotherapy 完形心理治疗法完形心理治疗法Gestalt quality 形质Gestalt Review 格式塔评论Gestalt theory 完形理论Gestalt theory of learning 学习的完形说学习的完形说Gestalt therapy 完形治疗法Gestaltests 完形心理学派Gestaltism 完形主义gestation 受孕gesticulate 姿态表达gestural language 手势语gesture 手势gesture 姿态gesture language 手势语get away with 侥幸做成GH 生长激素ghetto 犹太人区ghost 幽灵ghost word 造出来的字giant baby 巨大儿giantism 巨人症gibberish 言语凌乱gibberish aphasia 呓语性失语Gibson effect 吉卜生错觉效应giddiness 晕眩gift 天资gifted 天才gifted child 超常儿童giftedness 天才giftedness 资赋优异giftie 才能gigantism 巨人症Gilles de la Tourette s syndrome 图雷特综合症Gilmore Oral Reading Test 吉尔摩朗诵测验Gittinger personality assessment system theory 盖氏人格评估系统学说盖氏人格评估系统学说glamor 魅力glamour 魅力gland 腺glandula 腺glandulae 腺glandulae olfactoriae 嗅腺glandular endocrinica 内分泌腺glandular gustatoria 味觉腺glandular integumentaria 皮肤腺glandular optica 视神经节腺glandular theory 腺体理论glandular thyreoidea 甲状腺glare 眩目glare index 眩光指数glare recovery time 眩光视觉恢复时间眩光视觉恢 时间glare recovery time curve 眩光视觉恢复时间曲线glass sensation 玻璃感觉glassy eyed 目光呆滞的glaucoma 青光眼glaucosis 青光眼盲glia 神经胶质glial 神经胶质的glial cell 胶质细胞glial membrane 神经胶膜glial tissue 神经胶质组织glide 滑音glide illusion 下滑错觉glider 滑翔gliding model 滑动模型glimmer 模糊感觉gliosis 神经胶质变性global 全体的global 整体的global aphasia 完全失语症global convergence 全局收敛global focusing 总体聚焦global learning 全部学习global learning 整体学习global method 全体法globe thermometer 黑球温度计globus hysterics 癔病球感globus pallidus 苍白球glomeruli caudales 尾小球glossal 舌的glossolalia 荒诞言语glossolalia 语言含混glossology 语言学glossopharyngeal 舌咽的glossopharyngeal nerve 舌咽神经glossopharyngeus 舌咽肌glossophobia 言语恐怖症glossosynthesis 造语症glottis 声门glove anesthesia 手套型感觉丧失症glower 怒视GLU 谷胺酸glucagon 抗胰岛素glucostatic theory 葡萄糖恒定理论glutamic acid 谷胺酸glutethimide 苯乙派啶酮glutton 贪食者gluttony 暴饮暴食GLY 甘胺酸glycine 甘胺酸glycogen 糖原glycogeusia 甘味症glycometabolism 糖代谢gnosia 直觉gnosis 感悟go bankrupt 破产goal 目标goal activities 目标活动goal analysis 目标分析goal behavior 目标行为goal directness 目标指向性goal discrepancy 目标差goal discrepancy score 目标差评分goal effectiveness 目标有效性goal frustration 目标挫折goal gradient 目标等级goal gradient hypothesis 目标等级假说目标等级假说goal object 目的物goal orientation 目标定向goal response 目的性反应goal set 目标定势goal setting 目标设定goal setting theory 目标设定理论goal setting training 目标设定训练goal situation 目标情境goal stimulus 目标刺激goals of crime 犯罪目的goals of sports collective 运动集体目标运动集体目标goal cognition theory of learning 学习的目的认知说goal directed behavior 目标导向行为目标导向行为goal directed learning 有目的的学习有目的的学习goal directed motivation 目标导向动机目标导向动机goal directed response 目标指向反应目标指向反应goal directed thinking 目的指向性思维目的指向性思考goal limited adjustment therapy 有限目标适应治疗法goal orientation 目标定向goal orientation conflict 目标定向冲突目标定向 突goal oriented 目标定向性goal seeking behavior 目标寻求行为目标寻求行为goggles 护目镜golden section 黄金分割Goldmann perimeter 高尔顿曼视野计Golgi method 高尔吉法Golgi type Ⅰ cell 高尔吉Ⅰ型细胞Golgi type Ⅱ cell 高尔吉Ⅱ型细胞Golgi Mazzoni s corpuscle 高尔吉 马祖尼小体Goltz s theory 戈尔茨学说gonad 性腺gonadal hormone 性激素gonadogenesis 性腺发生gonadoinhibitory 性腺抑制gonadopathy 性腺病gonadopause 性腺机能丧失gonadotherapy 性激素疗法gonadotrophic 促性腺的gonadotrophic hormone 促性腺激素gonadotropin 促性腺激素goniocraniometry 颅角测量法goniometer 测角器good figure 良型good me 良我good or evil 性可善可恶论good points 优点good sense 判断力强good shape 良形Goodenough Draw a Man Test 谷氏画人测验Goodenough Harris Drawing Test 谷哈二氏画人测验Goodman model 古德曼模式Goodman Kruskal s coefficient of predicta bility 古 克二氏预测系数goodness 德行goodness 优良goodness of fit 符合度goodness of fit test 适合度考验goodness of mind 良心good boy nice girl orientation 乖孩子取向good boy nice girl stage 乖孩子期good poor analysis G P分析good poor analysis 上位 下位分析goofball 镇静剂goon 怪人goosy 神经质的Gordon Occupational Check List 高登职业检核表Gordon Personal Inventory 高登个性量表Gordon Personal Profile 高登个人侧面图Gordon s reflex 戈登反射Gordon s sign 戈登症Gordon s technique 高登法gorge 暴食gorilla 大猩猩gossip 流言Gottschaldt Test 哥德沙尔特嵌入图形测验Gottstein s fibers 哥特斯坦纤维Gough Adjective Check List 高夫形容词检核表Gough model 高夫模式govern 统治govern oneself 克制government 支配关系governor meridian 督脉Gower s syndrome 高尔综合症gowster 吸毒者go or no go task 去或不去作业GPA 计点平均成绩GPAS 盖氏人格评估系统学说GPC rules 形 音转换规则GPIGPS 通用问题解答GRgradation 等级gradation 梯变grade 年级grade by sized 按大小分级grade differential 等级差别grade distribution 年级分配grade equivalent 等级当等grade equivalent scale 等级当等量表grade estimation 等级评定grade norm 年级常模grade scale 年级量表grade score 年级分数grade series 等级系列graded potential 级量电位graded response items 分级式作答试题分级式作答试题grader potential 渐变电位grade point average 计点平均成绩grade skipping 跳级gradient 递变度gradient analysis 梯度分析gradient descent 梯度下降gradient of generalization 类化递变gradient of reinforcement 强化递变gradient of stimulus generalization 刺激类化递变gradient of texture 结构递变gradient of texture density 结构密度递变gradient preference 梯度适应gradient search 递变度搜索grading 分等级gradual advance 渐升gradual decline 渐降gradualness 循序性gradualness of development 发展渐进说发展渐进说Graduate Record Examination 研究生入学考试graduated system of punishment 分级惩罚制graduation of curve 曲线修匀graffito pollution 涂写污染grammar 语法grammatical ellipsis 文法上的省略grammatical rules 语法规则grammatical structure 语法结构grammatical structure understanding 语法结构理解grammaticality 符合语法规则grand average 总平均数grand mal 癫痫大发作grand mean 总平均grandeur delusion 夸大妄想grandfather complex 祖父情结grandiloquence 夸大grandiosity 夸大grandmother 溺爱Granit Harper s law 格热尼特 哈伯律grant 准予granular cell 颗粒细胞granuloblast 成粒细胞grapevine 传闻graph 图表graph analysis 图解分析graph theory 图论grapheme phoneme conversion rules 形 音转换规则graphic analysis 图解分析graphic collection 图象归类graphic display 图示graphic expression 图示graphic individuality 书法个性graphic method 图示法graphic presentation 图像显示graphic psychology 版画心理学graphic rating scale 图示评定量表graphic record 图示法graphic representation 图示graphic symbol 图示符号graphical displays 图形显示器graphical representation 图形表象graphoanalysis 书写分析graphocatharsis 书写疏泄法graphokinesthetic 书写动觉的graphology 笔迹学graphology 字相学graphomania 书写狂graphomotor 书写运动的graphomotor aphasia 书写性失语graphomotor test 书写肌动测验graphopathology 书写病理学graphophobia 书写恐怖症graphorrhea 涂写癖graphorrhes 书写错乱graphospasm 书写痉挛Grashey s aphasia 格拉希氏失语症Grashey s aphasia 遗忘性失语症grasp 抓握grasping 贪婪的grasping reflex 抓握反射grass widow 离婚女子grass widower 离婚男子Grassmann s law 格拉斯曼定律grassroots 基础gratification 满足感grating 光栅gravamen 冤情Graves Design Judgment Test 格雷夫设计判断测验Graves disease 格氏病graviceptor 重力受纳器gravid 妊娠的gravidity 妊娠gravid puerperal psychosis 孕 产期精神病gravimeter 比重计gravimetric 比重测定的gravitation 重力gravitational receptor 重力感受器gravity effect 重力影响gravity free condition 失重状态gray matter 灰质Gray Oral Reading Test 格雷朗读测验格雷朗读测验greatest limit 最大极限greatest measure 最大数值great man theory 伟人论great man theory of history 历史伟人论历史伟人论great man theory of leadership 领袖伟人论great man theory of leadership 伟人领导论Greco Latin square design 希腊拉丁方阵设计greed 贪婪green 绿green blindness 绿色盲green vision 绿幻视gregarious instinct 群集本能gregarious personality 合群人格gregariousness 合群性gregariousness 群集性grey area 次贫地区grey market 半黑市grey matter 灰质grey reticular 灰质网grey reticular formation 灰质网状结构灰质网状结构grey scale 灰度标尺grid seminar 方格训练grid stereoscope 栅栏实体镜grief 悲伤grievance 牢骚grievance procedure 苦情处理制度grimace 愁眉苦脸grip diameter 手抓握径grip strength 握力grisly 吓人的gritty 勇敢的grizzle 诉苦groan 呻吟grooming 修饰grooming behavior 修饰行为grooming interpersonal conflict 整饰人际冲突Groos theory of play 格鲁斯游戏理论groovy 常规的gross 粗大的gross 总的gross figures 总数gross motor movements 大运动动作gross motor skill learning 粗大运动技能学习gross score 总分数Gros Schultze method 格罗斯 斯查尔茨法ground 背景ground 基础ground transportation 地面运输grounded theory 扎根理论grounding 基础训练groundless 无根据ground based flight 地面模拟飞行ground controlled approach 地面控制进场group 群体group 团体Group & Organization Management 群体与组织管理group acceptance 团体接纳group aggression 团体侵犯group analytic 群体分析group analytic therapy 集体分析治疗Group Assessment of Interpersonal Traits 人际特质小组评量group atmosphere 群体气氛group atmosphere 团体气氛group attack 团体攻击group average method 群平均法group behavior 团体行为group behavior modification 团体行为矫正group belongingness 群体从属性group boundary 团体界限group characteristics 团体特性group classification 群体分类group climate 团体气氛group cohesion 团体凝聚力group cohesiveness 群体凝聚性group communication network 团体联络网group composition 团体组成group congruence 群体协调一致group consciousness 团体意识group constitutional determinants 群体构造化要素group consumers 集体消费者group contagion 团体感染group counseling 团体咨询group data 分类资料group decision 团体决定group decision making 团体决策group delinquent reaction 群体犯罪反应 体犯罪反应group delusion 群体幻觉group demography 群体人口统计学group development 团体发展group difference 团体差异group dimension 团体维度group discussion 集体讨论group discussion interview 集体讨论面谈group discussion method 群体讨论法group discussion test 群体讨论测查group dynamics 团体动力学Group Dynamics Theorygroup ecology 群体生态学group effect 群体效率group emotional identification 群体情绪认同group error 分组误差group evaluation 团体评价group experience 团体经验group experiment 团体实验group factor 群体因素group fallacy 群体谬误group feeling 团体感group formation 群体形成group function 群体功能group goal 团体目标group guidance 团体辅导group hypnosis 集体催眠group identification 团体认同group identity 团体同一性group incentive 团体激励group instruction method 小组教学法group integration 团体统合group integrative determinants 团体统合要素group integrator 群体协调器group intelligence test 团体智力测验group interaction theory 团体互动理论团体互动理论group interval 组距group interview 团体访谈group interview method 小组交谈法group interview test 团体访谈测查Group Inventory for Finding Creative Talent 创造性天才团体测验group leadership 集体领导group marriage 群婚group measurement method 团体测量法团体测量法group mind 集团精神group mind 群体心理group mind theory 群体心理理论group morale 团体士气group norm 群体规范group norm 小组常模group normative analysis 团体范围分析团体范围分析group observation 团体观察法group of behavioral sampling 行为样组行为样组group of classes 组群group of images 意象群group order ranking 小组顺序排列法group oriented 团体取向group participation 集体参与group performance 集体业绩group performance theory 团体绩效理论团体绩效理论Group Personality Projective Test 团体个性投射测验group play therapy 集体游戏疗法group polarization 群体极化group polarization effect 群体极化效应群体极化效应group polarization phenomenon 群体极化现象group pressure 群体压力group pressure toward uniformity 群体齐一性压力group problem solving 团体问题解决团体问题解决group process 团体历程group productivity 团体生产性group psychology 群体心理学group psychotherapy 团体心理疗法group regulation 群体调节group risk taking 团体冒险group role 团体角色Group Rorschach Test 团体罗尔沙赫测验group sampling 分组抽样group sampling 集体抽样group schedule 团体表格group selection 群体选择group self preference 群体自我偏爱group size 团体大小group socialization 团体社会化group solidarity 团结一致group spirit 团队精神group star 群星group stress 集体应激group structure 团体结构group study 团体研究group suggestion 群体暗示group superego 团体超我group syntality 群体个性group test 团体测验group theory 群体理论group therapy 团体治疗法group thinking 团体思维group training 集体训练group types 群体类型group unity 群体团结group variation 集群变异group work 团体工作Group Z Test 团体Z测验grouped 分组grouped data 分组数据grouped frequency distribution 分组次数分布grouped measures 分组量数grouped observation 分组观测值grouped table 分组表grouping 分组grouping by ability 能力分组grouping error 分组误差grouping habit 集合习性grouping item 分组项目grouping of controls 控制器分组grouping of data 资料归类groupment 群体性groupshift 群体转移groupthink 集体思考group centered leader 团体中心领袖团体中心领袖group factor theory 群因素论group relations theory 团体关系论grown up 成人growth 成长growth 生长growth center 成长中心growth curve 生长曲线growth hormone 生长激素growth motivation 成长动机growth need 成长需要growth of population 人口增长growth pains 成长痛growth pattern 生长模式growth period 发育期growth periodicity 发育周期性growth phase 发育周期growth ratio 生长比率growth spurt 生长陡增growth stage 生长阶段growth promoting hormone 生长激素Gruber s test 格鲁伯试验grudge 妒忌GSR 皮电反应GT 概化理论概化理论GTH 促性腺激素guardian 监护人guardianship 监护guess 猜测guessed average 假定平均数guessing correction formula 猜测纠正公式guesstimate 瞎猜guesswork 猜测Guess Who Test 猜人测验guess who technique 猜人法guidance 辅导guidance function of test 测验的指导功能guidance learning 指导学习guidance of self study 自学辅导guidance services 辅导服务guide 指导guide specifications 指导性规范guided daydream 导向白日梦guided discovery learning 有指导的发现学习guided fantasy 导向幻想guided participation 引导参与guiding idea 主导观念。



性格是天生的还是后天养成的英语作文Personality: Nature vs. NurturePersonality is a complex and multifaceted trait that defines who we are as individuals. It encompasses our characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, and plays a significant role in shaping our relationships, career choices, and overall quality of life. The age-old debate of whether personality is innate or acquired through environmental influences continues to be a topic of interest and contention in psychological research. While there is evidence to support both sides of the argument, it is likely that a combination of nature and nurture contributes to the development of our personality.Those who believe that personality is primarily determined by genetics argue that certain traits are heritable and passed down through generations. Studies on twins raised apart have shown that genetic influences play a significant role in shaping personality, with identical twins often displaying more similarities in traits such as extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness compared to fraternal twins. Additionally, research on specific genes associated with personality traits, such as the dopamine receptor gene DRD4 and the serotonintransporter gene 5-HTTLPR, suggests a genetic basis for certain aspects of personality.On the other hand, proponents of the nurture theory argue that environmental factors such as family upbringing, socialization, culture, and life experiences have a significant impact on personality development. Children raised in nurturing, stable environments tend to develop secure attachments and healthy self-esteem, leading to the formation of positive personality traits such as resilience, empathy, and emotional intelligence. In contrast, individuals who experience trauma, neglect, or abuse during childhood may develop maladaptive personality traits such as anxiety, aggression, or impulsivity.While the nature vs. nurture debate has been ongoing for decades, most psychologists agree that both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of personality. Research on gene-environment interactions suggests that our genes predispose us to certain personality traits, but environmental experiences can either amplify or suppress these predispositions. For example, a child who is genetically predisposed to shyness may become more introverted if raised in a family that values solitude and reflection, whereas the samechild may overcome their shyness and develop social skills if exposed to a supportive and social environment.In addition to genetic and environmental influences, personality development is also influenced by individual factors such as gender, temperament, and cognitive abilities. While some traits may be relatively stable and resistant to change, such as introversion/extroversion and emotional stability, others may be more malleable and responsive to personal growth and therapy. For example, individuals with high levels of neuroticism may benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy to challenge negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety.Ultimately, our personality is a complex interplay of nature and nurture, shaped by genetic predispositions, environmental experiences, and personal factors. While we may inherit certain traits from our parents and ancestors, we also have the power to change and grow through self-awareness, therapy, and intentional efforts to cultivate positive traits and behaviors. By understanding the dynamic nature of personality development, we can empower ourselves to become the best version of ourselves and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.。



作物遗传育种专业英语Crop Genetics and Breeding: A Specialized Field in Agriculture.Crop genetics and breeding are essential components of modern agriculture, dealing with the study and improvement of plant genetic resources for sustainable crop production. This specialized field combines the principles of genetics, biology, ecology, and agronomy to understand and manipulate the genetic makeup of crops for enhanced agronomic traits, disease resistance, and adaptation to various environmental conditions.The foundation of crop genetics and breeding lies in the understanding of genetic variation within and between species. Genetic variation refers to the differences in the DNA sequence among individuals or populations of the same species. This variation can be exploited through breeding programs to develop new crop varieties with desired characteristics. Breeders use a range of techniques,including crossing, selection, and hybridization, to create new varieties that are better adapted to specific environments or resistant to pests and diseases.One of the key areas in crop genetics and breeding is the identification and utilization of genetic resources. Genetic resources refer to the diversity of genes and genetic variation present in plant species and their wild relatives. Breeders screen these resources to identify genes that confer desirable traits, such as high yield, drought tolerance, or disease resistance. Once identified, these genes can be introduced into elite varieties through breeding programs to create new, improved crop varieties.Another crucial aspect of crop genetics and breeding is the use of biotechnology tools. Biotechnology has revolutionized crop breeding by allowing breeders to manipulate plant genes directly. Techniques such as gene cloning, gene editing, and genetic transformation enable breeders to introduce specific genes or traits into crops with greater precision and efficiency. These tools have accelerated the development of new crop varieties withenhanced agronomic performance and resistance to abioticand biotic stresses.However, the utilization of biotechnology tools in crop breeding has also raised concerns regarding biosafety and the ethical implications of genetic modification. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that biotechnology-derived crops undergo rigorous safety assessments and are subject tostrict regulatory frameworks to ensure their safe and sustainable use.Crop genetics and breeding also play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change andfood security. As climate change leads to more frequent and severe weather events, the development of crop varietiesthat are tolerant to abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and heat, is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, the development of crop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases can help mitigate the negative impacts of biotic stresses on crop production.In conclusion, crop genetics and breeding are essentialcomponents of modern agriculture. They enable breeders to create new, improved crop varieties that are better adapted to specific environments, resistant to pests and diseases, and have enhanced agronomic traits. The utilization of genetic resources and biotechnology tools has accelerated the development of these varieties, but it is crucial to ensure their safe and sustainable use. As we face global challenges such as climate change and food security, the role of crop genetics and breeding in ensuring sustainable crop production will become increasingly important.。



河南农业科学,2021,50(5):137-141Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciencesdoi :10.15933/ki.1004-3268.2021.05.019收稿日期:2020-11-12基金项目:湖北省农业科学院人才项目(Q2018017);湖北省农业科技创新中心资助项目(2019-620-000-001-18);湖北省自然科学基金项目(2018CFA014);湖北省重大创新专项(2019ABA084);湖北省农业科技创新行动项目(2018skjcx05)作者简介:乔㊀木(1982-),女,辽宁建平人,副研究员,博士,主要从事猪遗传育种研究㊂E -mail:mqbetter@ 通信作者:彭先文(1974-),男,湖北恩施人,研究员,博士,主要从事猪遗传育种研究㊂E -mail:pxwpal@硒都黑猪OLR1基因多态性及其与产仔数的相关性分析乔㊀木,周佳伟,吴俊静,武华玉,梅书棋,彭先文(湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所/动物胚胎工程及分子育种湖北省重点实验室,湖北武汉430064)摘要:为研究OLR1基因遗传多态性对硒都黑猪产仔数的影响,利用PCR 扩增和直接测序法检测OLR1基因在硒都黑猪中的单核苷酸多态性(SNP ),并与母猪第一胎的产仔数性状进行相关性分析㊂结果显示,在基因的g.61808357处发现3种类型的碱基突变A>C ㊁A>T 和C>T ,存在AA ㊁AC ㊁CC ㊁AT 和TC 5种基因型,AC ㊁AA 和CC 基因型个体的总产仔数和产活仔数均极显著(P <0.01)高于TC 和AT 基因型个体㊂综上,OLR1基因g.61808357处SNP 位点可作为影响硒都黑猪产仔数性状的分子标记㊂关键词:硒都黑猪;OLR1基因;多态性;产仔数;关联分析;分子标记中图分类号:S828㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1004-3268(2021)05-0137-05Polymorphism of OLR1Gene and Its Associationwith Litter Size in Xidu Black PigsQIAO Mu,ZHOU Jiawei,WU Junjing,WU Huayu,MEI Shuqi,PENG Xianwen(Institute of Animal and Veterinary Science,Hubei Academy of Agricultural sciences /Huibei Key Laboratory ofAnimal Embryo Engineering and Molecular Breeding,Wuhan 430064,China)Abstract :In order to explore the effect of OLR1gene genetic polymorphism on litter size of Xidu blackpigs,the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)of OLR1gene in Xidu black pigs was detected by PCRamplification and direct sequencing,and the association analysis with litter size of first parity sows was carried out.The results showed that there were three mutations (A >C,A >T and C >T)at g.61808357,and there were five genotypes AA,AC,CC,AT and TC.The total number born and number born alive ofindividuals with AC,AA and CC genotypes were extremely significantly higher than those with TC and ATgenotypes (P <0.01).In conclusion,the SNP at g.61808357of OLR1gene can be used as a molecular marker affecting litter size trait of Xidu black pigs.Key words :Xidu black pig;OLR1gene;Polymorphism;Litter size;Association analysis;Molecular marker㊀㊀猪的产仔数包括总产仔数和产活仔数,是直接关系到养猪业经济收益的重要经济性状,提高猪产仔数对提高养猪业的总体经济效益意义重大㊂影响猪产仔数的因素很多,如遗传㊁环境以及品种等,遗传是主要的影响因素㊂而猪产仔数性状受多基因控制,并且其遗传力较低(0.1左右)[1-2],依靠传统的育种方法,周期长㊁进展缓慢㊂随着分子生物学技术的发展,将分子标记辅助选择育种与传统育种相结合,可以有效加快猪繁殖性状的选择进程㊂因此,寻找影响母猪产仔数性状的候选基因及关键分子遗传河南农业科学第50卷标记,并将其用于标记辅助选择育种,对提高母猪的繁殖性能具有重要意义㊂氧化型低密度脂蛋白受体1基因(Oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor1,OLR1)具有结合和氧化低密度脂蛋白的作用[3],早期由于其与人类的心血管疾病有关,备受关注[4-6]㊂随后有研究结果表明, OLR1基因与小鼠甘油三酯的形成和脂肪的分解有关[7-9],然而在家畜中对于OLR1基因的研究较少,在牛中发现OLR1基因存在与牛的产奶量㊁乳脂成分和乳蛋白量相关的单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)[10-13],在猪中存在与胴体性状和脂肪性状相关的SNP[14-16],但是未见与母猪产仔数性状相关的报道㊂湖北省农业科学院猪育种团队前期通过荧光定量PCR方法检测了OLR1基因在高产仔数和低产仔数母猪(发情期)卵巢组织中的表达量,发现OLR1基因在高产仔数母猪卵巢中的表达量显著(P<0.05)高于低产仔数母猪卵巢中的表达量,卵巢是母猪的重要生殖器官,对母猪的繁殖性能有着重要的影响㊂可见,OLR1基因可以作为影响产仔数的候选基因进行研究㊂为此,筛选鉴定猪OLR1基因遗传多态位点,并对硒都黑猪进行基因型分布检测,将不同基因型与母猪第一胎产仔数性状进行相关性分析,旨在为猪繁殖性状标记辅助选择育种提供新的分子标记㊂1㊀材料和方法1.1㊀试验样品本试验所用的500头硒都黑母猪来自湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所有合作关系的恩施来凤县种猪场,采集血液样品,并记录其总产仔数(Total number born,TNB)和产活仔数(Number born alive, NBA)㊂基因组DNA的提取:采用北京天根生化科技有限公司的血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(DP348),按照说明书进行操作㊂1.2㊀PCR扩增、测序及SNP筛选根据NCBI中猪OLR1基因序列(GenBank登录号:NC_010447.5),采用Primer Premier5.0设计引物㊂上游引物OLF:5ᶄ-CCTCGGTGGAAGAGCATT-3ᶄ,下游引物OLR:5ᶄ-CCACAGAACCAAAGGGAT-3ᶄ,由北京奥科鼎盛生物科技有限公司合成㊂PCR总反应体系(20μL):模板DNA1μL,2ˑTaq PCR Mix10μL,正㊁反向引物(10μmol/L)各1μL,灭菌双蒸水7μL㊂PCR反应程序:94ħ预变性3min;94ħ变性30s,57ħ退火40s,72ħ延伸20s,共35个循环;最后72ħ延伸10min㊂PCR产物于1.5%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测㊂电泳结束后,用凝胶成像系统观察扩增结果㊂将目的条带用上海生工生物工程有限公司的胶回收试剂盒进行纯化,纯化产物送北京奥科鼎盛生物科技有限公司测序,测序结果用DNAStar软件中MegAlign程序进行比对,并结合测序峰型图筛选SNP[17]㊂1.3㊀多态性分布规律检测利用1.2中的引物OLF和OLR,采用PCR直接测序法在500头硒都黑猪群体中进行SNP不同基因型的分布规律检测㊂1.4㊀统计分析用SAS9.1统计软件GLM程序分析OLR1基因多态位点的不同基因型与硒都黑猪总产仔数和产活仔数性状的相关性㊂进行不同SNP基因型组合的方差分析,并进行显著性检验㊂采用模型:Yij=μ+G i+F j+e ij式中,Y ij为性状表型值,μ为平均值,G i为基因型效应(i=AA㊁AC㊁CC㊁AT㊁TC),F j为年份和季节效应,e ij为残差效应㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀硒都黑猪OLR1基因PCR扩增结果选取8头硒都黑猪基因组DNA为模板,采用1.2中的引物OLF和OLR,对OLR1基因进行PCR 扩增,用1.5%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳对扩增产物进行检测,结果如图1所示,PCR扩增产物长度为175bp,与预期结果相符㊂M:DL2000Marker;1 4:OLR1基因PCR扩增产物M:DL2000Marker;1 4:PCR amplification products ofOLR1gene图1㊀硒都黑猪OLR1基因PCR扩增结果Fig.1㊀PCR amplification results of OLR1in Xidu black pigs2.2㊀硒都黑猪OLR1基因SNP位点鉴定对2.1中获得的PCR产物进行凝胶回收㊁纯831㊀第5期乔㊀木等:硒都黑猪OLR1基因多态性及其与产仔数的相关性分析化㊁测序,用DNAStar 软件中MegAlign 程序对测序结果进行比对,并结合测序峰型图鉴定SNP㊂结果显示,在OLR1基因的第122bp 处存在A >C㊁A >T和C>T 3种类型的SNP,与NCBI 中猪的基因组序列进行比对,发现位于基因组g.61808357,产生AA㊁CC㊁AT㊁AC 和TC 5种基因型(图2)㊂图2㊀硒都黑猪OLR1基因g.61808357测序结果Fig.2㊀Sequencing results of OLR1gene g.61808357in Xidu black pigs2.3㊀OLR1基因SNP 位点在硒都黑猪群体中多态性检测在硒都黑猪群体中,OLR1基因g.61808357处SNP 位点的等位基因频率和基因型分布规律如表1所示㊂由表1可知,AA㊁AC㊁CC㊁AT 和TC 5种基因型的频率分别为0.638㊁0.284㊁0.040㊁0.028和0.010,AA 基因型个体最多,TC 基因型个体最少,A 等位基因所占频率最高㊂表1㊀OLR1基因g.61808357SNP 在硒都黑猪中基因型频率和等位基因频率Tab.1㊀Genotype frequencies and allele frequencies of OLR1gene g.61808357SNP in Xidu black pigsSNP 位点SNP site基因型频率Genotype frequencyAAACCCATTC等位基因频率Allele frequencyACTg.618083570.6380.2840.0400.0280.0100.8000.1750.0252.4㊀OLR1基因g.61808357突变与硒都黑猪产仔数性状关联分析在500头硒都黑猪群体中进行不同基因型与总产仔数和产活仔数性状间的关联分析,统计分析结果如表2所示㊂由表2可以看出,在硒都黑猪中,g.61808357处A >C㊁A >T㊁C >T 位点的AC㊁AA 和CC 基因型个体的总产仔数和产活仔数均极显著(P <0.01)高于TC 和AT 基因型个体,其中AC 基因型表2㊀OLR1基因g.61808357突变与硒都黑猪产仔数性状关联分析Tab.2Association analyses of the OLR1geneg.61808357variations with litter size traits in Xidu black pigs基因型Genotype 个体数/头Number总产仔数/头Total number born产活仔数/头Number born aliveAC 14212.23ʃ0.21A 11.20ʃ0.20A AA31911.97ʃ0.15A 10.98ʃ0.13A CC 2011.86ʃ0.69A11.36ʃ0.63ATC 59.60ʃ0.56B 9.20ʃ0.52B AT 149.50ʃ0.38B9.20ʃ0.36B㊀注:以上数值为最小二乘均值ʃ标准误㊂同列数据不同大写字母表示差异极显著(P <0.01)㊂㊀Note:The above values are the least squares mean ʃstandard error.Different capital letters in the same column mean significant difference (P <0.01).个体的总产仔数最高,CC 基因型个体的产活仔数最高,A 和C 等位基因是优势等位基因㊂3㊀结论与讨论母猪产仔数是影响母猪繁殖性能的重要性状,其遗传力只有0.1左右,采用常规的育种手段,周期长,进展缓慢,将分子标记辅助选择育种与常规育种技术相结合,大大加速了猪繁殖性状的选择进程㊂用于标记辅助选择的分子标记包括蛋白质标记㊁微卫星标记和SNP 标记等㊂SNP 标记指由基因组单核苷酸变异引起的DNA 序列多态性,包括碱基转换㊁颠换㊁单碱基插入或缺失等,被公认为第3代DNA 分子标记㊂目前,国内外猪育种学家已经利用最新的生物技术如全基因组重测序㊁全基因组关联分析等技术鉴定了一些猪产仔数候选基因及其分子标记,如ESR ㊁FSHβ㊁RBP4和PRLR 等[18-20];猪产仔数性状相关的SNP,如OPN 基因第6136bp 处C>A 突变[21],BMPR1B 基因第6外显子595bp 处的G >C 和643bp 处的C >T 突变[22]㊂相关基因数量较少,且主效基因以及主效基因相关SNP 研究欠缺[23]㊂因此,挖掘猪产仔数性状相关基因及其SNP,对于猪产仔数性状的标记辅助选择育种具有931河南农业科学第50卷重要意义㊂本研究鉴定获得了硒都黑猪OLR1基因g.61808357同一位置存在3种不同类型的SNP(A> C㊁A>T和C>T)㊂这种在同源染色体上同一位置存在2个以上SNP的基因称为复等位基因(Multiple allelism)[24],可以用作分子标记㊂复等位基因在植物中比较常见,但是在家畜中尚未见报道㊂可见, OLR1基因在硒都黑猪中存在丰富的多态性㊂上述5种不同的基因型与硒都黑猪产仔数和产活仔数性状关联分析结果表明,AC㊁AA和CC基因型个体的总产仔数和产活仔数均极显著高于TC和AT基因型个体㊂由此可以看出,A等位基因和C等位基因是优势等位基因,而TC和AT基因型个体虽然也含有A等位基因和C等位基因,由于T等位基因的存在,产仔数性状低于不含T基因的个体㊂在育种中应予以保留携带A和C优势等位基因的个体,淘汰携带有T等位基因的个体,从而有利于提高群体的总产仔数和产活仔数㊂参考文献:[1]㊀OGAWA S,KONTA A,KIMATA M,et al.Estimation ofgenetic parameters for farrowing traits in purebredLandrace and Large white pigs[J].Animal ScienceJournal,2018,90(1):23-28.[2]㊀董林松,谈成,吴珍芳,等.母系猪繁殖性状的基因组选择策[J].中国畜牧杂志,2019,55(8):25-29.DONG L S,TAN C,WU Z F,et al.Strategy for genomicselection in reproduction traits in maternal-line pigs[J].Chinese Journal of Animal Science,2019,55(8):25-29.[3]㊀KATAOKA H,KUME N,MIYAMOTO S,et al.OxidizedLDL modulates Bax/Bcl-2through the lectinlike Ox-LDLreceptor-1in 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动物遗传育种与繁殖专业英语词汇English:In the field of animal genetics and breeding, there are several key terms that are important to understand. These include genotype, which refers to the genetic makeup of an individual animal, and phenotype, which refers to the physical characteristics of an animal that result from its genotype. Another important concept is heritability, which measures the degree to which a particular trait is passed down from parents to offspring. This concept is crucial in the selection of breeding animals with desirable traits. Genetic diversity is also a crucial consideration in animal breeding, as it ensures that a population has a wide range of genetic traits to adapt to changing environments and avoid inbreeding. In addition, the use of reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer has revolutionized the breeding of animals, allowing for the propagation of particularly valuable genetics. Finally, genomics, or the study of an organism's entire genetic makeup, is an increasingly important tool in the field of animal breeding, allowing for the identification of specific genes associated with desirable traits and the development of molecular breeding techniques.Translated content:在动物遗传育种领域,有几个重要的术语是必须理解的。

geneticselectioncv 参数

geneticselectioncv 参数

geneticselectioncv 参数
2.基因选择中的 CV 参数
3.CV 参数的含义和作用
4.CV 参数的计算方法和应用
5.CV 参数的优缺点



在基因选择中,有一个非常重要的参数,那就是 CV 参数。

CV 参数,全称是 Coefficient of Variation,即变异系数。


CV 参数的含义是标准差与平均值的比值,它反映了某一性状的变异程度。

CV 参数越小,说明该性状的变异程度越小,选择效果越好;反之,CV 参数越大,说明该性状的变异程度越大,选择效果越差。

CV 参数的计算方法是先计算出某一性状的标准差,然后再将标准差除以该性状的平均值,得到的就是 CV 参数。

在基因选择中,通常会选择CV 参数较小的个体进行繁殖,以期望通过选择达到改良种群的目的。

CV 参数在基因选择中有着广泛的应用。


但是,CV 参数也有其缺点,那就是它不能反映个体之间其他性状的差异,因此在选择时需要综合考虑其他性状。

总的来说,CV 参数是基因选择中非常重要的一个参数,它能够反映个体之间某一性状的差异,是衡量选择效果的重要指标。



转基因食物的好处与坏处英语作文Title: Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods。

Genetically modified foods, often referred to as GMOs, have sparked intense debates worldwide regarding their benefits and drawbacks. This essay will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of GMOs.Advantages:1. Increased Crop Yield: Genetically modified crops are often engineered to be more resistant to pests, diseases, and harsh weather conditions. This resilience can lead to higher crop yields, ensuring food security for a growing global population.2. Enhanced Nutritional Content: Scientists can modify the genetic makeup of crops to increase their nutritional value. For example, they can enrich crops with essential vitamins and minerals, addressing malnutrition invulnerable populations.3. Reduced Need for Pesticides: GMOs can be engineered to produce their pesticides, reducing the need for external chemical pesticides. This not only lowers production costs for farmers but also minimizes the environmental impact associated with pesticide use.4. Extended Shelf Life: Some genetically modified crops have an extended shelf life due to improved resistance to spoilage and rotting. This trait can reduce food wastage, benefiting both producers and consumers.5. Drought and Salinity Tolerance: Genetic engineering can confer traits such as drought and salinity tolerance to crops, enabling them to thrive in arid or saline environments where traditional varieties would fail. This could be crucial for agriculture in regions prone to water scarcity.Disadvantages:1. Potential Health Risks: One of the main concerns surrounding GMOs is their potential impact on human health. Some critics argue that consuming genetically modified foods could lead to allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance, or other unforeseen health consequences.2. Environmental Concerns: GMOs may pose risks to biodiversity and ecosystem health. For example, genetically modified crops could crossbreed with wild relatives, leading to the spread of modified genes in natural habitats and disrupting ecosystems.3. Socio-Economic Issues: The widespread adoption of GMOs could exacerbate socio-economic inequalities in agriculture. Large biotechnology companies often hold patents on genetically modified seeds, leading to concerns about farmer dependence, seed monopolies, and increased costs for small-scale farmers.4. Ethical Considerations: There are ethical concerns surrounding the genetic modification of living organisms. Critics argue that altering the genetic makeup of plantsand animals interferes with the natural order and raises moral questions about the commodification of life.5. Lack of Long-Term Studies: Despite decades of research, there is still limited long-term data on the effects of GMO consumption on human health and the environment. This uncertainty contributes to public skepticism and calls for more rigorous testing and regulation of GMOs.In conclusion, genetically modified foods offer several potential benefits, including increased crop yield, enhanced nutritional content, and reduced pesticide use. However, they also raise significant concerns regarding health risks, environmental impacts, socio-economic issues, and ethical considerations. It is essential to carefully weigh these factors and engage in informed decision-making when it comes to the production and consumption of GMOs.。



作物生长发育与产量形成的方法英文回答:Crop Growth, Development, and Yield Formation: Methods and Approaches.Crop growth and development, leading to yield formation, are intricate processes influenced by a multitude of factors. To understand and optimize crop productivity, scientists and farmers employ various methods and approaches to study and manipulate these processes.1. Field Experiments:Field experiments are conducted in real-worldconditions to evaluate crop performance under different treatments. Researchers manipulate factors such as plant density, fertilizer application, irrigation regimes, and pest management practices to assess their impact on yield and other growth parameters.2. Greenhouse Studies:Greenhouse studies provide controlled environments for precise experimentation. Researchers can isolate and manipulate specific environmental variables, such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity, to study their effects on crop growth and development.3. Plant Breeding:Plant breeding involves the selection and cross-breeding of genetically diverse individuals to develop improved crop varieties. Breeders aim to enhance traitslike yield potential, disease resistance, and environmental tolerance.4. Modeling and Simulation:Crop simulation models mathematically represent complex interactions between crops and their environment. These models predict crop growth, development, and yield based oninput data and allow researchers to explore different management scenarios.5. Remote Sensing:Remote sensing techniques, such as satellite imagery and drones, provide real-time monitoring of crop health and productivity. Data collected from aerial platforms can be used to identify areas of stress, optimize irrigation, and predict yield.6. Physiological Studies:Physiological studies investigate the biochemical and physiological processes that drive crop growth and development. Researchers analyze factors such as photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and hormonal regulation to understand how plants respond to environmental cues.7. Molecular Biology:Molecular biology tools, such as genetic sequencing andgene editing, enable scientists to investigate the genetic basis of crop traits. This knowledge helps in developing crops with enhanced yield potential and resilience.中文回答:作物生长发育与产量形成的方法。





亚洲存栏奶绵羊1.25亿只,非洲存栏9110万只,欧洲存栏3132万只,美洲约277.5万只(FAOSTAT ,2021)。


全球绵羊奶产量为1058.79万t ,占总奶类产量的1.15%,占总羊奶产量的34.43%。

亚洲的绵羊奶生产量486万t ,欧洲312万t (FAOSTAT ,2021)。



欧洲国家把一个泌乳期泌乳量大于150kg 的绵羊品种称为奶绵羊[1]。


2.1阿瓦西羊阿瓦西羊(Awassi sheep )是沙漠放牧绵羊品种,主要分布在伊拉克、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、以色列、沙特阿拉伯和土耳其等西南亚国家。



成年体重公羊60~90kg ,母羊45~55kg 。



公羊有角,长40~50cm ;母羊无角或短角。

耳下垂,长约15cm ,宽9cm [3]。


泌乳量达300kg 以上,高产品系可达700kg 以上,乳蛋白质5%~7%,乳脂6%~8%[4]。



公羊可全年配种,母羊从4-9月份收稿日期:2021-12-19基金项目:财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系资助(CARS-38-03A )王赛赛,男,1989年生,硕士。


蛋用性状(egg trait)的遗传
2、蛋白品质(quality of egg white) 可用浓蛋白高度或转换成哈夫单位 (Haugh unit)表示。 HU=100lg(H-1.7W0.37+7.57) 浓蛋白高度h2=0.15-0.55;哈夫单位h2=0.10.7
蛋用性状(egg trait)的遗传
龄体重h2=0.42-0.46 3. 成年体重(adult weight)h2=0.55-0.65
肉用性状(meat trait)的遗传
• 生长速度(growing rate) 1. 累积生长(accumulate growing) 2. 绝对生长(absolute growing) 3. 相对生长(relative growing) 早期生长速度h2=0.4-0.5
蛋用性状(egg trait)的遗传
4、就巢性(broodiness):即抱性,为质 量性状。
5、休止性(pause):又称冬休性 (winter pause)。
产蛋持久性>产蛋强度>休止性>就巢性>性 成熟期。
蛋用性状(egg trait)的遗传
• 蛋重(egg weight or egg size) 测量方法:国外一般32-36周龄中连续测定
肉用性状(meat trait)的遗传
• Genetic parameters of growth curve in chickens(S. MignonGrasteau and C. Beaumont, 2002, 7th WCGALP,11-3)
•Gompertz function of growth curve:
days of age, from 1999 to 2001.
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Genetic parameters of production traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar )Joseph Powell a,⁎,Ian White b ,Derrick Guy c ,Sue Brotherstone baRoslin Institute,Roslin,Midlothian,Scotland,EH39PS,UKbUniversity of Edinburgh,The School of Biological Sciences,Ashworth Labs,King's Buildings,Mayfield Road,Edinburgh,EH93JR,UKcLandcatch Natural Selection Ltd,The e-Centre,Cooperage Way,Alloa,Clackmannanshire,FK103LP ,UKReceived 13April 2007;received in revised form 16November 2007;accepted 23November 2007AbstractPhenotypic and genetic parameters of biometrical and carcass traits from two pedigreed populations of an Atlantic salmon breeding program were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood.Each of the populations (broodstock and commercial sib test)comprised of the same 200full-sib families.Heritability estimates for biometrical traits (sw1wt,sw2wt,harvwt,filletwt,harvlen,guttedwt,deheadwt,guts,head,and carcass)were low to high (0.12–0.53);estimates for fillet fat %and colour traits (hue,saturation,and intensity)were low to moderate (0.16–0.33).The heritabilities for yield traits (guttedwt%,deheadwt%,filletdeheadwt%,and fillet%)measured as a ratio of weights,were low (0.009–0.037),due to the two traits being a fixed proportion of each other.In the broodstock population significant sex (P b 0.001)and tank (P b 0.01)effects were found for first and second sea winter weights (sw1wt and sw2wt)with male fish on average 0.14kg heavier at sw1wt and 2.34kg heavier at sw2wt.Estimated genetic correlations (r G )between biometrical traits and fillet fat percentage were all positive and ranged from 0.34to 0.82.Selection for increased harvest weight is expected to produce favourable changes in fillet weight (r G =0.99)but unfavourable changes in fillet fat percentage (r G =0.80).Favourable estimates of the genetic correlation between saturation (colour score)and biometrical traits were all positive (r G =0.23–0.61).©2008Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Heritability;Genetic correlations;Atlantic salmon;Salmo salar1.Introduction1.1.Atlantic salmon in aquacultureAtlantic salmon (Salmo salar )is one of the most established and economically important species within aquaculture and,as a result,a number of studies on the genetic and phenotypic parameters of productions traits have already been conducted (Gjerde and Gjedrem,1984;Standal and Gjerde,1987;Gjerde et al.,1994;Norris and Cunningham,2004;Rye and Refstie,1995;Rye and Gjerde,1996;Quinton et al.,2005).Despite this,there is little consistency in the traits analysed or results obtained,leading to the suggestion that genetic parameters are highly specific to a study population (Kause et al.,2002).Important traits of aquaculture species are manipulated through breeding schemes that are employed to maximise the genetic gain in addition to controls over diet and culture environment,harvesting procedures and timing of the product delivery to the market (Paterson et al.,1997).Understanding the interactions between the economically important traits is of particular importance if we are to control the product quality in terms of body composition and flesh quality.As farming of Atlantic salmon is growing as an aquaculture industry,the need to estimate the genetic (co)variances of traits is of increasing importance.Quantitative genetic studies are required to design effective breeding programmes,specific to a given population,which are aimed at improving the economic value and quality of the fish.Previous genetic studies have revealed moderate levels of genetic variation for production traits —such as body and fillet weight and flesh colour —of salmonids that allow genetic improvement through implementation of selection programmes (Friars et al.,1995;Gjedrem,2000;Hulata,2001).Available online at Aquaculture 274(2008)225–231/locate/aqua-online⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+441315274200;fax:+441314400434.E-mail address:joseph.powell@ (J.Powell).0044-8486/$-see front matter ©2008Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.11.0361.2.Important traits within aquacultureBody weight and growth rate have generally been the traits assigned the highest importance in terrestrial livestock selection programmes and this is also the case for Atlantic salmon (Quinton et al.,2005).The harvest weight at2–3years for Atlantic salmon has generally been found to have moderate heritabilities(Gjerde and Gjedrem,1984;Standal and Gjerde, 1987;Gjerde et al.,1994;Rye and Refstie,1995;Quinton et al., 2005)and has therefore been a trait of considerable importance in selection rger fish,at time of harvest,are more desirable for a salmon farmer;however,the effect of selecting for increased body weight on other production traits is not fully understood and needs to be considered in designing breeding programmes to predict how changes in growth rate affect other commercially important traits(Gjedrem,2000).The quality of the product at the time of harvest affects the economic value of the fish and is generally determined by the body composition and carcass quality traits,such as meat colour and fat content.The importance of product quality means that most breeding programs for salmonid species should incorporate quality traits along with body weight as selection criteria (Gjedrem,1997,2000).The market considers flesh colour an indicator of salmon quality and retailers will downgrade or even reject a product with insufficient colour.The distinctive pink-red colouration of the flesh is caused by carotenoid pigments that salmonids are unable to synthesise.Wild salmon obtain these from a diet of amphipods and crustaceans;however,such a diet is unsuitable for farmed salmon and so pigments are usually added to their feed in the form of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin.These pigments are an expensive component of salmonid feed so,to minimise costs,producers want animals that most efficiently absorb and retain these pigments in the flesh.Flesh pigmentation has thus become a trait of interest for breeding programmes.A number of studies in salmonids have reported positive genetic correlations between body weight and colouration scores, indicating that selection for increased weight will result in an increase in the desirable colouration of the flesh(Norris and Cunningham,2004;Quinton et al.,2005;Johnston et al.,2006). Another quality trait of increasing interest is fillet fat content.An excessive amount of fat in muscles is thought to have a detrimental effect on meat texture as well as affecting smoking processes and quality traits such as colouration.As a general rule fillet fat percentage greater than18%is considered undesirable(Gjedrem, 1997).High fat content is also thought to affect the processing of the carcass,making handling more difficult and errors more likely to occur(Rye and Gjerde,1996).There is evidence that direct selection for harvest body weight results in unfavourable indirect responses in fat content,as heavier fish have a greater fillet fat percentage(Gjerde and Gjedrem,1984;Rye and Gjerde,1996; Quinton et al.,2005).Positive genetic correlations between fat content and body weight imply that if breeding programmes are going to maintain the quality of their product,they will need to utilise methods,such as restricted selection indices(Cameron, 1997)in order to control the expected increase in fat percentage.The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for production traits in Atlantic salmon.2.Materials and methods2.1.Fish populationData were available from a commercial breeding programme where fish are maintained in a combination of freshwater and seawater tanks to mimic the life cycle stages of Atlantic salmon.The data represent1year class of a commercial strain of Atlantic salmon originating from a small number of founder strains available in Northern Europe.Data were collected from two Atlantic salmon populations,termed broodstock and sentinel.The broodstock population was composed of200full-sib family groups generated by mating each male with a maximum of4–5females and each female to a single male.Broodstock were spawned between October2001and December2001and initially hatched over a period of2weeks in March2002,then reared in individual family freshwater tanks.At about6months after hatching an electronic Passive Integrated Transponder(PIT)tag,which contains an individual identification number,was inserted into the abdominal cavity of each fish,approximately80per broodstock family and25per sentinel family.After tagging,broodstock families were mixed and reared in three freshwater tanks over winter until transfer to six seawater tanks in April2003.Measurements of body weight and other characteristics were taken at key stages as fish were moved between tanks.The salmon maturing after two winters in seawater were used as parents for the subsequent generation.The sentinel population were sibs taken at random from the main broodstock population,composed of individuals from the same200full-sib families and raised under normal commercial conditions.Sentinel fish were initially raised as separate families in the same freshwater tanks as the broodstock for6months and were then moved as mixed families to two communal freshwater tanks at the point their weight was taken at pit tagging.In April2003at approximately500days of age they were transferred to a single sea cage off the west coast of Scotland.There they remained with minimal handling until April2004,when they were harvested at approximately23–24months of age at an average weight of2kg.At all times during the rearing process all tanks and cages received identical treatment in terms of feed,vaccinations,and temperature and light regimes.The pedigree was constructed from a combination of family tank records and microsatellite markers.Genetic groups were assigned based on the founder strains of fish.These were used to differentiate between animals in the pedigree with missing parentage in different years and preventing them from all being put into the same group.2.2.Measurement of traitsInitially the total number of broodstock and sentinel fish with pit tags was 18,135and6338respectively.Over the course of the breeding programme, random mortality and deliberate non-random culling( skew sex ratios for mating)resulted in the number of recorded measurements for traits decreasing as the breeding programme progressed.(Taking account of non-random culling is partly the motivation for multivariate estimations).Although mortalities from the sentinel population were minimal,as the harvested population was processed the number of measurements decreased at random through natural losses and instrumental errors.2.2.1.Traits recorded on the broodstock populationTwo traits were measured in the broodstock population;one sea winter weight(sw1wt),taken in February2004when the fish were approximately 24months old,and two sea winter weight(sw2wt),taken in February2005 when the fish were approximately36months old.Weights were measured to the nearest10g.The age(in days from first feeding)of each fish at weighing was also recorded.The specific tank and sea cage that broodstock were reared in as recorded are included as fixed effects in the models for sw1wt and sw2wt.The sex of broodstock fish was recorded as was determined at any stage during the breeding programme.The sex of many fish remained indeterminate,due to the relatively late stage at which sexual development occurs in salmonids,and these fish have their sex recorded as unknown.2.2.2.Traits recorded on the sentinel populationAll traits on the sentinel population were recorded at the time of harvesting. Data on harvest performance of fish were obtained from a commercial processing operation using automated equipment.Fish were first weighted(harvwt)and their226J.Powell et al./Aquaculture274(2008)225–231length measured from the apex of the tail fin to the nose (harvlen).The fish were then processed,and at each stage of processing weights were taken of the removed component and the remainder of the fish.Fish were first gutted (guttedwt and guts)and then deheaded (deheadwt and head)before removing and weighing both sides of the fillet (filletwt)leaving the remainder of the fish as waste (waste).All weights were measured to the nearest 10g and lengths to the nearest cm.Four yield traits were calculated from the measured weights;gutted weight as a percent of harvest weight (guttedwt%),deheaded weight as a percent of gutted weight (deheadwt%),fillet weight as a percent of deheaded weight (filletdehead%)and fillet weight as a percentage of harvest weight (fillet%)(Table 1).The fat percentage (fatpc)of the gutted fish was calculated as the integrated mean of 8readings taken at various positions along the body,using the Torry Fatmeter (Distell Ltd).The colour parameters (hue,saturation and intensity)were extracted from digital images taken of the fillet,with a FinePix S602camera,using ‘ImagePro Express ’software (Media Cybernetics Inc).The ‘HSI ’colour model was used,where hue is a polar co-ordinate measure of ‘redness ’on the scale of 0–90°(red to yellow)with values closest to zero being desirable.Saturation,equivalently called chroma,is the colour saturation as a deviation from white to fully saturated (0to 225),with low score being washed out and high scores the preferred deeper colour.Intensity is approximately the opposite of saturation as a deviation from fully saturated to black (0to 225).As opposed to saturation,low scores are preferable although there is little information in intensity not inherent in saturation,and the HIS essentially resolves to a two-parameter model.Gutting was by machine which precluded observation of sexual develop-ment in these pre-breeding stage fish,and so the sex of the fish was not included in any of the models for traits measured in this population.The sentinel population was reared in a single cage,and therefore the cage was not included within the models for any of the traits measured on this population.Age (in days from first feeding)of each fish was recorded when each measurement was taken.2.3.Data analysisThe analysis of the data is divided broadly into two sections:a univariate analysis in which heritabilities for yield traits (guttedwt%,dehead%,filletde-head%and fillet%)and additional biometric traits (gut,head and waste)were estimated;and a multivariate analysis in which genetic and phenotypic (co)variances were estimated between biometric (sw1wt,sw2wt,harvwt,filletwt,harvlen,guttedwt and deheadedwt)and carcass quality traits (fatpc,hue,saturation and intensity).The software package ASReml (Gilmour et al.,1998)was used for all analyses.2.3.1.Univariate analysisGenetic and phenotypic parameters of the yield traits (guttedwt%,dehead%,filletdehead%,and fillet%),gut weight (gut),head weight (head),and waste weight (waste)were estimated with a univariate animal model (Eq.(1)).These traits were initially included in the multivariate model but caused convergence problems,due to high correlations between traits,and so were removed and analysed individually.Age was included as a linear covariate for each trait but was found not significant for all traits,reflecting the narrow hatching window of 2weeks and subsequently dropped from all further analyses.As sex was not determined and there was only a single tank effect,these were not fitted as effects in the models for sentinel data.y j ¼A þb age j þa j þe jð1Þwhere y j is the observation for individual j ,μis the population mean,βis the regression coefficient on the age (age)of individual j ,a j is the genetic effect for animal j ,and e j is the random residual error for individual j .Common environment effects potentially exist in the data.The most important relates to the individual ‘family unit ’tank environment for a short period following hatching,confounded with full-sib family.There was no replication of families over tanks at this stage and so the effect was not possible to estimate from this data.However,after tagging,families were mixed and replicated over the available tanks allowing the tank effect to be accounted for explicitly.We made no attempt to include a maternal environmental component in the model as there was little information from which to estimate it and it is expected to be unimportant in a species where maternal and paternal involvement ceases once eggs are stripped.A pedigree file tracing back to the founder strains was included in the analyses.2.3.2.Multivariate analysisA multivariate analysis was performed for biometric traits (sw1wt,sw2wt,harvwt,filletwt,harvlen,guttedwt,deheadedwt and waste)and carcass quality traits (fatpc,hue,saturation and intensity).The fixed effects of sex and tank/sea cage were only measured in the broodstock population,and so in the multivariate model these fixed effects will only apply to sw1wt and sw2wt.The random effects of the animal and age as a linear covariate for each trait wereTable 1Number of observations (n ),mean and standard deviation (S.D.)for the traits analysed,plus a description of each and on which population they were measured Trait Trait type Descriptionn Mean S.D.Broodstock Sw1wt Biometric One sea winter weight (kg)15,724 2.670.87Sw2wt BiometricTwo sea winter weight (kg)835210.12.46Sentinels Harvwt Biometric Weight at harvest (kg)3172 1.980.75Filletwt Biometric Weight of fillet (kg)1761 1.410.54Harvlen Biometric Length at harvest (cm)317255.6 6.77Guttedwt Biometric Weight of gutted fish (kg)1555 1.810.67Deheadwt Biometric Weight of deheaded fish (kg)1829 1.610.59Guts Biometric Weight of guts (kg)15150.260.17Head Biometric Weight of head (kg)14600.210.11WasteBiometric Weight of residual waste (kg)17170.200.09Guttedwt%Yield Gutted weight/harvest weight (%)155489.00.13Deheadwt%Yield Deheaded weight/gutted weight (%)150890.00.13Filletdehead%Yield Fillet weight/deheaded weight (%)172787.00.04Fillet%YieldFillet weight/harvest weight (%)176069.00.08Fatpc Carcass quality Fat percentage of whole fish (%)168213.5 4.26HueCarcass quality Redness measure (scale 0–90)177013.30.75Saturation Carcass quality Colour saturation as deviation from white (scale 0–225)177013917.9IntensityCarcass quality Colour saturation as deviation from black (scale 0–255)1770116 6.74227J.Powell et al./Aquaculture 274(2008)225–231included.The following multivariate animal model was used to estimate the(co) variances of traitsy ij¼A iþs ikþt ilþb i age jþa ijþe ijð2Þwhere i represents the traits sw1wt,sw2wt,harvwt,filletwt,harvlen,guttedwt, deheadedwt,fatpc,hue,saturation and intensity,μi is the population mean for trait i,y ij is the observation of trait i for animal j,s ik is the fixed effect of sex k on trait i,t il is the fixed effect of tank/sea cage l on trait i andβi is the linear coefficient of age(age)on trait i.a ij is the random genetic animal effect on trait i for animal j,and e ij is the random residual error of trait i for animal j.Convergence problems caused by high genetic correlations between traits meant that a single multivariate analysis was not possible.Multivariate analyses on subsets of traits were therefore performed and the results assembled into a single correlation matrix(Table2).ASReml was used to estimate heritabilities, as well as phenotypic(r p)and genetic(r G)correlations,along with their standard errors.3.Results3.1.Descriptive statisticsThe total number of measurements recorded for each trait and their phenotypic means and standard deviations are given in Table1.Sex and tank were fitted as fixed effects for the first and second sea winter weights of the broodstock population(sw1wt and sw2wt).Very highly significant(P b0.001)sex effects,with male fish on average 0.14kg heavier at sw1wt and2.34kg heavier at sw2wt,and highly significant tank effects(P b0.01)were observed for both first and second sea winter weights.No significant age effects were detected for any of the traits.The results are divided into two sections;univariate analysis of yields and processing traits,and a multivariate analysis of the biometric and carcass quality traits.3.2.Univariate analysis of yield and processing traitsVariance components and heritabilities for yields and processing weights are given in Table3.Heritabilities for all yield traits were very low(0.009–0.037)and none are significantly different from zero.The heritabilities of head and guts were low and of waste moderate.Table2Genetic correlations on the lower triangle and phenotypic correlations on the upper triangleSw1wt Sw2wt Harvwt Filletwt Harvlen Guttedwt Deheadwt Fatpc Hue Saturation Intensity Sw1wt0.510.740.530.590.440.580.610.320.040.150.07(0.04)(0.008)(0.036)(0.036)(0.040)(0.041)(0.039)(0.040)(0.041)(0.045)(0.043) Sw2wt0.840.430.320.340.270.370.330. Harvwt0.760.580.500.970.85⁎0.980.05−0.330.44−0.04(0.043)(0.063)(0.05)(0.001)(0.006)(0.001)(0.019)(0.023)(0.022)(0.027) Filletwt0.760.580.990.520.88⁎⁎0.48−0.330.49−0.06(0.045)(0.063)(0.0014)(0.055)(0.006)(0.026)(0.023)(0.022)(0.027) Harvlen0.850.580.950.960.460.890.890.39−0.350.45−0.004(0.034)(0.068)(0.0124)(0.011)(0.05)(0.006)(0.005)(0.022)(0.024)(0.023)(0.028) Guttedwt0.810.67⁎⁎0.970.510.980.48−0.350.43−0.04(0.0466)(0.064)(0.01)(0.06)(0.001)(0.027)(0.024)(0.024)(0.029) Deheadwt0.810.550.99⁎0.970.990.530.46−0.330.45−0.06(0.038)(0.071)(0.001)(0.0087)(0.004)(0.055)(0.022)(0.023)(0.022)(0.027) Fatpc0.760.340.800.820.760.780.790.28−0.220.31−0.05(0.067)(0.107)(0.056)(0.062)(0.066)(0.072)(0.06)(0.05)(0.031)(0.031)(0.033) Hue−0.41−0.19−0.47−0.46−0.52−0.50−0.5−0.300.160.02−0.01(0.11)(0.135)(0.116)(0.116)(0.112)(0.113)(0.117)(0.167)(0.043)(0.026)(0.026) Saturation0.340.230.5120.610.510.480.540.58−0.490.33−0.64(0.09)(0.108)(0.085)(0.077)(0.07)(0.101)(0.088)(0.11)(0.148)(0.056)(0.015) Intensity0.130.14−0.10−0.15−0.07−0.05−0.19−0.080.43−0.830.26(0.112)(0.116)(0.116)(0.12)(0.123)(0.126)(0.124)(0.158)(0.16)(0.053)(0.052) Heritabilities are shown in bold on the diagonal.⁎denotes the correlations that we were unable to estimate due to convergence problems.Table3Genetic variance(V G),residual variance(V E)and heritability(h2),plus the standard errors of the heritabilities(S.E.)for the yield and processing traitsTrait V G V E h2(S.E.)Guttedwt%0.036 1.5900.02(0.031) Dehead%0.014 1.6300.01(0.025) Filletdehead%0.0070.1820.04(0.026) Fillet%0.0180.6710.03(0.023) Gut(weight)0.392 2.8420.12(0.040) Head(weight)0.136 1.0250.12(0.039) Waste(weight)0.695 1.6060.30(0.057)The variance components have been multiplied by100.Fig.1.The natural log of fillet weight is plotted against the natural log of deheaded weight.The ratio of these traits on the original scale is filletdehead%.228J.Powell et al./Aquaculture274(2008)225–231These low heritabilities for yield traits are undesirable in terms of breeding objectives and this may be due to the way the traits were calculated.If the two traits used to calculate the yields are in approximate proportion to one another then taking a ratio of the traits will result in very little genetic variation,and hence very low heritabilities.To test this,natural logs of the weight traits,used to calculate yield ratios,were regressed against one another and an estimate of the slope of the line and intercept obtained.The data was log transformed before the analysis so that if one of the weight traits is a fixed proportion of the other then the regression of the log of one against the log of the other will give a regression line with a slope equal to1as was found in this dataset.An example of the graph of the regression for filletdehead%is given(Fig.1).Linear relationships between the natural logs of the two traits that comprise each of the yield traits were found.This indicates that one of the traits is approximately a fixed proportion of the other.Regression coefficients for the log log plots of the component traits for each of the yields are shown in Table4.3.3.Multivariate analysis of biometric and carcass quality traitsGenetic and phenotypic correlations,along with heritabilities are given in Table2.The heritabilities of the biometrical traits are all moderate to high,while the carcass quality traits have low to moderate heritabilities.There are large positive genetic correlations between the biome-trical traits,with some pairs of traits having very high correlations, notably fillet and harvest weight,harvest length and harvest weight, and harvest length and fillet weight.Fillet fat percentage has high positive correlations with most of the biometrical traits.Moderate to high genetic correlations were estimated between saturation and biometrical traits and with fat percentage.Favourable negative correlations between hue and biometrical traits and between hue and fat percentage were also estimated.Low genetic correlations are estimated for intensity with most traits,aside from hue and saturation which have higher correlations.4.Discussion4.1.Heritabilities4.1.1.Yield and processing traitsHeritabilities for the weights of components of the carcass (guts,head,and waste)measured in a univariate analysis are low to moderate(Table3).Comparison of the heritabilities reported here is difficult as we can find no other published reports of genetic parameters for the same carcass processing traits as estimated here,for Atlantic salmon.Within livestock breeding programmes the yield of the final product is a highly desirable trait,and is commonly a target for selection.In salmon the fillet is the only economically valuable part of the fish and processors wish to maximise the weight of the fillet for any given total weight of fish since that represents the profit margin for that sector of the industry.The definition of yield differs between studies and it appears that the methods used to calculate the yields in this study have resulted in very low heritability estimates.These low estimates are caused by the traits used to calculate the yields being an almost constant proportion of each another.Rutten et al.(2004,2005)also question the use of yield traits in selection criteria,after estimating very low genetic correlations between fillet yield and body weight,and low variance in yield traits.Alternative methods of estimating fillet yield need to be developed to get around the problem of high genetic correlations between weights of different components of the carcass.Such alternative methods might result in improved heritabilities for yield.Alternative approaches using for example ultrasound imaging or body composition analysis using scanning technology as used in breeding of terrestrial species may be appropriate in salmon.Within aquaculture species there are few reported estimates of the genetic components of fillet percentage or yield traits that are comparable to those reported here.However,Kause et al. (2002)estimated heritability for fillet weight,independent of genetic variation in body weight,of0.03for rainbow trout. They suggest that this reveals no genetic variation in fillet weight independent of genetic variation in body weight.Neira et al.(2004)estimated heritability for fillet percentage of0.11in Coho salmon,which is lower than their estimate of0.24for body weight and0.18for total fillet weight.It is likely that the situation may be different in other species making comparison with estimates given here difficult.However,there is no suggestion from this data that an increase in live weight will necessarily result in a greater proportionate increase in the non-edible parts of the carcass.4.1.2.Biometric and carcass quality traitsEstimates of heritabilities for the biometric traits(sw1wt, sw2wt,harvwt,filletwt,harvlen,guttedwt,and deheadedwt) measured in a multivariate analysis were moderate to high and heritabilities for the carcass quality(fatpc,hue,saturation,and intensity)traits were low to moderate(Table2).Although the estimates of heritabilities for biometrical traits reported here are higher than those published from other studies on Atlantic salmon (Gjerde and Gjedrem,1984;Standal and Gjerde,1987;Gjerde et al.,1994;Quinton et al.,2005)it is worth noting that there is considerable variation in these published estimates.This variability in heritability estimates(and genetic correlations) may result from genetic differences between the study popula-tions(Roff,1997;Roff and Mousseau,1999)and from differences in the environmental conditions in which different populations are raised(Hoffman and Merila,1999).Genetic differences between populations may be due to the high fidelity with which salmon home to their natal streams to spawn,which has resulted in significant levels of genetic structuring over local spatial scales(Nilsson et al.,2001).As most farmed salmon populations are derived from a relatively restricted founding stock,and have been subjected to selection pressure for desirableTable4Regression coefficients of the log log plots for component traits of each of the yield traits along with their standard errorsTrait Plot RegressioncoefficientS.E.Guttedwt%Log of guttedwt vs log harvestwt0.96210.015 Dehead%Log of deheadwt vs log guttedwt 1.02850.009 Filletdehead%Log of filletwt vs log deheadedwt0.96820.007 Fillet%Log of filletwt vs log harvwt 1.01130.016229J.Powell et al./Aquaculture274(2008)225–231。
