Cost and Performance Comparison Of Stationary




➢ We need to develop a common / agreed understanding of the business and all of its characteristics
➢ We need a constantly available set of reference points to which we can return
• Decision making needs factsment Inc.
The Fish Tank Syndrome
If each person described what they saw, would it be the same description?
© Focused Management Inc.
Performance Architecture to Drive Value
Stakeholder Need/Values • Customers • Shareholders • Employees • etc.
Process Management
Cost and Performance Management:
Creating Value with Measures
Presented by
Focused Management Inc.
At Issue
• Every organization needs to measure and manage performance to satisfy the demands of stakeholders
• “This holistic practice of VBM is in sharp contrast to the finance-driven appearance that VBM has taken on in the past …”


The Three Levels of Performance
I. Organization Level
III. Performer/Job Level
II. Process Level
Needs I O C
.... 2020/6/2
Supplier s
Products Services Market
.... 2020/6/2
© Focused Management Inc.
Value Creation is an Operational Issue!
• Creating shareholder value requires intense focus on: • Delivering benefits to customer in most efficient way • Hiring/retaining motivated workforce • Maintaining excellent supplier relationships • Good citizen in local communities
❖ Growth duration period
© Focused Management Inc.
Processes are where the work is done
“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing.”
Cost and Performance Management:
Creating Value with Measures



The Fish Tank Syndrome
If each person described what they saw, would it be the same description?
Perspectives vary! – Which is correct?
© Focused Management Inc.
© Focused Management Inc.
Value-Based Management
• “VBM is a holistic management approach that encompasses redefined goals, redesigned organizational structures and systems, rejuvenated strategic and operational processes, and even revamped human resources practices”.
© Focused Management Inc.
Detailed Process Map
Service Delivery Process
Call Transfer
Transfer or Reroute
Predictive call (electronical)
Customer informed of Solution
Linked to Seven Value Drivers: Working capital
Sales growth rate
Fixed capital
Operating profit margin

Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 标准成本差异分析

Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 标准成本差异分析
– Identify performance measures that will track those activities, analyze the results of the tracking, and determine what is needed to correct the problem.
Exhibit 2: Flexible Budget for Evaluation of Overall Performance
Exhibit 3: Performance Report Using Data from a Flexible Budget
Figure 1: Variance Analysis: A Four-Step Approach to Controlling Costs
– The direct labor time standard is based on current time and motion studies of workers and machines and records of their past performance.
– The standard variable overhead rate and standard fixed overhead rate are found by dividing total budgeted variable and fixed overhead costs by an appropriate application base.
Standard Costing
• Standard direct materials cost is the product of the direct materials price standard and the direct materials quantity standard.

CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part one 2 (1)

CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part one 2 (1)

Sales Volume, Mix, Quantity Variance

标准成本预期的差异分析 Analysis of Variation from Standard Cost Expectation 直接材料和直接人工的组合和产出差异

组合差异 – 案例
Characteristics of Flexible Budgets

Example – Figure 1B-2, Page 11
使用弹性预算来分析绩效 Use of Flexible Budgets to Analyze Performance 编制弹性预算的步骤

编制静态总预算 找到实际数量和产出 计算总销售的预算金额 计算费用的弹性预算金额 案例 – 图表1B-3 Prepare a static master budget Find the actual quantity and output Calculate the flexible budget amount for total sales Calculate the flexible amounts for expenses example – Figure 1B-3, page 115

Types of Responsibility Center
责任中心 – 定义分部或部门,责任的种类,管理者绩效 衡量的自主权和责任 收入中心 – 对销售负责,但不对制造成本负责,产生贡 献的能力,销售减去直接成本

Responsible accounting – defining segment or subunit, type of responsibility, autonomy and the responsibility of manager, performance evaluation

Performance Comparison of Persistence Frameworks

Performance Comparison of Persistence Frameworks

Performance Comparison of Persistence FrameworksSabu M. Thampi* Asst. Prof., Department of CSE L.B.S College of Engineering Kasaragod-671542 Kerala, India Ashwin A.K S8, Department of CSE L.B.S College of Engineering Kasaragod-671542 Kerala, India of the essential and most complex components in the software development process is the database. The complexity increases when the "orientation" of the interacting components differs. A persistence framework moves the program data in its most natural form to and from a permanent data store, the database. Thus a persistence framework manages the database and the mapping between the database and the objects. This paper compares the performance of two persistence frameworks – Hibernate and iBatis’s SQLMaps using a banking database. The performance of both of these tools in single and multi-user environments are evaluated.1. IntroductionWhen a component based on one kind of approach (e.g. object oriented) tries to interact directly with another object having its roots in another kind of approach (e.g. relational), the complexity increases due to the knots and knaves of cross approach communication. This is evident in all the database APIs provided by different languages. The best example of this is the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. Though JDBC provides an easy method for accessing different databases without much ado, it is basically a low level API providing only a thin layer of abstraction. This is adequate for small and medium projects, but is not well suited for enterprise level applications. With JDBC opening and closing the connection involves a lot of code. What is required is a framework that can act as a mediator between both parties. In OOP, it is typically the behavior of objects (usecases, algorithmic logic) being emphasized. On the other hand, it is the data that counts in database technology. This fact serves as a common motive for the combination of these two paradigms [1]. The core component of this coupling is what is called “object*relational mapping” which takes care of the transitions of data and associations from one paradigm into the other (and vice versa). In order to make a program's object persistent, which means to save its current state and to be able to load that data later on, it is necessary to literally map its attributes and relations to a set of relational tuples. The rules defining such mappings can be quite complex. Here, the term “mapping“ can be defined as the application of rules to transfer object data to a unique equivalent in an RDBMS (relational database management system) and vice-versa. Viewed from the object's perspective, this ensures that all relevant object data can be saved to a database and retrieved again. A persistence framework moves the program data in its most natural form (in memory objects) to and from a permanent data store, the database. The persistence framework manages the database and the mapping between the database and the objects. Persistence framework simplifies the development process. There are many persistence frameworks (both Open Source and Commercial) in the market. Hibernate and iBatis are examples for ORM frameworks for Java. Hibernate [2] is an open source project being covered by BossTM. It is intended to be a full-scale ORM environment and features interesting functionality, such as “real transparency”: a data class does not have to extend special classes of Hibernate; it only has to make properties available through standard get-/set-methods. Hibernate uses bytecode processing to extend from these classes and implement persistence. It also supports – according to the project homepage – a sophisticated caching mechanism (duallayer, which can be distributed as well) using pluggable cache providers. Hibernate is an object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java features - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. The HibernateCorresponding AuthorQuery Language, designed as a "minimal" objectoriented extension to SQL, provides a bridge between the object and relational worlds. Hibernate also allows you to express queries using native SQL or Java-based Criteria and Example queries.Apache Software Organization is an open source framework for building web applications that integrate with standard technologies, such as Java Servlets, JavaBeans, and JavaServer Pages. Struts offer many benefits to the web application developer, including Model 2 implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC) design patterns in JSP web applications. The MVC Model 2 paradigm applied to web applications separate display code (for example, HTML and tag libraries) from flow control logic (action classes).Figure 1: Full Cream Architecture of Hibernate The SQLMaps product of iBatis [3,4] does not represent an ORM environment at the scale of Hibernate. Just as the name suggests, it is heavily SQL-centric and provides means to access centrally stored SQL-statements in a convenient way. The mapping functionality is able to create objects based on query data, but there is no transaction support. The SQLMaps product is light-weight and is expected to run faster than the heavy loaded full-scale ORM toolsIt uses a special mapping files in which the developer should expose object’s properties to be made persistent as well as respective database tables and columns these properties should be mapped to. In addition to that there are something called dynamic queries, caching of queries, transactions and calling stored procedures. The framework maps JavaBeans to SQL statements using a XML descriptor. The performance comparison of Hibernate and iBATIS are explored in this paper. Both of the above tools have their advantages and disadvantages. The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of protype banking application. Simulation results are presented in section 3. Section 4 concludes the paper.Figure 2: iBATIS Data Mapper framework2. Online Banking systemA very simple prototype version of an online banking application using struts framework and iBatis/ Hibernate framework is developed to analyze the performance of persistence frameworks. The Jakarta Project's Struts framework, version 1.1b2, fromFigure 3: E-R Diagram for banking application The Banking application has a number of functionality such as summary, account details, transfer, transactions, update and contact details. The entity relationship diagram in figure 3 illustrates the relationship among different entities in the prototype system.The figure 4 shows the architecture of the Demo Banking application. The request is given through the browser. The DAO layer contains only method names. When the username and password are entered through GUI and the login button is clicked, the application through the struts framework calls for a login action class which first generates a hash code with the entered data .This is supposed to be the account id. Then the application checks the validity of the entered data by querying from the database based on account id. If they are correct, entry is given otherwise an error page is displayed. The jsp page stores the value of the account id to be referenced in future pages.transfer money to others account as well as to the different account types he has.3. Simulation ResultsPerformance between Hibernate and iBatis is measured using a java program which uses both hibernate and iBatis to perform basic sql operations on the banking database and the RTT (Round Trip Time) is calculated and used to measure the way these mapping tools perform under various situations. The aim is to get the time from generation of sql to querying bank database and then getting back the data. The program was run from one system and the SQL Server was located in another system. The conditions were the same for both the Hibernate and iBatis. The test also included simulation for a single user and multi user. The simulation of multi user was made through the creation of threads. Java supports multithreading environment. The number of threads is passed as input to the program. The response of Hibernate and iBatis under multi user environment is monitored. The RTT is monitored for both the cases.Figure 4: Architecture of Banking applicationFigure 5: Account Summary Page Each account type is a link. When a particular link is clicked the account id and the account number corresponding to the particular link is passed to transactionaction class. From here the transaction list corresponding to the respective account number is retrieved and is passed to the jsp. There is a unique id for each transaction, which is denoted by Transid. When the user clicks the transfer button in the jsp page the pretransferaction class is called which checks the account types belonging to the account holder from the data table named Ac_details and displays it in a drop down menu. The holder canFigure 6: An example of Transaction details of Banking Application The tests were conducted in the following environment: Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000 Processor: Intel Xeon 4 Processor Memory: 1024 MB DDR RAM The following inputs are needed for the test program: Whether hibernate or iBatis: The user can specify which DAO to be executed whether Hibernate or iBatis. Number of records: The number of records to be inserted, deleted, updated is also given at a time. Insert, update, select, delete or all the operations specified: The user can also specify what operation to be monitored whether insert, update, delete or all operations together can be done.Number of iterations: Number of times the particular set is to be repeated can also be given as input. Number of threads: This simulates number of user accessing the application. The data shown below is how the raw data is recorded and stored into a text file. It is this data that is summarized into graph in figures 8. Average time (with 5000 records, 10 iterations & 50 threads for hibernate) Avg_Insert=3917 Avg_Update=1462 Avg_Select(First Time)=37182 Avg_Select(Second Time)=2361 Avg_Delete=1414 --------------------------------------------Average Time (With 5000 Records, 10 Iterations & 50 Threads For Ibatis) Avg_Insert=6272 Avg_Update=5556 Avg_Select(First Time)=5197 Avg_Select(Second Time)=5157 Avg_Delete=5414 --------------------------------------------Avg_Insert,Avg_Update,,Avg_Select (First Time), Avg_Select (Second Time),Avg_Delete corresponds to average time taken for insert, update, select1, select2 & delete. The above values are computed as follows: i. Find the time taken for an operation in each set of record is noted. ii. The sum of the time taken for all the iterations is found. iii. The average for that set of iterations is computed. iv. If multiple threads (say x no of threads) are present we will have many number of averages (here x) v. The final values are obtained by computing the averages of all the averages previously obtained in step iv. In the figure 7, y-axis represents time in milli seconds and the x-axis represents the various operations performed (such as insert, update, select1, select2) for both hibernate and iBatis. The graph shows that there are minute differences the time taken between hibernate and iBatis except for select1. The large variation in time taken for select1 is caused due to the complex caching algorithms employed by hibernates. Such techniques have proved to be useful in case of subsequent searches as seen in the graph. The graph in figure 8 shows the results of time taken when there are 5 threads 5000 records and 10 iterations. As shown in the graph the time taken forhibernate for the first select is very large compare to iBatis, but in all other cases hibernate has an upper hand over iBatis in terms of time taken. Even in the second select operation time taken by hibernate is less compared to that of iBatis. This implies that barring the initial overhead caused by hibernate during the first select it fares well compared to iBatis.Figure 7: 1 Thread 5000 records 10 iterationsFigure 8: 5 Threads 5000 records 10 iterationsFigure 9: 50 Threads 5000 records 10 iterations Figure 9 represents the time taken when there are 50 threads involved for 5000 records and 10 iterations. In this case it is seen that the large variation that was noticed in case of select1 operation in figures 7 and 8 has now been minimized. When the number of threads was increased to simulate multiple user environments, it is seen that in this case it is iBatis, which lagsbehind, hibernate compared to the previous cases. The only operation in which hibernate consumes more time is for the insert operation.[3] F. Gianneschi: “JDBC vs. iBATIS a case study”, /vqwiki/jsp/Wiki? Action=action_view_attachment&attachment=EN _iBATISCaseStudy.pdf, (Oct. 2005) [4] iBATIS Developer Guide, available at /DevGuide.html#d 0e112, (Sept. 2005) [5] /enterprise/ persistenceframework.shtml [6] Ambler, Scott W, “Mapping Objects to Relational Databases”, An AmbySoft Inc. White Paper, /mappingObjects.html, October 2004 [7] Fussell, Mark L., Foundations of Object Relational Mapping, v0.2 [mlf-970703], published online at , copyright by Mark Fussell, 1997 [8] Various authors, Object Relational Tool Comparison,Online-Wiki, /cgi/wiki?ObjectRelationalToolCom parison, October 2004 [9] Sun Microsystems, “Enterprise JavaBeansTM Specification,Version 2.1”,November 12, 2003, available at /products/ejb/docs.html, (Oct.2005) [10] E. Roman, R. P. Sriganesh, G. Brose: “Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans“, Third Edition, Jan. 2005, available at /books/wiley/maste ringEJB/downloads/MasteringEJB3rd Ed.pdf, (Oct. 2005) [11] iBATIS Mail Archive, available /userjava@ /, (Oct. 2005) at4. ConclusionObject relational mapping became important due to increasing coupling between relational database management systems and object oriented application concepts and development. There are tools to automate these mapping tasks, which can be distinguished by the degree to which they abstract the storage logic for the application. Choosing a suitable product can significantly cut down development efforts, costs and time. After conducting the DAO tests on banking database and comparing a similar application using hibernate and iBatis we come to the following conclusions: 1. In terms of round trip delays iBatis takes lesser time. The slighter increase in time in case of hibernate can be accounted to the time taken for automatically generating the queries and the complex caching algorithms used by hibernate. 2. In terms of flexibility iBatis has an upper hand over hibernate. 3. Considering the learning curve iBatis has a smaller curve since it is more similar to JDBC. 4. Programming using iBatis requires an SQL guru in the team but while using hibernate in-depth knowledge in SQL is not required. 5. Considering the features provided by both the tools, hibernate is much stronger since it supports lazy fetching and mapping associations.5. References[1] Schirrer, “Object-Relational Mapping, Theoretical Background and Tool Comparison”, Bachelor Thesis, Nov. 2004. [2] The Hibernate Project, “Hibernate Reference Documentation, version 2.1.6”, , October 2004, page 61ff。

智能线 SmartLine STA700 绝对压力传感器用户指南说明书

智能线 SmartLine STA700 绝对压力传感器用户指南说明书

SmartLineIntroductionPart of the SmartLine® family of products, the STA700 and STA70L are suitable for monitoring, control and dataacquisition featuring piezoresistive sensor technologycombining pressure sensing with on chip temperaturecompensation capabilities providing high accuracy, stability and performance over a wide range of applicationpressures and temperatures. The SmartLine family is also fully tested and compliant with Experion ® PKS providing the highest level of compatibility assurance and integration capabilities. SmartLine easily meets the most demanding application needs for pressure measurement applications.Best in Class Features:•Accuracies up to 0.065% of span•Stability up to 0.020% of URL per year for 10 years•Automatic temperature compensation•Rangeability up to 100:1•Response times as fast as 100ms•Easy to use and intuitive display capabilities •Intuitive external zero, span, & configuration capability •Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities •Integral Dual Seal design for safety based on ANSI/NFPA 70-202 and ANSI/ISA 12.27.0•Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements•Modular design characters•Available with additional 4–year warrantyCommunications/Output Options:•HART ® (version 7.0) Figure 1 – STA700 InLine and Dual Head Absolute Pressure Transmitters feature field-proven piezoresistive sensor technology2 STD700 Smart Pressure TransmitterDescriptionThe SmartLine family pressure transmitters are designed around a high performance piezo-resistive sensor. This one sensor actually integrates multiple sensors linking process pressure measurement with on-board static pressure (DP Models) and temperature compensation measurements.Unique Indication/Display OptionStandard LCD Display Features•Modular (may be added or removed in the field).•Supports HART protocol variant.•0, 90,180, & 270 degree position adjustments.•Four configurable screens.•Standard and custom measurement units available. •Display calculated flow (square root) value in addition to analog output signal.• 2 Lines 6 digits PV (9.95H x 4.20W mm) 8 Characters. •Write protect Indication.•Built-in Basic Device Configuration through Internal or External Buttons – Range/Engineering Unit/Loop Test/Loop Calibration/Zero /Span Setting.•Multiple language capabilities (EN, RU).DiagnosticsSmartLine transmitters all offer digitally accessible diagnostics which aid in providing advanced warning of possible failure events minimizing unplanned shutdowns, providing lower overall operational costs.System Integration•SmartLine communications protocols all meet the most current published standards for HART.•All ST 700 units are Experion tested to provide the highest level of compatibility assurance Configuration ToolsIntegral Three Button Configuration OptionSuitable for all electrical and environmental requirements, SmartLine offers the ability to configure the transmitter and display via three externally accessible buttons when either display option is selected. Zero/span capabilities are also optionally available via these buttons with or without selection of a display option.Handheld ConfigurationSmartLine transmitters feature two-way communication and configuration capability between the operator and the transmitter. All Honeywell transmitters are designed and tested for compliance with the offered communication protocols and are designed to operate with any standards compliant handheld configuration device, such as Honeywell Versatilis Configurator.Personal Computer ConfigurationOn a personal computer or laptop, Honeywell Field Device Manager (FDM) Software and FDM Express can be used for managing HART device configurations.Modular DesignTo help contain maintenance & inventory costs, all ST 700 transmitters are modular in design supporting the user’s ability to replace meter bodies, standard displays or electronic modules without affecting overall performance. Each meter body is uniquely characterized to provide in-tolerance performance over a wide range of application variations in temperature and pressure.Modular Features•Meter body replacement•Add or remove standard displays•Add or remove lightning protection (terminalconnection)With no performance effects, Honeywell’s unique modularity results in lower inventory needs and lower overall operating costs.Performance SpecificationsReference Accuracy: (conformance to +/-3 Sigma)Table 1Accuracy at Specified Span and Temperature: (Conformance to +/-3 Sigma)Table 2Total Performance (% of Span):Total Performance Calculation: = +/- √(Accuracy)2 + (Temperature Effect)2Total Performance Examples (for comparison): (standard accuracy, 5:1 Turndown, +/-50 o F (28o C) shift) STA725 @ 156 mmHgA: 0.381% of span STA72S @ 156 mmHgA: 0.679% of spanSTA745 @ 100 psia: 0.163% of span STA74S @ 100 psia: 0.187% of spanSTA77S @ 600 psia: 0.163% of spanTypical Calibration Frequency:Calibration verification is recommended every two (2) yearsNotes:1. Terminal Based Accuracy - Includes combined effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. Analog output adds 0 .006% of span.2. For zero based spans and reference conditions of: 25o C (77o F), 10 to 55% RH, and 316 Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.2Short term equals 2 hours at 70︒C (158︒F). 3Units can withstand overpressure of 1.5 x MAWP without damage. 4Consult factory for MAWP of ST 700 transmitters with CRN approval. 5Silicone minimum temperature rating is -40︒C (-40︒F). CTFE minimum temperature rating is -40︒C (-40︒F).Figure 2 - Measured pressure versus meter body temperature chart for ST 700 Dual Head and Inline modelsFigure 3 - Supply voltage and loop resistance chart & calculations2 Hastelloy® C-276 or UNS N102764 Supplied as 316 SS or as Grade CF8M, the casting equivalent of 316 SS.5 Carbon Steel heads are zinc-plated and not recommended for water service due to hydrogen migration. For that service, use 316 stainless steel wetted Process Heads.6 Hastelloy® C-276 or UNS N10276. Supplied as indicated or as Grade CW12MW, the casting equivalent of Hastelloy® C-276Communications Protocols & DiagnosticsHART ProtocolVersion: HART 7Standard DiagnosticsST 700 top level diagnostics are reported as either critical or non-critical and readable via the DD/DTM/FDI tools or Standard integral display. Some of the diagnostics are listed below:Critical Diagnostics•Electronics Module Fault.•Meter body Memory Corruption.•Config Data Corruption.•Electronics Module Diagnostics Failure.•Meter body Critical Failure.•Sensor Communication Timeout.Non-Critical Diagnostics•Electronics Module Fault.•Display Failure.•Electronics Module Comm Failure.•Meter body Excess Correct.•Sensor Over Temperature.•Fixed Current Mode.•PV Out of Range.•No DAC Compensation.Refer to the product user manual for comprehensive list of diagnostics and details.Flameproof: SIRA 12ATEX2233XII 2 D Ex tb IIIC T95II 2 D Ex ia IIIIC T125Zone 2, Intrinsically Safe: SIRA12ATEX4234XEnclosure:II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T95 Intrinsically Safe: CSAE 22UKEX1021XII 2 D Ex ia IIIIC T125Zone 2, Increase Safety: CSAE22UKEX1008XZone 2, Intrinsically Safe: CSAE22UKEX1008XEnclosure:Notes:1.Operating Parameters:Voltage = 11 to 42 VDC Current = 4-20 mA Normal2.Intrinsically Safe Entity Parametersa. Analog/ HART Entity Values:Vmax = Ui = 30V Imax = Ii = 105mA Ci = 4.2nF Li = 984 uH Pi = 0.9WTransmitter with Terminal Block Revision E or LaterVmax = Ui = 30V Imax= Ii = 225mA Ci = 4.2nF Li = 0 Pi = 0.9WNote : Transmitter with Terminal Block Revision E or laterThe revision is on the label that is on the module. There will be two lines of text on the label:•First is the Module Part #: 50049839-001 or 50049839-002•Second line has the supplier information, along with the REVISION:XXXXXXX-EXXXX, THE “X” is production related, THE POSITION of the “E” IS THE REVISION.Other Certification OptionsMaterials•NACE MRO175, MRO103, ISO15156Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsReference Dimensions: millimetersinchesMounting Configurations (Dual head design)Dimensions (Dual head design)Figure 4 - – Typical mounting dimensions of STA725 & STA745 for referenceReference Dimensions: millimetersinchesMounting Configurations (Inline Designs)Dimension (Inline Design)Figure 5 – Typical mounting dimensions of STA72S, STA74S, & STA77S for referenceModel Selection GuideModel Selection Guides are subject to change and are inserted into the specifications as guidance only.Model STA700Absolute Pressure TransmittersModel Selection Guide1aSTA725,745 supplied via 1/2" flange adapter same material as process head except carbon steel shall use 316 SS 1bReference head available only with Dual head models. In-line models supplied with process head only 1cWhen selected for In-Line Gage models the Process Head / Bonnet is supplied in Dual Certified SS316/316LHH H3NAMUR Output Limits 3.8 - 20.5mAdc can be configured by the custom 4Process Connections will vary on In -Line modelsSELECTION 15The PM option is available on all Smartline Pressure Transmitter process wetted parts such as process heads, flanges, bushings and vent plugs except plated carbon steel process heads and flanges. PM option information is also available on diaphragms except STG and STA in-line construction pressure transmitters.For more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Transmitters, visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess Solutions Honeywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB34-ST-03-120 October 2023©2023 Honeywell International Inc.Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, ordering, pricing, and name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 800 12026455 or +44 (0) 1202645583 (TAC) hfs-tac-*********************AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax: 1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 800 12026455 or +44 (0) 1202645583Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine Process Solutions, Phone: (TAC) (800) 423-9883 or (215) 641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine are subject to change without notice.。



成本比什么重要英语作文In the realm of decision-making, the prioritization of costs versus other factors often emerges as a significant consideration. While costs undeniably hold a pivotal rolein various contexts, it is essential to evaluate whether they outweigh other crucial aspects. In this essay, we will explore why certain factors may hold greater importance than costs.Firstly, one must acknowledge the significance of quality. Quality encompasses the standard of excellence or superiority inherent in a product, service, or process. Prioritizing quality over costs ensures customer satisfaction, fosters trust and loyalty, and ultimately enhances the reputation of a business or entity. For instance, in the manufacturing industry, sacrificingquality to cut costs may lead to defective products, increased returns, and tarnished brand image, ultimately resulting in greater long-term expenses.Secondly, the consideration of ethical and moral implications often surpasses mere financial concerns.Ethical decision-making entails upholding principles of fairness, integrity, and social responsibility. A company may face ethical dilemmas such as the choice betweencheaper labor in developing countries versus ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions. While opting for lower costs may seem financially advantageous in the short term,it could perpetuate exploitation and contribute to social injustice, potentially resulting in reputational damage and legal repercussions.Moreover, innovation and technological advancement represent indispensable drivers of progress and competitiveness in today's dynamic landscape. Prioritizing innovation necessitates investment in research and development, despite the associated costs. Embracing innovation enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing market demands, and deliver cutting-edge solutions that create value for consumers. Neglecting innovation in favor of cost reduction may lead to stagnation, loss of market share, and eventual obsolescence.Furthermore, environmental sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern in contemporary discourse. Balancing economic objectives with environmental stewardship requires a shift towards sustainable practices, even if they entail higher initial costs. Embracing renewable energy sources, minimizing waste generation, and reducing carbon emissions are imperative for mitigating climate change and preserving the planet for future generations. Prioritizing short-term cost savings at the expense of environmental sustainability represents a shortsighted approach that ultimately undermines long-term viability and resilience.Additionally, considerations of safety and security often outweigh cost considerations, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure. Ensuring the safety of employees, customers, and the general public is a fundamental obligation that transcends financial constraints. Investments in robust safety protocols, regulatory compliance, and risk management measures are indispensable for averting accidents, mitigating liabilities, and safeguarding human lives.Neglecting safety concerns in pursuit of cost savings can have catastrophic consequences, ranging from loss of life to irreparable damage to infrastructure and ecosystems.In conclusion, while costs undoubtedly play a significant role in decision-making, they should not always take precedence over other vital considerations. Quality, ethics, innovation, sustainability, safety, and security represent indispensable factors that may outweigh cost considerations in certain contexts. Striking a balance between cost optimization and these critical factors is essential for fostering long-term success, resilience, and sustainability in today's complex and interconnected world.。



高一英语经济分析单选题50题1.The economy is growing at a steady _____.A.paceB.rateC.speedD.flow答案:B。



2.The company's profits have shown a significant _____.A.increaseB.growthC.riseD.advance答案:B。


3.The country's economic situation is currently _____.A.stableB.firmC.steadyD.solid答案:A。


4.The price of oil has a great _____ on the global economy.A.impactB.influenceC.effectD.affection答案:C。


5.The economic development is in a rapid _____.A.progressB.advanceC.movementD.process答案:A。




计划费用和最高限价不一致的原因英文版Reasons for the Discrepancy Between Planned Costs and Ceiling PricesIn the realm of project management and financial planning, the alignment of planned costs with ceiling prices is crucial for ensuring the smooth execution of projects. However, there are often instances where these two figures do not align, leading to potential financial risks and project delays. This article explores the reasons behind this discrepancy.Incomplete Cost Estimation: The planned costs are often based on initial cost estimations, which may not capture all the expenses involved in a project. This could be due to overlooking certain expenses, underestimating the cost of materials or labor, or not accounting for contingencies.Changes in Market Conditions: Projects often span over long durations, during which market conditions can changesignificantly. For example, an increase in the price of raw materials or labor costs can lead to an increase in actual expenses beyond the planned costs.Unforeseen Circumstances: Projects are prone to unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, policy changes, or technical issues. These events can significantly affect the cost of a project, making it difficult to predict accurately during the planning stage.Inefficient Resource Allocation: Inefficient resource allocation can lead to wasted expenses, which can exceed the planned costs. For example, over-ordering of materials or assigning more resources than necessary can increase the overall cost of a project.Limited Budget Constraints: Sometimes, projects are assigned a ceiling price that is lower than what is actually needed to complete the project effectively. This can lead to a discrepancy between planned costs and ceiling prices, making itchallenging to meet the budget constraints while maintaining project quality.In conclusion, the discrepancy between planned costs and ceiling prices can be attributed to various factors such as incomplete cost estimation, changes in market conditions, unforeseen circumstances, inefficient resource allocation, and limited budget constraints. To minimize this discrepancy, it is crucial to conduct thorough cost estimations, monitor market conditions closely, prepare for unforeseen circumstances, allocate resources efficiently, and set realistic budget constraints.中文版计划费用和最高限价不一致的原因在项目管理和财务规划领域,计划费用与最高限价的一致性对于确保项目的顺利执行至关重要。


hence, variances are allocated to responsibility centres (operations) and so managers are responsible for variances in own responsibility centres.
Effective control
Eg.: Maybe excessive usage of DM, and if so why?
Standard Costing System: Example
Operation of a standard costing system
Comparison is made between total std cost & total actual cost to establish variances according to operations / responsibility centres
1)Standard Costing System
• Std. Costing System suitable for manufacturing organisations - because activities are repetitive & series of common operations - because output can be measured with input being specified to produce p/unit output - applied to organisations that produce large product range with few number of operations
2) Std. Cost

某咨询机构最新的绩效咨询前期培训资料(ppt 34页)(英文)

某咨询机构最新的绩效咨询前期培训资料(ppt 34页)(英文)

© Focused Management Inc.
Performance Architecture
• A combination of a business logic methodology, relevant software and systems capability. The links between the tools are as important as the tools themselves.
© Focused Management Inc.
Performance Architecture to Drive Value
Stakeholder Need/Values • Customers • Shareholders • Employees • etc.
Process Management
Organization Work is Performed by Systems of Processes
purchase order
Strategic Planning
Performance reports 7%
Buy material
Store & issue
Human Performance
Strategic Plan
Organization • Goals • Measures • Results
Process • Goals • Measures • Results Activity • Goals • Measures • Results



Implications of The Fish Tank Syndrome
➢ We need a variety of perspectives and with which to obtain a balanced, disciplined and dynamic view of our businesses
Product made
New Dies product
Work order
Order Generation
Order entered
In Stock
Sales order
Order Fulfillment
Pick, pack, ship
Performance Measures Scorecard
Organization Design and Compensation
Best Practices
Activity Based Management
Systems Enabled
© Focused Management Inc.
Understand the Organization
organization goals is critical to the success of the organization.
Shared service organizations are an integral component.
© Focused Management Inc.
Organization Work is Performed by Systems of Processes
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Cost and Performance Comparison Of StationaryHydrogen Fueling AppliancesDuane B. Myers, Gregory D. Ariff, Brian D. James, John S. Lettow,C.E. (Sandy) Thomas, & Reed C. KuhnOne Virginia Square3601 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 650Arlington, Virginia 22201703/243-3383ABSTRACTThis work was funded by the Hydrogen Program Office of the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG01-99EE35099 and represents the second task of three to be completed under this contract. The first task presented a broad overview of the costs for creating infrastructures to supply direct hydrogen, methanol, and gasoline to support fuel cell vehicles (FCV’s). A conclusion of the report resulting from the first task was that “the costs of maintaining the existing gasoline infrastructure per vehicle supported are up to two times more expensive than the estimated costs of maintaining either a methanol or a hydrogen fuel infrastructure”.The second task, as detailed in this report, was to provide a detailed analysis of the cost of providing small-scale stationary hydrogen fueling appliances (HFA’s) for the on-site production and storage of hydrogen from natural gas to fuel hydrogen FCV’s. Four potential reforming systems were studied: 10-atmosphere steam methane reforming (SMR) with pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) as gas cleanup, 20-atm SMR with metal membrane gas cleanup, 10-atm autothermal reforming (ATR) with PSA gas cleanup, and 20-atm ATR with metal membrane gas cleanup. The full report for this work is available in pdf format at / pubs/DTI_Task2_Report.html.INTRODUCTIONOver several studies, Directed Technologies, Inc. has analyzed the costs of representative hydrogen fueling appliances (HFA’s) to supply hydrogen to direct-hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles (FCV’s) and the cost of hydrogen produced by these HFA’s. In previous studies we evaluated the impact of fuel choice on FCV, the cost of other sizes and quantities of HFA’s, and the infrastructure maintenance costs of various fuels. In this study we analyze the costs for an intermediate production rate (250/year) of HFA’s sized to support communities of 183 vehicles each (about one-eighth the size of the current average gasoline station, and suitable for refueling 20 vehicles per day). This small HFA is chosen to allow economical hydrogen production in the early years when there are low numbers of FCV’s present in any geographical area. While the focus of this report is on the economics of hydrogen production at this small unit size, it is noted that significant hydrogen cost reductions can be achieved by scaling the HFA unit to a larger size. This report concludes by estimating the cost of an eight-fold capacity HFA that results in a 45% reduction in the cost of hydrogen.COST ESTIMATION METHODOLOGYThe cost estimation methodology employed in this report is based on the Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) techniques developed by Boothroyd and Dewhurst, described in Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, 2nd edition (Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2002). The DFMA process has been formally adopted by the Ford Motor Company (among others) as a systematic means for the design and evaluation of cost-optimized components and systems. These techniques are powerful and are flexible enough to incorporate historical cost data and manufacturing acumen that have been accumulated by Ford since the earliest days of the company. Directed Technologies has adapted and expanded the formal DFMA technique to include lessons from Ford and its own experience to develop a system of tools and methods for cost estimation of engineering designs. The DFMA approach used for this analysis provides a solid framework for the cost study and is the only fair method to compare the cost of potential HFA configurations.The cost of each system component includes the cost of material, manufacturing, assembly, and markup. Markup refers to the additional cost percentage to account for general and administrative (G&A) expenses, material scrap, spending on research and development (R&D), overhead (OH), and profit. In this analysis, two levels of markup may be applied to each component of the final system (see Figure 1). The lower level represents the markup applied by a vendor who sells a manufactured component to the appliance manufacturer (the final assembler). The higher level is the markup applied by the appliance manufacturer. (The total markup on a component then depends on who performs the work: the vendor or the HFA manufacturer.) The final resulting “cost” is thus actually a projected “price” to the appliance purchaser (fueling station owner). In addition, the projected cost of hydrogen to the consumer (potentially a FCV motorist) is provided in this report, with inclusion of operating expenses to the reformer purchaser.HFA DESIGN ASSUMPTIONSThe HFA is composed of a reforming system (including the reformer, gas cleanup system, and peripheral components), a hydrogen compressor, storage tanks, and dispenser. For the baseline HFA, we compared the costs and efficiencies of two hydrogen-generation technologies (steam methane reforming and autothermal reforming) and two hydrogen purification technologies (pressure swing adsorption and metal membrane). Autothermal reforming (ATR)is generally considered the lower initial-cost option for hydrogen generation because of a simpler reactor design, and steam methane reforming (SMR) is generally the higher-efficiency option because of more complete methane conversion. The processing options chosen for this comparison emphasize the relative strengths of each process, with the result that there are many other potential variations that involve tradeoffs between capital cost and efficiency.Category Markup up onManufactured/AssembledComponentsMarkup on Pass Through ComponentsProfit 15%5% OH 3%3% G&A 7%3% R&D 4%2% Scrap 2%2% Total 31%15%Figure 1. HFA Manufacturer Markup RatesThe basic processing steps are common to both SMR and ATR:1. Natural gas compression2. Natural gas purification (i.e., sulfur removal)3. Catalytic steam reforming of methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide (CO)4. Water-gas shift to convert carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and additionalhydrogen5. Hydrogen gas purificationThe difference between SMR and ATR is how heat is provided to activate the endothermic steam reforming reaction. In SMR, the catalyst is contained in tubes that are heated by an external burner. In ATR, a portion of the natural gas is burned to raise the temperature of the process gas before it contacts the catalyst.Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a commonly used industrial process for the purification of gas streams. The most common separation processes employing PSA are the purification of either oxygen or nitrogen from air and the purification of hydrogen from sources such as catalytic reformer off gas, coke oven gas, and ethylene plant effluent gas. Pressure swing systems are based on selective adsorbent beds. A gas mixture is introduced to the bed at an elevated pressure and the solid adsorbent selectively “adsorbs” certain components of the gas mixtures, allowing the unadsorbed components to pass through the bed as purified product gas. Multiple beds are cycled in the process, allowing the adsorbed pollutants to be periodically desorbed, cleaning the beds for the next cycle.Hydrogen can also be separated from other gases by passing the gas mixture over a heated metal membrane such as palladium or palladium alloys at high pressure. The hydrogen molecule is first adsorbed on to a palladium site, and then is dissociated into hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms then diffuse through the membrane at a speed determined by the hydrogen front-to-back partial pressures and metal temperature, and eventually these atoms recombine to form hydrogen molecules at the back surface of the metal membrane. As long asthere are no leaks through or around the membrane, the output hydrogen is 100% pure, since no other gas can pass through a solid metal membrane. However, for effective mass transfer through the membrane, gas pressures far greater than those for the PSA are necessary.Based on the evaluation of gas cleanup technologies, it was decided that a metal membrane gas cleanup was only feasible with a 20 atm reformer system. As a result, both the ATR and SMR HFA’s were operated at 10atm for PSA gas cleanup and 20atm for metal membrane cleanup.Each HFA system (SMR-PSA, SMR-membrane, ATR-PSA, ATR-membrane) was designed from the ground up using HYSYS TM software, design calculations, and DFMA costing techniques. Although only current-day technology was assumed, an effort was made to carefully design each system for low cost and high performance.The layout for an SMR system with PSA is shown in Figure 2. The reforming components fit on an eight-by-thirteen foot pallet, with the hydrogen compressor, storage system, and dispenser housed separately. This size of footprint offers generous room for the necessary vessels and to allow easy access for servicing the components. The reforming and shift reactors, and the HDS system are placed near the edges of the footprint, making them especially easy to service and remove for catalyst replacement. All of the reformer components are secured to the skid-mounted pallet for transportation and installation purposes. This pallet would be placed directly onto a concrete slab at the installation site, where a protective canopy and chain-link enclosure would be contructed. Similar layouts are possible for the SMR-membrane system and ATR systems.The method and cost of hydrogen compression, storage, and dispensing is nearly identical for all four HFA designs studied. In each case, hydrogen is compressed to 7000psi and stored in fiber-wrapped composite vessels, before being dispensed to the HFCV’s at 5000psi.The hydrogen compressor design selected for cost estimation is based upon industrial compressor designs, adapted to a hydrogen flow rate of 4.8 kg/hr (115 kg/day) to match the hydrogen reformer unit H2 production. A key feature of the baseline compressor system is cost reduction through parts commonality with existing internal combustion engines (ICE’s). Specifically, adaptation of an existing V-6 or V-10 engine into a compressor is proposed. This concept has already been successfully demonstrated by the CNG 90 compressor from Hurricane Compressors.The on-site hydrogen dispensable storage capacity is set at 58% of daily average production capacity for two purposes: 1) to serve as an overnight storage reservoir when vehicle refueling may not take place and 2) to allow for demand surges, i.e., multiple cars arriving simultaneously at the service station. A cascade filling storage system is assumed and consists of charged banks of pressure vessels sequentially filling the vehicle tanks. Typically, three or four cascades are used. The advantage of this approach is preservation of high-pressure gas in at least one of the storage vessels so that the vehicular tank can be filled to design pressure (34.5 MPa/5,000 psia) efficiently. A disadvantage of the approach is low hydrogen recovery factor: only 58% of the hydrogen in each tank is cycled in and out of the tank. Composite pressure vessels are estimated to be the lowest cost system primarily due to the lower cost of the tanks themselves. The composite pressure vessel cost of $356/kg H2 is judged to be achievable due to a moderately high rate of manufacture, use of a HDPE plastic liner that is much cheaper to form than a metal liner, and use of mid-grade composite fiber that has been steadily decreasingin price due to economies of scale. The cost of appropriate valving for the system is added to the storage cost.The dispensing equipment is based on prototype fast-fill hydrogen dispensing equipment from Kraus Group Inc. Due to the electronic complexity of the dispensing unit, a detailed DFMA analysis was not conducted. Instead, price quotes were obtained for Kraus’ prototype hydrogen dispensers and Tulsa Gas Technologies Inc.’s commercial compressed natural gas dispensers. The estimated price was adjusted to reflect the 7000 psig requirement, the inclusion of a credit card reader, and control valving for the cascade storage system.Figure 2. Proposed Layout of 10 atm SMR Reformer System (Cylindrical vessels are secured in racks (not shown), and all components are attached to a skid-mounted pallet.) RESULTSBased on this study we conclude that the most cost-effective option as determined by the wholesale cost of hydrogen is steam methane reforming (SMR) with pressure swing adsorption (PSA) hydrogen purification. The initial capital cost to install the preferred SMR-PSA to support 183 vehicles is $253,014 per unit. The wholesale cost of hydrogen for this option including storage and dispensing but excluding sales taxes (state and federal highway taxes) and retail markup is $3.38/kg, or $1.55 per gallon of gasoline equivalent (based on a 2.2 fuel efficiency gain over conventional gasoline internal combustion engines). Autothermal reforming (ATR) of natural gas is a lower initial-cost option, but the resulting cost of hydrogen is higher ($3.59/kg) because the ATR is less efficient than the SMR. The capital costs for the four primary options studied, assuming a ten-year lifetime, are listed in Figure 3. (For reference, the hydrogen production capacity required to support 183 vehicles at 69% equipment utilization is 115 kg/day, or 2,000 standard cubic feet per hour.)The range of capital costs ($225,000 to $275,000, depending on the HFA option) corresponds to a total annual investment of $56.25-$68.75 million per year to support the introduction of ~50,000 new FCV’s per year.This study indicates that with current technology, pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is more cost effective and reliable than metal membrane hydrogen purification. The higher costs of membrane units relative to PSA’s are not justified by the potential for better hydrogen recovery and smaller size.A breakdown of factors making up the capital costs is provided in Figure 4. The combined costs for hydrogen compression, storage, and dispensing are roughly equal to the cost for the reformer and purification system.$0$50,000$100,000$150,000$200,000$250,000$300,000SMR + PSA ATR + PSA SMR + Membrane ATR + MembraneC a p i t a l C o s tFigure 3. Contribution of Subsystems to Capital Cost for 115 kg/day HFA’s. The“Miscellaneous” category includes on-site installation, freight, taxes & insurance, and initial spares. The “Reformer System” category includes the hydrogen production andgas cleanup subsystems.Capital recovery (i.e., amortization of the initial investment over the life of the HFA) accounts for ~48% of the cost of hydrogen for SMR and ~40% of the cost of hydrogen for the ATR. The other contributors to the cost of hydrogen are the cost of natural gas, the cost of electricity, operation and maintenance expenses (O&M), and taxes and insurance.Costs in $/kg H2 SMR/PSA ATR/PSA SMR/Membrane ATR/Membrane Hydrogen Cost $3.38 $3.59 $3.74 $4.28Capital Recovery 1.66 1.50 1.78 1.62 Natural Gas 0.95 1.17 1.01 1.44Electricity 0.23 0.41 0.37 0.68 O&M 0.33 0.31 0.33 0.33 Taxes & Insurance 0.23 0.20 0.24 0.22Gasoline equiv.$1.55 $1.65 $1.72 $1.96 ($/gal)• HFA is assumed to run an average of 69% of capacity with 98% availability.• Capital Recovery assumes a 10% after-tax return on investment over its 10-year life. A 38% marginal tax rate (34% federal, 4% state and local) is included in the return on investment calculation.• Natural gas price is based on the 19-year national average commercial rate of $5.34 per thousand scf.• Electricity price is based on the 10-year national average commercial rate of 7.5¢ per kW-hr.• The cost for water usage is negligible.• O&M includes yearly hydrogen desulfurization bed replacement and reformer and shift catalyst replacement after five years. It also includes general maintenance for compressors, valves, etc.• Tax and Insurance costs refer to annual property taxes at 1.5% of capital investment and annual insurance premiums at 1% of capital investment. Highway/road sales taxes are not included.• Gasoline equivalent price is based on an efficiency gain of 2.2 for hydrogen FCV’s over current gasoline ICEV’s.Figure 4. Cost of Hydrogen Produced from the 2,000 scfh HFA OptionsWe conclude that the wholesale cost of hydrogen produced from early-year HFA’s (i.e. 2000scfh HFA’s produced in 250 per year quantities) will be nearly competitive with the retail price of gasoline on a per vehicle-mile basis, especially in regions with reformulated gasoline requirements. We feel that this comparison of the untaxed cost of hydrogen with the taxed priceof gasoline is valid for the near to mid-term as hydrogen is unlikely to be taxed until it begins to significantly displace gasoline road-tax revenues. When there are sufficient FCV’s to justify alarger number of higher-volume stations, the cost of hydrogen is expected to decrease significantly by taking advantage of economies of scale.Based on the results of the baseline HFA analysis, we estimated the reduced hydrogen costthat results by increasing the size of the HFA from 2,000 scfh to 16,000 scfh. An HFA of thissize would support roughly 1464 vehicles, which is comparable to current gasoline stations. A breakdown of the estimated cost of hydrogen for this HFA is given in Figure 5. Using scale-up factors common to chemical processes, the capital cost of this 8x HFA was estimated to be$1.16 million, resulting in a hydrogen cost of $1.87-$2.48/kg (dependent on assumptions aboututility discounts, natural gas feedstock cost, and equipment life). Thus, the 1x HFA derived hydrogen cost of $3.38/kg is appropriate when discussing the early introduction of fuel cell vehicles where many small stations need to be distributed over the country to support a sparseFCV population, and the significantly lower hydrogen cost of $1.87-$2.48/kg, resulting from an8x HFA, is appropriate for the latter years when the FCV population and population density ismuch higher.Costs in $/kg H216,000scfh SMR/PSA HFAHydrogen Cost $1.87Capital Recovery $0.77Natural Gas $0.59Electricity $0.15O&M $0.24 Taxes & Insurance $0.13Gasoline equiv. ($/gal) $0.85• Estimates are based on a scaled-up version of a 2,000scfh HFA. Scale-up may not retain accuracy of original analysis.• HFA is assumed to run an average of 69% of capacity with 98% availability.• Capital Recovery assumes a 10% after-tax return on investment for a 15-year life. A 38% marginal tax rate (34% federal, 4% state and local) included in the return on investmentcalculation.• Natural gas price is based on the 19-year national average industrial rate of $3.30 per thousand scf.• Electricity price is based on the 10-year national average industrial rate of 4.65¢ per kW-hr.• The cost for water usage is negligible.• O&M includes yearly hydrogen desulfurization bed replacement and reformer and shift catalyst replacement every five years. It also includes general maintenance for compressors,valves, etc.• Tax and Insurance costs refer to annual property taxes at 1.5% of capital investment and annual insurance premiums at 1% of capital investment. Highway/road sales taxes are notincluded.• Gasoline equivalent price is based on an efficiency gain of 2.2 for hydrogen FCV’s over current gasoline ICEV’s.Figure 5. Cost of Hydrogen from 16,000 scfh (8x) SMR/PSA HFA with OptimisticAssumptionsMore details of the system design and cost analyses are available in the full report, availablefrom the Directed Technologies website at /pubs/DTI_Task2_Report.html.。
