每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共6题)1.核糖与核酸都不含有的元素是………………………………………………………()A.NB.OC.PD.S2.保护生物多样性的三个层次中,最核心的并关系到其他两个层次存亡的是………( ) A.遗传多样性 B.物种多样性C.生物群落多样性 D.生态系统多样性3.取高度分化的月季叶肉细胞,经离体组织培养出月季幼苗,说明…………………()A.细胞分化后恢复原状态 B.月季细胞发生癌变C.植物细胞具有全能性 D.月季的叶可以扦插繁殖4.小明以水蕴草为材料进行了下图所示的实验,并定时记录试管顶端的气体量。
该实验的主要目的是探究……………………………………………………………………………() A.水量对呼吸作用速率的影响B.光照对光合作用速率的影响C.光照对呼吸作用速率的影响D.水温对光合作用速率的影响5.细胞分化的实质是………………………………………………………………………() A.基因组的改变B.基因的选择性表达C.原癌基因的激活D.细胞亚显微结构的变化6.使用显微镜观察洋葱根尖细胞染色体的基本步骤包括:①调节细准焦螺旋;②转换高倍镜;③把分裂相的细胞移至视野中央;④将洋葱根尖永久装片放在低倍镜下观察。
下列各项中,不属于表中内容所蕴含的信息是表l水母鱼类青蛙藻类高等植物哺乳动物休眠种子97 82 78 90 60-80 65 <10A.生物体含水量与其生存环境相关B.生物体中含量最多的化合物是水C.生物体含水量与其体重大小相关D.休眠种子含水量与其代谢水平有关11.糖尿病患者需要定期进行激素治疗,该激素为A.胰岛素B.生长激素C.雄性激素D.胰高血糖素12.在植物生长发育过程中,激素起重要作用,能够抑制细胞伸长和分裂的激素是A.生长素B.脱落酸C.赤霉素D.细胞分裂素13.1864年,德国植物生理学家萨克斯把紫苏先在暗处放置12h,然后将叶片的一部分用黑纸遮住(见图4)。
每小题只有一个正确答案)1.由细胞形态判断,下列细胞中最可能连续分裂的是2.如果图1表示纤维素的结构组成方式,那么符合图2所示结构组成方式的是①核酸②多肽③淀粉A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.①②③3.下列食物营养成分与鉴定试剂及显色反应之间的对应关系中,错误的是A.淀粉:碘液,蓝紫色 B.还原糖:班氏试剂,红黄色C.脂肪:苏丹III染液,橘红色D.蛋白质:双缩脲试剂,黄绿色4.图3为某细胞结构的电镜照片,与图中箭头所指“小点”结构形成有关的是A.核仁 B.中心体 C.叶绿体 D.溶酶体5.微生物的种类繁多,下列微生物中属于原核生物的是①黏菌②酵母菌⑨蓝细菌④大肠杆菌⑤乳酸杆菌A.①②③ B.②③④ c.③④⑤ D.①④⑤6.生物体中的某种肽酶可水解肽链末端的肽键,导致A.蛋白质分解为多肽链 B.多肽链分解为若干短肽C.多肽链分解为氨基酸D.氨基酸分解为氨基和碳链化合物7.在细胞中,以mRNA作为模板合成生物大分子的过程包括A.复制和转录 B.翻译和转录 C.复制和翻译 D.翻译和逆转录8.图4为细胞内染色体状态示意图。
这种染色体状态表示已发生A.染色体易位 B.基因重组c.染色体倒位 D.姐妹染色单体之间的交换9·酶在大规模产业化应用中的核心问题是固定化技术,而酶固定化所依据的基本原理在于酶具有A.热稳定性 B.催化高效性 C.催化特异性 D.可反复使用性10.人体内糖类代谢的中间产物可生成①乳酸②乙醇③氨基酸④脂肪酸A·①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④11·赫尔希(A.Hershey)和蔡斯(M.Chase)于1952年所做的噬菌体侵染细菌的著名实验进一步证实了DNA是遗传物质。
这项实验获得成功的原因之一是噬菌体A.侵染大肠杆菌后会裂解宿主细胞 B.只将其DNA注入大肠杆菌细胞中C·DNA可用15N放射性同位素标记 D.蛋白质可用32P放射性同位素标记12.图5为果实生长过程中细胞呼吸变化的示意图。
第Ⅰ卷 (共60分)考生注意:1.答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用2B铅笔正确涂写准考证号和校验码。
2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 生命科学(上海卷)word版(含答案)
第Ⅰ卷 (共60分)考生注意:1.答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用2B铅笔正确涂写准考证号和校验码。
第Ⅰ卷 (共60分)一、选择题:(每小题2分,共60分,每题只有一个正确答案)1.“胜日寻芳泗水滨,无边光景一时新。
该现象能很好地说明细胞膜( )A.主要由脂质和蛋白质组成B.可将细胞与外界环境分隔开C.控制物质出入细胞的作用是相对的D.进行细胞间的信息交流2.下列属于动物获取化学信息的感受器是( )A.雄蛾的触角 B.人的前庭器 C.响尾蛇的颊窝 D.鱼类的侧线器官3.用小肠液(含多种消化酶)处理果蝇三龄幼虫的唾液腺巨大染色体,可得到连续的极细长的纤丝,此纤丝可能是( )A.多肽链B.染色质丝C.染色单体D. DNA分子4. 层粘连蛋白是由一条重链(A链)和两条轻链(B1、B2链)构成的高分子糖蛋白,作为细胞结构成分,含有多个结合位点并对保持细胞间粘连有作用,层粘连蛋白结构示意图如下,若该蛋白由m个氨基酸构成,下列有关说法不正..确.的是( )A.该层粘连蛋白含有肽键数至少为m-3B.该蛋白在细胞识别中具有重要作用C.该蛋白的合成需要DNA、RNA、RNA聚合酶等物质的参与D.该物质的生成只需核糖体即可完成5.下列关于病毒的叙述,正确的是( )A.HIV病毒内有4种核苷酸 B.流感病毒的核酸位于衣壳外面的包膜上C.病毒可在经高温灭菌的培养基上生长增殖 D.烟草花叶病毒可以不依赖宿主细胞而增殖6.下列属于多基因遗传病的是( )①精神分裂症②唇裂③哮喘④消化性溃疡⑤睾丸发育不全症⑥无脑儿⑦21三体综合征⑧抗维生素D佝偻病A. ①②③④⑥B.④⑤⑥⑦⑧C. ①②⑥⑦D.③⑤⑥7.某生物兴趣小组抽样调查的500人中,各种基因型和人数情况如下表所示,则这500人中,X b( )A.5.2%B.6%C.7.5%D.20%8.如图实验,甲、乙、丙切去顶芽,丁顶芽不切除。
第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确选项)1.若不动显微镜的其他部分,只转动转换器将物镜由10×转换成40×,视野中的光线将会A.变暗B.变亮C.无变化D.变化无规律2.下列关于细胞内化合物的叙述,正确的是A.酶都是蛋白质B.糖原不溶于水C.糖原代谢的最终产物是葡萄糖D. 蛋白质、纤维、蔗糖、淀粉都是高分子化合物3.下列关于脂质的说法,错误的...是A.胆固醇是构成动物细胞膜的重要成分,在人体内参与血液中脂质的运输B.脂质具有构成生物膜、调节代谢和储存能量等生物学功能C.胆固醇能合成生长激素、性激素D.使用苏丹Ⅲ检测脂肪,预期显色结果是呈现橘红色4.下列有关真核细胞结构和功能的说法,正确的是A.核膜上的核孔是DNA和RNA聚合酶等物质进出细胞核的通道B.分泌蛋白的修饰加工由内质网和高尔基体共同完成C.中心体在动物细胞有丝分裂的前期完成倍增D.线粒体基质和叶绿体基质所含酶的种类相同5.科学家用含3H标记的亮氨酸培养液培养豚鼠的胰腺腺泡细胞,表1为在腺泡细胞几种结正确的是构中最早检测到放射性物质的时间。
若线粒体DNA受损伤,则下列细胞功能受影响最大的是A.红细胞吸收葡萄糖B.小肠上皮细胞吸收水图3C .神经细胞吸收K +D .肺泡细胞吸收氧气7.下列有关叶绿体及光合作用的叙述,正确的是A .破坏叶绿体外膜后,O 2不能产生B .植物生长过程中,叶绿体内各种色素的比例保持不变C .离体的叶绿体基质中添加ATP 、NADPH 和CO 2后,可完成暗反应D .与夏季相比,植物在冬季光合速率低的主要原因是光照时间缩短8.图1是某研究小组利用过氧化氢酶探究H 2O 2分解条件而获得的实验结果。
上海市闸北区2012届高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(满分150分,考试时间120分钟)I. Listening Comprehension(30分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Chef and customer. B. Professor and student.C. Mother and son.D. Doctor and patient.2. A. In a furniture store. B. In a hospital.C. In a nursery.D. In a classroom.3. A. 1 dollar. B. 3 dollars. C. 9 dollars. D. 10 dollars.4. A. He is always consider ate and helpful. B. He admires superman.C. He is unable to carry another box.D. He is glad to do the woman a favour.5. A. 2 days. B. 3 days. C. 4 days. D. 7 days.6. A. He once heard Charlo tte speak English.B. He used to meet Charlotte at an English meeting.C. He used to do sports activities with Charlotte.D. He doesn’t know Charlotte well.7. A. The service there is poor. B. He has to catch a flight.C. He is not allowed there.D. He has to do exercise.8. A. Because the website staff are not working.B. Because the Internet is not working well.C. Because something is wrong with the computer screen.D. Because the school doesn’t have a website.9. A. By bicycle. B. On foot. C. By plane. D. By car.10. A. He is a dog-walker. B. He loves his wife very much.C. His dog is very important to him.D. His wife doesn’t like dogs.Section BDirections: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A 16 pounds. B. 30 pounds. C. 40 pounds. D. 50 pounds.12. A. They may be attacked by fierce animals.B. They may lose weight.C. They may lose fight with strong dogs.D. They may become skinny like old men.13. A. They will give him a new cage.B. They will show his pictures to different newspapers.C. They will feed him with vegetables and fruits.D. They will give him a birthday cake.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Because food is the best seller in supermarkets.B. Because it’s an ord er from the government.C. Because it makes customers hungry and buy more.D. Because it’s a food store.15. A. To enable customers to compare prices of the goods.B. To help customers to make friends with each other.C. To make shopping interesting to customers.D. To help to sell these products.16. A. They provide the list of products which sell best.B. They charge less for some products.C. They offer free shipping service.D. They work closely with shops like Amazon.Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation:Complete the report form. WRITE ONE WORD for each answer.Hous ing Insurance Report FormCompany: 17 Insurance, Inc.Type: Broken windowAccident Date: January 18Accident Room: 19Possible accident reason: 20Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following co nversation:Complete the form. WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Where did John go yesterday? 21 .What could be seen during the drive tour? 22 .What did the 3D films impress John for? 23 .How much is an adult ticket? 24 .II. Grammar and V ocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Mrs. Jolie has taken the responsibility of caring for the kids and running the house because for two-thirds of a year her husband is ______ business trips.A. inB. atC. withD. on26. The US president Barrack Obama hopes that, for the eventual benefit of the states, ______ citizen with a little common sense will agree to his new tax bill.A. anyB. oneC. eachD. either27. What every student really needs is fair treatment and attention from the teacher, ______?A. doesn’t heB. does heC. isn’t itD. is it28. Accord ing to the NBA regulation, the new season won’t start ______ an agreement is reached between players’ Union and team bosses.A. beforeB. untilC. whileD. when29. The song “Happy Birthday” is ______ simple in rhythm that children as young as three can sing it without difficulty.A. suchB. soC. asD. rather30. The closeness of Standford to San Francisco, a city two miles to the north, ______ the university a decidedly worldly attraction.A. was givingB. givesC. gaveD. had given31. Up till now, the passengers who had close contact with the three sick people ______ in hospital under medical observation.A. putB. have putC. had been putD. have been put32. The queen bee appears ______ well in the comb built by the di ligent worker bees.A. to nurseB. to be nursedC. to have nursedD. being nursed33. The US Food and Drug Administration, ______ the safety of food and drugs, has defended American people in hundreds of food and drug crises.A. to monitorB. monitoredC. monitoringD. having monitored34. Sam promised to hand in the term paper before this June, ______, personally I doubted much.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what35. ______ feeling the global Apple fans had when word came that the legendary(传奇的) former CEO Steve Jobs passed away!A. How sorrowfulB. How a sorrowfulC. What sorrowfulD. What a sorrowful36. In order to drag Greece out of the current economic hardships, the newly-elected premier(总理) is ready to overcome ______ might face the country.A. whicheverB. whoeverC. howeverD. whatever37. Only after he consulted his parents ______ to choose teaching as his lifelong career.A. decided heB. he decidedC. did he decideD. was he decided38. EQ, ______ as an important indicator for future success, is justly valued by educators and parents.A. having viewedB. viewingC. viewsD. viewed39. Any country which ______ not or will not pay due attention to the envir onmental protection is not entitled to the world club membership.A. mustB. shouldC. canD. might40. Doctors warn people that _____ anger through unnatural methods is much more harmful to a person’s health than the anger itself.A. controlledB. to be controlledC. controllingD. having controlledSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. crossB. gestureC. finallyD. successfulE. necessarilyF. nervousG. victimH. blankI. supplyJ. strikeYou’re making a PowerPoint presentation to a group of professors, for which you have stayed overnight. Even though your knees knock together, you try really hard to pretend to be confident on the site. All of a sudden, however, your mind goes 41 , for one of the professors shoots a glance at you, and he whispers something to another professor beside him. All kinds of questions 42 your mind at the same time. Did I say something wrong? Am I making a bad impression? Such uncomfortable feelings totally 43 you.If you once found yourself trapped in this nightmare situation, you fit the typical model of a shy person. Shy people, as many experts define in their studies, usually fall 44 to what is simply a careless glance or a meaningless 45 . What’s more, because of their low self judgemen t rooted deeply in their mind, they often cannot take friendly comments like “If you are not so 46 , you’ll make a better performance.” But being shy doesn’t 47 mean being lacking in ability or competence. Rather, many shy people are capable professionals. And what distinguishes between a 48 communicator and a shy sharer is just that the latter needs to build up his self confidence.Despite the terrible situations shy people are usually involved in, there’s definitely hope for them. According to experts, 40 percent of the shy population can 49 overcome shyness if given enough encouragement and support.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Remains of ancient civilization are places which were designed and built as a lasting tribute(致敬) to some individuals or events. By visiting these 50 monuments, you are sure to be amazed by how 51 the ancient civilization that existed centuries before you was. Some of the facilities which could be dated back hundreds of years ago are still in use today. Besides, you will also 52 at the mysterious stories behind it. The Great Wall, 53 , is probably the best-known monument of China, which consists of a network of walls and towers through which the attack warnings could be received within minutes. 54 then had enough time to prepare. Estimates of the total length of the monument 55 , depending on which sections are included and how they are measured. One of the 56 mysteries is that, although some of the wall is 57 in special radar images taken by satellites, astronauts have confirmed that the existing wall is not several thousand years old, nor is it, as many people had 58 , visible to the human eye from outer space.Even older than the Great Wall of China is the Great Pyramid(金字塔)of Giza. Over a 20-year period, thousands of workers made the vision become 59 with numerous blocks, each weighing more than two tons. It’s still a(n) 60 to modern people how ancient men handled 61 of these giant stones in a time when cars or boats never existed some 4500 years ago. Thepyramid served not only as a tomb for King Khufu, but also a place of 62 activity. The number of the God’s servants at that time showed the importance of such activities. After Khufu died, his body was carefully treated with various medicines and materials and was wrapped in order to be 63 for long. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the pyramid, wher e the mummy was placed, provided a place for the king to pass into the afterlife. Then his servants performed rituals(仪式) to bring 64 to the dead king’s soul, removing all the unrest and pain from his next life.50. A. modern B. historic C. official D. commercial51. A. advanced B. technical C. overlooked D. energetic52. A. stare B. wonder C. aim D. call53. A. in addition B. in other words C. however D. for example54. A. Mechanics B. Workers C. Astronauts D. Soldiers55. A. extend B. remain C. vary D. progress56. A. long-standing B. widely-used C. carefully-chosen D. clearly-stated57. A. recognizable B. reasonable C. reliable D. responsible58. A. proved B. claimed C. threatened D. requested59. A. reality B. tradition C. mansion D. civilization60. A. burden B. secret C. solution D. fortune61. A. finance B. storage C. transportation D. production62. A. sports B. religious C. fighting D. family63. A. preserved B. recovered C. buried D. restored64. A. leadership B. peace C. honour D. inspirationSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The glass window shook and Matthew placed a hand roughly through the opening to lift the latch(插销) slowly. He then climbed into the room, landing on his feet with a soft step. A sudden rush of cold air swept into the room after him. Matthew trembled and he quickly tightened his clothes. Glancing down, he saw th e deep cut on the back of his hand. Sighing over his rotten luck, he tore off a piece of cloth from his coat sleeve and bandaged it. With his heart beating fast, he inched his way forward, hardly able to see anything in front of him.“Mmmm…,” came the muffled sound. Was i t just his imagination? Ignoring the thought, he began to move slowly forward again. Then, without any warning, the next thing he knew was that he had kicked something soft. Matthew took out his torch. Switching it on, he found a pair of round eyes staring at him. They belonged to a little girl! Cloth in mouth, she had been bound so tightly that movement was strictly out of the question. As he was about to turn away, her tear-streaked face stopped him. Feeling sorry for the girl, Matthew used his pocket knife to cut her loose.The girl started to cry as she believed Matthew to be the rescuer who was there to end her ordeal(折磨). She leaned on Matthew tightly. This confused him further. What was he to do? After a few seconds, Matthew spoke in a gentle voice.“What happened, little girl?”From her mumbled reply, Matthew could only make out that the girl had been there for two days without food and water. It seemed that her captors had totally neglected her. Almost immediately, Matthew carried the little girl back to the window from which he had entered. As he climbed out with the girl, Matthew smiled and whispered under his breath, “I can’t believe what I’ve just done. Neither will the police.”65. Why was Matthew trembling?A. He had survived a cut.B. His head ached.C. He found that a policeman followed him.D. He had just entered the room from the cold.66. In the third paragraph, why did the girl start to cry?A. She hadn’t eaten anything for long.B. She was hurt by Matthew.C. She was in pain.D. She was relieved.67. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. One foot of Matthew’s was wounded when he entered the room.B. Matthew found the little girl as she kicked him to catch his attention.C. Matthew set the girl free with a pocket knife.D. Matthew left the girl in the room at last.68. From the passage, it’s known that Matthew was a kind thief because ______.A. he gave her food and water immediately.B. he treated the girl gently and helped her escape.C. he climbed in on the purpose of saving the girl.D. he decided to take revenge for the girl.(B)You may read the questions first:Amazon is presenting to you our bargains for the year!Steve Jobs In Steve Jobs, based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more tha n a hundred family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has pictured an appealing up-and-down life and strong personality of a creative man whose passion for perfection revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.Living History Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and family have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with humor and passion about her upbringing in suburban and her transformation from Goldwater Girl to controversial First Lady.Thinking, Fast and Slow In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, and emotional; System 2 is slower, and more logical. In the book, Kahneman also shows the extraordinary abilities—and the faults and errors—of thinking, and reveals the influence of personal impressions on our thoughts and behavior.Diary of a Wimpy Kid Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the main suspect. But the crazy thing is, he has done nothing wrong. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise storm hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he’s going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holiday?69. About the book Steve Jobs, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The main contents of the book are mainly based on various interviews.B. The book is written by Steve Jobs.C. Steve Jobs has experienced both successful and difficult periods in his lifetime.D. Steve Jobs has totally changed six different industries.70. What is the book Thinking, Fast and Slow mainly about?A.Two thinking types and thinking-related facts.B. Difference between two thinking systemsC. How to think fast and logically at the same time.D. The great power of personal impression on thinking system.71. From the introduction of the Book Diary of a Wimpy Kid, it is implied that ______.A. Greg was caught damaging the school propertyB. Greg knew who really damaged the school propertyC. it was hot during the holidayD. Greg had a poor relationship with his family(C)With the death of congestion pricing (高峰期行车收费) which was aimed to charge drivers for driving private cars downtown to ease traffic, New York City is left with drivers still stuck in traffic and rid ers packed like sardines. How else can we ease traffic jams and provide decent and affordable bus and subway service?Gov. David Paterson took the first step yesterday by thinking of identifying new ways to improve mass transportation. With the income from congestion pricing gone, the city meets with heavy burden from its proposed $29.5 billion five-year capital program. In killing congestion pricing, the city acknowledged that the program is “severely underfunded” and that the shortfall has to be thefirst area of concern. Now we need other sources of funding or increases real estate and gasoline taxes that finance the authority.The state should now conduct a detailed environmental review of all choices for reducing traffic. Many legislators who opposed congestion pricing expressed concern that the previous plan had been given truncated environmental review, where sufficient study under the State Environmental Quality Review Act was called for. There’s time now for an all-out study of all traffic-reducing choices, from restrictions on driving days based on license plate numbers to mandated car pooling (强制共乘). Many parties of interests, however, argue that the measures, similar to the congestion pricing,make no better sense in solving the problem.The legislature should also give New York City the tools it needs to make buses go faster. New York has the most upsetting buses in America: it takes more time to take the M15 bus from New York’s Harlem to City Hall than to travel by “Amtrak” train from New York to Philadelphia(费城). It doesn’t have to be this way. Other cities have demonstrated that buses go faster when more dedicated(专用的) bus lanes are provided, when cameras mounte d on buses are used to issue tickets to keep cars out of bus lanes and when traffic signals are designed to give buses priority. Finally, the state should allow the city to issue residential parking permits. A study showed that 45 percent of traffic in Brooklyn New York, consists of cars looking for parking spots. Residential parking permits would discourage drivers from using neighborhood streets as a parking lot, which is definitely good news to the traffic.72. “Congestion pricing” was mainly used to ______.A. increase fund to finance railway systemB. reduce the prices for taking public transportationC. discourage driving private cars in New York cityD. give more attention to environmental quality review73. The underlined word “truncated” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______A. incompleteB. outlinedC. flatD. adequate74. The author refers to “Amtrek” in order to demonstrate that ______.A. American railway system is very efficientB. Traveling by trains takes less time than by bus in AmericaC. Bus transportation within New York city is slowD. Public traffic service in America is of poor quality75. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The lack of financial support is an important problem the city faces.B. All cars are forbidden to drive on particular days to help relieve traffic.C. Fining private car drivers for taking bus lanes makes buses faster.D. Lack of parking spots contributed to traffic jams in Brooklyn.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra h eading which you do not need.A. Training for certain skills for future jobs.B. The relationship between FFA and American companies.C. Job prospect and member information.D. Extension of FFA into different fi elds.E. Basic introduction of FFA.F. Membership request and daily operation.76. Gamaliel Rizzogrew up in a brownstone apartmentin Brooklyn and is studying to become a doctor. Still, he spent his high school years learning how to raise goats and cows and growing corns and sunflowers. He even worked on a dairy farm in the summer, all as a member of the Future Farmers of America. Although the nation has shifted ever further from its agrarian roots, the organization is flowering. Begun 83 years ago and now known simply as the FFA, it is the largest vocational student group in the country, with more than half a million members and still growing.77. Although farm employment accounts for less than 1 percent of all jobs in the United States, One in 12 jobs in the U.S. is agriculture-related. And during the deep economic downturn and rocky recovery, these workers have actually fared better than most. That gives the FFA a calling card as an organization that actually prepares students for potential careers. About 70 percent of its members live in rural areas, and 19 percent live in small towns. The fastest growing part, however, is in urban and suburban areas, now making up 10 percent of the membership.78 Over the past years, the group has succeeded in part by expanding well beyond agricultural science while also broadening that field to include genetics, landscape gardening and alternative fuels. Now, the group’s chapters aim to teach students leadership and job readiness as much as the finer points of cattle care or corn fertilization.79. Now at a time when many employers complain about the lack of basic communication and interpersonal skills among job candidates, the FFA emphasizes work on group projects and old-fashioned presentations in essays and speeches at many of its events. Even in the purely agricultural contests like the judging of crops, students defended their positions before the judges as if they were trial lawyers in court.80. In daily operation, FFA members must enroll in agricultural courses at school, but they also need to complete much work after school preparing for speaking and business competitions, or tending vegetable plots or animals. They also must take part in projects related to farms and other firms. The group draws many students whose parents and grandparents were members, even if they are no longer on the farm.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.What do you think of when you hear the word motherhood? You usually associate motherhood with warmth, selflessness, dutifulness, and tolerance. And though most women expect that motherhood will be happy and fulfilling, the reality is that motherhood had been given relatively low respect in our society. When children don’t succeed or develop problems, our society has had a tendency to turn to a single reason--- mothers. One of psychology’s most important lessons is that behavior is multiply determined. We have to admit that the long-standing images of mothers are spoiling and unprincipled. However, when child development goes wrong, mothers are not the single person to blame even though our society models them in this way.The reality of motherhood is that although fathers have increased their family responsibilities, the main duty still falls on the mother’s shoulders. Mothers do most fa mily work, usually three to four times more than men do. Besides, the work mothers do is repetitive and routine, often involving cleaning, cooking, laundry, and straightening up. In result, it’s reported that women enjoy family life much less than men do.Family work is included in family relations. Most women feel that family tasks are mindless but essential. They usually enjoy tending to the needs of their loved ones even if they do not find the activities enjoyable and fulfilling. Family work is both positive and negative for women. They are unsupervised and rarely criticized. T hey play and control their own work. However, women’s family work is also worrisome, tiresome, repetitive, isolating and unfinished.In sum, the role of the mother brings with it benefits as well as limitations. Father-mother cooperation and respect help the child to develop positive attitudes toward both males and females. It is much easier for working parents to deal with changing family circumstances and day-care issues together. Mothers feel less stress and have more positive attitudes toward their husbands when the y are supportive partners.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)81. Why isn’t mother the only cause of children’s pro blems?82. What are the two factors that make family life less enjoyable for women?83. Despite their personal dislike of family work, women do family work because they are willing to ______.84. The kid learns to look on males and females positively with the help of ______.第II卷(共45分)I. Translation(20分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 多吃蔬菜和水果,你会保持健康。
故选:B.点评:本题属于简单题,属于考纲中应用层次的考查,着重考查考生显微镜操作的能力,考生关键要熟练掌握显微镜的操作步骤,切记高倍镜使用时不能调节粗准焦螺旋.2.(2分)有人对某种有机小分子的样品进行分析,发现含有C、H、O、N、P等元素,这种有机小分子可能是( )A.氨基酸B.核酸C.抗体 D.脱氧核苷酸考点:核酸的基本组成单位。
上海市闸北区高三上学期期末练习模拟考试题卷(生命科学)姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分第1小题:地衣、甘蔗、支原体、变形虫都具有的糖是A.纤维素B.淀粉C.糖元D.核糖【答案解析】D第2小题:蛋白质是细胞中重要的有机化合物。
如果在10×目镜和10×物镜构成的视野中,一个酵母菌细胞在目镜测微尺的测量下,测得其细胞长度是5格,如果目镜不变物镜换成40×,则酵母菌在目镜测微尺的长度是A.20格B.5格C.15格 D.25格【答案解析】A第5小题:下列关于细胞结构的说法中,正确的是评卷人得分A.生物的细胞壁都可以被纤维素酶和果胶酶分解B.细胞膜中载体种类和数量是其功能特性的基础C.细菌等原核细胞与真核细胞的主要区别是有无细胞壁D.植物细胞中具有双层膜结构的细胞器是叶绿体、线粒体和核【答案解析】B第6小题:甲、乙两种物质分别依赖自由扩散(简单扩散)和协助扩散进入细胞,如果以人工合成的无蛋白磷脂双分子膜代替细胞膜,并维持其他条件不变。
则A.甲运输被促进 B.乙运输被促进 C.甲运输被抑制D.乙运输被抑制【答案解析】D第7小题:人体内残留着哺乳动物相当发达的阑尾,这可作为生物进化中A.古生物学的证据 B.比较解剖学的证据C.生物遗传学方面的证据 D.胚胎学的证据【答案解析】B第8小题:下列有关科学家科学研究的经典实验中,采取了同位素示踪法的是①赫尔希和蔡斯的实验证明了DNA是遗传物质②萨克斯的实验证明了光合作用的产物中有淀粉③鲁宾和卡门证明光合作用释放的O2来自水④卡尔文探明了CO2中的碳在光合作用中的转移途径A.①②③ B.②③④C.①②④ D.①③④【答案解析】D第9小题:下列关于酶的叙述中,正确的是A.人体中酶的活性受温度、pH的影响,并只能在人体的内环境中起作用B.酶的形成都要经过核糖体的合成、内质网和高尔基体的加工等几个阶段C.与光合作用有关的酶分布在类囊体的薄膜上和叶绿体基质中D.酶均是由腺细胞合成的,具有高效性、专一性【答案解析】C第10小题:下列生理功能或生化反应与ATP的消耗有关的是①光反应②暗反应③叶肉细胞吸收CO2 ④小肠吸收葡萄糖和氨基酸⑤D NA复制⑥糖酵解⑦神经传导A.①②③⑥ B.②④⑤⑦C.①④⑤⑦ D.③④⑥⑦【答案解析】B第11小题:下列关于叶绿体及光合作用的叙述,正确的是A.破坏叶绿体外膜后,O2不能生成B.植物生长过程中,叶绿体内各种色素的比例保持不变C.与夏季相比,植物在冬季光合速率低的主要原因是光照时间缩短D.离体的叶绿体基质中添加ATP、[H]、和CO2后,可完成暗反应第12小题:下图表示枪乌贼离体神经纤维在Na+浓度不同的两种海水中受刺激后的膜电位变化情况。
每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列选项中,含有相同元素的一组化合物是A. 纤维素和氨基酸B. 油脂和磷脂C. 胆固醇和血红蛋白D. 腺苷三磷酸和核糖核苷酸2.蛋白质是细胞膜的重要组成成分,下列不能..体现膜蛋白功能的是A.根细胞膜上的载体 B.A型血的人红细胞表面的凝集原C.B型血的人血清中的凝集素 D.甲状腺细胞上接受促甲状腺激素的受体3.图1中①、②、③三个圆圈分别表示含细胞壁、核糖体、中心体的细胞,那么阴影部分表示的细胞可能是A.衣藻 B.乳酸菌C.肝细胞 D.棉花叶肉细胞4.下列关于细胞结构和功能的说法正确的是图1A.核仁与核糖体的形成密切相关,没有核仁的细胞无法形成核糖体B.ATP和[H]在叶绿体中随水的分解而产生,在线粒体中随水的生成而产生C.光能转变成化学能发生在叶绿体中,化学能转变成光能发生在线粒体中D.叶绿体、线粒体、核糖体、高尔基体、细胞核等细胞结构中能产生水5.为研究植物a能不能移植到b地生长,某生物研究小组设计了一个测定植物a细胞液浓度的实验方案,实验结果如下表:外界溶液浓度0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3(mol/L)质壁分离不分离刚分离显著显著他们又测定了b地土壤溶液浓度,发现b地的土壤溶液的浓度适合植物a生长,则b地土壤溶液的浓度最可能是A.≥0.2 B.0.15<土壤溶液<0.3 C.<0.2 D.≤0.26.下列有关病毒的叙述,正确的是A.病毒对抗生素和干扰素不敏感B.分析遗传物质的组成,其中不含尿嘧啶C .一种病毒一般可以同时感染动物细胞和植物细胞D .病毒的变异发生在复制过程中7.图2为某同学用目镜10×、物镜10×的显微镜所观察到的植物细胞有丝分裂装片的视野图像,当他换上40×物镜,直接调节细调节器观察,则 A. 可清晰观察到1号细胞的染色体形态 B. 目镜测微尺每格所代表的实际长度将变小 C. 目镜测微尺每格所代表的实际长度将变大 D. 观察不到分裂前期的细胞8.图3中甲代表ATP ,下列有关叙述正确的是A .在主动运输过程中,乙的含量会明显减少B .甲→乙和乙→丙过程中,其催化作用的酶空间结构相同C .丙是RNA 基本组成单位之一,其中不含磷酸键D .丁由腺嘌呤和核糖组成,而戊可用于甲的合成9.图4中甲是H 2O 2酶活性受pH 影响的曲线;乙表示在最适温度下,pH=b 时H 2O 2分解产生的O 2量随时间的变化。
每题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.关于动物细胞膜的叙述,错误的是()A.细胞膜含有糖脂和糖蛋白B.细胞融合与细胞膜的流动性有关C.ATP为CO2分子通过细胞膜提供能量D.细胞膜上的大多数蛋白质是可以运动的2.下列藻类中属于原核生物的是()A.伞藻B.衣藻C.硅藻D.颤藻3.经标定安装于放大倍数为16×目镜中的目镜测微尺,在低倍视野中每小格的长度为6.71微米,换成高倍镜观察后,出现的变化是()A.目镜测微尺每小格所代表的长度不变B.视野中看到的细胞数目变多C.目镜测微尺每小格所代表的长度小于6.71微米D.被测细胞所占的格数变少4.在光合作用过程中,不属于暗反应的是()A.CO2与五碳化合物结合B.三碳化合物接受ATP释放的能量C.H2O的氢传递给NADP+ D.NADPH的氢传递给三碳化合物5.叶绿体和线粒体都是非常重要的细胞器,下列叙述中错误的是()A.两者都具有能量转换的功能B.两者都具有双层膜结构C.两者的基质成分与功能不同D.两者增加膜面积的方式相同6.右图是反射弧的模式图(a、b、c、d、e表示反射弧的组成部分,Ⅰ、Ⅱ表示突触的组成部分),有关说法正确的是()A.正常机体内兴奋在反射弧中的传导是单向的B.切断d、刺激b,不会引起效应器收缩C.兴奋在结构c和结构b的传导速度相同D.Ⅱ处发生的信号变化是电信号→化学信号→电信号7.细胞内糖分解代谢过程如右图,下列叙述错误..A .植物细胞能进行过程①和③,过程①和④B .真核细胞的细胞质基质中能进行过程①和②C .动物细胞内,过程②比过程①释放的能量多D .乳酸菌细胞内,过程①产生[H],过程③消耗8.下列属于动物获取化学信息的感受器是( A .鱼类的侧线器官 B .人的前庭器 C .响尾蛇的颊窝 D .雄蛾的触角9.某一不可逆化学反应(S P W →+)在无酶和有酶催化时均可以进行,当该反应在无酶条件下进行到时间t 时,向反应液中加入催化该反应的酶。
每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.下列有关病毒的叙述,不正确...的是………………………………………………………( ) A .病毒是非细胞结构的生物 B .病毒以复制的方式繁殖C .病毒在细胞内增殖,在细胞外代谢D .引发乙肝和艾滋病的病原体都是病毒 2.用班氏试剂鉴别健康人的下列四种液体,加热至沸腾后出现红黄色沉淀的是………( ) A .血浆 B .唾液 C .胃液 D .尿液3.能正确表示下图中概念之间关系的是……………………………………………………( )A B C D 4.下列关于体内血脂代谢及其调节的叙述,正确的是……………………………………( )A .血液中的甘油三酯不可能来自于小肠的乳糜微粒B .血液中高密度脂蛋白偏高会导致高胆固醇血症C .脂肪细胞中甘油三酯与葡萄糖可以相互转化D .胰岛素促进甘油三酯的分解5.将紫色洋葱表皮细胞放入一定浓度的硝酸钾溶液中,在显微镜下观察发现:开始液泡颜色逐渐变深,后来又逐渐变浅。
下列能够反映此过程中细胞液含水量随时间变化的图是………( )6.已知某双链DNA 分子中,G 与C 之和占全部碱基总数的34%,其一条链中的T 与C 分别占该链碱基总数的32%和18%,则在它的互补链中,T 和C 分别占该链碱基总数的…( )A .34%和16%B .34%和18%C .16%和34%D .32%和18%7.手足口病是由肠道病毒等感染引起的,多发生于春夏季。
该病毒感染人体并侵入细胞内后,机体产生的免疫反应正确的是…………………………………………………………含水量时间含水量时间 含水量时间含水量时间 A B CD()A.浆细胞接触感染细胞,导致感染细胞裂解,从而使病毒被抗体消灭B.浆细胞产生抗体,抗体接触感染细胞,导致感染细胞裂解,从而使病毒被消灭C.致敏T细胞接触感染细胞,导致感染细胞裂解,进而使病毒被抗体消灭D.致敏T细胞分泌淋巴因子,直接进入感染细胞,杀死感染细胞内的病毒8.右图为嗅细胞的细胞膜亚显微结构模式图,下列叙述不正确...的是…………………………………()A.①为多肽,其基本组成单位是氨基酸B.①②为糖蛋白,是识别气味分子的受体C.③为磷脂双分子层,是细胞膜的基本骨架D.气味分子与嗅细胞膜上受体的结合具有特异性9.一百多年前,人们就开始了对遗传物质的探索历程。
上海市闸北区2012届高三上学期期末练习试卷 化学.pdf
2011学年第一学期高三化学学科期末练习卷 (120分钟完卷,满分150分) 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分 可能用到的相对原子质量: H1 C12 N14 O-16 Ca40 Zn65 Al27 Na23 第I卷(共66分) 一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项) 1.2011年是国际化学年,中国的宣传口号是“化学——我们的生活,我们的未来”。
下列有关叙述的是A.在家用燃煤中加入适量的生石灰能有效减少二氧化硫的排放量 B利用清洁能源太阳能、潮汐能、风发电C.采用纳米二氧化钛光触媒技术,将汽车尾气中的N和C转化为无害气体 D.大量排放S2或C2都会导致酸雨的形成2.“”是人们普遍的饮食追求。
下列说法错误的是 A.每天都应摄入一定量的蛋白质 B.油脂会使人发胖,故禁食油脂 C.糖类是人体能量的重要来源 D.过多摄入微量元素不利于健康 3. 4.5.家用消毒柜中产生的能效杀菌消毒6.?10H2O和NH4NO3,用时将它们混合并用手搓揉就可制冷,且制冷效果能维持一段时间。
以下关于其制冷原因的推测中肯定错误的是 A.Na2SO4?10H2O脱水是吸热过程 B.较长时间制冷是由于Na2SO4?10H2O脱水过程较慢 C.Na2SO4?10H2O在该条件下发生的复分解反应是吸热反应 D.NH4NO3溶于水会吸收热量 7.新型纳米材料MFe2Ox (3x<4)中M表示+2价的金属元素,在反应中化合价不发生变化。
常温下,MFe2Ox能使工业废气中的SO2转化为S,流程如下:则下列判断正确的是A.MFe2Ox是还原剂 B.SO2是该反应的催化剂 Cx>y D.SO2发生了反应 8.a g ,12C原子的质量是bg ,用NA表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法中正确的是 A.氯元素的相对原子质量为 12b/a B.m g该氯原子的物质的量一定是m/(a NA) mol C.氯元素的摩尔质量是aNA D.n g该氯原子所含的电子数为17n/(a NA) 个 9. 10.关于右图,下列说法的是 A. H2(g)所含的能量比2 mol H(g) 所含的能量 高 B. KJ的热量 C.该反应的热化学方程式为: H2(g)+Cl2(g)→2HCl(g) +183KJ D.H2(g)与Cl2(g)混合就能反应生成HCl 11.阿斯巴甜(Aspartame,结构简式如图)具有清爽的甜味,甜度约为蔗糖的200倍。
每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列化合物所含化学元素种类最少的是A.胰岛素B.乳糖C.核苷酸D.氨基酸2.对于维持生物体生命活动和细胞的酸碱平衡有着重要作用的物质是A.维生素B.ATP C.无机盐D.脂肪3.下列有关叙述,错误..的是A.葡萄糖具有还原性B.氨基酸可脱水缩合形成多肽C.ATP可被水解D.乳糖可被人体小肠上皮细胞直接吸收4.下列属于生产单克隆抗体的主要技术是A.转基因B.干细胞C.核移植D.细胞融合5.人和哺乳动物的耳蜗和前庭器分别是A.声波感受器和触觉感受器B.声波感受器和平衡感受器C.平衡感受器和压力感受器D.平衡感受器和声波感受器6.下列关于免疫的叙述,正确的是A.免疫力是在与抗原的接触中获得的B.免疫是机体对外源性的异己的识别C.皮脂腺分泌脂肪酸杀菌属于免疫D.巨噬细胞吞噬病毒是特异性免疫7.下列关于原核生物的叙述中,正确的是A.蓝藻无叶绿体,但能光合作用释放O2B.原核生物是分解者C.细菌无线粒体,不能进行有氧呼吸D.原核生物的遗传物质是DNA和RNA8.下列为洋葱根不同部位的细胞,能产生生长素的是9.下列关于组成细胞化合物的叙述,错误..的是A.蛋白质肽链的盘曲和折叠被解开时,其特定功能也发生改变B.DNA与RNA分子,均由四种核苷酸组成,可以储存遗传信息C.同一个体不同细胞中表达的遗传信息不同,与DNA分子的多样性有关D.胆固醇是构成细胞膜的重要成分,由低密度脂蛋白携带运送到全身组织10.基因型为AaBB的个体,通过下列方法可以分别将它们的后代转变为以下基因型:①AABB、②aB、③AaBBC、④AAaaBBBB。
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第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确选项)1.地衣、甘蔗、支原体、变形虫都具有的糖是A.纤维素 B.淀粉 C.糖元 D.核糖2.蛋白质是细胞中重要的有机化合物。
以下关于蛋白质的说法正确的是①所有的酶都是蛋白质②大多数抗体是蛋白质③所有的抗原都是蛋白质④部分激素是蛋白质⑤生物膜上的载体都是蛋白质⑥神经递质都是蛋白质A.①②⑤ B.②③④⑤ C.②④⑤ D.②⑤⑥3.下列各项分别表示一组概念的从属关系,其中正确的是4.显微测微尺是测量微小生物体或结构的有效工具。
如果在10×目镜和10×物镜构成的视野中,一个酵母菌细胞在目镜测微尺的测量下,测得其细胞长度是5格,如果目镜不变物镜换成40×,则酵母菌在目镜测微尺的长度是A.20格 B.5格 C.15格 D.25格5.下列关于细胞结构的说法中,正确的是A.生物的细胞壁都可以被纤维素酶和果胶酶分解B.细胞膜中载体种类和数量是其功能特性的基础C.细菌等原核细胞与真核细胞的主要区别是有无细胞壁D.植物细胞中具有双层膜结构的细胞器是叶绿体、线粒体和核膜6.甲、乙两种物质分别依赖自由扩散(简单扩散)和协助扩散进入细胞,如果以人工合成的无蛋白磷脂双分子膜代替细胞膜,并维持其他条件不变。
则A.甲运输被促进B.乙运输被促进 C.甲运输被抑制 D.乙运输被抑制7.人体内残留着哺乳动物相当发达的阑尾,这可作为生物进化中A.古生物学的证据 B.比较解剖学的证据C.生物遗传学方面的证据 D.胚胎学的证据8.下列有关科学家科学研究的经典实验中,采取了同位素示踪法的是①赫尔希和蔡斯的实验证明了DNA是遗传物质②萨克斯的实验证明了光合作用的产物中有淀粉③鲁宾和卡门证明光合作用释放的O2来自水④卡尔文探明了CO2中的碳在光合作用中的转移途径A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④9.下列关于酶的叙述中,正确的是A.人体中酶的活性受温度、pH的影响,并只能在人体的内环境中起作用B.酶的形成都要经过核糖体的合成、内质网和高尔基体的加工等几个阶段C.与光合作用有关的酶分布在类囊体的薄膜上和叶绿体基质中D.酶均是由腺细胞合成的,具有高效性、专一性10.下列生理功能或生化反应与ATP的消耗有关的是①光反应②暗反应③叶肉细胞吸收CO2④小肠吸收葡萄糖和氨基酸⑤DNA复制⑥糖酵解⑦神经传导A.①②③⑥ B.②④⑤⑦ C.①④⑤⑦ D.③④⑥⑦11.下列关于叶绿体及光合作用的叙述,正确的是A.破坏叶绿体外膜后,O2不能生成B.植物生长过程中,叶绿体内各种色素的比例保持不变C.与夏季相比,植物在冬季光合速率低的主要原因是光照时间缩短D.离体的叶绿体基质中添加ATP、[H]、和CO2后,可完成暗反应12.下图表示枪乌贼离体神经纤维在Na+浓度不同的两种海水中受刺激后的膜电位变化情况。
下列描述错误的...是A.曲线a代表正常海水中膜电位的变化B.两种海水中神经纤维的静息电位相同C.低Na+海水中神经纤维静息时,膜内Na+浓度高于膜外D.正常海水中神经纤维受刺激时,膜外Na+浓度高于膜内13.当人体突然处在非常危险的环境时,人体的激素与神经调控情况应该是A. 副交感神经兴奋,肾上腺激素分泌增加B. 交感神经兴奋,肾上腺激素分泌增加C. 副交感神经兴奋,肠胃蠕动增强以促进营养吸收应对紧张环境D. 交感神经兴奋,支气管收缩减缓空气的刺激14.如图表示植物细胞内的代谢过程,下列叙述不正确的....是 A .X 、Y 物质分别代表三碳化合物和丙酮酸B .①、④过程可以产生[H],②过程需要消耗[H]C .①②③④四个过程中既没有消耗氧气,也没有产生氧气D .①过程发生在线粒体基质中,②过程发生在叶绿体基质中15.用燕麦胚芽鞘及幼苗⑤⑥进行如下实验,一段时间后,会引起弯曲现象的是(→表示单侧光)A .②④⑤B .①③⑤C .①④⑥D .②④⑥ 16.某兴趣小组在室温下进行了酵母菌无氧呼吸的探究实验(如图)。
下列分析错误的...是 A .滴管中冒出的气泡是反应产生CO 2的结果B .试管中加水的主要目的是制造无氧环境、观察气泡C .若试管中的水换成冷水,气泡释放速率下降D .被分解的葡萄糖中的能量一部分转移至ATP ,其余的存留在酒精中17.下列关于实验观察的叙述,错误的...是A.低倍镜下看到的洋葱根尖分生区细胞呈正方形;与低倍镜相比,高倍镜下视野变亮,但细胞变大,数目减少B.在紫色洋葱鳞叶表皮细胞发生质壁分离的过程中,液泡由大变小但紫色加深C.用纸层析法分离出的色素带,从上到下依次是:胡萝卜素、叶黄素、叶绿素a 、叶绿素bD.将班氏试剂加入到葡萄糖溶液中,加热后出现砖红色沉淀18.如图为反射弧的模式图,则A .神经冲动在②和④上以局部电流的形式传导B .兴奋的传导方向是⑤→④→③→②→①①② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥C.②受损时,刺激④仍能引起反射活动D.③具有语言、学习、思维、记忆等方面的高级功能19. 右图表示动物体生命活动调节的部分过程,图中字母代表激素,下列有关说法正确的是A.图中A、B、C分别是促甲状腺激素释放激素、促甲状腺激素、甲状腺激素B.在寒冷环境中,血液中含量会增加的激素有A、B、CC.D代表的激素能降低血糖浓度D.甲状腺分泌的甲状腺激素通过导管进入血液循环后再到达作用部位20.免疫接种包括两种方法:①注射抗体,②注射抗原。
下列说法不.正确的...是A.a、b、c、d分别表示细胞个数、DNA分子数、染色体数、染色单体数B.若A表示精原细胞,A、B、C、D中可能不含Y染色体的细胞是A、C、DC.图中着丝粒分裂发生于细胞C形成细胞D的过程中D.基因自由组合定律发生于细胞B形成细胞C的过程中22.如图是高中生物有关实验过程,其中操作和叙述正确的是A.若要观察洋葱根尖细胞的有丝分裂,应选择图甲部位3的细胞B.图乙所示为2 m×2 m样方调查的结果,该种群密度为3.25株/m2(圆圈表示个体)C.图丙是在高倍显微镜下黑藻细胞中叶绿体的移动方向,其实际移动方向是顺时针的D.图丁是植物细胞质壁分离与复原实验的操作过程,最好选用根尖分生区细胞23.下图表示人体内氨基酸与其他物质之间的关系,下列叙述中正确的是A.过程①②不需要能量B.过程④能增加氨基酸的种类和数量C.过程③⑤经过氨基转换作用形成D.过程⑥能获得非必需氨基酸与必需氨基酸24.下列关于人体内血脂代谢及其调节的叙述中,错误的...是A.血液中甘油三酯可来自于小肠的乳糜微粒B.血液中高密度脂蛋白偏高会导致高胆固醇血症C.脂肪细胞中甘油三酯与葡萄糖可以相互转化D.胰高血糖素促进甘油三酯的分解25.如图所示生物新物种形成的基本环节,对图示分析正确的是A.图中A表示基因突变和基因重组B.现代生物进化理论的研究对象(基本单位)是生物个体C.图中C表示的是种群间生殖隔离,是新物种形成的标志D.D表示新物种形成,新物种形成一定需要地理隔离26.在一个细胞周期中,最可能发生在同一时期的是A.着丝粒的分裂和细胞质的分裂B.染色体数加倍和染色单体形成C.细胞板的出现和纺锤体的出现D.染色体复制和中心粒复制27.三倍体无籽西瓜、玉米白化苗、杂交水稻,这三种生物变异现象的理论依据依次是①基因突变②基因重组③染色体畸变A.①②③B.③①② C.③②① D.②①③28.下列关于维持稳态的叙述,正确的是A.血液中缓冲物质的主要作用是调节血浆渗透压B.人体维持稳态的调节能力是很强的,即使外界环境剧变,人体总能保持稳态的平衡C.寒冷刺激能促使下丘脑合成和分泌促甲状腺激素D.抗体和致敏T细胞对于维持稳态具有重要的作用29.有些马拉松运动员在比赛进入最后阶段时,下肢肌肉常发生抽搐,这是因为随着人体大量出汗而向体外排出了过量的A. 水B.钠盐C.尿素D.钙盐30.右图为果蝇体细胞染色体图解,已知该果蝇产生基因型为ABCX D的配子占3%,则两对连锁基因间的交换值为A.3% B.6%C.12% D.24%第Ⅱ卷(共90分)二、综合分析题(共90分)(一)回答有关生物进化和生物多样性的问题。
A′A 个体的出现将会使种群1基因库中的发生改变,导致生物进化。
请据图回答:36.图甲到图乙所涉及的遗传信息传递方向为(以流程图的形式表示) 。
37.在小鼠细胞中可进行图甲生理过程的主要场所是 。
38.图中的②和④二者在化学组成上的区别是 。
39.如果③上GCU 对应一个氨基酸,则GCU 称为一个 。
能特异性识别③的分子是 ,它所携带的小分子有机物可用于合成图中⑤ 。
40.若图甲中的双链DNA 分子中有1000个碱基对,则由它所控制形成的mRNA 中含有的密码子个数和合成的蛋白质氨基酸种类最多不超过A .166和55B .166和20C .333和111D .333和20取小鼠的不同类型细胞,检测其基因表达,结果如丙图。
41.基因1最可能的是 ;基因4最可能的是 ;基因3控制合成的蛋白质作用的靶细胞是(写出两种) 。