Datacenter Networks



















【关键词】数据中心;网络结构;无线DDN;SDN网络Trends in Data Center Network ArchitectureZhao Hong(Tianyuan Ruixin Communication Technology Co., LtdXi'anShaanxi710075)【Abstract】The data center is the center of data transmission, computing and storage, which focuses on various hardware and software resources and key business systems, which are faced with problems such as heterogeneous environment problems, business integration problems and management specifications, and bring data management to the data center. A great challenge, how to build a new generation of data center network to become the theme of the times.【Key words】Data center;Network structure;Wireless DDN;SDN network1. 前言(1)“数据中心”是一整套复杂的设施,它不仅仅包括计算机系统和其它与之配套的设备(例如通信和存储系统),还包含冗余的数据通信连接、环境控制设备、监控设备以及各种安全装置。


Wyatt Lloyd , Michael J. Freedman , Michael Kaminsky† , and David G. Andersen‡
Princeton University, † Intel Labs, ‡ Carnegie Mellon University
To appear in Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP’11)
Don’t Settle for Eventual:
Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS1.INTRODUCTION
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.2.4 [Computer Systems Organization]: Distributed Systems
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Performance
Distributed data stores are a fundamental building block of modern Internet services. Ideally, these data stores would be strongly consistent, always available for reads and writes, and able to continue operating during network partitions. The CAP Theorem, unfortunately, proves it impossible to create a system that achieves all three [13, 23]. Instead, modern web services have chosen overwhelmingly to embrace availability and partition tolerance at the cost of strong consistency [16, 20, 30]. This is perhaps not surprising, given that this choice also enables these systems to provide low latency for client operations and high scalability. Further, many of the earlier high-scale Internet services, typically focusing on web search, saw little reason for stronger consistency, although this position is changing with the rise of interactive services such as social networking applications [46]. We refer to systems with these four properties—Availability, low Latency, Partition-tolerance, and high Scalability—as ALPS systems. Given that ALPS systems must sacrifice strong consistency (i.e., linearizability), we seek the strongest consistency model that is achievable under these constraints. Stronger consistency is desirable because it makes systems easier for a programmer to reason about. In this paper, we consider causal consistency with convergent conflict handling, which we refer to as causal+ consistency. Many previous systems believed to implement the weaker causal consistency [10, 41] actually implement the more useful causal+ consistency, though none do so in a scalable manner. The causal component of causal+ consistency ensures that the data store respects the causal dependencies between operations [31]. Consider a scenario where a user uploads a picture to a web site, the picture is saved, and then a reference to it is added to that user’s album. The reference “depends on” the picture being saved. Under causal+ consistency, these dependencies are always satisfied. Programmers never have to deal with the situation where they can get the reference to the picture but not the picture itself, unlike in systems with weaker guarantees, such as eventual consistency. The convergent conflict handling component of causal+ consistency ensures that replicas never permanently diverge and that conflicting updates to the same key are dealt with identically at all sites. When combined with causal consistency, this property ensures that clients see only progressively newer versions of keys. In comparison, eventually consistent systems may expose versions out of order. By combining causal consistency and convergent conflict handling, causal+ consistency ensures clients see a causally-correct, conflict-free, and always-progressing data store. Our COPS system (Clusters of Order-Preserving Servers) provides causal+ consistency and is designed to support complex online applications that are hosted from a small number of large-scale datacenters, each of which is composed of front-end servers (clients of







主要特点1. 扩展性思科数据中心解决方案具有高度的扩展性,可以根据企业的需求进行灵活的扩展。



2. 高可靠性思科数据中心解决方案采用了多种技术来确保高可靠性和服务可用性。



3. 灵活性思科数据中心解决方案支持多种应用和部署模式。



4. 性能优化思科数据中心解决方案提供了高性能的硬件和软件组件,以满足企业对数据处理和网络传输的需求。


优势1. 统一管理思科数据中心解决方案通过集中的管理平台,提供了对整个数据中心的统一管理和监控。


2. 节约成本思科数据中心解决方案通过虚拟化和自动化等技术,可以减少硬件设备和人力资源的需求,从而降低企业的运营成本。



数据中心网络架构浅谈(四)通常来说,如果一个数据中心服务器规模超过10万台,就可以称large-scale datacenter,也就是常说的大规模数据中心。













上面图中都是3-stages CLOS 架构,虽然只有两层交换机,但是因为对应CLOS的理论,是一个对折了的架构,所以被称为3-stages。

在现有的spine-leaf基础上,再增加一层super-spine交换机,就可以构成一个5-stages CLOS架构。








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影响因子:3.612发行周期:每年4期最新收录论文:Content-Based Data Placement for Efficient Query Processing on Heterogeneous Storage Systems, A Framework for Evaluating Kernel-Level Detectors, etc.2.《IEEE Transactions on Computers》(IEEE TC)主题范围:该期刊刊登计算机科学领域的创新性研究成果,重点关注计算机系统、组件和软件的设计、分析、实现和评估等方面的最新进展。

影响因子:4.804发行周期:每月1期最新收录论文:A Comprehensive View of Datacenter Network Architecture, Design, and Operations, An Efficient GPU Implementation of Imperfect Hash Tables, etc.3.《IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering》(IEEE TSE)主题范围:该期刊涉及软件工程领域的各个方面,包括软件开发、可靠性、维护、测试等方面的最新研究成果。



中国建筑论文参考文献一、中国建筑论文期刊参考文献[1].空间维视角下中国建筑产业竞争力形成机理差异化研究.《系统工程理论与实践》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2013年5期.刘炳胜.王雪青.陈晓红.张帅.[2].亚洲视野下的中国建筑研究.《建筑学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2015年11期.赖德霖.[3].基于SEM与SD组合的中国建筑产业竞争力动态形成机理仿真.《系统工程理论与实践》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2010年11期.刘炳胜.王雪青.曹琳剑.[5].走向“合”——20042014年中国建筑历史研究动向.《建筑学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2014年9期.陈薇.[6].“中国建筑”不是"Architecture"——反思150年Architecture对中国建筑的冲击.《新建筑》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.2014年4期.杨涛.滕军红.[7].中国建筑推进绿色建筑最新进展.《施工技术》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2013年1期.毛志兵.[8].经学、经世之学、新史学与营造学和建筑史学——现代中国建筑史学的形成再思.《建筑学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2014年9期.赖德霖.[9].近代西方学者对中国建筑的研究.《建筑学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2015年2期.程枭翀.徐苏斌.[10].全球化视野下的当代中国建筑——2014年德班世界建筑师大会中国建筑展回顾.《建筑学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2014年11期.邵韦平.二、中国建筑论文参考文献学位论文类[1].以《中国建筑》与《建筑月刊》为资料源的中国建筑现代化进程研究.被引次数:5作者:钱海平.建筑设计及其理论浙江大学2010(学位年度)[2].阿卡汗奖与中国建筑传媒奖及其作品解读.被引次数:1作者:吴珊珊.建筑历史与理论华中科技大学2012(学位年度)[3].论当代中国建筑中传统文化精神的回归——兼论王澍获普利兹克奖的思考.作者:张璇.设计艺术学河南大学2013(学位年度)[4].早期现代中国建筑规则创立初探——结合陪都时期重庆城市讨论.作者:刘宜靖.建筑学重庆大学2014(学位年度)[5].来华西方人游记中的中国建筑认识初探——从“建筑之树”说起.作者:李洪.建筑历史与理论浙江大学2011(学位年度)[6].当代中国建筑思潮研究.被引次数:38作者:郝曙光.建筑历史与理论东南大学2006(学位年度)[7].解读近代日本学者对中国建筑的考察与图像记录.作者:贺美芳.建筑历史与理论天津大学2013(学位年度)[8].中国建筑遗产的话语生成.被引次数:1作者:谢洁怡.英语语言文学浙江大学2010(学位年度)[9]. 企业集团公司人力资源管控研究——以中国建筑为例.作者:王杰.工商管理对外经济贸易大学2013(学位年度)[10].中国建筑二局财务控制研究.作者:刘冬.企业管理哈尔滨工业大学2009(学位年度)三、相关中国建筑论文外文参考文献[1]ICA~3DIntelligentcomputeraidedancientChinesearchitecturedesign .SongmaoZhangRuqianLu《Advancedengineeringinformatics》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20124[2]Tingtools:interactiveandproceduralmodelingofChineseting. ChunYenHuangWenKaiTai《Thevisualcomputer》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.201312[3]TheSmartArchitect:ScalableOntologyBasedModelingofAncientChines eArchitectures.YongLiuCongfuXuQiongZhangYunhePan《IEEEintelligentsystems》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20081[4]MESOZOICINTRAPLATEGRANITICMAGMATISMINTHEALTAIACCRETIONARYOROGE N,NWCHINA:IMPLICATIONSFORTHEOROGENICARCHITECTUREANDCRUSTALGROWTH. TAOWANGBORMINGJAHNVICTORP.KOVACH《AmericanJournalofScience》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20141[5]AnovelVLSIarchitectureofmotioncompensationformultiplestandards .JunhaoZhengWenGaoDavidWuDonXie 《IEEETransactionsonConsumerElectronics》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20082[6]GenomewidebindinganalysisofthetranscriptionactivatorIDEALPLANT ARCHITECTURE1revealsacomplexnetworkregulatingriceplantarchitecture.. LuZefuYuHongXiongGuoShengWangJingJiaoYongQingLiuGuiFuJingYanHuiMengXi angBingHuXingMingQianQianFuXiangDongWangYongHongLiJiaYang 《ThePlantCell》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.201310[7]HighlyTransparentandConductiveStretchableConductorsBasedonHier archicalReticulateSingleWalledCarbonNanotubeArchitecture. LeCaiJinzhuLiPingshanLuanHaiboDongDuanZhaoQiangZhangXiaoZhangMinTuQin gshengZengWeiyaZhouSishenXie《Advancedfunctionalmaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.201224[8]HighStrengthLaminatedCopperMatrixNanocompositesDevelopedfromaS ingleWalledCarbonNanotubeFilmwithContinuousReticulateArchitecture. ZhiqiangNiuWenjunMaJinzhuLiHaiboDongYanRenDuanZhaoWeiyaZhouSishenXie 《Advancedfunctionalmaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.201224[9]AuxinbiosyntheticgeneTAR2isinvolvedinlownitrogenmediatedreprog rammingofrootarchitectureinArabidopsis..MaWenYingLiJingJuanQuBaoYuanHeXueZhaoXueQiangLiBinFuXiangDongTongYiPi ng《ThePlantJournal》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20141[10]AScalableMulticastSourceRoutingArchitectureforDataCenterNetwo rks.Jia,WenKang《IEEEJournalonSelectedAreasinCommunications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20141四、中国建筑论文专著参考文献[1]当代中国建筑话语源流与传播[4]中国建筑不只木.右史,2007第四届中国建筑史学国际研讨会[5]近代中国建筑史学初创与国外汉学背景述要——以中国营造学社古建筑调查活动的展开为例.段智钧.赵娜冬,20092009世界建筑史教学与研究国际研讨会。



主编单位: 中国工程建设标准化协会信息通信专业委员会数据中心工作组 参编单位: 思科系统(中国)信息技术服务有限公司 华为技术有限公司
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Data Center Network System Technology White Paper
China Data Center Committee Information Communications Expert Commission China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization
2012. 11

为促进数据中心的技术发展,2010年2月,数据中心工作组开始编制《数据中 心网络技术白皮书》。在编写过程中,编写组根据国内外相关技术标准和规范的 要求,进行了多次专题研究和调查分析,广泛征求各方面的意见,总结归纳国内 外数据中心网络技术在工程应用中的实践经验,经多次修改和专家审查,于2012 年9月定稿。 本白皮书作为数据中心建设的参考文献,技术内容的解释由中国工程建设标 准化协会信息通பைடு நூலகம்专业委员会数据中心工作组负责。在应用过程中如有需要修改 和补充的建议,请将有关资料 Email:service@。
课题技术负责人:钟景华 主要起草人:汪澍 参编人:孙玉武 庞俊英 王宏亮 王为 兴嘎 陈宇通 王喆 梁俊 孙慧永 谭俊

DataCenter 韌體 軟體更新步驟說明说明书

DataCenter 韌體 軟體更新步驟說明说明书

DataCenter firmware update procedureDataCenter has a built-in remote firmware server that can update firmware automatically when internet connection is present.In situations that a manual firmware update is required, please follow the below update procedure.STEP 1.Browse and upload firmware ZIP file (no need to unzip) into DC01 directly.STEP 2After firmware is uploaded, please click refresh button to check firmware version and process update.DataCenter韌體更新步驟說明DataCenter內建韌體自動檢查功能,當系統處於網路連線狀態時,會自動更新為最新版本。










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• Fibre Channel uses a credit-based strategy:
- The transmitter does not send a frame until the receiver tells the transmitter that the receiver can accept another frame.
- The receiver is always in control.
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外文文献:A Detailed Implementation and Analysis of Data Center of GPRS DTUZhen Yu Dept. of Automation Xiamen UniversityXiamen, China****************.cnZhong Zheng Dept.of AutomationXiamen UniversityXiamen, China*********************Abstract—This paper gives an overview of the architecture of the telecontrol system based on GPRS. The objectives of this paper are two fold. One is to present the design and implement of the data center of GPRS DTU. The other is to investigate its performance. According to the features of GPRS DTU, data center provides reliable communication between members of a group by implementing the telecontrol system in the client/server model. With the use of the data center, it is of practical significance to implement multiple master stations to receive data from all slave stations simultaneously and to control all slave stations in parallel. The data center design parameters include real- time control, deployment simplification and the ability to provide high availability, scalability and reliability.Keywords-GPRS DTU; data center; telecontrol system; master station; slave stationI.I NTRODUCTIONIn recent years, it is a major trend to use wireless networks in the large-scale industrial production systems to control and manage the components which scattered in the different remote areas. In order to ensure the appropriate operation of the system, these components must be operated under the unified command to coordinate the work among them through the scheduling agencies.The scheduling agencies should keep abreast of the actual production situations of the various parts. On this basis it can make regulation and control strategies on time. With the rapid development of network technology, the telecontrol technology which is the combination of scheduling management and modern control technology can not only meet the real-time dispatch, but also ensure high reliability. For implementing efficient measuring and monitoring processes, it’s facility for the telecontrol system to transmit the information through the use of wireless networks. One prominent communication technology for this service is the GPRS. Thus, under the premise of lowering the cost and enhancing the competitiveness, more and more enterprises are applying the GPRS technology to replace the traditional long distance leased line. In this paper, we give a detailed implementation of public network access solution and analyze its performance.II.C HARACTERISTIC OF GPRS NETWORK The most widely deployed public mobile data network, which enables the integration of IP with mobile networks and constitutes a migration step toward third-generation communication systems, is the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) [1]. GPRS attempts to reuse the existing Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)network elements as much as possible, but in order to effectively build a packet-based mobile cellular network,some new network elements, interfaces, and protocols are required [1]. The new network nodes are called GPRS support nodes (GSNs). The SGSN is responsible for the delivery of data packets from and to the mobile station(MS) within its service area [2]. The GGSN acts as an interface between the GPRS backbone network and the external packet data network [2]. GPRS supports applications based on standard protocols for packet-switch data communication. The standards include interworking procedures with IP and X.25 networks [3]. This makes the realization of the GPRS services feasible, when GPRS exchanges information with the external networks which based on the IP protocol suite, such as Internet.The traffic characteristic of the packet-mode data effectively supported by GPRS ranges from intermittent, bursty data transfer, to frequent transmission of “sma ll”amount of data, to occasional transmission of “large”amount of data [3]. An important benefit of GPRS is that the radio channels in GPRS are shared between multiple Mobile Stations (MS). Second, multiplexing on the air interface permits efficient support of bursty traffic [3]. GPRS transmission rate can be raised to 56 or even 114 Kbps. Moreover, connections and transmission will be more convenient and easier, for they no longer need the intermediary converters among the existing wireless applications [3]. More importantly, once activate the GPRS applications, it will always remain online. However,mobile subscribers only pay according to the amount of information transferred, not in terms of the occupied time.III.D EMAND ANALYSIS FOR THE TELECONTROLSYSTEMThe telecontrol system is a broad term which refers to the system of monitoring and controlling the production process. The equipments which constitute the telecontrol system include the factory station, the scheduling station and the telecontrol channel. Traditionally and customarily, we call the factory station and the scheduling station as the slave station and the master station respectively.In the sequel, the proposed telecontrol system based on GPRS deployment scenario is presented and analyzed. The system requires to provide with the conveniences for easy installation, easy usage, remote manageable, easilyexpand, and only takes up little bandwidth for transmitting monitorFigure 1. The architecture of the telecontrol systemand management information, etc. As shown in Fig. 1, some of the key components of the architecture are as following:GPRS DTU is the abbreviation for GPRS Data Terminal Unit. In simple terms, DTU is the GPRS wireless device which specially applied to transmit the serial data through the GPRS networks. DTU provides serial communication interface, such as RS-232 or RS-485. Every station connects with the GPRS DTU through RS- 232. In practice, each GPRS DTU needs a build-in SIM card which was used to apply for GPRS services.The master station is the monitor and management center, which provides a convenient and integrated user interface; with easy installation and usage, as well as allowing for telecontrol and teleadjusting. Relatively, the slave station is the remote terminal unit, which is responsible for data acquisition and transmission.The data center implements the communication among numbers of DTUs though the use of Client/Server model. The data center acts as a server, maintaining and managing bidirectional communication between the master stations and slave stations though DTUs. In such a communication model, where all stations are connecting to the data center, and data transfer is carried out using mobile devices (such as GPRS DTU), stability and real-time are considered paramount.IV.F UNDAMENTALS OF GPRS DTUA.Working ProcessOnce the GPRS DTU powers on, it firstly reads out the internal flash saved operating parameters which include GPRS dial-up parameters, serial port baud rate, the data center IP address and port number, and so on. After the success of a dial-up, a internal IP address will be randomly allocated to GPRS DTU. In other words, GPRS works in a mobile network, but its network IP addresses are not usually fixed but changed along with each dial-up.It means that GPRS DTU is a mobile device within the internal LAN (Local Area Network) and communicates with the external public Internet network through the mobile gateway (GGSN). So it is impossible to communicate between the master station and the slave station directly. But DTU can connect to the data center with a fixed public network IP address or domain name automatically and keep this communication link on line. Therefore, GPRS DTU needs to take the initiative to connect to the data center.Specifically, GPRS DTU initiates a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) communication request to the data center though the data center IP address and port number which were configured in advance. After receiving the response from the data center, GPRS DTU makes a successful handshake with the data center and maintains the communication link. If the communication link was interrupted, GPRS DTU would immediately re-handshake with the data center.Then the TCP/UDP bidirectional communication links between GPRS DTU and the data center have been set up.GPRS DTU have integrated TCP/IP protocol stack, so it’s relatively simple to complete the conversion between user serial data and GPRS network packet. While receiving the user’s serial data, GPRS DTU immediately encapsulates the serial data into a TCP/UDP packet and sends it to the data center. Conversely, when GPRS DTU receives the TCP/UDP packet from the data center, it will extract useful data from the packet, and send the data to the user equipment through the serial port at once.More importantly, one of the advantages of GPRS networks is that it supports GPRS terminal equipments to keep online permanently, so typically GPRS DTU is designed to support this function. It requires that the features of GPRS DTU include automatically dial-up, maintaining a permanent online, supporting re-connection automatically, and so on.B.Heartbeat PacketWhen there is no data transmission for a certain time, the mobile gateway will disconnect the communication link between the data center and GPRS DTU automatically. For maintaining the connection online,DTU heartbeat packet would be send before this link is disconnected. The problem is how long did DTU heart packet be send. If the send-time interval was set too long,there is no data transmission. Then the mobile gateway interrupts the link. On the contrary, the data center ca n’t receive the heartbeat packet on time because of the wireless network delay. On the earth, GPRS DTU will determine that the communication link has disconnected and re-connect automatically. No matter what kind of situations, it will increase instability to the telecontrol system.Fig. 2 shows the experimental results for setting the send-time interval of the heartbeat packet analysis. One observation is that GPRS DTU always re-connects to the data center per 160 seconds more or less, when the send-time interval of the heartbeat packet was set as 60 seconds in Xiamen, China. So we reset the time parameter as 160seconds, it greatly improve the reliability and stability of the system.Figure 2. The reconnected time intervalFigure 3. The frame format of DTU register packetC.Register PacketOnce the TCP communication link between GPRS DTU and the data center was set up successfully, the DTU sends the register packet to the data center at first. As shown in Fig. 3, the content of the register packet includes identification (ID) number to identify GPRS DTU, SIM card number for opening GPRS services, and dynamic IP address being allocated. After the data center receives the register packet, it will get hold of the basic information of GPRS DTU. Since the ID number is unique and fixed, it can be used as the station address to identify DTUs or stations naturally. By extracting the ID number from the register packet, it’s easy to establish and maintain a DTU list to record the connection status of the all stations.The aforementioned discussions are both necessary and sufficient for designing and implementing the telecontrol system. It is the data center that the normal communication between the master station and slave station depends entirely on through the use of GPRS DTU.V.DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT OF DATA CENTERA.Design ScenarioThe work in this paper primarily implements the functions of communication for the data center of GPRS DTU on the platform of VC++6.0 SP4 and Windows XP, which was built to evaluate the performance of remote access GPRS-Internet networks. For reaching a desired quality of service and maintaining the system in a reliable and stable operation, design and implement of the data center is very important. Furthermore, the aforementioned telecontrol system network topology is a star network. In a star network, the failure of a single link can not affect the performance of the whole system. However, if the data center fails, each station in the system will become disconnected. As shown in the Fig. 4, combining with the knowledge of network programming, the data center refers to as a socket interface which is a virtual interface that can be established between the transport layer and application layer of the TCP/IP Suite of protocol. From the perspective of reliability, the socket program should choose the SOCK_STREAM which based on reliable connection TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).The data center is fairly meaningless if it cannot service multiple clients at the same time, usually asynchronous I/O calls and multithreading is used for this purpose. By definition, an asynchronous I/O call returns immediately, leaving the I/O call pending. Nowadays, It is commonly known that asynchronous Input/Output Completion Ports (IOCP) is one of the most efficient ways. By using IOCP, we can overcome the “one-thread-per-client”problem. Threads are system resources that are neither unlimited nor cheap. IOCP provides a way to have a few I/O workers thread handle multiple client s’input/output “f airly”. The threads are suspended, and do n’t use the CPU cycles until there is something to do.When using asynchronous I/O calls, we have to provide a private buffer to be used with the I/O operation.There are some considerations that are to be taken into account when we allocate buffers to use. From the storage structure point of view, to allocate and free memory is expensive, therefore we should reuse buffers which have been allocated. We save buffers in the linked list structures. A list container represents noncontiguous memory. It is efficient to insert or erase an element at any point.Inserting or removing an element in a list container does not move any other elements. It significantly improved the efficiency of the data center.Figure 4. Flows of the data center softwareFigure 5. The frame format of the telecontrol informationmunication ProtocolIn the telecontrol system, in order to send and receive information correctly, there must a set of rules on the information transmission sequence, information format, information content and so on. Usually we call this set of rules as communication protocol. As shown in the Fig. 5, the telecontrol information of each frame begins with the synchronization word, as well as the control and information words. The most important thing is that the control word contains the ID numbers of the source station and destination station. The data center can properly forward the frame though the ID numbers of the destination station.C.Measurement ProceduresThe telecontrol system deploys two master stations and eight slave stations. We measure some metric performance in TCP mode. These metrics are used in our experiments as they have a direct impact on the ultimate performance. During our experiments, the following parameters were used to quantify the services provided.Overall transfer time: is the amount of time it takes one packet to travel from one station to another; the parameter is measured in seconds.Overall response time: consists of subtracting the time at which the telecontrol segment is sent from the time at which the acknowledgement arrives; the parameter is measured in seconds.D.Design issuesIn the telecontrol system, given a real-time control has been a key challenge to many designers. Real-time is an important design parameter in the whole system. There are two main factors that have a great impact on the real-time control.One is bandwidth of the communication channel. In GPRS, DTU can access the public data networks directly and easily using their standard protocol address. A GPRS MS (mobile station) can use between one and eight channels over the air interface. GPRS system has a very short access time to the network. The theoretical maximum throughput of the GPRS system is 160 kbps per MS when using all eight time slots without any error correction [4]. To fully exploit the high capacity of GPRS, the slave stations can periodically take the initiative to send the telecontrol messages to the master stations in accordance with a given order. And the master station transmit “larg e”amount of telecontrol information to all slave stations occasionally.Another key element is the forwarding rate of the data center. Deciding on the process structure of the data center is a major problem in the design of any service. The data center is required to operate efficiently in peek periods, when dozens of active stations need to be simultaneously. One of the best solutions for the data center architecture is the use of IOCP which has been discussed above. The real-time of the telecontrol system can be illustrated by overall transfer time and overall response time. As shown in the Fig. 6, overall transfer time is less than 5 seconds. And overall response time is approximately no more than 10 seconds. It basically reaches the ministerial standard real-time control.Another design issue involves fault tolerance. Communication faults, malicious attack, access violation should all be tolerated to some extent. A fault-tolerant system should continue to function, perhaps in a degraded form, when faced with these failures. In a typical connection, The GPRS DTU sends a message asking the data center to accept it, once it connected to the datacenter. The data center returns the accept approval to the GPRS DTU. The GPRS DTU acknowledges this approval and then is allowed onto the data center. A “denial-of-servi ce” attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service or accessing information. Usually one GPRS DTU connects to the data center for a long time, but it does n’t send a message asking the data center to accept it. Consequently prevent other GPRS DTUs from connecting to the data center on time, even disable the data center. One of the more common methods of blocking this attack is to set up a timer. The time of GPRS DTU connecting to the data center ca n’t exceed a given time(such as 60 seconds), or else the data center will close this vicious connection compulsorily.Still another issue is scalability –the capability of a system to adapt to increased service load. Systems have bounded resources and can become completely saturated under increased load. Even worse, expanding the system can call for expensive design modifications. A scalable system should have the potential to grow without these problems. In the telecontrol system, the ability to scale up gracefully is of special importance, since expanding the system by adding one or more new stations is commonplace. At first, No matter how many the number of slave station or master station increases, we can solve scalability and availability though the use of the forwarding function of the data center. The data center can forward the telecontrol information which received from the master station to all the slave stations, and vice versa. Secondly, with introducing the thread pooling and IOCP into Windows XP, Server applications make extensive use of thread pooling techniques to delegate client requests to worker threads, which is implemented as a thread pool so that they can achieve better throughput. After serving a client request, the thread goes back into the thread pool and gets ready to serve the next pending client’s request. Thread pooling will give better throughput, as less time is wasted in creating and destroying threads, because the application already has an idle pool of threads. The Fig. 7 (a) and (b) indicate clearly the purpose of this article is to cover a design that can be used to develop scalable data center without impacting performance.The last issue is parallel control. It is of practical significance to implement multiple master stations to receive data from all slave stations simultaneously and to control all slave stations in parallel. Each station can beuniquely identified with a physical address (ID number).Figure 6. The overall transfer time and overall response time But during the packet transmission, we can define that the all master stations deployed a unified virtual address to send and receive data. Once receiving a telemetering or teleindication packet whose destination address is the virtual address, the data center should forward the packet to all master stations. The virtual address plays as a multicast address. Similarly, for controlling all slave stations in parallel, we can define another virtual address.When the data center receives a telecontrol or teleadjusting packet with the defined address, it must multicast this packet to all slave stations. It is convenient and easy to carry out the parallel control though the data center.VI.CONCLUSION In this paper, a telecontrol system deployment scenario over the GPRS-Internet networks has been proposed and discussed in regard to real-time control, scalability, fault tolerance and parallel control. The primary objective of this paper is to present the design and implementation of the data center. In practice, it has been normally run for more than 7*24 hours. This work should be expanded to analyze from a security point of view. A key element of secure networking is the proper design and configuration of virtual private networks (VPNs) [5].R EFERENCES[1] GSM 03.60, “GPRS Service Description”, Stage 2, 1998.[2] Amitabh Mishra, “Performance and Architecture of SGSN andGGSN of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)”, IEEE Press, pp.3494–3498 January 2001.[3] Christos Xenakis, Lazaros Merakos, “On Demand Network-wide VPNDeployment in GPRS”, IEEE Press, vol. 16, pp. 28–37, Nov.- Dev.2002.[4] Xiangguang Che, Hamalainen .S, Ryynanen.J, Moisio.M, “GPRSradio network performance simulation and optimization with dynamic simulator”, Proc. IEEE Symp. Communication Technology Proceedings (ICCT 2003), IEEE Press, pp. 935-939, doi: 10.1109/ICCT.2003.1209684.[5] B. Gleeson et al.,”A Framework for IP Based Virtual PrivateNetworks”, RFC 2764, Feb. 2000.Figure 7. The experiment results: (a) increase one master station (b) increase two slave stations中文译文:GPRS DTU 数据中心的详细实施及分析摘要:本文给出了一种基于GPRS远程控制系统体系结构的概述。



datadirectnetworks介绍-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在datadirectnetworks介绍的概述部分,我们将对datadirectnetworks进行简要的介绍和概述。











1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:文章结构部分主要介绍了本篇文章的整体组织和章节安排。








关键词:Spine-and-Leaf;路由;数据中心Abstract: Driven by the scale of computing, the physical topology of the data center has evolved from an access-aggregation-core three-level network architecture to a Closbased Spine-and-Leaf architecture. The basic unit of computing resources has gone through three stages: physical server, virtual machine, and containerization. The underlay connection protocol of the data center has gradually evolved from layer 2 protocol to IP routing protocol. However, traditional routing protocols have many problems, such as scalability, topology visibility, and automated provision capabilities. The fat-tree routing protocol, which combines link state and distance vector, solves the pain points of ultralarge-scale data center deployment, and is expected to gradually become the mainstream technology for ultra-large-scale data center underlay networks.Keywords: Spine-and-Leaf; routing; data center1 接入-匯聚-核心三级网络架构协议方案演进受计算规模的驱动,数据中心的网络架构和解决方案,在过去20年里发生了很大变化。




您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________1. Linux至少定义了 7 个“运行级”,其中运行级()代表单用户模式。 [单选题] *A.0B.6C.2D.1(正确答案)2.下列哪项是符合密码复杂性要求()。

[单选题] *A.Acd@132(正确答案)B.Abc@123C.123456D.a@1233.默认密码最长使用时间是() [单选题] *A.30天B.42天(正确答案)C.35天D.48天4.密码必须符合复杂性要求密码至少() [单选题] *A.3位B.5位C.6位(正确答案)D.9位5.Windows系统在默认的情况下已经防火墙已经() [单选题] *A.关闭B.开启(正确答案)C.禁用D.还没安装6.下列哪种方式可以以批处理的方式创建组织单元和其他的活动目录对象()。[单选题] *A.ActiveDirectory 用户和计算机B.活动目录服务工具C.轻型目录访问协议互换格式目录交换(正确答案)D.Windows 脚本主机7.在 DNS 中定义了不同类型的记录,但常用的不到 10 种,IPv6 又增加了几种。试问下列哪条记录属于 IPv6 的() [单选题] *A.SOAB.NSC.AD.AAAA(正确答案)8.通常 Linux 支持的网卡类型不包括:()。 [单选题] *A.令牌网卡B.以太网卡C.PCMCIAD.PS/2(正确答案)9.Windows系统默认情况防火墙状态是启用的,并且入站连接默认是阻止,出站连接是允许() [单选题] *A.允许B.连接C.断开D.阻止(正确答案)10.MBR分区中每块磁盘最多被划分为()个分区。

[单选题] *A.4(正确答案)B.8C.64D.12811.在Linux中如何用命令查找一个二进制命令 xcmd 的路径?() [单选题] * A.apropos xcmdB.which xcmd(正确答案)C.where xcmdD.find xcmd12.下面哪一条命令用来装载所有在 /etc/fstab 中定义的文件系统?() [单选题] * A.amountB.mount -a(正确答案)C.fmountD.mount –f13.在linux中,如何标识接在ide0上的slave硬盘的第2个逻辑分区?() [单选题] *A./dev/hdb2B./dev/hd1b2C./dev/hdb6(正确答案)D./dev/hd1b614.在应用程序起动时,如何设置进程的优先级?() [单选题] *A.priorityB.nice(正确答案)C.reniceD.setpri15.下面哪条命令可以把f1.txt复制为f2.txt? () [单选题] *A.cp f1.txt | f1.txt | f1.txt > f2.txt(正确答案)D.copy f1.txt | f2.Txt16.在Users组中的成员不能执行一些任务() [单选题] *A.运行程序B.使用本地网络C.锁定服务器D.关闭系统(正确答案)17.显示一个文件最后几行的命令是:() [单选题] *A.tacB.tail(正确答案)C.rearD.last18.如何快速切换到登录用户的主目录下? () [单选题] *正确答案) / ~home19.如何装载(mount),在 /etc/fstab 文件中定义的所有文件系统? () [单选题] * A.mount -a(正确答案)B.mount /mnt/* /etc/fstab | mount20.如果使用ln命令生成了一个指向文件old的符号链接new,如果你将文件old删除,是否还能够访问new文件中的数据? () [单选题] *A.不可能再访问(正确答案)B.仍然可以访问C.能否访问取决于new的所有者D.能否访问取决于old的权限21.如何在文件中查找显示所有以“ *”开头的行? () [单选题] *A.grep \* file(正确答案)B.wc -l *C.grep -n * fileD.find \* file22.在ps命令什么参数是用来显示所有用户的进程的? () [单选题] *A.a(正确答案)B.bC.uD.x23.在一行结束位置加上什么符号,表示未结束,下一行继续? () [单选题] * A./B.\(正确答案)C.;D.|24.在大多数linux发行版本中,图形方式的运行级定义为? () [单选题] * A.1B.2C.3D.5(正确答案)25.如何删除一个非空子目录/tmp? () [单选题] *A.del /tmp/*B.rm -rf /tmp(正确答案)C.rm -ra /tmp/*D.rm -rf /tmp/*26.对所有用户的变量设置,应当放在哪个文件下? () [单选题] *A./etc/bashrcB./etc/profile(正确答案)C.~/.bash_profileD./etc/skel/.Bashrc27.下面哪种写法表示如果cmd1成功执行,则执行cmd2命令? () [单选题] * A.cmd1&&cmd2(正确答案)B.cmd1|cmd2C.cmd1;cmd2D.cmd1||cmd228.命令 kill 9 的含义是: () [单选题] *A.结束pid是9的进程(正确答案)B.杀死所有uid为9的用户进程C.发送kill信号给pid是9的进程D.发送term型号给pid是9的进程29.在vi中退出不保存的命令是? () [单选题] *A.:qB.:wC.:wqD.:q!(正确答案)30.光盘所使用的文件系统类型是() [单选题] *A.vfatB.ext4C.swapD.iso9660(正确答案)31.()目录存放的是Linux系统管理的配置文件。



止时间流的 平 均 完 成 时 间 (AverageFlowCompleteTime,AFCT)同 时 维 持 低 截 止 时 间 错 失 率 (DeadlineMissRate,
DMR),本文提出了一种基于 松 弛 时 间 与 累 计 发 送 量 的 混 合 流 调 度 机 制 (SlackTimeandAccumulationbasedMixflow
收稿日期:20171227;修回日期:20190228;责任编辑:孙瑶 基金项目:国家网络空间安全专项课题(No.2017YFB0803204);国家 863高技术研究发展计划(No.2015AA016102);国家自然科学基金创新研 究群体科学基金(No.61521003)
电 子 学 报
SlackTimeandAccumulationBasedMixflow SchedulinginDataCenterNetworks
(NationalDigitalSwitchingSystem Engineering& TechnologicalRes)
Abstract: Applicationsdeployedindatacenternetworksgenerateamixofflowswithandwithoutdeadlines.Tore ducetheaverageflowcompletetime(AFCT)whilemaintainalowdeadlinemissrate(DMR),aslacktimeandaccumula tionbasedmixflowschedulingmechanism (STAM)isproposedinthispaper.Firstly,thedelaytoleranceofdeadlineflows onnondeadlineflowsismeasuredwiththeintroductionofSlackTime.Thenthecostofcompletetimeofnondeadline flowsisreducedbycompletingdeadlineflowsbarelybeforetheirdeadlines.Lastly,nondeadlineflowisscheduledaccording tothenumberofbytesithassenttoreducetheaverageflow completiontime.Experimentresultsshow thattheproposed mechanism caneffectivelyreducetheaverageflow completiontimeofnondeadlineflowswhilemaintaininglow deadline missrate.



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Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
Datacenter Networks
Bounded delay-bandwidth product ! High-speed: 10 Gbps ! Short round-trip delays ! 1 Mb to 5 Mb delay-bandwidth product ! Storage Traffic ⇒ short access times ⇒ Low delay ! Packet loss ⇒ Long timeouts ⇒ Not desirable
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
! ! ! !
Top 10 Requirements for a Good Scheme FECN Overview Switch Algorithm and Enhancements Simulation Results ! FECN with TCP flows ! Symmetric Topology ! Large Topology ! Bursty Traffic
Washington University in Saint Louis
linear function Hyperbolic function
q Qeq
We analyzed many different functions and recommend the hyperbolic function because it gives smaller oscillations. [See reference]
! ! !
The switch use the same “Advertised Rate” in all RD tags All sources passing through the switch get the same feedback. The sources send at the rate received.
Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) for Datacenter Ethernet Networks
Jinjing Jiang, Raj Jain, Chakchai So-In Washington University In Saint Louis Saint Louis, MO 63131 Jain@ IEEE 802.1au Congestion Notification Group Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 12-15, 2007 These slides are also available on-line at /~jain/ieee/fecn703.htm
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
Enhancement 1: Queue-Control
1. Measurement: Let Ai be the measured arrival rate in bits/s then the load factor is z = Ai/C. We update this load factor based on the queue length so that the effective load factor is:
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
Queue Control Function: f(q)
Idea: Give less rate if queue length is large and more if queue length is small compared to desired queue length of Qeq and f(Qeq)=1 Reserves some capacity for draining the queue. f(q) b 1 c
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
The Basic Switch Algorithm
(i+1)T iT 0 T 2T C 0. Start with an Advertised Rate of r. r0 = N0 Here C is the link capacity. 1. Measure input rate every T interval 2. Compute overload factor z in the last T interval 3. Change the advertised rate to r/z 4. In every RD tag: set rate to min{rate in tag, advertised rate} 5. Go back to step 1 Although this simple algorithm will work but: ! It will oscillate even if the rate is close to optimal. ! Queues will not be constant ⇒ Need a Q Control Fn
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
Goals of FECN
1. Fast convergence to stability in rates Stable rates ⇒ TCP Friendly (IETF feedback) 2. Fast convergence to fairness 3. Good for bursty traffic ⇒ Fast convergence 4. Efficient operation: minimize unused capacity. Minimize chances of switch Q=0 when sources have traffic to send 5. Extremely low (or zero) loss 6. Predictable performance: No local minima 7. Easy to deploy ⇒ Small number of parameters 8. Easy to set parameters 9. Parameters applicable to a wide range of network configurations link speeds, traffic types, number of sources. 10. Applicable to a variety of switch architectures and queueing/scheduling disciplines
ρi =
Ai z = f (qi ) f (qi ) × C
2. Bandwidth Allocation:
ri + 1 =
Note: We also tried additive queue control. It has similar performance.
Washington University in Saint Louis
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
FECN: Observations
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This is similar to what is done in TCP/IP, Frame Relay, ATM with 1 bit in every packet (n=1). ATM ABR had a similar explicit rate indication that was selected after 1 year of intense debate and scrutiny. Only the feedback format has to be standardized No need to standardize switch algorithm. Vendor differentiation: Different switch algorithms will “interoperate” although some algorithms will be more efficient, more fair, and achieve efficiency/fairness faster than others. We present a sample switch algorithm and show that it achieves excellent performance.
Washington University in Saint Louis
IEEE 802.1au March 13-15, 2007
Raj Jain
Switch Algorithm
Source Switch Source 5 Mbps 5 Mbps Destination Destination