Profit maximization-利润最大化
计算表显示,贷款资产的税前和税后利润最高, 其后税后利润高低依此为国债、 贴现、 开发银行债券、 转贴现、同业拆借、进出口银行债券、回购、存放中 央银行等。 在我国目前各商业银行信贷投放乏力、贴现票据 有限、银行资金宽余的现实形势下,投资债券、有时 是国债比较有‘利,它可以在不增加或减少账面利润 的情况下增加或不减少税后利润,从而增加则‘务实 力、提高股东分红率。 需要注意的是,债券类资产以长期居多,在利率 逐步市场化的条件下、 在经济及竞争不明朗的情况下, 在一定情况下也存在资产 存在利率风险的问题;另外, 的流动性问题。 二、变更固定资产——电子设备的折旧年限 在科技发展日新月异的今天, 为了提高工作效率、 工作质量和产品的利技含量,取得竞争优势,现代企 业机器设备的更新换代已成为一种有效的途径。 因此, 为了适应这一形势,企业普遍采取“加速折旧”的形 式及时补偿资金,以保证更新改造的顺利实施。在这 方面,作为特殊企业的商业银行也不例外,尤其是针 对电子设备,因为电子设备的更新换代更快。 在目前形势下,电子设备对于商业银行的业务经 营与发展有着重大的保障和推动作用。由于商业银行 经营的特殊性, 其固定资产中电子设备所占份额很大, 甚至超过房产;财务政策规定, 电子设备类固定资产的 折旧年限为 3 一 5 年,而商业银行一般将其确定为 3
利润最大化原则 利润最大化原则(principle of profit maximization)
利润最大化原则相关案例分析 o 5.1 案例一:商业银行利润最大化原则 的实务运用[2] o 5.2 案例二:企业人员雇佣中的利润最 大化原则及其应用[3] 6 参考文献 利润最大化原则概述[1] (一)厂商组织形式。一般来说,企业可以有业主 独资企业、合伙经营企业和股份公司三种形式组织。 业主独资企业为某一个人所有。合伙经营企业为两个 或更多的人所有。股份公司通常也为许多人所有,但 又遵循着和所有者法则相分离的法则行事。因此合伙 经营企业的持续存在取决于所有合伙者活着并且同意 维持该企业。而股份公司可以比任何一个所有者存在 的更久。 因此大多数企业都以股份公司形式组织起来。 (二)经济学中利润的涵义。利润是收益减去成本 的差额。在经济学上,利润市场上决定进退的指标, 只要有利可图,厂商就会继续经营,没有愿做赔本生 意的。但是,利润在会计学和经济学中的意义是有差 别的。经济学中的收益与成本和会计的收益与成本是 不同的,因此使得利润有会计利润和经济利润之分。 具体表现在: 1、 收益。 经济学中的收益来源有四种: 一是内在 收益,即由于供给要素带来的收益;二是风险收益,
~ 素2为不变要素 x 2 x 2 . 其短期生产函数为
~ ). y f ( x1 , x 2
它的利润 ~ py w1x1 w 2x 2 .
~ FC w 2x 2
19.3 短期经济利润
line): 能获得相同利 润的投入品和产出品的所有组合. 等利润线的方程
19.1 利润
----你花费1000元用来购买面粉,这1000元就是机会 成本,因为你获得这些面粉的代价是放弃了1000 元. ----同样,你支付给工人的工资也是成本。这些成本 叫显性成本(explicit cost)即需要企业资金支 出的成本。 ----与此相反,另外一些成本是隐性成本(implicit cost),比如你开面包店放弃了做雇员的机会,从 而放弃了做雇员的工资,这也是你的成本。隐性 成本: 不需要厂商资金支出的成本. ---再比如,你用你家的房子作为厂房, 是不是隐性 成本?
19.2 不变要素和可变要素 Fixed/Variable factors
―短期‖和 ―长期‖概
念. 短期内,至少有一种要素的数量不能调整, 这样 的要素叫不变要素,其他可以调整的要素叫可变 要素. ----使用不变要素的成本叫不变成本(或固定成 本), 而使用可变要素的成本就叫可变成本. ----在短期,即使企业停产,也必须使用不变要素 (例如需要继续为租赁的厂房交租金),因此,短期 内厂商的利润有可能是负的.
--竞争性市场的前两个假设决定了单个企 业或消费者(想象成一个原子)对价格的影 响力非常小,因此我们通常说竞争性市场 中,(单个)企业/消费者是价格的接受者 (price taker). --第三个假设决定了竞争性企业的长期均 衡利润只能为0. --均衡利润:最大化利润(因为此时企业不 再调整要素投入,所以称 ―均衡‖) --为什么利润只能为0?问题还没解决.
PART I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一部分财务管理导论Section I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一节财务管理概述1。
profit maximization*利润最大化1—1 EPS maximization* 每股收益最大化【讲解】EPS, earnings per share 每股收益1-2 Maximization of shareholders wealth*股东财富最大化e.g。
Shareholder wealth maximization is a fundamental principle of financial management。
In financial management we assume that the objective of the business is to maximize shareholder wealth。
This is not necessarily the same as maximizing profit。
最大化,极大化(2)minimization [,minimai’zeiʃən,—mi’z—]n。
最小化(3)maximize[’mæksɪmaɪz]v. 最大化,取……最大值,达到最大值(4)minimize ['mɪnɪmaɪz] v. 最小化(5)minimum n。
最小值,最小量 adj.最小的,最低的(6)maximum n. 极大,最大限度,最大量 adj。
最高的,最多的(7)the same as 和……一样,与……相同学习成果回顾【译】股东财富最大化是财务管理的基本原则。
财务英语词汇1学习会计、财务、金融的同学以及对经济感兴趣的恒友们看过来!financial management-财务管理output value maximization-产值最大化profit maximization-利润最大化stockholder wealth maximization-股东财富最大化corporate value maximization-公司价值最大化stakeholder wealth maximization-相关者利益最大化investment decision-投资决策financing decision-筹资决策dividend policy decision-分配决策financial market-金融市场financial asset-金融性资产real risk-free rate of interest-纯利率inflation premium-通货膨胀附加率default risk premium-违约风险附加率liquidity premium-变现风险附加率maturity premium-到期风险附加率proprietorship-独资企业partnership-合伙企业financial analysis-财务分析current ratio-流动比率quick ratio-速动比率debt-to-asset ratio-资产负债率times interest earned ratio-利息保障倍数net profit margin on sales-销售净利率return on total assets(ROA)-投资报酬率return on common equity(ROE)-净资产收益率price to earnings ratio(P/E)-市盈率accounts receivable turnover-应收账款周转率inventory turnover ratio-存货周转率fixed assets turnover ratio-固定资产周转率total assets turnover ratio总资产周转率Dupont analysis-杜邦分析法时间价值(the time value of money)终值(future value)现值(present value)复利终值(future value with compound interest)复利现值(present value with compound interest)年金(annuity)后付年金(ordinary annuity)先付年金(annuity due)年金终值(future value of ordinary annuity)年金现值(present value of ordinary annuity)延期年金(deferred annuity)永续年金(perpetuity)贴现率(discount rate0连续复利(continuous compound)名义利率(nominal interest rate)实际利率(real interest rate)通货膨胀率(inflation rate)市场风险(market risk)公司特别风险(unique risk)风险报酬(risk premium)期望报酬率(expected rate of return)标准离差(standard deviation)标准离差率(coefficient of variation)市场报酬率(market risk premium)市场组合(market portfolio)证券组合(secruity portfolio)贝塔系数(β系数,beta coefficient)有效市场假说(efficient market hypothesis)强势有效(strong-form efficient)半强势有效(semistrong-form efficient)弱式有效(weak-form efficient)资本资产定价模型(capital-asset pricing model)套利(arbitrage)债券估价(valuing bonds)面值(face value)票面利率(coupon rate)到期价值(maturity rate)到期报酬率(rate of return)股票估价(valuing stocks)股利(dividend)普通股(common stock)优先股(preferred stock)期权(options)期权定价理论(option-pricing thoery)看涨期权(cal options)看跌期权(put options)美式期权(american options)欧式期权(european options)标的资产(underlying asset)执行价格(exercise price)事后审计(post-audit)现金流量(cash flow)年营业净现金流量(NCF,net cash flow)贴现现金流量(DCF,discount cash flow)净现值(NPV,net present value)内含报酬率(IRR,internal rate of return)获利指数(PI,profitability of index)投资回收期(payback period)贴现投资回收期(DPP,discount payback period)平均报酬率(ARR,average rate of return)平均会计报酬率(average accounting return)再投资率假设(reinvestment rate assumption)。
"经济人假定"(Economic Man Assumption)是经济学中的一个基本概念,用来描述理性经济主体的行为假设。
以下是与经济人假定相关的一些名词解释:1. 理性行为(Rational Behavior):- 指经济人根据信息和目标作出的明智、合理的决策,以追求其最大利益。
2. 效用(Utility):- 在经济学中,效用是指个体对商品或服务的满足程度或享受程度。
3. 边际效用(Marginal Utility):- 边际效用表示增加一单位商品或服务对总效用的影响。
4. 最优选择(Optimal Choice):- 在经济人假定下,最优选择是指个体在给定的资源和目标下能够实现最大化效用的决策。
5. 信息对称(Information Symmetry):- 经济人假定下,个体被假定拥有对市场信息的完全了解,即信息对称。
6. 成本与效益分析(Cost-Benefit Analysis):- 经济人假定下,个体会进行成本与效益分析,以评估不同决策的成本和效益,并选择对其最有利的选项。
7. 利润最大化(Profit Maximization):- 在企业层面,经济人假定企业的目标是追求利润最大化,通过成本控制和收入最大化来达到这一目标。
8. 时间偏好(Time Preference):- 经济人假定下,个体被认为在当前和将来之间有时间偏好,更愿意享受即时的效用而不是将来的效用。
1.Profit MaximisationProfit maximization stresses the efficient use of resources, but it is not specific with respect to the time-frame over which profits are to be measured.Financial management is more concerned with the real world and thus must deal every day with two major factors not considered by the goal of profit maximization: uncertainty and timing.Another problem with the goal of profit maximization is that it ignores the timi ng of the project’s returns.Finally, and possibly most importantly, accounting profits fails to recognize one of the most important costs of doing business.利润最大化强调资源的有效利用,但它不是特定的时间框架的利润来衡量。
2. Maximization of Shareholder WealthWe have chosen the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth-that is, maximization of the market value of the existing shareholders’ ordinary shares-because the effects of all financial decision can be incorporated into this goal.我们选择wealth-that最大化股东的目标是,现有的市场价值最大化股东的普通shares-because所有金融决策的影响可以被纳入这一目标。
短期利润最大化;柯布道格拉斯的例 子
短期生产函数为: 1/3~ 1/3 y x1 x 2 . 投入变量1的边际产品为: y 1 2/ 3~ 1/3 MP1 x1 x 2 . x1 3 利润最大化条件为:
p * 2/ 3 ~ 1/ 3 MRP1 p MP1 ( x1 ) x 2 w1 . 3
~ ) y f ( x1 , x 2
w1 斜率 p
w1 斜率 p
x p, w1 和 2 2 短期利润最大化 * ~ * 生产计划为: ( x1 , x 2 , y ).
w1 斜率 p
x* 1
~ , 短期利润最大化 给定 p, w1 和 x 2 x 2 ~ , y* ). 生产计划为: ( x* , x 1 2 最大可能利润为:
w1 斜率 p
x* 1
$ 等利润线包含了所有能够产生$ 利 润的生产计划。 $ 等利润线的函数为:
~ py w1x1 w 2x2 .
$ 等利润线包含了所有能够产生$ 利 润的生产计划。 $ 等利润线的函数为:
~ 例如 py w1x1 w 2x 2 . ~ w1 w 2x 2 y x1 . p p
• This means that
q dp dq
q p
dp dq
1 eq,p
– if the demand curve slopes downward, eq,p < 0 and MR < p
– if the demand is elastic, eq,p < -1 and marginal revenue will be positive
• In the case of a downward-sloping demand curve, the marginal revenue curve will lie below the demand curve
Marginal Revenue Curve
As output increases from 0 to q1, total
• Different individuals will provide different types of inputs
– the nature of the contractual relationship between the providers of inputs to a firm may be quite complicated
• If a firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve, more output can only be sold if the firm reduces the good’s price
marginal revenue MR(q) dR d[p(q) q] p q dp
– decision-making authority or sharing of tasks
y f ( x1 , x 2)
* p x1 3w 1 3/ 2 1/ 2 ~ x2
p y 3w 1
1/ 2
~ 1/ 2 . x 2
柯布-道格拉斯的例子: 当 1/3~ 1/3 y x1 x 2 那么厂商对于可变要素1的短期 需求函数为:
短期利润最大化;柯布道格拉斯的例 子
* p x1 3w 1 3/ 2 1/ 2 ~ x2
~ 单元时,厂商生 为当生产要素2固定在 x 2 产要素1的短期需求
* 1/ 3 ~ 1/ 3 p y ( x1 ) x 2 3w 1 * 1/ 2
x* 1
~ ) y f ( x1 , x 2
w1 斜率 p
x* 1
~ ) y f ( x1 , x 2
w1 斜率 p
~ . x 2 2
短期生产函数为: y
~ ). f ( x1 , x 2
x2 ~ x2 .
短期生产函数为: y
~ FC w x 固定成本为: 2 2
~ f ( x1 , x 2 ).
~ py w x w x 利润函数为: 1 1 2 2.
* p x1 3w 1 3/ 2 1/ 2 ~ x2 短期供给为
1. 个体理性假设(Individual Rationality Assumption):管理学假设个体在决策和行为上是理性的,即他们能够明智地评估信息和做出最佳的选择。
2. 独立决策假设(Independent Decision Making Assumption):管理学假设个体的决策是相互独立的,即他们的决策不受其他个体的影响。
3. 利益最大化假设(Profit Maximization Assumption):管理学假设企业的目标是追求利润最大化,即企业会采取一切合法手段来最大化利润。
4. 内部一致性假设(Internal Consistency Assumption):管理学假设企业内部的行动和决策是一致的,即企业的各个部门和个体都会按照整体利益来行动。
5. 环境稳定假设(Stable Environment Assumption):管理学假设外部环境是稳定的,即企业所面临的市场和竞争条件相对稳定,不发生剧烈变化。
Chapter 1
Slide 11
成本,收益,利润 ($s /年)
总收入 R(q)的斜率 = MR
Chapter 1
产量 (单位/年)
Slide 12
成本,收入和利润 $ (年)
Chapter 1
C(q)的斜率 = MC
Chapter 1
Slide 3
完全竞争市场的特点: 1) 价格接受者 2) 产品的同质性 3) 自由进入与退出
Chapter 1
Slide 4
每个厂商出售的产量占全行业产量的比重非 常小,因此其决策对市场价格不产生影响.
每个消费者购买量占全行业产量的比重非常 小,他们对市场价格没有影响.
利润最大化 MC(q) = MR = P
Chapter 1
Slide 25
Price ($ per
Chapter 1
Slide 5
所有厂商生产的产品可以相互替代. 例如
农产品, 石油, 铜,铁, 木材
Chapter 1
Slide 6
买主可以自由地从一个供应商转向另一个. 厂商可以自由地进入或退出市场.
Chapter 1
Slide 7
Chapter 1
MR R q
MC C q
Slide 20
lcc海运术语LCC(Lowest Cost Carrier)是低成本航空公司的意思,该术语主要用于航空领域,指的是以低廉的航空票价为卖点,提供基本服务的航空公司。
LCC海运术语则是在海运行业中使用的概念,以下是一些常见的LCC海运术语:1. 成本最低运营商(Lowest Cost Carrier):指提供海运服务的公司,以低成本、高效率为目标运营。
2. 基本服务(Basic Services):指LCC海运公司提供的最基本的运输服务,包括货物装卸、包装、运输、仓储等。
3. 价格竞争(Price Competition):LCC海运公司之间通过降低价格来争夺客户的竞争方式。
4. 满足最低容积(Minimum Volume Requirement):LCC海运公司通常会设置最低容积要求,即客户需要达到一定的货物容积才能享受低价服务。
5. 线路网络(Route Network):LCC海运公司建立的一整套运输线路,可以满足客户的运输需求。
6. 客户选择(Customer Choice):LCC海运公司通过提供多样化的服务选择,让客户根据自身需求进行选择。
7. 运力利用率(Capacity Utilization):LCC海运公司通过充分利用船舶的运力,提高运输效率,降低成本。
8. 资源共享(Resource Sharing):LCC海运公司之间通过共享资源,如船舶、码头设施等,降低成本,提高竞争力。
9. 特许经营(Franchise):LCC海运公司与其他公司合作,授权其在特定区域或线路经营,共享品牌、资源和技术。
10. 利润最大化(Profit Maximization):LCC海运公司通过降低成本、提高运力利用率等手段,追求最大化的利润。
利润管理-PROFITMAXIMIZATION利润最大化尼科尔森中级微观 精品
Profit Maximization
• If firms are strictly profit maximizers, they will make decisions in a “marginal” way
– decision-making authority or sharing of tasks
Modeling Firms’ Behavior
• Most economists treat the firm as a single decision-making unit
– the decisions are made by a single dictatorial manager who rationally pursues some goal
Chapter 9
Copyright ©2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
The Nature of Firms
• A firm is an association of individuals who have organized themselves for the purpose of turning inputs into outputs
The second-order condition prevents us from mistaking q0 as a maximum
• 1、范围经济有四点好处。 • 第一,使企业规模可以无限扩大。一种产品的增加总要 受技术或市场条件的限制。生产多种产品就可以打破这 种限制。 • 第二,可以更有效地利用企业的人力与物力资源。 • 第三,各种不同行业产品可以互相承担风险,增强企业 的抗风险能力。 • 第四,有利于企业的产品结构调整,便于从以一个行业 为主转向以另一个行业为主。 • 范围经济并不是跨的行业越多越好。企业盲目扩大,同 时进军若干行业往往会面临灭顶之灾 。
• 在其他生产要素不变时,一种生产要素增 加所引起的产量或收益的变动可以分为三 个阶段:
• 产量递增 • 边际产量递ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ • 产量绝对减少。
•第一个阶段,平均产出递 增,生产规模效益的表现; (一个和尚挑水吃)
第五讲 最赚钱的生产 ---利润最大化原理
生产者 行为准则 ——追求 最大利润
第一节 企业存在的原因
• 一、企业与市场 • 1.两种经济活动协调方式
• 企业协调 • ——企业作为一个统一单位,组织与协调进行生 产,然后与其他个人和企业在市场上发生关系。 • 市场协调 • ——个人直接通过市场来调节各种活动进行生产。
• 是鼓励职工为企业目标努力工作的一套制度. • 它的中心是把代理人的业绩与其利益联系在一 起,以使代理人自觉地减少机会主义行为,为 企业目标努力工作。 • 激励机制包括对总经理的激励和对职工的激励。 • 这种机制的中心是设计一套合理的薪酬与奖励 制度。
Cobb-Douglas Example
p 3
(x*1) 2/3
3w1 px~12/ 3
Short-Run Profit-Maximization; A
Cobb-Douglas Example
p 3
Slopes w1 p
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
Given p, w1 and x2 x~2,
profit-maximizing plan is
the short-run
(x*1, x~2, y* ).
Slopes w1 p
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
Given p, w1 and x2 x~2,
profit-maximizing plan is
the short-run
(x*1, x~2, y* ).
And the maximum
possible profit
Q: What is this constraint? A: The production function.
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
Ttehcehsnhoolorgt-yrusnetpfroorduxc2tionx~2fu. nction and
Maximize profits 利益最大化
Maximize profits 利益最大化Teaching faculty 师资Focus 焦点,中心Attach more importance to 关注Play truant = skip classes 翘课Self-control and self-discipline 自控自律Immature 不成熟的Punishment 惩罚Generation gap 代沟Qualification 资格Self-introductionCapital punishment 死刑Abolish 废除Rote learning 死记硬背Safeguard 保护vLuxury 奢侈Luxurious 奢侈的adjPeak 最高点,峰值v / nFashionSuperiority complex 优越感Pursue world-renowned brands 追求国际品牌Constructive 有建设性的adjIndustry and commerce 工商Significantly 剧烈地,急剧地advSharply = dramatically = drasticallyRocket = soar急剧上升vSpur 推动vtDrop = fall = climb down = decrease = decline 下降vi Rise = increase = climb up 上升viRaise 饲养= keepStable = steady 平稳的adjKeep = maintain = remain 保持vFluctuate 波动vFluctuation (n)Important = significant = essential = vital 重要的adj Professional 职业的,专业的adjProfessionals = experts = specialists 专家n Specialize in 专门从事vSports professionals 职业运动员Different = diverse = divergent 不同的adjIssue = problems 问题nControversial issue = disputable issue 有争议的话题Thorny issue棘手问题Solve = deal with = do with = tackle = resolve = address 解决vtVary 改变,与…不同vi = differ = be different from Peak = top = the highest point 最高点,顶峰Bottom (out) = the lowest point 最低点Immigrant 移民nWelfare 福利nTax 税nEnsure 确保,保证vHomestay 寄宿家庭Have no understanding about the reality 不了解现实Euthanasia 安乐死Legalization 合法化Notion 观点,看法n = view = viewpoint = opinion Injection 注射nInhumane 非人性化的,不人道的adj communication satellite 通讯卫星relay TV broadcast 转播电视信号meteorological satellite 气象卫星forecast the weather 预测天气navigation satellite 导航卫星locate positions 定位navy 海军Impair 损害,削弱vt 对…有害Be harmful to = do harm to = be bad for = be disadvantageous to = be hazardous to = be detrimental to be good for = be advantageous to = be beneficial to = contribute to = conduce to = be conducive to 对…有利,有助于Health = soundness = wellbeing = fitness 健康n Physical health 身体健康Psychological health 心理健康Mental health = spiritual health 精神健康Physiological soundness 身心健康Emotionally detrimental 伤感情的adjVerbal communication 言语交流Alienate from family members 远离家人Air = put forward 提出,给出vtAnalyze 分析vtDiverse = divergent = different 不同的adj Perspective = aspect = angle = respect 角度,方面nIn terms of = with regard to = when it comesto = as for 就…而言,从…方面看来Space research = space exploration = space exploitation 太空探索nProbe the outer space = explore the outer space 探索外太空vSpace technology 太空科技Astronauts 宇航员Land on the moon 登月Satisfy one’s curiosity 满足好奇心Incredible = unimaginable = unbelievable难以想象的adj Fundamental facilities = infrastructure 基础设施n Corporal punishment = physical punishment 体罚nBan = prohibit 禁止vViolate 侵犯vtDignity 自尊nA violation of sth = a deprivation of sth 对…的侵犯,剥夺n Human rights 人权Rights of subsistence 生命权Deprive sb of some rights 剥夺某人某权利Freedom of speech 言论自由Monitor the media 监控媒体Obey rules 遵守纪律Self-control and self-discipline 自控自律Bring about delightful mood 带来愉悦的心情Cultural communication 文化交流Boost the advance of the economy 推动经济Foreign currency 外汇National revenue 国家财政Broaden one’s horizons = enlarge one’s vision = widen one’s view 开阔眼界Ease pressure 缓解压力Feel exhausted 感到筋疲力尽的Money-consuming 消耗金钱的adjSecurity 安全Impose huge pressure on public transportation 给公共交通带来巨大压力Privilege 特权nOutweigh = be more than 多于Throw rubbish randomly / casually 随意扔垃圾v Undermine the environment 破坏环境vDisposable products 一次性产品Non-recyclable 不可回收的adjScenic spots 景点Cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流Cultural difference 文化差异Follow the local customs 遵循当地习俗Select the essence and discard the dross 取其精华去其糟粕Cultural integration 文化融合,文化渗透n Cultural conflicts 文化冲突RespectTake a positive attitude towards sth 对…采取积极态度Discriminate against 歧视vRemove = get rid of = eliminate = erase 去除Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Hostility 敌意nGoodwill 友好nBe hostile to sb 对某人有敌意Prejudiced 有偏见的adjBroad-minded 思维开阔的adjOffer 提供,给vt 彔取通知书nConditional offer 有条件彔取Unconditional offer 无条件彔取With = along with = accompany(ing) 随着Development = advance = improvement 发展Fast = quick = rapid 迅速的,迅猛的adj Economy 经济Economist 经济学家Economic 经济的,与经济相关的adjEconomical 节俭的,节约的adjDeteriorate = worsen 恶化,变得糟糕v Continuously = constantly 持续的,不断的Protect = preserve = conserve = safeguard 保护vt Private individuals 个体Throw rubbish randomlyDump domestic waste 倾倒生活垃圾Aircraft 飞行器Discharge = release = emit 排放,释放vtLarge enterprises 大型企业Iron and steel companies 钢铁厂Paper-making industries 造纸厂Oil-producing corporations 炼油厂Chemical industries 化工企业Toxic gas = poisonous gas 有害气体Sewage 废水Pollutants 废物,污染物Purification 净化处理Lower the cost and maximize the profit 降低成本,利益最大化Respiratory diseases 呼吸道疾病Lung disease 肺病Tuberculosis肺结核The governmentThreaten 威胁vDistribute funds 拨款= allocate fundsCorruption 腐败Arouse the awareness of environmental conservation 提高环保意识Exhibition = propaganda 宣传nImplement laws and regulations 制定法律觃章制度Regulate indecent behavior 觃范不良行为Globalization 全球一体化Times = age = era 时代Ever-increasing 持续上升的,居高不下的adj Unemployment rate 失业率Make a living 谋生Economic coming 经济来源Take illegal means 采取非法手段Stimulation 刺激感White collar crime 白领犯罪Lack of working experience 缺乏工作经验High requirements 高要求Ability = capability = capacity 能力nExpectation 期望值Fierce competition 激烈的竞争Vicious competition 恶性竞争undermine 破坏vtsocial stability 社会稳定性Improve output 增加产值Fertilizer 肥料Pesticide 杀虫剂Water contamination 水污染Fatal diseases 致命的疾病Be likely to = tend to do = have the tendency of doing 可能,有…的倾向性Lead to = result in 导致vJob-hopping = job-changing 跳槽Promising 有前途的,有前景的adjEnlarge social circle 拓宽交际圈Loyalty 忠诚度Civil servants 公务员Offer 提供,给vt 彔取通知书nPart-timer 兼职工作者part-time workerFull-timer 全职工作者Tutor 家教Engage into 从事vCalculate 计算vSimultaneous interpreter 同传Translator 翻译High concentration 高度集中Salesperson 销售Combine theory and practice 理论与实践相结合A combination of sth …的结合体Theoretical knowledge 理论知识Ignore = neglect = overlook 忽略v Practical knowledge 实践知识Study for study’s sake 为了学习而学习Exhibition 展览Entertaining 娱乐的adjEducating 教育的adjPalace Museum = forbidden cityA sense of national pride 民族自豪感A sense of belonging 归属感Senior citizens = the old = the elderly 老年人Sunset marriage 黄昏恋Peers 同龄人Common topics 共同语言Play Majiang 打麻将Do taichi 打太极Drive off loneliness 驱逐孤独Colourful 丰富多彩的Professional nurses 专业护理人员Acute diseases 急性疾病Chronic diseases 慢性疾病Take immediate measures 采取及时的措施Generate working occupations 创造就业岗位Nursing house 养老院Evaluation 评价nEvaluate = assess = appraise 评价vEmotionally detrimental 伤感情的adjIn consideration of 考虑到Make instructors learn about their weakness and strength in teaching 使得教师了解自身在教学中的优势和不足Carry forward 传承vMake adjustments and improvements 做调整和改进Revenge 报复Immature 不成熟的adjCompetition 竞争Comparison 比较Vicious 恶性的adjA sense of resentment 憎恨感A sense of superiority 优越感Superiority complexBe based on 依赖于,以…为基础Humans = human beings = humanity = mankind 人类Redundant 冗余,多余adjReplaceable 能够被代替的adjExtinct 灭绝的adjLanguage extinction 语言灭绝Minor languages 小语种Invasion 侵略nProliferation of English 英语的广泛使用On the verge of extinction 濒危= on the edge of dying out = endangerObese = overweight 胖的,超重的Outweigh 多于= be more thanIdiot 白痴Three idiots 三个白痴Join the army 参军Compulsory military service 义务服兵制A violation of human rights 对人权的侵犯Spy 间谍Internet-based 机考Mandatory 强迫的,强制的adjMandatory retirement 强迫退休制度Interview 采访n / vQualification 资历,资质IQ intelligenceEQ emotionCultural relics = cultural heritage = cultural legacy 文化遗产Try one’s best to do = do one’s utmost to do 努力做,尽力做Protect = preserve = conserve = safeguardSuffer from 遭受Serious = severe 严重的adjSeriousness = severity 严重性nOffer sb sthMuseums 博物馆Sculptures 雕像馆Stadiums 体育馆Galleries 美术馆Rare =scare 稀有的adjHistorians 历史学家Tourism industry 旅游业Souvenir 纪念品Real advertisements 真实广告Fake advertisements 虚假广告Commercial advertisements 商业广告Public advertisements 公益广告Mislead 误导vCheat 欺骗vMisleading and cheating 误导人的和欺骗人的Celebrities 明星= starsConsumers = customers 消费者,顾客Manufacturer 生产商Attract = allure = tempt 吸引vSales volume 销售量Health-keeping products 保健品Bring about adverse effects 带来负面影响Threaten lives 威胁生命Resist the temptation 抵制诱惑Disrupt the continuity of programs 打断节目的连续性Feel bored 感到烦躁的Animal experimentation 动物实验Conduct experiments on animals 动物做实验Gender equality 性别平等Gender discrimination 性别歧视Support = favor = propose 支持,认同Be inferior to 劣于= be worse thanBe superior to 优于= be better thanBe fully aware of sth 充分意识到Take feasible measures 采取可行措施Take powerful / effective measures 采取有力/有效措施Take immediate measures / actions 采取及时措施Be convinced 坚信,深信Multi-cultural 多元文化的adjBrilliant history and rich culture 璀璨的历史和丰富的文化People = individuals 人们Improve 改善,提高vWelfare 福利nResponsibility = duty = obligation 责仸Build = construct = erect = set up 兴建,建造Sports facilities 体育设施Stadiums 体育馆gymnasticsMuseumsTheatres / operasArt gallery 美术馆Sculptures 雕像馆A waste of sth 对…的浪费。
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R q
MR dR dq
eq,p = -1
When AR is declining, MR is below it. For a linear demand curve, the slope of MR is twice the slope of AR in absolute value.
At the optimal quantity (q*), marginal profit must be declining; economic profit [π(q)] must be a concave function of q at q*.
R At q*, the slope of C equals the slope of R MC = MR and is at a maximum. But MC = MR at two points; one is at maximum and the other is at minimum . Must check the SOC 2 at q*. d π 0. 2 q At the other MC = MR, the second derivative of is > 0!
• The profit-maximizing firm chooses both inputs and outputs so as to maximize the difference between total revenue and total cost.
• π = R(q) – C(q)
• The firm will adjust variables under its control until it cannot increase profit further. Thus, the firm looks at each additional unit of input and output with respect to its effect on profit.
R(q) = p(q) • q
Inverse demand function.
π(q) p(q) q C(q)
R(q) C(q)
R and p are functions of q and q=f(K,L). Also, C is a function of q and q = f(K, L).
Price-taking Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve
•Because SMC shows how much the firm will produce at each price, it is the firm’s short-run supply curve. Set SMC=p and solve for q to get short-run supply function. •The firm will move up and down the curve so SMR = SMC, maximizing .
If R = 100q-q2, then AR = p = 100 – q and MR = 100 – 2q. AR can be derived from chords to the R curve. $
pR q R
eq,p < -1 (elastic)
MR > 0
Profit Maximization by Price-Taking Firm
The firm is a price taker in the short run.
p1 = SAR1 SAC1
Economic is the area of the rectangle = (p1-SAC1) q*.
e q, p p p MC e q, p p MC 1 p e q, p
p MC 1 , Given p e q, p p MC • As eq,p becomes more negative, p becomes smaller, ie., the gap between p and MC (p – MC) becomes smaller. • When eq,p = -, MC = p = MR at point of Max. • When the demand curve is negatively sloped, MR is below the demand curve (AR curve) and p is greater than MC at the quantity where MC = MR.
Chapter 9 Profit Maximization
Economic theory normally uses the profit maximization assumption in studying the firm just as it uses the utility maximization assumption for the individual consumer. This approach is taken to satisfy the need for a simple objective for the firm. This objective seems to be the most feasible.
Inverse Elasticity Rule Given that MC = MR at maximum for the firm and 1 MR p(1 ) then e q, p
MC p(1 MC p 1 e q, p p )
This rule only makes sense if MR ≥ 0 because if MR < 0, MC < 0 at that q also, and MC < 0 is not possible. Therefore, a profitmaximizing firm will only operate in the elastic portion of its demand curve where MR > 0. This statement does not apply to industry demand curves.
p1 MC1 MC
p=MC at this q.
q q* MR At q*, p1-MC1>0 demand is downward sloping.
Economist can look at the inverse elasticity to tell how close p is to MC. As p approaches MC, demand becomes more elastic. The inverse elasticity is a measure of market power.
dp 0. MR is a function of q if dq dp and REMEMBER: MR(q) p q dq dq p eq,p (from a firm’s demand curve perspective); therefore, dp q
1 q dp MR p(1 ) p(1 ) eq,p p dq
per unit of q = SAR1-SAC1 = p1-SAC1.
At q > q*, SMC > SMR so as q . At q < q*, SMC < SMR so as q . Profit up to q* and falls beyond q*.
To Maximize π :
dπ dR dC 0 dq dq dq
dR dC or MR MC dq dq
Maximizing π is different from maximizing quantity (q) subject to a cost constraint (C=?) or minimizing C subject to a quantity constraint (q = ?). Find q that maximizes π and π =f(q), so one variable and no constant.
π(q) p q SC(q) FOC: FOC: dπ dR dSC 0 dq dq dq dπ dSC p 0 dq dq
SMC at q* must be increasing. If: (q) = pq – SC(q) FOC: '(q) = p – SMC(q) = 0 SOC: ''(q) = – SMC'(q) < 0 because p' = 0 for price-taker. True only if SMC'(q) > 0.
This formula is derived by multiplying the second part of MR(q) by p/p and factoring out p.
1 Given MR p(1 ); e q, p
with a negatively sloped demand curve, eq,p is negative and p is greater than MR. Furthermore, if eq,p = -, MR = p. In summary: If: eq,p = - , MR = p. - < eq,p < 0, MR < p. If: eq,p < -1 (demand is elastic), MR > 0. eq,p = -1 (demand is unit elastic), MR = 0. eq,p > -1 (demand is inelastic), MR < 0. See example for a linear demand curve on the next slide.