



Western 转移缓冲液(10×)
Western 转移缓冲液又称蛋白印迹转移缓冲液或转膜缓冲液,适用于Western Blot 实验中把蛋白质转移到PVDF 膜或硝酸纤维素(NC)膜上,以便进行抗体的孵育和下游实验。

Leagene Western 转移缓冲液主要成分为Tris 、甘氨酸等,不含甲醇。


1、 Western 转移缓冲液(10×):甲醇:蒸馏水,配制转移工作液。

2、 大多数蛋白质转移,应置于4℃进行,以防止蛋白降解。

1、 密闭保存,开启后尽快用完。

2、 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。

有效期: 6个月有效。

编号 名称 PW0039 Storage Western 转移缓冲液(10×) 500ml 4℃ 使用说明书 1份 编号
名称 DC0032
Masson 三色染色液 PS0013
RIPA 裂解液(强) PT0013
考马斯亮蓝快速染色液 PW0053
Western 抗体洗脱液(碱性) PW0060
通用显影液 PW0084
丽春红S 染色储存液(10×Ponceau S) TO1013 丙二醛(MDA)检测试剂盒(TBA 比色法)。



WesternBlot相关试剂配方及详细实验步骤Western Blot详细实验步骤及试剂配方1. 溶液配置1.1 5×SDS-PAGE上样缓冲液(Loading buffer)药品用量1 M Tris-HCl (PH=6.8) 1.25 mLSDS 0.5 gBPB(溴酚蓝,有毒)25 mg甘油 2.5 mL去离子水up to 5 mL分装至1.5 mL离心管中,每管500 μL,室温保存,使用前每管加入25 μL的β-巯基乙醇。

1.2 10×SDS-PAGE电泳缓冲液(Running buffer 母液)药品用量Tris 30.3 gGlycine (甘氨酸) 144.2 gSDS 10 gddH2O up to 1 L室温保存即可,使用时稀释为1×的工作液,可回收反复使用4~5次。

1.3 Tris-HCl缓冲液(1)1.5 M Tris-HCl (PH=8.8)→制分离胶Tris (MW: 121.14) 45.43 gH2O up to 250 mL浓盐酸调PH 8.8(2)1.0 M Tris-HCl (PH=6.8)→制浓缩胶Tris (MW: 121.14) 30.29 gH2O up to 250 mL浓盐酸调PH 6.8二者高压灭菌后,置于室温保存即可。

1.4 10% SDS (十二烷基硫酸钠)SDS 10 gddH2O up to 100 mL室温保存即可。

1.5 10% AP (过硫酸铵)→1.5 mL 离心管配制过硫酸铵(刺激性,腐蚀性) 0.1 g超纯水up to 1 mL混匀后,锡箔纸包住,避光处理,置于-20℃保存。

1.6 30% 丙烯酰胺溶液丙烯酰胺 150 g甲叉双丙烯酰胺 4 gMilli-Q水 30 mL滤纸过滤,Milli-Q水定容至500 mL,装入棕色瓶子中,4℃保存。

1.7 10×转膜缓冲液(Trans buffer 母液)Tris (MW: 121.14) 30.3 gGlycine (甘氨酸) 144 g去离子水 up to 1 L室温保存即可,其1×的工作液配制为:100 mL母液+200 mL甲醇(有毒)+700 mL水。



Western-Blot 操作流程母液1.0mol/L Tris·HCl Tris (MW121.14) 30.29g+蒸馏水200ml (用于上抗体后漂洗,一次配250ml)溶解后,用浓盐酸(约15ml)调pH 至7.6,最后用蒸馏水定容至250ml,室温保存。

此液体用来配置TBS缓冲液,用来漂洗上抗体后的膜17.4mg/ml (100mmol/L)PMSF PMSF 0.174g+异丙醇10ml溶后,分装1.5ml离心管,室温0.2mol/L NaH2PO4NaH2PO4(MW119.98) 12g+蒸馏水至500ml 溶解后,室温保存。

0.2mol/LNa2HPO4Na2HPO4·12H2O(MW 358.14) 71.6g+蒸馏水至1000ml 溶解后,室温保存。

10%SDS SDS 10g+蒸馏水至100ml 50℃水浴下溶解,室温保存。


10%过硫酸胺(AP) 过硫酸胺0.1g+超纯水1.0ml溶解后,4℃保存,现配现用。

(可先将干粉称好分量后放在EP 管中,一次性多装几管,使用时加入超纯水即可)1.5mol/L Tris·HCl(pH8.8) Tris (MW121.14) 45.43g+超纯水200ml (用于做胶,一次配100ml)溶解后,用浓盐酸调pH 至8.8,最后用超纯水定容至250ml,室温下保存。

0.5mol/L Tris·HCl(pH6.8) Tris (MW121.14) 15.14g+超纯水200ml (用于做胶,一次配100ml)溶解后,用浓盐酸调pH 至6.8,最后用超纯水定容至250ml,室温下保存。

90%Acr/Bic(37.5:1) 丙稀酰胺(Acr)28.125g+甲叉双丙稀酰胺(Bic)0.75g+超纯水至100ml溶解后,一定要用滤纸过滤,4℃保存。




Western Blot试剂的准备1. 30%储备胶溶液:丙烯酰胺(Acr) 29.0g亚甲双丙烯酰胺(Bis) 1.0g混匀后ddH2O,37℃溶解,定容至100ml,棕色瓶存于室温。

2. 4×分离胶缓冲液(1mol/L Tris-HCl PH 8.8)Tris 18.17g加ddH2O溶解,浓盐酸调PH 8.8,定容至100ml。

3. 4×浓缩胶缓冲液(0.5mol/L Tris-HCl PH 6. 8) Tris 12.1g加ddH2O溶解,浓盐酸调PH 6. 8,定容至100ml。

4. 10%SDS:电泳级SDS 10.0g加ddH2O,68℃助溶,浓盐酸调PH 7.2,定容至100ml。

5. 5×电泳缓冲液(PH 8.3):Tris 15.2g甘氨酸 94gddH2O 定容到1000mlSDS 5g 先在974ml蒸馏水中加入Tris碱,待溶解完全后,再加甘氨酸,最后加SDS。

6. 10%过硫酸铵(AP):0.1g AP加ddH2O至1.0ml,4℃保存,要在一周内使用,最好新鲜配制。

7. 2×加样缓冲液:2×SDS加样缓冲液0.5mol/L Tris-HCl (PH 6.8) 2ml10%SDS 4 mlβ-巯基乙醇1ml甘油 2ml1%溴芬蓝1ml置4℃避光保存8. TEMED:注意室温较低时TEMED量可加倍,最后灌胶之前再用9. 转膜缓冲液(Towbin transfer Buffer):即1×SDS-PAGE10. 0.0 1mol/L PBS (PH 7.4) :NaCl 8.5g(12H2O)Na2HPO4 2.9011g(2H2O)NH2PO4 0.24g加ddH2O定容至 1000ml11. 封闭液: 1×PBS中加入 30ml5%(V/V)脱脂奶粉 1.5g0.02%叠氮钠 0.006g0.05%Tween-20 0.015g12. 漂洗液(PBST):含0.05% Tween-20的PBS溶液每1000 ml PBS溶液中加0.5 ml Tween-2013. 水饱和正丁醇:正丁醇 50 mlddH2O 5 ml 加入瓶中震荡,使结合,存于室温。



三、核酸电泳相关试剂、缓冲液的配制方法50×TAE Buffer (pH8.5)组份浓度 2 M Tris-醋酸,100 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法3.加入57.1 ml的乙酸,充分搅拌。

4.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L后,室温保存。

10×TBE Buffer (pH8.3)组份浓度890 mM Tris-硼酸,20 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法3.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L后,室温保存。

10×MOPS(3-吗啉基丙磺酸)Buffer组份浓度200 rnM MOPS,20 mM NaOAc,10 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称41.8 g MOPS,置于1 L烧杯中。

2.加约700 ml DEPC处理水,搅拌溶解。

3.使用2 N NaOH调节pH值至7.0。

6.用0.45 m滤膜过滤除去杂质。




溴乙锭(10 mg/ml)组份浓度10 mg/ml溴乙锭配制量100 ml配制方法 1.称量1 g溴乙锭,加入到100 ml容器中。

2.加入去离子水100 ml,充分搅拌数h完全溶解溴乙锭。


4.溴乙锭的工作浓度为0.5 g/ml。


Agarose凝胶配制方法 1.配制适量的电泳及制胶用的缓冲液(通常是0.5×TBE或1×TAE)。









Western blot 常用试剂配置

Western blot 常用试剂配置

Western blot 常用试剂配置1.(1)10 X SDS 电泳缓冲液(储备)Tris-base(FW 121.1,0.25M)30.3gGlycine (FW 75.1,1.92M)144.0gSDS (1% ,w/v)10.0g (SDS有毒且分子量小,易飞,称量时动作要轻柔,并带口罩)加适量去离子水磁力搅拌下溶解(不调pH),定容至1000ml,棕色瓶室温储存可以用6个月。

(2) 1 X SDS 电泳缓冲液取10 x SDS 100ml,加蒸馏水定容至1000ml,混匀备用。

2.(1)10 x 转膜缓冲液(solarbio)不含SDS可自配,配方与10 x SDS 电泳缓冲液(储备)相似,不加SDS。

Tris-base(FW 121.1,0.25M)30.3gGlycine (FW 75.1,1.92M)144.0g加适量去离子水磁力搅拌下溶解(不调pH),定容至1000ml,棕色瓶4℃储存。

(2)1 x 转膜缓冲液:10 x 转膜缓冲液100ml +甲醇200ml 加DW (700ml)定容至1000ml。

(可重复使用1-2次,适当补充少量甲醇)3. 20 x TBS1 x TBS-T 配置:取20 x TBS 25ml,Tween-20 500ul,去离子水定容至500ml,混匀备用。


4. 10% 过硫酸铵(Ammonium Persulfate,APS,FW228.2)配置APS 0.1g +DW 1ml,混匀,分装160ul 管,4℃保存一周。

(-20℃保存时间长)5.10%封闭液配置:脱脂奶粉2.5g,加1x TBS-T 25ml,磁力搅拌20-30分钟至完全溶解,4℃短期保存。

6. 5% BSA (贵)封闭液配置:BSA(淡黄色颗粒)4℃储存,2g,加TBS-T 40ml,磁力搅拌20-30min至完全溶解,4℃短期保存。

7.β-actin 配置,1:1500,分子量大约438. 叠氮钠,1:1000稀释一抗,延缓其腐败,稀释后4℃储存,一周内用完(一般用2-3次,膜最多用2次。

western blot

western  blot

Western blotMarker蛋白loading buffer(5×)(样品:loading buffer=4:1)5%牛奶:2.5 g光明脱脂奶粉,定容到50 Ml电泳缓冲液(10×):甘氨酸 144gTris粉末 30.3gSDS 10gddH胶的制备:(溶质的质量分数=(溶质质量/溶液质量)×100%)8.8Buffer: Tris 18.17g10%SDS 4mL(10gSDS定容到100 mL,因为难溶,可以37度水浴一小时)ddH20 定容至100mL6.8 Buffer: Tris 6.06g10%SDS 4 mLddH20 定容至100mL5%浓缩胶(4 mL):d H20 2.3 mL6.8 Buffer 1 mL30%Arc-Bis 660uL10%APS 40uL (10gAPS定容到100 mL)TEMED 4 uL(4度保存)分离胶配方(8 mL)封闭液:奶粉5g叠氮钠0.02g(防腐)PBS 定容到100mLAP显色液(50 mLA液+50 mLB液,然后定容到1升)3.仪器垂直电泳糟,制胶支架,制胶固定架4.操作方法(1)洗:将长、短玻璃板洗干净。



(4)做分离胶:配好分离胶(量很少的两个药品可最后加,药品都加进去后,后枪头吹打使其混匀),从固定着的两玻璃板的中间缝隙的一端加入,大约加7 mL。




三、实验材料试剂:纯水、琼脂糖、TEMED、30%丙烯酰胺、pH8.8 Tris-HCl、pH6.8Tris-HCl、10%SDS、10%APS、转膜缓冲液、10×TBS、10×蛋白电泳缓冲液、TBST、脱色液、显色试剂A、B,显影液、定影液器材:台式离心机、玻璃板、微波炉、滤纸、PVDF膜、手套、转膜槽、海绵垫、玻璃棒、保鲜膜、胶片、摇床等。

四、实验步骤1、样品制备取相应组织,加入135 μl 无SDS的匀浆缓冲液,于冰浴中,匀浆器15 秒一次,匀两次,再加入15 μl 10%的SDS。


10000 g离心30分钟,取上清。

每管20 μl 分装。

组织与匀浆液的比例= 1:5-1:102、清洗玻璃板3、灌胶与上样(1)玻璃板对齐后放入夹中卡紧。









再等20 min使胶充分凝固就可倒去胶上层水并用吸水纸将水吸干。












常用的两种电转移方法分别为:1.半干法: 凝胶和固相载体被夹在用缓冲溶液浸湿的滤纸之间,通电时间为10分钟~30分钟。








【实验材料】1. 实验器材SDS/PAGE实验相关材料;电转移装置;供电设备;PVDF膜(Millipore Immobion-P #IPVH 000 10);Whatman 3MM 纸;其他工具:镊子、海绵垫、剪子、手套、小塑料或玻璃容器、浅盘。



WesternBlotprotocol实验步骤Western Blot protocol主要试剂及缓冲液的配制1). 30%丙烯酰胺:将29g丙烯酰胺和1g N,N’-亚甲双丙烯酰胺溶于总体积为100ml的⽔中。


2). 10% SDS:称量10g⼗⼆烷基硫酸钠,加⼊80ml超纯⽔中,加热搅拌溶解,加⽔⾄100ml室温保存备⽤。

3).10x蛋⽩电泳缓冲液:30.2gTris、188g⽢氨酸、10gSDS、加⽔⾄1000ml4).20×转膜缓冲液:Tris 29g,Glycine 144g,SDS 2g 加⽔定容⾄1000ml配制1×转膜缓冲液200ml (甲醇 40ml,20×transfer buffer 10ml,H2O 150ml)5).1.5M Tris 8.8:(注意温度对tris PH值的影响)18.15 g Tris 溶于80ml超纯⽔中,加浓盐酸调PH值8.8,定容⾄100ml。


6).1M Tris 6.8:12.11g Tris 溶于80ml 超纯⽔,加浓盐酸调PH值6.8,定容⾄100ml。


7). 10×PBS:NaCl 80g,KCl 2g,Na2HPO4.12H2O 35.85g,KH2PO4 2.4g,⽤盐酸调PH⾄7.4,加⽔定容⾄1000ml8). 1xPBST(0.05% Tween 20):10×PBS 100ml,H2O 900ml, Tween 20 50ul9).10%(W/V)过硫酸铵:临时配,0.1g过硫酸铵溶于1ml 超纯⽔,4度冰箱保存3天10). 丽春红染液储存液(0.1%(W/V)丽春红,5%(V/V)⼄酸):,丽春红0.04g,冰醋酸2ml,超纯⽔ 38ml11). 封闭液:5%(W/V)脱脂奶粉溶于1X PBST 中,使⽤时现配。



WB所需溶液的配制1Tris-甘氨酸电泳缓冲液(Running buffer) 5×5×Tris-甘氨酸电泳缓冲液:15.1g Tris碱和72g甘氨酸,5g电泳级的SDS,双蒸水定容至1L,pH值为8.3。

使用前,将5×稀释到1×:取200ml 5×,定容到1000ml。

2转膜缓冲液(Sending buffer)(现用现配)必须新鲜配置,因为甘氨酸溶于水后易分解。


310% SDS配置电泳级十二烷基硫酸钠也叫SDS(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate,SDS,C12H25O4NaS)溶液: 10g SDS,100ml去离子水配制,50-68度搅拌溶解,浓盐酸调pH到7.2,室温保存。

4Tris.HCl的配置注:Tris的分子量是121.4. 4度储存。

5 10% APS (Ammonium persulfate ; 过硫酸铵)的配置称取1g过硫酸铵,加超纯水溶解并定容至10ml,分装到1.5ml微量离心管中,负30度冻存。




6 10×TBS (Tris-buffered saline)的配置加HCl调pH到7.6,室温储存。

7TBST (Tris-buffered saline with Tween20) 的配置8 上样缓冲液(loading buffer)的配置SDS-PAGE加样缓冲液:pH6.8 0.5mol/L Tris缓冲液8ml,甘油6.4ml,10%SDS 12.8ml,巯基乙醇3.2ml,0.05%溴酚蓝1.6ml,H2O 32ml混匀备用。


9 stacking gel buffer (4×)10 5×Sample buffer (10ml)11封闭液的配置Blocking solution 要用TBST配制牛奶5% (w/v) nonfat dried milk 或者1%BSA0.01% antifoam A (Sigma)0.01%(v/v) sodium azide12丽春红溶液:100微升冰醋酸,加入0.05克丽春红,用水稀释至10毫升。



核酸电泳相关试剂、缓冲液的配制方法之迟辟智美创作50×TAE Buffer (pH8.5)组份浓度 2 M Tris-醋酸,100 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于1 L烧杯中.2..3.加入57.1 ml的乙酸,充沛搅拌.4.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L后,室温保管.10×TBE Buffer (pH8.3)组份浓度 890 mM Tris-硼酸,20 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法 l.称量下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2..3.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L后,室温保管.10×MOPS(3-吗啉基丙磺酸)Buffer组份浓度 200 rnM MOPS,20 mM NaOAc,10 mM EDTA配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称41.8 g MOPS,置于1 L烧杯中.2.加约700 ml DEPC处置水,搅拌溶解.3.使用2 N NaOH调节pH值至7.0.4.再向溶液中加入下列试剂.5.用6.用0.45 m滤膜过滤除去杂质.7.室温避光保管.注:溶液见光或高温灭菌后会变黄.变黄时也可使用,但变黑时不要使用.溴乙锭 (10 mg/ml)组份浓度 10 mg/ml溴乙锭配制量 100 ml配制方法 1.称量1 g溴乙锭,加入到100 ml容器中.2.加入去离子水100 ml,充沛搅拌数h完全溶解溴乙锭.3.将溶液转移至棕色瓶中,室温避光保管.4.溴乙锭的工作浓度为0.5 g/ml.注意:溴乙锭是一种致癌物质,必需小心把持.Agarose凝胶配制方法 1.配制适量的电泳及制胶用的缓冲液(通常是0.5×TBE或1×TAE).2.根椐制胶量及凝胶浓度,准确称量琼脂糖粉,加入适当的锥形瓶中.3.加入一定量的电泳缓冲液(总液体量不宜超越锥形瓶的50%容量).注:用于电泳的缓冲液和用于制胶的缓冲液必需统一.4.在锥形瓶的瓶封上保鲜膜,并在膜上扎些小孔,然后在微波炉中加热熔化琼脂糖.加热过程中,当溶液沸腾后,请戴上防热手套.小心摇动锥形瓶.使琼脂糖充沛均匀熔化.此把持重复数次,直至琼脂糖完全熔化.必需注意,在微波炉中加热时间不宜过长,每次当溶液起泡沸腾时停止加热,否则会引起溶液过热暴沸,造成琼脂糖凝胶浓度禁绝,也会损坏微波炉.熔化琼脂糖时,必需保证琼脂糖充沛完全熔化,否则,会造成电泳图像模糊不清.5.使溶液冷却至60℃左右,如需要可在此时加入溴乙锭溶液(终浓度0.5 µg/ml).并充沛混匀.注:溴乙锭是一种致癌物质.使用含有溴乙锭的溶液时,请戴好手套.6.将琼脂糖溶液倒入制胶模中,然后在适当位置处插上梳子.凝胶厚度一般在3~5 min之间.7.在室温下使胶凝固(年夜约30 min~1 h),然后放置于电泳槽中进行电泳.注:凝胶不立即使用时,请用保鲜膜将凝胶包好后在4℃下保管,一般可保管2~5天.琼脂糖凝胶浓度与线形DNA的最佳分辨范围6×组份浓度配制量配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于500 ml烧杯中.2..3.加入180 ml的甘油(Glycerol)后,使用2 N NaOH调节pH值至7.0.4.用去离子水定容至500 ml后,室温保管.10 × Loadlng Buffer(RNA电泳用)组份浓度配制置配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于10 ml离心管中.2..3.加入5 ml的甘油(Glycerol)后,充沛混匀.10 ml后,室温保管.四、核酸、卵白质杂交用相关试剂、缓冲液的配制方法20×SSC组份浓度 3.0 M NaCl,0.3 MNa3citrate·2H2O(柠檬酸钠)配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2..3滴加14 N HCl,调节pH值至7.0后,加去离子水将溶液定容至1 L.4.高温高压灭菌后,室温保管.20×SSPE Buffer组份浓度 3.0 M NaCl,0.2 M NaH2PO4,0.02 M EDTA配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于l L 烧杯中.2..3.加NaOH 调节pH 值至7.4(约6.5 ml 的10 N NaOH).4.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L.5.高温高压灭菌后,室温保管. 50 X Denhardt’S 溶液 组份浓度 500 ml配制量配制方法 1.称量下列试500 ml 烧杯中. 剂,置于 2.加去离子水约400 ml ,充沛搅拌溶解3.加去离子水将溶液定容至500 ml.4.用0.45µm 滤膜过滤后,分装成每份25 ml. 5.-20℃保管. 0.5 M 磷酸盐Buffer组份浓度 0.5 M Na 2HPO 4. 配制量 l L配制方法 1.称量134 g Na 2HPO 4·7H 2O 置于l L 烧杯中. 2.加入约800 ml 的去离子水充沛搅拌溶解.3.加入85%的H 3PO 4(浓磷酸)调节溶液pH 值至7.2.4.加去离子水定容至1 L.5.高温高压灭菌后,室温保管. Salmon DNA (鲑鱼精DNA)组份浓度 10 mg/ml Salmon DNA 配制量 约100 ml配制方法 1.称取鲑鱼精DNA 2 g 置于500 ml 烧杯中,加入约200 ml 的TE Buffer.2用磁力搅拌器室温搅拌2~4h ,溶解后加入4 ml 的5 M NaCl ,使其终浓度为0.1 M.3.用苯酚和苯酚/氯仿各抽提1次.4.回收水相溶液后,使用17号皮下注射针头快速吸打溶液约20次,以 切断DNA.5.加入2倍体积的预冷乙醇进行乙醇沉淀.6.离心回收DNA 后,溶解于100 ml 的去离子水中.测定溶液的OD 260值.7.计算溶液的DNA 浓度后,稀释DNA 溶液至10 mg/ml. 8.煮沸10min 后,分装成小份(1 ml/份).-20℃保管. 9.使用前在沸水浴中加热5min 后,迅速冰浴冷却. DNA 变性缓冲液组份浓度 1.5 M NaCl ,0.5 M NaOH 配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于l L 烧杯中.2..3.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L 后,室温保管. 预杂交液/杂交液(DNA 杂交用) 组份浓度 配制置 100 ml 配制方法 1.称量下列试200 ml 烧杯中.剂,置于2.充沛混匀后,使用0.45µm 滤膜滤去杂质后使用.预杂交液/杂交液(RNA 杂交用) 组份浓度 配制量 100 mL 配制方法 1.称量下列试200 ml 烧杯中. 剂,置于2.充沛混匀后,使用0.45µm 滤膜滤去杂质后使用.膜转移缓冲液(Western杂交用)组份浓度 39 mM Glycine,48 mM Tris,0.037%(W/V)SDS,20%(V/V)甲醇配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2..3.加去离子水将溶液定溶至800 ml后,加入200 ml的甲醇.4.室温保管.TBST Buffer(Western杂交膜清洗液)组份浓度 20 mM Tris-HCl,150 mM NaCl,0.05%(V/V)Tween 20配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称量下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2...5 ml Tween 20后充沛混匀.4.加去离子水将溶液定容至l L后,4℃保管.封闭缓冲液(Western杂交用)组份浓度 5%(W/V)脱脂奶粉/TBST Buffer配制量 100 ml配制方法 1.称5 g脱脂奶粉加入到100 mlTBST Buffer中,充沛搅拌溶解.2.4℃保管待用(本封闭液应该现配现用).五、实验室经常使用培养基的配制方法Ampicillin(氨卡青霉素)(100 mg/ml)组份浓度 100 mg/ml Ampicillin配制量 50 ml配制方法 1.称量5 g Ampicillin置于50 ml离心管中.2.加入40 ml灭菌水,充沛混合溶解后,定容至50 ml.3.用0.22 µm过滤膜过滤除菌.4.小份分装(1 ml/份)后,-20℃保管.IPTG(异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷)(24 mg/ml)组份浓度 24 mg/mL IPTG配制量 50 mL配制方法 1.称1.2 g IPTG置于50 ml离心管中.2.加入40 ml灭菌水,充沛混合溶解后,定容至50 ml.3.用0 22 µm过滤膜过滤除菌.4小份分装(1 ml,份)后,-20℃保管.X-Gal (20 mg/ml)组份浓度 20 mg/ml X-Gal配制量 50 ml配制方法 1.称量l g X-Gal置于50 ml离心管中.2.加入40 ml DMF(二甲基甲酰胺),充沛混合溶解后,定容至50 ml.3.小份分装(1 ml/份)后,-20℃避光保管.LB培养基组份浓度 1%(W/V)Tryptone(胰卵白胨),0.5%(W/V)Yeast Extract(酵母提取物),1%(W/V)NaCl配制量 1 L配制方法 1.称取下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2.3.滴加5 N NaOH(约0.2 m1),调节pH值至7.0.4.加去离子水将培养基定容至1 L.5高温高压灭菌后,4.C保管.LB/Amp培养基组份浓度配制量配制方法 1.称取下列试剂,置于l L烧杯中.2.3.滴加5 N NaOH(约0.2 mL).调节pH值至7.0.4.加去离子水将培养基定容至1 L.5.高温高压灭菌后,冷却至室温.6.加入1 ml Ampicillin(100 mg/ml)后均匀混合.7.4℃保管. TB 培养基组份浓度配制方法 1.配制磷酸盐(0.17 M缓;中液KH 2PO4,0.72 M K 2HPO 4)100 ml.溶解2.31 g KH 2PO 4和l2.54 g K 2HPO 4于90 ml 的去离子水中,搅拌溶解 后,加去离子水定容至100 ml ,高温高压灭菌.2.称取下列试剂,置于l L 烧杯中.3.4.加去离子水将培养基定容至1 L 后,高温高压灭菌.5.待溶液冷却至60℃以下时,;加入100 ml 的上述灭菌磷酸盐缓冲液.6.4℃保管.TB/Amp 培养基 组份浓度配制量配制方法 1.配制磷酸盐缓冲液(0.17 M KH 2PO 4,0.72 M K 2HPO 4)100 ml.溶解2.31 g KH 2PO 4,和12.54g K 2HPO 4于90 ml 的去离子水中,搅拌溶解后,加去离子水定容至100 ml ,高温高压灭菌.2.称取下列试剂,置于l L 烧杯中.。




本10×电泳转移缓冲液是用于蛋白印迹实验(Western blotting)中湿法以及半干法电泳转膜的缓冲试剂。


组份浓度:250mM Tris,1.92M Glycine









需要溶液配方:SDS-PAGE电泳缓冲液(10×):144g Glysine(甘氨酸);10gSDS(十二烷基磺酸钠);30.2g Tris Base,用蒸馏水定容至1L电转缓冲液(10×):30.2g TrisBase;150g Glysine,用HCl调节pH到8.5,定容到1L。



Tris Buffer Solution(TBS) (10×):24.4g Trisbase80g NaCladjust pH to 7.6 using HCl,定容到1L。



SDS-PAGE制胶:30%丙烯酰氨储存液:29g Acrylamide;1g N N Methylene bis acylamide,定容到100ML。


10%APS(Ammonium perroxodisulfate,过硫酸氨):0.1g 溶于1.0ml ddH2O。

2×Separation buffer (PH: 8.8):0.75M TRIS.HCl 90.825g;0.2% SDS 10ml;20% SDS。


2×Stacking buffer(PH: 6.8):0.2M Tris 15.14g;0.2% SDS 1g or 5ml 20%SDS。

调pH to 6.8,定容到1L。


2×SDS凝胶加样缓冲液:100mmol/L Tris-Cl(pH6.8);4%(m/V) SDS(电泳级);0.2%(m/V)溴酚蓝;20%mmol/L 二硫苏糖醇(DTT)或β巯基乙醇。


10X Western Blot Wash Buffer 产品说明书

10X Western Blot Wash Buffer 产品说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEET10X Western Blot Wash BufferRelevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Product use :For R&D use only.Area of application:CHEMTREC (24 hours): 1-800-424-9300 (USA/Canada),+1 703-527-3887 (Outside USA/Canada)Emergency telephone number (with hours of operation):Manufacturer:MOLECULAR DEVICES, LLC 3860 N First Street San Jose, CA 95134USA e-mail address of person responsible for this SDS :10X Western Blot Wash Buffer Not available.Liquid.Product name Other means of identification Product type :::Kit nameKit part number Product part number :::ScanLater™ Western Blot Assay KitR7547Validation date:12/16/2020Classification of the substance or mixture :Signal word :No signal word.Hazard statements :No known significant effects or critical hazards.Precautionary statements Prevention :Not applicable.Response :Not applicable.Storage :Not applicable.Disposal:Not applicable.GHS label elements OSHA/HCS status:While this material is not considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200), this SDS contains valuable information critical to the safe handling and proper use of the product. This SDS should be retained and available for employees and other users of this product.Not classified.classifiedThere are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health and hence require reporting in this section.Other means of identification :Not available.Substance/mixture :Mixture Any concentration shown as a range is to protect confidentiality or is due to batch variation.Wash out mouth with water. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a positioncomfortable for breathing. If material has been swallowed and the exposed person is conscious, give small quantities of water to drink. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water, occasionally lifting the upper and lowereyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.Flush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing andshoes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Getmedical attention if symptoms occur.Eye contact Skin contact Inhalation Ingestion ::::Protection of first-aiders:No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.Notes to physician :Treat symptomatically. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large quantities have been ingested or inhaled.Description of necessary first aid measures Specific treatments:No specific treatment.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Inhalation :No known significant effects or critical hazards.No known significant effects or critical hazards.:Ingestion Skin contact :No known significant effects or critical hazards.No known significant effects or critical hazards.:Eye contact Over-exposure signs/symptomsSkin contact IngestionInhalation No specific data.No specific data.No specific data.:::Eye contact :No specific data.Potential acute health effects Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessarySee toxicological information (Section 11)Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.Hazardous thermaldecomposition productsSpecific hazards arising from the chemical Decomposition products may include the following materials:halogenated compounds metal oxide/oxidesIn a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst.Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.Special protectiveequipment for fire-fighters Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.Extinguishing media :::Do not use water jet.Suitable extinguishing media:Unsuitable extinguishing media:Special protective actions for fire-fighters:Environmental precautionsPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area. Prevent entry into sewers,water courses, basements or confined areas. Wash spillages into an effluent treatment plant or proceed as follows. Contain and collect spillage with non-combustible,absorbent material e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite or diatomaceous earth and place in container for disposal according to local regulations (see Section 13). Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Note: see Section 1 for emergency contact information and Section 13 for waste disposal.::No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment.Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental pollution (sewers, waterways, soil or air).Large spill:Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area. Dilute with water and mop up if water-soluble. Alternatively, or if water-insoluble, absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container. Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor.Small spill:Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up For non-emergency personnelFor emergency responders :If specialized clothing is required to deal with the spillage, take note of any information inSection 8 on suitable and unsuitable materials. See also the information in "For non-emergency personnel".Advice on general occupational hygieneConditions for safe storage,including any incompatibilitiesEating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled, stored and processed. Workers should wash hands and face before eating,drinking and smoking. Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas. See also Section 8 for additional information on hygiene measures.Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in original container protected from direct sunlight in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area, away from incompatible materials (see Section 10) and food and drink. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in unlabeled containers. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. See Section 10 for incompatible materials before handling or use.::Protective measures Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8).:Precautions for safe handlingHand protectionChemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn at all times when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary.Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a riskassessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists,gases or dusts. If contact is possible, the following protection should be worn, unless the assessment indicates a higher degree of protection: safety glasses with side-shields.Eye/face protection ::Body protectionPersonal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product.:Environmental exposure controls:Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases, fume scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary to reduce emissions to acceptable levels.Appropriate engineering controls:Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control worker exposure to airborne contaminants.Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, beforeeating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period.Appropriate techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing.Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location.Hygiene measures :Control parametersIndividual protection measures Skin protection Other skin protection:Appropriate footwear and any additional skin protection measures should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product.appropriate standard or certification. Respirators must be used according to arespiratory protection program to ensure proper fitting, training, and other important aspects of use.Physical state Melting point Vapor pressure Relative density Vapor density SolubilityLiquid. [Clear.]Not available.Not available.Not available.Not available.Not available.None.OdorpHNot available.Color Evaporation rate Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Flash point Not available.Not available.Not available.7.4Not available.Odor threshold Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water::::::::::::::Appearance Boiling point :Not available.Flammability (solid, gas):Lower and upper explosive (flammable) limits :Not applicable.SADT Not available.:Decomposition temperature :Not available.Not applicable.ViscosityWatery liquid.:Flow time (ISO 2431):Not available.Density Not available.:Conditions to avoid No specific data.The product is stable.Chemical stability ::Possibility of hazardous reactions:Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur.Reactivity :No specific test data related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients.Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous polymerization will not occur.Hazardous decomposition products Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products should not be produced.:Corrosive to metal: ironCarcinogenicityConclusion/Summary :Not available.MutagenicityConclusion/Summary :Not available.TeratogenicityConclusion/Summary:Not available.Reproductive toxicity Conclusion/Summary :Not available.Sensitization Not available.Information on the likely routes of exposureInhalation :No known significant effects or critical hazards.No known significant effects or critical hazards.:IngestionSkin contact :No known significant effects or critical hazards.No known significant effects or critical hazards.:Eye contact Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)Not available.Not available.Aspiration hazard Not available.Information on toxicological effects :Not available.Potential acute health effectsNo known significant effects or critical hazards.General :No known significant effects or critical hazards.Carcinogenicity :No known significant effects or critical hazards.Mutagenicity:Reproductive toxicity:Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics Skin contact IngestionInhalation No specific data.No specific data.No specific data.:::Eye contact :No specific data.Potential chronic health effects Delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects from short and long term exposure Numerical measures of toxicity Potential immediate effects :Not available.Short term exposure Potential delayed effects :Not available.Potential immediate effects:Not available.Long term exposure Potential delayed effects:Not available.Bioaccumulative potential Other adverse effects:No known significant effects or critical hazards.Not available.Conclusion/Summary :Not available.Persistence and degradability Soil/water partition coefficient (K OC ):Not available.Mobility in soilNot available.The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible. Disposal of this product, solutions and any by-products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and waste disposal legislation and anyregional local authority requirements. Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Waste should not be disposed of untreated to the sewer unless fully compliant with the requirements of all authorities with jurisdiction.Waste packaging should be recycled. Incineration or landfill should only be considered when recycling is not feasible. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers.:Disposal methodsSpecial precautions for user Transport within user’s premises: always transport in closed containers that areupright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in the event of an accident or spillage.:to IMO instrumentsU.S. Federal regulations None of the components are listed.Massachusetts ::SARA 313Clean Air Act Section 112(b) Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs):Not listedClean Air Act Section 602 Class I Substances :Not listed Clean Air Act Section 602 Class II Substances :Not listed DEA List I Chemicals (Precursor Chemicals):Not listed DEA List II Chemicals (Essential Chemicals):Not listedNew York :None of the components are listed.New Jersey :None of the components are listed.Pennsylvania :None of the components are listed.State regulations TSCA 8(a) CDR Exempt/Partial exemption : Not determined United States inventory (TSCA 8b): Not determined.SARA 302/304SARA 304 RQ :2000000 lbs / 908000 kg International regulationsNot applicable.SARA 311/312Classification :Not applicable.Chemical Weapon Convention List Schedules I, II & III Chemicals Montreal Protocol Not listed.Not listed.Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Not listed.Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC)UNECE Aarhus Protocol on POPs and Heavy Metals Not listed.Not listed.HistorySphera SolutionsDate of issue/Date of revisionVersion Prepared by Date of previous issue ::::Key to abbreviations:12/16/202001/24/201832National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.)HealthInstability/Reactivity Flammabilityrepresenting significant hazards or risks. Although HMIS® ratings and the associated label are not required on SDSs or products leaving a facility under 29 CFR 1910.1200, the preparer may choose to provide them. HMIS® ratings are to be used with a fully implemented HMIS® program. HMIS® is a registered trademark and service mark of the American Coatings Association, Inc.The customer is responsible for determining the PPE code for this material. For more information on HMIS® Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) codes, consult the HMIS® Implementation Manual.ATE = Acute Toxicity EstimateAMP = Acceptable maximum peak above the acceptable ceiling concentration for an 8-hr shiftBCF = Bioconcentration FactorGHS = Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals IATA = International Air Transport Association IBC = Intermediate Bulk ContainerIMDG = International Maritime Dangerous GoodsLogPow = logarithm of the octanol/water partition coefficientMARPOL = International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978. ("Marpol" = marine pollution)Special hazardsTo the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above-named supplier, nor any of its subsidiaries, assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist.Notice to readerReferences:HCS (U.S.A.)- Hazard Communication StandardInternational transport regulationsUN = United Nations。

Western Blot配方与方法

Western Blot配方与方法

Western Blot配液:1.10% SDS溶液(m/v):SDS 0.1gDDH2O1ml加热溶解,室温保存,用后马上拧紧瓶盖。

2.10% 过硫酸铵:APS 0.1gDDH2O 1ml由于过硫胺酸会缓慢分解,最好新鲜配制,或隔周配制(也可每200微升EP分装,4℃保存4W,-20℃保存1月)3.1×电泳缓冲液Tris base 3.028gGlycine 14.4gSDS 1.0g用蒸馏水溶解至1000ml,调整PH 8.3。


4.10 ×转膜液(储存液)甘氨酸72.07gTris base 15.14gDDH2O 400ml加水至500ml,储存液不加甲醇,4℃保存。

1 ×转膜液 1L配制:10 ×转膜液储存液100ml,150ml甲醇,加DDH2O 750ml,PH 8.5,定容至总量1L5. 1 ×转膜液(现配现用):Tris base 3.03gGlycine 14.42g甲醇150ml加水定容至1000ml6.10 ×TBS:Tris base 12.1gNaCl 40g加水,用浓盐酸调整PH至7.6后定容至500ml7.TBST:1 × TBS/吐温 = 1000/18.封闭液:脱脂奶粉2gTBST 40ml配胶:先配分离胶,再配积层胶。


(为了加快凝胶,可以将过硫酸胺和TEMED量加大,一般加至原来的2-3双丙烯酰胺:丙烯酰胺摩尔比1:29配制时,SDS-PAGE有效分离范围凝胶浓度(%)线性分离范围(KD)15 12-4310 16-687.5 36-945.0 57-212按所需分离的蛋白质分子大小选择合适的丙烯酰胺百分比浓度,一般地,5%的凝胶可用于60~200kDa的SDS变性蛋白质分子的分离,10%用于16~70kDa,15%用于12~45kDa。



二、Western相关药品的配置1.10×2.1×蛋白质转印准备1. 准备足够的转印缓冲液来装满转印槽,以及另外200 mL来平衡凝胶和膜,并润湿滤纸。

2. 从转印夹中取出凝胶;切掉积层胶和点样孔。

3. 将凝胶浸泡在转印缓冲液中10至30分钟。

4. 将滤纸浸泡在转印缓冲液中至少30秒。

5. 准备转印膜:a. 将膜在甲醇中浸泡30秒。


b. 小心将膜放入Milli-Q® 水中,浸泡2分钟。

c. 小心将膜放入转印缓冲液中,至少平衡5分钟。

转印堆积层的组装1. 打开凝胶支架转印夹。



2. 将泡沫(纤维)垫放在卡盒的一侧。

3. 将一张滤纸放在泡沫垫上。

4. 将凝胶放在滤纸上。

5. 将膜放在凝胶上。

6. 将第二张滤纸放在堆积层上。

7. 将第二个泡沫垫放在滤纸上。

8. 盖上凝胶支架转印夹。

完整的转印堆积层应如下所示:蛋白质转印1. 将凝胶支架转印夹放入转印槽中,让凝胶一侧面对阴极(-),膜一侧面对阳极(+)。

2. 在槽内加入足够量的缓冲液,以覆盖转印夹。

3. 将黑色阴极引线(-)插入转印装置的阴极插孔,将红色阳极引线(+)插入阳极插孔。

4. 将阴极引线和阳极引线连接到相应的功率输出。

5. 如果有的话,根据制造商的指引设置转印槽的冷却装置。

6. 开启系统,以6-8 V/极间距离运行1-2小时。


7. 在转印完成后,从转印槽中取出转印夹。

8. 利用镊子,小心拆卸转印堆积层。


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Western 转移缓冲液(10×)
Western 转移缓冲液又称蛋白印迹转移缓冲液或转膜缓冲液,适用于Western Blot 实验中把蛋白质转移到PVDF 膜或硝酸纤维素(NC)膜上,以便进行抗体的孵育和下游实验。

Leagene Western 转移缓冲液主要成分为Tris 、甘氨酸等,不含甲醇。


1、 按Western 转移缓冲液(10×):甲醇:蒸馏水=1:2:7的比例,配制1×转移工作液。

2、 大多数蛋白质转移,应置于4℃进行,以防止蛋白降解。

1、 密闭保存,开启后尽快用完。

2、 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。

编号 名称 PW0035 Storage Western 转移缓冲液(10×) 500ml 4℃ 使用说明书 1份。
